HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-04-01 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • ENGlc.lWOOD CITY COUNCU. E'IIGLIWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLOIIADO Rcf Jllac · Saoloa April I, I"' 1. Callie o .... The rqular adio& tlthc EaaJewood Cily Council was called to order by Mayor BW11S 111 7:39 p.m. 2. lancadN The iDYOCllion-.. pYCD by c.w.:;J Mc:llhcr Wiggins. 3. PldeoelAllqiuce The Pied&,, or AllqiaDoc wu led by Mayor Bums . 4. Roll Caal Aboad: Council Mcmbcn Halhawa, . Oapp. Wiuins. Hallcnich~ Vormilttg. Waggoocr, Bums None Aquorum1'-.Spra,cal. AilllpftStlll: CiryMana&cr Clark Cily Anomcy Brotzman Cit/ Clerk Ellis Dirtttor C.ryglewicz, Financial Services A!.)lsWU F~ Marshall Grccnc Dir<e1or Fcnda, Utilities 5. Minies (1) COUNCIL MEMBER HA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDEP,, TO APPROVE THI MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH II, 1996. Ayes: Council Membcn Hathawa y, Vormit~ Wiggins, llabcr&ch~ Waggoner, Clapp , Bums ~-s: None Motioncanied. 6. ~Vililon (a) Tim Beauford. Plesidcnt oftbc Englewood layc,cs, a prcschedulcd visitor, was DOI present. (b) Tom Ragooctti. n:prcscoting Standby J>cnoMcl and the Colorado ,l.ssociatioo of Staffing ~ Aat<d be "ill confine his remarb this evening to a few specific items on the ordinance that Council will be considering con<crning licensing of temporary pcnoMCI services. Because, be sai~, there er< a kll of Olb,,r folks 11111 ,.,u speak to the S&me subject and will talk ab:•ut different tvpics , Mr . ......... CIIJC-8 A,.tll,ltK ... l 11.-1 DOied be is I..--ID Ille illllo 111411111 be ii IWlle thl1 the City 111d 111111)1 a(tbc people In ~-blve been~-!Iii& filr-I ye■,. So he ukecl Ccw,ciJ's in&algeacc If be b■ppclll to .....,. old IJ'0IID'I. He lllvilod 111■1 U,., p,;...,, caaa:n, olbis ciicnll is 1h11 Ibis onlinlnce. dlhcr by illdf 01 with other mouurcs 10-. ii dosl11DOd to dimiMlc ieplly opcnlin& 1Cmp0laJ')' ll&llln1 services rn.m doiJlg busil>ca In the City olEap:wuod a the loc:lliolll they now eqjoy. In order to lddrea 11111 i11ue, Mr. Ral(IIIClli llid 1h11 be -wi1.'t City Anomey Brolzmln 1111 week 111d he put to rost II lcaSI two oltbclr a,acerm. He 111111d 11111 Mr. Broczmu told blm lhlt the WI)' the ordinlnce is drlltod. If you supply the informal 1n n,quircd by the ordinlllcc tllco you will hive to be granted I llcen,e. Also, If you blve a iioonlt Mr. Brou:m.. ldvilod tl>at t.b<R ... ao llandlnls or bues ror n:vcc■tion. so it c■n 't be revcbd. Mr. Ragolldli said Uall is lbc -■)I be uadcnWwls it ud If be is """'I In ■ny WI)' he -id tin ..,._ to tdi him . lie llid tbcir 1111 ua ol CODCe111 ii spociBcaiiy the oon-uansrenobility or lia:,s provisioll. He stated thl1 tbclO busiDcucs IR ■JI vailllblc busincues 1111d II 10111e point they 1111)' be sold IDd If tho liccnse is non-u■nsrenblc thll ldf-the value on s■Je. He aid, 11 they undenllnd i~ the City's a,nccrn in en■cling this onlialDcc is IO ioc:llc ~ thole businesa ue In tho City at~ IDd to know wbo the OMICl'I IR so tho City kJIOWI wbo to conllet If necessary. Mr. Ragocxtti m■intained 1h11 lfU-IR indeed the~ at tho onlinance then there should be no raoon that the license should be non-uansl'er■ble . He llid they suggest that the license be mode tnnsrersble, with the new OMICl'I providing tho City with the same inrormltioa oo ownenhip IDd paying tbe same r.... 11111)' ...,. lic:ensoe. Mr. Ragolldli advised thl1 they blve supplied some suggeste:l l■ngu■gc to amend the ordinance which ""'1ld do thal He 111111d they ICIII I Idler IO City Attorney BnllZmlD with thl1 inf0111111ioo IDd uked that Cooocil comider Uall IIDClldmcnt 10 the onlin■nce . If Council is DOI inciiDNI IO do ~ be Ilic!, be would~• interested in the rason wby. He added Iha: they undenland the City is considering IIIDYing on from '1cre to lddress the whole s,J,jed of licensing, more ...,.rally, IDd ■Jso to lddrea the question ol'bow the zoning in the City of Englewood ,.ill lrelt businesses like thole. Mr. Ragolldli asked 1h11 his clients be ■liowed IO be im'OMd in U-dl'orts boc:luse it wiU ■lrec:1 their businesses In villl MyS. He Rid be would be happy to ■nswer ID)' questions Council might h■\'c or lddress any -· Mr. Ragonctti commenled thl1 be~ like to"""""' some tlme to respond. If there IR any questions or • SlalCmellts that come up in the diJCUmoo or the ordinance. Mayor Bllrns advised that Council does not usually ICSl:t\'C time II there are a lo« of people that may be speaking r11cr on. He uktd If any member or CNnci1 bad questions for Mr. Rago11e :ti . There being none. Mayor Bwns thank,d Mr. Ragalldli for his comments. 7. Noa-oc:beduled Visiton (a) Dave Paschal, 2800 South Dcla,nrc Succt. stated that about two and a half weeks ago be n:c,ejved a ieacr in the mail printed oo twenty pound salmon bright Replicopy bo,id. He said be g■\'C a copy ol the lettr.s to the City a.rt and Wlllled to lddress the silultior. in that it Ilks for the ICClll or Rill Hatha""}'. Mr. Pascal allvised tlw he has mode ID dl'on to go through each of the four pangr1phs and did 1 ;01 of research . He said at best he found the iruonnation to be misguided or 1t least miiated. So with this purpose he stated wanted to go on record and sate that they n.mcd two violations, ~ne of Home Rule Chal1er number 37 and also 32 . He noted thl1 37 discusses, in their opinion. a delegation of the action committee over at the Broadway-Bites problem ■IQ . He said he concedes there is a problem, but be does not foci they Juve identified the sowa, cornctly. Mr. Plscal stated they claim that Ms. Halhl•'■l' turned this ove r to Neighborhood Wilch and lhat violated 37 . He said 37 does not deal with lhlt 11 all , that it deal: with the voting on ordinances. resolutions, etc. and that there never was an ordinance to ,'Ole on a! that point i, time . He ,aid the second one is Chane• number 32 when: they charge thal she interfucd ,.;th the procalures afthc City Manager and the City Attorney. !'.ir. Pascal said he and the Cil) Attorney had a conversation, IDd he told him lhat to · knowledge Cooncil pcnon Hathaway, nor any Oilier pcr,on on this cooncil has .,..., interfered with his officc procalures. Mr. Pascal advised that he asked City lo\anager Doug Clan the same qlldion and he also confirmed that 10 his k1101'ledgc there ,,,., • • • •• ....,....Otyc-11 April 1, ltM ... , DOI a vlolllioll olnleQoilor....., 32. So, .. 111d, be llnda IUl dlaM: hill cbarpa.-to be OUIIIIDdinl, to be 1111& Ht 111d lben ii U -.11111 the Cily Allanlcy n:l\ad IO lrUllmit a a,py of bill number llve lo a,...._,. iaidoat. Mr. l'lal lldviled that be aid that 11111 ii 111D Ulllruc, that there -a• of~ wilcn tlocy cailal late in tbc lfterDoaD MOIi lie -puai.na 'IY, pllCUpl t..,ihcr 111d llid pl willl • tomorrow 1111d tlocy -CllllO blck. He aaal City Allanlcy BrolZmln ii that ii comd. Mr. a.-indicalcd it-. Mr. Pucal aid that bMod Oil 11111 be can't aiadoac, Clldone or llqiport 1111)' ~ dirocted II CouDc:il pc,-Hathaway wbo Ibey UC aa:usiJI& of a>allicl ol in1trC11, lick of ethics 111d...., o1.,._. He added 1h11 be bu DOI boa, Ible to find 11\Y iDlllnoe of that CIIC. (b) fflnlld Cdw, Eqlcwood Dowlltown ~ Alltbority (EDDA) Dinictor, lllvisod that be ii ,paklag Oil bdlolf of the EDDA llcmd of Dim:to11111d the leCClllly imtihltlld piblic pn,cas for the creatloD of a brand new dowlllown plu. He aid wbile the public pn,cas ii jull lqimliJI&. the EDDA Board IIM boal wnin&-the -,-r with III Ulbln doliper pluncr loakiD& 11. tbc downtown district. lllkiag willl City 11111'. IIIOalbcnof Council 111d mcmbcnolthe commwuty. He DOied tblt inilillly Ibey were tryiac to -tbc ,-t for a new downtown plan and wbca tliey found that !his is oomcthing that ii probal,ly called for Ibey bepn lo develop a proocu for ::raw,g Ibis plan. He aid the, delayed the begin:iing of the plan, that Ibey bad originally intended lo SWI the plan in Docanbcr or .. , ly lamwy, bc:ca1a or --"'the UDCerllully rclatin& lo tbe .,,..... UMIMII& Cindadla City . Mr. Cdva advised tlial they hid a _,, llboul crwiag 11\)1 conllic:t or duplication ol dlons. He Slid it llnally reached a poinl where the docilion WIS llldo lo &O Ii-I Mlh tbc-" Oil !his plan !Uldcr tbe C>11R111 SIIIUS quo , that they viewed II tbe time as Slap Miller the devdoper, bi& box dcYdopme.ir. Ho -they -wilh Mr. Miller, that dlcy uc DOI hidilt& or proposing any otber agcada or political af!Cllda. He Slid be fdl thal the pn,blcm ..., uc bavin& 111d Ille concern they have ii ooc of c:oonlillltioo. Th ev hope th ey CID achieve ID ongoing coanlillltion. Mr. CdYI advised 1h11 ID initial oricDWion ROi.011 \VIS held March 19• and Mayor Burm. Cciuncil Member Habcnich~ Cowtcil Member Clapp. City Manager Clark, Office of Ncipborl,ood 111d BusiDca ne.dopmeal Mllllgc:r Simpsoo and BusiDcss Community CoonliDllor Sc:ibolli were ia aaendancc. He aid be WIS oul ofu..11 laa wed< and mimd last Monday ', Coum:il meeting. Comoquently, be DOied that be ..,..t time over lbc Md<cnd 11111 the bcacr pan olthis morning pl aying catch-up as lo the ever cliucilll _,. oCwhlt ii aoing oo with CinderclJa Cil)'. Mr. eei, .. staled that be is bore tonight to all'er a plea lo Council 111d that is a ~ to ax:side.. their planning process 11111 th, re!ationsbip ii has IO the Cinderella City silt. He explaiacd IUl they need Council 's help to ena >11cver new pn,cas Ibey undciUkc or wbatcver new coosultant ; may hire, tlial the~ would be tbe ~ ooordinaliOII ol lhese eJJons. He uswed CounciJ that their ~ is to have a Ocxible, ioclusi,.., pnlCCSI that Council should vi ew a. 1 raource and a tool . Mr. Cdva lddod tbs, the consullant they have bmd is Ron Sinka 111d be comes wilh VCI)' fine cno,ntials. He Slid Mr. Slnlk.a has been ra:ogniz,:d by bis -is a fellow ia lhe American Institute ol An:bilects (AIA), his setWd for 25 yws under tho AJA Regional Urban Dcsisn Assisl -•,ee Team 11111 has -1<ed in over 120 cities ICT05S the nation wilh these teams. Mr. Straka was al so in c11 -~ of special products for the Po lla Adminiantion in Denver. He pointed out that he mentions all ollhis lo Council in III a11emp1 to assure them that the quality or lhe dfO<t they uc p,oposin1, and they have uadcr1akm, is ~-He addotl tliat they m looking a: sbon 11111 rung ICmt goah and olfer this ~ to Council . Mr. Cehla Nied. thal be \WIied 10 cmpllasizc to Council tlic ovcn,bclming aa:d to place the Cilldcrella site in the conlt.". of the enti~ downlOMt . He ,_ thal Ibey ... ID awful IOI or focus Oil specific details o( tbc Cindcrtll. Ci ty site, bul he contended we aa:d to look II evaylhing from the General Iron Woru site lo two or th r,,e blocks south or Hampden and from Santi Fe to Swedi sh Hospilal . lie emphasizl:d ii cannot be ••iewcd in isolation. and if ii is, be maintained...., will be compounding lhe mistakes .,.e have ma<le in lhe past . This, be commented. is why they rccl a downtown plan is critical at Ibis time. He asked, IS Council consider> lhe next steps in relation lAl Cinderella City, that they DOI forget or ignore their eJJons. Mr. Celva ~i1tra1ed that they an: here 10 wort with Council 111d lhe Ci ty . (c) IC.dlic Wlhen, .. .......,,..c1 • ..........,,oervicc. mhhe 11101 bentotalkabGUI p1ann1nc or,mlng. u she lllinb planniag the Ci1y..,. u-1111 ii a good Idea. She Slllad. ......_, that she doal 1101 think ldllag I C01D11111Y ..-I balina ,.t,ea k CID opea ..-cto. is I good idoa. ML Walien ldYilod that Ille 111d bor butbud own their """ bome ud bave lhnlo dlildrea. SIie l>Cplained lbal she alll, bas I medical problem 'Mlicb mates ii~ fc.-llerto -I doclortwo or IIINe limcl I month. Because cl this d,o IIIIOd dlal she CIIIIIOI bold ., eight to llvc job. She pointed out lbal wilboul the tanpn1y ICTYlc:a IIYlilable in l!ltalewood • wwld 1101 bave the moaey to buy lier cmldral clothes, them go sblillg or anything like tllat. She DOied Ille just WIDled 1 • let Council know tbal there are pallllc ""'°....., 111D and-" for theoc componics. Ms. Walien said she is I.<)( r..-dNnu derecailng ia ber rn-yanl 111d .... lhlDb wblt Council is ll)'ing to conlnll is I good thlng. Howovcr, she said there is • thin n.. lien 111d we ,-s IO WOl1t togelhe, IU find I ooiutlon. SIie ~ that .... thlnk• shutting them -. a,mplelcly is the """°4 thlng and by shalling dn1I the llaun nobody can gel IO -1< or get bad< from -1<. She said they bave lo be II the ball by S:00 UL, if they bave can, to gel lo Illar job by 7:00 LIil. She advilod they provide lrlmpOr1llion forthooe ...... doe't bave I car. Ml. Waiten maintained that the homdas ue ..ayone's pn,bicm and they arejml ll)'ing 10 wodt. She rcilcnled tbat she IIJ'ICS with the titcming. bu1 she doo1 nol apee with what it ii opealng the do:>r to, the lftalmcols. She poinaed GUI 1h11 they arc buman beings alld ... ;.a ll)'ing IO ... by. (d) Shcny Jonos. 3550 South Ddnllt Slrccl. advised Iba, she is 1110 a tcmpon,y worker. that she doc< bcil<\'t in liccnsiD&, but 'MIii is aoinl lo come out of this she does n,:,t apee ,.;11,, Shc su1oc1 tbat she liYos and •'Olks in the Ci1y or EnaJe,,oc,d and she .. -very ~"'-for her IWIIO)'. Ms. Jones aid tbat Ibo alto is DOI alJanlod ., eight IO llvt job. She """"" 11-.ai lhis ager.cy pmilks ber with the oppommity to show e,npioym ber abiiilies, lbal pcm,'l>ly she may not bo able to show them through a resume or tllluogh answaing ID ad in the paper. SIie commented I.bat through lhis agency sbc ,... able IO = iDID the Ci1y o{Engicwood and out ora very aplcasan1 silllltion. Because ()(this agcacy, .tic said she fccls she bas a right to .ate because she is a -• and her lilt clollan a,e llpCIII right ben: in • Englc,>'OOd. DOI in Denver or Lakewood. Ms. Jones r<qllCSled 1h11 Council plcuc consider ,....t they arc doing an~ ... u they a,e proposin1 to the votcn melt as herlclf and the people tbat are all'onlod ID eight to ftvt job. She asked 1h11 Council !)lease lalr.e them bito coru;idenlioa, bocauoe they are not all bad people, they work ,uy bani for their moaey jusl as she ,.... sure Council does. (e) Lia M. Kramer, the Human~ Manager for Stand-By Penonnd, 2901 Saulh Broad,..ay. Silted that in I 995 Stand-l!y Personnel c.mployed 659 Englewood residenl5 . She advi5lOd that she ~repan,d a diagram that rcprer.115 S49 o{tJ\c5e n:sidenl5 that In-. \\ilhin a two mile radius of their Englewood office . She pointed GUI that 292 oC tl\c5e wo1\.ers 1ivt withln one mile and 257 liw will-in two miles. Ms. Kramer noted that they employ an avenge of240 people per week and their payroll last year for this loalion exceeded thRe million dollars. She estimated 1h11 the four lemporuy personnel liCIVica in Englewood pay GUI 0vtr 12 million dollars in poyn,11 to Englewood raidenu. She opined lha1 these payroll dollars are spent in Englewood at local bu..;nesscs and thls generates sales tax.....,.,... for Engl""''OOd. Ms. Kramer said that the majorily of these pallllc arc benw>cn jobs ll)'ing 10 make ends meet until they can find permanent and full time jobs. othcn are supplementing their ina,me to cope with the cost or living. She questioned whether the Council ""'1ld rather..,. them on Mlfarc, unemployroe,11 and food swnps lhan worting r..-Sland-By . She advised that they ba\lC taken a survey of their employees and she subminod copies af IUM)'I for the reoonl which indiclles wriaus reuons why they work r..-Stand- By Ms. Knmer read from one or the IUM)'I completed by Teri)' Arari which indicates tha1 his normal occupotion is a grinder at a brick yard. that ~ .. is working cemporvy because his full time job \\'COi from fi\'e days a 11..t at eight boors a day to alternating from fou. :lays on a cen hour day and four days off. When it happens that l.e does not wort enough boon at his full time job he iodicated that he cannol pay the bills. The survey rcvcalcd Iha! he bas been living in En&te..'Ood since 1977 and his wife bas been li,ing in Englewood since 1960 . He said they own their home .r.: aft raising three children. By having this job be notec Iha! be can make sun: Iha! his children arc ,.,.u laken care or and asked Iha! thls job nol • • • be...,.._ a-1111--iy. AllliilpoilllML~IIMlllbc"alllCldto•lllllc-11 ..... la mind 11111,..,.. dley U...or ,..,._ dlll 1YJ1e afllllli-they will bellllocliq the Uva 11111 Uwliilood "'-~...i-. (f) Carlene A. Wllklr, -olSlaad-By Palolllld and PriDlcn Pa.-nd iD Eqlewood, ldYiJad 11111 Slud-By PWI-' -lllllld 27 ya,s IJO willl a loon she IOak GUI far $6 ,000. Sbc ldYiJad llllt llloy bave pown to 13 offlces iD lllno -and they WTOCe W-2 ronns ror ~-lluec tJ,'lUSllld wortm lut yeor with a pryroll to lelllpOnl)' ....ten of over 12.5 billioo dollus. Ms. Walker lllllOd that 11.c )'Clll 11') they opa,ed aa aGlco iD Ea&lcwaod becalllC 10 111111)' altbcir lOqll ftfC IMD& iD ~ aad they bad IO-IOtbcir ~ lac:Ulty. Sbc IIMI 11111 addilllmlly tbcir IUl\'C)' UIC'Well 11111 ia this ma tbcre-a lliai,cr COll009lllllao al low lnc:omc l'CDllem, ~ wdmc r<eipienll. p,nd bus ,_ aad a blp __.,.ire ol CIIIIGID'::I. Ms . Walker aplaiDed tbat the types of compoales llloy oorvicc ue ~ ..........._ 00IIMICllon. ..,.,,. --1 ud mainceo•IICC', ..,_, -alllal. Sbo pained• 11111-.a Qlicsud ICbool l)'5ICIDI mo tbcir 10MCa and 111111)' al the 1'0llu:n llloy cmplO'f ba>C ,..-jalll wilb companic:a wb= they ba\-. IICIII tbcm for iempo,a,y Mlipmeoll. Ms. Walbr told Couc:il dillll Ille pU I &Rlljoy OIII olbeiDg c:alled by people. wbo worked far bcr 27 )'Clll ap. to bcr they IR now manaacr of a c:ompaay wbcro they ....,. IICIII as a tcmporuy """"'1. She IIIIOd thal y al tllc fonncr tempi now have tbcir.,.... bulincsses and ,_ tcq,orary lldp from her pelDIDd IOfVice. She poinled aut tha1 many ollllclr lnlpl ...,,_ lbll timcjalll and work for the,,.._,,.. oorvicc for the ICCOOd ud thin! shilU and waeods to~ their income. Ms. Walker DOIi'.! thot muy of their -. have been laid air aad work far Ille pcnonnd ,mico until they find pcnnaocnt ~ Sbc IIMI llbc would rather have tbclll ~ far lbcir pcrlOIIDd OCM<C thaD being a burden for tllc Slate and drawing welfare and uncmplO)"IIIICDI. Sbo commented that tbcrc an: 111&11)1 -with dlildlea with no skills who have been abandoned and they need their bclp to pul food oa Ille Ulblo. Ms. Walker DOied that wbeo tllc anic:lc in. the ocw,popcr, and tht iDtcrvicw on IC.cvision, ll'PQlcd she ra:ciwd llllll)' c:alls flOm tht acighbon, the very people that arc c:omplaining about tlle peno-1 ICMOC 111d they ue DOI ia aar-t with the aeighl,Ns. Ms. Walker pointed GIil that their facilities ue wcll maiDlaiDcd, they bl\-. "" p-affiti oo their buildiqs unlike Giber buildinp in the DCighbod,ood, their parlwlJ lol is deaDcd daily, IIDd they do 1101 allow loilalll& or aloobol c:omumpcioa oo their properly. SIie empbasiJed dlat they ue I legitima1c law abidi.ng business, they ba\'C ncver been IIDdor invaligatina for aay illepl ac:tnitics. Sbc wd they have """"10\-er 700 EngJC'MlOCI CIISIOmCrS aver the last five years and ti-""'°"""' 111< their scrvi""' for legitimate~ Sbc said she bas 60 lcac.-. of mppon from mme of thclr Er-alewooO • "!Jlon,e rs . Ms. Walker advilcd tha1 many of their c:wtomcn use them for snow raDO\'al II boopilals, wn, "I honics, apartment c:omplexts and shopping centers. l!they do nol gel their mo,,•olr1heir _,. .. ,1, •bey arc subject to lincs by tht Ci ty, and sh<. sa:d . _... ya alSIOIDCrs and residents a,uld slip and f.Jl ,.~ .:uc. Sbc advised that Ille)• savioc various citic:a in the Deaver mcuopolilan uea, ir.luding Eog!c....,.;, for projects including ranovin r, limbl brouahl down by 1DOW and rood repair, Ibey savioc scboo) disuic:ts to laodscapc and do mai=nc:c work. $be added tha1 thc City of Englewood,_. their ICIVitle,;. Ms. Walker mainlliMI tha1 they bavc rapoodcd to the ncighbon roquests by pullin& iD an expensive lot monitori ng 5)'Stcm, light poles, fcDc:i.ng. signs. blinds and the list goes on. She commcnt<ld 1h11 they ha,-e hired olf-<I ·1y poliocmau only to ;,. told by them tha1 lbcy do not ba\-e a security need 111d they are wasting their money . Sbc said they ha....-: done all of this to uy to accommoda1c their ncighbon 111d they do DOI know whal else they can do. She ,-.skcd if Council has any suggestions and swed &he -.Id love to Fl IOgelhcr with lhc City Counc:il member$. (&) James R. Handzd, Sl40 Color.a, Boulevard, Denver, said be woru for Brede Exposition Servi""' and is speaking bcfor< Cowicil because he is a consumer ofttmporaJy help and also a c:licnt of Stand-By Personnel . In adcli1ion, be SI.lied. that as he has scn-cd io the c:apacil) or a COWICiJ person for two years and mayor for li\-c years and be undcraands lhat each COWICiJ pcnoo has a docp pcnooal philolophy to ICM iD that capacity. 1k ,aid there.,. i5'UCl lhot c:onfrool Ollf community. bul 1hcre are also issues that confront ow business oonunuru ty . Mr . Handzel advised that they coold not 1WVM in lbdt lnduslly, wlllc:h is the ll1de ~ 111d COIMlllion ~ without 1empOrU)' belp. He poinled out that they.,.. lllp bands, d«xnlors, -llld ~ 'lillo suppllll people ma doily bull and tulllll1 nocdl. He explulned lhal they 0-ftom 1..edin& two people IO Ihle bwldftd people OD. &iVffl day. Mr. Haodzd cmpbuued that there -,Id lJc DO way they a,uld swvive by hirin& that many 1'1111-ume people or oven bavina a put-time pool 1h11 lhey c:oulcl c:all upon on lholl 1crm oolicc. He Slated that tberc are a number of Dlillicl 1h11 their lnduslly and tnde indusUy ecoaomilll poinl to and they tell them lbat the way ol the fulure Is tbraaJb tanporary 'Mlri. Thal ii 11 bappelliq !A • wridy of "4lCS. that they have mulUplc offlca tlmlupoat the country and each year the demand for temponry oervi<:a ~ whelher It be unions or 1a11pan11y oomca. Ho aid lbat be envillDIII oat too fir into !be lllture 11111 oven places mcb II McDonald'&, Wendy's and Chill's will be supplied with CDOb, waiten, wiltreaa and people in the oervice Industry u die -lnaaso and decrease. He ....-ed that there are always sl&N looting for poople. Mr. Hancml DOied that llavlng been inYOlvcd in a -ol ordinances, AS Council ls llMllved in II this poinl. tberc ls usually a specific need . He rtnWbd 1bal. after reading the current venion. be Is DOI sure wbal lbat spocilic need 11. But be aid he does know that the temporary agencies who pn,Yide penonnel are heavily regulated by botll federal and llllt. He llOl&d he undentands that they are upotanding busincoes, they use Utetn and the people are of pat beDelit, both to themsclvu and to the communities. He aid be !mows thal. this community may have a coecem lllat the City Is ll)'lni to addms. He stated he aim !mows lbat p1M kill people, not people. He lllldod tlat lie unde1'1&Dds that unemploymen t orates unrest. -~ prd,len.s and cmpl~......, pn,blems. Mr. Handzel aid these agencies that Council just beard ftom do 101.., tllolc particular problems. He urged Council to look at all uf these aspects and be hopes that Council will evaluate each and °""Y one of them when they make a decision. (h) VI :lti Steere. with CK SWling 116000 East Evans Avenue. Denver, PRsidont oltbc Color>do Association of Staffing SeMces and the local representati"" of the National Association ol Temporary and Staffing Services, noted that she spoke last time. Overall, she Slated, they llill oojca to licensing in any form for the basic common sen_«: rtaSODS of i-this ordinance Is writtcn . She aid they • understand thal there Is a pen:,cived problem. or a pcl0Cived conocm abo<lt temporary cmploymtOt services in the City of Englewood. Ms. Stocre SIiia! that they belie.e it is just Iba~ a JICl"ived pn,blem. that it bas taken on a mind of its own . SI>< <aid they are willing to .....t with Council in llyin1 to cornet some of these perceptions. but they do not beltcve there truly is a problem. The pen:eived problem, she noted, is that temporary help services cause or attnct ouisance activity. She said they bdie.,.c it is just the opposi le, that they create jobs for people in all walks oflife. In addition. she stated, thry are concerned about some specific pieces of this ordinance, one being the nontntnsferabilily of licensing . She said there is a high level of activity from companies in their indusuy that MRI lo transfer their business and they would want to do so freely . She said they are also conocmed fer the start up or smaller businesses in that they do not have a large legal staff. She cited for an example tbal a start up business, for instance a pcrmancnl placement business, might io1 .t ooc ae1omcr ISlt them to provide tcmpomy help, they say okay , they arc DOW doing temporary help and they can therefore get their entire business pulled because they had not filled out the appropriate papc"'""'· Ms. Steere commented that she spent two houn in a meeting with lhe City Attorney. She said they are concerned thal in that two hour meeting she CllCllinued to hear thal he would like to be able to SCJl'ftle out the type of business that Stand-By is considcftd to be in, which they consider lhc industrial segment ~ temporary staffing. She noted tbal the ordinance was rcwriuen 10 include a piece of this. but it docs not spe..ifically sepanlle out indllSlrial labor. Tbercforc, she stated, they feel ii is too broad and it is go ing to include, not jUS1 where the pcn:cived problem is, but with all temporary help. Which, she pointed oul. a,uld be the office clerical , the medical help, the engineering. archilcctural help r"1d in many instances people who provide contract labor of any type could be drawn into • perception of temporary help if it -,u gi.,..n to the righl person to inlcrprct this ordinance. She said she is talltit•g about the type of people , such as dam entry operator, for a particular project or archi1"':IS or engineer, tt_., ,.,,11< on a contnltl basis , who a,uld be pulled into !his ordinance if it is left broad coough . She maim ai ncd 1ha1 lemporary help p,..,.jdcs a service. not onl y 10 businesses in the City. but it also • • • ......... OlyC-8 Ap,111,1"' ... , provides I ICMCIC to employees. 5'e ..-,i ad dial ia the 0.... ~ llllillic:al -llllpOrUy llllp acrvices provide approximlldy 16,000 jClbl cm•-. dolly.,_., whicb II 1.79% afdot eon- agriculllllll poy,oll . Ml. Slecle repaned tllol lhc:y.,. alroady ...,.iatcd by more thaa 150 -and federal lmws lhat regulllc emi,io,.. 111d...,. do 1101 feel lllil ii -,y. i.w.er, 1111111d lhc:y.,. will ing 10 wotlt with the City ol EaaJe,oood ia cleaning up the pen:eplion of any pr1lblaM that may be there. (I) Olly Kozaock, I~ Wea Oxford A-,ue, said he hu two poiaU IO llrinC wp IOllighl One. he IWed, ii the emp1..,-agency pn,blem that Council r ... 1, like lhc:y an, uylq 10 .iv.. He asked what Council will prove willl dlil ordiaa-. He said be undenland& the pn,blca IO be vqrancy and uansients. Mr. ICoDc:d: IIOCICld tllll this busl-has been there !he yan IDd all ol a lllddeD ad of the blue now lllil ii the pn,blem. He ... lhc:y did IIOC MW I pdlleln ~ 1h11, it -Ibo neighborhood right behind lbcm U. all of lllddea decided. and pcrsilled IO bcaJme a pnlllem. He alkcd Council if they will .iv. any i-a(lllol aeighbanood by lllil onliDIDCe. If no1 ii is j,111 ,,_ more bweaucmic papcrM>ll< 10 be filed 111d dleywill beopcmna up a Plndon'• box. He cited tile polllbllity of job discrimination and asked where ii is going to slop. If aom<llody else ...,,.. ,.11111 _,,,iains. will Council shut them up by making anolb<r onlinance and anolher ordi11111Ce? He reitenlcd that all Council ,.ill be doing is opening a Pandora's box if they pass thil. He ulted Council to think about ii and said be would lovc to hear from any Council ..-r privalely or right now u to what lhc:y oxpoct lhl• ordinance to sol,'C. He pointed out that they will jmt be licensing them. they wiU nol gel rid of lbcm aad if that is the pn,blem then they should gel rid of tllt pn,blem. Mr. Kor.acet said they .,. nat lllacking the problem. but that Ibey .,. pulling a lraHid alfect on tbe pn,blem. Mr. Kozacelt said bis sec:ood point is 111111 be 100 ~ a Idler from S. 0.-. wwc:11 be maintained is in violation of the Camplip R.,fiwm Ad • the letter aates "campaign" cm ii. He llllai1lod the letter to the City Cieri<. He opined that tbcsc people wen: not rtgisteml under the Camplip Rm1II Ad ID be sending out litCfllUl'e stating •cami,a1p• and he a,nlendcd they.,. violation of-law. He aid the City C'Jerl< has it now aad the Coanly Oat "ill be i=iving the original ""PY· Mr. Kazacdt llllcd it doesn 't mean that just because you .,. ,-ing for elec:tion and you want to a,a,e ,. ..i pclilloa or anything tOMrds an election you tmlSI file that Campaign Refonn Act, show where>-money comes from, who is involved with it aad where the cxpenditureS .,. goin1. just ,Ike °"">' ..,. of III had ID do . (j) Ted Cool>, 13800 East Marina, Aurora. said he has been in the persoonel business for a long time. He naled he was pcnonnel diffdorofthe May Company 11,me time ago. aad also manager or Winier Park and superintendent of IIIOUDllin parks. lie said he finally got into ~ a,nsuJtiog and heard a few a>mplaints about emplaymcnt agencies charging too much so be clccided to open an :mploymcnt agency that wouldn 'I cllargc the applicant. Mr. Cobb llatcd they ....,.. the flr>I ones in Dem-er 10 have an employment agency that clidn 'I cllargc the applicant. He aid lhc:y had 10 many rtquests for temporary help that the¥ rpcnod an organizatio n called TOPS. He commeatcd that it l!QI to be the biggest in lhls part of the aiu..ay aad be wu president of their natiooai lllde aa,ciation. Mr. Cobb noted that he did not hear about thil anti! l'IX%fltly, but he said he cloa; not rancmbcr any legislation or lhls type around the countzy coming up bef-He ronwl<ed that there ha\'C bet" a few varieties of legislation, but nolhlng like lhls one. 10 be said be decided to a,me tonight even though be sold bis business ten yem ago . He 1'.dviscd 1h11 lhcrc .,. poople who worlt in the temporary business because lhc:y arc uying to find a permanent job. He said that the latest figures indicate lhcrc an, clooc 10 6,000 people ""'1Y year who .,. looking for permanent jobs and through the lempomy industry that find I p=iancnt job. Every day, be noted, then:.,. a little ovcr 2 million people who worlt temponry aad they worlt that way for a variety or reasons. He said Ibey gel nothing but compliments, that it is ..,. of the flSlest growing businesses in the counUy, ODC ofthe f'aslest growing sections oCindustly and Ibey.,. caving a,mpanics lots or money . He said he does not think they need lhls kind oflegislltion to slow them down orput-OII ol....._ Mr. CGllb IIOIOd 1M -wbll bo -IOld wu lllc lalal olthis plllicular piece afleplallaa. Ho aid lie~ be--to lly to -Ill)' qUOlllom. Mayor BIDI adviled 11111 -1ly ::auacil doCII DOI uve ,.....ions 111111& poinl, bul be lllld they lfll)recillc -- (It) Roa Gold, 1811 South Bannuck Slroa, uid h: has livod then, ror 10 ycan, He IWtd that since d.ly labor places waild prd'cr to be called Ulduarial labor. why not zone sucb pl10e1 industrial areas liltc Slata Fe and be any from ICllools or rcsldcallal uus and thal ny thal c:culd 101vc 111111)' or the pn,blcns. He llid lhc .-1 thins iJ 1h11 bo feels Ille $50 or S 100 lioense fee is ludicrously low. He COIIIIIICDICld 1h11 lie 11111 lllllll busi-and they spa,d liu ..-ror llaplcs or papcrclips. Mr. Gold stiled that for lO,..,. be has hid I~ la EasJc-j .:,ad they ..... p■id bwtdrods o(tbouands or <loll■n aver tbelc iast lO :r-1 for, DOI jult U. S. ud Sia, but lllo for EnaJc-od tua. lie IDliDllin<d that Idly llborpace fllYI U, S. ud &Ille~--bul DO dirocl Eqlcwood taxes. He DOied that Denver 111d -both lllve bead taxa oa employee$. He propolOd 1h11 Enalcwood levy I bead IIX or five pcn:ent OD adl day labor worker and that way some ol the expenses thal sucb pl10e1 CIIIJC can help be paid ror. (I) Dou Codner. 3037 Wal Glud A-. uid be \Writs in Colorado Sprlags and is here IOllight OU beb■lf <IT AD Raow'0Cs IAtematiollll. •'bidl ;s Ill intematiOIIII tcmporuy ICrvicc firm , He DOied tb■t this is qoickJy bocoming I Slaiewide iall< ud CIOD<lCJII. u be is bcre froa, Colo."lldo Springs and representing SCYCnl ol the ■crviccs in Colorado Spuip that would have lilted to lt■ve been bcrc to ll1lt about this. He uid be 'WIIIICd to odd I quick ,_ ■bout perhaps adding ■ live iJCltlCllt head IIX. He IDlinllincd that dloeallll woald be paad.., to tbcir dicDts llldlor to their ICmporuy ~ He llid thal would -cilbcr nising priocs, ... to lbc City ol Englewood thal uses lempOnrics, and ■lso by passing it ca to their -.,loyca they, in adrcct, nduoc their wap, Mr. Codner Slid that t1011C ollbcm 1'Ul to do 11111, IUI tll:y '111111! to be ,:pllading pons ol their C011U1111Di1ics He stiled be lllo 9'1Dted to • rcitcnle the-..,,cy llitultions. tt..i day LD,c 1cM0CS provide tcmponly emplO)US to cleJn -. such u Ill the balplll. He reminded the City tllat taDporUy ■crviccs 11 e provided. and have been provided in the poll. to Ille RqiOIIII T~tion District, and many of those temporary people were involved in the planning 111d the p,opolllls to lhc rodcnl govcmmcnt to help with the light nil cxtcn.sioo into the City of Englewood, which is about to happen . (m) Vivian Babcock_ 4885 South Delaware Strcc~ said she is not from I busi.,... in Eng)•...,... and 1h11 sbc has li..-1 bcrc all her lire . She uid she WIS jWI going to say she is jWI I citizen. but sbc said she d DOI juSI I citizen. that sbc is • citiua or EnAJcwood and thi• is her first time 5pclking here. Sbc DOied sbc SIIUggled with whll sbc wanted to i;ay tonight and 5hc finally docidcd to read the lctlcr to the editor or lhc Eqlcwood Herald thal ,be,..,.,.. os 5hc feels it cxprcssc5 her sentiments the best . She read the lcacr. She llid sbc -born and raisod in Englewood ;nd sow the transformation of a lovely part into the largest malI thi• side olthe Miuissippi River, Cinderella City . It WIS really something to be pn,ud al. ia fact silc llid 5bc grew up ia Ciodcrclla City roaming lhc ball$ u a tccnagcr, on to shopping for bcr wedding dress 111d then on to baby clothc5. She uid sbc also watched sadly u Cindctdla City fdl into docay, Ms. Babcod< stated that. ■lthough •he was Addcncd by the news that the mall would be torn down instCld ol remodded like the cn:ative "'~t■lizllioo or Southg(con Mall. Cbcny Crcd< Mall or Villa Italia, 5hc realized that Englewood u a commwtity mWI move forward and figure out what WIS best ror Englewood. However, ,be said that 5hc is disappointed io the shape of the plans being pushed forwud II the pracnt time. She IWtd that one ol bcr first recollections or the replacement plans for the mall wa5 the town IQllll'C type "'11ing with a clock tower, pcdcslrian walkways. a small pond or fountain and some type ol community or cultural arts c:enler. She wd that now she undcB!aBds that the conccplU3J plans include a multi-scrccn movie thca1cr. a Walmart, Target or K-Mart and the black expanse of a parking lo« and a token reflection pool to sigrufy that Lit~e Dry Creek flo"1 beneath this • • • ·• coaccplioD. SIie 80led 11111 It II 111D loo-_. > tina 1h11 ue plw for u RlD llpi rail dopol IIOp-, the tnict lo built be1-.i Den.-...S Highluds Ranch. She 111d olle is aot ..,i,. i.1 Ibo will DOI utilize the dilcwnt IIOrC, the multl....-tbellcr or the rutwiJtic: U&ht rail line, -is lbe ayiq 1h11 I powcr COIIICr is DOI I viable Idea for~ tioMYer, abe IIIIUlllial 1h11 l!naJowood Ml the ch!IIIOO lo Riffieut 1h11 large plol al land IDlo IDIDClhlng u idcaliltlc u the citi.1.cns of l!nalcwoad bad h<>OIC tuming ow:r tbal tint llbovel al din ill building l!aglcwood'a meam altbe 11mm. Cindcn:lla City . She pointed out that a wry lnlrisulna pn,pmilioo hu been suqcstcd in -.tlna the eye pleali,,g len year old Foley's buildillg Into a metn>-'"41c. if DOI 1111e-wide, cultunl ans ccnM lo complimclll the DCPA . She aid abe undentuds that the~ olEnglc,wod -aid IIOt be cxpecUd to cany Im endeavor in -1, -will tbe -be far Ille poople ofl!nglewood Ulirely. She said abe a110 undentands that intcresl In the cultural 11111 is powlng apln 1111tioowicle and the advcllt ol" IUIOlbor cultural ans ceater in the metn,poli1aD 1n11 •ill -cleftnltcly be in the future. She liked if it will be in our future, will we be the lint lo act on this IJIIIIOIIWlity, 11e M to be proud of our Walmart or our Target or our K-Mart. She asked if the building al lllmc big bo""" will lDcrouo the llllldud ol llviJII In Englewood or increase the prnpcrty values or 11e we to look ahead and plan for the futwu al our Englewood r.hilclrtn and g,andchilcln:n ucl so on . She said she believes thcR c:oncepnaal ideas of a powcr center ucl I arJtural arts center CID coexial •ilh one another and l!nglcwood CID break 11:roup into the ya.r 2000 u,cl further wilh fUllllcial ease ucl integrity. Ms. Babcock implored the citl1eas o(Englewood to look forward u,cl build on more lhu a dream of a discount <to.._ She enc:owag<d the citi2ms lo write to their council members and the edito.ra o(lllei.r oewspapers, to spealt out ucl let it be known lllll tbei.r opinion COll1IU. She said let tbem know 1W M want more thAn a big ir.>x powet center, M - something that M CID invile the citizem a( C1lcny Hills to wncl HighlarrJs Ranch, Sheridan. Wallninsler and the entire metro area and beyond. Ms. Blbcoclt asserted that we war.I another d.rC3m for the fulllrc. we want to be proud or our city again. (n) Sandi Ostema. 2643 Sculh Gran~ said that she just bridly wanted to remiDd Cowlcil of all the people berc wbo have an issue .,.;111 tbe temporary labo r bill and lo remind Council wbo brought these poople berc wbo creatccl this mess. Sile IIIICcl sbc u not going to justify her actions because she does DOI have to, but she wanled to remiocl C':\Dc:il 1h11 it WIIS the Inactions and actions ol one of our government leaders Iha! brought all of this 10 lht head Iha! ii is that cn:ated the temponuy bill . (o) Mary Walsh. 3242 Soulh Eiati Street. said that she tailced to a couple of people today and she attendee! lhc planning meeting tonight and so some of h<r feelings have changed a bit iince 1 .. is morning. However, she staled lhal she was. like lhc Equilable compar-z, shocked to bca.r that all of a sudden the plans were changing because lhree ..-.u.s •go on Marth 11 lhe Council had eodo<scd proocecling ...;th lhc ~ by a vote of six 11> one . She pointed out that now all of a sudden e,'CJ)'lhiog is or was kind of do..-.: ihc 111bes. t-1,. Walslo 1111ed she really bclievea this is by a very small but inO-tial group of people tilat caused this o..'IICCffl. SIie aid she does feel 1h11 probably lhe m.;jarity oflbe cililons of Englewood prefer 10 go ahead .,.;L, the clcvdopmcnt u plamlecl. She advised lhal sbc is penonally opposed to a huge cultural center mainly because she does no1 think lhc City of Englewood can afford it. She said sbe cannot understand how a City lhal cannol revamp th: communications system for lhe Fire and Police departmcn~ or afford lo buy a fue truclc wilhout a tax iacn:nse, can even comprehend wanting to have a cultural center that lhey think Ibey CID Sllppon . Ms . Walsh sai~ lhat after hearing this meeting tonight she is in favor of going ahead ,.;tJa tbe plan befon: lhe deacllioe of April 30• so !hat we do DOI lose everylhing that we ha\'e bad so far. She DOied Iha: she Ii• :-s a half a block from Cinderella City uc1 big box. buildings or whll~ she said ;be feels Ibey would be fa.r , far better for appearances lhan a mothballed shopping center silting along Santa Fe and Hampden Avenue . She said sbe also feels that we are DOI going to have a lot of choices. we 11e going to have light rail and Ibey want !heir plans io by May . She slated she does DOI think "" CID clink alllalld and take I <lraW vote or I poll vote of tNer'/ cilil= of Englewood. Ms . Walsh said she thinks Council was elected as representatives of lhc City and it is up 10 ....,...a,c-dl Aprtl '·"" •·1• Comcll.,,... • dadlloa ad i., F Iliad willl Ille aripml plans• of three...., l4'0 •1llcb wu to pi llbadMdtdle---•ii-. ,. (1) A pn,c1amMioD declaring lbc ....ih a{ April , 1996 u Fllrllousin& Mondi in the City ofEajleMad-c:omldend. COUNCO. M&MHI HABENICHT MOYD, AND n' WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMA noN PROCLAIMING Till MONTH OF APIUL, 1996 AS PAIR ROUSING MONTH IN Tim CITY OP ENGLEWOOD. Motioo carriod. Ayes: Council Membcn llalhlway. Vormilllg. Wiagins, Habmich~ Waggoner, Clapp. Bums N~: Nooe (II) A proclamation cleclariag April 11. 1996 u Submarine Day 111d the ,....i,. ol April 7 through April 13. I 996 • Submarine Wedt wn cmsidcrod. COUNCO. MDOER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND n' WAS SECONDID, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING APRIL 11, 1'96 AS SUBMARirlE DAY AND THE WllK OF APRIL , 1111OUGB APRIL 13, 1996 AS SUllMAIUNI: WEEK. Ccu.lCll MaD>..cr Hathaway commented thal she lmoM Eoglcwood his an awful IOI of Nary vcc.crans in the City o{Eqlewood. She Slid she does 110I "-l-• many ... submarine -bul lhere ... a IOI of NO\')' vmrallS in Englewood. Motioa carried. Ayes : Council Memlias Hatbrny, Vormillag. WiQias. lllbenichl Wqgoacr. C'"'1P, Bums Nays: None (c) A proc lamation dcclarin~ the week or April 14 lhrough April 20. 1996 as National Libra ry W«k in the City or Englewood ""' consideml. COUNCll. Ml:MIIER RABENICET MOVED, AND n' WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING THE WD:K OF APRIL 14 TBROUl,H ."1RIL 20, 1996 AS NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK IN THE crrv OF ENGLEWOOD. Motion curial. Ayes: Council MaabcnHalhaway, Vormin.&, Wiggins, Habeaicbl Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Na ys: None (d) A proclamation declaring the wed< a{ April 14, 1996 through April 20, 1996 as Eog!e,,ood Tdea>mmunicators W«k in lhc City of Englewood wu considered. COUNCll. MEMBER BA TBA WAY MOVED, AND n' WAS SECON . ., · 0 APPROVE A PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING THE WEEK OF APRIL 14, 1996 , :>UGH APRIL 20, 1996 AS ENGLEWOOD TELECOMMUNICATORS WEEK IN THE era, OF ENGLEWOOD. Ayu: Council Members Hathaway, Vorminag. Wiggins. Habenichl Waggoner. Clapp. Bums • • • • Nays: None Mocioa c:arriod. (e) A pn,c1amatioa iw-Jarina Friday, April 19, 1996 u Dori Naumllla 0-J IA tbe City rl: l!aglcwood -CODSickffll. CO\JNCU. UNANIMOUSLY MOVED AND SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING nu:DAY, APRIL It, 1"6 AS DORI NAZAUNl!S DAY IN Till CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Mayor Bwm advil<d Iha: Ms Nawaius will be bonorcd al I sp,cla1 recq,tion, ,polllDftld by tbe Chamber rl: Commer0c, oo April 19, 1996. Motion carried. Ayes: c-.cil Mmberl Hatllaway, Vonniaag. Wigins, Halaiclit, Wqgoocr, CIIA>, Burns Nl)'I: N<>ne 9. Pablk Boarillc No poblic beariJlg wu scllcdulcd bc:fore CGIIIICil. 10. C.-t Ap4a MAYOR BURNS 111:MOVED AGENDA ITEM 10 (1) (lv) FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. COUNCU. MEMBER BA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS II (a) (1). (II) IN (Ill) ON FIRST READING. (1) APl'f'M' on Fi."Sl Reading (i) CONTRACT wm! TIMBERLINE ELECTRIC IN mE AMOUN1 OF $28,181 .60FOR PURCHASE Or PHASE ID OFlHE SCADA SYS'IBM FOR 1HE ALLEN FU.TER PLAN!'. (ii) COUNCil. Bll.L NO. 23 , !Nll\ODUCED BY COUNCil. MEMBER HAlliAWAY A Bll.L FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SUPPLEMENT NO. 128 TO mE SOllnlGA TE SANITATION DISTRICT CONNECTOR 'S AGR&MEITT wm! mE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO FOR mE INCLUSION OF LAND WITIID: 1HE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES. (iii) COUNCIL Bll.L NO. 22, INTRODUCED BY COUNCil. MEMBER HAlliAWAY A Bll.L FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR TCI GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 8, BElWEEN mE CITY OF CHERRY Hill.S Vlll.AGE, mE CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE, mE CITY OF SHERIDAN AND 1HE CITY OF ENGLEWOUO. COLORADO . Vote 1-..IU: Aya: Cowlcil M&>d,1,'ll l'llllnly, y,,n,11111, Wlgju. Habeek:bt. Wqaooer, Otpp, B11n11 Nl)T. Nolle Molioa canicd. (iv) A .... ~..iimldllioll &om ::.COfflce olNeipbortload 1111d BusiJJea Development IO adap( • bill for U onlilllace 111d IO IIOl I plblic bcariac ID plher Input l'lom cllizcnJ and busineaes rqardJJ,a ...-..odmonb: Ill ,ht Pllllaal Unit Devdopment ,..,. dislrict .aloal ol the Compn,btusi,,c Zonia& O,dirw,• • ,,. ~ The City Clat.,.. asked ID,_ Oiuncil Bill No. 19 by till<.. COUNCIL BILL NO. 19, IN".'lU)DUCED BY COUNCll.MEMBl!RHATiiAWAY A BILL FOR AN ORDINAN '.'E REPEALING Tl11.E 16, CHAPTER 4, SECl1ON 15, Etmll.EO PLANNED OEVELOPMEIII!' DIS"IRJCT OF 1llE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 AND ENACl1NG A NEW 1lTU 16, CIV.P'/l'..R 4, SECl1ON 15, ENTITLED Pl.ANN@ UNIT OEVELOl'MENT ZONE DISTil:CT . COUNCU. MEMBER HATHAWAY IIOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) Clv) ON 'Fl1'ST llEADING. Ayes: Council Mcml,cr, llatha""Y· Vormittag, Wiggins, H·.-nicbt. Wli&Boncr, Clapp, Bums Nays: N Motion c:arricd.. COUNCU. MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WA:. SECOND!:D, TO SET A l'UBUC BEARING ON COUNCU. Bll.L NO. 19 FOR MA V 6, 1"6 AT 7:JO P.M. IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Ayes: Council Mcmbcn llaL':. . ..-ay, Vormillllg. Wiggins, Habenicht. Wauancr. Clapp. Bums Nai~: None Molionc:anicd. (b) ApplO\'t OD Second Reading There,...,. no additional items for appro\'al on socood reading. See Agenda Item 11 (b). 11. Onli■--. llelolutiou ud Motloas (1) Approve on First Reading (i) DirtCtor Gryglewicz presented a recommcodation from the Dcpanrncnt of Financw Services to adopt a bill for an ordina.,a: cstabli;.'ting licensing requirements for ICIDporary employment agencies J1 the City of Eoglewood. He advised that he is the Financial Services Dircc:tor and li c,nsing olflOU for the City of Englcwoocl. l'.c said City stair has met with rcprcsentati,u from lhe indUSII)·. as ~I as the Chamber of Commerce ,n this is;,,,c and 5taff woul~ recommend approval at Ibis time . • • • • • Mayor ew,,, qucJtlonod Cky Aaomey BralZIIIU ,epnliaa Ille i.c o/llCIIHl1llllllmil)', He aud if that lauocubeldcllllNd. Mr. Bl'OWlllftadvillldlhllh CMbe~ that ~Tom Rap,cul bu put in I -'on rcpnling lllllllfmblllty of llcena in ...a lcacr wblcb could be IUllllilulod for ... current llnguagc under lnnd'er■bility . He uld that leClioa is very limillr to !he c:wraM 1'1"111hop onli111110e. He uld lhae is I ...... fee, lhcno is I ...... ldeallllclliOD. Mr. BrolzlDID advilod lhlt be lhlnks lhe real amccrn on Im lauo will come 11p duriJl& IIIY 111111 use ..... that 1111Y be aimiq in Ille fllllln:. He uld Iha! that Is MIOle h probably sbould n:■lly be lddreued II Iha! lime. howewr Council can subsli1111e lhe llnBU11e from Mr . Rlgonetti's leflcr IO-tho! if they ,.,.,.t lO. ~ Bums uud if City Attorney BIOIZJDID is ll)'ina !hat he is .»mfolllble with that. Mr . BIOIZJDID 111d that is fine City Attorney Bn>UmM 11111d that he -,Id like IO-18 issue thll -bn>upl up oul.icr and that Is thal the City wu ~ 1 specillc businea. He aid 1h11 is DOI ll\le, 'lblt in Ille ~, with the industry wbal they did dilCUSS, IDd whit WU braua)U up by Sllnd-By 's IIIOmey II that time Mr. UMII, was to lddlUI lhe specific: problem on that lite. He llid lblt is wily the only ._ tbat will mod to ol>llin l litellSll will be tbooe thll open,tc II I COlll1II kw:aliGo wbetc day tabo= useabie 111d ■re dispat ched to wort. Mayor Bums said then in other wonk thac ■re other tempora,y luinesles that ■re DOI dispatched 1h11 MY, or DOI hlndlod that My. City Attorney Brotzman said they did IIOl 80 for I class designation, IS Littleton did. IS to indllllrill llbomi , ....... other lypel of llborus. He llid whal that D101J1S is if accou.•tanll ■re dispotc:bed or opente from 1 00IIIJal loc:atlon that c:ompuy -,Id hive to Ft 1 tempo rary ICMCCJ lk:c,ise. He llid this is not c:lu:s basal or type or wort based, ii is IO lddras I specific problem which they feel this language addtnlos. He IIM5al that ii is IClullly set font, in the wbeteas provisions oflhls ordinance esllblishing why lhls license is nec:e&Sll)'. The onlilllDCO. be llid. liso add= the fact thal lhe City also understands that this is DOI I solution 10 the entin: problem, that zoning and licensiog issues ■re aoing to be continuncl ud fflforcemcnt issues ■re goina to be on-aoing. The City Clerk was asked to n:ad Cooncil Bill No . S by title: COUNCIL BILL NO . S, JN111.ODUCED BY COUNCLL. MEMBER HABENICIIT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TTILE S, Ofll!E ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 WITH 1l!E ADDmON OF A NEW CHAPTER 13, ESTABLISHING LICENSE REQUIREMENTS FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES IN 1l!E CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (1) (i) • COUNCIL BILL NO. 5. Council Member Yonnittag said he has a question llhoot the wording fo ,al . He asked why can't they pul that in the council bill . City Auomey BroUJnu slid you can. ,ccp, if what St■nd-By is saying is true , we draw thal many peopl e from our community. the decision was made DOI to differentiate betwttn while collar worters and blue collar workers. He said that is why Ibey did not use u><lllllrill . He said Council can change that if they like, and L'ic City can even adopt Littleton 's definitions. ho_.,, then: was • conscious elf on made to DOI make I class diffemitiation . Mayor Burns asked the City Attorney ifhe is saying that that is mon, wort •''· •s fat IS the Englewood make-u p is ronccrncd . City Attorney Brotzman ■nswmd that be think.: , , .. "" · fair to our citiz.cns. Council Member Hathaway stated that. due lo an investigati on that is currently ~fl•going into her pcrcxivcd and accused conflict of inlcrcst, she will be abstaining from this partir:uli'IJ ordinan ce . _......Cllyc-a Aprill,"" ... 14 MAYOR BURNS MOVUI, AND rr WAS SICONDID, TO SUIS11TIJTI '111& PAllAGIIAPD OIi TIIANSJ'ERABD.ffY OF LICUISI PROM THI. LETI'U FROM THOMAS RACONr.111 TO DAN BROTZMAN DATr.D APJllL l, 1996. Mayor Bums rdmed ('.<JWICil to H3~ ,Cdlc ordinaDa: on 1111" tbRC II lhc top oolillcd "NON- TllANSFERABn.rrY OF LICENSE .• He aid tho -1on would amend the onlinaoc,: to IUld -rRAN;FERABn.rrY OF UCl!NSE". He a>IIIIDCIIICd that this --of the principal coa=ns cxpn:aal toaigbt and be fd1 this would Qll'C that problem . Council Member Habenichl advised tha1 she cannot 111ppon the tmenclment at this putlcular point in time. She aid she undenW1ds thal ii ii I ""l)OOIC to I ,-1. but when Ilic IIJked aboul ii with City Attorney B.'l>lzmln prtYiously she wu amc:emod Chat iii• rally not -,Y, tbal ii ii DOI aometbing WC do with IOIDC ,C the Olbcr ordinances that they are doing in chis IIIIIIC vein. She mainllined that it ii not ID exortlicant r.c and .. the City Is looking I( 111111)' ol thcsc lia:rua ia the runin and lockina II ..... kinds of zoning lhlnga in Che fucure she felt it would be better to take chis up under a zoning issue rather than under this licensing issue. She wd this ii the reason she will not $Uppor1 the amcndJDelll. Council Member Waggoner said that it -that the cxisling ordinance allows for uansferab1lity, ,ou just ha"e to follow proc:eduR. He asked if that is true. Ci1y Attorney Bromnan answered that tbcr\: is a ,ay specific loophole to that one on agena n,gistralioa. but buically you would ha,-c to ,..register, He said ifyoo simply moved to 1dift'cn:n1 localioa you wooid have to n:-,qislcr, if)OU a,ld your business yoo would hln-c to rc-n:gistcr. Mayor llwns said that be doc< not think then: is rally that inuch of I wnncction bctwccn the licensing and zoning on chis issue. City Attorney Brotzman advised Chai will a,me up if Che City prolul>its certain types of businesses along Broadway and this is one, and there is a DOD-uusfcrability of liocn.,, in Che zoning con1cxt Che grandfathering clauoc comes in on whclhcr )'NI can sell thal business or oot once ii becomes a non-conforming asc. He 00DIID>"11ed that ii really is a • 1ld IIIIC pn,Uem and if it is DOI addressed here it would certainly be addrts5cd in any zoning issue that is brought before Council . Mayor Bums asked that inhibits the use of this paragraph . City Attorney BllllZIIIID Slated that !hoy can us: either panigraph oow and staff is actnally n:aimmcnding Che paragnpb that is auTCnlly in Che ordinana: be used, non-transferability. He said Chai Council can change to the olhcr one and ii will not inhibil the land USC process al all. Vot, resulu on tht amendment: Ayes : Nays : Abstain : Motion cld'eatcd. CGincil Members Vormictag, Wiggins. Bums Cooncil Members Habenich~ Waggoner, Clapp CGincil Member Halhaway Council Member Habenichl stattd 1h11 she nnttd 10 clarify, cspocially for Che audience. that lhcrc i, nolhin g in bcrc in ccnns of hours of operation . Mayor Bums asked if Chai was in ID earlier draft. City Attorney Brotzman said thal has never been in the ordinance . He commented that he notical, in ocveral of Che letters Cwncil n:tti•-cd. rcfermcc to an hourly regulation . He poin1cd cc, thal Chere has never been an hourly regulation in any of Che proposed ordinana:s. Mayor Bums said he was glad 1ti.1 City Auorncy Brotzman clarified that Council Member Habcnichl said she feels ii is imponan1 10 stale for Che record. especially as she has introduced the piece , that 10 her knowledge there is not an y motiwtion on the part of anyone on Council , to slow do\\11 temporaries or put anybody oul of bus iness . Mayor Bums stated that is an accurate • • • • •• ........ 01yc-a ~1111,1"6 ,.,s COffllllOIII. 111d lie I& pd &bo &aid dull• becloll aal 1111111< uyoM bere Wllll& IO pul lcmpOnly bu&i-... outof~thalW1i1101Coullcil'1abjel:liw•all. VIie ,-tt, •the-. to appnw c..adl 8111 Na. 5: Ayes : Council Manbcr1 Wigins. Habenlch~ Wau<>ncr, Clapp, Bums Nays; Council ,...,._. v°""'"" Abslain : °"1ncll Modlcr Hatba- Motion c:anicd. Mayor Buras commcnlal that Council Bill No. 5 bu boon appro,'Cd on fl11t reading and thin wiU be a ICCIOnd roading. (ii) Direclor Gryglcwicz paelllCd a RCIOCWDCndation from the Dcpanmcnt of Financial Sc:mocl to adopu resolulioa approviaa uupplemcnlll appropriation of l'und& for 1995. He advised thal • tl,e end of the fiscal year when --the clooina pn,a:ss we gcncralJy address Council with aome of the budf'dS tllat wen: DOI approprialed due IO umora,oen cvcnt5 dwing the year. He &lid tbal the raolution Council is coosidcrillgappn,priala IDODie$ for those events. Mr. Gryglewicz explained that basicl1ly lht 1...iutioa aaneods dlo General Fund SI0,000, the Donors Fane! $22,000, Paving District 33 $5,000, Paving District :14 $10 ,000. and the Volunteer Flmightcr, Pension Trust Fund $17,000 . TI,e resolutioD ,.,.. assigned a number and read by title; RESOLtrnON NO. 41. SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLtrnON AMENDING rnE APPROVED 1995 BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR TIIE Cl1Y OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. COUNCll. MEMBER BA THA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 (a) (Ii)· RESOLUTION NO. '1, Sf.RIES OF 1996. Motion carried. Ayes : Council Mcmbm Hath!way, Vonnittag. Wiggins. Habenicb~ Waggoner. Clapp. Burns Nays : None (iii) Assistant Fin: Mmball Greene pn:sc ntod a r=mn,eudatioo from the Department m Safety Services to adopl • biU for an ordinance amending the appeal proc:,:ss for Building Licenses. He explained lhat what bas UMspiml is that there was an iocidcnt last year wbcre the municipal code was not real clear u IO bow IO ckal with. spocifacally, a buildillg 00n111Ctor license, the revocatioa or suspellSioo mi~ and then the ""-!acnt appeal process that should be avai lable to that conlrlCtor to appeal a suspension or r'C\'ocation . He advised that the council bill cleans up aome of the language. c.g he/she . It a!Sll authorius a Chief Building Official for the suspensions. l'C\'ocations and for holding those hearings . Mayor Burns said that it seems to be a constructh'C onlinancc. it changes "licensing officer" to "building official ." He commented that it seems• much better "~Y of going about the rrocess . The City Cieri< was asked to r<rul Council Bill No. 20 by title : COUNCIL BILL NO. 20. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HA THA Vi , Y ......... atyC-' April 1, I"' .... 1, A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 'TTTUl 5, CffAPT'ER 7, SEcnQNS 3, 11 AND 13; AS Wl!U. AS Tm.E I, CHAFTER I, SECTION I , OF nil! ENOLl!WOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 11115 At.rl"~O, 'IZINO nil! OllEF BUD.DINO OFFICIAL TO SUSPEND OR REVOKE CONTRACTOR LICENSES AND f:l!RTIFIC'.ATES OF REOIS'raATlON UPON VIOLATION . COUNCIL MEMBER BA'111AWAY MOV!D, AND IT WAS St{."O/;l!!O, TO APPROVE AGENOA ITEM 11 (a) (W) -COUNCIL IILL NO. 20. Motion carried . Ayes : Council Membcn Halhaway, Vonniuag. Wiggin,, Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : None (iv) Dinx:lor Fonda presented a rccommcndation fJOm the Littleton/Englewood Wastc7,'ller Tn:atmcor Plant Supc,visoTy Committee 10 approve, by hllion, rq,oirs to an anaerobic digcslcr cover al the Plant. He said there.,. four digesters, two.,. in good rq,oir and two need to be repaired . One is going 10 be fixed under PhaJc lb, but they fell ii was urgent, time-wise, 10 get one more ,q,ai1'ld '° that they 111\-c tllrce opcnting digestcrs . He said they felt the bids wen, good, they had a good clUSlcr of bids and C\'CD ~gli they were a lilllc higher than the cngincen estimate they recommend tt.01 the Cil)' go ahead 1'ith the wuk. Mayor BW1l• a<~ed if the extra funds ,re a\'ailable from the sewer funds for both cities. Mr. Fonda answmd yco, through the fund balance and he docs not believe we will really exceed the budget for the Bi.Ci!)' n:gardlcss. Council Member Habcnicbl asked if this digester oo"er.,.., has anything 10 do with the odor situations Director Fonda staled he """""'ilat doubts it. He said he is not saiing it absolutely wou ldn 't, the oo,•:r is functioning now, but it could fall apan anytime so they want to get it fixed . Ms . Hal>.•11ich1 aslt•d if it could then affect odor. Mr. Fonda Aaled he was sure it would . Mayor Bums asked .bout the length of the oollSUllCtion period if they gol the go ahead. Din:ctor Fonda said he felt it would take four 10 six months . He added that they wanted 10 do it in advance of Phase I b and the otl1cr OO\'Crnill be fixed as part of Phase I b. Council Member Vomunag asked how long !his new 00\'er "ill last for $500,000 . Din:c1or Fonda exp lained that when they get all four of them done they should go for 30 10 40 years , maybe more . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, ,OID IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AW AR...ING mE DIGESTER COVER RF.PLACEMENT CONSTRUCTION PROJECT TO DOGAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., Ill THE AMOUNT OF S.'137,840. Motion carried . Ayes : Council Memben Hathaway, Vormittog. Wiagins, Habenicht, Waagoncr, Clapp, Burns Nays: None (b) Approve on Second Reading COUNCll. MEMBER BA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITI.M 11 (b) (i) -ORDINANCE NO. 12, SERIES OF 1996 ON SECOND READING. (i) ORDINANCE NO . 12 , SERIES OF 1996 ( INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HA IBA WAY) • • • • • • AN ORDINANCE AlTl'.'IORIZINO AN nm:aOOVIillNMENTAI , AOPEEM!!NT lll!TWEEN nm ST A 11! OP COLORADO' DEl'ARTMENI' Cl' HEAL 1ll ,\ND l!NVIRO!'lMENT, WATER QUALin' COlmlOL DMSlON, THI! CITY OF LJTIUrrON AND THI! CITY OF ENOU!WOOO, COLORADO . Vote .-Ila: Motion <:aJriod. Ayes: Council Mcmbcn llllbaway. Vorrni r114, Wiggin,, l!lbellich~ Waggoaor. Oapi., Bwns Nays : None 12 . Ge..enl Dlsuuloa (a) Mayo(& Cbolce I . Ma ~or Bums thanked ewryone for tllcir p,uticipotion in the ~.ilcussion , onighl , especially !lboul Cinderella City, IDnighl and UtJC Council lO lll'J\,. ahead .nit mal.e a clccislon JIC., · wed< on exactly lo'• we :m going to proceed with lhiL lie said Ir, i.ncs Council will ha..., "'"'° 11\0re , ,clp ,nib tbal iu the meantime . (b) Council Meml>cr's Choice (i) Council Member"--'' 1. COUNCIL MEMBER BATBAWAY MOW..D, AND IT WAS SECONl'ED, TO PROOED WITH A RETAIL INTER'1'AINJIB!'.f DEVELOPMENT, Wim ~ RTD STATION AS A COMPONENT, OF APPROXIMA'in.•t _,... SQUARl'-FEET ON '\II llA TIS COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE CINDUILLA OTY sm. COUNCO. Ml WBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO TAaU: TBA T MOTION AND AIT FOR STAFF, FOR THEIR TWO WEEK REQUEST TO PUT TOGETHER THE Af:TUAL DESIGNATION OF THE CONCEPT. Ayes : Council Members Vonnittag. Habenich~ Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays: Council Members Hathaway, Wiggins Motion carried . Mayor Bums commcnled Iha! the motion curies and Council will await further information from staff and nc.,t week WC will proceed further OD iL 2. Council Member Hathaway reque,led an update from the Housing Authority, which now m>ns the property on the 3'100 block of Sooth Sbcrman Strm. as to whal their .ICtivilics are bocawe they ba,,. been doing !IOmt griding and some other lype of activities. She said she would like to know "'hal they are pmcecding with or what lines they are~ with. Mayor Bums offered 10 fill her in on that "tllation. lie wd thal he d;; not make the lasl .-ing orlhc Housing Authority b<causc he was a; _,, DRCQG dinner last -1<. However, the Housing Authority interviewed the "'-eel<. before propos,d ardulects lO desi gn residential me for lha1 site. He said they selected an architectural finn and he though( Ibey ldoplcd the contract 11 last week ·, ~ng. He said he was sure Council Member Halha"~Y could get • copy of tha1 and inqt•in: fun her or Paul Malinowski . ~CltyC-11 A,.al,1'K .... 3. She aDIIIClldal c:--aity Scrvk:u Coonlillllar loyoo Par-. for hmlla lO put up with wha1 • she considered 10 be pn,llol,ly tkblgell-of l/lfflll uce lbcy bit 1be Illa Ddpba,bood dowD lllUlh. Tbe graffiti belq oa 1M GCIIMc mani-on bolh lidls, lbe 111d: o/111 oldlca propen1-. Ibo 1noruncn1 bulldina upper..,_. 111d moc1 ollhe blllbouds la the 3200 bloc:11 olSoulll Bnlldway. Sbe IL>11ltod Ms . Panons for lier ~ in tryina 10 11 leut ~ lbe ~ty cf it cleanal up . Ml. Hllbaway noc<d lhal the marquee is ROI cleaned up )'Cl, bul 1h11 pn,IICIIII I spocial problem. (Ii) Cowldl Member Wlgi115 ; I. He noc<d the Study S<:ssioo agenda lndi :alod that the City Allomcy WU 11UC 10 talk abotll the ruolution tcrntl!!lling City paid bcalth inswanc e for mcmbCB or the Englewood City Council. He aid he though! Iha! Council Members ~ noc eligible IDd ii WU kiUod and ...... awilablc. City Attorney Browrw, explained Iha! thc211.;np ail appear In Council's banclJook and 1MI -~ rocommcndation simply IO lake thal out of the bandbool< Council Manber Wigim qrood they should get that out of thcte because they arc ROI entiUcd 10 it 1hc)· arc ROI City cmplo)'oes ud il is misleading. Although. he commcnlcd, be lllldorUood lhal if I hey wished to pay the prices they could join In on the plan . City Anomey Bl<>tZIIIIII aid lhal is correct and 1h11 it is still an optiOll. 2. He said be was ,any Ms. Walsh left because he IIO\'CI saw a lady with so -,I, inlighl in his life, that she knows what is goina on around hctc . He staled"~ arc not the City that is goiag 10 put in a Neiman Marcus around hctc and .. ~ need to mo\'e. He said. just IS he said last 1''1D. here Council is pulting the brakes on this thing ,.-anting 10 kill Cindcrdl1 City . Anti be said be can lead righl from the letter and he commented that be docs not know how the r<SI or Council can '1 read it He po inlcd out it says in the letter from Equilabk Iha! they arc very conccmcd about puttina a potential delay on concluding the agn,cmcnts and if the City docs not worl< ,.;th Skip Miller they arc gains to walk right 0111 on us. He said he can see wbll is going lo happen, they arc goina IO -i.blJI it or let it Iii !hut and "~ • won't brJe anything. He 5lllal they arc in shock O'ltr the rq,on. it SIRtchcs back IO lhrec )'Wt that ~ have been on this thing. Radiltg froro the letter, he said that with the encowag.-of the City Cindcnnak has facililatcd the clcparturc of tenants, UDdct1ai<cn cnvilOIIIIICrual imulipli011 and remediation and incurred legal fees for preparation and m i cw of documents and susuincd other oul of pocket cxpcnscs in rcspondiag IO rcqucsu by the City . Ms. Wiggins said that .. the laa paae ii says that they have n,achcd an agn,clDCIII in principal on conveyance or n>dcwlopmenl. He pointed oul that tbal is whal "~ lold them on January 1 • when "~ were talking and bit the big ...... thing. Tbo lctlcr states Iba! the City's apparent readiness to baa ,~-ay is unconscionable and the involvemenl or Miller•Kilchell has been a key indu=ncnl in Cindcn.•lt .aiing on course. It also says that the high prob>bilily of sua:cssfully rcdc\~loping the propr · , thus allowing the cxil we dcsm. lo a grca lcr unccnainty than they can 1oicrate. Mr . Wiggins said in .er words ii is unacceptable to Cindcnnak and be said he can sec what is goin g to happen. Mr. Mil is going 10 walk away froa: this thing because they arc not going IO pul up wilh ii. they can go Out ar "'business someplace else . He said be would not blame them II aU for walking a\\~)' from ii and ,-i>,n · y walk away from it there we arc. He cmphasi=! that"~ have Iha! thing silting there and we have 1•,,thing at ail . He commc.nled that itjusl boggles bis mind tha1 the rest of Council docs not wanl !o do any rJing with this . He said they arc going 10 <ii here for 30 days, 60 da)~. ?O dBys for a planner to come ii :.nd tell us . He pointed out we have been doing this for lhrcc and a half years. Mr . Wiggins said this jusl disgusts him and he ,.;shed Council would get their IICt IOgclher and get this going . He said he is just sick about where we arc going o,. this thing . He said it ..-.'OUld not surpri se hin, at ail if ii fails on ilS face alter all the worl< Iha! has been uv.ic. Mavor Bums said he undcrswwls Council Member Wigins ,rustntion, bul be did DOI think Council " sa~ng they an, going to mothball this thi ng or stop this dc\~lopmen1 al this poinl and be said he is not ga1 ,1g to do that • • • ........ Cllyc-11 A.,.tll,ltN ... ., (iii) Council Member Clapp aid she Wllllltid to make IDll!e oommcnll rqanling anderdll City. She .. lecl she doel llOI lhilll< CouDcil is IIIDppina I~ sllc aid Ille thlab lhty 1R jusl 111<:ing -CIUlioul ..... M 1h11 point beiaa we 1R IDIMlg __,....,.... and coacepll. Sbe aid she thiJll<I h 11 very pnadent on Council'• pell to lllllkc IIW'C lhat Ibey aadalland what"" IR 1110W11 farwonl with . Sbe said Ille thinks that 11 all Ibey 1R doing II Ibis poilll, but Ibey 1R ddlnlldy IIIOYing flwwanl. Council Member Wiggins aid he IW'II hopa she is n,bt (iv) Council Member Waggonu: I . He aid he had a question for the City Altonley . He COIIUllCDl<d tbll C<luncil kccpc ~ obaul the things that Council Member Hathaway did or "-'t done and ii k.ceps a>ming up at just about e,,ay Council meding. Mr. Waggoner noled tbat Council bas...., autboriml an investiga,'on . He aid bis gcoeraJ q,'11io<i is, and his ftding Is, that there Is noc a thing that Council cculd clo i', she broke aery Nie on the book . City Attomcy Brouman collCUITOd and uld tbc only WI)' lo fix llas would be a n:c:all Council Member Waggoner said that that is up to the general public and there is IIOl a thing Council can do. Mr. Brottman said that 11 comet. 2. Ht DOied that there are mme ooncems among the employees lhll the retirees or the ones lllal are goini to r<tire will not. as in the put, be able to prevail oltbc City's groap inswanco prognm. He said he knows there m some retirees that are on the prog,am already and it is bis understanding lhat we are now denying or getting ready to deny thole that are going 10 retir• tbll 11\-ai!abi!ity ofbealtb imwanc:c. He stated he would like lo get a report on that M Council Member Habenicht : I. She said she has had sevem citizen pbonc calls, MB. Walsh was one ollh.;:n. in terms of Cinderella City . Sbe ldvisal Ille bas had a number of other phone calls that have IOrt of e,qns,al the other point of view in terms of looking at what we arc doing with the future olthat site and bciog-.ery, \'Cry cardul and cautious with it She noted thal some of the people n,mindcd her of Trolley Square and how Council didn '1 listen then when people came fOIWll'd and were questioning things . 2. She said she has had several calls on the resolution Council passed increasing the waler rates, O\'Cr the improvements that we will be making al the Allen Plant Ms. Habenicht noted that she bas been able to address most of the calls based on the public hearings thai we had and a lot of the infonnatioo. H~. she staled tbat one person did talk obaul the City being a little out al phase with our communications within the City, indicatint that there was still timo: for input and the resolution bad already been passed . She said she just -.1ed to draw lhz! to everyJOdy's 111ention . She commeatcd that things like that slip through the cracks sometimes and al the same time she said she just lhinka .-ayonc shouid be cognizant of that and looking at that for the future . She said that is a difficult one to respond to . 3. She advised that she did rocei\'C a very 10\'Cly letter from EnBk->d citizen lane Schnacunbcrg who was commending Council 011 the actions that tl'q· look concerning the water hike and how Council proceeded with ii. She said Ms . Schnackenberg also indicated that she was pleased 10 ICC that tbc City •oold be malting tbosc changes and she also had a few comments about Cinderella Cil)'. Ms. Habenicht noted that she would provide the other Council mcmben ,.;th a copy of the !..ttcr. She said that because it was a letter addressed directly to her she v.'Ould not be introducing it into the record, but she did want 10 share the infonnation .....,....acyc-ii Aprill,19" .... 20 13 . City M ...... , .... rt (1) Cily -.,.. Clark aid tha1 1111 wed< WO llad SeulOr Blic:lteuderfcr ud Rcpraeotllive Kmx bae ud -oldie ilaa they lllbli llbout -!lie pcnollll pn,perty t1X cxcmpllon . He aid die tmu llnllllld w. -vay good oo thia. od betwoen Alli'1lnl"' die City Mlnlger Gn,cc ad ..,. ol dlo Lialelcn Slall' Ibey had a very brief IIICding on this las& Friday allaDooo wilh the South Mcuo Denver Cbambcr crowd . Mr. Clari< handed out the infonnalion u to the cstimalCd impact lhis exemption would have on the City of Englewood, which be and Financial Services DireclOr G,yglcwicz revicw<d this morning. He Aid the assumption here. hued on ,omc information S.ttth Metro was Ible to glean from die Couoly uacssora. is that wc havo llbout 2,IOO bwincss taxpaycn in Englewood. He DOlal tha1 in Uttldoo it was clooc to 2,000 . Mr. Clar\ Ukd that, if""' ore to assume that all of tbooc 2,IOO tax scbodules wo.,ld ,;...iily tor the full $10,000 cxcmplloo, that would come to rbout $21 million in nhaalioas tillt wOllld be .......,col. He said you tima tha1 opiml die tuU Yal1>t into weaed value 1111d you come up-SI millioo in ........i value, ud multiply lbal by die City's mill levy of7.9 mills 1111d that would prem,ta S65,000 polelltial lou to tlac City. Mr. Oadr. explAiDcd tlill thaa is the maximum,~ tha1 OWl)'ODC 'MIWd qualify for the full ..anption. He Slid Scaalor Blic:ltcnsdcrfcr ~ the bill -id be aaming up in another week or 10 cloys. He poiDlal out that there wu some --uy ainlaldod conscqucncu Wider the Clftllapcr Alncndmca1 .,..,.,. lhis might inadvcrtmtly shift some pRSSW'C boc:lt ovor on the residential propcrti,:s and whether !llerc was a ratcheting affect due to Amendment One. City Manager Clart stated that he hu asked City Attorney Brottman and FinaDcial Services DiJ-.r G,yglewicz to worlt ,.;lh Senator B\idim5dcrfer on tha1 and to do some addio-1 iacardl. lie advised that tlac Soulia Metro Cbambcr indicated that it is their Iona u:nn goal to have die basiness pmDDal pn,peny tax cxanplod in total . They hope to get it phuod out ovcr a ten year period 1111d the tolal l'OYCIIUC from that right ,_ rcp<CSCDts about $211,000 in rcveauc to the City of Englewood. lie told Council if they have any questions to give him a call . He Slid riglal now be llainks they will just monitor the situalioo and exchange some information . He said Littleton City Council is not taking a very close look II this, but they ore supposed to be looking II it sometime lhis wed<. • (b) City Manager Cwt asks Council to give him a call if they have any questions reganlin~ the E-mail message they received from Assistant 10 the City Manager Grace on some follow-up she did regarding lcgislati-.-e 1nai:""5. Mayor Bums commcnled that he is glad that they finally got this infonnation as Council hu had a concern as wc ore members of the South Metro Chamber and City Manager ClaJlr. is on the Board of Director, of their Ecoaornic Development Council .ad this legislation is being pressed by the Chamber. He noted that Senator Blickcnsdcrfcr has advised us that he is getting a lot of pressure from tlac Cbambcr and yet the Chambcr l>Qdd ....er talk to the City about it Being one of !heir mcmbcra. be Slid be bopcs they understand that Ibey should be talking to the cities !hat arc member.; of their associati011 when they arc backing this kind of legislation and indeed find out what the fiscal impact is on the City pursuant to these kinds of mcasurcs. Mayor Bums said he felt they should rocogniu that we arc a member and we arc entitled to bc consulted on these manm . He suggested that perhaps "~ can work together on these legislative issacs as we have found lhis year that municipal govcmmcnt docs not seem to ha,~ many friends out there and cspocially in the Chamber... He said our Englewood Chamber works with us a lot, but he !hints that sometimes we get forgollcn along the "~Y -He stated he thought we pay about $4 ,000 or S5,000 a year to the Chamber in dues, oosts and charges and he lhinks wc should be l'OCOgoiud if they art going to back lcf.islation that may rcsula in a loss of income to th< City. He statod !hat he bopcs in the future that lhis changes. • • ........... Ckyc..dl Af,191,19" .... 21 Coaadl Member HlthaWI)' poinlcd ou~ along thole oame lines. oae of the IJJUfflOl\ll we wen, usiJ II with 111cm is 1h11 the llCMCCl lhc City pr.vides for the propcny 11X 1h11 is paid, e..o ifit Is tho tint SIU,000 of valuo, t11at ~ is a tangible value to those bu&il1CSICI to ba.c tbooe City cvic:a. She colllll:COlcd 1h11 if they-.Jd prefer not to have that lint SJ0,000 wonh of value then that is~ choice. but ii Is kind of ban! to do . It. City At1orncy'1 Report City Allomey Brotzman did not have any mancn: to bring before Council . 15. Adjoununcat