HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-07-01 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • 1.NGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO Replar~ July I, 1996 I. CtU to Onler The rogular ..-ing of•be Englewood City Council was called 10 order by Mayor Bums II 7:39 p.m. 2. l ■vocatlo• The invocation "M given by CouDcil Member Wiggins. 3. Pledi:e of Allt&luce The Pledge of Allegiance was led b)• Ma)'or Bums 4. Roll Call Present : Absent: Council Membc11 Hathaway, Clapp, Wiggins. Habcnich~ Vonniuag. Waggoner, Bums Nooe A quorum was present. Also present: City Manager Clark City AUomey Bro12man Assistant 10 the City Manager Grace City Clerk Ellis Deputy Dir<e1or Olson. Safety Services Diru:tor Esterly, Public Works (a) COUNCIL MEMBER HA TH •' MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES Of THE REG ,>f EETING OF JUNE 17, 1996. Motion carried. Ayes : Council ,:mbcrs Hathaway, Vorm111ag, Wiggins, Habc11ich1 , Waggoner, Clapp , Burns Nays : Nooe 6. Scheduled Vlsilon (a) Chris Olson. Deputy Dir<e101 ·t ~-=· .1 3crviccs, present ed the City of Englc..ood 's Federal Emergency Management Aga,,:y Cnnu,.un ity Scnice Award ic Council. Mr. Olson advi5"d that he accepted this award. on l!chalf oflhc c;ty, on June 11, 1996 i,; Washinl~on D.C. from II,. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). He explained lliat prilflarily ii i, in response 10 Englewood's efforts during the snoWS1orm emcrgcllC)' disaster last September. He said he would like 10 read from the press rclcruc from FEMA which describes why they gave us the award and plO\idcs a little bit of infonnation . Mr . Olson offered a coITCCtion to Lhc r rcss rc_leasc . as it indica1cs that Mayor Tom Bums wa!I IO Washinglon and rocci,-ed lbc •ward, when ia Cad Mr. OIIOCI received lhc awonl. Mr. OIDi DOied lbat lhc press rdcasc is u ro11ows : "Mike Annsttong. Regional Dileclor or lhc Federal Emergency Managancn1 Agmcy {FEMA) announced 1oday lbat lhc Cily orEnaJcwood bu been named ro:ipicllt or , FEMA Community Service Award . Emergency Prq,aRdncss Manapr Chris Olloo will~ lbc award on behatr ollbc City during a ceremony 11 FEMA 's Washingion D.C. office T....my June 11 . FEMA 's Community Service Award is slvcn 10 priVlle clliuns and organiulions in recopilion ror aignificanl ICU o, scnicc in lhe publi c inlCrcsl during emerge ncy cvcnu. The City or Englewood will n:ccivc lbc awonl ro, iu response 10 last September 's uncxpccted ll10\\1IO<m lhal left yanls and streeU clogged with debris and o-nds or people Mthoul power. "Englewood bu ror years lho,\,i lcadcRhip in lhe an:a or emergency planning.• Armstrong said . • Aller last September's snow,torm lhe Ci ty bu shown lhal it also is a leader when ii comes 10 emergency response .· Mr. Olson 51ated lhat lherc ,.;ll be anolhcr ceremony Ibis monlh to present Ibis award again, locally. He commented lhal they hope. at thal time, 10 ha,-c C\-ct)i>ody who was involved in the process go 10 lbc cc,cmony. Mr . Olson said he appn:cia1ed tl,c opponuni ty 10 go on out and receive lbc award. He DOied there were quite a few awards gh•cn out . that we were number two on the agenda and they were really thrilled thal ...... -.n: lll ere lo acce pt ii. He added lhal tl,ey picked up lhe L>SI. Mr. Olson am;scd the ""'rd states lha1 lhis an "OU151:mding public service award pn:scnted to Englewood Cil)• Colorado ror provi ding dcmonstraled ou1siandi ng public scnice 10 t(,c community lhrough response and recovery dfons rollo,.in g tl,c 1995 "in1er 51om~ pn:scnled by James L Wilt Director of Federal Emergency Managemenl Agencies .• He noted 1ha1 "En glC\\ood City" is the "'Yi: appears on the plaque and he is not sure why. Mr. Olson pn:scnled lhe a\\urd to Mayor Burns. Mayor Bums ac:cepled lhe award on behatror1he Ci ty. He said he ... uy .. ,n1ed tu !hank the Dcputmcnt orSarCI)• s.n;ces and lhc Dcp.1nmen1 or Publ ic Works. all or the pc,ople lhat worked on lhis and the citittns or Englewood . He staled 11ml 1he citiuns or'E nglC\\ood really cooperated wi!h us in assembling all lhc branches. 1ro:s limbs. etc. ror pickup . He poinled out lhal it was really a community wide e!ron . He sai d he fell \\-Ca ll should be dul y proud of thi s award. Mayor Burns lha rlced Depu ly Director Olson . 7. Noa-scheduled Vi sitors (a) uVeme Reddin g. 4752 Sout h Dcca1ur S1n:ct , ad vised 1ha1 she just n:ccnUy pun:hascd a home in Englewood and Friday rc~ivcd a 11ot icc in the mail thnt she owes S17 3.09 for sidewalks that were repa ired in fron t or !,er home befo re she purtlmscd ii. Ms. Redding Slllled lha1 sl,c called lhe EnglC\\ood Enginee ring Dcpanme nl tod.iy. She noted lhal she bo•·ihl a t°"nhome so lhere arc 1wo homes in one and lhe people who li ve beside her don·1 hnve any , .:ord lhat they paid any money on lhis sidewalk . Ms. Redding wondcned if lhe City is billi ng her for poople besi de her. Allllough. she said. she thinks ,1 ,,1 1he peopl e tlm1 owned the honsc befo re she bought II probabl y should have paid !heir pan in the repair ofU,c sidewalk . Mayor Bums asked Ms. Redding if she "~nl 1hrough 1his wilh 1hc City dcpanmen1? Ms. Redding confirmed lhal she did \\i lh 01<: m.in she lalked lo loday. Couocil Member H.11Jm"~l' asked Ci1y Allomcy Brot zma n if1h is ,hould n't be undcrthe publi c hearing this C\'Cuing. Mr. Brotzm .. 1n concurred . Mayo r Bums adviS::: : ..... Redding 1ha1 Council would be cond ucting a public he.iring shortl y on this concrete di."1rict and th,1 1 she amid speak th ere if she would like. He noted that there was a scpnrn tc signup sheet for that whi ch she wns welcome 10 sign . • • • ~Cllyc-11 J.iy '·"" Paael Council Member Hathaway nolcd that 1h11 way it olllcially aocs .., public roconl, the ci--to 1h11 particular ,'Oncrdc district. and lhll makes it a llnlc cuicr ro, cngbarlna llllf to racatda Dd ., ftmi Ibero. jClerlt'1 no1e : Ms. Redding added her DllllC IO the dpup shccl lbr the public hearing.I 8. Co•-nlcatiolla, Pn><l-■tiolls ud Appol■l...,IJ (a) COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT WITH Rt:GRt:T THE LETll:11. or RESISNATION FROM ROGER BAGAll INDICATING BIS RESIGNATION FROM THE ENGU:WOOD ELECTION COMMISSION . Aiu: Council MeJnben Hathawa y. Vonninag, Wigins, Habcnic:ht. Wagoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : Noac Motion carried . Mayor Bums DOied that Council would be considering a number of resolutions appointing aew members 10 Englewood's boards and commissions. He stated that on behalf of Council he would like to again thank all the members of the community who ha,·c volunlccra:I to serve on I board or commiaioo. He noted that "-c · •ave the luxury of having moro p,ople applying than we have positions and ha\-c bad for the post couple )-CUS. Mayor Bums advis,d lhll they do this once e,-e,y six months. Thero arc replar vacancies. he said. because p,ople mo,-c out of 101rn. perhaps a family situation has changed. tllcir term is up and they c1oo ·1 ad< lo be roappoinled. so they encowage p,oplo to kc,p applying. He -eel that they arc very pleased at all tl1e p,ople that ,-otuntecr-cd. (b) A resolution appointing Sunday Aigbc to the Englewood Election Commissioa was considcml. The rosolution was assigned a number and road by title: RESOL\ITION NO. S3. SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION APPOINTrNG SUNDAY AIGBE TO rnE ELECTION COMMlSSION FOR rnE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMB ER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDF.D , TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 (b) -RESOLUTION NO. 5.3, SERIES or 1996. Motion carried . Ayes : Council Members Hathaway, Vonnittag. Wiggins, Habenich ~ Waggoner. Clapp . Bums Nays : None Mayor Bums presented the resolution. a certificate and City pin to Sunday Algbc . (c) considcrod. A rosolution appointing Donnell Curley to the Culturnl Aru Comm ission was The resolution was assigned a number and rend by 1j1lc: RESOLtrrlON NO. S4 . SERIES OF 1996 A RESOUmON APPOINTING DONNELL CURLEY TO 1llE CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FOR 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COI..ORAOO. COUNCIL MEM"Jf.Jl HAmA,WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM i (c) -RESOLUTION NO. 5', SERIES 01' 19'6, Ayes: Council Mcmbcn Hal!la"1l)', Vonninag. Wiggins, Hlbcnlch~ Wauonc,. Clapp, Bums Motion canied. N■y.: None Mayor Bums pointed out that the Cult~ Ans Commissio" is I new commission for the City or Englewood and so we ha\'c ICVell new eommissiollCB. Mayor Bums presented tlte resolution. 1 c:cnilicate Ind City pin to Donocll Curley. (cl) A r<SOlution appointing Michael Dil atusl1 to the Englewood Dow11to\\11 Development Authority was considcn:d. The resolution was assigned• number and l'Cld by 1i1le: RESOLUTIO,~ NO. 55, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLlrriON APPOINTING MICHAEL DILAllJSH TU ENGLEWOOD DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMEl'IT Al!THORITY. COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED , TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 (cl)· RESOLUTION NO. 55, SERIES OF 1996. Ayes : Council MemberJ Hathaway, Vonnittag. Wi&ains. Habenicht , Waggoner. Clapp. Burns Moc ion canied. Nays. None Mayor Bums prcsc nred the r<SOluuon. a ctnifica1c and City pin to Michael Dilatush . (e) considered. A r<SOlution appointing Uodo T. Donelson to the Cuiturnl Ans Cor , ,niss ion was 11,c resol ution was assigned a number and read b)' title : Rl:.SOLUTION NO. S6 , SERJES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION APPOll'ITJNG LINDA T. DONELSON TO '111E CULTURAL ARTS COMMJSSION FOR 1lfE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO . COUNCIL MEMBER HAmAWAY J\'IOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 (c) -RESOLUTION NO. Y.., SERIES OF 1996. Ayes : Council Members Hatlia \\,1'. Vonnit1ag. Wiggins. Habenicht, Waggoner. Clapp, Bums Morio n carried . Nays : None • M•yor Bums praenla! tloe resolution, a 0fflillca IDd Cily pin lo L.inda T, Donr.llOD . (I) A l'CliOlutlon appointina loba Fcnsbwn, IIJ co the Clean, Gr.q and Proud Commiaioc was considered. The raolution wu ~gned a number and read oy litld: RESOLlmON NO. H , SERIFS OF 1996 A RESOLlmON APPOINTING JOHN FERNS?RIJM'. ut ro ·nm CU!AN, GREEN ,\Ni, PI\OUD COMMISSION FOR IBE CITY OF ENGUiWOOO, OOI.OAAOO. COUNCILMEM'BJ:R HATHAWAY MOVD,AN \'l IT WAS SE( OHDED, TO APPROV:t AGENDA ITEM W ~-RtSOLUTION NO. 5'1,SD\.Wi OF 1"'6. Motjon c:anied . (g) considered. A,a: Council~ II> lha..-ay. Vonnillq. Wil,&ins, Hal-,t11lchL WIQOIICr. flopp. Bwlis Na)'o: None A rcsolotiOl appointing losluu F°"'1tr lo Ill : Board di AcljWlrnchl and Appeal s was TI,c n:solution was assigned a 11wuhct •}Ill read by Uljc: • RESOLlmON NO. 58 , SERIES OF 1996 • A RESOLlTTION APPOINTING JOSHUA FO\YU:R TO TiiE BOARD OF AD/USThlENT AND APPEALS FOR 1liE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORAIX,. COUNCIL MEMBER HA 111A WAY MOVED., D IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 (&) -RESOLUTION NO. SI, SERIES OF 1996. Motion carried . Ayes: Council Members Hathaway. Vonninng, Wiggins. llabenichL Waggoner. Clapp, Bwru Nays : None M1yor Burns presented the n:solution. a a:nilicate and City pin to Joshua Fowler. (h) considered . A n:solution appointing Linda Fudge to the Clean, Greco and ProuJ Commission was The n:solution was assigned a number and !Cid by title : RESOLlTTION NO. 59, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLlmt:'1 APPOINTIN G LINDA FIJl::uE TO lllE CLEAN , GREEN AND PROUD COMMISSION FOR lllE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD ,.COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWA Y MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGEND/\ ITEM 8 (h) • RESOLUTION NO. 59, SERIES OF 1996 • Ayes : Coun ci l Members Hatha"~Y. Vonni11ag. Wiggins. Habenicht. Waaoner, Cllptl, Bums Nays : None Motion carried . (i) A resol"tion appointing M,11 Guy to the Water 111d Sewer Boan! wu aJIISlclend. The reso lution was assigned a number 111d rud by title : RESOLUTION NO. 60, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MATT GUY TO THE WATER AND SEWER BOARD FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED,AND ITWAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM I (i) • RESOLUTION NO. 60, SERIES OF 19f6. Ayes : Council Memben Halha"'IY, Vorminag, Wiggins. Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : None Motion canicd. Mayor Bums presented the n:solution, a certificate and City pin to Man Guy . (i) was considered. A n:solution appointing Rosemary LaPona Kmger to the Cuihlnll Ans CM\mission The resolution was assigned a number and read by title : RESOLUTION NO. 61 , SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLIJl'IO N APPOINJ'JNG ROSEMARY LAPORTA KREIGER TO THE CULTURAL ARTS COMMJSSION FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO . COUNCIL MFMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA !Tf ., I (j) • RESOLUTION NO . 61, SERIES or 1996, Ayes : Council Member, Hnthawny, Vo nn inag, Wiggins, Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp , Bums Nays: Nooe Mot ioncru ,J. Mayor B1.i , .s presented the resolurion. a ccnificatc and City pin 10 Rosemary LaPorta Kreiger. 1k) considered. A n:solu1ion appointing Ed1md Krueger to 11,c Cultural Ans Commission was TI1c reso lution was assigned a number a1,"' read by 1itle: RESOLlTTIO NO . 62. SERIES OF I .196 A RESOLUTION APPOIN'nNG EOW ARD KRUEGER TO THE CUL TURAl. ARTS COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLORADO . • • COUNCll. MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVU, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM I (k) • RESOLUnON NO. 62, SEmE5 OF 1996. Ayes : Couacil,...... llllllaMy, Vonninag. Wigial, HlllcDlcbt. Waggoner, Clapp. Buns Nay■: None Motion carried . Ma),n Bums presented lhc n:solu lion, a ccnillCIIC and City pin to Edward Krueger. (I) coosidcrcd. A rtSO lu tion ~ppointing Oonllhy Manincz to the Liquor l.lcenliJII Alllbority was The resoluti on was assigned a number and read by title: RESOLUTION NO . 63 . SERIES OF 19% A RESOLUTION REAPPOlmlNG DOROTHY MARTINEZ TO THE LIQUOR LICEN SING AUTHORITY FOR THE Cl1Y OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO. COUNCll. MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SF.CO ND ED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM I (I)· RESOLunON NO. U. SERIES OF 1996. Ayes : Council Memben Hathaway, Vonninag. Wiggins, H....,_,.s:h l Waggor,<r, Clapp. Bums Nays : None • Motion carried. • (m) amsidcrcd. A resolution r=mmending ,appointing Debra Medlock 10 Ille Housing Authority wtS 1l\C resolution was assigned a number and read by 1itlc.: RESOLUTION NO . 64 . SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUT10N RECOMMENDING DEBRA MEDLOCK FOR REAPPOINTh!ENT TO THE HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 (m) · RESOLUT ION NO.~. SERIES OF 1996, Ayes : Council Membcn Hathaway, Vonniuag, Wiggins. Habeni cht. Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nnys : None Motion carried . (n) A resolution ,1ppoin1ing Joan Mildlo to the Cultural Ans Commission ·a'IS a,nsidcrcd. The resolution was assigned a numbcr and read by ti tl e: RESOLUTION NO. 65, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOL\Jf lO N APPOINTING JO AN MILETTO TO THE CUL T\JRAL ART~ COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLORADO . COUNCU. MEMBER BA THAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SICONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 (1) -RESOLUTION NO. '5, SERIES OF 1"6. Motion carried . Ayes: Council Members Hatha,.11y, Vonninaa. Wigins. Habcnichl Waggoaer. Clapp. Bums Nays: None Mayor Bums pn:>lOnlcd die raolulion. 1 c:,,niflCIIC and Cily pin IO Jaen Mllel10. (o) A r...,;uii,,;: sppointing Bel, l'owell 10 lhe Englc,ouod DownlOMJ DevdOl)mtll1 Aulhorily was considered. The rcsoluli on was assigned I number and read by tille : RESOLUTION NO. 66. SERIES OF I 996 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING BOB POWELL TO ENGLEWOOD DOWNTOWN DEVElOPMENT AIJlllORITY. COUNCIL MEMBER BA fflAWAY MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 (o) • RESOLUTION NO. 66, SERIES OF 1"6. Motion carried. Ayes: Council Mcmbcn Hathaway. Vonninag. Wiggins. Habcnichl Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays: None (p) A resolution appoi n1ing Janel Spangenberg lo lhc CUllural Arts Commission,.,.. co~idcrcd . The rcso lul ion was assigned a number and read by tillc : RESOLUTION NO. 67 . SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTIO N APPO INTING JANET SPANGENBERG TO 11{E CUI TURAL ARTS COMMISSION FOR 11fE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER BA mA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 (Jl) -RESOLUTION NO. 67, SERIES OF 1996. Motion carried. A)cs: Council Members Ha1haway, Vorminag. Wiggins. Habeni chl Waggoner. Clapp . Bums Nays: None Mayor Bums prcscnled lhc rcsolu1ion . a cenificalc and Ciiy pin 10 Jane1 Spangenberg. (q) A rcsolu1ion appoin 1i11g Kris S1ycs 10 lhc Cultural Ans Commissi on was considered . Counci l Member Halha ,.-.y poin1 ed 001 1ha1 Ms. Siycs SJ)Clls her fi"1 na me ,.;,1, a K and she asked lhat Ilic body or1hc rcsolu1ion be corrcc1ed to ~ca 1ha1. The resolu tion was assigned a numbe r anci "C.'ld by titl e: • • • • ......... CIIJc.-11 ,lllyl,l .. , RESOLUTION NO. 68 , SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION APPOnmNO KRIS STYES TO mE CULTURAL ARTS COMM'..:;SION FOR mE CITY OF ENGL£WOOO, COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVl:D, AN1I JT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM I (q) • RESOLUTION NO. '8, SIRJIS OJ 1"6. MOlion carried . Ayes : Council Mcmbcn lllllhaway, Vor111luag, Wiggins, Habenlcbl, Waggoner, Clapp. Bums Nays: None Mayor Bums staled thal once again he -,Id like IO lbank all of the wlllllleCR and llked !hat they all be giv,n a round of applaUSJC for volunleering to hdp the Ciry. 9. Public Bearing (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO OPEN T HE PU11LIC HEARING TO GA mER CITIZEN INPUT ON CONCRETE REPLACEMENT DISTRICT NO. lffl. Ayes : Council Membcn Ha1haw1y, Vonniuag. Wiggins, Habenich~ Waggoner. Clapp, Bums Nays: None Molion carried and the public hearing opened. All 1cstimony was gi\'en under oalh . Dir<et or Esterly enler<d imo lhe record Proof of Publication of Notice of Public Hearing. which was published May 23 . 1996, May 30 , 1996 and June 6, 1996 in lhe Englewood Herald . He advised lhal lhe Ciry """i"ed five letters concerning lhis District, which the Clerlt has. (Clerk 's nole : The Cily Clerk provi ded Council , City Manager and City Allomey wilh copies of the five letlers.J Di r<et or Esterly amiscd lhal lhe bill for an ordinance assess,ng cost s and a call for a publ ic hearing on July I, 1996 ,ws approved by Council on May 20, 1996. He explained lhal lhe docwneoU, Council was prtviously provi ded, include a di agram of the rypical concrete SCClions lhal are in l.1-.e District He noted lhal lhis is the last districl tliat we had manda1ory concrete in, and lhat we have no fulurc mandatory districl pl anned. He sa id lhal on lhe typical conc,cte sections in black aie lhe estimated costs 11 district fonnntion and on 1he righl hand side in rod arc lhe actual bid ainounls tl1a1 came in . Mr. Esterly explai ned lhal !hose bid amounlS arc 1hc prices lhal people are ac1ually be ing assessed al. He oll'er<d to answer any questions tliat Council may ha,-c. He pointed 001 lhar 1hc District staned 0111 at 330 propcnles and witl, pe~ple taking pcrmilS and del ays Iha! we had, people went ahead and look care oflhin8$, lhat we arc down 10 23~ manda1ory co ncret e improvemcnis that arc being assessed now. Mayor Burns norcd 11ml some the lcncrs arc talk ing abou 1 qualiry oflhe ""rk and lhnl son of lhing. He asked Mr. Esterly how he add resses rhosc depending upon " ho performed 1hc ""rk? Dir<etor Esterly advised tliat tlu:y an: mcc1ing \\i1h eac h one of the people and niany lhcy already have met ,.;u,, He no ted a couple of lhe lcllcrs have to do with 1he sale of the propcny during tl,e time the 1"0rk was done and stall' h.'IS 1alkcd 10 !h ose people . He pointed ou1 1h.11 1ha1 is re.i lly a con di1ion of lh e sales conrract and Ibey will ~Cltyc-11 Jtilyl,ltM ..... be wortdnc wilh lhcir ral estate 1gcn1 10 resolve who pays. He 11G1a1, 1h11 ia .,..al loakiaa • lllcir conlrldS, II says lhc acllcr wiU .-y and has not paid. So 1h11 is bdMCII lhc individual propcny .....,. 111d lhcir apnll. Mr. Elraly CIOIIIIIICllled blll one lCllcr-aol I qaalily iae M lll1ICb MI t-i-b additional concn,te. Thal one. he: advised, is being resolved by rq,lacina -additiaaal CODCnlC -in the cwt, line . He noted lhat Iha! was kind of an.,.. wbcrc Ibey go1 caught into CGuncil desiring to limit the IJl10Wll olpropcnics or conmte thal wu involved, cw lhat M _.. iavolwd wilb, ICWlal ,-. qo when Ibey were doing lhcsc evaluations. He ,aid 1h11 lh<y rally -..I to JICl'O in on only Ille lllll)' wonl concrete ., we may ba\-e l<I up i I lhis case on one 11onc that pn,bobly needed to be done uyway. Ho co1M1en1ed that lhal happened to be a case where lhc ClOIICfflC looks IOWld but is out ol ali....-_ Ho said ii rally showed up "-hen Ibey pul lhe two acljaccnl back into Ilic lnlc alipmca& of Ilic cwt, .. guncr line, ii caughl waler. Thal ooc. he advised , is being taken care ol. Oil?Clor Esterly lllted one of Ilic lellCB is from Ann Nabholz, which describes an entire series of 0>-eolS, but ii tally docs not make much of a ,equcst. He aid Ilic lencrkind of says that gee, I don't kmw iflhc-IIIIOWII cu be....._, or not. But aside from Iha~ he noted thal ii l,""'5 like .-issues have all been raol""'1 and -.e rcsol\'ed at the completion of lhc construction . Mayor Bums octed 1ha1 Ms. Nabholz lms signed up 10 speak tonight 11 lhis public hearing. so perhaps Council will bear some mere on th.>:. Mayor Bums asked if Council had any questions for Dil?Clor Eattty. Council Member Clapp noted that one of lhe lcucrs Slated that tbey ..erc not notified at closing. Sbe asked Mr. E.sterly if O,c City puts a lien on the propcny when"" do something like this,., lhat wbm the title is transfered lhcre is something there. Dil?Clor E.stcrty said not until this assasmcnt pll.'CCSI.,.. through. H<n\'C\'Cr, be pointed ou~ lhal ii is a si1ua1ion lhat lhc seller is dcfinildy aware of and Ibey have an obligation 10 disc lose 1ha1 information . He said he bdie\'CS that in both instances ii was disclollcd, but the moocy has not been paid a1 lhis point in lime . lie nol.ed lh.>l lha1 is rcaUy an obligation oflhc ral estate agent 10 have scco that lhat was taken care of. Council Member Vonniuag asked Mr. Esterly , regarding lhc letter fiom Charles lbbolson, if som<00e v,cnt oul and looked al the concme work 1ha1 \\~S done thal they arc complaining about? Mr . Eslcrly s'aled lhat there is a lilllc bil of confusion on thal one because be seems 10 have expected a piece of ro ncr<le work bel\l'CCII 1he si dewa lk and lhe cu rblinc, th3t is bis drh-.wa y. was going to be replaced as pan of01e concrcle district . Mr. Esterly noted lhat \\'C deal \\ilh the cwt, and guucr line and we deal l\ilh 01 e sidewalk. "" don ·1 mandate thal somebody replace lhcir driveway. So. he said, that piece of coocrcte work was not included and l,c was •lso not assessed for lhal work . Council Member Vormiuag asked about the piece he is also talking about, thal was broken 1h31 was replaced. Mr. Esterly advised lhal we will resol\'e lhat "i1h him. 1h11 l,c is not sun: 1ha1 tllCl'C is a large difficulty \\ilh 011L Director Esterly said Oial l,c is not sun: he would cliarnclcrizc ii a, such a shabb)' job, but he has an opinion and .. ,. have 320 properties ou1 tl1erc . Council Member Habeuich1. 10 follow up on that, asked how the City notifies a pmpc owner about what will and WOii 'I be, how do"• clarify Oial driveway ponion, aproo or whatever"" call lhal ircaor Esterly aOS\l'Crcd 1ha1 as stair goes ou1 10 do 1he projects O,cy marl<. ,.;ti, red pain~ lhc curb and guncr sections and the sidewalk sections th,1 1 arc scheduled for rcplaccmcnl . He said staff would not ha,-e marked his driveway an<! thal ii is reall y just a misundcnlanding on his pan, as he. seems to be under the impression lhal lhis dri""'~l' was going io be reploccd. Council Member Ha1lia\l~)• asked Mr. f.stcrly if 11,c City also sends oul a ccnificd letter advising thal lhe ir property is now listed under the concrete dist ri ct and they should now look for those markings . Dircaor • Es1crly snid he is sure we send oul a lct1cr advising that lhcy arc in the disc rict . however, he sa.id he is not • • -if lUI lcller CODllins iafonnalioo aboul lhal Ms. HalhaWII)' ldvilecl It.al lier leller 111)'1 ID loalt for Ibo iakinp. She asked why her driveway wu Ibo only faff Iha!,... repllcod lfllley tkio't do thole raatiacly • plJI of the districts? Director l!lterty aid lhey c:an talk allout lier ponicwar cut, but IUI be is DOI MR they ffl talldng about lhc same driveway . He IWed the dri--ay tlley ffl talking alloul hett is • infill bclwcou a dctacbed sidcwallt and a ...ticaJ curb and auncr line. Ccaml Member HadmNlly aid Ihm dloy ffl talldog allout from the sidc..-alk toward his pn,peny. Dln=ctor E-1y aid Iha! ii rip~ tllat ii is not .. al1aCbod sidewalk II !his location, !hat ii is detached. Council Mcmller llalhaWII)' said that Ibo undcntands. Dim:tor Eacriy said he was abo DOI dwJed for the work . Mayor Bums asked it Council had any otbcrqUCllioas of Director Esterly. ~ bdnJ none. he !hanked Mr. Esterly. Mayor Bums noted lha1 some citizens have signed up 10 ,peak. two of wblcb lm-e subminod Idlers wblch Council bas received . Ann Nabbolz. 2990 South Delaware Sllecl, noted that as Director Esterly SIited bcr letter may haw, not been clear enough as 10 what she is rcqueslio11-Sbc advised Ilia! she is req-1ng a considerallon or the po1cnlial of it 10 be lowered, but the major a>nsidcration she is askiug for is ID _,,,, this concrete rq,laa:mcnt into a u1ilily and lh:ll Council can read her lcucr. Ms. Nabholz aid It was a mess. She said 111c cbosc 10 go wilh 1:ic Ci1y because she had bad liUCh a problem when she bad her roof repaired in July oi 1991 >!.lcr the hail stonn. She conunc:nled Iha! it ii hadn ·1 been fbr l'lul Kapaun. Cbudt Eacrly and Jim Blumenllial she would probably nc>"l:r have gotten through this. Ms. Nabbolz Sl.lled llds wu an Mm>lulc nigbtmarc. Iha! the construction company did a w:ry poor job. She aid once ihc JOl in touch wit.'> the Ci1y they follO\\ed through on their end ad lhey were w,ry wiilin1 lo doll with her. However • she commcnled 1h:l1 she sinccn:ly hopes !hat nobody else will ha\"C 10 go lhroup wbal she had 10 go through. Ms. Nabholz said that basically what her req-is is in the letter. Gene Michaud. 3985 South Inca S1=1, Slaled he just purchased his home in the last of NO\'Cfflbcr o( last year. He noled as his lct1cr SI.lies his home was sold by Century 21 Really, Mrs. McKinney. He said Iha! 11 I.he time Ibey had negotiations going on ii was not disclosed 10 them lhal she,... the mother c! the kids Iha! were selling the place. He nOled they found Iha! oul lalcr, ROI duougb ber. but through other means. Mr. Micliaud said 1h01 al Ilia! lime Ibey had the closing and C\"Cl)1hlng on iL He stated she had 10 be full y aware Iha! this bill was pending and yet al Ille closing there was n01hing c-,-er Giscloscd about an encumbrance on 1hi, propcny . Mr. Michaud said he understands !hat the bill is billed against the propcny nol lhe owners . However, he said he feels tliat somewhere along the line. in any kind of business, it a job is completed . usuall y after th irty da)~ the bill is scnl C\"Cn though Ibey may not aslt for I.he paimcnl for six months but al least lhe people an: n01ified ofwhal the bill is going 10 be. He Slated he fccls tllOt tl1e properly 0\\11crs should have been notified or what the bill is going 10 be on !his certain piece of concrete, whclhcr they had 10 p.,y for ii in 1996 or 1997 or whenever. Mayor Bums asked it Mr. Mi clmu d lc"IS sought recourse through MIS. McKinney or talked 10 hcr7 Mr . Michaud advised he lias called his realtor and she has contacted Mrs. McKinney and Mrs. McKinney SO)~ sLc doesn 't know any1hing al all about it. Consequently, he said he tltinks he ail! have his realtor 's lawyer send 11cr a lcucr. Mayor Bums cucouragcd him lo verify lhc City'.s ru:ord on no1ificatjon u well . He said tl1e City ccrtninly sent a 1101icc and he asked Mr . Micliaud it he had chocked with the City about notito:S? Mr. Mich:lud staled that he lc"IS the whole p.1cke1, Iha! they were very great. He said lhc Engineering Dcpanmenl wasjuSI great , in fo ci he ad,iscd llmt they dcliw,rcd the whole paci<cl 10 hi s house \\i lhin an hour from when he coiled them which included the registered ..,.;pl tltal he signed and the whole boll of wax . Mr. Michaud said he thinks IIIOI was grea~ Iha! he bas lived in E:nglewood since 1932 and tl1cy just moved bock 10 Englewood again. He Slotcd tluu tliat kind of ,-er-vice 1·ou jllSI don 't find VC I)" often . Mayo r Bums s.ii d he \\~S glad 10 sec Mr. Michaud gol what he nccdol from the Clly . Mr. Michaud IIOlod Iha& he Sol cvaything lhal he ,-it J and he will be hlming It all over Ill bis rallor In lbc morning. LaVcmcRoddina, 4752 South Docatur s.-. said lhal Friday she rcccivcd a lencr in lbc llllil llllin1 lhnt lhere MS still an -nding bill on the conc:me repair In fn>nl ofbcr home. She advisod that she pwcbued the home on Malth 22 .. and she no1ioed when she pwchasc,d lbc home 1h11 lbc CODCfOle had been repaircd . Ms. Redding noted 1h11 1be 1et1erhead on the bill ls for the people who lived lhere before her, which is FJ'llaS Moncada. She staled that they ha,,. fflCl'.'<d 10 Ball imorc, Maryland and the people who own the home beside her (ii is a duplex home) arc L&ny and Diane Schumacbcr and Ibey do not li\'C In lhal home . Ms. Redding said that she called the Ensineering Depart,: .• -nl loday and they aid Ibero was nothing on lhe compulen lhal Ibey had paid anythlnf for lbc repair lo lbc concrcle . So, she said, she though! maybe Ibey owe on the coocl'Cle and maybe F anca Moncada had paid 10me on IL Ms. Redding Nied she doesn't know. bul lhal she doesn't really lh1nk that she 0WCS on U., COllCRIC. Mayor Burns said lbat 11 seems 10 him lhal ii is a combination or the record lhc City has as 10 which properl)• owes the bill, and secondly her contract for purchase. Ms. Redding a·Mscd lhal the COncrclo that has been repaired in half oflhe sidewalk, so halrison her propeny and balfr/on lbc Olherpropcny. Mayor Burn, ask£j Oircdor Eslerl)' how be 1"-nrl<s witl1 a duplex in that si1ualioo . Mr. Eslerly explained lhal tlie dupl,:,c "'Ol>ld still t.a,,. the single o..nership, bul in aras wlk'l'C there arc ow-nerships next 10 each Olloer and the Slone !ios on the pn,pc:ny line Ibey are brclten up betNCCII two properties. He said there would be no reason 10 charge one propeny for work 1ha1 was do11C on anolher property if lhel'C is a divid<t ownersJ,ip . Mr. Esaerly ll<hi scd lhal this is the first lhal lie has hr.:,! of thi s and lie encouraged Ms. Redding 10 speak with the Engineuing Deponmcnt and Ibey can r:olr.,bly help her act through this. Ms . Redding IIC'led 1ha1 she called lhel'C this afternoon and that is what th.'!\' told her. Mayor Boms said in • other,..,,,.,. they can ,,.,;ry it is a divi...<d o..nersbip , single ownership and who "®Id o..-. the bill ifit needs to be divided. He commented th.11 he thinks that she could find out all or that infonnalion from the City and then after Iba! ifa ponioo or that is on her propeny then he felt sbc: 1'<>uld have to look to'her contr..ct ,.;111 tlie ,eller 10 see whicb pony is responsib le u!lder the contracL Ms. Redding said she tried to gel ln touch \\i th her l'Cally man, too, bu1 sbe couldn't gel in touch with him today. Ma)<>r Bums staled the staff ,.,,uld be happy lo help her. Council Member Hathaway achi scd Oircdor Esterly that ii appears tlllll there is a ponion ofit assos5cd 10 the propeny next door >lso , because it is described as lhnt pan oflot 6-7 described as beginning northwest comer. etc .. etc. Oil"CC1or Esterly said a small ponion orit. Ms . Hathnway said yes., ii is S134 .00 and hers is $173 .00 , so ii looks lik < \\'Cha,,. done ii proponionatcl y. Charles Ibbotson, J 150 South Bannock Suce1, stated he had written one orthc loners Council discussed. He said be hns a ¼'ICSlion about the pan that wasn 't n,placed that was replaced on a lot of the other residences in the nr :,hborhood. That port.ion from the street, there 's the gutter and it brings you up 10 the sidewalk. He commcn1ed 1ha1 ii is like the ""m pan or all the concrote an d they replaced these tll<> slabs and the gutter p.,n . but on a lot of the other residences they di d rcplacr. thal center stone which Council Member Halhaw:iy brought up. He noted Ms. Hathaway had wanted 10 know why hers was replaced atd he said he would like 10 know why his wasn 't. Mayor Bums asked if he had talked 10 the Public Works Dep.,n.,,cnl engineering Slaff about this? Mr. Ibbotson said he had not . Mr. Bums said he thought th ey "®Id be h.1ppy to help him with this so that he could receive all t11e infomm1ion he n'1)' 'need. He said he noticed Engineering Manager Rick Kahm just gave Ms. Redding a card and perhaps he coul d get a card from him tonight. Mayor Bums noted as they hnvc n tonight the Engineering Dcp.1nmc11 t has been \-c ry helpful supplying infonMt ion on these • 1hin g,s and he felt 1hey cou ld cnliglucn Mr. lbbolson on thnt and help take care of the problem . • • Maya, Burns asked If lherc was anyone else wishlna tn speak. ThcR •• no one else present to opc:ak to the ilmc. COUNCIL MEMBtR WIGGINS MOVED, AND ITWAS SECONDED , TO CLOSE THE PU11LIC B£AJUNG ON CON CRETE lll:PLACEMENT DISTRICT NO, 1"5. A)'CI: Council Mcmbcn Hatlwl"'IY• Vonninaa, Wlagins, Habenicht , Wauone,, Clapp, llw1ls Nays : None Motion c:anicd •nd U1e public hearina closed . Ma)'or Bums advised Ulllt es the IChcdulc lndica1e1 the public beori"I -1111s CYellina, Cauacll wiU a,nsider omc ndmcnts 10 Ilic bill for an ordlnance on Mo..,, July u • ud the ordl..._ will not be introdu«d or passed thl, evening. He thonkcd everyone for comlna to te:<iify . 10. C011sc n1 Aicnda COUNCIL MEMH.R RA TBA AV I\IOVtP, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (I ) THRO UGI/, (lv) ON FIRST RIADING. MAYOR BURNS REMOVED AGENDA ITEM lb (a) (h ·) FllOM THE CONSENT AGENDA. COUN CIL MEMBER HA TRAW AV AMENDED HER MOTION, AND IT W .\S SECONDED, TO REFLECT THAT COUNCIL WILL BE APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ffEMS 10 (a) (I), (U) aad ('Iii) ON FIRST READING , (a) Appl'O\'C on Fir>i Reading (i) CONSTRUCT!\' 'COi-rrRACT WITH THOUTT BROTiiERS CONCRElc CONTRACTORS , INC. IN THE AMO UNT ,)F $171,921.50 FOR CON CRETE PROGRAM 1996. (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO. 3J. !!'!TROOUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY A Bll.l FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ',').{E '.'."nvL.:: CGST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS MADE WillllN PA VJNG DISTRICT NO . 35 (NAVAJO) IN THE CIT I' OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO; APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE COST TO EACH LOT OR TRACT Of LAND IN SAID DISTRICT , ASSESSING A SHARE OF THE COST AGAINST EACH LOT OR TRACT OF LAND; AND PRESCRIBING THE MANNER FOR THE COLLECTION AND PAYMENT OF THE ASSESSMENTS . (iii) COUNCIL BILL NO. 32 , INTRODUCED BY COUN C'IL BER HATHAWAY A BIU. FOR AN ORDINANCE SUBMITTING TO A VOTE OF THE REG ISTERED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AT TriE NEXT MUNIC IPAL ELECTION A BALLOT ISSUE Atm 10RIZING THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BCND S OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TOT HE CITY 'S WATER SYSTEM AND THE PURCHASE OF WATE R PROCESSING EQU IPME NT INCLUDING ALL NECE.,; UlY AND APPURTENA NT FA CILITIES. ....... CkyCaadl .lllly l, I"' ... 14 Voce ,-ealtr. Ayes : Council Manbm Hathaway, Vonnlttag. Wiggins, Haberu<'.tl Waggoner. Clapp, Rums Nays: None Motion carried. (Iv) Mayor 'Sum, explained that he removed Agenda Item JO (1) (iv) from the CoRICIII Ag:nda because it is a Ho•isi ng Autbority item i nd. u he Is the Hoo.ising Autbority Chairman. he will be absc.:ining from the vote . COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE -:ONSEN': AGENDA ITEM 10 (1) (Iv) • ON rntST READING. a>UNCII. BII.L NO. 31. INTRODUCED BY COUNCII. MEMBER HATHAWAY A BII.L FOR AN ORDINANCE VACA TING A PQll':,ON OF TllE ALLEY IN TllE 3000 BLOCK OF SOlT!ll GALAPAGO STREET AND 1l!E DF.DtCATION OF ADDITIONAL ALLEY RIGHT-OF- WAY . LOCATED IN 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COUl'ITY OF ARAPAHOE. STA TE OF COLORADO. Vole results : Ayes: Na \•s: Ab.~ain : Motion carri o.1. Council Members Ha1haway. Vonniltag. Wiggins, Habcnichl Waggoner. Cla pp None Mai-or Bums (b) Appnr,-c on Second Reading There were no items submitted for appr'O'-a l on second re.1ding . 11 . Ordinanecs, Resolutions and Mod011s (a) Appro,-c on Fim Readi ng Tlicr-c """' no add itiona l ite ms su bmillcd for approval on fi rst r-cading. (See Agenda Item 10 -Consent Agenda .) (b) Ap prO\-c on Seco nd Reading Ther-c """ no ilems submi ncd for app rova l on second _r-cading . 12. Gener a l Di scu~ion (a) Mayor's Choice I. Mayo r Bums sai d he ,uendcd. aboul ten days ago. the CML Confcr-cncc in Vail and he hoped 10 submit a r-c port to Council next "ttk· He achiscd Ihm he fell ii wa, an exccllc,t session and Iha! he anradcd SC\'crnl sessions 11\n1 he found to be of panicul ar interest including one on employee benefits and another on bo.1rd s and co mm issions . The ses.tion on boards and commissions provided some infom1a1ior. • • •• • • .....,._.CllyC..IICII Jalyl, ltK .... ., on SCMCe oo boards and commissions. the way dilTcren\ cilia do 11111. He DOied 1h11 _,. cities doo 't hive council members \'Ollng oo any board cxcepl where uiey ~ to by Cblncr, Slab.le or ordi11111Ce. He aid !here ""' dill"c=t Wl)'I to approoch Iha! which he lhoup. -very UIICl'ellin&- 2. Mayor Bums advised lhat the EPA bas given an award to the Uttlelon l!np;NOOd WUleWltcr T~tmcnt Plant, the region I award for maintenance excellence and he thought ii would be presented 11 • l11crtime. 3. Mayw Bums noted that he always bas uked qucs1luns llboul wily the depot is 10 high. where it sits oD the lol and that ho MS always told lhat It MS done bo2111e,... aecdcd to ~ lhc utilily Dow and the sewer liflc. He aid it ,_ made I IOI of ICIIIC IO him lnll ii is DOI the n,ason wlly ii is Iha! high. Mayor Bums advised u,,i the reason is lhat Uie Stat< Hlaorical Socicly 11111 of all noticed that the dcpOI ,.,, , no longer right al the railroad IJKk, ii hid been SCI back. And he understands lben, MS a 000lellSUS, and lilC)' P""1"1 this and thought it -MJnhy, that it would be bcner lO ldllalJy de.w ii 1/J -ol display it and also to expoK Ille garden level in lhe back., ii would DOI he undergrauad. So, he aid, it is more of a reason ofposruring .wt displll)'ing the depnl, that it sits m high rather !ban anything 1h11 bas anyU1ing to do "ilh utilities. He commented that 1h11 made more llCIISe 10 him Utan any other inforrnstlon he has ever hcanl on lhal. 4. Ma)-or Bums mcntio1ied lhal lhe Englewood Housing Authority hid Its audit at the list meeting in May and hid no advel>C findings whatsoever for several>= in a row now. He IICllcd lhll he is Chairman of the Englewood Housing Aut.\ority and thal I hey hive been told Iha! out ol 15 or 20 housing authorities t!lat this panicular company audits, I his is the heS1 one lhe)• ~-e. Mayor Bums noted it MS a very clean audit and Uiat a IOI of1ha1 is due 10 1he work oflhe Executive DireclorPaul Malinowski and U,c staff. S. Mayor Bums Slated lhat Cooncil has a press releas, this =Ing with ,qanl ID a couple of articles in the Rocky Mountain News laa week, one paniculariy on the 21"' excoriating the Housing Authority and the City ofEnglC\\'Ood for Ute housing rehab loans on the Horton pn,paty. He aid this reponor, Ann Carnahan . from t/lc Roclcy Mountain News and cspecially Scnatw Mike Colrman, Republican from Aurora. got bo I feel into this matter in a way lhat he felt MS nothing more lhan a hatchet job against the City of Englewood and the Housing Authority. He emphasized that it MS just unwarranted. He noted tlial E•eculive Director Paul Malinowski called into• talk show on KTIJ<, Uia1 those l\\'O were on, attempting 10 defend lhe Housing Authority agains1 the allegalit.u lhat were being given over the airways and also in the press . He said he heard a recording oflhis. Mayor Bums staled that \\ithin a few minutes of converulion Senator Coffman told Mr. Malinowski that be ought 10 find hims,ifanolber job, be made references in the newspaper anicle to tbc negligence of the Housing Authority, that the Housing Authority cannot account for its money. he claimed lhat a.eRight did not exist, that tbc Housing Authority is not concerned wl,cre o,e money goes and where it is used. and that tbc money for second loan on the propcny was lost . He said this was after Mr. Malinowski had attempted 10 educate them both on UM: phone and on the radio broadcast . Mayor Bums insisted that all of this is nonsense. Mayor Bums .. plained th.11 there"""' two loans on the Hon on propeny . one for SIS,4S6 in 1982 for a variety of items, this be 001ed was a grant and lhe Housing Authority has had a variety oflhese types of loans over the years. He staled tlial if lhe homeo\\11er lived in the propcny for five years the loan was forgi\-en and tlml is wliat happened on the first one . He said lhcre was an allegation in the paper on 1he second loan and implied on tl,e firs, thal Mr. Hon on had been paid money in cash and lhal he had pocketed it. Mayor Bums staled that none ofthal eve r h.ippencd . He said that tbc confusion in the rcponcr and tl,c Scna1or, as he understands it. is that when you pull permits for l"t'hab loans the pcnnittcd portion of the rchabilation is given a value . but you don 'I pull a pennit for every single thing you dispense money for in 1he rehab lo.in such as til e or carpel or paint and those types of thiogs. He said that pan of . the loan is always for i1cms that :uc no t pcnniucd. so th.it the lo.1n disbursement is always higher than the 11110U111 that you find in the building pcnnlts. And lbll docs aot mean that lhc .__,,., IOOk that lhc bolancc, lhc dilfe"'nce, and pul il in bis pocul. lie ad\ired that lhc money ii disllanal ro lhc YelldcY., and aq,plien. lie ,oid. incidentally on lhcR lcens. die money is aot dlil>unm by die Housing Authority or lhc City , It 11 dhbuncd by lhc Fint lnlCnUle Bank ol En&Jewood whit j, bu UM)'I been the lead bank on lhis loan Jlll)llalll. He commented Ulll. ioother wonk, ii is dlsbune:ljUSI like any Olhcr bollll: loan . lie aotcd we have that oontrol over this procas. lie said lhc ,ea,nd loan wu few Sl6,736.641'hic;h wu made in h ·, for an addition onto the house. Ma)'or Bums ,aid lhcy undentand tllat lhc tint )Olli on lhc property, U., Housing Authority 's loan. that one ii a aecond. that that one has a >'Cl)' low balance . lie said he Wld<rstands it 1"ll originally approximately SU,000 and he U10UaJ,t that lhc balance now ii about live or six . Mayor Bums pointed 001 lhal even with the house gor,e, lflt ,..,., scrapod. lhcy bdleve that the lot has eaougb value IO fully compensate lhc Housin& Authority •'or lhc balance oa this Joan. 1"hicb 11 a lien against lhc real estate property. So, he c:onunented. lhc p,onouneemenll in the pop,r that this moaey was lost. this ii worthless, the Housin& Authority 1w no lllndards, it docsn 'l have n:a,nls, be aaced that it is all IIClDICNC. Mayor Bums said lhcy have IOflC through the files, lhcy pulled u.e files and ha,,. invited the press, by the p"'5S ,.,....., today, to cocnc: and look at these files, that every mgle penny of disbursement is accounted for on UICSC loans and aot a ccnl of it C\'Cr l''Cnt 10 Mr. Honon to pul in his pocket . Ml)'Or Bums advised lhal Mr. MalinowsldjUSI lold him 1hi1 evening that he talked ll>oul an hour tonight •ith a new "'PQner from the Roclcy Mountain N.,., that has been wigned 10 this s,o,y. That be went O\U ill detail these items and is png lo call her blclt again this evening. because she is on duty until late al lhc paper. Mr. Bums Silted that lhcy understand that there 1'ill be another repon in lhc paper 1omonow morning which hopefully ,.;u detail the fac:ts ofU1is mauer . Ma)'or Bum s e.'J)lnined lhal this Housing Authority loan progmm is about n,-cnty years old. that the"' ha\'e been about $8 million in loans thal 113,-c gone throogh tlli s program since 1977. H.: said be know> from e.,-pcriencc lhal the default repon on this program is equal or less than that ofbank.s. lbcy ha,-c had a ,-cry good success ratio \\ilh tllCSC loans and it has been an cxcc llcnl program. He said that he though! m-c r 400 of tliesc loans ha\'e been done and theY ha\'e OC\'Cr had this kind of ad\= publicity on tllis program before. He stoled he docs aot know why Senator Coffman chose 10 jump in lhc middle of Englewood 's situation . He said they also had the press pctSOn 1ha1 represents !he City !alk lo the NC\\~ this morn ing and he though! that is wl,cre "~ got !be new reponer. He noted INll •• be undcntands il the p"'5S often times if they tl1row a story out like !his and Ibey are asking for l'COll1ls, Ibey d<ln 'l do anotl,cr one until they get some response on tl1e record. He said Ibey just "~nt right ahead 1'ith another story tb.11 was just as damaging as the first one. Mayor Bums stated he is in\'olvcd "ith this because he has been on Uic Housing Authority for so long. bu, thal there just is no excuse for the kind of activity Ullll has gone on he re 1'ilh this senator and tltis "'pClncr "ilhou! gelling some fac!S in front of them . He sai d he 1ltinks the facts reveal 1ha1 this progmm is entirely oorrc<t in the way 1ha1 it operated. that il has llC\'Cf been accustd of fraud or mi5"'prescnlat ion of nny kind during its history . And, he sai d. ii has ccnainly nol done so now. He said he's sony lic \\'COi on a bil bu! he feels very Slrongly about tllis and lic docs tltinlc any city should be vilified th e "~Y 11,11 Engl01''00d hns in die las! l'ttk as 1 ,fai rly as ii has been done in lhe£C stories . He stated he thinks 1ha1 1ha1 \\ill be corrected hopefully . Council Member Waggoner asked about suing him . Ma)'or Burns said lhal "~ arc I City and l,c didn 't tltink 11,11 .. ,. could sue him . Mr. Waggoner asked obou! defamnlion of character. Mr. Bums st.11ed that there was a lot of defamation in there tlmt is for su.rc. but whclhcr that is actionabl\! is another question . He said he thinks in fact 1hal prob.1bly a lot of people didn 't sec the story and !hey don 't want lo O\'erdo it as far as cmpls,sis on it or not. but thal he th inks the City and the Housing Authority shoul d defend thc mscl\'cs in th is kind of situatio n. • • • • Council Mcm.>cr Wigins ukod ir they could asl: Sena!or Blido:alldol rer IO have a little wk wilh Seaaior Co11inan. Mayor Burm aid be was glad he brougbl lit•! iip, 1h11 lie called Sc.,,ator Blid<mtdm'cr IOday and they Iliad mcb other oo the pboae and be lhougilt City Maaapr Cluk bud mlaed blm abo. He llalod thal Scaator Blic:kensdcrfcr is very wdl 1a1uaintc:d wilh -pn,grams and wilh Ille City and lhal be has been very wr, ,-ay approachable and a ,-ery good rep....-;... to -.munk:a1e wilh a our local 1en,11or oo llleoc mancts. He said he is hoping lhc Senator can belp ,a OUI OIi this a lilllc bit Council Mt~r w_.,., aid lha1 if oothin& dsc he lhouaJ,1 wc shouJd write a lcUer and Ilk fi>r an apolo&y . Mayor Bwm adviaod 1h11 lhc Howing Authority Board voled Jut 'Mdt lO do just tha1111d tlllt ii in draft and be hopes 10 have ii shortly. Counc il Member Habenicht and CouaciJ Member Wqgoac:r COIIUDCllled that they ll aoughl Council should do that also. Mayor Burns qrcod thal perhapo lhe City should a wdl and Iha! be will llU lhcir advice on lha1 sillQO ~ .. will essentially sip -leltcrs. COUNCIL MEMIER WAGGONER MOVED, AND r, WAS SECONDED, THAT COUNCIL DRAFI' A U:TTER ASKING FOR AN APOLOGY FOR THE EFFECT THAT THAT MIGHT HA VE ON OUR ENGLEWOOD HOUSING AUTHORITY IN THE OTY OF ENGLEWOOD. Motion carried. Ayes: Council Members Hatha,.~y. Vonniuag. Wiggins. Habcnich~ Waggoner. Chp. Burns Nays: None Mayor Bums commented that he apprttiatcs lhal. (b) Council Member's Choice (i) Council Member Hatha,.~y : I. She said that last""°" any Cooncil member. tbat anendcd a Cindcn:lla City rorum. should have gotten a ldtcr rtgarding lhc fact that lhc dnfl summary rtpon will be available in NdaJ,borhood and Business De..-clopmcnt as of the morning of Tuesday July 9~. She commcntc:d lhat she thinks that is something lhal also should go in the press. because they did have. when they did board and c:ommi5sion intcni.,.~ a IOI or people who said ll1a1 they had intended 10 ancod some of lhc foru,JIS but did 1101. She said she thinks that they should ha..-e the opponunity as well , to know when lhat dt7.II is going 10 be available . She said in<crcstingly enough hers was mailed from lhc City ofEngJ.,.ood to the City of Engl""ood so she thought"~ should check our mailing list a lillle bit belier befort wc lead things out because it came out in her packet an)"~l'-She said"~ spent J2ccnlS to mail it from one cod of lhc hall to lhc oll,cr end or the hall. Council Member Halliaway said that she would also like to make sun, lhat the public knows that lhc study session whert tl1is ,.,u be presented to Council is Wednesday, July 10• at 6:00 p.m. in lhc Community Room at City Hall. She Slaled she would like to \\~lcome C\~l)'Onc to ancnd to hear wl,at those input forums came up ~ith from the citi zens. She said she 1hinks it is time thal we can now move on. because we have done our public process. Council Member Habenicht said to ta g onto whnt Council Member Hathaway jUSI asked about , she wanted to know how ;uc we publicizing thnl and if that is son of a follow-up meeting do \\'C believe that we have ample room in this room if all 1l1e people who came lo all the forums would come . She asked if this is lhe ri ght locatio n. Mayor Bums sa id that is a good question . He noted that"~ did not ha,~ a IOI of "JJCl'I from one moeting 10 the other. that Lhcy accomplished their purpose which was 10 gel di~e.rcnt people to come to dilfcrcnt meetings from dilfcrcnl pans oftltc City . Mayor Burns asked if City Manager Cla.rlt would h.we any way of kn011in g how many people would actually come. City Manager Clark Slated he would put that on th..11 stalT mee ting agenda meeting lomorrow and they would visit the issue. .......... CltyCeuc:11 J,dyl,I"' h .. 11 Council Member Habenicht com1non1ed tlto• if Council is sittin& In a •udy IOlsiOG and talking to each other lbeo lhc people who are behind lbctn •ito have come and are lnt.,..ed In baring what lhc discussioo is all about they don 't ba,-c 11m CJl.~nu nity . Sl,e said ma)i>e they can addras IUI through some public address meetings . Council Member Halha""Y DOied lhat .. ..,. Counci l h•~ done 1""'n mecl inp in this pllliatlar mom they have sat at tables oul front here and f-.J "U)i,ody am\ lhat may be a better ""Y III do ii. She llld the lllhcr thing is that in order 10 facilitate .. •,,.;ns Ofl "ith this procca she would lil:i: 111.., a dcldlinc elate if indcod somebody docs pick up ooc ol'lhcsc draf\ rcpons and wants 10 solicit a wriUen c:ommcnL Ms . Hathaway said she thlnu ,.,. need to pm a deadline on !hooe so Council Is n01 sining an>und waiting for wriuea comments fJOm lhc people wbn might ha•,e been in lhc foNm , picked up lhc draft rcpon. weren 't able to be here on lhc 10• boa-..-so mat.r. 1 comment anyway. She said she dunks tl,ey want to make sure lhat lhcre is some fmal de:1dlinc ~ Uu. pr,:.:css. Di scussion cnsut.d regarding an appropriate deadline. Council Mem ber Ha1h.1w11i• sai d 111111 she..,.. 1hc potcn tinl for something coming up lhat will drag out this process out C'\'C n further and she dotS not \\UI that 10 happen. Mayor Bums s.1id he fell 11ml wos B good poinL thal Counci l needs 10 move ii along •nd be noled the ciliuns arc ccn ainly telli ng 1hcm that thq need 10 move it alon g. Funhcr discussion ensued rcg.1rd ing an appropria te dea dline . COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVE D.AND ITWAS SECONDED, THAT COUNCIL MAKE THE DEA DLINE FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE DRAFT REPORT ON THE CINDERELLA CITY FORUMS TO BtJULY J-0, 1996 AT5:00P.M. Motion carried . Ayes : Council Members Ha!h.•"~Y, Vorminag. Wiggins. Waggoner, Clapp , Bums Nays: Council Member Habe nicht Council Member Hnbcnich l sai d she would like to cxpl nin bcr no vot e. She advi sed thal her no vote docs not ha\'c anything 10 do wi 1h bringing closure to an issue or 10 a forum., but th..it she doesn't think that it is eve r appropri ate for a Cou uci l 10 limit the end of a publi c comrr.cnt that any public •l:lllld like to make on an)1hin g. She s.1i d whether or 1101 the)' 1u-c going to make any al terations or any considcral.lons. even though they ~Ill' didn ·, ls1vc ony discussion on 1lm1. she staled she just feels unoomfonable saying that we arc C'\'Cr nol going to take public comment on something. Council Member Hathav.-ay stated that isn 't what it sai d. it is writt en comment Council Member Haben icht s.1id that she understands that Mayor Bums S3id th.1 1 he does no11hink 111111 is what tltis is. Counci l Member Habenich t staled lhal that is lhc reason. Mayo r Bu ms staled Council will ah\'3ys take public commc,us , lhat it is just a maner of moving it alon e after a a:nnin d.11e . Council Member Habenichl soid she r.g= with 1ha1, but that lha 1,.... her co ne.cm. 2. She sto led she is looking forward 10 11mrscl.1y. (i i) Council Member Vonnittag said th.11 some rcsi den1s , an<1 he and his \\ifc. look • a Jong walk through Englc\\C>od :md became c:om~mcd abou l the dcn d trees. He said there arc just getting 10 be so mnny dcnd trees 0 111 1herc lh.it lhC) arc re.i lly beco ming a hnzard . Mr. Vonninag noted that one is prob.1bl~ eight inches round in his all~ t"'o doors up , i i blew over and juS1 covered the all ey , He snid • • • ftnally 1111s Mekald lbe py Fl oul ~, and CUI II au ,.,, and l'JI ii out ol lbac. lie CJ!'lnod 111111h11 l1 gcttina oua ti hand and lbal ii is allllOSI 10 lhc point lhat the Cil)' .mould p, IIIIIIDd and aan mamna those lllillp blue or IGIDdhill1 so we know tliat lhcy arc dead. So when the &II !Dllel around and all the leaves are oil, all they arc is jusl a bunch of dead trees, nobody lcDows that lhcy are dead. He IWCd lhat some -olaolice or IOIDClhing needs 10 be put 9"1 about getting rid of ti-dl:ad-. beclla all lhcy are doing is collecting dileases and all kinds of problems. Mayor Bums asked City Manai:er Clark If that i• pan or rhe regular nelghborbood coclc enfon:emcnt or if lhal would 11a, .. lo be IOIDClhina cxtrs. Mr. Clari< said he Qllled 10 lallt 10 llall'll.,,onow, but be noted lhar lhcy are posirioning the parks division lo handle the forestry l)'pC. so ii -.Id ~ come 0111 or that division. C<Juncil Manbcr Vonnillag llaled Iha! he would like lo sec an update on 11111 moncy 11111 lhcy wen, going to be giving away to bdp !Me them down. when, they stand 'l>ilh that. He llbd if an)t,ocly 1w C\'en applied ror that? City Manager Clark said lhat he thought WC have had"""" people. Council Member Vormiltag stressed lhat he feels we n:ally need to start enforcing the dead trees bcfon, November rolls around and you ""n't be able to 1ell lhat they an, dead anymore. Council Member Clapp acMsed tha1 lhcy aro ""rl<ing on it. lhal she has seen them and that. in fact. they came do\\11 her block . (iii) Council Member Wiggins : I. He stated thal Council goc in tJ,cir mail Council Bill No. • rogarding the Cultural Arts Commission. He asked bow their budget is ::ot. Ma)"' Bums said thcro n:ally isl! 't a budget for the Cultural Arts Commission as he undcmands ii. Council Member Wiggins .. id thal , as he road lhe Council Bill , it gi""5 them authority to have funds and yet he,..., aarious as to who sets 1heir budget ro, them . Mayor Bums .. id he thought it """Id be up to them to propose any funding lhC)• ""uld wanl. Counci l Member Wiggins said then lhcy would submil a budget to Council and Council ""uld approve it. Mayor Bums said yes, that thcro is no budget at this point. Mr. Wiggins said he knew 1ha1 then, "~sn ·1. bul he was just curious. 2. He gave kudos 10 Public Worl<s Dirtelor Chuck Esterly an<l Trsffic Engineering Analyst ).add VOS1ry ro, gelling hold or DRCOG rogarding lhe liming of the ligl1ts dm111 Broadway. Council Me mber Wiggins said he apprteiated their in1itation lo come and dri\'e \\ith tl1em . He said he has driven it and since he mcnlioncd the timing of the lights tl,cy have goneo in line and lhcy arc doing fine, that he came out several times last week at dill'eronl hours of the day and the lights seem lo be timed. He thanked them for whatever tl 1cy did. ro, whoe\'er built a firo . 3. He said he wanted to mention that he did bring up the issue of accidents at the inlcrsection or Floyd and Logan and he still goes back 10 Colorado Revised Statutes §42-4-506 which has been adopted by (he Englewood Municipal Code under 11-1-1. He said when a rod le ns is illuminated the vehicle that has it shall stop . Council Member Wigg in s stated 0011 he read the information they ,.,,t 11111 it in the packet. about tl1e four accidents th.11 have occurrod ro, the first oftbc y,:ar. that they all happened after nine, ten o'clock at night : throe"~"' going cast and 01,c was going \\'051 on FlO)'d. they ran the rod light. Mr. Wi ggins stntetl he still disagrocs \\i lh the idea of tak ing tl\31 oll'four way flash because it is stupid dri\'crs is what it boils do\\11 to. He sa id he docs no 1 know what the case was. whether there \\'ai any drinking invol1'ed bcalusc they didn 't ge1 a copy of the acci den 1 ropon . He said he doesn't know how you arc C\'Cr going to cli min.:uc stupid dri ve rs. th.it they arc going 10 be there all the time and run a red light. He pointed ou t if you check out your basi c 11m1111al gi\'cn oul to beginning dri \'crs it is righ t in there telling people tluil lhcy IIIIISl Slop at a fluhi•& red lip! or if a li&ht is out yaa --it• a four..qy Slop sip. la this cue, be noted, they are lookina • a flashing red and )1111 llllpid dri-nm it. So, be Slated, be disqrca with tl>att takina it all" and be -W )1111 u soon like to """ lhcm pul ii bock on 10 Dash lpin. Mr. Wigina said ho checked with the City AUomcy'1 office and lbcR have been no lawaull apinsl lhe City rqardin1 those four accidcau SIi> be did think,.., m hlviag any liability problems. He said it Is just his comment. 4. Hc said be: noticed the: Gothic Tbemer and the building next door to it on the llltllh, the ratawanl . ....,,. quite an accumula1lo11 or-. Council Member Wigins lllled that be foci• ,.., should tallt 10 the owners about cleaning up weeds around thero . 5. He olfcrod kudos 10 the Public Works Dq,anment regarding the sidewalks along Belleview. He said the sidewalks are looking beautiful. He connentcd tl111 they trimmed Sll>fflC trees at Belleview Parlt when they came baclc down in tl1ero 10 build up the bank lo hold lbe sicle,,.-aDc , They cut all the limba and then laid them up against the City fence ti-. He said eilhcr the Parts or conlnletor has 10 clean lhem out. but there is o slew of u-cc limbs in th.it area. (iv) Council Member Oaw said she wanted lo pass out the letter that she put t01ethcr for Social Services. She asked that those Council members that wool~ like to sign on please do so. Mayor Bums said that IM)1>e Council could read 1h.11 .. they go or later an._. the ~ing. (Y) Council Member Wauoncr: •• I. He ad,ised tl111 Council Member Ha1b,1way just ga,,. him this a-cnin~ some additional sndf on • the Campaign for Tobacco Froe Kids. He said be knows th.ii Council has alr<ad)' paSSlcd the ordinance and it is ahead)• in affect, eliminating use oCIObacco by minors. Council Member Waggoner said tlul be saw the memorandum from Di,ision Chief Moore to Director of Safety Sen ices Al Stanley . He sialOd be agrees .,;th them that the leuer going out to CML and otber communities should actually be signed by the City Manager or ns1ybe c,'Cn all of Council if C\'Cl)i>ody ag;c:es and tty to gel that going uound the Slate and at least Id them know wls11 "• 'vc do~ and ,.1111 our position is •:nd how,.., have handled it and gel going on that. Council Member Hathaway said .she think s it should be signed by all or Council and thal st.c has some other infonnntion she forgo , to bring to him. that it is called Smoker's Ad\'ocate. She said il is kind of on the other sid : similar lo the Phill ip Morris stulT 1tc1 1 is kind or endorsed by ,i., •o'JaCCO lobby bul it is against having kids smoke . She said she -Aili bring th,1110 him also ~ell Mi;:ubcr Hnbcn.icht s.1id tbnt she lhink.s it is impor.ant to mention that they h.1d a tri<itics mcding "i lh ;..i nlcton , Engl°"ood And Sheridan City Council Members and Englewood 's smoking ordinance was a topic of interest and disc,ission. She said she thinks Ibero is a lot or interest and that Engl°"'ood 100k a bold move and she th:inked Council Member Waggoner. She said she thinks a lot or people artr wanting to jump on that band wagon. Council Member Hathaway suggcs:cd 1ls11 when they draft the lcn cr they might also want 10 poinl to Engl.,.ood's history of being in the rororronl oflhis panicular item beca\lSC we were also the first City 10 p LC.S non-smok ing areas in rcs1nurnnIs . She said you can rcsc.1rch thnt with GASP. the Groups to / JIC\i11e Smok ing Pollution . She noted we ,...,. tl1e first City 10 p.,ss an ordinance, to whcr< if you bad so many scats in your restaurant you h,,d to h:n-c a non-smoking nrc:l . Council Member Habenicht said th nt whcnc,·cr people m.:ntion our ord in:mcc she said she mentions lhc position paper llutt Council Member Wnggoncr developed and prcscnicd to Council and bowoompclling that \Ii.ts. She Slalcd 1h.11 she wou ld lik e to rcqoes11hnt th :11 position p.ipcr or same redraft of that position • • • paper, llll)i>c ada!ll lbal v the City's pooillon paper and..,, out with any lnfomwloll 11111 -.e pn,vlde becluKit'WISIO ....... 2. He aid be~ lib to find out ,mcro we.,. oa the IIIIM:)' on the cir=-clEDDA, if it has boOI!· aanal or if -.e a,e about to start. who ... ,. .,. mipina to ii and kind cl an opdale on tblt. He sai d he thmb we !IOOd to do 11111 with City staff and he is cl the opinloo llllt -.e mat to ~ Soi•& oa that. Mayor Bums said thal along that line , at the CML Confel'Once he ulted for 10111< ~ trom CML. 11all' on downt.,..11 de\-elopment authorilies and that IDl1 of thing. He said he Sol oomc ~ from tliem OD bu~ impl'C)\'Olncnt distriCU, wh•cb is another entity thal ,ome cities ... usina for business implO\'CIIICl!i. He aid he -..;u tum the information over to City lllalhnd bav-e them loot II ii. He co.-nted thal they .,.just alternatives, dilfel'Ont kinds ol'ways you can approoclt tbclc kinds cl issues. He thought they would be hd;>fiil . Council Member Waggoner said al ltast get Council some kind of an outline of how,.,. intend to do i~ when,.,. intend to do and who is going 10 do it. (,i) Council Member Habenicht : I. She thanked Council for foll.,.ing through ... ,1h the appoi ntments to the C.'ultu1111 Ans Commission. She said she kno-..~ that was a my cxcitio& time for all of us in the community, that 5hc thinks wben they saw the people that came forward to app;y to be on that commissioft and~ high levtl of interest that they ha,-e in the community and serving in It.al n:spcc:t that 5hc thinks lbal wc-..ill be wcU served . She thanlr.ed Counci l Member Wiggins for bringing up the issue ofilow they -..ill be funded. She said she would asswnc that they could work through what their budget needs might be and thal it -,Id be very similar 10 any or the other boards and commissions. COUDCiJ Member Habenichl commented that by .uating that there ,.;u be a mechanism for th.11 will be very helpful to that group. Cow,cil Member HathaMy asked. since Council Member Wiggins wasn 't here last Monday, that Council Member llabcnicht e.,-plain the position th•t she was ghing 10 the applicanis that one cl the iJJ1cntions is to. a1 some poinl in time. create a cullurnl council lhat ca n solicit funds diffcrcnlly than the Cultw"ll Arts Commission can . She felt that cou ld be the funding nnn of th is commission. more so l~Lfi.n the Ci ty . Cotincil Member Habcnichl agreed thnt there is a dirTen:ncc between the way the Conunission would operate and :m ans council would operate . 2. She men1ioned two interesting commenlarics in the Denver Post. one on Satunby, June 29m in the Opinion Section and one Sunday , June 30~ in the Per>peetive Section. Thcsr, she said,,...,.. au l'Od by Bill Homby and Joanne Ditmer, both responsible journalists in Denver for a oumber of )un. She felt that both of their comments concerning Zcckendorf Plaza and quality oflife issues \\'Ore pertinent and fit in with what Council is dealing wilh for Cinderella City . 3. Council Member Habenicht lh:mkcd Council fo; the opponunity 10 anend the CML Conference In Vail . She saitl ii was an cxccp1ionally good conference and very wonhwhile . She remarked that she read the comments in the ncwsp.1pcr regarding the municipalities who sent too many pcaplc to these conferences . Ms. Habenicht recalled sining in some of1hc sessions and wishing that all ofCoo.ncil could ha\'c been there 10 share an d discuss it becau se there arc so many good ideas and dialogues that emerge . She expressed her belief that these nrc trul y bcncficin l things. She submined a rcpon for the ru:ord that she wrote on the conference. and asked 1ha1 copies be made for Council . ........ Cllyc-dl .hlyl, "" ,..n Mayor Bums iaid he 11IO aneoded the City A1tomcy'1 .iioa and has DIIC vety lntereslin1 material he will be copying for Coun,:il regarding devolution of rapomibility or the Fodenl Government down to ,we and local ICYd1. He felt both paJties an: doing this and that It 11 1101 l'nmcd by pany affiliation . He said the Democrats have one on planning that forbid -rictlons on home bual buslneaes and another part that eliminates restrictions on day care . The very thiop that we are now lllkln1 abou~ he Mid, may a,me through Federal legislation . He opined that it wu Cascinatlng material and added that part fl it was on uansponation, planning and environ ment. He said the key is going to be whether it will Slop at the state le,.'CI and never get lo the local level. Council Member Habenicht saic'. she anendcd Tough Municipal Decisions, How to Avoid Oetting Tied to the Whipping Post, of which she obtained an extra copy that will be left in the City Manager 's office for anyooc to take a look at. ohc also shared materials from a short shot session on A Manual for Selecting Design Sctviccs regarding how to engage design professionals based on qualillcation based ldcclion, "11.ich she thought was an interesting program . Also. during the Chris Gates amion, wu the new civic joomalism -ment. She said that our own Englewood Herald practices lln>ng civicjournallsm and more and more people are recognizing the responsibility that the media has in being thoroogh and fair and infonnativc. no1 just inflamm.,tory. 13. City Man ■(l<r's Report (a) City Manager Clark rcoommcndcd Council mct1 in Executive Session Immediately foll01Aing the meeting 10 discuss • re.ii estate ma ncr. He noted that. the Agcn& indica res tlmt he would be discussing a personnel m.,uer, bul he will not address 1IU111his cw:ning. COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, THAT COUNCO.. MEET IN EX ECUTIVE SESSION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE OTY COUNCO.. MEETING TO DISCUSS A REAL ESTATE MATTER. Motion carried . Ayes: Council Members Hathaway, Vorminag. Wiggins. Habenich~ Waggoner. Clapp, Burns Nays : None 14 . City Allorney's Rc1>ort City Attorn ey Brot zman did not h,1,·c nny maucrs 10 bring befo re Council. 15. Adjon n me nt COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED TO ADJOURN . The meeting adjourned at S:53 p.m. ~,~ City Clerk • •