HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-07-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• ENGLEWOC;:, C1TV COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, AMPARO! COUNTY, COLORADO July IS, 1996 I. Call lo Order The rcgulor mec1lng orlhc Englewood City Council was called 10 order by Mayor Bums 11 7:31 p.m. 2. ln,watlon The invoc:ulon wu 1lvtn b)• Council Member Wiggins. ll>c Pledge or All:giaDCC ·•ns led by Moyor Bums. 4. Roll Call Pr se nt A P,~11 1. ;, quorum wns prc-.cnt Council Members Hallmw:;y. Wiggins. Hnbcnichl Vorminag. Bums Council Mcnbcrs Clopp. Waggoner Also present Chy M,,,,.gcr Oarlc Chy Ar.omcy Brot7.m.,n S. J\linu1c r Assi<1an1 10 lhc Ci!)' Manager Grace Ci1y Cieri< Ellis Engincerbg Man.,gcr Kahm (a) COUNCIL MEMBER HATIIA VAY MOVED,AND ITWAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE TH[ Ml TES OFTIIE REGULAR MEETING or JULY I, 1996. Ayes : Council Members Haih.,"~Y. Vonniuag. Wiggins. Habenichl Bums 1./i,ys: None Moc io n c.11 rricd Abscn1 · Council Members Waggoner, Clapp 6. Scticdul('d Vi111ilort There were no schedu led ,isi1ors . Nao-scheduled Vi si 1on Mayor Bum s reminded C\'cryonc th.11 non -sc heduled visi 1or presentations arc limi1cd 10 fi\'c minutes. (a) Russell Sc:011. H85 Sou1h Dcl•"~rc Street. said he has lived I here for lhirty )'cars. He 11CAcd he 1old his child ren scvcrnl yc.irs ilgo. as 1hc)' were stn ning 10 grow up, that you can ha \'c a degree , on top or a degree, on 1op orn degree, on lop ora degree, b111 if you do11 ·1 hnvc some common horse sense 10 go \\i ll1 ii you h;wi:11 '1 gol a \\hole 101 Mr Sco11 stntcd he is no1 indicating thar Council docs not have common bone sense. bul 11111)1'6 If lhe dioc fil s pul ii on . He said he is here to say that whatever Council decides 10 do .,.,u be lalkcd abool for yean 10 come, right or wrong. Mr. Scott aid he -.Id cenalnly hope and he "'CJUld wanl 1he people 10 have 10 say good things about him , especially your noighbon lhal you live b)· berc. (b) Ptlcr Kcnl , 32 27 Sou1h Cherokee Slrcel . said he wtnled 10 c:ommcnl on :Ost Wednesday's meeting and 1lia1 he is ltind of curious aboo1 Council's feelings and howtbc public in ge ne ral i ll hear lhose feelings . Mr. Kcnl staled he Is ,,.ry distraugh1 O\u ~ .. comments he has been reading in tbc paper from Skip Miller. Ho sai d he \\'CIWd hope and CDClllft&C Council 10 put 0111 more posi 1ivc publ ici ty from the gc l•go on th is project and make it I more positive experience so Lhat we don 't have so much ncg:lli\'c feeling £Ding on in the Cil)' righl now. Mt. Kcn1 advised he r=i,...S a few phone call s and be tha1 he rca1lly wa nts to know If Council is going to stay in close touch in paniculor with hi s neighborhood 10 ~ nonh as ii will impac1 his neigh borhood lhe most in Rila Hathaway's District. He offered his -n ond nMcd 1ha1 he hopes lhi s 1hing can go forward in a posili\'C direction so 1ha1 we uc not fi ghtin g each other along the way and mnybc keep a leash on Skip Miller for awhile. Mayor Bums cal led fon1 md Robc n Ohlson ns he "~s ne.,1 on lhc sign -up sheet. Mr. Oh lson. speaking from the audtenee, asked 1hc Mnyor if he could withhold any comments until after 1hc first reading of the C-170 project? Mayor Bums sni d 1h.11 he could. (c) Janel Sp.,ngcnbcrg. 3268 Sou 1h Downing S1rect. said 1ha1 slie had a loner she had wnn1cd to indudc in Council's p.1ckct but she didn 't lL3 ,-c time. She submincd the lett er for the record . • I Clerk 's nocc TI,c Cil)' Clerk pro,i dcd Council . 1hc Ci l)' Manager and Cil)' Anomcy \\i lh a top) oflhc lcncr.l Ms. Spangen berg read from 1hc lone r asking 1ha1 Council pl ease reconsider 1hcir ,·otc nM 10 ncccp l publ ic mp11 1 p.ul Jul y 30~ aboul lhc Cl ari on rccommenda 1ions for rcdc\-clopmenl of Cinderella City . She s;ud Councit ·s rc.1ction to 1hc rcconuncndations arc of greater inlcrcst to lhc public than the rcco mmcndalfons themselves. Tli.11 Council ,,ill nol be discussing or vot ing upon the maucr until Au gust wh en publ ic input is prohibi 1cd. She s.1i d Clnrion has done a good job appl yi ng real num bers in di sco\'cring wh.11 Englewood chizc ns w:1111 10 sec in the Cindcrclln Ci~• silc . Ms. Sp.ingcnbcrg noted that Council can read the rest of the lcncr . (d) Anne S1rcc1 . 325-1 Sou th Grnm S1rcc1. sta led tl i.1 1 she lmd an infonnal petition co nt ain ing 2l2 names to submil. Ms. S1rcc t re.id the statement from lhc petiti on: "We. the undersi gned , rcspcc 1full y osk 1he Cil )' Counci l or Eng lewood 10 reconsider tl1c pro posed c:o nccpl or 1hc Bi g Bo,, "Po\\u User" Center in the rcd e\'e lopme111 or 1hc Cinderella City sit e. We believe n Big Box retail ce n1er with a 16-20 screen 11\0\'ie house docs 1101 best fit the currcm or future needs oflhe Englewood communily as a "hole," (e) Ann Nnbholz. 2990 Sou 1h Dcla"~rc S1rcc1 . staled she would npprcc iaic Counci l's ca reful col\Sidem tio n and long ihouglu s on whn1 is abonl 10 lake place "ilh Cindercll n City. She said lhal she fee ls the p3Sl fi,·c mo n1hs. si nce the 20th of Fcbnmry. have brou ght us basica lly b.1 k 10 where we were . Ms. abholz co mm cn1cd on th e Jul y 10111 Wcdncsd.1y ni ght meeting. s.,ying th.it whm she hea rd Clario n recommen d and wha1 she re.id in 1he rcpo n were two differe nt 1hings. She said tha1 may be her own in1crprcs :nion . Ms. Nnbholz co 111111e111cd that one of th e things she found interest ing in 1he Sunday Rocky r,..,toun1a111 News was called 00Mnll Bc.i ri ngs" and it talked about the new Parle Meadows. Readin g fr om the nn te lc she quoted them ns s.1ying 1hnt "mall consc ruction is p.,n an and pan science . Zoning or dis1ricting i.s a logicn l clu s1eri ng of 1cnnn ts imo nrc.1s that crcn1c in lri guc for th eir shoppe rs . Until rccc111l) mall dt"\·clopcrs 1c1,dcd 10 sprinkle si mil ar stores . children ·s clolhing shops for insian cc. throughout :1 111.1 11 in hopes of pulling shoppers 1hrough the ccn1cr pas1 01 her stores 1h.1t miglu iii.spire • • • 1mpulle buying. Today however c:onsumcn hlvc lea Umc and tend to dcslinalioll lillop. Today's consumers m cynk:ol shoppen. Today I am lhopplna fbr me, tomonow I am....,.... btbc family . Chmcrina and efficiency is what people respond 10. Indeed today shoppen typiQIJy sliap iewer than lhlec ~ when they visi11 mall . That I• down 10 _,, ~ n • ,ow ycan 110. 5"n llyaul can mean the dill'trencc betl.,:en IIUCCt5I 111d liulutc for I mall . Dc\'O /<°' need lo make -IIICXltllflll, because thal's •tile r.:al up side for Ill ofus. The pwpooo of> "G ' r.tJra is 10 brina deptk, lots al aelection in10 one 011q0ty. 1\lso. 1here m many bi& bo,cs 1h11 m v •r,,. Jt,on or I distnctioD ID mall shopping. This is I coanrer 1 •rensc . We 'Mint our CUSlomen to feel th , . <.erious lhoppin1 • tlle mill no1 just boutique lhoppl,,:• Ms. Nabholz said lhal she -.Id en,.-..,n,,,, ,s to look at this as c,ayone in her District I ... ;u b.: Impacted by U1is. She commenled that WO ..... IO carefully loot ...... we put there, make it very divc ruc. make it something that we can Ill be P""" •' for Englewood. (f) Roscmaoy LaPorta. 34 18-3422 Soulll Bro:id"ay, aiivired 1h11 sbc is tlle .,,_,, or LaPuna Art Galleoy and also owns the: building !here. She noted lhal in Mln:b of 1996 sh, ""81 • ICI\U to Mayor Bums. which she understood 111 of Council mzi,...S • copy of, rcgardina the Ciadorclla Ci1y ff'.de>,:lopmcn t. She said she made certain poinlS which she would like 10 rci1era1 e. Ms. LaPona commen1ed 1ha1 she knows Council is ,,:oy much 1"11rc oC1hem. bul thal she feels ii is very iag,onalll ll:111 ,.,, dwdl on them• bit. She stated that we hive a lllrique opponunity wilh Cindcldll Cily rcdc,,:lopmen1 . thal i1 is 1ht only large parcel or land. ,<i acra. close to 1he Denver.,.. cca1er. 11 is 1 COll\'CllieRI local ion. she pointed out. easy lo got inlo and OUI or. wilh high visibility and llip traffic and Broadway and San1n Fe arc easy moving corridors compared 10 01hcr choices in the~ IRI. Ms. L3Pona poinlcd oul llia11hanu 10 the elfons or Mayor Bums and the rcst or Council -..e la\,: light rail coming 10 1he Ci l)'. which she said she thinks is a 1rcmendous boon. She stated that aa:onliag to lhc: Clarion study , as she understands it . the Englewood citizens who 111ended lhe meetings indicated inlen:st in the foll01'ing for Cinderclln Cil)' rede,,:lopn tent 92% wen: excited aboul light rail. 67% wanl a hold . S8''. wan1 a pcrfonn ing cullural or fine ans center. 38% wanl I movie 1he.11cr complex. 13% wan1 a mulli•ll:\,:l parking g,,rage. 13% arc intercs 1ed in 111 outdoor 1mphilhca1cr. 21% m UIIClal<d in an ice arcn.,. approx imniely 71% arc inlen:sted in• goner.ii merchandise Aorc like K-Man. Targ,et nr Wal-Man. She stated th.11 in lighl of 1hc public inpul rccci,...S during lhe four public forum s. and llle prtliminaoy m.,rkct OMl)~is con lnincd in lhi s rcpon . Clnrion rccommendcd lhal they be ch•rgcd lo pwsue negOlintions on the following 1opics only during the phase two pan or the project ,~ hive complcled ph.,sc on :. while Millcr/Kilchcll drafts irs ' proposed PUD for lhe sire and lhc rcsulrs that these be incorpor.\led in10 the PUD . Th erefore. she said , what Clarion is rccommcnd jng. as she understands ii. is th .. ,1 MiU. •r/Kitchcll go ahead with his plnn nnd lhcn we go into phase two. which \\'OUld then get into some of th~ things that she already men1ioncd that the pc.or!'! ~re interest~ in . She asked why Clarion did the <l~/ if they endorse lhc Miller/Ki1chell proposal and wanl ID do Whal Miller/Kitchell wanlS lo do? She ~,id ,he would lil ·e Council 10 allS\l,:r 1ha1. Ms. LaPona staled IMI most or the citizens arc inrercstcd in all of the things she .,,cnt ioncd exec.pl none of them have really indicated a big interest in the big box . Clarion. she nolcd , rc...v,nmcnds for phase two of the study. which is to take place in the future. to clarify p..1rking and othe r land use requirements to dcle nn ine how much space is available for other uses on the si1e . She s.iid she 1hinks if we arc going 10 consider parking 1his is something that shouJd be considered bcforc Mille1/Ki1chcll stans hi s propos:il and incorporale significanl ri,·ic amenities and design changes inlo lhe sire plan . She advised lhal monll\S ago. in her icller a•~ ,iso • len cr wriuen by George Allen, Uicrc ""'"' proposals 1im1 "~ change the arca bet""'" Broadway and Cinderclla City 10 incorporale all rclail . mo,i ng Cil)' Hnll SOlllC'l\'lterc else . She s.iid she lhinks lhis is still a good proposal . lh:11 "e need 10 change 1h.11 en1i re street and m,1 kc it so that people arc not zigzagging a-crywhcrc "1>11dcring where they arc going be tween Phar Mor and City Hall . She stn red thnl whole area has got to be structured . and ii is obrninnblc. so IMI we c.111 combine Cinderella City to Bro:od11~y. She said liial is one or1he things 1ha1 she feels is urgcnl nn d she docsn '11hink 1hn1 Millcr'l<ilchcll is considering 1hi s proposal . She rci1era1cd that she 1hiuks it is very imponnnt fo r all of us to consi der thi s. She co mmcnlcd that she doesn 't know how we are goi ng 10 unite the whole th ing. th.i t she didn ·1 sec it structured at the meeti ng when she went 10 th e study fa st week eilhcr. She s.1 id that pcrhnps ag.,i n it is her misunderstanding and perhaps she docs not ,.. Ute whole pictun,. Sbe -eel lhe "ould like that clarified. Ms. LaPona aid they are lllleralal in C\·aluati ng puuible JocatioM ro. hotel and land ffquiretnents . She IWCd 1h11 all these thinp for a multi• family residentlal u well u a hotel. lhe think s is wry. wry impor\1111. Sbe pointod out lhlll we bavc bocn talking about these for fifteen l...,. in the City or Enakwood , ii 11 not -hi111 lhat is new. Site DOied that many ol the Council -n know that. Site said ii hu bocn propmal whole a hotel 5hould So, l.bal 1h11 hu bocn happening. pping on for a long time . She llaled that Clarioa said Iha! 1 retail sports facility might be r<eommatded for future amenities and I pc,fom,ing 1n1 center is not m:onunended II all bcQusc its not I break C\-cn proposition . She aikro about the l<)lf coune and r<ereation center, if t.'tq were break even propositions? She ukcd how we get things aoins in the City ifwe rcly l0ldy on I bl~ even si tuation? She 11a1cd that she docs not know how we can look 10 the f111urc and think Ollly ol bri ngin g projects into this ua lhal are break e,•en propositions. Ms. LaPona noted 1h11 oae W,,. sbe is ,-c ry inlcrcstcd in is rctaining the Foley 's building. She said she mentioned thal in her letter in Ma!tll and she \\~itcd for someone 10 madion somcUting about that gorgeous building lasl week when she IIICndod the st udy session and site heard nothing from City Council on thal. She rcitcnt.cd 11111 it has a value ol $8 .8 million 10 the City. 10 the citizens of Englewood 11 the pr,scnt limc. She said thal site undcntancis from an archi tect who J4,s the fl oor plans for th nl building. U\al ii woul d COSI approxi mately SU million 10 renovate 11131 building 10 nllkc ii functional. wliatC\-cr your choice might be. Ms. LaPona IWCd tba l ii alrcndy lms amenities in it that arc absolut ely 1nar\'clou.~; kitchens. wonderful sp.,cc as far as holdiDg meetings. She soid the Llbr.uy could be hour.cd lltere and \\'C could still h:!,,. somewhat ol I performing ans building there. She commcnlcd 11111 she is sure there Arc I Joe ol people "ito would fund the prniec:t of this size and ¥.'C can utilize sonltthiug lhnt is alrcad) an asset 10 the City so v1rhy destroy it bccaus 11t is in the way or a movie thcalcr c:om pl c.~. She suggested the mo\'ic thcalcr com plc.-< be mo\"cd 10 another area . Mnyo r Bums advised Ms. LaPona th.11 her li me was up. Ms. LaPona said sl.: l,'ld one more poin t. She noc cd that the Lions Club. sometime ago, said that they wt"rc intcrcslcd in a facility for their a:mven1io11s. Sht Sla ted 1ha1 she heard lhat mcn li oncd in March al the meeting here for Ciry Counci l. Ms . LaPonn commented 11411 Cou ,.:il has done n great deal of"ork on this and 1h,1t she is ccnainly not ndding an)1hing ncga1h·c 10 wh.11 they hnvc a11'C3dy done . But. she said. she thinks \\'C better look at the future and look at the opponuni ty \\'C ha,-c 10 really nmke this a special pl ace. (g) Gil Egglest on. 39 11 South Shcnuan , stat ed he has li,·cd there for a little over 50 years, that he has been in Englewood si nce 1925. He S"1 id he wou ld like to back Ms. LnPonn 's plan lOOo/ .. He stated ii looks 10 hi m like we arc 1l1rowing away a lot or money in Englewood by tearing down Cinderella City and making lhi ngs out of it 11411 docsn ·1 help the citizens of Englewood. He rei terated that he \\ould like to back Ibis up 100'/~ 8. Co mmunic:atinns. Procl amations and Ap1>0intm cnt 1 (a) A proclam,,tion procla iming August 6, 1996 as Nationn l Night Out was considered. COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATIO N DECLARI NG TUESDAY, AU GU ST 6, 1996 IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AS NATION /", NIGHT OUT. Ayes : Cou ncil Members Ha1haway. Vonni11ag. Wiggins . Habcnich1 . Burns Nnys : None Absc 111 · Council Members Waggoner. Clapp Mo1ion carried. Mn)or Bums prcscnlcd tl1c procln1nntio11 to Crime Prc,1c111io 11 Officer NnnC') Pc1crson . • • • • ......... a.ye-a ""'15, "" .... s Mayor Bums commcn1ed lhlt Ms._,_ is son of the champioa of the Ci1y'1 Ncigbborl,ood Watch Prognm. Cln behalf of Council , ho -,;tge<1 e,...,.....10 p,.nidpate in the National NiaJ,I Out, he said thi s was done ~ry well last year and thanked Ms. Petcnon for her tnmendous work ill Ibis area . 9. Pablk Hurins No publ ic hearing 1111s scheduled before Cooncil . COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY REMOVED AGENDA ITEM 10 (1) (I)-FROM THE CON SENT AGENDA. Rohen Ohlson. I 75~ West Conni)' Line Road. 1.i11le1on. said that tl,c casements and COftSlnlCtion activities. ofwhol "'II now be called Mcl..ellan Boulevard. cross Englewood's propeny from C-470 to County Line Road. He stated tlllll his only interest in the mailer is tha! even tlioogh be has not supponed the construction of this highwa y, since it ruins his selfish privn1c lire out there. he realizes ii "ill happen in order 10 reduce a tremendous tmlfic burden in getting in and out or the "alem ponion of Highlands Ranch . Dr. Ohlson stated he beliO\-.S that the plans they hl\'c made are long-sanding. MIi wen and lhcy ha,,. gone through many or the noccssa,y hurdles that one must do 10 develop a roachny at this time . He said licit the only specific item that he has 10 discuss is that a poinl or entrance of the Hiplands Ranch Boulevard happens 10 also correspond v.i1h his c.~i• and entrance from his home and his i.-o neighbors homes. He advised that they lu.-. ·, discmsod. and he thinks 1bcy will continue to discms. the doc:umenls that are being prepared . He sai d cs a gmcral thing. his only problem in his mCCling witla the Ciiy or EnglewocJ is tlllll they do 1101 ask him 10 gh'e up the 1%5 casement that he has going 10 and from his home in hs entirety. but discuss some son of ncgociatcd acquisition of approximately 6.000 square feel where the intersection. bc1wcen McLellan BoulO\-ard. Highlands Ranch BoulO\'lrd and Cooniy Linc Road meet. Other tlmn that he s.1id he 1hinks llllll the plannin g llllll could be done in this intClim period. by tl1e City or Englewood 10 pro,i de a future plan for the Ciiy's ground south of llie rescrwir and now divided by this Hi gh lan ds Ranch Boulevard . """Id be \Cl)' appropri31ely made al this time . So that. he said. ro.lds would access not only the City's ground. but his ground nnd his neighbors ground. and the portion or ground 1h.11's nonh of C-170 which belongs 10 Highlands Ranch . He commented that he thinks that would mak~ a much bl:ncr overall planning for C\"Cryonc in their access, m1her than leaving it more or less ncgo1ioblc as lo where ccr1nin roads will be or am be . Dr. Ohlson advised th.it his point now is to continue his discussions wilh Englewood's City Auom cy . Mr . Fond" and 1hc Metropolitan Districts from Highlands Ranch. Council Member Vormiung nskcd Dr . Ohlso n to point ou t his propc:ny on 1h.: ':rul,> which CounciJ hnd in 1hcir packet . Dr. Ohlson npproac hed Mr . Vonniuag and identified his propert y. Dr. Ohlson rei1era1cd thnt his concern is thnl he docs 1101 \\"ant to gi\'c up his original cascmcni cxccpl discussing a lhtlc parcel , whic h he identified for Council Member Vonninag. He said the scc:ond th ing is that he docs need access and the City or Englewood has pro,idod the description of accc.<S 10 his propcny ,.,tl, the caveat that lhcy can move where ever they wmu to. which is kind of h,,rd for his de\'clopment. Council Member Vonni11ag. direct ing his comment 10 City Attorney Bro1zman. said he a.ssumcs 1hat our attomcys and Siu Fonda ,,i ll look at that :md sec where the problem is . City An0mcy Brottman stated 1hat ac1un lly he will. nnd he asked 1h.1t Co uncil look on the casement sect ion on the colored map page th.i t they recd,·cd . He c.xpl 1 · ~ 1hm !he Dislrict gave 1hcsc 10 the Cit)• of Englewood and there has been some problem with 1hc Distri ct !:liking \\ith Dr. Ohlson . He s.1i d the propos.11 is the first and second lis1ed c.1 sc me111s in 1hc Council p,1cke1s. The City \\ill give nn casement 10 Dr. Ohl so n and Dr. Ohlso n \\i ll gi\'c 1hc Ci1 y an ca.scmc111. It is the yello\\ and the pink on the m.1ps in lhc Council packets. Mr. Brotzman 1chiscd there is rome dupule about 1h11 right now and there was also an ia11c oa aimidcnllion or how much dlca1ement11lloutd be-,hand 1hll ls really 1heDillric:t'1 illue. He noted illhett iu maucrof considclation on die-or ii dlcre is• laking on this propcny Iliac is IDlcly lbc Dillricfs n:sponsibilicy and dley nml co pay for lhal. He explained thal what wc arc •'oina ii swapping IMI casements right now and ii is noc I problem . If sooncthinr, goes beyond chac. ii Dndhing changes, he said thal chat is something lhlt lhc Di11rie1 is going 10 ha,, to wort out wich Dr. Ohla.'11. 01)' Attorney Brouman pointed out chat. righl now in 1he ordinance bcfo.s Council. there is a si,'1UIL111COUS transfer of casconcnts in the future so 1h11 al lows Dr. Ohlson and the Dia. ;cc to wort 11111 prab1em out . So, he pointed out. Council can pass the ordinance as it is and they can c,.~.:: Yi'Ol't 0111 the easemcn1 and ncgodatc it, or during the timing of the construction schedule there ma) ICIUally be a coadcm lion action by che District on this piece or propcny . Mr. Brotzman advised 1ml in chis case, Englewood is tl)ing 10 be accommodatina t>,• gi\ing up propcny for other propcny and'"' doa '1 nnl 10 JO coo far beyond lhal. Mny•,r Bums asked 1he Cicy A11omci• if passage or this tonighl would place 1he City of Eng)c,o<>Od in any position or jeopard)' or oblig31c the Ci1y to pay for •ny or these propcnics. City A110mcy Brotzman said ii would DOl. Council Member Hn1h.1way said YiC arc basical ly still il'I the proposal stage as 10 Yi hat S\ilo'af)S for what an)"'"Y· Cicy Allorney Brotzman stated thal is right , that righl now WC ha, .. a pn,po<al IO swap propcny if 1ha1 actually dra ma1ically changes "" can simply do an upda1e or a republ ication to g,ot that taken care of in the interim period on this ordinance. COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM It (1) (i) ON FIRST READING. (a) Appro,., on Fi"' Reading (i) COUNCIL BILL NO . 36 , INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTME NT OF TRANSPORTATION . DOUGLAS COUNTY . DENVER WATER DEPARTMENT AND HIGH.LANDS RANOl MEraOPOLITAN DISTRICTS. DR. O!Il.SON AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO PERTAINING TO THE C-170 INTERCHANGE. Vote"'5Ults: Motion carried . Ayes . Nays: Absent Counci l Members HBlhaway . Vonni11ag. Wiggins. Habenicht. Bums None Council Members Waggoner, Clapp COUNCIL MEMBER HA THAW AV MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 10 (b) (i) ON SECOND READING. (b) Approl'c on Second Reading (i) ORDINANCE NO . 28 , SERIES OF 1996 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 32. INTRODU CED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY) • • • • AN ORDINANCE SUBMITnNG TO A VOTE Of 1llE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF 1llE QTY OF ENGLEWOOD AT TilE NEXT MUNICIPAL ELECTION A BALLOT ISSU£ AUTHORIZING rnE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR 1llE PURPOSE OF FINANCING nm CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO 1llE CITY'S WA'raR SYSTloM AND 1llE PURCHASE OF WATER PROCESSING EQIJIPMENT INCLUDING .ALL NECESSARY AND APPURTENANT FACILITIES . Vott .....tts: Ayes: Nays: Absent: MIiiion carried. Council Mtmben Ha1haway, Vonninac. Wiggins. Habenichl, Burm None Council Members Waggone r, Clapp 11 . Ordinances, Rcso lulion1 and Motions (n) Ap prove on First Rc.iding (i) Engineering Manager Kahm presented a recommendation from the Department of Public Works 10 ndopl • bill for an ord inance approving lhe sn le of lhe Eagles Property at 3384 Soulh Broadway. He ad,;sed 1ha1 ii wts purthased by lhc Ci1y in 1994 from lhc Eagles after their building ...... burned d0\\11. In I his inSl nncc. he noled. Ibis council bill approves 11,e snlc of lhal property 10 Waller and Maril)11 Golll . He snid lhe property docs come wilh ccnnin deed rcslrictions. 11,al lhe Cily is requiring prohibiti\'c uses. Mr. Kahm explained that lhc prohibitive uses include automotive uses. tattoo businesses, adull oricnled businesses. massage businesses. pawnshops and lemporary labor offices. He said Ibey have also included a rcversiona')' cl ause in 1he deed Slal ing 1h01 if1he property docsn '1 begin 10 dc\'Clop within three )'cars 1110 Ciiy can cause :he property 10 m-en back lo lhcir ownership. He Slaled Ilia~ assuming lhc council bill is passed 1onigh1 and second reading oa;urs in lwo weeks. lhc property could close as earl)' as Scp1cmber 6". Mr. Knhm advised 11,,1 lhc sale price of lhe property is $33,000 .00 and lhc ICnDS an: c:a,h. He said 1hc property wM apprai!td by Dan S1cphcns. an MAI Appralser, Aries Compass Group, in 1995 al SJ 0.000 . Mr. Kahm s1a1ed 1lia1 Mr. S1cphcns has confinncd 1ha1 $33,000 n,prcsenlS reasonable app reciation since that daie and Manning Real Esuue would receive a brokerage commission of '1°!., scl"\-ing as 1' 1rnns.1 ction broker in th is s.1 lc . The Clerk "-':IS asked to re.id the counci l bill by title : COUN CIi, Bll,I, NO . 38 . INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY A Bill FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING nm SALE OF 3384 SOUTH BROADWAY PROPERTY TO WALTER AND MARILYN GOLTL. COUNCIL MEMBER n,:rn ,WAY MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (i\-C.: UNClL BILL NO, 38, Ayes: Council Members Ha1haway , Vonninag. Wiggins, Habcn ichl , Burns 1ys : None Ab,e.:I: C.uunci l Members Waggoner. Cla pp Moti on carried . (b) App rol J U Seco nd Rco ding {i) Coun cil Bill No . 3 1. approving 1h e vacation of a port ion of South Fo x/South Gala pago all ey and dcdica1i on of addi1 iona l all C) ri ghl-of-wa y for 1hc En glewood Dcpol was con sidered , ~Cllyt:-' J•ly IS, J!,96 , .... ORDINANCE NO. 29, SERIES OF 1996 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 31, INTI\ODUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBER HAnlA WAY) All ORDINANCE VACA TINO A PORTION OF 1liE ALLEY IN 1liE 3000 BLOCK OF 50\Jl'H GALAPAOO STREET AND 1liE DEDICATION OF ADDmONAL ALLEY RIGIIT-OF-WAY, LOCATED IN TI-IE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COUNTY OF Af<Af'AHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBE R RA THAW AY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDE D, TO APPROVE AGENDA 1Tt:M 11 (b) (I)· ORDINANCE NO, 29, SERO:S OF 1996 , Mayor Bums adviscd that he would abstnin from \'Oting on mis mailer because ii im-oh-.s lhc Housing Authority's Depot projccl . He noted 1hn1. ns Chairman of the Housing Authority, he routinely abstains on mailers 1h.it in\'ol"c the Housing Aulhority ci1hcr dirccd y or indirectly. Mo1ion c:1rricd. A)OS: Na)S. Absent Abstai n: 12. Gmeral Dist111sion Counr~! :.tcmbcrs Hn 1h.1wny. Vonniung, Wiggins. H.1bc.nicl11 None Council Members Waggoner. Clapp MilyorBums I. Mayor Bums l!lanlted C\-Cl)'Onc who ponicipated in Ille July 4• cclcbrntion . He said he thought it came off\"cry well. and C\'Cfl 1hough he :md Council Ml>tnbcrs Vonninag and Hathaway spent some time in the dunk tank. it,..,,. a,~· sucttssful projccl . He said he cspccinlly wanted to a,ngrntulate Jim Ulrich or Safety Scniccs who really helped to ramrod this thing. He stated Mr. Ulrich di d a great job on this and 1hcrc was a great fireworks dcmons1nu ion. He commented that it has been cstin1a1cd thal between the ball fields and the s=r fields . 10.000 peopl e came to sec the celebration, which he said he thought was exce llent . Mayor Burns c.,1cndcd Council's co ndolences to Mr . Ulrich on th e passing of his father . 2. Ma yo r Bums s.,id thru as he mentioned before he will be p.1nicipating tomorrow in an Affordable Housing Summit at the Marriott Southeast which is conducted by the local HUD office. He noted that the Sccrcl:u)' or Housing and Urban Oc.,.clopmcnt. Mr . Henry Cisneros. will be in attendance and gi\'e the m.,in address. He smd 1hcy \\ill meet for a brief reception "ith the mayors in the area as lhcy arc all concerned about 3fTordablc housing issues especially in some of the suburbs tlmt art gro\\fog rapidly. He st:ucd that he 1llinks th is "ill ~ n usefu l housin g summit 3. M:JJor Bums said be w2 111ed to address some of the commcnls t11a 1 were nl3de tonight about the • s1u dy in Cinderella Ciry. He staled it is not his understanding 1hat Skip Miller is going to proccc:d with his pln11in g nt the present time . He said the only thing he understood from the meeting last wcclc was lhnt Mr. Miller and the Clarion people would sit down and review how much coverage of the site that he is proposing. He commenlcd th,u the rcpon qucslioncd . and Clarion has been ques1ioning. whether the 400 .000 square feel or retail :1nd cntcrtn inmcnl :1deql!:llcly CO\'crs tha1 site or whether there is room for 01hcr uses on the site . He nolcd 1ha1 th ey ha\'c been advised lh.11 light rail can indeed spur other uses such :1s high ri se residential . :1nd other uses, and he s.1id he thinks that may happen . Mayor Bums advised there is some propc~· 11round the sl le which is not p.1rt of the nctu.1I site . He strcssc-d that th.C:)' didn 't go • through four pubh c forums 10 j ust 111m nr'Ound and ignore them immcdintcly after they hnd the ir study • • IICSSion. Ho SIited that Is not what they an: doing here and he ailed that citiuns please not a<C 111c idea tllll Ibey have liven the developer the ao ~ 10 jtal limply plat before Ibey "''"" go to the DOlll 11ep in the l.llllysls that Clarioa is goin1 to do. Huaid Ibey _, 'I fonnally live lbcm permlaion 10 do !Ml lllllll the IICXI meeting becaUIC this WU loo quick. Also, he DOied, Council lllldcnlandl 1h11 lhcy will ... - illpul fTOm their O\\n sutr oa that before the next -Council tne<lin&, when they will ask Council to let them go ahead 1'ilh tile neX1 step, He ~sod lbal he received I letter from 111c arthilect also, wllic:h M£. LaPona mentioned . He advitzd that in the letter he recci,-ed the udulect aid that the propoul to -the Foley's t,,·ildin g for a fine ans center, a perfonning uu center, would nquin, 1 1,000 parkln1 ,paca. Mayor Bums stated that 400 ,000 square fcct of retail 11111 en1er11inmen1, acoonlina 10 indUJlly l1IJldards, ,....Jd r<quin: 2,000 patl<in1 ,paca. which is li\'c per 1,000 oquan, feet . He pointed out that if indeed the performing ans oenter tool< 1 1,000 , it would take half. He said some orthoa mi&ht be uaed II dilrcrent tl-.s, but if it literally took bllf. it "'°"Id take balf or the expected income .,_ out or the Cuidordl1 City redevelopment He nOled they estimate that would be about S2 ntlilioll 111411. He commenled 11111 tbe perfonning Ans Cen ten in Groeiey and An'8da COit over a ntlllinn dollars a year for each one orthoK ci ties to Sllppon them . He maintained that if )'OU had that kind of a situation )'OU 1''0Uld literally go in the hole from having rcdC\'C lopcd Cinderella Ci ty. from a sales UL, standpoint Mayor Bums remari<c:d that that is one of the tlu ngs 11411 still docs not 1Mke sense to him . He stn:sscd that he is no« oppotzd 10 the perfonning ans cenler os a concept, and IIC\'Cr has br,,:a. He pointed out that the pcrfonnin1 uu oenter, as the rcpon s.1l d, ,-;11 never be buih by the dc,•elop,:; l:ecausc it loses monci•. It has to be built lilenlly by the ciuuns. by their voting. They ha,·e to \'Ole to ha,,. appropri ate Chane, provisions to handle the kind of debt that you nrc going to ha,,. in order 10 construtt it. He added that the City also has to decide to su ppon it oo a year by yea r basis bccallSC these centers don 't suppon themschu He explained tut his ad\ice has al\\~)'S been 10 maximize the amount or income you ca n get from the redc\'Clopmcnt ud bavc the perfonning ans center in its""'" time and 0\\11 space. ,'Oled on and appro,-ed by the public. That might include the citize ns or Englt1''00d or it might include a special district O\'Cr the western pan ol Arapa hoe County where you include other municipalities that an, intCIOSled . He pointed out that~ an: only 30.000 people in Englewood. that Gn:dc)' h.,s 64 ,000, Arvada has 90,000, and neither one or those ci ties c,-cr paid• dime on• bond from a performing arts center because they don 't make money ill the first place. they don '1 C\'Cn CO\'Crthcir operating c.,-penscs. He said tlmt is fine if the communities wan1 10 ,-01e for those and fu nd them in that manner they can ccrtlli niy do timt. And. he clarified, golf COUISCS do m.'\Jc.c money. rccrcmion cen ters don ·1. but golf courses do make money. Mayor Bums rei1cra1ed 1h11 they arc tl)ing to incorporn 1c in the development what the citize ns wa nt . tbcy arc not ignoring them after all this cffon a1 all and there mny be other uses. He ad\'ised lliat they have 1nlked about optionin g a site that 1hc:y ca n work wil h fo r a pcrfonning nns ccn11:r. but 1ha: the Cily Council cannot build a performing ans center. they cnnnot change lh c Ch.,ncr nnd they cannot pass a general obligat ion bond. only the citizens can do th:,t aflcr \'oting. He noted that Greeley hod rcfcn,ndum \'oting before they c,·er voted on their chancr ci41nges and bondin1-it tool< them about eight )'CIIS to build their cent er. He said these 1hin11 arc son or like an nppl e and an orange 10 try to build . Mayor Bums repeated that they an, not opposed 10 their ideas. but th.11 these things h.1\'C to be looked at n,aiistically about how )'OU arc going 10 fund them and how you arc going 10 do them. in lus opinion. He suucd Council appreciates their continued interest in this. he said he docs bcca •1sc if cit ize ns weren 't interested in these kind of thi ngs th ey would nC\'Cf be raised an d th ey wou ld nc\'er be buHI al :i ll . He emphasized th.11 they are going to ano1bcr step of continued ex.itnination or 11•,s \\i lh Cl arion . the)' arc not b3rging ahead ,.;th a site plan with the deve loper at this poin t an d lh t •. dr'I ~°' it c fun her public commc nl on this and 1ha1 they have had a lot of it. He said 1ha1 one thing Clario n sni d 1!1roughout the mcc.ti ng is 1hat we have got to move ahead "i th this. that the \\i ndow of opportunity 10 r<:d c\'clop and be compet it ive in the market pl ace is only so large . He sai d he dro\'c p.15t Park Mea dows lod..iy rmd th.1 1 ii is :1111.1zing how many square feet in retail arc being built no t just in the cc 11 1c r. but aro und ii as well . so there is a 101 or co mpetition out there . (b) Council Member's Choi ce (i) Council Member H:11h:m.1): lqlenNIClcyc-11 J,oly 15, 1'K ,.,..,10 I. She 11ld lhal she I\Uivod I n)'tr lodl)' and she 1''lnlcd 10 clarify I comment on die Oyer 1h11 11ys "did you k"°"· that Ciry Council will not diacuss or make l'unher decisions .... ~ Cindm,Ua Ciry rcdeYelopment until Aug1111. but lhcy ,_ not lillCD to you the people Iller July 30 ." Ms. Hlllllwly staled 11111 she -.Id like to point 10 page II ol the minuta 11111 Council j,u appnMd 1h11 1111a that 11111 wu written C<Kn1nent, and 11111 was not on the Cinden:ll1 Chy ralcvdopmcnl per se, it is on lbe Clarion rcpon on 1he public input process ol, that 11 some point they had lo hive some cad lo 11w public illpul. She pointed out 11111 11 Mayor Burns 1111ed phuc 11''0 docs inc lude Clarion 1"0rkina fot lhc City and wilh tlie City and lbe citizens lo look II lhe PUD lhal will uillmalcly be submlllcd by lbe Miller/Kitcbell development, lhal imites 111 kinds or public input Slie str:ssed that $Ile heartily requesu and hopes llu:t th ese same people will be down hero 11 that poin1 in lime, because 1ha1 is wheR lbe rubber,_. Ibo road, 1ha1 is where 11,ey ,.;a haw 1n actual blueprint or• plan 11111 is concrc1e. lllll is pillars 1111d ~ and buildings and whalC\'Cr. She r,alcd lhal lhal is whcro lhe changes will be l1\ldc, thll ri&bl -they Ire still talkil1$ •.:oncepl. lhal they ... llill lalkbg Whal mighl be. when you &<I ll>ose bluepriOIS you ... 1olking wbtl \\TII be ifil goes according 10 that de\-eloper and 1ha1 is "i,cro Council needs lhe commcnlS and s\le smd she. \\'OUld like to make sure they get them . 2. S.\J. sa lci 1ha1 along 1hc same lines. as far as economic dc\'Clopmcn1 is concerned. at one poi.nl m 1imc when 1hc City had an Economic Dc\'Clopmcn1 Dircctor l11cy used 10 rt.eeivc an economic devclopmcnl update as 10 wha1 was coming in and whnl was going out of the City . She noted ~ do now ha.-c a ncwsleiltr from lhe Office of Neighborhood and Busi ness DC\'Clopmcnt that docs lend 10 list some or1t.11. but she 1''0Uld like 10. in panicular in the ar,as around Cinderella City . ha,-e a liulc bit mon: dc1ailed informa1ion if they csn gel that She staled that she docs not lbink 11ml Council bas r=i,-cd any notifica1ion 1h.11 then: is a paper wnrchousc going inlo lhc Pier One complex. the Market Place a>mplcx. bul 1h.11 the Manross Finn is no longer 1herc. Thal Modeler's Plocc is mo,ing ou1 ortlie Phar Mor • complex. bul Nacho Nana's is moving in and 1ha1 McGniro ', is iffy. She suggested that perhaps ,.ha, we should C\'3lu:uc. as an cronomic developmcnl opt ion. is ir !lien, is an)'lhing we could ha,-e done 10 help ro1nin those busincssrs 1ha1 nro mo,;ng ou1 and she 1''0Uld also like 10 know if we did an)'lhing 10 help the businesses lhal arc mming in . Ms. Ha1haway said she thinks we need to Sla n being aggrcssi,'C. not just in tlle marketing or Cindcrollo Ci1y. bnl in all oflhe mas we ha,-e lliat arc available for retail .and :,t commcrclnl enterprise . Because. she m.,1i ntaincd. what we situate around the Cinderella City complex may \'Cr)' much dic uucs whnl ends up in the Cinderella City complc.\o . (ii) Council Member Vonni1L1g said he would like 10 gel a calcr.dar SWlcd for tl,e City for nc,.1 year and he was hoping 1hm 1n.1}uc Council would allow staff to look in10 it 10 find oul what ii would cost 10 do. He advised thnl he is nlso g<iing 10 work wry close "ilh a couple or111e stalrifCil} Manager Clark will appoinl ccnain ones. hopeful!)' Leigh Ann Hollhincs •nd Suzie Grace who ha,-e kind of been looking info th is alrc.1dy. ff Council Yi'Ouldn 't mind looking into this. Council Mem ber Wiggins asked if he was 1alking abou1 a calendar like lhc Cil)' of Li1tlc1on calcnd.1r and Council Member Vonuinag sai d y~:s. Counci l Mer bcr Hath,1way com mented that lhe)' h:td alrc..idy requested 1hls at the one \\Ork session . (iii) Council Member Wiggins : He ad,·iscd there was an ankle in tJ,c newspaper the 29111 and he wanted to say lhanks to the City Manager. that a nice comment was in the nniclc . Quoting lhc comment he said that "Englewood City Manngcr Doug Clnrk who ancndcd 1hc """"' declined 10 go 1he baseball game. he said he could not jus1ify the Ci1 y p.1ying his way:· Council Member Wiggins 1old Mr. Clark it was nice of him to come forw nrd lik e th :u ;md 110 1 spend it like thC) di d. • • 2. He comn-.cnood 1h11 a, lh<lr policy is. obey are supposod 10 Fl I repon on Mayor Bums' lrlp to CML. t11a1 they aot one from c..-;1 Manber H■bcnlch1, and be dlouchl his -nwuna I HIiie 11:c. Mayor Bums advised thll he hail lils ropon wilh him Ind will be llaDdina ii OUI to Couacll . 3. lie askod Code Enfon:cmcnl 10 check the ,.....i, al lhc northc■sl corn,r of Huron and Belleview 11 1hc vacant lot lhcrc. 1nd apln he ,equated they check the weeds It the Gothic Tbclter since they found OUI lhc INC managtr of lhc place. Council Member Haoha~y aid yes. which George Allen It ... ny is. In rosponsc ta Mayor Bums, Council Member Wi111lns and Halha,ny stalod it is George W. Allen . Council Member Wiuins st11od he has done nothlna ind 1hc plaoc JD<,U 1errible. 4. He asked aboul enforccme:,1 of speed , Ir lhC)' can do some ldccti\,: enfon:cmen1 oo West Union. from Fcdcnl 10 1hc Pl ane Rhu. lie noccd he is getllna quile I few calls 0\-cr there. they are havina problems. especinlly wilh Waste ManaFffiCm . Council Member Wigins advised that he pe110nally laikcd 10 Waste Mnn.igemenl last ,wek ind lhC)' said lhC)' would cooper■IC . He said he "-5 lhC)' had 1he sman unil SCI up. II Ull ltCOnls lhe spctd and CVel)1hing. and he k"''"' Council will get a repon on that Ho,o-.....:r. he stated . if the olfocers 6 Id ii nc:cessi1a1es enfon:cmenl he asked thal lhey so do . (iv) Council Membc, Habenicht 1. She no1cd 1hnt alt o(lhc Council mc111bcrs received infonnation on an tndcl,)Cndcncc Jnstitu1c Summer Sytnposium for Local Qo\'ffl11ncn1 . Council Member Habcnichl said thal she lhought it -one of lhc 1hings she hnd 1alkcd ID Cil)• Man.,ger Clark aboul lhinlting lhal prob3bly somd,od,; '"''" lhc City should aue nd . Prinu,rily. she staled. since 1n.1ny or 1he lcgislalors ,.;u be 1hcre and th")' ,.;11 be discussing a 101 of1hings or muni cipal concern. She s.iid she hod ind ica 1cd her willingness to ao, afte.r thal Council Clapp had indicat ed her interest in going and at 01,,1t point Council Member Hath.1\\"JY had indicated an interest in going. Ms. Hnbcnichl s:aid she think! '.I is especial I~• import:m1 in 1cnns or what 's happcnin ►• "''h 1ranspona1ion. She advised ti.lat one or the ,n.,jor speakers on behalf of this. in 1enns o( whal's h.ippcning in 1rnnspona1ion. is Mr. Cald.,ra who is on lloc RTD Board. Mr. Caldara. no4cd. is one lhc people \\'ho arc moSI adnmanl against our light rail in lhe liOUlhwcst corridor. Ms. Ha bt-t,kht stated that she thinks it is C.'(trcmcly imponant thnt we hnvc reprcscntnli\'CS nnc nding that. primar'lly just 10 hear whal they arc 5.1) ing . Al 1hi s 1ime. she S.iid. she would like 10 recommend t.h:11. antJ she said she docsn '1 think it m.ikcs mu-::h difference who goes. th.it Council nu1hori1..C 1h.11 two people from the City go . She sni~ she p.,sscd oul the amount Council Member Hnbcn icll t said i.hc wanted to fflO\'C that Council fund two Council members 10 go and discussion ensued rcg.,rding 1hc cost. Council Member Hathaway i&i d she is lhinlting ii is •bout $-190 . Council Member Hnbe nichl said she thinks it is less 1han thal. Uu,11ha1 is an a11ful lot 10 ao 11horizc. Ms. Habcnichl said sloe fell lhe lhouglu was !here would be a sharing of transponation an d facilitie s so it would be somewhat under $400 for two days. In response 10 Mayor Bums. Ms. H:ibc nicht confinncd it was al Vail . Mayor Bums stated he thinks ii is rcason.,blc , 1hn1 1he conference is really noc that costly and if they can share a room and trnnspona1ion. ii would rcasonnbk . Council Member Hnbcnicln s.iid 10 send 1wo )'COp le. Counci l Membt:r Hnth.,wny asked wh..11 wns 1hc m~ximi.un dollar amount she would want 10 put on it . $400. or $500 just in ca~ : Ms. Habcnictn s.iid okny iftl•:11 is whnt she wan1s to do. Ms. Hathaway said th.it she thinks $500 makes rcasonabl,-: sense . COUNCIL MEMBER HABE ICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO SEND TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS Tl) THE INDEPENDENCE INSTITUTE SECOND ANNUAL SUMMER SYMPQSruM SPONSORED BY THE i:HUCK STEVINSON CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AT VAIL AND AUTHORIZE TH E COST I THE AMOUNT OF A MAXIM M OF S~0.00. Council Member Wigins 11a1c:d 0111 u Council Member Habenich1 said. Ille Council penon Is IOinc to bring bock infonnation n:ga,ding ttansportalion . He mainiained 0..1 only-pcl10tl .-ls to do 11111. thal he did no1 think two had to be availab le. He felt it is a duplica1ion. Council Member Habenicht said that she thought lhc reason it was sugcsu,d for t"'O to go Is tlw she knows Council Member Clapp is n:ally anxious to go and she was thinking it -,Id be nicer to dme with t11'0, sl11ring the room, sharinc the COS1 , so the only cxlm COS1 would n:ally be lhc registration . Ms. Hnbcnichl stoled if she would like 10 have someone go wilh her 1h11 she does not n:ally ha"" a problem v.ith that Mayor Burns asked ir !hen: ue any concurn:nl sessions? Council Member Hathaway said lhcn: are. Sbo added Iha\ lhcn: is and then:. isn 't II.at •he would guess 01a1 ii depends on t-you look 11 lhc way tlloy have it suuctun:d . She sai d it kind of looks to her lhat 1hcy an: concurrent. Mayor Bums ~id 1hat he did not know whclhcr you would "-ant to ncccssarily restrict n ,o transportation, they may gel in10 all kinds of other issues tl c11 11oold be ol imponnncc to the City . He suggested 1hey j ust ancnd the conference gcncrnll~ a nd repon on wha1 they 1hir:k is approprialc and mn1crial for the Ciry of En glc\\ood . Council Member Hathaway commcnlcd th.11 it mighl be bcs1 to have two diffc.rcnt pcrspcctlvc!.. Vote rnulb: Ayes: Nays: Abscut: Mol ion carried . Council Mcmbcts Halhawny, Vonnillag. Habcnich1 . Burns Council Member Wiggins Council Members Waggoner, Clapp Council Member Hnbcnicht 1hankcd Mayor Bums and said she will make sure COlmci l Member Clapp knows about this. 2. Council Member Habenicht ad\'ised tlc11 she and Council Member VonnitL,g aucndcd a Neighborhood Watci, mec1ing on Friday 11igh1 during a very, very , \'Cl)'. ''Cl)' loud l1ail storm in the 3700 block of Sou1h S!1ernc1n . She achoscd 1h01 lhcsc an: 1hc people who an: interested in having a four-way !iii'.i p ,u Lehigh and Sl'lcrm.111 . Ms. Habenicht said she just wanted 10 compliment both that neighborhood and our s1a [I', Chuck ts1crly and Nancy Pclerson and also Council Member Vonnittag who she said she kn o11~ au ends a 101 ~f 1hcsc Neighborhood Wa1ch meetings . She said she was n:ally impr..-..d wilh bow th e group discussed the issue. they h.1vc co 1'1c up \\ith so me wonderful steps in addressing the problem. She Jd\ised thL·y will be look ing ;11 S\\itching 1he two siop signs. they \\ill be mrnh~ in some citizen tracki ng of the speeds and taking i i one s1cp :11 a 1imc. Ms. Habenicht s.1id it -...-as a real testament 10 l.bc comn 1unity working 1oge1her. She said she wns JUSI very impressed and wained to compliment everybody invohcd. 3. ~he said she also wanted 10 compliment the Ci t)' staff for 1hc beautiful yel low flo"'~rs along tbc medians on Broadway. Ms . Habenicht stoled lhal she lhinks 1his is the mOSI beautiful she has C'\'Cr seen Bro:'ldway look . She sa id she juS1 wanted 10 shnrc that 4. She snid she would also like 10 make a few comments on Cinderella City and in response 10 the pnblic since ol hcrs did. Ms . H•benichl sai d lhat before she docs tlc11 she wanted to say that a ci 1iu:n. which she fell was from Council Member Wigg.ins DiS1riC1 , a Mr. Harvey Pratt. called her on S.11urday and a.skcd if he could please br.,1g by :111 anicle from the June issue of Forbes t..tag.,zh;c . This is. she ad\'iscd ... Ask i11g Too Much of °'-"00 Thing · The c.11cgory killers . those monSlc.r stores 1hc11 stock miles of •• • • •• • • everything. are mailings hoc number, In our view Ibey •"' loo hot· Sloe ad\'ilod that oome o( Ille Information in the anlclc mim,n what came flom the CilJI'• own Think Tank rq,on about how unwi,c ii is 10 fflO\"C ahead with big box, power cen1er. category kll1c• ki ... or development . She liked tha1 per11a.- 1his could be copied 10 Council as h is a very enligh1 :,;n, •nicle. Ms. HalN:nich1 llalcd 1h11 she feel, lhat lonlgh t's comments, cspcdall)' in terms of1he petitions that~ i.mcd In, indicate 11111 the public 11 really questioning the ,.;sdom of big box power center development .u lhat site. She .. 1d she wanted 10 make'""' that 1h11 is coming clea, In lhelr discussion , 1h01 she doesn'11hink it Is Just a hOlel or not a hotel, a performing arts center or not a performing an, center, a Foley , building or ""1 a Foley'• building . She staled 1h11 she thinks U1111 the concern in the communir/, that she has been hearing. and lhe conce rn she has heard cxp<ascd ~y people 1onigh1, Is that we need 10 mcM caJdlilly and that ii is the Mlllcr/Kl1chcll conccp110 do a power .:enter. Ms. Habenicht .. id she "-1 Council doesn't like to use lhal terminology but !hat's what ii is . S'ae commented that when Council \'Olcd. In 111ppon 400,000 square feet or n:wl cn1enainmcn1, the)' VOied 10 &uppon the Miller/Kilditll c:onccp1 of big box power ccn1er. She said she beliC\"CS lhal is what the people an: talking about that Council should look al She emphasized if Council doesn 't 1akc a good look 111h.i1. and discuss that, she feels that the)' arc doing thcmsel\u and their po51crity a di ssc n icc. She soid she beliC\"CS that Cooncil oo:ds to be \'Cl)'. \"Cl)' clear In what thc)'• m doing and wh.11 they arc looking 10 do. Ms. Hnbcnicht soid that when Council Member lla•!.,way talks about wc ·n: just tnlking abou1 a conccp1, 111111 the pla t comes ,.;,11 lhe design. that she '-"Onsidcrs th.al an inlCl'CSling se1 oftcnninology and one tha1 she thinks is ''CJ')' confusing. She staled tha1 she tllinks that when Council is tnlking about concept they arc talking about the idea, nnd when Ibey an: tn lking about design they an: talking about pulling the idea 10 ""lit and into action . She emphaslllcd )'OU don 't change U,c concepl ,.;,i, the design . Ms. Ha:,Cn icht said 1ha1 ifyoo think 1h01 once yoo go into 1he design ph.'lSC lhcrc is .inyway 10 put a horcl thert -.,here there isn'1 one right now. or th~rc is anyway to put mixed hl•USing where there isn 't any righ1 now. or th ere is any way 10 put public use for a performing ans •...cn ler where 1herc isn ·, one right now. or as we go int o it. Council wou1d be fooling thcmscl,'CS and fooling 1he public . She cmph.isizcd 111.11 she thinks Council needs 10 be clear. if they arc doing • power ccnlcr, lelS call ii 111111 and lclS say "'C nrc 1101 "'""r going 10 be looking 11 1llCsc Olher 1hings. And lf Council is going 10 be l->0king n1 these other things. then she said •he lhinls they need 10 have some real good public dialog wh n: Council is dialoging \\ilh each other. "1•.,.. 1he communi1)1 can ,.,.uy hi ,·ea sense of\\...,., they an: coming front She ~,id she heard 1ha1 being asked. 1l11111he public is ,-cry ln1crcs1cd and "~nts 10 know wlc11 is h.ippening. Ms . Hnbcnicht pointed 0011ha1 she has ,,..,,.r talked mlh :mybody in this community who It.is in :anyway suppol1n:I the concept of a fine ans center on that site who has C\"C.r. C\·cr thought th.it 1hn1 would in anywny be sonielhing th.11 they woul d be cxpccling the dC\-c lopcr to do. She s.,id her undersumd in g is th.11 they nrc asking th.it that n1nount of land that it "'OUld tnkc. or if it is a p.,n of a building. be a p.1n of the pnblic porlion that the dci-clopcr 1ums over 10 lhc City . Thnt lh cy arc talking abot,l lhe pnblic ameniti es. lhnl 1h.i1 be something ...sc n'Cd as pan oflhc public ame nity ponion and ccnninly. she stated , the publ ic tha1 is intercsccd in supporting that le.ind of conc.cpt won Id go oul and do" hatc,'Cr it would take to seek public and pri,'31C funding both through the SCFD. through a number of priva1e corporations who h:we indicated an interest in supponing this kind of ac1ivity . like TCI , some of the major b.111ks who suppon a lot of 01her communities ca pital projects and on-going project s. She sa id she doc:sn ·1 think anybody who has C\'tr. C\'Cr suggested lookin g at a fine ans cc mcr, or those 1h n1 asked for a fc,1sibili1 y s1udy, c\'er cxpcclcd that the dc,-clopcr \\OUld foot th e bill , Ms . Habenicht Slated thnt she feels 111111 ,-c ry , ,~ry Slro ngly nnd she th inks it needs 10 be clear. Council Member Habe nic ht s.iid lh:11 she 100 npprec in les lhe comments from the public , she thinks thnt juSl as she soid. lhal Council needs 10 be my careful and \'Cl)' thoughtful aboul wh.11 lhcy do . She Slaled she is on the record and \\'3111s to con1inue to be on th e record tha t she docs nOi support 400,000 square feet of rc1:ii1 en1crtainmcn1. not th :u she docs nOI support rc1ail . no11ha1 she docs not suppon en1enainmcn1 . 1101111111 s1,c docs 1101 Slippon ~00.000 "I"""' feel of ii possibly built up orbuih down or buih around in some w::i~. Bui she commented that 1hc way 1ha1 it is stated . and it comes up ag.,in and ng.1111 if you read minutes. if you re.id reports. it is a pcmcr ccn1er. it is big box. it docs in\'olvc catego') killers and tJi.11 . she s1:1 1ed. is\\ l1n1 she thinks \\C a rc all being warned about by the cconomis1s in 1he wor ld 1oday. is DOI a good move. especial ly for a commvnlly 1h11 Is expcriencin& some downhill 1mlds in 1hc de ,flCJIJll phics. She mainlaincd 11111 "" O....S 10 be working 10 raisc our dcmollfllphics wilh wtw we do II tllll lile. Ms . Habcllichl said 1ha1 she would also like IO addrus lhc wuc of parltift&. She ad\iscd 1hal she 1houpt lhal one oflhc Ulings ll un came ou1 In 1hosc fOl\lm studies wu lhc 1UUCS1ion ofhavina mtolti lcvds of parking which would lncrusc 1he parking lpllCCS. She said she lhinks lhcrc an: a IOI of ideu lhal an: ou1 lherc 1ha1 she 1hinks arc rcuona blc. Iha! arc 1C11Siblc. 0111 arc fcaslble. tha1 for some reason Council sccms 101:-c overlooking and discouo 1ing because 1hcy don 't fit In wilh lha1 conccp1. She 1111ed she 1lunks Counci l needs 10 look al lh.11 carcfull)'. read lhc some fifty letters 1hat 1hcy have rcc:civcd over lhc posl six mo 11U15, all bul aboul IW0 or lhRIC of,.ilich ha\'C made some oflhcst su&&estions. She DOied lhat WC have people who have attended four fonims and lhc majoril)' of lhcm do nOI suppon big box mail devclopmcol Ms . Habcnichl pointed OUI Iha! Council wd thal "ould be lhc definiti\'e lhing based on whal people wn 111ed. She commc n1ed 1lia1 people ,.~~re asked 10 work wilhl n lhnl box and people broke oul oflhc L-,,: \\1th 1hat forum inn big way. She said she docs 1101 lhi nk Council ca n discounl lhaL that tl,cy no..i to Ix l1JOking at tha1 \'c ry serio usly. 13. City Manaa:c r's Report (a) Ci1y Manager Clark Slll ed 1hn1 1he Neighborhood and Business Dc\elopmcnl offices And the Clarion folks arc recomme nd ing 1tw we pnxxx:d "ith a ho1cUm01cl feasibility study. He said it is staffs intention 10 go ahc.id and proceed \\ilh tll:11 unl ess Council direct s 1hcm otherwise. He advised I.hat 1hc COS1 oflh.11 is going 10 he roughly Sl5.000 and if ii is going 10 require a su pplcmenlal appropriation Slnlh,i ll probobl )' he back lo Council ill 1hc llC3J' fu1urc lo n:quCSl lhal. Mr. Clark said thaL on the same 1opic. if1hcrc an, an)' 01 hcr i1e111s 1h:11 Counci l "ould like lhcm 10 stud)'. O\'Cr and lbo\'C lhc original • scope. he asked 1lio1 Counci l please kt lhcm know and 1hcy "ill go ahead and Slan working on U111. Cow~ll M~nbcr ~nicht said that m lhal vei n. she thought ii was fi ve months ago. Fcbru.,ry 10•. we liod 20( ,coplc fill lhcsc chambers and probably abo111 1,1t>-1hirds of 1hc111 \\'Cl'C calling <or, and su pponing. aski ng the Council 10 do a Ccasi bili1 y study for a fin e ans cc mcr. She stat she ~~C.: Like to suggcsl llia11ha1 fine ans ccnlcr fcas ibihl)' SIUd)' be inclu ded \\i lh lha1 ho1cl fcas ibilily ~.,'<!). :,o: commented 1ha1 she though! 1hcrc might be SO i' c re.ii cross over in the kinds of 1nart •,··: if,, \ll"l~tion and the kinds of econo mi c dcvclopmcnl infonn.:nion th.11 miglu come from thnt. S:JC" ~ :·JC ro undc rsc;mds 1h .. 11 the Pnrks and Recreation Commission hnd reco mmend ed thnt that be do11c. u1a1 there be a feasibi lity stud)' for a fin e ans ccmc.r as p.1n of next )'C.1 r 's budget. She stnted she fell it would be approp riate to mo\'c Ihm here ,, hen i1 mig ht be mea ningful 10 the redevel opment of Cinderella City. Mayor Bums commemed that he is not opposed to a study for a pcrfonning arts cc:n1cr. but that he docs 001 it now whethe r it fil s in wh.11 11\C) arc talking abou t here. aboul a hotclhnotcl study . or not. Or whether a pcrfonning ans cc n1 er is unique enou gh where they would have 10 ha\'e someo ne in parti cular study th at Cily Manager Clark ad\'iSCd 11011 ii is Slnlfs rcco1n111end:nion dio1 1hcsc t o scparale because Ibey arc going to ask Clarion 10 do 1he hote l/motel st udy :md Clarion has ind icated to us that they would not want to do the cu hural ans study if Co un ci l wants to. lhnt 1hey \\Ould ha\'c to do that und er separate contract. Mayor Burn~ asked ifth.11 mea ns that 1ha1 is really no11hei r area to study . if tha t is what they arc rc:illy saying? Mr. Clark st1i d th.11 is correct. th.111hcrc were severa l other reaso ns why th ey didn ·, want to do it. He advi sed th at the prcliminal)' es1im:llcs arc th.it the study would run about $4 0.000 or $50.000. tlun he didn 't knowwh.11 Pa rk s :i nd Recreat ion reco mmended. but thnt he au thori zed the Parks and Recreat io n Direct or to put ll\31 in his 19n Bud get subminal fo r Counci l review in Sep1cmbcr. • ,. • • ......... Cllyc..dl .laly 15, ., • .... 15 Council Member Halhlway aid Ille: fell Ibey should roscardl back inlo !ho Fcbrully ~ mlnuus as Ille: ,bough! Council Member Wagoner made. mcwion IO .... dfoc:1. thal WC do. falil,jlily lludy. She SUled dial she lhoupl Council should check in10 whll Ibey alrady 11111)' hive conunincd thclllldvco lo. Cily Manager Cln commcnled 111>1 he !hough! !here was .... a funding fonnula ia theft lllat WU Fi•B 10 include M>mtCily money and.,.,. privalcly raised money. Mr. Clark aid stalfwiU pull 1h11 up and find ... "hit !hat formula is. Ms. Halhl\\11)' said yes. WC -.I 10 find OUI exactly where WC arc II ri&hl now. Mai-or Bums said he !hough! !here were soone offers. to con1ribu1e money lo a lludy, 1111111 mcc1ing. M:l)"Or Bums staled that he lhou ghl ii \\'OUld be fine lo prococd wilh ii. lhll lhi s iauc has been pcrvasiw enough 1h11 ii needs a Slue!) and dcv.:\'CS ii. He sai d ii would be fine wilh him irthcy wcm llhcad with it He said he still supports 1he id,e ilf a pcrfonning arts ccnte<. 1ha1 1he question is is it feasible. and if ii is how do )'OU do ii O\'Cr lime an~ ho•N do you fund ii and \'Ole for ii and do all those kinds ol'lhings Iha! Olher cities ha\'c done when t111CY do this kind of thing. C0tincil Member Habc:n iclu Stlh~ she would like to 1110\'C thal they go ahe.1d \\ith the cultuml ans Sludy as well at this tim e. She noted i1 has i>c:c,1 905tponcd since Ft.:bruary and she believes LN.t the constituents arc asking fo r ii and ii is something 1h.11 Council should support . But Mayor Bums no1cd . 1here is a difference bci\\'CCn what Council is ialklng aboul h<1e. He Slalcd Ciiy Manap Ci>rk said he n:quCSlcd ii be in !he budgCI for 1m and Council Mconbcr Habcnlch1 Is lalking about doing ii now. Council Member Ha1h.1m1y said she "t>uid Sliii like lo sec •"hal Council commilled to originall y as she 1hough1 1hey m.iy aln:ody be coon111i11ed 10 it She ackOO\\icdgcd th.ii ii has been poslponcd but she 1bough1 maybe I hey should. inacnd of Inki ng a scparale ,-. be dircCling lhc Ci1y Manager,~ pursue "hal 1hcy voled on already. Council Member Wiggins stated he did not t~ink Council bad VOied on it Ms. Ha1haway said si» docsn ·1 rctncmber if !hey did ot not . 1ha1 Iha! is \\'hat she nnlcd 10 make sure of. Mr. Wiggins fell i1 \\'ll~ only a comment. Mnyor Bums said he agn:cd. thal he wc,ul,j like to sec what Couocil has done befo• <· in 1hc record of the minnlcs on Ibis. He staled thnl if !hey wish o proceed. iftl,cy h.ive already ,..,ed qn it 10 prncccd . 1hon 1hcy should . Mr. Bun,s said if Council did not !hen Ibey need 10 m.'\kc n decision as to whether or 1101 they wam 10 du it now or in nt)t.1 year's budget . Count1 I Member H:uh nwny commented thnt she fol! they cou ld also do 1hnt ns p.,n of \.'otc in August on the whole Cl arion process so f:1r. She snid 1hn1 is going 10 be in the first mccling in August anyway, so she didn't think th.11 two weeks wns goi•1g 10 mnkc a difference . Because . she stated. me would like to know from S1alTwh.11 they 1,,.,. done so for. ifll,cy hO\,: C\-cn conlaCled lhe people lha1 offered 10 donate money b.ick in Fcbru.iry or an)1hing else. She s.iid ,nc \\-OUid like 10 know where they Slnnd and if they stand :11 ground zero 1hn1 's fine 100. blll she s.iid she would like lo know where lhey arc Counci l Member Hnbcnicht said thnt ii is ht.. understandi ng th.1 1 this will be on the agenda al the next Counci l meeting. Mayor Bums confinned thn1 yes 1hc1t was true. 1hn1 where CJ11 rion goes from here. and whal tilt) audy in 1he second phnsc. \\iii be 0111he agenda two weeks from now . Council Member Haben ic ht sai d i1 is also her undent· rl(.1'.ng that Council is still acceptin g \Vnuen comment on all of this up until July Join . Mayor Burtt ! .ic:Jdi yes. that he wanted to rti1cra 1c tJuit, as Counci l Member Hnthawny said bcrorc. they \\ill hnvc public commenl. much public ocnnm-=..nt in the fu1urc on this bolh at public hearings befo re the Plannint 1=ommission, City Council and also other mce1ings that 1hcy \\i ll hn,-c . Mnyor Bums urged citizc.a .::> plc.1sc nol get lh e ide.:i that the public is not able 10 ~,k on this aner July J I". lhlll 1l1c,1 were just lr)i ng to move to the nc.1<1 step in the anal ys is h.1,ing the wrincn com ments by Jul y 3 1 .. so th :u you h,1\'C some closure and can move along . .......... CllyC.adl My IS. 1'M '•" Council Member Habcnichl lllled thll sllr HI muina IOIIIC pttlly bold IIIICmCtllS under Council Member's Choice and she .,,01ed 10 llllllle""" lha1 lhe wu not Jua wkina lluoqll bcr bal . Site aid she -.Id like 10 have ii clear in their roan ..S lllkcd if 400,000 square fecc ol cat11Wnmc111 n111il is the a,ocq>1 11111 lhcy UC lllkina lboul lll<MII& allcad ,.;lh, if lhcy IC :<:!IC the Cllri,ia recollll!ICftdltioa ol movin1 ahead with Skip Miller on that? Sbc tllked Is 1h11 not Indeed I II"""' c:cllla'1 Ml)or Burm aald he WIS aolna to ask her about t1u11. He CXlffllllCllled 1h11 cvel}i)ody wants to use lllal -,s power CCIIICr all the lime •nd he Slalcd he is DOI 111)'111CR in fa\'01' ol jua I power center lhao Ms. Hlbcnich1 i~ He llllcd they have lalkcd abou1 this many tnncs and his imprcuion is 1ha1 whit Oariou ,. ... asked 10 do wu 10 m'iew what lhe citizens suggested lllC)' ,...,,,ed and secondly what,.,.. marltctal>lc, whal wu fCllible '"-.r then:. He emphnsizcd 11111 he docs not 1k to classify lhis IS a power center, bocll"5C frankly he docs n· • lhinlr. lhal lhat is the way lhat mo&t of C"""'1il is lhinking about thi s. Mayo, Bums poin•-d out lllal U, do not have a list oftcnanls on lhis )'Cl ud he feds like somebody is uyina 10 cram lha1 ICffll diiwn tl.c11 lhroal all lhe II 11C. He said he docs not tJual:. lhal i• fair, lhal he t!links lhal Council took l much broa:lcr look at that tlmu tlc11 so far, and he docs not think they have made up their minds IS to lhc power center at all . Counc il Member Habenicht sai~. in the same ,-cin. thnt this is her understanding. and that she is probably one of the people 11,11 crnm thot word~• because she thinks thal is the 11ord she keeps seeing In the mi11u1cs of April 8th, in lhc Clarion prospean'c orwh,11 they arc, 1hcy keep referring ii to a power ocn1cr as well . ii is not something she makes up. th.11 that is why she keeps bringing it up. because it keeps coming from both our economic business and de>dopmen t staff. ii co1ncs Crom Clarion and the "~Y that lhc)' define ii and ii also comes from olhcr iUC1S. She pointed out 1hat lhal is the rtaSOn she kccp.s bringing ii up and that's why it gh-cs her such serious concern. Ms. Habenicht Slated she is also concerned about \\i&at tJ,cy did say. aad she said she wanred to make sun: that she is not misunderstanding tllis. because •• she could be misrepresenting the whole C..ucil and she docs not want to do lhaL but her undcrstandint is • that Clarion was just accepting comments tA" hat was feasible , onl y looking at what was feasible . \\ithin the contc,.,1 of a power ccnlcr dcvclopmc:nl or the c.n1crtaimncnt retail. lha1 1hcy \lo-ere not looking a1 the economic feasibility of anything else tb.11 •• suggested . Ir ii didn't fll in10 the power c-e ntcr or entcrtai nn,cnt 400 ,000 retail concept thal they did not C\~n look into the feasibility of iL Ms. Habcnich: Slated 1hat was her understanding and it is still her understanding after =ding the report and r<atling all oftbe paSI minntcs . She pointed out tl1:1t ifth.11 is not the c,sc then they should have looked Into the feasibility or• fine ans center since 58% of the people asked for it , they shoul d ha,-c looked into lhc feasibility of a hotel since 62% of lhe pcopk did ask for it , they should have l,'Okcd into lhc ot her. the ice skating rink and things like th.it which people were asiing for . So . she s:aid. silt; would like some clarifica tion on that Mayor Bums responded that lhc resolution Council passed w;,s \'Cry brtadly worded , ii just s..-iid 400.000 square rcct or retail coacnainmcnt. 1h.11 as he understands it . ,,..a, the fe:.SOn ii \\'BS so broadly worded was so that we wouldn ·1 sta n pulling ourselves into these cat r,&orics. 1ha1 wll.1t we arc talking nbout is what this dc.~·clopment "ill be. He said as he understands it from lh,. rcpon . and Clarion said in their prcscnHUion. 111.11 hotels dJdn 't seem to be rcasiblc at this time O."'OnomiQlly. but that tJ1cy were willing to go nhc.1d and s1udy ii funl,c-r. He noted lhnt lhey also mentioned that what lhcy thought thei r chnrgc from Council was to look a1 wb.11 would be economically feasible and what would make money as far as 1hc developnKnl itsclr is conccmcd. and 1hosc items tl\C)' didn '1 tJtink would, they wouldn 't recomme nd for funl,cr S1udy . Although. he noted. the presenter said that the pcrfonnina ans cen ters in 1hc other communi 1ics nre ,,ondcrful adjuncts 10 their communities. bul that they were \'Otcd on scp.1rntc ly under a scp.,rntc process. admiujng that they did not make money and that they would ha\'c 10 be heavily subsidized . So for thi s site 31 this time they did nol think that was p.,n of their charge to say thal thnt was economicall y rc.,siblc . Mayor Bums m.tintaincd th,11 he though1 1.he reason the resolution was so bro.idly worded was so 1hn1 Coun-...,1 could 1:U.c a look at all these 1lu11gs. Council Member Habcnic h1 sai d that thal reminded her 1hnt there wns one other thi ng she wamcd 10 add 10 the record. bc.c:m1se of 1hc co m111e111 1h.11 was made abo111 st:bsidi1jng 10 1hc tune of a milli on a year or • some thin g for fine nns cen ters . She s1:11ed n 1s hc.r u11dcrst:111d ing 1h.1 1 each yea r the)' subsidiz.c the •• • Arvada Cenler less and less and less, and a11hl1 poinl ii ls bcina subsidlud I I Sl00,000 to $400,000 a year, which Is much less than we even subsidize our n:creation center and much oil.he subudy comes in the part of offering 1heir own Cily cuilural programs and 1ru programs lhal they offer, like our parta 111d rtercalion progr.uns arc . So, she sa id. she thinks thal needs to be clear for the people loo. Mayor Bums said he was 1old the $375 ,000 is cash . the n:st of II is in-kind services by the various Cily depanmcnl s. He staled thnl Arvlldl told him 1h11 lhe lr subsidy lotal , if you total all the cost, for all tl1e services rcndercd plus the cash , 11 aboul a million and a hair a yea r. He said when he IIOI their financial statemenl he thought ii was closcrlo a SU million . Ma yor Bums pointed oul !hat the saviccs rcndercd by the City cost money and the taxp.iyers p.iy for thal and so that is how tl1ey factor that in . He staled thal they also said tl\31 their coverage on tl1eir opcn11ing budget was 62% this year which ls the best tllCy have ever done in 20 years an d tl ,cy arc very pllllld or I hat But, he poinled ou1 , it is 62% and the n:st of ii is covered by tl,c ta,-paym . Council Member l!.ibcniclu commented that lhcy must be reading their rcporu differcntl y, tlsit tllCy will have 10 get 1hem 0111 . Council Member Wi ggins said he wouldn 't argue with that one . Mnyor Bums s.,id he hns their financinl stnlcmcnts. Council Member Wiggins commented that the)' cou ld si t here and argue nll night. (b) Ci l) M:magcr Clark recommended th,11 Council go into Exccu lh'C Session immediately follo\\ing the regular City Co1 ncil meeting to di scuss a personnel mnn c1 COUNCIL MEMBER IIATHAWA Y MOVED, AND lT WAS SECONDED , TO GO INTO EXECUTfVE SESSIO . :MM[DIATELY FOLLOWING THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETI NG TO DISCUSS A PERSONNEL MATTER Ayes : Nays : Absent Mo1 i\m carried Council Members Hnlhnway . Von11i11 ng, Hnbcn ich1 . Bums Council Member Wiggins Council Mc1 ,1bcrs Waggone r. Cl:1pp !Clerk 's nole : Agc ndo 11cm 13 ,~. •)pears on lhc City Council Agenda as Agenda Item 13 (a).I City An orncy Brot zm.1 11 did 1101 h~,·c an) m:mcrs to brin g before Counci l. 15. Adjournment COUNCIL Ill EMBER HATHAWAY MOVED TO ADJOU RN . The mcc1ing adjourned al 8:49 p.m.