HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-08-05 (Regular) Meeting Minutes•
A ■pll 5, 1996
I. Calllo Order
The n:gular toccling of the Englewood Ci ty Council was ca lled to order by Mayor Bums at 7:38 p.m.
2. .. .... 11on
The in,"Ocation W1l!l givtn by Council Member Wiggins.
3. Pledi!< or All~.uicc,
The Pledge or Allegiance was led by Mayor Burns.
4. Roll Call
Present: Council Members Hathaway, Onpp, Wiggins. Haben ic ht ,
Vonnittag. Waggoner, Bums
Absen t:
quorum was presen t.
5. Minutes
Also presen t: City Ma113gCr Cwk
City Attorney Brotzman
Assistan t to the City Man.,ger Grncc
City Oerk Ellis
Engineering Manager Kahm
Manage r of Neighborhood and Business Developme nt Simpson
Director Blad<. !'arks and Rccn:at io n
Director GryglC\liicz, Financia l Se rvices
Ayes : Council Mcmbcts Hathaway, Vonnitlag. Wi ggins. Habenicht , Bums
Nays : None
Motion carried .
Abstain : Council Members Waggo ner. Clapp
Counci l t.lcmbcr Waggoner cxpla.incd th.1 1 he abstained from the \'O le as he was absc n1 from that mcchng.
Alli\ough he rend the minut es, he said he did no< fed that he should ,·01c . Council Member Clapp st aled
th.al she abstai ned for lhc same reaso n.
6. Sc.hcd ul cd Visilors
(a) Mayor Bums advised that Kara> Floyd, from the Englewood Jaycoca, has rerchcduled
her pn:scnlalion 10 the August 19, 1996 Council mc:cllng.
(b) Emily Clark, 3340 South Ogden Stred, sai d that she wanted ID present I proposal ID
Counci l. She told Council that she ls going into 6"' grade and will be allendi ns Flood Middlo School.
Last year, she nolcd, she anendcd Charles Hay Elen,e nta ry School and she and her friends would go to a
nearby deli after Kllool sometimes. Ms. Clart sai d she noticed U· :t there ls no place like that around
Flood, so sLc came up ,.;,h the idea that ma)i>c a malt shop would be beneficial 10 have for kids lo hang
around after school , do homcwort, listen to I jukcbo• and also to stay 0111 or trouble. She a,mm..,lled that
she has kepi her C)'C open and noticed that in the srna ll shopctte across Kenyon Avenue from Flood. facing
Broadway. there is a_., ror rcnl Ms. Clari< staled that s'.,c hoped Counci l would co nsider th is proposal
because she thought it "oold be a fun way for kids 10 Sia)' ool of trouble.
7. NOIHCl,e,laled Vbiton
(a) Alejandro Ramire,. 4-170 Soo th Bannocl; Street. stated he bas serious problems with a
neighbor in then,,., house. Oiat he bas tried many ways but docs not know what can be done to stop lhcsc
peo pl e. Mr. Ramin:z mai ntained that the Poli ce Dcpa,1mcn1 ,~scrimi natcs ag,tinst him. they do nothing.
that they try 10 arrest him . He said he tried lo speak to the Mayor lhrcc or foor times. that the police came
and ~1oppcd him and be can 'l speak \li th the Mayor. M;, Ramirez stated he docs not know what he can
do to stop these people and they call the police and they tried to nt'.ack him three or fou r times and when
he called the police no one came. He repealed that he docs nol know what he can do .
Mayor Bums stated that they can look into this through the Police Dcpanmcnt. thcl 1 rcpons. as 10 wist! is
happening at his rcsidcncc .
(b) Sw, Lange. 3535 Soo th Clartson Street , advised that he is the Martcting Director for
Englewood Focusing on Tomont'W (EFOT). Howe,..,,. he pointed ouL he is no1 roprcscnting EFOT
tonight , but that he felt that mi.,ht give Council so me insight 10 his pelSOnal vic..~ which is wha t
wanted to express to Council tonight He said he has several points of concem reg.anting tonig1t 1·s ,otc on
·.vhcther or not to acccpl Clarion 's repon . Mr . Lange explained that he is uoo;rtain as to whether th.11
~ncans thal Council is \'oting 10 accept the rcpon 10 allow them to move on. ((I allow Council to pay for
their services or whether or not it is actua ll y \'Oling on whtlhcr or not to accept the rccommc.ndations they
have made . He commented that he is concerned about severa l thin gs in that light First . he noted .
Clarion 's recommendations arc geared toward 400 .000 square feet or retai l cntenainmcnt because our
development plans ha,-. been based on that all along. He said he bclic,cs the resu lts of the publi c inp ut
fonuns show lhat this is not entirely what the people want. Mr. Lani;c stated he thinks any feasibilit y
studies done should address the people's ";shes and not the 400 ,000 square foot co ncept . He said thi s
would include the light rail station. a hotel . cultural aru ce nter. brin gi ng back Lilli e Dry Creek through
the silc. public galhcring places and filling in the rest with · iK>pS, rcs1 aurnnts and cn1cnainmcnt. Mr.
La nge said he wanted to qUOle part of an anicle from the Denver Post d.11cd July 1911,. quoting one or the
senior vice presidents of Miller Dc\'clopment . Warre n Buettner. who says that a .. power failure , a decli ne
in power centers where category killers co ngregate. wi ll fu el n return 10 basics. Over the next few years
there ,.;11 be a stabi lity in neighborhoods with grocery anchored cen ter,.'' Mr. La nge sai d he wou ld hope
11011 :',Ir . Buettner has been ta1••ng 10 Council along with Skip Mille r. He sai d he thinks that alternative
me1ho1s of dc,'Clopmcnl and fina nci ng n:ight be C.\'J)lorcd. Sca,nd. he noted. tlsll at the Jul y 10,. Council
study s.~ion. Clarion presented their recommendations and those present asl.ed questions 10 cla rify the
reco mm endations. but there was no true discussion by Council on the matter . He sa id the mauer has Ml
been posted on any study sr.ssion agenda since and tha t he bel ieves that an infonned decis ion ";1 hou1 ~•e
benefi t C'l f a discussion in a public study sessio n is not possib le .
A111•U, '"' Pqe3
(c) HaM:)' Pratt. 4810 South Inca Street. llll<d thal he also wanted to speak ..,....,t the
rcckMlopment ofCindercll r, City. Filll, he said, he would likr. to ldmowledgc that he thinlt1 that thc
Council iJ c:onccmed about what the residents want to do and he would hope that they do Iha: and that the
City's professional stall'would also do the same type of things. He advised that he provided a ""l')' orao
ar,icle rrom Forbes magazine to Council Ouoogh Council Member Habenicht. He sai d he truSled that she
shared it with Council . He noted that he has been in his ""11 business and owned his own business for a
number or ycan. although he prese nt ly works for Ki ll$ Soop:,$. As I businessman. he commented that he
felt \\US oomc dramatic information in that, that the large big box rctailcn. that the dollan, the sales
per"< '"" ~ is going down, that t turns in the lnvr.nto,y art going up and the profits arc going down.
Mr. Pr..t stated that worries him. that he thinks that ._<!open dcvdoplng large tnleks of land come up
with a formula And that sometimes the fan ul11 w .. Jrk • 'ti)' well, bu1 that sometimes the fonnul a is carried
too far and they don 't rcallu: that times ••• i olng 10 tu He said he thinks thar we as a Ci ty, and as a
Council representing the City, should be very co:d'ul and look II the long tenn . Mr. Pratt stated be thinks
that ifwe begin to develop a big bOJ< operation , lllld it IJrl!S out to be the wrong decision , it is sort oflike
turning a ban.leship in the ocean. in lh tt you don 'I do i( rh;ht away. He remarked that his personal
concern is that we would end up \11th a replication o T , ' o/ Square. He said he docsn 't think we have to
belabor that point anymore. Mr. Pun said that he I < ,, .. ,,I to some of his nclghbon and I.hey have the
same kinds of concerns. He stated that what borhen ~i!n rs"'51 is that O,cy feel that Council and City stall'
have made up 1hcir minds and so ii is or no value ~., spc.,I< ool on lbcsc lhings. He advised lha1 he lricd to
encourage a number of them to come down tonigh t and t~ • wouldn 't. He said he would like to sec some
goals for Englewood, to sec Englewood be a uniql'o dc5tination. 10 sec people come hen:. Mr. Prall mid
he is nil(• planner and has not looked at thing, in t d,:t,Jt but that if you think about how peop le arc
going 10 ..,1 to Englewood, and as the City is •alld ng obout 'dtc movie theater and things like tha t he just
sort of foc,,,cd on that, that tu come to Englcwusd yo,, would go by Bear Valley. which has a very large
eincm:l, )'O\' ·~'Ollld also go by Southglcnn which hast"",-.,;· large cinemas and come down Broadway
and al B .,,..y and Dry Crcck U,cy also ha\'c lar,!C cincnias. He said he wished he had some great ideas
about SUGE, ,, ons and he said he has maybe ju~ a couple. Mr. Prall suggested that we seriously consider
the value ot the light rail and having people be able to come out herc, perhaps we CM do a hotel , that that
might be a rcasonablc thing to do. He added that nice meeting rooms ""uld be appropriate for use by the
City and organizations such as he has been invo lved with. He sai d he thought that perhaps "ith the light
rail ifwc h.'ld a hotel that was mod:.atcly priced. that we may be an alt ernative to the high priced hotel s
around lhc convention center. He s.1id he lh inks those kinds of lhings \I ,lllld le.id to some restaurants..
so me food operations that could make a good living In the area . He said he h.,s been to the Arvada Ce nter
on numerous occasions and he suggested th.ii 1h.1t might nol be a bad thing for us to hnvc in Englewood as
a south duplicat ion of the Arvada Center. He said he appreciated Council 's time and consideration or his
comments .
(d) G<.11e Turnbull ,' 4886 South Grant Street. said he wanted to spc.,k very briefly ou the
Cinderel la ,.:·.y i,sue. that for a lo ng lime he has stood in the background , list ened to both sides, looked ar
it and saw the idra come up or O,c study . He stated he thought the study was a gre.it idea. th.11 then: arc a
lot of things that ca n be done with Cinderella City as far as making money for the City. Mr. Turnbull
nored he has lived in U1c City of Englewood for a long aimc and that he tak es a lot of pride in being a
member of Englewood. But , he stiled , he 1hinks we need to stan making so me money so we can have
olher lhings in this Ci ty likr. a :uhu rn l Ccmer. He said he thinks a hotel wi1h confere nce rooms over
there. taking adva ntage or the light rnil and en1er1ainmcnt "ill all be grcal assets 10 Englewood . Mr .
Turnbull staled that his main concc m is th,11 we do something. get off the dime and slart doing something
instead ofthrowing study. al\er sludy, an er study. He emphasized th,11 it is time to take step number one.
that we don 1 1 take ii all in one large step. we take it in SC\'CraJ. He s:1id lets take step number one and
build cm step number two , but lets do some thin g and quit being so indeci sive . Mr. Tu rnbull nolcd that
that is basically all he wanlcd 10 sny , that he is goi ng to trust City Council 10 do lhe right thing from there .
(c) s.an Van O)'\e, 3390 Soulll Emct1on Succt, said she kind ol suppor11 the previous
,pcakcn po&ition, thal she has bosic:ally lwo C0110Cn11. She noled thal she has obviously been OUI of the
limelighl for about the lasl four yean. bul lbal sbc has been following Council projocU and Cily projcds
along the way and hu bocn vc,y imprascd ,.;11> what Council has allempted 10 do through lhU time. She
said shc lhinu the Sllldics Oiuncil has done wilh the populalion arc VCf)' useful, and lhal she thinks IMI
is Council's way of reaching out to provide lnpul inlo any lypC of projcel. Bui, she commented, she also
feels very strongly lhal 10 continue 10 go on "ithout making a di:clsion i~ worse than even making a bad
decision . Ms. Van O)ke emphasized U>at she is convinced U>at If something docsn'I hoppcn wi 1h
Cinderella Clay In the near fulure 1he opponunily may no longer exist in lha1 we arc going 10 have
something wone 1han Trolley Squan:, we an: going 10 have a concn:te building O\'Cr there on Hampden
Avenue for the next tw..nly ycan 11181 no one is going lo wan l lo louch . She staled lha1 she thoroughly
suppons any iypc of cullW'll dc\'ClopmcnL y lypC of hotels, any lypc of anything lhal makes Ibis a better
Cily I0 live in. BuL she poiDlal OUL lhe bottom line is WC have goc to loolt at how to find the linaacial
n:sourccs tn make those things a n:aliiy. She said she thinks,.,. ha,,: a tendency to confuse apples wilh
oranges hel\'. Ms. Van O-,te cxpn:sscd hes opinion 1hat ,.,. need to get on wilh some type of dcvdopmcnl
and then col\JClllrate our cncrgics on finding '>I)~ to fund a cullur.tl ocnlcr or ocher aspc:cts that •ill make
Ibis a belier Ciiy for its residents, to the point ,,fpcmaps even trying 10 put ou1 a bond issue or effling the
population 10 suppon some 1ypc: o(iax inc:n:asc for some of these lhings. She said those arojust IIOfflC
al1crna1i,'CS. Ms. Vao O)itc stated she is deeply concerned tlull .. ,. arc going 10 continue 10 go f.,,.-anl
wi1hou1 malcing a decision. lhat she is deeply concerned "i1h the amou111 of money thal is being spc:nl on
1he studies 10 continue 10 study 1his issue. he staled 1ha1 she "~nled 10 n:mind Council lhal thtS whole
iSSt goes back five, six. """'" )'CarS, since 1he time she\\~ on Cily Council. and she is just roa1
apprchcnsh-c that things arc just rtally going to go south on Counc il if some decision isn 't 1nadc. She
said she doesn 't care whal lhal decision is, because she beliC\'CS Council can make the bcs1 decision. bu1
she beliC\'CS some decision has to be made as soon as possible or t~e; will 1ind lhcmsclvcs in a ,'CS)'. ,-cry
ncgali,-c situation . She staled she appn:ciated the °"onunl1y to prcscnl her opinion 10 Council.
(I) C.rl Welker, 4611 '.;ou1~ r.torl<son Stm:t, ,,id he , like Ms. Van O)•kc. is conccmcd
aboul Cindcrelb Ciiy. He noled 1h.11 he has been a citizen for almost founecn )'Cars and owned a business
in Englewood for some time. t..fr. Welker advised he has also :cn'Cd on some boords ar -; commissions
and some ocher 1hings im"Olving de\•elopmcnt in 1he Ciiy ofEngls"'Olld for a period of auou1 """'" years.
Pr=ntly, he added. he is sening as V,cc-Presidenl of EFOT (En&l.--'Olld Focusing on Tomor:ow) and is
a member oflhe Business and Transpona1ion Sub Task Fo...,, Mr. Welker e.,l'lained ll>al he is prcsenl
th is C\'C ning on 1heir behalf representing the poinl of view 11411 the members of his Task Force ha,-c been
1alking aboul for SC\'Cral monl hs. He said Ibey feel , 1ha1 or -1hing in all of1he publ itiiy 11411 has been
given 10 delaying and n:studying and lhings like 1l1a1. 1h.11 ;omc of the cilizcnry beliC\'CS 1ha1 "'C should go
on ,.;lh the project. Mr. Welkrr adviS<d lhal last Thursday ,.,gbt at their meeting Ibey decided lhal Ibey
nccded to gh-c Council some infonn.11ion and input from some olhcr citizcns and he h.id some pc:litions
Ibey have cin:ulaled since Friday with abo111 270 n.,mcs on lhem so far . He noced lh.111hey \\ill con1inue
10 get more. He said basically wl411 they arc doing. which he noted is what Ms. Van Dyke is saii ng. is
th,111hcy urge Council to conlinuc to OlO\'C rapidl y ~i th the redevelopment of Cinderella City. He
commcn lcd that they sec that we arc ,,..sing ground. 1hn1 1hcy don 't sec that we arc really gettin g any new
infonna1lon In IT.SIUdying 1hi1 ,gs. Mr. Welker staled lh nl 1hey lhink "'C ha\'C a capable developer on board
that has been :.e lected and tlu I we have taken some steps to gel development going. bul he said we arc
los ing ground at this poinl h time ns we co ntinue to study nnd redevelop mhcr studies and so on. He
11dviscd that this is not 10 Lake a stand on spcciri c :hings. 1ha1 th ey bcli r.\'C that in the proo ~ 1hat
C0tincil will approve. and the Planning and Zoning reviews that arc hcncclorth to be unck :tak en. 1hat
act ual plMS will be looked at and scrut inized and input will given from the citi zenry at those things.
Consequcnll y, he noccd, ii is noc 1h.11 1his is lhe end of 1he ci1i1,:n inpul for the Ci1y, but 11411 "" need 10
lake !he steps to co ntinue and go fonmrd .
(Clerk 's note : Mr. Welker submlucd the pctitlons 10 tl>e Clerk ror Ibo n:cord .(
(g) Lillian Fish, 1771 South Pal1 su...t. ldvilcd 1.'81 ;:!,c supp•rujusl lboul cvc,y1hin1
lhat C\'tryonc has said about Cindcn:lla Ciry and that she 100 11 ""'Y """'h concerned. She said that she
had never heard about an eist,1ccn scn:cn lhcalcr,...,. lhoust, she lllena'cd quilc a rcw lhinp until the
bst Umc she WClll 10 that Council mccling. So she said she WU \'Cry mw ;h • .,.,nsa thal and s!ic lhoo&hl
she wool d go and lalk 10 her ncighbo11. Ms. Fi .. ~ Sla •e'.! lhal <be spent lc u lh ~n 1wo houn goi ng around
her immediate lll'Cll. like 1wo blocks, and that she ""' /Yl'tl SO sisnatun:s or people saying no, no big
1hea1er. She commcnlcd that she lhinb Cooncil should know that people an: againsa th is. They don 't
\\mll the crime thal socs on with ii and Ibey don ', uni the parking spaocs. lhnt that is the main 11:fog she
heard. Also, she said. acconlins 10 1he Roclcy Mountain News two large mov!• •licatcrs are n Uoc
pl ann ing S1agcs in the i'>uth metro area and 1.vc certainly can and don 't want to compete with lhcm . She
staled she then asked her s,:l;;hbo11 abouo the Foley 's buildins and in the filll pl ace they wen: quile
surprised, they had no idea tha•i demolishing ii was C\'Cn oonsidcn:d. Ms . Fish said lhnt when s:oc 1old
t!,:;m ii was being cx,nsidcn:d, •.hey said why, why not have a new library and new ciry hall m-cr tlocn:.
She advised that others t ""'d wby 'lot meeti ng rooms and banquet rooms an.:I several said wl,)1 001 nn
indoor ice rink . Ms. Fish said 11,,y had a:! !:inds or ideas. bul nobody thinks lhal il should be torn down .
S~.e <aid or aJWIC she agrees with tbc Olbcr people on the lilllc shops that c-;cl)i>ody WllllS. Ibo
dcpartmen1 Slon:s and all, a Target, that son or1hing. She stated 1ha1 Torn Munds Wl'Ol e an aniclc in th e
Englewood Herald rcccnlly and be said thal EnsJewood Is in a good position fin1ncially for lhe ncx1 r,,,.
yean. She said thal she had an Engl, wood official 1ell her last )"Ca l that Englewood could e,-cn make ii
withool Cindcn:lla Cily. She said she""°"~ mon: money is all'-a)~ nice and C\'Cf)tody would like ii. but
,.,. could make ii ror awhile wi1hoo1 being so worrlcd aboul having mon: money. Ms. Fish opined that \\'C
do need 10 fflO\'C ii and move it rast. She said she can soc the dc\"1opcn point or vi.-=w. be woold like 10
build ii and ga his money, bu1 they arc the people and they l"anl somt1hing that is beautiful and lhal is
lasting. She noted lhal time and lime again she heard bike paths. water ways, so,ndhing beautiful , that
Ibis would be lasting and ii is what the ciUuns want. Ms. Fish nolcd lh.11 she 100 is conccmcd that if,.,.
build Ibis big tbcalcr we are going 10 be !::<vi :;~ vacant buildings and once again, C\'Cn though she hat es 10
say lhe wonl. ,.,. will ha1-c another Trolley Sq,m,. She than►.cd Cooncil for listeni ng and hoped ti"')'
wculd consider their comments.
(h) Kalherinc Fischbach. 442 5 South Acoma Sir"-'!, sai d she has heard comnocnts on
dcslro)ing the Fol ey building and she thin ks that once ii is gon,: it ls: too lntc . She stated that in the
studies she IIC\'tl beard anything saying it "'3Sn °1 well built. ii w.,sn ·1 practi cal or oni1 hin g like that. Ms.
Fischbach O{'t.af th..it she would follo w with lon ight 's comments. mnybc all or our th ings artn 't pmctic.1 1
but she thought,.,. should go along ,.;,11 sonoc oftloc things that people want. She sai d she hopes that
Cou ncil docs listen and mak< wise decisions.
Council Member Waggonr: cornrne ntcd that Council has sat hen: 1or.igh1 and listened about the
indecisiveness or Cooncil. lie s.1 id pLrhaps ii wjghl be t ood ir Mayor Burns went through ,lie proccdun:
Uull Council has gone Uuoogh and tell 1hcse people lhat lhc indccisiV"CI\CSS is n:ally not Council. He noted
that maybe Mayor Bums ooulrl offer just an explana tion so that thC\• k.'now what is h.1ppc nin g and whnt
see ms to be some or1hc problem . He notM that cvidcn1 1·• they neve r get answers.
Mayor Bums noted that Council commen ts at the end of the meeting. Council Member Waggo ner s.1id
that most or the people arc gone then . Mayo r Bums commented that he find s it curious that Council has
taken two 11101.tt.s lo have cit ize n meetin gs. and input from 1he citizens.. an d now Council is OC'CUSCd or
being indccisi \"C, when before Council was being accused or not listening to the citize n£. H1; suucd th :u
Cou ncil went out to lisicn to the cili icns and now Council is bein g indec isive because tlu .. -y did 1ha1. He
no1ed It is hard 10 win no mailer whal they do, but lhey had the meetings because Council wanted the
citiun input. Mayor llums emphasacd U-.11 it 11 of pat concern to him Ir people reel Council has
ah<ady made up their min:ls, which is prccl1<ly what they were tryin g lo convey that they had not done.
He co111111Cnlcd Iha! they should witnca the l'act that Council has on the age nda tooighL and he
undcrslands thal some citl7.cns think Council has studied 1hi1 enough , bul lhat there is a proposal to study
a hOlcl and another one to Sludy an 1rU ccn1er. He pointed OU'. lhat lhooc wcren'I part or the original
resolution orthc Council to have the 400,000 ,quarc rcct or en1ertaimnen1 and mail. and it wasn't part or
Ski p Miller's i 'llposal cilher. He said !hose are lhings lhe ei 1l,.cns have talked abou1 and Counci l is
respondi ng 10, su he docs DOI think CCM1ncil has C\'CJ)'1hi ng cast in 5101,c, tha l they ce rt ai nly don 't wa nl 10
give 1JU11 impression . He explained 1ha1 Council ls listeni ng 10 other lhings Ilia! the ci 1izcns \\ant. He
said that part or the next process, as proposed by the consulla nls, Clari on and Associa lcs, is lo look at
what ncc.:ls more Sludy or warrants more study . Mayor Bums noted that is what Council proposes 10 do
la1er in the mccling, 1ha1 rhe motion will be up 10 go ahead and accept thei r report . He pointed out , as he
understands it , lhal by accepti ng the report Council Is only accepting lhe infomiation 1hey have given
Council so rar, thal the rcpo<t is not a site plan and 1ha1 Co uncil is not maki ng a decision or exactly whar
10 build by accepting that. Mayor Bums staled that. as he said, Council docs not nomiall) comment al
this time, but as Council Member Waggoner brought it up he thought he would and, he sai d. ir anyone
else on Counci l 'IOldd like to odd somethi ng that that would be all righl.
Council Mcmbrr Waggoner snid he fell there is one ocher imponant factor, in being accused of
iudccisi\'cncss, tha t tcforc an}1hing c.,n be done "i th Cindere ll a Ci ty they luwc to oblnin ownership . He
explained that th e City has 001 obtained ov.1lCrship. that it ha,; been in the mill now for abou t two yc.1rs
1ryin g to get ownership of Cinderel la City, that they ca n't do a thin g and irth.11 is indecisiveness lhcn so
be 11. He ss id Uiat he docs not beliC\-c thal ii is. that they cannol do a thin g with Ci ndere ll a Cily until we
own the pn :>erty and we don 't own the property .
Mayor Bums noted that ()Ill or the proposal is. thal we ha,-c an unde rstanding will Equ ita ble, that U,ey
will contribute $1.5 million toward 1,he tear down and remedi ation or the sil c and tbc developer \\ill
contnl>utc a li ke amount Md recoup that lalcr in sales ta.'t. He explained that the oti :cr altcmative is to
sim ply condemn it and irwcdid rha l then we would ha,-c 10 pay several million doll ars ou : or the
taxpayer's money to acquire it. Thal , instead or ha,ing a con lribut ion nmdc Iowan! the tear down by 01e
cnucr. it would be the other way 31ound.. Y.'C would actua l!)' hn\c to buy it nnd . depending on what !.he
assessed evaluation is . that that is a amsidcrnblc grea ter c.~pc nsc in millions of doll ars than hming the
arra ngement that we h.wc now . So. he sai d. he th inks that the negotiations we have had over th is long
period of time have been fruitful. they h.wc just taken a good dea l longe r 1.111 we IIK'lu ght they would and
we also had in the mix the Mercantile sto ;r.:5 which owns the Josli ns store and the lease fo r Wards, so we
have had th ree differen t entities that we h..i\'c hnd to deal with here. which made thi s n longer process than
we anticipated .
Council Member Habenicht said she would like to 1aclc onto Uml thm she docs not be lieve , th.ii si nce the
,-cry beginning since they began looking at Cinderella City , tlml Counci l has been indcci sh-c . She said
she thi~ that there ha\'C been a number of decision.,; and at times the private sector h,1s come back and
sai d hey, wait a minut e."~ don 'l like lha L tr anybody has slo11"'1 down the process in this case, she sai d,
she thinks it is lime 10 stand up and defend you r go,-c mmcn l n little bi l here. it has been the privat e secto r
that Ii: s 1ricd to slow it do\1!11. both Equitable and. maybe not the dc\'clopcr. but ccnni nly the owners of the
buildings . SilC expla ined that we nrc the owners of the lnnd under the p..irki ng l01 so we nre son or all in
tlu s. it is a different kind of a deal. She said she docs nol beli eve th.it you ca n say that th e tin \C it has
taken h3s been all due to Counci; indcxi si\'encss. so much or it l1.1s bee n because of the comptc.xity of the
ownerships and the priva1e s.:ctJr saying 'tc:y wail t minute. we want to change thi s or dragging t.hcir feet
on thi s and rliaggin g thi s. Sh".: sai d she just wan ted to offer that and also 1he motion on lhe Clario n report
oomcs \'Cl)'. YCry nea r on the age nda and slit-docs h,1\'C so me di scussio n points !here . but she felt that
.......... CltyC...
""-S.H" ... ,
would nol be appn,prialc now. Mayor Bums said lhal is fine. Co01ncil Member Ha1haway said unless she
would like 10 mo,,e ii forwald . Council Member Wiggins said no.
Mayor Bums said Iha! he mighl oommcnl thal bccaUIC the negotiation process on ownc11h ip look so long
l11111he public was saying Council left !hem oul and !hat they wcrcn 't having Mudy sessions and public
meetings. which Council intended to do all along. So, he oommcntcd. lhat they had the public meetings
In May and June. just so the public could oomc in and oommcnt on what they had done all that li me. He
said the main reason Council did that was to lry to oon,incc the public that 11\cy had not left them out nnd
Council wanted to Include them and have their opinions . Mayor Bums staled he was hopeful tha~
·10mchow in the process. Council can oonvincc the cilizcns 1hat they have done that and that they arc not
doing this just for &how. He noted that. as he has said mnny limes 1'cforc, Council did not intend 1his to
be S<•mc dog and pony show and lhen Just go olT and do whalC\-cr they pleased. because that would be au
insult 10 the public and 11\c citizens. He assurtd than that C<Mmcil hopes to inoorporale as much of what
Ilic citizens wanl that is pmctic,,J . He menlioncd lhal the other lhing they did with Clarion was to ask
them to lcll Cooncil what Is marketabl e, what can )llU really put int~ Because. he noted. 11ndoubtcdly
we would have ideas. and have had ideas, that arc sim ply not marketable at that site, that Council
appreciates the ideas, but that they also hav<: to look at practicalities. who is going to put fonh the millions
of doll3" to build buildings and develop a site 0\-cr thclc that Includes things that an: n-,rkctablc. So, h
advised. that is pan of what 1hcy have done, that this .,.;11 oomc up shonly o:o the agenda and he wanled
1hc public 10 understand tlun lhi s is discussion bct"'CCII Council 01K'C ii comes up on the ngcnd.1. He
c.q,laincd that irlhcy wanl 10 speak to this that this is not a public hearing on 1h is ton iglu . tJ\.<u 1his is a
discussion with Council. so if the cilizcns wanl 10 speak 10 this this is their opponunity under 1hc non-
scheduled visi 1or ponion of lhc ngcnda . He said he just wan led everybody 10 know 1hn1.
Council Member Waggoner observed if Council is indccisi,-c and can '1 get ownership or 1he propcny . 1ha1
lh•'Y arc rit-~l lhal Ibey n,ay AOI be able lo get olflhe dime and if they donl SCI ow11Crship they may nol
even be able 10 get 01T1hc fifty cent piece and thal is a lot bigger lhan a dime.
Mayor Bums asked if there was anything else that anyone ,vi~hcd to say ;u this point Being none. he said
th.it Council \\ill con1inuc on with lhc Rgcnd..i .
8. Communkalion s.. Proclam1tion 1 IID ,,poinlmcnt1
There were no c:ommuniauions , proclnn1..,1tions. or appointments.
9. Public Hearing
No publ ic hearing was .chcduled bcfon: Council.
10. C0t1acnt A1:cnd1
(a) Apprcl\'c on Firsl Rc.idi ng
Vote results:
Ayes : Cour.,;1 Members Halh•way, Vonnittag. Wiggins. Habenicht .
Waggoner, Clapp. Bums
Nays: None
M01ion carried.
Council Member Habenicht qucstionc:d whe0,cr the City had addressed the conc,,."!IS of the people whq
came forth during O,c public bearing on Concn:te Replacement District No . 1995 . City Atton,cy
Brotzman suggested Council pull the agenda item olT or the Consent Agenda .
(b) Approve on Second Reading
(ii) ORD ANCE NO. 30, SERIES OF 1996 (COUNC!L BILL NO . 36,
M"'tion carried.
Ayes : Council Members Hathaway. Vonnittag. Wiggins. Habenicht ,
Waggoner. Clapp. Bums
Nays : None
(i) Mayor Burns asked City Manager Clarlt ir he lcid any infonnation to
·.vh-::ther the cone :r,lS rclati\-c to Concrete Replacement District No . 199' had been addres!cd. Cil y
Mwagcr Clark llSkcd Engineering Manager Kahm to cx,mc up and . he noted. it is hi s undt·rsi.andi ng thnl
st •Jf met or talked to all or the people 0,11 appeared at the hearing and had concerns. ,n addition . follow-
up lc11 crs were i:cnt out 10 lhosc folks. oopics of which Council should ha,·c rc.:;cival. Council Member
Wi ggi ns stated L'iat Council did n:cci,-c copies or the letters. Mr. Clark asked Mr. Kahm irhc had
anyt hing to add as far as any foUow-op """' that stalT diC wilh those folks.
Engi.-ina Mlnl8cr Kahm aid he dld nae believe 10, UIII they haw addrelled all the concerns and se nt
copies of the lettcn to Council . Mr. Kahm pointod out lhal ll10II of the concems had 10 do with propcnlcs
1.hal had chanacd hantls during the asacssmcnt pn,ccs.1. He said he belicwd they brought all of thooc 10
resolution . They had one oonocnt lhal wu a misunderstanding about the amount of concrete 1ha1 WIS 10
be done and they have wort.NI with lhal Individual lo r<SOl,-c lhaL .. he believed all the concerns WC~
Mayor Burns told Mr. Kahm Council apprecia tes that boamsc they did direct those p,inics 10 con1ac1 him
and he thought Mr. Kahm had made contact with all of them right the~ at the meeting 1ha1 evening. He
noced lhal all items appear to havc been addressed satisfactori ly.
Mr. Kahrn said obsolu lcly. He added lhal ii WIS dctcnnincd 1ha1 all of the as:icssmcnlS WC~ COITCCI ns
Council Mcmb:r Habenicht thanked Mr. Kahm and comrnc,u ed 1ha1 she jliSI feels ii is ~lly impor1an1
lhal when people come fon,-anl lhal Council acknowledge lha l, as ii is p,n of the public record. Mayor
Burns agreed anJ noced lhal stair did an cxccllcnl job . Mayor Burns and Council Member Habenicht
Uianked staff.
The Cicrt. was nsked 10 read the ordinnncc by title :
Motion carried .
Ayes : Cou ncil Mcmben Vonninag. Wiggins. lt•I • · .... hL Waggoner. Clapp,
Nays : None
Abstain : Council Member Hathaway
Council Member Hathaway explained thal she abstained from the vote as she own s propc..cy in Concrc1c
Rcplaccmcnl District No . 1995.
11 . Ordinances, Resolution s and Motions
(a) Appl'O\'C on F,n1 Reading
(i) Manager Simpson rrcscnlcd a rccommcndntion from the Office of
Neighborhood and Business Dcvclopmcnl 10 accept lri mocion the Clarion & Associates' Pha.<c I rcpon
regarding lhc ~clopmcnl of Cinderella City. He c.,plained 1lla1 the mo,ion before Council 1onigh1 is a
request 10 move the rcdc\'clopmcnl of Cinderella City forward in a posili>-c manner. by incorporating
significn nt community input th..11 we hn\'c g.1incd th rough the community forum process . He: said he "ill
keep this brief and the Ollly 1Jiina he woold odd is thal l0CCplan0C oC1h11 rq,on cenainlv by no means.
implies 1ha1 wc haw a -deal or in anyway is 1h11 an application !hat has come forward. Mr. SilllJIIOn
explained 1ha1 they are fllill cxpec1ing IO n,ccjw an applicalion from Miller/Kil chell Ocvclopment 1ha1
will inc:orpon11e 1he significant c:ommunily inpul lhal we have gained lhrough the communi1y forums .
Thal chis is sim ply, more than anything. an opponunily for Council lo emphasii.c UM. communily forums
in 1he conlinued ncgoOalions for this rcclevclopmcnl pmccss ,
Mayor Bums asked 1ha1 Manager Simpson describe 1he ncx1 level . where we go wi1h Clnrior. alter this,
for lhc public . Mr. Simpson advised 1ha1 when, we arc headed, al lhls poini . is 1ha1 we arc cxpcx:te<! to
co n1inue 10 ncgotiale wilh Millcr/Kilcbcll Dcvclopmcnt He ~,i d thal we arc anlicipaling receiving a,•
application ror rezoning. the PUD application. which will incorporale a site plan and that site plan should
trul y n:OCCI the lnpul chat was pined oul of the communil y forums . He DOied Iha! Clarion, the Cicy and
Millcr/Kil chell will be engaged in this nc.'1 level process .
Mayor Bums commenced !hat they also ha,,: on the agenda 1onigh1 the proposals for funher study of a
marl<el study on the holcl/motcl issue. and then possibly a cn llural ans facility study. He questioned how,
especially 1he holcl/motcl study. fccds in10 this repon or n filing bY Miller/Kitchell , how would it cll"CCI
Uial or be pan of that possibly. Mana:;cr Simpson a,Mscd 1h01 it alfCCls that only 10 lhc cx1cn1 tha1 the
Ph.,sc I !1>pon did mention the fact thnt a holel use may be viob lc al lhis location . He staled tha1 ii also
men1io11cd 1ha1 ii migh1 noc be. Bui . he added. a holcl use in Englewood should be pursued and looked at
in great<·r detail . He said wltal they would lik< to do is proceed with that S<udy scp.,mle and apan from
the nc;;o '"lions that nrc going con1inuc on Cinderella Ci1y itse lf. He stalod 1ha1 the holcl study. which
shouldn't take a large amount of time. will al,ow us 10 determine whether or not a holcl a, lh is site.. or at
other silts In Englc•'Ood. is a viable use. Mayor Bums asked aboul how much lime he lhou&hl 1ha1 would
take. Mr. Simpson responded three 10 four weeks is about cornet .
Council Member Waggoner said thal when they fi..i docidc'110 go with this study by a consultanl there
were several other things thal were mcnlioncd al lhal time lhal he did llOl chink we re fully addressed in
the Clarion rcpon. He cited the traffic problems 1ha1 can be foresocn "i1h the dcvclopmc.,1 of Cinderella
City and nOled '" ha,•e experienced those traffic problems before. He said they were also talking aboul
tying in the Cindcrelio City dc\,:lopmenl "ilh downtown Broadway wilh the area ens, ofBroadway. the
affects of the dc:vclopmcnt on the area to the south and nonh. access to Danmouth and S.1nta Fe and the
li ght rail sta1ion . He asked when all chose issues .. ;11 be addressed. if ,1 .. 111 be in the Phase 2 design
review proocss or if that is somcthing thal "ill come in belwccn Phr,sc I and Pl-,sc 2. Mr. Simpson
advised u,,, they will begin 10 address many of !h ose issues in Phase 2. He no1ed thnt Phase I was really
designed L' .icgin looking at lhc communities concerns and issues and 10 try to gain and facilita1e a strong
level or community input He st1<cd that whal lhey wanl 1, do in Pl"'5C 2, which they have kinu of staned
working on already to keep that forward momentum. is to begin incorporating thal public input . t)ing
chose issues oruic nonh neighborhoods. traffic impae1s. how docs Ilic south area truly in1cgm1c. how docs
<'.o·w,uown integrate and coordinate cfTccti\'cly ·with this actual si te and that is all a pan or this nc.\1
neg •ia tion period.
Council Member Waggoner said then !hey hl.vc reolly stancd 1ha1 phase already and expect 10 conlinuc .
Man.,gcr Simpson responded 1ha1 he wou!d s,.y lhal Clarion and the Ci1y have really lalked about how we
c:tn move forward . They arc trying 10 get v.1mc mcclings set up with Mill cr/Kitchcll 10 begin working on
an actual site plan .
Mayor Bums asked Mr . Simpson how much discussio n he lias had with Millcr/Ki1chcll si nce Clarion
cameo~ board about thi s. i.f il is ju.SI son of saaning now and if1hcrc has been much communication as
the publh: meetings h.1vc cx:curred. Mr. Simpson snid lhat he would say fairly lim ilcd nctnall y. He no1cd
they hn vt been kind of in • lull . if you wan! 10 cn ll ii 11ml . waili ng 10 uy 10 conclude th is plmsc . lie addoo
that R ol L Dc:sign. Clarion and the City have been talking lbout lhlnp they would r-i 10 ,.. and they
would IMDI IO d , a>nlinuing a lilllc bit of ...urch. but 1h11 ii bu been limited.
Mayor Burns commented that he thinu that is appropriate because the public .-ings wcrcn'I nvcr for a
a,uple moolhs. Mr. Simpson said that is co ,'l'CCI and that he Mlllld say he has been in contact with Mr.
Miller on the ldcphone probably twice, but he has not actually seen him In pcnon.
Council Member Hathaway said she would socond lhal c.,ccp1 lhal she "oold like 10 add sotnelhing else 10
iL She DOied that on the background information lh.11 was supplied with the Council Communication ii
takes lhal Slllemcnl a liule further and she said she fell that they should add that clarificition. She s.1id
that 11 says -ror redevelopment or Cindcn:lla City i11cl11di1111-but not limited 10. mcl\ic theater and 01her
cn1cnainmcn1 uses. suppon or a light rail station, civic am t'J ilics such as publ ic plazas. Lillie Dry Cn:ck ,
water fc:atwcs and fount P-ins. suppon of crc.11ivc silc design through l\'Oidancc of a linear strip layout of
buildings and parking areas and landscaped bulfcring along Floyd Sua:1. • Ms. Hlltha""Y oonunented
lhal she thought Council should be a bit mon: specific.
Council Member Habenicht said that she thought lhal the n:pons, the informalioo from the public n:pons .
is specific enough. We have a nllmbcr of them and. as many people have poinled ou~ "~ have done a
oumbcr rl studies. we have oo.,c p,j>lic input studies. Englewood Focusing on Tomorrow has studies and
"~ ha\~ the rcsults of those Sludlcs and we have the result of the Clarion rcpon ilSClf. She said she might
add that hcl· motion is a litllc dilfcrcn1 from the motion provided by st.'111'. She said staff is suggesting that
"~ use the conclusions and n:conuncndations or the Clarion n:pon for the basis or negotiation, that 1ha1 is
the pan where her motion is dilTcrcnl, thal she is suggcsting lhal we use the comprchc:nsivc public input
including I.hat of the four public forums as a basis for ncgolia1ion "ith Millcr/Kit chell 10 incorpo~lc that.
Ms. Habenicht said that is "ilcrc her oonccm is. that she understands that th.11 would gi\'c them a lilllc bit
more latitude in ""rking with Mr. Miller . She pointed out that Mr. Miller was the selected developer
,.;th Miller/Kitchell ..Son his 0cxibilily . She noted that we ha,-c al lcaSI one or'"" feasibilit y studi es
that we arc looking at . tcnns of what we can have done and in lcm\S or what Council Member
Waggoner brought up about the trallic analysis and some of Iha•. that h.'ISn 'I h.1ppcncd 'Cl. She snid that
she bcliau that that would gi\'c enough latitude for Clarion .,vd the S1nrfto work. but ii wouldn '1 limit
them 10 something that is so closely adhered 10 that Miller/Kitchcll conccp1 and that is why she olTcrcd the
motion as she did .
Mayor Bums said his question is if you do that arc you essent ially selli ng aside Cl arion ·s conclusion s and
recommendations and going back to the citi zen input? Counci l Member Habeni cht said no. Manager
Simpson olfcrcd 1h.11 he thought that Council Member Habenicht indicated that they would include th ese
findings in addition , at least that is what he heard . Council Member Habenicht said no. Mr . Simpson and
Council Member Habenicht clnriJicd the motion. that it should read '"lhc oomprchcnsi\-c public input
including 1ha1 or 1hc rour publ ic rorums as r: b.1sis ror negotiation ."
Council Member Waggoner asked why "®ldn'I they also add Council Member Halh.1way's comments ns
listed on the back RS ii scc,ns like those comments arc appropriate also . Council Member Habeni cht s.,i d
okay. Council Member Ha1h.1way said ;he thinks 11'11 ii kind or clarifies that they have not limited the
focus and oho thought It made I mtemcnt bcca.-it 11)'1 "includin1, but not limited to" and w thought
that wu key Ind critlc:oJ bcca,a she felt Council sbauld 111111 focusing In on aomeching and 1101 llill be_,
el04eric thllt they can 't SIY that this ia what we ■n: -1tlng toward . In n:sponae to Mnyor Burm. Council
Member Hathaway confirmed that when lhc n:fCfflld to on the back, lhc WIS rd"erring lo page three of the
Council Communication . Council Member W■ggoncr Slld ii ia right al the top, where it ll)'S "Cinderella
City, including but l10l limited to" and he SIited 1h11. IS he reads it , he thlnka thlt is tJ<attly whal Council
t.'cmber Hathaway was using IS her basis for the addition . Council Member Hathaway said that is right
Council Member H•benicht Slid that one of the concerns she might ha\'e on that is that l"ouncil really
lake into nl the public input She commented thlt she thinks. while there is o I« ,,·public Input
supporting thc movie theater that 1here is I lot man, input lhal they ha"" been receiving agains1 the si,:e
and scope perhaps, and ., she would hale 10 ha,,. that construed as having already approved that
Council Member Waggonct Slid that it says "bul. not limited to .• Council Member Habenicht said it says
"includin1, but not limited to". so by including all thole things you are in c:ssena, giving an approva l of
those things. Council Member Ha1haway 11id no. that )'OU are including them as a basis for ncgo1ia1ion
with Miller/Kitchell which is I pan of Ms. Habenichl's recommendation. 100. She explained that she \\'35
just adding to Council Member Habcnich1 's motion• basis for negotiation and clarifying a little bil or
what .... are looking 1oward.
Council Member H•bcnicht requested that they ha\'C the motion. as ii would be ,'Oled on. l'Clld.
Discussion ensued as to the correct wording. 1bc City Clerk said thal Council Member Ha1hawny has
asked that the motion be ■mended 10 insert the \\""1ing on page three. item I. of the Council
Communication after "lo inco<por.lte significant commu ni1y goals." Council Member Habenicht said that
she thoof,hl she had Slid to strike the words "conclusions and recommendations· and say ·compn:hensh-c
public input including that of the four public foru o1S • 0!,1ncil Member Waggoner s.1id tls11 he hoped that
she clocsn't mc■n lhal they should include C\'C')'thing lhal ..... bP>Ught up "' tht public forums. because
there was a o:mclcry liSled in tltcrc 100. Mayor Bums said that 1ha1 i• his question . nnd Asked ifth,y have
10 synthcsi,:e whal they go! at the public forums again in some way in order 10 know what lhcy are
""rlr.ing from . Council Member Hathaway said that is why she wanted 10 narrow U1c scope• little.
Mayor Bums pointed out that that is 1he reason why Clarion was su ppose lo render conclusions and
recommendations in 1hc first place.
Manager Simpson advised that Slaff made the original SU!ll?cstion for I his particular motion to try 10 begin
that nanowing process lo begin negotiation. He emphasizw 1ha1 it ,~all y needs to be understood in a
negotiation process th.11 therc are things you get and things you gi\'c up and tltn1 is just the na1un: of Ula!
p~ He said that it may be a matter or semantics in some ways. but I hat he thinks the conclusions and
rcc:ommcndalions do support L'lc communities a,mpn:hcnsivc public input that came rrom the public
forums . that lhat is the whole basis of this rcpon. Mayor Bums s.1id thal is his question. if thal is the basis
for the report and ff they arc siriking .. conclui.i ons and recommendations" and goi"g back to the
"com prehensive pubic input" are they opening this up 10 C\'C')'body 's in1 crpn:ta1ion of wha1 the public
input was or not? He noted that in a w.1y he rnors Council Member Hathaway's suggestion. because that
docs make ii more specific . Bui. he said. hejuSI ""ndcrcd if 1hcy ""uld all get around the 1ablc allcrlhis
wi1h the appmpriatc people and say now what do we 1hink that the publi c input was. do we ha,-c a
considerable discussion then about whal arc the parameters that they arc negotiating from now.
Council Member Habenicht stated 1hat then she would be very happy. instead of saying .. conclusions and
recommendations", to just leave it the .. publi c input rcpo ncd by C1r,rion from the four publi c fonuns BS the
b.1sis of negotiations." Mayor Burns said th.11 would be fine ·with him . Council Member Ha1haway
commented that semantically it is in essence the S'lmc. Mayor Bums rK>lcd it is \'Cl)' close. Council
Member Halhaway sai d you arc just s.1ying public input versus conclusions.. that it me.i ns the s.irnc 1hi~,g.
Council Member Habenicht said 1h.11 is right.
........ Cllyo.-11
.... IJ
Counci l Member Wagoner suggcslOd they mlghl add "lo Include In part.• He no<ed he ocrtainly docs no<
wanl a ccmclery to go in lhcre. Council Member Habenlchl asked ir lhe ocmdery came oot in lhc Clarion
rq,on.. Manager SimplOfl .dviscd that he did not ru:all scclng lhal. Council Member Habcnichl sai d 01111
she dldn 'l lblnl< • cemetery wu included In lhe plan . Council Member Waggoner said lhat somebody
surgcslod a cemetery somcwherc along the line.
Mll)'Or Bums osked Council Member Ha1hllway ir she wanlcd her pan Included too. Ms. Hall111way snl d
yes, because she felt ii would s1art 10 give Council some focus as 10 some or the conclusions.
Mayor Bums asked if the Clerlt could n:ad 1hc mo1lon back in ilS present form .
Following runber clarificati on the Clerlt n:ad lhe mol ion as follo ws :
Counci l Member Halbaway noted lhat 11,11 w-s • friendly amendn,,:nt and she asked if ii was acccplable tn
Council Member Habenicht Council Member Habenichl asked lllllt lhc mo1ion be read one more time.
Council Member Wiggins staled he wanlcd to ndd lhc commcnl 111111 Oic input 1ba1 was pul m by tt,c
publi c lotals less lhan 5% or !he popul alio n or 1he Ci1y or Englewood. Mayor Burn. said he understood
OIIII. bu l tbal was lhe chance you lake when you lsive public forums . Council Member V.. aggonc ,
co111mcn 1cd 1ha1 "~ ela-.t people by less lhan 111111.
Mayor Bums asked if :rn yo nc wanted the motion re.id aga in . Council Member Waggoner said no .
Council Member Ha0111way said Council Membc• Hnbenichl moved. bul nobody has seconded ii yet
Council Member Waggoner seconded the motion . Council Member Hnbenic hl asked 1bat O,c motion be
repeated one more time.
iClcrl<'s DOie: Al. previously n:od, the molion included the 1ta1cmcn1 "INTO TI!B PLANNED UNIT
1his is rd'emd 10 previously in the -ion ii has been ...........i from lhe final molion .)
Council Member l!Abenicht llld 11111 she had • qtatlon for discussion . She staled 1h11 she wanled lo
make sun: 1h11 by voting in favor ol lhi5 -ion, she WUlal 10 cllrify lhll she is nol VOiing lo ncccmrily
accept 1he n:commcndnlions and conclusions of the rq,ort. that she is voting 10 accept 1h11 lhe n:pon be
used as I basis for public inpul ror the basis for negoei11ions. bul not lhe rocommendllions an.!
conclusions 1he only sole basis ol negotialions. Mayor Bums and Council Member HRlhaway said thal
lhcY 1hinlt 1ha1 is very clear. Council Member llabenlch1 cmph.isil<d she w.inls 10 make sure 1hal's clear.
Mayor Bums asked iflhcre were any Olhcr comment, or discussion . Being none he asked 1ha1 Council
vote .
Ayes : Council Membcn Hall,away, Vonnillag. Wiggins. Habenichl.
Waggoner, Clapp. Bums
J'IJ '.lys: r,..:onc
(ii) Dirce1or Black prcscnled a rocomrncndalion from lhe Dcpannicnl or Pari<s and
lt ··.crtation 10 a •l( a bill fo r .,1u ordinance approving an ln1crgovcmmental Agrccmcnl with the City or
Shcrid:111 for pa,,ng Soulh Clay S1rcc1 near the Englewood Municipal Golf Ct>une. He staled lhal Sou1h
<:tay Sllttl borders 1hc Golf Course on the back side. 1ha1 Cily orEngicwood forces would be used 10
overlay thc so"''· lh< Cily or Sheridan would pay for all thc ma1erial costs, the Golf Course, ns an owner
or pan ol 1ha1 pr,, .. ,rtv • :Nld con1ribu1c $5,000 for thc oost of !he labor and the equipment He noted
•""mo Cil)• of ;11, w t, ,c..tld be responsible for up 10 $17,000 in ma1erial a>Sls for thal O\'Cllay .
Mayor Bums aslo:d ~ \his rela u:s lo the other work thal ns done on drainage o\'er !here. as a follow-up 10
thal Dircetor Black responded oo. 1ha1 it docsn ·1 relate 10 tile dra inage, lho l ii dOcs relale 10 1he
.~,pansion where"~ did a IIT. of.,.,rlt, having tm :Its coming in fro!!• the b,,ck side moving din and also
tl~ expansio n of the nmintcna tlC': building over lh crc where \\'C h:1d a number oflmcks coming in and we
lhi>k we J'O":bl y di rl ,o me mio0r damage 10 so nw of the asphalt
Council ,,ember Vormillag asked if this is a one tinic deal . Mr . Bl ack soid yes . Mr. Vonn illag asked if
Sheridan is going 10 maintain it and take care of il once we surface ii. Dircc1or Bl ack t.\-plaincd th.it it
will bci oiig to tbc City of Sheridan and in lhc agreement we arc not providing any warranties on the work
ii.,clfb>::ausc of the na1ure or lhe road . Mr. Vonnittag qucsti01icd whether the dra inage problem "ill tear
it up asain , Mr , Black sai d no. Mr. Vonniuag commcnlcd that he hns been down th.it ro.vJ and it tuts
been wasucd out b,,d, Dirccior Black advised thal IIICy had a discuss ,on nbot11 that and Engle"1l0d 's
Public Works Dcpanment and the Cily or Sheridan did not feel that I here would be a problem ,,;,J, going
ahead and O\'crlaying lhe stl'CC1 now. Mr. Vormiuag asked if there ""uld be nnolher problem ,..,h 1he
Cify ofEnglC\\1>00 bringing any more lmcks down there. Dircdor Black said no. thot that was one of the
lhings thcY looked nt
Mayor Bums asked whose responsibility it will be in the future fo r the slornge , repair and main1cnancc.
Mr . Black advised that it "ill be the Cil)' of Sheridan 's.
Council Member Ha1haway poinled 0UI Iha! lhcy could still comrncl Olli ... ,h us 10 do it. Mayo r Bums
said yes lie understood 11011. Director Black Slated lhat is true .
......... Cllyc-11
.... 15
Counci l Member Waggoner asked irthc bill ror materials wi ll go directly tu Sheridan . Mr. Black said yes.
The Cieri< was asked lo rt.Id the aiunci l bill by Ihle :
Ayes : Counci l Membcn Hathaway. Vormiuag. Wiggins. Habenicht.
Waggoner. CIApp , Bunts
Na ys : None
Motion cnrricd.
(iii) Din:ctor Gryglcwicz presented a rocom nicn<l>tion from the Dcpanmcnts or
Financial Services and Safety Services lo adopt a bill for An emergency ordinance removing "conuactor
licensing" rrom the City 's mor>lorium on business licenses and 10 set an cmcrgcnc)• meeti ng on August
12. 1996 for 5"00nd rcadini oflhc ordinance and cst•blishmcn, of fees by resolution . He noted that thi s
cmcrgency ordinance mu.cs changes lo Title 5, Cha pt er 7 contractor licensing. which al present timc is
under the moratorium that Council establish.,() on June 3. 1996 . Mr. G,)•glcwicz c.,p lnincd that the only
changes 10 this chapter of Title 5 arc how Ilic fees arc estab li shed. that the)• wi ll be cstnblishcd by
reso lut ion and 1ha1 resolution wi ll come fmward on August 121h if Counci l appl"O\'CS 1his. He advised thal
sta ff is not , at this time. recommending any changes in the fee stmcturc. Director Gtyglcwicz stated that
it is his understanding from the Ci ty Anomcy that Counci l needs to ha,-c a una nimous vote on this for the
emergency ordinance to go forward.
Mayor Bums pointed out that they ,-ery seldom have M emergency ordinance, that thi s is a particula,
need in this case. the need lo be ab le to license the contractors.
The Cieri< was asked to read the counci l bi ll by title :
AGENDA ITEM 11 (1) (iii) -COUNCIL BILL NO. 40.
Motion carried .
Aye,,: Council Members Hathaway. Vonnitta g. Wi ggins. Habenicht
Waggoner. C:app. Bums
Na)~: None
(b) Appro,oe on Seco nd Reading
(•) Council Bill No. JI 1u1horizin1 lhc lllle oflhc l )lt Soulh Dn-oldw.iy propcny
10 Waller and Mar 1lyn Golll WIS c:onsideffl!.
Aye,;: Council Mcmbcll Hathaway, Von-nillag, Wiggins, Habenicht,
Wagoner, Cla Bums
Nays: Nooe
12. Geaenl Dl,cuuloa
(a) Mayo(s Choice
I. Mayor Bums encouraged C\'Cf)OflC 10 p11nicip11c ir, 1hc No1ional Nigh! Ou1 lomorrow nigh! and
10 worl< with lhc Neighborhood Walch people on lhis panicc'ic cclcbralion. And again, he said, he would
like 10 thank Nancy Pc1coon of1he Englc,,ood Police Dcpa11m ,n1 for 1he grtaljob she is doing on 1he
Neighborhood Walch Program, which. he opined, is n,ally t,,-,..-,ming a model for Olher cities.
2. Mayor Bums Slaled Iha! he ""°'ed lo bring Comcil a lilllc bil Uj>-IC-dale on 11w. 'lm funding for
lhc RID lig)II rail line . He said lhaL as they probably know, the House in Washin 'jl on included SJ
million in lhc funding for lhis year 's Appropria1ions Bili and lhe Scnalc did not •1 pro..,, any funJ ing. He
oommcn1ed thal !hey are not qui1e sure "-by 1ha1 was rlroppcd 001 oflhe Scna1e Bill . He advised 1ha1 Inst
Thursday he talked lo bOlh Sc11a1or Ben Nigh1horsc Cl•mpbcll and Scna1or Brown in Washing1on abou1
this. He noted thni Scna lor Campbell ,.TOie a very good ,cue, 10 Scna1or Marie Ha1ficld . 1he Chair of the
Senate Appropriations Commiucc. abou1 this. Mayor Bums cxpbincd that this matter now goes tr
Confcrcno: Committee which will meet in ScptC'mbcr. He noccd t~• wanlcd to make some contact \\ith
them before 1bey adjourned. whi ch Ibey did a couple of days ago for theio Augll>t break . He staled 1ha1
!hey arc reasonabl y conlidcnl th:11 tbey ,-an get 1hcsc funds back in . Mayor Eums m<ntioncd that he also
spoke 10 the Planning Dircc1or or the Fc.Jcrnl Transit Administration .• 1ha1 he was given his number by
Scn.110, Brown 's office. He explained thal there is• rq,on '.Ml is rendered 10 1he Congress every yc.,r by
law reviewing 1hc proposed trnnsil systems nnd projects on meri t That prclimimuy ct.ran wns given to the
Congn::.s in Marth and. he advised, tbe final dstfi has not yc l been submiucd_ ii is late, tul they lmvc
been workin g off of lhe preliminary rcpon . He advisco' 11ml when 1hcy did this Sindy on all of U•c projcc1s
around lhc country, the southwest corridor lighl rail came righl 10 lhe lop. Mayor eums said he asked
thcm whether it was one of lite reasons why this was aa:cp1ed by the While House and recommended for
funding and it was. He noted !his rcpon was ·,cry imponanl in Iha! selection process and since lhe full
funding granl agr,cment has been signed it is, 'I)" imponanl 10 get lhe fir.;t fun1i ng for this project .
Recognizing thal next yea r lite rcqUCSI for funding may be as high 3S $30 or $40 million because he
1hough1 RTD still expects to fin.1iozc plans 01, this project by !he spring of 1997 . So. he said. they arc
working diligently 10 lry to gel thal $3 million back in . Mayor Burns noled 11ml Sca.110, Hallicld
supposedly said 1lm, he would not go along with 1he appropria1 io n for morc than lbe $3 milli on th.11 the
House recommended . thnt if ii was for more thnn thnl it would lut\'C to come out of so1r c other Colorado
project . Actually, he noted. !here isn "t an y ot her Colorado project 1lut1 is like lhi s and so he thought SJ
million would be lhc awdmum. So. he said, Ibey will be in conl.lCI wilh lbcm when the Conference
Comminec mccU. He c,q,laincd thal lhe Confe10na: Commincc Is vc,y lmponan1 10 Ibis Appropriations
Bill , ba:aulc he bu bee:. advilCd by Scnalor Campbell's olf,cc lhal lhelO is a lol of Slaff inpul II that
level , !hat ancr all it is lhc Approprialions Bill and ii is a big bill . He said !hey.,. hoping 1ha1
somcwhc,c we can slip S3 million in lhelO, because lhal is a ,-c,y small amounl of money considering the
slzc oClha1bill .
3. Mayor Bums noted Oterc WI.I an cdilorial in lhc Rocky Mounlaln N""~ abou1 a ,....i. or 1cn days
ago aboul 1hc Honon house. chastising O,c Ci1y of Englewood for having c,-cr loaned money 10 the Honon
family for robabililalion of their house and admilling tha1 Scna1or Coffman of Aurom look our lctler, tha1
"'C senl 10 him. down 10 lhe odilorial board nflhc Rocky Mounlain News and go t lhis odilorial published
mnch 10 our chagrin. He advised 1ha1 the Housing Au1hori1y discussed Ibis at !heir meeting las1
Wodncsday and their cona:m is lhal ifwc ph1y Ibis mancr in 1hc press lhe p,css will always get 1he last
word. because it is the newsp11pcr we arc contL'Sling wilh on this.. Mayor Bums s.,i d there hnvc been
diffcronl wggcstions on lhis. 1ha1 Excculivc Dha:to• Paul Malinowski would like, perhaps lhrough
Senator Tom Blickcnsdcrfcr. to sit down with Senator Coffm.1n and go O\fl •',111 has been done with this
houSt and 1ry to gee some r~nhcr communicnlion "ith him. Mayo r Bums noted he lnlkcd to City
Manngcr Clari< aboul it and he 1hough11l011 ii mighl be ,no,. bc:ncficiol 10 go 10 lhe odi1orial board of the
Rocky Mounlain NCI'~ and lalk 10 lhcm aboul wha1 kinds of loans have been let on 1his house and why
lhis occuntd over the period of lime since 1982. Mayor Bums stated 1lint he is cona:mod o,-cr 1he
rclalionship Scnalor Coffman has wilh lhis --·· lhal ii llCICmS like he can just cany something
cto..11 lhcro and get a 5101)' 01 an odilorial. He said he is not"""' whal the Council would like to do al>oul
Olis. He coounc:nlod tbat he thouglll U,c Housing Au1hori1y wooldjust like ii to go away if they could and
nOI ha,-c any molO publicily al>oul it Bui , he said, in the fu1urc Scnalor Coffman ma)' be very important
on son,c ,'Oling on legislation thal may come up 1ha1 would affect Englewood. Mai-or Bums notod, sina:
lhc unfonunale homicide 11 lhe Honon house, lhal lhis is 1he iargct for people 10 Like potshots a1 the Cily
or Engl«:l''OOd and the Housing Au1hori1y. He said I his cona:ms him a lot.
Council Member Habcnichl said she heard abou\ lhal bul silC hadn '1 road ii . and lhal she heard aboul ii
from 1-..-0 or throe people in the communily. She RJCod lhal when she road the odil orinl she quickly pu1
1ogc1her a n:sponse and lalkod lo Cily Mnnnycr Clail< aboul ii, wanting 10 know if1lm1 was a good idea or
nOI . She said when they ialkod Mr. Clari< had also mentioned ,isiling tl,c oditorial board . Ms. Habci
said lhat sllC thinks that is an cxl10mely wise decision, 1ha1 "" need 10 help them focus and sec what me
of the other pct;ms oi V1cw ar;-and not do b.111lc in the press. as it were, over this. She said she thinks at
the same time she can undcr\!.1nd the sensitivity that the Housing Authority is feeling and pc.rh.1ps it
mighl be• isc for lhe Housing Au1hori1y 10 back off. bul 1hat she did not sec any roason why 1hc Cily
~11ouldn 't be visiting a little bil with the editorial board of the Rocky Mountain News and giving 111cm
some infomiation . Council Member Habeni cht said she lhinks thal is an appropriate thing to do. It is not
an advenarial kind of thing. it is providi ng infonnation and she opined that 1ha1 is a \'Cry wise th ing to
do , especially wilh the good relationshi ps '>t1,· communhy continues to ha.-c "ith all the media. tha t W\
need to keep that up. Al the same time. sh.: seated. she docs not think we an just let this go because. a.1
was mentioned. she was sure Scn.,tor Comnnn will be bringing this up again and ir the last word is 1ha1
word allogcthcr then that ,s a roaJ problem . because tls11 "ill be used qui1c a bil in lhc pross. Sl,c said 1ha,
visiting \\ilh lhc press and helping 1hem 10 sec lhc poinl of view. and all oflhal "'OUld be very . ,-c,y
helpful . 11,crcfolO, she said. she slrongly suppo ns Cily Manager Clari<'s rccommcndalion .
Council Member Hathaw.1y sai d she would suggest ldnd of a con1binati on of the two r.x:ommcndations
and when they go 10 talk to the editorial bo.ird 1hm 1hey lake Scn:uor Blickcnsdcrfer "lith 1hcm . Just
because of t!-c fac1 , she commcnlcd , lh,11 he can provide an insi ght as to rcla1jonships with th e press from
SCl41tors. too . Because she 1hought he has mo re of an insight as 10 how much Scn..1 1or Coffman m.iy or
mny not be :iblc 10 get somet hing in lo lhc press, versus how much Senator Bli ckcnsderfer may or m.,y not
be able to get 10mcthl ng into the proa poativc or negative , Ms. Hathaway stated ihat she thinks"" need
bis insight u ""II u our representative.
Mayor Bumi said he thought that may be useful . He noted that he spoke 10 Senator Blia.ensdcrfer
briclly. but he knows he was concerned about the fact U.a l an Aurora senator has gotte n Involved in an
Engle,,ood matter and ,omc of the inilial comments wen: pn,tly severe against the City and the Housing
Authority. Mayor B,;ms said that he thinks that that was not wam1ntcd.
Couocil Member Hathaway said she thi nks they definitely need to go down then: wilh the facts, that it
,..ooldn't matter whether It was the Honan famil y, or anybody else in that particular situation . That if
the)• ..-the guidcli ncs that the fcdcnl government cstnblishcs for thclC loans and grants and whatever,
,.,, as a Housing Authority n:ally cannot tum them down. if ,.-.cy file an application. She said she 1hinlts
..., need to be very clear on that because it sounds like we did an exceptional thing. We didn 't do
ani1hing morc for 1hr. Honan family than 1111)1,ody else th.11 would have applied in that panicular time
period. If they met the qualifications they got the gran t. they got lhc lo.1n money or whatever. She no ted
it just happens thal lhc Honons m.,dc application bolh times.
Mayor Burns ""id that basically that is true. Exocpl for some rcscn ,:s, thi s is csscn1ially nol a federal
prognun. though. that this is homegrown. Council Member Hathaway stated th.it it has some guidelines.
Ma)"' Burns agreed that ii has some guidelines. and he agrccd that the City and the Housing Authority,
•ith reganl to lhcsc loans, is not a social ocrvicc agency, tha it is a housing measure. Sa, he said,
founeen yca..,,go he docs not know what the status of the Horton fa mily was and he doesn't think O,c
Housing Authority knew either.
Council Member Hathaway pointed out that in the p.1pcrworlt thal the Housing Au1hori1y has there has 10
ha\'c been a initial application and she thought th.111ha1 is what needs to be provided. because if tl,cy mc1
the qualilicalions thnt existed for lhis program. at that time. we couldn 't lcll thtm no. anymore than we
could have told anybody elso no.
Mayor Bums said that is tn.c . We h..~ nc'".-Cr c.umincd how functional a family is before we lo.in them
DlOOC)' on a real estate maue.-. He point,-d out that i1just isn't thcj.)b of the Housing Authority or L'>c Cily
in lhcsc instances so he O,oug,t so,nc of this could be clarified .
Council Member Ha thaway noted that the other clarification is cxa<.11y what Mayor Burns just said. tlc11
we need 10 es1ablish that we arc not a social scniccs agency and we did not do this p.,nkular grant loan.
or wh.1 1·cvcr. as a socia l services agency. ii was done lo pro,idc housing for a family thal applied .
Counci l Member Habe nicht commented that she thinks it is impo nant 100. to emph.,sis the pos itive things
that ha\'C been coming fonh from this aud Olhcr programs . She said she thinks 1hat is 1he piece th at is
missing. lhnt that is the piece lhnt concerns her \\i lh Senator Coffman , 1h.11 she is fearful that he is going
to be targeting all sons of programs on the basis or this piece and she th inks"~ need to be ready 10 help,
to help the press and help everybody know all of the wonderful , positive progra ms and all the wonderful
benefits that have related from tllCIC programs. She said that Is 11,c p.,n of the story that is mi ssi ng.
Council Member Hathnway noted that the editorial did make some rcrcrcncc to that fact . th,,t we have no
apologies for some or the stuff w'C have done. so why were we geui ng behind 1hi s p..1ni cular issue.
Mayor Bums pointed out thnl this progmm is twenty yea rs old and has had hundreds or loans. over $8
million has passed through this program and we hi,,,c RC\'C r had a Honan case like thi s l:M:forc. So. he
noted. it has been a very good pmgmm for Englewood, hemily supported by tl,c Ci ty Coun cil for mm,y,
m.iny yea rs r,nd heavil y supponed by the banks in the commu ni1 y who have loaned most oflhc funds for
......... CIIJc-dl
""-S."" ,..,
iL So. be said. be did not want the program and the City's and HOU1lng Authority's puticipolion 10 be, in
fact. lfflClrcd by th is one Incident 10 1h11 somehow the public Is looing conlidcncx: in th is program . He
n,ilcrated that ii Is a very good program .
He thanked Council for their input
4. Mayor Bums advised that he ancndcd lhe Olympic games. as a guest orh11 broc hcr, who lives in
Allnnta. He noted lhal he was In the O1)1npie Pnrk with his bro1her for several hours 11 night that the
bomb exploded. Fonunalcly, he aid. they wen, not then, at the lime that that happened. But he
comme nted. that we have a young lady rrom our County, Amy Van Dykcn , who won four gold mcd,ll s u,
that Olympics. He noted that she docs not live in lhe City or Englewood, ahhough be undcmood she may
ha\'e an Englcwoocl post•I addrca. He said thAt one thing he became convinced or aOcr that bombing
incident. and after the recovery from it so 10 speak. , ... s that the spirit or11,e Olympia is really contained
in the kind or performance that Amy Van Dykcn had . He staled he would hke to cntcnain us having an
appropriate form of proclama1ion to congratulate her for her achievements. Mayor Bums sa..d he is not
sun, ,.1icn, her travels will take her, but he would lo\'C to sec her come and aa:q,I such a prociamation so
,.,, could honor her. He commented that it is not just that w, an: trying 10 son or captun, Amy Van Dyken
because,.,. a,c the City or Engl°"ood. but thAI he n:ally re' .ike they needed some son or ICCO\-CI)' from
this bombing. especially if)'OU wen, thcJ-c. He said then, was an emotio nal impact from this. a very
ncgali\,: impact. for a couple or days after that happened and he thought the athletes such as Amy and the
otbcrs. really embodied the spirit orthe Olympics that taught all orus that we can 't cow low to this kind
ortcnorism, no maner when, ii comes rrom. th.11 you can 't shirk rrom the kinds or thin~ that the
Olympics stand ror. He staled that fortunatel y ii""""' ri ght on and the p,1rlt n,opcned. But that pan or 0,e
mcmo<y or these Olympics "ill olways be 1.hal bombing and he foll lhal ii is people lite Amy that help us
realize what it is all about He said 1h.11's his suggestion and th.11 perhaps we can make contact "iOt her
through her liunily.
Council Member Habenicht said that is • good idea.
(b) Counr.il Membc(s Choice
(i) Council Member Hathaway:
I. She commented that do\111 al the 0o\\-cr shop OlC)' got a mailing rrom Chapel Hills Mall in
Colorado Sprinp trying 10 recruit new businesses 10 the mall. She said she docs not know how nc,ny
other Englewood businesses goc that or whether lhcy """"' jnst targeting p,,nicular specialties, because thi s
panicular Oyer seems 10 be targeted toward specially shops. Bui . she said. she thought she would forward
il to Bob Simpson because they do offer low start up costs. excellent selection of store sizes and lcxations.
free consultalion for franchise opportunities and they will gi\'c you a free sign for your store front if you
send this in ri ght now. M~. Hathnway sai d she just though! it was inlcrcsting how C\"Cn m.,Us do,,11 in
Colorado Springs arc f'CC',uiting for our businesses right now.
Council Member Habenicht said 1h.11 pcrlcips we could copy ii. Ms. Hathaway said it is kind or
2. She advised th.it Ken Hamid.sen me ntioned that the phone numbers for council members need 10
be put back in the Englewood Citi1.cn. that they arc not curre ntl y there . She said she docsn 't kno ,. if that
means their home phones or if it ns the conglomerate phone m:rn bcr that they all use down here at
City Ha ll . Ms. Hathaway Slat cJ that \\Uuld have lo be clari fied with Mr. Haraldson .
....... CkyO,,.IICII
M91115,19" .....
• J . She aid in looklng into lnfom .ition reganling busi.-retenlioa and n;cruilmcnl she became
aware lhal F111clll '1 had a 1hiny year colcbnition on Salwday, Ibey have hcen in busineu in Englewood
ror thiny years al that location . She noted 1ha1 SWISCI Flowers has al., bee , in business for lhiny years in
Englewood since May. Ms. Hathaway olTcrcd that ii mig)ll be beneficial 10 start looking al some of our
ales we licenses and sec how long some businesses have held those lic:cnscs and maybe, just like we send
out wedding. an ·ive"8ry, thank you 's and kudos lo cenain residents, &he fell we should &tart stroking our
businesses as Wt. She said ii mighl be nodting more than a lctlcr from the Mayor saying I understand
you have been in b-'"'" for so long. She staled she just thinks,. .. n<cd lo 5lart sending some milcposu.
ma)tt 15, 20 or whatever years. and start tlianking some of these people for sticking ii 0111 with us
through thick and lhin. She commented that she felt ii would just be a good rccruiunenl i~ca. Mayor
Barns said lhal isn 't a bad idea.
(ii) Council Member Wiggins :
I. He thanked Public Worl<s for the "'Ced worl< they did.
2. He tlmnked Safely Services Dcp.1nmcn1 for their speeds checks on Union and =-cring the
public 's conccms.
3. He asked City Attorney Brotzman how we arc on negotiations "ith Home Lumber since there
"~a fire over there last week . City Attorney Brolzman advised 1lm1 staff will ha\'c a new Appraisal done
and we will be meeting ""h the ewncn. oflhe property agai n.
4. He asked if Council nccdcd 10 approve funds for Council MembcB Habenicht and Clapp 10
aru:md the Symposium in Vail . He was advised 1h81 Council appro\'ed the fwods in pR:\'iously .
(iii) Council Member Waggoner.
I. He said that lhcy had the lcllcr that came out on the group home and he was wondering ifwc ~nt
Frank Miner a copy of those. City Attorney Brot-zman advised lhnl he thought Mr. Miner was copied on
thmc. and if not wr.: can . After perusing the letter, Mr. Waggoner sai d 1hn1 he is.
Council Member Waggoner asked if group homes arc regulated by the Slatu le. Ci ty Allomcy Brotzman
said no. lhal there is a pl'O\'ision 11ml you may separa te them by 750 feet Council Membe r Wa ggoner
questioned whether tlial is regulated. in any way. by the State S1a1u1cs. City Attorney Bro1-znian said no.
Mr. Waggoner asked if 1hcy aulhori z,.. group homes or give lhem a license or anylhing lik e 1ha1. Mr.
Brot-zma n advised that the licensing is provided by the Stale for group homes. Mr. Waggoner asked . then
why wouldn't they apply their own Statutes. City Alto · Bro1 1.m.,n said that that was an interesting
question .
Council Membe r Hat hnway co mmenlcd tha t they licx:nsc child care facilities without regu latio ns and local
zoning anyway , so why shoulrl. this be any different. Council Member Wa ggo ner asked if they have their
0\\11 regu lation as 10 distance. Council Member Hathaway snid no they don 't either. Council Member
W•ggoncr said tbcy do on group homes . Ms. Hathaway noted 1ha1 the point is that the Stale issues a
license to them whhout even thinking of local zoning at all . Council Member Waggoner sai d that he is
no< talking about local -zoning. 1ha1 this is Stale Statute that says 1ha1 you cannot h.1\-c one wi thin 750 feel
of a.nother one. He commented that if the Slate issues a li cx:nsc then why wouldn 't they apply their 0"11
regulations. Council Member Hathaway norcd th.it is a very good question . tlmt we didn 't ask them that
question . Cit, Altomcy Brot7Jn.1 n conu ncnlod thnt basically the)' s.1id we v.'On 't be answering you. you nrc
oot one of the consti1ucn1s. Mr. Waggo oc rqucst ioncd why not :1Sk them why they don 'I appl y thei r own
regulations 10 1hc ir own issu.1 ncc of lice nses. Mr. Brotzman s.1i d he can lcll him th at their answer is th,1 1
.......... OlyC.adl
they do not have to n:ply to you . Mr. w_..., said thon let 's ask them IP,in. M,. Bmtmian ROtfd If
they want to go through one of lboir a.aitucnls who arc, lhe cangreuman and/or OCDMon, wc can gi1
through one oru,osc avenues 10 ask I similar qUC$1lon . Council Member Waggoner sale! be ~,inks wc
should and ask why I hey allow a license thal Is againsl their own S1a111u:,. C'ouncil ~ lllnlhB.way
noled lhal otherwi se we won'I get a clarifica1ion of ii. Discussion ensued as to who lhe Ciiy could
approach and it was detcnnincd 1ha1 it could be Senator Blickcnsdcrfcr er Rcprescn1a1n-e Wayne Knox .
Council ember Waggoner said they roll)• should nol hnve issued a licr.nsc if th.y ha,-e 1t SiaMe thill
says Ibey can't City Allorncy Brottman advised lhal in lnlking "ith loo Attorney General on lhal cosc h<.
said that ii docsn 'I mean we woo 'I cnfon:c lhal agai nst you in lhc fu1uro , 1ha1 I am just nol going 10 i:;;,-e
you an a.RS\\'Cf. is actuallywha1 his n:sponsc was. Mr. Waggoner said we don't want any a~,:rs wt:just
wnnt tJK:m to enforce it
2. Council Member Waggoner also cx,rnmented lhnl a IOI of JJCl'li'.lns have been re::eh-ed stalillg 1ha1
lhc undersigned r,:spc:ctfully ask lhe Cil)' Council 10 rcconsidcr lhc .,..._.,scd COnccpl oflhc big box po .... ,
user ccnlcr in 1he ...SCVClopmcnt ofCindcrolla Cily. He said he docs nOI know how to rocx,nsidcr a
concept when you haven ·1 even consid<ncd ii in lhe first pince. He fell the only thing ~ii has"" d is
tliat Ibey r..,.., 400 .000 squ.1 11: feel or cn1a1ainmcn1 and n:lni l dc\-elopn,:,,1. 1"J. Wnggoncr said that
Council 's sta1crncnt was thal ii could be up 10 400.000 squaro feet. nol t)'llt it cwldn 't be•~ than that.
and that 1hcy n:ally didn 't say it couldn 't be rnoro than lhal. His ""'°'lcctiou "•"' thatO-,,: •OO.O'JO squan:
feet concept came from Council in the fmt pl ace. lie said the n:ason that it was to~ somcwhcro nro un~
that figun: -..-as that the original CindcrcUa City complex. as he tanembcrcd. lwl clbout 1.2 milli!!'• sq1_1 .. rc
feet and Counci l has consis1en1ly been told tha1 that an:a could OOI mai nt ain a retail :;pocx: 4MI \11IS
anywhcn: near half of the si1.e of Cindctella Cily . Mr. Waggoner sai~ he docs Ml ;cc ii as a power user
a:nlcr, big bo., n:tail , and a:rtainly no1 as a replication ofTrollei• Squan:. He as.,,:ned thal Trolley Square
was S<1 up for smcll shops and that he docs no1 undcrstnnd what lhcsc people an, tal king abou1 that don ·,
want a replication of Trolley Squ.in:. He asked if that means they don't want little st ores?
Connell Member Hathaway opined that it is Jnst lhe wnole Trolley Squan: fiasco . the boo-boo of buildin g
something that was 101nlly unusable by the cit ize ns of Engl.,.ood.
Mayo r Burns said hi s improssion is that they an: talking about a concept that fails .
Council Member Waggoner conlcndcd th.11 no maner what Council docs, they arc go ing to be dnmncd if
th ey do. and damn ed if they don 't. If it turns oul to be the best thing in the world . they an: going to s.,y
tlic Council did a fantast ic job . If it ends up failing. thcy'n: going to say lie n: is anoilocr Council that
absolutely failed .
(iv) Council Member Habeni cht
I. She opined that . in 1em1S of what people mean when they say lhey don 't want anothe r Trollc:•
Square, people arc really saying was that back th en a lot of people were comi ng fommd and s.1ying
"yo u'n: building two le,,.ls. you'n: doin g this, you'n: doing 11011 T Slic sa id they qnestioncd all tho th 'ngs
thal 1umcd out 10 be problcma1 ic. and 1hc Council wcn1 ahead. al though 1hc public was qUCSli oni ng 1flc
fact 1ha1 all the businesses were being disp laced and that the business commun ity was speaki ng ou1
ag.1 inst il. She said she feel s th.,11 is what 1hcy mr .. ,n. not 1hat lhc : •ink we arc goi ng 10 build t\,'O IC\'Cls.
but m1her . the pnblic process .
Council Member Vonnillag asked if the public was allowed input bock then . Council Member Hath.i way
respo nded absolutely and th.11 she was part of the input back then. Part of the probleni she s.ii d. was 11011
it was the whole dC\'C lopmcnt. It was all the wny fro m Bro.,dway to Cinderella City before he went
......... Cllyc..cll
.... 22
.....,._ Once Bud Bnidy """' bankrupt, then Trolley Square became ill own single complex, the
Ma,kd Place became itJ own si ngle complex, and Phar Mor btcamc ill""'' single complex . Bui ,
c:onsidcn:d as• wh>le al the 1'1110, Tro lley Square made...,.. because the bi g 11orcs wen: going to be
cbicr IO Hamj'den. and the ,mall specialty llon:s wen: going to be on Broadway . Only as a 1otal conoept.
she said. !:<it it didn't end up being that way. But yes. she noted then: wen: a lot of questions as to why an:
you building a 1wo sto iy comp lex right next 10 all I his stufl'. In n:sponse 10 Council Member Vann! -
Ms_ Hathaway explained that 1he whole concq,t did not fail . on ly that particular suuaun:, that structu.
OC\'CJ' 1'-orltcd on Bro:idw:iy. Council Member Waggoner noted that King Soopcrs "~s part ofthal whole
complc,<. Cooncil Member Ho1haway said yes. King Soopcrt was p.,11 of that complex. as was Ani1a's
and C\'CJ)'lhi ng on that sou1h end .
Council Member Waggoner said then:"~"' a lot of people at the time who said don 't go with this
~'Clopcr. ,le, lb,lhaway advised 1ha1 he was the only one who bid on the c:on,plex. only by virtue of the
fact that the Sludie< wen: co-authon:d by him , the Englewood Dowruown De\'Cl,:,pment Authority (EDDA)
and the liJlglewood Urban Renewal Aulhori ty (EURA). She said 1h01 c:von though ii was advcrt.iscd
natiomndc. he.,_. lhe only one 1ha1 bid .
2. Coonc:il Member Habenicht !hanked the Clean. Gn:cn and Proud Commission . She said she
went o.11 and visiled them when they"~"' doing lhe Household H117.ardous Materials Roundup and felt .
since C\'Cf)T'CIC was ta'lki n~ about so many Olhcr 1hings that the Commission and s.,rccy-Klccn had 1101
been Jl"DllCn)' thankc:d for 1hcir efforts. She praiscd them and City stall' for the fan1astic job they did and
said she wants to mal:e sun: lhen: is some kir.d of official thank you. perh.,ps a lener 10 Sa fety -Kleen.
Council Mombcr Vom1i11ag said a pl aque was p«>enled last iar and maitc another cou ld be gi\'e n this
year .
Council Member lfathaway said that we aln:ad) did. She added 1ha1 we shouldn 't stop lhen:. bul shoul d -1.edg• cvel')1hrng th.11 goes on in lhe City. She felt if,.~ an: going to do this. I hen they might as
"~II 11:tnowledge all the neighborhood waleh block captains for the Fourth of Jul y. She stated 1ha1 "~
should be yutious. but also be sure we say than ks 10 C\'crybody.
Council Member H.'\bc-nicht thought 1ha1 was a good idea.
J . Ms . Ha!><niehl thanked Din:ctor ofFinancial Scn,iccs Director Gl')'ghmia. for getting 1he
responses 10 the infonnation 1ha1 she asked for n:gartling our 1a, SI ,ctun:s and property tnxcs . She asked
ifhe would be ,.,mng lo"""' wilh her or a couple of other peopl • o tiy 10 make ii a linle mon: easy to
undcrstanll She said she "'"'Id n:ally ha,,. to apply all of her I·., ,ledge an:I study 10 n:all y understand
it She said she \l'OtJld like to sec the infonnation prcscn1od in ! ha way that it would be clear to anyone
wl\') "-'OU!!! look al ii. Ms. Habenichl commented thal she fell · :ould helpful in the fulun:. Mayo r Bums
said he "~Id h.we to admil 11-,1 he gol a Ii Ille co nfused or. a, .pie of 1hosc pages himse lf.
4. She a>tP.!:nC n1cd on tllc Parks and Recreation Dcparu ,.cnt production of .. Thc Musi c Man" whi t h
was held O\'Cr tl <; weekend . She s.iid the house was p.ick, ':.:ach time and the people rea ll y c1tioycd ii.
She fell thcCily coukl be really proud ofit. She said Michell e Grimes was a n:a l hi1 as Marion 1he
5. She pf\:Sentcd ati anicle from Colorado Business . January 1996, .. Colorad o Entrcnrcncurs hil\'C
the ldr.as. Vcn 1urc Capi1alists h.we U,e Money. Now All they ha,,. 10 do is Find Each O1hcr." She asked
Lhal the Clarion Associalcs receive the anicle .
6. Ms . Habenicht also p!Cltnled infonMtion that she roccivcd from the Metro Mayon ' r_..ucus
regarding nMnuc •haring.
7. She thanked Di=tor or Libnuy Scni ccs Hank Long ror his sensitivity and caring above and
beyond. and ror hi • lcad enhip to the Library Board after the loss or one of their n,cmbcn.
8. Council Member Habenicht asked if the Van Schooncvcld reco mmendation. 1ha1 we have an
In ternal audi tor. is something that is going 10 be discussed at a study session.
Counci l Member Wiggins so.i d Council Member Waggoner has been rccomnlC:Jld.ing that for years.
City Mana ger □a rk said il is his understanding lhat 1his has been a n::commcndation for )'cars. Council
Member Hathaway RSl<ed why ii look so long for Council lo roccive the lcuu. City Manager Clarlt fell
they h.1CI received it earlier with the full audit rcpon and was unccnain why ii was in the roccnl p.,cke1.
Ms . Hathnway asked that be chcclt with Director Gryglcwicz 10 sec why they got ii now.
9. She spoke of an in1crcsting amuncnt in the Planning and Zoning Commission Mcct.ing Minu1cs
from June 8. 1996. \\ilh pawn shops. quality oflifc. which she thought Cou ncil migh t like 10 look o,-c r.
10. Also. she said. inn recent edition of Nation's Ci ties Weekly there wns an article on how parents
are nch•<>r1<ing; its a program or dealing "ilh kids. She sai d 11011 she and Council Membe r Clapp ha,-c
discussed such issues in their quality oflife lnslt force. She though t ii would be beneficial 10 learn more
about tJlCSC p.ircnt networking programs 10 hcl['I pl"C\'Cnl problems wil h yout h from occurring in
communities .
11. Ms. Habenicht ,ruucd that she nslted ror a list from Slaff or inpo 11hn1 ,.,. ha,-c rc<lCn-cd from 1bc
public since January on the Cinderella City rcdc\-clopmcnl. She remart:d 1ha1 she had requested it fo r
her own edification and because she thought ii woold be helpfu l for Council. She said she has hea rd so
many tim es and has even rend 11 in lbc press, lhal there has just been a sm.,11 oore group or ci tizens. a
small spociaJ interest group , who has raised concern . Ms. Habenicht s.1id she just wanted t..1 take a look at
whal aJI had come in tr ;;.,,c ,f, i~. ii w.tSjust a snmll special inl crcst group. She felt the scope ofwh.11
they have shows that it wnsn 't and 1h.1t thc.~ wns no re.i i major organized cfTon . In fact . she sa id. she
asked Mr. ~i.l to et 1me tonight because he l:ttd brought rorwnrd 1h:it anicle. She thought it was
inte~ing 1.hat hc j J1st came 10 her house one d.1)' and was conccrnr.d . He h.1d no idc., 1hcrc was :i nyih ing
going on iu lcnns or peopl e who were concerned. She rclt the s.1 me th ing hnppcncd wit h Lillian Fi sh.
Ms. Habcnkht opined 1hat ii is importan t for Council 10 rccogni 1.c that there is not so me small specia l
intercsl group -:,ut tncrc uyi ng 10 have their way. 5hr reel s the re Is a 101 of community concern and like
all problems of communication in today's world. it tal ,cs lime to get the word out no matter how much you
do. She commented that they ha\'C been talking about th.it on the c:ommunications task force. how
difficult that is. She sa id she is conce rned. th,,t they arc trying 10 make dec isions b.1scd com prchcn si\icly
on all of the infonnation . Ms. Habenic ht fell the list 1h.1t they did ge t was nol compl ete and t.h.11 the re
were severa l letters th al she h.u lhnt weren't included , She s.i id she would just like to draw ancruion to
lhnl. and Uc,t a lol has still been omiucd from the oomplcl c list 11-,1 th ey have. Sl,c s.,i d she is no t su re
where ii all is in the City , but felt ii wou ld be hel pful for nll or Council 10 revi ew it
Cou ncil Member r · 1pp co mmcn1cd thn1 n l01 of th e public concern that came forwn 1ct was from
misinfom u11ion that was Ooai ing :-iround :-ind she fell that caused a lot more co ncern than nonn.,lly we
would have had .
IJ. City Man•~•••• Report
A ... S,19M •• .,u
City Manap:r C1a1t aid it was his original inlCIII to diSCUS'" these items In Study Session IODlghL bul
when be saw thal ..,..ia. he decided to dilCUSI them at the -egular Council meeting. This, he said, i, an
outgrowlb olthc Onrion rcpo<t and some di1CUSSion at the regular Council meeting thn,c wcdtJ ago ,
(a) The filSI item, he said, is in regard to I hotel martct 11udy, which is on.: oflhe
recommendations thll came 0111 or the Clarion n,pon. He said he tn1nsmltted 10 Council in their JY.IC)<et
Information rrom the Office or Neighborhood and Business Dc\'Clopmen1 ncgardlng • marl<d rcasibili1y
sludy for a hotcVnMllcl . He wholchcanedly agn,cs wllh staff's nxommendalion, he said. that we go fonh
wilh 1he study. Hls reason for thal, he n:lalcd. is 1ha1, since he h.u bocn in EnglC\\ he has found 1his
10 be a 1opic thal has come up quite a bit and has been idcnlified by lhe oommunily as something 1ha1 lhcy
would like to ha\-c. He sai d thal in our discussions. and in our nonnal ccono1u!: OC\'Clopmcnt rou1incs, we
hnvc talked tu prnspc,ds and 1hcy socm 10 be quite inlcn:sted and cn1 husiastic wi lh the idea and lhcy soc
some pocential ,.;th the type of marl<d they could be provided from the medical and hoopilal base.
HowC\-cr, when it really gets right down to making some type or commi1mcnl then: seems to be a 101 or
queasiness with oor nwl<el because it docsn'I n:ally fil when: a lol or hotcVmOlcls an: dC\'Clopcd. So on
the one hand it....,. like ilS feasible, bul on the Olhcr ii doesn 't meet all 1he cri 1eria. Also, he s.,id , most
ho1cl/m01cls an: kind of clustering 1ogc1hcr now. panicularly along major inlcn:hangcs. Mr. Clarll said
they \\OOld like to ,omchow bring the issue 10 some lypc of a closun: and lhat is why the:)• arc
recommending 11uot "" proceed wilh some lypc or a marl<el study. He advised 1ha1 right now o,c
cslimaled cost is up 10 $25,000. He poinled OU I lhal lhcrc is. 1)-pogntphical Cm>r in lhe last paragmph in
his memo to Council regard ing the cost. If lhc infonn,,tion comes back and shows it is fcasih:c. then the
inrom\8tion 1hat is gleaned from that report could be presented as a part of our economic dc\-cfopmcnl
crrons and be prcscnlcd 10 some or 1he prospccls 1ha1 "" ha,., tried 10 aurnct 10 Englewood . TI1r11, 100. we
could look at whether there is a mantel for some rcs1aurant. a>nvcntion facililics or ju.s1 meeting space-. or
none o£1he abo\-e. Mr. Clark ad\isod 1ha1 "" would like to III0\1' forward \\ith 1his in an amou nl nol 10
cxocod $25 ,000, "ilich may require supplcmcn1al appropriation later. lfil docs, he said, they will bring it
baclt to Council at a later dale if ncx>.-.sary.
Cow,cil Member Hathaway asked whal ·a genuine level or inlcrcst" means, as refcrrod 10 in a lcucr fro .n
An Scibclli . Sbe said. in 01hcr words, iflhis is 1he lcUcrthc:)• scnl oul saying this is wha1 we cm do fo :
you. a hotel , she "oold like lo know whal ·genuine level or in1crcst" is. She said i£1ha1 is wbal 1hcy ·.rc
proposing 10 do in their fcasihilily study, lhcy just did ii in Jnnuary.
Mr. Clark sa.id. as he undcrs1ands it . there is a genuine level or inicrcst from th e medical comrnuni 1y. but
there hns been an inability 10 try to get connected as to how much nmrkct would be there or whether 1hcy
would be willing 10 commit.
Ms. Halhawa said the background says lhis rcpon was prcscn1ed 10 prospcc1ivc hotel investors who
expressed a genuine IC\'CI or inlcn:st. Mr. Clark responded that lhcy have a genuine IC\'CI of inlcn:st , bu1
1hcn the:)· rcvcn 10 ocnoosncss as lo whether lhe market conditions arc here. They arc '"'l' polilc and
posilivc, but wc\-c nc\'cr rca.tty been ab le to get them excited and make a full--blown commiuncnt.
Addi1iona ll y. we\,: had difficull y in providing land lhal could be markcled for 1ha1.
Man.1gcr of Neighborhood and Busin ess Development Sim pson a<h~scd lhat i1 would be the mnrkct dat<1
that would come out oft.his study that would help provide kind or1 h.11 bump 0\'er the edge 1ha1 they an::
going to be need ing. He asscncd that we do h.1,-c inlercst. ha \'i ng spoken with 1hrcc hot eliers. The
biggest problem i5 that we arc n!Jt a 1mdi1ion.1I location ror hotel s and there is enough or those kind of
factors. due 10 a ,'2ricry of things in this communi1y .1ha1 has caused this intercs1 10 continue 10 genernle.
However, he said . w: can 'l seem to be able to gel lhc infom1.1 1ion Ihm those kind or people arc go ing 10
need 10 get ii j ust O\'U 1hc line. He feels ii is not just Cindere ll a Ci1y, bul Englewood, 0181 \\i ll reall y
ben efit from this piece or inronnation .
Ms. Halhaway stated lh»I on lllo 22"' ol July Ille ukcd, 11 1 cost savlnp, can wc isalo an RFQ for
poecnlial holel dc\/elopcn lnslead ol doing• man.Cl study . The answer she nuivc:d back last TI1ursday
was "we'd recom me nd condu..:i.sg 8 man.Cl study. An RFQ In ilsc lf is 1101 5UlflCical 10 dcmonsu 11e
man.cl demand for 1hls parucular land usc. There has been a 101 of communil)' illlCrcst in lhi s issue ov,:r
Ille )'COi$. The Cil)' should lake 111 aggressive stance, and dcmonSlrale whether or 1101 • man.cl exi sts so
lhal ,... C111 pul lhe Issue IO rcs1. The Sludy can also SCl\"t 15 A vnhmble molcl/hold rccru luncnl 1001
serving 1hc need expressed In an RFQ ." She said her concern is whc1hcr '"' are expending $35,000 jus110
get demographics lhal ,. .. p.-ly already ha,-e. She asked ifdtis rnnrltCI SIU..~;. inJ <o go abo\-e and
beyond anything we 've done before or anyth ing lhnl we already know aboul Ute Ciiy of Englewood, ils
particular business uses, and whalC\'Cl. She questioned whelher \\'C need 10 spend $3 5,000 10 come up
,.;lb lhal dala, unless ils just 10 pul ii O\'Cr the edge for a holcl developer sayin g lhal this is !he one lhin g.
Ibis kind of infonnalion Iha! wcjusl paid $35 ,000 for and hopefully won 'I si1 on a shdf, is going 10 be 1hc
thing Iha! gCIS us a holcl .
11 was noted 111111 lhe arnounl ofS35,000""' a lypographical error.
Mr. Simpson said lhal $25,000 is lite 110110 exceed price. He advised 1ha1, if you were 10 approach Ute
issue of looking at thi s land use or this econom ic develop me nt in lhi s progra m area that we're tryi ng 10
focus in on , from lhc Slandpo inl of going oul and sayi ng lclS don rcqUCSI for qualifw:a1ions of q,mlifiod
dC\'Clopcrs, you :,my be back in a process 1ha1 we're not lhc ones who arc controll ing who we need. how ii
ncals 10 happen, and where ii needs 10 happen . We would be in a silualion where Ille dC\'C lopcr begins 10
dictale. He said he really beliC\'CS 1ha1 the demographic info nalion is also fi oancial and ma rlcel rcln1od.
and is infonnation that staff is not property ed ucated in to com1ncc and deal ~i th im-cst ors th.it arc going
lo be looking al lhis .
Council Member Halhaway asked whal kind of act ua l response was rccci,'Cd 10 1hc lcncr of Jamc1ry 9•_
She sai d it docs include a lot of the infonn.11ion that is still go ing to be provided in this particuhu study,
other than upgrade of numbers.
Mr. Simpson recalled lhal we ha\'C one hoccli cr fo r su re that is \'Cry inte rested in locating here in
Englewood . He said that is 1hc bottom line. lhat he kno w~ tha t we do hn,'C one and he knows \\'C ha\'c
talked to three . He said he can't really answer all or those in detail lonighL but we do ha \'c an ind ividual
comp.,ny th.11 is lookin g. or would like to look. if \\'C h.1d some add i1ionnl nurkct kind or inf"onnatio n.
Ms. Hathaway felt the other concern is whether we mig ht get some of the pan.icular hoccl in,·cstors or the
companies who build hotels 10 fund some of this feasib il ity stud y, and she lhought is was worth pursuing.
Sh-: sai d she does not think. we should alwa ys be the one pulling up all the 1no1lC)'. if all we arc doing is
su1 pl yi ng marl<el informalion for them.
Li.,Jnci l Member Wi ggi ns agreed.
Cil)' Manager Cl arlc stalod 1lia1 ...-c arc uying 10 gel away from lhc dctclopcr•d ri,-en analysis and be in a
position where any infonnnt ion \\'C glean is public inform.1tion th.11 ca n be shared. He sa id if it is
Cou nci l's des ire , we ~n ccrta 1r1 ly app ro..-.ch th is prospect and sec irthcy wa nt to do it or do an RFQ
process. He sa id they felt th is wou ld be 3 lot qui cker. ii will be cl c.,r who the clicnl is. us. and there wo uld
be no propri etary or di sclosure is.sues or thi ngs ti ke that. Also. 1hc City could provide the in fo nmllion 10
any prospect. Cit y Managl!r Cl ark st ated that if Co un cil is not comfo nablc they ,,i ll ti)' anot her app ro.,c h
th.11 they arc co mfo rtabl e wit h .
Mr. SimplOII aid llois is no1 m nt to spend moo,y tllll we may no1 haYC. but is bucd out or an lntcrat
that Ibo axnmunil}' his coatinucd 10 dcmonsinte on this land use. He l1lltld we believe 1h11 it is .,.-1y
there. Clarion and Allociales believes 1h11 it 11 then:_,,-. we ilCCd lo i.-t additional information. He said
doing RFQ's isQCrtlinly I way to go about i~ but rrom the lllindpoinl ot'pn,viding I much more City
dri,-cn process. he said, this provides a morc clTccti,-c approach .
City Manager Clari< said this would be a quicker process which could be done in thiny days. where an
RFQ process oould w.c '"",,.th ree months. He related that the public input in<llca tcs quite a bit or
interest in this. up to and inclu.1ins the possibility or1,ylna 10 shoehorn this into th.: Cin,l..:rclla Ci•.y
projcc:1 . Since the IC\-cl or intcrcsi is so high. either al Cinderella City or al another site. he foil we should
go ahead and expedite.
Council Member Hathaway asked if the µn,posal is lo hire Clarion and pay lhcm the S23,000 . Mr.
Simpson said he can lake ii out 10 anyone else. ir they would like . Ms. Hathawoy said ir stairs reeling is
that Clarion is the best 10 do this. lhal is fine, but rd1 it should be said up fionL Mr. Simpson opined lhal
we would be getting more ror our money because we arc up 10 speed with these people. they ha,-c done
marltct research. We "oold be askina them to do a much more in-depth research analysis on this land
Council Member Habenicht ,-oiccd a concern that Clarion has already gh-cn their opinion . She said the
first time she heard this she thought stalhoold be doing the study in-house. She said she would like 10
make sun: lhal if ii \\'OUld be done lhal ii is based just bc)-ond the hospital need and the rcsidcnli•I need
but also talking about the industrial need , the need for meeting sp."ICC in the arca. and how much "-ould we
be utilizing the resources or and inpul or the Greater EngJ.--'OOd Chamber ofCom11><1cc and a., Sooth
Metro Chamber or Commerce . Again . she s.1id she is a little concerned abou t havi ng ii done by Clari a
bcc:lusc they seem to have come ton co nclusi on already .
Mr. Simpson asked what lhal conclusion is. Ms. Habenicht responded that the oonclusion is 1ha1 ii should
be done off-site .,.-1y, they seem 10 be lean ing toward lhal. She nolcd 1h11 they have a
recommendation. Mr. Simpson said that if they like he can Like it out and look al other a,nsuii.nis.
City Manager Clark said that these matters ca n be discussed in study session . He susgcstcd 1101 acting on
the issue and said he would come back in two weeks . He s.,id app.,rcntly they needed to do some more
homework. but tha l they thought there was so me expediency nnd interest in the idcn . He sni d 1hcy need to
do a bc11cr job of presenting this. so 1hcy will not go fonrard wi1h th is "i thout bringi ng 11 b.1ck 10 a study
session .
Ms. Habenicht said aauaiiy she "oold not h.1\'C any prol.•lcm voling ro, it if time is or1he essence. She
felt staff would take the concerns or all the CooncU Members into consideration. whether it be Clarion or
an)ixxly else. and said she thought they shot Id nlO\'C ahead "ilh iL
Mayor Bums a,mmcntcd that so me or the public think Council is just n,t,l,cr s,nmping Skip Miller's ;.!,n
He sai d 1his cer1ainly wasn 't in his plan and rc:11 they oou ld show, by going ahead with somethi ng like
this, that they arc hearing what peop le arc saying about some or the th ings they "''"id like to h.1\-c , either
as pan ortbis site or close to it.. He said he has heard abou t a hotel like 1his being talked abo ut for twenty
i-cars around here.
Council Member Ha1haway sa id 1ha1 Council will ag.ii n be d.irnncd irthcy do :md dnrnncd irthcy don 't
because . rcgardlcss or what the study says. hair or them arc going 10 disagree anyway .
Maw, Bums aid he docs not mind go,ng ahead. that hc-.u una:nain oow much mo,e 11q11111e study
IClsion ~ oa:omplish . He said he lhougbl ii wu lOfflClhlng they should look into more.
Council Member Clipp uked irwc should talk 10 Swed ish 10 see tr they m int=stod In contributing
since they will benefit gn:atly from this. Mr. Simpson said he could certainly do that.
Council Member W1ggoner said one 01 ,e major things they wi ll find out from a study like thi s. 1nd that
he did not think they wero goh'.g 10 sit here and have staff do II . and lhal Is sile specific location of places
where a hotel should go or can go .
EXCU:D OF 525,000.
Council Member Wiggins said he is going lo \'Ole againSI it because ii is S2S ,OOO for this study that isn 'I
nccdod and in his opinion tr a hoteVmotd outfit is interest<d in coming into Engb'OOCI. they would have
sJlo\ln an interest O\'Cr the i-cars on a long lin,e basis. Personally, he said. ifhe ..-.s ll};ng into Dcn\'cr,
the list place he would want 10 stay is in• hotd in downtown Englcllood. There is nothing that would
11tl'ICI him to come 10 downtown Englc,ll'OOCI. he co,nm;nled, and there i, nolhing bClc at !lll and it is not
close 10 anything per sc. Howe,-cr. when light 1>il gets here, when and ir ii gc15 here. he said. there is a
plausibility that people who do not ha,-c 1r.1ns:pona1io1 . could ride ont here. He said he feels it is a waste
or the taxpayers' money 10 have a shldy ol'thls. He said U>Uncil Member Clapp brought up a ,-cry good
poim . that the most benefi ted outfit will be Swedish Hospital , and therefore. he foll they shou ld contribute.
Na)'s :
The molion carried.
Conncil Members Vom1i11ag. Habenicht , Waggoner. Clapp,
Council Me rnlY .s Hathaway , Wiggins
(b) City Manager Clark rcponed on the status or the rcasibility study for a cultuml ans
cent er. He rcrer,al 10 a copy or the February 20, 19% City Council Minutes in which the Council
discussed the issue at length. He said they have been asked about the estimated cost of a feasibilit y study
or that nature and 1~,: ihcy arc not sure exactly wlsit the studies scope should be. He said he rc11 ;r it is•
broad soopc. tha • it is a regional cultural ans center or somclhing. it (X)Uld eost as much as $40,000 or
SS0 .000 . He recommended lhal the decision be deleg.11ed 10 the recently formed Cultural Arts
Commission whether a market study or a regional study should be done. and whether the RFQ process
should be emplO)al . The commiucc. he said. cou ld then develop a project scope. budget and time line for
completion. which lhcy can bring back to Council at a later date .
Co uncil Member Hati\.1way emphasized that co mments made by Council Member Habenich t at the time
shoul d be incorporated. specifica lly lhal staff co uld provi de Counci l and lhe citii.cns \\ilh what a
fcasib itil y study will entai l so that marching fund s c.111 be rniscd . Counci l Member Hathaway sa id she
reels 1lm1 other people shr.uld fund thi s study as well . She "~nt on to s.1y that all or 1he SS0.000 should
noc come out of City funiJs because on February 20th there were some entities th.it stated that they would
help rund this study .
Counci l Member Habenicht suggested doi ng somet hing simila r to the motion we just had. authorizing up
to S2 S,OOO for a rcasibility study so th.it they can get 10 wo1k, hit the ground nmning .
Ms. llalha,,~ reminded Council that when the Cultural Ans Commission wu formed , lhcy were told
they had oo budget She said she docs not waM to automatically give them $25,000, C\'Cn though it is
dcsignatt:d for a feasibility study . She said they should be Uf and going fir>t .
Council Member Habenicht disag,cod thJtl thi s would be giving them money. Ms. Hathaway thought the
Commiaioa should come bock ,.;th how much they think it Is going to be. Ms. Habenicht asked how
they can decide better than stalT. to which Ms . Hathaway responded 1hnt It says the comminoc can develop
a project scope. budget and time line for completion .
Mayor Bums asked if stall' is available to them . City Manager Clari< responded that they arc being stalTed
by the Parts and Recreation Dcpanmenl. He said they can cumc bnck and recommend 10 Council what
kind of stlfful& needs they have or back to him as to wh<thcr they want to use an RFQ ,..,.... or hire a
consullanl. He rocommcnd the Commission be given the broadest amuunl of discmion. ooc what they
oome up •ith and then come back 10 )'OU later.
Ms. Hal-~ asked if they should not nccess.1rily specify a dollar amount. Mr. Clarlt said gi\'c them the
issue and let them run \\ilh iL
EXCEED OF 550,000 .
Council Mfflibcr Hathaway asked if he is pulling it in the hJtnds of the Cultural Ans Comnuss,on . Mr.
Waggoner said he is. as soon as they can misc the $25,000. we'll match it with $25,000 and authoritt up
to a $50,000 feasi bility study for a cul111rnl ans center.
Council Member Vonninag asked by when . Mr. Waggoner responded as soon as they raisc the $25,000.
Asking for further clarification. Mr. Vormiuag asked what ";11 h.1ppcn if they d.,n·t get it until two or
three yca,s from now. Ms. Hathaway sa ,d then we don't do a study for l1>ti ct hrcc years. Mr. Waggoner
concurred. adding that"• had the room full of people out here saying they wa nt a cultural ans center and
that there wa.< money 8\'ailable to help fund a study and now he is saying all right . now is your chance.
We arc authorizing il get stancd, lets get going.
Counci l Mrmbcr Vorrnittag s.1id he would like 10 specify by the end or the year. Council Members
Wiggins aDtJ Hathaway disagn:::cd. Council Member Waggo ner s.1id gi"c 1hc111 as long as 1hcy need.
Council Member Wi ggins said he didn 't ap prove ii bul there was a six to one vote to spend $80,000 10
ha\'e Clarion write this rcpon. : nd on page 13 or the rcpon it says ··a pcrforn,i,1g ans center would
therefore DOI be economically I, uiblc for a private developer." We ha,-c our ans,,cr. he said. as far as he
could sec and that it is another waste of whatever lhe on.itching funds is . He said at least Council Member
Waggoner has a dcccnl proposal if they can come up with the matc hing funds. but c-.·cn at that its a waste
or 1a~p.1ycn • monc)' to spend on a study.
Cou ncil Member Waggoner said that was esse ntially for the si lc here and he is not sn~ing for this site. but
that ii can go any place in the City or Eng lewood . Council Membe r Hathnway said \\ hc1hcr we ca n have
it all .
Council McL.Jber Habcnichl said II 11 lltljJOnanl to n:copizc Coun"'I Member Wiggins' CDlllfflCllts
bccouoc she read lhat, ton, and ultcd lmmcdialdy """' lhe buls or u 1, conclusion was, wblll lhcy had
11udlod, Whal their rcalibilily study had consillod of. She said she askod ro, all or1he badtpound
infonnalion Ibey had that lead lhcm ID lh:11 conclusion , ID AD)' conclusion on lhal and All of ii -
included in one page in lhe appcndl•. ,he r.11 ii,..., mollly jUSI baJCd on lhcir opinion. baJCd on hearsay,
and had nodung 10 do wilh any lludy or nny mortd anywhcle. anyhow. She said, based on lhal , she just
wanlod 10 1hem him Ir.now 1ha1 lhal ""' lhe case. Thal lherc -no basis ror 1heir opinion. other lhan
their opinion, thal Ibey could provide no background In fo rm.lion other lhan 1ha1 one page which was
1''0Crutly insufficient .
Council Member Wiggins said lhal he undcnlands 1ha1 bul Ibey arc the prorcss ionn l, in lhe field and in
11is opinion there is no1hing 1ha1 would substantWc • cullural arts ccnlcr in the Chy or Englewood . He
said ii would be lhc biggest surprise in 1he world 1r ,.,. could ever afford, suppon and run a cullural ans
c:cn1cr in !his cily. he stalod he just can'I belie\-c iL
Council Member Waggoner mi d one oflhc rcuons he ...,.,Id like 10 go ahead wilh lhe Sludy and gci 1he
dollar for dollar match of funding is because ·we had a loc of people show up a1 the meeting \\1tnting a
cul1ural ans c:cn1er and 1hcrc arc a lot of local ions •here ii could be placod wi1hin 1he Ci1y or Englewood
He reels lhal ir1hc rcas,'bili1y study comes bad< and says• cul1um ans c:cn 1cr could be suc=ssrul and list•
lhc ramificalions orhr.i ng a cul1ural ans c:cnlcr and,.,. ha,-c lo go 10 a ,'Die of 1hc people. Hd ocls ii
shool d go 10 a ,'DIC ohhc people, because lhcrc ,.;u be same: subsid ies rcquin.l irom lhc commuuily. a:;ri
at lhal poinl ~ .. will ,-! to ha\'C those answcts and ICII lhc publ ic. hcrc Is Whal ii is going lo COSI )'OU. let
lhcm ,'Ole on ii and irlhcy want ii 1ha1', fine. let 's go ,.;lh ii. But he said, we surc nc:od 1hc study to find
out whnt the cost is going 10 be and wha1 the subsidia arc goini 10 be. He noted we arc n loc. dilfcrcn1
than Arvad.'l or any of the other places and we just need to hnvc some answers. because they arc goin g to
keep hounding us and hounding us nnd hounding us. If we don 'I gel lhc answc" they an: DOI goin g to be
Counci l Member Hathaway said th.it by pulling it out as a challenge grant ii \\i ll also gel 1hc people wbo
arc indeed Indy inlerestod 10 step up 10 lhe plate, put 1hci r money when: thei r mou1h is. such os lhcy ha\'C
done ,.;111 the fim•<>rts. 1he bookmobile and lhc parade. She stal<:d 1ha1 she wholchca ncdly ,._ )Ons
doing it this way because tt)cn you have an indication or how much in1crcs1 1hcrc is. By mat chi11g their
$25 ,000. Council can 2(':'lcp.,wlcdgc 1hcir in 1c.n:si and mo\'c on. Ms. Ha1haway said she thinks thi s is a
good way 10 do ii.
Mayor Bums agreed . saying he has ne\'cr been againsa 1hc cultural arts center idc.1 from the oulSCl. but
feds we do need a study and this will gcocrnlc suppon such as it is and we ca n find ou t how much
financial suppon !here rcally is 001 1herc.
Council Member Hathaway commcnlcd 1h.11 tha t "ill kind of i;i\'C you an ind1cmion or long 1cnn financial
suppon as well .
Voce results:
Ayes : Council Mcmbcu Hathaway . Vonniua g. Habcn ich1, Waggo ner.
Clapp. Bums
Nays: Council Member Wi ggins
Tite mo1ion carried .
~ ....... oocl CIJ) Coaocll
Aui:ull ~. 1"6
Mnyo r Bums notcJ i:1:u they ~1gncd a lcuc r :11 Study Session \\i lh rcgnrd to 1hc ope n Sp3CC issue. The
signing or 1h~1 lcucr need s ui bl.: appro\'cd ,
Ayos : Counci l Members Hnil.i11ny. Vorm i11 ag. Wigg ins. H:ibcn ich~
W:1g,gonc r. Cl npp. Bums
:'i~s : No ne
The 1110:ion curicd.
U . Cit~· A11omcfs Rc1>un
Ch~ Auomc:,. Brol/Jn:111 h.id m, 111.,n crs 10 bri ng bc:fort: Council.
I ~. At.ljourn mc nr