HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-08-19 (Regular) Meeting Minutes•
I. Calta Order
The rqalar ~ oLllle EnsJcwood City Council wa callod lo order by Mlyorllw"III 117:31 p.m.
The iDYocadon was given by Council Member Wiggins.
3. l'ldft ol Allqlutt
The Pleq,: oL Allegiana: was led by Mayor Bums.
4. ...Call
Council Membert Rllbnay, Clapp, Wiggins, Habenicht.
Vornu,:11, Waagoner. Bums
A qoorum -..-as ...... L
Also proscnt: Ciry Manager Clari<
City Attorney Brutzl'WI
Assistant lo Ille Ciry Manager Grace
Ciry Cler'< Ellis
Engineering Manager Kahm, Public Wor'<s
Opetttions Superintendent McConniclt, Utilities
Deputy Dim:tor Olson. Safely Services
Di vision Chief Moore. Safely Services
Director Esterly, Public Worts
Motion carried.
Ayes : Council Membert Hathaway , Wiggins, Habenicht. Waggoner, Clapp,
Nays : None
Abslain: Counc il Member Vonnittag
Ayes : Council Memben Hatllaway, Wiggins, HabenichL Waggoner, Clapp,
Nays : None
Abslain : Council Member Vonninag
Madon carried.
6. ~Vlollon
(1) tJ.s. JCan:n Floyd. althelln.-..,S Jaycocs, tbanud Council forponicipaliDg Dl the
Dur.It Tank It t... F-111 al Jaly Family FCllival and rllCMlrb. She aid that the poniapolioa al Mlyo,-
Bwns. Council Member Hadaway ad Caaacil Manller Vonnilll& ...Uy made the pn,jecl 1 -~
success and she felt the _,,,;1y rally en;o,al il Ms. Floyd adviaod thal, Illa payiaa alf all of tbeir
expenses. they -sm ID cl:>DIIC ID Enpewood Ncighborboad WalCb for the ft,nub -year. She
sub mined a chock ill the IIIIOWII of $12.5 IO the Clcnt. She lhlllllcd Council apia for their putic,pllioo.
7. N......,._.Vbitan
There ..,.,. no non-schalulal visiiors.
8. Comma■~ Prodaaatio■s UHi Appointments
(a) A pn,claawion declaring the Md< of Scpccmbcr 17 through 23 , 1996 as Coostillllion
Weck was amsidcn:d.
Motion carried.
Ayes: COUDCil MemlJers Hathaway, Vormittag. Wigins. Rabcnicht,
Wqgoner. Clapp, Burns
Nays: None
9. l'llbllc Bcarill&
Ayes : Council Mclllbers Hathaway, Vonninag, Wiggins, Habenicht
Waggoner, Clapp, Burns
Nays : None
Motion can ied and lhc public hearing opened.
All testimony was gh-cn unda 011h.
Engineering Manager KaluD. duly """m. provided Proof of Notice of Public Hearing. which was
publi shed in lhc Englewood llaald on July 4, 1996, July 11 , 19% and July 18, 1996. lie said he wanted
10 spend just a few momcnlS on general history of Englcwnod paving districu. He advised that
Englcwnod has bccll imp,oving its SIJ'CCI system ,.;th special improvement dimicts since l 9S6 , lhc first
District was DistriCI 6 and the Disuict lhcy arc talking about tonight is Disuict No. 35 . He noted that
since District No. 35 was initialed ..-. have also completed Paving Districu No. 36 and 37. So they
actuall y have built 32 paving disuicu O\'Cr the 1151 40 years, whict. has allo"'Cd us to bring approximately
97% of our strcct system to a specific aandanl. He opined that Englewood can boast as to having one of
the best Sll'CCt systems in lhc Denver mcuopoiitan area "' a result of our program. ID this panlcular
instaocc, he explained. Paving District No. 35. Navajo Truck Route, was initiated by Council in 1992.
The Navajo alignment has been on our master strcct plan for a number of ycan and. with the Colorado
Deparuncnt ofTransponation proposing the imprm~ments on the Santa Fe corridor. the Ol)l)Ortunil)' 10 •
complete this road scgroen1 became: possible . Initially, he explained. Council approached COOT and
......... a,,c-a ..... , .. "' ... ,
Ilka! --build -i.cr UIICldwlp II Ttolll, u .. 1oa, s... r:, t1.i -ID SI I ............ ia
199lllllldleSlare,._'lwilllqlOlllic0111Ddlller-. ... -.r1llef,Ollallaa•~.i.ielll
1111t the s.. • puliciplllaa In 11111 lNdt lllUle 11111 ,,wld 11111ow 111e ~ .u,.... aon11
from llcllmew. He aid ii comiaa rla bl& ......... S 1-:WW he W""-'"'-IO 'lllc Navt,11> allpmer,1
11 Tufts IDd -.Id plC!=I aonb lO Oxronl 111d Ila~ lie ill1a Willdt-mere aonll IJ(Oxlbnl. Ht lllid
II this lilac die IDlal CCIII ofllle prajecl iataillllled II OYer$4 millioa IDd l>e CDlllnCI --.,iiafed With
lhe SW. ol CAlando ia I 991 only NqUin,d lLll • pulici.-O 5500,000 . Mr. Kabm ~ 1h11 lhe
fact lbll lbc SWe bu been slow la brinalns thiJ prajecl on line, becllUle ol Federal l'wldiq and cub now.
bu 1111t impacted..., U00,000 com.'!liunenl lO lbc prajecl II all m,.. 11e....,. ia lbal-. Tbe
pwpo1C o{this roadway, he IIDkli, WU 10 pn,vide a FQd road~ lO lbc posnphlc .... iaunedlately
eut olSIDla Fe. becaUK with the Sania Fe impn,,,aneau M laa-1-.cdons II bollQulncy and
Tulis. He llllialaiacd lhal ii WU imponanl !hat M pn,vide a pd lllldway lO the symm_ He med
...,yme ID rdor 10 tho handout made available this evain1 eMllled Pavia& Dlllrict No. JS, ~ Ttudt
Roule. He Slid Ille --1 paac is a viciaily map ol the paviDc dillr.ct and II 11-1 Pllaa I 1'blch is just
aonh ol Oxford down lO Swlford. He DOied thll lbal particub.r pllue ol COllllnlCtloll -compkU,d in
lale 1994 by COOT 111d thoR is an existins ICClion)ust south ol thll because the sectioD olNl'ajo
between Slaafanl and Tufts WU buill in I previous pavins district sevcnJ years ago and asseaod 10 those
ownen • 11111 lime. He noted 1h11 Phase 1 is )!Cl IO be COIISlnldOd. thal ii bealns jua oonll olTulls and
involves .......... s c:wvc thll Fii UI (Mt the Windermere allpuneal and proceeds SOlllb IQ Bellevi ew
aad ii also iacludes lhe connecliou on Tulis both east 111d west. He swed that 10 the -Tldls wi ll be
c:omuuacd °''"' 10 lhe Windermere alipuncnl 10 the aonh aad 10 the eaa ii will 10 OYer 111d de inro the
existia& Tulls alisnmcnt 11 Mariposa. He rcillnlOd 1111111111 particular section is not yet OODS111:<:1 , I.
The SW.. be advised. scnl us consuuction plaas for review last WIidt, the ftaal office m-icw on !his phase
of the ~ is Wednesday 111d Thursday ol this -and the Sia needs 10 go 10 bid prior 10 October 1 •
of this ycai o, tab a clwla: on jeopanlizing their Fcdaal fiuldiq. He pointed out that we know wba1
their time &amt is. lie staled they are anticipaliag COllllnlclioa -.Id swt on the bridp II l lig Dry
Cn:dt as arty as IIIC Novcmber and we expect 10 sa: this entm .-h completed by early &II of 1997 .
Mr. Kahm ll0lal that wc are ia a linle bil ol an unusual ci.-.ce. bcc:aule ir all bis )un with the
Ci l)' this is the lint lime we ba\'e assessed impnMmenlS 1h11 weren'1 alrady on the ground. But in !his
particular inswice we know wba1 those improvements consist olbecause the S1a1e is buildi ns our
standard roadway system. except 1h11 they 11e bui ldin& a bcavicr model, our fol ks a,c only being assessed
fo r what they nonn:uly would ba\'C paid for with our ei&bl and throe standud consuuctloa in industrial
ma althou8b Ille S1a1c will build an el even inch thick deq,-slffllllh aspball section. He advised !hat we
knew in 1992 wba1 the unil prices would be for :ltls project and they were based on our IICIU.ll construction
experience from 1991 , lha1 that's II'• basis for the aaessments.10 we 11e very comfortable ia aoing
forwatd with the asscssmenlS al this time. He said we feel ii is necessary because ii is time for us 10 pay
off the SS00.000 commiuncn1 lbll wc have on the project so ii is Ilsa time for us 10 swt collectina
revenue from that Referring again to the handoul Mr. Kahtn pointed out lha1 there is a sdledule for 1he
co mpletion of this Dillrict. He noced ii reflects toni gh1's public hearing and indicalCS 1h11 Council wi ll
consi der amendmcolS lO the council bill on September J , 1996. He advised Council that there will be an
amendmenl 10 the bill for an ordi!Wlce Iha! has 10 do with four rcsiden ti al zoned propenies along Tufts
Avenue lha1 were assessed al lhe industrial rat e and right after lhal ha ppened we realiml the enor. He
explained lba1 stalJ has already conlacled those folks and gi,,.. them an adjusted assessment based on a
rcsidential assessment Consequently, Council wil l receive an amended counci l bill on Septem be r J"
reflecting !hose changes as well as any other changes Council sees ft110 make a1 the concl usio n of thi s
evenings public hearing. This schedule calls for the ordinance to be in full force and cll'ect. ei ther way, by
October 20• . The last day folks can make cash paymenis Iowan!.< their assessmcnlS and receive a ,%
di scounl is Monday, October 21•. On Tuesday, November 11• lhe Ciry will certify the assessment roll 10
Arapahoe Counl)' for collection and the assessmenis will be due with iax bills which arc due in the sp ring
that an, cll'ccti\'c January I, 1997 . Referring lo the handoul Mr. Kahm discussed the typical Englewood
ind ustri al pa,ing section , our standard forty foot st reet with \'e rlical curb . guner and sidewalk on bolh
si des. He said Iha\ our typ ical sccli on , that"" ba,c buill al l of our industrial strcclS 10. is ei ghl inches of
paYd buo witb 111ne lldalllllPMlt He pohUell 111111111 Ibo S-11 ~ a mini-•
elc.aincbeslllclaop ..... Mpllalt. HeaClledllllllbenl.,.aalidowllk~mlbe-lide
ofNavajo .,.._ Odonl ad Quincy. He oxplalaed 1111111111-..-hln• tbal Ibey lmew.,. • Ibo
bqimwll ol lbe prajecl ad ii bid IO do witb a rip! ol My lllanlp. We DIiiy bid 55 lbat Ill. ol My
and OYeryODe ciao II Ille bqiaDiaa ol lbe prajecl DOI IO acqalle additional rip! o/My in lbal blca, m
tbere is sidowllk on only -lido and only -lido .,. ---S for sldeult In tbal area. T!lc alimaled
-,,enu. be natal, an bad oa 1991 ICIU&I COllllnlCliall experience In Eqlcwoad and the ICIIIII
weamenll uelbeamc llllill. He poinledllll tbt.roue rwodillcraltpmnalCIClioas, tbe indumial and
rc>idenlial sections. He said tbme an dlll'erall became Ille indmlrial .iloD is bad oa dpt and ~
d-i,111 and 40 root ol width. wtiere tbe residenlial -ioa ii too.I on a six Inch bu,, rwo lncbes ol ...,i,alt
1111d Ollly 32 foal o(widlh. From a concme lllndpoilll lllere ii an 1-b.ere for.atiall cmb 1111d pncr
consuuc:tion. wnlcal cmb and p111er with rour root wide wall lbur inches thiclt 1111d wnic:al cmb ud
pincr with four mat walk six incbes thiclt. In tbe c:ase ol pn,ja:tln1 aaessmea11, be natal. ""' -.cable
to ao out and identify oxillill& busineael. 1111d ,vhcle there drMlilys are. ., ,.. lcmw where we will be
auessing six inch COIICl<IC. Mr. Kahm advi.-.d that if ........ emd. ... have erred In the property
ownen favor . So -1111)' end up with a 1....., drivcMy than wc are antlcipalin&, but we -sure
that we erred in their f8''0I' • Iha point since we are pn,oaessiag. He explained that -of the pn,j<ct
with 110nh south alipullCDI is all assesl<d on a l'lont mat basis. whero -folks can like their flulllage
and multiply it by the proper JJeCtion 1111d come up with their assessment He noled Ille only excq,cion to
that is in the c:ase o( tbe m-.no WM: wh,re we come north ftom the Navajo alipm,a,t onto Tufts and
back to the Winderme,e alipunenl He noled lbal WC are extalding Tufts bodl dl..aioas. The bandout.
he noud. show, a typiall side stroe1 MRSSmelll lllld the key~ is that ,.t,cn"" get into the side SIJOeU.
while we still assess tbe .,..,t propeny lbr tbe c:onacte section. ror tbe curb, sutter and sidewalr.. ""
pronte the cost o( Ibo pavina oa the side stroe1 ball' a block each way or 300 l'eet, whichever is less. So
the prcpc,tics immediately adjacent to Tufts. bolh nonh and south. will be assessed on a zone basis ror
their aspbalL The way 11111 !)1Jic:ally worb is that it is done oo a square raatage basis, be said, bat this is
a very simplified model . He oxplalaed "" take the 50 foot lbal is adjac,nt 10 the ,._ and it is ........i
at two-scventbs of the .,._ c:os1 with each additional 50 foot assessed at one Sle\-11. So the key bcrc
is that out of 300 reei. Ille 50 feet lhal is closes! to an .....,,.,. is always assessed 11 the twice the ntc as all
tile other squan: footage back to the mid hlock. He noced that, as he -mentioned bcfo~ we bad four
properties that were assessed al industrial instead of residential nte. For the record he identified the
owncn and properties as : Poncr al 1460 West Tufts. Eldredge al 14~0 Wcst Tufts. Bialtley at 4635 South
Mariposa and Nelson at 465 .~ South Mariposa. The change in assessment resulled in a tocal reductioo or
asscsm>enl on those four properties of $3 ,509 .99 . He said tbaL as he mentioned. they ..-ere all notified by
letter and a member of his swf met with three of them pcnonally and apologized for our error.
Mavor Burns commented thal we bad worl<ed an exchange with COOT for the ball' million dollars to use
for ·our landscaping on South Santa Fe. He noted when we had those discussions. especially through the
tri-<:itics, there "~re discussions as to wbethcr the Belleview improvement al South Sauta Fe comes fust
or this comes first. He asked if ii is true that this project is set and is going to go on its own timcliac and
is not dependent on some other project. Engineering Manager KMm confinncd that this project is now
set and several months ago when they had those discussions. as far as the landscaping and all went
COOT intended to in-Jude that lanNcaping on Santa Fe with this project an<i had told us this project
would fall after the BellC\icw interci...,~. But subsequent to that, he advised, they have come through
now and this is going to bid by October 1•.
Mayor Bums asked Mr . Kahm ifhe knew the iatcst on the BellC\iew pr oject ? Mr. Kahm said he does not.
Maybr Bums said he keeps bearing it ,.;u be paid olfthis fall .
Engineering Manager Kahm. responding to Mayor Bums. confirmed that th is proj ect is standing on its
own .
Coaac:IIMeaa'lllblalcllllllorriaalOIMUldmUillp11t ..... dlo ............ iflll)'ol._._
•o:o:'~--nck-•l lfllleywillllcl..,..iodl',l'tlllL Sllea--.dlllll*il--S
.,_ M,.KMII .. IIIIIM)'IUFIOthe-llom~.dleadtlidliliadallrillDUll('-IO
the dildl iml Ille ,.,.b lie ii nilidmllal . He lidVlld 1hlt ftllm the arty ...... oltldlpftljea I bas
always boa, dleir ~ tbM tldl-.ld bo coamUClilll la alCll a -• ., ........... 11111 tnadt udlc
ftllm lllilll ~• 411d pllC dowu Taftl. Mr, Kahm actnowlrdpd 1h11 ---oldia:alrapmcDI
bam 't bocn dca:nnilled !/el becallc Ille ~OR (Final Olllcc Rmcw) ii C1111U111 up Wednelday llld
TbUrtl!ay aml Ille •:aio bam't bid t lol of dclalled dllallli.oa 1'ith us. Rlpt -•he-. tbe
pcdiminary plam II, IICCiwd laC -,t clall't hive proper widths lbr 1'11111 .. ii. they pn,poed • n,ai """°"'-dlal -.ld atCIIIDplish that but ~-,ldn't be....-far oar needs. So, he aid,
tbclO: ii ,till..,,. dilCllllkm that IDUll lake place there yet. He lllaled ti,. llley an: awue ollhe City 's
...... lhete 111d they will be Oil tcp oftllll.
C01111Cil Member w....,.,. said u oar tolal CIJllllllitmool is SS00,000, he ......S to~ iftbe dilJ=oc:e
betMloD -they hive .......Su actual COllllnlClion whicb is paler thu S,00,000 ii caatinga,cics
and illlacsl added ill, Mr. Kalua said ye,, !bat the _,,..,IS includa ..,,. lepl and 1% <XllllinFIIC)'.
He advisal tJw when they sawd out in 1992 they loobrl hick at tbe 1991 IClllal experie;a from
buildin& Pll1te River Drive and they jusl ClCl&Jldal thooe nwnben out and just bappeDed to CG111C up II that
$500,000 --., •lley are very comfonallle that that ii a fair -to cbiqe. Mr. Xalun DOied that
it ii really tough wllcD tho SIik builds a oomplddy dlffi:ralt pmq-. lhlll wo do. Of counc. be
<D111111C11U11. that ill thil instance it tums 0111 to be a $4 million pN>jott when it is all said and doae. He
said the other amtribution that is-~ '1lallioning, whicb he tbougb1 Mr. Wagoner had a lot to do with
back ill tbe late IIO 's. is that Urllon Dtainqe is participating to tbe tDDe ol$150.000 in the bridge 0\-.r Big
Dry CRd<. lie naccd that it SWtccl out with a SI00,000 commillllCIII blck ill the so ·, and as time h3s
a-on urban Drairla&c upped their oommitmcr1110 about Sl50,000.
Mayor Bums queslionod wbdbcr Phuc 2. in wl1II Mr. Kalua is dcscribillg, includes that bridge. that that
is 1101 separate. Mr. Kahm said yes it docs 111d from what the Swc bas U>ld us that will be the very first
thing that they build.
Council Membcr Vonnitta& asltal if that iswhero,it dips way down. Mr. Kalua szid it docs dip down and
tbe roadway clevalion l\ill be approximately eighteen feet higller than the low water crossing that is there
Mayor Bums asked iftbe Rip that we did with them on the SS00.000 is by contnct. He said he thought
we had al,eady done that. Mr. KaJun said yes it was by contJact.
Mayor Bums asked iftbe landscaping and so forth has bocn bid out Mr. Kalua advisccl that it hlln't
been 10 bid )-et. thal that pacugc is being put 1ogcthcr right now. Mayor Bwns commented that he
thought wc ,.= going to do that in July , that thal wu tbe target Mr. luhm swcd we had hoped to do it
in July and actually we arc a little behind scllodulc. He said he will put the blame on COOT, because we
arc working with their laDdscapc folks . He advised that COOT paid for all of the dcsiro for the
landscaping Oil Santa Fe and their contnct allowccl for far man: design than we have money to build right
now. He said we took a.k-antage ofi:!::.~ct 6 willingness to design C\'CD the interchange. even though we
don 't ha,~ the money to do it So, he stated. we arc getting the cntm design out of this program. but it
100k some time to get that accomplishod .
Council Meinbcr Vonnitta& asked when they plan to b«ak din on this. Mr. Kahm advisccl that the bridge
oould go as early as late NOYCmbcr. He OOled that structures can e-,sily be handled in the "inter months
and a lot of the utility work can be done as "~II . Mr . Kahm commcntccl that he 1Wuld be r?:lll y surprisccl
if we don 't sec this open by probably October of next year.
Couaci1 Malbw Vanalaaa aid ... •--11111 !My• ..-a io haw IO cloi'C ... nlld ud be
ubd""°'lllcdctmrwUllic. Mr.~llidlllll~wllllMhldto....,...l'lisMlllcffilao
ny to do tht llnlellln willlaiil ........ W~ duriq lbll time . Hc advilod Iii.."«< KC Ille
S1n1C1111C is complele lla llloy will .......... 111 local"""'-throupaal Ille pn,jl,t 11111 then,
will be-dalowiD&. • ... wm....,. .... to our.,__
Mayor Burns ubd bow loll& it will be daeed IO do Ille llntCllln lO Ille brid&c? Mr. Kalla adv\a,d that it
his boen IIIQClled lbll thal cu be done in about l'aar lO 11w -ii.. Mayor Burm ...... 1'ow\be traffic
will be routal oaco lhlll is cut all'. if it 'trill 1111 II' nanll up to Oxfold CIICDlially? Mr. Kalla aid )'CS it
does and 11111 thcy will lakc cxua piec:allliaas. ID IKI. be DOlld. u put oldie FOR revicwoe Ibo plans be
wu iookiJt& 11 thcy p:I into all Ille .... -1<. He ldvilod 11111 thcy will mallc _,. lllcff is CX1Ja
signagc to tJy IO keep Ille truck 111111c ,_ aCllle raidelllill .,_ durina 1h11 time 6-. Mayor Bums
commented tb,J that is Ille ......,.11111 thcy 'trill jutl 11111 goina throuah Ille noi..........,._ CouDcil
Member Vormillq said ... -.. ID .... copy of that IO ... what their plu is .. bow 11111 is .....
to move tluough lheR. Mr. Kalua llid thcy have their mootin& on Wcdnaday and Tbunday and. ifit is
okay with Council Member Vonnilla&, be will act with him after thal to dilcusl wberc tllill&s aand. Mr.
Vonninag said tha1 is cxcdlcnt
Council Member Habenicht asked if sbc Ulldcmood c:omctly 1h11 if this hadn 't been a nailal clown tiswc
that ii would prd,11,iy be bipcr lor all ol these propcny ...,,.,._ Mr. Kabm ~ied that if be went back
10 Ille original numbers 11111 Ille S-p-c us wbcn we ncl(Jliated this project in 1992. our sllan, was
$500 ,000. As be tbouabt Ille s-•s sbarc wu only Sl.2 million he concluded this pn,ject bas pn,bably at
least doubled in coa siaco that time.
Gary KODC<k. 1260 West Oxford. ad>-isod be wu n:pracnlina seveni busincssa ia that 11RL He said be •
knew thc:y --. DOlilied .._ ol time thal. early on when be wu on City Council lllmdiag Ille PUC
bearing meetings. thc:y wen, Wider a biggu imp,asion. as he alhldod to, lhll Ille Hi&)nqy Deponment
wu payina some or it. llowcYer. be Slaled. the ori&inal plans wen, 10 go right btbind the l'CSidents on the
cast border of Sam's Auto~and from wha1 thc City is 1elling him hen: i, that all ofthooc residents
would br.-e been iaxed .. well . He DOied thcro WU a Joi of severances ofbusil\CS5CS, ~ Gold Dairy,
Diagnostic Marketing for just two, then literally JOSI ground and tbctt wen: some deals thal ....,.. lalked
about o.-.1 N.'VCr solidified bocausc they stood bcrc fcding that their businesses within Englc,>ood wen:
go;ng to be surPOned b_v Englewood .,..,..,...1. That Ibey dido 'I gel thc backbone item and now thc:y
CIJme back. .r,d be COIDl.'ICDted. be UDdcntands they p:I thi, larJC lab .. lo thcir paving districl cxpc,NCS .
H, said whr.n !lC SIi through Ille PUC baring nota and the meeting that they had. atlUally the bearing
downiown. that he rcpl'C5Ctlled the n:sidcnts as a witnm and they were 1oing 10 go a Windcnncr'C Oy 0\-cr
and thcn a wrap around the Re=alion Center. Also, he ,aid, the Highway Dcpanmcnt was going 10 pay
that JOO'/~ Mr. Koz.acd< adviood that Ille upgrade around the Rtcrtation Ccn1cr, the liaht oa the
southc3st comer or the Recreation C....... and all of that. wu abolished 10 go ahead and come through
with this because by Swc law they ba>-c to mainlain and return access if they cannot go in and ..,..,
access 10 many major businesses. So, be 5lid. this was the alternative route that CY<r)t.ody came 10 a
conduci\'e woridng order IO agree to. He DOied he followed it rather closely, tha1 all oCtlw c,q,cnst was
going 10 be incurred because or some of 1be losses of pmpcrty and stuff by the Highway Deponment and
somcwher< along the way thcy staned lwtcring back and forth and the City ended up g<tting in10 it and 10
pay a lot more. that thc iaxpaycrs arc finding the burden on thi,. He said his major a>ncem. and he
n:itcr,m:d tha1 is he rcpn:scnling them. rclalcs 10 rce-.-aluating the total dollar. He said they don ·1 mind
payi ng some of ii . bul ii waun a,.ful bi g hil 10 thcm. Mr. Kozacdt opined that if they could get a S'I, or
IO¾ reduction they would be a IOI men amenable 10 it He said the other question that he has. and he
poinlcd OUI thal he lives rigbl c1o .. 11 then, at Oxford and Lipan. is Iha! the City benu take 3 look al 3 li ghl
bcfon, somebody is killed. He noted the ra:rcation cnuancc way on •he west side that is inhib iti ng •
Lipau 's cntl)' way and thcr, an, kid5 cros,ing ii everyday . He said he hopes that thc City "'On'I wai l un ti l
....,i,odyilllillll!.,,......_ adllkl, llllnwolllllallll --••alllllly&clwlllallia
addllabliac.-• 111...-•-•-allopanofdle ........ wlllallloHI......,.
~ llllllllly_lDial.,Pll' lbracnalllsllptor-typtof....Sllfolytbeftud
~ a1oaC Ille way 11111 Im beoD loll ill die lllulllc • ...U. S.-, be aid. bis l'Mll'old ..,_. ii
,._iqdle..._,adhwo•hla ........ lhlldloro-aoiectobeaomeatllenbon,llld
allo llis 1111 CCIIICISII • a c:llizN ii witll lllo Recnalioa C-llld 1M poaple ....i.111111 trllllc:.
Mayor Bumi llbd Mr. Kahm lfllo 1111d any -OIi 1h11. HI ...S lbll be dom not hlM penaaal
mowledp ofth!I...., lliamlf ...S be didn 't kmw ii-.... OIi Coaacil did. Mr. Kabm --
tbat be daOI not.._-,, dinct -.iae of llle PUC i..rtnp. tllot lie did not -uy of-. Ho
aid be does kMw tllat tllore _,, I lol of lllfflll!MI IIM:lllpiod prior to Ibis OM beiDa -
Mayor llama Ilka! lldlOle _,, uy p,oceodinp bdoft Cl1y c-il. or tbc Cicy illolf, with rwprd _, the
COil tbat Mr. ~ -llllliag lllout? Mr. Kai,.•~ 111d, M be reclllod, that inilially lllo 5-WU not
willina to pulicipllo is t►. !XIIIDIICtioa bdween Oxhd ud w~ to tbc -ii. He .....i tllat piece
aloapide Meadow Gold -outside the project ..__,,, So. be advilod. • "" -forward. • tbea
wu ~ 1 half million dollm in itoelf, the Swe illlllllly aid they -.kin 't poy for tbal and then they
1peod IO pl)I for IL Mr. ICahm explained that at 11111 poinl we looad II cverydiiq includina a ~
iD1crc:111qe thal would -COil ill excas of S 11 mil1iaa and it )Illa wun 't =-icllly feasible . So. be
amunentod. the SW. wau from $1.2 millio< I up to tbc SJ .2 mllllon tbcy .,,., spending now.
Coancil -Hlbenicbt ~ whether basia<sxs haw tile-option oh cuh peynw.M with n
5% niduction. Mr. Kahm aid )'OS. that 5% diSCOUDI is !Ml. able IO eoayone.
Mr. Kazacel< aid be wtll make a,'8illble to the Cicy tbc PUC bcarina ....._ bul tbal he would b•• 10 ba\'e
a signal paper that"" r=Y<d tbclll oecauae the) an: his pmoaal copy . He ......i be his 111 olthem
Crom day one. Mayor Bums sugge,Uld itulead of giving tbc i:iiy bis ariau,ab. If it ii pouible. that be
make a copy.
Cannda Giov,."'"1\i , OIi behll!ofFonam En1111Yini oa 1496 West T:dls. llid that she Uvcs at 2131 Scuth
Harlan Sttect. Denver, and they an, pn,peny oimm It Forum Enllllving Company. She llid she would
like to mterate whal the pdeman llid before hand. That they ,.,. not only concuned about the fact
they ba,-e a high bill to poy in terms of what the alllS lll'C. ,vbiclt she llid she feels ue oxorbi1at1t, but that
it iJ also unfonuna~ that they dan •, haw lln opportunity to take bids. dial thiJ ii something that 1w to
take place and there is not a choice in the matter. M5. Qi<J,,-anetli lllllcl !hat 'lbc thought dlat they, IS
p,ope,ty ownen. should haYe the right to be able 10 evaluate thaL Sbc commented dial the other thing
that happens. especially in their businesses and she felt she could speak on bellalf of Olher property owners
IS ,. .. 11. ii that it takes away their parking. Sbe llid they have partin1 ueas that an, designated for their
employ,a and they will ao longer haYe ueas whett they can pail< their cars. that it would be a hazard to
residents around them as far IS ~ 1llose employees -.Id be pukjng their cars. She added that it
'>'OU!d take 1MJ1 from their business and their way of prxticc. So, she stated. that .-Id harm them. not
only in terms of being able 11l poy the bill, which she thinks is very Wgh. but that it is also .IOing to be
difficult in tcnr.s ofusjusl doing business day to dry.
Mayor Bwns asked if they ue parking on their )ll'Cmlses or ii they are parltin1 on a public S!Rd? Ms.
Giovanetti Slated it is on their propeny and, if they put the curbs in. it will reduce the amount ofpartting
in front of the building 10 ""'"'" tbcY .-Id not be able to pult there. Or, she opined, they would ba\'O to
go to angle parking which .-Id diminate I number of pa,l<ing .-poces in front or their building . She said
they have five other buildings within where there buildin1 is as well and for Olher tenants as far IS their
em1>k)U:S being able to parlt their cars. And it -.Id be bolh on Tufts and Be\-.rl y, she said. so Beverly
wodd be alfected as well as Tufts Avenue and the parlting wiuld be hindered severel y on Bevcr1 v. Sh-.
added that then they would be dawn 10 just Lngled parlt ing on Tufts. so that would hann their '> si ncss
111d wllll tuy do ia byiac IDjull do ..... .,, ID dlly, 51111 aid lilly do bM MIit ia a.ale wbcn
people,-! to put lboirCllllud ..... lllll mipl bodilllcull ia -olbaviq ......_ SIio uked
wbcn do they put llleir car? Sile llid lllll ii a_,, of llllin, in addilioa ID a .,...._ nduclloot
Mayor 11mm aid 11111 lae bM no la llowlWI kild olpmqall'ecll bul-. lllle !Ms ad lboirputiog unn...-., Ho IIUII Mr. Kabm if M Ml aware ollllal U dla lhinp aie dosipod. Mr. Kam Did
""an, and, in this panicular ;__, repnliq lbil -•"ly, lhey lllkod ID -oa flllf earlier and
""" coaocmed lbooll laliD1 lboirponlll&oa 8-rly. Ho ....cplliflal 111111 ill Ibis i-, wlllll this
bnilding -t.ill1 ......i ,-an 11D, tlae pn,perl)' ......,., in anlor ID build oa Ibo pn,peny, -nquin,d 10
dodic:ale hfflll)I feel olripa of-filr Tufts A-. became our ripl of-WU -ud lllat ICD
feel of ripl of-... tbc -side oltbc -ty .. ac-ty, ....... BeYaty -aaly -40 foct. Tho
Wldenlanding WO bad II lbal poinl in time, llo aoled, -lllat lhose dodicaliON WOft: -111d tbal tbc
-IXlllld canlim& ID IIIC !bal Pl-'>' mlil •.di Ii• Ula& we illlplOYld Ille -He aid. if ii
__,.,, for Ille rewne curve in Ibis ..,u.;alar ~ tbc cwt,, pau 111d sidcwalb,. r• -W be
rigbl al tbc front door of tbc buiklill& Ille i-UD1 tbal Ibey haw becft ming for yars llo aid, wllicb is 90
dl:greel lO tbc bailding, whll Ibey_.... ba¥e i...i is pn,bobly lhnlc IO four parallel..,.._ In Ibis
DtaDCe. beclua ollhc ~ cunoe. ,_ will be aa island at.,...... lbal is Id\ in ma at tbal property
111d tbc s-bas pr..,...s I cwt, CUI ID ...... tbal m lhere wlU sliU -pa,ting in ma o(tll,
building. He """"1 IUI. in lhc cue ollleYaly, while i1 is only diplly impacud by this p,ojoct because
lhc Slall: wlU jusl bu. 'd retumS IO feed IIIUlh ,_ 11cw:r1y, we will be pn,pooing lbal llc\'llly be COIISUIICled
in p,cbal>ly I 998 . II< advised lhal we bm: been Wliting several )'W1 for lhc Swc won io be completed
m lbal ,.. can 6aislt up lbal indmlrial a,a ud "" will be ming all of lbal right of My. So in fact. be
said. rigb1 now lhc pa,ting on tbc-side oltbc buildina is ly on Ci ty righl oCway.
Mayor Burns said be a,uld s,c wbal be was saying, lbal Ibis is ~ tbc owner 111d Ille lcuocs as far as •
wbal pa,ting is a>ailalllc IO thctn and WUl be CID provide OV<r whit period of time. Mr. ICallm aid yes,
thal be though! lhere -.td lCIUally be -pultiJI& with lhc SCUM than there -.Id bm: been wiUIOUI
i~ because ii is c:realing ti-noses, like in -of lhis pn,pcny and ii crcallS anolhcr oac as ii swings
""11h or.to tbc Windermere alignmcnl 111d on tbc nonh-comer ii creates I wge .,.. tbal is lhc
cx'.stir,g Tuft•, right ol-lbal will be ouaidc of Ibis roadway, wh ich will be available for parting as
well .
Pete Buenzli . the pn,pcrty owner al 1390 Wr:s1. Quincy, said that like lhc others Lha 1 ha,-c allQdy
commen1cd. his major concern is Lhc ODSI of tbc project. He DOIOd that be has owned tbc pn,pcny for
abool IS )'W1 and when the St11c 1ml came IO IMm and told Lhcm Lhcy were going 10 be condemning
pen of their property for tbc llloroughi'ue oa Navajo, be pn,c<Slcd because Lhcy wen: goiJ18 IO lose pa,ting
space. He said thal Lhcn his concern was wbal ,.. going IO happen when 1h11 was done, wbal was going
io happen to tbc cost of curt, and guna. Mr. Buaazli advised 1h11 be wu assured, as C\'a)'OIIC ....., 1h11
1h11 cost was going IO be borne by the Scale. He said be Lhcn bean! a rumor thal lha1 -not going io
happen and ho lalked 10 someone, and be -·1 haw Lhc name available at Ibis poiDI. from tbc Cily of
Englewood and be was ISSIUed apin 1h11 lbc pn,paty owncn -1<1 not be assessed. that tbc Siaic was
goins ID COV<r it and wbal wasn'I COV<nld ~ .. into I ~rat UICSSmenl Then. bc Slal<d, -~
aso he recci,'Cd a very large av.ts>mcnt notice Uld nally he said that this is the first notice be bad lbal he
was going 10 be ISSCSlcd tbal a moun,. He said from I property owners Sl8ndpoin1 Lhc cnlargcrncn1 of
Navajo was of absolutely no be1dil 1k CODllllCRled 1h11 be can '1 speak for Lhc other prnpcrty owners but
ii was a negati ve for him, 1h11 they had some l'tlail business al lhcir location which now of COUtSC is
aoncxis1e111, thal they lost prnpeny space. and now, 10 add insull ID injury, be is looking a1 a major
assessment He swed be wanled 10 go on reconl as protesting the asscssmcn1 and particularly the way ii
has been handl<d ID this point
Mayor Bums noted lhal again here is a commcm abou1 Lhc St11c absorbing 1he cost, he asked Mr. Kahm if •
be knew where that "u coming from or if tbc City has asswtd pn,pcrty owners lhal Lhc St11c would
lboolli lllo ..._ Mr. Kaba .....,.toll 11111 be hid no Idea. .. a-IUl llllr1 ......... !lit ..in, 11111'
bu boc1111C1M1J ilMllwd Ill dlilpn,jeol lhlce 1991., lie 111d Ille ii ....... 11111 llllle 1111 beano
lllfOnnlliol•olllilalllcedlllwwld ...... u,dllaaalllorlllla.._ilil•__,..dillrict.
Mayorllunl lllood il'lle 0INld CMCli: ID• If. II the PUC llouiJtc. f se,-.,-uy a,d, -P""" IO
tbae people by die S-ca 6 1tp1WWWlllld¥C. Mr. Kabm pollllDII Olll dllt Ille PUC 1-rillp _.. prior to
this project beiq ftnDed. 10 lhis allpmeat bei"I dotennined 1Di1 to 11· 1.....,,. .... Ille S.. to build
this projec1. ~ llanll 111111d wllll Ille pmpox al lhe PUC bariq r •-II die Ila. Mr. Kabm said
the primlly parpme hid to dD wilh raiJnlld ICCOII. RaillOIII ...,_ • <11 dMI bit '-Ille e,q,lainod, and
the raa 1h11 die cnmiap wa,: going ID be cl.-! at Quincy and TliA>l Mayor llunll 111d 11111 INl wu
be(~ tllis District -ever loroiod. Mr. Kahm said yea. it wu )'OIII bdbre the Dillrict wu cver fimned.
Council Member Wiginl ubd Mr. Kabm wbca -Ille llnl time Ille ........ II I 390 W• Quincy
WU notillod flllti · -111d Ille laR time? Mr. Kabm IIIYilod 11111 die DIIUiCI -fonncd in 1992.
all die'""'""_,, nocific:d by cznllled mail, It -pabiJabed ud lllae wu a pd,llc bmriq. He advisod
be keeps Ille canls and so lie aill baa • ,=>rd of who lip,ed die cards. He aoUld that this time "" .......
the onliJlucr: -a iDOCilh IF-.... 0111 cenilled Jetton opiD. He advitod thll out "'· polmliaJ 49
mcssmen11 lbll ,_ 0111. llley hid bit thal _,, not picbd up and one -did not bave I lorwanling
addlas. Council Member Wigim said u we do have I iOC0ld. 11111 il'Mr. Bucnzli .. -ould like to• il lie
could • Mr. Kalua to determine ,.i,en be was notified or inl'onnatioa ,.,.. sent to him. Mr. Kahm said
yea. --rea,nls lie always available.
Mayor BWIII aid be thought lhc-J _,, talking about the dilfcn:oce between the formation of the disuict
and tho IIOlice <IID l$SCSSDICIII. Mr. Kalun llid )a. tlilt llley 18"0 cenilled latcrs in balll illllaDCCS.
Mayor Bwns asked wlw kind cl imonmdoll they gel when the listricl is fanaed7 Mr. Kam aid that
when Ille dillrict wu lbnned in this panicullr lllllaJICC. we -• aua acp and bod 1 ,-;,,g II the
En&Jcwood RecRatioo Ccma, Council Member Wiggins and C-'Cil Member 111111away-,, 111cn:, and
Ibey invited lhat entir< business COIIIIIIWUty to attend. He ~ 1111111 11111 lime Ibey knew approximately
what WU going to be bail~ lbat it wolid be an S cwve. they !mew the approxi-. alignment and Ibey
also knew the a,a bccluse llley we~ pRddennlned boaed on the 1991 program . He c:ommented that all
of that infol1Dllioo wu n-ailable. lie aid that they went back through the original estimates that we~
put together for each property in 1992 and the assessments an: c:ompar.,ble \\ith those numbers.
Gary Kozacd< noted for the record that he is still sworn in. He said that when the public hearing came
with the Highway Dcputmcnl there wu an announcement and tiley p,-e out ten Oyen. He Slid they
reproduced them. lbat jusl prior to when he came on City Council they hid I meeting al tho Rocration
Center and they got all the neighborhood th=. Then. he noted. they had a PUC hearing to go ahead and
take all the facts o{ finding &om what the residents had lo introduce and ...,.t the High .. -.y Dtputmcnt
had to introduce. Al that point in time. he Slid. the~ wero sever.al altcmati-.. that they we~ looking at
and they had to come up with. by Stile law. whit Ibey call an impact statement. Mr. Ko=:dt expl ai ned
that that is the impact of this pn,ject oo the residents invoiYed. on the businc:sses involved and the impact
statement then has to go in ftool of a PUC hearing. He said that during a PUC hearing is when all the
legalities c:ome out u to wllll is roquirtd by the State and wbat will be dealt with thrnughout the disuict
during tllis upgrade. as Ibey arc calling iL down the~ on the Santa Fe corridor. He c:ommcnted that as
they went back along the way. and Oe,ced a little~ and th= and modified their project. they~ not
roquirtd to go back in front of the public with it. BuL he Slid. it had to stay within a ccnain ramification
&nd that is what the PUC bearing notes arc. He stated that ii' you want legal beagle notification and stulJ.
and who waso't and who ,ns. that we should talk to I.any at Meadow Gold and he will tell us that their
legal beagles 'lmlt after the Highway Department because they went in and SC\'<rtd their ground with
uactors and stulJ prior to C\'Cf' even notif)ing them . He advised that they put a stop on the project . So it is
not all cut and dry and fancy that the Highway Department stays all clear and dry . He aid he will get the
City a copy or the PUC hearing notes. and tha1 that was bcforo Mr. Kahm was involved. but th.i t is what
.,.._.ai,c..a __.1,,1"' .... 1,
dleNlidlmllllldlM..._ ..... .,liwlly. 1'111Mtiswllll-..,_10llyllloPUC,lllll1Mtis1
...... .,.... body ID-ii_, die poaple will llOI be illlplClld aopliwly 111d damapd. Mr.
ICcmcek 11-.111111 Ibey i...111 .. ......,..i a.. -lbat ii is IIOljoMl lllo nilnlld deportmcDI Ibey ue
~ ID F lll front oldie PUC bolrill1 .,._ii-all~ lllplbcr. He aid be will have
10 problem wilbin Ille -..,.0 olllnl dli,I ID Ill Ibo a,piea. He ...... Ibo Mayor ilbo WlllliOd Ibo
oapiol or if be lllawd pve Illa ID Mr. Kum. Mayor llunla ■id be dida'l lmow bow Clllalli>c Ibey
-, ba1 be-.ld lib Mr. KMll ID i-,-lbaa becauae he .......... 11111 bo is llillc:aaa..l aut
-lllljuriJdlcliocl..., ..._ Ho aaled 11111 Mr. Klbal lllCDUOlllld Ibo railnJld cnmiD& 111d Mr.
Koacell: is ■yiq l.bal ii is CDlllidenbly in-oltbll. Mr. Komiet ■id 11111111,Y timoyou-
aneriab, ....-oollOClors. • we have all...,. Ille EaaJcwood corridor. 11111 Ibey an: ...aina .n al our
basim:sl &om_......_ dla Ille Slal&Hip,._ Dlpanmool Im 1111 ID 1M you-beck. He ■id
11-ey CID look rip,t DD the wal side and •JoMl fflt Ibey have done. He ........ U\'C boon QII bock
ii; 11111 DIido loapl and others tbal Ibey have aamlly ~ rip& m Ibo roadMy. Now, bo asked.
is Ibo Cily 1IXina Ibo blilcr COWi CMr here ...... llley pul in a raadny to lCCCll lllo Uliler c:ouns, is
dial -• paving dillriCI? He ■id ii is Ille ......... there u ii is ..... willl busi-. Wbone\-.r
,.. --. Ibo llipway Deporuncat amain 11111 SCYOrS aa:aa. Ibey must maintain Ibo aa:as lhat
'O'IS oripnally there in"""" cdler Corm. Tlloy CIO F behind Ibo pn,pertia lie Ibey an, 11 Westffll
Sizzlia. 111 Ibey can have ii .,... lib Ibey did a lialc fiulher up bclo in front of Ille Gan's Wholesale
Iba. lie said he \WUJd be -than happy 10 cldi\'Of them 10 Ibo Cily Maaqer's ()ffia,,
ThoR being no further qUCSlinm and. as there ,.,.. oo one else p,aenl lO speak to the issue. ¼)'or Bums
asbd for a motion to close Ibo public hearing.
Ayes : Council Manbas Hathaway, Vonni111g. Wigains. Habenicb~
Wauoner. Clapp. Bums
Nays : None
Matioo c:arriod and the public hearing cloood.
10. C.._. Aaa,da
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (ii), (iii) lllld (av) ON FIRST RL\DING.
(a) App!OYC on Fi rst Read ing
Molion carried.
Aya: Council Membcn ~. Vormiaq. Wiginl. llabenlch~ w...-,. Cll!pp, Buns
Nays: Nooe
(i) Cauacil Member w...,_ ald tile only ,paloG be has on this ii dial tlloy Ill
roocived a ldlu in their pockzt c:oncerniDg wbal be....,,.. is lhil pn,pe,,y. He lllUld be -,Id lille
somo indication Crom Dir as ro why we do ..i IO .....,. that actioa ol the City ditch 1111d why lie we
going through with the dniaage ....-liDcc it is ahady tbcR. City Anomoy Bn>IZIIIID adYilod that
tbere an, lCIUllly two dillmlll iaaes, !bi, is l dUren:111 I-than the City ditch ;.._ He atcd the City
ditch issue is a clamlc:aliaa from Dem-or oo our eutmcnts llld tbere may have been some wording
problems OD the l<U<r that -out. Mr. Braaman DOtal that wba, .... olllaiMd the City dilCh from
Dcmu there _.. some i_. in ru:onlcd lidos to the ditch propeny. He said it is DOI that we don 't have
a prescriptive casement becawie = have the City ditch, but"" don 't ha,,. ru:onlcd c:asca,enu llld tbal is
what the Utilities Dq,ut,,,<nt is uying to clall up .
Council Member Waggoaer liked if this is the same issue as the leller they received in their poclttt?
Council Member Wiggins said the other ODO is where the ditch goes ...,.. the hick of their pn,peny, be
asked if that is the ODO they lie talking aboul? City Anomey Brouman advuod that that is a dilrer'Cllt
piea: ofpropcny .
City Manager Clult said tbal they rea:ived that letter right at tile end ot the day so stair hasn't had a
chance to roally look ll i• ud really examine iL
Council Member Wiggins said be fdt tbal Utilities Operation Superinlaldtnt McConnick a,utd nu them
in on this puticular leller. Mr. McConnidt said be """1d try. Mr. Wiggins explai ned that tbi1 was a
gcnUeman that wanted ro do somelhing and he was complaining about Mier getting inro his bucftM so
in order 10 fix it "• have to ga the ri&bt or qy (qr the casement. ·
Council Member Vonnittag said be tbougln they only have a cement square uuagh in tbat pn,pcrty. 41W I
South Lipan . Mr. McCormick advised that it is a drainage ditch that goes into the City Ditch. that it is a ·
cement pan . He said the Lipan pan is failing and the person is getting water into their basement. He
explained that we ba,,. to go through. get an cascmcnt as then: was oo cascmc:nt there in order to repair
the pan going into the Ci ty di tch.
Council Member Waggoner liked if there br.'C been any concerns from citittruy about obcaining the
casement or any.hing like that? Mr. McConnick s:iid DOI that he has beard of.
Council Member Wiggins advised that Mr. Zoolt is the genUeman 's name and that he spoke to him quite
often. He said Mr. Zook has oo problem "1 all with us doing it.
Mr. McConnick said .-olthe property is on the homeowner·, property on the nonh and that he
doesn 't ba,-e any problem with it either.
AGENDA ITEM 10 (a) (I)· COUNCil. Bll.L NO. 42.
Council Member Vormittag med -Ibey built it la die lint pa.. if Ibey didn 't -die ript die tint
time? City Attorney Brottmao explaiaod that they prabll,ly bad the ri&bt, but the issue is wbdher we
have a reconkd tiUc 10 that piece ol pn,perty or not
Council Mcmtler Vormittag qucstionod ,.._ that is just rain WIICr. Mr. McCormick said II Is. Mr.
Vonninag ukal if that is goiag UIIO tu Cil)' ditch. H, WU told that it does.
Motion curied.
Ayes : Qiunal Manben Halhaway , Vonninag, Wiginl. Ral>cnich~
Wacgoaer. Clapp, Burns
Nays: None
(b) Approve on Second R.cading
Then:~ no additional items submined for approval on~ rading. (See Aaa,da Item 11 (b) •
Onlinanas. Raolutions and Motions.)
11. Ordilluces, Reoolutlou ...a Metioas
(a) Approve on Finl R.cading
(i) Deputy Dinaor Olsoll present<d a ruiommcndation fTom the Department of
Safety ~-ia:s 10 adopt a bill for an onlimmz approving an ..,........t ,.;th the Co1ondo Humane
Society for animal housing savicrs at the~ Allimal Shelter. He advis,:d that this agreement
,. ... originally approved in 1991 , it WM a fiw year..,........~ which e.,q,ired in May of this year. Since
that time, be no(ed, we have been on a moath to month basis with Colorado Hwnane. He said they did
,:-... ,ca bit of research on this and concluded that the best situation for Englewood at this time is 10 rttain
tbc s •• -..ica of Colorado Hwnane. As opp!Sd to a five year 111=mcn~ he advised that they arc
recommending a two year agrtCIIICD1. lie said that ...... tially the cost will be approxinwtly $34,000 a
year, which is up approximately $S.000 from the previous agrtement we had which bad been adjusted on
a year 10 year basis based on the CPL
CoWlcil Member Hathaway commented t..at 111ith all the ventilation and everything that we put in. that
then: seems to be a better working rcla1ioaship bcrwcen us and them . She asked if it is bcncr. Mr. Olson
Slated that .,... still have a good worl<ing rdationship. that the air handling system wa< roquired. that ii
was necessary. He explained that essentially "·hat happened. earlier this year. was that Colorado Humane
fell that bcausc: we pul the air handling S)'Slelll In that it raised their utility COS1S substantially . So, he
said. earlier this year they had asl:al for I fairly substantial incn:asc . H, advised that he was able 10 defer
tha~ essentially. 10 this point when he and City Attorney Brottman negotiated an qRCmcnl with them
and brought it back down 10 what we thought was a more reasonable request. Mr. O1.!on advil<d that we
have a good ""rtting relationship ,.;th Colorado Humane. that ii can alnys be better. He said this is why
they a1-. going with a two year agr,:emen ~ so if other options come up we will be able 10 advantage of
Counci l Member Waggoner asked if we are the only ones in there now or if other cities arc still in there? •
Mr. Olson advised that the agroemcnl al l°"~ them to have other clients. that Sheridan bri ngs animals
dawn lbffl nd Cbeny Hilll ad MpUOI c-ty accuiollllJy briaa aaimlll ....... llowns, ... aollOd,
11111 .... pn..uy 1111 ... -ot ... llclllly• lhilpainl. CollllclJ MlmNrW..,.. ... ifllle
01bcn bnetilllllar...-, Mr. a.. ............ .._. .. _ .. ...,,_11111 .... .
1nt0 wriaen oar-•..._ He aid be lllaupl tlleodlcrl hml be all Yll1lol. 11111 tlley bne .._
sbow11 him any Oilier..,._ ,.-willl Sboridu or Olbcn. He ..... tllll dlCy .. Wliliaa IO pt
dliscoadudodbcftn llley-1111:1<• ....-wilh tllealhera,-cia tllllal will, ii...
CouncilManberW ........ if,...,..-.;qtllewboleCOII? Mr. OlaallMlllldlll-an
1101 sublidlrin1 Ille wllole COIi. dial wllll • .. eoi1II to Ill paylq liore is..., I t, .._ dlu boll ol
what the monthly CJIXnWII _. an lhal they pracatal IO 111. He poillled Olll !Ml CalandD ~
""'1<s llipiflcandy ~ CXIMliloliam lad m fixlh to keep their 1wo lllcllffl namial, dlis cme and the olher
one 011 Soath SIRla Fo. So. lie aid. -an: DOI sublidblng 1()()% Ille opalliall 1111ft.
Council Member Halhlway asud iflllil ii...-. or lea when colllplnld to the COIi ol• pn,,,idilla the
staff and --,,bing 11111-IIIDI ID pnlYide bdan:7 Mr. Olson acMIOd lhal llley ...uy ~ the
City taking aver the whole facility apia. Thal oacc they rally looked iDIO they raliml !Ml lmic:ally we
would have 10 have a miDimwn ol tM> IO fcur pooplc, in addilioa lo what we ....., ill lllimal -llllr
right now, Iii run the lllcllor. II< staled !hat ii is an opcntion or about 46 boun a wed< and wllm .,. did ii
once before .,. had oipc people dlll did IIOllliug but animal conlnll. ll'P<I~ six. _, yous ago.
He said 1h11 they fonnd lllis riglol -IO be !he bcller ,illillic,a for as. I ii coald always thu&e ud we
will always keep our updoa apm. bul 1h11 is ,ip,ificully cheoper lhan us trying IO provirle lhal ,elVice
down 1-. He poillllld ... tlal we will slill pnlYide animal conttol in !he City. 111111h11 I,· rull our
raponsibility, 1h11 Ibis is jasa tor openbOIII II !he lbellcr illdf.
Cow,clJ Member llabellicllt llbd if they keep lnck or comments and or complaim about bow the sheller
is run. And. she questioaal iflhen, haw been any. Mr. Olson advioed that !hey clD and !hen haw been
some in the last few monlhs. Ht llicl wbca the word wont out. 1h11 "" --. paibly lcdiDa for IIIOlher
opcra1or down there. lbll be """"""" many mlicillld and umoliciled comp1aiDu fna people local)y and
out of the City roganliag..;.. CODCfflll. Mr. Olson said Iha! they loolied II all•-IDd addr.....i
!hem specifically with !he CalandD Humane Socic:I)'. He said thcrt is mme wonliJtg iD !he ......,..,,i
lhal alien,~ us 10 pul a linle bil tighter conlllll on their operation down !here. Some al !heir concerns is
1h11 they have a high 111m r,m iD Slaff, bul.,. uy with our people IO make~ we U\'C a good liaison
with !hem and lha1 things arc ""rking approprialely down then:. Ht commcnlCd dlll he would say 1h11
we do ROI have a significant number of complainis. 1h11 then: were a few . a hanclful .
The City Cieri< was ast<d co read Council Bill No. 4 I by tide :
ITEM 11 (a) (i) • COUNCll. IIl.L NO. 41 .
Moti on carried.
Ayes: Council Members Hathaway. Vorminag. W~ • ·• Habcnich~
Waggoner. Clapp , Bums
Nays : None
(ii) Operations Division Chief Moore prcscnlcd a rccomm ·tion from the
Dcparunenl of Safely Scl'\ica 10 adopt a bill for an ordinance for lhe adoption of•, 1995 l'C\ision
......... ai,c-a ........ "'
... 14
-.ionollbeModll Tnalc Codeby ......._ Heldviledlhll_dle ... aiao llllllllhl-ai
cmpl~ ollbe Cliy olBDalcwood fNn...,. ..,._ .. wldia die Ciiy 111w, provided lbcir
e,q,ertlaillaaialagdlel995venioooltlieModdTrdicCodewlllcb""llcatliel977\'Cllioa. Ke
poiared out 1M1 it bM .,_ oipdlll:II ,-s ma die Madel Trdic Codi 1111 been revitod. Mr. Moore
DOied 1h11 lM)' IICl1llinbod 111d eullli..s lbe -code and ....... ii IO Ibo old code, Qlfflllll ..aicipal
onlinanca 111d Slale law 111d made • number . JI recor.ancndaliom ill addition ID die lllaip1 adoplion. He
SIiia! lhll llllle an, raaply lhree ctom, ----lillcalionl, additions or~ 6-Ibo Model
Troffic Code IIIClf. Mr. Moore poinled out 111M CcaDCil will find llloa ill die pecl:et ol In!-... they
Mayor Burns asked Divisiaa Chief Moon: ID aplahl ... ~ ol,-ally -u II is dclcud bore.
111d the City doan'I us penalty............_ Mr. Moen adviJed lllal Ibo City bu never adopled Ibo
pcnalty-Jll'IIIIUI, llisallrliplllaesyllem. Hocxplliad lllllpeaally-l)'IICID
-,Id enallle alllca1 to~ licllm lbel oauld be llllilod iD with a cataiD fiDo ICbocwlc. pabaps even
with the lbilily to plea borpin by mail . by mailin& it \I 111 a:naia lime. say wilhio 20 days. Ke said
tome mmricipolilies -ldopled lhal ~
Mayor Burns asked if they evaluated that S)-.._ Ho llid be i1 lftft lhll I number oC municipalities are
doing 1h11 and be woodcral iflhcre is aay pmlicullr rason that E..........,i bun't or have wen;;;
ewlualed lhll particularty. Mr. Moore nolCd lhal be docs ROI know b sure iflhal hu been eval111dcd,
that he lhouaJII that it is the position oldie comt lhll lhc penalty -S)'SlaD ;, ROI I viable system
for Englewood right now. Beyon~ lhll be said. be doa ROI know lhc amwer 10 Iha! question .
Cily Manager Clarlt SlalCd that they can cbcdt inlo 1h31 IOIIIOmlW. Ho IIOICd lhal wben they were doing
the court bud&<t lhll ditcussion did oome up Md appora,tly ~ is oome problem with lbc coun with •
repnl 10 sipatUres. putic:ululy if they an, pladina ruilty. Ho said be is not sure what all the iSIUCS
_,, because they were alJo looking II -callin& in 111d poyinc lor ii with your c:r<dil c:ml and all
lha1 olbcr ltind of Slud Bui. be reiltrmd. llla-c is ane signature ~ when they send the
documeulllion in the coun wanlS lhe ac:1111! siparure. particularly when they are pleading guilly.
Mayor Burns said he lhoughl ii was also a queslioo of asussmonl of poinlS when they do that Cily
Attorney Brotzman said lhat is right
Division Chief Moore Slaled Iha\ he had a conversation. as rea:ntly as a week ago . with the Adams
County Depul)· DiSlrict Anomey. and they have adopted that system there and •~ntly they even plea
bargain lhc poinlS . In other woras, he explained. if you mail ii in by a a:nain time ii is essentially a plea
10 a lesser included offense.
Mayor Bums said yes. that he though I \here was a plea 10 a lesser included offense if they respond by a
a:nai n da1c. Mr. Moore said lhat is correct.
Council Member Wiggins said he thought ii was interesting lhal the Stile adopled perutlty assessment
they have ii and evideDlly wort with iL Ci1y Anoney Brotzman said they do and it is an automatic and
there is no other review of record . He poinled 0111 that right now if you go t.'uough OW' coun sySlem wc
often have a mail S)'5ICm lhat wc use. CX<:qJI lhal we look II their entire background rather than Denver's
S)'Slem, which is four pcinlS simp ly cut in half and then the fine is assessed. So ours, he said, is aclual ly
more labo r intensive bul it probably gives you a more justice oriented approach because yo u actually look
al what lhcir driving background is before you maltc an offer.
Counci l Member HnbenithL referring lo the section establishing the olr,a: and duties and powers of the
Traffic Engineer. sai d lha1 in some cases she was wondering if they indeed somehow have an interplay
with Planning and Zoning. Division Chief Moore said because we are a home rule cily. no1 a S1atu 1ory •
......... ~o-11 -..i,,1• ....
cily. He ..... •dleMDIW'hdcClldl.,_'1,._dletnalc•si-.11...,_bmn&
IOpullll ....... tbrWIIIIDy-,Halal1 ......... TIie..-.---.....
throupoul 1111n, ■-I be llid lben .. ,...a,ty ..... ., .......... Ibey ...... die 1111111c ..-,,
bypuaadle ,_.bCGancil Ill mn-,,aflllea i-. He noral 11111 dlelllllllc......,cu
limply cx■miDe die iaue ud mote•• •dNioa 111d II cu be ldopl<d byvinueo(lll■L
Council Member H■beaic:111 aid -~ -1h11 -wll■I Ibo -111ft ol qmaiomq. Sbc
c:ommenu:d 11111 her cm:cm ii !Ml -af dlae lllillp _, Ill be Ub plunin1 ad Jmina kinda of
1-. ,~ ..... Iba 1111 m■)4>e bein& lladiod with tho e.....iw.y corridor 1111c1y 11111 111111p u:., th■I. ud if
theM <lllllldn 't be .-c:onflicl tbcre 'llilb -pclDI blving the llllhority IO do lllillp. SIie aid she is
woodc,1•e ifthcn: is"""" polaWII callict Ion. City Aaamey Bralzm■n ~ 11111 lben bu
10 be III i-.pl■y lnllll Public Wons ■-I Pl■nniDI 111d Zalins 111d 1h11 is wby you b■w Ille ~on
be<wecll thooe hllO dqJ■nmeDls 111111111111c ...sics Ill do dao ~ He aid obrioally ~ -
~ caa't WM: willlout e■cll adicr.
City Manager Cwk OOIIIIIICllled 1h11 die ~ heto is when a lillll docisiOG is made, an example being
what WC WCDI thrau&JI I few _. .., on the ftabin& u,1111 iaao. Someone bu 10 mote I decision
111d they did 111d af c:oane Ille CoaDcil rac,ws the rip to c.....,. their mind undu this new lCClion L' to
what tnffic ~ principals arc piing to be mod with repnl to I liven bdlc: silllllion.
Council Member H■benicbl aid sbe .....,. she wu c:mccmod ■bouL for instance, dcsign■te throu&h
suocts or roadways ■-I comn,1...,._, Apin. dlt Slid. yoa 111k about there bein& 111 iA1e/plly
belwccn the Public Wons, but dlt -'1 bur III intcrpl■y __,, Pl■nning 111d Zolliag or the PIIMins
and Zoning Commission and the Ccaprel,onsiYc Plan 11111 tbinp like 1h11 where thooe kinds of things arc
discussed. Sbc saicl she thought tbcre was IIIOlher one emblislllng weight )Olds ani she Slid it S<CmS to
lier that the CSllblishing of dilremll mmials and the lib WIS under the jurisdiction al the PIIMing and
Zoning fwx:lioa which bu a IOI af pll,lic input built into iL She Slid she is a Utile bit concerned that we
arc ma)1,e llkin& """l' some ol the ciJiJas ripts.
Mayor Bums CQIIIIDOJlu:d that a lnllic a,cinccr, in his experience. is a ""IY normal thing to ha\'O, wc need
to ha\'C a tr.llllc engineer. He aid Ibey""' cp tbe sip Ind if you hl\'e 10 present C''tdence in c:oun. IS to
the prope r illSlailali011 of a sign or a anml device. you hl\'C Ill hl\'e the tnffic •,,gineer IS your witness.
The Director of PubUt Works and Trallic Eqinoor Eslcrly Slid this is ~rcrty much the Id up th■t exists in
the City right DOW, ii IS not a change. Ho aid the dilfercna: is that the prt\'ious c:ode th■t WC had adopted
included many a[ thes, tbings in it ad tbey DO longer include iL Also. he noted. this has now orpniz.cd
all of these into one location. that ,._ af lbcse appcan,d in ......i locations. Mr. Esterly poiMod out
that the altcmath'C to these is that they came back to Counci l and they arc an onlinance and they ha,,. to
go through • linl reading, a S<a>nd rcadia& and th■t Incl udes thinp like designating a stop sign . He
stated that if Council wonts to ha\'C .-y SIDp sign brought to them wc can do thaL Mr. Esterly noted
they ha\'C permits right now for parwtes. tbey close "'1eelS Ind they do th■t in a maner of ta'O or three
da ys interacting with the schools. IC the tnllic ensjnoor doesn 't hive 1h11 power then we have to come
forward with III onlinance. have it ■ppnMld Ind ac, into ell'ec:t then we arc l.llking ■bout two. two and a
halC months to approve somelhin& IS silllple as I bloclt pony or 1 ■chool parlde. So. he Slid. this
facilitates how quickly we can resp,nd ID requesu by citizens. He noted that some of these items ■re
allowing c:onuactors to bioclt a sidclqlk or parting lane to store materials. And. h., commented. that
from time to time wc go out there and we arc harwing them about they don 't have :nough barricades or
flashing lights or things like that they baYe the authority to do that and they issue rermits for those types
of activities. Dircc1or Estaly pointed o,a 11111 the whole purpose here is to <trcar.-jine the pma:ss .
Council Member Clapp said that she noticed on pager,,.._ number twei, ... it addresses speed limits for
alleys ,nd this is an amendmcn L She questioned whether we c:um:ntl y enforce speed limits in the alleys .
......... Olyc-11
...... 1,,1"'
.... 1,
Cily AIWIIIJ~aplaladdallcur.-ly1Malleylancllll.-,l••~1111bc,peodllmit
ID u lllly ript-ii JO llilll u llaur. c.....l Member Varmlaq aid._ I 111-. lllal cm
Bnladny tlln ii I lip dall ayl .UC,. 119 lftoaa m',;a U bout. Mr. a.-. aid unlas Ibey ■n:
....... otbelwile. lie aid cbup,a tllil fill ~ !: I lal lea cxpeuiw tbu pulliD& I lip ID <Vel}' alley
llllkiDc it llftecn.
Divlsloa Chlc!Moon DOied 1h11 ICblllly tho ,peed limit ID an a1ley cu vary dopaldiq cm whclhcr Ibo
a1ley ii in a rmi!llalial dillric:I o« a basi1a1 dillric:I or wbethor it ii s!p:d .,...iy, He IIIIA:d lhil will
mau it mon, Ullifonn.
Tbo City Clerk -uud 10 nad CDUIICil Bill No. 34 by title:
AG£NDA ITEM 11 (1) (II)· COUNCll. ■ILL NO. 34.
Motion catricd.
Ayes : CDUIICil Mcmbcn Hatlllwiy, '1omli«a&, Wigios. 8"bcnicb~
Wauoner, Clapp, Bums
Nays: None
(b) Approve on Seoood Roading
(i) ORDINANCE NO. 34, SERIES OF 1996 (COUNCll. Bll.L NO. 37.
(ii) ORDINANCE NO . 35 . SERIES OF 1996 (COUNCIL Bll.L NO . 39 ,
v ......... ,u,
Motion earned.
Council Mcmben Hathaway. Vonninag. Wiggins. Habcnich~
Waggoner. Clapp, Bums
12. Gaenl .......
(a) Mayo,'ICboice
I . Mayor Bums v..id we were privilcpd ID -.I Ille Lilll-'Enaie-,d W-T--t
Plant EPA Awards an,l RecopulioD c:a-y aa dlo 1.5°'. HeadYlaed Ii>',\ Ille City aCEqlcwoad
received a COiqJle of I.wards, Ille llllia --Ille U. S. Envilonmental Pl'.uc:tion Agency 1996
Oponllon and Malntenm,ce l!xcelJaa Award, llnl place lbr rqion eiabt, and ......i place iD the
lllllODII oompelitioo . Mayor Bwm ...i lhal t-,. were told II the ..-W lhal lhil pull Ill -
the bell althc besl io tbe llllioa lbr apenlion ad-allbc--pllnL Abo,
be DOied. we rec,i,ied .. , booanble-. lbr dlo U. S. Bllvlnmmealal -• "-1996
Beneficial Use of Biooolidl ror Openaiaa Pn,jocla, iD Ibo oa:ioal~ oompelilioD. He 00111111.-l 1h11 tbcre
ma lot of cities i"""""'1 in 1h11. m Eqle,n,a,l--lhll an hotlonoble mend0t1 ns a
considerable arlueYemenl in 1h11 u well.
2. Mayor Bums said. ,epnliog lbe C-470 ialadlange. 1h11 Ibey hid kind of a petition fflllll l lot or
people who were complaining lhll a pon r#llus-laking away mme their nalllrll 810"1h-. He
commenrod !hot be is not sw,, be really undenlDod 11111 as fir as Ille scheme of devdopm<:111 on here is
c.:,occrr1t.d and that lie 1'oold like to know ~ lbooll what lhesc ro11u m CIODlplaining abouL He .....i ii
is >.>n or a clone deal. tl\.JI we have alroady passed iL bu1 1h11 be is curiOIIS abour w.hat Ibey lhink i11 being
done . He said they m complaining-the mstll lark of the interchange c:oimsllng C470 10 r.owuy
Line Road and s:,ying that i1 isn't even -He said llll)i,e we can !Ind out a little: bi1 IIIDft at out tlw.
3. Mayor Bums •laid be would like to -lhll lbey-.ld like 10 keep lht Cinderella City caoUICtS
moving along. He commen!ed 1h11 ii seems like OWi)' week Ibey get a another recilalion that someone
didn ., communicate with somebody or didn 't Fl -with DIIObody else and it IOOlllS ID drag 0G an
4. Mayor Bums advised lhaL at the Mayor's and Manager 's broakfasl last week. Ken Bueche or
CML gave • p=u:f>on on the 19% Ii" .neral elcaion swewide ballot i'5UOS. He noted tbere m about a
dozen of ~\.-.i'll. tic .-~~ out or.t. iri µattic.ular. p initiative liberalizing initiative and n:ra-~;xtu.m right:,
applicabl ,: :;, ,::,,~ a.•J' lo.1.ll goverru.,ents wtJc:11. if i111plemenled. requires a wry small DWl!berof
signalW'OS i11 ~1\.-<t:r ·.o get a matter on a ..::01. Mayor £sums advised lhal this is being heovily °"posed by
CMI , the s11 ,1o:-.s, opposition or any of these. He note.II ii is calle.d Son or A:nendment 12. and since w,:
have a single ir""' ballot r,quimr.cnt now this,.. palled 0111 and put into this particular initiative. H•
explained tha1 l"'' could ha\'t • ttcmendou.• number of initiatives. on all killfls or subjects. for ve-y few
signalW'OS, if this passes. So. he stated. Ibey are u,ging us to especiolly oppose thal one.
(b) Council Membc~s Choice
(i) Council Member Vonnilllg:
I. He said be bas been really harping -axle enfon:anent gettiog down on the !JOOS and SIUJJ,
because the onl y tiine you can really see the dead one, is in the summer. He'notcd the !)Oilll was brought
uo 10 hi that the 1ree artJorists know that the City bas been telling all or these people that Ibey have 10
c,;,, their trees down and sruff. He s:ale.d thal wlw be woold like to propose is lhal the City gi\'O OUI the
warnings. and he said be •oold likr 10 lag these iR>. "' at least get pictures of them or where the problem
is, but give them a six month period ID have the b'ee 1'"'"11 down instead just a ten day period. This way,
he pointe.d ou~ Ibey 11,ooJd ha\'O more time 10 -it with them and find somebody I, wort with !hell', give
them a better deol 10 take some of these really big dead tree! out Council Member Vonnin.,g commen1C<!
lhal whe n he went out the other night for National Night Out th'! woman who was hosting thr. pany gol a
DOlice .. 11cr c1oar. ror J,.. ... lnKh. 11e 111d 111e bruch caulda't 111w 11em -111111 u liet kllll,
tbal it -jllll I dOld put altbc lllp lM tbae. Ill IWed 11111 be ii all ..aly allr ... par1icullr
b!IDCh. lllll be ii t.icllly ofter I -,piclely cleld lnll. He ....... CIIII 11111 we lllwaap Ill~
aboul, -,ying alJout Glo dead Ina .......... Ibo City, ud be -W lillc ID I" tbea 1111 lllllbd and
1qpd _, thiJ WI)' the lfborisU CID wwit OD U..., durina Ibo winier wt,ca the .-her is nice. Mr.
Voraiall c,p;.i llm it may be cold, 11111 M .... • it isn't -'aa they CID ltill cut tllmc lMI dowll.
He ub11 C11Y M1111F CJult to relay tuL
2. Ho SIIIOd tbll the.....,. 11 Sula Feud Dll1mOUIII ue n:ady for blnat, U111 it is OD the
nilro.i licle. C01111CiJ Member Hltbeway Aid it is on bolh 111d la tbc modiul IDO, 11111 it ii Ill over.
Council l\klnber Vonninag aid Ibey kind al clala Ille modism up. V.a. llllllany naa:d they ue back
up . Mr. Vonaiaq ~ tllll on Ille raillllld side 0-.....i, ue ll k:all six or IOVCll liet 1111, lllll
thcyarcjall ......
J. He poinltd out lllll the weeds 114800 Gnni an: p.'tli n& ..aly bi&, tbll they ue OYer lWO to lhne
feet long. Also, ht ldvitod City Mulfor Clllk, lllll they did _,. -" on the clri¥<-ny in the street
therc and ii bu boa, for II leut the ... !WO.,,... and they ltill blYe the Slak.eo in tbe arcct when: they
bad that board tbere ....i blou~)II the-la. They hive°"""' tlkCII tbem OUl ud Mr. Vorrninq
said be feds it is just I bawd tblt Im bem lhn forever. that tbe cones are goao IDd jua the Sllltes llld
v.ood is still there. He DGlal tho wood is ca the driveway too.
Mayor Bums commented that be tbaupt Jen}' Nestler had a pwdwu for that bouR. Council Member
Hathaway said he sent Council a memo -that not too 1011& ago. Mayor BWDS said tblt was Ille
c:hic:ken ranch . Ms. Hathaway thought he had also sent one rqanliag this. wbic:h tallcal about some kind
of dday.
Couacil Member Vonninag said they had ID open house and be said lhal Sunday ht bad sold it or got a
contract or whatever. Bu~ he noted. he hasn't seen anything about i~ but tho -an: now close to ti\'()
to three feet high and those board. need 10 come out of then:.
4. He said ht is curious about wbtn: wc an: with Home Lumber. City Manager Clark advised that
WC gol ID update on tho ~ ilDd then they WtrC going 10 brief Council OD ~ ICIUally the Monday
follo l\iog tbe fin:, and docidod DOI to until we could update 11:e oppraisal . He said he will schedule an
C,JIICII Member Halhaqy Slaled lh:rt are a oouple of items. thnt tbcn: looks like t.bc:n: is an abandoned
·,chicle toward the nonh cod of tbll property and there is also a sbcd-like suucwre that is OD the oonh
end that was not pan altbe fin:. She said she doesn 't know if that is pan of tho house that is in behind or
something. But she said. it looks like then: an: !WO things on th11 pn,pc:ity that might be pan of property
that just an:n·t being deal t with right DOW. She commented •lw Sato 's. the Oorist place ..,, door. moved
0111 since and now you can see C>'CfYll,ing in the back of the 101. tbcn: is a car back in then:. Council
Member Wiggins said that is pan oC Horne Lumber. Cowx:il Member Hathaway said yes, but who does
the car belong to. Council Member Vorminag aslr .i if it i5 a good car or a burnt car. Ms. Hathaway
advised ii is DOI bum~ but it doesn 't look like it is in Nllllin& order. Council Member Wigins noted that
it is pan oCHomc Lumbers. that it is still their propcny. Council Member Hathaway said that
enforcement action might be nca:ssary.
Council Member Vorminag ask eel City Manager Clarlt if he would say that the price is coming down just
because it is burned up. Mayor Bums asked iflhi, is Executive Session matcrial . City Manager Clarie
said it is. that the appraisal repon is done. that he thought it was sent to his office but he has not looked at
it. He noted that what he can share ";th Council is that we didn 't value the structw,s that much in the
....... CIIJC-8
... 1,
........... IUly-.y, M bid I lupar ...... 1M Ila&. lie 111d Ibey will pvl Coomc:il I briellfll -~
(li) CCIIIICil Melllbor w..-Mid ia uylq 10 pl ready lbr -of Ibo
ck\'Clapmclll • CiDdaella City, 11111 be lboupl tllcy llllld lO pl Clarioe'1 tndllc poaple 10 lall& a look 11
11111 is piac ID be on the -Tbal Ibey lllooold 11Y ID 1116w Council a lilt or"""""""'-olthe
l'CSlriaiom that Council lbould be looki.nl at. lie ued lbal he CID think ot ,even!, that be knows the
Hipway Ocpanment hu restrictions •• bow clmt 10 ID ialathanp or ramp ll'D 111 ~ .. CID be,
jml IIIUlp lib 1h11. He npiaed 1h11 Cowlcil ...... be ...... ot Ill)' ClllCftlioaal pral,lalll dill mipl be
.-bywbere111reC1mi&btaoor.....,,,u..--aip1be,i-l. Hellidil_,.tohimthll
CauDcil ...is to like a look II mmc dcsip ......im. lllal he knows that Ibo Hip,,l)' ~ Im
padcs Illa& Ibey llidt by 111d Ibey need to u,,w ii• are.,... 10 bavc any c:IJetl on Ibo railnJadl or liabt
rail. He said he knows Ibey have 11N110 n,quiremmu. Mr. Wqaoaer said he just thinks Ibey neod to have
snmdlody pl lllr1al on lbole m thll wbcn .....iy..,.,.. in and IIY1 here is a plan or bcrc is a
coaa:pc. thll Council CID like a look II ii and say 'Mil does ii l1IIICb lhesc cnnstrainu or tbcst lnfflc
pn,blcms. hu it addrasal all o( lho,e problems. He CXIUIIDOllled thal it _,. lillc that thll would be a
pan ollbrir l'twc 2 program anyway, getting ready for the PUD or the Planned DevdopmenL
City Manager Claf< adviscd that that is a pan of lbeir Phase 2 and after "~ lalbd lhiJ afternoon they
lalkcd and buically what is uying 10 be dctenu!Md ..,,., is the Internal cin:uiation oo lbc site and wbcrc
would be the poosible locations thll ii could lie ia with Hampden. Ginni and Elati and placa like IML
He said thll is pan of the Phuc 2 ,cope.
Council Member Waggoner commcnled tb:.t it -lillc -.e need 10 know some of lllose constraints
ahead o( time before we get that far. Ht. said lberc are qailC a few of them <Nt there that mighl affect us in
uying to decide what the best plan or r.be best tnlllc p,.'lllml lllighl be.
(iii) Council Member Habcniclll advital that she met with the Englewood Parade
Association lasl week and they have come up with a am t.bcmc for this )'Car's Englewood holiday parade.
She said she"""' thought it was suggested by Tom Munds. who haPl>cncd to be c:overiq the mooting.
that there was some discussion and everybody liked iL was "Go:lls t, Gold.• Ms. llabcnicht announced
that Austin Gomes. who is the Chainnan of thaL had ,-.rificd that indeed there had been a positive
re,ponsc in that the grand marshal for the paradc ,.;u be A.ny Van Dyken. She said C\'etybody is very
cxci led about thaL
Ma~-or Bums advised thal he spoke 10 her agent 1111 wcdc and she verifed tha1 tha1 has n conlinncd.
He poin1"1 <NI Iha! wc had lalk<d aboul having a p,oclunalion for her and wc will just delay it until the
para and pnscnt it at the same lime. He nocal that she is traveling a lot righl now as )'CU mi ght expect.
Council Member Habenicht stated ii is,~ cxcitiog. She said she would like to explore with Council the
poss,'bility of doing some sort of honorary citizmship. Council Member Hathaway noted tha1 we did
something similar to thal when Bev Dool illle was in '°"''ll. that ii wasn't exactly a key 10 the City bul ii
was like honof21)' for a day . and she suggested ft migbt chock and sce . Ms. Habenicht said ii mighl be a
fun thing to do. She noted she doesn't know if it would be appl'lprialc, bu1 she would just like 10 throw it
out for amsidcration, tha1 they mighl offer some sort of lifetime membership in our recreation .
Discussion ensued.
(iv) Council Member Wqaoncr commented thal ii has been quite a few months
since WC lost the Indian OUI of the Plaza. He said be rcmcrnbcrcd thal al thal time a ... ~.man made a
presentation 10 Council thal said he would be man: than happy 10 pul some of his statues over there on a
rental basis or whatever just so he could show them off. He noted that al that 1ime "~ "~re talking about
aania1Mpiltpn111aalllduylac• .. --dln•lll--...,i.rsldllaar....._.
Blllidbeil .. ...,...,dloyullpod••ar---..-lDie.butlllllllja-•tia..&Ucn
Couacil 'demba-Hahnay aid she tbaapt it mipi -..ity F • 1M CIIIIIUII Ana Commiai011.
Couacil M1111bor w....., llid prallll,ly, bal be 111...-,1 tba1 dloy-.W Jc llllakMw lllll dlal is
IDGl<tbiacdloy....,.dlcm111loalt1tor,.x-iw.c-.1"duy,,ayal,. __ bailltbe
Mayor llwm CIIIIIIIIDm dial be tboupl dloy-an ut la tbe pat ,...-iam ah yan ..,. Council
Member w....,...,llid dial wa io poilll ~ or -iw., UJoe 1UI.
Mayor Buns paiau,d °"' 11111 we do haw a ut lillaue ill tbe CilldordJa Cll)' ...aa:i, pab1ic an.
Cowicil Member w.....,.. said,.. do mm ID pt IOIIIC!hing back OD !bat podeaal -tbeft.
IJ. City M.u...,,, Rq,ort
Ciiy Manaa<r Clark did ""' have aay lllll!m, IO bring before Cowicil.
14. City -~·· lleport
n zy Av."'11<)" Broaman did 1101 have u:y maaers ID bring before Coanr:il.
15. Adjoa....._..1
COUl\' ~lE.\\JIIR BA TBA WAY MOVID TO ADJOURN . Tbc ina:wtg odjoumal 1t 9:00 p.m. 1