HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-09-03 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • 11:NGLIWOOD cm' COUNCll. 11:NGUWOOD, AMPAIIOII: COIJN'IY, COLORADO .....,s... I. c.11 ,~ Order The regular moeting of the Englewood City CAiuncil -called ID ardor by Mayor Bums II 7:37 p.m. The invocation was given by C<Juncil -Wigins. 3. Pledp, of Allecluc:t The Pledge oC Alltgiance was led by Mayor Bums. 4. Roll Call Absent: A quof',111' was present. Council Manben lhaway, Clapp, Wiggins. H:.:,enleht, Vormittag. Waggoner, Bums None Also presen t City Manager Clar1r. S. Miautts City AttOfflC)' Brottman AssiSWII to the City Managtr Grace City C1crlt Ellis Dir<e1or Gryglewicz. Financial Services Managtr Blwnenthal . Commun \ty Services Engineering Manage, Kahm (a) COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND ITWAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR Ml:ETING OF AUGUST 19, 19%. Motion carried. Ayes : Council Members Hathaway. Vonnittag. Wiggins, Habcnichl, Waggontr, Clapp. Bums N,ys : None 6. Sd1tdu1"' Vlliton (a) Marie Frauenglass. a lictnSIOII architoel in the State of Colorado, advised that he was pn:s<nl lo~ about the McClellan lnlerdlange. He pn,vickd a pocket of information for each council "'ember, which lhc Cily Cieri< passed out He requested tha1 his preocntation be pan of the public rer,ord . . Mr. Fraucnglass thanked Council for the opportunity 10 speak 11 !his meeting on behalf or hund ~ ur rcsidcnlS of the City. He staled they are here in opposition 10 the nonh spur or 1he proposed a,nstr1;:ti~r, of the C-470 Mc-Clellan lnlerchangc . He said they rccogniu: tha1 the ln1en:hangc ilSClf is needed forthe grcn,111 of our IOlllhem -.1ar tbc Hiplladl Randi-, 11111 lllOlc poapic -11111 aa:aa IO lhc bigh•'I)'. He advised 1h11 lhcy UC nol oppCIIOd IO lhc hlleldw!F illdf. He Uled Ibey UC GppOICII IO the northern ,pur that c,oaa ri-11111 lllladlaqe ud -lbe biJloric Highline Canal and the Highlinc Canal Trail. He commenlal 11111 Ibey lhilllt Ibis ha a pn,lound damage IO a bi&(lly valued hillorical and 10CTC1tional raoun:c for our CDD111unil)' 111d Sl■M!. He aid lllOlc 1h11 bavc walked 11Jooa this know the beau I)' or this area. He IICIOd 11111 Ibey fed that the nortbcm ,pur of the i...,.._F is png to damage this area substantial I). He opnod that it wiU bavc a largc impact on the wildlife al the area and that there is a large amount of native Oora and fa11111 tllcrc. He noca1 tJicrc uc ro..., ducu and a lot or other wikllii, out there that UC png lO be sipificutly damapd by lbe ..U,.U,-oflllc Canal . Mr. Fraucnglul said that <Mr 700 feel or the Canal is going 10 be ripped up, the old hhloric hundred year old IICCI arc Soi•& to come down 111d they want IO put lbal into a COIICTCIC cuJvat for that area. In addition, be ltalOd, the bike path will be realipod away from the Canal, it wiU ID down IO Cauncy Une Road and then have IO go on-gnde craaing al a proposed ... four line anaial. He said lhcy do no1 believe that piece of it is .-led. He p,-..1 Council with a book by Robcn Michael Pyle, "The TbwNlcr Tree". which be was bop:ful evayc,a,e on Council would get a chance IO read. Mr. F....,.ius explained that Rohen Pyle wrnte about gn,,,riag up along the Highlinc Canal and in the book be eloquently describes the value and importanec olmaiataining 'l>i ld lands ar d natural areas in our gn,wing wban and IUbwtJan area . H• said that In Mr. Pyle's own words. fJOm the lcllcr iu the packet. be 11■1es lha1 the completion or ti,e C-4 70/McC lelian Interchange. partic:ularty the nortbcm ,pur, would necessarily dcvasUlte one or the mo,t ae,.il ;wnlly and biologically pleasing ponions olthe High Linc and that ii would be the rcplaccmcnt or sur,,!1' nu.• retnnant. a lipiflcanl hilloric:al raricy, 111d aa ~11■1)' n..-,aiional uasurc with the ordinary. fhc «11r.mon, and Ille ugly. Mr Fnucnglul nocal that Council bas the opponunity to be""'" as supponeu oft~: rernoruntnt. rather lhan developer, °'"''<IY square incl> of available land. He said they doe '!.,,,.., lo pave paradise I~ put in aaother four lanes or asphalt lhal don't have, son or. I real pU1p05C for the ocSidcnts or the area. Mr. Fraucnglw inlnlducxd Susan lkd<er who would be spcalting a little bit about the FONSI 11■1cmcn~ thl! fo rJ•e Of No Si£11ilicant Impact. Ma,-01 Bums advised Iha~ under Scbcdukld Visitors. Council listells to people who ha\'e pre-scheduled . He noted that Bill Hinkl ,y is not here and Council jUll liSICDCd to Mr. Fraucnglw who was not pre• sc heduled. Mayor Bums advised that the Noo-Scbcdulcd Visitor portion or the Agenda is coming up next where anybody can talk for ii,-c minutes. He said be did not think Council would wam them to ha\'e a parndc or people "'1dcr the Scheduled Visitor portion who ha\'e not sigocd up. Susan Hocker explained Ibey jusl had the two or them and thal Mr. Hinkley requested that Mr. Fraucngiw lake five mloUICS aad 1h11 she take fi,-c minutes of bis time. Mayor Burns agreed 10 allow Ms . Hecker to spealr. at this time, allowing a total ol ten minutes for both . Ms. Hecker advised that she is a homeo,,11Cr in Li10e1on and 1ha1 she lives on the nonhcm side or the McClellan Reservoir, which dircctly overlooks the area to be dc\'elopod on the nonh side of the McClellan Interchange . She said that she also works as Senior Via: Plcsident of Trust Company or America in Engl.,.ood. Ms. Hecker said that fir>t she would like 10 go through a quick chronolopcal review of the documents Ibey ha\'C..,. on this projOCI. She advised that in 1981 the McClellan/C-470 Interchange was approved by the Colorado Highway Dcpanmcnl. In 1~87. nine years ago, all of the rcsean:h for the environmental assessmcat "~ done aad completed in that time . Sina: that time. she noted, there ha,·e been letter, submitted, sign1111rcs on documents in the FONSI . bul the basic rcscan:h for the environmental auwment was done in 1987. Ms . Hecker commented that it is her understanding that the Cily of Englewood, from that e11viroruncnlal assessment documcn~ is suppl)ing a right-of-way or approximate ly 16.8 acres 10 that whole interchange ~-clopmenl. She sai d lhcrc is also a potent ia l impact • for the City ofEngl.,.ood \>ith th: McClellan Reservoir. which is very close 10 lhc end olCoonry Linc • • • ....S_,.McCllllla Driwdlaw, wllicllol __ applill_lD .. Cilyol~•well u Hiplladlllala. Sbelllllldlhllbu1101booolaplondiadlce=fn •J-docamcnl. She IIMJllld ... pidindllely JcpJ ~ by Ille Siem Club,_ ... Jell--. ud 1h11 w bu boca ill\'Olved willl IWs for.,_ • Mldt 111d • JieJf, wllaulle IJnt Jon _,. oldie McClcJJen lrJctchenae. Ms. llecur aid Ille would Jiu ID brina up _,. quoaicm 111111 -., dieolMred in 11111 pn~imine,y Jcp) resean:11 oldlC ..i.-a! -~ ud the 11Jiap oldlcclacumcnt l'int olalJ, sbe IIMJllld 111M die Jcn&lh ollllc environmental -.....,_ -ad Jonter then an-... envi-1 --. She llld lht _,.. laltlh ii oormalJy 10 ID U pqcs 111d lllil oac ii over 50 pages. This india;IOI sllc llllled. KCOrdlna lo pidclincs, for an -over 15 pages lhll lhcrc should pn,lllbly bave boal. complcle ~ iapocl IIUdy ... 111d coaduccal. J1111 l0day. she aid. Ibey Fl hold oldie FONS!, lbc Flndinc Of No Sipifiaull llllpl<l documcal. Ms Hecker c:onuncaled 1h11 It ii K1111!Jy Jonpr IN'D lbo-lllldy, but ol _,.. Ille aid. il bu I lot of IJIPCDdic:a. She opined lllll this ia .. , CICI In 111M ii illllicala lllll • iapoct lllldy pn,blbJy sbouJd have been c:anduclal 1n lbo-. Socondly, she que,liaDed iflhcrc-ially • FOd public review otlht pn,joct. Ms. Hecker 111111d tbal in Jaa lhen lhroc daya tbcy llaOd • .. lbo Hiahlinc Trail and lhc impac!Cld ... uc1 tbcy ~_,.950 lipablRI. SIie aid 10 poaplctbcy lpllkcwilh bow about lhc MtCldJen '"'""""'...., 11 a wbolc, 111d tbcy-' diniclly or iadinlaly tor lbc Hipway Dq.nmcnl, or as pan ollhc pn,joct illdf. She queaioned wtoedlcr llle ......,_ 1111k inlo IICCIIW1l lhc indi-affccts oflhc de,-dopcncnl on the nofth side. /ui example ollllll. sllc auaillCld, lbc McCJctJen Relcn'Oir was one lhing 1h11 really WIS DOI clearly dcnolcd in the implcU .. lbc a--.'Oir. Normal ly, she poinled 0Ul . )'OU ,-SI ooa baldil aaalylis in an~ lllldy. SIie lllid llletc WIS no COil bcncfil analysis lhll ..... ..., compleled II all . She qucslioDod whdher die -ii cumnl, as lhc racan:h was conduelal nine yean aco. Ms. Hecke• said anybody wllo bes !MIii ia dlo uea in lhc Jasl lhroe years knows lhll lberc have beca many new ~ which im)IKl die area. One in panlcular. sllc nocal. ls the pn,poocd liaJ,I rail pn,joct for the IOUlbcm pan oldie Dcawr Moir,, urea. She mcnlioncd a key poinl. lhll was brought up ia Lhc !cpl -". ii 111111 lhcrc WIS oat-,h dilawioa ol allcmalivcs 10 thefallscapcollhcl_,_.ge~. taracs.mcsaid.-,, ,mcuclawwbercan cn,'UOllmCIIIII -did IICll lallc inlo aa:allll all ollbc al~ and the cuc was actually Jost Sbc said sbc docs bave I refacnce ol lhll cuc if COUDCil ncods it. Ms. Hocker rcswcd why Ibey an: here. lha1 lbcy AK apinsl lhc northern spur dcvclopaenl oC Lhc McClellan Dri,-c lo County Unc Road. tbcy arc not against the tn1en:han1C or any IOllthcm dcvelopmenl iDIO Hiptaads Ranch. She said !hit as she ;talal tbcy ha--. m-cr 950 signalun:s against the northern spur~ that 1his was liken ol a sub- population or,...u,.e,. and bike" along lhe lraiJ II lhe potential impoaal an:a. E,l)C notal lhll in 201 0, al peak hows. gettin g off or C-470 10 f,O north on McCJcUan. as dilCUSSCld in lhc ,:t,;;ronmcnlal asscssmcn1 Sludy. on!)' 95 cars arc projected in lerms oflhc lnffic flow . As tllcy gol 950 sig,ialUrcs in Jess lhan 1hrcc da)'<, she said ffll)i>c Ibey ,-S • four line Highl ine lrail , ntbcr lhaa • four line McCJcllas Dri,-c on Lhc north side . She said tbcy believe that the allcmali\"C lO not lamper willl Lhc Hi&hllne Canal or lhc Trail or the McCJcllan RcscM>ir, lhll none of these were aiasidcrcd in lhc original 1987 Sludy. Ms. Hecker said they foci lhe JcgaJ review oClhis projcct and lhe eovironmcnlal..........,. rcpon cicarty indicalcs lhal lhc asscssmcnl may be fta,.-cd and lhcy requcsl a full environmcnlal implcl lllldy be amductcd and lhc)' also n,qUCSl 1110re public bearings u they really bavea 'l found an)'OIIC lhll 1111 even heard ollhe project who grcally uses the an:a. Ms Hecker staled dial they rcspcafutly n,qucot that Council r=nsidcr lhcir suppon oflhc Finding Of No Slgnificanl lml)IICI. lhc FONS! 1h11 ..-,, done. not lhc lmpacl llud)' thal perhaps should ha,-c been done and make a rcsoiulion in opposition lo app!O\"C lhe project as il now Slands. !Clerks' note : Mr. Fraucnglas, submilled Lhc pcti1ions 10 lhc City Clerk.) 7. Noe-,c:lledukd Viliton (a) C11111es Oricz, 7975 Saadl D11w11 Cude w-. Ulllc.'oll....,. ho la a...., olthc l!-.ilM Commlneo oldie Siena Club Saud, Plalle a..-Onlup. Mich illdudeo Cicy olE........,.i and hasappn,xlnmdy IOOID 150_,.,.,. llllldc lhedtylilllillolEnaJewood. lie ...... tbat lie is speaking IDllight on behalf ol llleir memben ""° 11t dlizal ol lhc City . He IIOICd 11111 Ill IMI approximately cme half mile 6-die Hlshline Canll Tllil. Mr. Oriez explained 11111 the Simi Club supporu thc dl'ons olthooo in Ille immediate vicinlty ol'the impected.,... ill their dlbnl ID diauadc Cow from pn,coedlng with this project u clesign,d. He aid whal he would like ID do llr -is quote Council's own 1994 Cily Council pis, policy 5 b which llatea to "deYl'lop policiea and support n. rloclll and inlerjurildic:tional coopcralloa . • So Ille question 1onlght. he I lid. ii -does this malch lhal -ed City Council pl olthc Ci1y . lie adYlaed 1h11 he lllked 10 a numiicr olUttlclon City Council mombm loday and until they IW1ed pnlng phone calls t'n>m lhc!r IXHllllhlCIIII DO one knew aboul this pmjecl. He c:onunellled Iha~ u Council heard f"n>m ow; ol the previous llpClilers, °"' ol 950 people who lign,d Cl<irpdilion. 10 w ., about the projocl. lie opilled 11111 clearly Ille poap1e olUnldoo didn '1 know about this pn,posal in their boclcyanl. He liked that C..ouncil place l""'-"'a ia lllcir shoes and consider also if the reversal were lnie and the City <'f Unldon ..,._. a ~ projcct • llar bonier without any CIOIISU'l.llion --. ..... he fcll thcy wouid rca.-:t the ..... way the cillwa. olLialclDn are acting tonight Ml . Oriez noled that when he loom! al the origillll proposal 12 ycarugo lilr this thing. ... p111 olthc C-470 pmjcc1. he aid he did ICIC a one""!)/ r,llly illleldlange oll"ramp, theft-no Thal a, he n,called it Ml ooulhbound only. l ie~ !hat would 1101 bu ao lllld. tbat the Siena Gue ..-ot!.la •upporl proposals for a dllbbwnd only in10 Misslon VICjo . Cicarty. he -. the Cl rollJlle;,W .......,,..1 fror., 1917, which shows 95 nonh bound ,.,t,lciq. domonstrales oae oltwo ,• i•p. dlhcr the environmcnlal -i is dcficicn1 ot it is so old >• t!I . ~r.l\ls Mr. Oriez opincd thal in eitbcr ffl'OIII !"" 5lloald do it o,er ■pin to delcnnlnc wn11\ thc .-.:Ii• nc,ds £1111 •nvironmenlal imp11.1s are. In ioamng II those 95 can he flll&<lled they consider 1h11 in a,mporison 10 Colorado Bouicvanl where the 1nfflc .olumcs """' not judg.,d to be sufficiently heavy ID rcq,urc an lr.:c.-,,.tange and Holly Boulewnl ~ the llllf",c -were l10I adllcien1ly heavy u to n,qum a intcrr:w,ge. Mr. Orioz !Uted lhal he doos not soc lhc llalf,c noeds lo justify tearing up lhc Hlgblinc C:anal Trail. whidl is one of the pmnlere psrk values within the City of Littleton and Eqlewood's neighbor. He pointed out 1h11 ~ly E gie,,<>Od has been on \'Cr)' cooperative and r..on,t,ic terms "ith Lilllcton . He said they hope. in light of the past expcrioncos with Littleton and Engleo-ood and their joint projects in the post and rricodships ac City limits. Iha! they consider the Impacts to their neighbors on the sooth and VOie ■pinst this project . Mayor Bums asked if anyone else would like 10 speak. L'1crc was no one else. Council Member Hathaway ed for a show or hands of how many were present n,garding the McLellan/C-410 lnlcn:hange. Council Member Vonniltag llliked for a show of hands or how many an: actual Englc-..-ood residents. Mayor Bums noted that some oflhc: people who think 1hc:y 1""nt In Englewood mighl look at their address as the postal zone is huge around here Iha! says Englewood . He pointed ou1 that an awful lol or pcopic who think they work in Englewood really don 't. 8. Communications, Prodaaation1 and Appoint-ts (a) A proclamation declaring the month of September 1996 as Literacy Month in the City of Englc-..ood was considen:d. COUNCIL MEMBER HA fflAWA Y MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO PROCLAIM ffl E MONTH OF SEPTEMBER "" AS LITERACY MONm IN mE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. • • • Aya: CGuadl Memben Hadlaw-,,, Vonni111&, Wl11h11, Habcalcht, w....-.a.i,,.a.. ~ tac ... ,O(JII canied. i"llltllcBuri•& No public hearing wu ocheduled before Council . 10. c-1 Apda COUNCIL MEMaER BA'fBAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITIMS 18 (a) (l) mROUGB' ('fl) ON PUtST UADING, (a) AppRJ\'C on Finl Reading (i) RESOLUTION NO. 70. SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE APPROVED 1996 BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING MONIES THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. (ii) RESOLUTION NO. 71 , SERIES m · ! 'l96 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COLLECllVE BARGAINING COl'ITRACT BETWEEN THE ENGLEWOOD rnEFJGHreRS LOCAL NO. 1736 AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE PERJODOF JANUARY 1, 1997TIIROUGHDECEMBER3l, 1997. (iii) RESOLUTION NO. 72, SERIES OF 19% A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING COl'ITRACT BETWEEN THE 1:..'lGLEWOOD POLICE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE r ERIOD OF JANUARY I, 19971l!ROUGH DECEMBER 31 , 1997. (iv) RESOLUTION NO. 73, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COLLECTI VE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ENGLEWOOD EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY l , 1997TIIROUGHDECEMBER 31 , 1997. (v) COUNCIL BILL NO. 45 , INTRODUCED BY COUNCiL MEMBER HAlllAWAY A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN TIIE STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND TIIE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO FOR 1llE TRANSFER OF LAND FOR THE SOUTH WINDERMERE STREET IMP.ROVEMENTS. (vi) COUNCIL Bill NO . 46 . INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATliAWAY A Blll. FOR AN ORDINANCE AuraoRIZDIO AN INI'l!J\00\lllllNMENTAL COtmlACT BETWEEN THE STATEOFCOLORAOODEPARTMENTOFTIIANSPORTATION (COOT) AND 1llE CITY Of ENGU!WOOD, COLORADO PERTAINING TO REPLACING WATER MAIN S IN WITI{IN THE LIMITS OF THE PROJECT KNOWN TO COOT AS "BELU!VIEW NORm.• Voce.-lU: Motion carried. Ayes : Cot1ncil Mcmbm Halhaw-.r , Vormillll, Wigins, Habcnich~ Wqgoncr, Clapp, Bums Nays : None COUNCil. MEMBER BA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSE NT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (') (I) TBJlOUGH (Iv) ON SECOND READING. (b) Approve on S<cond Reading (i) ORDINANCE NO. 36 , SERIES OF 1996 (COUNCIL B!U. l,O. 3 . INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY) AN ORDINANCE MODIFYTNG THE REGULATIO N OF TRAFFIC THROU GI-' THE REPE AL OF 1TILE 11, CHAP'Jl:.R I, fECTIONS l THROUGH 20, AND REENACTMEITT OF A NEW CH At'il!R I. ADOPTING BY REFEJIENCE THE "MOOa TRAFFIC CODE FOR COLORADO MUNICIPALmES", REVISED 1995 mmoN, EXO.UDING THE APPENDIX. PUBLISHEll BY THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE STATE OF COLO~~illO Wl ,H CERT A1N EXCEPTIONS, MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS . (ii) ORDINANCE NO. 37. $SRIES Of 1996 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 4 \ INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MF.MBER WIGGl.. ,, AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AGREEMENT rvrra THE COLORADO HUMANE SOCIEn' AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE LEASr OF THE ENGLEWOOD ANlMAL SHELTER (i ii) ORDINANCE NO. 38. SER.l!S OF 1996 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 42 , INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A GRANT OF STORM SEWER LINE AND SURFACE DRAINAG E EA SF.MENT LOCATED AT 484 1 sotml LIPAN STREET, ENGLEWOOD . COLORADO BETWEE N CPAI G lflNRICHS AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLORAOO . (iv) ORDINANCE NO. 39, SERIES OF 1996 (COUNCIL Blll. NO. 43, INTRODU CE D BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNHF.NT !.L AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSJONE: ": ::J"I AND THROUGH THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD TO CONDUCT A COORDINATED ELECTIO N ON NOVEMBER S. 1996 . Vote results: Ayes : Council Members Hathaway. Vonnina i . Wiggin s. Haben icht. Wa ggoner. Clapp , Bums • • • • • Nayt: None Motion caniod. II. o--~udMollNI (1) Approve on Finl Reading (i) Di-•• G,yglcwicz pn,oented I ra:ommendltion from the Department of Finat!CU'l 5cfvk:a to lldopt I molution ldtln1 foes for visitor pll1dn1 permits. He explained that lhls resolutioo c:slllblilh<I the rec lbr the roplacement or visitor pM<ing permits. He llalod it -the fee 11 Sl5.00 and thal to his knowledge the City ltu not collcded tbcoe &a for quite oomc time, that they m ~ just in cue the permits m rq,laccd. Council Member Wiggins uked for an example , Director~ ldvilOd that the ma around the High School and some mas around Swedish have :,.;!:ing permits. Council Member Wiggins Slid he thought it w,. under prical II Sl5.00, that it should be llbuut S50 .00. He noted that is privileged pllldng. that nobody else can put then:. Mr. Gryglewicz Slid that is uue. lrJt to bis kmw ::age since 1988 we hl\-e not n:pll=l 111)' of the \WIO!• puking passes. Mr. Wiggins said it is I good idat that staff is gcttin1 Iller i~ but that he -id lite ID .,. it higher. Di-or Gryglewicz pointed out that Council will have an _,rtunity to change this by resolution as put of the budget process in the fu1un:. Council Member Hathaway uked if it only pertains to those areas. DiftClor Gryglewicz L id yes . Council Member Wagoner ISkod what Dir<Ctor Grygle,>icz tbooght the COSI is to the City of issuing the resident and vwtor permits. Mr. Gryglewicz said he tbooght it -.Id be ,-cry little n:ally. Mr. Wagaor:er ISkod if~tlc it would be SI0.00. Mr. Gryglewicz said yrs. llllyl,c: SI0.00, that )'OU arc paying for a service, that that is why the fee is relatively minor. Council Member Wagoner uked if it is something that no other citizens in Engl""'OOCI can take ld\'antage or. Mr. Gryglewicz explained that it is only IVaillble to the citizens is llv. :lesignated ..us. around the High School and certlin mas aroond Swedish. And, Council Member Hatl11way said. ;:,:rtai'.1 parts around Acoma and l'utman. Di-or Gryglewicz nolod that I citizen would need a valid reason to be able to ha\-e one orth,se pt,nlits. Council Member Waggoner said. L'ten he can't get one for in fro ,,t of his house. Mr. GrygleNicz said probably not. Council Mem.~c-r Wigains commented that he can't got one either. Council Member Habenicht pointed out that it is important to n:cogniu: that what they an: seeing i, ,ome significant impacts on residential neighborhoods by traffic being generated by changing uses of som, nf the facilities that an: located in the neighborhood and that she felt tltis is an appropriate n:solution . She commented that it seems to be working and ,he is aware that it has been • n:ally illlp<''1ant issue for a lot of people . Ms. ll.Jbenicht said that if they want to go back and cnfora: the kind of zoning that needs to be in those an:as. in terms of what those uses have to provide for parting. that she thought it ,.,..,Id bring a ~ deal of cost to say the School District or Swedish to pro,,jde ldcquatc parting. So , sh, saiJ , she thinks tltis is I very cost wise resolution to a very difficult and touchy problem bct"-een n:sidcnts and business. Council Member Hathaway commented that this doesn't change what we have curn:nUy set "P· that all it docs is charge fo r their n:placcment permit. She pointed that it doesn 't chanr• or.;thing in the fact that ...... CIIJC-8 ~J,1"6 .... the ruidenl docsn 't pay for their finl tM> visitor permits or thr,,r own permit Wbicb. lhe aid. lhe lhinks is appn,priate. The n:oolution was mignul a number and rad by tiUe : RESOLUTION NO. 74, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOWrJON ESTABLISHING l'ECS FOR PARKING PERMITS AS REQUIRED UNDER 1llE MODEL TRAFFIC CODE FOR COLORADO MUNICIPALITIES , l'.EVISED 1995 EDmON. UNDER TTI1.E II , CHAP1cR I, OF TilE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985. COUNCIL Ml:M'll:R HATHAWAY MOVJ:D, AND IT WAS Sl:CONDl:D, TO APPROVI: AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (I) -RLSOLUTION NO. 74, Sl:RIES OF 19M . Council Member Wiggins asked if this is an annual rellCMI or just one time . Director GryglC\\icz advised that ii is as they arc renewed Ayt.s: Cmacil Members Hathaway, VormitlaB, Wiggins, Habenicbt. Waggooor, Clapp, Burns Nays : Nooe Moti on carried. (ii) Manager BIUIIIClllbal presented a n,commendation from the Depanment of Safety Se"ices to adopt a bUI for an ordinance amending sections of the Engle,..ood Municipal Code )ICllaining to sprinkler .,.-~ ,ms . Council Member Hatha""'Y asked if this is just updating lbc current code to bring it up to date ,.;th what is happening now. Mr. Blumenthal explained that it is an appendix section to the hlilding code that add= high rise buildings that v.~re not prcvioosly sprinklered. Council Member Harhaway a.sited if he could see any problem with enfor,:ing ihl, if it i< passed ir. 1hc buildings that v,~ currcnUy have in Englewood. Manager Blumcntl-.al said no and no:ed !hJl! one of the OMICI$ or one or the buildings was here tonight to speak in agreement "ith this amen.lmcnt. Council Member Hathaway said she was just curious as to whether it was 1ioing to put any onerous things on any of the businesses that arc currcnUy existing, because she felt mos1 of them n:alizal the benefits of being sprinklered or nonsprinklercd as far as their insurance is conccrr.cd. However. she said , she dido 't w.a;1t 10 be a government agency putting anything on them that they ,cally "~re not aware or. Mr. Blumenthal llhised that thc-y have had fairly cxtensh~ amversations wi~t owners of both oflbc buildings that it affects. Council Member Waggoner noted that th: Council Communication indicates that they have met ,.,th owners or both buildings and nx:eived letters of agn:emen1 to the proposed adoption. Council Member Hathaway oommcntcd that w-: knc-.;.i it is an expense for t Item. but I.hat it is also a uadc off. Mayor Burns noted Iha! Mr. Blumenthal also mentioned that construction is affecting 30% or 3333 South Bannock and due to commence in lbc nc..i couple or months. He asked a'JOUt the Bank One building . Mr. Blumenthal responded that the Bank One building is 80'/4 occupied by the bank itself, tint onl y 20% is le:.scd out to other people . So Clc,•c Trust. who is the owner and manager or that building. is in agreeme nt with it with stipulations. buL he advised . they are working those out. Mayor Bums noted he • • should ,_ lli..if U be bu llD ollioo in that buildin&, but 1h11 be -jull 'M>Ddcri11& bow they \\~re c:omina aloaa willl thal one. Cowx:il Mamllcr lllbcllichl aid lbat u ihc RCalkd one al die CX>IIIZfflS about sprinkJcrina the taller buildiap bad a lol to do with the kind al lire oquipnrr.t that we nmlod to provide within Ille City in ..,_ of lire lllfcly. Sbe uked if this -,oina to illlj. ,a in uy My our noed or non..-! for any or oor existing or plan to purcbuc fire oquipmcr,t . Manqcr BI...-Jlal said what we have riaht now is there is a truck compllll)', what they call a 110 foot ladder, currenUy out of !lerYice due lo 11111 in one of the laddcra, thal ii is always I problem. He aid that lhcrc 11 llill I bclldlt lo having that ''11" of apparllUS and it is -1)' for relCUC 111h11 poinL BuL Mr. Blumenthal ltlled, this will OCllainly make I huge ~ by hl;i111 1 sprinklcn,d buildin&, that ii will ,;,~ 1 pn,l<ICled pith lo the pound lcvcl ror all oc:cupanU so it will OCllainly raise the acgrce or lllfcty. The City Clci\ .. -.. asked u, rtad Council Bill No . « by title: COUNCIL BILL NO . 4-4, INlllODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TJTI.E 8, CHAPTERS 2A AND 2E, Of 11-IE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 19U PERTAINING 10 LIFc-SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS. COUNClL MEMBER HA TBA WA Y MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (1) (ll) • COUNCIL BILL NO.«. A)"CS: Council Mcmhcrt llalhn-ay, Vorminag. Wigt-'IS. llabcnichl. Waggoner. Clapp, Bums Nai•s: None Motion carried. Council Member Vormittag asked about the approximate dale lhcsc ,.;u be done, if they will be done in the near future. Manager Blumenthal Slated that probabl y both banks within the next lhrcc }ur5 and actual y "ithin a i= for the Bannock address. Council Member llalha"-ay asked iflhal is because of the ,"l0115Ul1Ction goin1: on right now on the second •nd third floors for th: most parL Mr. Blumenthal adviK.!.I that thal docs have an impact. foal whene\'er )"OU do• major renovation like •••t it is prudent to put the sprinklers in . (iii) El'li-ring Manager Kahm piaented I rocommendation from the Depanment of Public Works 10 ad<>,,< n bill for an ordinance amending the Paviog District No . 35 assasmcnt ordinance. He advi5cd thal L'le public bcoring on the ISSCSSIDClllS was held August 19, 19%. At that tim.., he pointed <JUL he entered into Ille record the fact that Coor n:sidcntially zoned p,opcrtics had inad\~ncntly been assessed 11 an industrial paving rate ins1cad or I residential rate and that it was n=ssary 10 make those downward adjUSIJncni.. Mr. Kahm ad\iscd Council that they will also find in their packeis swrs recommended mponse lcncrs 10 the folks that addressed Ci ty Counl.'il 11 lhc publi c hearing . Ulllcss dircct<d Olhcrwise. he said. .wfwill mail !hos, lcncrs 001 tomorrow. Mr. Kahm advised that. from the citizens that addrcS1ed Coone-ii at the public hearing. staff recommended no change in assessmen t of those propcnics. Mayor Bums asked if Slalfhas gone °'~r those complaini. ,.ilh those people. Engineering Manager KahJn said )'CS. He noted that there was a propcny owner thal ,..., concerned about notilicalion . He a,Mscd Iha! oor records indicate the property 0"110r was notified in 1992 and in Caci after len gt hy discussion the prop,ny 0"11er realized that he had e\'en ancndcd lh< extra meeting"~ had at the ~ Ccnier. Mt. Kahm IIMlod 1h11 the lllCIOlld pn,perty hid to do with puld"l II Tufts and Bc\-aty and llalf rai:archod 1h11. He DOlal 1h11 Ibey uvc lbc documentation 1h11 i.:11 or the pull.Ina on boll, the north and wes1 aides of that building are oa City right-or-way. Mt. Kahm I.Wed that the thin! item hid to do with Mt. KOZl0Ck wbo bad I lot or~ -lbc Public Utilitl<I Commiaioa. fie a.Id be dic!n 't Reelve ■ny notc1 l'n>m Mr. Kozacct. Mr. Kahm ■dvillld 1h11 as I result oruytng to put bis respoa1C toacther he contacted J■ck B■lcr or the Public Ulilltla Coll\fflisslon and they raean:hod 111 three documents or flle rel■livc to the Santa Fe Project . He ■dvillld that one dcllt with building two overpasses, one dcllt with closlna clght spur lines and one de■Jt with ■cc:clcrolin& the Natches Court COllllJUC:lion in Sheridon durina the project . Mr. Kahm aid thcn: ,w DOlhlng in ■ny oru-cioam-s that oddre■llld oa:css I I all. He said they believe thll lCCeSI in this ■-;r there ii ■n l0CeSI illuo, is IC1ually ■n issue between the State Colorado Dcpanmcnt orTr■rllpOl1llioo 111d the pn,peny ownen and is not ■ffoctcd by the PUC rulings. Mayo r Bums commented that he WOlldcn:d ll>out Mt. Koz■ai 's swement. lhll It didn't occm quite right. Mt. Kahm said that Mt. Kozacdt m=nccd an cx■mp1e in St-:rid■n where fJOntagc roods were built for those propcnics and in ract the propc:tics on the wes1 lidc or Santa Fe hid direct 10CeS1 to the State Highway. Mr. Kahm advised that the Stale Cllt thal l0CeSI olf and was roquiral to provide them with the rron:oge road . lo the cue or all or our E.........,.s --ht explained. they .,..... aln:■dy odoquotcly sen-eel \\ith our Englewood road S)1ICtD that happened to tic in 11 both Quincy 111d at Tufts. but closing thal olf did not deny access to the pn,penics. Mayor Bums said oitay, that he was wondering about that issue. Council Member Hathaway commented that in essence it just changed their IC0CSS to Ol<fonl and Belleview. Council Member Habenicht asked why thcn: are some prnpcrlics on the rolls 1'ithout any assessmcn1 al all . Mt. Kahm c.-q,laincd thal al the time we put the ""'5Smcnt roll together in 1992 . we did not have benefit or what the State 's final design 1'oold be and then: were prnpcnics tha1 ended up being acquisitions by the State. Council Member lbthaway asl ..S il'they paid the ponion basicall y. Mr. Kahm ~ndcd that there "~re no asscssmcnts to the State right-or---~y. COUNCIL BILI. NO . 33 . INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE WHOLE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS MAD E WI1liIN PA YING DISTRICT NO . 35 (NAVAJO) IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLORADO : APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE COST TO EACH LOT OR TRACT OF LAND IN SAID DISTRICT; ASSESSING A SHARE OF THE COST AGAINST EACH LOT OR TRACT OF LAND : AND PRESCRIB ING A SHARE OF THE CO~'T AGAINST EACH LOT OR TRACT OF LAND : AND PRESCRIBING THE MANNER F()~ THE COLLECTION AND PAYMENT OF THE ASSESSMENTS . COUNCll. MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND !TWAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA JTIM 11 (1) (110 • COUNCIL Bll,L NO. 33 AS AMENDED BY STAFF. Ayes : Council Members Hathaway, Vormittag. Wiggins. Habenicht . Waggoner, Clapp. Bums Nays: None Motion carried. (b) Approve on Second Reading .. • • • • ...,...a,c-c11 ......,.,. ... ... It 1b<R -. no ldditloaal i-lllbmiaed a appnMI on .....S radiag. (See ~ Item 10 (b) . C-A...,._) 12. Gcanlllllaillioa (a) Mayo,'1 Choice I. Mayor Bums saiJ be -.Id like to bring Council up-to-<lllc OIi the ligbl rail lilnding, with IS much informatlon IS be hu at the ~nt Ume. He noted tbat be has boca talldna ., Dennis Reynolds fairly often about this and that Mr. Reynolds ,pob IO RqnKlllalM Sci.fer laat -it bcfOft be ..all back lo W1ShingU111 . Molyor Barna lldviaod tbat his offloe la goi11310 cc . Mt --'di ua, IS be tblghl SenatorCanq,bdl '1 olllco will be. about the mlke-upa(the ooaftm,ce comaialeca llpplOllriatior.s. He aid that hu not been Clllblilh<d ya. 11111 they think Rtpelentative Fruit w•-West Virgiala is going to bcon thecommlnee. He lldvlaod that Mr. WoAI-Oiaira(dlc--.: they~ bcfcn in FcbNary, on the Howle side, which tlMlftd the Ugbl nil lilnding. He Dlltal we mipt Fl I million and I half instead of the SJ million that the Hew n,c,ommeadod, tbat lie ........... w ollhis la pudy political . Mayor Bums aJIIUll<ft1al thal thole wu a flap laat -. lllat the Mayor 's Caucus foll<5 waoled 10 ..-with Senator Campbell 1111d be-•• maldng time to -'Mtb thea ud...,. other poop.le ioo. They got a little upld and, the Mayor IIOled. botb be and Mr. Reynolds n:cznul I call from C.,--..p!:dl 's local Chief of Staff to 10Uch buc about ti.is. Tt,e other thina; they were ICrribly cxmcaaod aboul ,.,,.. the anidc in lhc Roclty Mountain News two Sundoy'1 ago wriltcn by I COi•---6-Washington. John Brinkley. Mayor Bums commented thal be bad I nlll in 1'ith Mr. Briakloy before ... _ olthe anicles about Scnalor Campbell and they ....,. tenibly afnid that be wu going to lmlt a DCpliYe article about Senator Campbell , which be didll 't do. He Slltal that lie wrote III anidc about the lidlctioning of the light nil board. Mayor Bums pointed OUI 1h11 we ..... I good rdatiouliip with Can.i,bcll '• olf,cc righl DOW. That they --told. when they....,. in Wasbi1111on last time, that ifllicy Rllly had I pn,blcm that they aJUkl just call him on the pllonc. Mayor Burns DOied that be docs rapoad IO us. He said ii -.ns, if ScnalOr Campbell has had III nful lot of meetings on 1hc LlfflC subjoct. is ..,...,..._ on the issues and is -..ii ting lcltcn IS be did IO Scn:-ior Hadidcl m,m Oregon. thal he docsn 't .ally ·..-ant IO haw an excessive number ... meetings about ii. Mayor Bums cor.uncnted thal that irrilllCI -people. bul ii means thal be l<no,,~ the issue and he is .ally with you on it He no1ed that we have the fortuam situation where we can just pick up the phone and call him and he will call us bock . He said be •.binks we have good communication. thal Senalor Campbell 's Chief of Staff said thal she will also Fl back with us and let us know who is on the committee and hnw to IJ>Pf08Ch the cnmmiltee, thal she bas boca ~ Washington for 20 )-.aB and knows staff people IO conlaet. He staled thal they arc IIOI ...,. bow they arc going ID approach this committee and thal the siu of ii can rally vary from as,.,., as 10 members IO as many as SO . Until they know who is on lhc committee and how to approach them. hc natal. they don 't know whal to do. He poinlcd out tha1 the goal is to get some kind of funding Ibis year and not be blanltod and so Ibey arc still working on that 2. Mayor Bums n:mind,d everyone r,i ,;,., Neighborhood Walch nnnual dinner is Thursday night at the Malley Ccr·.21 3. Ma) ,i, Bums advised thal Dennis Rl.-ynolds called him thi s morning 10 chat abou1 the E-470 Inicn:hange and noted that LiltlClon is expocti1.1g • lo! of p,..iplc tonight Littlelon is annexed down 10 County Linc Road and he though I maybe even a lilUe bil by Sania Fe south of County Linc Road and • 101 of people at the .-iog 1onight will be tht.ir citi1.cns. May ,r Bums said the)• don "I know how imponant ii is 10 have thal spur as far IS traffic coniro\ and n:lasc device is. He advised he -..'llk<d some of thal area Saturday, bul he drove inlo one of the h»cs. Mayor Bums said he lried to figwe oot IS you look 11 ii whal portion of ii I~ in the interchange . bul 1hat ii is kind of hard 10 figun: ii out He IIOlcd then:,.,.. a Channel 7 camera crew down then:. having a publicity sill!Jtion and a press conkrcnce. which he said he clidn 't 'HIii to act i.nwh,'Od ill tbc middle rl 11t1t He aid be wolbd pat rl It. tltal it ii a w,y beaut1t111 ma, uy aicle, ltcavlly tnllld podt and it 11...,... in that a,a too, a lal olbicydilU. He noced they were ciltlllalla& tbc pdilioD. ~r Bums aid tltal be did not lhinlt it wwlcl loan, if IIDCil WUllal to tallt about lhil some min, to IY,ve a field trip-. tbcrc and take a look• ii. He commented that it 11 vcry bani to figure out from • map wbat they arc lalk.ia& about. ~ Bums adYilod tltal ho talltc,d to Stu Fonda about it and be asked whotbcr lhcy could engineer the bike tnil -the rood aomchow so they wouldn 't havt to aoa at padc . He ...... tltal Mr. Fonda aid tltal thcy bad !rial to caainocr that cv,:ry way they COllld and Ibey could DOI tlpn ..,,, bow to do it. ~ Bwu pointed out that the proponents wan1 to QII that rutd otland DOI ...... it., up to COIIIIC)I Lille Road, that tltal ii tbc biggest complaint. He aid lltat ill lalk.ia& to Mt. Fonda be lamed tltal tbcy n,~ • tbc problem a{ llavina to rulo the ...... dlias if you do that, Ille oavin>nmcntal -and UIO delip. He pointed out that this ii a COOT pn,ject c.u though it is ftmdod by the local Im.,._. dillricl and that you IW1 tbc danger r1 klli■g the nole pn,ject if you 111111 to IWt a lot rlthi1 <MS qain tDd Id Ille IIIJPIOYlls rlCDOT. Mayor Bums aid lie tlicugb Mr. Fonda wa paa to be here tonipL He IIOIOCl that lhia ii IIOl1 of like the eleventh hour and 55 lliauta here to try to c:ltuF this. He adYilod , aa DclUlis Reynolds was not sure whit their COWtCil -png to ckcidc to do, tltal a lot ol people don't __, to know lboul this. He ed that a kit of tbc public boarings wen, held ya,> .., and be aid he Ila, IOIIIC sympathy for them aft r getting a brief look II it. He said ,.., it wwld be worth l tlcld trip Mll ~ but he sucucd the timing ii vcry close. that they doll't Nl\'C au:lt time to make Ill)' decisions here. He said be didn't know whether uyl,ody else could speak to !his. He Silted he is nae quite surc wt.at they can tlo now II this pninL that it ,,_ 't OIi the agenda ICllligbl . He aid he ii pafoclly willint, to ., tio,o11 there and advised that Dcnnil RcyDolds talked about ...,_ havi■g 10111C Yalll supplied if thcy 1"'lllted to &ft do\m thel'C' with their Council and take a look at !his. ~ Bums sated tbal be told Mr. Reynolds that what they n,i ,!ht do is "-ait to --!lie Littldon Council aicncs up with tonigbt. wbal Littlclon wants to do. That if they want En&Jcwood Council to take a look • it then we can take a look al it. Ccunc:il Member lfatllD-ay sated that lhc feels it is imponanl that Cooacil have from Mr. Fonda and 51affwhat impecu arc if it is ddaycd or if Ibey don 't do the IOnll spur. Sbc said she thinks it ii imponant for Council to know since we own tbc land whll impacts it ts eoiaa to bavc on us if ..-Jung should occur laler on tio,o11 the road. Sbe ~ed that it is &lrady nine years old and that she feels it is h• ponant to know exactly what the impacts will be on us as a City . If llll)tlody has rcscarc:hcd COOT, , •l:er than the FONSJ. as to what tbc plans m cxac:tly for IWlning thal under and maybe looking at other n,-cas where they hllvc iJldccd run the Canal Wider, or facilitated a bike padl. that was otbcr than rl'lmCdialely adjac:cat to the Highlinc Canal . She said that she can think ol areas in Cherry Hill s \\'Crc they ha\-c clcalt with 1h11 very effectively when there arc houses . Ms. Hatha"'IY noted she delivered to a house last wcclt that ... ,.. immediately aqjaccnt to the Highlinc Canal and Ibey clcalt with buffering the house from the Canal and the Canal from the house. She commcrued thal you can 't tdl that the house clocsn ·1 belong there. Mayor Bums said thal is true and that he tlocsn 't know if you can CUI the oonh spur cir and build the rest of it "ithout having to start the whole plan all O\'Cr again . Council Member Hathaway noted that is right. She said it 1"oold be neat to know Uiat. Council Merobcr Habenicht asked if It is the Highline Canal thal crosses Uni,'Cl'Sity . Council Member Hathaway said that yes it docs. Ms. Habenicht commented thal maybe what they could do when they do this field trip is to also look at what is the mitigalioo and really what WCN1id the impact be . She noted that at docs not look like. at that panicularly c:roaiog. that there is a serious negative impact on the trail >I all. Mayor Bums stakd tha1 he ,.,.. curious about thal too. He advised that Mr. Fonda said that they triod to engineer a beuer crossing and couldn '1 quilc. that he said it was too steep or the terrain was too steep or something . He saic! i1 is • •• • ........ Cllyt:--a _,.....,..,,. .... , honl 111viaalia, lilllbe ..... t.o-aaaly wllen: 11111 painl ii, lhal they !Ilk..,_ walaadlud oilier 111iDp arouad tbcR. Mayor Boni DDlld 11111 tllere are ll>fflC Ml.,_ 111111111d ill~-be docs DOI lllink are KIUally dlru:dy i11p1c1a1. Council Member Habenicba ...,.. lilll wtiaa llbc is .,..aiaa is pcrhapl lookiaa II the polallial, that ralher than IIICIYUII the bike lnil ol lllviA& I ...,, ror ii to cn,a. So, ahe aid. ii -w ..,, Ibo -and Sia)' -..i on cilhcr •Ide willl a buffer on cilhcr lido. Ml. Habelllcht coaunenled 11111 ~ that would be somelhina 111d thal could -it 1a evct)1,ody 's llMDll&C , Council Member Halhaway COllllllellled on 1D uplalc on. u they p,ojcclc,d. the 95 can I day only going nonh bound. Mayor Bums lllid lilll 1h11 dooSII 't lllUDd very rcalilllc 11 all . Ms. ~ suled if that is going to be Ille CUC. ""'Y is ii ID ilaao ualaa M ..... ID -problem or oomdlody --- problem. She poinled out 11111 ii may DOI be jull tralllc: mitlption, it may be accea to McClcUan or access to C-, Uaeforcity or ..,....-.i Clllilla. SIie .....,.....i that nll)t,o COOT lm-updlled inf..-ioa OIi tbol or Iha! oap& to bove. Council Member Waggoner lllid be ns wondering how Ille rai..~.nt, that live lo tllal --111 of the rao:n-oir got to their propeny. He alllUIIClllcd tbat they mUII have hid to croa the Hipliae Canal, bccauoe IS he rememben there """"' 't any CIOISiap tbcR wllil that area ns da'Clopal. c.au.cil Member Halhlwoy ukcd •ilerc tllo Highlir.e Canal is through that"""· Mr. w...,_. advised thal in fact the City bad to clemlad lbal tbe)' hold ti:.« developmeDt back 10 for liom Ille lillft ill order to keep them from eacroachioa Oii lO the rcset\-oir IS he ~ He commented that he docs DOI know if lhat is such a pristine.,....,_._ City Manager Cwk ldvisod thal it is his underun-.in, · the raident, ore owe-I to any cx-'tlopment on the norlh side. So even if ..c l'2ll maaogc a grade separation of the bike trail with the connoction. he said he is DOI SUR wo ore going to satisfy their .-. He poinled out lhat the other thing is 11111 they believe lhat -of the residential orea to the .,orth Clll1C ill after this activity, with regard to doe environmental impact SUltement and all . Mayor Bums queslioned how long "'IS the shelf life on that environ,nental impact rcp,n ? He said it is what, ten years old so what good is it. Council Member Hathaway sold ahe thought Iha •-as put of their issue. is that ma)1le it needs 10 be =-aluatcd. She SUlled she Is not convinced that it .-is to be the ruu blo"11 whateve; they ore asking for. City Manager Ciart . noted that l1so his undenlandlng, even the bike trail !las to comply •ith some kind of ADA requiremen', on grades 111d Sbdf. He said that WU P"n of the problem , because tloey-. going to ha,-c to take the Highline Canal illelf and relocate it. which meant lhal the bike path bad 10 be relocated "it. ii and the new alignment ,.,.. going to cause quite I bil of grade dill'erent ial In Iha bike path. Mayor Bwns ldvisod that -llliag that doe)' 11,o discussed "'IS thal the pcop:e from Higblands Ranch themselves have a chance 10 speel< dlreclly to Council . He said he though! they were:~ SIC\'Cral weeks ago. but thal they haven't heard from them as far as their inpo l on !his dispule a. !his pain! ei 1her. He ukcd if (.'ooncil Is up for talting I field trip if that is wbal 1.ittlcton would like them 10 do. Council Member Halhaw1y suggested tha1 Council wail • id ,.., as ii may be resolved toni&hL Mayor Bums said lhat if they recommend one he thought it would be pretty quick, in the next week or ten 111)-s. whellC\-c r ~',ey want to do that. Counci l Member Habcnichl suggested Counci l commil as available on short notice . She said she would hate 10 SI)' )'CS she would go and then she would have to not do so:oaNng else she nccdcd to do. Ml,or Burm oialed they will Mil and ........ Litddoa...,,.. ap will, 11111 L,Y 10 -1< willl !Ma ilthey M11111110. Cily Manager (.'lark adYilod that Stu Fonda WU ID here tonight because he WU down 11 the UUlclon Cil)' Council on this 1aqe_ Thal they re11 It -fllllR imponant that lie be there. Council Member Wiggins pointed out that It is in Dougtu 1nl)', it is lllll in Anµhoe COUii!)' or the City or UnJcton . He stated we m not trying to circumvent our DCipbar on the loulh, lhlt we lul¥C good rdltions with Uttleton. lhlt they mjusl gctting somc otherpoople 11111 live in Uttleton to• mok& a big iJsuc on oun. He said they should hive been here tallting 10 111, not talking to Uttleton . Council Member Hathaway said that we dldn 't pall die wool over tbeir eyes at all. Council Me.mber Vormlttag asked how U-people can ugue If they live in a,pposally Littlelon aal it doesn 't even cover Unleton. Mayor Bums said but we own the site. the land. Counci l Member Haduaway agr...i they hive some i...,.. with us , but .Jw they are not ru1 valid. Mayor Bums said yes they hl,-c an issue 'Aith us. Council Membe r Waggonor 51lid that he thought Uttleton MS im<>l,ut in the origin,I pan of it any'l\'ly. Mayor Bums said he talked to Stu Fonda about the bet that the Cil)' owned farmland down there and he thought some or it wu sold olf and there was some residue left that was not big enough to rum u.l ,., ,.,. jusl hl\-c ti-picca and the highway goes right through U,e pan that we own . In this pallicular in1cnection. he explained, we happen to own all four comers which is • \'Cl)' valuable property. (b) Council Member's Choice (i) Council Member Hatha1'-.y: I. She said she noticed on the scheduling that they are doing the budget process similar to bow they did it last year, over"'"' consecutive nights. She staled that if her tnen1CHj' serves her conectly. ~ bas already been discussed among some other council members. that they requested a budget retrcat "''here they sit down and do it all in one day as they .. .,, ;omc advantage to doing that. She proposed that Council immediately schedule that 10 be a one day alfair. She said she docs not care if it is held dol\11 here al City Hall or whatever. but that she doc> IICI wish to do the budget over'""' consecutive Monday nights. She maintained that it dilutes the process and she thought there would not be the opportunil)' for the c..change they need to do an dfcctive budget . Council Me11 ·~J Vorminag odcl,d "with the saaU' people.• Ms . Hllhlwoy agreed. COUNCIL MEMBER HA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO IMMEDIA TEL·· CHANGE THE BUDGET SCHEDULE TO REFLECT THAT COUNCIL RA VE A BUDG ET RETREAT, INSTEAD OF TWO CONS ECUTIVE MONDAY NIGHTS. Motion canicd. Ayes : Counci l Members Hathaqy, Vonnittag. Wiggi ns , Habenieh~ Waggoner, Clapp. Bums Nays : None Council Member Hathaway said that they probably need to schedule it. Discussion ensued regarding possible dates. .. • • • • 2. SIie aid Ille bal I lellcr mm Pally ...... who -daipaled to find lbc place Ill -ID update mecliq allk DRCOG McllO v.laa 20JO ,--for all council ....... wbo mipi -10 lltend. AJ lbc DRCOO n:poanllliw, ML llldllwly llid * llllldod IO"-nicb of lbc dlree dllel -W -it best, SqManber 19"' flam 710 9, 0clollcr 3"' mm 7 to 9 or Otlllbcr to" flam 710 9. Sbc aid Ibis i• to brio& ~ thll bal DOI been ~ iln'Olved in lbc MellO Vilioa 2020 Pllll ID llpllale IS to wbeR Ibey are, bow Ibey.,. uylna to 6cilllMe ud w!lae Ibey,.. us aoina-Council~ Hathaway suggcstal Ccuncll 00lllider one al lbc later -. 11 lbcro would be 10111C IIOMJltqe bccaaa al lbc fact Ibey .,. stanin& lbc meetinp in Adams Cowlly and maybe Ibey wlll lelm IOfflelhin& frlllll lbc procas before we do ows. DillCllllioa ensued and Council doclded that October lo"~ -1< lar lbc najarity that might be 11111c to ■ttend. J . She dilcusa:d lbc Cla1l, Gr<en 1111d Proud golf toumament, llaliq that Ille Wldcnlands why Ibey.,. boldiog it• Anowbeld, instad aflbc EngJc,,ood Munici.,.t GolfCGunc. Sbc aid Ille wo undersllDds thll 'K should be supporw,g -Clea, 0...... 1111d Proud Comntillioa, CWtl if they ... holding lho tOW111111C11t outside ol lho City. SIie n:aimm•ndcd that mppon al one bu-.-bc lpproYCd for the tournament. Cou'ncit Member Waggoner lllted why Ibey .,. not having ii in Eql......t. Council Member Hathaway responded that Ibey can not llronl it and bccaaa al IOll1C of the pn,blems with the :adlilllion from list year. Mr. Waggoner med whit lho dilfaaK:e is -Anowbcltl and Englcwnod. Council Member Vonniltag responded tbat ii was I sbolgun -ar.d ii is I lot more prolllllble. Mayor Bums said Ibey .,. charging more 1ad making • lot mon: money on it. He said be bas hid considerable discussion with Susan Van D)te about this. Council Member Hathaway said that is why she suggested that Ibey only pay for ooe row-this ye■r . II shows the same support le\'Cl 11 $125 a player . she ldvisal, or S500 for one founome. Council Member Waggoner opined 1h11 it ,eems like it could be held within the City. Mlycw Bums agreed, Sl)'ing thll he had urged them to -1< it out 1>ith the golf counc . COUNCIL MJ:MBtR HATHAWAY M0\11:D, AND IT WAS StCONDtD, TO SUPPORT ONE FOURSOME FOR THE CLUN, ClltN AND PROUD GOLF TOURNAMENT ON OCTOBER 4m ATACOSTOFS500. Ay,s : Nays : Motion carried. Council Members Hathaway, Vorminag, Habenicht. Cbpp. Bums Council Members Wiggins. Waggoner 4. Council Member Hathaway reminded Council that, as pan of a n:cent discussion.,.... Council Member 1'"""'1icbt's concerns about the Broadl>'O)' Grill and the Englenoolt, lbcy may ba\-c gotten some information about the calls for service to the !xi-cstlblishmcnts that an: in lho 3400 on South Broadway . She said she did a quick sun-cy and found that that block has mon: liquor establishments than any other on Broadway . She said she would like 10 ha,-e a comparison 10 the average cal history of other liquor cstablishmenls in IOMI, such IS Allp's and others on down Broadway . She would lilc 10 know whclhor 1>-c.,. experiencing more calls because Ibero is a high concentration ofliquor esbblishmcnts or if ii is beausc ol the particular establishments that an: there . She said then: ,..ms 10 be the pen:q,tion that 1,,: .re c.'<J>Cfiencing mon: calls than r.-cragc and she would like lo know if that is the case. (ii) Council Member Vorminag : ........ CllyC-' ~,..,,. .... , I . lie ...a dial .. 1111 a lcllcr 11-om-....,..w,a -~ abcolt 1111: Gram bouoe. He aid lllcy luMa paailllc i-ia buylna ii. He aid .. andonlands Ille lint~ did DOI -1< out 2. He aped Mlh Council Member HalhaWI)' "1111 rqanl 10 DOI holding the budgcl n:tn:at on two Monday llipls. (iii) Council Mcmi,er Wigina asked if this WIIUJ,/. be an -.;ate pi..., to dilCUIS Home Lumbct. City Attorney Brotzman said the .............iation is to dilCUSI it in Exxut.ivc Session. (iv) Council Mcml,er Clapp: 1. Sl,c asked City Mana,cr Clallt 10 1JC1 mlh l <:llll Black. Pults and Reaation. to oblain an •pdat, repnling bo,\• 1111: after school daycaro pn,p1111 is -icing. S1ie aid sbe IUldcntands we may hio,-..,..,. problem. 2. Skaskalabo iftlocycan &Cl with Direc:1or S&anlq•, Safccy Scrvica, to-how the non-smoking onlinanct I« youth is 'Mlrking so far this year 3. S1ic asked for a cop)' cl last year's cvalllllioe a(lhc City Building Dcpartn,cnt. Council Member Vonnittag -thal Ill c:ouncil members r=ivc. cop)'. Council Member HalhaWl)' said she still bas hers. (v) Council Member Waggoner said he thought WC ....... Soi•& Ir,, gel bold cl tho Altol"IIO)· Gcncral's offia: and ult them if they WC10 p,iag 10 pursue enforcement ofthck own codes rogardiag graup bomes. Cil)' Attorney Brotzman said lie is aiU -1<ing ..;th Senator 131ickcnsdcrfcr to make 1h11 nquc,t. in 1h11 the Attorney General's offia: _., rosi,ond dircctly 10 us. (vi) Council Member Habcnlc1,t transmitted her rcpon from the Vail Confcroncc. She will boing ID the IICXI meeting sococ very inlCRSlin& safely information and •ill leave other wriuco information 011 file ia t1io Mayor's office. if anyone •"11115 copies. (,ii) Mayor Bums said the Housing Aulhoril)• met "ith the an:hiu:cts last week about the area north of the of!ia: and arc looking al dcsips for c:onsuuction of cigh1 or 1cn town homes there. He said it ts""" ing in10 something thal cculd be quilc nice. 13 . Cicy Maua,er'a 11,port (a) Cily Manager Clark nx:ommcndcd 1h11 Cc.·lncil go inlo Ex=ilivc Session immcdi::tcly following lbc Cil)' Council mcctiog to discuu two ral atalc mailers. COUNCll. MEMBER HA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO GO INTO EXECUTIVI: Sl:SS IO N IMMEDIAl'ELY FOLLOWING THE COUNCIL MEETING TO DISCUSS REAL ESTATE MATI'ERS. Ayes: Council Members llalhaway, Vormittag. Wiggins, Habenicht. Waggoner, Clapp. Bums Na)~: None Motion carried. ... • • •• Council Molaber w....,.llbd wllli olllt:lal IIClioD CouDcil lbould 11b _. .....,i ladle McCldlla inlercllanp. Mlyarlltnl.._......dlepoaple-,dlqtllll1 ....... bc.-.S,•llid1t ii DOt on IOIII ..... .,..._, Wt Colllldl la .. )'I( iaa politlon lD do ao. He llid dlll, llinoo .,._ hive al....ty been .-ii, CGUDcil ....id hlvc lO bed< IP IDd ndo _.... ... llley hlvc already done. Council Member 1111-■y 111d "'° domn't lllir.lt they OR ....ty 1G do lllll widmoil lllbotanlivc information. Mayor e.na ..,..i, IIYI•& t111a ii the ~ 11our ut1 ftft)'-4he 111outa to be doia& this kind of thin1, Council Member Hatha•-ay said ii wu her undcrslanding that they were going to be loaldns • doing a ftdd trip and k<epins an open mind . Mayor Bums said he has asked the Mayor ol Littlclon 10 communi-witll bill aft.er their mccti"I toniglll and lei llim kmw WU& tile -ol lbat wu and what they would like us to do. It will oot be I required lidd trip. he aald. Council Member Hallenicht expressed aMam about what day they will ~ on the budget. Ir it will be a Saturday. she said she already has two Saturdays in Scplcmbcr taken . Discussion ensued over a date for thel'Cll<ll Mayor Bums said there is a planned celd><ation bd,o..,n the cities and RTD .,..,. the light rail line on the 21st. which may or may not occur. Assistant to the Ciry Manager Grace adviKd that the a>mmittcc that has worted °'' that light rail celebration is going to make a decision on Scplembcr 6•. She 51;~ lhc is 90% sun: that the 21 • is goin g • to be an open date . • Ciry Managor Clarlt askal if Cow •• I would l'k• to try ii on the 9•. S1llti ng Iha! be doesn 't think it wiU take ,-cry long. Cllhcnnsc. he said. we don 't l,;o • e ;u,ything sc h ulcd for nighL Council Member Hathaway said oo. but they could go on their ftcld trip if necessary . Discussion ensu:d regarding the probable ler,gth of the rctiul and ['OUible dates. It was decided to hold the budget l'CllUt on Saturday. September 2'&. 1996. 14 . Cky Ahon,ey'1 Report Ciry Auomcy BrolZIIWl told Council that they -refinancing the bonds on the Marks. He sai,i the bonds cany the City ofEoglcwood's name. C\'Cn thoo.~ they don 't cany any liabilicy ,.;th !hat name. He said attorneys for the Wcllsford Company ,.,.re supp.,scd 10 hov: ii ready months a,n but that deal foll through. They ha,-e a new deal set •~ on the boncl., which they """' >'1lpp<l5Ct to have 10 us last "'CCI<. but the ordinance was incomplete and was rejceled. Mr . .!rottman said the aitol'DC)~ have reques1ed that Council hold , special meetin g on Scplcmbcr 9'" on finar ..,ing the bonds. olhcf"isc they ,.;11 be in dcf,ult. Council Member Wiggins said that is too bod. they g.H thcrnsc!vcs into iL let them live with it. Council Member Hathaway asked if Locre arc any ranlifu:atlons for the Cit) u they default. Ciry Attorney Brotzman said there is not. Mayor Bums asked if they arc li terally going to be in default if we don't hl,-e a special meeting . Mr. Brotzman said they -trying to avoid the referendum period . Cu,ncil will actually ha,-e \'Oled twice anJ it ,.;ll be finaliz.cd before and they ,.;ll ha,-e to go back to their underwriter and ask for III extensio n. He ...,..a,~ ....... ,. .• ..... aid tbll he will _,niratc 10 '"""' 11111 COlllldl docl 11111 ... 1 apecill ...... Ille,. and 11111 lboald .. pod ....... Caucil Mcmbcrllllbaway lllral ...illcrllley~ uve III an ...,..111 their bond....-!,....__ Mr. ilnlCzmln ffllplladod 11111 II isllle..tawri•lllll ii lllepn,blcm. Council Mcmler ...._. lllled if there Is ID)' impllc:llic,a on,_, bolld lllin&-Mr. llnlzmlll aid no, this is 11111 DUii ii Ill Ml. Habenicbr ubd if lhere will be ay illlplicalioo ror U.. ..... Mr. Bl'OUJDID rapaaded lhal there wi ll noc . COUNCll. MDDIER DATBAWA'i MOVED TO ADJOURN. Tbe meelin& llijodlllOll 11 8:47 p.m. ~j,tJL Ciiy Ciak • •