HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-09-16 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• J'!NGUWOOD aTY COUNCll. INGLIWOOD, AAAPABO& COUNTY, COLOLUIO •.iu ..... I. CallteO .... Tbc replar a.till&cllbeEqlnood CilyCouncil-callcdlOordorbyMayor llwns at 7:32 p,m. Tbc invocation_, pva, by Cauacil Member Wiyins. 3. Ple<lp ti AJlealuu Tbc Pledge of AIJqianco,.... led by Mayor llooml. •· Roll Call Present : Abocal : A quonim WIS p,aa>L Cauncil McmbcJs Hathaway, Clapp, Wiggins, Habenicht, Vonaiaq. W...-,, Bums Nooe Also prelfllll: City,._.., On CieyAlloncyllnllzaaa S. Minutes Allulul lO lbe City ManaFt Once Deputy City Clen Caallc Diroc1or Ory&Jcwicz, Fiaancial Smices Business Community Coordinator Scibelli (a) COUNCil, MEDER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SE(ONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUll:S OF 11R RIGULA1l MUTING OF SIP'IDDU 3, 1996. Ayes : Cauaci1 Manbm Hadlaway, Vonninag, Wiggins, Habenicht. Waggoocr, Capp. Bums Nays : None The motion canicd. 6 . Scheduled Viliton Tbcre were no achcduled ,i sitors. 7, NOll-ltbedUled Viliton There were no non,schcdulcd visito<s. a.....,..~c-11 ----16,1996 Pqe2 (1) A podamallon dcclarina Ille -i. olOctober, 1996 u Knights o(Columbus Mentally Handicapped Drive monlh wu considered. COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO PROCLAIM fflE MONTH OF OCT08ER, 19% AS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MENTALLY HANDICAPPED DRIVE MONTH IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. A,a: Council Memben HalhaWly, Vonniaag, Wlgw, Hal,eni:h~ Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : None The motion curicd. (b) COUNCIL MEMBER RA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT WTm UGRET A LETTER FROM M'LIS SCOTT INDICATING IRR RESIGNATION FROM THE ENGLEWOOD CLEAN, GREEN AND PROUD COMMISSIO~ Ayes: Council Members Hatha•-ay. Vormitlag, WigBins, Habonichl , Waggoner, Clapp , Bums Nays: None The motion carried. Council Menober Hathav,-ay c:ommenled 1h11 lhis resignation will keve lhe Clean, G= and Proud Commission ""' people short and suggested a quick inlerview ICSlioii to fill .-11111 Olher vacanl positions. (c) COUNCIL MEMBER BA TBA WAY MOV.O, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT WTm REGRET A LETTER FROM ROGER SHOOP INDICATING BIS RESIGNATION FROM THE "INGUWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. Ayes: Ceuncil Members Hadlaway, Vormiuag, Wiggins, Habenich~ Waggoner, Clapr,, Bums Nai~: None The motion ,:arried. (d) COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT WTm REGRET A LETTER FROM Jl:RRY "RICHMOND INDICATING BIS RESIGNATION FROM THE ENGLEWOOD URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY. Ayes: Council Mem',ers Halhaway , Vormiuag. Wiggins. Habenich1. Waggoner, Oapp, Bums Na)~: None "llc motion carried. 9. Public Bt.1ri ■& (a) COUNCIL MEMBER BA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT 'N AS SECONDED, TO OPEN A PUBLIC HEARING TO GATHER PUBLIC INPUT ON THE PROPOSED 1997 BUDGET FOR IT.E CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Ayes : Cow ;cil Members Halhaway , Vormiuag , Wiggins, Habenich~ Wagg,,ner, Clapp, Bums Nay,: None The motion c:anied and lhe public hearing opened . • • • • All lellimony-pveo UDdcr 111111. Dln,ctor <lr)'aJmez. o.i-n-mF"IIIIDCial Services. pn,vi4od PndmPublitalioo califyiq t11a1 notice mdlC public bcariaa-pubmbod ID the EJll)c,,ood lfaald OD Sq,laaber 5, 1996, He lllled that the pwptllO mthe public hearina ii to pther public input"" t11C 1991 Budpt fardlC Ciey mEJll)c,,ood. He advitcd 1h11 Council was given dlC Budget on Aujplll 29, 1996. per the Clw1cr, and a l'Ollat with Council and ulf ii s,;bcdlllcd for lhc 21• of Scplcmbcr. Mr. G~ said the retreat wu 10 ICbcdulcd in order to rm:l.e prior public Input and make na:cssary chaQacs II that dme. Miyor BWDS asked if thae ,.. anyone present wbo would like to address Council rqanlillj llud&et items. 'fbcR WU DO ODC. COUNCU, MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO CLOSE Tin: l'UBLIC BLUING. Ayes : Council Mcmbm Hathaway, Vonninag. Wigins, Habcnichl Wagg<>ncr, Clapp, Bums Nays : Nono The motion carried and the public heariq closed . 10. CIIUC9t Al:Hdl COU NC IL MD'.llER HATHAWAY MOVID, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGEl'l1>A fflMS 10 (a) (l) AND (II) ON FIRST READING • (a) Approve OD First Radlni (i) A C:ONS'llUJCTION OON'ffiACT Wl1ll JORDY AND COMP ANY IN 1llE AMOUNT OF $76 ,915 FOR CITY HAIL RESTROOM RENOVATION . (ii) RESOLUTION NO. 75, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLIJTION AMENDING 1llE APPROVED 1996 BUDGET AND APP'lOPRJATING MONlES FOR 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , OOLORADO . Vote ttNlb: Ayes : Nays: The motion carried . Council Members Hathaway . "Jonnittag. Wiggins. Habcnichl Wagoner, Clapp, Bums None COUNCIL MEMBER HA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED , TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (b) (l), (II), (111), AND (l•i (b) Appro-.'C on Second Reading (i) ORDINANCE NO. 40, SERIES OF 1996 (OOUNCIL BILL NO . 33, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HA rnA WA'\') AN ORDINANCE APl'llOVING 1llE WHOLB COST OF THE IMPROVEMEm'S MADI! w:nuN PA VINO DISTRICT NO. 35 (NAVAJO) IN THE CITY OF l!NGLl!WOOD, COLORADO; APl'llOVING AND CONFlRMING 1llE APPORTIONMl!JIIT OF TIii! COST TO EACJI LOT OR lltACT OF LAND IN SAID DISTIUCT; ASSESSING A SHARI! OF 1llE COST AGAINST EAOI LOT OR lltACTOF LAND; AND PRl!SCRIBING THE MANNER FOR TIii! COUECTION AND PA YMEm' OF TIii! ASSESSMENTS. fu) ORDINANCI! NO . 41, Sl!Ril!S OF 1996 (COUNCll. Bll.L NO.«, INTRODUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBER HA 1llA WAY) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITI..E I , OIAPTERS 2A AND 21!. OF TIii! ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1915 PERTAINING TO LIFE-SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING HJGH-RJSE Bun.DINGS. fw) ORDINANCE NO . 42, SEIU£S OF 1996 (COUNCll. Bll.L NO. 45 . INTRODUCED BY COUNCR. MEMBER HA 1l!.A WAY) AN ORDINANCE AU1HORIZING AN n-rraRGOVl!RNMENTAL MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BF:JWEEN THE ST A TE OF COL "IIADO DEPARTMENT OF lltANSPORTATION AND TIIB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO FOR TIii! lltANSFEl OF LAND FOR 1111! SOU1ll WINDER! fERE SnEET IMPROVEMENTS . (iv) ORDINANCE NO. 43 , SERIES OF 1996 (COUNCll.. Bll.L NO . 46 , INTRODUCED BY COUNCR. MEMBER HATHAWAY AN ORDINANCE AUlllORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL CONTRACT BETWEEN 1111! ST ATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF lltANSPORTA TION (CllOT) AND 1111! CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO PERTAINING TO REPLACING WATER MAINS IN WITHIN 1111! LIMITS OF 1llE PROJECT KNOWN TO COOT AS "BELLEVIEW NORTir. Vote raulll: Ayes : Nays: The motion carried. Council Membcn Hathaway. Vonninag. Wiggins. Habcnichl Waggoner, Clapp, Bums None 11 . Ordiaaaca, Raolutloa1 ud Motion, (o ) Appro,-e on First Reading (i) City Manager Clari< asked Council 10 consider a resolution authorizing an amendment 10 lhc boundaries of lhc Arapahoe County Enlcrprisc Zone. He said lhc pracn1 zone preuy much straddles Santa Fe Drive through Englewood, Sheridan and Liltlelon. He rtfcmd lo lhc updalcd dc\-elopmcn1 plan for Iha! En1erprisc Zone which was included in Councirs packet. saying we would like to expand it to include the Cindcr<lla City site and lhc Broadway corridor. Referring 10 lhc sco,nd page of !he staff memorandum. ¼. Clari< said basically an enlerprisc zone designation brings ,.;,h it investment laX credits. n,,:w business facility ta.'< credits. health insurance tu ttcdits. la'< credits for contributions to child cm, cduca1ion and llllining lax credits and eligibility for a \'ariety of Small Business Administntion (SBA) programs . He olfercd 10 ...,.,,, questions from Council . sa)ing tha1 u-e would like 10 mo,-c forwanl "ilh lh is and submi1 ii lo lhc Slalc for final approv,J . • • • • • COUNCIL MUfaU HATHAWAY MOVl!D, AND IT WAS SICONDED, TO Afl'ROVI! AGENDA mM II (a) {I)· USOLUTION NO. 76, SIIUU or 1"6. R.ESOLIJTION NO. 76, SElllES OF 1996 A R.ESOLtmON APPROVING 1llE ARAPAHOE COUNTY ENTERPRISE ZONE UPDATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN . Mayor Bums ClllllllltlllCd that the new busi,-Cacilitlea IU cnxlit could be a i;ignillcut item if it is available for C'indadla Ciiy and uked if it WOllld. illdood. be anilablc for the Cindcrclla Ciiy R,devclopmt t City Manager Clarlr. rcspondod that It is bis llllderslandin& that all of tllcae -,Id be available and , • Jdalcd to the State income tax. Mayor Bums asked if there is a limit on thaJ, opining that it is 2$% ol •. . 'I\UIDICIIL Mr. C1aJ1< said be is ......,. llow thal works but will llad -1114 pracnl t1baclttoCooacil. Mayor Bums asked if this fonns a plan for rulc:\'Cl~ with rcpnl lo South Broadway. Ciiy Manager Clarlr. rcspoadal allirmalivdy. City Manager Clar!< verified his common•~ regarding lhc nc,,• busi,-facility tax cnxlit wilh Business Community Coonlinator ScibcW. Mr . .;cibc1Jj llltod, also. 1h11 all of lloc tax credits ~ relate to the Stale of Colorado i.acomc tax al>~ODS and arc IU aediU Iha\ qualifying busincaa in Ibo Entcrpnsc Zone arc digible for . Mayor Bwns astcd about the tax credi t available on 25% of C><pC1-li turcs to renovate '1ICallt buildiags . Mr. Scibdli said thal -.Id also opply tOWMI a Stale of Colorado income tax obligation thal a bu1i11eu ,nightba-.'C. Cooncil Mcmbct Habenicht said that scvcnJ months aao lhc Traluponation Comml!tcc of~ Focusing on Tomorrow, or possibly the Ea>nomic Development Commiucc. met with Scoalor Blickemdufcr and scvcnJ other people to talk about lhc pollibility of expanding the Ea".-.p'ioc Zone into the Cindcrclla City rcdovclopmcnt area. At that time. she sated, there seemed to be a ~ cocumsus from that group thal this would DOI be advi,able or plausible or even applicable. She asked whal bas changed . Mr. Scibdli dcsaibcd. in general , an O\'CMCW of the plan to put it into a bolter conlcxt to respond 10 bcr qU<Stion . The area known as the Arapahoe Cowlly Enterprise Zone, he advised. was incorporated for the cities of Englewood and Sheridan back in N011embcr of 1990, and a year later portiol15 ofLiUl eton were inciudccl in the Enterprise Zone. 1bc City of Englewood bas served as the adminirmtor for this area. The zone allows for a variety ol'Stale income tax credits for qualifying businesses 111d, he said. the purpo1< for his being before Counc;' tonighl is because M ant to retain the zone for Englewood. Sheridan and Lilllc1on slncc the tax crodits arc important for business rete nti on and as an expansion tool. The City oCEnaJc-'OOd in particular is cumnUy utiiizi g tllore in our induslrial and manufacturing b&sc as a stroog rCICr.lioo tool and a tool to allow the cxpai,.ioa ud aution of additiooal primal)' jobs within the City . Mr. Scibdli advised that 50IDC oflhc individual tax credits include• 3% itM:Stmcnl tax credit for in,'CSUnCnt in equipment or all kinds, from computers 10 heavy equipment. Aho, there is a tax aodit for the rchabiiiwion of vacant building>. a SSOO employee tax aodit for both new and cxpa.ndiog business facil ities. a $200 per employee credit to employers who pl'O\idc qualified health inswancc CO\'Cra&" 10 their employees. and. also. a new and e•:.i ting tax credit for expenditures related 10 job training This applies also to school to work or school to career programs. which will be promoted within lhc entire Arapahoe County Enterprise Zone . Mr. Scibelli praised the programs. saying lhci· arc excellent OfJIIOl1llllldmfor c,qudiq Ille lkllls o(the work tbrcc. Scnole 'liU 96-193,jat dais lat April, r.quillld each o(the Slale'I sixUlell ClllaprilO zones to submll the development plu. Mr. Sdbdli aid ho b.ollcva our~ plan moc11 the bill'• four bulc objectlves. He llicl tbey .ae ....Sao dacribe llle i:xwu ao which thc &ax cndill wen: bciD& IIIOd CMr thc LIii oix yan. Alto, lh.:.7 wa'C nud to pnwide an opportunil)' for entc,pri-= ZDDO expansion requests. 1'be Ci!)' o( EnaJcwood, be ll1lle1, tw, via this plan. rcq.......S 1h11 Cinderella City 111d thc South Broedwly amdor be included iD an exp!llldoc! A.-lplhoc Counl)' Entc,prisc Zone. The Ci1y ot Sheridan, he added. rcqucsled an expanded IOClioo of Fedr,ol BouJa,vd be incl.ided in the plan. The plan allo CSlablisbes aoat• for thc filturc ell'ccthutss oll!Y. .., .. and ii spodfk:ally ab us to review how two di-lllc:ton tdlled to the ....,. census tracts within t"- zonc. The two dislrea aileria included the per capita income oCless than SI 1,116 and the uncmpm-!~1 niche gr,aterthan 7.17%~1ab>d to thc 1990 ccmusdu. Reviewing the fourobjectha.. Mr. Sa1>elli said that, oCthe eleven census lJXU, tllerc are IOYell tho.I qualify and~ the per capita income and 1!>c: uncmploymenl cri1cria. l!e said be believes we h,r.c mode a good argumcnl in this plan 10 i .._,udc all of the census tracts as eligjl,k for cootinuation in thc n,r,c b) vimic oCthc faa that economic de\-elopmcnl does not occur in a cbeclccrt,qard fashion . He feels 1h: thru,·1 of thc argumcnl 10 retain all census tracts within the zone is thc unified approocb to jot, mention und the expansion ofbusincws and the ~lion and retention or primary job1 wi thin the mnc as a whole. Mr. Scibcll i addralod the throe goots tha1 we are rcquin:d to establish lb rncuun: the futwc <:Jr=i, .. ,_ of the zone. Finl, the agg,q11tc job expansion for thc enterprise zone, ll<hidl illChides 25 new jobs a yea1 for the next four years. Second. annual growth in new investment and <quli,,=t is lo ex~ I~ O\'tr the previous year's total, annually, for each of the four coosocutive years. tic sa,d lhi1 i• ,, el<lmn ely • important measun: oC annual growth and vital ii)' within our onmmunily and Mr. i.:itdli bdiC\'CS tllat b)• • cxpudod 111eoCthe entc,prisc zone,.,. will be able 10-. not only the exponsiollofthe new 1,,Y!'ltl?lO!II in equipment in manufaauring opentions. bul also the expanded growth of our inclosuial :.S. and the expansion of primary jobs, which is !'Cally whal the enlerprise zone b:nefil is all axiut. Fin,Jly, the annual growth in Illa ~rme is to exceed 5% m,er the prcvious )-ear's......,.. for each of four )'CIJS. Mr. Scibdli rcitenled that,.,. are looting II the inclusion or the South B~ amidor. whicl, is a retail corridor, and the inclusion oCCincle rclla Cil)', whcrd>y the mcasurtmcn1 of incrtased growth sales. tax m'Cftues. can be achicwd. The expandcJ use by the retail communily or the cnicrpri sc zone benefits can help us !'Calin: that bendi~ he 58id . Mr. Scibelli addressed Council Member Habenichl's original questio n with regard to whal has chan ged to make this feasibl e now. He said appn>ximately lwo years ago an application for inclusion of Ci nderella Cil)' was submillod to the Department of Local Afl'air1. At thal time. the request was for the socond floor or Cinderella Cily. wl1ich was dominated by office usage. The argumen1 was that it was nor n:tai l and inclusion 1'oold sc ,e to expand lbe economy . He 58id it is his undcrsllncling that the application did not gel 10 the formal n,view process with the Stale and ii was rccomrncndod that the timing was wrong for that kind oran application . The lpp!OICh today, he advised, is differcnl because thc Suite has inviled us to include thole areas which we believe would be helpful in expanding thc local economy . Also, thcr'C are srn:ral IIX credits that -espocially beneficial to retail establishments. He mentioned the $500 w credit for new job crcalion, for which a retail establishment is eligr'ble. and other benefits prcviousl y mcntion".d by Cil)' Manager Clart. Mr. Scibclli explained thal we have included both Cindctclla Ci1y and the Sot th Broadway corridor from downtown to the Lil~eton border because the opponunil)' was prcscnted 10 us . and because we believe it can be another valuable economic 1001 for Englewood. Cily Manager Oarl< asked Council Member Habenichl whal 1hc I'· : frame was on the EFOT ltl1on . She responded that ii was around Man:h . 1996 . Mr. Clark said then: was quile a bil of legislation going on a, • tha1 time and he docs not recall rcaiving any information on this in particular . He said there we re some • • people in lhc leplalun, who hid Wlll4ed 10 do~ with -s,,ile ZOIICI all IOplhcr, and lhoR -I ...,.,.i -.... maaiclpellda lhould ., illlo I llakba pencm OD cnlelprile ZODC111111il tboy aw whal kind of 1cgis1a11oa cu,e out of 11. He -,datd if rec:oounendatlon she spoke of-related 10 lhat. Council Memllcrffllleak:bl asked iflnchlsion oflhc Saudi Broadway conldor, and the Ciadadla City site tn the......,,,._ ~apmcal ..-lbr Ille caomcy, pn,ctudc mixed._ houllna ~• in either area. or ,ub 1h11 cull Mr. Sdbelll rapaeded that It really doel DOI. He cxplalaed lhat it Is I bcncllt or enhanaancal, to the bustnca CClfflfflWlity, exbllna or pnlpOIOd, and lhat it really is oeul1ll with regard to I\Jtun: nsidcntial propcrtlcs. Council Member Hlbcaic:bt aid she thiab she oripmlly brought the idea a( ClltaprilC ZODC1 10 Englewood yean ago, ., she ts vety supponivc. SIie allO atbd If tanporary cmploymcnl IOMCCI in the Broadway oomdor will have III dl'ecl OD the ClllployaCIII rdlled bcncllts. Mr. Sc:ibclU rapondcd that be does not bclicvo 1t,e employment llau,a wili be dloclod. The distress factor. he said. is related to uncmplO)'IN!III and Illa! docs not relate dite::!.ly to IClllpOnl)' employment Also, per capita inoomo is usually on u an-i !mis. He docs not ltd .... lallpOrlJ)' cmploymcnl really geu captwed in die two broad dis 11 crltcria. Council Member Habenicllt aid the City Council and lhc City of Englewood have talc en a lol of beat for draggil,1 their icd oo Cinderella City negotiations 111d apancnts. She asked If this is noc IIMJllll<,OllS and favorable to lhc privalc ICClor to go with III aeprbo JlOIIC, since Cinderella City has gone dllt. Mr. Scibelli agreed, adding that it is one more cnhaa0cmcnl lor the l\nure dcvclopmcnl of Cinderella City that will allow lldditional Ill credits IS part of the de\-eqmcnt that will occur there. Council ~-ltlb<nichl asked if inclusion of this will prcdudc a developer from doing mi>'llll usc housing . Mr. ScilJelli aid ii will not have any cfl'oct. and hopes that ii will be an incentive for the de\'Clop,nc;it of lhc ,.,.._ including mixed use housing. Council Member Clapp said that the map does not,_, Broadway going all the way 10 the Littleton boundariC>. Sbo aslt.'d ifthal is something lhat we baYC proposed that hasn 't been included yet. Mr. Scibelli said Iha. is correct . Currently the cntcrprisc zoae only includes the down10"11 area to Yale A \'enuo. The area to which she is rcfenfag is not cunaitly included in the enterprise wne. Council Member Hathaway felt since census uact S7 iac:ludcs Cinderella City and the General Iron Worl<s site, II V.'OU'<I be an overall lncenin-. for anyone looking 11 multi-family housi ng or retail development becaw-it gives ample opportunity for any kind of dcvclopmcn1. Mr . Scibelli agrt,Cd lhal the distress crilcris ipcaks particularly wc1J in Iha! area. Mayor Bums said be geu the imp=ion that enterprise zones~• not been used very much in the past and this is an attempt to Uy 10 accelerate that use. He asked ho•, .,c public ,.;11 be made aware that these benefits ar-. available . He said there is cum:ntly a lol ol intere , • localing in Englewood and U,J s seems like a golden !Jll?O'tunily to usc this 100110 bdp these busincs• , Mr. Scibdti said there arc SC\'Cral specific vehicles for gcttin, .oc word out. The Business OC\-clopmcnl N.,.~lcttcr will be ronung out every hW months and wiU fca ·,.rc infonnation on the tax credits and related changinr, legislation . The newsletter has a mailing 1;:,1 of over hl-cnty-fivc hundred . he said . and includes all ind:!,,t rial and r'C(Jlil addrwcs in Englewood. i.:uncn~y. • manufacturer 's round !able is being formed and.Uu I ,.;11 be used as a vehicle for communication . The Chamber or Commerce has been provided with a draft uf , brochure that spells 001 the cxiSling tax credits and those lhal wt •· .., fazed in as a !'CSUII of SB %-193 . ........ Cllyo.-11 ....... 16,11'6 ..... ~ Buns ...,,1 lboal die Saulll Swwban llolld olRalion. Mr. Scibclli aid 1h11 -'<I be an exc:dlcat wbidc, me Midi they Md 1101 consldetcd. Council Member w....-Mir.eel if lbe whole c:enlUl lracl ii ia Ille eatcrprilO zooc, or jull a portion of ii. Mr. Scibelll tapondocl 11111 be ii comc:t, Clndcrdla Cily docs 1101 Iii DCally into one c:ensm 1rac:1, nor docs !he Sol.'111 Broodway comdor. Mr. Waaoncr clarillcd lhal, ........... this talks about -uacu. not all uflbc pn1pa1)' ia that ..... uact is in lbc cnlerpriso zone. Mr. Scibc\li cooc:um:d. Mr. Wauoaer asked what ell'..-:! pulling lhc Soulll Broadway exp111Sion area In an tlllapriso .-will lla>e 011 lhc raidcntial propcrlla oa !he Olher lido ollhcalley oll'orBIOldway . Mr. Scibdli said be believes lhorc is clcatly an oricntallcll iu Ille m-ilaliDlion ia a oommc~ial area to ill Id;.-raidailial pn,porticL By providing lbc 1tddilloanl tax credits to small l'Clailcrl along lhal corridor, .. bapc 11111 it will tttbanoo die business, perhaps ..,,,, u an ~>e to FalCMCC some or the vacant buildiJlp lllat -lilcR. Mr. Wau,acr asked if you taD change n:sidcDlial IO busi,as because ii is in .. Clllapia DIDt. Mr. ScibdU aid DO, y1111 coul d 1101. it would tm I zone change . Mr. Waggoner clarilicd that an calCrpriso .-claipation, them= docs 1101 ..._,. an dfcct on residential prnpcrtics. Mr. Scibdli ag,ud 1h11 ii doe.< OOI. without a zone change. Council Mtrnbcr Kallcnicht IISl<ed if ii dfccts in any way !he cae or cliJ!icull)' ol gcnin& a zooe change. Mr . Scibdli said ii docs DOI, because ii is a land uso issue that really isn 't mMed IO tax cndils. Sbe asked if residential property o,mcn 'Wl>o arc included in !he cnttrpri,o Z1DnC alone South B"'°""'IY will ba>e any conc:an5 u to how 1h11 wil1 oeptn'tly impoct their prnpcr1)' ,'aluc or rcsidentla1 qualil)' ol lifc. Mr . Sclbclli responded 1h11 lhc)• 1''0Uld DOI. Vol< ,-Ill N _.. to app,..'t llaolulion No. 76 : Ayes: Council Membets Hathaway, Vonniuag, Wiggins, Habcni chl. Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays: Nooe The motion carried. Mayor Bums commcoled that swf did an exccllcnl job on this rq,on . (ii) Director Giyglc..i cz presented a r=mmcndalion from lhe Dq,anmcn1 of Financ ial ~i ces 10 adopt a bill for an ordinance approving cred it cohanccmcnt for lhc Maru bonds . He explained lhal Wellsford Marts West Corporation wants lo rcJinance a portion of lheir bonds, not 10 exctod $1 1,200 ,000 . He 1111ed that 11-= lhe bonds lha1 originally ftnaneod lhc Marks project. Wellsford ,s asking for permission to proctod with this and in coajunc:tion .,;lh this ordinance, they will need a short special mccling 10 be beld a week rrom 1onigh1 for socond ttading so they \\ill be able 10 close on lhtir bonds prior 10 lhc expiration or lheir lcuer or credit Mr. Giyglcwicz advised that thi s aclion is not ul!!!tr lht pn!\isions of TABOR and is not an obligation oflbe Ciiy ofEnglC\\ood. He sa d staJf r=mrncnds apprm'lli of this bill ror an ordinan ce . Respondin g 10 Mayor Bums, Mr. Giyglc..icz confirmed this is an old industrial dc>-e lopmcnl re\'enue bond . Council Member Waggoner asked if lhcrc would be a cost 10 U,c City . Mr. Gryglcwic, said lhc City of EnglC\\oocl ,.;u ac1ually be billing lht Wdlsford for our lime and clJon . Council Member Habenicht asked iflhis in any way clfccts lhc City's bonding Cl!"°"il it). Mr . Grygl c\\icz said ii docs not as ii is not an obliga tion orlhe City of Engl ewood. • • • _.._.Cllyc-cii ....... 16.1996 Paee9 In rapome 10 Ccunci1 Mcmbcr w._...., DiredOr (l,yaJcwlcz odvilod 1h11 they baYC lped 10 pay Ibo COil TIie City C1a1< -albd lo rad Ccunci1 BiU No. 47 by tide : COUNCll. Bn.LNO. 47, lNlllODUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBER HATIIAWAY A Bn.L FOR AN ORDINANCE A\TlllOIUZINO nm ISSUANCE AND SAll! OF 1llE err, OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO MULTIFAMILY HOUSINO REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS (MARKS APARn..mm5 PROIBCT) SERIES 1996 IN 1llE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUm OF $11 ,200,000, TO REFUND PRIOR BONDS OF 11IE CITY AND TO PROVIDE FINANCING FOR RESIDemAL PACll.lTIES FOR WW• AND MIDDLE-INCOME PAMIUl!S AND Pl!RSONS ; RATIFYJNG CBRT AIN ACTION HERETOl'Oltl! TAKEN ACIQOOWLl!!XIINO THI! USE OF A PI\ELIMINARY AND PINAL OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND nil! EXECUTlON AND DELIVERY BY THI! CITY OF A CERTAIN INDENTIJRE OF TRUST, WAN AGREEMENT, AMENDED AND RESTA'I1:D LAND USE RESTRICTJ~N AGREEMENT, BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT, SUOI BONDS AND O.OSING DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION lliEREwmt. MAKING DETERMINATIONS AS TO "WW• AND MIDDLE•INCOME FAMILIES AND PERSONS." AS TO l1lE SUFFICIENCY OF REVENUES AND AS TO OlllER MATTERS RELATED TO TI:E RESIDENilAL FACll.lTIES TO BE FINANCED REPEALING ACTION HERETOFORE TAKEN IN CONFLICT HEREWllll. COUNCil. MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED, AND rrwAS SECONDED, TO AP!'ROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (o) (II)· COUNCIL alLL NO. 47, Ayes: Council Mmben Holhaway, Vonnittag. Wiggins. Habenicht, Wauone,, Clapp, Bums Nays: None The motion catried. (I) COUNCILMEMBr.RBATBAWAYMOVED,AND rrwAS SECONDED, TO SET A SPECIAL CITY COUNCD, MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 23, 1996 AT 6:00 P.M. FOR THE SECOND READING OF COUNCO. BD,L NO. 47 , Ayes: Council Mcnms Hatluiway, Vorminag. Wiggins, Habenicht, Waggoner, Clop:,. Bums Nays : None The motion carried . (b) AppRM on Second Reading There were no additional items submitted for approval on second readin g. (See Agenda Item 10 (b). Consent Agenda.) 12 . Gclleral Dl1tul9ioft (a) Mayo(s Choice I. Mayor Bums noted that they were considcnbly pleased to find last """" that we obtained S 1.5 million . in the Conference Committee on Appropriations in Washington, for first funding for construction of the 50\lthwcst corridor light rail . He commented that this was a fairl y small amount of money, but a very bi g item , because for the first time we have had funding confirmed by the Federal gO\-cmmcnt. He l!apwood CIIY c-:11 S.-0,16,1996 PaplO noc,d that it bu led to a pal deal al cddntlon at RTD . Mayor Bmns said that Mayor Wdlb lpl'1le out about it and that It -repol1al in tbe prea that Soc..wy olTl'lllll'Oflllio Federico Pda called Salato, Mm Hatfield from Clffp, chairmu olllle ConfeRDoc Cammitlae, aad lobbiotl bia for !Ms .-y. He adviaod that tbe Sa.-did not bavc uy l'uads in it's appn,priatiotls bill for this, the lloulo did, and the Cootercnce ~ c::um tbnMlp ~ loalf • much u the li'oult appn,prialcd. He llltal tlllt tbe important thing -;ma IO pl tbe rw.ls, a, this is a very bis item for Ill. Next year, he c:ommented, he bu been adviaod RID will be llkiDI ftlr IOIIIClhing like $30 mlUloa. He 111d SaJU Reed, Ille RTD ~ called Ilia lall W"'1neldlly 1114 aid it 11 in,po,Wlt became u lC)' ult you --W qucsti0111 . Mr. Reod .i.iaocl llim tbat thcy ask lint lfwe 1ia .. a fllll flllldina IIJIIIII .,....-. wbich we have, and the ...,.,i q,,ellioa is if we bavc bad a prior year _.apriatiaa. If you uve III IIIY no yoa .. in IIOUbleand weca-111Y)'CSdell tbe mancr cona up next-•., it is w:ry ~ Abo, he advised they had tbe llllid point dcsip for tbe lino, whick wu bnlupt to lhc Clcy lat -by lhc R1l> stair, and he IIDdcnlads that is~ ciraalllod through lhc Public Works ~l He aid RTD is moving right alaog .. dlis, tbat thcy uve IMl1ly new CDj!i_, -1w1, OIi the 6naJ plans, wbich he undcntands arc ..,.._i to be CIIIIIIPkaod by next spring and the pras is reportina that Ibey .,.,. ova, stan c:onsuuaion. -nidl ~ be illlmuuclurc, by next sprina. Mayor Burns ccnuncnlal that )'OU can rtally begin to 0<e that Ibis is going ID baj,pcll and 10 he is very thrilled about it. (b) Council Mca1ber's Choice (i) Council Member Hathaway : I. She passed OUI to Council a copy olan article from Ibis ....,.,s Nation's Cities Wndtly rqanling group bomc siting and tllc f3ct that lheR an tM> different mayor'• that ha\'e pleaded ,.;th Congr= 10 allow a liU:.: more flexibility in when: they an sited and how many can be siled in a particular """'· Ms. • Hathaway said she 'MJUld lilte 10 suggest that we c:onlael the two ffll)'C)<S. Mayor Baibara Fahey of Edmonds, Washington. and Mayor Rita Mullins of Pal atine. Illinois. She said it i• obviaasly not just our problem and she would lilte 10 hr,,: us c:onlael those mayon 10 sec if their problems are similar 10 ours. bow they are dealing ~ them and whether they fed like they arc getting anywhere . 2. She said she """1ld like to have a history from Code Enfom::mcnt and the City Manager 's olfa n,garding a midcnt by tbe name or Royce Robbins who lives al 3100 South Bannock. Apparently . she ad\iscd. he has an on-going dog problem and ,cems thoroughly Crus11111ed ,.;th the City's response . Ms. Hathaway staled she would just lilte lo know what the City's respoosc bas been up lo this point. 3. She staled she bas had an inquiJy from Mr. Gene Gleason rcganling a pa"nsbop problem .,;th an Englewood pa"'1Shop . He has some questions as 10 the City 's lop! definition or loan shutting and whether a transactioc ,.1,jch oa:umd at an Englewood pawnshop, in whi ch he and his son were in,·oh'Cd. constitutes loan sharking. She advised that Mr. Gleason would just like 10 know our policy on SU>len goods laws that pertain to pa"'1Shops. 4. She said she.,.., going through some files at the flower shop and found a copy or an Englewood Citizen from 1978. She prw-!al Council v.ith copies of ii beau& then, were some \'ery interesting things in there. One being an article on an election scheduled for Tuesday, September 1 •1• for the Downtown De\,:lop'llCIII Autborily, as 10 whether li,cy should exist or no<. Apparentl y. ,;he noted, they have be<"• in existence for cightocD ycan. She pointed 0111 Olhcr articles of in1Crts1. Ms. lathaway ad\isod llUl t she would aJ,o forward a copy 10 the Clean, Gn,en and Proud Commiwon as ii talks lbota the citizens response in 1978 to tbe cc:o cycle plan tl ,n t we wci, e<tablishing in the City or Englewood. She noted they found OUI that ii,.,.. thlec limes the initial expectation they had anticipated Crom Englewood residents . So she no<ed, apparentl y Engk"ood bas been l'CC)'Clin g for many . many ycan • • • • • ........ Cll)'Caacll ......... 6.1996 PIie II (Ill Cowlci1 Member Vomllua1 : I . He said thal his molbet-in-law died 1ut Tutsdly 111d be all'aed his ,pp,ecialjoo and lhanb 11> CVCl)'OIIC for lhe flowm. 2. He ldvitod thal 114810 South Grant IOmdJody llleplly dwnped U'Clt limbs and IIUI!'. He said thal ii is a 10( moro lhan he can wow IWI)' In his UUh so be asked thal the Cily lake caro or ii. Mayor Burm, on behalf of Council , exprtSSed their a,nd,-Jc:nccs to Council Member Vomllnag and his family . Mr. Vonniuag lhanl:ed him. (iii) Council Mtmbcr Wiggins stated that 112840. 2860 South l!lati lhcy arc still havins parttia& problems . Hc advised thal Cawtrophe ~ Scrvu:a double pult and block the Sln>CI. He ftltlUCSled thal Mr. Slanlcy "s crew mlisc thc lff:I periodicalJy durin1 lhe day when they arc doins business and make sure thal they don'1 block thc SlnlCI. 13 . City Muaf.1!r'111,pon (a) Ci1y Manager C1arlt advised that he ru,cn'Od oom:spondcncc from Jenell Black who has been ""rtting \\ilh thc Culrural Arts Cotnmission . He aaled 1h11 thc Commission bas asltc,,J lhal Council dcsignale a oouncil member as I liaison to that Commission. Council Member Hathaway advised lhal they also rcqllCSIOI one for Pam and Rec. EOD.\ and dilfercn1 O(ber ones IOO. She asked if all or the liaisons ~ going to have 11011-,'0ting Slaluo. Ci1y Maniigcr Clari< said thal it is bis undcrslanding lhat they arc non-voting. Council Member Wiggins said lhal he had road in somebody"s OO(cs lhai they would 00( be voting. Mai<>r Bums c:ommcnled tha1 he did 001 think lhcy could expand their voting capacily as Council CSlablishcd thc Commission by ordinance . Discussion ensued. COUNCll., BY CONSENSUS, NAMED COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT AS CITY COUNCU. LWSON TO THE CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION. 14 . City Attomey'• Rcpon (a) Cily Attorney Brotzman said Council should have n,c,:i\'ed his letter 10 Mr. S!l 1hcr rcganling the ab:11emcn1 and proa:durc lhal ~.c has bcforc him . He said he would like 10 make sure lhal be has all or our proa:durcs lined up. He n.qucsted a motion 10 continue "ilh lhc abatement. including the possib!e taking of the pmpcny . Respondi ng 10 Mayor Bums. Mr. Brotzman clarified lhal he is lalking aboul the Horton pmpcny . COUNCU. MEMBER HA TRA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDEI), TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ATTORNEY TO CONTINUE THE LEGAL ACTIONS REGARDING MR. SATHER AND TBE BO~TON PROPERTY. Ayes : Nays : The motion carried . Council Members Halha"~Y. Vonnillag. Wiggins. Habcnich1 , Waggoner. Clapp, Bums None l!lllcwoodCi1yCooul1:il ~16,1996 , Plopll ..... lmyor Burns said that be wantod to mcatlon be is writing to all or the mombcrs ol the Contp'OSSioml dclcptlon that have boca • Ill ,. in the light rail. He DOied that be will also write to ~ PeAa and MAyor Webb, who bas been ""Y helplill II RTD in inllucncing RTD to support IL Council Member V .innit111 DOied that tomonow night Ibey were going to Ullleton, to the Highlinc Canal . He a.skcd if C\.-.ryone who wants to go turned in their name. 15 . Adjo,in. _, COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED TO ADJOURN . The mectina adjaumcd at 8:24 p.m. I • • •