HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 Resolution No. 036• • • RESOLUTION NO.~ SERIES OF 2006 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE PASSAGE OF THE "COLORADO CLEAN INDOOR AIR ACT" ALSO KNOWN AS COLORADO HOUSE BILL 06-1175, PROHIBITING SMOKING IN INDOOR ENCLOSED AREAS, AND MAKING ALL COLORADO WORKPLACE S, INCLUDING RESTAURANTS AND BARS SMOKE-FREE . WHEREAS, it is the missi on of the City of Englewood. Arapahoe County , Colorudo to protect public health ; and WHEREAS, second hand smoke is a combination of th e smo ke in th e air from• burni ng tobucco product and the smok e exha led by a person smol:,ng; an d WHEREAS, th e U.S. Surgeon General rerortcd in 1986 that seco ndhand smo ke is the number one source of indoor ai r polluti on ; and WHEREAS, secondhand smo ke contain s over 4,000 chemicals in clu\tin g ars enic , ucctone, carbo n monoxi de , and radioactive clements: and WHEREAS, seco ndh and smol :s classified by the U.S. EPA as a Class A carcinogen, putting it in the same group as asbes to s, rad on, and benzene, for which there is no safe level of exposure ; and WHEREAS, secondhand smoke creates a health threat to the maj orit y of our res iden ts and panicu larl y to our children , pregnant women and the ir unborn children ; and WHER EA S, each year nea rly 60,000 adult nonsm okers in the U.S . will die from lung cancer. 'neon disease, re spirat ory di seases an d other ca ncers due to seco ndhand smoke exposure; and WHEREAS , workers , exposed to secondh and smoke in the wo rkpl ace are at increased risk for cancer, heun disease , stroke and respiratory di sease; and WHEREAS, non-smoking workers are routine ly exposed to signi fi cant leve ls of secondhand smoke, such as resta urant and tave rn employees, who triple thei r risk fo r lung cancer; and WHEREAS, there are numerou s ~·aople in the City ofEnglewood working in restaurants and bar.;; an<l WHEREAS , ventilation system s are desi gned to remove the odor of smoke, but not all the carci nogenic and disease-cau si ng agents; and WHEREAS , based upon current scientifi c infonnation, even the newes t ve ntil ation technologies under ideal conditions arc incapable of removing all secon dhand smoke and it s toxic co niti,ucnts from the ai r: and WHEi-EAS , research has shown the elimination of smoking in publ ic place s and p,.ces of employment helps redu ce the number of young people who initiate smoking and increases the number of smokers who successfully quit sm oking ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT : SWil!nJ_. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado suppons the "Colorado Clean Indoor Air Act" also known as House Bill 06-117S, to update the States smoking policies to : (a) Protect the public health nnd welfare by prohibiting smoki ng in public places and places of employment; and (b) Guarantee the right to breathe smoke -free air in public places and all places of employment ; and (c} Recognize that the need to breathe smoke-free air shall have priorit y over the desire to smoke. To make all Colorado workplaces , including restaurants and bars smoke-free . ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 21" of February, 2006. ~/ w;;/u,/.<ttcJ LoucshlaA.EIJls, City Clerk I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, Cit y Clerk for ljic,,Ci ty of Englewood, Co lo above is a tru o copy of Resol ·•tion No . ~. Series of 2006 . • •