HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 Resolution No. 067• RESOLUTION NO.w
WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Englewood. Coloredo authorized the "The
Collective Bargaining Contract Between the Englewood Police Benefit Association and the Cily
of Englewood for the Years 2004 Through 2006'': by the passage of Resolulion No . 3S, Series
2006: and
WHEREAS , th e City Cou ncil of the City of Englewood au1horized "TI,e Collective
Bargaining Agreement" with the Englewood Police Benefit Ass ociation for lhe years 2004-200S
by the passage of Resolution No. 74. Series of 2003: and
WHEREAS, ''The Collective Bargaining Agreement" wh;ch was authorized by Resolution
No. 74. Series of2003 included a provision for the ne got ia tion of200S salaries and health/dental
in surence in 2004: and
WHE REAS . the City of Englewood and the Englewood Police Ben efi t Ass~c iati on entered
into negotiations in May . 2006 in accordance with the Englewood Ci~y Home Rule Charter ; and
WHEREAS. the members of the Englewood Police Benefit Association dul y ratified, by a
maj ority vote, the Collective Bargaining Agreem ent : and
WHEREAS. the significant changes 10 the contract are:
I. A 1.8% increase on 2006 wages wiil be granted on January I. 2007.
2. A market adjustment, based on the salary survey to be conducted in the third quarter
of 2006, will be made on January I, 2007 in addition to No. I above.
3. A market adjustment, based on the salary survey lo be conducted in the third quarter
of 2007 will be made on January I, 2008 .
~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby approves the changes
to the Collective Bargaining Contract between the Englewood Police Benefit Associatirn and the
City of Englewood for the Years 2007 -2008, attached herelo as Exhibit A .
S~. The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and attest the
r ,.,lective Bargaining Contract between the Englewood Police Benefit Association and the City oi Englewood , Colorado .
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this I 0th of July. 2006.
FOR THE YEARS 2007 ·• 200 ,
This reproduction of the 2007-2008 Gmtr.iet has been prepared bythe Human Resources Department
for distribution to all covered Police office~ so that eve!)Une will be aware of the rights and benefits
contained herein.
• £A.GE
ARTIQ.E 1 DURATION OF CX>N'IRACT ............................................................................ 2
ARTIQ.E 2 RECOGNITION ..................................................................................................... 3
ARTIQ.E 3 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS ........................................................................................... 4
ARTIQ.E 4 SENIORilY ............................................................................................................. 5
ARTIQ.E 5 HOURS OF WORK ............................................................................................... 6
ARTIQ.E 6 BIDDING PROCEDURES FOR SHIFT ASSIGNMENf ............................ 8
ARTIQ.E 7 SPEOAL ASSIGNMENf ..................................................................................... 9
ARTIQ.E 8 LAYOFF .................................................................................................................. 10
ARTIQ.E 9 CX>MPENSATION ............................................................................................... 11
• Ar,TIQ.E 10
MERITPAY ........................................................................................................... 12
OVERTIME WORK ............................................................................................ 13
ARTIQ.E 12 CALL BACK .......................................................................................................... 14
ARTIQ.E 13 STANDBY .............................................................................................................. 15
ARTIQ.E 14 ACTING PAY ........................................................................................................ 16
ARTIQ.E 15 U.OTHING ALLOWANCE .............................................................................. 17
ARTIQ.E 16 ANNUAL LEAVE ................................................................................................ 18
ARTIQ.E 17 HOLIDAYS ............................................................................................................ 20
ARTIQ.E 18 ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE ............................................................................. 21
ARTIQ.E 19 :MILITARYLEAVE .............................................................................................. 22
ARTIQ.E20 FUNERALLEAVE _____ ............................. ____ 23
ARTIQ.E21 JURYDUIY .. ----................................ -------24 •
ARTia..E 22
ARTia.E 25
ARTICll 26
ARTia.E 27
ARTia.E 28
ARTia.E 29
ARTia.E 30
ARTia.E 31
ARTia.E 32
ARTia.E 33
ARTia.E 34
ARTia..E 35
LEAVES OF ABSENCE (Wl'IliOUI .PAY) .................................................. 25
PERSONALLEAVE __________ .......................... 26
SHORT TERM DISABILl'IY (SID) .............. ___ _ 27
WORKERS' COMPENSATION ................... ______ .._ .. 29
INSURANCE ...................................................................... ___ .............. 30
RETIREE HEAI.Tii INSURANCE ASSISTANCE ...................................... 31
PENSION/ RETIREMENT PLANS .............................................................. 32
RULES AND REGUIATIONS ......................................................................... 33
DUES DEDOCilON .......................................................................................... 35
ASSOQATION ACilVITIES ........................................................................... 36
LETTER OF CDRRECTIVE ACTION .......................................................... 37
DISClPLINARY ACTION ................................................................................. 38
GRIEVANCE PROCE:DURE ............................................................................ 39
EXQ.USIVENESS OF OONIRACT ............................................................... 41
This Contract entered into by the Gty of Englewood, Colorado, and the Englewood Police
Benefit Association has as its pwpose the promotion of hannonious relations between the Gty of
Englewood and its emplo~es, a fair and peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences; the
establishment of rates of pay and hours of work, and other conditions of employment murually agreed
Except where limited by express provisions elsewhere in this Contract, nothing in this Contract
shall be construed to restrict, limit or impair the rights, power; and authority of the Gtyas granted to it
by constitutional provision, statute, ordinance, chatter or special act, the exclusive power, duty and
rights to;
A. Determine the overall mission of the Gty as a unit of government.
B. To maintain and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Gtyoperacions ,
C To determine the services to be rendered, the operations to be perlomic c~ the
technology to be utilized, or the matters to be budgeted.
D. To determine the overall methods, processes, means, jc-!J classifications orper.;onnel by
which Gty operations are to be conducted.
E. To direct, supervise, hire, promote, transfer, assign, schedule, retain or lay-off emplo~es.
F. To suspend, discipline, dischaq;e, and demote for cause, ;ill full.time per.manent
classified emplo~es.
G. To relieve emplo~es from duties because of lack of work or funds, orunderconditions
where the Gey determines continued work would be inefficient o~ nonproductive .
H To take whatever other actions maybe necessary to canyout the wishes of the public
not otherwise specified herein or limited by a collective ba,gaining contract.
I. To take any and all actions to carryout the mission of the C.ity in cases of emergency.
J. Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Gtyfrom conferring with its emplo~es for
pwp..ises of developing policies to effectuate or implement any of the above enumerated rights .
A. This Contraet shall take effect on Januaiy I, 2007 and shall continue in force to and
including December 31, 2008.
B. This Contract, oranypanof it, maybe tenninatcdorrencgotiatedatanytime bymurual
:onsent of both parties.
C If any article omction of this Con=t should be held invalid by operation of law or the
District Coun, or if comp!iance with or enforcement of any article or section should be restrained by
such District Court, the remainder of this Contnct shall not be affected therebyand this Contraet shall
remain in full force and effect, and the panies shall promptly negotiate for the purpose of attempting to
arrive at a mutually satisfactory replacement of such article or section.
D. The panies agree and undemand that provisions relating to emplo~es covered bythis
Contract shall in no way displace or modify present or future statutory or case law of the State of
E. The parties acknowledge that during negotiations which resulted in this Contraet had
the unlimited right and oppommity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or
matter appropriate for negotiation discussions and that the undemandings and agreements arrived at by
the panies after this exercise of that right and oppommity are set fonh in this Contract. •
The Ci> rec ,gnizes the Englewood Police Benefit Association as the emplo-Jee organization
cenified by the Otyc f EngleWO<X! as the exclusive represemative for sworn Police e~ within the
following bargaining unit:
Included: All full.time, classified sworn police office11 bek-w the rank of Sergeant of the
Gty Police Division. (See Gty Owter, Article XV. 137:2 (b),(c)
@www.coelc~.oSlffinaocc/codc:imm htm,)
Excluded: All othe11 .
1. A full-time classified e•yee who is not a confidential employee, a 1mnagerial
employee, or a supervisor shall mve the right:
A. To for,n, join, support or participate in, or to refrain from forming, joining,
supporting. or participating in anyemplo~ organization or ilS lawful activities.
B. Bargain collectively through their certified employee representative.
C No employee shall be interfered with, restrained, coerced or discriminated
against because of the exercise of these rights nor shall the right of a.-:. individual
employee to discuss employment concems with the Oty be infringed upon.
2. The Oty and th e Englewood Police Benefit Association murually agree that a fair and
impartial investigation of officen is deemed appropriate and necessary. A written policy has been
developed and included in the operations manual specifically addressing the issue of administrative and
criminal investigations and employee rights . No changes will. be made in this policy without prior
consultation and review with association representative(s).
For the pwposes of this C.Ontnct, seniority shall be determined first by length of continuous
full.time service with the Oty Police Division according to rank and second by length of continuous
full.time service with the Gty Police Division from the first elate of hire, provided the employee
successfully completed a probationary period. In cases where two or more employees have the same
hire date, the badge number as issued by the Division shall establish priorityof position on the seniority
list. Employees shall not continue to accrue seniority while laid off, and senioritywill tenninate when
a'! employee has been laid off for a period of twelve (12) months or more.
AftmlJI employee succe ssfullrcomplete$ the probationary period, their name shall appear on
the seniority list as of the first dare of hire.
The seniority of an employee shall tt:nninate under any of the following conditions :
• When a laid off tmployee fails to give notice of the employee's intent to return to work
within seven (7) calendar days after the Gty has sent, to the employee's last known address
on fJe with the Gty, a certified letter requesting the employee's return to work.
• When the employee gives notice but fails to return to work within seven (7) calendar days
after the aforesaid letter has been sent to the employee .
• When the employee's employment " · · .e Gty is tenninated for any reason .
• When an employee is on leave of absence as provided under Anicle 22, Leaves of Absence
(Without Pan,
• If an employee is absent forthree (3) conse ~utive regularlyscheduled working days without
notifying the Director of Safety Services or immediate superviso r prior to such three (3)
days' absence without good cause as detennined by the Directorof SafetyServim.
• Failure to return to work after expiration of a formal leave of absence .
• An employee rehired but whose absence from Gtyemployment was less than eighteen (18)
months will have their prior accrued seniority with the retirement plan restored.
• An employee rehired, but whose absence from Gtyemplc -mcnt was less than twelve (12)
months will have their prior accrued seniority restored with regard to all other Otybeneftts .
The Police Division shall observe office and working houn necessary for the efficient
uansaction of their respective services.
A. WorkWeek
A work week is a regular recuning period of 168 hours in the form of seven consecutive
24-hour periods . The workweek need not be the same as the calendar week. The
workweek may begin on any day of the week and any hour of the day and need not be
the same for all emplo~es.
B. Work Schedule
I. The work schedule for officm, including roll call and meal periods, shall consist
of five (S) eight (8) hour workdays; four (4) ten (10) hour work days; or other
work schedule as determined by the Directer of Safety Services.
2. Any change in an officer's bid or assigned schedule (starting time, quitting time,
scheduled day.; off) will be made in accordance with paragraph C except
schedule changes may be made without notice if the affeeted officer agrees.
The Gty agrees to review with Association representatives issues and concerns regarding the
method and possible compensation associated with schedule changes. •
C Oian~uw Work Schedules
The work schedule may be changed by the Directer of Safety Services provided a
minimum five (,;) days advance notice is given. Work schedules may be changed
without advance notice in the case of emergencies as determined by t.'ie Director of
Safety Services. When an employee•~ work schedule is changed for pwposes of training,
special instruction, etc., the supervirnr shall make a reasonable effort to accommodate
the employee's interests concerning the scheduled change.
D. Staffin&
The need for an appropriate level of staffing is recogniud by the Gty for the pwpose
of efficiency and safety. The Police Division will address this issue in division policy.
E. Meal Periom
Officers shall be granted a paid meal period of thiny (30) minutes for each eight (8)
hourworksbift. Employees working a ten (10) hourworkshiftshall be allowed a paid
forty-five ('4S) minute meal period. An employee may conduct personal I,,· !IICSS dwing
the meal period. The meal period shall be authorized and conttolled b1 · .~ employee's
supervisor. •
P. Ren Periods
Emplo~ shall be granted a paid mt period not to exceed fifteen {IS) minutes dw-inK
~roxunately the fim one-half of the emplo~e •s regular wont day and an ad.iitional
fifteen (15) minutes rest break approximauly in the second one-half of the wont day.
Rest periods shall be authorized and controlled by the emplo~e's supervisor .
A Seniority applicable to the seniority bid process will be determined in accordance with
the total length of continuow employment as a Police Officer with the Gty of Englewood. Prior Gty
employment in other than a Police Officer capacity will not apply toward seniority. Probatioruuy
employees will not be included in the bid process.
Biddin~ for Watches and Days Off
B. The seniority bid sy.;tem will be applicable to persoMel assigned to the Uniform Patrol
Bureau only, and will not be authorized in any othe r bureau or special assignment.
The Uniform Patrol Bureau commander will develop and post a schedule prior to each year for
a twe lve -month period.
A patrol officer in the Uniform Patrol Bureau will bid once each year in November for
assignments within four (4) trut ?. (3) month intervals .
There will be a total of five (5) non-biddable positions which shall consist of two (2) non-
biddable positions on Watch I and thr,~e (3) non-biddable positions on Watch II , provided that any new
pos ition(s) added to the Uniform Patrd Bure au after January!, 199 7, shall be non-biddable pos itions,
up to a maximum of nine (9) non-biddable positions in the bureau. The bidding proces s will begin with
the most senior Police Officer bidding the positions of their choice. In th e des cending order of •
seniority, each remaining Police Officer will have choice of the remaining biddable positions . All
specialized positions such as crime prevention officer, traffic officer, etc. will not be open to bid. The
specialized assignments aiong with any no-bid positions on a watch, will be in addition to the biddable
position on each watch. Officers may request non-biddable positions and an attempt will be made to
accommodate them, but such positions will be assigned at the discretion of the Uniform Patrol Bureau
If an employee fails to submit a bid in accordance with the bidding procedure, the employee will
relinquish the opponunity to bid by seniority, and will be assigned at th e dis cretion of the Uniform
Patrol Bureau commander.
An employee in anther ass ignment, who is reassigned to the Uniform Patrol Bureau will occupy
the position vacated by the employee they are replacing. If other positions are available, the employee
may request as signment to such positions, but may only be assigned at the discretion of the Patrol
Division commander. The officer will then be allowed to bid at the next bid process .
It is further understood that should a schedule change for unforeseen emergency circumstances arise,
officers may be assigned by the Uniform Patrol Bureau commander from one shift to the other to
handle whatever emergency situation exists during the duration of the emergency,
The Division will maintain a written process for selection and service including perfonnance of
emplo~es for special assignments in the Police Operations Manual
The Director of Safety Services will consult with the Association regarding any future changes to
the selection process .
Whenever there ii lack of work, lack ol fundi, or under condiionl wliere the Gty determines
continued work would be inefficient or 11011-procM',M the apponina llllhorily ,hall de:,ignau: the
positions in which the la)Off ii to be nu,
The order of la)Off ,hall be detennined by the Oty Manapr on the buil of the quality and
length of service provided by the emplo)ftl in the affected area, Qualiy of work will include the
emplo~e 's total employment record. 1hla record includn annual petfonnance evaluations,
commendations, disciplinary actiona, educadon, lllinins, eu:. Ally e~lo)ftl who have not )'et
achieved pennanent or regular status or who have le.,1 than twelve (12) l!1DIMI of full.time employment
with the Gtyshall be laid off fint, reprdlm of performance. Permanent emplo~s who are laid off
have the right to be reemplo~ u a police officer, in invene order of la)'Off, provided that such recall
occurs within eighu:en (18) months of la)Off and the e1111lo~ cominue1 to meet the qualifications for
that position. Laid off emplo~ will stay on the recall lilt foreishteen (18) months. In the event the
quality and length of service are equal, seniority shall prevail The recall list shall u:nninatc after eighteen
(18) months. If fmancial conditions warrant and at the discretion of the Director of Safety Services , an
emplo~e, recallcd from la)Off 10 a classification lo..-er than that held at the time of the la)Off, may be
moved up 10 the highest classification previously held at an accelerated pace.
Emplo~es shall not continue to accrue service credit, including seniority, or be eligible for any
Gty benefits during la)Off, In the event of a la)Off, affected emplo~es will be given as nwch advance
notice as pos sible .
On January 1, 2007 the nte schedule is as shown below.
Regular Straight
T 1IllC H>urly Rate
Police Officer V $21.28
Police Officer IV $22 .63
Police Officer III $24 .89
Police Officer II $27.37
Police Officer! $30.11
B. The schedule in "A." above will be further adju sted on January 1, 2007 to reflect the 2007
"market median " as detetmined by the 2006 Salary Swvey. The "market median" will be based
upon the 2007 median wage of either the top nte for the highest ranking police officer or maximum
of the salary range for top ranking police officer (if the jurisdiction uses nnges vs . a flat rate) at:
Arvada, Auron, Boulder, Commerce Gty, Denver, Greenwood Village, Laktwood, Littleton,
Longmont and Thornton. The swvey will be conducted in the 4th quaner of 2006 by the Human
Resources Deparunent, with the concurrence of the EPBA The Gty and the EPBA will meet by
November 1, 2006 to approve the survey and finalize the revised salary table for 2007.
C The sc hedule in "A." above will be further adjusted on January l , 2008 to reflect the 2008
"market median" as detennined by the 2007 Salary Swvey. The "market median" will be based
,1pon the 2008 median wage of either the top nte for the highest ranking police officer or maximum
of the salary rang , for top ranking police officer (if the jurisdiction uses ranges vs . a flat nte) at:
Arvada, Auron, Boulder, Commerce Gty, Denver, Greenwood Village, Laktwood, Littleton,
Longmont and Thornton . The surve y will be conducted in the 4th quaner of 2007 by the Human
Resources Department, with the co ncurrence of the EPBA The Gty and the EPBA will meet by
November 1, 2007 to approve the swvey and finalize the revised salary table for 2008 .
Class Increase
The wage increase provided for Police Officer 4th Oass through !st Oass shall not be
considered automatic, but nther based upon meritorious service. Said class increase may be granted
or d!nied to any individual Police Officer upon recommendation of the Director of Safety Services
and with the appro val of the Gty Manager or designee upon written notice to such individual Police
Officer. The date in which the class increase is approved shall detetmine the new class annivmary
date .
A. Each Police Officer I shall be eligible for merit pay in an amount determined by the
Director of Safety Services, up to a total of $625. for 2002 and up to a total of $750. for
2003 .
B, S11c:h merit payshall be awarded in the exercise of the Dutctor's discretion, based upon
specific written objective and subjective perfotnW1ce criteria developed bythe DiJ?ctor
and made available to emplo~es .
C Eligible emplo~es who believe they meet the criteria for such an award shall submit
applicat:"ns 10 the Merit Pay Review C.Ornmittce on or before thiny (30) da~ prior to
the emplo~'s employment anniversary date . lhe C.Ornmittce shall make a
recommendation to the Director regarding the amount of the merit pay, if any, to be
awarded to the emplo~e. The amount recommended shall not exceed the amount set
forth in Paragraph A, above. The Director shall promptly consider and make a
determination as 10 each such recommendation.
A Employees coveP.:d by this C.Ontmt shall be compensated at time and one-half (11/2)
the employee's regular hourly nte of pay for all assigned ho1111 worked over and above
their regular DAILY work schedule .
B. Overtime shall not be pyramided, compounded or paid twice for the same ho1111
C 1he Gey retains the right to assign overtime work to anyemplo~e qualified to perfonn
the work.
D. Overtime available during a given watch shall be offered on a voluntary basis to officers
working the preceding or succeeding watch, as appropriate, in order of seniority. If no
officer accepts, the least senior officer may be required to work the overtime , an
accommodation may be authorized, or the City may, at its discretion, call any officer in
to work the overtime .
E. Emplo}'!es who have worked overtime hours may take time off in lieu of overtime pay
upon mutual agreement between the emplo~e and the emplo~e 's supervisor. If there
is no murual agreement, the emplo}'!e shall be paid. Such time off shall be taken during
the pay period in which it was earnec! and shall be paid in accordance with section A
above . If the emplo~e is unable to take such time off as a result of emergency or
unforeseen circumstances, the emplo~e will he compensated at the overtime rate of pay
for such time .
F. Emplo}'!es required to attend fireanns qualification on their off-duty time will be
guaranteed two (2) hours overtime pay if they successfully qualify during such
attendarce. Emplo~es required to attend fireanns qualification on theiroff-dutytime
and who fail to qualify will be compensated for time actually spent in attendance at the
qualification facility at their regular rate of pay unless pa~ble as overtime pursuant to
this Anicle .
A. An ernplo~e on off-duty status who is called back to duty shall be credited with a
minimwnof two (2) hows of payatthe r.ite ofone and one-half (1 1/2) the ernplo~e's
regular hourly wage r.ite.
B. An ernplo~e called back to wotk during the first two (2) hows prior to the stan of their
regular shift shall be paid at the ovenirne r.ite for all hour.; actually wotked up to the
staning time of their regular shift.
C Should anyernplo~e be required to testify before any coun or divisional administrative
hearing as a resuh of his/her official duties with the Qty, the time spent by such
ernplo~e in providing such testimony shall be considered to be wotk time. If such
appearance for testimony is at a time when the ernplo~e would otherwise be off duty,
the emplo~e shall be paid as provided under Section A above. The emplo~c shall pay
to the Gtyall wiwess fees, and other compensation paid to the emplo~e in conjunction
with so testifying excluding mileage fees. An emplo~e who is called for witness duty
shall present to their supervisor the origuw summons or subpoena from the coun or at
the conclusion of such duty, shall provide a signed statement from the cletk of the
coun, or other ~vidence indicating the amount of time his/her per.ion was required.
D. When ar. emplo~e is subpoenaed as a wimess in private litigation to testify, aot in
his/her official capacity but as an individual, the time absent by reasons thereof shall be
taken as any accrued leave or leave without pay, if all accrue<l leave is exhausted. •
• 14
Emplo;rr.es assigned to SWldbydutyshall be credited with two and one-half (2 li) hows of pay
at the overtime. rate of pay for each twelll)'-four (24) hour period, during which they are on standby.
Emplo~ a.~signed to standby for less than a twenl)'-four(24) hour continuous period shall be credited
with one (1) hour of pay at the overiune rare for each such assignment.
See City of Englewood Administtt.tive Policy #1 , "Acting Pay" for cliscuslion of acting pay for
positions nor. covered by this contraet. (Administntive Policy Man~al can be fowid on the (L:) Drive
(Everyone drive) in the HR folder on the Gty netWOr\q,
A The Oty sball furnish, or reimburse die cos, of unifo,ms, including ~.itb :.r gear,
insignias, shoes and clothing, required while on duty, and sball pay all costs of maintenanu, repair and
cleaning thereof, provided that reimbursemc :1t o~ such costs shall not be required if approval of the
Division Oiief is not obtained in advan.:e . All cmplo~s assigned to non-uniform positions for a
period of thiny (30) days or more and not required to be in unifonn during work, sball receive a
monthly clothing allowaw.e of$100. This allowance will be payable in a $1200. lurnp swnonJanuaryl
of each ~ar but sh.Ji be prorated for emplo~es beginning and r.erminating employment or the
assignment to a non-uniform position during the ~ar. The empln~ shall be responsible for all lost or
nolen items identified above, or damage to the same, as a resuh of 1HE EMPLOYEE'S negligence or
deliberate act.
B. The Gty will provide on a rep I 1eement basis a high quality bullet proof vest (flack
jacket). Replacement shall be made once evety five (5) ~ars, or at such earlier time as the Oty is
notified of any event or condition rendering such a vest unsafe for iu intended purpose . In the event of
specialized or customized vests, the Qty will pay the same dollar amount for the Oty issued and
authorized vest with the emplo~e paying the differences in cost.
Emplo}ftS shall earn annual leave at the following mes.
20 and above
The earning limits for annual leave shall be as follows:
Lenoh of Smice
10-19 years
A Annual leave shall not be granted to any employee until after completion of six (6)
months consecutive service with tiic Gty.
B. The schedule for use of annual leave shall be dctcnnincd by the needs of the
dcpartmcnL Annual leave shall be taken at a time convenient to and approved by the Director of Safety
Services. (See City of Englewood Administrative Policy 30, "Annual Leave", for further dewls.)
Annual Leave &,v
The rate of annual leave pay shall be the employee's regular straight time hourly rate of payfor
the employee's regular job . Annual leave shall be allowed only to the total hourly amount accumulated
during · the pay period in which the leave is taken.
Work Durio& Annual Lme
If after the employee bas begun their annual leave and the Gty requires the employee to work
during the scheduled annual leave period, the employee shall be compensated as follows:
A 1he employee shall be paid for all hours worked at the overtime rate.
B. The employee shall not be charged with annual leave for the number of hours worked.
There shall be a one-week minimum m, use of annual leave time, wuess otherwise authorized by
the Director of Safety Services or his/her designated representative . (Exception: If all personal leave
has been exhausted and the cmplo~c is ill or injured, annual leave maybe substituted for personal leave,
and will serve as the elimination shift in order to access Short Term Disability. In this instance the
cmplo~c must notify his/her supervisor one hour prior to the start of his/her shift.)
The maximum use of annual leave shall be no greater than the amount accumulated by the
cmplo~c during the pay period in which the leave is taken, and in no event shall the annual leave
exceed four ( 4) consecutive weeks unless otherwise authorized by the Director of Safety Services .
Annual Leave Pay ¼xio Sepa@tion
Any cmplo~c who is separated from the service of the Gey, i.e., retireme nt, termination (if
elllt'lo~c has completed six (6) months of continuous service with the Gtn, or layoff, shall be
compensated for the unused annual leave time accumulated at the time of separation at the cmplo~c's
regular hourly w2ge rate . Annual le2ve is not to be used to extend an employee's date of separation.
Biddin, for Annual Leave
Each officer will bid one annual leave , by seniority, for the ~ar's period, January 1 through
December 31. Additional annual leave periods will be granted, on a first requested basis, only after all
seniority-bid annual le aves have been scheduled
The bidding process for annual leave will take place in November as scheduled by the Uniform
Patrol Bureau commander after completion of all bidding for watches and da~ off.
Annual leaves arc expected to be scheduled in good faith by each emplo~c and shall specify the
exact dates desired.
In the Uniform Patrol Bureau, not more than four(4) officers per watch will be scheduled for
annual or holiday leave at the same time, unless approved by the Director of S?fetyServiccs ordesignee.
Wtthin the Investigative Services Bureau, not more than two (2) officers will be scheduled for annual
leave or holiday leave at any one time unless approved by the Director of Saf cty Scrticcs .
Annual leave will be administered at the discretion of the Director of SafctyScrviccs ordesigncc
for personnel assigned to any other Bureau(s) .
A. Officers usigned to the UnifonnPatrol Bw-eau shall be scheduled for one~ (100)
hours of holiday time with pay at the discmion of the Director of Safety Services or clesignee.
li>lida)' will be bid after all annual leave has been bid by seniority, with annual leave taking precedent
over holida)', The bid time for holida)' is the same time u annual leave according to the bid schedule,
except that any holida>' not scheduled or used by August I of that year may !-.e usigned.
i Officers assigned to th e Investigative Services Bureau will be granted ninety-six (96)
hours of time off on the regularly observed Gty holida)', If a holiday falls on one of their regularly
scheduled da)' off, these employees will be given an alternate day off. These officers may also be
granted a "floating holiday" option . They may be allowed to exchange any of the below listed holidays
for any other day in the year he/she is normally scheduled to work. Scheduling will be made with •he
approval of the Director of Safety Services or clesignee .
Presidents ' Day
Veterans Day
Friday after Thanksgiving
Martin Luther King Day
Labor Day
Memorial Day
Christmas Eve
New Year's Eve
C. If after the employee has begun their holiday and the Gtyrequires the employee to work
during the scheduled holiday period, the employee shall be compensated as follows :
I. The employee shall be paid for all hours worked at the overtime rate .
2. The employee shall not be charged with holiday time for the number of hours
D. Upon mutual agreement of the employee and the Director of Safety Services or
designee, a maximum of fifty (50) hours of holiday time maybe cashed out for pay, in lieu of time off.
At the employee's option, ten (10) houn of holiday shall be guaranteed to be cashed out for employees
working ten (10) hour shifts and eight (8) hours of holiday time shall be guaranteed to be cashed out
for pay, in lieu of time off, for employees working eight (8) hour shifts . The rate of pay shall be at the
employee's regular hourlyqe.
E. In the Uniform Patrol Bureau, not more than four (4) officers per watch will be
scheduled for annual or holiday leave at the same time, unless approved by the Director of Safety
Services or designee . Wtthin the Investigative Services Bureau, not more than two (2) officers will be
scheduled for annual or holiday leave at the same time, unless approved by the Director of Safety
Services or designee.
F. li>liday leave will be administered at the discretion of the Director of Safety Services
or designee for personnel assigned to any other Bureau(s).
Admirustrative leave with pay maybe 1,,uted an eiq,lo)ft at the discretion of the Director of
Safety Services or designee. This leave is used when circwnstances require in the best interests of the
Oty and/ or eiq,lo)ft that the eiq,lo~ should temporuily be relieved from duty .
AR.Tia.E 19. MIUTARYLEAVE • See Oty of Englewood Administrative Policy #35, ''Miliwy Leave",
The Directar of Safety Services shall grant leave with pay to an emplo)ft to attend tht funeral of
a mermer of the emplo)ft 'S family. The number of da}' granted shall be governed by the
circumstances of the rase, but in no evem shall they exceed seven (7) calcndarda}', For the pwpose of
this section, 'employee's family" shall mean the employee's spouse, or the children, grandchildren,
parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters of the employee or of the employee's spouse .
See Qcy of Englewood Admini,ttative Policy #34 , "Jury Duty ,nd Wime11 Service".
• AR11a.E 22. LEAVE '\ OF ABSENa (WffiK)Uf PAY)
See City of Englewood Adminiltntive Policy #38, "Unpaid Leaves of Absence" .
All emplo~es covered by this Contract on an eight (8) hour work day shall be granted 48
per.;onal leave hours with pay and those on a ten {10) hour work day shall be granted 50 personal leave
hours with pay which an emplo~ is entitled to use for the following purposes:
A Employee's own illness/injury
B. Illness/injury of employee's family
C To aru:nd to personal business
For any emplo~e who has not used the 48 or 50 personal leave hours ending October 31 of
each ~ar Cl! .ny portion thereof, the Gty will compensate said emplo~e for the unused time at the
employee's wage rate to be paid during the month of November of that ~ar. Personal l!ave time shall
not exr;eed the 48 or 50 hours as designated above nor shall it be accumulated or earned over from one
~ar to the next. Personal leave shall be scheduled and administered under the direction of the Director
of Safety Services for personal busine ss. In the event of illness/inj ury in which personal leave is
requested, the emplo~e shall notify their supervisor or other person designated by the supervisor at
least one (1) hour prior to their scheduled reporting time .
Personal leave shall be prorated for emplo~es beginning and terminating employment with the
Gty during the November 1 -October 31 time period.
Upon completion of 90 days of service, SID leave is granted for non-service connected injuries
{except as descnbed below in section D.,2 .,b.) or illnesses of an emplo~e which prevents the emplo~
from performing his/her duties as a City emplo~e .
B. ~
The utyagrces to provide SID leave with payforemplo~es absent as a result of illness/injury
as follows :
91 days-4 ~m
347 hour.;
520 hour.;
693 hour.;
C Accumulation and Restoration
SID leave shall not be accwnulative except that on January 1 of each ~ar, the utyshall restore
100% of the number of hour.; previously wed byau emplo~e as follows :
91 days-4~m
up to a maximum of 17 4 hour.;
up to a maximum of 260 hour.;
up to a maximum of 347 hour.;
Such restoration shall continue each ~ar until such time as the emplo~e accrues the maximum
number of hour.; for which he or she is eligible under Article 24.B.
D. ~
1. Upon completion of 90 days of service , authorization for SID leave with pay
shall only be granted after the first shift of disability. The first shift of disability will be paid with the
employee 's accumulated leave time in the fo llowing order: personal leave, annual leave , holiday leave.
After all accrued leaves have been exhausttd the first shift of disability will be leave without pay.
2. Authorization for SID shall only be granted for the following reasons:
a. Personal illness or injury not service connected, including maternity
related disability.
b. Service connected injwy or illness only after the , .inety days described
in Article 25, Workers' Compensation, hu been <e'lhaustcd .
E. Sick Leave OJztjon
All sick leave accrued by pennanent employees prior to January 1, 1980 shall vest with the
employee, and may be used in the following manner.
I. Amr the 693 hours as descnbed above have been used unless the employee is
entitled to retirement as a result of disability.
2. By cashing in all accrued sick leave accumulated under the previous plan upon
n~rmal or disability retirement from the City at the rate of one hour's pay for each two hours of
accrued sick leave or one hour's pay for each four hours upon separation from the City .
3. By cashing in accrued sick leave under the previous plan, once each year at the
convmion rate of four (4) hours sick leave for one (1) hour pay, not to exceed a convers io n of
more than 400 hours each year.
F. &ponin~ of STD
The employee ora membc:: of die employee's household shallnotif;·the employee's supervisor
at least one (1) hourpriorto the ernp k,,.,e's scheduled reporting time. No STD leave .viii be granted to
an employee who fails to notify their mpervisor priorto the beginning of the employee's work schedule
unless circumstances beyond the control of the employee would not pennit.
G. Verification of Disability
If absence from work is three (3) days or more, a medical release must be provided to the
employee's supen•isor, who will forward it to Human Resources for possible Family and Medical Leave
If the Director of Safety Services requires a physician's statement of disability in addition to the
one mentioned above, the Gty shall bear reasonable and necessary costs required to obtain suc h
physician's statement.
H Abuse of SID
A.1 employee who makes a false claim for STD leave shall be subject to disciplinary action.
A. Foranyon-the-job injwywhichcauses anyemployee to be absent from worltas a result
of such injury, the Gty shall pay to such employee his/her full wages from the first day of his/her
absence from worlt up to and including the 90th calendar day of such absence, less whatever sums
received by the employee as disability wages under workers' compensation. Amr exhaustion of the
ninety(90) da~ if the employee is still disabled, he/ she can utilize leave under the provisions of Anicle
24. The Gty reserves the right to require any employee on injury or disability leave to submit to an
examination(s) byOt)'-appointed ph~ician(s) at the Gtys expense or under the provision of workers'
compensation or the retirement/ pension provisions as provided under State Statute .
B. All injuries that occur during working hours shall be reported to the employee's
supervisor within 24 hours of the injury or before the employee leaves their department of employment
unless circumstances be)Qnd the control of the employee would not permit.
C. During the term of this Agreement, the Gty shall pay one-half (1/2) of the state-
mandated contnbution for death and disabilitypursuant to§ 31-31-811(4), CRS., for officers hired after
January 1, 1997 .
The City will pay ninety p=ent (90%) of the premium coal for "employee only"
coverage, eight)"five percent (85%) of the premium cost for "employee plus one" coverage and
eighty percent (80%) of"family" coverage for medical insurance. Employees will pay 1()%, 15%
or 20% of the premium cost.
The City will pay ninety percent (90%) of the premium cost for "employee only"
coverage, eight)"five percent (85%) of the premium cost for "employee plus one" coverage and
eighty percent (80%) of "family" coverage for dental insurance . Employees will pay 10%, 15%
or 20% of the premium cost.
Tenn life insurance will be provided bythe c.ityforemployces covered bythis Contract
in an amount equal to one rear's salary as specified in Atticle 9 .A or B, Compensation,
whichever applies, not to exceed $50,000.
D. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of benefits provided under the
health or dental plans shall be subject to the plan appeal process . It is expresslyundemood that
this anicle is a non-grievable item under this Contract.
It is wxlemood and agreed by both parties that any referral to health insur.uice for retirees or
future retirees is not to be construed as a part of this C.Omract. The Oty agrees to pay the retiree
$75.00 permonthforemplo~es who retired on or before December 31, 1994; andS100 .00 per month
foremplo~es who retire on or after January 1, 1995 .
The pension plan desaipoon fo r emplo~es covered by this Ointnet is set forth in Title 3,
Oiapter 5 of the Englewood Municipal Code .
Additionally, the plan document for the City of Englewood Police Pension Plan (101A
Retirement Corporation Prototype Money Purchase Plan and Trust) is available for inspection in the
Depanment of Finance and Administrative Services.
A. Except u limited by the~ terms of this Comract, the Cltymains the ,.ht
10 promulgate reasonable Nies, regulations, policies, procedures and directives. Said rules, regulations,
policies, and procedures and directives which aie an alleged violal.ion of this O>mract shall be subject to
the grievance procedure.
B. The Gty agrees to meet and confer in a timely manner with the Association
concerning the fonnulation of changes of rules and reguutions, policies, procr.dures and din:ctives .
See Oty of Englewood Administmive Policy #29, "Tuition Reizr,bunement/DegrH Achievement
A. The Oty ~es to deduct the Association dues once each pay period from the pay of those
emplo~es who individually requen in writing that such deductions be made, subject to the ganmhment
laws of the State of Colorado. The amounts to be deducted shall be cenified to the Oty Direetor of
Human Resources by the Treasurer of the Association, and the aggregate deductions of all emplo~s
shall be remitted together with an itemized natement to the Treasurer by the I 5th of the succeeding
month, after such deductions are made . The authorization shall be revocable during the term of the
Contract, upon a thirty (JO) day written notice by the emplo)'l:e to the Oty Finance and Administrative
Services Direetor.
B. If no wages are paid an authoriz.ed emplo)'l:e on the last pay period of a given pay
period, deduction for that pay period will be made from any wages which maybe paid to him/heron
the next succeeding final monthly Oty pay period. It is exp.i:ssly understood that the Gty assumes no
ihbility ,.nd shall not be liable for the collection or payment to the Association of any dues during any
time that an emplo~e is not actually working for the Oty and actuaily on the payroll of the Oty. In the
event of error on the check-off list, the Gtywill not be responsible to make adjustments, until notified
by the Treasurer of the Association.
C The Association shall indemnify and hold the Gty hannless against any and all claims,
suits, orders, or judgments brought or issued against the Gtyas a result of any action taken or not taken
by the Gty under the provision of this Article .
D. Oianges in the dues amount to be dedueted shall be limited to two (2) changes each
year, and provided a thirty (JO) day written notice is provided the Gty Director of Human Resources .
E. Should the change in the deduction amount or method require a computer programming
change, the Association shall be responsible for that cost of such change or changes, at $30 per hour
with a four ( 4) hours maximwn. Payment from the Association shall be made to the Gty Direetor of
Human Resources within ten (10) clays of receipt of billing. 1
The Oty agrees that during working houn on the Oty premim and without loss of pay,
Association representatives may be allowed to: au.end Association-management meeiings; •ttend
negotiation sessions ; post Association notices on C".ity clesignar.ed bulletin uoards; solicit Association
memberships during emplo~e 's non-worluime; and representemplo-yees on grievances and disciplinary
mauers provided the worlt load pennits as detennined by the Dirt.ctor of Safety Services or designated
representative and requires no ove~ pay.
A. Oral Om:wivc Action · W1ienever grt-unds fo r corrective acdon exists and the
supervisor determines that the incident, actior. or behavior of the emplo)ff is such that more severe
action is not immediately necessuy, the supervisor should orally communicate to the emplo)ff the
supervisor's observation of the problem and offer assistance in correcting the situation . W1ien an oral
corrective action is given, the supervisor should ensure that the emplo~e 's departmental penonnel file
is documented to show the date of the m:-rective action and the nature of the corrective action. The
emplo~e should be advised that th<! corrective action will be documented in the emplo~e•s
departmental file . Examples of reaso n, that may result in an oral corrective action are li>ted underGty
of Englewood Adminatrative Polit)' Ma nual. P~licy #25, "Correctiv e and Disciplinary Action", and the
Police Operation Manual, 3. 1, "Coile cf Co nd ur.t" and 3.2, "Di scipline ".
B. Written Com:ccivc Art lQ,1 • \JG'hen the supervisor determines that a wtiacn corrective
action is appropriate and necessuy, the ,c.1c:ctive action shall be addressed to the emplo~e and shall
include the violation; the specific behavior and the dates of the behavior (when appropriate) that
suppon the clwge; the warning that continuanc e of this behavior will result in disciplinary action; and
an offer of assistance in correcting the behavior.
A signed copy of the com:ctive action by the supervis or shall be included in the emplo~e•s
official penonnel file in the Human Resources Department, and the emp,o~e shall have the
opportunity to submit wtiacn comments in response to the corrective action to be included in the file .
After a period of one (1) :,,:ar from the date of the filing of the wtiacn com:ctive action, the emplo:,,:e 's
current and regular supervisor shall review said leacr and prov id~ a follo w-up leacr indicating the status
of the wriacn com:ctive action . Examples of reasons that may result in a wriacn corrective action are
lis ted under City of Englewood Administrative Poli cy Manual, Policy #25, "Corrective and Di sci plin ary
Acti on", and the Police Operati on Manual, 3.1, "Code of Co nduct'' and 3.2, "Dis cipline".
C The emplo:,,:e retains the right to request an administrative re view of the wriacn
corrective action . The Director of Safety Services shall de velop this administrative review-proc edure
which shall at a minimum consist of a board with equal representation of command staff to be selected
by the Director of Safety Services, and Association memben to be selected by the emplo:,,:e. This
board shall be advisory to the Director of Safety Services , and its findings shall be pbced in the
emplo:,,:e 's pc nonnel file . This Article shall not be grievable under this Contract. If this procedure is
not observed, at the request of the Association a meeting maybe helcl between the Department, the Gty
Manager's office and the Assoc iation to address this issue .
Disciplinary actions are those penonnel actions administertd against an e-.,plo~e for an
offensive act or poor job performance, which actions advenelyaffect the cumnt pay, current statUS, or
tenun: of the emplo~.
I. Disciplinary ?.ction penalties include suspension, demotion, and discharge of an
emplo~e .
2. Disciplinary action may be :administered concurrently with corrective actions .
3. Reasons for disciplinary action are defined under Gty of Englewood Administrative
Policy Manw.l, Policy #25, "Corrective and Disciplinary Action" and the Police
Operations Manual: 3.1, "Code of Conduct" and 3.2, "Discipline".
An ~rnplo~e shall be allowed at his/her discretion one (1) Association representative to be
present dv.ring predisciplinarymeetings , This provision shall applyonlywhen i •,1 emplo~e desires the
assistance of an Association representative and only when the emplo~e believe ; that disciplinary action
as defined above may be taken against the emplo~c.
A grievance is defined as an alleged violation concerning the interpretation or application of a
specific provision of this Contract. The employee and the Association shall be required to follow the
procedure as set out below.
If the employee/ Association is unable to settle the grievance or dispute orally and infonnally
through his/her immediate supervisor within seven (7) calendar da)'S of the date of the occurrence of
the grievance, or the employee's knowledge of it, the employee may within the succeeding seven (7)
calendar da)'S file a wrirten grievance with his/her supervisor. The supervisor shall attempt to resolve
the matter and shall respond in writing to the employee within seven (7) calendarda)'S. An Association
or general grievance shall be presented directly by the President of EPBA or his designee to the Direetor
of Safety Services .
If the grievance still remains unresolved, it shall be presented by the employee to the Division
Otief in writing within seven (7) calendar da)'S following receipt of the supervisor's response . Tut
Division Otief shall respond in writing within seven (7) calendar da)'S ,
If the grievance still remains unresolved, it shall be presented bythe employee to the Director of
Safety Services in writing within seven (7) calendar da)'S following receipt of the Division Otief's
response . The Director of Safety Services shall respond in writing within seven (7) calendar days.
If the grievance still remains unresolved, it shall be presented by the employee to the Gty
Manager in writing within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the Director of Safety Services'
response. The Gty Manager or his/her designated representative shall respond in writing within
fourteen (14) calendar days .
If the grievance is still Wll'Csolved, the employee within foutteen {14) calendar days after the
reply of the Gty Manager or his/her designated representative, may by written notice request the matter
be heard by an arbitrator. If within five days of the request for arbitration the Association and the Gty
cannot murually agree on an impartial arbitrator, a request will be filed with the American Arbitration
Association for a panel of seven arbitrators to be sent to the parties. The arbitrator shall be selected by a
method of ahcmative striking of names from the pane~ with the first strike determined by a coin flip .
The final name left on the panel shall be the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall be requested to issue a
decision within thirty (30) days after conclusion of testimony and argument.
Each party shall be responsible for compensation to its own representatives and witnesses. The
fees of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by the Association and the City. 17 either puty desires a •
verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, provided it pays for the
record and mws copie$ available to the arbitrator. If the other pany wishes to have a copy of the
tnnscript, it shall share equally all cosu of the tnnscript.
Failure byan emplo}'e or the Association to complywith ;,nytime limitation shall constitute a
settlement of the grievance. Should the emplo}'r not respond within the prescnbed time, the grievance
will automatically proceed to the next step. Al the emplo}'e 's option, the emplo}'r may be allowi:d
additional time to respond.
Authorizy of Mitmor
The arbitrator shall have no powi:r to add to or subtract from or cl.,mge the terms of this
Contract. 'The written decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties . The
arbitrator shall limit his/her decis ion strictly to the grievance submitted whi.:h has been properly
processed through the grievance procedure outlined.
Processinc Grievance Durio& Workinc Hours
Grievances maybe investigated and processed bythe emplo}'e and one {1) on-duty Association
representative at the emplo}'e 's request during working ho~ within reasonable time limits without loss
of pay provided norice is given and the worlt load permiu. •
The Cltyand the Associaiion agree that the tenm and provision., herein contained constinu the
entiR Contnct between the panies and supenede all previous communications, ~resematives or
agreemems, either verbal or written, between the panies with respect to the subject mmer herein. The
Clty and the Association agree that all negotiable items have been discussed during the negotiations
leading to this Contract and, therefore, agree that negotiations will not be reopened on any item during
the life of this Contraet except by mutual agreement of the parties .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Contnct to be signed by their
respective representatives , and their signatures placed thereon, on this __ day of July, ZCOfi at
Englewood, Color.ulo.
Date: A1enda Item : Subject:
July 10, 2006 11 c I Coll ecllve Bargaining Agreeme nt Between
the City and the EPBA for 2007 and 2008
Initiated By : I Staff Source:
Human Resources Department Sue Eaton, Direc tor of Human Res ou rces
The previnus Collective Bargaining Agreer,1ent with the Englewood Police Benefit Association was
approved by Council for ~005 and 2006.
Staff requ ests Council adopt a Resolution to approve th e Collective Bargaini ng Agreemen t between
the Engle\\ood Police Benefit Associ ation and ihe City of Englewood for '.he years 2007 and 2008.
Th e contra:! covers app roximately 55 employees .
The City of Englewood and the Englewood Pol ice Benefit Asso cia tion entered into nego tiations in
May of 2006 in accorda nce with the City of Englewood Charter. The members of th e Engle wood
Po lice Benefi t Ass ociati o n duly ra ti fied , by a majority v ole, th e Collective Bargaining Agreement.
The significant c hanges l o th e contrac t are as follows:
1. A 1.8% increase on 2006 wages will be granted on January 1, 2007 ,
2. A market adjustment, based on th e salary survey to be cond ucted in the third quarter of
2006, will be made on January 1, 2007 in addition to #1 above.
3. A market adjustmen~ based o n the salary survey to be conducted in the third quarter of
2007, will be made on January 1, 2008.
Th e i1Tp act of the salary increase mentioned in #1 above will be approximately $63,000 for 2007
(salari es, Medicare and pension). The impact of the salary increases dependant on the 2006 and
2007 salary surveys (#2 and #3 above) is not known al this tim e. Each 1% increase to wages
(including Medicare and pension) will cost approximately $35,400 .
UST OF ATTACHMENTS • EPBA Collective Barplnlng Agreement for 2007 and 2008