HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 Ordinance No. 078• • • ORDINANCE NO. '/f SERIES OF 1998 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO . 71 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO A LIBRARY SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGY ACT (LSTA) GRANT FROM THE COLORADO STATE LIBRARY AND DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. WHEREAS, the Englewood Public Library submitted a LSTA grant proposal to the Colorado State Library and Department of Education to be used to expand the Englewood Library services to blind and visually impaired members of the community ; and WHEREAS , the Englewood Public Library has approximately $95,000 invested in materials (e.g . large print books , books-on-tape , DVS video tapes) and specialized equipment purchased with previous grant funds and/or private donations to help blind and visually impaired patrons meet their reading needs ; and WHEREAS, in cooperation with the Colorado Center for the Blind (CCB), the Library proposes to employ a CCB student on a part-time contractual basis to assist other CCB students and members of the blind community in the south metro area in learning how to make better use of these and other, more traditional library services , as well as to translate copies of all standard Englewood Public Library public handouts and instructions into several braille and large print notebooks for use by blind and visually-impaired Library patrons; and WHEREAS , the Englewood Public Library has been awarded a LSTA Grant in the amount of $11 ,140 which will run from October 1, 1998 through August 31 , 1998; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Intergovernmental Agreement pertaining to a Library Services and Technology Act Grant between the Englewood Public Library and the Colorado State Library and Department of Education , attached as "Exhibit A", is hereby accepted and approved by the Englewood City Council. Section 2. The Mayor is authorized to execute and the City Clerk to attest and seal the Grant Award for and on behalf of the City of Englewood , Colorado . Introduced, read in full , and passed on first reading on the 19th day of October, 1998 . -1- 10 b iii Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 23rd day of October, 1998. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 2nd day of November, 1998. Publishe d by title as Ordinance No.fJ?, Series of 1998, on the 6th day of November, 1998. I , Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood , Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true COp;) Pi the Ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No .'_ !If, Series of 19 8 . -2- • • • • • • GP.ANT AWARD Project Number: 98-52 Agency: Englewood Publlc Library Project Title: Seeing the Possibilities The Colorado State Department of Education has approved granting of funds to this project in the amount of $ 11, 140.00 The grant recipient will accomplish the goals and objectives and perform the activities detailed in the grant application and complete them by August 31.1999 The grant recipient has read and agrees and will comply with all assurances attached and signature below so attests. The project will begin October 1, 1998 and end August 31. 1999 . REPORTS Narrative and Financial Reports will be sent to the State Library on the following schedule: 1. February 1, 1999 2. May 3, 1999 FINAL Narrative and Financial reports will be sent to the State Library sixty (60) days from the projects ending date. PAYMENTS The Project will receive its entire allotment at the beginning of the Project. If reports are not submitted on time the State Library has the authority to ask that funds be returned to the State immediately . BUDGET Category LSTA Local Total Personnel $11,140 $11,140 Contract Services $0 te I e phone $0 Supplies $1,760 $1,760 Printing $0 Postage $0 Travel $0 Computer Equipment $0 Telecom mun icati ons Installation $0 Other $0 Totals $11,140 $1,760 $12,900 I agree: 1. That all federal funds received under this Contract shall be expended solely for the purpose for which granted, and that any such funds not so expended, including funds lost or diverted to other purposes will be returned to the State . 2. To maintain adequate records of local cash matching expenditures as well as adequate records of federal funds received and expended for reporting to the State. We will maintain all records pertaining to this Contract for a minimum of three years and be subjected to an audit by federal auditors or their designees as requested. If any finds of misuse of funds by a federal x '"' I 8 I T x auditor or other auditor is discovered, I will return these funds to the State . 3. To make to the State written narrative and financial reports that describe the activities completed in reaching the objectives as set forth in the project application. Problems encountered as well as successful activities should be reported. The final report shall, as • objectively as possible, review and evaluate the project as a whole against the objectives and include a statement of whether or not subgrantee plans to continue project activities as part of its regular program . 4. To submit one(1) copy of promotional materials, newpaper publicity and articles with the narrative reports. 5. That the State may terminate this Contract on thirty (30) days notice if it is deemed by the State that the project is not fulfilling the program as specified in the project application or for other suffic ient reasons . Any unexpended funds may be required to be returned to the State as well as any funds not properly expended according to project objectives. 6. The pro j ect modifications under this Contract must be requested in writing and be approved in wr iting by the State before modifications, include budget line changes can be made. 7. That all equ i pment acquired under this award will be used for the purposes specified in the approved pro j ect application, and such equipment will be subject to the adm inistrative control of the State. Following project termination, such stipulation will rema i n in effect during the useful life of the equipment. Use and disposal of such equipment must conform to federal and state guidelines regulating the expenditures of these funds and must conform to the intent of the Contract and accompanying project application. 8. To make, to the State, a fiscal audit of the LST A funds received under the Contract no later than ninety (90) days from project close-out. 9. To the extent authorized by law , to indemnify, save and hold harmless, the state its employees and agents against any and all claims, damages , liability and court awards including costs , expenses and attorney fees incurred as a result of any act or omission by the Sub- Grantee, or its em pl oyees , agents, subcontractors, or assignees pursuant to the terms of this grant. 1 0 . In the eve nt of the existence of conflicting terms between this contract and the Project Application, the terms of this Contract supersede, govern and control. Thomas J. Bu rns Ma y or, City of Englewood State Library Representative Title Date Date • • • • • Date October 19 , 1998 INITIATED BY Library Department RECOMMENDED ACTION COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item 10 a iv STAFF SOURCE Hank Long Subject Approval of "Seeing the Possibilities " LSTA Grant The Library Department recommends C ity Counc il approval of an Ordinance for acceptance of an LSTA (Library Serv ices & Technology Act) grant award from the Colorado State Library and Department of Education to expand its services to bl ind and visually impaired members of the community. BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS , AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED Earlier this year, the Library submitted an LST A grant proposal to the Colorado State Library . T hi s proposal, entit led "Seeing the Possibilities: Expanding Library Services to the Blind and V isually Impa ired," has been approved by the Colorado State Library, based on subsequent approval by C ity Counc il. The Englewood Public Library has approximately $95 ,000 invested in materials (e.g. Large Print books, books-on-tape, DVS v ideotapes) and specialized equipment (purchased with previous grant funds and/or private donat ions ) to help blind and visually impa ired patrons meet their reading needs . In cooperation with the Colorado Center for the Blind , the Library proposes to employ a CCB student on a part-time, contractual bas is to assist other CCB students and members of the b lind community in the south metro area in learning how to make better use of these and other, more traditional li brary serv ices , as well as to translate copies of all standard EPL public handouts and instructions into several Braille and Large Print notebooks for use by blind and visually-impaired Library patrons . The grant period runs from October 1, 1998 through August 31, 1999. Upon completion of this gran t, there is no financial obligation on behalf of the Library , the C ity , or the Colorado Cente r for the Bli nd to continue the project. FINANCIAL IMPACT The grant award is in the amount of $11 , 140. The Library est imates an additiona l "local funds" expenditure of $1,760 to cover cost of Braille pape r supplies over the course of the grant. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Ord inance with Grant and Grant Award APPLICATION FOR 1998 -1999 LSTA "LOCAL NEEDS" FUNDING A. PROJECT NUMBER ___ _ B. PROJECT TITLE------------- Seeing the Possibilities: Expanding Library Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired C. APPL YING AGENCY ----=E'-'-ng=l'""'e"""'w'""'o-=-od~P-=u=b=lic,_L=i=b'-=ra"'-'-ry -------------- D. MAILING ADORE SS ____ 3~4_0~0_S~o~u~t~h~E~la~t~i S~t~re~e~t~. E=n""'g"""'le-=-w~o-=-o~d""'",-=C'"""'0'--=-80-=-1-'-1'"""'0'--_____ _ E. TELEPHONE 303-762-2572 FAX 303-762-2576 E-MAIL hl o ng @e nglewood .l ib .co.us F. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT /S _ __,S"-'-ix'"'"'t"--'h-=C"--'o'-'-n'""'g"--'re=-=s=s=io"'"'n=a_,_I D==i s=tr=ic~t ----------- G. PROJECT DIRECTOR ---'-H=a:..:...n"--'k-=L=-=oc:....:n..::.g'-'. L=i=br=a:..:...ry1--=0=ir=ec=t=o'-r _____________ _ Englewood Publ ic Library , 3400 So uth Elati St .. Englewood. CO 80110 H. CLC PARTICIPANT Yes _x_ No J. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT I. LSTA FUNDING REQUEST: _.,$'-'-1--'-1 .'-'-1-'--40=------ Local Cash $1 ,7 60 In-Kind $5 ,544 TOTAL $18 444 The Englewood Public Library has approximately $95 ,000 invested in materials ($65 ,000) and specialized equ ipment ($29 ,925) to help blind and visually impaired patrons meet their reading needs . EPL , in cooperat ion with the Colorado Center for the Blind, proposes to emp loy a CCB student on a part-time , contractual basis to assist other CCB students and members of the blind community in the south metro area in learning how to make better use of these and other, more traditional library services , as well as to trans late cop ies of all standard EPL pub li c handouts and instructions into several Brai ll e and Large Print notebooks for use by blind and visually -impaired Library patrons. Gary Sears . City Manager K. NAME OF AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL (please print) L. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL M. DATE -1 - • • • N. PROJECT NARRATIVE • 1. Need for Project • As everyone in this profession knows, libraries are wonderful and inviting places filled with all kinds of interesting and beneficial information for people from every walk of life. However, if for some reason (e.g. physical limitation, age, or illiteracy) many of these same people are unable to access or to effectively use our vast array of printed materials, we have in effect failed to meet their needs. Of the possible physical restrictions to library use, blindness and vision problems rank among the highest. • According to the National Federation of the Blind, an estimated 750 ,000 people in this country are blind, and each year another 50,000 become blind. • The Colorado Center for the Blind serves an estimated 20 ,000 people who are blind and/or visually impaired in the metro Denver area. The City of Englewood has a population of approximately 30 ,000 people , of which, approximately 18.5% are over the age of 60, an age group of whom statistically speaking, a significant portion experience problems with their vision. According to the Denver Regional Council of Governments publication, A Demographic Profile of Older Persons in the Denver Metropolitan Area: • Nearly one quarter of a million older adu lts (60+) li ve in the eight-county Denver region. This means that the older population constitutes about one out of eight (12%) people in the area ... (and) one of six resides in Arapahoe County . • According to DRCOG 's 2010 county population forecasts by age: by the year 2010, the eight county Denver metropolitan area will have a total population of 2,650 ,000 . By 2010, 16.2% of this population will be 60+ . • By 2010, the first full age group of "baby boomers " (those born between 1945 and 1949) will be age 60-64. These figures are supported by other statistics , e.g. the U.S. Bureau of the Census, which found : • Of citizens 65-7 4 years of age, 47 out of 1,000 have vision problems. • Of citizens 75-84 years of age , 99 out of 1,000 have vis io n problems. • Of citizens 85+ years of age, 250 out of 1,000 (i.e. 1 in 4 individuals) have vision problems. The Englewood Public Library has a collection of over 100 ,000 books, and we subscribe to approximately 300 periodicals. Likewise , we have a variety of computerized resources (e.g. Internet access, word processing, specialized reference and research databases ) available free to the public . A few years ago we realized that , while we are doing a fine job in prov iding service to the "sighted" community, we were doing very little to serve those with vision problems. Since reaching that conclusion, our library has added the following products to help our blind or visually impaired users: • We currently have over $65,000 invested in materials to serve those patrons who are either blind or visually impaired 800 Books-on -Tape (average $20 each) almost 2,000 Large Print books (average $25 each) a small collection (15 titles) of DVS "descriptive video service" movies (average $20 each) • In 1992 we purchased a CCTV "magnificat ion " system ($2 ,995) that employs a color video camera and monitor to ass ist people with low vision in reading our books, newspapers, maps , etc. • -2- • In 1993 , we added an OPAC terminal ($6,930) with Braille keycaps, screen enlargement software, and a voice synthesizer to help these same people locate materials within our online bibliographic database. • In 1997, a resident of Littleton gave us $20,000 to purchase a special system of hardware (Pentium 75 computer with speakers and soundcard , 20" color monitor, flatbed scanner, Braille display, Braille printer, inkjet printer, regular keyboard with Braille keycaps, small keypad , and cassette recorder) and software (OpenBook, JAWS for Windows, ZoomText, and VisAbility) which work together to enable a patron to "read" just about any printed publication in the Library, as well as take home a copy of same in one of the following formats: audiotape, computer disk, paper printout, or Braille printout. This system was nicknamed "Sophie" in honor of the woman who made the donation. Despite having all of these marvelous materials, it has been difficult for the Library to effectively market these services in order to attract a large segment of users. That is where the Colorado Center for the Blind comes in. The CCB has two locations along South Broadway within three miles of the Eng lewood Public Library, and both serve as training sites for an ongoing average of 30 students in the ir general skills program and for employment preparation in the customer service field. Despite the availability of specialized computers and other communications systems at CCB, many of their trainees either do not have easy access to this rather expensive equipment or else have never become regular library users simply because libraries have traditionally been unable to meet their unique needs. Where poss ible, this grant proposal seeks to remedy that situation . 2. General Description of Project The Englewood Public Library would employ one of the current CCB students on a half -time (20 hours per week) basis for a period of 11 months. This individual would have the following roles and responsibilities: • • provide regularly-scheduled one-on-one and small group instruction to members of -h e public (both • blind and sighted) on the use of the Library 's specialized equipment listed above • maintain upgrades to the specialized hardware and software, and provide basic training in same to permanent Library staff so that they are better equipped to help this segment of our users on a full- time basis (in addition to the existing software programs, the Library will add MicroSoft Word 97 to the Sophie computer in order to provide word processing capability to these patrons) • translate printed copies of ail standard Library brochures, bibliographies , instructions, etc. into Braille and or Large Print in order fo r blind patrons to make better use of our services • market ALL of the services of the Library (e .g. programs for children , book discuss ion groups, interlibrary loan, reference, etc.) to the local blind and visually impaired community (e.g. current and future CCB students and alumni, Colorado Federation of the Blind , American Council for the Blind , etc .) in order to help them become regular Library users • market these same services to the sighted community through presentations to civic and school groups in order to acquaint more people with their availabil ity For their part, the Colorado Center for the Blind will assist in the hiring selection and provide one-on-one supervisory training and ongoing follow-up and evaluation to the student(s) selected for this position . At the conclusion of the 11 month project, the L ibrary and CCB will evaluate the effectiveness of the project (e.g. number of people served, satisfact io n of peop le served) and determine its future (e.g . funding, changes to structure, etc.). -3 -• • • • 3. Goals a. To employ student(s) from the Colorado Center for the Blind to provide ongoing training to public and to staff in the use of specialized equipment to serve the blind and tho se with vision impairments b. To promote the availability and use of this equipment and other Library services to peop le in the blind and vision-impaired community who reside in the south metro Denver area c. To provide copies of all Library publications in Braille and/or Large Print format d. To increase use of Library services by members of the blind and vision-impaired community 4. Objecti ves (with measures to show when reached) a. Within the first month of project (November 1, 1998 -December 1, 1998): a minimum of 10 people will have signed up and attended training sessions in use of specialized equipment all of the attendees will be surveyed and 75% will indicate that the training and the availability of spec ialized services meet their needs and expectations 10% of the Library 's flyers, bibliographies, bookmarks, instructions, etc. will be converted to Braille and/or Large Print format b. Three months after the start of the project (by February 1, 1999): a minimum of 36 (average 12 per month) people will have signed up and attended training sessions in use of specialized equipment all of the attendees will be surveyed and 80% will indicate that the training and the availability of specialized services meet their needs and expectations 25 % of the Library's flyers, bibliographies, bookmarks, instructions, etc. will be converted to Braille and/or Large Print format c. Six months after the start of the project (by May 1, 1999): a minimum of 90 (average 15 per month) people will have signed up and attended training sessions in use of specialized equipment all of the attendees will be surveyed and 85% will indicate that the training and the availability of specialized services meet their needs and expectations 50% of the Library's flyers, bibliographies, bookmarks, instructions, etc. will be converted to Braille and /or Large Print format d. Ten months after the start of the project (by August 31, 1999): a minimum of 200 people (average 20 per month) will have signed up and attended training sessions in use of specialized equipment all of the attendees will be surveyed and 90% will indicate that the training and the availability of spec ialized services meet their needs and expectations 100 % of the Library's flyers, bib liographies, bookmarks, in structions, etc. will be converted to Braille and/or Large Print format -4 -