HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-25 (Special) Meeting MinutesCOUllCIL CHAMBERS CITY or aGLIWOOD, COLOIADO Auguat 25, 1980 SPECIAL MEETIRG: The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in apecial ••••ion on August 25, 1980, at 7:30 p.11. Mayor Otia, preaiding, called the meeting to order. The invocation wu fiven by Council Member Thomas Fitzpatrick. The pleda• of a legiance vu led by Mayor Otis. Mayor Oti• aaked for roll call. Upon a call of the roll, the following were preaent: Council Member• Bifday, Real, Fitzpatrick, Keena, Bilo, Bradabav, Ot •· Abaent: Rone. The Mayor declared a quorum preaent. * * * * * * Also preaent were: Aaaiatant City Manager Wanush City Attorney Berardini Director of Employee Relations Be Vi rt Deputy City Clerk Watkins * * * * * * Mayor Oti• atated the purj>oae of the meeting was to hear input for the propoaed charter amendment•. Mayor Otis read the following liat of propoaed reviaiona and asked if any- one wanted to speak to th•: 1. 2. Propoaed reviaiona relating to competitive biddina and capital improvements. No one reaponded. Propoaed revision• to property identification. Ro one reaponded. 3. Propoaed reviaiona relating to sale of equip- ment. Ro one responded. August 25, 1980 Page 2 4. 5. Propoeed revieione relating to special improve- ment dietricte. No one reeponded. Propoeed revieione relating to municipal election procedure• and recall. No one responded. 6. Proposed revisions relating to the Career Service .system. Under thia item, Malcolm Atkin•, 3814 South Sherman, president of the Inglewood lmployaae Aeeociation, appeared be- fore Council. Mr. Atkin• referred to a copy of a document dated August 19, 1980, entitled "Propoaad Charter Amendments" which waa in reeponee to the Charter ravieione propoead by the City and Board of Career Service. Mr. Atkin• etatad a planned presentation con- cerning the proposal• waa prepared for thie meeting; and the associ- ation'• legal couneal waa preeant to diecuaa pertinent items in this matter aa well ae anewar any legal queetions that arise. Mr. Atkins introduced Mr. ltnoll. Steve ltnoll, 3323 Waet Akaarben, Littleton, president of the Englewood Police Benefit Aeeociation, appeared before Council. Mr. Knoll stated hie aaeociation was not totally opposed to the proposals; and in fact, were in agreement with many aspects. Mr. Knoll stated that the wording waa a great concern in many in- stances. Mr. ltnoll introduced Mre. Schneider. Sueie Schneider, 2990 South Grant, Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Enalawood, appeared before Council. Mrs. Schneider gave a brief history of the adoption of the Charter and the change• that have bean made to it ae it relates to the Career Service Syatam. Mra. Schneider etated ahe believed the morale and the working condition• between the administration and the employ••• would be hurt if th• ayatam wae rewritten as outlined by the propo1ad ravi1ion1. Mr1. Schneider stated one concern in particular waa the maintenance of benefits and she then introduced Mr. Criewall to speak on this subject. John Criewell, attorney, 3780 South Broadway, appeared before Council. Mr. Criawell diacuaaed the preparation and sub- atance of hi• report and letter dated Auguat 19, 1980. One item he diecua1ed at length waa "1ubjacta for negotiation", more speci- fically, the aubject of "maintenance of benefits". August 25, 1980 Page 3 In reaponae to a queation from Council Member Neal, Mr. Criawell explained aome benefit• regarding in•urance were not negotiable under the new propoaal. Mr. Cri8Vell argued there were certain proviaion• that •hould be negotiated. Mr. Criswell atated at preaent there were aome attendant problems in getting clairM honored by the in•urance C011pany and this area would be addr••••d by Mr. Leydon. Larry Leydon, 3795 South Logan, Englewood Police Depart- ment, appeared before Council. Mr. Leydon stated the Police Bene- fit Aaaociation aaked that he •peak on their behalf regarding the charter propoaala to the career aervice ayatem. Mr. Leydon stated he oppoaed the -propoaal that atated the City Manager will devise the career service plan. Mr. Leydon stated this proposal would weaken the career aervice board. He then proceeded to explain why he thouabt a atrong, independent board waa nece•sary. Mr. Leydon stated he and Sergeant Medford of the Police Department were pre- sently grieving an in•urance claim •ituation and related the cir- cuma tanc•• therein. Mr. Leydon al•o di•cu.••d the following: 1) why he thouaht there ... no need to have a hearing officer; 2) the need to hire an independent director to repreaent the interests of the board and who would act in an unbiaaed manner with the board; and 3) the impaaae propo••d revi•ion. Mr. Leydon stated the pre- sent inlpaaae provi•ion bad worked thu• far and ahould remain as is. Mr. Leydon then introduced Mr•. Irons. Marilyn Irona, Clerical Superviaor for the PBX and Central Caahiering -Cu.tamer Service Unit• for the Revenue Di- vis ion. Mra. Iron• apoke on behalf of the •••ociation's views regarding imp••••· Mr•. Iron• •tated the Career Service Board waa recommending that ialpaa•• not be aubmitted to the voters. 'lbe City propo••• that two view point• be •hown on the ballot - that of the City and that of the employ•••· Mrs. Irons con- tinued to atated that •ince the eaploy••• have no hand in the election proc••• it •• ... d unfair to charge them coats for it. Mra. Irons suggested that the imp•••• provision remain as is. She further atated there waa concern regarding benchmark, more specifically, conversion charts and wage acalea. She stated it was the aaaociation'• underatanding that if a workable agree- ment could not be reached on the benchmark •ystem, it could be taken up again in negotiation•. Mr•. Iron• stated under the new proposal by the City, claa•ification and reclassification was excluded from collective bargaining under non-negotiable items and the aaaociation felt employ••• should be given the oppor- tunity to voice their opinion• in a hearing before the Board. Steve Knoll, 3323 West Ak•arben, Littleton, president of the Englewood Police Benefit Aaaociation, reappeared before August 25, 1980 Page 4 Council. Mr. ltnoll diacuaaed competitive examinations. Mr. lnoll atated the preeent charter atat•• that appointments shall be made on the baaia of competitive examinationa. The proposed I .... ndment delete• competitive• examination and 1ub1titutes• the baaia of open coneideration for qualified applicants for appointment•· Mr. ltnoll etated competitive examinations provide equal opportuniti•• to all emplo7••• to demonatrate by virtue of that teat their fitn••• for the poaition and the proceas has not failed. Lateral entry waa unfair to lona term employees. Pro- motion• on the baaia of managerial diacretion or lateral entry will deatroy the morale of the employ•••· Mr. ltnoll stated the f rievancea would triple on the baaia of no teat becauee of the ack of baaia in demonatratina fitn••• for that poaition. He stated the propoeed a11endllent1 would eliminate the employees' riaht to join an union which may violate constitutional rights. Mr. Knoll concluded in 1a7ina the aaaociationa were willing to 110rk out the diffarancaa with the City adlliniatration; however, if the propo1al1 go to an election, hie oraanization would strongly oppoae tb•· Malcolm Atkina, 3814 South Sherman Street, president of th• Enalewood Employ••• Aaaociation, reappeared before Council. Mr. Atkin• etatad the preaantation vaa to show how important the aaaociationa feel th••• it .... are. Mr. Atkins stated the basic change• on improvina the career service ayatem were agreeable; however, eome of the epecific itema and l&n&uaf• were detrimental to the e111ployeea' 1roup1. Mr. Atkin• statea i these proposed charter amendment• are paaaed, the employees' aasociation would have no alternative but aligned themaelves with a national labor organization. Mr. Atkin• introduced Mr. Ken Holland. Mr. Ken Holland, 4140 South Inca, president of the Engle- wood Firefighter• Aaaociation, appeared before Council. Mr. Holland discussed the concern• of the firefighters aasociation, specifically, definition of a permanent employee during the probation period fol- lowing a promotion; "unauthorized deviation" in regard t.o normal work schedules; grievance reaolution procedure; addressing sick leave and peraonal leave aa mandatory subject• for negotiation; dis- charge from employaaent for "other just and reasonable causes"; and having input into the aelection of a hearing officer. Mr. Holland stated certain work condition• are causing a high turnover rate and most of the people terrainating are senior people. Council Member Higday asked the City Manager to provide a report on the number of reaignations in the last 18 months by department and the reaaona why, if poaaible. Mr. Holland and Council discussed the hearing officer issue further. I August 25, 1980 Page 5 'ft\ere were no further co1111enta made concerning this amend- ment proposal. Mayor Otis thanked the aaaociation for attending the meet- ing and givina their com1enta. Mayor Otis stated Council would take the conaent• under advisement and would probably hold another meeting on these matters. Mayor Otis read the last proposed Charter amendment as: 7. Proposed amendment concerning power of eminent domain. City Attorney Berardini explained the purpose of this ·amendment. Ro one from the audience spoke on this matter. There were no further c011111ents made concerning any of the amendments. * * * * * * COUNCIL MEMBER HIGDAY ll>VID TO ADJOUIR THE MEETING. Mayor Otia adjourned the meeting without a vote at 9:00 p.11.