HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-18 (Regular) Meeting MinutesREDULAR f.ERrrr-ll: OOlliCIL CHAM3ERS CI~ OF EKJ~OOD, OOLORAJX) tecerrt>er 18, 1978 'Ihe City CoL11cil of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, JTEt in regular session on tecerrt>er 18, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. 'Ihe invocation was g1 ven by Revererrl Stanley Fixter, Englewood United Mi!thodist Cllurcll, 3885 South Broadway. 'Ihe Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop #154. Mlyor Ta.Ylor asked for roll call. Upon a call of the roll, the follow- i~ were present: Council Merri:>ers Smith, Harper, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Taylor. Absent: CoL11cil Mi!rrt>er Williarm. 'Ihe fti:lyor declared a qoonm present. Also present were : • • • • • • City Mmager McCown Assistant City l'tmlager Cumes City Attorney Bera.rdini Director of Finance/City Clerk Janes. • • • • • • OOUNCII1'1AN 3t!I:'llf MJVED 'ID APPR:>VE 'IliE MINlT.IF.S OF 'IHE SPECIAL MEEI'UIJ OF lECEiEER 5, 1978. ColllcilnBn Harper seconded the nDtion. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows : Ayes: Col.llcil M:!nt>ers Sm1th, Harper, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Taylor. Nays: No~ Absent: CotD1cil Meut>er Williarm 'Ihe fti:lyor declared the nDtion carried. • • • • • • OOUNCILMAN SMI'IH MJVED 'ID APPRJVE 'lHE MINUmS OF 'IHE SPECIAL MEEI'Ir-ll OF ~EM3ER 11, 1978. Councilnan Weber secorxled the nDtion. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Lecent>er 18, 1978 Page 2 twes: O:>uncil Ment>ers Smith, Harper, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Taylor. Nays: None Absent: O:>'Lllcil Ment>er WillianB 'Ille Mayor declared the rrotion carried • • • • • • • Pre-scheduled visitor Gerri Von Frellick, New Englewood, Ltd., was present an:i discussed the extemion of parking agreerrent for Cinderella City Shoppi~ ~nter. Mr. Von Frellick requested that the O:>uncil reconsider the parking agr: eement w1 th a tenn of expiration of 99 years instead of the proposed 50 year tenn. In response to O:>uncil.Jren Smith's question, Mr. Von Frellick stated that he could not think of arw other use of the area contained in the agreerrer.t other than for parlcing. Also, Mr. Von Frellick stated that in order to obcain secorxlary financing that the longer tenn (99 years) lease was necessary. OOUNCIIJt1AN HARPER MJVED 'ID RECONSIIER EX'IENSION OF PARKING AGRE™ENr FUR CINDEREI.LA CITY. Q)uncilnBn Mmn seconded the rrotion. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follCMS: ftses : Cot.U1Cil ftBrt>ers Smith, Harper, Clayton, Mmn, Weber, Taylor. Nays: None Absent: Q)l.llcil rert>er W1111anB 'lhe Mayor declared the rrotion ca.ITied. OOUNCII.Jt1AN OO:'IH M)VED 'ID POSTPONE ACTION ON 'IHE PARKING AGREEftENI' FUR CINDERELLA CITY tMITL JANUARY 2, 1979, AND DIREC'IED 'IHAT 'IHE CITY A'l'IDRNEY OBTAIN MA'IERIALS RELEVANr '10 'rnIS AGREEJtENr 'rnAT MAY K>T HAVE BEEN PREVIOIBLY AVAILABLE AND '!O DEIERMINE 'IllE CITY'S LIABILITY IN 'lHE USE OF SAID AREA OON- TAINED IN 'IllE AGRF»EN!'. O:>uncil.nan Mann seconQ.ed the rrotion. q:,on a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follCMS: twes: Q)uncil Mr!nt>ers Smith, Harper, Clayton, ftmm, Weber, Ta,ylor. Nays: None Absent: Q:nricil M:!nt>er WillianB. 'Il'le ~or declared the notion carried. • • • • • • Iecerrber 18, 1978 Page 3 Pre-scheduled visitor Gary O:>pp, President of Casual Lounge, Inc., 65 West Floyd Avenue, was present requesting rrodification of liquor license to premises. OOUNCII..MAN MANN M:>VED 'ID APPFVVE M:>DIFICATION OF PREMISES FDR CASUAL IDlNGE, INC., 65 WEST FLOYD. Cbuncilrnan Weber seconded the rrotion. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Cbuncil M:mbers Smith, Harper, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Taylor. Nays: None Absent: Cl:>Lll'lcil M:mber Willians 'lhe Mayor declared the rrotion carried. • • • • • • Other VisitJr Earl Ladewig, Olainnan of the Petirerrent Board, appeared before Cbuncil requesting that a bill for an ordinance relating to changes to the ret~nt system be postponed t11til the Petirerrent Board had an opportLll'lity to review the bill. In response to City ~r ~Cbm's question, Mr. Ladewig stated that rrerrbers of the Englewood Errployees Association had contacted him and expressed concern of having the Director of Finance a voting rrerrber of the Board. COUNC:rrnAN WEBER MJVED 'lliAT '1HE BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE RELATING 'IO Ar£NDIOO CERI'AIN PRJVISION) OF '1HE REI'IREtt£NI' PLAN BE MJVED FDH\'ARD ON 'IHE AGENDA. Cbuncilman Smith secorned the rrotion. q,on a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Cbuncil ftB'rt>ers Smith, Harper, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Taylor Nays: None Absent: Cl:>Lll'lcil M?nt>er Willians. 'Ihe Mayor declared the rrotion carried. OOtNCII..MAN WEBER M:>VED 'lHAT 'lHE BILL FDR AN ORDINANCE RELATINJ 'ID Al€NDIOO CERTAIN PR>VISION) OF 'lHE JEl'IlEt£Nr PLAN BE POSTPONED UNTIL JANUARl 15, 1979, COUNCIL 1€EI'IOO. CbuncilnBn Hari:>er seconded the rrotion. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Cbt.11cil ftBJl:>ers Smith, Harper, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Taylor Nays: None Absent: Cl:>L11Cil ftBJt>er Willians. 'Ille M3yor declared the JTDtion carried. • • • • • • I:ecerrt>er 18, 1978 Page 4 Other Visitor El.@ene Nonnan, 3861 South I..Dgan, was present to g1 ve a Holiday Greeting. • • • • • • Ruth Allen, representing the League of Worren Voters, was present requesting that the CoL11cil consider why people run for office and varioLB boards and corrrnissions before the Col.D1cil takes final action on increasing Col.D1cilman salaries to be effective January 1, 1980. • • • • • • "Conmunications -No Action Recomnended" on the ~nda were received: (a) Financial report for t«>venber, 1978. • • • • • • INIROOOCED AS A Bll..L BY OOUNCII.JtEN MANN AND W!ILIAftf) BY AtJIHORI'IY ORD!~ 00. 49, S~ OF 1978 AN ORDINANCE AftENDIOO SEVTION 41, nlAPIER 4, 'IITIE I, OF ARl'ICLE IV. ENI'ITLED "OOUNCIL SALARIES" BY INCREASOO SAID SALARIES FOR Fl1IURE ftEtBEffi OF 'IHE EOOI&/OOD CI'IY OOUNCIL, 'IO BEDJrtE EFFECTIVE OORIOO SAID OOUNCIL 'IERM OOMftENCING AT 7:30 P.M. ON 'IHE FIRST MJNDAY .AFlER JANUARY 1, 198J. OOUNCII1t1AN MANN MJVED 'ID PASS ORDINANCE 00. 49, SERIES OF 1978 ON FINAL READING. Col.D1cilman Cla.Yton seconded the JJDtion. Col.D1cilman Weber stated that he is request~ that the CotD1cil defeat this bill becaLBe citizens in the cormurl.ty are willing to serve without financial renurrera.tion and it is his feeling that this is the way it should be. CotD1cilman Weber stated we are here to serve the interest of the cormunity. CotD1cilman Weber offered a conpromlse of 7'/. which is in the guidelines established by the President for wage and price controls. Councilnen Smith stated that considerable tine is required to serve as a cotD1cilman and that this could nean a loss of considerable incone to sorre irrli viduals. 'Ibis 111:\Y discourage citizens from running for CotD1cil because of in this sys tern. potential financial loss that could affect mt aU.y thenBel ves but nenbers of I their family. CotD1cilrren Sndth stated that he felt there needs to be balance ~cent>er 18, 1978 Page 5 00l.NCII.l-1AN ~I'ffi MJVED '10 Aft£ND ORDINANCE NJ. 49, SERIES OF 1978, BY (.'f-1.WJ!ID '!HE SALARIES '10: cnJNCILMAN $3)0; MAYOR PR:> IBM $350; MAYOR $400. Council.man Clayton seconded the nntion. Councllnen Clayton stated that it is mt possible for sone citizens 1n the cormuni ty to run for of rice becall5e they canmt afford it if elected to office because of loss of personal 1ncorre while serving on the Q)t11cil. Council.man Harper stated rmney is mt a najor factor 1n running for office and that there is m anvunt of rrDney that will pay for serving the cormuni ty as a councilrmn. Also, raising the salaries of councilnen will not encourage roore people to nn. CouncilnBn Harper stated he mi@jlt suggest a salary increase with an average 7% over four years • ~n the call of the roll for the anended nntion, the vote resulted as follCMS: Ayes: Col.D1cil M!rrt>ers Smt.th, Clayton, ftmln. Nays: Council ftBrt>ers Weber, Harper, Taylor. Absent: Q)t11Cil ftBrt>er Willians. 'Ihe ft:lyor declared the rrDtion defeated. OOtNCI!Jt1AN ~ MJVED '10 PQgl'f()NE ORDINANCE NJ. 49, SERIES OF 19 78 ON FINAL READIOO tm'IL JANUARi 2, 1979, Councilman Weber seconded the nntion. q:,on a call of the roll, the vot~ resulted as follows: Ayes: Coll1Cil M:mt>em Smith, Harper, Clayton, Mann. Nays: Q)l.11Cil M!nt>ers Weber, 'Iaylor. Absent: Q)ll'lcil M!nt>er Willians. 'Ihe Mayor declared the nDtion carried. • • • • • • ft:lyor Taylor declared a 15-nd.nute recess at 9: 10 p.m. • • • • • • Mayor Taylor asked for roll call. q,on a call of the roll, the following rrerrt>ers were present at 9:25 p.m. Q)uncil Ment>ers Snd.th, Harper, Clayton, Minn, Weber, Taylor. Absent: Council fttmt>er Willians. 'lhe ftilyor declared a quorun present. • • • • • • I:ecent>er 18, 1978 Page 6 INIBODUCED AS A BILL BY OOUNCILMAN CLAY'IDN A BILL FUR AN ORDINANCE APPK>VIOO A OON.lRACT BE'IWEEN 'lHE CITY OF EOOLEWOOD, 001.0RAIX>, AND '!HE OOlNIY OF ARAPAHOE, CITIF.S OF LrrnEIDN, SHEm:DAN AND CliERRi HIILS VILLAGE, 001.0RAOO, RELATINJ 'ID '!HE IBE OF '1HE ANIMAL SHEL'IER FACILITY WI'IHIN '!HE CITY OF EOOLEliOOD. City Manager r-t:OJwn reviewed this ordinance stating it will authorize the City to enter into agreerrents with certain other @Pvemnental agencies to provide them w1 th an animal pot11d for certain fees and charges • City Manager r-t:U>wn further stated the agreerrents contain a provision for nendatory neuter- ing dogs adopted. City Manager ftk:OJwn expressed concern over mandatory neutering. He further stated that the section oo neutering in this bill be deleted. OOUNCIIJ-tAN HARPER M:>VED 'IHAT '!HE SEL'TION IN 'lHE BIIL ROOUIRING MANDAIDRY NElJIERI.NG OF SMAIL ANIMALS BE IEIEI'ED FR:>M 'IHE BILL. C.Ouncilrmn Weber secorx:led the rrction. qx,n the call of the roll for anenanent relating to mandatory neutering, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: C.Ouncil ftBrt>ers Smith, Harper, Mann, Weber, Taylor. Nays: C.Ot11cil ftBrt>er Clayton. Absent: Coll'lcil Ment>er Willians. 'Ihe ~or aeclarea tne rwt1on carried. OOUNCILMAN CLAY'IOO MJVED FUR PASSAGE OF '1HE BILL ON FIRST REAmm. Counc:tlnan Mann seconded the DDt1.on. Upon the call of' the or1.g1.na.l m::>t1.on, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Coll'lcil ftBrt>emHa.rper, Marm. Nays: Cbuncil M:milers Sndth, Clayton, Weber, Taylor. Absent: Council M:m>er Willians. 'Ille Mayor declared the mtion defeated. Councilnen Weber stated that the City soould be making rrcney on providing these services and not just breaking even or losing rrcney. He further suggested that the City renegotiate the contracts in order for the City to earn sane rate of return. ~ceni:>er 18, 1978 Page 7 Cot11cilrnan Smith stated that Englewood provides services to other governnents without return consideratioo to ~ewood on particular issues concerning our City. OOUNCII1'1AN MANN KJVED 'IO OONrACT '1HE EHI'ITIES INVOLVED AND RENEQO.- TIA'IE 'IHE AGRE»1ENI1S AND AIBO OOTAIN INPt.11' Jtl01 '!HE ANIMAL OONimL COftMITIEE. Councilman Smith secorxled the rmtion. OO~II1'1AN ~ER MJVED 'IO REOON:>IIER '1HE BIIL .BEFURE OOUNCIL AS .Ar.ENDED. Councilman Harper seconded the notion. Councilman Weber stated that the Cot11cil soould carefully look at this agreerrent and other services provided by Englewood, but the City does have to have cooperation with other bordering cities. Councilman Mann stated he still had concerns about not having major legislation such as this reviewed by the City's conmittees, in particular for this issue the City's Animal Control Ch'rrnittee. q,on the call of the roll for a notion to reconsider the bill, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Cot11cil M::!ni:>ers Smith, Hait>er, Clayton, Weber. Nays: Cot11cil ftBrt>ers Mmn, rnt.Ylor. Absent: Council M:?rrber Williane. 'Ille Mayor dee lared the notion carried. q,on the call of roll to pass the bill as anended, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council M:mi:>ers Weber, Hazper, rnt.Ylor. Nays: Council ~nt>ers Sm1.th, Cla.Yton, Mann. Absent: Council ~nt>er Williane. 'lhe Mayor declared the rmtion defeated. COUNCII1'1AN g.tI'IH M:>VED 'lHE OOUNCIL DIRECT '1HE CI'IY STAFF 'IO RE~ TIA'IE 'IHE ANIMAL SHEL'IER OOm'RAC'IB WI'IH EN:>OOH M:>NEY IN '1HE OONl'RAC'IS 'ID MAKE IT EOOf'DMICAILY FFASIBIE FUR '1HE CI'IY OF EHl~OOD. Councilman Clayton seconded the m:>tion. q,on the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: CoLUlCil ftBrbers Smith, Halper, Clayton, Mmn, Weber, Taylor. Nays: None. Absent: Council ~nt>er Willians. ~ceni>er 18, 1978 Page 8 COUNCIIJt1AN CIAY'ION MJVED 'IlIAT 'IHE OOWCIL EX'IEND AIL EXISTIOO OONI'RAC'IS AT 'lHE ANIMAL SHEL'IER UNTIL JANUARY 16, 1979. Councilman Mann secorrled the rootion. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council ~nt>ers Clayton, r.mm. Nays: Comcil ~ni:>ers Smith, Ha.rl>er, Weber, Taylor .Absent: Co\.l'lcil fttmt>er WillianB. OOUNCI™AN SMI'IH MJVED 'IO AftEND '!HE BIIL WI'Ill AN APRIL 1, 19 79 , EXPIRATION DA'IE. CouncilnBn Weber secorrled the rrction. tpon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follCMS: Ayes : Council fti!ni:>ers Smith, Harper, Mann, Weber. Nays: Coll'lcil ftert>er Cla.Yton. Absent: Coll'lcil Melrt>er WillianE. 'Ille Ma.vor declared the rrction carried. OOUNC!Lf.Wl SMI'Ill MJVED 'IO REVOt::;IIER '!HE BIIL AS AftENIED. Council- man Weber seconded the rootion. (pcm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follCMS: Ayes: Council M:mt:>ers Smith, HSil>er, Clayton, Mmn, Weber, Taylor. Nays: None. Absent: Council M:!nt>er WillianB. 'Ille Mayor declared the rrction carried. • • • • • • INIIDIXJCED AS A BIIL BY OOUNCILMAN A BI~ FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDIID SErn'ION 4, CHAPrER 11, OF TITIE XI, OF '!HE '69 EOOLEWOOD I MUNICIPAL OOIE, IMPOSIID A MINIMUM FEE FOR '!HE AOOPrION OF ANIMALS FOR 'IHE CI'IY ANIMAL SHEL'IER AND ~IRitlJ '!HE MANDA'IDRY NElJIERIOO AND CURRENr RABIFS VACCINATION ON ~ surn .ANIMMB AOOPI'ED FmM SAID SHEL'IER. I:ecent>er 18, 1978 Page 9 OOUNCII.MAN MJVED 'ID Fa>TPONE '1HE BIIL lNTIL FIRST fwEErnlt IN MARCH OF 1979 AND REFER 'IHE BILL 'ID '1HE ANIMAL OONI'R>L CXM([TrEE. Councilmm Weber secorxied the notion. ~on the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: ~es: Council M:!rbers Smlth, Harper, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Taylor. Nays: None. Absent: Council ftt!nber WillianB. 'lhe ~or declared the notion carrl.ed. • • • • • • RESOLlJI'ION ID. 66, SERIES OF 1978 A R&50Ll1l'ION INDICATIOO '!HE SUPPORr OF 'IHE CI'IY OF ENGLEWOOD, OOI.ORAOO, FOR 'IHE RE'lmI'ION OF UMRY AIR R'.>RCE BASE IN '1HE CXMttlm'IY. OOUOCII.MAN WIBER MJVED FUR PASS.AGE OF RFSOLUI'ION NO. 66, SERIES OF 1978. Cot.11cilnBn Mann secorxied the rrDtion. Upon the call of the roll, the vote result.ed as follows: ~es: Co\.11cil M!nt>em ~th, ffail>er, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Taylor. Nays: None. Absent: Council Ment>er Willians. 'lhe Mayor declared the rootion carried. • • • • • • RFSOLt1I'ION 00. 67, SEmES OF 1978. A IE)0Ll1l'ION ESTABUSHilll ANNUAL SALARI~ !'UR 'lHE CITY ftt4\NAGER, CI'IY ATIDRNEY AND ftlJNICIPAL OOURl' JUOOE AND ASSOCIA'IE JUIXES FUR '1HE CALENDAR YEAR 1979. OOlNCI!Jt1AN WEBER MJVED FOR PASSAGE OF lESCLtrnON 00. 67, SERIES OF 1978 AND 'IO INSERr 'lHE FULI!WHIJ SALARI~ IN 'lHE JE3CLl1r.ION: CI'IY MANAGER - $35,845; CI'lY A'l'IDJWEY -$33,3~; MJUCIPAL CDURl' JUIXE -$29 ,425; ASSOCIA'IE JUOOE -$250 PER 00. Cbl.l'lcilnBn Harper secorxied the rrDtion. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: ~es: Coll1cil Ment>ers Smith, Harper, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Taylor. Nays: None. ABSOO': Col.11cil Ment>er W1ll1811'S. teceni:>er 18, 1978 Page 10 City Attorney Berardini requested that the Cbt.11cil authorize a trip to San Diego, califomia, to attend a course offered in conjtmction with the University of Maryland relating to labor relations in the public sector. OOUNCILMAN WF.BER K>VED 'ID APPRJVE '1HE OlJI'-OF-STATE TRIP FUR 'lliE CI'IY ATIDROO'. Cht..11cilman &nith seconded the notion. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: · twes: Cbt..11cil r.eti>ers Smith, HSll>er, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Taylor. Nays: Nore. Absent: Cht..11cil M3nber Willians. 'Ihe Mayor declared the notion carried. • • • • • • RESOLUrION NO. 68, SERIES OF 1978 A RESOLUI'ION ESTABLISHOO FEFS AND ClWllES FUR 'lHE Em!.&1000 MUNICIPAL GOLF OOURSE. OOtNCII&N WEBER ftDVED FUR PPSSAGE OF :RESOLUrION NO. 68, SERIES OF 1978 'ID BE ~TIVE JANUARY 1, 1979. Chuncil.man Sm1.th seconded the notion. Upon the call of the roll the vote resulted as follows: twes: Council Mmi>ers Sm1.th, Hari;>er, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Taylor. Nays: None. Absent: Council ~er Williane. 'Ihe Mayor declared the notion carTied. • • • • • • RESOLtmON 00. 69, SERIES OF 1978 A RESOLUrION Al€NDING '!HE 1978 GENERAL, PUBUC IMPRJVEMENr, SEWER AND GOLF OOURSE FUN1l3 BUOOE'IB. OOUNCILMAN HARPER K>VED FOR PASSAGE OF RESOLUI'ION NO. 69 ' SERIES OF I 1978. Council.man Mann seconded the notion. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: twes: Chuncil Meni:>ers Smith, Ha.It>er, Cla_yton, Mann, Weber, Taylor. Nays: Nore. Absent: Cl>uncil M3rt>er Williane. Il:!cent>er 18, 1978 Page 11 'lhe Ma.Yor declared the DDtion caITied • • • • • • • City Manager McCown stated the City's CbDIJIJl1ity I:evelopnent Depa.rt- nent is applying for funds umer the Il:!partnent of Housing and Urban I:evelop- nent (HUD). 'nle City is applying for a grant of $150 ,000 for housing rehabili- tation. 'Ille grant requires a pli>lic hearing as well as Cbt11cil approval. OOLNCI!lt1AN HARPER MJVED FUR 'lHE STAFF 'IO APPLY FUR 'lHE GRANT AND 'ID HOLD A PUBLIC HF.ARINJ ON JANUARY 8, 1979 AT 7:'30 P.M. Councilman Mann seconded the rootion. Q:>on the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Col.11cil M!nt>ers Smith, Harper, Cl.a,yton, Mann, Weber, Ta,ylor. Nays: None. Absent: Council M?rrt>er Willians. 'lhe Ma_yor declared the DDtion carried. • • • • • • City ftmlager ~Cown stated the O:>uncil had directed the staff to instruct R'ID to withdraw the City's grant application and to review alternate site proposals with the intent of resubmitting our application at a later date. OOUNCII.lt1AN MANN MJVED 'lliAT OOUNCIL OONCUR IN 'lHE REM>VAL OF OUR CURRENr GlWlr APPLICATION FUR A TRANSIT CENIER AND ~UEST 'lHAT RrD STUUi FUR'IHER AL'lE~TIVE SI'IE IDCATIO?lS INCLUDING Bt1I' NOr LIMI'IED 'IO 'lHE EAST SIIE OF 'lHE 3400 BIDC< OF SOUlH BANIDClC S'l'REEr. AI.SO, 'lHAT COUNCIL REHETA'IE OUR IE>IRE 'ID HAVE A 'IRANSIT GENIER IDCA'IED WI'IllIN OOR CXJt1MUNI'lY AND OUR OONCURRENCE IS GIVEN ONLY 'ID PRJVIDE TIME FUR S'IUDY OF AL'lERNATIVE SI'lE LOCATIONS. Council- man Weber seconded the DDtion. q>on the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Cl:>uncil rert:>ers Harper, Clayton, Mann, Weber, Ta.Ylor. Nays: Council Menl:>er Smith. Absent: Cl:>uncil M:?rmer Willians. 'lhe Ma.Yer declared the rrction carried. • • • • • • Ma.Yor 'Iaylor inforned the Cl:>ll1cil that he was reappointing ~verend Stan Fixter to the Housing Author! ty. I:Ecent>er 18, 1978 Page 12 Cbll1cil.rrml Mann stated that he and the M3yor net with the Ibwntown I:Eveloµrent Authority and reported a @Pod session with progress being ma.de toward establishing @Pals and operating procedures. Q:nncilman Weber roved to adjourn. 'Ille Ma_yor declared the neeting be adjourned at 10 :55 P .M.