HomeMy WebLinkAbout1917-09-10 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I • I I -· REGULAR MEETING OP THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THA CI'l'Y o.r ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, 'l'RIS SBPHll- BER, 10th, 1917. AT EIGHT e·c~OCK, P. M. Mayor, John Simon. called the meeting to ord~r, anj aak tor a roll eall. Roll Calls Balleydier, Present. Earhart, Preaent. Moore, Preaent. Royal, Absent~.Taylor, Present. Wyokott, Preaen~. 5. Present, l. Absent. · Mayor,declaire4 choltWIL present. Clerk read the minutes ot Regular Meeting, ot August, 13th, 1917.lD tull. Mayor announced there being no alterations or oorreotiona, minutes ata~ approve• as read. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Clerk read in full reports of all city otticera.( see list on file) Mayor declaired there being no alteration• or oorreotiona, report• be reoe1Y- e• and tile•. BILLS: The Bill ot The Bell Plumbing and Heating Co. ror taking out old tlUlllt at Floyd and Broadway, for $30.00 was rwad by the clerk. Alderman Taylor Moved, ) Earhart Seconded,) That the Bell Plumbing and Heating Co. be allowe•·t20.oo for extra work taking out old Flume. Roll Call: --· Balleydier, Nay. Earhart, Aye. Moore, Aye. Royal, Absent. Taylor, Aye. Wyckoft, Aye. 4. Ayea. 1. Nay. 1. Absent. Mayor Declaired motion carried. Clerk read all bills marked o. K. by the tinance committee, as tollewa; Warrant, r 640. 641. 642. 64S. 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 851· .. :· 655. 656. 857. 658~ \ 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 678. 676. G77. 880. No. Salarl Fund. John Simon. Mayor, for August, 1917. T. H. Noonon. City Clerk. " " L. J. Kavanaugh. City Attorney." ti c. A. Elli a. Chier of Police." " L. w. Terrell. Police Magistrate." " H. N •. Patton. City Treasurer. " " J. N. Balleydier. Alderman. • " J. T. Earhart. Alderman. " " H. v. Moore. Alderman. " " A. J. Royal. Alderman. " • Theodore Taylor. Alderman. " " Sa111Uel Wyckorr. Alderman. " " Frank Rauchfuas. Fi" Truck Driver." " Light Fund. Denver Gae & Electr1o Light Co. Street L1ghta tor AllC• 1817. Arapahoe Eleetric Light & Power Co. City hall & Jail llghte. Publie Improvement Fund, Norborg Bros. Repairing horn, Plre Truck. ·W. M. Whitehead. Repair work. Thoe. McGrath. City Wtre Inspector. Central Garage. RepaiD work. John Doyle. Plumbin~, B. Brown. Hay. Englewood Lumber & Coal Co. Cement. Frank Thompson. Night Police. Gruanfeldt & Krieger. Feed bill. Tuttle & Albers. Ina. premium. Glen A. Izett. City Engineer. Alma La .. y. Gravel. s. P. Davy. Teamster. Wm. R. Franklin. Teamster. R. J. McCreary. Laborer. Paul Smith. Laborer. L. Wolff Mlg. Co. Supplies. Marshall Brick Co. Brick. Abbott & Schaberg. Cement. w. T. Roberta. Laborer. Paul Smith. Laborer. Denver Brick Mfg. Association.(Skinner Brick Co.) Brick. John B. Fellows. Laborer. Pat Cassidy. Laborer. Bell !lwibing ~a.Heating Co. Floyd St. Syphon. Grand Total. t1101.a1 Alderipan Wyckoff Moved, ) t10.oo 41.66 33.!3 . 75.00 a.sa a.ss 6.00 1.00 6.00 a.oo 6.00 e.eo .76 12.25 f .50 .1•.1& l.OO i•.se .so 13.215 •e.40 18.58 21.00 7.S5 63.00 66.00 a.oo 1.00 89.46 12.50 9.80 e.10 8.50 9.25 28.00 9.65 ill:lf Moore, Seconded.) That bills marked o. K. by the finance committee and read by the clerk on list, be allowed and warrant• drawn to pay the aame. Roll Call. Balleydier, Aye. Earhart, Royal,AbJsent.Taylor, Aye. 5. Ayea. l. Absent. Mayor So Ordered. Aye. Moore, Aye. Wyokort, Aye. .. ~ Alderman Taylor, Moved. ) $12.50 . Balley4ier Seconded.) That th,!/unexpired potion ot . the Auto Her41• lioenae ot A. J. Cook, be retunded to Mrs A. J. Cook. Roll Warrant No. 679. Call: Balleydier, Aye. Earhart, Aye. Koore, Aye. Royal,.U.,eDt.Taylor,Aye. Wyokorr, Aye. 5. Ayes. 1. Absent. Mayor So Ordered. Alderman Wyokorr, Move•.) Moore, Se~onded.) That the Taxicab License be granted to A. E. Kaalla. and Mrs. Bertha E. Johnson, as per Applications on rile • Roll call: Balleydittr, Aye. Earhart, Aye. Moore, Aye. Royal, Absent. Taylor, Aye. Wyokort, Aye. 5. Ayea. 1. Absent. llayor so ordered. Alderman Taylor, Kove4. ) I Earhart, Seconded.) That all rules be auapended intel".t'earing with t.he paa- sage or Ordinance No. Series or 1917, Providing tor the Licens.._ ... Resulating I ot Automobile• for Public Hire. Roll Call:: Balleydier, Aye. Earhart, Aye. Moore, Aye. Royal, Abseat. Taylor, Aye. Wyokott, Aye. 5. Ayes. l. Absent. Mayor so ordered. Alderman Balleydier Moved.) .;.r · Wyckott Seconded.) That proposed ordinance No. ___ Series ot 1917, be rea& by the clerk. Roll Call: Balleydier, Aye. Earhart, Aye. Moore, Aye. Royal. Apa•nt. Taylor, Aye. Wyckott, Aye. 5. Ayes, 1. Absent. :·.rayor So Ordered. Alderman Balleydier, Moved.) Taylor, Seconded. ) That Proposed Ordinance No. Serie• ot 1917, Provi•- ing for the licen•lng and Regulating· of Automobile• tor pu_b_l~i-c~Hlre, be amen4e• as to Sections 2. and 4. Roll Call: Balleydier, Aye. Earhart, Aye. Moore, Aye. Royal, Absent. Taylor, Aye. Wyckort, Aye. 5. Ayes. 1. Absent. Mayor so ordered. Alderman Taylor, Moved. ) Wyckott, Seconded.) That Ordinance No. Series ot 1917, J'ltevi••11111•or 0,llt r: ~ice1196Jll and Regulating or Automobiles ror publrc-Hire. P••J second reading aa amen- ded. Roll Call: Balleydier, Aye. :t:;arhart, Aye. Moore, Aye. Royal, Absent. Taylor, Aye. Wyckort, Aye. 5. Ayes. 1. Absent. Mayor so ordered. Alderman Moore, Moved. ) Earhart, Seconded.) That Ordinance No. Series or 1917, Providing tor the Licensing and Regulating of Automobile• for publ'rc hire, do now pas• aa Ozadinance Bo. S. series or 1917, Be it resolved that Ordinance No. 5.seriea ot 1917, this da7 paaaed by the City Co'lncil ot the City or Englewood, Colorado, be publish .. in a week- ly newapaper ar general circulation in the City or Englewood, Colorado, as required by the statutes or the State of Colorado. Roll Call: Balleydier, Aye. Earhart, Aye. Moore, Aye. Royal, A~eent. Taylor, Aye. Wyokott, Aye. 5. Ayes. l. Absent. Mayor so ordered. Alderman Balleydier, Moved.) Earhart, Seconded.) That hereafter the Street Commissioner be un••• the order• ot the Mayor, instead of the st .. et and Bridge Committee. adjourn. Roll Call: Balleydier, Aye. Earhart, Aye. Moore, Aye. Royal, A)eent •. Taylor, Aye. Wyckott, Aye. 5. Ayea. 1. Absent. Mayor so ordered. Mayor declaired there being no futher business betore the council, council lllnutA• or Regular .. •ting or cit7 oouncll Sept, 10th, 19J.?, 1tand approved aa read, .. ,• I r I