HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-02-03 (Special) Meeting MinutesI I I I I 101: Enelewood, Colorado, Februarir 3rd, 1920. The city council or the City or Englewood, Colorado, met in special aesaion in tull con1"ormity ot law, and or tho ordinance• and rule• or the said City, in the City Hall in said City, being the regular place or meeting or said council, on 'l'ue•day, the 3rd, day or February, A. D. 1920 at 8 o'clock P. M. At which meeting there were present and answering to roll call. Mayor Altred T. Bell, City Clerk T. H. Noonon. Councilmen: Goorman, Ellis, Jaap, Lancaster, Willey, and Pritchett. 6.COWictlaen present, Absent None. Whereupon the following proceedings, among othei-s, were had and done to-wi\: The Mayor asked the clerk to read the call tor thi• special meeting, which the clerk did and which same is in words and fi~ure• aa followa, to-wit: COUNTY NOTICE OF SPECIAL CALL MEETING OF THE CITY COUHCUk OF THE CITY OP EROLBWOOD, OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. . To, Leo Goorman, Chas. A. Ellis, J. J. Jaap. Wm. v. Lancaster, Reed Tiilley, and Fred B. Pritchett. The undersigned, The Mayor and three members or the city council of the City ot Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State ot Colorado, hereby give notice that .apecial call meeting or the city council ot said city 1• called and will be held in the city hall ot aaid city, on Tuesday the 3rd, day ot February, A. D. 1920, a~ the hour ot 8. o'clock, P. M. ot said day - You are further notified that said meeting i• called for the purpoae . or Authorizing the Mayor and Cle~k to publi•h a notice tor proposals for th• . construction ot Street Grading, Concrete Cement Paving and Curbing and the neo•••a~ incidental improvements connected therewith in Englewood Paving District No. 1. Englewood, Colorado, heretofore authorized by Ordinance No. 4. Serie• or 1919. and such other and turther business aa the city council may see tit to transact. Ene;lewood, Colorado. .January 3l•t, 1920. Alfred T. Bell. Leo Goorman. Alderman 3rd, Ward. Mayor. Wm. Lancaster. Jno. Jaap. Alderman 3rd, Ward:- Alderman, 2nd, Ward. The undersigned, councilmen or the city or Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, hereby cert1f'y t.~Rt, we and each or us received notice of the above and foNgoing mentioned Special Call Meeting of the city council ot aa14 cit7 to be held Tuesday February 3rd, 1920, at the hour ot S. o'clock, P. M. ef said day at the city hall in said city. Said notice having been served at least twenty-tour hour• before the date or aaid meeting. Wm. Lancaster. Leo Goorman. Jno. Jaap. Chas. A. Ellia. R. Willey. Fred B. Pritchett. Whereupon Councilman Goorman introduced the following resolution and request that same be read. ·Be it resolved by the City Council ot the City or Englewood, Colorado, in a special session convened this 3rd day to February, A. D. 1920, that the Jlayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to publish notice for propoaals tor the construction .or cement concrete paving and curbing and incidental improvement• in connect~on therewith in the Englewood Paving Distrlot No. 1. Englewood, Colorado, aa heretoro~e authorized by ordinance No. 4. aerl•• ot 1919, or the ordinances or satd city' that Aaid notice be in the tollowin~ rora, to-wltt PUBLIC rlOTICE OF THE LETTING OF A CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIK CONCRETE PAVING ARD CURBING AND TIIE INCIDENTAL IMPROVEMENTS IN CONNECTIOR THEREWITH IN THE ENGLEWOOD PAVING DISTRICT NO. I. ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. Public notice 1• hereby given that the Mayor ot the City of Englewood, la ~pahoe County, Colorado with the approval or the City Council ot said City, propoae• to let to the lowest reliable and reaponcible bidder a contract to~ the con8tMJction or certain cement paving and curbing and the incidental lmprove .. nt• in connection therewith in the Englewood Paving Diatrict No. 1. Englewood, Cel•- rado, pursuant to Section 38, ot C apter 151, ot the Seasino Lawa or Colorad•l lS99, and Ordinance o. 4. Serie• or lGl9. or said city, adopted Dec. 8th, 1919. And public notice is hereby given that plana, apeciticationa and instruction• to bidder• are on tile in the office or city clerk, at the city hall, in the olty or Englewood, and may be aeen and examined by anyone concerned. Form• ror propoaala will be submitted by the City Clerk to contractor• upon application, and •11 bids muat be in accordance with such proposals. All bid• must be in the hands or the City Clerk on or betore 8 o'clock, P. M. on the 17th, day or February, A. D. l92C. Therearter the contract will be let to the loweat reliable and reaponc1ble bidder by the • yor or said city, with the approval or the city couneil, the Mayor and council reaer.tng the right to reject any and all bid• received, and .. ;. 112 readvertiae aa bJ .la• provided. By order or the Mayor and City Council or the City of Englewood, Colorado. ?7 (Seal) c/,%. ~!i-1. That aa1C ~not1ce be published in the Englewood Enterprise, a newapaper ot general circulation in the city or Englewood, Colorado, and publiahed in said city, for at least ten days prior to the day or the opening ot aald propo .. la, tor th• conatruction or said improvement• and alao publi•h•d in Th• Denver 'fl .. •, to-wit: Friday and Saturday February 6th, & 7th, 1920. Councilman Prit c hett moved the adoption or the above reaolution as read. Councilman Willey seconded the motion. . Upon toll call, the question being upon the adoption ot aaid reaolutioa •• read, the r•llowing member• or the council present, voted aa tollowa: Tho•• voting aye: aoorman, Elli•, Jaap, Lancaater, Willey and Pritchett. Thoae voting Nay: None. &•ll bsint r·cteetaired carried and the resolution adopted, it waa ao ordered. Alderman Willey oved) Goorman Seconded ) That there being no further buainea• berore the council council adjourn. Roll Jaap, Aye. Aye. Pritchett, Aye. Nay• None. So Ordered. I , I