HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-03-31 (Special) Meeting MinutesI I I I I SPBCllL CALL llDTING or '1'llE CITY COUICIL 0. '1'D CITY 0. DGLftOOD, COLCIUDO, THIS WBDIBSDAY Slat, DAY OP ll&Rc:H 1920. AT BIGHT O'CLOCK, P. M. Ma1or Alfred T. Bell, Called the aeetlag to order and aatwd fop roll oall. Roll Calle Ooorman, Preaent •. Elli•, Pr•••nt. J. J. Jaap, PreHd. Lancaster, Preaen\. Wlll•J, Preaen\. 5. Preaent.. llaf Or ao Prltobett., AbMnt.. 1. AbMBt.. ordered. .. for Aaked clerk to read the call~ Clerk read the call ln tull aa tollow•J IOTICB OP SPECIAL CALL MEETING OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP BIOLlllK>OD, coo--a-n-O'P ARAPAHOE' STATE or COLORADO. To= Leo Ooorman •Chae. A. Ellla, : J. J. Jaap Wa. v. Lanoaat•~ = Reed Will•J =and= Fred B. Prltobet~. The UIMle1"8igned, The 11&1or and three membe~ ot the cltJ oounoll ot tile Cit~ ot Bnglewool, Arapahoe Countr, State ot Colorado, h•NbJ glvea notl°' tbat a apeelal call meeting ot the oltJ council ot aald citJ 1• called and wlll be held in th• citr hall ot aaid oltJ, on Wednead&J the Slat, d&J of llaroh, A. D. 1110, at the hour ot 8. o'clock, P. K. ot aaid d&J - You are turther not1tied that said meeting 1• called tor the purpoee ot conaldering import.ant matter• relative to Englewood Paving Diatrlot Ro. 1. Bnglewood Colorado, and euch other and further buaineea aa m&J properl~ be brought before the council. Englewood, Colorado. llarob, 29th, 1980. •&rel. Wa v. Lanoaater. liderllall ind, ward. Altred T. !!11. li1or. Chae. A. Ellla. lidermaa Ind, wa~. The undereigned, councilmen ot the citJ ot Englewood, Arapahoe ¢o~t1; Slat.e of Colorado, hereb1 certlfJ that we and each of ua received notice ot the aboYe and toregoing mentioned Special Call Meeting ot the citJ coun•il ~r ·~aid cli• to be held Weclnead&J llarcb, 31st, l920, at the hour ot a. o'clock, P. ~· ot aald da• at the cltJ hall ln aai~ clty. 5aid notice having been served at least twent1-rour ho~ra ·betore the dat,e or ••id meeting. Chaa. A. Ellie. R. Wlll•I· ••· Lanoaater. Leo Goorman. J. Jaap. Mafor and Council directed the Chief ot Police to notitJ all the eropert~ owne.-. ot Englewood Paving Diatrlct No.l. that it th•J wanted to ll&ke "11 elMmge ln their water tap• and pipe• in the street, theJ had better do it before the paving 1• put doWD •• it would save t.he expence ot cutting the paving. Ald tmaa Goorman Moved ) Will•J Seconded ) That after investigating the matter of JDOVizts of the T~•J and Eleoi,rlc Ligh~ Pole• at. the s. w. ac s. a. elrl11 t>Mn•_._.,.,gp •· Street, lnaide the curbiDS, That th~J ·b~ left. where theJ are now. : : Roll Calli · _ Goormaa, Aye. Elli•, AJ•· Jaap, AJ•• . Lancaster, '1•· Willer, Aye. Pr1tohet~, Abaen~. 5. Ayes, i: Abaent.. 11&1or ao ordered. Aldel'll&ll Goormaa Moved) Jaap, Seconded ·) That the llayor 1• inatructed to go dowa and get ihe 'Tr9elt and oit7 •ill J>&7 tor the duap boelS". Roll Calli Alde..... Jaap Moved ) Goorman, Aye. Ellia, AJ•· Lanoaater, Aye. Wille~, AJ•. 5. Aye•,. lla7or 80 Jaap,~. Prltehet~, Abaent.. 1. AbHd. ordered. Lanoaater Seconded) That there belng no further buain••• before th• council adjourn. Roll C&llr . Goorman, AJ•· Ellia, Aye. Lancaater, Aye. Wille7, AJ•• 5. Aye•. lla7or ao Jaap, A7•· . . Pritchett, Ab .. at. 1. Abaen. .ordered. Klnutea of Special call meeting ot Karch ~lat, 1920,.or the olt7 oouoc11 o~ U.. Cit7 ot Englnoocl, Colorado, stand approved aa ~ re .. t.bl• April, 18th, 1910. f!~~ 117 f ':. I'