HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-10-02 (Special) Meeting MinutesI I· I I 14 5 SPECIAL CALL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THIS SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 2nd, A. D. 1920. yor, Alfred T. Bell, called the meeting to order and asked for roll call. Roll Call: Goorman, Absent. Ellla, Preaent. Jaap, Present. Lancaster, Absen~. Willey, Preaen~. Pritchet~, Preaen~. 4. Present, 2. Abaen~. ayor ao ordered. yor aaked clerk to read call. Clerk read call in full as follows: ROW. .... SPECIAL CALL llEETINO OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COUNTY OP ARAPAHOE, STATE OP COLORADO. To -Leo. Goorman, Chas. A. Ellis, J. J. Jaap. •· v. Lanoaater, Reed Willey, Fred B. Pritchet\. The underaigned, Th• ~ayor and three member• ot the city council ot the CltJ ot Englewood, County or Arapahoe, State or Colorado, herebJ glv• notice tha\ a apeolal call meeting or the city council ot aald city la called and wlll be held ln the city hall ot aald city, on Saturday 2nd, day ot October, A. D. 1920. a~ t.h• •Ill hour ot 8. o'clock, P. M. ot said daJ -. You are turther notified Vtat aaid meeting i• called tor the purpoa• of oonalderlng ~•tt•r• pertaining to Englewood Paving Dietrlct No. l. Englewood, Colorado, and the contractors connected therewith, and such other and further bualn••• •• may properly come before th• council for conaideration. Englewood, Colorado. September, 28th, 1920. Altred T: Bell. Chae. A. Bllia_, Alderman 2nd·, Iii-cl. -- Ma.yor. ----• • --· Fred B. Pritchet~. Alderman-iat~-~w~ard-=-.~ Jno. Ja&R, Alderman· 3rd.,. W&i'a. Th• underaigned, councilmen ot the city or Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State or Colorado, hereby certify )ha\ we and each ot ua received notiee of th• above and toreg•lng mentioned Special Call Ueeting or the clty coiincll of aald clty to be held Saturday, October, 2nd, 1920, at the hour ot eight o'clock, P . • ot aaid day at the city hal1 in said city. Said notice having been served at least twenty-tour houra betore th• dat.e ot aald meeting. Chaa. A. Ellis, . . . -------~ ...... ~ Fred B. Prlt!hatt, Jno ._ ~!~P .. _____ _:__ ____ _ Wm. v. Lanoaater, Reed V!ille7, D•:·Jua• Lawrence of th• Firm or Gibbons & Lawreno• contract.on, ~ho were aw&N .. th• contract tor Englewood Paving Diatrio~ No. 1. Englewood, Colorado, F••· 17th, 1920. •l!dt ln a t blll .tor extra• on the abutment.a to Dry Creek,brldge. Gl Ai. :I•• •, ':l&t.7 : Engtaeer ot Englewood being presenl,mdt.ean looking over aald bill tor extra•, recomended that the council conaider the allowing ot th• ... of ts•.oo tor extra work on excavating for abutment wall• ot Dr1 Creek Bridle, ( in going down~. rt. instead ot 2. r~. ) Alderman Elli• Moved) Jaap, Seconded) That there being· no further business before the counoll, council adJO\lftl .• Roll Calls Goorman, Absen~. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye. ~ncaater, Abaen~. Wille~, Aye. Pritohe~\, AJ•• 4. Ayea, 2. Aba~at. l.layor ao ordered. Minute• ot apeoial call meeting or the city council Colorado, thia October 2nd, 1~20. stand approved aa da~ ot October, A. D. 1920. •t the c i tJ ot Engl••o• ,. ~ th1• ~lth, Z'HettA~~ c1tl;cie •