HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-12-06 (Special) Meeting Minutes• 1. . I I f ' I SPECIAL CALL MEETING OF THE CITY COlJICIL llllS •O lDAY, DECE BER 6th, A. D. l92v. OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, ayor Alfred T. Bell, Called the meeting to order and a•k•d tor roll call. Roll Call: Goorman, Present. Elli•, Present. Jaap, Preaent.. Pr1tehett, Pr••• \. l. Ab•ent.. Lancaster,. Abaentt ;a11e1, Present.. 5. Present. . ~ayor ao or .. red. 1or aaked clerk to read call: Clerk re d call in full aa followa; . OTICE OF SPECIAL CALL MEI:TING OF THE CITY COUil CIL OF THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COOIC'ti OF ARAPABOE, STATE OP COLORADO. o =Leo oorman, Ch••· A. Ellia, J. J. Jaap, Wm. v. Lanoa•ter, Reed ~illey, Fred B. Pritchett. Th e underai~ned, The Mayor and three members or the oitf oouno11 or t.be Clt1 or nglewoocl, County or Arapahoe, State or Colorado, hereby give notice that a apeolal call meeting of the city council of said city ia called and will be held la the oitJ h all ot said city, on r.~onday 6th, day of December, A. D. 1920, at the hour ot 8. p'clce~, 0 • ~. Of &Mid da~ - You are further not1f1~d that said~ et1,~ la called tor the purpose or cona1der- 111J !:lattera pertaining to the granting or a licenae to Amuaement Compan7 whleh la about Ma open up at the J;mtood Feature .Picture Studio Building in Englewood and auch other and further buainesa aa may properly come betore the council tor cone14erat1on at that time. ~nglewood, Co lorado, Chaa. A. Ellia. Alderman 2nd, ·:1ard. m. v . Lancaater. __ .,.A..,,.l"""d_e __ rma __ n__,,,2_nd~,~w,,....a-rd~.---- December, 3rd, 1920. Alfred T. Bell. Mayor. Fred B. Pritchett. Alderman lat, Ward. Th • undersigned, councilmen or the city or Englewood, County or Arapahoe, State ot Col orado, hereby certity that we and each ot ua received notio• or the above and foregoing mentioned Special Call ~eeting or the city council ot said cltt te be held onday, December, 6th, 1920, at the hour ot 8: o'clook, P. K. ot aaid ta~ at the c1 ty hall in uld alt.r1 .-:...) Said notice having been eervedlftt least twenty-four hour• betore th• date or said meeting. Fred B. Pritchett. Chaa. A. Ellia. Wm. v. Lancaster •. R. \'/ille7. Leo. Goorman. Th ere being a large ammb•r or the Englewood __ J_. __ J_a_a_p_·-~~~~----------- ol tlaena preaent. The yo•1 Stated the objeot o~ the meeting being called to diaouaa the .mat-.r fl lloenalag-the Amuaemen~ Company that was about to open at th• Studio or the .. Fe ature Picture Company, and the newa that had been clroulated through .t.h• ~ that th• oounoil had granted a license, which waa not true, aa there had be ae formal action on the matter and no application tor a licenae, the~e the ocnauall could not act until an application waa made tor a licenae, and th~ be diaeuaaecl aa aoae ot the Amuaemen~ Company ia present and wlll hear trom th... . . Fred A. llae•traa preaident ot the oompan1, laid their plane betore th• people preaent, Alao Senitor Dunklee •f ~Deatrer, spoke on behalf or the oompan7, looatllle ln Engle•cod. Alderman, Lancaster, come in and took hla place at council table. rt••· r. Hoover, Rev. Earl o. Harbo11r, Dep9,J Dlairle\ A~~orne1, Coaaa~. Sberrltt- Eleo\ lloN ... ra. Kr. Dow. and other•. or Englewood, a~dt!e11e4 th• people, prote1t1 .. a galmt. th• opening or the propoaed &lll1l8ement. plaoe ln Englewood. L:!'. .. At~er muoh diacuaaion ot the matter, ·~ ... .. · .. o :, •• : : .:.~~1 ,;:1 . The JOP announced there being no appl1cat1oa preaented lo;. \lle 2 ...... 11~•99P-ated 1 o .... o ~· .fMIDJ•••nt. compan~, the oounoll oould do noihlng, and a motlell t• adjOUPD waa ln order. Threupon, Alderman Goorman, Uoved ) Pritchett., Seconded). That. Th-being no further bualne11 before the 11 council adjourn. Roll Call: Goorman, Aye. Lancaster, Aye. 6 . Ayea, Uayor :111a, Aye. ~!1 l leJ, Aye • 80 Jaap, Aye. Pritchett, Are. Nayea None. ordered. Minute• or special call meeting of the city council or the city •r Englewood, Colo., thl• 6 tl, day or December, 1920, stand approved aa ~ this 13th, da~ ot December, 1920. lif'l lli2/ /',~~C?M.. .. clt1rk.