HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-12-27 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI
HI S MOND AY DEC EMB ER 27th, 1920. '
1or Alfred T . Bell, being absent, Mayor Pro-tea, Fred B. Pritchet~, called tile
e ting ·to order and aaked ror roll call,
Roll r.P.::..l:
Goorman, Present. Blli•, Present. Jaap, Present..
Lancaater, Absent. '11lley, Pre1ent. Pritchett, Preaent..
5. Present. l. Abaent.
Mayor •o ordered.
ldermaa Goormaa Introduced~Clerk read in full ?ropoaed Ordinance No.
Serl•• ot l 92v , An Ordinance to be known a• the Annual Appropriation Bill ter
all munici p al purpo s es for the City or Englewood, tor th• tiacal year beginnlag
January lat, A. D. 192l ·and Ending December 3lat, A. D. 1921.
lderman Goorman tJ oved)
n tlley Seconded} That Proposed Ordlnanoe r~o. Seri•• ot 1920,beir.g entitled
n Ordi n ance t o be known aa the annual a p propriation bill tor all municipal
urp o•e• ror th• City ot Englewood for the ti•oal year beginning JanuarJ l•\, A. D.
i2l and ending DecemlMr 31st, A. D. 1921, do now paaa second reading a• rea•.
Roll Sall:
Goorman, Aye, Elli•, Naye. Jaap, Are.
Lancaster, Absent. ~illey, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
4. Ayes, l. Absent, l. Naye.
Layor so ordered.
l d e rm an rio orman oved)
Jaa p , .econded) That entitled an Ordinance to be known ae the annual appropria-
loa b il l for all municipal purpose• ror the City ot Englewood, Colorado, tor the
11oal y ear b e ~lnning January lat, A. D . 1921 and ending December 3lat, A. D.
2 1, e n ow a s aed as Ordinance Ao. 7. Serie• or 1920,
oll Call:.
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Naye. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, Absent. Willey, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
4. Ayea, l. Absent, l. N&J•·
?.l ay or so ordered.
ld erman ,o orman ~oved)
Jaa p , Seconded) That be it resolved that Ordinance No. 7. Series ot 1920,
h i• d a y p a ssed b y the city council or the City of Englewood, Colorado, be
u b ll•h•t in a weekly newspaper or g eneral circulation in the City ot Englewood,
o lorado, a a re q uired by statute• of the State of Colorado.
Roll Call: ·
G oo~n, Aye. Elli•, Naye.
Lancaster, Absent. Willey, Aye ·.
4. Ayea, 1. Absent.
1ayor ao
lderma Goorman Uoved)
Jaap, Aye.
l. N&J••
Jaap, Seconded) That the Application or M. s. Crampton tor Pool Table 11oeaae
e laid over and the money on deposit be returned to Mr. Crampton and notif7 hill
hat he clean up the room, remove the things out or the window• and turn oa aere
ight• in aid• ao people can see into the building when paaalng.
Roll Call:
Goo91D&Jl, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, Absent. ~illey, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
5. Ayea, l. Abaent.
Mayor ao ordered.
ldel'll&ll Goormaa Moved)
Jaap, Seconded) Tha~ the proposal or E. E. Boelough to purchase the taz
ertltlcatea .. ld by th• city ot Lots •7 & '8. Blook '· 1 ... &callleal 3lll•.te
ota 10 • 11 & 12, Block 3. bn ~Ma111oa~~,rti-t1111aa:r t._Jbl• •tt••taM t at. r ... date ot •ale, be accepted.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Ellis, Aye. Jaap, A~•·
Lanca•ter, Absent. Wille~, A7e. Pritchett, Ar•·
5. Ayes, l. Abaent.
'Iayor 10 ordered.
lderman Goorman Introduced, Clerk read in full, Propoaed Ordinance No.
eri•• ot 1 9 20, Aa Ordinance to Amend an Ordinance entitled • An Ordinance t•
end an Ordinance Entitled an Ordinance Relating to the Installation and iaapectioa ·
t Electric ireing Apparatu• within the city limit• or the cit~ or Englewo.a, Colo-
ado, and to repeal aectiona 2. & e. of said ac~ above ment1 ... d, approved Ila~ lltb,·
914, and all o~~nanc•• in conflict with thia ordinance, and to repeal aeetl .. 1.
t aaid ordinance above mentioned, approved November 9th, 1914, and all ordin&Jreea
nd p art• ot ordinance• in conflict with thi• ordinance.
lderman Goorman Moved)
J aap, Seconded) That Proposed Ordinance No. ~ Serie• or 1920, same. beiag
ntitled An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to amend an
rdinanoe entitled an Ordinance Relating to the installation or Electr1o Wiring
pparatU8 within the City limits or the City or Englewood, Colorado, and *9peejeal
ectiona 2. a nd a. ot said ae~ above mentioned approved Mar 11th, 1914, and all
inane•• nd part• or Ordinance• in conflict with thi• Ordinance, and to repeal
ectlon l. or s aid ordinance above mentioned, a p proved November 9th, 1914, and all
rdi n ancea and parta or ordinan ces in conflict with thia ordinance, do now paaa
irat reading aa read.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. ~11i1, ~·· Jaap, Aye. Lancaster, Absent., Hilley, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
4. Ayee, 1. Absent, l. Naye.
L4 ayor ao ordered.
........ I
Aldermaa Goorman oved)
Jaap, Seconded) That \/hereaa, a proposed .Ordinance No. Serl•• .,.
1920, o the ordinance• or Eng lewood, b eing entitled An Ordinaiiii ~·~iid aa
nance ltnt.1tle4 an -Gr-41nanoe to ~mend an ordinan.ca-anti trl .. ·-an-ordia••••
relating to th• inatallation and inspection o·r r:1ectrio Wlrlq Apparatus wltJa.la
th• city limit• or th• City or bng lewood, Colorado, and to .repeal sectio .. s. &ad
8. or aa1d act. above mentioned, approved l .~ay llth, l914, and all ord1nan-and
art• or ordinance• in conflict with this ordinance, and to repeal aectloa 1. ot
s id ordinance above mentioned, approved 1 overnber Dth, 1914, and all ord1naaee•
nd art• or ordinance• in conflict with thia ordinance, haa been introduced
nd read and paaaed at ita firat reading,
·ow thererore, b e it resolved y the City Council or the City ot
~·n lewood, that the l reposed Ortinance ii o. ~•riea or 1920, aforesaid, be ,.
pu liahed fta required ~y the statutea of the State of Colorado, and go over ·
tor further cona1deration at another meeting.
Roll Call:
lderman illey Joved)
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, IJaye. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, Abs ent. Hilley, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
4 . Ayea. 1. Absent, 1. Naye.
~ayor so ordered.
J a , econded ) Th at. City Att orney draw up an Ordinance Regulating I.loving
P icture f-lo wa and the license of same for the City or Englewood, Colorado,
Roll Ca ll:
roorman, Ay e •
Lancaster, Absent,
5 . Ayea,
ld rman • 1ll9y i ;o ed)
Elli•, Aye.
;:7111ey, Aye.
Jaap, Aye.
Pritchett, Aye.
1. Absent..
Jp a , ; conded) Th at there e!ng no other business berore the council,
Council .djourn .
Roll Call:
oorman, Aye.
Lancaster, bs ent,
l. Ay es,
I:llia, Aye.
~H illey, Aye.
Jaap, Aye.
1. Absent.
•inutea or Adjourned Re eu lar ,Ieeting of the City Council ot the City ot Englewood,
ro lorPdo, h i• 27th, day or ecember, 1920, stand approved aa ~ this
J nuary 1 , 1921.
~lJ; _,. .