HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-02-21 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I . · I I ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP EIGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THIS KlmDAY 21st, DAY OP FEBRUARY. 1921. Mayer Altre•·T. Bell Called the meeting to order and aake• tor rall call. Roll C&ll: · Goorman, Preaent. Elli•, Preaent. Jaap, Present. I.ancaater, Present. WilleJ, ·Absent. Prltohett, Preaea\. 5~ Present. 1. Abaent. Mayor •• or•er ... Alderman Goorman Uov .. ) Jaap, Seconde•l That Thomas F. Fole7 be and he 1s herebJ permitt .. t• vaoat.a the weat halJ° of Block ... 1. Enwood Addition to Englewo .. , aa he la the ewner er the entire weat half of aald block, l•t• numbered rr .. ·1 to 2S lncluaive aa . the aal• lota are not lai• out properlr, and the major and c1tJ clerk 1• here~ •~ere• te al .. th• plat vacating said lots. Roll Call: Goorman, Aye. Ellie:, Aye. Jaap, AJ•. Lancaster, Aye. Wlllef, Absent. Pritchett, Aye. 5. Present, 1. Abaent. Mayor · •• order••· Alderman Goorman Moved) Jaap, Seconded) That Taxicab License be granted to the following nam .. part1••, c. H. Skerritt 2. cara. Otto Willingham 2. Ca~a. •· s. Willinghaa 1. Car. aa per the1r applications on tile. · Roll Calli Goorman, Aye. Lancaater, Aye. 5. Aye1, Mayor Elli•, AJ•· Jaap, Aye. Wille7, Absent. Pritchett, •• 1. Abaent.. orclere•. A7e. Clerk rw .. Ordinance No. Seriea of 1921, An Ordinance tor the purpoae er providing f'er the regulation and licensing ot all exhibitiena ·or motion picture• known aa Muteacope, K1netoscope or Cinemategraph or other like aut ... tlo er moving picture• devise• and providing a penalty tor the vlolatioa et th1• •~1naaoe and repealing all orcllnancea or parts or ordinances in contllc\ her .. itb, ln full. Alderman Pr1tehe~t Movetl) Lancaater Seconded) Tha~ Ordinance No. ___ Serie• of i;21,An ordinance ter the purpoae ot providing tor the regulation and licensing ot all exehlbltl• .. of motion pictures known aa Mutoscope, Kin•~oscope or Clnemategraph er other like Aut ... tio or Moving picture Devises and Providing a penaltJ tor the v101ai1 .. et th1a erdinanoe and repealing all ordinances or part• ot ordinances la oeatllct 16*9~ ~be -••1811 .. t• read license tis.co instead or t2e.oo a• it ~ •• Roll Call: Goorman, Na7e, Ellla, Na1e. Jaap, Ra7e. Lancaster, A7e. Wille~, Abaent. Pritchett, AJ•· 2. Ayea, 3. Na1••, 1. Absent. Mayor Declaf'••·l the motion loat. Aldel'llAll Goorman Moved) Jaap Seconded ) That Ordinance No. Serl•• ot 1921, an Ordinance t•• U.. purpeae or providing tor the regulation and licenaing ot all exhibitlo .. er Keti .. Pieture• kn ... as Mutoacope, Klnt\oacope or c1 .... tegraph er ether like aat ... ~e er aeYlng ploture devlaea and providing a penaltJ ter th• vielat1 .. et thle er.tlaaau and repea11..-all ordinance• or part• of ordinance• in c•nt'llot. herewlt.b, •• .... paaa •ceDll reading aa re ... Rell C&llt Ooorm&ll, Aye. Ellie, AJ•• Jaap, AJ•• Lancaster, NaJ•• Will•J, Absent. Pritchett, NaJ•· 3. Ayes, 2. N•1••· l. Abaent • Mayor ao oreer.a. Alder11&11 Goormaa Mov .. l Elli• See•llll .. t Tha~ Ordinance No. Serie• of 1921, Entitle• An Ordlaaa .. fer the purp••• or Providing tor the regulatien and llcenelng of all exhlbltle .. of aetlen picturee known as Kutoacope, Kinetoacope or Cl .. aatograph or ether like aut ... tle or moving picture devices and providing a penalt~ fer the viela\1 .. et tbla ordinance and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinance• in c~llo\ herewith, be now t1nallJ paeaed aa ordinance No. 2. Serl•• ot 1921. Roll Calla Goorm&11, Aye. Elli•, AJ•· Jaap, AJ•• l.ancaater, Na7e. Wille7, Absent. Pritchett, .. ,., 3. Ayea. 2. Nayea. 1. Abaent. Mayor ao ordere•. Alderman Gooraaa Kov .. ) Elli• Seeonde•) That be it resolved that ordinance No. 2. Series ot 1921, this da1 pa•• .. bf th• cltJ council. ot the City ot Englewood, Colorado, be publish .. in the Englewood Enterprise a weekly news paper ot general circulation in the CitJ ot Englewo .. , Colorado, aa required by the statute• of the State ot Celera••· Rell Callr Goorman, AJ•· Lanoaater, Na7e. 3. A7ea, Mayor Ellie, Aye. Jaap, A~•· WilleJ, Absent, Prltohett, 2. Na1e•, l. Abseat. •• o~eree. NaJ•• Thereupon, Councilman~&•.._..Cntroduced the following resoluti•n which waa read in tull bJ the clerk and duly considered by the council, RBSOLUTIO• OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CIT!' OP EROLEWOOD, COLORADO, DECLARING THE NECESSITY FOR THE ESTABLISHllERT OP A SEWER DISTRIQT ARD POR THE CONSTRUCTIOS THEREIK OP A SYSTBll OP SEWERS FOR SANITARY DRAillAOB. 17.5 1 76 Whereaa, the CitJ or Englewood, Colorado, ia a CitT or the second claaa and th• populatl•n ot said City has now reached upward• or ('6356: ) Pour Thousand Three hundred tltty-ai~ human beings dwelling in all part.a of the corporate lialta or said city, and said population is incre.asing rapldlJi and Whereas, there i• no sewer system or natural drainage in said Cit7, ~ th• aoll i• raat becoming permeated with corrupl matte~, ancl the air witJI ottenalve attluvia from cesa pools and water closets, being dangerous t• t.b• 11••• and detrimental to the health or the inhabitants or said clt19 alMI Whereaa, under the la•• or the State ot Colorado now in toroe, the ci\r ia eapowerecl to create sewer districts within the corporate llmlta or tbe aa14 · cit~, and auch await-districts therein as may. be necessa17 te atrerd aai aCeq~t• a1atea or sanitar7 drainage, either separately or i~ coabinatlon; ·&Diii · Whereas, it la deemed tor the bes~ interest or said CitJ, both tor aanltarr reaaona and upon the grounds ot economy, that there be oenatruot_. ln the aaid City ot Englewood, a system ot aewera tor ceaplete aanit&rJ drain&!• ot auch portion or aaid City as la in immediate need _or a sewerage ayatea, the coat thereot to be assessed upon all or .the real estate in said diatrlot or sub-dlatricta, respectively, in proportion as the .area or auch piece or real eatate in the 'diatrlct ls to the area or all or the real estate in the dlatrlct, exclusive or public highways; Now Theretore, Be It Resolved by the City Council ot the City or Englewo04I, Colorado, that the construction ot sewers tor sanitary drainage ot said City, be and the aame la hereby declared a aanitamrr necessit~ tor the pre .. rvatl•n ot t h• health an• live• or the inhabitants or said City, alMI . . Be It Further Resolved *hat tor the purpose or conatruotl .. a sewer •J•t .. ln and tor aaid City, an ordinance be prepared creating a sewer dlatrlot bounded and descrlbed aa tollows, to-wit: N•t•I Where street• and avenues are .mentioned in thia deaorlption it shall be mean t._ center lines ot such streets and avenue•·· Be g inning a~. the intersection or Wes~ Yale Avenue and South Elati Stree\; thence South along South Elati Street to Wee~ Daittmouth Avenue• thence East. along eat Dartmouth Avenue to the West Line or South .Delaware Street; theaoe South along the eaat line Qt South Delaware Street extendeC to a p•la\ •blob la one hundred teet South or the South line or Weat DartmoutJl Avenue; thenoe Baa\ along a llne which ia parallel to and one hundred reet South of the South 11 .. of Weat Daz-t.mouth Avenue to South Cherokee Street; thence South aleng Seutb Cherokee Street to West Eastman Avenuei thence East along Weat Eaa"-n A~•aue to South Acoaa Street; tpence South along South Acoma Stree\ and South Ao ... Street extended to the Southerly rtght or ••1 line or the Cit7 Ditoh; th•••• Mort.II •••terlr and South Westerly along said right ot wa~ line t• SoutJl Delaware Street; thence South along South Delaware Street; thence South aleng Sout.b Delaware Street to Weat Quincy Avenue; thence East along Weat Quincy Av•B119 to South Broadway; thence South along South Broadway to Eaa\ St~or.l Aveaue1 t.benoe East alo11g East Stanford Avenue to South Lincoln Stree\; theaoe Nertb along South Lincoln Street to East Princeton Avenue• thence East along Ea•~· Prlaoeten Avenue to South Logan Street; thence North along South Logan Street t• Eaa\ Naaaau Avenue; thence Weat along Eas\ Nassau Avenue to Sou\b Sbel'll&ll Street; thenc. North along South Sherman Street to Eas~ Kanar1•1• AvenueJ thenee Weat along Eaa~ Kanatield Avenue to South Broadway; thenoe North aleag South Broad••T to Eaat Kenyon Avenue extended; thence East, along East Keay .. Avenue extended to South Lincoln Street; extended; thence North along Sou\b Lincoln Street extended and South Lincoln Street to a point which · 1• 308 teet South or the South line or East Hampden Avenue; thence eaaterlj to an interaeot1on with the center line or South Pearl Street to a point which is 300 reet SeutJI et the South line or East Hampden Avenue; thence North along South Pearl Street te Eaat Hampden Avenue; thence East along East Hampden Avenue to South Clarka•n Street• thence North along South Clarkson Street to -Eaat Flo1• Avenu.; thea .. we Weat along East Floyd Avenue to South Pennsylvania Street; thence Nort.b aleag South Pennaylv&ni• Street to . Eas~ Eaatm-.n Avenue; thence West along Eaat Baa~ Avenue .to South Logan Street; thence No~th along South Logan Street to Baat Yale Avenue• thenae West .along East .Yale Avenue ancl West Yale Avenue to th• pelal or beginning., inclu4ing all the land within the above boundart'•• and all et the above being contained within the corporate limits ot the City ot Englewo.a, Celo- rade, the land lying within said boundaries being more particularly deaorlbe• as tollowa, te-witi Lota l to 48, both inclusive, in each or blocks 2 and 3 in Terry'• Addltlea. Lota l to 48, both inclusive, in each ot blocks 9, 10, 11, lZ, 13 1 14', 15 ancl 16 all ln Idlewild. Lota l to 48, both inclusive, in Block.3, s. G. Hamlin's Additien. Lota l to 48, both inclusive, in Block 4, Taylor's Addition. Lota 1 to 43, both inclusive, in each ot .blocks 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 2S and 24 all in Spee~• Broadwa~ Addition. . Lota l to 48, both inclusive, in each or blocks l, 2, and 3 all in a .. 1. Additien. Lota 1 to 2,, both inclusive, in block 4, in s. G. Hamlin'• Broadwa~ Addltl••· A tract or land bounded as tollows; Beginning at the intersection or the South line ot West Dartmouth Avenue, with the Eaat line extended or South Delaware Street; thence South along the Baat line ot South Delaware Street; extended, a distance ot 100 teet; thence Eaa\ aleng . a line which i• paraJ.AAl to and 100 tee~ South or the South line of ... ~ Dar\- mouth Avenue t• an interaec.tion with the Wea~ line ot South Chez-eke• Streel • thenoe Horth along the Weat line or South Cherokee Street to an lnteraeot1 ...... •1th the South line or Wea\ Dartmouth Avenue thence Wea~ along the South llne et Weat Dart.mouth Avenue to the point ot beginning. A traot ot land bounded as follows• Beginning at an intersection or the Center line ot South Aco .. Street wltb the Seut.h line or s. G. Haalin'a Broadway Addition, thence SoutJI aloac the extend•• center line ot South Acoma lt .. •t to an interseotlon with the North line extend .. or block 1, Enwood Addition to the City ot Englewood; thence Eaat alo1ag the north line and North line extended or Blo~k 1, Enwood Addltl•• t• the Ci~J !~eg311 1:~~ i!o~ !Riei::~ti!fte•~fbs!a!n sPSallli tina.0 fnfl~ato!i ... ltli the I . I I I I I ·I I I I South line or s. a. Haalln'a Broadway addition; thence Weat along the South llne .. or S. G. Hamlln'a Broadway addition to the point. or beglnnlna. Lota 1 t• 23 both inclusive and lots 25 to 48 both incluaiYe all in Blook 1, Enwood Addition to the City or Englewood. A tract or land bounded as follows; Beginning at the Southweat corner or Lot 12, Block l, Emroocl Add1t1 .. t• the City or Englewood, thence South 14~6/lO ree.t to the Nrothweat corner ot Le~ 13 ia said Bleck l; thenoe Eaat 100 reet along the North line ot aai• Lo\ 13, tbeaoe North l•-6/lo ·ree~ to the Southeast corner or Lot lZ in said Bleok l, theaoe Wea\ aleng the South line ot said Block 12 to the point of beginning. A traot or land bounded as foll•••; Beginning at the Southweat corner or Lo~ 37, Block 1, Enwood Addition t• the City ot Englewood, thence South 14-6/10 feet to the North•••~ corner ot L•~ 36 ln Bleck l; thence Eaat 125 feet along the North line or said Lot 36; thence North l•-st100 feet t• the Southeast corner or lot 37 in said Block l; theaoe Weat along the South line or said Lot 37 a distance or 125 fee~ to the point et beginning. A trao~ ot lanil bounded as follows: Begirmlag at the Northwest oo"1er or Lot l, Bleok l, Enwood Addlti• t.e tbe Ci\~ ot Englewood, theaoe Weat along the extended North line of aa14 Le\ l a 41at.aaoe ot 5~ fee~; thence South along a line which is par-all•l t.e alMI 53 tee\ •••\ et the Weat line ot said block I to an intersection with the North line er Wea\ Hampden Avenue, thence Eaat 53 reet aleng said No~ Line et Weat Haapdea Aveaue to an lntersectloa •ltb the Weat line or aald Block 1,. thence North along aal• Weat line ot Block l, to the point ot beginning. A tract or lallll bounded as fellows: Beginning at an interaectlon or the West line or South Br-o .. wa7 with the Seutb line or West Hampden Avenue; thence West along the South line ot Weat Haapde• Avenue to an lnteraeoti•n with the extended center line ot SoufJI Ao ... Stree~, thence South along the extended center line or South Ac... Street te aa later- aeotlon wltb the North line or Sheridan Avenue; thence Soutbea•terl7 along the North line or Sheridan Avenue to an intersection with the Wea\ line ot Sou~ Broadw&~a thence North along the West line ot South Broadwa~ to the point et beginning. Leta 1 t• 50 both incluslYe ln Block l, Shad7side Addltlen to Bnglewo ... All et the lot• in Block 5, Lota 4 to 13 both inclusive in Blook 4 1 Lota 8, 10, ll, 12,&3 alW 14 in Block 3, Lota l to 16' both lnclualve ln Bleok 2', Let• 1 te 8 both lncluslYe in Block l, the East half of Block l all la Englewo~ Helghta. All or the Lota in Block 4, Lota I to 16 both lnclualYe in each ot Bleoka 1, e, aJMl 3, l•i• 1 to 48 both inclusive in each ot blocks 5, 6, 7, and a, Lota 1 t• 24 both lnolualwe in each or Bloc·k• 9, 10, ll and 12 all in Haallten and ltllli•'• Br• .. ••7 aelgbta. A trac~ or land bounded •• rollowa& Beginning at the intersection or the center line or South Delaware Stree~ wltb the South line extended ot Hamilton and Killie'• Broadwa~ Height.a, thenoe Sout.b along the center line extended ot South Deleware Street to an interaeotlea •lt.b the extend8' center line ot West Mansti•ld Aveaue thence Ea•~ alone the extended center line or West Mansfield Avenue to an interaectlea wltb the •••\ 11 .. ot South Broadway; thence North along the West line or South Brea•~ t• an lnter•eotlon with the South line or Hamilton and Killie'• Broadwa7 Hellb\ai thence Wea\ along the South line or Hamilton and Killie'• Bro••••~ Hei8b\a te the point ot beginning. Lot.s l te A both inclusive in each ot Blocka l, 2'1 3 and 4'; Lot.a 1 t.e 47 botb iaolu•lv• la each ot blocks 13 and 14; lota 1 te 46. both lnoluslYe la eaob ·~ bleoka 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19; Lota l to 47 both incluaive ln Bleck ZOf Lets l t• 49 both lnolualve in each or Block• 29, 30, 31, 32 all ln Jackson a Bro .. ••J Helghta. · Let• l te 48 both inclusive in each ot blocks 1 and Z all ln ReSubcllvlaloa et lot• 2 and 3 Killie'• Sub-divlaion, now known aa blocks l and 2' Killi•~• aubcl1vl•l.en. Leta l te •B both lnolualve in each or blocks 3 and 4 all ln Reaubdlvlalen et lot.a 6 and 7 Killie'• Sub-diviaion. L•t• l to 24 both inclusive ln each or block• 1,2, 3, and 4 all la A Reaubclivia- 1•• et Bleck• 5 and 8 in Kllll•'• Subdlviaion. Let• 1 t• 22 both inclualw ln each or Blocks 7, a, I arMI 10 all ln Annandale. Lots l t• •e both inclusive ln each or blocks l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 all ln Stra7er'• Broa•••r Heights. Lot• l to '8 botb inclusive in each or blocks l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 all la Reae Addltlen to Englewood, Colora4o. Lot• 5 to 20 both inclusive in each or blocks 3 and 4, lota 1 to 8 both laolualve and 17 to 24 both lnclua1v.e in each ot blocks 5 and 6, Lota 1 te 48 lnclualwe. ln each ot bleoka l, 2, 7 and 8 all in Premier Addition to Englewo ... A traot ot land bounde4 aa follows; Beginning at. an lateraeotlon or the East line or South BN .. WQ with the Seuth line ot Ea•~ Pl•7• Avenue thence ·East along the South line or Eaa\ Fleyd Avenue, 255 teet th•noe South 125 feet; thence West 255 feet more or l•••, t• an interaectloa •1 t.b the East line ot South Broadway; .thence North along the Bast 11•• or South Bro ... •~ 125 teet, more or lesa, to the point or beg1nn1ag. A tract ot 1&1111 bounded aa follows; Beginning at a point on the south line ot East Flo7d Avenue which la 255 tee\ Eaat or the Eaat line ot South Broadway; thence East along the South llae et Eaat Flo1• AvemM 195 feet then01t south 125 feet; thence West 195 feet thenoe North 125 feet more or le•• to the point ot beginning. A t.ract ot land bounded aa follows; Beginning at a point on the South line ot Eaat Floyd Avenue •hioh l• 450 fee\ Eaat ot the Eaat line ot South Broadway; thenoe Eaat along tbe South line et East Flo7• Avenue 160 teet1 thence South 125 feet thence Wea\ 160 fee\ thence Rertb 125 feet, more or leas, to the point or beginning. A tract ot land bounded aa follows; Beglnnlng at a point on the Eaat line It South Broadwar-which ia 125 feet Sou\h et the Seut.h line ot Eaat Floyd Avenue1 thence Eaa\ 510 tee\ more or leaa, te an lnteraeotlen with the East line or South Broadwa~; thence North aleng the Eaat line et South Broadway 194 feet more or leas t• the point ot beglnnl ... A tract ot lanl bounded •• follo•a; Beginning at a point on the Eaat line or South Broadway which la 319 fee\ Seutb or the South line ot East Floyd Avenue; then01t Eaa~ 459 feet; thence Sout.b 100 17'7 17 teet more or le••, to an interaection wlth the North line 9~ ~leek 3 ot Preaier Addlt.1en t• Englewood; thence Weat along the North line and North .li~e exte91le4 ot Bl•ek• 3 and 4, Pre•l•r Addition to Englewood, 459 reet more or leas to·aa intersection with the East line or South Broadwa~; thence North along the Eaa~ line or South Bro .. wa7 100 reet, more or leas to the point ot beginning. A traot ot l~ bounded aa tollowa; Beginning at a point on the North line or Block 3, Premier Additien to Englewood, •hlob 1• 459 reet East or the East line or South Broadway thence East along the North line extended or said Block 3, a distance ot 151 reet; thence North 100 teet; thenoe Weat 151 reet; thence South 100 reet more or leas, t• the po1n~ or beginning. A tract ot land bound•• aa tollowa; Beginning at the Soutbwt•'toorner or lot 8 Block 5 Premier AdC1t1en to Engl••• .. ; thence East along th• South line and South line extended or Blocks 5 and 6 Premier· Additl•n to Englewood 611 reet; thence South 100 reet; thence . Weat 611 reet, mere or leas, to an lnteraectlon with the East line ot South Broadway; thence Herth 100 : reet, more or l•••, to the point or beginning. A tract ot land bounded •• rollo••• Beginning at a peint on the Eaat line or South Broadway which 1• 308 tee\ Berth or the North line ot Eaat Hampden Aveaue; thence East 611 reet; thence s..\b 154 reet; thence Weat. 611 reet, more or lesa to an 1nteraect1•n with the Ea•\ 11ae ot South Broacl•a1; thence North along the Eaat line or Sout.h Broa4wa~ 154 teet, more or leaa, to the point or beginning. A tract or l&IUI bounded aa tollowa; Beginning at a point on the Eaat line ot South Broaclway which 1• 154 feet Herth ot t.b• North line ot Eaat Hampden Avenue; thence East 125 reet; thence South 50 ,. reet1 th•llC9 Weat 125 t••t more or leaa, to an lnteraectioa with the East liae et South Broad••~• thence North along the East line or Seuth Broa4way 50 reet, aere er l••• t• the point or beginning. A t.raot et i..a bounded aa to11•••; Bestnnlng at a point which ia 154 teet North ot the North line ot Eaat Haaplea Aveaue and 125 reet East ot the East line ot South Broadwa~. thence Eaat 68 tee\; thence South 50 teet; thence Weat 66 reet; thenae North 50 tee\, more or l•••, t• th• point or beginning. A tract ot l&JMI bounded aa tollowa; Beginning at a point on the Eaat line or South Broadway which 1• 104 teet Herth et t.be Horth line ot East Hampden Avenue1 thence Eaa\ 191 teet; thence South 25 tee'; thenoe Weat 191 teet.; more or leaa to ala intersection with the Eaa\ line ot Seuth Broad••Ji thence North along the Eaat line ot South Broadway ·25 teet, qiore er leas, to th• point ot beginning. ~ traot et 1 ... bounded aa tollowa, Beginning at a point on the Eaat line ot South Broa4•&J' •hicsh ia 7~ teet. Ner\b ot the North line ot East Haapden Avenue; thence East 125 teet; thenoe SoutJi 51 tee\; thence West 125 teet more or leaa, te an intersection •1th the Eaat line et SouUl Breadway, thence North 52 reet, more or l•••, t• the point or begina1 ... A tract or l&JMI bounded a• toll•••; Beginning at the interaeotlen ot the Eaat line ot South Broa4wa7 with the Herth line ot East Haapclen Avenue; thence North along the East line ot South Br• .. ••~ 27 reet; thence Eaat 125 teet.; thence South 27 tee\• more or l•••, te an later- ••otien with the North line or Eaat Hampden Avenue; thence We•~ aleng the Rer\h llae ot East Hampel•• Avenue 125 tee\, more o~· lea•, te the point of beginnlaa. A traot ot lan4 bounded aa tollewa; . Beginning at a point on the north line ot Eaat Hampd~n Avenue •hitth 1• 1~5 tee\ .. Eaat or the East line ot South Broadway; thenQ• North 79 reet; thence Eaat 55 tee\; thenoe S..th 79 reet, more or leas, to an intersection with the North line el Eaat Haapclea Avenue; thence Weat 56 reet, more or leas, along the .. rth liae ot East Hampden Avenue to the point ot beginning. A tract ot lal'MI bounded •• tollows; . Beglnalng-at a point on the Noeth line ot Eaa\ Hampden Avemae which ia 191 tee' Bast et the East. line ot South Broadway; thence North 154 teet; thence East 50 ~eet thence South 15' teet, more or leaa, to an intersection with the North line et East Hampden Avenue; thence Weat along the ~orth line ot Eaa\ Haapdea Avenue 50 teet, more or leas, to the point or beginning. A tract ot land bounded aa toll•••• Beginning at a point on the North line o~ East Hampden Avenue which ia 241 teet .. iaat or t.he East line ot South Broadway; thence North 154 tee\; thence Eaa\ 50 reet; thence South 15' feet, more or leas, to an _interseoti•• with the Herth line or East Hampden Avenue; thence west along the North l _ine et Eaa\ Haapden Aveaue 50 teet, more or less, to the point or beginning. A traot or land bounded aa tollowa; . Beginning at a point on th• North line or East Hampden Avenu•·•hich ia 291 teet east et the East li .. ot South Broadway; thence North 154 teeti thence Ea•\ 50 teet; thence South 154 teet, more or less, to an interaection wit.h the North 11 .. er Eaa~ Hampdea Avenue; thence Weat along the North line or Eas~ Hampden Avmiue 50 tee~, more or leaa, t• the point ot beginning. A traot ot 1 ... bounded as tollowa; Beginning at a point on the -North line or Eaat Hampden Avenue;. which i• 341 tee\ Eaa~ ot the East line ot South Broadway, themce North 154 tee~; thence Eaa~ 170 teet; thence South 154 tee~, more or less, te an lnteraecti•• wltb the Nor\b llae of Baat Haapden Avenue; thence West along the North line ot Baat Haapdea Ave1m9 170 tee~, more or l•••, to the point ot beginning. A tract ot land bounded aa tollowa; Beginning at a point on the North line ot Eaa\ Hampden AvenU. which 11 511 teet East ot the East line ot South Broadway;.thence North 154 teet; theaoe Baa\ 100 teet; thence South 154 teet, more or leas, to an interaectien with th• RorUa llae ot East Haapden Avenue; thence West along the North line ot Eaat Haapdea Aveaue 100 teet, more or lett, to the point or beginning. Lota l t• 50 both inclusive in each or Blocks 1, 2, 3, and 4; Lota l.t• 48 both lnclualv• in each ot Blocks 5 and 6 all in Weat View Addltlea to Englewo ... A block or land bounded on the West by South Pearl Street, on the North by Eaat Girar4 Avenue, on the East by South Clarkson Street and on the SouUl bJ East Hampden Avenue. Lota l to 12, both inclusive and 39 to 50, both inclusive in each et blecka 3 and 4 all in Higgin'• Englewood Gardena. Lota 1 to 12, beth inclusive, and 39 to 50, both inclusive, in each ot blooka 3 and 4, all in Birch•• Addition to South Broadway Helghta, being the 2nd, tiling. I I I I I I I I I I Le\a l to lZ, both inclusive and lots 39 to 50, both inclusive, in block 2 ... lot• 1 t• 50, both inclusive, in block l, all in Brich'• Addition to South - Broa••a1 Height•. A traot t land bounded aa rollowsj Beglnnlng at a .point on the Eaat line ot South Broadway •hloh la :50 tee\ South ot th• North line or Eaat Jette8aon Avenue; thence Eaat. 29a teet.; thence aout.h t• an lnteraeotion with the extended cent.er .line or West Ken.yon Avenue; th .... Weat al•ng aatc:~exteDded center line 296 reet, more or l•••, t• aa interseotl•• wlth the Ea8~ line or South BroadW&J to the poin~ ot beginning. Let• l t• 48, both inclusive, in each or block• a, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21, aa, 23, 24, 25, 40 and 41 all in South Broadwa~ Heights. Be lt turther resolve• that Glen A. Izett be and he i• h•r•bJ appoint•• cit~ engineer t•r the CitJ or Englewood, Col•rado, to be paid tor hla ser?ic•• in. cenneotlon with the construction or a sewer system in sa1•C1tJ in dlat.rlc• bo.aa t• be lasue• bJ aald CltJ, under the provisions ot Chapter 151 or th• Seaal•• laW8 ot Colorado; 1899, aml Be it further reaolv•• that the said Glen A. Izet.t be and he ia herebJ auth•rla•• and direct•• t• make a surve:r or the teraitor:r here~·.-•eacribe•, am that. be r11e ·w1t.h the Clerk or the CitJ Council ot said CitJ Council et aal• CitJ detail• ot aU8b SUl"Ve~, ~•get.her with speclticationa tor the ••••r s7ate• t• be conatrueted ln aal• proposed district., and speclticati•n• te prevlde· tor a a7ste• t aanlt&rJ' drainage, aa contemplated by sections 13 and 18 or chapter 151 et the Sesalea La•• or 1899; and also file his estimate or the coat. ot auoh lmprovementJ and a .. P ot the proposed district, showing it• exterior boundariea al'MI all atreeta, avenues, allers, lots and blocks, and all unplatted area• within the same, &D4I hla achedul• showing the approximate amount ot said coat. te be apportione• t• and aaaeaaed upon each lot or parcel or land in said diatrlct, ln proportiea •• the area ot all real estate in the district, exclusive or publio h1gh••1• and the right. ot wa1 tor the City Ditah; and his recomendation aa to the material• t• be uaed in said work; all properl7 indexed and all .tor the purpose or ldentltloatlea, and signed by hi• as City Engineer. Passed and adopted by the City Cotmcil or the City 't ·Englewo04l, Colera•e, thl• day ot A. D. 192l. Att.eat.1 --~~~~.,,,.......---~----Cit 7 Clerk. Al••r.aa Goo .... KoveC) Prltobett Se4encled) That. th• reaolution ~u•t.-rea• by the elerk and adopt••·•• read. Roll Gall: Alderman Goorman Moved) Goorman, Aye. Lancaster, Aye. 5. Aye•, li!ayor Ellis, A7e. Jaap, AJ•• Willey, Absent. Pritchett, 80 l. Absent. orclere•. llayer. be ,..,..d Jaap Seconded) That the tollowing named persons be appointee aa Judge• er the Ci&J Election, to be held April 5th, 1921, and to act aa Judge• ot Reglet.ra- tion to be held Tueada7 Maroh 15th, Wednesdar March 16th, Thurada7 ·V~roh 17th, 1921, at the s it• 1lall 3482 South Broadwa1. WARD ONE Polling Place, Mayflower Church, Cornell & Acoma St.s. Mi••· Katherine Stewart, llra. Wllllaa Beckler, Wm. Gradzki. .... TW_O __ Judge. Judge. Judge. Polling Place, CitJ Hall, 348&, South Broadwa~. Miaa. Ethel Zinn, Ml••· ).tar,r E. Skerritt, Rew. J. c. Hoover, WARD THREE Judge. Judge. Judge. Polling Plac.e, 4297. South Broadwa7. D. K. West, Ml••· Ka~· Dunn, Kra. Owen I. Cole,. Judge, Judge. Judge. Firat named to act as Registration Jude••· Roll Callt Goorman,.Aye. Ellis, Lancaster, Aye. Willef, 5. Ayea, Mayor so Alderman Goorman Koved) Aye. Jaap, Aye. Abeent..Pr1 tchett, l. Absent. ordered. Pritchett Seconded) That there being no further buain••• betore the council Council adjourn to meet again Februar1 28th, 1921, at e o'o••et, P. M. Roll Call: Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, A7e. Lancaster, Aye. Willer, Absent, Prltehett, AJ•• 5. Ayes, l. All,.nt. Mayor so ordered. Minute• or Adjourned Regular Meeting ot the city eouneil o~ .t~ CitJ ot EnsJ.ewoocl, Co lorado, thia Febru&rJ' 21st, 1921, stand approved as ~ th1• llareb 14th, i;21. ~ .-z: .;a!.~ ~----.__-~c~1~t-y~c1~.-.. ~-.~- 179