llOIDAY Uth, DAY OP MARCH, 1921.
lla7or Alfred T. Bell, Called the meeting to order and asked tor roll callt
Roll Call: .
Goorman, Present., Ellia, Preaent. Jaap, Preaea\.
Lancaater, Present., Wil·ley, Present.. Pritchett, Preaent..
6. Present., Absent none.
Mayor ao ordered.
Clerk read minute• in rull or Regular Meeting ot Februar1, 14th, Adjourn ..
Regular meeting or Pebruary 2lat, also Adjourned Regular Meeting or Pelru~
28th, 1921.
lla~r announced there being no alterations or correction• mlnutea stalMI
approved aa read. So ordered.
Clerk reid all re port• or city orricera in tull tor the month ot Februari, 1921.
Alderman Wl lle~: Kn-~·:
Jaap, Seconded) That ftepo~ts or City orr1cera juat read be received aa4
~lle•, Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Ellis, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Aye.
~e Goe llovedl
6. Ayea,
Mayor 80
Jaap, Aye.
Pritchett., Aye.
Na1•• None.
Prltohet.t. Seooncle•l That the report ot Cltr Wire Inspector, about. Lllbt.laa
Standard• being placed ln tront or Theatre without a pel'lll\, be rete ... l• ·
light. committee,
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Ellla, Na~. Jaap, Na1e.
Lancaster, Aye. Will•J, Na7e, Pritchett., Aye.
3. Ayea, 3. Na1es,
lla1or rerered the matter to llgb~ Committee.
· Alde ..... w111e1 aent. out tor Ur. Nata, or Light Comp&n7 to come before the eeanoll
and the matter waa taken up, and arter aoae d1souaalon, lt. waa decld .. t.ha\·t.h•
llghtlng atandarda waa street. lighting, and no permit er llceaae waa neoeaaa17.
~lerk read all bill• marked o. K. By t.he tlnanoe cemmlt\ee aa re11e .. 1 '
Warran~ Re. Salar1 Fund.
2289. Alfred T. Bell, 11&1or month ot Februa191, 1921.
2290. T. H. Moonen, Clt1 Clerk month ot Feb. 1921.
1. R. H. Blaclnnan, GitJ Attorne1; month or Feb. 1921.
2. J. A. Skerrlti, Chier or Police, • " • •
3. Geo. w. Bell,· Police Magistrate, " " " "
4. H. N. Patten, Treaaurer · • • • •·
5. John Simon, Health Commissioner, • " • e. Lee Goormaa; Alderman, Month ot Feb. 1921.
?. c. A. Elli•, Alderman, • • •
8. J. J. Jaap, Alderman, "1
• •
9. ••· v. Laacaater, Alderman, • • •
2300. Re .. Wille~, Alderman, • ~ ~
1. Fred B. Pritchett, Alderman, "' " " a. F. A. Bell, Fire Truck Driver, for Feb. 1921.
2303. J. A. Skerrlt.t,
Pub. Iap. Fun•.
Street Commlas1oner, tor month or Peb.1921.
Teamster to llarch, 14th, 1921. 4. G. E. Powell,
5. lat, Kat•1. Bank,
6. ll. J. Powell,
Assignee M. J. Par.ell, Laborer to Kar.14th,
Laborer to March 14th, 1921.
7. J. K. Tlllatoa,
8. Paul Clarke,
9. John B. Reynold•,
2310. G. A. Thompaon,
11. Sevier & Healer,
lZ. Sevier & Healer, is. c. s. Hogue Hdw. co.
14. Killer-Ray Motor Co.
15. Central Garage,
·Laborer · to March, 14th, 1921,
Laborer to March 14th, 1921.
Laborer to Marob 14th, 1921,
Laborer to March 5th,·l921,
Concrete Laborer• to Jlaroh 14th, 1921.
Concrete Machine men, to Ila~ 14th, 1921.
Suppliea, .
Supplies tor Hwa1. Truck,
16. L. E.·Wlae L. & C. Co.·Suppliea,
17. Mountain Motor Co.
18. J. E. Abbott & Co.
19. A. Chrlatenaen,
2320. Chaa. Kienz&•,
21. Gruenteld~ & Krieger,
2. Bell Plumb. & Heat Co.
3. Englewood Garage,
4. K. B. KcCaule1,
5. J. K. Tlllston,
6. Wm. Whitehead,
Supplie• Bwa1. Truok;
IUll work,
Feed bill,
Suppllea & Repairs,
Repair work,
110.00 eo.oo
8.33 • •• a.oe
3.50 n.oo
55.02 e.s1
Light. Fund.
2327. Arapahoe Electric Light & Power Co. St. Hall & Jail lighta. • M0.40
General Fund.
2328. Englewood Enterpriae, Printing Bill,
9. T. H. Noonon, Janitor Work city hall,
813Q-r Jul1ua Pearae P. D. Supply Co. Supplies,
1. Geo. A. Pullen s. & F. Repair Co. Suppliea,
2. C. F. Hoeckela, B. B. Co. Election Sutpliea,
•· M. s. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone rent.
38.10 e.ao
General Fund, Continued.
2334. Englewood Pub. Libra~, Donation month ot March, 1921 •.
f. J. A. Skerritt, Use ot Auto Chiet ot Police, eto
&. Allee Clarke, One Day Copying Regiatratl•n beola,
7. Chaa. R. Tangye, 3. Red lighta, tire truwk,
8. A. G. Kilker, Wire Inspector & Suppliea,
9. Englewo~ Drug Co. Supplies,
Grand Total.11900.60
Alderman Lancaater Moved)
ij•OO • f .!7
Pritchett Seconded) That all bill• marked o. K. by the Finance Committee and
read by the clerk be allowed and warrants drawn to pay same.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Ellis, Aye. Jaapi Aye.
Lancaater, Aye. Willey, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
6. Ayea, Nayea none.
Mayor ao ordered •
. Alderman Jaap M~ved)
Goorman Seconded) That the bills ot the Englewood Enterpri•• tor Printing .
Ordinance Englewood Paving Diai. No. l. Englewood, Colo. tor -------te9.30
• the Bill ot R. H. Blackman tor Telephone calla, tor Englewood Pavl~
Dlatriot No. l. Englewood, Colo. for -------------------------------18.35 be allowed out ot the tunda in the hand• ot the City Treasurer and to the credit
ot the Englewood Paving Diatrict No. 1. Englewood, Colo. 1 , ... i
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. Will•J, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
8. Ayes, Nayea none.
Mayor ao ordered.
Whereupon Councilman Lancaster introduced the following resolution which was
re .. in tull by the clerk.
Whereaa, the total coat ot the improvements in the Englewood Paving Diatrlo~
No. 1. Englewood, Colorado, having been approved by the Citr Council ot aal•
CitJ i• Twent1 Three Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-nine and 33/100 ( 123,859.33 )
Dollars, which said amount include• alx per centum in addition to the actual
coat on account ot inspection and other incidentals and also inter••~ at the rate
or aix per ce•tua per annua on bonds issued rrom time to ti•• ln paymen~ of th•
coat ot aald improvements, and
Whereas, the total amount or bonds aold on account er aald paving dlatrio~
at th• date hereof only equal• the sum ot Twent~-one Thouaand Five Rundre• (til,500.0Q
Dollar8, •hioh include• the sale ot bond• numbered one to tort1-three, inoluaive,
Whereaa, it appear• neces••?-7 to this Council that bond• numbere• Pert.r-t•ur
(44) and Prot7-tive (45) ot said improvement diatriot be sold tor the purp•••
ot obtaining auttlcient tunda to complete the payment ot the 1ndebteCAe•• againet
aald improvement diat1ct.
Now, Theretere, be it resolved br th• CitJ Council ot the City or Encl••• ..
at regular aeaalon convened thi• 14th, day or Karch, A. D. 1921, that the Cit~
Treaaurer or ••1• Cltt be and he i• hereby author1zed, directed and eapewe..a t•
deliYer two (2) bollda or the Englewood Paving District Ho. l. Englewoo4, Cel ..... e,
DUllbered tr tort7-tour (44) to torty-riv• (45)· inclusive t• Th• Firat. Rat.1-1
Bank or Englewood, Colorado, in .the par value ot One Thousand ($1000.00) dellara,
under the terma and condition• ot contract ot purchaae made with aaid CitJ bf
aaid Bank and retain aald money in his hand• aa said Treaaurer to be dlaburetlll upea
order8 or thi• Council.
Councilman Pritchett moved the adoption or said reaolution aa reac.
Councilman Jaap aecollded said motion •.
The queatlon being upon the adoption ot said resolution.
Councllm•• preaen~ voted aa follows: ·
Goorman, Aye. Ellis, Aye. Jaap, Aye. Laneaater, Aye .•
Wille1, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
~. Ayes, Nayes none.
Mayor dealared said motion carried and resolution ad•tt••·
Whereupon, Council.man Pritchett introduced the following resolution whlcm
waa read in full bf the Clerk.
Whereas, it ha• been made to appear to thia Council that there remalna in
the possession or the Treaaurer ot the City ot Englewood, Co&ora•o, t1Ye (5)
boada or The Balle~ler Sidewalk and Street Grading Improvement District, two
or whieh bond•, nwr:bered fifty-tour (54) and tirty-flve (55} were neYer signed
bJ the 1or and City Clerk or said City and three or said bond• were neither
numbered nor signed by said otriciala, and
Whereas, it turther appears to said City Council that there la in the hands
ot said City Treasurer bonda nun:bered fort1 (40), tort1-one (41) and tort.r-t•o
('42') ot The Culllaon Sidewalk and Stre•t Grading Improvement, District. or Engle-
ood, Colorado, which said numbered bonds were signed by the Mayor and CltJ Clerk
ot aald City, and
Whereas, the aald Treasurer haa requested thla Council to authorize the d18'\~•
,S...,or aald bonds, and
Whereas, lt appears to thl• Council that aald bond• have neYer been need•• la
p•Jn•nt or ~ indebtedness ot either or said diatrlcta.
R .. , Therefore, be lt resolved by the City Council or the City or Englewood ln
regular aesalon convened the 14th, day or March, A. D. 1~21, that H. N. Pat~on, CitJ
Treasurer ot aald City, be and he is hereby authorized to dlatroy the bonda ot
th• Ball•Jdler and Culllaon Sidewalk and Street Grading Dlatriota and upon dlstruc-
t1on or same to report his action in the premises to th1a Council.
Councilman Pritehett moved the adoption ot said resolution aa read.
Councilman Jaap seconded said motion,
The queation being upon the adottion or said resolution.
The Councilmen present voted as follow•:
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, AJ•• Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, AJ•· Willey, Ate. Pritchet~, AJ•·
6. Ayes, Nayea none.
' yor declared the motion carried and resolution adopted.
. . •
1 4
The City Treaaurer in the presence or the City Council burned the benda
retered to ln th• reaolution thi• day passed, of the Balleydier & Cullison
Sidewa1k iatricte,.
Clerk read propoaed .Ordinance Ho. Ser1ea or 1921, An Ordin•nce Apprcw-
ing the whole coat made in and tor the Englewood Paving Dietrict No. l. Englewood,
Colorado, in pureuance ot ordinance No. 4, Seriea or 1919, ot the Ordinance• ot
sald City adopted and Approved on the 6th, daJ at December A. D. 1919, ·Approving
the apportionment or sald coat to each lot or tract ot land ln said diatrlet,
aaaeaalng the ahare ot said coat against each lot or tract ot land in sa1C
dlatrlct, and prescribing a manner tor th• collection and paJJDent ot ·aald
asaessmenta, in full.
. Alderman Ell i• oved)
ille7 Seconded) That proposed Ordinance ?lo. Series ot 1921, entitled
"An Ordinance Approving the whole coat made in and tor the Englewood Paving "Diat-
rio~ o. l. Englewood, Colorado, in pursuance ot ordinance No. 4. Series ot 1919, ot
the ordinances or said city adopted and approved on the 8th, day ot December A.
D. i;19, approving the apportionn:ent or said cost to each lot or tract ot land
in aald dlatrlct, allll preaprlbAng a ·manner tor ·ibe collection and payment ot aald
a•••••menta, do now paea second reading as read.
Roll Call:
Alderman El li• ~oved)
Boorman, AJ•, Elli•, Aye.
Lancaater, Aye. l/illey, Aye.
6. Ayea,
Mayor 80
Jaap, Aye.
Pritchett, Ay•.
Nayea none.
Jaa , Se~onded) That Ordinance entitled An Ordinance approving the whole
coat made ln and ror the Englewood Paving District No. 1. Englewoo.d, Colorado,
ln purauance or ordinanc:e No. 4, Series or 1919, ot the Ordinance• ot said city
adopted and approved on the Bth, day ot December A. D. 1919, Approving the
apportionment or said coat to each lot or tract ot land in said district,
••••••lng th• share or said cost against each lo~ or tract ot land in sald
diatrlct, and preacrlbing a manner tor the collection and payment or aald
aaaeaamen~s, be now finally passed as ordinance No. 3. Serles ot 192.1,
Roll Call:
Alderman Elll• Moved)
Ooorman, Aye. F.llla, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. Wille7, Aye.
6. Ayes,
Jaap, Aye.
Pritchett, Aye.
Nayes none.
Jaap Seconded) That be it resolved that Ordinance No. 3. Serie• or 1921,
thl• dar paaaed by the City Council ot the City ot Englewood, Colorado, be
publlehed in the Englewood Enterprise a weekly newapajMtr or General Circulation
ln the City or Englewood, Colorado, as required by statutes or the State ot
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Ellla, Aye. Jaap, Ay•.
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Aye. Pritchett, Ay•.
6. Ayes, Nayea none.
Mayor so ordered.
Alderman Elli• Moved)
Jl.ap .S.eelld,. ,) .mul\."0!Mp•• .. Ord~~DH "h• . :· :S••.J••Ld r llll:;.c a&M ... *'I ·
• lt.1 .. ~ ......... -11.aillS' a.nc eat&bliahlng, tlie salut.1 ot' .. :11a11ctt,7·.~o•e.que
Gaiet ot Pell.. *hl f"ab•ll alao ,aot..,ae 'Street · c,11111taalemr,c ~h et r tllf Ott.7 Trea...,.,. ot th• .Cit• of',Ebgle•o°', ·1 and tlxlng the :ho..,, er tilq .~or .-·ttie :1 Mif
oliJ' clerk aml l'eptal.1ng .. all.·ordlnanoea or part.•. ot .i.•l!dlnanoea .lD'. ooatlioCutlt.h
thl• ordinance be introduced and aJead aa a proposed ordinance ter th• Clt1 er
Bag1 ... ..t,~c•1e~ae~
~· .,a•11 Call:
Goorcan, Aye. Ellis·, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. WilleJ, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
6. Ayes, Na1•• none.
Mayor so ordered.
Clerk read proposed ordinance No.~ Serie• ot ig21, An Ordinance tlxlng anC
eetabll•hlng the Salary of' the City Clerk, The Chier ot Pollo•, who ehall ala• ac~
aa Street Commlaaioner, and or the City Treasurer ot the CitJ or Englewo04l, and .
tlxlng the hours ot duty ot the said City Clerk and repealing all ordinance• or
part• or ordinances ln contllct with thie ordinance in tull.
Alderman Elll• Moved)
Jaap Seconded) That proposed oridnance No. Series et 19al, same bel~
entitled An Ordinance fixing and establishing the salar1 of' the clt~ clerk, 'the
Chief' ot Police, who shall also act as Street· Commlaeloner, and ot the CltJ
Treaaurer or th• City of' Englewood, and fixing the houi-a ot duty ot the said
clt7 clerk and repealing all ordinances or part• or ordinance• ln eontllct
•1th thi• ordinance, do now pass first reading aa read.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
I~ncaster, Aye. Willey, Aye. Pritchet\, Aye.
6. Aye•, Nayea none.
Mayor ao ordered.
Alderman Elll• Moved)
Jaap Seconded) That Whereaa, a propoaed Ordinance No. Seriea or· 1921,
or the ordinance• ot Englewood, being entitled•An Ordinance tixing ail.a eaiabtla~
ing the sala~y or the clty clerk, the chier ot police, who ahall alao act aa
street commiaeloner, and ot the cit~ treasurer or the City or Englewood, and
tlxlng the houra ot duty ot the said city clerk and repealing all ordinance•
rJ>arta ot ordinances in conflict with thia ordlnanoe haa been intreduced and
read and passed at ita tirst reading,
N .. Tlleretore, be 1~ resolved by the city council ot th• C1t7 or Englewoo•, tha~
the proposed ordinance No. ___ Serie• or 1921, aroreaaid, be published aa required
by the statutes or the State or Colorado, and go over tor further oons1dera\1ea
at another meeting.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Ellie,
Lancaster, Aye. Will•J,
Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Aye. Pritohe~t, Aye.
6. Ayes,
Mayor 80
Nayea none.
Alderman Wille~ Moved )
Jaap Seconded) That there being no further buainedd before the council,
council adjourn.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Ellie, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Aye.
6. Ayes,
Mayor so
Minute• ot Regular meeting or the city couAcil or·
thl• 14th, day or .. rch, 1921, stand approved a•
Jaap, Aye.
Pritchett, Aye.
Nayee none.
f . ~