HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-04-18 (Regular) Meeting Minutes. 190
Mayor Alt'red .T. Bell, Called the meeting to order and aaked tor roll call,
Roll Call:
Goorman, P~•••n\,.Ellla, Preaent. Jaap, Preaen\.
Lancaster, Preaent, Willer, Preaent. Pritchet~, Preaen\.
6. Present, A~aent. none.
Mayor ao ordered.
Alderman Ellla Moved)
Jaap, Seconded) That the Council refer back to new bualnesa.
Roll C'&lli
Goorman, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye.
6. Ayea,
Ellia, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Willer, Aye. Pritchet\, ·Aye.
Nayea none.
11bereupon ouncilman Goorman introduced the following resolution whlch waa read
in tull b• the clerk.
11hereaa, it haa been made to appear to this Council that there remaln• in ... -
••••ion ot the Treaaurer or the City ot Englewood, Colorado, titteen (15)
boada ot the Englewood Paving District No. l. Englewood, Colorado, nuabered rr ..
tort,--alx (46) to alxt~ (60), inclusive, which bonda were duly signed -by the .·
Mayor and City Clerk ot said City, and
wttereaa 1 the said Treasurer has requested thla Council to authorize the des-
truction or aald bonds, and
Whereas, it appears to thia Council that said bonds have not been needed and
will not be needed tor the paJmen~ or any indebtedneaa against said improvemen\
Row, Therefore, be 'it resolved by the City Council or the City ot Englewood,
Colorado, ln regular adjourned session convened thia 18th, day ot April A. D.
1921, that H. N. Patton, City Treasurer or said City, be and he is hereby-author-·
laed to destroy the above described bonda and upon deatructlon or aame to report.
his action in the premises to thia Council.
Counculman Ellis Moved the adoption ot said reaolution aa read.
Councilman Willey Seconded said motion,
The question being apon the adoption or aald reaolution.
The Councilmen present voted aa followar
Gooraan, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaater, Aye. Willey, Aye. Prltohett, Aye.
6. Ayea, Nayea none.
ayor declared the motion carried and the reaolution adopted.
Thereupon, Clty Treasurer H. N. Patton, After burning the bond• rerereC
to in the above resolution, in the stove in the city hall,reported his actlon
to the council that the bonds were burned as directed.
Alderman Goorman Moved)
Jaap Seconded ) .......... ell•••••••Taa' Ule YOte Oil the rollowing motion .
made by Alderman Willet -That prop osed Ordinance No. Serl•• ot 1921, An
Ordinance F ixing and Establishing the Salary ot the city Clerk, the Chier ot
Police, who ahall also act as street commisaloner, and the City Trea~r ot
the City ot Englewood, and rixlng the hours ot duty ot the City Clerk and ·repeal-
ing all ordinance• or parts of ordinance• in conflict •1th thl• ordinanoe,do· now
pas• second reading aa read, Apitil ·l:lth·, .:1981 1 .. &M··: on
Roll Call: the following vote waa taken, Ooorman, Ellia, J•p
and Pritchett voting Naye, U..Oaater & WilleJ votlng kl•·
and the Mayor Declared the motion loai,
Be now reconslrered,
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. WilleJ, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
6. Ayea, Na1•• None.
mayor so ordered.
Alderman Goorman Moved)
Jaap Seconded) That Proposed Ordinance No. Serl•• ot 1121, An
Ordinance F ixing and Establishing the Salary ot th• clty Clerk, the Chier ot
Polle•, who shall also act as Street Commissioner, and the City Treaaurer or
the City ot Englewood, and rixing the hour• and duty ot the City Clerk and
repealing all ordinance• or parts ot ordinance• in oontllct with thl• ordi-
nance, do now pass second reading aa read.
Roll Call:
Alderman Goorman Moved)
Goorman, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye.
6. Ayes,
Ellis, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Willey, Aye. Pritchett,
Nayea none.
Lancaster Seconded) That Proposed Ordinance No. Seriea ot 1921, An
Ordinance F ixing and Establishing the Salary or the city Clerk, the Chier flt
Police, who shall also act aa Street Commissioner, and the City Treasurer ot
the City ot Englewood, and fixing the hours a9d duty ot the City Clerk and
repealing all ordinances or parts or ordinance• in contllct with this ordl-
na ~ce, do now finally paaa as ordinance No. 4. Serles ot 1921.
Roll Callr
Goorman, Aye. Ellla, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Aye.
Alderman Goorman i oved)
6 . Ayes,
Mayor 80
Jaap, Aye.
Prltehett, Aye.
Nayes none.
Jaap Seconded) That Be i• resolved that Ordinance No. 4. Series ot 1921,
I . '
this da7 passed by the City Council or the City ot Englewood, Colorado, be publ1abe4
ln a weekly newspaper or general clreulation in the City or Englewood, Colorado, aa
.. required by the Statutes •t the State or Colorado.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. s. Ayes,
Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Willey, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
Nayea none •
Uayor Bell asked Clerk to read all minutea or Regular Meeting ot April llth, ala•
the minute• ot Adjourned Regular Meeting or April 18th, 1921, to this action •
Clerk read all minutes or Regular Meeting ot April llth, also Adjourned
Regular Ueeting or April 18th, 1921, to this action.
Mayor Announced there being no alterations or correo•iona, minutes jus~ re ..
stand appr~ed aa read by the clerk.
i'ayor so ordered. . .
Alderman Elli• oved)
Pritchett Seconded) That
council adjourn Sine die,
Roll Call:
.,<'\ A , 1 ~
there being no rurther business before the council,
'1oorman, Aye. Ellie, Aye. 'Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Aye.· Pritchett, Aye.
6. Ayea, Nayes none~ Kinutea or April 18th
.Betlrlna Mayor Alfred
and take the llayoi-e Chair.
Mayor so . ~rdered. (1921. or· retiri~~cli
T. Be 11 asked Mayor Jame a W .< l~~Rle~o a!oU..,.d1 ~~k"'1
Thereupon Mayor Jame• w. Murray come forward and took the Mayor~ Chair.
Also The Following Newl~ Elected Aldermen come rorward and took their
places at the counclL .. t.able.
Owml I. Cole, James E. Cullison , J. s. Eagleton, Cl~de M. Johnson, G. A.
Thoapaon and Dr. Arthur o. Tied~.
Al•o Thoma• H. Noonon newly Elected City Clerk, and Harl~y N. Patton
ne•11 eleoted City Treasurer,
All having t•l:n ~•.:.ttll•t:~thetr ··oatb•• ot drrtoe.
Mayo~ urray Called the Keeting to Order and asked tor .roll call:
Roll C.11: .
Cole, Present, Cu~liaon, Present. Eagleton, Preaen\.
Johnson, Present.. Thompson, Present. Tiedt, Present.
6. Present., Absent. none. .
Mayor declared all present and ready ~or :buslneaa.
atated,~Kayor ~P~o-Tempro should be elected by the council • ......... --·~··> ~Seeonlle•) ~t Alderman Tiedt be elected Mayor Pro-Teapre.
Roll C&ll:
Cole, Ay•. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye.
Johnson, Ay•. Thompson, Aye. Tied~, Aye.
6. Ayes, Nayes none • ·
Mayor so ordered.
Mayor Named the tollowing as the Standing Committeea.
AUDITING: Eagleton, Johnson, Tiedt..
FINANCEz Cole, Eagleton, Thompson,
FIRE AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS: Thompson, Johnson, Cole.
LICE SE: Tiedt, Cullison, Eagleton.
LIGHTIKG1 Johnson, Thompson, Cole.
ORDINANCE1 Thompson, Eagleton, Cullison.
STREETS AND BRIDGES: Cullison, Johnson, Tiedt.
SUPPLIESt Cole, Thompson, Eagleton.
WATER AND IRRIGATIO•: Cullison, Johnson, Tiedt.
Alderman Culllaon Moved}
Cole Seconded}: That. a building permit be granted t~ H. Johnson, to re-move
and remodle the rraae house on Hampden Ave. west ot Banlc, also ~o remove ..... ,.
••••• th• skerrltt. livery barn from Sheridan to W. Hampden Ave. and re-moclle .... .
Roll Call: ·
Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton~ Aye.
Johnson, Aye. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, Aye •.
6. Ayea, Nayea none.
Mayor so ordered.
Alderman Johnson Uoved)
Thompson Seconded) That there being no turther business before the council
council adjourn to meet again Monday April, 25th, 1921, at e1gh~ o~olock P. K.
Roll Call:
inutea or Adjourned
this Monday Apr. 18~
Cole, Aye. Cullison,
Johnson, Aye. Thompson,
6. Ayes,
Mayor so
Aye. Eagleton,:A1;.
Aye. Tiedt-, Aye.
Naye• no~.
eetlng or the City C~119cil or the City or Englewood, Colorado,
stand approved as .l"U4"'f' thia lla7 9• 1921. 1,'~~ . _
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