HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-05-23 (Regular) Meeting Minutes202 REGULAR AD .. TOUR 'ED ~tFETD G F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , T IS MONDA Y 23rd, IQ OF MAY 1921. Mayor J . W. r-~urray, Called the meeting to order and aaked tor r·oll ca11; Roll Call: Cole, Present. Johnson, Present. 5. Present, rtayor Culliaon, Preaent. Eagleton, Preaen~. Thompaon, .Abaent. Tiedt, Present. · l. Absent. so ordered. Ald erman Cull ison Moved) Tiedt Seconded) That. the City Engineer Ii •1e Established Grade tor Mr. R. Johnson tor Sidewalk and Curbing on ~est Hampden in rront or his propert~ 22 5 reet in length. l\lderman ole Flood•• Sidewalk Roll Call: Johns on t.t oved) Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Ea g leton, Aye. Johnson, Aye .• Thomp son, Absent. Tiedt, Aye. 5 . Ayes, 1. Absent • . tayor so ordered. ;econded) That City Engineer give g rade for S idewalk in front ot Kr. Propert..~ on \Teat Hampden Av·enue, as Mr Flood wan ta to lay Cement in front ot his property on Hampden Avenue. Roll Call: Cole, Aye. Cu llison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. J ohnson, Aye. Thompson, Ab sent. Tiedt, Aye. 5 . Ayes, l. Absent. '.~ayor so ordered. Alderman ullison ?~oved) Johnson Seconded) That City Engineer Establish a Grade tor Sidewalk in tront ot .r. Hemler• Lota .los. 16 -17 -& lS Block s. South Broadway Height• Addition, on Broadway. Roll Call: Cole~ Aye. Cu llison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Aye. Thoapson, Absent. Tied~, Aye. 5 . Ayes, 1. Absent. Mayor so ordered. F ire Ch ief Stanley Hill, come before t he council and stated he was informed the council was wan ting to ship back some ot the Fire Hose that was bought for the Fire Department, h e said it was all need•• as some was needed tor re-placemen~ ho•• when the hose that was on truek h ad been used and had to be removed tor drying, he said the council should build a tower to hang the hose in ror drying and would keep it in good condition, they never had any way ot taking care or the hose. He said that the spring on the door was badly needed to hold the door open when one man tries to take the truck out at night, and if' the doors was hung so they couAd open in it would be all right. Th e lite net w.as needed for Hawthorn school or Bivins hall in case It f'i"re. Alderman Tiedt 'oved) Cull ison Seconded) Tha t this ma tter be retered to the Supplies Committee. Roll Call: Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Ay~. Thompson, Absent. Tiedt, Aye. 5 . Ayes, l. Absent • .. 1ayor so · ordered. The matter or establishing an Ir~lgation ditch on weat Jefferson Avenue, that was refered to Water and Irrigation Comm ittee, te imveatig•'•~•nd.report back wa• not ready to report, yor Gr nted the committee mer-time. ' yor announced the next thing to bring up was the matter ot the Sewer Syatem, as Denver was waiting on us tor an answer as to the size ot the District so they could tel l us the size or the Trunk L ine to take care or i~. Said it R art or the city we could connect on at Jewell Avenue, and it the whole city we would have to go one block further to connect with larger trunk line, a• only 2 1 inch line at Jewell Avenue. yor said woul like to hear from the Pre si d ent or the Chamber or Commeree, as thi• WMS aom6thlng that should be considered very carefully, Ur . Wise !tealdedt ot the Chamber or Commerce, stated the the Committees have been appointed to take up and assist the council or matter• or this kind, and anything the Chamb er or Commerce can do to aaai•t the council ot matter• ot· any nature, they will g ladly help all they can, • Se bern spoke o the 'uestion as b eing one or~the moat important thinga that the cit can ut in, Sewers is the first thing .needed in a town, if ~e ~ant Pac•or .•they will have to have sewerage, and the Engineer should work out a Sewer District tor Englewood, · r. E. • Herzog stated that the ~ewer District should be large enough at first, and thought the whole .town should be included in the district. r \",'ebber said it can e;et the peopl e to come to the meeting and let them say and g i ve the ir opinion or the question. Ald erman Eagleton said if t h e city fo rmed a diatr1ct tor part or the city and the balance or the city ~anted to come in later on, Denver might say No. and not let them come in. · City Engineer, stated if the whole city was p•t in the diatric~, the coat per lot for Trunk line would be less than for smaller district, he said he wou ld run two line• and have them ready to submit to the Chamber or Comerce ~nd Council liy the naxt meeting. eie.-read le t ~~ from the En~l ewo od Ch amber or Commeree,aa "foliowa~.to~wl.t.l d Englewood, Colorado. May, 23rd, 1921. To the Honora b le Uayor and Bo ard of Al dermen of the City or Englewood, Englewood, Colorado. Gentlemen : Th i• will serve to officially advise you that there hee been I I I \ I I I I I I I . : . org anized in Ebgle~ood, an or~anization known aa the Englewood Chamber or Commerce. The ur ose or t!1ta organization is not t9 dictate to any one or take part. 1n any contro··e raary, but to co-operate with every one for the advaneement of Engle- wood, ror the general g ood or all. The organ ization now has One hundred members, and more are being added daily, it at any time we may be ot service to you, do not hes1*ate to make your want• known. Ho in we may also have your co-operation, We remain, Very truly youra, Englewood Chamber or Commerce. By, Geo. R. Ballard, SeoJ. Alderman Cull iaon i•1oved) Tiedt Seconded ) Th at the Letter feom the Englewood Chamber ot Commerce juat read by the clerk , be received and filed, and clerk •end reply to It. Roll Call: lderman ull ison ov ed) Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eag leton, Aye. J ohnson, Ay e. Thomp son, A,.ent. Tied~, Aye. 5 . A es, l. A•aent • . ayor so ordered. Johnson Seconded) That Chambe r of Com merce name S ix Tax +payera ot the Ch a ber ot Commeree to act with the city couneil ot the matter ot Sewerage System tor Englewood,lhd other matters or im prov e ment..-that maJ come before the counoll. oll Call: Alderman Cull ison toved) Cole, Ay e. Cullison , Ape. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Aye. Thompson, Absent. Tiedt, Aye. 5 . Ayes, l. Absent. Ll ayor so ordered. Johnson Seeonded) That Ordi n ance ·o. ~er1es or l ~1, ~Rm e be in g entitled "An rdinance fixi ng the annual com e ~satio?l'Or the Health Otti•••~ot ~the City of Englewood, rapahoe Co unty, Colorado, and re ealing all ordinances or part• or ordinance• i n eonf"lict h erewith , b e i ntroduce d and read as a proposed Ordinance ror the City or Englewood. oll Call: Cole, Ay e. uul llson, Aye. [aeleton, Aye. Tohn son, Aye. Thompson, bsent. Tiedt, Aye. · 5 . Aye s, l. Abseat. t ayor so oedered. Clerk read in full ro osed rdi nanc e To. Se rles or 1921, .. Ordinanee fixing the a nnual comp ansation of the Heal~O fflcer or the City or Englewood, .ra ahoe vOUntf 1 ~olorado , and re e aline all ordinances or parts or ordinances i n ctntlict h erewith. Alderman 111aon :,·o ed) ohnaon Seeonded) Th at Pro osed Ordinance N o.~ ueriea ,. 1921, same eing entit ed" An Ordinance F ixing the annual com ensation or the Health Officer ot the City or EnBlewood , Arapahoe Cou n ty, Co lorado, and repealing all ordinance ~ Jarts or ord i~ances i n con flict he rewith,~ do now pass rirst readin as r ead. Ro ll Call: lderman Cu llison L!oved) Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Aye. Thompson, Absent. Tiedt, Aye. 5 . Ayes, l. Absent • . ~ ayor so ordered. ohnaon Seconded) That ~hereas, A proposed Ordinance No. Series of l 2 1, ot t e ordinances or Englewood, being entitled •An OrdiniiiCe Fixing the Annu al Compensation or the Health Officer ot the City ot Englewood, •.rapahoe Coun ty, Colorado, and repea l 1 ng-tt l l ol"dL a nC'e s o b parts or ord1nanaea in contliet herewith,~ has been introduced and read and passed at its tlra\ reading, How Tlaeretore, be it. reaoI .. 1ed by the that the propoaed Ordi n ance No.~ Series required by the tatutes or the S tate or erat1on at a no ther ~eet 1 ng: • 1ty Couneil ot the City ot Englewood, Of 1921 1 RfOresaid, be published &8 oloradc, and go over for further conaid- . oll Call: Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Aye . Thompson, Absent. Tiedt, Aye. 1 • Aye a, 1. Absent. ?.lay or so ordered. lderman Co le :oved) . Tiedt ~econded) That a Electrical Ti i re~an s License be granted the Superior Foto Play o. Chas . "• Cady, ~~1 f ~1 ct ricial. ~~ Rpplied for, provided the rurnis a ond and comply with the ordinance. Roll Call: ld r m ~n r ole :oved) Cole, Aye. Cul lison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Aye. T ho~pson, Ab sent. Tiedt, Aye. f. •. Ayes, l. Absent. ·:layor . so ordered. Eagleton S ec~nded) That Th e surety ond or J . r.. Skerritt Chier or Police t e released as ot Ap ril 27 th, 1921, Rnd t ~e clerk is directed to notify the Am ericar: urety Company of New York to t hat attect. Roll Call: Cole, Ay e. Cullison , Aye. Eag leton, Aye. ~ohnson, Aye . Tho mpson, Abaent, Tiedt, Aye. 5 . Ay es, 1. Absent. ~ayor so ordered. . : ~ < .: . ~, '• ... ... ·. 20-1 lderman Cu llison ~.ro ·1ed) Ea leton . eeonded ) That the City Attorney 1rAw an Ordinance, Prohibiting the s•le er iving awa or 1n tcx1cat1on l!qhor Jwithin the city of Englewood, Roll Call: Alderman Tiedt ~oved) Cole, 1'.ye. Cu llison, Aye. ·,e.zle~n, Aye. ohnson, Aye. Thompson, A~sent •• Tiedt, Aye. , . .Ayes, l Absent. Mayor so ordered. Eagleton Seconded) That the ~atter of widening or Broadwar from Quincr Ave, on out to the city limits be refered to the Street & Bridge Committee to take th ra er u •1tJl the County Core?Lissioners and see what can be done as there- 1• ~ueh _or the roadway ~est of the Littleton Car lir.e that aan not be used at resent and ls badly needed for d rivb~ay _urposes. Roll Call: Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, .ye. Thompson, Absent. Tiedt, Aye. 5. Ayes, 1. Absent. r. ayor so ordered. Aldert'larT Cole '.:oved) Eagleton Seconded) That a concrete c lvert be fut in en Jefferson and II•• larl~sor., ar.d the matter is refered to :tr e ct & Brid e Committee with power to act. oll Call: Cole, ·Aye. ,ull1son, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Aye. Tho~pson, Pbsent. Tiedt, Aye. 5. Ayes, 1. Absent. t.!ayor so ordered • .'L?" Izett, City En g ineer of F.n lew o od, I n t r oduced ~.:r. T1 tua, former Alderman or ~tirling Colorado, a n d stated t :r. Titus \7anted to addrese the council on the ~atter or the Engin ering and contracts or Stirling Colorado. tr Titua stated that he had come to tell the council or the ~attera ~rtaining to the Contracts R ~u r.~sin ee rw ~r d Contractor• as he heard that so~e one h ad told in ·nel e wood, t h at Stirling had lost some moner on contracts caused by the mistakes or Engineer I zet~, . He said that when the ity or S tirling started to putting in Improvements the tried many en5in e er~ but selected ~r. Izett &s the beat one. :r. Izett has Given sitisfaction and the City :i•·~leaaed with hi• w•rk, he was ~ En g ineer under the old council and when the new council waa elected they &f pointed him aeain ut:-, engineer, they have had Contr&etera !t~ ·quit the job but it was not.·,the cause bf any mistake or the engineer 1'lr. Izett, Th e first or Allen & Murphy contractors quit their job INt. mt-. ·.faeAt ~1'b. ln a• ... w&r:titaponalbl• r or thia. He think• 1r. Izett saved the city or Sterling $50.COO.OO on their Combined S torm and Sallltary Sewer System which covers the entire e&ts. ~r. Izet~ has had three diferent contract• in sterling, engineer ~or Water orka plant, Storm & Sanitary Sewer System and Street Paving, and he has given sat1aract1on. Old Council and Mr. Izett had charee tt putting in the Water Works & S treet avin ~, and the preaent council P.nd Mr. Izett has the Sewer Syate•. Ke said tneAmtstales that were made was on the part or contractor• and llr. Izett was not reaponaible for them. Alderman Tiedt ~oved) Eagleton Seconded) That the .:ayob a point a member or the City Council as a member or the Firemena Compensation Insurance Fund for the Englewood Department. Roll Call: Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eacleton, Aye. ohnson, tye. Thompson, Absent. Tiedt, Aye. 5 . Ayes, l. Absent. l ~yor so ordered. ~ayor A.p oin&ed Alderman ~agleton as a member or the Firecena Compensation i n surance fund. Alderman Ea 5 leton Uoved) Cullison Seconded) That there being· no further business before the council, ctuncil adjourn. Rell lall: Cole, Aye. Cullison Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Aye. Thompson, Absent, Tiedt, Aye. ~ yes, l. Absent. Mayor so ordered. inute1 of' Adjourned Ret;ular ?.tee ting of the city council ct th~ Ci t,Y of Englewood Colorado, this ~onday ?!.ay 23rd, 1921, stand approved as ~ this 13th . day or J une I -• • lD2I. I I I I ~I