HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-06-27 (Regular) Meeting Minutes210 ADJOtJRNED. REGULAR MEETING OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THIS MORDAY S?Jth, DAY o• JUNE 1921. 11&7er, J. • Kurra1 called the meeting to order and a•ked tor ••11 eall, Roll Calli Alderman Col• Moved) Cole, Preaent, Culliaon, Pre••n~. Eagleton, Pr•••at. John•on, Preaent. Thomp•on, Pre•ent. Tied~, Preaeat. 6. Preaent, Abaen~ none. U.ayor ao ordered~ Johnaon Seconded) That the Application tor Taxicab Licenae be grant•• te 8. E. Darbl' tor the balance ot year 1921, tor tord car, tor $l2.50(a• part or th• year~· paaaed.} Roll Call: Cole, Aye. Culliaon, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. John•on, Aye. Thomp•on, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 6. Ayea, Nay•• none. Mayor ao ordered. City Engineer a•k•d tor more time within which to complete the map and prot11• ot City'• Sewer Trunkline and the diatrict to be taken in. Mayor and Couna&l -Geailted City Engineer more ti•• and until regular meetla& July, 11th, 1921, wlthl~'•hlch to complete the map and protlle ot the cit~. Al••rman Culll•o• Moved) Eaglet•• Seconded) That Petition and ca•• ot Mi•• J. Acl•l• Ska*\a, 3808 So. Delaware St. in reterence to keeping dog•, be retered to Pollo• llaglatrate, Roll Call: Alderman Johnaon Uoved) Cole, Aye. Culliaon, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. John•on, Aye. Thompaon, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 6. Ayea, Nay•• none. mMayor •o ordered. Cole Seconded) That city attorney amend Trattic Ordinance, parking.Aut.es on Broad•&J in the buain••• diatrict, lttt to read on right angle inatead et parallel to curb. Roll Call: Cole, Aye. Culliaon, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnaon, Aye. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 6. Ayea, Nay•• none. Mayor ao ordere•. Alderman Culllaen Moved) Johnaon Seconded) That 3. Trattlc sign poat be bought tor the cltJ to be plaoed at GlrarC & Broadway, Hampden & Broadway and Sheridan & Broadwa~, ( Drive •low, Keep to right l Roll Call: Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnaon, Aye. Thompaon, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 6. Ayea, Nay•• none. Mayor ao ordered. Mayor aaid Broadway ahould be aprinkled a• duat waa bacl, Council ordere• th• Street CCllDllliaaioner to begin Sprinkling Broadway aa aoon aa the teaa waa through 9'1tting weeda. Roll Call: Alderman Tiedt Moved) Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johluon Aye. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 6. Ayea, Nayea none. Llayor so ordered. F.agleton Seconded) That there being no further buaineaa before the couaoll council adjour11. Roll Calli Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnaon, Aye. Thompson., Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 6. Ayea, Nayea None. Mayor ao ordered. inutu or Adjourned Regular Meeting or the cib council or ~he Cit ot EnaJ.••ood Colorado, thia Monday June 27th,. 1921, atand approve• aa thl• July, 11th, 1921. · I I I I I