HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-07-25 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI
THIS llORDAY 25th, MS OP JULY 1921.
11&7or J. w. Murrar, Called the meeting to order and aaked tor .. 11 Callt
Roll Calli .
Cole, Present, Culliaon, Preaent. Eagleton, Presen\.
Johnson, Abaent. Thompaon, Preaent. Tiedt, Preaea\.
5. Preaent, Abaeat. •one •
.. yor ao ordered.
Alderman ~•4\.Statid the committee called upon the Tramway tlaniger Mr. St&JICer
in re .. rd to better street car service, tor Englewood, Mr. Stanger said the Co.
will i.,-._. &Ave aat.J.atactory service, and will try and take care ot the r1llll9
hours with a 7-1/2 minute service, and will try and take care of the aervl ..
that makes connection with the Littleton Car going to Denver, and would do all
they could to give the people service.
Alderman Tiedt &: Cullison of the committee called upon Mr. LowerJ ot the Bo&N
ot Publio orka, of Denver, stated they took the matter up with hi• abou~ t1x1ng
Broadwa7 when they come on out to Yale Ave. in Denver , to Come on out tA
Girard AYe. with their machine and fix our part ot 1~ too. he said he would
look into the maat.er and thought they could, so he would i*iMI the maelll••~ia
t.wbea t.h•r come out next time, and En~lewood could pa1 them $50.00 per da~
the coat ot running it.
Alderman Thompson Moved)
Eagleton Seconded} That the committee be retained and given power to ao\,
to have Bl!eadway fixed.
Roll Call:
Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye.
Johnson, Absent. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, Aye.
5. Ayes, l. Abaen~.
~ayor so ordered.
Thereupon, ~e Clerk stated that the City Engineer, llr. Glen A. Izett., •t•
on th• 23rd, daf ot July A. D. 1921 tile in the ottioe ot the aai4 Clerk tull
detail• and apeoiticationa ror all work necessary in grading the street.. an.a
eatabliahing a grade tor the laying and conatruct1on or concrete sidewalk• aleac
and upon the atreeta and intront or the lot• and property deacribed in a reaolutlea
detlnlng th• boundaries ot the Herzog Street Grading and Improvement Diatrle\,
Englewood, Colorado, peaaaed by this City Council on the 5th, day. or May A. D.
1921 and in rul1 accordance with said resolution and la conf'orm1~~ with a
petltlon tor the .... , to-gether with an estimate ot the conat~otioa and a map
or the dlatrio~ ahowing the approximate amount to be aaaeaaed upon each pieoe
or property, whloh the aa1d Clerk then and there preaented to thl• board.. ti'
The Clerk was then instructed to and did read aaid plana and apeciticatl•••
and the board having examined the same together with aaid map showing the approxima~
amount• to be aaaeased upon eaoh piece or propert1 in the Herzog Street Gradlac and
Improvement Dlatriot, Englewood, Colorado, atoreaald.
Whereupon Councilman J·. E. Culllaon 1ntrtduoed the tollow1ng reaolut1• and
Whereas, by a resolution passed and adopted at an adjourned regular aeet1 ..
ot the City Ctunoll ot the City ot Englewood, held on the 9th, da~ et ~ A. D.
1921 a preliainai-r order was made ror creation or an improvemen\ dlatrlo~ 1•
the City ot Englewood, to be known aa the Herzog Street Gradinc and Iaprev ... a~
Diatriet, Englewood, Colorado, and describing the proposed boundaries thereer and
dlreoting the City Engineer to make necessary prellmin&rJ' aurvera, ••tlmat.ea and
map• aarequired by the prov1s1ona ot Chapter 151 or the Sea•i•• Lawa ot the .Stat.a
ot Colorado paaaed at the Twelth Session ot the neneral Aaaembl~ thereof, ant
all amendment• thereor, and
Whereas, Glen A. Izett, the City Engineer, in pursuance ot the orders la aaid
resolution made, ha• reported to this Council the completion ot all matt.era aa4
. thlnga in aaid reaolution anjoined upon him, in the rorm and manner •• therela
directed, all or aald data being now on file with the City Clerk in completed ,
all ot aaid data being now on tile with the City Clerk in completed tol'll_ ...
aubatanoe •• by aaid order• and law requiD8d; and,
Whereaa, it appeara to this Council and this Council doea hereb7 ti .. , rr ..
aald mapa, oertltlcatea, and surveys, schedule•, plans, apeciticationa ~
approximations ot coat, ao prepared and filed by said Engineer, aa atoreaa1•1
That aald proposed Herzog Street Grading and Improvemen\ District, Englewood,
Colorado, i• 0C111.poaed ot all the lota embraced within the boundar1•• herelaatt.r
and in said map and surveyor•• certlticate described,•• tell•••, all in_ the
City of Englewood, in the County ot Arapahoe and State ot Colorado, to-•1~;
Beginning at the northeast corner or lot numbered one 'll Blook nUllberef. t1Te
(5), Englewood Heights Addition to the City ot Englewood, Arapahoe Count~, Colo-
rado, thence west along the north line or said lot to the northwest corneP et
said lot; thence south along the west front or said lot to the south•••~ eeraer
ot said lot; thence west along the north line ot Jerreraon Street. t• the aeat.ll-
eaat corner ot lot numbered nine (9), block numbered tour (4) said Engl••• .. Heilht•
Additloa; thenoe north along the east front ot said lot numbered nine (9) to the
northeast corner ot said lot numbered nine (9)1 thence west alonge the aortb a14e
ot said lot nUllbered nine (9) to the center ot the alleJ west or aaid lo\ nuabere4
nine (9); thence •outh to the cen~er of Jefferson Street; thence west ale .. the
center or 119e or Jerreraon Street to the center line ot the City DitobJ Uleaoe
aouthweaterl7 along the center line or the City Ditoh to the center line •r the
all•J in Block llWDbered three (3) said Englewood Height• Addition project.eC; thenoe
south along the ce_..r line ot the alley through block numbered three (3) 1alC
Englewood Height• Addition and block numbered three (3) Hamilton & Killie• Broadway
Heighta Additioa to the City ot Englewood to the •orth line ot Kenyoa Stree~1
thence eaat to the southeast corner of lo~ numbered nine (9), block numbel'eC three
~ ;~ 215
t ·-· ? ' 216
(3) aaid Hamilton & Killie• Broadway Height• Addition; thence eaat along the
aoutb aide ot a61d lot numbered nine (9) across Bannock Street along the aeut,b
alde ot lot nW1bered eight (8) block numbered two (2) said Hamilton & Killl••
Broadwa7 Height• addition to the center line ot the alle7 through blool nuabere•
two (2) aald Hamilton & Killie• Broadway Height• Addition projected; tbea .. aerth
aloa& north alone the center ot said alley line and the center ot the all•J 11••
through block numbered two (2) said Englewood Height• Additi•n to a point which
would be the center lirw ot said alley and th• interaeotion ot th• aouth •1••
ot lot numbered alxteen (16), block numbered two (2) said Englewood Height• Ad41t1••
projeot•d• thence eaat to the south•••~ corner ot aaid lei nuabereC alxt.ea (16);
thenoe eaat along the south side or said lot numbered aixt••• (16) \e the •euthea•t
oerner or said lot numbered aixteen (16); thence north along the eaat trea\ et
aal• lot numbered aixteen (16) to the center line ot Jetteraoa atreet; theaoe
eaa\ aleng the center lin• ot Jetteraon Street to a point which *•ul• be the
1nteraeotiea ot the weat aide ot Broadway Street projeoted an4 the ••14 eenter
line of Jetteraon Street; theno• in a north-weaterly direotiea t• t.h• •ea\b-
ea•t corner ot lo~ n91lber one (1), block number tlve (5) aaid Englewood He11bta
Addltioa; thence in a ·northweaterly direction al•nd th• eaat end et aal• le\
numbered ... (l), blook numbered tlv• C5l aald Englewood H•leht.a Addltl•• t• \he
poini of beginning. Said district contain• the following lot.a or parcel• et
land. Lota nuabered one (1) to eight (8), inoluaive, and Lota numbered alxteea
(lo) in Block numbered two (2); Lota numbered ten (10} to fourteen fl4), laolu•lve,
in Block numbered th.-ee (3), Lot numbered nine (9) in Block numbered tour (4) aa•
Lot numbered One (1) in Block numbered five (5}; all in Englewood Hel1h\a A4d1tiea
t• the City or Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, al•• Leta numbered oae (1)
t• eight (8), inclualve in Block numbered two (2), and lot.a nuaber•• nS... (9) te ..
aixteen (16), incluaive, in Block numbered three (3) Hamlltoa & K1111•• Brea•wa1
ll•l&ht• Add1tien, City ot Englewood, Arapahoe County, Col•~•••·
That the ••tlaate and probable coat or aa14 improvement.a •1th the appurteaaaoea
1• Three Thouaancl Three hundred Th1rt1 ($3,330.00): Dollara, be1ac One Th•U8 ...
Four Hundred Seventy-rive Cll,475.00) Dollar• tor the conatruoti•• of ceaoret.e
aldewalk• in place and One Thouaand Six Hundred Twenty-tive Ctl,625.00 Dollars tor
the at9ee~ excavation and One Hundred Ten ($110.00} Dollars ter sand aurtac1ac said
atreet.a and One Hundred Twenty ($120.00) Dollar• tor concrete culvert.a in •al•
That the maximum probable coat to each lot or tract ot land withla the bouada-
ri•• or said d1atrict aa shown by the estimate ot the Engineer, to be •••••••d
upon the reapeot1ve lots and parcels or land in said propoaed diatriot ia
eatlmated to be aa rollowa; ( all said estimates ot coat being excluaive ot the ·
coat or inapection, collection, incidentals and intereatl to-wit;
Said coat i• apportioned again•t each lot or tract or land in •aid d1atr1ot
in proportion. to the benefit• accruAng to each lot or parcel and ia as ahowa on the
Engineer~• Aaaesament Roll which ia on file with the Clerk or said City, reterenoe
to which 1• hereby made and same i• hereby made a part hereof tor greater oertaintJ.
1-That th• report ao made by Glen A. Izett, aa Engiae•r or aall Cit7, be
and the aame ia, hereby approved, ratified and contirmed.
Z-That aa1d En8ineer~• report, together with the detalla·,-apeclr1cat1•••,
eatimatea, map• and sc~edulea prepared and filed with the Clerk ot the Citf, be,
and the same are, hereby approved knd adopted by this City C~cll, aa the detail•,
plana,spec1f1caSiona eal1matea and I:l&teriala, tor uae in the ·conatructi•n et th•
improvement• to be made in said district, and the surver and map or said prepoaed
diatrict to be a a.rvey and map ot the Herzog Street Gradlac and Improvemea\
Diatriot, Englewood, Colorado. ·
3-That the coat ot all or said stree~ grading and aidewalka and other laoldea-
tal improvement• on or in said District, except on the 1nteraection ot atreeta,
ahall be aasesaed upon all or the lots or tract• ot land abutting on aald •treeta
in proportion to the benefit accruing to each lot or tract et land bJ the ~·••
ot making such improvement.:; in case the total ceat in any block ahall exoe ... the
total benorlt th• excess shall be paid from the general t*tula ot the CitJ la
accordanoe with the atatutea or the State or Colorado. that the coat ot aa1•
street &z!~diJIC c &*d .other incidental improvement• in each atreet interaeot1••
in said diatr1ot ahall be assessed against all or the propert7 in said dlatrlot
in proportion to the benefits accruing to each lot or trac~ of land withla aa1•
dlatrlct by reason ot the making or such improvement and in caae the total ceat
in any one block on account ot the intersection improvement.a ahall exceed the
total benefit to said block the excess shall be paid rrom the general rUJMI• of
the City a &cgt~ande with the Statutes ot the State ot Colorado.
4-That to the above mentioned total amount and the re•p•otive porti•n• thereof
so t~ be aaaeased upon the respective tract• ot land in aa14 district, aa
aroreaaid, or so much thereot as may be necessary to pay the actual cos~ ot said
improvement and the general expenaea, there, be added alx per .centum tor the
coat or inspection, collection and other incidental•, and that there also be ·
added and included interest to the next succeed!~ date when by the laws et the
State or Colorado generel taxea, or the fi••t inatallment thereof, are payable.
5-That the assessments shall be due and payable within thirty daya tr ..
and atter the time when the assessing ordinance assessing the whole actual cos~
ot said improvement• against said real estate ahall become ettective and 1•
teroe; provided, however, that any owner who ahall pay hl• tutl aasesamen\ wlthia
the period ot thirty (30J days thereatter ahall be entitled to an allowaaoe et
rive per centum ot the amount ao assessed againat hie property and paid bJ h1a;
or in caae any owner ot real estate shall fall to pay the whole ot auoh ••••sament
against hla propert1 within thirty (30) da•• trom and after the aaseaalnc
or~1nance asaesaing the aame shall become affective and in torce, then the whole
coat ot said improvement• so assessed agalnat hi• property, ahall be payable la
ten (10) equal annual installment• or the principal, with intereat upon unpa14
installment•, payable semi-annually at the rate or six per centum per annum; the
f irat or said installments or said principal shall be due and payable upon the
next succeeding date after the passage or the assessing ordinance upon whlob
general taxea, or the first installment thereof, are, by the lawa or the State
ot Colorado, made payable, and the re11ainder or said installment• shall be due
and payable auocessively on the same day in each year thereatter until all are
paid in tull.
6-That the attorney ror the city be and he ia hereb7 authorized and dlreeted
to prepare an ordinance in conformity with and under the proviainoa ot aa ao~
ot the General Aaaembly or the State or Colorado, entitled • An act to provii•
ror the co .. truction or local improvements in citie• or all claaaea havinc a
population or l••• than one hundred thousand, and incorporated towns, the issuance
or local i mprovement bonds therefore, and the assessment and payment or the
coat or aaid improvements" approved April 8th, 1899, and all other acta or aaid
General Assembly in aid or said act or amendatory thereto, more particularl7
retering to an act ot t h e General Assembll ot the State ot Colorado, passed
at the Session t h ereof, entitled an act declaring valid outatandiDC
local improvement bond• is•ued in payment for local improvement• conatruo~
in pursuance or chapter 151 or the lawa passed at the Twelfth Session ot the
General Assembly ot the State ot Colorado, " being, "An act to provide tor Abe
coaatruction ot local improvements in citiea or all classes having a populatioa
ot leas than one hundred thousand, and incorporated town•, the issuance or local
improvement bonds therefor and the assessment and payment or the coat ot aai•
improvement•" approved April 8th, 1899, and providing for the payment ther-eot,"
creating within the corporate limit• or the said City ot Englewood a local
improvement diatrict to be known as the Herzog Street Grading and Improvement
District, Englewood, Colorado, and providing in and by said ordinance tor the
coaatruction in aaid district ot street grading and sidewalk•, all aa in the
petition ror said improvement• set forth and described, and in accordance with
the p lans and apecirications, maps, details, and estimate• ot the engineer ot
said city h ereinabove rerered to and now on tile in the orrice or the City Clerk;
and providing that the mayor advertise tor bid• tor the conatruction or aa1• ..
improvement• aa required by law.
7-That the said proposed ofdinance be considered ror pasaace and adoptioa
by this council on Monday the 29th, day or August. A. D. 1921.
8-That notice be issued by the City Clerk and published in the Englewood
Herald, a newspaper or general circulation in said City, therein giving notlo•
to t h e ~era ot the property to be assessed, or the kin• ot improvement• pro-
poaed; the number or installments and the time in which the coat ot auch im-
provement. will be payable; the rate of interest on unpaid and detered inatall-
menta; the extent or the district to be improved; the probable coat or auob
improvement• aa shown by the astimates of the engineer and the estimated probable
co1t per front foot as shown by the estimates or said engineer; the time aa
hereinabove set rorth when an ordinance ordering the conatruction or said
improvement• in aaid district above proposed will be finally conaidered; tha\
the map or said proposed district, showing the exterior boundariea thereof
and locating said improvement•, and the eatimatea and schedules showing the
amount.a to be asaeased against each tract or land in said diatrict and that all
resolutiona and proceedings or this council relating to aald proposed impreve-
ment dlatrict and the proposed improvements therein are on tile in and caa be
seen and examined by any person interested, at the ortice or the City Clerk at
any time prior to 6 o''clock P. M. on r.tonday the 29th, day or August, A. D. 1921; and
that complaints and objections that may be made in writing concerning the
proposed improvements by the owner, or owner• ot any real eatate to be &•••••••,
or any person, or persona, interested e enerally, will be heard and determined
by this council before final action of such council thereon, and that at aal•
time and after the determination ot all complaint• and objection• ao made, this
council will take *P and consider an ordinance creating said diatric~ and
ordering the improvement• berein proposed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said notice to be issued by the City Clerk as
aforeaaid, shall be substancially in the following form to-wit;
N 0 T I C E..
All owner• ot the real estate and property which ia included in the boun4ari••
hereinafter deacribed and all persona gaiirally are HEREBY NOTIFIED tha\ the Cit~
Council ot the City or Englewood, in the County ot Arapalloe and State ot Colorado,
perauant to th• requia1t• petition or property owner• under the laws ot the State
ot Colorado, haa adopted full details and apeciticationa tor th• conatructiea or
certain street grading and sidewalk improvements and appurtaaancea in and tor a
proposed l ocal improvement district within the corporate limits ot the City or
Englewood, to be known as the Herzo~ Street Grading and Improvement diatrio~,
Englewood, Colorado, said improvement district to be asaesaed with the co•\ ot
aaid improvement• consisting or all the land• lying within the boundart 11 .. • ot
aaid pro posed district, to-wit:
Beginning at the norUleast corner or lot numbered one (l) block numbere•1v• C5l
Englewood Heighta Addition to t.he City or Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, thence
weat along t h e north line or said lot to the northwest corner or said lo~; the ce
s o uth along the weat. front or said lot to the southwest corner o~ said lo~;
t h ence west along )he nooth line of Jefferson Street to the southeast corner or lot
numbered nine (9), block numbered tour (4) said Englewood Height• Additioa;
thence north along the east front or said lot numbered nine (9) to the as .. beaat
corner or aaid lot numbered nine (9); thence west along the north side or aali
lot numbered nllW (9) to the center or the alley weat ot aaii lot numbe~ aiaa (9};
theno• aouUl t• the center or Jefteraon Street; thence •••~ along the center
line or Jerreraon Street to the lenter line or the City D1t8bi thence aouthweaterly.
along the center line or the City Ditch to the center line ot the all•J 1a block
numbered three (31 said Englewood Height• Addition projected; thence south
al ag the center line ot the alley through block numbered three (3) said En&l•wood
Hei&ht• Addition and block numbered three (3) Hamilton & Killie• Broadway R•l&ht•
Addition to the City ot Englewood to the North line or Keayea Str-ee'; thence
eaat to the southeast corner ot lot numbered nine (9}, block numbered three (3) said
Hamilton & Killie• Broadwa1 Heights Addition,thence east along the south aid• et
las. lot numbered nine (9) across Bannock Street along the aouth aide ot lot
numbered eight (81 block numbered two (2) said Hamilton & Killie• Broadwat Height.a
Addition to the center line or the alley through block numbered two (2) aal•
Hamilton & Killie• Broadway Height• Addition projected;thence north along-the center
or aaid alley line ant -. .. a1 •z• • u IJ a9l•J 16111 and the center ot the alle7
line through block numbered t~o (2) said Englewood Height• Addition to a poin~
which would be t h e center line or said alley and the intersection or the aouth a~d•
or lot numbered aixteea (l6) block numbered two (~) said Englewood Height• Addition
projected; thence east to the southwest corner or said lot ot lot numbered aixteen
(16), thence eaat along the south aide ot said l•t numbered alxteen (16) te the
aoutheaat comner or said lot numbered sixteen (16); thence north alone the eaa\
'~•~ ot aald lot numbered sixteen (16) to the center line or Jerteraon Street;
thence eaat along the center line ot .Tetferson Street to a pobtt which wouU be
the intersection ot the west side of Boradway Street projected and the aal•
center line ot Jefteraon Street; thence in a no2'UnreaterlJ' direction to· the aouth-
eaat corner ot lot numbered one (l), block numbered five (5) said Englewood
Height• Addition; thence in a northwester!~ dittection along the eaat end or
said lot num bered one (1) b lock numbered five (5) said Englewood Heights Addition
to the point or beginning·.
Said district contains the following lots and parcels or land to-wit:
Lota num b ered one (1) to eight (8) inclusive block llumbered sixteen (16)
in block nuabered two (2)i Lota numbered ten (10) to fourteen (14) incluaiv•t
in block numbered three (3), Lot numbered nine (9) in block numbered four (4i
lot numbered one (l) in block numbered five (5); all in Snglewood Height• A4d1t1oa
to the City ot Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, alao lota number,d one (l)
to eight (S) inclusive in block numbered two (21; ind lota n11111bered niae (9J to
sixteen (16) inclusive, in block numbered three (3) Hamilton & Killie• Broadwa7
Height• Addition, Qlty ot Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado.
That *he estimated and probable cost or said iaprovementa with the app:_..._ .. ce•
ia lhree Thousand Three Hundred Thirty ($3,330.00) dollar•, being One Thou•ani
Four Hundred Seventy-five ($1,475.00) dollar•, tor the conatruction or conorete
sidewalk in place and One Thousand Six Hundred Twenty-tive ($1,625.00) dollars
tor the Street excavation and One Hundred Ten ($110.00) dollar• tor aaa.l aurtaoiag
said street• and One Hundred Twenty ($120.00l dollar• tor concrete culvert.a la
said diatrict..
That t h e maximum probable coat to each lot or trac~ or land within the boun-
d ar1ea or said district aa shown by the estimate or the Engineer, to be a••••••• upon
the respective lota and parcels or land in said proposed diatrict i• e•tlmated
to be aa rollow•: C all said estimates or coat being exclusive ot the coa~ of
inspection, collection, incidentals and interest which shall not exceed 6 per
cent ) to-wit.:
Said coat i• apportion~d aeainat each lot or tract or land in· said d1•tr1ot
in proportion to the benefit• accruing to each lot or parcel and i• aa toll•••:
Descri p tion of lota and parcels or land:
Block No.
I .ot No.
3 • 5
Lin. Ft.
9 $
61. 76,
J.,1//. 7 I
2 l 32: 79.05
2 25 61.76
3 25 61.78
4 25 61.76
5 25 61.76
6 25 61.76
7 25 61.76
8 25 61.76
Block No. Lot No. Lin. Ft. Assessment
3 9 25 f61.76
10 25 61.76
11 25 61.76 I
12 . 25 61.75
13 25 61.75 .
14 25 61.76
15 25 61.76
16 25 61.76
1348 Ft. ts,S!o.oa
That to the above mentioned total namount and the reapectlve portion• thereet
ao to be assessed upon the respective tracts or land in aa1d dlatric\, a• aroreaaid
or ao much .~enlff ~••-•hall -.1-r peoea,an to pay: the actual oo•t. of aal• laprwe-· I
menta and lhe gener&1 expencea, there -•ill be addel alx per cent, tor the •••t er
inapeotloa, collection and other incidentals, and that there alao will be added
and included intereat to the next succeeding date when by the law• or the State
ot Colorado, general taxes or the tirat inatallmen~ thereor, are pa,.able.
That the total actual coat ot said improvements, together with iatere•\ at the
rate or aix per centua per annum on the bonds issued ia payment thereor and the
per centum added tor coat ot inspection, collection, eto., aa atoreaaiC real
That the said assessment will be due and payable wlthou~ demaacl withla thirt~
daya trom and atter the time when the assese•PatoS the whole ac~ual cea~ er aal•
l•provementa agalftlt. said real estate shall become affective and 1a roroe;
provided, howeYer, that any owner who shall pay his full asaesament withla a
period ot thir~ day• thereatter shall be entitled to an allowance or tlwe per
centum or the amount so assessed against his property and paid by him; or
in caae any owner or real estate shall fail to pa~ the whole ot 1uch aa•eaaaeat.
against hi• propertr within thirty daya from and after the aaaesalng ordinaace
assessing the same shall have become affecti .. and in force, thea the wa.le coat
ot aaid improTement ao assessed aeainst hia propert1 shall b9 payable in tea (10}
equal annual inatallmenta or the princi)al, with intereat upon the uapal& laatall-
ment.a, payable semi-annually at the rate or alx p•r ~e•Atua per • UPI U.. tlr•t
or auoh 1natallmenta or said principal will be due and payable upoa the aext
auoceeding date or arter the pasaage ot the aaaeaelns ordinance upea whleh general
tue•, or the tirat. 1natallment:·thereot, are by the l••• ot the Sta~• et C•l•ra••
made payable, and the remainder ot said inatallir.enta ahall be due an• pa7able
auooeaa1vely on the aame day in each year thereafter until all are pa1• 1• tull.
That. a map ot aaid propoaed diatriot ahowtnc the ex .. rler boundaries thereof
and locatinl' aaid improvements; apeciticationa and detail• tor the ceaat.ru•tiea
of aai• improvement.a; the schedule ot lots and tracta ot l&JMI in ••i• dlatrlot
and the eatimat•• ot the engineer ot the coat. ot aaid i•provemeata, rr .. whleb
the •hare ot the eatimated coat ot aa1d improvement. that •111 be ••••••941 a1a1 .. t
eaob piece ot real eatate· in said diatriot may be readily aacerta1netl; ..a all
reaolutioa1 and proceeding8 ot the City Council ot aai• City relatlaa t• aalC
propoaed improvement diatrict and the propeaed improvement.a therel• are ea tile
in the ottloe ot the City Clerk and can be there aeen and examine• ~ a~ peraea
intereated durin& businesa houra ot any day on or before and uatil the heur ·~
S:OO o'clock in the afternoon or Monday, the 29th, d&J ot Auguat, A. D. 1921.
That at aaid time all complaint• and objection• that. may be ma•• ia
writing-concerning the proposed improvement• by the owner, or owner• ot aa7
real estate to be assessed, or any person, or persona, intereated generally,
will be heard and determined by the City Council ot said City ot Englewoo• before
rlaal action or •*•b Council thereon, and that at said time, te-w1t at th•
hour ot B:OO o'clock P. M., on Monday, the 29th, day ot Augua~, A. D. 1921 and
atter the determination or all complaint• and objection• so made, aaid Cit~
Council will take up and consider and ordinance creating· aaid diatrict and order-
ing the improvement• herein proposed.
Dated thia 25th, day ot July, A . D. 1921.
Fir•~ Publicatioa, July 29th, 1921.
Laa~ Publication, Auguat 19th, 1921.
T. H. Noeaea.
City ·c1erk & Ree•r••r et
En&l••o9', Coler•••,.
Paaaed and adopted by the City Council or the City or Englewood thi•· 25th,
day or July, A. D. 1921.
Atteat: T. H. Noonon.
J. W. llurrg,
City Clerk & Recorder:--
Th ... upon Councilman J. E. Cullison moved tha~ the above resolutlen
jaat read by the clerk in full, be adopted a• read.
Councilman A. o. Tiedt seconded said motion.
Upon roll call the councilman present voted .a• tollowa; o. I. Cole, Aye; J. E. Culliaon, Aye; J. s. Eagleton, Aye1 ~
G. A. Thompson, Aye; A. o. Tiedt, Aye;
5. Aye• Nayea none.
tayor so ordered.
Th• tol1tw1Jlc reaolution waa introduced and read.
DRAIKAGE. ------------------------Whereaa, the City ot Englewood, Colorado, ia a CitJ ot the aece .. claaa a~
the population or ••id City haa now reached upward• ot Four Thouaan• Three HUlldre•
Fitty-aix (4,356) human beings dwelling in all part• of the corporate llaita
ot said City, and said population is increasing rapidlJi and
Whereaa, there 1• no sewer system or natural drainage in said City, and
the aoil i• raat becoming permea~ed with corrupt matter, and the air •1th
oftenaive aftlusia trom cesa pool• and water closets, beinl' dangeroua t• the
llvea and detrimental to the health or the inhabitant• or said City; aad
Whereaa, under the l••• ot the State or Colorado now in toroe, the City
i• empowered to create sewer district• within the corporate limit• ot the aald
City, and such suh-diatricta therein aa may be necesaary to arrortt aa adequate
ayatem or sani taq drainage, el ther seperately or in combination; and ¥J
Wh ereaa, it ia deemed tor the beat intereat ot said City both ter saa1tar1
reaaona and upon the ground• ot economy, that there be coaatructe4 ia the ••1•
City or Englewood, a system of sewer• tor complete aanitary drainace ot aueb
ports.. ot said City aa ia in immediate need of a drainage ayatea, the c•at thereet
to be assessed against all of the lots or tracts ot land in said diatrie\ or
aub-diatrict, reapectively, in proportion to the benetl~s accruins to eaob le~
or tract or land within aaid district or sab-diatrlo~ br re•••• ot the aakiac
of auoh improvement and in case the total coat in &nJ bleck ahall exceeC the
total benetlt. the exceaa ahall be paid fros the ge•ral ru.d• ot th• CltJ la
accordance with the atatute• or the State or C.olorado, aapeciallJ la acoerd.aace
with the atatutewpaaaed at the regular sesaion or the Twent~-third General
AaaemblJ held ln 1921, exclusive ot public highway• and the right otw&J of the
city ditch;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ot the City Of EJl&lewoo4,
Coloftdo, that the construction or· sewer• tor sanitary drainage or aal• CitJ,
be and the aame i• herebJ declared a aanitarr necessity for the preaervation ot
the health and live• ot the inhabitant• ot said City, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the purpose ot constructing a aewer ayatea
in and for said City, aa ordinance be prepared creating-a eewer diatriot
bounded and deacrlbed as follows,
I otea Where street.a and avenue• are mentioned in this diacripti•• it ahall
be understood to mean the center lilies ot auch •treeta and avenue•.
Beginning at the intersection with the center line or Weat Yale Ave. and
Bo. Fox St.; thence south along the center line otSlltQ ~i Fox St. to an lateraectiea
with the center line ot Weat Bates Ave.; thence weat al•nl' the center liae et
eat Batea Ave. to an intersection with the center 11ae ot So. Galapas• St.;
ihence aouth along the center line ot So. Galapago St. te an interaeot1ea with
the center line ot West Cornell Ave.;. thence we at along the center line et
eat Cornell Ave. to an intersection with the center line et So. Huroa St.;
thence aouth along the center line ot So. Huron St. to an lnteraectlon w1tb
the center llne ot \7est Dartmouth Ave.; thence east. along the center 11• et'
Weat Dartmouth Ave. to an intersection with the center line ot So. Fox S\.;
thence aouth along the center line and center line extended ot So. Fox St.
to the south bank ot Little Dry Cr~ek; thence southwesterly alons the aout£-
erly bank or Little Dry Creek to an intersection with the extended center .
line or so. Jaaon St.; thence south alon& the extended center line or Se.
Jaaon St. to an lnteraection with the center line or West Hampden Aye.;
thence weat along the center line or West Hampden Ave. ~ an lntersectiea
with the extended center line or so. Kalamath St.; thence south alone the
center line or So. Kalamath nt. to an intersection with the extended ceater
line or n eat Ithica St.; thence west along the center line or West Ithioa St.
to an intersection with the easterly right ot way line ot the Atchlaea,
Topeka & Santa Pe Railroad; thence South .. aterly along the said eaaterl~
right or way line or the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad to aa lateraeoti••
with the center line or Weat Oxrord Ave.; thence eaat alone the center 11 ..
or Wea\ oxrord Ave. to an intersection with the extended center 11ae et aa
alley i Block Thirty-seven (:57), Logandale; thence aorth aloac aald cent•~
line or a 1•~ or said Block Thirty-seven (37), and said line extended t• aa
intersection with the center line or West Manatield Ave.; thence eaat al•ac
the center line ot Tteat Mansfield Ave. to an interaectiea •1th the eaat.erlJ
bank or the City Ditch; thence southerly .. andering alone the eaaterly 11 .. et
aaid City Ditch to an intersection with the center line or So. Huroa St.1 thence
south along the center line ot So. Huron St. to an interaeotien with the
center line ot ~eat Quinct Ave.; thence eaat along the center line ot Weat
Quincy Ave. to an lnteraenction with the center line ot So. Broadway,; theaoe
south along the center line or So. Broadway to an intereectlon with the
center line or n ion Ave.; thenc.e east. along the center line ot Union AYe.
to an interaection with the center line or South Clarkson St.i thence north
alone the center line or South Clarkson 3t. to an interaeotion with the center
line or Eaat Uanstield Ave.; thence west along the center line or Eaat Maaa-
rieid AYe. to an intersection with the center line or So. Broadwa1; thence
north alo~ the center line of So. Broadway to an intersection with the
center line or Eaat Kenyon Ave.; thence east. along the center line of Eaat
i{enyon Ave. to an intersection with the center line or So~ Clarkaon St.; theace
north along the center line ot So. Clarkson St. to an intersection with th•·
center line ot Eaat Dartmouth Ave.; thence welt along the center line et·
Eaat Dartmouth Ave.; thence west alonB the center line or East Dartmouth ATe.
to an interaection wit~ the the center line or So. Logan St.; thence no*f.b
altag t h e center line or so. Loean St. to an intersection with the center
line ot Eaat. Yale Ave.; thence west. along the center line or Eaat Yale AYe.
and ~eat Yale Ave. to the point or beginning. The land lyins within said
boundaries being more particularly described as tollows, to-wit;
Lota l to 22 lncluaive ot each ot Block• 7 to 10 incluaive •
Killi•• Sub-Division.
Re Sub-Div1aiona or lot• 2 and 3 ot Killie•• Sub-Diviaioa, known aa blook•
l and 2, Killie•• Sub-Dlvialon: Lota l to 48 incluaive, ot each or Bleoka
i -and 2..
Re Suh-Divlaioa ot Lota 6 and 7 Killie'• Sub Diviaion, now known aa Bl•ok•
3 and 4: Lota l to 48 inclusive, or each ot Block• 3 and 4.
Re Sub-Divialon 5 and a Killie•• Suh Division: Lota I to 2' incl•alve of
each or Blocka 1 to 4 inclusive.
Straye1t•.a ·i sroadway Height.a •
Lota l to 48 lncluaive or each or Blocks l to a incluaive. ·
Rose•• Addition to Englewood Colorado.
Lota l to 48 inclusive or each or Blocka l to 9 inclusive.
Bank Addition.
Lota l to 48 inclusive ot each or B.l9oka l to 4 inclusive.
Lota l to 48 inclusive ot each of 3locks 6 to a inclusive.
Premier Addition to Englewood.
A parcel or land de•cribed aa tollowa: Beginning at a point which 1•· the inter-
aection or the aouth property line or Floyd Avenue with the east p~operty liae
ot South Broadway1 thence east alon& the south property line ot Floyd Aveaue
255 reet; thence South 125 feet; thence west 255 teet to an intersectlo w1th
the eaat property line or South Broadway; thence nobth along the east prepertr
line or South Broadway 125 teet to point or beginning, exclusive or streeta
and alleya.
A parcel or land described aa followa: Beginning at a ... 1at which i• en the. aouth
property line or Floyd Aven~e and 255 teet east. from the eaat propert7 11 ..
or South Broadway; thence east along the said property line ot Floyd Avenue
195 teeta thence aouth 125 feet; thence west 195 teet; thence north 125 teet.
to the point or beeinning, exclusive ot streets and alleya.
A parcel ot land descrlved as followa: Besinning at a point whloh 1• oa the
aouth property line of Floyd Avenue and 4~0 roet eaat ot the east propert1
line ot South Broadway; thence 160 feet east along said property line ot
•l•fd Avenue to an interaection with the west line or South Sherman ·Stree~;
thence aouth along the weat property line or south Shermaa atree\ 125 tee~a
thence weat 160 teet; thence ••~thl25 feet, to pojat..t .•t o ~eglnnlas, exolualTe
ot atreeta and alleys.
~ parcel or land descri~ed as follows: Beginning at a point on the east property
line ot South Broadway which is 125 feet south or the aouth proper~1 llae
ot Floyd Avenue; thence east 620 feet to an intersection wl th' the west property
line ot South Sherman Street.; thence south alon~ said weat property liae ot
louth Sherman Street I94 teet; thence west 610 teet to an lnteraeotioa with
the eaat line or South Broadway·; thence ·north along the eaat property liae
or South Broadway 194 feet. to point or beginning exclualve or atreeta and
A percel or land de'acribed as follows: Besinning at a p•int. on the .Wte
eaat property lino or South Broadway which la 319 teet south or the south
.. ...
I ·
# •
propert1 line or Floyd Avenue; thence east 459 reet ~ an 1nteraeot1oa wl\h
the center line or alley, produced 1 or Block 3; thence aouth along said oenter
llne or alley produced 100 feet; thence weat along the ~ let 11•• Ul4
lot liaea produced or Lot 5, Block 3 and Lota 5 and 20, Blook f, Premier
Addition, 459 feet to an lnteraection with the eaat property llne or South
Broadway S treet; thence north along the eaat llne ~ot ',South Broadway Stree\
1 0 0 reet to point or be&inning exclusive ot atreeta and all•Y•·
A parcel or land described aa followa: Beeinning at a point which la 319 re•\
aouth or the aouth property line of Floyd Avenue and 459 reet eaat or the
eaat property line or South Broadway thence east 15J feet to an iateraeotlea
with the weat property line or South Sherman Street; thenoe aouth along ~h•
weat property line orsouth Sherman Street to an intersection with the ... tb
lot line produced ot lot 20, Block 3-Premier-Addltion,~!~t**•nyeat aleac the
said lot line or lot 28 Block 3, 151 reet to an interaeotlon with the ceater ..
line ot atoreaaid block; thence north along the center line ot alley preduoe4
100 reet to point ot beeinning exclusive or street• and alleys.
A parcel or land described as tollowa: Beginning at a poin~ on the eaat propert7
line or South Broadway which i• 197 feet aouth or the south et· th• aeutb
property liae or Girard Avenue~ thence east along the aouth Lot lia• a .. Let
line• produced or Lota a and 17, Block 5 and Lota a and 17, Block 6, 611 tee\
to an interaection with the west property lin. or South Shel'll&Jl StreetJ theaoe
aouth along the weat property line or South Sherman Street 100 tee\; th••••
weat 611 teet to an interaection with the east line ot South Broadway; theaoe
north along the eaat line of South Broadway 100 teet to the point or b•1lllll111&,
exclusive or atreeta and alleya.
A parcel or land described as follows: Beginning at a point .. the eaat
property line or South Broadway which ia 297 teet south ot the south li .. et
Girard Avenue; thence east and parallel with the south line or Girard AYeaue
611 reet to an intersection with the weat property line ot South S••~·ne'I Street.
Thenoe aouth along the west line o~ South Sherman Street 154 teet; th•••• weat
and parallel to the north line ot Hampden Avenue 611 reet to an interaeeti••
with the eaat property line or South Broadway; then6e north along the eaat line
ot South Broadway 154 feet to the point or beeinning, exclu•ive or street•
and alleya.
A parcel or land described as followas Begin.niinc-at a point oa the eaa\ prepert~
line ~ or South Broadway, which is 154 reet north or the north propert~ 11••
ot Hampden Avenue; thence eaat 125 reet; thence aouth 50 reet; thence wea\ 125 teet
to an interaeotion with the east line of South Bro~ar; thenoe nerth alea&
the eaat )roperty line ot South Broadway 50 feet to point or beginnlac, exoluaive
ot atreeta and alleya.
A parcel or land deacribed as follows:· Beginning at a point which i• 15' teet
north ot the north property, line ot Hampden Aven~e and 125 teet east et the
eaat property line ot South Broadway; thence eaat 66 reet; thenoe aouth 50 reet;
thence weat 66 teet; thence north 50 teet to the point or ba1inniac, exclualYe
ot atreeta and alleya.
A paroel ot lalld deacribed as followa: Beginning at a point oa the east prepert~
line or South Broadway, which ia 104 teet north ot the north line or Haapdea
Avenue; thence east 191 feet; thence south 25 feet; thence weat 191 tee~ to
an interaection with the east line or South Broadway; thence north al•JIC the
eaat line of South Broadway, 25 feet to the point qt beginninc, exclusive of
atreet.s and alleya.
A parcel or land deacribed aa follows: Beginning at a point on the east li ..
or South Broadway, which i• 79 feet north o~ the north line or Hampden Aveaue;
thenoe eaat 125 feet; thence south 52 feet; thence wea\ 125 teetto an iat•r••o-
tioa with the east troperty line or South Broadway; theaoe north along the eaat
line ot South Broadway 52 feet to the point or 'lelinnins.
A parcel or la.I deaor1bed as tollowa: Seginn1n~ at a po1ai wh1oh 1• t.h• 1ater-
aeot1on o~ the north property line or Hampden Avenue and t.he eaat propePtJ
liae ot Seu~~Brtadwa1; thence north along the eaat preperty llae of SeuUl
Breaclwar 27 teet; thence east 125 feet; thence South 27 ree\;t• aa interseot1 ..
with the north property line or Hampden Avenue; thence weat aloaa th• aertb
propert7 line or Hampden Avenue 125 feet to .the point ot ba&lnniac.
A parcel or l&lld described aa follows: Beginnin~ at a point oa the nortb propertJ
line or Hampden Avenue which i• 135 feet east or the eaat propertJ 11•• et
South Broadwa1• thence north 79 feet; thence east 56 tee\; thenoe aou\b 79 teet
to aa interaeot1on with the north propert1 line or Hampdea A•••u•; th•••• weat ..
alone the north property line or Hampden Avenue 56 feet to the poin~ •f b•&iaal ...
A parcel or land deacribed as followa: Beginning at a point oa the nortb prepertJ
line ot Hampden Avenue which i• 191 feet east or the eaat propertJ li .. •f
South Broadway; thence north 154 feet; thence eaat 50 feet; te th• pelat •f
or be1inninc.
A parcel or l&Jld deacrib•d aa followa: Beginniac at a poin~ en the ••~ preper~
liae ot Haapclen Ave1JU9, which 1• 2&1 feet eaat. or the eaat prepertJ 11 .. et
South Broadwa1; theaoe north 154 reet;t ~h•noe eaat 50 reet; theaoe aauUa is•
teet to aa 1 teraeotion with the north line of Hampden Avenue; theaoe woat aloac
the north proper~ line or Hampden Avenue 50 reet to the point of b•slaa1 ...
A parcel or l&Jld deaoribed aa followa: Beglnniac at a poin\ •• the nor\b
property line ot Hampden Avenue, which is 291 •eet eaa\ ot the eaa\ pl"epert~
line or South Broadway; thence north 154 reet; theace eaa~ 50 teet; theaoe
aouth 154 teet, to an intersection with the north propertJ llae. ot Haaptaa
Ave ue; theaoe weat along the north property line ot Hampdea Ave11Ue 50 teet \e
the point or beginnlnc.
A parcel or land deacribed aa follow•: Beginninc at a point oa the nortb
property li or Hampden Avenue, which ia 341 teet east otth• eaat property li .. or South Broadway; thence north 154 reet; thence eaa~ 170 teet; theaoe aouth
154 teet to an intersection with the north propert~ line ot Hampden Av .. ae;
thence weat along the north propert~ line or Hampden Avenue 170 teet te the
point or beginning.
A parcel or land deacribed aa follo ·-~: Be6inning at a point which i• aa iater-
aection or the north property line of Hampden Avenue with the weat propert~
line or South Sherman Street; thence west along the north propertJ 11•• et
Hampden Avenue 100 teet; thence north 154 teet; thenoe eaat 100 teet te aa
interaecti•• with the weat property line or South Sherman Street; the ... aou\b
along the •8St property lin~ of South Sherman Stree~ 154 leet to the polat
ot beg1nn1nc-.
Lota l to 48 1ncluaiv• or each Blocks l and z. Lota 5 to 20 incluaiv• of eaoh
ot Block• 3 and 4. Lota 1 to a and 17 to 24 incluaiv• ot eaeh of Blooka 5 aa•
8. Loa. l to 48 incluaive or each ot Block• 7 and 8.
Lota l to 50 inclusive ·or each or Block• lto 4 lnclualve.
Lota l to 48 incluaive or each or Block• 5 to 7 lnclualve.
A parcel or land described aa rollowa: Beginninc at a point which ia the later-
aeotl ot the weat property line ot South Clarkaon Stre•\ wltb .the aer\la
property llae ot Haapden Avenue; thence eaat alone the · north propert111•• •t
Haapden Aveaue 300 te6\ to an ai&eraection with th• center 11 .. et Sou\b
Waahlagt Stree\; thence north along the center liae ot Sou\b Waahlact .. Stree\
835 teet to an interaeotioa wi~h the center 1ine . ot Girard Aveaue1 th•••• eaa\
alone the center 11 • ot Girard Avenue 300 reet to an lnteraeotl .. with the wea\
prepert 11 • ot South Clark1oa Street; .thence aouth aleag th• •••\ propertr 11••
ot South Clarkaon Street 635 reet to the point of beginnlnc.
Lota l to 50 inolualve ot each or Block• 1 and 2. .
Belltc the 2nd Filin&
Lot• l to 50 1nc&uaiv• or eaoh or Block• 3 and 4. Lota l te 48 incluaiv• of eaoh
of Blooka I and S; Lota l to 24 inclusive or Block 7; N E 1/4 ot Block 7; S E 1/4
ot Block 7' R W 1/4; S W 1/4; N E l/4 and s E 1/4 or Block s.
A tract ot land deacribed as tollowal Beginnin« at a point which ls aa lateraeotloa
ot the ea1t property line ot South Broadway with the center 11n• ot w. Kea,••
Avenue (produced); thnce north along the eaat line ot South Broadwa~ S60 r .. ~ le
aa lateraection with the center line or Jetreraon Avenuei thenoe eaat al•ll& the
center llne or Jetteraon Avenue 652 •eet to an intersection with the center llae
or South Sbe-t••_Street• thence north along the center line ot Sout.h Shermaa Street
7 tee\ to an intersection with the center line or Jetteraon Avenue; thenoe eaat
alone-the center llne or Jerreraon Avenue 622 reet to an interaeotion with the
center line ot South Logan Street• thence south along the center line of South
Logan Street 660 reet to an interaection with the center line ot Weat Ken1••
Avenue fprodace•); thence weat along the center line or Weat Kenyoa Aveaue ( produceclJ
1174 reet to point or beginning, exclusive ot atreeta and all•Y•· All lie• la
th• Sl/2 ot the H Wl/4 ot the N E l/4 or Sec. 3.
Let.a l to 48 incluaive or each or Blocka l to 64 incluaive.
L ta l to 18 inolualve ot each Block• Block• l to 4 inclualv•.•
Lota l to 48 inoluaive or each or Dlocks 91 to lo inclusive. s. G. Hamlin'• Addition
Lota 1 to 48 inclusive or each or Blocka l to 4 incluaive.
Tayler~• Addition
Lot• l to 49 inoluaiv• or each Block•· l to 3 inclusive.
Lot.a l to 48 inoluaive of ~ACh ot Blocka 17 to 24 inclusive.
Lot• l to 48 inclusive ot each or Block• l to 3 inclualve.
Le~ l to 24 inclusive or each or Block• l to 4 inclusive.
A trao~ ot land •eaoribed as rollowa: Beginning at a point which ii the 1ateraeot1oa
~r th• aouth propertr line or w. Dart.mouth Avenue with the wes\ propert7 llae
ot South Cherokee St.; thence west along the south property line ot Wea\ Dart-
mouth Avenue 300 reet to an intersection with a line, produced, whloh i• parallel
to and 25 teet wea\ or the eaat property line ot South Delaware Stree~; theaoe ·
aoutb along said line 6:30 reet to an intersection with the center line of Weat
Eaatman Avenue; thence eaat along the center line ·or Weat Eaatman Avenue 300 reet
to an interaection with the weat property line or South Cherokee Street; thenoe
north along the weat property line or South Cherokee &tree•; thence north alone
the weat property line ot South Cherokee Street 630 feet to point at begllllliac,
exclusive or atreeta and alley1.
A traot or land described as rollowa: Beginning at a point which 1• the lateraectioa
or the center line or South Fox Street produced, with the south propert~ 11••
ot eat Darthmouth Avenue; thence east along the south property line or Weat
Dartmouth Avenue 660 feet to an intersection with a line (preduced) which 1•
parallel to and 35 teet east or the west property line of South Delaware Street;
theaoe south alone said line 1282 feet to an intersection with *he center llae
ot Ployd Avenue, produced; thence west along the center liae et Fl•1• Aveaue,
produced, 660 teet to an intersection with the center line or South Pox Street,
produced; t h ence north along the center line or South Fox Street, produce•, 128Z
teet to the point ot beginnin&, exclusive or street• and alleys.
A tract or land lying in the N El/4 of the SWl/4 or Seo. 34, more ru111 deaorlbed
aa rollowa: Beginning at a point which is on the west property line ot South
Broadwa1 302.7 reet south or the south property line ot Ea1tman Avenue; theaoe weat
-1273'.8 reet to an interaection with a line produced whioh is parallel to ...
25 feet weat ot the east property line or South Delawa*9 Street; then•• aeut.l'l
along said deacribed line 330 feet to an intersection with the center lia• ot
Floyd Avenue, produced; thence east alons the center line ot Floyd Avenue 70~.l
reet• thence north 182 reet; thence east 566.9 reet to aa interaeoti .. with the
west property line or South Broa.-.at; thence north along the wee~ propert~ line
or South Broadway 150 reet to point or beginning, exoluaive of atree~ anC alleys.
A parcel or land lyina in the NEl/4 or SWl/4 or Seo. 34, more .. 11~ described
a1 tollow1: B•glnning at a point which ia an intersection or the weat prepert7
line, produced,ot Floyd Avenue; thence weat alon~ the center line or Flo~ A .. aue
produced, 568.l reeta thence north lSZ feet: thence eaa\ 288.2 teet; theaoe
aouth 107 feet; thence east 280 feet to an interse•tioa with the weat propert~
line or South Broadwan thence south along· the weat propert1 line ot Sout.b
Broadway 75 reet to point or beginnin&, exclusive nt street• and alleya.
A parcel or land lying in the NEl/4 of SWl/4 or Sec. 34, more fully deaorlbed
aa rollowa: Beginning at a point which ia on the west property line or South
Broadway and 452.7 reet south of the south property line or Eaatman Aveaue1
thence west 280 feet; thence south l07 feet; thence east 280 reet to an later-
aeotion with the weat property line or South Broadway; thence north along the
eat property line or South Broadway 107 feet to point ot beBinnlng, exclualve
of etre•t• and all•Y•· .
A tract of land lyin& in the 811/4 of 8Wl/4 of Seo, 34, •are tully de•oribed •• follow•:
Be1inning at a point which i• th• ifttereection of the •••t property line of louth Broad-
way and tbe center line, produced, of 'loyd lv.nue• thence •••t along th• oent.r ling ot r10Jd &Yenue, produced, 811.3 feet; thence eouth 3i2.8 feet: thence eaet 811.1 feet to an
intereection with the we1t property line of South Broad•&J; thenoe nort• along the weat
property line of South Broadway 332.8 feet to th• point ot beginning, exolueiYe ot etreeta
and alleye.
& ~c•l of land in th• 81:1/4 of 8Wl.4 of Seo. 3•, more fully d••oribecl aa folla1re: Be-
ginnin& at a point which 1• the intereeotion of •••t property line of louth lroaclway, and
north property line of Oirard AYenue: thence •••t alon1 the north propertJ line ot Girard
A•enue: 544.8 teet: thence north 306.a feet; tLe~~• •••t S44.8 feet to an inter .. otion
with th• •••t property line of South Broadway; thence 1outh along the •••t Jl'Operty line of
louth Broadway 306.3 feet to point of beginning, exolu1i•• of etre•t• and a1le7•·
& parcel of land lying in the 811/4 o! 811/4 ot lec. 34, •or• tully de•oribed .. tollowe:
Beginning at a point on ·th• nortt prop~rty line ot Kaapien AYenUI and 8'3 t .. t •••t ot the
... t property line ot South Broadway; thence •e•t along th• ••••t property line ot Hampden
&Yenue 380 '••t; thence north 605.8 feet to an intereeotion with the eouth property line of
Girard &Ytnue: theno• eaat along the eouth property line of Oirard &venue 880 feeta thence
80&.8 feet to paint ot beginning, exclue1ve of etre•t• and all•Y•·
A traot of land lying ib th• 811/4 ot 811/4 ot Seo. 34, more fully d••oribecl •• follow•:
Be1tnning at a p oint on the north property line of Hampden AYenu. 189.8 feet, ... t ot the
weat property .line ot lout~ Broadway; thence weet along th• north propert{ 11n• of Weat
Haapden AY•nue 487.3 feet to an interaection with a line produced, parall• to ancl 11 feet
... t of tb• ea•t propezt y l in• of South Delaware 8tre•t1 thence north along •id ct.eorlbed
l • Jl?I teet tp am •nteraeotion with the south property line ct r1oyd AvenUI, produced,
thence eaat along the eouth property line of 'loyd l••nue, produoed, 880 feeta thence
eouth 300 feet; thence weat 173.8 feet; thence aouth 973 f .. t to point of be&ianing, exolu-
•i.,. ot atreet• and alley•.
& paroel of land lying in the &Wl/4 of 8Wl/4 ot Seo. 34, 110r• tullr deaori .. tollo•a:
S.1tnning at a point whioh 11 the intereeotion of th• north propeny lia• ot AYenue
and the oenter line of South Huron Street, produced1 theno• north alona the ... 11n• ot
louth RQron ltr••t, produced, to an intereecf,ion with th• center line of Ll ClrMt1
theno• in a northeaeterly direction along the center line ot Little Dry · l•'•r-
Motion with th• center line of South 'ox 8tr ·,•t, produced, thenoe north al tile oenter
lln• of r101d •••n'-W, produoed, thence eaet along th• center 11n• of rloJd 1 pro-
duoecl, 680 f•t to an ir.tereeotion •1th a line parallel to and 11 feet wet tM eut
property line of louth Del&•ar• 8tr••t; thence •out~ along a line parallel t.o aad 11 feet
... t of th• eut property l in• ot ao,uth Delaware Street 873 teet to an 1ntes..-1cn with
th• center line ot Weet Oirard AYenue, produced; thence weet along th• oent ling of
•••t Oirard AYenue, produoed, 330 feet: then oe eouth 630 feet to an intereeotloa with the
nortb property line of Raapden AYenue; tnence •••t along the north property line ot llaaP-
den A•enue to the point of beginning, exolueive of Street• and alleya.
7 A parcel of lan~ lJing 1n the Sll/4 of 01/4 of Seo. M, more tully d••oribed • followa:
Beginning at a point on the north property line of Raapden &Tenm, whioh 1• u later-
••otion with a line parallel to and 13 t~et •••t ot the •a•t property 11:. of loath Dealware
ltreet1 tbenoe •e•t alon1 the north property line of Ra•P<l•n Avenue 310 t•••a thelloe north
830 feet t ~ _. intereeotion with the center line of Weat Oirard A••nue, prod..-la thenoe
eaet alon1 ''* center line of Weet Girard A•enue, produoed, 310 teet to an int .. eeotian with
a line parallel to and 13 feet west of the eaat property line ot South Delaa• ltnet;
beno• •outh al 1 eaid cleaort bld :.liae t 63P . t••t • to the point of beginning, esoluaiT• of
Street• and All•Y•·
Lot1 35 to 48 inoluei••·
& parcel of land deeoribed a1 follow•: Be ginning at a point on the •••t property line
of South Broad.way, whioh i• 300 feet tor~b ot the north property line ot RallPclen ATenu.;
thence weet a1on1 the north lot line of Lot lo. 38, 185 teet to an int•r•eotion with th•
eaet alley line; thenoe north along the eaet alley line 14.I feet to an iate~ .. otion with
th• eouth lot line of lot lo. 37; thence eaat 125 feet to an intereeotion with •••t pro-
perty line of South Broadway; thence eouth along the •••t property line of IGu.th Broadway
14.6 feet to point oi beginning.
& parcel of land deecribed a• follow•: Beginning at a point on th• north property line
ot Rallpclen A wnu• and 143 feet •••t of the •••t property line of louth lro9dwa7; thence
•••t along th• north property line of aampden Avenue 100 feet; theno• north IOl.8 t .. t to an
interaeotion •1th th• eouth property line of Girard Avenue; thence •••t along tb• eouth
property line of Girard A•enue 100 feet to an int•r••otion with th• •••t &1197 line; thenoe
eou•b along weat alley line 605.6 feet to point of beginning.
Lota 1 to 32 1nclu•i•• tf each of Block• l to 6 and 12 to 23 inclu•i••·
Lota 1 to 33 inolu&iYe of each o! Block• 1 and 2.
A paroel of land deeoribed ae tollo••: Beginning at a point •hioh 1• an inter .. otion of
th• north property line of We•t Rupden &••nue and th• oenter line of louth lalron Street,
produoed; theno• narth along the center line of SCNth Ruron street, produoed, 110 feet,
•ore or le••• to an intereeotion with the center line of Little Dl-J Oreet; ta.aoe in a
eoutbWeaterlJ direction along the oenter line of Little Dry Oreet 170 f .. t, 110r• or leae,
to an intereeotion with th• oenter line of South Santa re ltreet, proctuoecl; tlaeno• 1outh
alon1 the center line of South Santa re Street, produced, 180 f .. t aore or leea, to an
intereeotion with th• norty property line of •••~ riampien A••nu.; thence ._., along the
forth property line of Weet Raapden Avenue 653 teet, •ore or l•••• to point of beginning.
(All lytng in ISl/4 of IEl/4 of lee. 33). lxolu•i•e ot etreeta and all•Y•·
Lot• 1 to 18 incluai••·
A parcel ot land deeoiribed a• toll~: Beginning at a point which i• an intereeotion of
th• oenter line of lain Street anJ line parallel to &nd 11 feet •••t of the eaet property
line ot louth Delaware Street: thence eouth 4•9 teet to an int•r••otion with the center line
of ... t len1on AYenu.; thence eaet 130.6 feet; thence northeaeterly 8?.a f .. t; thence nol'llh
390 fe~t to an intereeotion with the center line of .. in Street; thence Weat along center
ling of lain Street 183 feet to potnt of beginning, exclu•i•• of 1treet1 and all•Y•
A parcel of land deaoribed •• follow•: Begninning at a po :nt on th• oenter line of Kain
Street and 47 teet ea1t of th• •••t property line of South Cberotee atr .. t, produoed;
thence •••t along center line of lain Street 163 feet; thence eouth 418 teet to an inter•ec-
tion •1th the nGrt~•••t border ot the City Ditch; thenoe northeaat along the north•••terly
border of the City Ditoh 350.5 feet to an interaeotion with a line •hioh 1• parallel to
and •7 feet •••t ot the •••t property line of South Cherokee Street; thence north 310.5
feet along aaid deecribed line to point of beginni~, exclu•i•• of Street• and alley•.
A parcel of land deacribed •• follow•: Beginning at a point •hioh i• the intereeotion
of the aouth property line of ... t Hampden Avenue with th• center line of louth Cherokee
ltCeet; thence aouth 930 feet to an interaeotion with the center line of Main &t• .. t1
thenoe eaat along the center line of .. in Street 17 feet to an interaeotion witb a 11n•
parallel to and •7 eaet of th• •••t property ltn• of South Cherokee; tbenoe eouth along
••id deacribed line 330.5 feet to &* 1nteraeotion witb the nortbweeterlJ border of City
Ditch; thence northeaat, eaat and aouth~a•t along north border of City Ditoh to an in-
tereection with the center line of South Acoma Street; tbeno• north along the center line I
ot louth Aoo ... Street 6'8 feet to an interaection with th• center ling of 8h•ri4an A••-
rue to an interaecti~n with th• aouth property line of •••t Hampden A•enu.; thence •••t
along th• aouth property line of Weat ffsmpden Avenue •a5 feet to point of beginning,
exclu•i•• of atreeta and alleya.
A paroel of land d••oribed aa follo••: Be3inning at a point which 11 th• intereeotion of
tbe •••t property line of South Broadway with th• 1outh property line of leet Baapden
AYenu•; thence aouth along th• •e~t property line of louth Broadway 17! feet to an inter-
••oticn with th• center line of Sheridan Avenue; thence in a north•••t•rly direction along I
th• center line of Sheridan Avenue 565 feet to an interaeotion with the aouth property
line of •e•t Hampden Avenue 530 reet to ptint ot beginning, exolu•i•e of 1treete and alley•
Lot• 1 to 50 inclo•t•• in Block 1.
Lota l to 8 1nolua1ve in Block 1.
A paroel of land de1or•l8d •• follows: Beginning a* a point on the •••t prpperty line
of South Broadway which 1• 2•a feet north ot the center line of •••t lenyon ATenue;
thence weet along the north lot line of lot 16, Block 1 of Raailton & Killie'• Broadway
Height• 135 feet to an interaeotion with the eaat alley line of Block 1, ln&l•wood
Reigbte 300 feet to an interaeotion with the eouth property line of W1at J1tt1raon
A•enue; tber.oe •••t alone the eoutb property line of •••t Jefferaon Avenue 11& feet to
an interaectton with the •••t pro~erty line of South Broadway; thence eouth along th•
.. at property line of South Broadway 300 feet to point of be&inning.
Lot• l to 16 incluaive in Block 3; Lot• 8 and Lota 10 to 1' incluaiY• in Bloot IJ Lota
4 to 13 1nclua1ve in Block •1 Lota l •ortb and a 8outb in Block 5.
Lot• 1 to 16 incluaive ot each or Block 1 to3 1nclueive.
Lota 9 to 13 inclu•i•• of Block •1 Lot• 1 to 48 inolu1ive of each of Block• 5 to 8
inolu•i••; Lote 1 to 34 1nclue1ve of Block• 9 to 13 inolu.ive.
A paroel of land dea c ribed aa follow•: Beginning at a point on th• weat property line
of loutb Broadway 300 feet 1outh of th• •outh property line of ... t Lehigh ATenue:
thence •••t along the eoutb lot lin•• of Lota 13 and 13 of Block• 9, 10, 11 and 13, I
Ra.ilton & lil11•'• Broadway Re1gbt• 1314 feet •ore or l•••, to an interaection with the
oenter line of South Delaware iltreeta thence 1outh along the center lin·• of South Delaware
ltr .. t 330 feet, more or lea1, to an intereeotion with th• center line of leet lanafield
AYenue; thence eaat along the center l i ne of •••t lfanefiel~ A•enue 127• feet, aore or
l•••• to an 1ntereection with the •••t property line ot South Broadway; thence north
along the weat property line ot South Broadway 330 teet, more or leea, to point of be-
ginning, exclu11ve of atreeta and all•Y•·
A t«"&ct of land lying in the Wl/3 of Wll/4 of 111/4 ot Seo. ,, aore fully deaoribed .
a• follow•: &e•inning • r a point which i• an intereeoticm of the oenter line of
loutb Santa re ltreet with the eouth property line of Weat Raapd•n ·A••nue 358 f .. t, llOre
or leea, to an 1nter•ection with the •••t property line of South Kalal)aih 8tr .. t, pro-
duced, tbenoe aouth along th• weet property line of South lal ... th ltreet, procluoec:l, too feet, •ore or l•••, to an intereection with the north property 11~ of Pearl ltreet,
produoeda t henoe ... t along th• north property line of Pearl ltreet, produced, 130 feet,
110r• or leaa, to an tnteraection with the eaeterly r~ght of W&J boundary line of th•
A.T.1.1.r. RJ·I theno• in a aouthweeterly direction along th• eaeterlJ right of way
boundarJ line ot th• A.T.&.B.r.Ry., 975 feet, more or 1•••, to an inter1eotion with
th• oenter line of •••t renyon A••nue; thence •••t alone the oenter line ot •••t lenyon
ATenue 710 feet, 80re or l•••, to an intereeotion with th• oenter line of South Santa re ltreet; theno• north along the center line otjloutb Santa re at .. et 13'0.7 feet,
.,re or le1a, to point of beginning, exclueive of at~••t• and alleya.
Bloot B.
Lote 1 to •e inclu•i•• of each of Block• a to 8 inolueive.
Lot• 18 to •8 Block 9.
Bloot c.
Lota 1 to •a tnclu•i•• of each of Block• 10 to 16 tnclu•i••·
Block 17.
Lota 1 to a• incluaive in Block 30.
Lota 1 to '8 incluaiYe ot each of Block• 31 and 33.
Lota 10 lo .48 1nclu•1•• in Block 33.
Block D.
Lota 1 to •6 1nclue1ve of each of Block• 34 to 36 1nclusi••·
Lota 1 to 33 inclu•i•• of Block 37.
Lot• 1 to 48 inoluaive of each of Block• 1 to 6 tncluaive.
Lota 1 to 48 inclu•i•• of Block 7.
Lota 35 to 38 incluaiYe ot Block 8.
Lota 33 to 36 inoluaive ot Block 9.
Lot• 1 to 3 tooluaive; 13 to 31 incluaive; 30 to 46 inclu•i•• Block 10.
Lota 1 to 15 inoluaiv•; 19 to 46 inolueive Bl9ck 11.
Lot• 1 to •6 inclu•i•• of ••ob of Block• 13 to 3' incluai••·
Lot• 1 to •& lnolu•i•• of each of Block• 35 to 33 inclueiYe.
Lota 10 to '8 inoluaive of Block 33.
Lot• 1 to •e tnoluaive ot Block 34.
Lota 1' to •o inclueive of Block 35.
Block A.
Being all a••••aabl• property 1n the Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer Diatriot lo. 1, City
ot Englewood, Color•do.
Bl YT rt.JRTHER RESOLVED that Glen A. tzett be and he ia hereby appointed City
lngineer for tbe City of ln1lewood, Colorado, to be paid for bie eervicee in con-
nection with tbe conatruction ot a aewer eyatem in aaid City in diatrict bond• to
be iaau.d by aaid City, under the pro~iaiona of Chapter 151 of tbe S•••ion La•• of
Colorado; 1899, and
BE TT '1JRTffl'R ffl80LVlO that the aaid Glen A Isett be and he ie hereby authorized ...
and directed to •ke a aurY•Y of the territory hereinabo•• described, and t .hat he tile .
with tbe Clerk of tbe City Collllcil of aaid City detail• of auoh aurvey, together with
epeo1fication• for tbe ••••r ayat•• to be conatructed _ in aaid propoeed dietrtot, and
epecif1cat1one to pro•id• for a •Y•t•m ·of eanitary drainage, aa co•t•~lated bJ .. c-
ttone 13 and 18 of Chapter 151 of tbe Seeeion Lawe of 1899; and aleo tile hi• eathlat•
of tbe coat of euoh improYe .. n •; and a map of the propoeed dietriot, ehosin& it• ex-
terior boundari•• .rd all atreete, a•enuee, alleye, lota and bloota, and all unplatted
area• within tbe .... , and hi• eohedul• ehowing the approxi8&te a•ount of eald coet
to be apportioned to and a•••••ed upon each lot or parcel of land in aaid diatriot in
proportion to the benefit accruing to each lot or tract of land within eaid diatriot
by reaeon of the •ting of euch iaprOYe•nt and in oaee th• total ooet in &DJ bloot
•hall exceed th• total benefit th• exo••• ehall be paid froa tbe •••,al fund.a of the
City in aooordanc• with th• 8tatut•• of th• State of Colorado, axpeolallJ ill aeool'd-
&Dle with tb• 8tatute p••••d at the regular ••••ion of the TwentJ-third 0.D8ra1
&aeellbly beld in 1981, exclueiY• of Public Bigbwaye and tb• li&ht of .. Y of the City
Ditoh1 and hie rec0111Dendation ae to the materials to be uaed in eaid work; all pro-
perly indexed and all for th• purpose of identification, and a11ned by hi• aa City
P••••d and adopted by the City Council of th• City of Inglewood, Colorado
th1• 85th day of July, A. D. 1921.
ATTEST: '·iZ· lyrray yor .
T. R. 'ooPID C ty Clerk
Thereupon Alderan Cullieon moYee that th• above reaolution j uat read vtr the
Clerk be adopted •• read.
Alder .. n Cole .. conded eaid motion.
Upon roll call the Council .. n present voted aa follows:
O. J. Cole, Aye; J. I. CUllieon, Aye; J. 8. Eagleton, AY•J G. A. Thomp•on, Aye;
and A. O. Tiedt, Aye;
5 Ayea
Mayor •o
layea, none
Thereupon, the following reeolution wae introduced, and read.
TRr Yl<S~8TTT ,cm Tffl 18TABLt8Rll!WT 0' A LATERAL aAITTART SlllR DTSTRtCT AID Pelt TRI: cow•t
WRrRIA~, the City of Inglewood., Colorado, i• a City of the ••oond olaaa and the
population of aaid OAJ hae now reached upward• of rour P.oland ft''! !Jtdr•f •ni
r1ft1-ai1 (t,356l Hu11an beinge dwelling in all parte of t~orpor~el~o a~d
City, and t • ao 1 1• faet beoaning permeated with corrupt matter, and the air with
offen•iY• affluYia from c••• pool• and water oloeete, being dan1aroua to the li••• and
detrt .. ntal to the healty of th• inhabitant• of •aid city; and
WREREAS, under the l••• of the State of Colorado now in force, tbe City i• em-
pcwered to ~~ate ••••r dietricte within the corporate limit• of the •id CitJ, and euch
eub-di•triot• therein ae ••Y be neoeeeary to afford an adequate eyete• of eanitar1 drain-
age, •i'1a•r Hpuately or in ocmt!r,atton; and
W'RERIAR, it ia d•• ... d for the beat intereet of eaid City both for aanit•~J reaaon•
and upon tbe 1rounde of eoono•y, that there be oonetruoted in the eaid City of Inglewood,
a •Y•t•• of .. ••r• for complete anitary drainage of euch protion of 1aid CitJ •• 1• in
i ... diate need of a ••••r&&• eyetea, the ooet thereof to be a••••••d againet all of the lot•
or tract• ot land in eaid dietriot or eu~ietrict, reepeottvely, in proportian to the
benefit aooruing to each lot or tract of land within eaid diatrict or eub-diatriot by
reaecm of the •kin& of euch improvement and in oaee the total coet in any ·bloot ahall
exceed the total benefit the exc••• ehall be paid troa the General Junde of tbe City in
aooorciance with th• Statute• of the State ot COlorado, eapeoially i ·n accordance with th•
Statute paeeed at the regular ••••ion of th• Twenty-third General Aaaellbly held in 1921,
exolueiY• of public bighwaya and the right of way of the City Ditch;
IOW TRERlr~E. Bl TT Rl80LVID by the City Council ot th• City ot ln&l••ood, Colo-
rado, that the oonetruotion ot •• .. r• for eanitary drain&&• of aaid City, be and th•
.... 1• hereby declared a aanitary n•o•••lty for tbe pre1erY1.tion ot the h•altJ and ·
live• ot the inhabitant• or aaid City, and
er TT VURTRJ:R RE80LVID that for th• PurDO•• ot oon*tl'UOting a .... r ayate• in and for aaid Gity, an ordinance b• prepared creating • ••••r di•~rla~ bounded and deeartbed
a• follow•, to-•it:
lot•: Where etre•t• and avenuea are mentioned in thi• deecription, it ahall
be underetood to mean the center lines of •uch Street• and ATenuea.
l•&iDn1ng at the intereection ot the oenter line of Weet Yale ATe., and canter
line ofj&o. llati at.,; thence wouth along the oenter line of South ilati at. to an
1ntereection with the center line of West Darthmouth Ave.; thence eaet along the cen-
ter line of Weet Darthalouth Ave to an intereection with the weat line of So. Delaware
St.; thence eouth ~lon g the weet line of So. Delaware St. extended to a point which ia
one hundred (100) feet aouth of the eouth line of leat Darth•outh Ave.; thence eaet
along a lire wh ich 1• parallel to and one hundred (100) teet aoujh of th• south line of I
Weet Darthmouth Ave. to an interaection with the center line of o. Cherokee St.;
thence eouth along the center line of So. c·-erokee St. to an intiraection with ihe cen-
ter line ot •••t Eaataan Ave.; thence eaat along the center line of •••t laatman Ave.
to an intereection with the extended center line of alley in Block Two (a) S. G. -
R a~l1n'• Broadway Addition; thence aouth along th• center line o! alley in mJ.oct Two
(3) and center line of alley extended to an interaection with the aoutherly bank of th•
City Ditch; thence aouthweeterly along th• eoutherly bank of th• City Ditch to an in-.
teraection with th• cen ~er line of So. Delaware at.; thence 80\lth along the center 1 line of 80. Delaware 8t. to an intersection •1th the center line of Weet Quincy Ave.
thence eaat along the center line of Weat Quincy Ave. to an interaect1on with the center ·
line of So. Broadway; thence aouth along the center line of lo. Broadway to a point 1111
·~tea 1• thr•• hundred (300) feet •outh o! the eouth line of laat Quincy Ave.~ thence
eaet along a line which iaiparall•l to and three hundr•d (300) feet aouth of the .
eoutb line ot la•t Quincy Ave. to an interaection-witb th• oenter line of lo. Lincoln
St.; thence north along the center line of 80. Lincoln .It. tp an interaecticm with th•
center lin• of jlaet Pr1naton Ave.; thence eaat along the center line of laet Prinaton
Ave. to an intereection with the center line of So. Logan St.; thence nort~ along
th• center line of lo. Logan 8t. to an int•r••ction with th• center li.n• of kat
laaaau Ave.; thence •••t along the center line of Eaet laaaau Ave., to an interaec-
tion with th• center line of 80. Sherman St.; thence north along the ce~t•r line of
So. Sherman St. to an interaection with ttle center line .of laet .. nafield Aft.; thence
•••t along the center line of laat lanafield Ave. to an interaeotion with the center
line cf 80. Broadway: thence north along the cen ~er line of lo. Broadway to · an inter-
••ction with th• center line extended of Eaat lenyon Ave.; thence eaat along th• center
line extended of laat lenyon Av•. to an 'i nteraect ion with the center line •st•ncl•d
of So. Lincoln St .r thence north along the center line of So. Linolon St. extended to
an intereecwton with a line wh j ch i• three hundred and eight (308) feet •outh of the
aouth line of laet Rampden Ave.; thence easterly to an intereection with th• center line
of lo. Pearl St. at a point which i• ~hree hundred (300) feet aouth of th• aoutb
line of laat Rampden A••.; thence north along th• center line of So. P-.rl It. to an
interaeoticn with th• c~nter line of East Rampden Ave.; thence eaet along th• center
line ot 1aat Rampden Ave. to an interaection witb th• center line of So Clarleon St.;
thence north along the center line of So. Clarkaon St. to an inte :aeotion with th• center I
li ne of la•t 'loy~ Ave.; thence ~••t along the center line of laat r1oyd AY.e.; to an
interaection with th• center l1n• of ~o. Pennaylvania St.; thence north alona th• ·
center line of So. Penneylvaiia St. to an interaeotion with the center line of last
Eaat .. n Ave.; thence ... t along the center line or laat !aetman Ave. to an 1nt•r••c-
tion with th• center line of So. Logan 9t.; thence north along the center line of lo.
Logan 8t. to an intereection with the center line ot laat Tale Ave.; thence we1t along
the center 1 ine of laet Yale Ave. and We at Yale AY•. to t be point of beginnq •
Pl' T~ ~URTR!R R!ffO LVED that Glen A tzett be and he 1• hereby appointed City
Engineer tor th• City of Inglewood, Colorado, to be paid tor hi• .. rTic•• in connec-
tion with the conetruction of a ••••r •Y•t•m in aaid City in Dlatrict bond• to b•
iaaued by eaid City, und•r th• provieion• of Cba.Pt•r 151 ot the &•••ion La•• of
Coloradoa 1899 , and
!!r TT ""'1R!P Rr~otvrry tha~ the •aid Glen A. tsett be and h• ia h•r•bJ author-
ised and directed to make a aurvey of th• territory hereinabOYe deacribed, and that
he file with th• Clerk of th• City Council of eaid City detail• of auch aurYeJ, to-
&•ther with •r>ecifioation• tor the ••••r ayatem to be oonatruoted in aaidipropoeed
diatriot, and apecificatior.e to prottid• for a •Y•t•m of Sanitary drainage, ae .oon-
teaplated by Seciiona 13 and 18 or Chapter 151 of th• le••ion Lawe of 1899; and
al•o ftl• bi• ••timate of th• coat of euch imprOYemente; and a .. P of the propoeed
diatriot, ahowing it• exterior bowidarie• and all •treete, .... nu.a, alleya, lota
and block•, and all unplatted area• within th• ea.me, and hi• achedul• ahowing the
approxiaat• &80unt of •aid coet to be apportioned to and •••••••d upon each lot or
parcel of land in aaid dietriot in propoation to the benefit accruing to eaob lot . ·I
or tract of land within •aid diatriot by reaaon ot th• mating of auch impro~ .. nt
and in ca•• the total coet in any block ahall exceed the total benefit the exceaa
•hall be paid from th• 1eneral fund• of the ~ctty in accordanoe with the 1tatetee
of th• 8t nte of Colorado, expecially in accordance with the Statute paaeed at th•
regular ••••ion of the Tw4nty-third General A•••mbly held in 1931, excluaiv• of Pub-
lic highway• and the right of wsy of th• City Ditch; and bi• reoollllll9ndat1on a~ to
t~• material• to be ueed in aaid work; all properly indexed and all for the purpose
of identification, and eigned by him a• City Engineer.
Pa•••d and adppted by the City Council of th• City of Inglewood, Colorado I
th•• astb day ot July, A. D. 1921. ·
J. w. llurrax
T. R. "f onon Ci y Clerk
Thereupon ·Alderman Culliaon moved that the above reaolution juat read by the
Clerk be adopted a• read.
Alderman Cole eeconded 1aid motion.
Upon roll call the Councilmttnpreaent voted ae followe:
O. /. Cole, Aye; J. E. Culli1on, Aye; J. S, Eagleton, Aye; G. A. Thompaon, Aye;
A. O. Tiedt, Aye;
5 Ayea
llayor ao
Nayee, none
Alderman C~l• Moved)
Cullieon, Seconded ) That there being no further buain••• before the Council,
Council adjourn to •et again Wednea .Jay evening, Auguat 3rd, 1921, at eight 0 1 cloot.
Roll C&ll:
Ayes Tiedt,
Cole, Aye; CUllieon, Aye; Eagleton, Aye; Johnaon, abeent; Thompeon,
5 AY•• 1 abaent
llayor eo ordered
linutea of Regular adjourn•d meeting of the City Council of the City ot Englewood,
Colorado, T i• Monday July a5th, 1931, atand approved aa read, thi• 8th day of
Auguet 1921
City Clerk.
·22 '' . '-~. ·" '