HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-08-03 (Regular) Meeting Minutes. Z2ti REGULAR ADJOUJmED MEETING O' TJ.JE CT'T'Y COUNCtL O' TRE CtTY or INOLEWOOD, COLatAOO, TRT't 'f!DWY.SOAY 3rd, DAY O' AUGTJAT 1921. Mayor J. !. Murray, Called .. he me~ting .to order and aeked tor Roll Call: Roll C~ll: . Alderman Tiedt Moved) Cole, Pr•••nt, CUllieon, Pr•••nt, Eagleton, Preeent, John•on, Ab••nt, Thompeon, Pre1ent, Tiedt, Preeent. 5 Preaent llayor eo l Abeent ordered. Cole Seconded ) That the awedieh National Sanitarium be granted permit to ex- cavate Girard Av•n~• from W&ehington to Clark1on for Water llain. Roll Call: Cole, Aye; Culli1on, Aye: Eagleton, Aye; John1on, Abeent; Thom~•on, Aye; Tiedt, Aye: 5 Ay•• - llayor •o l Abeent ordered. Thi letter o! L. AJ Storer aeking for atreet 11ght9be placed at Dartbmouth Avenue ~outh Logan, wa• read by the clerk, Counoil directed th• Clerk to writ• and advi•• hia th•~• i• no appropriation for new etreet light• before January lat, 1933, but will take the matter up at that time. Alderman Col• Moved) Eaglet n aecond•d ) That th• grading of Eaet Darthmouth to Clarkeon Street be r•- ferr•• to the Street and Grad• Committee, with power to act. Roll Call: Alderman Tiedt lloved) Cole, Aye; Cullieon, Aye; Eagleton, Aye; Johnaon, Abeent; Thompeon, Aye; Tiedt, Aye: 5 Ayee Mayor 80 t Abeent ordered. Tbompaon Seconded ) That the Chief of Police notify, D. K. Iurtz and Che•t•r L. R1 ohard•on, Taxi cab Or ivere, that the inveatigat ion of the affair in reference to the letter and affidavit• of Rioharieon on fil• again1t lurtz be laid over until Auguet 9th, 1931, at 8 P.U., and they are to be preeent with witn••••• at that time. Roll Call:· Cole, Aye; Cullieon, Aye: Eagleton, Aye; Johneon, Abaent, Tbompeon; Aye; Tiedt, Aye: 5 Ayee llayor 10 l Abaent ordered. Th• llayor referred th• n,atter of repairing the Bridge of .South Penneylvania Stiaet oYer th• City Ditch, between Girard and Hampden Avenue• to tbe Street and Bridge Coamittee, with power to act. Th• Clerk etated that the City Engineer did on th• and day of Auguat, A. o. 1921, fil• tn th• office of •aid Clerk detail• of hi• aurvey together with hia mapa, plans and epecifioatione for th• conetruction of a Trunklin• Sanitary a. .. r Di•trict Ro.I, Inglewood, Colorado, to be conetruoted within the City of Inglewood in full oompli- anoe with a r eeolut1on of tht• Council duly adopted at a regular adj our-*l ••ting thereof held in th• City ~all of •aid City on the 25th day of July A. D. 1931, to- gether with an ••timate o~ the coat of eaid improvement• •bowing th• approxi ... t• allOtlnt to be a••••••d upon each lot or tract of land within aaid dietrict, which the ea1J clerk then and there preeented to thi• board. Th• clerk wae then inetructed to, and did, read eaid detail• and epecification. and I I I th• board having carefully and fully •xamined the eame, together with 9&id 11&p1 of I •aid dietrtot and eaid •t~tement •bowing the approximate amount to be a•••••ed upon each lot or tract of land within aaid d11triot. •~rREUPON, Council.an Cole introduc•d the following reaolution and order. RE90LUT TON. ADOPTTNG DETATL~ AID SPECT~TCATtON~ ~OR TRE CRF.ATTON 0' All TMPROVEJIENT OT9TR"CT TM T~ CTTY O' ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAJ{OE COr.JNTT, COLORADO, TO B! non AS •T"AtnflL Tn:• SANTTA~Y SF.QR DT~THTCT NO. r. !BGLIWOOD, COLORADO• AND ORDER U''l IUBL TCAT TON Oli' ROT TOI: TO T;ni' OWNE~A or TR! l'ROP!R'!'Y TC BE AISf.9AED ~~ TPE ?·~ROVEMENT~ TO ~ MADE IN SATO DTSTRYCT. -------------------~--- WREREA8, by a reeolution pa•••d and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of th• City Council of the City of Inglewood, held on the 25th day of July A. D. 1921 a preliainary order waa made for th• creation o! an iait'oYe .. nt diatriot in tbe City of Inglewood., to be known ae the TrUOklin• Sanitary ae .. r Diatrict, lo. !, ln&l•wood, Colorado, and deeoribin s th• propoe•d boundarie• thereof and directing the City lngin••r to nake the aeceeeary preli~inary eurvey•, eetimat•• and ... pe ae required by the provteion1 ot Chapter 151 of th• Seeeion Lawe of the State of Colo- rado paeeed at t~• Twelfth 8eea1on of the General A•••mbly thereof, and all amend- .. nta thereof, and WWIRIA~, Glen A. lzett, th• City Engineer, in pureuanc• of the order• in eaid reeolution made, hae reported to thi• Council th• completion of all matter• and thing• in aaid reaolution enjoined upon him, in the form and manner aa therin direct- I I I I I I ed, all of eaid data bein& now on file with th• City Clerk in completed fora and eub- etance a• by eaid order• and by La• requir-ed; and WPEJUr.Aq, it appear• to thi• ·council and thi• Council doe• hereby find, from aaid mape, certificate• and eurYey, •chedul9e, plane, epeoification• and approximation• o! coet, •o prepar•d a nd filed by .•aid Engineer, a• aforeeaid; That eaid propoeed Trunklin• ~anitary Sewer Oietrict, Inglewood, Colorado, i• can- r oaed of all the lot• embraced within th• boundari•• h•~•inatter and in aaid map and •'..irYe/or'• oert1f1oat• deaoribed, a1 follow•, all in the City of Englewood, in th• County cf 'Arapahoe and state of Colorado, towit: Beginning at th• lnt•r•eoti~n with the center line of •••t Yale Avenue and South rox Rtreet; thence eouth along the osntsr line of South rox Street to an intereeotion with the center line of Weet Bat•• Avenue; thence weet along the center line of ... t !atee AYenue to an 1ntereection with the c•nter line tf South Galapago Street; thence eouth along center line of South Galapago Street to an interaection with the oenter line of Weet Cornell lvenue; thence ••et along th• center line of Weat Cornell Avenue to an 1nteraection with the .fenter line of South Ruron Street; thenoe ecuth along th• ee ~t•r line of South Ruron Rtreet to an interaeotion with the center line of Weat Dart•outh AYenue; thence eaat along th• center line of •••t Dartmouth Avenue to an ictereect i on with the center line of South 'ox Street; thence aouth along tbe oenter line an d center line extended of South 'ox atreet to th• South Bank ot Little Dry Creek; thence aouthwe•terly along the aoutherly bank of Little Dry Creet ·to an inter- ••ction with extended center line of South Jaeon Str••t; thene• aouth along th• ext•n' •d ling of South Ja•on Stre•t to an interaection with the center line of •••t Ramp- den AYen ue; thence weat along the center line of •••t Hampden Avenue to an interaec- t ion with th• extended cent• line of j8outh ralamath Street; thence aouth alon1 th• center line or South lalamath Street to an intersection with th• extended oenter line of •••t tthica Street; thence weet along th• center line of •••t Ithioa 8tr9et to an intereeotion with the eaeterly right of way line of the Atchiaon, Topeka & 8anta '• railroad thence aouthweeterly along th• •aid eaeterly right of •ay of the Atohi- eon , Topeka ~ 8anta re railroad to an inter••ction with th• center line of •••t Ox- ford AYen u e; thence eaet along th• center line of Weet Oxford Avenue to an interaec- ion wi th the extendej center line of alley in Block Thirty-Seven (37), Logandale, the n ce north along aaid center lin• of alley of •ajd Block Thirtyp•even (3?) and aaid line extended to an intereection with the center line of •••t Jlanafilld Av•nue; +hence •••t alone the center line of Weet Manetield Avenue to an intereection with th• eae t erly bani of the City Ditch; thence eoutherly maandering along th• ... ter- l v line of e&id City Ditch to an int•r••ction with the center line o! South Buron Street; thence eouth alon ~ the cent r li~e of ~outh Ruron Street to an ilter .. otion with th• center line of •••t Quincy Avenue; thence •a•t along the center line ot •••t Quincy Avenue to an in~ereection with th• center line of South Broadway; thence •outh along th• center line of South Broadway to an interaeotion with th• center line of Union lYenue; thence eaet along the center line of Union Avenue to an interaection with th• center line of South Clark•on atreet; thence north along th• center line of South Clarkeon to an 1ntereect1on with the center line or la•t Man•fi•ld Avenue; thence •••t ~long th• center line of la•t Manefield Avenue to an inter••ction with '~• center line of South Broadway; then~• north along th• center line of South Broad- way t o an interaection with the center line of ea•t renyon Avenue: thence aaet along th• center lir. ot Eaat Kenyon Avenue to an interaeotion with the center line of South Clark90n atreet: thence north along th• center line of South Clarkeon Street to an i nt ereection with the center line of laet Dartmouth AYenue; thence weat along th• center line c t laat Dartmouth Avenue to an int•r•ection with the center line of South Log a n atreet; then~• north sl ong th• center line of ·south Logan Street to an intereection with the center line of eaet Yale Avenue; thence ... t along th• center line of !aet Yale AYenue and Weet Yale Avenue to th• poine of beginning. TOlLOWT WG T9 A DE~CRTP'T'TON or LOT~ ANO ~ARCJ:LLS or LAID YIC~rORATID Tl TRE TRtmnnn; ~AITTARY f:1[Wl'P. OT~'l'RTCT RO. T EMGLEWOOn, COLORADO. A?rn ANDALE Lota l to 33 inclueiv• of each or Block• 7 to 10 inolueiv• JCTLLT!' ~ ~UB-OnTT~TOI Re-Sub-D i vi 1 1one of Lot• a and 3 11111•'• ffub-Divieion, now known•• Block• 1 and a, lill1•'• S~b-D1v1e1on: Lot l to 48 ~nelueiY• of each of Block• l and a. Re-ffub-Oivieion of Lota 6 and 7, Killi•'• aub-Divi•ion, now know• a• Block• 3 and 4, tote 1 to 48 inclu•i•• of each or Block• 3 and 4. Re-8ub-O Yiaion of Block• 5 and 8, Killie'• Sub-Di~l•'on: Lota l to 34 inoluaiY• of each of Block• 1 to 4 inclU8ive. STRAYER'S BROAOWAY ij[TGRTS Lot• 1 t o 46 inolueiY• of each of Block• l to 8 inolu•ive. P.08!'8 ADOTTTOM TO lWOLIWOOO, COL~ADO. Lot• 1 to 48 1nclua1Y• of each of Block l to 9 1nolue1Ye. BAii AOOTTtOI . Lot• 1 to 48 tnclu•i•• of each ot Block• 1 to 4 inclu•iYe. RAWT~ORN Lot• l to 48 inclueiY• ot each of Block• 8 to ·8 inclueiYe. PREMIER AOOTTtON TO ENGL!WOOD 1 parcel ot land deacribed a• tollowa: Beg .. ning at a point which i• the lnteraeoticm of th• aouth Pr operty line ot 'loyd Avenue with th• ... t property lin• ot louth Broad- way; thence ea•t along th• aouth property line of r1oyd AYenu• a&& feet; 'heno• •outh 135 feet; thence weet 255 feet to an interaection with th• eaat pro19rty line of South . ··. 230 Broadway; thence north along th• eaet property line of lout• lroad-..J 185 to point of beginning, exolu•iv• of etreet• and all.eye. A parcel of land d••oribed a• tollo••: Beginning at a poin* which 11 •n the •outb peopertJ line of r1oyd Avenue and 355 feet •a•t froa tbe eaat property line of South Broadwaf;thence •••t along ••id •outh property line of r10,. AveDlil 111· feet1 thence •CNtb 135 feet; thence •eet 195 feet; thence north 185 feet to point of be&inning, exclueiv• of etreet• and all•Y•· A parcel of land deaoribed •• follo••: Beginning at a point •h1ob 1• on th• •outh property lin• of r1oyd Avenue and •50 feet eaet of •a•t Jll'Operty line of loath Broadway; thence 180 feet eaet alonl eaid •outh property line of rloyd AYeD119 to an intereection •1th tb• •••t line of outh Sher11&11 8treet1 theno• eouth alors tbe I •••t property line of South Sherman Street 135 feet1 thence •••t 180 feetJ t!Mnce norl .. 135 feet, to point of beginning exclueiv• of atreete andall•Y•· A parcel of land deacribed a• follow•: BeginntnJ at a point on th• eaat pr~tJ line of South Broadway which 11 135 feet aouth o the aouth property line of rloJd lvenue1 thence eaet 610 feet to an inter1eotion with the •••t pro,.rty line of · louth Sherman "*••t; thence eouth along •aid ... t pr~rty line of loutb llaenaan llreet19' feet; thence weat 610 feet to an intereection with th• east line Of aoutb BroaclRy; tbenoe north along th• eaat property line of loutb Broadway 19' feet to point of beginning, exclueive of etreet1 and all•J•l I A parcel of land de•crib•d a• follo••: Beginning a t a point m the east pr.,.rty line of South Broadway which i• 319 feat eouht of th• 1outh property line of Jloyd A••nue; thence •59 feet to an intereeotion with the center line of alley, prOduoed, of Bloot 3; tbenoe eouth along eaid center line ot alley produced 100 feet; thence •••t along north lot: line and Lot lin~• produced of Lot 5, Bloot J and Lot• 5 and 30, Block 4, Premier Addition, 459 feet to an inter1eotlon with the ... , property line of South Broadway $treet; thence north along the eaat line of loutb Broadway Street 100 feet to point ot beginning, exolueiT• of 8tre•}W and a11•1•· A paroel of land deaoribed a• follow•: Beginning at a point which ia 119 f .. t aouth of th• eOUbt property line of 'loyd Avenue and t59 feet eaet ot the ... , proper- ty line of South Broadway thence eaet 151 feet to an interaeotion with the .. et propertJ line of 8outb lberaan Street; thence eouth along the weat property line of South Sheraan Street 100 feet to an inter•ectlon with the north lot line . (~roctuotd) ot Lot 30, Bloot 3-Premier Addition-thence we1t along eaid north Let line of Lot 30, Block 3, 151 feet to an intereection with the center line of alley of aforeeaid Bloot; thence north along the •aid center line of alley jroduoed) 100 feet to the point of beginning, exclueive of etreeta and all•Y•· A parcel of land deacribed a• follow•: Beginning at a point on the eaat property line ot louth Broadway which 1• 197 feet aouth of the aouth property line of Girard ATenu.a thence eaat along the eouth Lot line and Lot line• produced of Lo'• 8 and l?, Block 5 and Lot• 8 and l?, Bloot 6, 611 feet to an interaeoticn witb the ... , property line of South Sherman Street; thence aouth along the weet property line ot South 8har11&n Street 100 feet; thence •••t 611 feat to an interaeotion with tbe eaat line of South Broadway; thence north along the aaet ling of 8outh Broadway IOO feet to the point of beginning, exclueivt9 of street• and all•Y•· I A parcel of land deearibed a• follow•: Begianing at a point en tb• ea1t propertw line ot Soutb Broadway which 38? feet aouth oft be eoutb line of Oirard A"8118J thenoe •••t and parallel with the eouth line of Girard ATenUia 811 feet to an inter1eotion with tbe weat property line or 80. Sherman Street. thenoe eouth along the ... , line of South Sherman ~treet 154 feet; thence weet and parallel to the north line of BaaP- den Avenue 811 feet to an intereection with the eaet property line ot South Broad- way; thenoe north along the east line ot South Broadway 154 feet to tbe point of beginning, exclueive of etreata and alleye. A Parcel of land de•cribed a• follo••: Beginning at a point which i• 1~ feet north of the north property lf1Ch• of Hampden Avenue and 138 feet •a•t of the •••t property line of South Broadway; thence eaet 66 feet; thence aouth 50 te•tJ thenoe •••t 66 feet; thenoe north 50 feet to the point ot beginnin&, exoluaive of •treet• and alleya. l paroel of land deecribed a• follow•: Beginning at a point on th• eaet property line ot South Brogc!wsy, wh•oh i• 104 feet north of the nortb line of Raapd• Avenue thence eaet 191 feet; thence eouth 25 feetJ thence weet 19l!"feet to an inter1eo- tion •1th the •••t line or aouth Broadway; thence north along the eaet line of South Broadway 35 feet to the point of -•ginning, ~olueiT• ot etreeta and alleya. A parcel of land deecribed a• totlo••: Be&iining st a point· on the eaet line of South Broadway, which ia ?9 feet north of the north .. line of Hallpden Avenue: thence eaat 135 feet: thence aouth 52 !eet; thence weet 135 feet to an 1ntereection with the eaat property line of South Broadway; thence north along the eaet property line oe South Broadway 52 feet to the point of beginning. A parcel of land deecribed a• follow•: 'Beginning at a point •hiob i• the intereeo-1 tion of the north pror erty line of Rampden ATenue and the eaet property line of So. Br~way; thence north along the •••t property line of South Broadway a? feet; thence eaet 135 feet; thence aouth 37 feet to an intereeotion with tbe north :groperty line of Rampden ATenue; thence weet along the north property line of Hampden Avenue 125 '••t to the po i nt of beginning. A parcel or land deacribed aa follow•: Be~inning at a point on the north property line o! ijampden Avenue which i• 135 feet eaet of the eaat property line ot South Broadway; thence north ?9 feet; thence eaat 56 feet: th9noe aouth 79 feet to an in- teraeoti on with the north prope!1y line of Hampden Avenue; thence •••t alona th• n nartb pro19r ty line of Rampden A eneu 56 feet to the point of beginning. I A parcel of land deaorib~J ae tollo••: Beginning at a point which i• on the eouth · prcaperty line or rlq-d ATenue and 450 feet east of eaet property lint of South Broad- way; thenoe 160 fe~t eaat along •aid south prope ty ltn• of r1oyd A enue to an intereection with the ... t line of South Sherman Street; thence eouth along the weat pro111 tty line of South Sherman Street 135 feet: thence •••t 160 feet; thence north 135 feet, to point of beginnirg exolueive of etreete and alleya. A paroel of land deecriijed ae ~oltowB: Begian4ng at a point on the north property line of Rampden Avenue, which 1• 341 feet eaet of the eaet property line of South Broa~way; thence north 154 feet; thence eaet 50 feet; thence eouth 1&4 feet to an intereection with the north line of Hampden Avenue; thence weet of Hampden Avenue 50 feet t o the point of btginning. • A parcel of land deecribed ae follow•: Beginning at a point on the north property line of Hampden Avenue, which i• 391 feet eaet of the eaet property line of lout~ Broadway; thence north 154 feet; thence eaat 50 feet; thence 1outh 154 feet to an inter•eotiOl'l with the north pro,erty line of Hampden Avenue1 thence weet along the north property line of Rampjen Avenue 50 feet to the point of beginning. I I I I I A parcel of land deecribed ae tollowa: Beginning at a point on the north property of ~ampden Avenue, which i• 341 te~t eaat of the eaet property line ot South Broad.- way; thence north 154 feet; thence eaet 170 feet; thence eouth 15' feet to an inter- ••ction with the north property li n ~ of Hampden Avenue; thence weet alon& the north property line of Rampden Avenue 170 feet to th• point of beginning. . A parcel of land deecribed ae tollowe: Beginning a~ a point which i• an intereec- tion of the north property line of Rampien Avenue with the .... property line of South Sherman Street; thence we at along the north property line of R&m!ll H Avenue 100 feet; thence north 15• feet; thence eaet 100 feet to an interaection with the •••t r roperty line of South Sherman atteet; tbenoe eouth along the weat property line of Sbuth 9herman Street 154 feet to the point of beginning. Lot• l •o 48 i"'lueive of each of Blocks l and 2. Lote 5 to ao inclueive of eaeh of Blocks 3 and 4. Lot• l to 8 and 17 to 24 inclusive of each of Block• a 5 and 6. Lots l to 48 inclueive of each of Blocka 7 and 8. WEBTVTEW ADOtTTON Lote 1 to 50 inclueive or each of Block• l to 4 inclueive. Lot• 1 to •e inclueive of each bf Blocks 5 to 7 inclueive. A parcel of land deecribed ae follow•: Beginning at a point which i•.an interaec- tion of the weat property line or South Clark•on Street with the nortb property line ot Hampden Avenue; thence eaet along the north property line of .Ra..-...n A•enu• 300 fe~t t---an inter•ection with the center line of South 1aehin1ton.8ir .. tJ thence north along the oen•er line of Bouth Washington $treet 635 feet to an i~t•ra•otion with th• center line of Girard Avenue; thence eaet along the o•~ er line of Giragd Avenue 300 feet to an intereeotto~ with the weet property lim of South Cl~aon Street; thence eouth along the west property line of ~outh Clarteon Street 635 feet G to the point of beginning, 9TRCR' .:; AOIH"'TON 'T'IJ ~OUTR BROAOWAY JfETORTS Lota l to 50 inoluaive of each of Block• 1 and a. BtRCJf' fl AOTHT TOU TO ~OUTB PROAr>WAY DTGRT8 Being the 2d riling Lota 1 to 50 inclueive or each or Block• 3 and 4. R!GOTR'R E!GLEWOOO GAROEl8 Lot• l to 50 tncluaive ot each of Blocke 1 to 4 incluaive. Lot• 1 to 48 inolueive of each of Block• 5 and 6; L~t• l to 34 1nclua1v• of Block 7; 01/4 of Block 7; 811/4 of Block 7; RWlt4; 8111/4; .Nll/t and 01/4 ot Bl·ook a. A tract of land deecribed ae follow•: Beginning at a point which i• an 1ntereeo- t1on of the eaet property line of South Broadway with the oenter line of leat Xenyon Avenue (projuced); thence north along the eaet line of South Broadway 660 f .. t to an intereeotion with the center line of Jeffereon Avenue; thence eaat along the center line of Jeffereon Avenue 652 feet to an interaeotion with the cen,er line of South Sherman Str••~; thence north along the center lin~ of South Sherman Street 7 feet to an intereection with the center line of Jeffereon Avenue; thence eaet along th• center line of Jeffereon Avenue saa feet to an intereection with the center line of South Logan St•eet; thence eouth ~long the center line of .Soutb Lo1an Street 660 feet to an interaection with the cen er line of Weet lenyon AYenue (produced); thence •••t along the center line of •~•t K~nyon Avenue (produced) 13?' feet to point of beginning, excluaive of etreete and alleye. All li•• in the 81/1 of the IWl/4 of the IEl/4 of Sec. 3. J~w 80t11'R BROADWAY JfETGRT~ Lota l to 48 inclusive of each of Block• 1 to 64 inclueive. Tl~Y'a ADrytTTON Lot• l to 48 inclueive of each of Block• l to 4 inolueive. tDtJ:WTLr> Lot• l to 48 inclueive of each of Block• 9 to 16 incluelve. a. G. RAMLTN'~ ADnTTTON Lot• l to 48 incluaive of each of Blocke 1 to • inclueiva. TAYLOR'S AOOTTTON Lot• 1 to 49 incluaive of each of Block• l to 3 inoluaive. SPIER'~ ~OADWAY ADDTTTON Lota l to 48 inclusive of eadh of Block• 17 to 34 incluaive. Rll 1 8 ADDtT"OI Lot• l to 48 inoluaive of each of Block• 1 to 3 1ncl'.1Bive. 8. a. RA11LTN'8 BROADWAY ADDT~TOI Lot• l to a. inclueive of each of Blooke 1 to 4 ~r ,,.·:·11ive. A tract of land ••cribed •• follow•: Beginning at a point which i• the 1ntereeo- t ion of the eo h prox: .. ty line of Weat Dartm~th Avenue with the • .,.t property line ct lor~h Chero • Street; thence weet alona th• aouth property line ot •••t Dart- llOUth Avenue 00 feet to an interaection with a line, produced, which 1• parallel to and 25 te t •••t of the eaat propertyTlin• of louth Delaware Street; thence south alon ••id line 630 feet to an interaection with the center line ot Weet laat- .. n AYen , thence •Mat along th• center line of •••t laet11an Avenue 100 feet to an intera9otion with the w9et property line of South Cherokee Street; thenc• north along tbe weat property line ~f South Cherokee Street 810 feet to Point of be- &1nn1ng, exclU8ive of atreeta and alleye. A tract of land deacribed •• follow•: Beginning at a point which i• the inter- eeotion of the oenter line o! South 'ox Street produced, witb the aoutb Jll"operty line of Weet Dart•outh Avenue; thence eaet along the eouth propertr line of Weet Dartaouth A••nue 660 feet to an · interaection with a line (produced) which 1• parallel to anj 35 feet eaat of the weRt property line of South Delaware atr .. tJ thence aouth along aaid line 1383 feet to an interaeotion with the center line of 'lord ATenue, produced; thence •••t along the center line of r1oyd A••n~, produced, 660 feet to an interaeotion with the center line of South rox Street, produced, 1283 feet ot the point of beginning, exclueive of etreete and a ll•Y•· I A tract of land lying in the HEl/4 of the R1l/4 of Sec. It, aore fully deeoribed ae follow•: Be ginning at a p~ nt which i• on th• weet property line of louth Broadway 308.? feet aouth of th• ~outh property line of lanman A••nue .. tbenoe •••t 1373.8 feet to an intereection with a line produced which i1 parailel to and 35 feet weat of the eaat property line of South Delaw&l'e Street; thence eouth along aaid deaoribed 11• 330 feet to an 1nter1eotion with the center line of rloyd AYenue, produced; thence eaet along the oe~t•r line ot r1oyd AYenue 701.1 feet; thence north ·l82 feet; thenoe eaet 566.9 feet to an interaecticm with the weet property line · of South Broadwav; thence north al·ong t ·he weet property line I of South Broad .. y 150 feet to point ot beginnin 7, exoluaive of etreeta and alleye. A parcel of land lying in the IEl/4 of 8Wl/4 of Seo. 34, •ore fully deacribed aa follow•: Beginning at a point h•ihc 1• ... •h•-••••-•'•pe••1-l4••-•f-l .. •1t-a...ea-. ••J-IGa.2-le•t-•e~,~-et-'ae-••Y'~-p•epes~~-•'••-•1-la•, ... -A•••Y•t-'~•• .. -... , ___ _ iaia~t••t-Q*-aa-ia~e•••Qt,ea-w,~a-a-i~a•-P•oi~e•~-wai•~-i•-P&••i•••-'e-&1111-----­an intereection of the weat propert r line of aouth Broadway with the center lina o rocluoed, ot 'loyd Avenue; thence weet alo1111 the center line of rloyd &Yen\19, prod- uced, 568.1 feet; thence north 183 feet; thence eaat ass.a feet; theno• eouth 107 feet; thence eaat 380 feet to an interaeotion with the weat property line of South Broadway 75 feet to paint of beginning, exolueive of etreeta and alleya. A paroel of land lying in the 111/4 of aw1/• of Seo; 34, •ore fully deacribecl ae · fpllowa · Beginning at a poine which ia on the west property line of South Broad- way and 453.7 feet eouth of·the eouth proI=erty line of laat llan AYenue; tbenoe • •••t 380 feet; thence eouth 107 feet; thence eaat 380 feet to an intereection with the weat propertv line of South Broad"a.y; then·oe north along the weet proJlrty line of South Broadway 107 feet to · point of b•&inning, exclueiTe of etreete and alleye. . A Tract ot land lying in the SEl /4 of SWl/4 ot Seo. M, aore fully deecribecl aa foltowe: Be ~in"li~g at a ~oint which i• the intereeotion of the weet property line of South Broadway and the oerter line, produce~. of r1oyd AYenue; thence ... talon& th~ center line ot r1oyd Avenue, produced, 611.a feet: thenoe 1outh 332.8 feet; thence eaet 611.3 feet to an interaec•ion with th• weat !property line of South Proadway; thence north along the weet property line ot louth Broadway 318.8 feet to poine or beginning, exolueive or atreete and all•Y•· . I A parcel of land lying in the 811/4 of 811/4 ot lec. 34, more fully deaoribed aa follow•: Beginning at a point which ia the tnteraeotion of weat property line of South Broadway, and north prop~rty line of Girard Avenue, thence weet along north property line of Girard Avenue 544.8 feet; thence north 108.8 feet; thence eaet 544.8 fe4t to an interasction with the •~•t property lir.• of South BroaclwaJJ thenoe aouth along the weat property line of South Broadway 306.8 feet to point of be- ginning, excluei•• of etreeta and all•Y•· A parcel of land lying in the 811/4 of the 811J4 of lec. 14, •ore fully cteaoribed •• follo••: Beginning at a point en the north property line of Hampden AYenu. and. a•3 feet weat of the •••t property line of South Broadw&JJ thence weat along the north prop~rty line of Hampden AYenue aeo feeta thence north 606.8 feet to an inter1ection •lth the eouth property line of Girard AYenue; then .. eaat al~ the eouth property line of Girard AYenu• 380 feet; thence aouth 80!.8 feet to point of beginning, exclua1•• ot atreeta and alleya. & tract of land lyin1 in the 811/4 of SWl/• of 8ection 14, more fully deeoribecl •• follow•: Beglining at a point on the north oroperty line of Raapc:ten A•enue 769.8 feet weat of the •••t property line of South Broadway; thence •••t along the north property line of Rallpden Aven~ 487.3 feet to an intereectlon with a line. pro- dU88d, parallel to and 13 feet west of the eaet property line of South Del .. are Street: thence north along aaid deaoribed line 1378 feet &I an inter .. otl9D with the eouth property line of r1oyd AYenue, produoed, thence eaat alon1 the 891lth pro- perty line of r1oyd Avenue, produoed; thence eaat alon1 th• eouth propertr line ot rloyd AYenria, produced, 660 feet; thenoe aouth 300 te•tJ ihenoe weet 171.8 feet; thence eoutb S7a teet to point of beginning, exclua1•• of etnete and all•J8· 1 A parcel ot land lying in the SWl/4 ot SWl/4 ot lec. 3', aore fully deeorlbect a• follow•: !eginning at a point which ie tbe intereeotion of the north property line of Raapden A•enue and the center line of louth Huron 8treet, procluoed; thence north along the center line of 9outh Ruron Street, produoed, to an inter- ••ction witb the center line of Little Dry C~•ks tier.~• in a northeaeter11 direc- tion along th• center 11n• of Little Dry Creek to 1n tntereect1on with the center line of South rox Street, produced, tbenoe north along th• center line of louth rox Street, produced, to an interaeot ion with th• oenter line of r1oyd AYJMr eJ produced; thence eaet qlong the center line of r1oyd AYenue, produced, 680 feet to an 1nter1ection with a line parallel to and 13 feet weet of the eaat prope•y line I of louth Delaware Street 673 feet to an 1ntereeot1on with the center line of Weet Girard Awenu., produced: thence •••t along the oenter line of Weet Girard AY9nue, produced 330 feet, thence eouth 630 feet to an intereeotion witb tb• no~• pro - perty line of Raapden AYenue; thence •••t alon& the north property line of R..,_ den AYenue to th• point of beginning, exoluei•• of etreete and all•Y•· A parcel of land lying i~ the SWl/4 of Sil/• of lec. lot, •ore fully cleeortbed a• follo.e: Beginnin& at a point on the nor~h propertr line of Baapclen AYenue, which i• an intereection •1th a line parallel to and 11 feet •••t of the ea•t property line of South Dell•ar• Street; thence weat along the north property line ot R&llP- den A••n~ 330 feet; thence north 830 feet to an intereection with the center . line of feat Girard A•enue, produced; thence eaet along the center line of Weet Otrard A••nue, prOcluced, 330 feet to an intereection with a line i-rall•l to and 13 feet weet or the eaat property line of South Delaware ltr••tJ thence ao\Rh along •aid d .. oribed line 630 feet to ab• point of beginning, excluaiYe of etreeta and all•Y•. DWOOD AODTTTON Lota 35 to 48 incluaive. I I I I I A parcel of land de•oribed •• follow•: Be ~inning at a point on the ... t property line of South Bro-4way, which i• 300 feet north of th• north property line of B&llP- den A••nue; theno• •••t along the north lot line ot Lot lo.SI, 116 feet to an in- teraection with the east alley lin•: thence north along the eaat alley line 1•.8 feet to an int•r••ctfon with the eoutb lot line of Lot lo. 17; •hence eaet 115 feet to an intereection with •••t propert·r line of South Broadway; thence eouth along the •••t property line of 8outh Broadway 1•.6 feet to point ot beginning. a parcel of land d••oribed aa follow•: Be11nn1n1 at a point on th• north pr011rty 1 in• of Rupden A•enue and 1•3 feet •••t ot tbe •••t property line of Soutll ll'oad- way; thence ... t along the north property line of llaapden A••nu. 100 feet; tlaenoe north 605.6 fe~t to an interaection with th• •outh property line of Girard A•enue; thence eaet alcn& th• eoutb prop• ty line of Girard A••nu. 100 feet to an later- ••ction with th• ... t alley line; thence eouth along •••t alley line 606.8 feet to point of b•&1nning. EJIQL!WOOD Lot• 1 to 33 inoluaive of eaoh of Biook• 1 to 6 and 12 to 33 incluai••· SIERRTTT'S ADDTTTOI Lot1 1 to 33 incluaiYe of each of Blocks l and a. A paroel of land deacribed &• foll01re: Beginnin& at a point which 1• an int.raec- tion of the north l)roperty line of •••t Raapclen AYenue and th• center line of louth Ruron Street, produced; th•noe north ·along the center line of South Huron ltreet, produced, 330 feet, .ore or l••••. to an inter1e~tion .with tbe center line of Little Dry Creek; thence in a eoutbweeterly direction along the center line of li~tle Dry Creek 610 feet, •are or l••• to an intereection with the 4enter line of 8°"'4 Santa re Street, produoecl1 thence aouth along the center line of South l&nta re ltreet, procluoed, 180 feet •ore or leaa, to an 1ntereect1on with tb• north property line of •••t R&llP<l•n A•enua 6&3 teet, more or leae, to point ot be1inning. (All lying in 811/4 of &El/• of lee. 33). lxclueive of atreet• and alley1. 111.00D ADDTTTOJI Lot• 1 to 38 1nclu•1••· A paroel of land deeoribed ae follow•: Beginning at a point whioh i• an interaeo- tion of the center line of llain Street and line parallel to and 13 feet · weat of the eaat property -line of South Delaware Street: thence wouth. 449 feet to an int•r•ec- tion with the center line of Weet renyon AYenue: thence ea•t 1so.e feet; thence northeaeterly 67.a feet; thence north 390 f9et to an inter1ection with the oenter line of llain Street; thence 1e t along center line of lain Street l6a feet to point of beginning, exclu•1ve of etreete and all•Y•· . A paro~l of land 4eeoribed ae followe: Beginntn1 at a poin-. on the center line of lain Street and 47 feeteaat of the weet property l~n• of louth Cherokee Street, proQ duced; thence ... t along center line of llain Street 183 feet; thence eouth 416 feet to an interaection with th• northweet berder ot the OltJjDitoha thence northeaat alGI alon1 th• north•••t•rly border of th• City Ditch l&O/& feet to an inter .. ctlon with a line which i• parallel to and 47 feet •a•t or the •••t proper~y line of 10\lth Cherokee Street; thence north 330.5 feet along ••id de•cribed line to Point of b•- &1nning, exclueive of 1treet1 and all•Y•· . ~A parcel of land deecr1bed a• follow•: Beginnin& at a point which i• the lnter•eo- tion of the aouth property line of •••t Hampden A••nue with the center line of South Cherokee Street; thence aouth 930 feet to an intereeotion •1th the center line of lain Street; thence •••t alor.g the center line of llain Street 17 teet to an interaeo. tion with a line parallel to and 47 feet ea•~ o! the weet property line of South Cherokee: thence eouth along eaid deeoribed line 230.5 feet to an inter .. ction with the northweeterly border of City Ditch; thence nortbeaet, •••t and aouthea•t along north border of City Di tch to an i~teraection with the center line of South Aooma ltreet; thence north alo~g the center line of South Acoma 8treet 6'8 feet to an intereection with the center line of Sheridan Avenue: thence narth•••t 1•5 f .. t and 130 teet &lung the center line of Sheridan Avenue to an intereecticn with the •outh property line of Weet Raapden Avenue 425 feet to point of beginning, ezclu- •1•• of •11Bit•t• and all•Y•. A parcel of land d••oribed ae follo••: Beginnin& at a point which i• the lateraec- tion of the •••t ·prooe rty line of South Broadway with the eouth property llu of •••t Raapden AYenue; thence eouth ~long th• •••t propartv line of South Broadway· 175 feet to an interaection •1th the center line of lberid&n A••DUIJ thence in a north- •e•t•rly directicm along the center line ot Sheridan AYenue &8! feet to an lnteraeo- tton •1th th• aouth property line of leet Ra•J>'l•n A••nuea thenoe eaat alona tb• eouth property line of 1eet Hampden Avenue &30 feet to point of beginning, exclu- •1•• ot etre•t• and alley•. 8RADY ~TD! AOOTTTON Lot• 1 to 50 inolueiYe in Block 1. lNOLEWOOn ~tO~T8 Lota 1 to 8 1nclue1ve in Block 1. A parcel of land deeoribed ae follo••: Beginninf at a point on the •••t propertJ l~ line of South Broadway which i• 342 feet ncrth o the center line of •••t Een1on AYenu.; thence •••t along the north lot line of Lot 16, Block 1 of Hamilton &Killi-• Broadway Reight• 135 feet to an interaection with the eaat alley line of Block 1, Inglewood Reight•J thence north along the eaet alley line of Bloot 1,bl .. ~ ...... lei1~*• of Hamilton & lilli•'• Broad•~Y Reight• 118 feet to an intereection with the eaet alley line ot 6loot 1, Inglewood ffeight•;3 etie6oe t nil't~r.allmg th• eaat all•y line ot Block 1, lngl••oOd Reighte aoo feet to an interaection with the aouth property line of lest Jeffer1on AYenµe; thence eaet along .the eouth property line of •••t Jettereon A•enr• 135 feet to an interaection with the •••t property line of louth Broadway; thence eouth along the weat property line or South Broadway 300 feet to point ot beginning. Lot• 1 to 16 incluetve in Block a; Lots 8 and Lota 10 to 14 inolu•i•• in Block 3; Lot• • to 13 inclueive in Block 4; Lots l north and a •outh in Block 5. HAKTLTON & ltLLll'9 BROADWAY RltGHTS Lota l to 16 inclue1Ye of each of Block• 1 to 3 1nclue1Te. Lot• 9 to la inclusive of Block 4; Lote 1 to •8 incluaiTe of each of Block• e to 8 inclueiY•; Lota 1 to 24 1nclue1Ye of Block• 9 to 13 incluaive. A parcel of land de•oribed a• follows: Beginning at a point on the weet property line of South Broadway 300 fe9t eouth of tbe •outh property line of Weat Lehi&h Avenue; thence •••t along the •outh lot line• of Lot• 13 and 13 of Blocke 9, 10, 11 and 12, ffamilton & lilli•'• Broadway Reighte 1374 feet, more or l•••• to an inter .. otion with the center line ot South Delawa re 8tre•tJ thence aouth along the center line of 8outb Delaware Street 330 feet, •ore or l•••• to an inter••o- ticn with the center line of Weat Kan•field Avezme; thence eaet a~g the oenter line or Weat Manefield Avenue 1274 feet, more or leea, to an intereection with the we•t property line of South Broadway 330 feet, more or l••• to point of beginning, exclu•iT• of 1treets and alley•. A tract of land lying in the Wl/a of Nll/4 of 111/4 of Sec. •, more fully ... _ cribed ae follow•: ~ginning at a point which ie an intereection of the oenter line of South Santa re Street with the aouth property line ot Weit Hampd8n AYenue; thence •••t along the eoutb property line of weet Hampden Avenue 356 feet, more or l•••• to an intereection with the west property line of South Ealamath ltr .. t, procluoed, thence eouth along the west property lir.e of South Eala•tb Street, prOduced, 400 feet, .ar'! or l••• to an interaection with the north property line of Pearl Street, produced; thence weet along the north property line of P~arl 8tr•et, produced, 120 feet, more or lees, to an intereection with the eaeterly right ~f way boumd~y line of the A. T. & s. r. Ry. &il-1••~~-•~e-••-~• .. 7 -,e-aa-iat.e»ee.-~ea -~-h--~·-··~-e•-iiB•-•1-•••'-l•Rf9R-A••RYet-•~eR••-•••*-•a•a1-•k•-•e•'e•-l4-e-el •ee•-CeayeR-A .. a~e-~IO-lee•T~IHl»•-e.-~eee..,-,e-aa-•••••••••iat-w••a-,ae-eeate•-~iae thence in a eouthweaterly direction alor.g the eaeterly right of way boundary 11111 of the A. T. & s. r. Ry. 975 feet, more or le1e, to an inter1eotion with the center line of West lenyon Avenue 730 flet, more or l•••• to an interaection with the center line of South Santa re atreet; thence north along ·the center line of South Santa re Stre@t 1340.7 feet, more or le•• to point of beginning, excluaiTe of .~ reet• and a lleya. LOG ANDALE Block B Lot• l to 48 inclu•ive of each of Blocke a to 8 inclueive Lot• 18 to 48 Block 9. Block C Lot• l to 48 inclusive of each of Block• 10 to 16 incluaive. Block 17. Lota l to a• inclueive in Block 300 Lote 1 to 48 inclueive of each of Block• 31 and 33. Lota 10 to •B inclusive in Block 33. Block o. Lota 1 to •s inclueive of each of Block• 3• to 36 incluaive. Lo•e l to 33 inclusive of Block 37. JACl~OW·~ RROAOWAY FU:TGffT~ Lot• 1 to •a inolueive of each of Plock• l to 6 inoluaiYe. Leta 7 lo 68 inclu•ive of Block 7. Lot• 35 to 38 inclll9iVe of Block 8. Lot• aa to 36 inclusive of Block 9. Lota 1 to 3 incluaive; 12 to 31 inclusive; 38 to 46 inclusive, Block 10. LOt8 1 to 15 inclueiYe; 19 to 46 inolu•ive; Block 11. Lot• l to 46 inolueive of each of Block• 13 to 34 inclueive. Lota l to •e inclusive of each of Block• 35 to aa incluaiTe. Lot• 10 to 48 inclueive of Blook 33. Lo•• l to 48 inolu•ive or Block 34. Lot• 14 to •O inclueiTe of Blo~k 35. I I I Block A. 1 Being all •••••••bl• procerty in the Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer Dietr~~t lo. I, City of ln&l••oocl, Colorado. That th• kind of iiprovemente propoeed in eaid trunkline sanitary Sewer Diatrict lo. T, Inglewood, Colorado, are aa follow•: Th ~ the eatimated and probable coat or eaid improYemente with the appurten- ance• 1• One Rundred Sixty-eeven Thoueand Two Hundred rorty-one and 94/100 Cll67,341.SM) Dollar•, which amount inclu••• the •um ot linty Thou.and rour Hund- red rifty-four and 4•/100 (190,454.44) Dollar• to be paid to the City and I County cf Denver for the right to connect with and dtecharge eewerage into Denver'• Sanitary se .. r at Jewel Avenue and South Delaware Street, Denver, Colorado. Thlt the maxiumu probable coet per lot or tract of land twenty-five (35) feet by one hundred an1 twenty-five (125) feet, excluaive of etreet• and alleys •• •hown by the e•tinate of the City Engineer to be •••••••d upon the reepeotive lote or r;aroel• of land in aaid propoeed dietrict 1• ••ti.mated to be Thirteen (113) Dollar• for each of aaid lot• or tract• of land (all •aid e1tiaat•• of coat being exoluaive of the coat of inepection, collection, incidental• and intereet). . Th~t the maxiU11u probable coat for each lot and tor each ·traot of land within eaid dietrict 1• ehown by the ae•e•ement roll prepared by the Engineer tor the · Trunkline Sanitary Sewer Diatrict No. l, Englewood, Colorado which eame ia on file with the City Clerk G! aaid City and wh\ch ea&e 1• hereby ll&de a part ot thia re- •olution for great•~ c~rtainty ani can be ••en by anyone inter••ted ae hereinafter stated. (All aaid ••tiaatee of cost being exolueive or the ooet ot inepection, collection, incidentals and interest). WR!'RF.S"QRF BE TT RE~OLVED BY '!''il' r,T'!"Y COUNCTL or TRF. CTTY 0' ENOLEWOOD, COLO. I I I I I 1. That the report ao made by Glen A. lzett, ae engineer of aaid City, be and the aame ie hereby apprOYed, ratified and confirmed. a. That ••id engineer'• report, together with the d•taila,·epecificatione, eeti& tee, 1&P• and eohedulee prepared and filed with the Clerk ot the ltty, be, and th~ aaLe are, hereby approved and adopted by thi• City Council, ae the de- tail•, plane, apecificatione, ••timates and ateriale, tor uee in the conatruc- tic:m of the improYementa to be made in the eatd dietrict, and the eurTey and mape o~ eaid propoeed dietriet to be a aurTey and may pf the Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer Dietrict o. f, Inglewood, Colorado. 3. That to the above mentioned totll amount and the reapective portion• thereof ec t o be aaeee .. d upon the reepeotive traote ot land in eaid dietriot, aa afore- eaid, or eo much thereof ae may be neoeaeary to pay the actual coat · of •&id improv.- •ent and the 1eneral expeneea, there, be .. d•d 11x per oentum for the coat of in- epection, collection and other inoidentale, and tlllt there aleo be added and in- cluded intereat to the next succeeding dats when by the la•• of the State of Colo- rado r,.neral Taxee, ar the f~ret inetallment theTeof, are payable. 4. That the aeeeaemente ehall be due and payabl~ within thirty daye frc. and after the time when the aeaeeaing ordinance aeeeeeing the whole actual coet of eRid im ~rovemente again1t ea·d real estate ahall become effective and in toi·ce; pro- vided, however, that any ow~er who ehall pay his full aeeeeement within the period of thirty (30) daye thereafter shall be entitled to an allowance ot ·five per cent, o' the a~oun t eo aa1ea1ed against hie property and apid by him: or in oaee any owner of r•al ••t~te ahall fail to pay ~h4 whole of euch aeaeeament againet hia pro- perty within thirty (30) day1 from and aft4r the aeeeaaing ordinance ae .. eeing the 1ame ehall become effective and in force, th•n•• the whole coat of eaid improvements eo aeaeeeed againet hie pro,erty ah~ll be payabl~ in twenty equal annual inatall- ment • of the principal, with intereet upon urpaid inetallmente, payable aemi- annually at the rat9 of eix per cent, ~er ~nnum; the firet ot eaid inetall .. nte of eaid ~prinoi~l ehall be due and payable upon the next •~cceeding date after the paaeage of t~e a1ae11ing ordinance upon which general taxee. or the firet inatall- ment thereof, are, by the Lawe of the ~~ate of Colorado, maie payable, and the re- mainder of eaid inetallmente •hall be d iie and payable euooeeaively on the eame day tn eack-year thereafter until all ar• pai1 in full. s. That the attorney for the City be and h• ie hereby authorized and directed to prepare an ordinance in confor~itv wi+h and under the proviaione of an act of the General Aeeembly of the State o~ Colorado, •ntitle1 • An Act to provide for tbe Conetruc ~ion of Local TmprOYement• in Citi~a ot all Claeeee having a Popilat1on of Leae thsn One RunireJ Thcueand, and tncorporated Towne, the leeuance ot Local Im- provea.ent Bonda therefor, an1 the Aeeeaen.ent and Payment of the Coet of eaid Im- prOT~.,.nte•, approved April 8th, 189~, and all other a~t. of eaid General Aaeem- bly in ald of aaid act ar amendatory ~h~reto, more particularly referring to an act or a .. ndatory thereto, ~n ~re particularly ref9rring to an act of the Oelll"al Aaeeably of the ~tate of Colorado, Pl•~d at th•~--~~-----------------------­~•••ion thereof, ent1t1•• •An act Declarin& Valid OUtetandi~ Local Improvement Bonde teeu~d in Pay~ent for Local tmprOYemente Conetruoted in Pureuanoe ot Chap- ter 151 or the La • paeaed at the Twelfth 8eeeion or the Oenral A•••mbly of the S 9ta ~e of Colorado, being •An act to Protide tor the Conatruotion of Looal ImproYe- me$ 1 in Cit1ee of all Claeeee Raving a Population of L••• than One Hundred Thou- eand, and Tncorpcrated !owne, t he leeuance of Local tmproTement Bonda Therefor and the Aeaeasment and Payment of the coet of eaid i~pr~emente•. ApprOYed April 8th, 18 G9, and providing for the perment thereof•. Creating within the corporate limit• or the eaid City o~ lr.glewood a Local improre11ent dietrict to be known as t~e Trunkline a&nitary ~~•er o~atrict Ko. t, Inglewood, Colorado, and providing in an by eaid ordinanc~ ~ot yt:e oonetruction in ••id diatrict ot ••••r improve- men••, all ae ~n the peti~ion f~r eaid im~rov~menta ••t forth and deeoribed, and in accor1anee with the plane and epeoificattone, nape, detail• and ••timatee of the engineer ~ said City hereina .. ove referrei to and now on file in the office et the Citv Clerk; ar.d providing that tte mayor adTertiae for bide for the'con- etruction or eaid improvements as re~uired by Law. 6. Th at the eaid propoeed ordinance be con•id~r•d far paeaage and adoption by thi• Council on Kcnday the 13th day of ~eptember A. D. le21. 7. That not~• be iaaued by the City Clerk and p~bli•hed in the Inglewood Rerald .a newspaper of general circulation in eaid City, therein giving notice to t e ~wnere of the property t~ be aaeeeaed, of the kind of im~rovementa proposed; tte number of inetall"enta and th~ time in which the coat of euch impr<>Te .. nta will be payab:e; the rat~ of intereat on unpaid and deferred inetall,.nte; the extent of the district to be improved; the probable ooat of auch i•provemente ae ehown by the estimates or the ~n~inaer and the eatimated probable coat ·per Lot or tract ot lanj twenty-five (25) feet by One ~undred Twenty-fiye (125) feet, ae ehown bv the eetimatee cf aaid Engineer: the time as hereinabove aet forth when an ordinance ordering the conetruction of eaid improYementa in said die- trict above propoaed will be f i nally considered; that the map of eaid proposed dietrict, eho•ing the exterior boundari•• thereof and locating eaid improveaenta, ar.d the eetimatee and ebhedule• ehowing the amount• to be aeeeeeed againat each lot or tract of land in eai1 district and that all reeelutione and proceeding• of tbie Council relating to eatd propoeed imp:r'oYement dietrict and the propoaed impoyement• therein are on file in and oan be .•••n and examined by any pereoii · intereeted, at the· office of the City Clerk at any ti .. prior to 6 o'oloot P. M. on londay the 13th day o! September A. D. 1931; and that complaint• and objections that may be made in writing concerning ~he propoeed imprOYement by tbe ·owner, or owner• of any real eetate to be aeeeea d, or any perecn, or pereo119, intereet- ed enerally, will be heard an d determined by th1• Council before final action of •~ch Council thereon, and that at aaid time and after th• determination of all complaint• and objection• eo made, thie Council •ill take up and ooneider and ordinance creating said dietriot and ordering the improTe&ente herein propoeed. ~ tT ~URTR!P R!~OLvtD, that eaid notioe to be i••ued by the City Clerk ae aforeaaid, ahall ~ aubatantially in the following form, to-wit: 2;J6 TO CRrATE A LOCAL TMPROVEllElfl' DTaTRTCT TN T'f! CTTY or EIOLIWOOD, COLCIUDO, TO B! non A~ TFE TRUWlL Ul! ~AITT ARY S!UR OT 8TR TCT 10. t. EIGLIWOOD' COLORA~O. Awn TO VAIE C!RTATN ~EWER TVI'ROVFllF.WT8 Tl SAYD OYSTRYCT. All owner• of the real eatate and propC'ty whiob i• included · in the ~bound­ ari•• hereinafter deaorib~d and all P•r•ona s•••rally are Rl!REBY IOTtrn:o that the City Council of the City of Englewood, in tb• County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, purauant to the power• inveated in it under the la•• of the ltate of Colorado, haa adopted full detail• snd •peoifioationa tor the oonatruption of certain aew9r improve•ente and appurtemnce• in and for a propoaed local im- prOYement di•trict within the corporate liait• ot the City of Inglewood, to be ·I known •• tbe Truntline aanitary Sewer Oietriot lo. t, En&l••ood, Colarado, said . tmprcwe .. nt dtatriot to be aaeeaaed with tne coat of •aid iaaprovementa oonai•t- int of all the land• lying within th~ boundary line• of aaid propoeed dietrict, to-wit: Beginning at the interaection with the oenter line of West Yale Avenue and South rox Street; thence eouth along the center line of South rox Street to an inter- ••ction with the center li~e of jWeet Bat•• Avenue; thence weat along th• center 11n• of Weat Bate• Avenue to an intereection witb the center line of 8outh Gala- pago Street; thence •outh along the center line ot South Oalapago Street to an tnteraection with the center lin9 of leet Oron•ll Avenue; thence weet along the center line ot •••t GD~n•ll Avenue to an interaeoti n with th• center line ot South Ruron 8tre~; thence •outb along the center line ot ·aouth Buron Street to an 1nteraect1on with the center line ot leet Dart•outh AYenue; thence ... t alan& th• center line of •••t Dartmouth Avenue to an interaecticm with th• center line.or South rox Street; thence •outh along the center line and oenter line extended of South rox Street to the •outh bank of Little Dry Creek; thence aouth .. aterly along the •outherly bank or Little Ory Creek to an intereection with extended center line of South Ja•on Street; thence south alon1 the extended line of South Jaaon Street to an inter•ection •1th the center line ot Weat Hampden Avenue; thence west along the center line or Weat Rampden Avenue to an intereection with "'' extended center line of South talamath Street; thence eouth along the center line ot South lalamath Street to an intersection with the extended oenter line of We•t Ithica Street; thence •e•t ~long the c~nter line ot Weat tthica Street to an interaection with tb• eaaterly right ot way line ot Atohieon, Topeka & Santa re Railroad; thence •outb•e•terly along th~ eaid eaeterlt right or way of the Atchiaon, Topeka & Santa '•Railroad to an inter•ection with the center line of leat Oxford Avenue; thence e&9t along the center line or We•t Oxford Aven~u to an interaection with the es+ended center line of an alley in Block Thirty-•even (37) LogandaleJ thence north along •aid center line of alley of •aid Block Thirty-eeven (37) and •aid line extended to an interaection with the C4nter 11~• of Weet lanatield Avenue; thence eaat along the c~nter line or •••t lanefield Avenue to an intereeotion with the eaeterly bank of the City Ditch; thenoe aoutherly meandering along the eaeterly 1 1ne of aaid City Ditch to an 1nteraect1on with the center line of South Ruron Street; thence aouth along th~ center line of South Huron Street to an 1n- teraect1 on with the center line of Weat Quincy Avenue: thence eaat along the cen- ter line of Weet Quincy Avenue t an inter•eotion with the center line ot South Broadway; thence •outh along the oenter line ot South Broadway to an intereection with the c~nter line of Union Avenue;-thenoe •••t along th• center line of Union AYenue to an iner•ection witr. th~ cent~r line of 8outh Clarkeon St•e•t; thence north along the centlr line of South Clark•on Str~et to an inter•ection wi»i the center line of Eaet Man•fiel1 Avenue; thence w••t along the center line of la•t Manafield Avenue to an interaection with the center line of South Broadway; thence north along the center line of South Broadway to an interaeotion with the center line of Eaet Kenyon Avenue; thenos ea•t along the center line ot laet renyon Avenue to an intereection with the cent~r l~ne of South Clarkson Street; thence north along the center line of ~outh Clarkaon Street to an interaection with the center line of Eaet Dartmouth A·rvenue; thence ... t along the center 11~• of Eaet Dartmouth Av8nue to an int~reection with the center line of South Logan Street; thence north along the cen~er 11~• o~ South Logan Street to an intereecti on with th~ oent ~r line of Eaet Yale Avenue; thence weet along the center line of Eaat Yale Av~nue an1 •~et Yale Aven\11 to the point of beginning. roLLOWTIG TS A DF.SCRTPTTON O~ L0T~ ANO ~ARClL~ 0' LAND TICORPORATED tW THE Tl:UJMY:L T r ~c TT ARY $EUR OT $TR TCT NO. T. QGLlWOO'l, COLORADO. ANNANTlALE Lota 1 to aa incluaiv9 of each o~ Block• 7 to 10 inolueive. KTLLYE·~ ~UB-1 TVT~torr Re-Sub-Oivieione of Lota a and 3 Killie's Sub-Divia~on, now known aa Block• 1 ani a, Killie'• Sub-Diviaion: Lota 1 to 48 ir.clu•ive of each o! Blocke land a. Re-Sub-Division of Lote 6 and 7, Killie'• qub-Divieion, now known aa Blocke 3 an 4: L t• l to 48 inclusive of eaoh of Blooka 3 and 4. Re-aut-Divie1on of !Hocke 5 an .i 8 Killie'• oub-Diviaion: Lota l to 24 inclueive ' of each or Blooka 1 to 4 inclusive. ~TRAYER'~ BROAD~AV RlTGRT~ Lota 1 to 48 i n clusive of each of Blocka 1 to 8 inoluaive. RORE'~ ADOTTTON TO EN~LF.WOOD, COLORADO. Lota 1 to 48 inclueiv~ of each of Block• 1 tc 9 inolueive. BANK ADl'HTTON Lo~• l to 48 inolusiv~ of eaoh of Block• 1 to 4 inclueive. tfAWTijQRN~ LOT~ 1 to 48 inclusive of each of Blocks 6 to 8 inolu•ive. ... •I -I ,, I I I , . I I / I I PP.FMTER AODTTTON TO ETOLF.WOOn A parcel of lanj describ~j as follcwa: B~gin:ling at a point wh3ch ie the interse~ tion of the South pro~rty line of 'loyd Avenue with the east property line of aouth Broadway; thence east along th~ ao~th property line of r1oyd Avenue a&e fee' thenc~ aouth 135 feet; ~hence west 255 feet to an inter••ction with th• eaat pro- perty line of South Broadway; thence north along the eaat property line ot South Broadway 13 5 feet tc point of b~ginning, exclueive of atreet1 and Alleys. A parcel of land deecrib9d aa followe: Peginning at a point which is •n th• eouth pro-:"9rty 11 n e of 'loyd Avenue and 255 feet east ~rom the eaet prcrrerty line of South Eroa\lwa;; the:lce eaet along ea id eo1J th property line of P'loyd Avenue 195 'eet; thence eouth 135 f~et; thence weat lS5 feet; thence north 125 feet to point of beginning, •~clueive of •treete and alley&. A parcel of land deecrib~dae followe: Beginning at a point which 11 on the south property l !~e of r1oyd Avenue and 450 !•et eaet of east property line of South 8roadway; thence 160 fe~t eaet along eaid eouth property line of r1oyd Avenue to an intereection with the west l~n~ of Bo +h ~t.erman Street; thence aouth along the we1t prcperty line or South Shetman Street 135 feet; thence weat 160 feet; thence north 125 feet, to point of beginning, exolueiv1 of atreete and alleys. A parcel of .land described ae follow•: Be~inning at a point on the eaet property l'~~ of South Broadway which 1• 185 feet eouth of eouth property line of r1oyd ATenue; thence eaa~ olO feet to an 1* ereeotion with th• weet property line of South ~he~aan Street: thence south along eaid w11t property line ot South Sherman Street; thence eouth along eaid weet propert7 line of South Sherman Street 194 feet; thence weet 610 feet to an interaeotion with the eaet line of South Broadway thence north along the eaet property line or South Broadway 194 feet to point of beginnin g , exclu1ive ·of etre o.ta and alleya. A parcel of land de1crib4'd aa !ollowa: Begimi rt at a point on the eaat property 11~• of South Broadway which ie 319 feet aouth fo the eouth p~pperty line of rloyd A•enue; thence eaet 459 feet to an interaeotion with the center line of· Alley, pre duced, ot Block 3; thence eouth along eaid center line of alley produced, 100 feei th ence waat al~ng north lot lot line and Lot linee produced of Lot 5, eloot 3, and ·Lo+ 5 and ao, Block 4, Premier Addition, 459 feet to an intereection with the eatt prore rty line of South Broadway Str1et; th1noe north along the eaet line of South roadway Street 100 feet to poi~t of be ·inntr.g, excluetve of 1treeta and alleye. A parcel of land deecribed aa follo••: Be ':i!lnipg at a _ oint which i• 31~ teet eouth of the ao1th property line or r1oyd ATenue and 45~ feet east of the eaet pro- perty line of South Broadway thence •••t 151 fe~t to an intereection with the west property line of South Sherman Street; thence aouth along the we1t property line of So~th Sherman Street 100 fe~t to an tntereectton with the north lot line (pro- duced) of Lot ao, Block 3-Premier Aclditio~-thenc• weet along eaid north Lot Line of Lot 30, Block 3, 151 te~t to an intereection with the center .line of alley of aforeeaid Block; thence north along the eaid center line of Alley {produced) 100 feet to the point of be~inning, · exolueive of etreete and a lleye. ·A parcel of lan4 deeorib~d as follow•: Be~tnnir.g at a point on the east property 1 n~ of South Broadway which i• 197 feet eouth of the 1outh property line tf Gir- ard ATenue; thence eaet along the south Lot line and Lot line• produced of LQ~ 8 and 17, eloct 6, 611 feet to an interaeoticn with the •~•t property line of Jouth Sherman ~treet; thence aouth along the •~•t property line o! South Sher11&n Street 100 feet; thence weet 611 feet ~ an intereection wttb the eaet line of· South Broadway; thence nortl along the eaet line of 8outh Broadway 100 feet to the point of be inning, exclu1ice of etreete and alleye. · A parcel of land deecribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the eaat property line of So u th Broadway which i• 397 feet eoutb of the aouth line of Girard A~enue; thence e••t and parallel with the scuth line of Girard Avenue 611 feet· to an inter- 1ect ~on wi h the •~•t pro ~erty line of South Sherman Street; thence south along the weat line of South Sherman Street; ~IMA 154 feet; thence weat and jparallel to the north l i ne of ~ampden Aveneu 611 feet to an int•reection with the east p~oper­ ty line o~ South Broad•&; thence north along the eaet line of South Broadway 154 feet to the point of be g inning, exclusive or etreeta 3."ld a lleye. A parcel of land deacribed ae follows: eetinning at a point on the east property line of South Broadway, which !a 154 feet north of the north property line ot Raqxlen A.wenue; thence east 135 feet; thence eouth 50 teet; thence west 135 feet to an i~tereection with the east line of a uth Broad•~YJ thence north along the eaat prcr.-ertv line of South Broadway 50 feet to point of beginning, exclusive of street• and a lleye. A parcel of land deecribed ~•~follow•: Beginning at a point which 1e 154 feet nor•~ r f the ncrth property line of Rampden Avenue and 125 feet east cf the eaat pro~erty line of Soyth Broadway; th~nce eaet 66 feet; thence eouth 50 feet; thence weet 66 fe~t; thence north 50 fee~ to the p oin~ o' beginning, exclusive o~ 1treeta and alleye. ~ A parcel of lanj deecribed aa follow•: Be-inning at a point on the eaat property line or So ~h Broadway, which i• 104 feet north ot the north lin• ~f Hampden ATenue; thence eaet 191 feet; thence aouth 2 5 f99t; th•nce weet 191 feet to an interaeotion with the eaat line of South Broadway; th~nce north along the east line of South Proadway as feet to th'! poitrt of beginning, exclueiY8 of etreete and alleya. A parcel of land deecrib~d aa followe: Beginnin& at a point on the eaat line ot 9outh Broadway, wh'ch if 79 fe~t north of the north line of ~ampden •wenue; thence eaet 12 ~ feet; thence south 53 feet• thence w9at 125 feet to an interaeotion with the eaet property line of South Broad•~; thenc• north along the eaatiproperty line o~ South Broadway ••~ Sa f1et to the point of be g inning. A parcel or land deacribed ae !ollowe: ~e e inn~ng at a poi ~t which ia the ir.tereec- tion of the north pror ertv line of ijamp1en Avenue and the eaet property line of Soul Brcadway; thence north along the eaP.t property lin~ of South Broadway 37 feet; th•• eaet 135 feet; thence eouth 27 feet to an intereeotion with the north property line o! Rampden Avenue; ttence west alon g the north pro~rty line of Rampden ATellue 125 fe~t to the poir.t of beginning. . A parcel of land deeoribed as follow•: Beginning at a point on the north prci:erty line or Rampden Avenuewhioh ie 135 feet eaet of Broadway: thence north 79 feet; thence eae+ 56 feet; thence south ~9 feet to an inereection with the north property line of Rampden Avenue; thence •~et along the north property line of Hampden Avenue 56 feet to the poilt of beginning. A parcel o! lanJ deecribed as follows: Be ~inning at a poi"t on the norht property line cf Ram den Avenue whioh ie 191 fe1t eaet of th~ eaet property line of South Broadway; thence north 154 feet; th~nce ea•t 50 feet; thence eouth 154 feet to an tnteraection with the north line or J.fampden ATeneu; thence weet along the ncrth prooert y lir.e of Ram~en Avenue 50 fe~t to the po1r.t of beginning. A parcel of lan d deecri~d ae follows: Ee.,.innin~ at a poH1tl on the north property 99--;.~' line of Ramp en Avenue, which 1• 341 feet eaat ot the eaet property line Of louth !roadway; thence north 154 feet: then·oe eaat 50 feet; tbenoe aouth 154 feet, to an interaeotion with the north property line of Rampden A••n•ua tbenoe •••t along tb• north porperty line of Hampden Aveneu 50 feet to the point of be&inni& • . A parcel ot land deecribed •• follcnr•: Beginning at a point on tbe north property line of Rampten ~enue, which i• 341 feet east of the eaat property line ot louth Broadway; thence north 154 feet; thence eaet 110 feet; th~nc• aouth 15' feet to an - intereecti cn with the north ·property line of Ram ~den A•enue; thence •••t alona the nostb p r operty line ct Rampjen Avenue 170 feet to the point of beginning. A parcel of land deeoribed ae follow•: Beginning at a point which i• an interaeotll of the north property line of Rampden Avenue •1th tbe weet property line ot South • Sherman Street; thence weat along the north property line ot Hampden Avenue 100 I feet; thence north 154 feet; theme eaet 100 feet to an interaection wjth the •••t . pr ~perty line of South Sherman Street: thence eoutb along the weet pro~rty line of South Sherman Street 154 feet to the point of beginning. Lota 1 to 48 1nclueive of each of Block• 1 and a. Lot• 5 to ao incluaive of each of Block• 3 anl 4. Lota 1 to 8 and 11 to 34 incluaive of each of Blook• ~ and 6. Lota l to 48 incluaive of each of Block• 7 and e. WESTVTEW ADDTTtOR Lota 1 to 50 inclU11Ye of each of Block• 1 to 4 inolualYe. Lot1 l to 48 inclusive of each of Block• 5 to ? 1nclua1Ye. A psroel of land deecribed •• follow•: B•gtnntn1 at a point which 1• the intereec- t ion of the weat property line of South Clarkaon ltreet with the north property Ji• of Bamplen Avenue; thence 11l1t along the north property line ot Hampden .Aven111 I~ fee t to an intereection with the center li~e of South laahin&ton Street: thenpe north along the center line of South Waah1n g ton 8treet 635 feet to an inter•eotlon with th~ center line ot Girard Avenue; thenc• •a•t along ~he oenter line of Girard Avenue 300 feet to an interaection with th• west property line of South Clar eon fltreet1 thence aoutb alOTlg the weat prcperty line of South Cl'arkaon Street 611 feet to th• point of beginning. BtRCR'S ADDTTYOW TO 80UTff BROADIAY ll:tG~8 Lot• l to 50 inoluei•e ot each of Block• 1 and a. ETRcq•a AODTTlOY TO 810TH ~OAOWAY 'U:tGRT8 Being the ind 'ilin& Lota 1 to 50 incluaive ot each of Block• 3 and 4. HTGGTN'a ENGLllOOO GARDENA Lota l to 50 in•luaive of each of Block• 1 to 4 inolu•i••· Lot• 1 to 48 inolu•ive of each of Block• 5 and 8: Lot• l to 34 incluai•e ot Block 7; .Rl/4; 811/I; Rl/4 and Rl/4 ot Block· 8. A traot of la~d deeoribed •• tollowa: Beginnin& at a point which i• an interaec- t ion of the eaat property line of 8outb Broadway with the oenter line of W. Ienyon Avenue (produced); thence north along the ea1t line ot j8outh Broadway 660 t••t to an inter•eotiOll •1th the center line or Jefferaon AYeneua thence e&at alon& the cen- ter line of Jeffereon Av•n~ 652 teet to an intereeotion with the oenter line of South Sherman atreet; thence n~rth alon&_the center line of South 8her111.n 8tr9et 1 feet to an intereaotion •1th the center line of Jettereon Avenue; thence et.at along t he center line of Jffteraon Avenue 653 feet to an 1nter•ection with the center line of South Sherman Street; thence north along the oenter line of South Sherman Street ? feet t o an intereection with the center lin• ot Jettereon Avenue; thence eaat along 4-he center line of Jefferaon Av~nue 623 feet to an tnt•r•ection with the center line of South Logan Street; thence aouth along the center line ot South Logan Street 860 feet to an intere~ction w1th the center line of leat lenyon Avenue (produced)J thence weet along th~ center line of •eat lenyon AYenue (produoed) 1274 feet to point of beginnin_J, exoluaive ot etreeta and all•Y•· All lie• in the Sl/a of the IWl/4 of the RElf4 of Seo. 3. · ~OU'l'ff BROAOWAY ~lTQSfTS Lota l to 48 inoluaiv~ of each of Block• l to 64 inoluaive. TERRY'~ ADDYTTON Lota 1 to 48 ~nclueive of each of Blooka 1 to • inoluaive. tDLEWt!..D Lota l to 48 incluaive or each of Blooke 9 to 16 inoluaive. a. G. RIKLTR'~ AnOTTTCJr Lot• 1 to 48 1noluaive of each ot Block• 1 to 4 inoluaive. TAYLOR'~ A~~TTTO~ Lot• l to 49 inclu1ive of each of Blook• l to 3 tncluaive. SPIER'~ BROADWAY ADDTTTON Lo • l to 48 inolueive or each or Bloc~• 17 to 34 inclueive. R!E'fl ADDTTY~ Lota 1 to 48 inclueive of each of ~locke 1 to 3 inoluaive. ~. G. RAMI.TN•q IBOAOIAY ADDtTtON -. ·1 I I ' I I I . # I I Lot• 1 to 34 inclu•i•e of each of Block• 1 to 4 inolu1i••· A tract of land deeoribed ae follow•: Beginnin& at a point which 1• the inter1eo- t ion of the •outh property line of w. Dartmout h AYenue with the •••t property line of South Cherokee Street thence weet along the eouth property line of West Dart- aouth Avenu9 300 feet to an intersection with a line, produoedi which i• parallel . to and 35 feet weet of the ea•t prq:-erty line ~f 8outh Delaware Street; thence eouth along •aid line 630 ·feet to an intereeotion with the center line of Weet !a•taan Av~nue; thence eaet alon g the center line of leet laatman Avenue 300 feet to an inter•ection with the weat property line of South CheDOtee Street; thence n north alon the •~•t property line of South Cherokee Street 630 feet to point ot beginning, exclueive of etreete and all•Y•· A tract of land described aa follow•: Besinnin& at a p c int which 11 the intereec- tion of th~ c"nt•r line of South rox 9treet, produCMd,. with the eouth proia-ty line of Weet Dartmouth -Avenue; ~hence eaet along the eouth prpperty line of Weat Dart- mouth Avenue 660 feet to an intereection with a line (produced) which i• parallel to an d 35 fe t eae+ of the •~•t property line or South DelawarejStr .. t; thence aouth along e aid line 1883 feet to an intereeotion with the center line of Floyd Avenue, produced, thence wset along the center lin~ or r1oyJ Avenue, prO<iu.ed, 660 feet to an intere~ction with tte center line of South rox Street, produced; thence north along the cen t er line of South Fox Street, proJuoeQ 1383 feet to the point of be- g inning exclueive ot etreete and alleye. . A tract of land lying in the Nl:l/4 of the SWl/4 of Seo. 34, aore fully deeoribed •• follow•: Beginning at a point whioh ~· on the weet property line of South Broe.d- ay 30a.7 fe~t eouth of the s ~uth prop~r~r li~e o f laet&an AYenue; thence weat 1273.8 feet t ,.. an intereecJ"t:l.on with a :·11ne produced which i• parallel to and al feet •••t of the eaet prop erty line of $o~th Delaware ~treet; thence eouth alone aaid dee oribed line 330 feet t o an intereection wit h the center line of Floyd Avenue, pro- duced; thence eaat along th~ center l~ne of r1oyd Avenue 708.1 feet; thenoe ·north 183 feet; thence eaet 566. 9 feet .to an intersect ion with the we1t !'roperty line or South Broadway 150 ~•et to po :nt of beginnihz, exclueive of etr••~ • and alleye. A parcel of land lying ·n the Nl:l/4 of SWl/4 or 810. 34, more fully deecribed ae follow•: Beginning at a point which ia an intereeotion of the weet property line cf South Broadway with the center line, produced, of r1oyd Avenue; thence weet along th~ cent~r line of r1oy~ Avenu~ produced, 568.1 te•t; thence north 183 feet; thence eaet aae.2 feet; thence aouth 107 feet; thence eaet aso feet to an intereection with t he wea t pr perty line of South Broadway; thence eoutb along the weat property line of South Broadway 75 teet to point of beginning, exolueive of etreete and alleye. A parcel ot land lying in th~ NJ:l/4 of SWl/4 of lee. 34, more fully described ae follow•: Be g inning at a poipt wh ;oh ia on the w"et property line or:south Broad.way and 453.7 te~t •o~th of the eouth jproperty line of laataan AYenue; thence weat 280 feet: thence eouth 107 fs~t; thence eaet aao feet: to an intereeotion with the weat property line ~ South Broadway; thence north along thew e•t property line of South Broadway 107 feet to point or beginning, exclueive of etreeta and alleya. A tract of land lying in ths 31!1/4 of ~•l/4 of Sec. 34, more fully deecr1bed ae follow•: Beginning at a point which i• the intereection ot the west property line of aouth Broadway and the center lin.,, produced, of '-loyd Avenue; thence •••t along t h e c•nter line of Floyd Avenue, prO'iuo~j; 611.3 feet; thence eouth 118.8 tee+; thence eaet 611;3 fe-,t to an interaeotion with the weet property line of aouth Broadway; thence nortt. along t ·he .weet property line ot South Broadway 333.8 feet to point of be g innin~, exclueive of etreete and alleye. · · A parcel or land l y in g tn t~e SEl /4 o~ 3Wl'4 of Seo 34, more fully de•cribed a• follo••: Beg1nn1n 6 at a po t which .is t~e 1n•er•~ction of weet ps:operty line of South Broadway, anj north property lin~ of Girard .Avenue, then~ weet along north prooerty l i ~• of Girard Avenue 544.8 fe.,t; thence north 306.a tee~; thence ea•t 544~8 feet t c an intersection w1 th t:1, weet ,roperty line . of South Broadway 106.a fe~t to point Of beginning, excluaiv~ or atr•ete and alleye. A pa~oel 01 land lying in the Sll/4 of SWl/4 ot 810. 34, more fully deaoribed a• follow•: Beginning at a point ~n the north property line of Hampden Avenu. and 343 teet weet of the w1et property 11ne of South BroadwayJ theliQll weet along the north property lin~ of ijampden Avenue aao test; thence north 605.8 feet to an intereeotion with the aouth property line of Girard Avenue; thence eaet along the outh propeTty line of Girard Avenue 280 !e~t~ thence eouth 605.8 teet to point ot beginning, .eaclueive of Streete 'ind alleye. & tract cf land lying in the Sll/4 nt iWl/• 'vt lleniion M, ..,.,... tnlly cteaor i bed a follo••: Be~innini at a ~oint on the north property line ot a .. JJ(leD AY.ea..e 79 0 .e feet weet of the weet property line of South Bra.dway; thence weat along the north property line of Rampden Avenue 487.a feet to an inter1eotion with a line produced, parallel lo and~ feet weat of the eaat procarty line of South Delaware Street; thence north along eaid described line 1272 feet to an interec eection with tbe eoutb pro ·~rty line of Vloyd AYenue, produced; thence eaat along the eoutb ~operty line of 'loyd Avem.ie, prOduced, 660 feet; thence south 100 feet1 thence •••t 173.8 fe~t; thence eouth 973 feet to point of beginning, ezclueiYe or atreete and alleya. A parcel of land lying in the 3Wl/4 of SWl/4 of Seo. 34, more fully described ae tollowe: Beginning at a point which ie the interaection ot the north proper- ty line of Ra•pd•n AYenue and the center line of j8outb Huron 8tteet, prOduoed, thence north along the center line of South Ruron atreet, produced, to an in- ter•eotion with the center 11ne of Little Dry Creek; thence in a northeaaterly direction along the center l i ne of Little Dry Creek to an 1ntereect.1on with th• center line of South rox Street, ~roduced, thence north along the center line ot South 'ox Street, produced, t o an intereection with the center line of FloydjA•enu4 produced: th nee eaet alon ~ the center l)m of r1oyd Avenue, produced, 660 feet to an intere~ction with a line parallsl to and 13 feet weat ot the eaet property line of South Delaware Street; thence aouth along a line parallel to and la feet we et o! the eaat property 11 ne of S0,1th Delaware Street, 673 feet, to an inter- eeot ion with tbe center line of •~•t Girard AYenue, produced; thence weat alon& the center line of •••t Girard Avenue, produced, 330 feetJ thence eouth 630 t .. t to an intereection with the north property lin• of Rampden Avenue; thence weet along the north pro ~erty line of Rampden Avenu~ to the point of beginning, ex- clueiYe of atreete and alle1e. AParcel of land lying i n the SWl/~ of 3Wl/4 or 810. 34, more fully described a• follow•: Beginning at a poi nt on the north pr~perty line of Hampden Avenue, which 1• an intereeoticn w ~th a li~e parallel to aad 13 feet •••t ot the eaat property line of Sou t h D3laware Street; thence weat along the north property lin9 of Rampden Avenue 330 feet; thence ncr+.h 630 feet to an 1ntereeoti6n with the cen- ter line of •~•t G1rard Avenue, produced; thence eaet along the center line of 139 240 Weit Girard AYenue, proJuced, 330 fe t to an interaection with a line parallel to and 13 feet weet of the eae~ property line of South Delaware Street; .thence eouth along eaid ieecribe .:i line 630 fe4t to the point of beginning, exoluaive of St reet• and alley•. ENWOOD ADr>TTTON Lota 35 to48 inclusive. A parcel or land de1cribed ae follow•: !e&inning at a point on the west proper- ty li ne of South Broadway, which 1• 300 feet north of the north property line I ot ffampden Avenue; thence •~st along the north lot line of Lot lo. 38, 135 feet to an 1nter1ection wi th the eaet alley l1"9J thence narth along .the eaat alley line 14.e fe 0 t to an interaection with the eouth lot line of Lot lo. I!; thence eaat 125 feet to an interaect :on with the weRt property line of South Broadway thence aouth along the we s t pr operty lim ot8outh Broadway 14.6 feet to point of beginning. A parcel of land deacribed ae follow•: Beginning at a point ::.n the north proper- ty line of Hampden Avenue and 143 feet •••t of the weet proI»rty line of South Broadway; thence weet along the north property line of ffampden Aveneu 100 feet; I thence north 605.6 feet to an intereection with the aouth property line of Gir- ard Avenue; thence eaet along the eouth pr perty line of Girard AYenue 100 feet to an inter1ection with the weat alley line; thence 1outh along weet alley line 605.6 teet to point of beginning. ENGLEWOOD Lots 1 to 32 inolueive of each of Blocke l to 6 and 13 to 33 inclusive. Sterritt'• Addition Lota l to 33 inclueive of each of Block• 1 and 3. A parcel of land deecribed aa follow•: Begtnnia& at a point which ia an inter-. aection of the north property line j or Weit Raa~en AYenue and the . center line of South Ruron Street, produced; thenoe north along the center line of South Buron atreet, produced, 320 feet , m re or l•••· to an i~teraection with the oenter line of Little Dry Creek: thence in a 1outhweatsrly direction along the center line of Little Dry Creek 670 feet, more or leae, to an intere~ction with t~ center line of South Santa '• atreet, produced, 180 teet more or 1•••, to an inter1eo- titn wi th the north property line of ·we s t Rampien AYeneu; thence eaet along the north property line of Weet Hampden AYenue 161 feet aare or l•••• to po1*t of beginni ~g. (All lying in Rll/4 of ftl/• ot ~c. 33), lxolu1iYe of Street• and alleye. 'LOOD ADOTTtOlf Lota l to 38 inclueive. A parcel of land ieecribed ae follow•: Be&inning at a point which ia an inter- ••ction of t~e center line of Kain Street and ltne parallel to and 13 t .. t •••t of th• eaet property line or ao ·Jtb De lnare iltreet: thence aouth 449 tfft to n int er1ection with the center line of Weit lenyon AYenue; thence east 110.6 feet; thence northea1terly 67.3 feet; thence north 390 feet to an interaection with the center line ot Main Street; thence Weat along oenter line of llain ltreet 163 feet to point o! beginning, exclueive of 1treet1 and all•Y•· . A parcel of land deecribed ae tollowa: Beginnin& at a point on the oeDter line of llain atreet and 47 fee t eaat of the weet property line of 8outh Cherokee Street produced; thence we1t along oet er line ot lain ltreet 163 feet; tbenoe aouth 416 feet to an intereeotion with the northwe1t bcrder of the City Ditoha thenoe northea1t alon& the north••• erly b order of the 1City Ditch 350.5 feet 'o an in- ter1ecticn with a line which i• parallel to and 47 feet east of the ... t proper- ty line of. Soutb Cherokee Street; thence north 330.5 fe•t al~ng . eaid de1orit.ed line to point of begmning, exclueiYe of atreet1 and all•Y•· ·A parcel of land d eaoribed aa follow•: Bet inning at a point which 11 th• inter- 1eotion of the 1outh property line of •~•t Rampden AYenue with the oe$ er lim of South Cherokee Street; thence eouth 930 feet to an intereeotion with th• center l i ne of lain Street; thence eaat along the center line o~ Main Street 17 f .. t to an intereection with a line parallel to and •7 feet eaat ot the weet property line of South Cherokee; thence 'eouth along 1aid deeoribed line 330.5 t .. t to an intereection with th• northweaterly border ot City Ditch; theno• north.e.•t, eaet and eoutheaat along north borde -r of City Ditob to an interaection :d th the center line of South Aco1a Street; thence north along the oenter line of 8outl& Acoma Street 648 feet to an intereection with. the oenttr line of Sheridan Avenue; thence northweet 145 feet and 130 feet along the c ,t•r line of Sheridan AYenue to an inter1ection with the aouth property line of eet llMapden AYenue; thence we1t along the 1outh pr operty line or ••t Sfaapden AYenue 4'16 Ifft to point of .beginning, excluaive of 1treete and all•Y•· A parcel of land deeoribed •• follows: Begi111ing at a point whioh 1• tb• inter- ••ction of the weet praperty line of louth Broadway with th• 1outh property line o f Weet Rampden Avenue; t•enoe 1outh alon1 the we1t property line of lo~h Broad- way 175 feet to an intereec~ion with tbe center line of 8her1danjAveDU9J thenoe in a northweaterly direction along the C8nter line of Sheridan Avenue le& feet to an in ~ereection with the eouth property line of Weit Rampden Avenue; thence eaet alor.g the 1outh prooerty line of •eat Ra~pden AY•n~ 530 feet to point of be- ginning, exclu•iY• of etreete and alleya. 8RAOY STOE ADDTTtOI Lot• 1 to 50 incluaiYe in Block 1. ENGLlWOOO RETORTS . Lota l to 8 inolueive in Block l. A parcel of land deecribed ae tollow1: ••&inning at a point on the ... t proper-ty line of South Broadway which i• a.a teet north of the center limof ... t Ken- yon AYenue; thence weet along the north lot line cf Lot 16, Block 1, of Baail- I I I I I I I I ton & Killi•'• Broadway Height• 135 feet to an intereection with th.e eaet alley line of Bloot 1, Englewood Height•: thence north along the eaet all•J line ot Block l of Hamilton & lilli•'• Broadway Reight1 13& feet to an intereecnion·•ith the ea1t alley line ot Block 1, Inglewood Reight•; tbenoe north along "'• east alley line of Block l, lnglewOOd Reighte 800 feet to an intereeotion with the •outb property line of Weat Jeffer•on AYenue; thence ... , along the aou h pro- perty line ot We•t Jefferaon AYenue 135 feet to an-inter .. otion with the ... t propertv line of South Broadway; thence aoutb along the •••t property line ot South BsO..dway 300 feet to point of beginning. Lota 1 to 16 inoluaive in Block f; Lota S ~and Lota 10 and 1• inclueiYe in Block 3; Lota 4 to 13 inclueive in Block 4; Lota 1 lorth an• 8 South in BloOk 5. I.... "AMTLTOW & KT LL Tl'" BROADWAY ntowra Lot• l to 16 incluaiYe of each of Blocke 1 to I inolua1Ye. Lot• 9 to 18 inolu•iYe of Block 4: Lota 1 to 48 inolueiYe of .. ch of ~· 5 to 8 inclueiYe; Lot• 1 to 34 inclueiYe of Block• 9 to 13 inoluaiYe. A parcel of land deacrrmd a• follow•: Beginnin& at . a point on the wen pre- peny line of South Bl'Mdway aQO feet aouth of tbe aouth jproperty llM Of Weet Lehigh AYenue; thence net along the eouth lot lln•• of Lota 11 and 13 of F~ Block• I, 10, 11 and 18, Raailton & I ill le'• Broacl•J Reipt• JaH feet, .on or leae, to an intereection with the oenter line ot :louth Delaware Street; thence •outh alona the center line of South Delaware Street 110 feet, acse or 1•••1 to an intereection with the center line of Weet lanefield ATen\19; thenoe eaet along tbe center line of Weet llanefield AYen\19 13?4 feet, aore or le••, to an inter•ecticn with the weat property line ot South Broadway; thence north aloig the we•t property line of South Broadway 130 feet, more or leaa, to point of /f be&inning, exclue1Ye of etreeta and all•Y.•· A tract of land lying in th• Wl/a of 11:114 ~f ISl/4 of lea. 4, aore fully d••- cribed aa follow•: Beginning at a point which i• an intereection of th• oen- ter line of South Santa re Street with the eoutb property line of Weet Hamp- den AYenua: thence •••t along the eouth pro,.rty line of •~•t Raapden A•enue 358 feet, more or l•••• ~o an interaection with tbe weet property lia • of South lalamath Street, produced, thence eouth along the •••t property 11111 of i2ea•i-l'•••'~-JllJN"••-'t-'i.eae•-•••'-South lalamath Street, ~·rOduoed, 400 feet, mC're or le•• to an intereect ion with the north property line of Pearl ltr .. t, produced; thence •eat along the north property line of Pearl Street, produced, 130 feet, more or leea, to an irter•ection with the eaeterly right of way boundary line of the A. T. & s. r. Ry; thence in a eouthweeterly direction along the eaeterly right of way boundary line of the A. T. & a. r. Ry ; 975 t .. t, more or leee, to an interaection with the center line of leet Kenyon AYenu.; thence ea•t along the center line of Weet lenyon Aven .. ?30 teet, more or leae, to an i~ ereeotion with the cent ~r line of South Santa 'e Street; thence · north along the center line of j8outh Santa re Street 13400? feet, •ore or leee, to point of beginning, exclueive of atre~t• and al -eye. LOGAN DALE Block -B. Lot• 1 to 48 inclusive of .each of Blocks 3 to 8 inclusive. Lota 16 to 48 Block 9. Block c. Lot• 1 to 48 inclu•ive or each of Block• 10 to 16 incluaive. Block 17. Lota 1 to 24 inclu•ive in Block 30. Lota 1 to 48 inclueiYe of each of Block• 31 and 33. Lote 10 to 48 incluaive in Block 33. Block D. Lote l to 46 inclueive of each of Block• 34 to 36 i~cluiaYe. Lot• l to 23 incluaive of Block 37. JAClSON'R BROADWAY RETORTS Lo t a l to 48 incluajve ·or each of Block• l to 6 iacluaive. Lota 7 to 4C 1nclu6ive of Block 7. Lota 35 to 38 inclueive of Block 8. Lota 33 to 16 inclu•iYe of Block 9. Lota 1 to 3 incluatve; 12 to 31 incluaivea 38 to 46 1nclua1Ye, Block 10. Lot• 1 to 15 inclueive; 19 to 46 inclueivea Block 11. Lota 1 to 46 inclueiYe of each of Block• 13 to 34 inclueive. Lota 1 to 48 inoluaive of each of a ·1ocke 35 to 33 inclueive. Lote 10 to 48 inclu•iY~ of Block 33. Lots 1 to 48 incl·'1e1Ye of Block 34. Lots 14 to 40 inclu•ive of Block 35. Block A. Being all •••••eable property in the Trunk Line Sanitary S..er Oiatrict lo. I, Inglewood, Colorado. Tr t th• kind of taprOYementa propoeed in aa1d Truritline Sanitary Sewer Diatr14 lo. T lnglewoOd, Colorado, ar~ as followe: The Trunkline san1atary Sewer Di•triot No. 1, 1• to be conetruoted in aooorclan .. •1th the aapa, pland ana •i>ecificatione of tbe City lnginaer heretofore adopt- ed and approYed by the City Council in a re1ular adjouaned .. •tinf ccmYened on Auguat 3rd, 1931, together with appurtenance• thereto and all inc dental• nec- eaeary to eaid im~rovementa. That th• eetimated and probable coat or aaid improYe .. nt• with the appurtenance• ie One Rundred Sixty-aeven Thousand Two Rwidr~d rorty-one Dollare and 81nety- four cent• (1167,341.94) which amount inclu4•• the aum of 190,454.44 to be paid o the City and Cou3ty of Denver for right to connect with tbe diecharge ... •r- age into Denver'• Banitary Sewer at Jewel Avenue and South Delaware 8tr .. t•, Denver, Colorado. That the aaxiuau prob -ble coat per lot or taaot of land twenty-five (15). feet·-.. by One ijui)clred Twenty-five (135 ·) fe et, exclua1ve of etreeta and alley• ·ae 9hown y th• ••timate of the City Engineer to be a•••••ed upon the reapectiY• lot9 or paroele of land in said proposed dietrict i• ••timated to be Thirteen and no-100 .. 241 . -~ . ' . :. ··~~ .. ~ -.. . ; .. ~ ; ·. ..-_,.· . ·- ~, . . Jo! ... :. 242 (113.00) Dollar• for each of aaid lot• or tract• of land. (All of aa1d eatimatee of ooet bein& excluaive of the coat of inepeotion, oollecticn, indidental• and intereet, which ehall not exceed aix per cent). That the maai•tlll probable coat for eaeh tr&ct of land within aaid die~rict ie ehcwn by th• aa111ement roll pr~pared by the Engineer for the Truntlin• Sani- tary Sewer Dtatriot Ro. 1, Inglewood, Coloradc, which eame ia on file with th• Clerk ot aaid City and which l• hereby made a part of thie notice ~~ greater oertain~y and can be aeen by anyone inter11ted •• hereinafter 1tat1d. (All of aaid 11timate1 of coat being exclueiYe of the coat ot inspection, colleoticm, - inoidentale and intereat, which ahall not exceed 6 per cent) That to th• &bOT9 mention8d total amount and th~ reepective po1'tiona thereof 10 to be a11e111d upon the reepect1Y• lote and tract• of land in aaid d11triot, ae aforeaaid, or eo much ther~o taa aahll be neceeaary to pay the actual ooet ot eaid iipro111m1nte and the general expenaee, there will be -*led aix per oent ~~r the coat ot inepection, collection and other inoid1ntal1, and that tber• al aleo will b• added and included intereat to the ~ 1ucc1eding date when by the law• of tbej8tate of Colorado, general taxee, or the firet ineta11 .. nt thereof, are payable. That the total actual coat of 1aid irurr0Ye .. nt1, toaether with intereat at the rate of eix per oent, per annum on the bond• ieaued in pay~•nt thereof and the ~ercentum added for coet of inapection, collection, eto., aa. afroeeaid, will be aeeeeeed againet the aforeeaid r:eal eatate. That the eaid aaaeeament will be due and payable without demand within thirty day• from andlltter the ti e when the aeeeaaing ot the whole actual coet of aaid i~rOYe .. nta a1ainet aaid real ••~ste •hall beoome ef~ectiae and intoroe1 pro- Yided, however, that any owner aho ehall pay hie full ae .. aa .. nt within a per- iod or thirty daya thereafter eh&ll be entitled to an_allowanoe of fiye per oent of th• amotnt ao ••••••ed againet hie property and paid by hi•J or in oaae any owner of real eetate ehall fail to pay the whole of tuoh ae8111 .. nt aaat.net hie property within thirty daya fro~ and after the a•••••ing ordinance &8•• in& the eame ekall haYe become effectiYe and in force, then the wbol• coat of d ia- proveirente eo ae•eeeed againet hie property, ehall be payable in twenty (80) equal annual in1tallment• of the principal, with inter3•t upon the unpaid in- etallmente, payable eemi-annually at the rate o! aix per oent per annum; the f i rat of such inetall~ente of ea1d principal ~ill be due and parable upon the next aucceed i ng date or after the paeeage of the a•••••i~g ordir.ance upon which general taxee, or the first installment thereof, are ~J •he law• of the State of Colorado made payable, and the remainder ct eaid inetalla.ente ehall be due ad and 'ayable on the •~~~ day in each year thereafter until all are paid in full. That a map -! ••id propeeed dietrict showin: the exterior boundal'i•• thereof and locating •aid ii ~rovemente; epeciticaticna and d•t~il• tor the construction of eaid improven.ent•; the schedule& of lote and tract• of land in eaid diatr:ct and the e1timatee of the Engineer of the coet ot eaid 11prOYemente, from which the 1hare ':f the eetin.~ted coat of aaid improvementf:! that will be aeeea11d against each piece o~ real eetate in aaid Jietrict may be readily ascertained; and all reaolutiona and prodeedinga or the City Council of 1aid city relating to aaid p ropoeed iml>rovemente therein a~e r.r'l file in the office of the City Clerk and can th .o.re be seen and exan1ined by any pereon intere1ted during ·.ltu8inee1 hour• of any day on er be~ore and until the hour or •ix o'Gloet in the afternoon of Monday the 12th day of September A. o., 1921. That at eaid time all co~plaints and objection• that may be made in writing con- cerning the propoeed iiprovemente by the ow~er, or owner• of any real estate to be aeaea•ed, or any peraon or persona, intereeted generally, will ·b• heard and deter~i~ed by the City Council of aaid City of Englew~od before final action of such Council thereon, and th~t at eaid tirr.e, to-wit at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M. on Mon1ay, the 12~h day of Sep~e~ber, A. D. 1921, and after the determin- ation of all complaints and objections ao made, ea~d City Council will tale up and consider an ordinance c~•ating said Jietriot and ordering the imprOTements herein proposed. Oated th 1• 3rd day of Auguat, A. D. 1921. (CTTY SEAL) T. Jf. NOONON City Clerk and Recorder of the City of InglewoOd, Colorado. Firet Publication, Augu•t 5, 1921. Laat Publication, Au guat 26. 1921. I I Paa•ed and adopted by the City Council o: the City of inglewocd,· thie 3rd day or I Auguat A. D., 1921. J. W. llt~RAY ATTl:~T: T. 11. NOON AW city 11erk and R~corder. Ttereupon Counoila.an Cole mov!'! that the abo,.re resolution just read by the clerk be adopted aa read. Councilman Culliaon seconded eaid moticr.. Up roll call the Councilmen preeent vote1 ae follows: C. t. Cole, Aye; J. E. Culliaon, Aye; J. a. Eagleton, Aye; G. A. Thompson, Aye; A. 0. Tiedt, Aye; 5 Ayea llayor BO Nayee, none Ordered. . ' ... I I I I I The Clerk etated that the City lngineer did on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1921 ~ile in the cffice of said Clerk detaila of hie eurvey together with hie mapa, plane and apeci ~icat ione ror the c·on1truc-t ion of a Lat~ral 8ani tary Sewer Di1- trict No. t, Englewooi, Colorado, to be ~onetruct~d within the City of Engle- wood in full compliance with a resolution of th• Council duly adopted at a re- gular adjourj9d meetin6 thereof held 1~ the City . Rall of eaid CitJ on the a&tb day o f July A. o. 1931, tog~ther with an eetiniate of the colt of 1aid iiprOY•- ment• showing the approximate amount t o be aeeeeeed upon each lot or tract ot land within aaid dietrict, .,hich the •aid Clerk then and there preeented to thi• board. The Clerk ws1 then 4netructed to, and did, read eaid details and epecification• and the bGa•d having carefully and fully exaained th• 1ame, together with aaid 1Bpe of eaid dietrict and said etatem9nt showing the approxinate amount to be aeeeeeed upon each lot or tract of l~nd within said dietriot. W'Rt.1\EUPON, Councilman Cole indroduc•• the following reaolution and order. RF~OLUTlO~. At>OPTTNC ~!TATLA AIO s~ECT~tCATTONS V0R TRF CREATYO!" or Allt~:'IOVEMENT ntaTRtCT m Tur. CTTY or E~GLFWOOO, ~.RAPAH"F. C'JUNTY, COLCF.ADO TO BE 01 AS ·LATERAL ~AP.TTA~Y ~rtrFR ~TSTRTC'Y' NO. t. ENGLE•ooo, COLORADO, ·AND ORDIRtW~ PUBLYCA~tol or NOTTCE TO THE Owtn:P .~ 091" THE PRO~ERTY TO BE AA~IJSED l'OR TRI tMPROVEUENTS TO PE MAOF TN SATry DT$Th1CT. WJ;EREAS, by a reaolution paeeed anj adopted at an adjourned regular meeting or the City Council o! the City of Englewood, held on the a5th day of July A. D. 1931, a preliminary ord•~ was made for the creation of an inprovement district in the City ~r Snglewood, to be known ae the Lateral aanitary Sewer District, Wo. t, Englewoo.i, Colorado, and deacribing the propoaed boundariee thereof and directing the City Engineer to make the nece•aary preliminary eurveye, eat.iaatee and mapa a1 requir•d by the proviaion• of Chapter 151 of the Seeeion Lawe ot the State of Colorad : paeeed at the Tw9lfth Seaeion of the General Aeeembly thereof, and all amend ment• •hereof, an.i Wff!REAS, Glen A. Tzett, the City Engineer, in pureuanoe of the orders in eaid reaolution made, hae reported to thia Council the completion of all matter• and th1nga in eaid re1olution enjoined uprn h1~, in the form and manner aa therein directed, all of eaid data ~eing now on file with the City Clerk in completed form and eubet~nce ae b y aa1d orders and by law required; and -.HE P.EAn, it appear• to this counci.1 and thie council doe• hereby find, from aaid mape, certificate• and survey, echedulea, plane, epecffication• and approx- imations o~ coat eo preparsd ani filed by ea11 Engineer, ae aforesaid; That eaid propoeed Lateral Sanitary ~ewer Di~trict, No. t, Englewood, Colo- rado, i• compoeed of all the lots embrac•d within th& boundaries hereinafter and in aaid ~ap an~ surveyor'• certiricat~ deacrib~d, ae ~ollowa, all in the City of !nglewood, in the County cf Arapahoe and ~t~te of Colorado, to-wit: Beginning at the interaection of the cent~r line of te1 •Yale Avenue and center line of So u th Elati Street; thence south along the center line fo South Elat1 Street to an i~teraection with the center line of Weat Dartmouth Avenue; thence ea1t along center ·line of West Dartmouth AVenue to an inter•••tion with the weet line of aouth Delaware Str9et; thence So·.Jth along the west line of j8outh Detawar • Street extended to a point whibh ie ~ne hundred (100) feet eouth of the aouth li r.e of Weet Dartmouth Avenue; thence east along a line which i• parallel to and 100 feet aouth ot South line of Weet Dartmouth Avenue to an intereection with the center line of South Cherokee Street; thence eouth along the center line ot South Cherokee Street to an intereection with the center line of Weet EaetJl&ft AYenue; thence eaet along the ce~t~r line of West Eaetaan Avenue to an inter- eection with the extended center line of Alley in Block Two (a) s. G. Hamlin'• Broadway Addition; thence acuth along the center line of alley tn block two (2) anj center line of alley 4xtended to an intereection with the southerly bank of the City o ~tch; thence aouthweaterly along the eoutherly bank of City Ditoh to an intereection with the center line of South Delaware Street; thence eouth a along the center line of South Del ·aware Street to an intersection with the center line of West Quincy Avenue; thence eaet along the center line of Weet Quincy AYenue to an interaeotion with the center line of ~South Broadway; tbeno• aouth along the c~nter line of aouth Broad•~Y to• point whioh ie three hundred (300) feet eouth of cthe eouth 1 ine of Eaet Qu incy Avenue; thence eaat alon g a 11 ~• wh i ch i• rarallel to and three hundred (300) feet south of the aoutb line of Eaet Quincy Avenue to an interaection with the oenter line of South Lineoln atreet; thenc~ north along the center line of Bouth Lincoln Street to an inter- eect ion with the center line or East Prin1ton Avenue; thence east along the center line or Eaet Prineton Avenue ·to an inter•~ct!o n with the center line of South Logan Street; thenoenorth alor.g th9 centsr of South Logan Street to an intereect ion •~th the c~nter line of laat Naaeau Avenue; thence weet along the center line or laet Waeeau Avenue to an inter•~ctton with the center line · of South 6her ~an Street; thence north along th~ center line of South Sh•rman 8treet to an inter•~ction with the center li~e j or laat ~anefield Avenue; thence we•t al~g the center line of Eaet Yanefield Avenue to an interaeotion with the oen- ter line of South Broadway; thence north along the c~nter line of South Rroad- way to an intereeotion with the center line extended of Eaay lenyon Avenye; thence ea•~ along the centtrr line extended of !aet lenyon Avenu. to an inter- 1ect ion with the center line e xtendeJ of South Lincoln Street; thence north along the center line or aouth Lincoln ~treet extended to an inter1ection with a line which i• three hundred' and eight (308) feet eouth of th• aouth line of la1t Rampden Avenue; thence eaet~rly to an int~reection with the center 11 .. of South Pearl Street at a point which i• three hundred (300) feet eouth of th• aouth line of Eaat Hampden Avenue; thence north along the center line ot South Pear 1 Street to an intereection with the center line of laet Hampden Aven\W; thence eaat along the center line of Eaet ijampden Avenue to an interaeotion •1th the center line of jlouth Clarkeon Street; thence north along the center line ot 8outh Clarteon Street to an inter•~ction with the center line otjlaet r.1014 Ave- nue; thence weet along the center line of laet r1oyd AYenue to an inter .. otion with the center line of ~outh Pennaylvania Street; thence north along the center . ·.:· -.. 244 lin~ or South Penneylvania ~treet to an 1ntereeot1on with the center line ot eaet Eaetman Aven ue; thence weet •long the center 11~• of Eaet laetman Avenue to an in- tereection with the center line or South Logan Street; thence north along the ce n- ter line c~ South Logan 3~19et to an intereection with th• center line ot la•t Y Tale Avenue; thence weet along the center 11• of Eaet Tale Avenue and Weat Yale Avenue to the point of be&inning. ' 'OtfDWtNG t~·A OESCRtPTtON 07 LO'l'B 'ANO PARCEL~ 0' LAND TNOORPORATED YR TRE LAT- ERAL 8ANYTART srUR or:;TRTCT NO. y. CTTV or E'lGLIWOOO, COLORADO. ANNANDALE Lota l to aa inclu•ive of each or Block• 7 to 10 inclueive. ITLLT!'~ auB-OTVT~TO! Re•8ub-Divie1cne of Block• 5 anJ 8; Lot• 1 to 34 inclu•ive of each of Block• 1 too 4 inclueive. Re-8ub-01viaiona of Lot• a and 3 now known •• Block 1 and a; Lota 1 to 48 inclu- •ive of each of Block• 1 and a. Re-Sub-Diviaione of Lots 6 anJ 7 now known ae Block• 3 and •; Lot• l to 48 inolu-'I •ive or each of Block• 3 ani 4. STRAYER'~ BROADWAY WEYOJfT~ Lota 1 to 48 inclueive or each of Block• 1 to 8 inch.i'e ive. ROIW'S ADDTTTON TO !WGLIWOOD, COLORADO Lot• 1 to •e inclueive of each ot Block• l to 9 1nclue1ve. WE~T VTEW AOOTTTOM TO !!IGLIWOOD Lote 1 to 50 inolu•ive of each ofBlocke 1 to 4 inclueive. Lote 1 to •a inclueive of each of Blocks 5 to 7 inclueive. Aleo a parcel of land de•cribed ae followe: Beginning at a point which ia the in- tsr•ection of We•t Girard AVenue with a line which i• parallel to and twent1-•is feet eaet of the wset property line of ~outh la•hi~gton Street; thence eaat along the center line of weet Girard Avenue 300 feet to an intereeotion with th• weat property line of South Clarkaon a~•eet; thenc4 •outh along the weet property line o! South Clarkeon 635 feet to an interaection with the north property line~of •••t ~ampden Avenue: thence weet along the n ~rth p roperty line of Weat Rampden AYenue 300 ~eet to a point as f~•t east of the weet property line of South Washington atreet; thence north along a line parallel to and 36 feet •••t of thw eetproperty line of South Wa8hington Street 635 feet to the point of beginning, exclueive of etreeta and all•Y•· PREMTE'R ADDTTTON A parcel of l A.nd deecribe:l a.s followe: Beginning at a point with is the intereeg- tion of the •outh property line of 'loyd Avenue with the eaet property line of _outh Erosjway; th~nce east along the e ~uth .rop~rty line of Vloyd Avenue 355 feet; thence •outh 135 fe8t; thence weet 355 feet tc an intereection with the eaet property line o# South Broadway; thence north alon g thl! e aat property line of South Broadway 125 feet t o point of beginnirg, exclusive of 1treete and alleye. A parcel of l!.nd deecri~d a• follna: Beginriing at a _.oint which ie on the south pro- perty line of r1oyd Avenue and 355 feet east of the eaet property line of South Broad- way; thence ea•t along the eouth property line of 'loyd Avenue 195 feet; thence aouth 135 fe~t; thence weet 195 fe9t; th8noe north 135 feet to point of beginning, excluaiYe of •tree t a an1 alleye. · A parcel of land deaoribed a. follow•: Beginning at a point which i• the interaeotion o~ the •outh property line of r1oyd Avenu• with the•••t propertJ line of South 8ber111m Street; tbenoe •••t along the eouth property •••• ~t r10Jd Avenue 160 feeta ~hence •outb 135 feet; theno• eaet 160 feet to 1.n 1. nt•r•~at i ?n ··~ 4;h 4=h9 ... ,, at ,r. J::>.,!"'ty 1 iri11t ot South ~erman Street; thence north along th• weet property line of South Sherman Street 125 ~eet, to the po5nt o~ beginning, exolueive of •treeta and alleya. A p reel of land de•cribed ae follows~ Be g inning a t a po ~nt en the east property line of Scuth Broadway which ie 125 feet •Outh of the aouth property line or rloyd AYenue; I I hence east 610 feet to an intereection with the weat property line of South Sherman Avenue: thence aouth along _ the •~at property .line or aouth Sherman Street 194 feet; I thence west 610 feet to an intersection wjth the eRAt property line o! South Broadway; thence ncrth along the east prcpert :r 1 i n'9 'J f South Broadway 194 feet to point of be- ginning exclusive of atreete and alley•. A p ~cel of land deecribed ae followa: Be g inning at a point which i• on the eaet property line of South Broadway and 319 fe Qt ecuth of the eouth property line of Floyd AYenue; thence eaet 459 feet; thenoe eouth 100 feet; thence weat along the north lot line• o~ Lot s. Block 3 and lots ac and 5, Block 4 to an intereection with the e&at property l ~r.e of South Broadway; thence north along the eaet pre~erty line of 'South Broadway 100 feet to tte poi~t of beginning, exclueive of alleys and •treete. · I A parc9l or land deecribed aa follow•: !egiooing at a point on the •••t property line oa South ~h rman $treet which ie 319 feet aouth of the south property line of TlOyd Avenue: thence west 151 fe~t; thence eouth 100 feet; thence eaet along the north lot line of Lot 20, Block I, 151 feet to an inter•~otion .with the weet property line o! South Sherman Street; thenc• north along the W4et property line r f South Sher11a11 Street 100 fe•t t o point of beginning, exclu1ive of 1treet• and alleya. A _arcel of land deecribed ae followa: Beginning at a point on the eaat property line or ~outh Broadway which ie 197 feet eouth of the •outh property line of Girard Avenue; thence eaet along the eouth lot line• of lota 8 and 17, Block 6, and lota 8 and 17, Plock 6, 611 feet to an intereeotion with the weat property line or South Sherman Street: thence eouth along the w et prope r ty line or South Sherman Street 100 feet; t hence weet 611 feet to an intereection of the east .roperty line of South Broadway: thence north along the ea•t property line of8outh Broadway 100 feet to the p ~int of beginni ~g, exclueive o! 1tre~t1 and alleys. · A parcel o! land de•cribed a1 follow1: EeitnniJW at a point whiob ie on the east ' property l i ne of South Broadway and 154 feet north of the north prQPerty li r e of HamP- den Avenue; thence eaet 611 feet; to an int~r•~ction with tbe •••t property liae of . ~cuth Sher man Street; thence north along the weet property line of South Sherman Street I I I I I 154 feet; thence west 611 feet to an intersection •1th the ea.et prorerty line of South Dtoadway; thenc~ eouth along the east property lir.e o f South Broadway 154 feet to pcine o~ b'6inring, exclusive o~ atre~t• an1 ~lleya. A parcel of land deecribed a1 followa: Eeg~nning at a point which is on the eaet pro- perty l 1ne o! :;outh Bro3.dway and 104 fel!t north or the n0rth property line of Hampden Avenue; th~nc~ eaat 125 feet; thence ncrth 5C !eet; thence weet 125 feet to an inter- aeoticn with the eaet prop~rty line of ~outh Eroadway; thence eouth along the eaet pro- erty line of ~outh Broadway 50 feet to the point or beginn~ng, exqlueive of etreete and al leva. A parcel ct land deacri~ed ae followe: Beginning at a point which is 104 feet north or t~e ncrth property lir.e of R~rnpden Avenue and 135 feet eaet of the eaat property line of South Broadway; thence east 66 feet; thence ·north 50 feet; thence weet 66 feet; th4nc! eouth 50 feet to point of be ~in~ing, exclua1~e o~ etreete and alleye. A parcel of' ls.nd deecribed as follr-wi:.: Beginning at a point which i• on the eaet pro- ~erty line ~~ ~outh Broadway and 79 feet n~rth of th• north prop~rty line of Rampden Avenue; thence east 191 feet; thenc9 north 25 ·re~t; thence weet 191 feet to an inter- eect ion with the east propetty line of' 9outh Broadway; thence aouth along the eaat pro- p erty line of ~outh Broadway 25 feet to point of beginning, inclusive of atreete and alley•. A parcel of land deaoribed ae followa: Beginning at a po~nt which ia on the •llt pro-· perty line of aouth Broadway and 27 feet north of the north property line of Rampden AYenue; thence eaat 125 feet; thenc~ north 52 feet; thence we~t 125 feet to an inter- aecti on cf the eaat property line of South Broadway; thence aouth along the •••t pro- · perty l~ne of gouth Broadway 52 feet to point er beginning. A parcel of land described as follows: Seginning at a point which ie the interaeotion of the n ~rth property line or Hampden Avenue with the eaat property line of aouth Eroad- way; thenoe ea~t along the north pr cp erty l ne of Rampden Aven,. 125 feet; thence north 37 feet; thence weet 12G feet to an i~t~r•ection with the east property line cf South Broadway; thence acuth along the eaet property line of South Broadway 8? feet to point of begir.nir.g. A ~aroel of' land deacr~bed as follow•: Beginning at a point which i• on the ncrth pro- perty line of Hampden Avenue and 135 feet east of the eaet ·prop~ty line of South Broad- way; thence eaet along the north pr perty line o~ Rsmpden Avenue 56 feet; thence north ·19 feet; thence weat 56 feet; thence eouth · 9 feet tC' point of beginning. A parc4!l of land deecribed a1 follows: Ee_,inning at a point which ie on the north pro- perty line o~ Rampden Avenue and 191 reet eaat of th9 ~aat property line of South Eroad- way; thence eaet alon; the north property l~n~ of Hampden Avenue 50 feet; thence north 154 feet; thenc• weet 50 feet; thence acuth 154 te t to point of beginning. A parcel f land deacribed ae follow•: Be gi nni"g at & roint which is on the north pro- e rtv lin~ or R&mpden Aven~e and 241 feet east or the eaat property line of South Broad- way; thenc! ea et along the ncrth porpe rty line of Ffampden Avenue 50 feet; thence north 154 feet; thence weat 50 r~et; thenc~ eo~th 154 ~eet to point of beginn~ng. A parcel of land deacr~bed a1 follow•: Ee j inn~ng at a poin~ which is on the nortt pro- perty l r.~ cf Hampden Avenue ani 5 feet •~at of the center line, produced, of South Li coln Street; thence east along the n ortt. property lin~ o! Hampden Avenue 50 feet; thence north 154 feet; thenc~ west 50 fe8t; thence aouth 154 feet ·to point of beginning. A parcel o! land Describei ae follow1: Beginning at a point which i• en thl north pro- perty line of Ramp .jen Avenue and 45 fe~t east or the center line of South Lincoln Street, p roduced; thence eaet along the ncrth property line of Hampden Avenue 170 feet; thence north 154 feet; thence w~~t 170 r~et; th~nce aoath 154 fe~t to point of Beginning, ex- clueive of str~ete and alleye. A parcel c ~ land deeoribed as follows: E e ~inning at a point which is the interaeotion or the north property lir.e of Rampden Av~nue and west property line of South Sherr&n; +hence north along •~et property lir.e of j Scuth Sherman 154 feet; thence •~•t 100 feet; thence aouth 154 feet to intersection of ncrth property ltne of Rampden Avenue; thence eaet along north property line of Hampden Avenue 100 feet to point of beginning. Aleo Lots 1 to 48 inclusive of each of jBlocke 1 and a. L~ta 5 to ao inclueive of eaoh of Blocks 3 and 4; Le a 1 to 8 and 1 7 to 31 inclusive of each c f Blocks 5 and 6 . Lota l to 48 inclueive of each of Slooke 7 and 8. BTRCR'~ ADD!TTON TO SOUT~ BBOAOWAY RETGRT$ Lo • l to 5 incl~eive of Block l. Lo•a 1 to 12 inclusive and lota 39 to 50 inclusive o~ Btock 2. irch'a Addition tc South Broadw~y Reighte, being the aecond filing; Lota l to 12 in- elu•ive anj Le e 39 to 50 inclusive of each ot 5Blocte 3 and 4. ~tGGH1' 9 F.t.lQE~WOOO GA~DE~!$ Lot• l to 13 incl~eive an d Lota 39 to 50 inclusive of each of Block• 3 and 4. 1 .aroel of land d~1cribed a1 follow•: 9eginning at a point whi~h ie the inter•ection o! the eaet property line of South Broadway with the center line of Jeffereon AYenue; thence ea along the center line of Jeffereon Avenue 396 feet, more or leaa, to an int•r•9ction with the center line or 9outh Lincoln Street prcd.uo~d; thence aouth along the center lin~ of South Lincoln Street produeed, 660 feet, m~re or leas, to an inter- ••ct ion with the center line of lae t renyon Avenue produced; thence •••t al~g the cen- ter line c f taet Kenyon Av~nue, pro1~ced, 296 feet, more or leee, to an intereection with the eaet property lir.e of ~outh Broad••Y; thence north along the •a•t prqperty line of South Broadway 660 feet, mowe or leaa, to a point of beginning, exclusive of etreete and alleys . qoUTH RROAOWAV 'iETGRT~ Lota l to 46 incJuaive of each of Elocka 7 to 12 inclusive and of Block& 21 to 25 in- cl uai ve; Lota 1 to 12 inclusive ~n Elock 40; and 37 to 48 inclusive in Block •o. TERRY'S ADOTTTO i Leta l to 4e inoluaive of each o~ Blocks l and 3. L~ e 1 to 48 inclusive or each of Blocks 9 to 16 inclusive. 3. G. RAMLtN'~ ADDTTTO! & inclu@i ve of each n f Slccke 3 ~nrt 4. 245 ' . ~PEER'S EROADWAY ADnTTTON Lott 1 tc 48 inclusive of Block• 17 to 34 inclusive; and a parcel cf land deeqribed a• fcllo••: Beginning at a roint which is the intereecticn of the weet property 1 ine produced of So th Delaware ~treet with the south property line of lest Dartmouth Ave- nue; thence eae t along the· •outh pronerty l ir.e of 1feet Dartmouth Avenue 335 'feet to l!n 1 .. tereec 1 ~ witt: a li"'e ·wr.1ch ia jz:ar!illel to and 11 feet east of the weat pro:g:erty line of aouth Cherokee Street; thence south along aaid deeoribed line lCO feet; thence weet 335 ·~et to an int•raec~ior. with the west property line Oroduoed of South Delaware ~treet; thence north along the weet p ro ~erty line produced of South Delaware Street 1 0 eet to -o nt o~ '9ginning. RE~'~ AO TT Tm Lots l •o 48 inc1ueive cf each of Blocks l to 3 inclusive. ~. G. RAMLTN'~ AOnTTTOR Lot a 13 to 24 ir.clueive of !lock 2; Lota 1 to 34 of each of Blocks 3 and 4. A parcel of lanj deecr1bed ae fol owe: Beginning at a point which i• on the •••t pro- perty lir.e of Bouth Broadway ani·SE>a.7 feet south of th~ eouth prop~rtv line of Eaet- ~an A•enue; thence ecuth along the •e~t property line of ~outh Broadway 146 feet; therce. eet 568.9 f eet; thenc~ eouth 16 ~ feet t r. an in~e~e~ction with the center line, pro- juced, or Tloyd Avenue; th~nce west along the center line, produced, of r1oyd Avenue 321.4 feet; thence ncrth 330 ffet; thence east 789.5 feet to point of beginning , exclu- eive o~ etreete anj alleys. A parcel or land described as follow•: Beginning at a point which ie on the weat pro- perty l~ne o' South Brcadway and 75 fe'!t north or the center line pro1uoed ot Floyd Ave- n •; th~nce ~et aa o feet; th~nce nnrth 107 f,,et; thence eaet 378.7 feet to an inter- eecticn with the west r roperty line of ~outh Broadway; thence eouth along the weat pro- erty 11r.e of South Broadway 107 feet to point of beginning, exclusive ot atreeta and alleve. · A parcel ot la~d j eecrit~d ae follows: Beginnin~ at a point which 1• the 1ntereeot1cn o~ the center line, produced, of ~loyi Av~r.ue with th• weet proQtrty .line of South Rros way; thence west along the center lir.e produced, of 'loyd Avenue 568.l teet; thence north 183 feet; th~nc" eaet 288.3 feet; thence south 107 feet; thence eaat 380 feet to an int,,reecticn •;th the weet p ro :--ertv lin'! of ~outh Broadway; thence aouth alo g the w"et property lire o f ~outh Broadway 75 reet to point of be g inning, exclu- sive of etreete and a!leys. A parcel of land deecrib•1 as !~llows: Beginning at a po!nt which ie the intereection f th~ ce~ter line, pro1uced, c~ Tloyd Avenue wi h the weet property 11719 of South eroadway ~ thence •~•t alo n~ the center li ~e , projuced, of 'loyd Aven\le 611.a teet; thence eouth 332.8 feet; the~~e eaa t 611.2 feet to an intereect1on with tt.e weet prc- ~rt lir.~ o! ~outh Broadway; trence n cr ~ alor.g the w~•t property 11~e of aouth Broad- way 333.8 f'!e ~o p~int of beginnin g , excl1~ive of etreete and alleys. A parcel of lar.1 deecribei ae follows: Ee.inning at a p ojnt which ie the interaection of t he ac,J+-h property 1 ins pro.iuced, of F'lO'/d Avi,n 11e with a l ir.e parallel to and 19. a feet w~•~ o~ +ho!! ea1t pro:--ertv line, p roduced, of 30 1.i th Bannock Street; thence weat along he eouth property lin~ projuced of ~loyd Avenue, 176.3 feet; thenc• ecuth 302.8 feet; thence eaa~ 176.2 to an intereecticn with a line .Parallel to and 19.a feet weat o~ the ea t prope r ty :ine ~reduced of ~outh Bannock ~treet; thence north along the aaid deacribed line, produced, of South Ban~ock ~treet 302.8 feet to point of beginning, exclueive of etreete and alleys. A parcel of lsnd descrir.~1 ae follows: B ~e 1nnin~ ~t a p oint wh;ch ie the intersection c,~ the n orth property l ir.e of Giarard Av~n · .. e with the W4'11Jt prc~erty l i "'8 of' South Broad- way ; thence •~et along the north property line of Girard Avenue 544.8 feet; thence r.crth alor;g th~ eae~ lot line o~ Lote 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38-rlcod Addition-306.2 f~et; thenc~ east 544.8 fe~t to an inters~ction with the west property liee of South Broadway; thence acuth along th~ west ~ro ~erty line of ~outh Broadway 306.2 feet to poi- nt o! beginnin~, exclusive of etreete and alley1. A parcel o# land deecrited ae follows: Beginning at a ~oint which ie on the north roperty lire o! Ram~d•n ATenue ~nd 243 feet west of the weet property line of South Broadway; thence north 605.8 feet to an in•e secti on with the south pr cperty line of Weet Girard Avenue aa·o ~eet ~hl!tnce weet alon the aouth property line of Weet Girard Avenue 38 0 'eet th8nc~ south along the ~aet lot lines o~ Lots 23 to 32 inclua1Te, r1ood AdJiti on, 605.6 feet to an intersection w1th the north porperty li 111 of Hampden AYenue; thence eaet alon g the north property line of Ra~pden Avenue 280 feet to point o~ be g innin _. ;'LQOIJ AO!) TT TON Lota l to 38 inclusive, tnoo n ADDT1'TOM A .arcel of land deecribed aa follows: Be ~inning at a point which ia on the north roperty line of' Hampden Aven _.e and 143 feet we1t of the west jproperty line of South Brcadway; thence north 605.6 feet t an intereection with the eouth _roperty line of I I l '·. · 1 · Weit 01rard Avenue; thence west along the south rroperty line of Weet Girard AYenue I 1 O feet; thence south 605.6 feet to an intersect.ion with the north property line or •e•t R'mp en Avenue~ thence east along t~e n~rht property line otffaampden ATenue 100 feet to the p oint or beginning. A rarcel of l ~nd deecrib~d ae follows: Be ~inning at a poi rt which i• on the west pro- _erty line o' ~outh Broadway and 300 feet north ot th~ north pro~erty line ot leet Ham- pden Avenue; thence weet along the north lot line of Lot 36, 135 feet: thence north 14.6 fe et; thence eaet along the south lot line or Lot 37, 125 feet to an intereeotlon with •he weat property line of South ~roadway; thence eouth along the weat ~rope*tJ line of South Brosdway 14.6 feet to poi n t of beginning. Lota 35 to 48 inclueiYe. A parcel of land deacribed aa follow•: Beginning at a point which 1• an 1ntereeotion of the weet property line of South Broadway with the eouth !)roperty line ot Ruapden Avenue thence eouth along the W4at pro~erty line of ~outh Broadway 0150 feet, more or l•••, to an intereecticn with the north property line or aheridan atreet; thence northwesterly along the north prqpeity li~e of Sh•ridan Street 300 feet, more or leae, 130 feet, more or leee, and 110 f.,.t, m~re or leee, to an intereeotion with the aouth property line of I I I , ·I. I 24 ·~ . . ' ~I ' Hampden Avenue; thence ea1t along the 101.Jth prcperty line of Rupden 510 feet, more or le11, to point of beginning, exclutti•e o~ 1tr4et1 and a lleye. A parcel of landdettcribed aa follow•: B4ginning ~ta point which ie the -interaection of the center line of aouth Acoaa ~street with t~e aouth property line ot Sheridan Ave- nue; thence northwe1terly 150 feet, more or le11, and 190 feet, a.ore or lee1, to an in- ter1ection with the 1outh property 11~• or Raq,den AYenue; thence weet 190 r .. t, mare or le11, to an ntereection with the eentltr;ltne;··.prMueed, of the alley between South Cherokee 3tteet and South Ban~ock ltreet; thence we~~ 'long aaid deecribed line 1000 feet, more or l•••• to an interaection with the northweat border of City Ditch; thence in a northeaaterly eaet an1 aouthea1•erly direction meandering along the border ot City Ditch to an inter1eotlon with the center line of ~outh AoolNl 3tr .. t; thenoe north along the center line of ~aouth Acoma Street 610 feet, more or leee to point ot beginning. AqAnY ~TOE AOOTTTON Lot~ l to 50 1ncluei•e of Block l. Lote l to 8 inclueiT~ of Block 1 and ea1t half of Block 1 . Lote l to 16 inclusive of Block 3. Lot& 8 and 10 to 14 inclusive of Block 3. Lot@ 4 to 13 inclueive o~ Block 4. LotR l North and a aouth or Block 5. Lote Lot1 Lot Lots 1 to 16 9 to 13 1 to 48 l to 24 qAMTLTON & KlLLTE'~ BROADWAY RETG~TS i elusive o~ 9&ch of Block l ~o 3 inclus1Te. inclt1ive of Block 4. inclueiv~ of each of Blocks 5 to 8 inclusive. inclueiv~ o~ each of Blocks 9 to 13 inclusive. ,, A parcel of lanj deacribe1 as follows: Beginning at a point on the •~et pro erty line of ~outh Broadway 300 feet south of th~ south property line of Weet Lehigh Avenue; thence weet along the eou~h lot line of Lots 13 and 13 of Block• 9, 10, 11 and 12, Ramilton & llllie'• Broaiway Reighta, 1274 feet, m0re or leae, to an intereecgion with the center line of gouth Delaware 3treet; thence south along the center line of South Delaware St •et. 330 feet, mere or leas, to an intereecti~n with the c~nter i line of West Uanetield Avenue, thence ea& along the canter line of West ~anefield Avenue 1374 feet, more or lees, to an interaect 1 on with the we At property line of South Broadway; thence north along the weet pr~perty li~e of South Broadway 330 feet, more or lees, to 'pint of beginning, ex- cluai•e of 1treete and al leye. J ACK :=JOM' S BROADWAY REtCRTl1 Lot• 1 to 48 inclueive of each of Blocks l to 4 inclusive. Lot• 1 to 46 inclueiv• o~ each of Block 13 to 20 inolu1ive. Lote 1 to 48 inclueiv~ of each of Block as to 31 inclusive. eing all aeeeaeabl~ property in Later&l 3anitary ~ewerage Di1triot No. 1, City of Fnglewooj, Coloraio. That the e1timated :ind ::rcbabl" cost of said 1r proverr.ente with the ap i.urte!'!ances ie On~ P.a~1~•j Twenty-three thous~~j Nine Runred r·ve and 96/100 (1123,905.96) Dollars. T . t~e ~a~iffium probable coat per lot or tr~ct of lanj twenty-five (25) feet by One Run rej Twenty-five (125) f"!~t, e"{~l 1Jaiv~ of e-t:r4'ete and. alleys as shown by the es- ti ~e o ' t .e Cit • Engineer to h~ aaeessej upor. ~te reep~ctive lots 0r :parcels of land in eai ,1 pro!"cseJ J~etr~ct ia estin.atei to bl! Twent7-two ($~2.00) Dollars for each of P a~j lets or +rac a of land. ( All :aid estimates of ccat being exclusive of the coat of 1nspectiin, collection, ncidentala ar.d interest). h .,t tr.e maxi-a. probable co c-t eor each lot and for eaet tract of lnad within said 11atr.ct i• ahown by t~e aa1e11ment roll propared by the Engineer for the Lateral Sani- tary 3ewer D strict no. t, Englewood, Colorado which eame ie on file with the City Clerk of ea~d City anJ wh i ch aa~e is hereb• rrade a p~rt of thie notice for greater certainty anj can be aeen by anyone int~re1ted ae hereinart~r atated. (All eaid estimates of cost bein excl eive of the cost of inepection, collec~ion, incidentals and intereat.) •PFRr~oR: EF TT RF~OL 1 rry ?.Y ~H~ CTTY COUNCTL o~ TBF. CTTY 0' ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. l. Th~t th~ report ao made by Glen A. tzett, as engineer of eaid City, be and the •a ~~ ie hereby approv~1 ratified an1 ~onfirm~d. a. That ea d Engineer's report, together with the details, apecification1, eati• n:11t e1, mape an ·1 schedules pr.,~ar"j and filed with the Clerk of the City, be, and the eaa:.e are, h .,.. •r a.pprcve 1t &'!"'d adopte by t"1 ! e City Coun n 1, ae the details, pland, spec- 1 f1cat~one, ee in ... t~• and qt~riale, for use in the construction of the ia:provementa to e maje in the aa'd die~ri t, and th~ survey and map9 o~ said propsoed district to be a eurYey and map cf the Lateral ~~nitary ~ewer Di strict, No. t, Englewood, Colorado. 3. ha t the above mentioned total amo~~t and th~ reepectiv~ portion• thereof ao to b a11e1aed upott~e respective trac~a or l~nd in 1aid district, aa afore1aid, or ao much th9reof ae .. Yb necee1ary to pay the actual eoet of aaid improvement and the .. aeral expeneee, t~er8, be ~1d~1 aiv p~r centum fot ehc cos• of inspection, collection and oth~r 1nc119ntala, anJ that the~e aleo ce addea and included interest to the ne~ euc- ceeding 1ate w.1n b y the laws ~r the ~~ate cf Colorado g9neral taxee, or the ffrat in- atall~ent the eor, ar~ rayabl!. 1 4. Th t tt-e aaae11mer.ts shall be .i ~e and payable within thirty daye from and after the t a.e when the a1ee1eing ordina:'lce aaeeseing the whole actual ccet of aaid i•prcwe- a.ente againat aaid real eatate shall become effective &n·:i in force; prOYided, however, th~ any owner who ehall pay hie full aaeeaement within the period of thirty (30) days , t~ereafter a!:all be entitled to an allewance o t five per cent , o" the amount ao ••••••ed.· againE~ hi property an1 paid by him; or in caa" any owner of real ea+ate •hall tail to · ~ p y the whole of such aa1ee1ment agains• hie _rcperty within thirty (30) daya from and a f'tl!r the ••••s• 1ng ord in 3.nce ae el!tes ~ ng the a:ime eh all become effective and in force'· ' :-, . : : then tile whole coat or aai1 i~prov!ment~ sc aaseeaed againat hi• property ehall be pay- able in twenty equal annual inetalln~nte or the principal, with intereat upon unpaid 24 . 1netall~ente, ~a able eemi-annually at the rate of six per cent, per annum; the firet o! eaiJ inetall~ente of aa1J principal shall b~ due and payable upon the next euooeed- 1n1 date after t h e p aeeage of the a s eeaein g crdinanoe upon which ge~eral taxee, or the 'ire i n etallment ther9of, are, by th~ laws of the ~t~te of Colorado, made p!f'able, and the remainder or aaid inetallme~te shall be due and pay ~ble euceeeaively on the eame :!ay in eact. ear t~~:r~after until all are ~a ii in full. 5. That t t e Attorney fer the City be and hs ia hereby authorized and direc&ed to pr pare ar; _:Jtaance in c c nfor~ity with ~d under the prO'lisiona of an act of the General Aaeembly c f the St ate of Colcraio, entitled "An Act to Provide fot the Conetruction of Lo ~a1 Tmprover.enta in Citiee of all Claeaee having a Population of Lesa than One Hundred I Thoueaad, and Tncorpo~ated Towne, the Taauanoe of Loo&l !mprovement Bonde therefore, and the Aeeeaament ant P~yment of the Cost c~ said tmprovementa• approved April 8th, 1899, and all other aete of aa!d General Aeeembly ir. aid 'of aaid Act or Amendatory thereto, more particularly referring to an act of the O•neral Aaeembly of the . State ot Colorado, pa•••d at the ~ Seaeion thereof, entitled •An Aot Detlaring Valid Out- etanding Local tmproYement Bonda Teaued in Payment for Local Improvement• Conatruoted in Pur1uanoe of Chapter 151 of the I.aw• ,,.•B•·i at the Twelfth ~eeeion of the General Aaeem- bly of t~e ~tat~ of Colorado, Being "An Act tc Provide for the Con•truc•ion of Local Tmprcwemente in Citiea of ~11 Claaeea Rav1ng a Population of leaeethan One Hundred !hou-I eand, an ·:l Tneorporated Twone, thetsa:.iance of Local tmprovement Ben . a therefor and the Aa1e1ame r.t and Pay :ent o: th~ Cost of said lmprov~men~e• approved April 6th, 1899, and prov di~g ~ot the payment thereof, creating within the corporate limits of the ••i:d City or Englewoo.1, a local improvement district to be known as the Lateral Sanila1Y Sewer Dietrict lo. T, Englewood, Colorado and provijing in and by aaid ordinance for the con- atructicn in aaij diatrjct of eewer improvements, all aa in the petition for eai1 im- prOYemente eet #'orth and 1ieecrib~d, and in acoordancse with the plane and epecificationa, mape, detail• an1 eetimatee of the lngineer of eaid City hereinaboee referred to and now on ile in the of~ic~ o! the City Clerk; and iroviding that the Mayor advertise tor bide for tte C.netruction of .~aid Tmprovements ae re ·'.'lu red by Law. 6. That t h e eaid proposed ordi ranee be c1'nsid~red !or ;aaeage and adoption by ttl18 Cour.cil on Mc nday the 12th day of Septe~ber A. D. 1921. ? • Ttat not 1 V'! be 1 aeued by the City Clerk an .1 publ ieaed in the Englewood Herald a newapaper o Oener~l circulation in said City, therein giving notice to the o .. ere of the prQPert y to b e aaeeaaed, of the kin1 of i~provements proposed; thenumber of inatall- 111ente and the ti~ in "hich the cost of auch improvements will be payable; the rate of intereet on ~np~iJ and deferred inetallmente; the extent of the diatrict to be improved; the probable coet of euch i n prov~mente ae shown by the estimate• of the Engineer and the ••timated prob~ble ooet per lot or tract of land twenty-five (25) re~~ by One Rundred Twenty-five (135) feet ae shewn by the es~im~tee of said Engineer; the time aa hereinabov9 aet forth when an ordinance ordering the construction of eaid improvement in aaid dia- trict above proposed will be finally considered; that the map of aaid proposed dietrict, ehowin the exterior boundaries thereof and loc ating aaid i~provementa, and the e1timates I tn echedulea showing the amounta to b~ aeseeaed againet each lot or tract of land in said istriot a n:i that all r11ts~lutione anJ pro09edinga of th!• Council relat·ing to aaid propoeed improvement diatrict anj the proposed improvements therein are on file in and C&l'i be eeen and eaamined by any person interested, at the office of the City Clerk at any tiie prior to 6 o'clock P. U. on Monday the 12th day or September A. D. 1931; and that c omplaints anj objecticne that may be made in writing concerning the propaoed im- provesmnt by th owner, or owners o~ any r~al estate tr b~ aaaeaeed, or any peraon, or pereone, interee+~d generally, will be teard ani determined by thie Council before final action of euch Council thereon, and that at said time and after the determination of all ccm lai ta an objsot1ona so DB.de, thie Councjl will +,ake up and consider an ordinance creating eaid iietrict and order1~g the i111provementa herein propeeed. "" Br. T'T' li'URTif FR RE;oL~TED, that said notice to be ieeued by the City Clerk as aforetsaid, ahall be subatantially in the following form, to-wit: . OTT CE TO CREATE A LO L TVPROWME! • .,. lJ T.:;"'RrCT TN T~E' CTTV OF E~.,.OLEWOOD, COLOOADO, TO BE KNOWN' A~ T'fC' LATF.t:1AL ~.~TT"' ARY ~EfiR DT~TfPCT NO. T. FNnLF.1000, COLCRADO. AND TO MAKE CERTAIN ~EWER TVT'ROVEMF J T~ TN 3AT O l)T:;'j'~TCT. All ownere of the real eet~te and property which ia included in the boundarie• herein- after deeorib~j anj all pere c na generally are qEREBY NOTT'TEO that the City Coun•11 of the City of Englewood in the County of Arapah oe, and · a~ate of Colorado, purauant to the powers inveeted in in uder the laws of the ~tate of Color~do, hae adoJild full detail• and apelificationa f~r the conetruct·on of certain .... r i~provement• and appurtenance• I 1n and for a propoaed local improvement . district within the corporate limit• of the City of Englewood to be known as the Lateral ~anitary ~ewer District No. l, Englewood, Colo- rado, aaid illl!'rovement jietrict to be aeaeesed with the coat of said ~:provemente . con- aiating cf all lands lying wjthin the boundary 'line• of eaid proposed di1~rict, to-wit: Beginning at the interaection of the center line of lest Yale Avenue and center line of South Elati Street; thence south along the center l~n• o! South Elati Street to an inter- eection with the cent~r line of feet Dartmouth Avenue; thenoe ea•t along center line ot Weet Dartmouth Avenue to an int~reection with the west line of South Delaware Street; I thence eaat alon~ center line of South Delawar~ ~tre4t e~~•nd•d to a point which ia one hundred (100) feet eouth of the south line of •eat Dartmouth Avenue; thence eaet along a line h~ch ia parallel to and 1-00 feet aouth or South line of Weet Dartmouth Avenue to an intereection with the center line of South Qherokee Street; thence eouth along .the center line of South Cherokee Stteet to an interaection with the center line of West Eaat- ..-AYenue t an intereeotion with the extended center line of all•T in alock two ·(a) 8. G. Ramlin'• Broadway Addition; thence 1outh along the center line of alley in Block two (a) and center line of alley extended to an inter•~oti~n with the aoutherly bank of the City D tch; thence aouthwea~erly along the eoutherly bank of City Ditch to an interaection with the o~nter 11ne of South Delaware Street: thence eouth along the center line of Souih Delaware Rt eet to an intereecticn •~th th~ o~nter line of Weat Quincy Avenue; thence ea~t along the center lir.e of lest Quincy Avenue to &n int~r•ection with the center line or · South Broadway; thence eouth along the oenter line of South Broadway to a poi~t which ia three hundred (300) feet eoutb of the 1outh line of F.aet Quincy Avenue to an interaeotion with the center line of South L1ncoln Street; thence north along the center line ot a t South Lincoln ~tree to an inter• ction with th• center li~e of raat Prinaton AYenue; thence eaat along the cen~er line of Eaet PrinatonjAvenue to an intereection with the oenter line of South Logan ~treet; thence north along the center line ot South Logan Street to an in- I I I I I . • • "r •. ter•ection with the center line of la•t ?laeeau AY9nue; thence weet ·&long the center line of last Waaaau AYenue to an interaection with the C4nter line of South Sherman Street; thence north along the .center line of South ~heraan ~treet to an interaection with the center line of Eaet llanefield Avenue; thenc~ west along the center line of jl&•t lfanefield 1Yenue to an interaeotion with the center li~e of South Broadway; thence north along the center line of South Broadway to an intera~ction with the center line extended o!11&•t ~enyon A•enue; thence eaat along the center line of laet Kenyon Aveivle to an interaection with th~ center line extended o~ aouth Lincoln ~treet; thence north along the center line of South Lincoln atreet •~tended to an intereecti~n with a line which i• three hundred and eight (308) feet aouth of the aouth line of East Hampden Avenue; thence eaater ly to an intereection with the center line of South Pearl .=;treet at a poin• which ie thre·e hundred feet eouth of the eouth line of Ea•t Ramp! en Avenue; thence north along the oem er line ot SO''i'h Pearl Street to an interaect 1 on with the cen+er line of !aat Hampden AYenue; thence eaat along th~ center line of jEaet Hampden Avenue to an interaection with the cen- ter line of South Clarteon atreet; thence north along the center line of South Clarkaon Street to aa interaection with the center line of Eaet r1oyd .AYenue; thence t alo g "'1 e center line of !aet r1oyd Avenue to an i~ er•ectinn with the center line of South 'enney1Yan1a ~treet; thence ncrth along the center line of South PenneylYania Street to an intereection with the center line of j Eaet Eaetman AYenue; thence weet along the cen- ter line of Eaet laatm&I. Avenue to an ineraeotion with the center line ofj8outh Logan Street; thence north al~~ the c~nter line or ~outh Logan Street to an i~teraeotion with the cent er 11 ne of laat Yale Avenu.,; thence w41t along the center "line ot !aet Y.ale Ave- nue and West Tale Avenue to the ~oi~t or beginning. rotLOWT G T~ A DESCRTPTTO~ O~ LOT~ ANn nARCEL~ or tANn TNC~~ORATF.D TN T~E LATERAL SAN• TTAPT R!WE'R OTITRTCT NO. T. CTTY o~ ENGLr.•ooo. COLCHADO. AN!1ANnALE Lote l to aa 1nclu•1Ye of each of jBlook• 7 to 10 inoluaiYe. KTT.L Tl' f:J ~UB-nTVT~TON Re-lub-01 vi• o-· • of Blocta 5 and 8; Lota 1 to 34 inclueiYe of each of Bloats l .to 4 inclue1Ye. Re-Bub-D1v1eiona of Lota a and 3 now known as Block 1 and a; Lota 1 to 48 inclueiYe of each or Block• 1 lDd a. Re-8ub-D1Y1eiona of Lota 6 and ?• ' now knwon as Block• 3 and 4J Lota 1 to .48 inoluaiYe of each r r Block• 3 and 4. STRATER'R BROADWAY ~ITG~TS Lot• 1 to 48 1nolu•1Ye of each of Block• 1 to 8 inoluai••· R08E'8 ADDtTTON TO llGLIWOOD, COL~ADO Lota l to 48 tnolu•i•• o each ot Block• l to 9 inclueive. WEST VIEW ADDTTTON TO INOLIWOOD Lota 1 to 50 inclueive of each ot Block• 1 to 4 inclue1Ye. Lota l to 48 incluaive or each or Blocks 5 to 7 inclusive. Aleo a parcel of land deacr1V~1 ae tollowa: Beginning at a point which ia the interaeo- tlon of 'Weat a rard AYenue with ajline which ie :parall•l to and twenty-•i• feet eaet of the •••t property line or South Washington atreet; thence east along the center line of · · •• Girard AYenue 300 feet to an intereection with the weet property line ot South Clark- aon Street; thence aouth along the weat property line of South Clarkson Street 635 feet to an in~era"!C 1(11 with the north property l~ e of W4et Rampden Avenue; thence weet along the north property line cf Weet Hampden Avenue 300 feet to a point 36 feet ea•t of the weat property line of South Waahington Street; thence north along a line parallel to and 36 feet eaet of the weet property ljr.e of SouthWaehington Street 635 feet to the point of -•ginning, exclueiYe of streets and alleys. PR~MtER AODTTTON A ~arcel of lanj desc r ibed ae follows: Beginning at a point which ie the int•raection of t b e aou th property line of r1oyd Avenue with the eaat propetty line of South Broad- way; thence •••~ along the eouth prop~rty line of 'loyd AYewut 355 feet; thence eouth 135 r eet; thence •eat 255 feet to an int~rsection with the eaet property .line of South Broadway; thence ncrth along th~ eaetjproperty line ot a~~th Broadway 135 feat to point o~ beginning, excluaiYe of etreeta and alleys. .. A parcel of land deaoribed aa follwwe: Be inning at a point which ie on the •outh pro- perty line or r1oyd AYenue and 355 feet eaet of the eaat property line of South Broad- way; thenc~ eaa t along the south property line of r1oyd AYenue 195 teet; thence aouth 125 teet; thence •eat 195 feet; thence north 125 feet to point of beginning, exclusive of etre~t• and alleye. A parcel or land deecrtbed a• follows: Beginning at a point which 11 the interaection of the eouth pro perty line of r1oyd Avenue with the weet pro ~~rty line of South Sherman Street; thence weet along the eouth pro perty line of r1oyd Avenue 160 feet; thence south 135 feet; thence eaat 160 feet to an intereection with the weet property line o! South Abe man :'"treet; th'!no-. north along the weet p.ro ·:i e:rty line or South Sherman Street 125 eet, to t~e F i~~ of b~einning, exclusive of street• and alleys. A parcel 6f land deecribed ae fellows: Betinning at a ·point on the east property line of So th Broadway which ia 125 feet aouth o1 the 1outh ppoperty line ot r1oyd AYenue; t h ence • r t 610 feet tc an intersection with tt.e weet ~roperty line of aouthSheruan Street t h ence eo ut h along the weAt property line of South Sherman Street 194 feet; thence weat 610 feet to an interaecticn •i~h the eaat property l~ne of South Ercadway; thence north alcrg the eaet roperty line of ~outh Broad• y 194 feet to point of beginning, exclusive or etreete and alleye. A parcel c f 1 nd eacribed a1 followe: Begir.ning st a p oint which is on the east pro- erty line of South 0 rcadway anj 319 feet aouth fo the aouth property line of r1oyd Ave- n~e; thence eae+ 45 2 feet; thence eoatt 100 feet; th~nce •~•t along the north lot linee ~! Lot 5, Plock 3 and Lot• 30 and 5, Block 4 tc an int4ra19cti ~n with the east property line of South roadway; thence north alnr.g th~ eaet pro r erty line or South Broadway 100 feet tc t~e ~cint of beginning excluaive of 1tre~t• and alleya. A parcel of land descr i bed aa follows.: Be ,,.fn!'11ng st a poi"nt on th• eat pro--erty line '~outh S~er~an Street •lich ia 31 9 feet ecuth of th4 eouth pecperty line of r1oyd ATenue; thenc~ weet 151 !eet; thence eouth lOC feet; thence east along the north lot line of Lot ao, Block 3, 151 feet to an inter••ction with the weet yroperty line ot South Sherman Street; thence north along t .hs west ·roperty line of South Aherman Street lCO feet to point of beginning, exclueiv~ of etreeta and alleyar A parcel of land deecril:ed as follows: B9 gi nning at a point on the east property line of South ~roadway wh i ch ia 197 feet aouth of the south property line of Girard ATenue; thence east along the eouth lot line~ of Leta a and 17, Block 5, and Lota 8 and l?, Block 6, 611 feet to an intereection with the west r roperty line of South Sher11&n Street +h~~c~ eouth along the we1t property line of South ~herman Street 100 feet; thence west 611 fe-t to an int8reection o~ the eaet property line of ~outh Broadway; thence north along the eaat pro7 erty line of 3outh ~roadway 100 feet to the point of beginning, ex- cl ueive of etreete and alleya. A parcel of land deeori~d ae follows: Beginning at a point which is on the eaet proper- ty line of So~th Broadway and 154 fee + north of the north property line of ·Hampden !ve- nue; thence eaat 611 !e~t; to an inter• ction with the we 0 t property line of louth Sher- ~an atreet; thence ~crth along the west property line of South. Sherman Street 154 t•et; thence weet 611 feet to an intereection with the eaet property line of South Broadway; thence eouth along the eaet property line of ~outh Broadway 154 feet to point of be- gi ning, exclueive of 1treeta anJ alleya. A ~arcel of land d••oribed aa follow1: B~ginn!ng at a point which is on the east prop erty line of South Brc~dway and 104 feet north of th~ north pro~erty line of Hampden Avfnue; thence eaet 135 feet; thence north 50 feet; thence weet 135 teet to an inter- aection •itht e eaat property li r.e or ~outh Broadway; thence aouth along the eaet ~roper­ ty line of aouth Broadway 50 fee~ t o the .oint of beg,nning, exclueive of etreeta and .... ,., A parcel of land described aF follows: Be 6 inning at a point which ie 104 feet north of the nor&h property line of Hampden Avenue and 125 feet eae~ of the eaet property line of Soutt Broadway; thence east 66 feet; theno~ north 50 feet; thence west 66 feet; hence aouth 50 feet to point of be e Jnnin~, excluaive of atreet• and alleys. A parcel of land deecribed ae followe: Be g inning at a point which is on the east pro- perty line of South Broadway and .,9 feet north of the north property line o! Hampden Avenue; thence eaat 191 feet; thence ncrth 25 feet; thence we et 191. feet to an inter- aect ion with the eaPt property line of South Broadway; thence eouth along the eaet ·pro-·· rerty line of ~outh ?roadw a y 25 f~~t to p ~int of begin~ing, inclusive of etreet• and ~lleye. A rar cel of land de1cribed aa followa: Be gin ning at a point which 16 on the east pro- perty lir.e of South Broadway and 27 feet north of th~ north property line of Hampden Avenue; thence e a et 135 feet; thence ncrt h sa f"et; thence weet 125 feet to an inter- eection of the eaet prop~rty line of ~outh Er~~dway; thence eouth along the eaat pro- per.y line of South Broadway 52 feet to point of' bl!~inning. A rarcel of land deeor~md ae follows: Be~inning at a poi-t which ie the inter•eoticn of t~e ncrth property line of Rampden Aven 1.ie with the eaat property liae of South BDoac;l• way; thence eaet along the north property line of ijampden Avenue 125 feet; thence nortb 37 feet; th~nc~ west 125 feet to an intl!raection with the eaet praperty line of South ·, Broadway; thence eouth along the eaet property line of aouth Broadway 37 feet to point' of beginning. ·. A p!.l'c el of lna deecrib~d ae follows: Beginning at a point which is on the north pro- erty line of Rampjen Avenue and 135 feet eaat of the e 1t ~·roperty line of South Broad- way; thence eaet ~long the north property line of ~am pj en Avenue 56 feet; thence north 79 f eet; thence weet 56 feet; thence south 79 ~eet to p oint of tegi~ning. A parcel of land described as follows: Beginning at a point which ie on the north pro- perty lir.e of ~ampden Avenue and l ~l feet eaet or the east property line of South Broad- way; thence eaet along the ncrth property lir.e of ijampden Avenue 50 feet; thence north 154 feet; thence w~at 50 feet; thence south 154 feet to point of teginning. A p~rcel of la~J dePcrib~d as follows: Pe ~inn•r.g at a point which ie on the north pro- perty line of J{aa1p den Avenue and 45 feet eaet of the o_,nter line of aouth Lincoln Street, produced; thence eaet along the ncrth pr operty line of Hampden Avenue 170 feet; thence north 154 feet; thence w ~ et 170 feet; thence aou.~h 154 feet to pint cf beginning. ~A parcel of 1 and deecrib ~d as follows: Be6inn1ng at a ~~!nt which ia the intereection of the ncrt~ ~ro r erty line of ija~pden Avenue and weet property line of South Sherman; thence north along •'et pro~erty 11ne cf South Sherman 154 feet; thence weet 100 feet; there• acuth 154 feet to an intera~ction of North property line of Hampden Avenue; thence eaat along north property line of ijampden Averve 100 feet to point of beginni•, Aleo Lc•e 1 to 48 inclusive of each of "Blocks 1 and a. Lo a 5 to 20 inolueive of ~ach of jBlocka 3 and 4. Lo• e 1 t c 8 anj 17 to 24 incl ue iv" of each of Blocks 5 &nd 6; L ts l to 48 inclusive o~ each of Blccke 7 and 8. ~TF.Cfi'~ AODT ~ror TO ~OU"'R ~POAOWAY REtGFM'S Lote 1 to 50 inclusive o~ Elock 1. Lots l to 12 ir.cluei~e and lots 39 t c 50 inclusive of Block 3. Birch's Addition to South Broadway Height•, being the aecond tiling; Lota 1 to 13 inclu- sive o~ each of Blocks 3 and 4. Lets 1 t o 12 inclusive and Lota 39 to 50 incl ~eive of each of Blocks 3 and 4. A parcel of la-d deacribed as followa: Beginning at a ~oi~t which ia the inter•ection of the eae t property line of ~outh Broadway with the center line o! Jeftereon Avenue; thenc~ •~st along the center line of Jetferacn Avenue 396 feet, more or l•••• to an in- ter1ection with the oenter line of aouth Lincoln street produced; thence eouth along the center line of ~outh Lincoln atrset produced, 660 feet , more or leee, to an inter•eo- t ion with the oenter line of East Kenyon Avenue produosd, thence weet along the center line of ra e t Xenyon Avenue produced, 296 feet, mor~ or l•••, to an intereeotic:m with the east property line of gouth Broadway; thence north along the eaet property line ot South Eroadway 660 f~et, more or lees, to a pcint of beginnin , excluei•~ of etreete and alleys. ~O'J'!'R BROADWAY qf TGHT~ LotP l to 48 inclusive of each of Blake 7 to 12 inclusive and of Blocke 21 and 25 inclu- ive; Lota 1 to 12 inclusive in Block 40; anj 37 tc 48 inclueive in Block 400 TFRRY'3 ADDTTTO~ tc•t l to 48 inclusive or ~ach of Elocks 1 and 3. J .. ,.. I , I I I 1-· I I- I tDLlWlLD Al~TTTON Lot• 1 to •8 inclue1ve ot eacn of Bloc~• 9 to 16. 8. G. Ramlfn'e Addition Lot• l to 48 inolue1ve of each or Blocte 3 and 4. ~~rwq•s BROAOWAT ADDtTTOI Lot1 l to 49 ~rel •iv~ of jBlock• 17 to 24 ino!ueive; and a parcel of land d~•cribed a• follow•: !eginn :ng at a point which 11 the intereection of the weat prOperty line pro- duced cf Soutn Delaware Street with the eouth pro~erty line of Weat Dartaoutb AYenue; thence eaet along the eouth prcp~rty line of Weet Dartmouth Avenue 335 feet to an inter- eeotton with • line whicb i1 parallel to and ll feet eaat of the we1t property line or ~cutn Cherokee Street; thence eouth along eaid deecribed line 100 feet; thence •••t 335 feet to an intereection with the weet property line produo~d of South Delaware Street; thence north along the west property line produced of Acuth Delaware Street 100 feet to point of beginning. REE'' R ATJOTTTON Lot• 1 to 48 inclueive of each of Blook1 1 to 3 inclusive. ~. G. HAMiii'~ ADDTTTOll! Lote 13 to 34 inclueive of Block 2. Lote 1 to 34 incthstve of Blocte 3 and t . .: . 251 h ~arcel o~ land deecr1Dea ae foll.,,.,s: Beginning at a point which i• on the weat proper- ty line of 8o~t~ £roadway and 303.7 feet south o~ t~e •OJ.th property line of Saet man AYenue; thence eoutb along the weet property line of South Broadway 148 feet; thenoe west 566.e fe8t; thence aoutt 183 feet to an intereeo~!cn with the center line, produced, of r1 oyd Avenue; thence we1t along the ci,nter line, produced, of r1oyd Aven·iflt aa1.4' feet; tnence ncrth 330 re~t: thenc~ eaet 789.5 tee~ to point of beginnin g , exclueive of etreet• and alley e. A parcel of lAnd ieeorib~d as followe: Beginning at a pcint which i• o~ the •••t proper- ty line of South Broadway and 75 feet north of the center line produced of rloyd A•enue; tnenoe •••t 380 feet; th9nce nor+h 107 feet; thence ea1t 378.7 ~eet to an interaeotion with the we r t propertv ~ine of 9outh Broadway; thence 1outh along the weet prpper+y line of South Broadway 107 feet to point of beginning, exclueive of etreete andalleye. A parcel o! land deecribett as r ,llowe: Beginning a~ a point which i• the interaection of tb• center line, produced, of rioyd Avenue •ith the we1t property line of South Broadway; tnence •••t along ~te center line produced of 'loyd Avenue 588.1 feet; thence nartb 182 . feet; thence •a•t ase.~ feet; thence south 10? feet; thence ea•t aeo feet to an intereec- , t1on with tbe westl'l>roperty line of South Broadway; t~ence aoutb along the weet property line ot South Broadway 75 feet to point of beginn~ng, exclu1ive of etreeta and alleys. A parcel of land deecriwed ae follows: Beginning at a point which ia the interaection of the cen er line, produced, of r1oyd Avenue with the weet property line of 8outh Bro9dway; thence wee~ along the center line, roducett, o! Jloyd Avenue 611.a feet; tnence eouth 333.8 feet; thence eaet 611.3 feet to an inter1ection with the weet property line.of South Broadway 332.8 feet to point of beginning exclusive of etreete and alleys. A parcel of land deecr1bed ae followe: Beginning a~ a point which ie the intereection of -he eoutn propert y line, produced, or r1cyd ATenue with a line parallel to and 19.8 feet weet of' tne eaet property 11ne, produ~tit d , of South Bannock 8treet; thence weat along the eoutb property line produced, of r1oyd Avenue 176.a feet; thence .. uth 302.8 feet; thence ... t ~7s.a feet to an intereection with a line parallel to and 19.a feet west of the eaat ~roperty l 'ne, produced, of South Bannock Street; thence north along the laat aaid des- cribed line, produced, of South Barmock Street 303.8 feet to point of beginning,-exclu- ~liY• of etr .. t• and alleye. A parcel of land deecribed ae follows: Beginn ng at a point whioh i• the intereeotion of the nortri property 1 ine of Qirard A••nue with the we et property line of South BroadWJJ thence weet along tb• north property line of Girard AYenue 544.8 feet: thence north along the •••t att line of Lot• 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 18-rlool Addition-306.3 feet; thence •a•t 5'4.8 feet to an 1nter•eot1on with the west property line of South BroadwaJ; t!ienoe louth along tne W91t property line of South Broadway 106CB feet to point of beginning, exclu•i•• of etreet• and all•Y•· A r aroel of land j ••oribed ae toll ow•: Beginning at a point which i• on tbe north pro- ~•rtJ line of Hampden A•enua and 343 feet weet ot the we•t propertJ line of South lroad- •aJ; thence north 605 Ji feet to an 1nter1eotion with the eoutb property line of .. it. Girard A•enue; thence •••t along the ao'..l th property line of Weet Girard Avenue 880 feet thence eouth along the eaet lot line of Lote 22 to 33 inolu•i•• -rloocl Addition-806.8 teet tc an 1ntereeot1on with the north property line ot Raapden &Yenue; thenoe eaet along the north propirty line of Hampden ATenue 380 feet to point of beginning. JLOOD ADnTTtOll Lote l to 38 inolu11Ye. EIWOOO ADOtTlOR ·A parcel of land deecrtbed ae follows: Beginning at a point which i• on the north proper- ty line of ~ .. pden A•enue and 143 feet west of the weet property line of 8outh Broadway tnenoe nortn 805.8 feet to an intereection with the •outh property line of Weet Girard l•enu•: thence •••t along the eouth property line of Weet Girard A••nue 100 feet; thence •outh 605.8 f•~t to an 1ntereeot ion with th• north propert1 line of Hampden A•enue 100 feet to the ~o1nt of beg~nning. I p~roel or lnad deaor ;bed a• folloW8: Beginnin& at a point which 11 on the weat proper- ty 11 ne of South Broadway and ~00 feet north of th• north cpropert 'r 1 in• of Weet llaapden ATenue; thence weet along the north lot line of Lot 36, 135 feet; thence north 1•.8 f .. t; thence eaet along tbe eouth lot line of Lot 37, 135 feet to an intereeotion with the weat property line of South Broadway; thence 1outh along tb• •••t property line of 8outh Broadway 14.6 feet to point or beginning. Lot• as to 48 inclu•1Ye. A parcel ot lan1 deecr 1bed a• followa: Beginning at point •hicb i• *1 intereeotionof the •eat property line ot South Broadway with r the aouth pro p er~y line of ffaapden &Yeaue; 252 thence aouth altng the •~at property line of 3outh Broadway 150 feet, more or leea, to an intereection witb the n rth property line ot Sheridan Street; thence northweaterly along the north property line or Sheridan Street JOO feet, •ore or leae, 130 t .. t, more or leee, and 110 feet, •Ore or le••• to an interaeotion with the aouth property lir.• of Raapden &Yenue; thence eaat along th• aouth property line of Raapden 510 feet, aore or l•••• to point or beginning, exclueive or etreet• and all•Y•· A parcel of lanJ :1 eaorib!da• follow•: Beginning at a point which i• the intereeotion o! ~~e center line ot louth &craa Street with the aoutb property line of Sheridan ATenue; thence northweeterly 150 feet, aore or lees, and 190 feet, aore or lee•, to an interaec- to an intereection with the center line, produced, of the alley between louthJJherotee tion with the eoutb property line ot Hampden &Yenue; thence •e•t 190 feet, more or le1e, .1 Street and South Bannock Rtr ~•t: thence weet along eaid deearibed line 1000 feet, •ore or l•••, to an 1nteraeot1on with the northweet border of City Ditch; thence in a nart• .. •t- erly eut an ~ eou tneaeterly dt~ection meandering along the border of City Ditoh to an t n tera _otion wi th the center line of South Acoma Street; thence north along the oenter line of South Acoma Street 810 feet, more or leaa, to the point of beginning. SJ{ADr 1.·t:JT nl At>OTT TOI Lota l tc 50 1nolua1ve of Block 1. Lota 1 to 8 inoluaive or Block l and eaat hal~ of Block l. Lota 1 to 16 inoluaive of Block a. Lota 8 and 10 to 14 inclueive of Block 3. Lot• 4 to 13 i nclueiYe of Block 4. Lota 1 lorth a nd 3 South of Bloct 5. Lote l to 16 i nclue i v A o ~ each of Block l to 3 1nclueive. Lote ~ to 13 i nc lu eiYe or Block 4. Lot• 1 to 48 inclueive of each of Blocka 5 to 8 inclueive. Lo t e l to 34 inc l uaive of each of Blocka e to 13 inclueive. A par cel of lan:1 deecribe:.l as followe: Beginning at a point on the weet property line of South Bro~dway 300 teet aouth or the aouth property line of •eat Lehigh &Yenue; thence weat along th• aouth lot line of lots 13 and 13 of Blo ~k• 9, 10, 11 and 13, Bamilton & 11111e'• Broadway Reighta, 1374 feet, more or leee, to an inter•eotion with the center line o f South Delaware Street; +,~~nee south along the center line of South Delaware St., 330 feet, more or l••e, to an interaection with the center line of feet lanefield AYe- nue 1374 fee t , more or le•• to an intereeotion •i~h the west property line of South Hroa d way; thence north along the weat ~ operty line ot 9outh Broadway 330 feet, more or le••, to point or beginning, exclusive of atreeta and alley•.- Lota l to 48 1nclue1ve of each of Block• l t c 4 inclusiv,. Lo~e 1 to 46 i n clueive of each of Elock 13 to 30, inclusive. Lote 1 to 48 inoluaive of each of Blocks 29 to 32 inclusive. Be i ng all aaae s aable property in Lateral Sanitary Sewerage Diatrict lo. l, City of In- glewood, Colorado. That the kin of itprOYementa propoaed in sa i d Lateral Sanitary Sewer District No. 1, Inglewood, Colorado are as followe: The Latera J aanitary Sewer Dietrict No. l, is to be oonetruoted in accordance with the apa, plan e an t e p ee 1 '1 ~stione c~ +h~ City Engineer heretofore adopted and approved by the Ci t y Co ur.c1! i~ s regular adjourned meeting convened on Auauet 3ftd, 1921, together •1th appurtenance• thereto and all incidental• neceeaa·tf to aaid improvement•. . That t he ee t i ~ated _and probable cost or eaid isprOYemente with the appurtenanoee in One Hun.ired Twent y-three Thouegn d ~i~e Rundre1 rtve and 96-100 (1133,905.96) Dollars. Th n t the maxilllWll probable coet per lot or tr~ot of land twenty-tive by One Hundred twent y-ff 7e (35 z 135) feet, exclueiva of •treete and alley• aa shown by the eetimate or th• City ln&ineer to be •••t•••d upon ~he rea p8ct1ve lote or parcels o~ ln.~1 in aaid propoaed iietrict ia ••timated to be tor each of eaid lota <'l" tracta of land. (All of eaid i•tlmatee of oo•t being exoluefVe of the coat I I ot inapeotion , collection, incidentale snd intereat, which •hall not eaceed •ix _-:er cent) .·1· That to the aboYe .. Dtioned total amount and the re•peotive portion• thereof ao to be •••e••ed upon the re•peottve l ots and tract• ot land in eatd diatriot, aa aforeeaid, or •P-Fi•t-'••••Pl-a•-•j•tt-&•-••••••a»•-~~-tk~-,~·-a••'•t-9P•*-•'-••«M-e-j ao mu.ch t h•reof •• shall be necessary tc pay the actual coat v~ 1sid improvements and the general ex penae e , t t ere will be added •ix per oen~, for tbe coat of inepeotion. o~lleo­ tion an d other 1no11entale, and that there aleo will be added and inclu·:ied intere•t to the next aucceeding date •hen by the la•• of the State of Colorado, general tax•• or the f i ret installment thereof, are payable. That the total ~ctual ooet of 1 a i1 ~1 ~rovement, together with intereat at the rate of six I per cent, per annum :n the bonds ieaued in payment thereof, and the peroentum added tor foat of inapeotion, collection, etc., as aforeaaid, will be aaaeeeej aga1nst tbe foreQ ••id real eatate. That the •a i d •••e•amenl will be due and payable without de11&11d within thirty daya frcm and after the t 1 '• when the aaaeeaing of tbe whole aotual ooet of aa1d iaproYe .. nta • agai~~t .,id real eatate •hall become effective and in foroe; provi .. d, howeYer, that anv owner who ehall pay hie full •••eaament within a period of thirty daye thereafter ahall be entitled to an allo~ance of five p~r oent cf the .. Ol.\ftt •o •••••••d aaainet hie property, ahd , f>ald bf"•hti f d>I! in case any owne r of' real eatate •hall fail to pay the •bole o~ euch aee4eemant against hie pro p ert~ ~ithin thirty days from and after the ase- .,,.tng the eame ahe.11 have beccrr·e @t~~'!et1.v~ anj in force, then the whole coat of aaid i ~r 0Ye~ent1 ec a•••••ed against hi• property, e~a:l be Jayabl• in twenty equal annual .natallmente of the principal, with intereat upon the unpaid ineta11 .. nta, P&1able ... 1- annually at the rate tjf 1ix per oo!'ltum per annum; the tirat ot euoh inetdl•nte ot eaid principal •ill be due and payable u~on the next auoceeding date or atter the paaaage o~ t~• ••••••ing ordinance upon which general taxea, or the first inetall••nt thereof, are " tbe law• o the State or Colorado ma·i• payable, an1 tbe r••in·i•r ot eaid lnatallmenta e nall be due and payable aucceaaiv'!lY on the .... dfty in eaob fear thereafter until all are paid in f u l:. I I I I I That a ma~ ~f 1r ~1 propoeea district ehowinu the •x~erior boundari•• thereof and looat- 1nt •aid improvement• epeoiftcatione and detaile for the oonetruotion of •aid iiprov .. .. nt•; the eobedul•• o ~1ot1 and tract• ot la~d in ea1d di1trict and the eetimat•• ot the Engineer of th• ooet of •aid ~~ro•ment, from whiob the •hare of the eetiaated coat of 1aid iaprove .. nt• that will be aeeeeaed again•t each piece of •eal eatate in aa1d di•- triot aay be readily aecerta'ne1; and all reaolutiona and proceeding• of tbe City Council ot aatd City relating to aaid prppoaed improvement diatriot and tbe propoaad isproY ... nte therein are on file in the office of tbe City Clerk anj oaa there ba eaanand axaainad DJ any pere cn• tntereated durin• bueinees house of anydly on or before and until the howr of 6: 00 o• oloct in the afternoon of llon ,iay the 13th ·1sy ot 8epteaber A. D. 1981. That at aaid time all coaplainte ar.d objection that may be made in writing oonoarn!ng the pro~~••d izr -rOYement• by the wwner, or owner• of any real eets•e to be •••••••d, or any per1on, or pereone, inter4ete1 generallly will be heard and datarmined by the City Co·..i..,c11 of 11.tti City ot Englewood before fin~l action of euch Couhoil thereon, and tbat at ••id ti .. , tn-•it at the hour o~ 8:00 o'oloot P. M. on •ond&J tbe 12tb day ot Sapt- aabar, A. D. 1111, and after the determination of all ooapla1nt• and objection• •o made, •aid c · ~1 Council "~11 tate up anj ooneider an or ::Unanwa c~'sting •aid dietri.ct• and ~rdaring the improvements herein propoeed. Dated tbie 3rd daT ~f Auguet, A. D. 1921. (CtTY BEAL) T. ff. WOOSOI Ci ty Clerk and Recorder r or the City ot lngle•ooel, Colorado. riret publicat ion , Augu1t 5, 1931. La•t Publication, Auguet 26, 1931. Paaeed and adopted by tbe Ci~y Council of the City of Inglewood tnie 3rd day of August, A. D. 1931. Atteet: City Clerk and Recorder. J. • ~~Yl!,a_y __ MAY~ Tnereupon Councilman Cole moved that the above reeolution just read by the Clert be adopt- ed ae read. Councilman E~gleton Seconded eaid motion. Upon ro ll call the Counc ~lmen present voted &• !ollo••: 0. t. Cole, Aye; J. E. CUllieon, Aye; J. s. Eagleton, Aye; u. A. Thompeon, Aye; and A. 0. Tiedt, Aye; 5 Ayee ft~yee, nuu~ Iv ordered. Alderman Tiedt Moved( l&1l•t~n Seconded ( That the Chi•! Police notify all Taxioa~ owner• that thay aust oo .. before the Council Tueaday Evening Auguet 9th, to tile written per •it• tor Stand for bal- ance of t~e yea~ 1931. Roll Call: Cole, Aye; Cull1eon, Ay~; !agleton, Are; J~hneon, lbeent, Thompeon, Aye; Tiedt, lye; 5 Aye• Mayor 10 Absent one Ordered. Aldaraan Cole Movedl Culli•on Second~d ( Tnattr.e applicat!cn of J. P. l••bY !or Taxicab Lioenaa, be laid OTer until Auguet 9th, 193 ~, and the Ch19f Police notify llr. ·1awby, file the perait tor Stand for balance of year tor eaid application. Rell Cal!: Cole, Aye; Cullieon, Aye; lagleton, Aye: .Jo.tinaon, A-•ent, Thoapaon, Aye; Tiedt, Aye; 5 ,, •• lay Dr 80 Abeent one ordered. Al der·11&n Culli•on llove• ( Tiedt $eoonded { That the matter of ret1rtng the Ri&b•&Y Truck, be ret•rred to tna lupplJ Ooaalt ee, w1tn power to act. Roll C.11: Cole, Aye; CUllieon, A19; Eagleton, Aye; Johnson, Abeent, Tb cmoaon, 25;J ~ . . · . I I I I I That a ma~ of lt~1 propoaed district showing th• •x~erior boundari•• thereof and looat- tnt aa1d !mpr0Tement1 epecifte~ttone and details for tbe oonetruotion of •&id iiprOY .. .. nt•; the eobedul•• o -iota and tract• ot la~d in 1a1d di1trict and the e1timat•• of the lngineer ot th• ooat of aaid ir ~ro wment, tr om •hicb the 1hare of the e1timated ooet of 1aid iaprove .. nt• that will be aa1eeaed againet each piece of ••al ••tate in eaid di•- triot aay be readily aaoerta'n•1: and all reaolutione and proceeding• of tbe City Council of eaid City relating to eaid prppoeed improvement d11trict and tb• propoaed improY ... nte therein are on file tn the office of the City Clerk and oaa tbere be aeenand ezaained by any pere cn• intereeted durin• bueineee house of any~y on or before and until the hous of 8: 00 o• oloct in the afternoon or llon ,iay the 13th '111y of lepteaber A. D. 1981. That at eaid time all coaplainta ar.J objection that may be made in writing conoerning the pro ~••d irr -rOTemente by the 9Wner, or owner• of any real eet11•e tc be a••••••d, or any per1on, or pereone, 1nter4ete1 generalllV •ill bs heard and determined by the City Co·..i.~cil of 11.lti City of Inglewood befcre f'in11l action of euch Couholl thereon, and that at eaid ti•, tn-•it at tJle hour o~ 8:00 o'~lock P. Y~ on •ond&J the 13th d.ay of Sept- eat>er, A. D. 1111, and after the determination of all complaints and objection• eo made, eaid c· ~1 Council •4 11 take up an:1 coneider an ordin&n•• c~~st ing •aid dietri.cte and ~rdertng the improve .. r.ta herein propoeed. - Dated tbi• 3rd day of Auguet, A. D. 1921. (CTTY BlAL) T. R. IOOIOI City Clerk and Recorder for the City of lngle•oOd, Colorado. r1ret publication, Auguet 5, 1931. Laat Publication, Auguet 26, 1931. Paeeed and adopt•~ by tbe Ci~y Council of the City of Inglewood tni• 3rd day of August, &. D. 1931. At teat: t. R. •aonon J. • !.-~l!ll.a .... x __ M&T~ Tnereupon Councilman Cole moved that the above reaolution juet read by the Clerk be adopt- •:! •• read. Councilman ~11leton 8econde ~1 aaid motion. Upon roll call the Counc~lmen present voted ae follow•: O. 1. Cole, Aye; J. E. Culli1on, Aye; J. s. Eagleton, Aye; u. !. Thompaon, Aye; and A. O. T edt, Aye; 5 Aye• eu ordered. Alderman Tiedt Moved( l&1l•t~n Seconded ( That the Chief Police notify all Taxioa~ owner• that tbey auet oo .. before th• Council Tueaday Evening Augu•t 9th, to file written per ait• for Stand tor bal- ance of t~e year 1931. Roll Call: Cole, Aye; Culli•on, Ay9; Eagleton, Are; John9on, Abeent, Thompeon, Aye; Tiedt, Aye; 1§ Aye• Mayor 80 Absent one Ordered. Alderman Cole Movsdl Cullteon Second~d ( Thattr.e applioat~cn ot J. P. Newby for Taxicab Lioen1e, be laid OTer until Auguet 9th, 192 ~, and the Chi9f Police notify Ir. ·1ewby, tile the perait for Stand tor balance of year for eaid application. Rell Cal!: Cole, Aye; Cullieon, Aye; Eagleton, Aye; Jo!lneon, A•••nt, Tboap•on, Aye; Tiedt, Aye; 5 Aye• llayor ao Absent one ordered. Alder·aan Culli•on love• ( Tiedt ~econded ( That the matter of retiring the Ri&b•&Y Truck, be retfrred to tne lupply Ooaalt ee, with power to act. Roll Call: Cole, Aye; Cullison, AJ9; Eagleton, Aye; Johnson, Abeent, Th~m~aon, Aye; Tiedt, Aye; 5 Ayee Mayor 80 Abaent one ordend. Alclel'll&ft C\llli•on •oved( Cole Seconded ( That there being no further blfein••• before the Oounoil, Council Ad3ourn. Roll Call: Cole, Aye; C\lllieon, Aye; Eagleton, Aye, Johneon Abeent; Tbo•peon, Aye, Tled.t, Aye; 5 ,, •• llayor · eo · Abeent one ordered. linutee of Mj oa.ned Regular lleet ing of the c~. t·r Counoi l ct the City of Sn&l••ood., Colo- rado, tbl• Wedneaday, Au.guet 3rd, 1921, atand apprOYed a• read thi• 8th day ot Auau•t, l ~ 1P21. I I I I I