HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-08-15 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I .1 .. I I ll..TOU1111D RIQULAf\ ll!ITtlG or TRE CITY COUNCIL 0' TRE ClTY or ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TRlS ., AT T'ft 11th DAT or AUGUST, A. D. 1931. Mayor J. W. Murray called ~ne meeting to order •nd aeked for Roll C&ll. Roll Call: Cole, Abeent, Culli1on, Preeent, Eagleton, areaent, Joltneon, Abeent, Thompaen, Preeent, Tiedt, Preeent. 4 Preeent ~&YD~ 80 2 Abeent orcl!red. Alderman CUllieon Moved( Iaglet~n Seconded ( oat on. That the taxicab Lie•••• of J. T. lewoy be granted a• per appli- Roll Call. Cole, Abaent, Cullison, Ay~; Eagleton, lye; Johnecn, Abaant, Tnoapeon, Aye; Tiedt, Aye; 4 lyee a Abeent Mayor . (" ordered. Th• letter of Cheater L. Rtcnaraeon and the Affidavit of Leonara Chandler were read in full by the Clert. Lf.TTER. To the Mayor and Board of Alderman ot the City or Engiewooa, Colo. lngl••o~, Colo1, Auguet -!, 1931. Evidence herewith submitted and furth~r evi1~nce that can be eub- aitted 1how1 oonelu11vely that D. M. ~urtz, who ie operating under Herdic Lio•n•• iaaued ey yo-.a Counctl and under your By-L~••, i• an unfit per1on to enjoy the privilege• ot thi• buatneea. t re,pectrully requeet that your Honorable Body will make thorough 1nveatiga- t1on aad that yeu •ill revoke Herdic Licenee iaaued to D. M. lurtz and hi• wife or the turtz family, Ot' 1-•di ate rel ~4; 4.vee of OJ M. JCurtz. I moat earneatly requ~1· a hearing on thi• evidence and aat that I may be permitted to produce witne•••• to eubatantiate all the char&•• aet forth ic •~1- davit herein an other evidence 1uite a• et~ong. A•PTDAVTT • State of Colorado) ) 88 Count1 ·f Arapahoe) Yoet re -pectfully aubmitted. _Q_h•f!er L. Richardaon. Pereonally appeared before me, the underaigned autnor1iy tor admin- ieter1ng oatne, one Leonard Ch9.ndter, Sheridan, Colorado, who, being duly eworn acoord- !nt to Law, depoaea and aaye: •The firet time I aaw Spencer and Dunagan Wedneeday STen1ng, July 37, iea1, wa1 about ? P. M. at rurta'• in Log~ntown. Spencer and I then went out to ine road lorth ot the reeervation to !ix a rord. •• puahed ~ it into Xurtz•e. Dunagan wae not there when we got hack to rurtz•s, but he eoon came. Charle• 9u.rta and bia father, Dan rurta were aleo there. Tetrau c~me juet after we finianed tiztna th• oar. Tetrau aaid he had met Richardeon at the dance an1 tad told Rioba!'d1on that he (TetrauJ wc uld beat hi• up along. Then Charle• r~rtz seked ir.e if t wanted a little exoite .. nt. T ••id •; .. ••, ao they {Du.-i~an • Spencer, Tetr• u and Chae. lurta) told •• they nre go- ing tc llOb Ric~nrjaon becauae Richardeon had called lire. lurtz a .• Dan luria ••• there and ken• that we were going to clean up on Richardaon and even belat- ed plan the affair. Ob••· lurtz then got a hammer h&ndle; then Chae. Iuita, Tetr91l, lpencer, Dunagan an d t waltea up tc the Poet and all eat d8wn en the Poet Exohan&e et:epa. Chabot then oa~e along and eat down 91th them. Cha• lurtz g&Y• the bu.aer handle to Tet- rau. They then plannea th~t wten n~chardeon came that Dunagan would P\.lll him out of th• car and the reat (Qbaa. rurtz, Tetrau, Spencer an1 Chsbtt) would then help beat Richard- eon up. Richardaon aoon drove up going Weat, unloaded in tr cnt of th• Poat laoaan1a, then turned aroun1. I weat out, •toppea,him, aste~ him t,o go to Inglewood. Re eaid •yea• I then got Dun~an. t got in the car, Dunagan reached in the oar anj trabb•a Ricaar4eon'• coat collar (Duna&an •a• then on th~ right hand eide of the car). Dunnaaan tben tried to pull Richaraeon out cf the oar. Tetrau jumped on the left hand running board, opened the Jett door, and hit Riohardaon on the back of the hea~ witn the hammer handle. Riohard•on atar~ea ht• oar, aboving Dunagan away. Tetrau h6ng on for a tew yarda, then jum~ed off. I rode then to lnglewoOd with P~~hardeon who turned me over to the police. I am aahamed of •1 part in the affair, but t wae lead on becauae T did not want to appear yell.., be- ore a bunch of aold1ere. Leonard Chan•Jer. lubecr1bed lnd ••om tc before me thi• 39th day er July, 1931. 2 State of Colorado county of Arapaho• I .. Geo. A. Mill9r, Captain, Infantry, D. o. L., Trial Judge Advocate, Special Court llar'ial. PereonallY a p peared before me, the under1ignea authority tor ad- •inietering oatna, one Leonard Chandler, o! Sheridan, Color•~~. who, being duly ••orn I accoratng to law, depoae• and aaye: rurtner •••ertion regarding the aeeault made upon Cbe1t•srRtchard•on on the night on er ab out aidnight of July 27th, the underaigned ••• in oonvereation with a llr. Dan lurta which wae a• follow• beat to my memory. In our c onYereatton a• to the planned aeeault on thi• aan Richardeon---DaJi lurtz eatd in my preaence (•••n •• were in Dan lurt&'• Houee, the light burning, eo I knew it wa• be talking ) Re aaid in oaee you happen to accidently ki }l him, put him in hi• oar, I put eome whia key "n hi• pereon, an1:1 drive him up to the mountain• and run the oar over 80M cl if't'. The above remark• were eaid in the presence of Dunagan, Tetrau, Spencer, Charley Iurta and tY••lf. Leonard Chandler 8ubacribed eworn to before me thie 30th day of July 1931. Char lee Lawton Beal Rotary Public ay Coni 1ti111on expire• llay e th, 1924. Tr-ereupon the petit i on fro~ •ix of the official• of the town of Sheridan, •••read in full by the Clerk. ( Petition presented by D. M. Kurt& ) PETTTl011. TO TRE RORORABLf. COUICTL 0' TP.E CTTT O' INQLEWOOO, COtORAOO: We, the un deraigned, .. mbere of the loard of Tru1tea1 of the Town ot Sheridan, Colo-I radp, reepectfully etate to your honoaable council that we, and each ot ue, are well acquainted with Mr. Dan lurtz, and that we haYe known hi• for a nuaber ot year•; that we h&Y• alway• found him to be a man ot tne higft91t int•&rity and e1teea, honeat in hi• dealing•, and alway• fair, honeet and moral amoaa menJ and aboYe all, honeet and bonor- able in hi• buaine•• a• a taxi operator, anj very oourteoue and aoooll84ating iD h11 eaid bue1r•••• and we r••P•ctfully reque•t, pray and petition your honorable boclJ that mr. Dan lurtz'• lioenae to operate a taxt be not revoked or cancelled, •• petitioned for by hie competitor•:-________ .. _ .. __ ~~ J. E. Braneoo• I. R. Bridenbaugh J. I. Brenjlinger1 r. B. leabitt Ed. Uhland J. a. Stile• .lddr••• True tee • • • Trealurer Street OOUl. The f'ollow1ng p etition waa presented by D. u . Kurtz and read in tull by the clerk. PET TT TOR: TO TJfl ROIORA!LI COUICTL or TRE CtT"f 0' INOLJ:IOOO, COLORADO. I We, th~ underaigned, reaident• and citizen• of the City ot Inglewood, Colorado, petition, requeet, and pray of your wor~hy and rhonorabl~ body tha ~ th• Taxicab Lioenee I 1eeued to Ian rurts tor the year 1931 be not revolled or qanoelled, ""that th• aame be continued in full foroe and effect with all the priYilege1 prowi•ecl therefor: and tha we eubmi t thi• prayer, petition an.:1 requee• on the followi.n& around•: 1. That we believe that certain charge• made an~ entered before your worthy board, atteaptin g to implicate llr. Dan lurtz in oonnectio~ with an all•&•d ooaplaint in which one Riohard•on wae inYolved are entirely untoun~ed an1 without 3uetifioation or truth •. a. That llr. Dan rurta ha• been a Iona fide reeident and oitiaen of ·rt. Logan and Engle-·.I wood, tor a perioj of •izteen year• la1t pa1t and a tax payer at all ti ... ; that h• baa rateed a reepeot•ble, honored and ••teemed family of aiz during euoh t~ and that he himeel! 1• held by ua in the lighe•t eeteem, honor and reepeot, .and deeaed by ua to be truetworthy, hone••, and honor a ble; anj that becauae of hie fair, oourteoue and aooomo- :tatin& treatment of bi• paeaenger1 and cuetomere he ha• been and 1• enJos.iD& the equal portion of the public iatron~ge in hi• bu•1neee, and ka• their o nfi dence, reepect and good-•111. J. Th ~t an attempt wae formerly made by hi• competitora to ha•• hi• lioen•• revoked in the town of Sh~ridan and that at the next eneuing election he, the aaid Dan lurts, waa elected trua·ee of euch town by a vote of two to one over hi• opponent• which eho•• the c cnfidenoe he enjoy• and the e•teem in which he i• held, where he i• beat known, and that be now enjoy• their confiience, eeteem, anj reepect aa a membe~ of the Boaml of Truatee1· of the town of Shertdan. 4. Becau•• llr. •an rurtz ha• in no way been char6ed with the violation of any of the proY1e1o~• of the ordinano~ rt&ulating or relati11.2. toitaxtaab• or.lic•n••-'a6noaarating th• 1ame or in any manner inotdent thereto; or arreci ftg l any • T •DY pwr• ~ I I I I I peraone who have taken paeaage on hie taxicabs or autoe, in their capacity aa Pl••enger1 or sttect ing them or an '' of them in any manner 1 ncident thereto. WJfERErORI, We requeet, pray ani peti~ion your honorable Board that the Taxi Lion••• o f llr. Dan Iurtz be n°* revoked, canc9llej or altered in the P"••i•ee, and thtt he be permitted to enjoy the eame priYilegee thereunder that h•l'ha• in the paet, and which aome ot h i • m ~ch le•• reeponeible or ••teemed c ompetitor• are now enjoying: ____ ......:.;.:IAmMl=u::r.------ R. R. AlJridge ff. B. Catron E. C. Boyer & Son llax A. red.roq' H. . Patton ld•in W. Cryeler J. J. Mackin R. R. lo0 1ll C. W. 8eber11 E. Hul n E. A. Hogue C. B. Campt>ell 4. I. rerguaon • L. l'f ielee r. t.. L. Bjork BUS TJ!J!e .... a ____ _ Phyeioian & Surgeon. Phyeician Grower•. Jeweler Trea1urer Dr"lli&i•t Undertaker Juatice of Peaoe Grocer Sboeaker Rardware Auto Tire• let lat'l Bank Dry Goode " . AFFIDADIT. filed by D. M. Kurt.a. State ot Colorado ) ss Couat7 ot Arapahoe) Affidavit. Pereonally appeared betore me, the un~era11ned authorit7 tor aclJl1a1at.er1as oatha, o Leonard Chaadler, SIMridan, Colorado, who, beilll" dult awora, oa oath depoaea and aaya: That on July 28th, 1921, and July 30th, 1921, he awore to and aubaor1be4 two attldavlta; t h at theae artidavita related to an all•ced ••••ult and bat\e~ 'b.J D. M. Kurt.a and Charlie Kurtz upon Cheater Richardaon; that th••• attidav-ita were awora to betore L. w. Terrell, Juatice or the Peace in and tor the Count7 ot Arapahoe State ot Colorado, and Charle• Lawton, a Ilotary Public, reapeotlvely; thf.\ bot.b of tbe above-named att1dav1ta are ralae and untruei that he waa toree• to make thoae attidavita under threate ot death by Chester Richardaon. Further deponent aayeth not. Leonard Chandler. Subacribed and sworn to betore ce at Fort Lozan, Colorado, this 30th, day et Jul7, 1921. G. E. F11lC9raon. Captain, Intantrr, ( D O L), Trial Judce Advocate, General Court-Yarahal. •• read in t u ll bt the Clerk. Th ereupoa, Leonard Chandler come forward in person before the couail and aake4 to atate the matter in peraon, saying that he made all the aff1dav1ta, both tor Cheater Richardaon and also tor D. hl. Kurtz. He aa1d that the affidavit made b efore G. E. Fingerson, waa ral•• and the one made betore Charle• Lawton and the one made betore Geo. A. Miller waa true and correct. The Mayo• aaked .tr. Chandler why he had made the two diferent attldavita one ter Yr . Riohardaon and the other tor Mr. Kurtz which contradict eaoh other. Ur . Chandler said that the one made on behalt or Mr. Kurt& waa made uader threa\ ot death or bodily harm by Tetreau and Spencer aa they aaid they would oleaa up on hi m it h e did aot make it. Chandler aaid it l had not sided in with the aang they would have mobed hla • • A. Klat.a or Fort Logan ( a Soldier I he asked if he could make a atatement on behalf or r. Kurtz, aa he has l~nown Ur. i urtz for abtut a year and he tinda t h e Kurtz th e moat accomodatins people in the Taxicab buaineaa, some ot the Taxicab p eo p le would l i k e to char ~e hi e her farea, and if the License or Mr. Kurtz ia rev o ked it will create a hardship on the boys wh o hawe to take tranapotation oa the taalcaba, a s t h ey mi8ht raise the fare, Kurtz ~ives the boya a square deal. .· ?ffl ,,, . ·. yor stated that here ia this case, a man make• two affidavit• makinc charge• a ainat a man, and then makes anpther affidavit. •••• .. I contradictinc the statement• in the t'irat. affidavits, and then comes in in person and d ... contradict• the last affidavit. and says the firs~ two are correct. Tne caae I• in the hands o~ the Distric& Cour~ and he thinks they should pass In it first.. Thereupon, Alderman Culliaon Uoved) Ea~leton Seconded) That this matter be layed over until at~r the case is heard in the District Court.. Roll Call: Alderman T ied~ i.loved) Cole, Absent.. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Absent. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 4. Ayes, 2. Absent. Uayor so ordered. Cullison, .econded) That there being no furthe~ business before the council, council adjourn to meet a 3ain Auzust 29th, 1921, at eigh~ o•c1ook P. M. Roll Call: Cole, Absent, Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnaoa, Abaea~. Thom p son, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 4.Ayea. 2. Absent. Mayor ao oftderej. inutea ot the city council or t~he city of Englewood, Colorado, th1• MondaJ August 1 5 t , atand approved as thi• 12th, day ot September A. D. 1921. &&~ City Clerk. I I I I I