HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-08-29 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I • I I AOJO lffiI E ;J RrOULAR MrETT NG Ofi" TRE CTTY COUNCtL 0' TRE CITY or ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THIS 39th ~Av O'"AUGU~T, A. D. 1931. Mayor J. W. Murray called the meeting to order and a•ked for Roll Call. Roll Csll: Cole, Abeent; Culli1r.n, Ab•~nt; Eagleton, Preeent; Johneon, Preeeat; Tho~pe~n, Pre••nt; T181~, Preeent; 4 Pree9nt Abaent a Mayor •o order•d ~F.UPO!! Councilman J. ~. Eagleton introduced the followin6 Reeolution: RSBQ.tUT TO~ \'1'h~r•a•, purauant to a notice to create a local improvement dietriot in the City of En- g lewood, Colorado, to be know~ a1 the ijerzog Street Grading and Im~ovement Diatrict, Inglewood, Colorado, an1 to make certain eidewalk an1 etreet grading improve .. nt• in aaid dietriot duly and regularly publiehed in ·the Englewood Herald, a Public Legal lewepaper )Nbliehed in t h e Ci~y of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, tor a period of 1tc re than thirty daye prior to thie dat ~, 4:hi1 the 29th da~r of Auguat, A. D. 1921 waa the date aaJLed in aaid notice up cn which the City Council within and for aaid City would meet in re g ular adjo~rned eee1i cr. ~) c oneid4r all complaint• and objection• that llight be made in writing t o •aid co u.1oil concerning the propoeed 1*1:>rovemente, by tbe owner, or owner• of any real e1 t at~ to be a•••••ed or any per1on or per1cn1 intereated ~•rally, an j that eaid complaint• anj objection• would be heard and determined by aaid City Council before th• firL : sotion of eaid Co uncil thereon an d to conaider an ordinance creating ••id dietrict and ordering the ~provsment1 aforeaaid, and, 1NEREA 9 , t h ere being nG objection• to the creation of aaid improvement• the following proc•ed i a 1 •~re thereupon haj and taken. Al•erman Eagleton loved) Tboapeon Seconded ) That Ordinance Ne. ..Serie• of 1921, aame being en- titled AW ORDTNAICE . ~EATTNG AN TVPROVEMENT DT9TRTCT ~?' '!'II~ CITY or llfGLl1'00D, COLORADO, TC r r. rdOWN AS T~E •RIRZOG STREET GRAOTNG AND n ~~OVEllENT DtSTRTCT, ENGLEWO':'D, COLORADO,• AID ORDl:HlJ G TPE COl~TRUCTtOI TRERETN OF A SYffTEM or GRADTNG AWD CONCRETE CEJIEBT SIDl- •AL~S, ANr pqoVTDTNG ,OR Tri! T~SUE 0' THE BONDS 0, TRE Dl8TRtCT IN PAYMENT rca 8ATD LOCAL Tlll'ROVllllNT8. Be introduced and read, aa a propoaed Ordinar:oe for the City ot Inglewood. R~ll Ca!l: Cole, Abeent; Culli1on, Ab1ent; Eagleton, Aye; Johneon, Aye; Thompecr, A y ~; TieJt, Aye; 4 Ay111 2 !baent Mayor 80 ordered Cl9rk read propoaed Ordinance No. RsritJa of 1921, A., ORDTNAICI CREATTNG Al tllPROVE- llENT nT 91'TTCT TR TRF CtTY OJ" F.NGLEWOOD7 COLORADO, TO BE IIK>WW AS TR! •JJJ!RIOO ITRDT GRAD- T. 0 A!'D I V"f:,,,,! ... !IT OT~'Y'RTCT, F.NOL!WOOi, COLORADO•, AUD ORDDTRG 'J'Rr CONt1TRUC~TOI THER!tR or A RY ' "'F.V o~ GRADTllG AKO COICR!T! Cllfr.NT ~ TOJ:WALJCS, AND PROVTDTNG J'(Jt THE rasUE or THE P,n~nq OJ' TPF OT!llTRTCT Tl AYYENT 10R 8ATD LOCAL TllPROVE~EHTS, in full; Alderman Eaaletoc ~ove6' . Tb ~mpaon Seconded ( That propoaed Ordin&."lce lo Seri•• of 1921, .aame being enti- tled Alf 01;f'T1'~'T ~ er r /."'T :JG Al TllPROV!"lNT [lf·"."il TOT Tl TPE CtTY or llfOLEWOOD, COLCllADO, ,.0 AE noa AR ~!i' •Prff ZIG IJTREET GRADT!10 AUO ~· l'ROVlllDT D t8TR TCT' llOtnOOD, COLORADO•' 0 0 OfUJEftt1fr.J T'ff: CONllTRUal'TOI TRERl'TtJ or A 8YllT!ll or GRADIWO ABD COICR!T! cmn IIDl-•&Lre. Aln PROVTnTR O '°' TRF. T88U! or TR!: BONDS 0' TRI DISTRICT II PAYMllT r<11 SATO LOCAL TIPROVl•IRT8, do now P&•• the firet reading a• read. Roll Call. Cole, Abeent; Cullison, Ab1ent; Ba i:1'9ton, Aye; Johneon, Aye; Thompaon, Aye; Tiedt, Aye; 4 Ayes llayor 80 ordered Alderman lagleton loYed( Tbompaon Sec .. nded ( That Where~•. a propoeed Ordinance lo Seri•• ot 1921 of the Ordinance of Inglewood, being entitled •AN ORDTNAICI CREATTIO Al TlfPROVElll:ll' DtSTRtCT IN TH I CTTY or IGL!WOOD, COL~ATlO, TO er 001'1 AS TRE •mmzoa STR!ET ORADT?IG DD ItlPROVE- ~ T DTBTRTCT, llGLIWOOn. COLORAOO•, AND ORDERtNG T~E CON~TRUCT~0! TPl'RlTI or A 8Y8TE11 or OR Ar>T TO AND CCl"C'!?ET!: CFTa:WT ~TilEWAtre, Ar?TJ "PROVTDT ~TG FOR T:i! l$SUE OJ' TRI: BOID8 or TRJi" Ot ~TRTCT TR ~A .'"F.~!T Ti'Qq IATD LOCAL T!l?RO~!F-!IENTS, haa been introduced n ~11 paaaed at ite -~ra t reaii ng, 0 1' TRrn l Y:-ORF., be it reaolve1 by the City Council or the Cit ·r of Englewood, that the pro- p o ee~ Or din~noe !o ___ ~8•rie• of 1921, aforeaa1d, be publi•h•d aa required by the Stat•t•• or t he ?t a~· of Colorado, and go over ~or furt~-~ ooneideratt~n at anotner meeting. · Ro11 ca11 e C?le Abaent; Cullieon, Abeent; lagleton, Aye; Johnaon, ~•; Thompaon, Ay~; Tie d t, Aye; 4 Ayee Mayor 90 a Abeent ordered. .• 264 Clerk read in tull, Letter o! G. W. ro1ter, Mayor of City of Lo~eland, Colorado. GRlF.T TNGS: The City ot Loveland join• with the Colorado State r1remen'• Aeeooiation and the Larimer County 'sir A11601ation tn extending to you a mo1t cordial invitation to vi1it with ue on the ocoation of the 'ir•••n'• rttth Annual Convention snd Tournament, to be bald in con6unction with The Larimer County rair, at Loveland, lp,tember 5th to 9tb, inolu1ive, City of Loveland, G .•. roeter, llayor, I. M. tvere, Chi,f, or Loveland rtre Department, R. 8. Varner, I Preeident Larimer County rair A11ociation, Colorado State rtremen 1 1 Ae1ooiation, R. I. Jutti~g, Pre1ije~t, J. '~ McCormac~, ~•c!•~d!y. Alderman John1on Movej ( lagleton Seconded ( That letter juet read be reoeiv9d and filed. The Clerk i• directed to reply, aaying all that oen ab1ent them1elv11 from bu1ine11 dutie• will be 1n attendance. Roll Call. Ccl~, Abeent; CU1111on, Abaent1 Eagleton, Aye; John1on, AYIJ Tbompaon, Aye; Tiedt, Aye; 4 Aye1 Mayor 10 a &beent ordered 1r•. Thoe. Sullivan of the Englewood,Tb1at1r, prot11ted againet the Pop-corn Vender from etandtng h ~• wagen near the entrance of the Thester, a1ked that he be removed. The Mayor and Council ordered the Chia! of Police to make him get a etand and atay away from tee front of the Theater a1 the front ha• to be k8pt ol•~r. Alderman Tiedt or the Special Committee se to Tepairing the roof of the Slee:r ing room . anj tt.e r1oor of the City ijall, reported that a new roo~ had been placed over the •leep- ~~~ room and the floor had been repaired. The llayor etated tha~ the report fr ,:,n. the Comm1 ttee "• received. Tbe co .. itte• on the Jlunicipal Wat~r Plant for the City of Inglewood, with the City ln- gineer 1howed mape of th~ prop••~d plant. I The ayor re!9rred the mat tr ;. to the City iltorney for advioe on the Legal ~-n:r to pro-I ceed. Al erman T~ed~ loved( lagletor. ~econJed ( That there being no further b~•i~••• 8erore the Council, Council adjourn. Roll Call. Col~. Abeent; Cullison, Abeent, Eagleton, AY•J Jobnaon, Aye; Thompeon, Aye; liedt, Aye; 4 Ayea; Mayor 10 inute1 of .Adjourned Regular Meetin g of the rado. th1• 39 h day of Auguet, A. O. 1921., le pte ber, A. o. 1921. a .Abaent ordrered. City Council of theLC}::!_JO~ Englewood, Colo- atand approv9i a• ~thi• 11th day of -1.:zo_~ . ctYCfu"' ,. I I •