HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921-09-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutes2 7-t ADJOUR ED EG AR !LEET!! G OF TIE CITY COU llCI L OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THIS THURS AY 15th, DAY OF SEPTElifBER , A. D. 1921', AT EIGH'l' O'CLOCK, P, J.1, ·• yo r • 1 • ·:urray Cal led the me etin~· to order and asked for roll call. Roll Call: Cole, Absent, Cu llison, !'resent, Ea g leton, Preae t. J ohnson, Present. Thompson, Absent. Tiedt, Preaeat. 4. Present, 2. Absent. Uayor so ordere•. In the matter or the Trunk Line Sewer District and the Lateral Diatrict Proteata h eretotore read in open council and continued to this date for consideratloa, afte r •ome d1•cuss 1on or the matter, council a~reed that the ma•ter go over tor further consideration at another meetin~ Tuesday eveninc September, 20th, 1921. Alderman Eaeleton, ·oved) Tiedt .econded) Tha t there bein! no further business before the council, council adjourn to ~eet a ga in Tuesday evenin~ September 20th, 1921, at e11ht o'clook, p . • Roll Ca ll: Co le, Absen t, Johnson, Ay e. 4. Ay ea, r.lay or Cul l ison, Aye, Ea~leton, Aye. Thompson, Absent, Tiedt, Aye. 2. Abaent. so ordered. inutea ot djourned Re e ular l!eeting or the city council Colorado , thla l~th , day of Se ptem b er, P . D . 1921. stand th1 a 1 th, day or Bctober, A. D. 1921. I I I I I