HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-09 (Special) Meeting MinutesCXXJNCIL CliAMBERS CITY OF ~D, CX>LORAOO APRIL 9, 1973 SPECIAL~: The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe Col.mty, Colorado, met in special sessioo oo April 9, 1973 at 10: 30 P .M. The following ''Notice of Call" was read by the Mayor. OOI'ICE OF CAIL BY IBE Ml\YOR FUR A SPF.CIAL SFSSirn OF IBE CITY CXXJNCIL KIIDAY, APRIL 9 , 1973 10:30 P.M. 'nle City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe Col.mty, Colorado, is hereby called to a Sepcial Meeting at the City Hall, 3400 South Ela ti Street to consider appointments to the Board of Career Service c.omnissiooers. AaQUtll.EOOEl1fNI' OF RECEIPT OF OOI'ICE The following persoos, all Council meribers of the City of Englewood do hereby waive the 24-hour notice provision: present: /s/ Miltoo E. Senti, Mayor /s/ Paul Blessing /s/ Dallas Dhority Is/ Werner Schnackenberg /s/ Judy Henning /s/ Howard Brown /s/ Elmer Schwab Mayor Senti, presiding, called the meeting to order. The Mayor asked for roll call. Upoo the call of the roll, the following were Council Me:Tbers Senti, Blessing, Dhority, Schnackenberg, Brown, Herming, and Schwab. Absent: None. The Mayor declared a quorun present. Also present were: City Manager Dial City Attorney Berardini Assistant City Manager McCown * * * * * * ~ BI.E.5S~ M1JED AND CXXJNCIU1AN IH>RITY SECXIIDED A M1I'Irn ro OPFN ?DnNATIOOS FOR APPOI.NlHNI'S 'ID 'IliE 1llARD OF CAREER SERVICE cn+llSSIOOERS. Mayor Senti announced that nominations to the Career Service Board were in order. 'nle nominees were as follows: Ken Carlsoo Olarles Zartman Winnifred Uhlinger Warren Orr Kenneth Wetterstrom Dick Richards Jackie Scnnidt A vote was taken and the list was narrowed to four candidates: Ken Carlsoo Olarles Zartman Winnifred Uhlinger Kenneth Wetterstrom A final vote was taken and n..io candidates were selected, Dr. Charles Zartman and Mrs. Wirnifred Uhlinger. Dr. Zartman received DDre affirmative votes than Mrs. Uhlinger whereupcn: ~ BTFSS~ MJVED AND CXXJNCIU1AN ~ SECXIIDED A M1I'IOO 1U APPOINI' DR. ClWUFS ZARlMAN FOR A TERM OF FUJR YFARS. Upoo the call of the roll, the votes resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Me:Tbers Schnackenberg, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Herming, Senti. Nays: Council Me:Tbers Schwab. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the TIDtion carried. I I I I I 'I I I -2- au«;~ HERUt«; MJVED AND WJNCIU1AN BI.F..SSrt«; SECXIIDED A MJI'IOO TO APPOINf MRS. Wilfi!Fm:D UHLit«;ER FOR A TERM OF IBREE YEARS. Upm the call of the roll the vote result- ed as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Merrbers Schnackenberg, Ihority, Brown, Blessing, Helming, Senti. Council Merrbers Schwab. Nate. 'nle Mayor declared the rtDtion carried and furhher announced that the Council appointees were Dr. Zartman and Mr. Uhlinger for terDE indicated. * * * * * * ~ SCliWAB MJVED AND WJNCIU1AN ~ SECXIIDED '!HAT OOMINATIOOS BE CLOSED AND 1HE MEETIN:; BE AilJCXJmED. Up<n the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Merrbers Schnackenberg, Ihority, Brown, Blessing, Helming, Schwab, Senti. Nays: None. 'nle Mayor declared the rrotion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 10:44p.m. /s/ Karl Nollenberger ex officio Clerk of the Council