HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-01-03 (Regular) Meeting Minutes [2]I I I I REGULAR MEETING: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO JANUARY 3, 1972 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular session on January J, 1972, at 9:00 P.M. Councilman Schwab, presiding, called the 1972-73. Englewood City Council to order . The City Clerk stated that the following people had been elected to the Englewood City Council: Councilman Elect John J. Lay, 4000 South Lincoln Street, Council District No. 3, four-year term. Councilman Elect Dallas J. Dhority, 3150 South Acoma Street, Council District No. 1, four-year term. Councilwoman Elect Judith B. Henning, 3074 East Cornell Circle, At Large, four-year term. Councilman Elect Paul T. Blessing, 4122 South Galapago Street, At Large, four-year term. The Honorable Robert F. Kelley, Judge of the Eighteenth Judicial District of the State of Colorado, administered the Oath of Office to Councilmen Elect Blessing, Dhority and Lay and to Councilwoman Elect Henning. Upon the call of the roll, the following were present: Councilmen Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Councilwoman Henning, Councilmen Lay, Schwab, Senti. Absent: None Councilman Schwab declared a quorum present. Also present: City Manager Dial Assistant City Manager McDivitt City Attorney Berardini City Clerk Lyon City Council then proceeded to the election of the Mayor. COUNCILMAN DHORITY MOVED, COUNCILMAN LAY SECONDED, THAT COUNCILMAN MILTON SENTI BE NOMINATED TO THE POSITION OF MAYOR FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE YEARS 1972-73. COUNCILMAN LAY MOVED THAT THE NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED AND THAT A WHITE BALLOT BE CAST IN FAVOR OF COUNCILMAN SENTI. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Councilwoman Henning, Councilmen Lay, Schwab. Nays: None Abstaining: Councilman Senti Absent: None Councilman Schwab declared the motion carried. Former Mayor Schwab gave a brief closing statement as Mayor of the City of Englewood. Councilman Senti assumed the position of Mayor of the City of Englewood. Mayor Senti declared that nominations were now open for the position of Mayor Pro Tem. COUNCILMAN LAY MOVED, COUNCILWOMAN HENNING SECONDED, THAT COUNCILMAN HOWARD R. BROWN BE NOMINATED AS MAYOR PRO TEM OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE TERM 1972-73. COUNCILMAN SCHWAB MOVED, COUNCILMAN BLESSING SECONDED, THAT THE NOMINATIONS CEASE AND THAT A WHITE BALLOT BE CAST FOR COUNCILMAN BROWN AS MAYOR PRO TEM. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Blessing, Dhority, Councilwoman Henning, Councilmen Lay, Schwab, Senti. Nays: None Abstaining: Councilman Brown. Absent: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. 327 328 .January 3, 1972 2 Mayor Pro Tern Brown gave a brief statement to begin his term of office. Mayor Senti requested that former Councilmen Kreiling and Lentsch appear before Council. Plaques were presented to the former City Councilmen. * * * * * Mayor Senti introduced the families of the City Council who were in attendance. * * * * * COUNCILMAN SCHWAB MOVED, COUNCILMAN LAY SECONDED, THAT THE CONSIDERATION OF A LEGAL NEWSPAPER BE TABLED FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Brown, Dhority, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Nays: Councilman Blessing, Councilwoman Henning. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the rotion carried. * * * * * CXXB;IUM SCllWAB MJVED, CXXJNCII11AN BLE&;n«; SECDIDED, 'IHAT CXl.JNCIL- ~ BlON AND ~ HEHrn«; BE tD1INATED AS CITY CXXJNCIL'S REPRESENI'ATIVES TO 'lliE PLNtil.l«; AND ZOOING CXMUSSIOO IDR TERM> ENDING JANUARY l, 1974, AND JN«JARY l, 1976, RESPECTIVELY. ~LAY MJVED 'IHAT OOMINATIOOS CEASE AND 'IHAT A \tll!TE BALLOT BE Q\SI' IN FAVOR OF ~CIU'1AN ~ AND CIXJNC!UtDMAN ~. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Merrbers Blessing, Dhority, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Nays: None. Abstain: c.ouncil Menbers Brown, Councilwamn Henning. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the rotion carried. ™1lJ1AN SOIWAB MJVED, CXXJNC.'Ill1!\N IH>RITY SE'.CmDED, 'IHAT CXl.JNCIL- ~ LAY BE tD1INATED AS CITY CXl.JNCIL Is REPRESENrATIVE 'ID 'lHE WATER AND SEWER lllARD R>R A TERM ENDING JANUARY l, 1976. ™1lJ1AN BI FSSU«; MJVED, CXXJNCIIBAN ~ SECDIDED, 'IHAT CXl.JNCIL- ~ SOfWAB BE tDtINATED AS CITY CXl.JNCIL Is REPRESmTATIVE 'ID 'lHE WATER AND SL\ER lllARD IDR A TERM ENDU«; JANUARY 1, 1974. Councilnlln Schwab requested that his name be withdrawn for Councilnml Dhority. CIXK:~ BLESS rt«; MJVED, CXXJNCIU'1AN ~ SECDIDED, 'IHAT nm WI~ OF CXlH;lll1AN SCllWAB BE Aell:PI'ED AND 'IHAT nm SUBSl'I'IUIE NOMINA- Tl~ OF CXlK:lll1AN IHJRITY AS CITY CXl.JNCIL'S REPRESENI'ATIVE 'ID '!HE WATER AND SlliER lllARD FOR A TERM ENDU«; JAWARY 1, 1976, BE ACn;Pl'ED. CXllCIU1AN SClfWAB MJVED, CXXJNCIUM ~ SECXIIDFD, 'IHAT '!HE t«KNATl~S Cl'A5E AND 'lliAT A WflTE BALLOT BE Q\SI' IN FAVOR OF CD.JN~ lAY AND [Jl)Rl'IY. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Cooncil Menbers Blessing, Brown, Ihority, Henning, Schwab, Senti. Nays: Ncnc. Abstain: Council Merrber Lay. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the IIt>tion carried. COONCIIJ1AN IHJRITY MJVED '!HAT CXl.JNCIUtAN S<liWAB BE tllMINATED AS CITY Cll.tiCIL'S REPRESENrATIVE 'ID 'lHE PARKS AND RECREATIOO CXMwt!SSIOO FOR A TERM ENDING JANUARY 1, 197 4. ~ LAY M>VED 'lliAT CXl.JNCIUM BIESSING BE tllMINATED AS CITY CDWCIL'S REPRESllll'ATIVE 'ID 'lliE PARK!:; AND RECREATIOO CXMUSSIOO IDR A TERM ENDING JANUARY 1, 1976. Cll.fiCIU1AN IAY M>VED, CXXJNCIU1AN ~ SECDIDED, 'IHAT 'lHE tOfINATIOOS CEASE AND '!HAT A WITTE BALLOT BE Q\SI' IN FAVOR OF CXl.JNCII.MN SQIWAB AND BIE8SING. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Menbers Brown, Dhority, Henning, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Nays: None. Abstain: Council Meuber Blessing. Absent: Ncne. I I I :1 I I I I -3- The Mayor declared the DX>tion carried. CDUNCIU1AN I.AY MNED 1HAT CDUNCIU01AN HFHm«; BE NOMINATED AS CITY CXXJNCIL'S REPRESENrATIVE ID 'lllE RETIREMNI' BOARD FOR A TERMENDIR; JANUARY 1, 1976. CDUNClll1AN LAY K>VFD, CllJNCIU1AN SCllWAB SECDIDED, '1HAT WMINATIOOS Cl'A'>E AND '1HAT A \.llITE BAllDI' BE CAST IN FAVOR OF <Xl.JNCIU01AN HFHUR;. Upcn a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Council Mcrrbers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Nays: None. Abstain: Council Merrber Henning. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the DX>ticn carried. CDUNClll1AN IH>RITY M>VED 1HAT OOUNClll1AN ~ BE NOMINATED AS CITY ~CIL'S REPRESFNI'ATIVE TO 1HE PUBUC UBRARY OOARD FOR A TERM ENDTI«; JANUARY 1, 1974. CDUNCIU1AN LAY K>VFD, CXXJNClll1AN SCHWAB SECllIDED, '1HAT NOMINATIOOS CEASE AND 'lliAT A \.llITE BALI.Dr BE CAST FOR CDUNCIU1AN ~. Upcn a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Council Merrbers Blessing, Dhority, Henning, Lay, Schwab, Senti. None. Abstain: Cotmcil Meni>er Brown. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the noticn carried. CWNCIU1AN BLFSSIR; MNED 1HAT CXXJNCII.MAN IH>RITY BY NOMINATED AS CITY CDWCIL'S REPRESENI'ATIVE TO 1HE SQIX)L-CITY JOINr CXM1IITEE FOR A TERM ENDI?«; JANlJAl{Y l, 1976. CDUNCILMAN I.AY MNED 1HAT OOUNCILMAN SQIWAB BE NOMINATED AS CITY cn.H;IL 'S RE P ~ESml'ATIVE ID 'lllE SQIX)L-CITY JOim' CXM1ITl'EE FOR A TERM ENDI?«; JAWARY 1, 1974. CDWClL BLFSSIR; KNED, CXXJNCIU1AN I.AY SECDIDED, 'lHAT 'lllE NCKNATirns ~ AND 1HAT A \.llITE BALI.Dr BE CAST FOR CXlJNCII.MAN IH>RITY AND CIX.fiCIU1AN S<liWAB. Upcn a call of the roll, the vote resulted as f ollows: Ayes: Nays : Council Merrbers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Henning, Lay, Schwab, Senti. None. Absent: Ncne. The Mayor declared the DX>tion carried. * * * * * Mayor Senti recognized Mr. and Mrs. Olarles Dykstra, 3150 South Lafayette Street, Precinct No. 6, from the list of Special Citizens Program Invitees. * * * * * 329 330 -5- Mayor Senti recognized Mr. Harold Rust, Manager of the Englewood office of the Public Service Conpany. Mr. Rust presented a check for $37,000 for the quarterly payment for the Public Service Conpany. * * * * * Mr. Frenchie Gratts, architect for the addition to the Service Center, appeared and read the following tabulation of bids: Bickel Construction Co. Rob Roy Construction Co. Cormer Construction Co. Langfur Construction Corp. $56,000.00 50,978.00 44,436.00 43,224.00 Mr. Gratts stated that the architect's estimate for the project was $39 ,480. He discussed the reasai for the estimate being exceeded. ~Clll1AN I.AY K>VED, Cll.JNCll.M\N IH>RITY SECXJIDED, '!HAT 'llIE LOW BID OF LN«;FUR <:mSI'Rl.JCTIOO CDRPORATIOO BE ACllPI'ED. Upoo a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: c.ouncil Menbers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Hemri.ng, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Nays: None. Absent: Ncne. The Mayor declared the m:>tion carried. ***"'(* City Manager Dial stated that a resolution transferring funds from Paving District No. 21 ~d be presented at the January 17, 1972, City Council meeting. * * * * * Mr. Jam?s Hilger, 3166 South Vine Street, appeared before City Council to request a twelve-acre park m . that area of the KLZ site adjacent to the residential area in "'*rich Mr. Hilger resides. Upoo request of Mr. Hilger, 26 people in the audience stood in favor of the park. Mr. Hilger discussed with City Council his proposal. * * * * * The time schedule for conpletion of Paving District No. 20 was received for the record. * * * * * The time schedule for creation of Paving District No ., 21 and cost estimite for the District were received for the record. * * * * * The 1972 Budget was received for the record. *"'(*** The minutes of the Water and Sewer Board meeting of Decenber 21, 1971, with bNO DlE!IDranda of reconmendation attached, were received for the record. CWNCIUWi LAY M>VED, CWNCil.MAN SCllWAB SECDIDED, 'lllAT nlE REcnt1ENDA- TIOO OF 'lllE WATER AND SEWER BOARD 'lliAT cnuAIN AMENIHN1'S 'ID 'lllE cmNECIDR' S AGREEMNl'S WI'IH &X.TIHGATE AND OOlJlH ARAPAll>E SANITATIOO orsnucrs \.llEREBY REMITl'ANCES 'ID 1HE DISfRICT BY 'lllE CITY ARE 'ID BE IN<m'A5ED OR D~ED IN DIRECT P(()POKITOO 'ID 'lllE INCRFA5E OR D~E OF SEWf\GE TREA'lMNl' CEARGES BE APPRJVED AND 'lliAT mE Mf\YOR AND CITY CLERK BE Aiml)RIZED AND DIRECTED 'ID EXEQJI'E mE AMENil-1ENTS. Upoo a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: I I I I ,I I I I Ayes: -6- CO\mcil Merrbers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Hemri.ng, Lay, ~chwab, Senti. Nays: Noo.e. Absent: Noo.e. The Mayor declared the m>tioo. carried. CDUNCIU1AN LAY M:>VED, CXXJNCIU1AN SQIWAB SECDIDED, 'IHAT 'DIE RECXM1ENDA- TIOO 'IHAT 1llE CITY CDUNCIL ACCEPT A PHJPOOED REVISED SEWER ORDINANffi AND CAUSE 'lliE MINICIPAL CDDE 'ID REFLECT nus ~E BE APPK>VED. Upoo. a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: C.Otmcil Meni:>ers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Hemri.ng, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Noo.c. Absent: Noo.e. The Mayor declared the 100tioo. carried. A nuoorarnun from Mr. Charles B. Carroll, Utilities Director, to Mr. Stanley H. Dial, City Manager, clarifying the two recoonexiations steuming fran the Water and Sc.?Wer Board meeting of Decellber 21, 1971, and also reconmending approval of Supplement No. 1 to the Olerrymoor South Sanitatioo. District, was received for the record. ClX.JNCIU1AN LAY MJVED, CXXJNCIU1AN 80IWAB SECXIIDED, 'IHAT SUPPLEMNI' 00. 1 TO 'lllE CliERRYKX)R SOlIDI SANITATIOO DISTRICT CXHIBCIDR'S .AGREFMNI' BE APPRJVED AND 'IHAT 'lllE Ml\YOR AND CITY CIBRK BE Al.TOORIZED 'ID EXECUl'E 'lllE cmrRACT OOCl.HNl'S SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY 'lllE WATER AND SEWER OOARD. Upcn a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Co\lllCil Merrbers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Herming, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Noo.e. Ncne. The Mayor declared the rmticn carried. * * * * * BY AJJlHORITY ORDINANffi 00. l, SERIES OF 1972 AN ORDINANQ: V.ACATlll; A POKITOO OF SOOllI OGDEN STREET l.DCATED IN 'lllE 3400 BU:XX, CITY OF ~D. CXXJNrY OF ARAPAlDE, 001.DRAOO. (Copied in full in the official Ordinance Book.) CDUNCIU1AN LAY K>VFD, CXXJNCIU1AN SCliWAB SECXIIDED, 'IHAT ORDINANQ: NO. 1, SERIES OF 1972, BE PA5SED 00 F1.NAL READit«; AND PUBUSIBD BY TITLE IN 'lllE ENGI»IX)D HERAill SENTINEL. Upoo. a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Menbers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Hemri.ng, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Ncne. Noo.e. The Mayor declared the 100tion carried. * * * * * 331 332 -7- BY AJ.11H)RITY ORDINANCE 00. 2, SERIES OF 1972 AN ORDINANCE VACAT!tl; 1HE GAI.APAW-HlJHE AILEY BETWEEN WESI' HAMPDEN AVFNJE AND \ES!' I'lliACA AVENUE, CITY OF ~D, CXlJN'lY OF ARAPAHOE, CX>LORAOO. (Copied in full in the official Ordinance Book.) CXlJNCIU1AN IAY M>VED, CXXJNC~ ~ SECXIIDED, 'lliAT ORDINANCE NO. 2, SERIES OF 1972, BE PASSED CN FINAL RF.ADOC AND PUBU~ BY TITI.E IN 'lHE ~D HERAW SENI'INEL. Upm a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Nays: Council Meni>ers, Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Henning, Lay' Schwab' Senti. None. Absent: N<nc. The Mayor declared the IIDtioo carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini reported briefly that the Colorado Supreire Ccxlrt: had upheld the zoning by City Council of the Kl.Z site to R-3. Mr. Bcrardini stated that the Supreme Court ruling sustained on appeal that zcning is a matter of local coocem. * * * * * BY AJ.11H)RITY ORDINAN<L 00. 3, SERIES OF 1972 AN ORDINANCE At-fNDOC SECTirns 1 AND 6' CliAPl'ER 4 ; SEcrrrns 2 AND 3, CllAP'lER 7 , AIL OF TITLE V OF 1HE '69 E .M.C. , ESTABLioor«; Sl'ANDAROO FOR ACC1MJLATIOO OF NtiUAL LFAVE AND SICK !EAVE, INOU'A50C 'lHE AOOMJLATICN OF SICX LF.AVE FOR AIL EM>LOYEES IN 1HE ClA5SIFIED SERVIra; AlJIH)RIZIR; <DWER- SlOO OF SICX !EAVE 'ID AtHJAL LFAVE AND NETIREr-tNT PAY; AUlll)RIZOC PAYMENI' FOR OVERfll£ FOR CITY EM>LOYEES tUl' EXEM"r 'IHERE:mJM. (Copied in full in the official Ordinance Book.) CIXfiCI1J1AN IAY MJVED, CXlJNCIU1AN IH>RITY SECmDED, 'lliAT ORDINANCE NO. 3, SERIES OF 1972, BE PASSED CN FINAL RF.ADOC AND PUBU91ED BY TITLE IN 1HE ~ HF.RAID SENI'INEL. Upm a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: c.ouncil Menbers Blessing, Brown, Ihority, Henning, Lay' Schwab' Senti. Nays: N<ne. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the ot>tioo carried. * * * * * REOOWITOO 00. 1, 8ERIES OF 1972 A REOOWITOO DF.CLARIK; 1HE INrENl' OF 1HE CITY ClXJNCIL OF 'lHE CITY OF ~, CDLORAOO, 'ID APPK>VE 1HE Wl>IE CDST OF 'lHE IMPK>VFMNI'S MADE IN AND FOR SIDEWAIK IWK>VEMNI' DISI'RICT 00. 71 IN 'lHE CITY OF ENGLENIX)D, CX>LORAOO, 'ID APPK>VE AND cmFIRM 'lHE APPORITC»tNI' OF SAID CDST 'ID EA(]{ wr OR TRACT OF UtND IN SAID DISI'RICT; 'ID ASSESS A SHARE OF SAID CDST AGAINsr F.AOI IDr IN 'lliE DISTIUCT, FSI'ABLloor«; A DATE AND PLACE FOR A PUBUC HEARING UPm 'lHE ASSESSKNI' OF SAID CDSTS AND ORDERING PUBLICATICN AND M\ILOC OF WITCE 'lllERIDF 'ID 1HE cwmRS OF PR>PERI'Y 'ID BE ASSESSED WI'lHIN 1HE DISI'RICT; AND 'ID APPK>VE 1HE CXH>IEITCN OF SAID DISTRICT. I I I I I I I I -8- (Copied in full in the official Resoluticn Book). ~Clll-1AN LAY MlVED, CXXJNCILMAN IJDRITY SECXJIDFD, 'lHAT RESOIDITOO NO. 1, SERIF.s OF 1972, BE APPK>VED AND AOOPI'ED, AND 'lliAT A PUBUC HEARING OF nlE DISTRICT BE FSrABLI~ FOR FEBRUARY 7, 1972, AT 8: 00 P .M. , AT CITY HAIL, 3400 SOU'lll El.AT!. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Nays: Absent: Council Menbers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Heming, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Ncne. Ncne. The Mayor declared the onticn carried. * * * * * RE.<:Durrrrn NO. 2' SERIES OF 1972 A ·RES>urrrOO D~ 'lliE nm.NrIOO OF 'lllE CITY CIXJNCIL OF 'lllE CITY OF mGl.EWX)D, OOLORAOO, 'ID C.REATE AND IK>K>VEMNI' DISTRICT IN SAID CITY 1U BE ~ AS PAVI?«; DISTRICT NO. 21, AOOP!'lll; DEI'AILS AND SPECIFICATIOOS 'lliEREFORE, AND OROERIH; PUBUCATIOO AND~ OF WTICE OF HEARING 1U 'lllE ~OF 1llE PR>PERrY 'ID BE AS.5ESSED FOR I.M>R>VEMNI'S IN SAID DISTRICT. (Copied in full in the official Resoluticn Book.) Cll.JNC~ IH>RITY MMD, CXXJNCIIl-1AN LAY SECXJIDFD, 'lHAT RE.<:DIDITOO NO. 2, SERIFS OF 1972, BE APPK>VED AND AOOPI'ED, AND 'lliAT A PUBUC HEARING 00 1liE DISTRICT BE ESrABU~ FOR JANUARY 24, 1972, AT 8: 00 P .M. , AT mGI..EWX)D CITY HAIL, 3400 sex.rm El.ATI. Upcn a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Menbers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Heming, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Ncne. Ncne. The Mayor declared the onticn carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial gave a slide presentaticn on the problem of trash and garbage receptacles being placed in public alleys. CDWC~ LAY M)VED, CXXJNCILWJMAN HmNn«; SECXJIDED, 'lHAT 'lllE PK>rosED ORDINANCES REQJIATU«; TRA.5H AND GARBAGE RECEPrACI.ES IN PUBUC AUEYS BE REMJVED FID-1 'lllE TABI.E. Upcn a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Menbers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Henning, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Ncne. Ncne. 't' The Mayor declared the onticn carried. City c.ouncil discussed the mtter. 333 334 -9- Introduced as a Bill by C.Ouncilman Lay and read in full, A BIIL FOR AN ORDINANCl: AMENDING SECTIOO 2, CliAPlER 5, OO'ITLID, ''OOLID WASTES - LITIER AND HANDBIU.s", TITLE VI, '69 E.M.C. BY PIOllB!Tlll:; AIL PRIVATE ~ Fl01 BEn«; PLA.CED IN PUBLIC 'OOIOGIFARES. CXl.JN~ LAY MJVED, CXXJNC!ll1AN IH)Rl'I'Y SECllIDED, mAT 'lHE BIU. FOR AN ORDINANCl: BE PASSED 00 FIRST RF.ADING AND PUBLISHED IN FULL IN 'lHE ~D HERAl.D SENI'INEL. Discussion continued. CIX.JN~ BLESSING M>VED, CXXJN~ IH)Rl'I'Y SECDIDED, 'DiAT 'lllE PK>POSED ORDINANCl: BE Al-UIDED BY INSERITOO OF A SECITOO 2 READIN; AS ~: • 'SECTioo 2. nus ORDINANa: SHA1L BECXM: EFFECI'IVE SEPI»tiER 1, 1972." Upm a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Menbers Blessing, Brown, Ihority, Henning, Lay, Schwab, Senti. None. None. The Mayor declared the mtion carried. Councilman Brown requested that a public hearing informing people abrut the ordinance be given before its passage on first reading. f ollows: Disrussing of the ordinance continued. Upoo a call of the roll, the vote on the amended bill resulted as Ayes: Nays: Absent: COJncil Menbers Blessing, Ihority, Henning, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Council Menber Brown. None. The Mayor declared the mtion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial disrussed a seminar on cable T .V. to be held in Daytm, Ohio, on January 25-26, 1972. CIXJN~ IH)Rl'I'Y M>VFD, CXXJNCIU1AN BUSSING SECllIDED, mAT A REPRESENI'ATIVE BE Ql.)SEN BY 'lHE CITY MANAGER 'ID ATl'END 'lHE CXlUERFNO: 00 CABLE TV IN Di\YIOO, CHIO, 00 JANUARY 25-26 , 1972. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: C.Ouncil Ment>ers Blessing, Brown, Ihority, Henning, Lay, Schwab, Senti. None. None. The Mayor declared the mtion carried. * * * * * I I I I I I I I -10- City Manager Dial requested approval for the Director of Libraries to attend the American Library Associatioo mid-winter conference in Chicago, Illinois, frCID January 23-26, 1972. CXXJNCIU1AN lAY ti>VED, CXXJNCIU1AN ~ SEcmDED, '!HAT 1HE ATl'ENDANCE OF 1HE DIRECIOR OF LIBRARIES AT 1HE A.L.A. ~FERENCE IN OOCACD, IU.IOOIS, OF JANUARY 23-26, 1972, BE GRANrED. Upcn a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: c.ouncil Menbers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Henning, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Nooe. Nooe. The Mayor declared the DX>tioo carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial informed neli>ers of City Council that the Regional Transportatioo District ~d have a meeting on January 12, 1972, at 1 :30 P.M •. in the Cormunity Room. The Regional Transportatioo District would discuss its plans for Englewood and the regioo at that time. * * * * * City Manager Dial presented a written report on his attendance at the International City Managers Associatioo conference in Hollywood, Florida, Novenber 7-11, 1971. * * * * * City Manager Dial briefly reviewed the 1971 year-end financial conditioo of the City of Englewood. * * * * * City Manager Dial inquired of City Council whether it wished to meet infor1I8lly to discuss certain land negotiations taking place and the request of the property owners adjacent to the KLZ site for a park. It was the consensus of City Camcil that an infornal discussion be held on January 10, 1972, at 7 :30 P.M. Councilman Brown stated that he was disturbed that the City of Engl~ had not done anything concrete concerning the KLZ property and requested that it be considered at the next informal Council study sessioo. The City Council discussed the KLZ site and the park proposed by the area residents. CWNCII.W:>MAN ~ K>VED, CXXJNCIU1AN lAY SEcmDED, '!HAT 1HE ~OF t-E. JAMES HUGER AND AREA RESIDENTS RE A TWELVE-ACRE PARK rn 'lllE KLZ SITE BE REFERRED 'ID 1HE PARKS AND REClID\TIOO CXM1ISSIOO. Discussioo continued. Upcn a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays : Absent: C.Ouncil Menbers Blessing, Brown, Illority, Herming, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Nale. None . The Mayor declared the ITDtion carried. * * * * * 335 336 -11- Mayor Senti presented a letter fran Mr. M.O. Shivers, Water Bond Attorney, giving his resignation fran the Water and Sewer Board due to his appointment as District Judge for the Eighteenth Judicial District. ClXJNCILMAN SOlWAB M>VED, CllJNCILMAN BLESSING SEc:mDED, 'lHAT 'lllE RESI~rn OF MR. M.O. SHIVERS AS 'DIE WATER BOARD ATIDRIBY BE ACCEPIED. Upcn a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Merrbers, Blessing, Brown, Ihority, Henning, Lay, Schwab, Senti. None. None. The Mayor declared the notion carried. ClXJNCILMAN SOiWAB MJVED, CllJNCIU1AN lAY SEc:mDED, 'lHAT MR. LID LENl'SOl BE APPOINI'ED 'IO '1HE ~ AND ~ CXM1ISSION 'IO FULFIL 'DIE VAC,/JNf CITIZFN ~ER TERM Q\USED BY 'DIE EI.ECITrn OF MRS. JUDI'IH HENNING 'ID 'lllE ElG...EWX>D CITY CllJNCIL, SAID TERM 'IO RW 'ID FEBRUARY l, 1975. Discussion ensued. CllJNCIUllMAN HENNING MMD, CllJNCIU1!\N BI ESSING SE<DIDED, 'lHAT 'lHE APPOINlHNI' BE TABLED UNI'IL AIL CITY COUNCIL APPOINIMNl'S CXXJID BE CXESIDERED. Upcn a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: C.Ollllcil Menbers Blessing, Henning, Senti. Council Menbers Brown, Ihority, Lay, Schwab. None. The Mayor declared the nntion failed. Upon a call of the roll on the original llX>tion, the vote resulted as foilows: Ayes: C.Ouncil Meni>ers Brown, Ihority, Lay, Schwab, Senti. Nays: Council Metrbers Blessing, Henning. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the nntion carried. * * * * * ClX.JNClU1AN LAY MJVED, CXXJNCILMAN ~ SECXIIDED, 'lHAT 'lllE ~ BE ADJOOmED. Upon a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Mslbers Blessing, Brown, Dhority, Henning, Lay, Schwab, Senti. None. None. The Mayor declared the nntion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. /S/ Stephen A. Lyon Ex officio Clerk of C.Ouncil I I I I