HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutes406 ~CIL ClfAHBERS CI'lY OF~. CDI.DRAOO K4\Y 15, 1972 ~~: The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado met in reaular sessial m Hay 15, 1972, at 8:07 P.M. Mayor Senti, presiding, called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the Reverend Fred Hahn, Emnanuel wtheran Ch.lrch. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Pack No. 333. present: 'lbe Mayor asked for roll call. Up<n the call of the roll, ·the following were Council Meui:>ers Schwab, Lay. Henning, Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti. Absent: Nooe. The Mayor declared a quorun present: Also present were: City Manager Dial Assistant City Manager ~vitt City Attorney Berardini * * * * * CXXB~ HFHm«; MJVED, CXXBCillfAN ~ SECDIDED, 'lHAT nlE MINl1l'ES OF nlE RWJlAR t£Ern«; OF Ml\Y l, 1972, BE APPK>VED AS RF.AD. Upm the call of the roll, the vote re- sulted as follows: Ayes: Council Meni>ers Schwab, Lay, Heming, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Nooe. Absent: Nme. 'lbe Mayor declared the Dk>tim carried. * * * * * Mayor Senti recognized the following people frool the list of Special Citizen Program Invitees: Mr. and Mrs. Berry S. 'lbaq>sm Jr., 3780 South Elati Street, Precinct No. 4 Hr. 'lbaq>sm questioned whether the height of the new T .w. Andersm Building confortll!d to the City's height regulatims. Mr. Supinger was recognized frool the audience and stated that it did. Hr. and Hrs. Lloyd A. Walters, Jr., 3600 South Pearl Street, Precinct No. 8. Mr. and Mrs. David Tafoya, 3101 South Oierokee Street, Precinct No. 2. Mr. Tafoya noted that the intersecticn of floyd and Oierokee was extremely busy and woodered if the City had ever studied the possibility of caitrolling it. City Manager Dial noted that the Traffic Divisim was studying that particular intersectim and that perhaps throogh the budgeting process a change would be made. * * * * * Hr. Robert E • Leigh, Project Engineer, Alan M. Voorhees & Associates, presented the Western ArapS\oe County Transportatioo Study, F.nglewood Supplement. Mr. Leigh noted that there were three general traffic problemJ in Englewood. One, there was a lack of continuity in the arterial street system; two, the problemJ of growth were placing staggering demands upcn the traffic system; and three, there was a lack of adequate DBSs transit service. In general, he said there was three solutims: (1) Establish better highway continuity, especially in the eastern portim of the study area. (2) Obtain additimal capacity m the arterial streets in the area; and (3) Expand the mass transit service in the area. He suggested that the proposed Colud>ine Freeway separate fran Santa Fe Drive shwld not be built, especially if the proposed transit expectations come to pass. Hence, a major upgrad~ of South Santa Fe Drive was in order. Hr. Leigh then referred to the study, a copy of which is enclosed in the offi- cial records of the City Clerk, and discussed each project briefly. The projects discussed were: I I I I I I I I Project 1. Santa Fe Drive (US 85) Project 2. US 285 Project 3. Clarksoo Street Project 4. ~ Averue Project 5. Windermere AvEmJe Project 6. Platte River Drive Project 7. Yale Avenue Project 8. Broadiiay Project 9. Uni.cn-1\lfts Project 10. Zuni. Project 11. floyd at Broadway Project U. Lehaw Avemie Project 13. One-Way Streets Project 14. Fnglewood Intra-City Minor Arterials -2- Recomnendations: Upgrade and recoostruct South Santa Fe Drive to six-lane limited access expressway standards throughout the city of Engla«>od, and provide for designatioo of two lanes as express bJs and car pool lanes. Recoomendations: Upgrade US 285 to full freeway standards west of Santa Fe (US 85) and upgrade and i.lq>rove US 285 to limited access expressway standards east of Santa Fe. Reccmnendation: Inprove and/or recoostruct Clarksat Street as a t:w-lane minor arterial street (44' curl>-to-curb width oo a 60' lGl) fran US 285 south to Orchard Road (in GreerMX>d Village). Signals to be provided at Quincy and Belle- view. Recoomendation: Upgrade Quincy AvEmJe to minor arterial status and con- struct a new four-lane sectioo fran South Irving Street to US 85. Recomnendatioo: Construct new roadway and up-grade existing roadway at Santa Fe Lane and Pecos Streets fran Kenym south to Belleview. Recomnendation: Construct new tw-lane roac:Ways oo both sides of the South Platte River. The two roac:Ways will serve pri- tmri.ly as recreational parkways. Recc flll8ldation: Construct a new Yale Avenue Bridge across the South Platte River and construct a new 4-lane minor arterial sectioo fran Federal to Broadway. Reccmnendation: llll>rove Broadway from Yale to Quincy: (1) WidE!l the link fran Jeffersai to Quincy to provide a uniform cross-sectioo; (2) provide left-tum lanes and bus turnouts; (3) conplete traffic signal modernization; (4) beautify Broadway in Downtown Englewood from Floyd to Jeffersai. Recoomendatioo: Eliminate the existing jog between Unioo and Tufts at South Santa Fe by ooostructing a new intersection be- tween Unioo, Tufts and Santa Fe Drive. Recomnendation: Inprove and designate Zuni as an intra-city minor arterial from Hanpden to Evans. Recomnendation: Extend Floyd directly east fran Br<>aeMay, adjacent to the Post Office building, then transitioo into existing Floyd Avenue just west of Lincoln Street. Recomnendation: Rebuild and relocate Lehew AvEmJe approx:iJiately 300 feet to the south in order to create a safer intersec- tion between Centermial, Lehew and Broadway. Recomnendation: All presE!lt ooe-way street systell8 in the City of Engla«>od should be reverted to t:w-way operation. Reccmnendations: Designate local-use, minor arterials in south-westem Englewcod. Hr. Leigh indicated that the Highway DepartlDent had seen a copy of the report, but was noo-ccmni. ttal. He indicated that early in the study he had discussed the problem of U.S. 285 with Hr. Cllarles Shunate, Executive Director, Colorado State Highway Department. Mr. Shunate had indicated that taking U.S. 285 below grade was a feasible solution. Mr. Leigh said that he had not favored such an approach in the beginling, but, after conpleting the study, it lllOUld appear that Hr. Shunate was right. \bile it ~d involve a tremendous outlay of DICaley, with new twneling teclniques being developed, it was indeed the best alternative. In answer to a question Hr. Leigh said that he would, of course, be happy to meet with any group ccncemed about the study and the traffic proble118 in Englewood. 407 08 -3- 'lhe mirrutes of the Parks am Recreatioo Comni.ssioo meeting of May 10, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * The mirrutes of the Board of Career Service C.Omni.ssioners meeting of April 20, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * 'lhe minutes of the Plarning and Zoning Conmissioo regular meeting of April 4, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * 1be minutes of the Plarning and Zoning Coomissioo special meeting of April 11, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * 'lhe financial report for the DD'lth of April was received for the record. * * * * * The minutes of the Library Board meeting of May 9, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * A letter frcm the City Manager regarding a public hearing to be held on May 23, 1972, to discuss alternative plans for storm drainage antral in the Englewood South-Central Basin was received for the record. City Manager Stanley H. Dial indicated that a meeting would be held at Claytoo School to discuss alternative plans for storm drainage antral in the Englewood South-Central Basin, and that letters inviting the people in the area to attend had been sent to the people living not ooly in the proposed project area, but also to those below the project. In this way. he stated, all per&alS affected by the project would have an opportunity to air their view. * * * * * A IDE!llkJrandun fran Mr. Jim Supinger, Directory of c.oommity Developnent , to Mr. Stanley H. Dial, City Manager, reporting oo his attendance at the ASFO National Plaming Conference held in Detroit, Michigan, April 15-20 , 1972, was received for the record. * * * * * Councilman Dhority irxluired of the City Manager whether the traffic report as presented by Mr. Leigh had recoomended that Elati not be opened to through traffic. The City Manager reported that it would appear to be that way. However, he was not positive as he had not had an opportwli.ty to study the report in depth. * * * * * City Manager Dial noted that when the recent hearing oo the paving district had been held, sane of the residents along the 3200 block of South Elati requested that the traffic islands at the intersectioo of Floyd Avenue and South Elati Street be remJVed. It was at his request (the City Manager's) that the traffic Divisioo had studied the proposal and made the reomendatioo "'1hich the Council was considering tonight. Councilman Brown Left r.ouncil Chani>ers at 9:07 P.H. ~ satWAB MJVED, CXlJNCIIM\N LAY SECmDED, 1HAT 1HE P~ TRAFFIC !SIM> OF 'lHE INTF.RSECrl~ OF WESI' Fl.DYD AVFNUE AND &XJnl ELATI Sl'REEI' BE REl'AINED AND nlAT nlE AOONISTRATI~ BE ASKED 'ID DEl'Ell{[NE \.llElHER OR tel' 'nlE DIRECI'ICIW.. SIOO AT 'nlE INTF.RSECrICE StDJU) BE K>DIFIED ro GIVE FURlHER INDIC.ATICE ro K71'0RISTS nlAT nilD.Ol TRAFFIC IS 001' PER- MITmD ~ ELATI srREEl'. lJpal the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: with Council. Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Meubers Schwab, Lay, Heming, Illority, Blessing, Senti Nooe. Co\ncil Meuber Brown. The Mayor declared the Dk>tioo carried. Council Meuber Brawn reentered C.Ouncil Chani>ers at 9 :08 P .M. and took his seat * * * * * I I I I I I I I -4- A IDE!IDrandun fran Mr. Cllarles B. Carroll, Director of Utilities, to Mr. Stanley H. Dial, City Manager, regarding the possible sale of the ''Boreas Pass water rights" was re- ceived for the record. Hr. Dial indicated that the City had acquired certain water rights in the Boreas Pass with the intention of diverting the water fran the Western to Eastern Slope. 'lhis had been done during the period roughly from 1956 to 1962. 'nle project was no longer feasible, holever, for the water did not flow easily but instead soaked into the ground. Hence, the project had been abardoned. With the Ranch Creek water diversion project urderway, the water rights over the Boreas Pass becane even leas inportant. 'nle Coors c.anpany would like to purchase these rights and hopefully divert the water back to the Western Slope. At this point the City Manager realized that the m:itter hw been tabled at a prevWu& meeting. CDfiCil.HAN LAY MJVED, CXl.tiCIL\iDM HENNING SECXIIDED, '1HAT 'lHE POOSIBIB SAI.E OF nlE ~ P~ ~ RIGII'S BE RAISED ft0.1 'IHE TABLE. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follawa: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Meni>ers Sclvab, Lay, Henning, Ihority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nc:me. Nooe. The Mayor declared the llk>tion carried. Hr. Dial stated that Coors \\10\lld like to lease the rights for b«> years at $5.00 per acre for water diverted plus $500.00 per year. 'nlen if the citizens of Englewood voted to sell the water rights, Coors would purchase them of $153,000. If the project were unsuccessful, however, Coors ~l.d like for the City to reinhlrse them for their legal fees plus 6 percent. Councilmen Schiab said that he 'WOul.d prefer a lease agreement with Coors only stating that at a later date we uey wish that we had this additional water. Mayor ::>enti indicated tnat he had seen Mr. Mark ::>hi.vers, t<Jr11er Water Attorney tar the C.:ity, and that he had stated that the purchase of these rights appeared to be the only purchase the Water Board had ever recomnended. eo..mcil.wollBn Henrlng inquired of the City Manager if the City would not lose the rights if it failed to use them. Hr. Dial indicated that this was his understanding. Councilmen lllority said that the City should investigate further to see if possibly the rights could be used. City ~er Dial indicated that the water rights have a very ldlli.nal value placed oo them by the City s CalSUltant, W. W. Wheeler. Councilmen Lay indicated that the Water Board had given this matter considerable C<ESideratial and ~t and that there would be no further cause served by studying it any lmger. HCM!Ver, he did feel that the Coors Coopany should stand any legal costs if the pro- ject failed. CD.R:IUtAN IH>RITY KJVED, exu«:IUfAN LAY SECXIIDED, '1HAT 'lHE Wt\TER AND SEWER ~ crau:r RJR1'HER ~ Wl'lH 'lHE CXX>BS CXJl>ANY FUR nm SAI.E OF nm BORFA5 p~ WATER RIGfl'S AND 'lHAT 'lHE AGmHNr SlllJU) INCUJDE A CI&JSE YUCH \tDJlD RF4JIRE CXX>BS TO STAND 'lHE cmrs OF AIL LEX;AL FEES JUsr AS nm CITY \tDJlD STAND 'lHE cmr OF AN EI.ECI'I~. Councilman Sclvab said that the value of the rights are the Dk>St inportant thing. He noted we have been ,cautioned that within the next three to fours years there is a severe ~t potential in the area and that it is possible that a high water use type of indlatry might eventually locate in Englaoxl. 'nlese b«> factors alone~ make the retention of these rights advisable. Upoo the call of the roll on the llk>tion, the vote resulted as follawa: Ayes: Council Henbers Lay, Henning, lllority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti. Nays: c.ouncilman Sclvab. Absent: Nale. 'nle Mayor declared the llk>tion carried. * * * * * BY AJ.ml)RI'IY ORDINANra t«>. 18, SERIES OF 1972 AN ORDINANCE REPF.AI.It«; ARTICLES I AND II, TITLE XI, CllAPlER 11, OF nm '69 E .M.C. ENITTLED, ''ANIMALS AND RlilL, '' All> RE-ENACTU«:; 1HE SN£ WI'lH ~. (Copied in full in the official Ordinance Book). 409 410 -5- Counci1man SclMlb said that he wuld vote against the ordinance and stated that D&ly of the hobby breeders 'WOO appeared at the last ~il meeting were oot even Engle- ~residents. ~ ~ KJVED, CXUfCillDIAN HE2tml; SECDIDED, 'lHAT ORDINANCE NO. 18, SERIE.5 of 1972, BE PA.5SED ~ FINAL RF.ADU«; AND PUBLISHED BY TITLE IN 'lllE FlG.na>D HERAID SENl'INEL. lJpal the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Ciouncil Meni>ers Heming, Ihority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Council Meubers SclMlb, Lay. Absent: Nme. The Mayor declared the mtion carried. * * * * * BY Al1lll>RITY ORDINANCl: NO. 19, SERIES OF 1972 AN ORDINNO: Al1lll>RIZU«; 'DIE ISSUANCE OF SP.EX;IAL ASSESSHENl'S OF 'lllE CI'IY OF ElGDU>D, CXU>RAOO FUR PAVD«:; DISI'RICT t«>. 21; PRESCRIBU«; 'lllE FlRt OF 'lllE 8CIIDS, AND PK>VIDIR; RB 'lllE PA»H« OF DIE llH:li AND nlE INl'ERFSI' ~. (C,Opied in full in the official Ordinance Book). ~ SCllWAB K>VED, CXl.tiCII.MAN IH>RITY SECDIDED, 'lHAT ORDINANCE NO. 19, SERIES OF 1972, BE PA.5SED ~ FINAL RF.ADU«; AND PUBUSHED BY TITLE IN 'lllE ENGUlU)I) HERAlD SENITNEL. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Meni>ers Schwab, Lay, Heming, Ihority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Ncne. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the mtion carried. * * * * * lNl'lOlXE> A5 A BIIL BY axfiCII.MAN LAY, AND READ IN RJU.., A BIIL FOR AN ORDINAN<E >HM>It«; ClfAPl'ER 9, TITLE III OF 'lllE '69 E.M.C. 'lllE "l.NIFORM PLDmOO CDDE," 1970 EDITI~, BY cmFORMING SAID ''t.IUFURM PLDmOO CDDE'' WI'lli Cl':Rl'AIN ~RFMNI'S OF 'lllE DEP.ARnen' OF RXJSIR; AND URBAN DEVELOPHm'I'. ~ClllfAN LAY MJVED, CXlJNCIIMAN SCHWAB SECXIIDED 'lHAT 'lliE BIIL FOR AN ORDI- NNU: BE PASSED ~ FIRST RF.ADU«; AND PUBUSHED IN RJU.. IN 'lllE ENGI»ta>D HERAID SENl'INEL. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: c.ouncil Menbers Schwab, Lay, Henning, Ihority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the mtion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial discussed a proposed bill for an ordinance which would grant a permit to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad to construct and maintain a rail spur across Windermere at a point approximately 300 feet oorth of Stanford Avenue. He roted that a Hr. Jeff Armstroog owned the property and was building a warehouse for the Fibersheen Man- ufacturing Coapany and that they desired the spur far rail access to the warehouse. Councilman Set.Jab said that he was not in favor of cooperating with the rail- road on this project because the railroad had refused to cooperate with the City in realigning Tufts Av<D.Je. Councilman Lay stated that a rail spur was essential to warehousing. Q>mcil.wnrm Henning asked if this permit wuld be revokable and the City Manager stated that it would oot. The City Manager indicated that be.cause there was sane doubt on the part of the Council as to whether such a spur was necessary, perhaps it wuold like Mr. Armstrong to appear before the Q>uncil to UBke his own presentation. I I I I I I I 'I -6- r.ouncilman Dhority said that because Windermere had been proposed for major upgrading he was initially against granting this permit. CDH;Il&N IH>Rl'IY MJVED, ~~ BI.ESSING SECDIDED, '1HAT nlE PHJPa>ED BIIL FOR AN ORDINANCE BE TABLED lNl'IL 'DIE NOO' ~ OF 'DIE ~CIL. Upal the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Meni>ers Schwab, Henning, Dhority, Brown. Blessing, Senti. Nays: Comcil Meni>er Lay. Absent: Nme. The Mayor declared the rooticn carried. * * * * * RES>umw 00. 26, SERIES OF 1972 RF.slwrI~ APP~ AND PK>VIDING FOR 'lHE EXEWl'IW OF A PK>Pa>ED CDn'RACT FOR GRAN!' TO AC- QUIBE >al/OR IEVEIDP LAND FUR OPm-SPACE PURPOSES. (Copied in full in the official Resoluticn Book). City Manager Dial indicated that the proposed resoluticn would authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with the Department of Housing and Urban Developnent. Through this contract the City could receive $140,000 or 50 percent of the estimated cost of the Greenbelt developnent. This contract would comnit the City to develop the Greenbelt as originally pro- posed and to continue to use the property as park land utl.ess authorizaticn from HUD to use the land differently were granted at a later date. At the time the City would also have to acquire to reinhlrse HUD the amount of the grant. He stated that the City would also have to acquire HUD's approval if they desired to sell the property and again the grant annmt of ap- pradmately $140,000 would have to be refun:ied to HUD. ~ IH>Rl'IY MJVED, ~~ BIFSSI?«; ~ED, '1HAT RFS>WI'l~ ?«). 26, ~ OF 1972, BE APPRJVED AND AOOPI'ED. Upal the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Nays: Absent: Council Meni>ers Schwab, Lay, Henning, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Ncne. Nme. The Mayor declared the rootim carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial reported that the Federal government had granted the City $14 ,000 for the purchase of a new rescue vehicle. He roted that the fire chief would like to negotiate for the purchase rather than call for bids and that he would have a further report for Council at a later date. * * * * * The Manager noted that at the last Council meeting he sent a check-list to each Colncil menber and from that list it appeared that a qum:un would not be present fer the meet- ~ of July 3. r.ouncil agreed to hold the first meeting in July en the 10th. * * * * * City Manager Dial passed out sane literature regarding "Transpo '72' , a trans- portation exhibition to be held in Washingtcn D.C. He said that he would like for the City to send two or three people and suggested that the staff perscn be Mr. Supinger, Director of Coom.mity Developnent. Councilman Schwab said that a similar exhi.biticn would soon be held to shaw all mma er o f parks and recreaticn equipnent and that the City would then be asked to perhaps send representatives to that meeting. It appeared, he stated, like it would be a conference where there wuld be no real benefits accruing the City and perhaps representatives from IcrD should more appropriately attend. Councilman Dhority said that he had generally encouraged City persmnel to a ttend confermces throoghout the COlDltry in an effort to further their job skill, but felt that this was oot particularly the time to send saneone to an exhibition. We already kmw he stated what we 'WBllt; there is no need to send sane::ne to Washingtm to see scme mechanical de- vices . In effect, he said, it was premature to send somecne. Councilman Blessing said that he also felt that this was probably mt the time. Councilman Lay echoed Mr. Blessing' s coomeuts. 411 412 -7- c.ouncilwcman Henning said that it was her urderstanding that this was not a demcnstration shaw or a trade show in the traditional sense. She Wlderstands, for exatple, that there were four prototypes of future transportation system:1 actually in operation at the expositioo. c.ouncl.lnm Brawn stated that City officials had already seen an air cushion vehicle and that perhaps attendance at this conference was premature. Mayor Senti said he felt this was an ideal time to send City representatives to a transportation exhibitioo. City Manager Dial said that he would be gald to move on to the next item. * * * * * c.ouncilmen Brown said that the Library Board considered four names far the appointment to the vacancy oo the Board and that they were generally agreed that a Mrs. I.Dis Lighthall, 4460 South Fox Street, Englewood, should be appointed. CD.H:IUIAN BlOti MJVED, CXlfiC!UfAN SCliWAB SECXIIDED, 'lHAT ~. I.DIS UCHIHAIL, 4460 SWDI RJX srREET, ENGialX>D, BE APPOINI'ED '10 1HE UBRARY OOARD FOR A TERM ENDIR:; FEB- lWARY 1, 1975. Up<n the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Meni:>ers Schwab, Lay, Henning, Ihority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti. None. Nooe. 'nle Mayor declared the Dk>tion carried. * * * * * ~ IH>RIT'i MJVED, CXlfiCIUtAN LAY SECXIIDED, 'lHAT ~. IU;ER D. KNIGHI', 5030 SWDI INCA DRIVE, mGUla>D, BE APPOINl'ED '10 FilL 1HE VAC>BCi ~ 1HE WATER AND SEWER ~ FOR A TERM ENDD«; FEBRUARY 1, 1973. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as f o l lows: Ayes: Nays: Absent : Ccnmcil Merrbers SclMab, Lay, Henning, Ihority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti. None. Nooe . 'nle Mayor declared the llk>tion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial read a letter, which is made a part of Clerk's official re- cords by reference hereto, fran Mr. M.M. S\lllners regarding the petition urging Courxil to pass an ordinance which would prohibit the sharing of X-rated movies within the City. * * * * * Counci1men Lay said that he wanted to be certain that the ordinance which would prohibit trash containers fr:an being placed in alleys be properly explained to the public. He said that the containers had been placed in the right-of-way for so long that the people are not sure llllhat is theirs as opposed to City property and asked that the achinistratioo assist those per&alS in doubt when asked. The City Manager assured him that it would. * * * * * Cculcilwanan Heming asked the City Manager if it were possible for the City to advise people that cooplaints had been received about their dogs barking. City Manager Dial indicated that the Police Department could advise such persm. * * * * * c.ouncil inforDBlly decided to hold a joint meeting with the Core Area Coumittee on May 30. City Manager Dial indicated that he would do sane further checking to see if a meeting on that date ~d be possible. * * * * * CIU«;IU1AN SCllilAB MJVED, CXlJNCIU1AN LAY SECllIDED, 'lHAT 1HE MEETING BE AnJClJRmD. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Meui>ers Schwab, Lay, Heming, Ihority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays : None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the Dk>tioo carried, and the meeting adjourned at 10:24 P.M. /S/ W. L. McDivitt Ex Officio Clerk of the Council I I I I