HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-05 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I CXXJNCIL CllAMBERS CITY OF ~D, CX>l.DRAOO JWE 5, 1972 REGJI.AR~: The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe Colmty, Colorado, met in regular sessi.cn on June 5, 1972, at 8 :05 P.M. Mayor Senti, presiding, called the meeting to order. The invocatien was given by the Reverend Barry Kinbrough of the Englewood Methodist Oiurch. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Pack No. ~33. present: The Mayor asked for roll call. Upm the call of the roll, the following were Council Msrbers Schwab, Lay, lllority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Absent: Councilwanan Henning. The Mayor declared a qUOIUil present. Also present were: City Manager Dial Assistant City Manager McDivitt Director of Finance Karl Nollenberger * * * * * ~IJ1AN IH>Rl'IY MMD, CXlJNC~ BI.ESSD«J SECDIDED, 'DIAT 1lfE MINl1l'ES OF nfE RmllAR ~OF Hi\Y 15, 1972, BE APPR>VED AS RF.AD. lJpal the call of the roll, the vote re- sulted as follows: Ayes: c.ouncil Med>ers Schwab, Lay, lllority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Ncne. Absent: Councihdlm Henning. The Mayor declared the tll)tien carried. * * * * * Mayor Senti recognized the following people from the list of Special Citizen Progran Invitees: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hansell, 3859 South Grant Street, Precinct No. 9. Hr. and Mrs. Eddy C. Johnsm, 3132 West Manm:Juth Avenue, Precinct No. 13. Hr. and Mrs. George Jorgensen, 3087 West Grand Avenue, Precinct No. 13. Also introduced were: Mr. and Mrs. James Wade, 4377 South Hurm Street, Precinct No. 12. Mayor and Hrs. Theodore AruBtrcng of the City of Sheridan. Mr. Lowell Pal.nquist, Clurl.rnan of the Core Area Study Comni.ttee, introduced !Mdiers of the Conmi.ttee ~ were present: Messrs. Paul Anbrose, Malcolm E. Collier, Jr., Emnett Qirry, Kenneth Carlsen, and James L. Supinger. In additien, Mr. Palnquist expressed his thanks to other ment>ers of the Conmi.ttee who were unable to attend: Messrs. Richard Banta, Gerri Von Frelick, Herbert Hosanna, and Leo Lentsch. Mr. Palnquist revierwed the work of the Conmi.ttee, roting that it began en Feb- ruary 24, 1972, with the nei>ership appointed by the Englewood City Council. From that day fmward the C-Onmi.ttee met every other week until the present. Mr. Palnquist roted that in the begi.ming the Comni.ttee had a rather limited concept of the Core Area, but that eventually the area of calcem was defined as Dart:Ioouth Avenue on the north, South Downing Street on the east, Kenyon en the south, and South Santa Fe Drive en the west. The C-Onmi.ttee met with nun- erous groups and individ.lals, including the Regiooal Transportation District. The Conmi.ttee was gratitied to leam that their recomnerdation to upgrade Santa Fe Drive, coincided with that of the Rcgialal Transportation District. The Comni.ttee, he said, felt that the east-west access of Girard Avenue from Broadway to Cinderella City should receive U&jor enphasis for re- develcxment, and U.S. Highway 285 should be upgraded to full freeway status. He coomended the '-lerk of Herbert Hosarma, who was specifically assigned the task of studying housing within the area. As a result of his work, the Conmittee felt that no de- velopnent which chose to ignor the range of housing needs, including the necessity to provide for children, sln11d be approved in the future. One of the keys to the developnent, not ooly of the Core Area but all of Engleli«>Od itself, is the South Platte River Valley. The Conmittee also urged greater coopera- tion with the City of Sheridan and euphasized the need for convention facilities. 413 . ·-- -2- It'. Pal.nquist stated that there were three phases to their recomnendations: Phase l Phase 2 Phase 3 l.DJoodiate Action: a. Council adoption of the Core Area concepts b. Council appointment of a new conmittee with the majority being Englewood residents. Council appointment of a plarni.ng consultant. Itq>lementation Phase a. Cll.anges in City ordinances where required. b. ~thod of financing redevelopnent. Councilman Set.Jab expressed his thanks to the Conmi.ttee, stating that he felt it was a good report and that the Comn:i.ttee had been very conpetent and sincere in their work. C<xmcilman Dhori.ty t¥>ted that a lot of thooght and hard -work had gone into the Conmi.ttee -work and hoped that their work ll!IOUld be publicly known. He particularly thanked Mr. Pal.nquist who serves as "tenporacy'' Olairuml. Councill1BI1 Blessing also expressed his thanks and asked Mr. Pal.nquist what the Council sha.lld do i.Dm!diately to inplement their proposals. Mr. Palmquist respalded that the Council should appoint a conmi.ttee to take up where his group left off. Councilman Brown expressed his feeling that the city has now taken a big step and that the end result sha.lld be tremendous because they involved so may Englewood residents. Mayor Senti then presented each of the me!'lbers of the Conmi.ttee who were in a t tendance with a paperweight as an expression of thanks. * * * * * Mr. Jeff Artmtrong, 5801 East Belleview Avenue, appeared to request a permit to build a railroad spur across South Windermere Street, north of Tufts Averrue and south of Quincy. He stated that he received approval fran the Santa Fe Railroad for construction of a spur and frcm the Director of Public Works, Kells Waggoner. He noted that the firm of Meurer , Serafini, a Meurer, Inc., had worked closely with him in designing the spur, which would require a easement across Windenoore for a 20' piece of track. Councilman Dhority inquired how long the agreement would be in effect. Mr. Aru&trong stated that the easement with the Santa Fe Railroad was for 4 and 1/2 years and would be autciJatically renewable as long as it were used for railroad purposes. 'llle agreement would be nullified if it were not used by the Santa Fe for railroad purposes. Councilman Brown inquired how nuch use the spur ~d receive. Mr. Arn6trong stated that the track ll!IOUld serve four industrial sites and would be in use only five to ten min.Jtes each day. Councilman Sclwab stated that he was caicemed that Mr. Arn6trong had not come to the Coulcil in the plarni.ng stages before the wareha.ises was constructed. The spur, he t¥>ted, was obviously very valuable to warehouse operation; therefore, he could not umerstand why Hr. Artmtrong had not determined if such an agreement could be obtained before constuction of the building. Mr. ArnBtrmg stated that he wrked with the city staff since the inception of the project and that he never felt that there were any problE!lll:J in receiving approval for such an agreement. He then presented a nap of the area to the Council. He t¥>ted that he had received approval for a similar spur agreement in 1963 but that he never constructed a spur. c.ouncllman Blessing asked if all safety precautions had been provided for and Hr. ArnB troog stated that they had. Councilman Dhority asked if there was a clause in the agreeDalt which would re- quire the easement to autamtically revert to the city if it were not used for railroad pur- poses. Hr. Dial mentioned that there was not nor was there any mention of the need of Mr. ArnBtroog to provide a sleeve for the storm drainage conduit to be placed urxier the track, but that on both counts intent of the Council could be carried out adn:i.nistratively. There being no further discussion, the Mayor IOOVed on to the next item of the agenda. Mr. Jim Thooas of the Engler.iood Jaycees asked Council for financial assistance to help defray the cost of the amual fireworks display m the Fourth of July. He conmended the Council for their support in the past. He noted that because the intent of the Jaycees was to provide a function for as many people as possible, the price was reduced from $1.00 to • 50 per person It was, therefore, necessary to make up the difference in what the ad- mission charge llllOU!d bring and what was necessary through donations fran the business and public connmity. Councilman Dhority asked if there was any idea as to how many attended the dUIDlStration last year. Mr. Barry Lindstran, also of the Jaycees, stated that no exact count had been taken, but there were approxi.D8tely 1,000-2,000 persoos inside Centennial Park view- ing this display, in addition to the mmy thousands outside who could see it from their banes. I I I I I I I I -3- c.ouncilman Brown coomended the Jaycees, saying that the dearnstraticn was better than that given at the University of Denver. He did, however, state that there were not ~ restroam available for all of the spectators. Mr. Lindstrom said that a nutber of Sanolets would be installed this year. Councilman Dhority roted that many groups in the COlllllJlli.ty seek financial assistance fran the Council, and that the ann.mt of assistance given should be related to the alDOlRlt of conmmity good perfomed. Councilman Blessing said that as a former Jaycee he could testify that this was one of their better projects. exu«:IIJ1AN LAY KJVED, CXl.JNCllM\N BIBSSill; SECmDED, 'lHAT 'DIE CITY SUPPORI' 'DIE ElG.aa>D JAYC»:.5 1972 JULY 41li FIRE\VRKS DISPLAY IN 'DIE AMlJNl' OF $500. Councilman Schwab expressed concern about the fact that there are so many re- quests made of Council that it becaoos tn>st difficult to decide which projects to spatSor. The problem, he said, is krnri.ng when and hCM to draw the line. For ex.anple, shruld the Council support the fireworks display and not the Special OlyDt>ics for Mentally and Physically Handicapped Retardates. c.ouncilman Blessing said that each project shruld stand on its own merits. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Menbers Schwab, Lay, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Ncne. Absent: c.ouncil~ Henning. * * * * * Mr. M. M. S\.lllllers, 3140 South Delaware Street, came to request construction of a swimni.ng pool at Dart:Dnlth Park. He expressed his disappointment over the fact that the pool had been prani.sed to the people in the rorthern part of the city for eight years and, as yet, one had not been constructed. The City Council had prani.sed the people, he said, that it would C<XlStruct a pool in the area to replace the one lost when the City Park was sold to make room for Cinder- ella City. The Mayor thanked Mr. Surm!rs for his concern. * * * * * The minutes of the Planning and Zoning Comnission meeting of May 2, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * The m:inltes of the Workable Program Citizens Conmi.ttee meeting of May 11, 1972 were received for the record. * * * * * Fire Chief Willian Hami.ltcn presented a proposal to negotiate for the purchase of a rescue/aDiJulance vehicle in the ann.mt of $14,000. The State Highway Safety Grand had originally been for $U,OOO to purchase a van-type uni.t, but at the request of the State High- way Safety Qxmcil the Department began to look at Dk>dular uni.ts instead. Ultimately, he said, the grant would be increased to $14,000 in order for such a unit to be purchased. Councilman Lay inquired if a Dk>dular unit were truly superior to the van type. Cllief Hamiltcn said it was. Deputy Cllief Dal McClellan described the design of the vehicle and noted that certain specifications had been nk>dified to suit Englewood's requirements; in particular, a bostrun seat was to be installed, which would allow the attendant to minister to persalS oo both sides of the Dk>dular unit without leaving his chair. Council.mm Dhority asked what we would do with our present uni.ts. Cllief Hani.ltcn noted that one was t:uilt in 1947 and was already in a reserve capacity, and that the ~·lar vehicle would replace a 1967 unit which would then be put in a reserve status. Councilmm Schwab questioned the cost of the chassis (3,489.29). Cllief Hamiltcn then reviewed the specificaticns in sane detail. Council.nrm Dhority asked if the city charged for any anbulance service it rend- ered. City Manager Dial said it did not. Councilman Dhority asked if the purchase of this wli.t would tend to get the city into the anbulance business even xoore than it is today. Cllief Hani.ltcn said that he felt it would not. Council.mm Blessing ~ired if the Department \<Qlld have to respcnd to, say, Castle Rock if the grant were accepted. Cl'lief Hami.ltcn said that it ~ld. Council.mm Lay said that the anbulance appeared to be too big and perhaps it was top heavy. Deputy Cllief McClellan stated that the uni.t did meet all federal regulati<XlB. 415 416 -4- Colmcilman Dhority questioned whether the citizE!lS of Englewood should be supporting calls outside the city. He also askd if the city were not being taken advantage of since no charge for the service was made. Dr. William R. Truitt was introduced. He mentioned that time was not as i.nr portant in the ~gency business as was having trained persamel to ride with the vehicle. Dr. Truitt indicated that six of the firemen '#ere trained Emergency Medical Technicians and that he was quite satisfied with the ability of these men. Mayor Senti said that the depart- ment had evidently researched the different types of vehicles, roting that several trips had been taken to view these uni.ts on display. Therefore, the Courx:il should proceed with the purchase. Cll.fi~ BlUti MJVED, CllJN~ BI FS5ING SECXIIDED, 'DIAT DIE AOONISTRATIOO BE NJIH)RIZEO 'ID NEOOI'IATE FUR DIE PUlCiASE OF OOlH 'lllE MlOOLE WIT AND DIE TRUQ{ OIA.5SIS (A <m.VR)l.Ef 400 aJBIC INQI) FlQt 'lllE MJX.JU.NCE CDRPORATIOO OF ~, TEXA.5. Councilman Dhority expressed a desire to have a policy en anbulance service. City Manager Dial noted that a resolution adopted by the Counci 1 sanetime ago set forth a policy that he would review for later discussion by the Council. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Meni>ers SclMab, Lay, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. None. Council~ Henning. The Mayor declared the m:>ticn carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial reviewed the developnent of the connunications operations and noted that when the Policy/Fire Building is occupied a new connunications consultant, had de- signed the specifications for the console, and he (Mr. Dial) was quite satisfied with his work. He indicated that there were three bidders but that one of them (Motorola) had taken total exception to the bid primarily because they produce package units are not accustomed to bidding on tailor-made equipnent. The low bidder, ~bile Radio, Inc. , had taken no exception to the specifications. CXU~GI~ CH>RITY K>VED, CllJN~ SQIWAB SECXIIDED, 'DIAT DIE l.DW BID OF $39,229.60 BY MlBILE RADIO, INC., BE AOCEPrED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Meni>ers Schwab, Lay, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: None. Absent: Colmcilwcmm Henning. The Mayor declared the m:>tion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial said that in order to upgrade the quality of dispatching service comnensurate with the demmds which a consolidated connunications function ~uld re- quire it was determined necessary to increase the pay grade for dispatchers. Cll.fiCIU1AN LAY MJVED, Cll.fiCIU1AN IH>RITY SECXIIDED, 'DIAT DIE PAY GRAIE FUR "DISPATQIER" BE (]WQl) FlOt GRADE 15 'ID GRADE 19 EFFECTIVE JlNE 15, 1972. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Metrbers Schwab, Lay, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: None. Absent: Councilwcmm Henning. The Mayor declared the IIDtion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial presented a reconmendation from the Board of Career Service Conmi.ssioners that the classification of "Assistant City Engineer" be changed to ''City Engineer". Councilman Schwab asked if the city had a City Engineer. Mr. Dial said no, that the title had been dropped fran the title of "Director of Public Works" sane time ago. c.ouncilman lhority asked if it would involve a salary increase. Mr. Dial indicated that the city sets its salaries in relation to what couparable jobs are worth, oot by title. CD.ticrutAN lAY MMD, Cll.fiCILMAN BlOti SECDIDED, 'mAT DIE TITLE OF ''ASSISTANI' CI'lY EK;INEER' I BE (]WQl) 'ID I 'CITY FN;INEER. II I I I I I I I I -5- Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Council Menbers Schwab, Lay, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Ncne. Absent: ColmCilwanan Henning. The Mayor declared the mtion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial presented a mesoorandun reviewing the public meeting held May 23 at Claytc:n School for those residents in the South Central Drainage Basin. He suggested that in the next three to foor weeks it might be of sane value to meet with the owners of the property which the city would have to acquire if cne of the five alternatives for the storm drainage plan was adopted. He also suggested that it might be well to send out letters to residents in the area to solicit their respau;e. There being no objecticns, to either setting up a meeting or sending out a letter , Mayor Senti tIOVed on to the next item on the agenda. * * * * * Because the original bill for an ordinance amending the Uniform Plurbing Code of 1970 had mistakenly read in such a nmmer as to repeal the basic section of the code, a nEW bill for an ordinance was prepared for Council acticn. CXlJNCIU1AN lAY MJVED, CXlJNCIIMAN SCllWAB SECXIIDED, 1HAT A BlIL FOR AN ORDINANCE NEIOU«; QIAPTER 9, TITLE III, OF 'lHE '69 E.M.C., 'lHE ''WIFURM PUJMBING CDDE," 1970 EDITIOO, BY ~ SAID 'UUFORM PUHHNG CDDE" WI'IH CE«AIN RF4JI~ OF 'lHE DEPARIHNI' OF oousn«; AND URBAN DEVEIDffoDT BE PASSED 00 FIRST RF.ADU«; AND PUBUSIED IN FlJU. IN 'lHE ENGLE\tlDD HEBAlD smnNEL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes.: Council Meni>ers Schwab, Lay, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays : Nc:ne. Absent : Councilwanan Henning. The Mayor declared the llk>tioo carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial noted that Item 6.(a), 6.(b}, and 6.(c} en the Agenda were o f a hrusekceping nature reCOODBlded by City Auditors Van Schooneveld, Shepherd and Co., and cc:ncurred with by the staff. Introduced as a Bill by Council.mm Dhority, and read in full, A BILL FOR AN ORDINANQ: ~ SECTIOO 1 AND 2, CEAP'IER 5 , TITLE XIII, OF 'lHE '69 E .M.C. CIDSI?«; 'lHE SPECIAL AllJlJSlHNl' FUID' INro 'lHE GENERAL FUID AND WATER FUID OF 'lHE CITY. ClXJNCIU1AN IH>RIT'i MJVED, ~CIIMAN SCllWAB SECllIDED, 1HAT 'lHE BIIL FOR AN ORDINAtll BE PASSED 00 FIRST READING AND PUBUSIED IN FUlL IN 'lHE ENGl»U)D HERAID SFNl'INEL. Upc:n the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Meni>ers Schwab, Lay, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays : None. Absent: c.ouncilwanan Henning. The Mayor declared the llk>tion carried. * * * * * RFS>WITOO NO. 27, SERIES OF 1972 A REs:>WITOO QDSn«; DEBRIS CLEARANCE FmD 'ID 'lHE GmERAL FUID (Copied in full in the official Resolution Book}. ~CIU1AN SCllWAB K>VED, CXXJNCIIMAN BI F.SSING SECllIDED, 1HAT REOOWITOO NO. 2 7, SERIF.s OF 1972, BE APPRJVED AND AOOPI'ED. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as f o l lows : Ayes: Colmcil Melrbers Schwab, Lay, Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti. Nays: None. Absent: Councilwomm Henning. The Mayor declared the mtion carried. -6- REOOUITIW ti>. 28, SERIES OF 1972 A RES>U.TrI~ IN<lU'.ASU«; APPWPRIATI~S IN 'lHE GmERAL RtID FOR 'lHE CXlBl'Y RlAD AND BRnX;E APPK>PRIATIW. (Copied in full in the official Resolution Book). ~Cll.MAN IH>RITY MJVED, CXlJNClI.MAN LAY SECXIIDED, 'lHAT REOOWITOO ti>. 28, SERIF.s OF 1972, BE APPR:>VED AND AOOPlED. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as f ollows: Ayes: c.ouncil Melli>ers Schwab, Lay, Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti. Nays: None. Absent: c.ouncilWOIDan Henning. The Mayor declared the m:>tion carried. (R>R mGWWD) (FOR LITll.E'Im) * * * * * REOOWITOO NO. 29, SERIES OF 1972 RES>WITW ti>. , SERIES OF 1972 RF.sJWIT~ FOR CXDPERATIW ~ 'lliE CITIES OF ~D AND LITrLEIOO FOR DEALn«; WI'lll A ~ SEWAGE TREA'lHNr PKX;RAM. (C.Opied in full in the official Resolution Book) • City Manager Dial said that if the Council adopted the proposed resolution for cooperatim between the cities of Englewood and Littletoo for dealing with a joint treat:mEnt project then the Littletoo c.ouncil, in all likelihood, would adopt the same resolutioo at their meeting oo June 6, 1972. He then read the ''Resolve" sectioo, to-wit: t«:M, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT REOOLVED, that both Engla«>od and Littletoo will continue to operate their awn plants and that Littletoo will imnediately begin to plan a trunk sewer camectioo to the Englewood sewer systf3D which will allow a bypass of the Littletoo plant at such time as said facility has reached its max:lnun capacity of approximately 5 .5 million gal- loos per day ; and BE IT RJRlHER RFS>LVED, that upm acceptance of the plan by both entities, the tw cities will begin to engineer the necessary additiooal sewage plant capacity which both ccmnmities will require in the near future with such additiooal plant to be built at the Englewood Sewage treatment site. AOOPI'ED AND APPIDVED nfE 5th day of June, 1972. He said that it was especially inportant for the Councils to appoint meubers to a joint comni.ttee. One of the first tasks of this comni.ttee would be to interview and enploy a consultant and to study methods of organization, financing and other probleDB stem- ming fran such a joint venture. Mr. Dial noted that interviews had already been scheduled for We<klesday afternooo, pE!lding the selectioo of the Council meuber fran EnglEM>Od to serve on the Conmi.ttee. By agreenent, Councilman Lay was appointed to the cannittee with the Mayor. * * * * * REIDWITOO NO. 30, SERIES OF 1972 RF.sJWl'l.W AlJ'IH)RlZI?«; EXEClJTIOO OF A GRANr AGREFnNI' (Copied in full in the official Resolutioo Book) • City Manager Dial referred to a resolutioo which would authorize the city to enter into a contract with the Department of Housing and Urban Developnent to receive a grant for the storm drainage inprovements proposed in the Northwest and Northeast sectors of the city. He indicated that it would be approximately 90 days before bids would be received. CDBCil.MAN ~ MJVED, CXlJNCil.MAN BI .ESSU«; ~ED, 'lHAT RE&>UITIW ti>. 30, SERIES OF 1972, BE APPIVVED AND AOOPI'ED. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Meubers Schwab, Lay, Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Nooe. Absent: CouncilWOIDan Henning. The Mayor declared the m:>tioo carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial briefly discussed the ''Letter of Understanding" between Representatives of the Englewood Erq>loyees Associatioo and City Officials" dated May 18, 1972, and rea:::mrended the Council affirm it. I I I I I I I I -7- CDWCII.MAN SCHWAB MJVED, ~CIU1AN LAY SECDIDF.D, 'lllAT 'DIE CXlJNCIL APPR>VE 'DIE LEITER OF l.IIDERSTANDIR; BE1\olEFN 1HE fNGUla)O EWLOYEES ASSOCIATia. AND 'DIE CITY DATED M!\Y 18, 1972. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows:· Ayes: r.ouncil Menbers Schwab, Lay, Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Nooe. Absent: Cotnei lwanan Hcrming. The Mayor declared the tmtion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial presented a request from the Librarian, Miss Harriet Lute, and Mrs. Beverly Si.men to attend the American Library Association to be held in Chicago from June 24-28, 1972. CDWCII.MAN BlUti MJVED, CllJNCII11AN SCllWAB SECXH)Fl>, 1HAT '1HF.sE '00 PERStES BE PEHHITI'FD to ATrmD 'DIE AMERICAN UBRARY AS~a. CllU'ERmCE to BE HEIJ) IN OOCACD FK>M .Jll£ 24-28, 1972. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Men'bers SclMab, Lay, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Nate. Absent: c.ouncilwanan Henning. The Mayor declared the llk>tion carried. '. * * * * * City Manager Dial presented a proposal with A-1 Diving, Inc., and the City which would allow the firm to con<iict Scuba diving sessions at the McLellan Reservoir. He stated that the purpose of using the Reservoir was to give all pupils a IIOre realistic Scuba diving aperience than they would receive when taking lessons in a swimn:ing pool setting. He noted that the Water and Sewer Board had approved the request and recomnended its approval by the Council. r.otn:ibmn Lay noted that the firm had provided insurance and that the agreement was f or cme year only and subject to tennination by either party. Coln:ilJJan Set.Jab suggested that perhaps the approval of agreement could lead other groups to request usage of the Reservoir for their awn purposes. Councilman Dhority said that this was a definite possibility and the Council would have to judge each case on its own merits. I• ~ IH)R!T'i MJVED, CDWCIIJtfAN LAY SECDIDF.D, 'IHA1 AN .AGRElHNI' BETWEl"N A-1 DIVD«;, INC., AND 1HE CIT'i OF ENGI.»IX)D to R>ID SCUBA DIVIR; CLASSES AT 'DIE K:l.ELLAN RESERVOIR BE APPlVVED. CouncilJJan Sclwab suggested that the attorney check the liability clauses in the insurance. He said that if the city ever asked the A-1 Diving corporatioo to perform any work for us at the reservoir we would probably be held liabile and .that this should be carefully re- searched. Upm a call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: CDuncil Meni>ers SclMab, Lay, Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti. w Nays: Nate. Absent : Qxmcilwanan Henning. The Mayor declared the llk>tion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial discussed the inpending program to cross-train certain city enployees in fire fighting. He reviewed the developnent of the Fire Department in the past several years and noted the following: 1. The costs of providing fire services had escalated dranatically in the last several years. 2. The acbi.nistratioo had studied ways of cutting fire fighting costs withwt reducing the quality of service on nunerws occasions. 3. The possibility of training nm-fire persamel in fire fighting had been studied and he noted that in several cities across the natiai it had been ~king. . . 4. The aetter of providing cooparable death and disability coverage for nm-fire pcrsamel engaged in fire fighting operations had been studied and that such insurance would be provided withwt creating a liability to the fire pension. 419 420 -8- He said he ~d provide further inf Ol"lmtion to the Council in approximately six weeks. * * * * * au«;IutAN IH>RITY MJVED, ~CIIM\N lAY SECmDm, 'DIAT ''A BilL FOR AN ORDINANCE GRANID«; 'IO 'lHE ~, '!OPEKA & SANrA FE RAILR>AD CXH>ANY, Sl'ATE OF OOIDRAOO, A PERMIT 'ID ~ AND MAINTAIN A RAIL SPUR nnuGl 'DIE CITY OF ENGLE.'\troD, OOIDRAOO, A M.IUCIPAL CDRP- ORATI~, AND DECLARn«; AN EH'.RGmCT, BE RAISED F10t DIE TABI.E. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Qruncil Meni>ers Schwab, Lay, Ibority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nate. Cooncilwcmm Herming. The Mayor declared the m:>tiat carried. Councilman Dhority said that he did approve of granting the spur agreement pro- viding that the pet:1Di.t agreement were only in effect if it were used to provide a rail spur. CXX6CIU1AN IH>RITY HJVED, exlfiCIJ.M\N lAY SECXIIDED, 'DIAT 'lllE BIU. FOR AN ORDI- NNU: BE P~ ~ FIRST READ~ AND PUBU91ED IN FUU. IN 'lHE ENGLE\tlDD HERAID SENl'l.NEL. * * * * * Councilman Brown inquired if any provisions for grading should be included in the ordinance. The Manager stated that they need not. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Menbers Schwab, Lay, Ibority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Ncne. Absent: Councilwanan Henning. The Mayor declared the m:>ticn carried. * * * * * CIX.fi~ SCllWAB MJVED, CllJNCil.11AN BIF.SS~ SF.CmDED, 'DIAT HERBER!' ll>SAmA, 4031 SCl1lH DEIAWARE STREET, BE APPOINIBD 'ID DIE BOARD OF CAREER SERVIQ: CXH1ISSI<:m;RS IDR A TERM EX- PI.Rn«; 00 Jllm l, 197&. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: c.ouncil Meni>ers Schwab, Lay, Ibority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Nate. Absent: Councilwanan Henning. The Mayor declared the m:>ticn carried. * * * * * CIX.fiCIJ.M\N SCllWAB MJVED, CXXJNCTI.l1AN LAY SECml>ED, 'lllAT AimWR L. MARTIN, 4951 SOO'IH UG\N STRFEr, BE APPOINTED 'ID 'lHE OOARD OF AllJUsnen' AN APPFALS IDR A TERM EXPIRIR; W FEBRUARY l, 1975. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Menbers Schwab, Lay, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Nooe. Absent: Councilwanan Herming. The Mayor declared the iooticn carried. * * * * * C.Ouncilman Lay asked that in preparing the 1973 budget the ''Prom:>ticnal Partici- pation" account in the City Council's bldget mt be itemized. If a l~ sun were shown, he s~ested, it ~d give the Council greater flexibility in distributing its IIO'ley to wrthy causes. * * * * * Councilman Dhority said that the Council shruld appoint mesti>ers to the Core Area C-Onmi.ttee as socn as possible and suggested the City Manager prepare a list of such candidates. The City Manager said he would. * * * * * I I I I (',; .. I I I I -9- Councilman Scbiab asked that the Mayor or Manager send a letter to Mr. M. M. Sumners, 3140 South Delaware Street, and explain the C.Ouncil's positicn with regard to the locaticn of a swiIIming pool in Dart:mcAJth Park. He particularly asked that the losses exper- ienced at the outdoor pool be related to Mr. SllIIDers. * * * * * C.Ouncilman Blessing said that perhaps the C.Ouncil should give sane consideration to assisting the Special Olyq>ics Program for Mentally and Physically Retarded perscns. *' * * I* * ' '·' ~ SCllWAB M:>VED, CXXJNCllMAN LAY SECXJIDID, '!HAT '!HE MEETn«; BE AllJWmED. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote re8ulted as follaw8: ·' 1 • ' Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Meni>ers SciMab, Lay, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Ncne. Council~ Henning. The Mayor declared the mticn carried, and the meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. /SI W. L. McDivitt Ex Officio Clerk of the C.Ouncil ,. .li ·421