HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-10 (Special) Meeting MinutesI I I I SEPCIAL t£ETIH;: ~CIL CllAMBERS Cl'IY OF rnGUlOlD, OOLORAOO JULY 10, 1972 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in special session on July 10, 1972, at 8:02 p.m. The following ''Notice of Call" was read by the City Clerk. tUI'Iffi OF CAIL BY 1HE M\YOR FOR A SPECIAL SESSIW OF 1HE CI'1Y CXXJNCIL ~. JULY 10, 1972 8:00 p.m. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe Col.mty, Colorado, is hereby called to a special meeting at the City Hall, 3400 South Elati Street. ~~ OF REffiIPT OF OOTICE nte following persoos , all Council Meni>ers of the City of Englewood, do hereby acknowledge re- ceipt of notice of the above special sessioo. /s/ Paul Blessing Is/ Judith B. Henning /s/ Haward R. Brown /s/ Miltoo E. Senti /s/ Elmer E. Schwab /s/ Dallas Dhority Notice was given to the following Councilman who was not in attendance. CO\mcilman John J. Lay Mayor Senti, presiding, called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Councilman Howard R. Brown. The presentatioo of colors and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Pack No. 333. Upon the call of the roll, the following were present: c.ouncil Meni>ers Henning, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Absent : f.ouncil Melrber Lay. The Mayor declared a quorun present. Also present ~re: City Manager Dial Assistant City Manager t-k:Divitt City Attorney Berardini Director of Finance Nollenberger * * * * * ~CIU1AN BLFSSn«; HJVED, CXlJNCIUDMAN ~ SECDIDED, 1HAT 1HE MINU'IES OF THE REWlAR ~ 00 JWE 19, 1972, BE APPRJVED AS READ. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Aye.a: Cooncil Menbers Henning, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: Nooe. Absent : Colmcilmm Lay. The Mayor declared the mtion carried. * * * * * ~CIUD1AN HmNrN:; HJVED, CXl.JNCllM\N ~ SEcmDED, 1HAT 1HE MINUTES OF 1HE SPECIAL ~ OF JWE 26, 1972, BE APPRJVED AS READ. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: C.Olmcil Menbers Henning, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. None. Councilman Lay. The Mayor declared the mtion carried. * * * * * Mayor Senti recognized the following people from the list of Special Citizen Progran Invitees: 431 32 -2- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis M. Farmer, 3063 South Elati Street, Precinct No. 2, who cciml:nted that they would like to see stricter enforcement of the ''no trucks" restrictioos on s<m? residential streets. Mr. John H. Gabriel, 4260 South Fox Street, Precinct No. 10, who conmended the excellent work of the Police and Fire Departments in times of need. Mr. Harold J. Farrall, 3209 West Grand Avemie, Precinct No. 13, who comnented that it was a privelege to attend the Council meeting and a privelege to live in the City of Englewood. * * * * * Mr. Harold Rust, Manager of the Englewood office of the Public Service Cotll>any, appeared before the Council to present the quarterly franchise tax check. The anount of the check for the second quarter of 1972 was $40,500. * * * * * Mr. Virgil Thanas, 550 East Hanpden Avemie, appeared before the C.Ouncil to de- scribe the serious drainage problem e>q>erienced by the citizens in the alley ruming parallel to Permsylvania and Pearl between U.S. 285 and Hanpden Avemie. He stated that 12 property owners in the area had previously met with City Manager Dial, Mayor Senti, and Director of Public Works, Kells Waggoner. He conmented that they were very cooperative in showing the group the total storm drainage plan for the City of Englewood. Later the group met with Councilnml Brown and Kells Waggoner and got a IJX)I'e detailed account of the total plan. The group was present at the Council meeting talight to advise the Council of the drainage problem in the area. Twice already this seascn there has been water 12" to 18" deep in the alley causing sane water dcmige in garages. Of the overall plan of $6 ,000 ,000 of which l, 700 ,000 is t¥M available, the partial of cost attributable to their area is $110,000. Mr. Thanas stated that he realized the priority of the plan is a decision of the C.Ouncil, but the group is a result of three additional review of this small area. The problem is a result of three apartment houses already on the block and the construction of the U.S. 285 bypass inmediately south of the area. A catch basin was installed at the time of the wrl.ts' constructi<Xl, but it has proven totally inadequate. c.ouncilman Brown inquired whether the problem was that the pipes in the area were too small for a large rain. Director of Public Works Waggooer replied in the affirnative and described to the Council the East Jeffersm Basin in which this block is located. Council- man Br<Wl inquired as to the cost of the East Jeffersm Basin project. Director of Public Worlcs Waggoner replied that the estimate previously was $1~,000 but by row it was probably up to $112,000 to $120,000. Councilman Blessing asked as to the priority of this project in the overall plan. Director of Public Works Waggoner replied that the East Jefferscn Basin was not considered critical enoogh by COIJl>arisen to be part of the first priority. He stated that, of course, it was up to the Council to set the priorities as time goes along. C.Ouncilwanan Hemrl.ng asked where in the total plan we were currently. Mr. Waggener replied that we current- ly are close to constructien en the Northwest Greenbelt area and the Northeast basin for which we have obtained approval for Federal furds. Design is also started on the South Englewood Basin and the South-f.entral Englewood Basin. Council.wcnml Henning inquired whether the East Jeffersm Basin could be our next priority and what the time span is as far as corrective action is concerned. Mr. Waggoner replied that the East Jeffersm Basin could be our next priority if it was the Council's wish and that if we atteopted to receive Federal mcney for a portien of the project, it would take approximately 1 and 1/2 years. If we paid for the total porject oot of City m:ney, it would take approximately five llDlths. C.Ouncilwanan Hemrl.ng llx{uired whether the Federal Government would feel negatively towards the City if we went ahead and financed one of the smaller constructien projects of the total plan totally out of City mcney rather that going in for a federal grant as we have en the current con- structi<Xl phase. Mr. Waggoner replied that he did not think the Federal GovernDBlt would mind ooe way or the other but that there was oo way that we could say for sure. Councilman Brown asked whether extra mcney was available for these types of mnall area constructien. City Manager Dial replied in the affirnative if it was the Council's wish to do so. He stated after the Northeast Basin constructioo there would still be $1,000,000 for the next priority of the Council. This would probably be enriched by $200,000 over next year's OOdgetary mcney for a total of $1, 200, 000. The City could proceed with the South and South Central Basins and still have $200,000 left over for this type of small pro- j ect. Council.mm Schwab said that other areas of the City also have severe water problem; and that he felt it would hurt our chances for obtaining subsequent Federal mcney for other pro- j ects if we d i d s<m? areas withoot tmking application for Federal mcney. City Manager Dial stated that the regional office of HUD would like our future storm drainage plans within the next week or so. He stated that the staff would come back to the Council with a priority plan i n the near future. Mr. Thanas ccmielted that the group was asking to get saoo of these small areas now instead of waiting \Bltil the end of the total project. He comnented that another apartment house in the block could make the situation extremely critical. He asked whether the city could discontinue allowance of any further building permits for apartments in the area until the problem is solved. City Attorney Berardini replied the City could not refuse permits if the area was properly zoned ; hc:Mever, they could make the building suhni.t proper drainage plans before issuance of the permit. * * * * * I I I I I I I I -3- The revised minutes of the Board of Career Service C.Omnissieners meeting of May 18, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * The minutes of the Board of Career Service Conmi.ssieners meeting of June 15, 1972 , were received for the record. * * * * * The minutes of the Water and Sewer Board meeting of June 20, 1972, were received f or the record. * * * * * The minutes of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals meeting of June 14, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * The minutes of the Library Board meeting of June 20, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * The minutes of the Planning and Zoning Conmi.ssien meeting of June 6, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * The IDE!lmrand.m fran the City Manager to meni>ers of the City Council reporting on the City's policy with regard to the use of the rescue/anbul.ance unit was received for the record. * * * * * The Council received a letter fran the Cllairom1 of the Planning and Zoning Comni ssion requesting an increase in the rate of re:iJibursenent for Conmi.ssial Ille!l"bers. Council- man Blessing asked as to what their current status was. City Manager Dial replied that the Comn:i.ssialers currently received $16 per nrnth. Councilman Schwab stated that he felt that we sba.ild get reorrn:udaticns fran the staff or a cxmnittee al what to pay all City conmittees al a meeting basis rather than m:nthly basis. Councilnmt Brown stated that the Planning and Zon- ing Ccmni.ssicn ueets roore now than they ever did before and felt that an increase in the rate of reinb.Jrsell8'lt was justified. Councilman Dhority stated that he felt that they probably did spend mre time and have extra expense and that a study should be tmde available by the time to finance next year's budget. City Manager Dial stated that the budget input would be g oing en in the next six weeks and he suggested the appointment of a C.Ouncil conmittee as soon as possible. Councilman Blessing i.rquired whether it ~ld probably not be best for the de- partment heads to II8ke this survey. City Manager Dial replied that the department heads work- ing with their conmi. ttees 'WOUl.d probably be slightly biased. The staff could provide any Council conmi.ttee with the informatien necessary for then to make decisicns. The Mayor then appointed Councilman Blesing and Councilman Dhority for the coomi.. ttee to study the problen. Cll.fiCII.MAN SOIW\B MJVED, CDJNCIL BlUti SECmDED, 'IO APPRJVE A MEM>RANIXJM 'ID 1HE EtQ.EKX)[) Cl'lY Cll.fiCIL REGARDrt«; ACTIOO OR RECDtEIDATIOO OF 1HE mGLFlilX>D WATER AND SEWER OOARD .APPIUJIR; SUPPUMNI' 133 TO 1HE CXHIBCI'OR'S AGREFMNT wrm SXJ'IHGATE SANITATIOO DlsrRICT. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Nays: Absent: Council Menbers Henning, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Ncne. Councilmm Lay. The Mayor declared the imticn carried. * * * * * Councilwomm Heming i.rquired whether approval of these Supplements comni.tted us to expand our sewer services further to the West. C.Ouncilman Dhority replied that we are f ast becaning a regiooal sewer processor for the area and felt that we should take whatever we can handle. We have no specific conmi.ttment other that that feeling. c.ouncilwanan Henning asked why the approval of certain areas is done en a parcel by parcel basis. c.ouncilman Dhority replied that we have no special guidelines and that scme areas closer in can sit there for years before they become developed and, cooseqw:ntly, a hopscotching effect developes. Councilmm Sci"Mab stated that we control hook-ens bit do not control the installatien of lines in the area. Saithgate Sanitatial District uakes those decisicns. c.ouncil'WOOml Henning asked that if we are to be a regiooal processor should we coosolidate sanitaticn districts and excer- cise control over then. City Manager Dial replied that the city's concern in the past has not 43il 434 -4- been in a collectioo of sewage ~t rather in the processing of the sewage. He stated that the city has done fairly well as a sewer processor. We are able to charge probably the lowest rate for sewer processing in the area as a result of charging a slight premiun to those individuals outside the city. CD.fiCIIMAN IIDRI'IY MJVED, Cll.JNCIIMAN SOlWAB SECXIIDED A MJI'IOO 'ID APPK>VE 'lllE ~IWD.M FlU-1 'lllE OIAIRMAN OF TiiE \W\TER AND SEWER BCWID REGARDTI«; .ACITOO OR RECDHNDATIOO OF 'lllE mGUlll>D WATER AND SEWER OOARD cm~ APPK>VAL OF SUPPLEHWI' #34 CCRIBCIDR'S AGREE- ~ WI'DI s:xnHGATE SANITATIOO DISTRICT. Upat the call of the roll, the vote resulted as fol- lows: Ayes : f.olmcil Meubers Henning, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: None. Absent: c.ounci1man Lay. The Mayor declared the rootion carried. * * * * * ~CII.MAN SOlWAB MJVED, CD.fiCI1MAN IH>Rl'IY SECXIIDED A MJI'IOO 'ID APPK>VE A teORANllM 'ID 'lHE aGEW:X>D CI'IY <D.fiCIL REGARD!?«; ACl'IOO OR RECDtEIDATIW OF 'lllE ENGLEWX>D WATER AND SE\ER IllARD cm~ APPK>VAL OF 'lllE REVISED ~FMNI' AGREFMNI' OF 'lllE PUBUC SERVIO.: CXJl>AN'l. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: c.ouncil Menbers Henning, Dhority, BrCMl, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: None. Absent: c.ounci1man Lay. The Mayor declared the rootioo carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial SIJill8rized the IDelOOI'ancUn given to the Council on recoumenda- ticns for a tree planting program. He stated that there was s<:m! m:ney for a tree program. The progran will allow for planting of trees between the street and the hane. We ~ld ac- quire as many trees as possible with our budgeted funds. The trees range from $15-$60 with a 1-1/2" to 2" base dianeter. We ~d invite people to sign up to purchase one of these trees and pay $8 for planting which is optional. The ~ cost would be approximately cne-half to one- third of our total cost. Counci1man Dhority stated that he would like to see preference given in the sidaialk districts who have lost trees in the past. City Manager Dial stated that he tha.Jght it was a good idea and should be expanded to paving districts. Councilwanan Henning asked whether the city would advise the people in the paving districts in the last three years of the opportunity to participate in this program. City Manager Dial replied that we "WOuld attenpt to do so. ~ BlUti MJVED, Cll.JNCIU01AN HENNn«; SECDIDED A MJI'IOO 'DIAT WE M>VE AHEAD Wl'DI 'lHE TREE PLAmTI«; PIO;RAM AS RECDHNDED AND GIVE PREFERENCE 'ID PEDPIE IN 'lHE SIDE- WAIK AND PAVIH:; DISTRICTS IN 'lllE ~ 'lHREE YF.AR.5 • Ayes: c.ouncil Menbers Henning, Dhority, BrCMl, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: Nooe. Absent: c.ouncilmm Lay. The Mayor declared the rootioo carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini discussed the bill for an ordinance amending Sectioo 2, Cllapter 2, Article I, Title XII of the'69 E.M.C., authorizing resident haneowners to construct sidewalk, curb, gutter, curb cuts, or driveways within the city limits. He stated that this permit ~d give the haneowner alJl>le leeway to get a sidewalk constructed if he wished to do so before the sidewalk district was formlly set. Councilman SclMab inquired as to the super- vision of the constructioo "WOrk. Director of Public Works Waggoner stated that we "WOuld in- spect the constructioo before and after pouring the ceneit and would be available to help them with any problem;. lntrociJced as a Bill by c.ouncibmn Dhority, and read in full, A BIIL FOR AN ORDINANQ: MNO:n«; SECTIOO 2, CllAP1ER 2, ARI'ICU: I, TITLE XII OF 'lllE '69 E .M.C. , AUimRIZ- n«; RF.SIDfNr ~ ro cmSTRUCT SIDEWAU<, aJRB, GU'ITER, CURB rurs, OR DRIVEWAYS WI'IHIN nlE CI'IY LIMITS. ~~ IH>Rl'IY MJVED, Cll.JNCIIMAN SCllWAB SECXIIDED, , 'lHAT 'lllE BIIL FOR AN OR- DINAN<L BE PASSED 00 FIRST READIK; AND PUBU91ED IN RJlL IN 'lHE flG.»IX)D HERAID smrINEL. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: I I I I I I I I -5- Ayes: Council Melrbers Henning, Ihority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Lay. The Mayor declared the DX>ticn carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini discussed the bill for an ordinance approving schedules of average prices of cooparable sales; conparable rental housing; and IOOVi.ng expense schedule; in coopliance with the requirements of Secticn 114, Title I of the Housing Act of 1964, as amended by the Uniform Relocaticn Assistance and Real Property Acqui.siticn Policies Act of 1970 for project OSC-~~-00-0063 (Northwest Engla«>Od Greenbelt/Park). He stated that this provides a schecble which already has been approved by HUD and suhni.tted by IXJRA. Q:nmcilwanan Heming asked whether if we adopted this bill it would bind us to anything. The Director of Public Works Waggoner stated that the schedules were cooplied from real estate sales in the Denver area and that there were three ways for people to be relocated into a couparable house. (1) They could go by the schedule if the heme is within the size limitaticn and the price is below the schecble, there is no problem involved in the purchase. (2) If the price is above the schedlle, our relocaticn people will attenpt to find conparable sales in the area in order to justify that particular purchase. (3) The guidelines set forth the possibilities for ex- teruating cirClJDStances of IUDerous types. The rental schedule in the ordinance is the top of the rental bracket that people can pay. A rental subsidy benefit exists in the Federal guide- lines, which aJn.nts to a maxi.Dun of ~1,000 per year for a maxi.Dun of f~ years. C.Ouncilwanan Heming asked if the schedlles are ever revised. Attorney Berardini replied in the affi.nm- tive. A BIU. R>R AN ORDINANa: APP~ SOIEllJLES OF AVERAGE PRIO: OF CXH>ARABl.E SAi.ES; CXH>ARABLE RENI'AL llXJS- n«;; AND MJVIR; ~ SOiEilJLE; IN CXH>UANO: wrm '1HE ~REMNl'S OF SECTICfi 114, TITLE I OF '1HE RlJSTI«; N:r OF 1964, A5 »ODED BY '1HE WIR>RM REIOCATICE ASSISTANO: AND REAL PR>PERI'Y ACQUISITICE PCLICIF.S ACT OF 1970 FOR PR>JECI' OSC-~~-00-0063 (WRlHWESI' EK;I..EWX)D GREENBELT/ PARK). CllfiCIUD1AN ~ KJVED, Cll.fiCILMAN Bl FSSI?«; SECmDED , 'lllAT '1HE BI.IL FOR AN ORDINANQ: BE PA.5SED Cfi FIRST RF.ADD«; AND PUBLI~ IN ~ IN '1HE mGU.¥1X>D HERAil> SENITNEL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Melrbers Heming, Ihority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Ncne. Councilmm Lay. The Mayor declared the DX>ticn carried. * * * * * City Attomey Berardini described the resoluticn authorizing and directing the City Attorney to acquire real property for the Utilities Department sewer plant enlargement. He stated that the resoluti.al would give the Attorney the authority to purchase that land. REIDWITCfi 00. 32, SERI.ES OF 1972 A RES>WITCfi Al.11H)R!Zn«; AND DIRECTn«; '1HE CITY AITOmEY FOR '1HE A£XlUISITICfi OF REAL PR>PERI'Y R>R '1HE UITUTIF.S DEPARIHNr SEWER PLAN!' ~. (Copied in full in the official Resoluticn Book). CllfiCIUD1AN HE?fiING KJVED, ~CILMAN ~ SECllIDED, 'lllAT RES>WITCfi NO. 32, SERIES OF 1972, BE APPRJVED AND AOOPI'ED. Up<n the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Melrbers Heming, Ihority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: None. Absent: Councilmm Lay. The Mayor declared the IIDtion carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini described a problem existing on a piece of property south of Broad-lay and north of Rafferty Lane in the K-Mart area. He stated that the property was amex.ed by the City of Englaoxi in the past and that at the time meni>ers of the City staff agreed to get the property taken en fire district rolls. Currently, the property is in Cherry Hills Fire District, Littletcn Fire Protecticn District, and the City of Englewood. The owners are paying a mill levy to each goveumental unit. City Attorney asked for authority to atteupt to reoove the property frool the ™° Fire Districts and, if needed, to petiticn the court to do so. 436 -6- Cll.6CIU1AN SCllWAB MMD, ~CI.IJ'1AN IH>RITY SECXJIDED, A Mn'IW GIVING 'DIE CITY ATIDRNEY AJJlll>RI'IY 'IO ATI'EWI' 'IO REMJVE 'DIE PR>PEKrY fR>M 'DIE FIRE DISI'RICI'S AND, IF NEraSSARY, 'IO PEI'ITIW 'l1IE CXlJRl' 'IO 00 &>. Ayes: Council Meubers Henning, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: Nene. Absent : Councilman Lay. 'llle Mayor declared the Dl>tion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial discussed the list of owners of property for inclusion in the 1973 sidewalk district. He stated that pursuant to reviews with the council, owners of pro- perty ~d be advised this S\JJIDer for coostructioo in a sidewalk district next sunmer. 'lllis provides them with the time they need to have the sidewalk constructed themselves. The city staff ~d need authority from the Council to notify these property owners. Councilwanan Heming inquired whether it was necessary to have the public hearing. City Manager Dial re- plied that one ~d he held next year previous to setting up the actual sidewalk district. ~CIU1AN IH>RITY MMD, CXl.tiCI.IJ'1AN BI FSS~ SECXJIDED A Mn'IW 'IO NCYITFY nDSE INDIVIIlJALS IN 'DIE SIDEWALK DISI'RICT AT nus TIME. Open the call of the roll, the vote resulted a:s follows: Ayes: Cotmcil Menbers Henning, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: None. Absent : Councilman Lay. 'llle Mayor declared the m:>tioo carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial reported to the Council on the status of the Engle'ft100d- Littletoo sewage treatment project. He stated that since the Council passed the concept at a previoos Council meeting, several meetings with Littleten have taken place. The engineering f irm of Henningsoo, Durhan & Richardscn, Inc., has been selected as the consulting engineers on the project. 'llle cost of the engineer is to be equally shared between the two parties. The engineers 'WOUl.d look at the joint sewage possibilities of the two towns and reconmend lo- caticns for the sewage treatJDent plant. Alaig with their engineering report they will give budgetary estimates as to the cost of the project. ~CIU1AN SCliWAB MMD, cnJNCIINl>M!\N HENNil(; SECXJIDED A Mn'IW 'IO APPR>VE 'DIE AGRFDEn' BEni1Em 'DIE mG:r.NEERit«; FIRM OF H!Hill«;~, IlJltiAM, & RI~. INC., AND 'l1IE CITY OF ~D AND 'l1IE CITY OF UTILEI'OO. Open the call of the roll, the vote resulted as fol- lows: Ayes : Council Menbers Henning, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: Nooe. Absent: Councilman Lay. The Mayor declared the m:>tien carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial reported oo the status of the water reservoir at Clarksen and Belleview. He stated that currently -we have two reservoirs below ground at the locatien which add pressure to the water system in that part of the city. 'llle design work en a new reservoir has been finished with the receipt of bids projected for July 19. A two-part bid has been asked for: (1) gramd level and burried reservoir, (2) above ground tank reser- voirs. The possibility exists that the City of Englewood can save $70,000 by going with the above-ground tank about seven feet high. The total project cost will probably be around $450,000 to $500,000. Councilman Schwab asked whether there had been any progress on the park angle of the project. City Manager Dial reported oo the discussion with the City of Greerwxxi about the tennis caJrt and stated that they had not indicated any interest as of yet. * * * * * City Manager Dial discussed the menm-andun fran the Coummications Supervisor to the Assistant City Manager regarding authorizatien to attend the Associated Police Coummi- catioos Officer's meeting in Wyoming. He stated that the Coummications Officer is an active lllEJl'ber of the two-state chapter 'Which has frur meetings a year, two of which are in Wyaning. He wuld like approval of the Council to allow two trips outside the state each year in a conti.mrl.ng fashien with a report en the expenses after each trip. ~CIU1AN ~ M>VED, cnJNCIU1AN BT FSSIR; SECXJIDED, A Mn'IW 'IO PR>VIDE CXNr.U«Jn«; AIJllDRIZATIOO FOR 'l1IE CllffJNICATIOOS OFYICER 'IO A'.ITFlID A5SOCIATED POLICE Cllffm- CATIOOS OFFICERS 1'£ETit«; IN Wi(.}1ll«; 'MCE A YF.AR. I I I I I I I I -7- Objectiau; were raised to giving such authorizaticns without any control over the cost. City Manager Dial stated that he would report 6ack to the Council with cost estimates at a subsequent Council meeting. CXXH;IU1AN ~DIEN WlnIDRE.vl HIS MJnW. City Manager Dial presented a request for a detective to attend the 20th amrual seminar of the Intematiooal Associaticn of Auto Theft Investigators to be held in Tallahassee, Florida, frun July 31, through August 4, 1972. ~~ ~ M)VED, CXlJNCIUD1AN HEmI?«; SECmDED A Mn'IW 'ID AI1Dtl 'DIE ~ FOR A IEmCITVE 'ID A1TflID 'DIE 2C1m NtruAI.. SEMINAR OF 'DIE INTEltiATIWAL A5SOCIATIW OF AUro mEFr INVESI'IGATIOOS 'ID BE HELD IN TA1.LAHA.5SEE, FlDRIDA, Fl01 JULY 31 'l1ilUGi Al.GJSf 4, 1972. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Menbers Henning, Ihority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: Ncne. Absent: Councilman Lay. The Mayor declared the m:>tioo carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial began a discussioo of the Colorado Department of Highways' plan to close a portioo of ''Old" Halpden Avenue entrance to U.S. 285. He stated that the High- ways' s plan was to close the eastbound access to U.S. 285 fran old Halpden Avenue. There have been seven broadside accidents with three injuries in the last three years at that locatioo. Traffic in the area will be diverted to Downing Street and U.S. 285 Wet"e a stoplight is pre- sently located. Director of Public Works Waggener coomented that the westbourxl traffic onto old Halpden Avenue li«>\lld still be allowed. Mayor Senti ccmnented that the City has little that we could do about it. City Attorney Berardini agreed saying that it was a limited access highway controlled by the state. Cll.fi~ IH>RITY MJVED, CXlJNCIInN SCHWAB SECllIDED A MJI'IOO 'ID APPK>VE nm STATE HIGlilAY DEPARIHNI''S PLAN 'ID CLOSE nm &\STlDJND m'l'RANCE CNID U.S. 285 Fl01 OI.D HAMPDEN AVEKJE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: r.ouncil Meubers Henning, Ihority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: Ncne. Absent: Co\mcil.man Lay. The Mayor declared the m:>tion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial reported to the Council about the proble.'ll of concrete along East Eastman Aven.ie. He stated that the city should go to a wider sidewalk along the street while replacing the concrete as discussed at a previous meeting. The average cost per lot for a narrOW'er sidewalk li«>Uld be $Ul, while the wider sidewalk l«>uld cost ~291. City cost for the total concrete replacement li«>\lld be $16 ,000. Councilman Dhority stated that we shoold standardize our sidewalks at the wider width for safety sake as we have done in the sidewalk districts cbring the past few years. Councilman Brawn stated that his was a peculiar case in which a mi.stake was made in the past and that we should not ask them to pay for extra width as as result of this previous mistake. Councilman Schwab stated that he felt that standardiza- tion of the sidewalks at the wider width has been adhered to without exception in recent years. A deviation at this time could cause problems in the future with the establishnent of a pre- cedent. CouncilllBll Brawn and Councilman Dhority requested that the staff meet with the people involved before we go any further. City Manager Dial suggested a special meeting on July 31 to invite the owners to meet with the Council., Councilman Schwab stated that we did not feel it had to be a special meeting but could be an infortllil get-together. City Manager Dial stated that he li«>\lld attsq>t to work such a meeting out. * * * * * City Manager Dial reported on the status of the three Enployees Associatioo agreements in regard to meeting the IRS guidelines. He stated that the benefits had been reviewed by the Department of Finance and that we are currently in the IRS guidelines. The 1972 raises over 1971 urder those guidelines are: Police -3.068% Fire -5.55870 Noo-emergency -3.812% City Manager Dial began a discussion of possible changes in the methods of deal- ~ with the three sq>loyee associatiau;. He suggested possible consideration of two items. 1. Developing a new ordinance to strengthen a grievance procecilre and tI8ke the Career Service Board the final say in this regard. 438 -8- 2. C.Onsideration of a charter amenc:bent providing a right of organization to negotiate. Upm reaching a total i.Ilpasse, Career Service Board could possible help or creation of an i.Ilpartial board may be considered. Councilman Dhority stated that he was in favor of a Charter Amendment of this type to be voted on by the citizens. Councilwanan Herming asked whether the staff had con- sidered talking to the three associations involved. City Manager Dial replied in the affirma- tive that review with the association was definitely needed. Councilman Schwab stated that there were other areas of ooncem to a city which also warranted charter amencbents. c.ouncilwoman Herming stated that the C.Olorado State Legis- lature is currently planning on looking at the labor setup in the state and questioned whether we could go ahead at a heme rule city in the developnent of any forual setup. City Attorney Berardini replied in the affirmative and stated that heme rule cities would most likely be allowed to develop their own plans urder the legislative plan. ~CIUD1AN ~ MJVED, ~GILMAN IH>RIT'i SECX:NDED A Mn'IOO 'ID HAVE 1llE STAFF FURmER DEVELOP nm GUIDELINES PRESENrED BY MR. DIAL IN nm NF.AR liUl'URE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: CO\mcil Menbers Hermi.ng, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Lay. The Mayor declared the DDtion carried. * * * * * '!he Mayor recognized nm-scheduled citizens fran the audience. Mr. Cllarles R. Richards, 1090 West Oxford, appeared in conjunction with the re- cent persomel actioo in the Fire Department. He stated that the procedures the City currently has are apparently not appropriate when city e11ployees have to hire a lawyer to state their case. He felt the Council sho.ild take whatever action necessary to give redress to those in- dividuals involved. The Council expressed their thanks to Mr. Richards for appearing. City Manager Dial responded to Mr. Richards' remarks and stated that the over- all cmcerns of the City applied to the Fire Department as well as anywhere else. AttEDpts have been nade to develop a Fire Department of high professional caliber. ~ey has been spent to purchase the best possible fire service apparatus. A program of consolidation of mechanical apparatus has been developed in the City with the objective of i.Ilprovement in citizen services. '!he process of review of the reduction in rank in the Fire Department was taken over a long period of time urder which acEli.nistrative hearings were heard. '!he Career Service Board was appealed to and is currently holding hearings on that matter. * * * * * '!he Council m:>ved into a discussion of the coumittees to be appointed to help direct future developnent of the city. ~CIUD1AN HENNTI«; MJVED, ~GILMAN BT FSS!tl; SECXNDED A KJI'IOO 'ID HAVE nlE 'l\il) axfiCIL APPOINrED ~ OF F.A£ll OF nm fWR CllMI'ITEES OF lDJS!tl;, TRANSFORTATIOO, <DRE ARFA, AND RIVER RECREATIOO DE.VELO~ SERVE AS nMlORARY CD-QIAIRMAN OF 'lll>SE cn+f[Tl'EES lBrIL A PERMANFNI' QIAIRMAN WA.5 ELECTED. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as fol- lows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: CkA.mcil Meui>ers Heming, Blessing, Senti. Council Meubers Schwab, Dhority, Brown. c.ouncil Men"ber Lay. '!he DDtion failed for lack of a majority. * * * * * ~CIIMAN IH>RIT'i MJVED, CXXJNGILMAN SCllWAB SECXNDED A Mn'IOO 1HAT nm CXXJNCIL ~ \ff) IS 'ID BE A ~ OF EA(}{ OF nm fWR CllMI'ITEES W'.lJIJ) BE nm TEH?ORARY CliAIRMAN AND D~FY Hllf>ELF AS A PERMANENT CIIAIRMAN. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council meubers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: Councilwoman Herming. Absent: Councilman Lay. '!he Mayor declared the DDtioo carried. * * * * * I I I I I I I I -9- ~ ~ MJVED, <D.JNCIU1AN IH>RITY SECXIIDED A Mn'IW 'ID M!\KE 'lHE n.D APPOnm:D PWPLE BY 'lHE OOWCIL OF 'lHE CDttITl'EE AlS) REPREsan'ATIVF.S 'ID 'lHE STEERING CXH«TIEE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Council Meni>ers Heming, Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays : Ncne. Absent : Councilman Lay. The Mayor declared the m>ticn carried. * * * * * CXlJNCIUD1AN HENNm:; MJVED, OOWCIIMAN IH>RITY SECllIDED A Mn'IW 'ID APPOINI' 'lHE R)ll.Cliilll«; PEI>PIE 'ID 'lliE FOI..LGID«; cn+IITI'EES : Housing Charles Heming Lou Parkinscn Transportaticn Kendall Palmer John Fer~scn Core Area Redevelopnent Harold Rust Grady Franklin Maples River Recreaticn Developnent John Plohelllls Doris Nazarerus Citizens-at-Large to Steering Comni.ttee Judge Robert E. Kelley Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent : Colmcil Meni>ers Henning, Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti. r.ouncil Meubers Schwab. Council Meui>er Lay. The Mayor declared the m>ticn carried. * * * * * CIUfClliD1AN ~ MJVED, CllfiCIU1AN BlESS!tl; SECXIIDED A Mn'IW 'ID INVITE 1llE CITI OF ~ 'ID APPOINT WE CllJNCIL ~ 'ID BE A PAKI' 'ID 'lliE RIVER RECREATirn DE- VEIDMNI' CDttITIEE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Colmcil Meui>ers Henning, Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: Ncne. Absent : Councilman Lay. The Mayor declared the m>tion carried. * * * * * CllfiCIUD1AN HmNIR; MJVED, Mf\YOR SFm'I SECXIIDED A Mn'lrn 'ID APPOINI' CXXJNCII.M\N ~ 'ID 'lHE llXJSI?«; CXH1ITIEE, ~ SClfWAB 'ID 'lHE TRANSPORrATIW CXH1I'ITEE, CXXJNCILM!\N IH>RI1Y 'ID 'lHE CDRE ~ CXM'1ITIEE, AND CIX.fiCIIMAN BI FSS!tl; 'ID 'lHE RIVER RECREATirn DEVELOEMfNT CXH«TIEE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Colmcil Meubers Heming, Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays : Ncne. Absent : Councilman Lay. The Mayor declared the m>ticn carried. * * * * * 439 440 -10- Council.mm Dhority brought to the Council's attention the letter written by Hr. M. M. SUml!rs, 3140 South Delaware. He comnented that Mr. Sunners is fairly accurate in his assertims. He requested that the Council take a look at financing a pool in Dart:IOOuth_ Parlt area. He also cc:mMlted that the park is smaller than the C.Ouncil at the time originally agreed to in the plans. Council.wcumt Heming suggested the possibility of a wading pool of four foot depth max:illun. She ccmnented that the City of Mirmeapolis utilizes such pools and they seen to work well in operation. City Manager Dial stated that the staff will pit together sane IJl)t"e information and will caoo back to the Council with it. He questioned the Council as to whether they wanted to buy the property inmediately adjacent to Dart:IOOuth Park conmenting that it is a very expensive piece of land. c.ouncilman Brown requested a breakdown on the cost of the land, full size pool, and wading pool. * * * * * Councilmm Blessing inquired into the City's policy in maintaining alleys. '!he Director of Public Works stated that the city grades an alley an average of four times a year. Councilman Sclwab inquired into the policy of the rescue anbulance unit as apecified in the mem:>rancUn previously received by the Council. He questioned the policy of providing free Cllhllance service to the city enployees any place in the metropolitan area. Mayor Senti cc'JIDOOnted that the timing is very poor for taking any additional benefits away fran the EDployees Association and recomre:Mied no action at this time. * * * * * CXl.tiCI~ Hflfiit«; MMD, ~CIIM\N ~ SECDIDED A MJITOO 'ID AilJCIJm. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Mesd>ers Henning, Illority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: Nooe. Absent: Councilman Lay. The Mayor declared the nnticn carried, and the meeting adjoorned at 11:51 p.m. /SI Karl F. Nollenberger Ex Officio Clerk of the Co\mcil I I I I