HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-17 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I ~CIL awm:R.5 CI'IY OF OOLEW'.X)D, CDLORAOO JULY 17, 1972 REGJIAR~: The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular sessial on July 17, 1972, at 8:01 p.m. Mayor Senti, presiding, called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the Reverel¥1 Helen Walker of the Esoteric Truth Center. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Senti. The Mayor asked for roll call. Upm the call of the roll, the following were present: r.ouncil Meui:>ers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Henning. Absent: None. Abstain: Councilman Lay. The Mayor declared the IIDtion carried. * * * * * Mayor Senti recognized the following people fran the list of Special Citizen Progran Invitees: Mr. Allen W. Oscar, 2118 West Vassar Avenue, Precinct No. 1. Mrs. Albert J. Loftus and Mrs. Marion Daube, 3676 South Grant Street, Precinct No. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Archie S. Alexander, 4345 South Clarkson Street, Precinct No. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Hemen Balkena, 4311 South Delaware Street, Precinct No. 12. Mr. and Mrs. William Becker, 4732 South Bamock Street, Precinct No. 15. * * * * * Mr. Roy A. Lucier, 3144 South Fox, appeared before the Council with respect to drainage problem; in his neighborhood. Mr. Weier stated that he had appeared before the Council bile years ago in camection with the area's problem. He stated that the alleys in the block between Fox and Elati have a serious drainage problem. kl open drain across from the school ~s water into the alley conti.nualsly. The water in the alley builds up as high as 4 and a half to 5 feet deep. He questioned the Council as to when remedies will be taken for the drainage problem in their area. City Manager Dial replied that the Federal Government had agreed to the first storm sewage grant in Englewood last nrnth. We are currently six weeks away fran bid-taking which will leave approximately $1,000,000 in the storm drainage account. Phase II of the storm drainage problem is suggested to the Council in a separate mem>randun to be disOJSSed later in the evening. The area referred to by Mr. wcier is part of the Phase II Plan. He suggested to the Council that they consider the Federal aid process once again on the plan. The project cost of Mr. Wc:ier's area is $105,000, City costs would be cut to $65 ,000 by applying for Federal umey. Mayor Senti ccmreited that the City is seriously look- ing at the problem and attenpting to remedy the situation even though it is a slow process. City Manager Dial stated that the staff would go and look at the area to see if there was any imnediate help to be given before the long-range problem can be solved. * * * * * Mrs. James L. Balkena , 2946 West Union Avenue, a Special Citizen Program Invitee, questioned the Council on the use of West Union Avenue by heavy gravel and concrete trucks. She stated that many children use the area to play and that Centennial Park is ~ mediately adjacent to the road. She comnented that the trucks go rather fast which creates a dangerous situation for the children. City Manager Dial stated that it is possible for the Council to limit weight and that the police could use radar on the area to check the truck's speed. Mayor Senti assured Mrs. Balkena that the City would pirsue the matter further. City Manager Dial stated that the staff would run out the legal status of the situatioo. The minutes of the Library Board meeting of July 11, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * The mi.rutes of the Planning and Zoning Coumission meeting of June 20, 1972 were received for the record. * * * * * The Financial Report for the Dalth of June, 1972, was received for the record. * * * * * City Manager Dial ccmnented on the letter fran J. Louis Parkinson, Chairman of the Workable Program Citizens' Conmittee, to Mayor Senti subni.tting petitions reconmending the creati.cn of a housing authority and urban renewal authority. He stated that there are, in fact , D«> separate petitions : one to set up the housing authority and one to set up and urban ·441 .442 -2- renewal authority. The City will need to set a public hearing not before ten days after publicatioo oo the matter. Council~ Henning questiooed whether -we should set up the public hearing during the vacatioo seasoo. Mayor Senti replied that there was no problem that he could see. * * * * * ~CIU1AN IH>Rl'IY MJIJED, CXlJNCIU1AN LAY SECXIIDED A K71'IOO IO RECEIVE PEITTIWS AND SEl' A PUBLIC HF.ARIR; FOR AOOUSf 21 00 nlE cmJ\TIW OF A llXJSIR; Al11ll>Rl'IY AND AN URBAN ~ AIJllDRI'lY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Menbers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Lay, Henning. Nays: Council Meni>er Schwab. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the m>tioo carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini coomented oo the recomnendatioo of the Flaming and Zoning Gannissioo for the rezoning of 2800 block of South Shentml Street fran R2A -two family residential to R2B -low density nultiple fanily. He stated that the application was change in zone use classif icatioo for which the City Council is required to have a public hearing. The Council's action at that time, if any . '1«>\lld be to request the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to set a date for public hearing. Councilllml Blessing irx{uired into any parking problems in the area. Mayor Senti replied that there -were nale. ~CI.UD"1AN HEHm«; MJIJED, CXlJNCIU1AN ~ SECXNDED A K71'IW IO SEl' A PUBLIC HF.ARIK; ~ AlGJST 8 , 1972 , FOR nm REZCJm«; OF 2800 BL()(]{ OF OOU'1H SHERM!\N STREET Fl01 R2A IO R2B AND IO DIRECT nm CI'IY ATroim:i IO PREPARE AN ORDINANra FOR nlE SAME. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: c.ouncil Menbers Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Lay, Henning. Nooe. Nooe. The Mayor declared the m>tion carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini coomented oo the recomnendatioo of the Plaming and Zoning Gannissioo for an ame:dnent of the Couprehensize Zoning Ordinance to permit dry cleaning establishnents using flcmrmble liquids in a B-2 zooed district. He stated the recomnendatioo of the Plaming and Zoning Conmission was a favorable one. The action of the Council at this time, if any , was to set a public hearing and direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance oo the matter. ~ ~ MJVED, CXlJNCII.MAN ~ SECXIIDED A MJI'IW TO SE!' A PUBLIC HF.ARIK; rn AlGJSr 8 , 1972, FOR AN NotNIHNl' OF 1llE ClffREHFNSIVE ZCllll; ORDINANCE TO PERMIT QUINCi ClEANER.5, 4626 SClJIH BRWJ.lAY, TO USE FUMABlE LI~DS IN A B-2 ZCIIBD DlsrRICT. CouncilnBn Schwab stated that two public hearings oo the same night will make f or a long Council sessioo. Cll.fiCIU1AN SOlWAB KlVED, CXlJNCIU1AN LAY SECXIIDED, 'ID AMEND nlE K71'IW IO SEl' 'mE PUBLIC HF.ARIR; 00 AlnJST 21. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays : Absent: c.ouncil Meni>ers Dhority, Brown, Senti, Schwab, Lay. Council Meni>ers Henning, Blessing. Nooe. The Mayor declared the m>tion carried. Upon the call of the roll, the vote oo the original motion resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Meni>ers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Heming. Nays: None. Absent: Nooe. The Mayor declared the m>tioo carried. * * * * * I I I I I I I I -3- City Attorney Berardini discussed the resolution authorizing the City to con- tract for the purchase of certain property fran Cllarles G. Keim to allow for the expansion of the sewage treatment plant. Maps were handed out to the Council so that they could see exact- ly where the land was situated. City Manager Dial stated that the land is south of the Ser- vi.center. City .At tomey Berardini stated that the city would purchase fran the owners, the Kei.D6, this tract of land for $155 ,040. The 1and is divi.ded up into ten parcels of which the city would buy cne parcel each year at the cost of $15 ,504.00 with an option to purchase all parcels. The tract currently has a lease en it to the Denver Area Broadcasters. The purchase is subject to that lease \.llltil SeptE!lber, 1976. The lease rental is $200.00 per natth. For o.ielve 11a1ths after purchase the lease payments will go to the Keims at which time they will transfer over to the city. The resolution authorizes the purchase price and the concept of purchasing one parcel at a time. Mayor Senti inpired whether we could purchase all ten par- cels within five years if we want to. City Attorney Berardini replied in the affirmative and stated that we could buy all at cne time if we so chose. Councilman Dhority inquired whether we could take the parcel out of the designated order. City Attorney Berardini replied that the opticn was not discussed with the Keims. City Manager Dial stated that the sequence was agreed to by the owner and that the sequence rOUl'Xied arOUl'Xi the City's existing property first which was best for the City's purposes. City Manager Dial stated that the appraisal was made by a qualified appraiser and that the City had to tIBke peace with a party who had a prior option on the land. He stated that the K.eims are receiving 100re than the appraised value but felt that it was justified due to the ten years' carrying cost plus the release of the prior option on the property. Council- man Set.ab inquired whether there was any problem with the adjoining property owners if we build a sewage treatment plant en the property. City Attorney Berardini replied in the nega- tive as far as the legal status goes. CXlfiCIU1AN IH)RIT'i MJVED, CXlfiCIU1AN BT FSSIR; SECXIIDED AN .AMfNIHNI' 'ID 'lHE RESJIJ.1I'I~ AOOIOO I 'OR O'IHER MJNICIPAL USES' I IM£DIATELY AFTER SEWER PLANT EXPANSIOO. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: c.ouncil Meni>ers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Heming. Nays: Ncne. Absent: Nooe. The Mayor declared the iooticn carried. Council~ Henning inquired as to the legal ramifications of the city entering into a loog-term agreement. City Attorney Berardini replied that the legal status was clear due to the fact that we were purchasing on an opticn basis and were not obligated to purchase any land in the future. REOOWITOO 00. 33, SERIES OF 1972 RE&>WITOO AIJlH)R!ZI?«; 'lllE PURaiASE AND OPITOO OF CERI'AIN REAL PR)PERl'Y FK>M alARlES G. KEIM AND OOlClHY M. KEIM FUR l1ITUTIES AND SEWER PLAN!' EXPANSIOO OR OlHER MJNICIPAL USES WI'IHIN 'DiE CITl OF ~. (Copied in full in the official Resoluticn Book). Cll.6CIU1AN IH)Rl'IY MJVED, CXl.JNCII1'1AN BT FSSING SECXIIDED A MJITOO 'ID APPR>VE RFS>WIT~ 00. 33, SERIES OF 1972, AlJlH)RIZI?«; 'lHE ~ AND OPITOO OF CERrAIN REAL PR>PERI'Y FlOi ClWUE.5 G. KEIM AND OOICIHY M. KEIM FOR l1ITUTIF.S AND SEWER PLAN!' EXPANSIOO OR OIHER KJNICIPAL USES WI.'lll 'lHE CIT'i OF ~D. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as f ollows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Colmcil Menbers Dhority, Borwn, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Lay, Henning. Ncne. Ncne. The Mayor declared the m>tion carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini comnented on the resoluticn authorizing the sale of certain property located at 3580 South Lincoln Street. He stated that it was a porticn of the land occupied by the city shops before they were IOOVed to their present locaticn. The City previously authorized the sale of the property and caused it to be appraised. City Manager Dial ccmnented that the sale price of $6,600.00 is in excess of appraised figure. Mayor Senti stated that the decision to sell the property was made sanetime ago and at the present we are just approving the indivi.dual purchaser. Councilman Schwab in- quired as to the use of the Daley by the City. City Manager Dial reported that it would nor- mally go into general fum but the City could pit it whereever the Council chooses. There was general concurrence that the m:ney should go into the Public lnprovement Fum. 443 -4- RESOWITW W. 34, SERIF.s OF 1972 A RF.S>LUl'IW AlJ'IH)RIZU«; 'mE SAIE OF CXJM:YANCE OF CERl'AIN SUPWSAGE REAL PK>PERIY OF mE CIT'i OF ~ 'IO. C. CllARLE.5 BUCllLER FOR 'mE SlM OF $6, 000 .00. (Copied in full in the official Resolutial Book). ~CIIMAN ~ MJVED, CXXJNCIIMAN BI .ESSU«; SEcmDED A MJI'IW 'IO APPK>VE RE- SOWIT~ W. 34 Aiml>RIZTI«; 'lllE SAl.E AND CXJM:YANCE OF <En'AIN SURPUJSAGE REAL PK>PERI'Y OF 'lllE CI'IY OF ElG.EWX>D 'ID C. ClWUF..S BUCllLER FOR 'lllE Sll1 OF $6, 600 .00. Upai the call of the roll the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: c.ouncil Menbers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Lay, Henning. Nale. None. The Mayor declared the m:>tial carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini brought before the Council a resolutial approving a contract with the Denver Urban Renewal Authority to install certain street i.nprovements al SQ.1th Zwli Street fran West Evans Avenue to Aspen Court with the City of Englerwood. Council- man Schwab i.rqui.red as to the status of the rights-of-way along the street. City Manager Dial replied that we currently have agreements for all the rights-of-way except ale and that owner is al vacatial. REOOUITIW W. 35, SERIES OF 1972 REOOWrIW RATIFru«; AND cmFIRMIH:; 'mE EXEWl'IW OF 1HAT CERl'AIN ~REEHNI' BETWEEN mE DENVER URBAN lE£WAL Al.Jlll)RIT'i AND 'mE Cl'IY OF ~ 'IO 1NSTAlL CER1'AIN Sl'REET IMPK>VEt-tNI'S W 9XJ'lll ZUNI srRE£f FlU1 \ESl' F..VANS AVENJE 'IO ~PEN CXlJRl' Wlnn:N 'DIE CITY OF EKTI..EWDD. (Copied in full in the official Resolutial Book). ~CIIMAN S<llWAB MJVED, CXXJNCIIMAN LAY SECDmED A MJI'IW 'IO APPK>VE RESOUITIW NO. 35 , SERIES OF 1972 , RATIFtn«; AND <DWIRMIR; 'lllE EXEa11'1W OF 1HAT CER1'AIN AGREElftn' BE- 1\JED 'lllE DENVER URBAN RmaiJAL Al11H>RIT'i AND mE CIT'i OF ~D 'IO IN5rAIL CERI'AIN stREEI' Df>RJVDtNI'S W &Xml ZUNI STREEl' FlU1 WFSr F..VANS AVENJE 'IO ~PEN CXlJRl' Wlnn:N 'mE CITY OF ~. lJpal the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Menbers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Lay. Henning. Nme. Nme. The Mayor declared the m:>tial carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini stated that the firemen had suhni.tted a petitial for a charter amencbent al labor relatials to the City Clerk with approximately 2,400 signatures m it. The Director of Finance, ex officio City Clerk, will determine whether 5% of the sig- natures are valid and, if they are, the City Council will need to call an electial within 120 days after the subni.ssim of the petitial the Council will need to publish the petitial. City Manager Dial ccmrented that the Council will need to have a short meeting on the 31st of July before a ~ting with property owners along East Eastman Avenue. City Manager Dial stated that the City is within weeks of the first awarding of the storm drainage project. After the awarding of this project there will be approximately $1 millim appropriated in the storm drainage account. The over-all storm drainage cost to the City is approximately $7-8 mi.llioo available for the Phase II drainage work in 1973. c.oupled with Federal nnley this would ann.mt to approximately 3 .4 millioo worth of work. Councilnan Bra.m stated that it was his concern that we consider sane of the smaller problems as we go aloog with the larger projects since we seem to have the available m:ney. Councilman Dhority stated that his ooe concern is that we need IOOre storm drainage but there are many other capital inprowments that the City needs also. Council.man Blessing c<JllDE!lted that he agreed with Councilnan Brown and it is ti.me to get the storm drainage problem solved although there are other capital i.Dprovements of other types also necessary. Councilwamn Henning in- quired as to where the nnley for the Sooth Basin was currently at. City Manager Dial replied that it was part of $2 millial available in 1973. Councilman Schwab asked whether we had given an Qltline of our storm drainage plan to HUD and whether HUD had limi.tatioos on their available Federal D01ey. City Manager Dial stated that we were in the process of giving HUD our Qltline and they previously tried to issue grants to $500,000 maxim.In per year but that they have indicated otherwi.se recently. Council.nml Blessing asked how long it takes to get the Federal goveum::nt to answer an applicatial. City Manager Dial replied that it was an almst unanswerable questim. Councilmm Blessing asked if we could go ahead withoot the Federal funds. City Manager Dial replied that the City could if we desired to pay for the entire project. Council~ Henning stated that since we have cne project approved the next project's approval may go uuch faster. I I I I I I I I -5- ~ClllDfAN HEHm«:; MJVED, CD.fiCIIMAN ~ SECllIDED A Mn'IW TO Mll:Pl' 'DIE ~RANllM AND PREPARE APPUCATIW FOR FUNDS AS &XE AS POOSIBIE. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Council Merrbers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Lay, Heming. Nooe. Absent: Nooe. The Mayor declared the IOOtioo carried. * * * * * REOOU1ITW 00. 36, SERIES OF 1972 RFS>LUrICN ESrABLl9{Il«; APPRJPRIATIWS IN 'DIE PUBUC IMPRMHNT FUID FOR Ilf>R)~ TO &>U'lli ZUNI SfREE'f Fl01 ~ CllJRl' TO WESl' EVANS AvmuE. (Copied in full in the official Resolutioo Book) • ~CIU1AN IH>Rl'IY MJVED, CXlJNCIIMAN BI ESSU«; SECDIDED A Mn'IW TO APPIVVE RE- &>Wrlaf t«>. 36, SERIFS OF 1972, ESTABLI9{Il«; APPRJPRIATIWS IN 'DIE PUBUC IMPIV\'DotNr FUID R>R IWRMHNT TO &X1lll ZllU STREET Fl01 A.5Pm CllJRl' TO WESr EVANS AvaruE. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Menbers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Heming. Nays: None. Absent: Nooe. The Mayor declared the llk>tioo carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial stated that the offices of the Chief of Police and Fire, the Connunicatims Roalll, and the meeting rccim in the new Police-Fire Center \\10\lld be carpet- ed. He stated that four bids were received oo the carpeting and the Desks, Inc. , bid of $1,546.00 was the low ooe. The estimate oo carpeting had been $2,300.00. ~ ~IR; MJVED, ~CIIMAN BIESSU«; SECDIDED A Mn'IW TO AWARD 'DIE BID RlR CARPE'1"I?«; FOR nlE NaJ PCl...10:-FIRE QNl'ER 'ID DESKS, INC., IN 'lHE AKlJNI' OF $1,564.00 Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Menbers Dhority, Brawn, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Heming. Council Meuber Lay Nooe. The Mayor declared the IOOtioo carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial stated that there were three bids for the Council Chanbers furniture which consists of 80 chairs, 38 to be padded. The low bid was Scott Rice of $2,232.32 with an estimate of $2,600.00 ~~ I.AY MJVED, CD.fiCIUD1AN HatiU«; SECDIDED A Mn'IW TO APPRJVE 'DIE AWt\RDD«; OF 'DIE BID 'ID SCDT1' RIO: IN nlE AMllNr OF $2,232.32 FOR 'DIE CXlJNCIL CllAMBERS FUml- nJRE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Meui>ers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Lay, Henning. Nooe. Nooe. The Mayor declared the IOOtioo carried. "It "It * * "It Gculci..lwomm Kenning inquired why all the bids were Caiting in below the esti- mates. City Manager Dial replied that the consultant had done a good job and had atteupted to be as realistic as possible. City Manager Dial stated that there were five bids on the 18 groups of furniture for the Police-Fire Center and that three bids did not COIJl>ly with the specificatioos. Mr. Cauile r~ the Scott-Rice bid of $20,857 .76 since the specifications were met in every case. 445 446 -t>- CDW~ ~ MMD, CXX..CIUD1!\N ~ SEClltDED A KJI'ICN 'ID AWARD 'lHE BID 00 18 GRXJPS OF rultfi~ FOR 'lHE PCLICE-FIRE CEffER 'ID SCDIT-RICE CXH>ANY IN 'lHE AMlJN1' OF $20,857.76. lJpal the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: c.ouncil Heoi>ers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Lay, Heming. Nme. Absent: Ncne. The Mayor declared the mtim carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial coomented m the memJrandun from the Director of Utilities to City Manager Dial reccmnending that the Utility bear the costs for relocatioo of utility lines in the paving district and storm sewer projects. He stated that in the future the city ~d probably treat our Water and Sewer Departments as a utility and bear the costs of relocation. * * * * * City Manager Dial requested authorizatioo for the Mayor to sign a proclamatioo for ''Better Water for Engl~." He stated that the Utilities Director is in charge of better wrks week. Displays will be set up in the camunity and a foriml cerem:ny en Sunday, August 13, 7-9 p.m., will be held. am~ LAY MJVED, am~ BlOti SECDIDED A Mn'IW 'ID Al1llDRIZE MAYOR SOOL 'ID SI~ 'lHE PRJCLAK\TICN FOR ''BEITER WATER FOR ~D WEEK.'' Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Meubers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Lay, Henning. Nays: Nme. Absent: Ncne. The Mayor declared the mtim carried. * * * * * cxmc~ LAY MMD, CXlJNCIU1AN IH>RI'lY SECXIIDED AMn'ICN 'ID GRAN!' PERMISSirn FOR ATI'ENDANCE AT 'lHE ICH\ cmmamc:E IN MINNEAPOLIS FOR 'lHE WEEK OF SEPI»tiER 17 FOR 'lHE ASSisrANI' CI'IY ~. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Meui>ers Illority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwb, Lay, Henning. Nme. Nale. The Mayor declared the IIDtim carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial remiOOed the C.Ouncil of the Natimal League of Cities Confer- ence in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Novsmer 26-30, 1972. * * * * * Mr. Allen W. Oscar, 2118 West Vassar Avenue, appeared before the C.Ouncil re- questing additimal inforimtioo en the Northwest Greenbelt project as to when the individuals involved would be relocated. City Manager Dial replied that tw appraisals had been made as required by m.JD; however, wide descrepancies between the tw appraisals had to be worked out. The individ.ials involved should be receiving a letter from the city within a week to ten days. * * * * * Councilman Lay requested that the savings oo the Police-Fire Center furniture bids be used for landscaping of the building. City Manager Dial replied that the nrney had already been looked at for a mechanized file and that the staff would have available at the next meeting a plan for landscaping at the Police-Fire Center for the C.Ouncil to review. Council.mm Dhority inquired as to the financial inforimtioo oo the DartJOOuth Parle projects requested at the previous C.Ouncil meeting. City Manager Dial replied that the Parks and Recre.atioo Department was currently wrking at it and it would be presented to the Council in the near future. I I I I I I I ,I -7- Councilman Brown stated that he had received comnents concerning the firerworks problem in Englewood and asked what the Council could do at this time about it. City Manager Dial replied that the staff will rP-Vi.ew the firerworks problem and the July 4 weekend occurr- ences and present it to the Council. ~ BTFSSU«; MJVED, ~Cil.MAN LAY SECXIIDED A MJl'IOO 'ID AilJCXJm. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Nays: Absent: Council Meni>ers Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Lay, Henning. None. None. The Mayor declared the UDtion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 10:01 p.m. /SI Karl Nollenberger Ex Officio Clerk of the Council 447