HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-18 (Regular) Meeting Minutes72 CllJNCIL ClWtiERS CI'IY OF ENGLaa>D, 001.0RAOO SEI7I'El-tiER 18, 1972 REGJLAR~: The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado met in regular sessial al Septe!Ii>er 18, 1972 at 8:04 P.M. Mayor Senti, presiding, called the meeting to order. The invocaticn was given by Rev. C. Rayornd Parry of the Hanpden Hill Baptist Cllurch. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by City Manager Stanley Dial. were present: The Mayor asked for the roll call. Upcn the call of th~ roll, the fallowing c.ouncil Meni:>ers Lay, Heming, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Absent: Council Meubers Schwab. The Mayor declared a qUOIUD present. Also present TNere: City Manager Dial City Attomey Berardini Director of Finance Nollenberger * * * * * Councilman Schwab entered the roan at 8 : 11 P .M. * * * * * ~CIUD1AN lIDtiI.t«; MJVED AND CXlJNCIU1AN ~ SECDIDED A MJITOO 'mAT 'lllE ~ OF 'lllE SPECIAL ~ OF SEPI'EMIBR 5, 1972 BE APPR)VED AS READ. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Meni:>ers Lay, Henning, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nale. Nale. The Mayor declared the Dk>tial carried. * * * * * Mayor Senti recognized the following people fl'OOl the list of Special Citizen Progran Invitees: Hr. and Mrs. Clark E. Schrock, 3790 So. Hurm Street, Precinct No. 4. Hr. Schrock stated he was proud of the City of Englewood, but that he was dis- gusted at the timing of the traffic lights along Hanpden. He felt that citizens should be able to go fl'OOl Logan to Santa Fe without stopping for a red light if the first green light is hit. He felt that Broadway should also have the traffic signals timed in the same manner. Mr. Schrock stated that he lives across the street fl'OOl Maddox School and that the gates at the school be at the comer and not in the middle of the block. The traffic light for pedestrian crossing is currently in the middle of the block, but is not used to its fullest extent since the kids would rather cross at the intersectial. Mr. and Mrs. John Traylor, 3715 So. Lincoln Street, Precinct No. 7. Hr. Traylor omented W .t the phrase in the Pledge of Allegiance "cne natial Wlder God" was not separated by a cooma and should not be said with hesitatial. He also questialed why the City did not provide trash collectial service for the citizens. Councilman Brawn stated that there is nuch divisial in the country over haw to say the phrase in the Pledge of Allegiance and that Mr. Traylor was correct in his inter- pretaticn of the phrasology. City Manager Dial, in reply to Mr. Traylor's questial al trash collectial stated that trash collectial is a normal city functial in eastern areas of the country, but that by traditial it has been considered a private functial over nuch of the western area. The City considered assuni.ng the functial of collectial of trash in the past, but many elderly people protested since they felt that they could do it nuch roore cheaply than the City. Councilman Sclwab cxmreuted that trash collectial was not a c.'leap propositial. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schubarth, 4370 So. Sherman Street, Precinct No. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Jung, 3207 W. MJIJOOUth Avenue, Precinct No. 15. Hr. and Mrs. John C. Schreiner, 4935 So. Grant Street, Precinct No. 16. * * * * * I I I I I I I I -2- Mr. Willi.am Bredar and Mr. Car 1 Hendricksen of the firm of Henningsen, Durham & Richardsal, Inc. were present to discuss the joint sewage plant between Englewood and Little- tcn. Mr. Bredar S\.lll'Darlzed the report submitted to the two cities. The City of Littletoo would construct the interceptor sewer frcll1 their plant to the Englewood plant. The City of Englewood could pirchase a portioo of the interceptor since it would go through the City of Englewood. Both cities would construct a joint waste treatment plant to be located adjoining present Englewood plant. The plant operators would work for a llllllager who would report to both the Directors of Utilities in both cities. A joint operating budget would be controlled by the cities. The cost to the cities of the operaticn would be in proportioo to their volune of waste. The concept is that it's cheaper to treat waste at cne big plant rather than a plant in both cities. Each city would continue to operate their own system and plant, as well as their own sub-contracts for tapping on to the systems. The flow projectiCX'lS for the City of Englewood oo a basis of 1400 taps per year will see the capacity of the new treatment plant recently ccmpleted realized by the year 1975. The City of Littletcn will be at capacity by the er¥i of 1972, so it will be necessary to divert over capacity upcn coopleticn of the interceptor sewer. Estimated cost of the joint plant, including all adni.ni.strative costs is $10 ,000 ,000. With 75% financing by the Envircnnental Protection Agency, the cities are left with $2,500,000 of cost to share. Counciilmn Lay i.rquired as to whether any estimates of cost of future plant elCpallSicn were incorporated into the project. Mr. Bredar replied that his firm had made no further expansioo plans, but that a certain amount of reserve buildup was anticipated in the operating budget. Councilman Lay irquired as to how long the water pollutioo control standards would be met by the new plant. Mr. Bredar replied printed standards in the report are those that are schediled to be enacted by the year 1978. The engineering firm will design the latest tecluliques kncM1 at this time asS\.IDing the enactment of the standards. Tertiary water treatment may becane a reality in the future, but the plant as designed would have to be ex- panded to acccmxiate it. Councilman Sci'Mab irquired whether the cities involved would have financial problEmB witho.lt federal aide. City Manager Dial coomented the EPA projects are one of the best funded of the Federal Aide projects. Even if the Federal Government did not offer their help, we would still need acme means to build the required facility. Councilmen Lay i.rquired as to a time table far applicatioo for grants. Mr. Carl Hendricksen stated that the federal legislaticn of 75% matching grants should be finalized after the NOVSJt>er electioo. The plans specificatiCX'lS for the projects nust acconpany the grant request. The time schcdlle was shown to the Council showing on-line interceptor service for the Littletoo plant by March, 1974 and plant operatioo of the new plant for July, 1975. 'nle City Manager Dial stated that as the applicatioo proceeds, there will be a need to solicit fiscal agents and that the reaolutial8 before the Council made provision for that authoriza- tial. Hr. Bredar stated that his firm had prepared the contract for the design of the facili- ty and the construction engineering involved. Total engineering fees in the cootract would aownt of $616,000 over the life of it. Cculcilnml lhJrity inquired whether any benefits would accrue to the City of Englewood \Dier' the interceptor sewer. Mr. Bredar replied that it could be used for the area aloog So. Santa Fe. whio ia currently too low for use of any gravitational sewer. City Manager Dial stated that the interceptor sewer would be lower than the lines currently in the City eo that the gravity would allow the use along Santa Fe, which would help sane City buaineaaea. Councilmm Brown i.rquired whether sane sewer tap revenues would help to finance the cost of .a! of this plant expansioo. City Manager Dial replied in the affirmative, stating that acme bonds would be paid off in this manner. RES>wrIW 00. 46, SERIES OF 1972 RES>WITW R)R CXNrINUED cmPERATI~ ~ nm CITIF.S OF aG»IX>D AND LITl'LElt:ti REGARD!tl; DEVELOffen' OF A JOIN!' SYSI'FM OF SEWAGE TREA1MNl'. (Copied in full in the official Resolution Book). ~~ LAY MMD AND ~CIU1AN SOlWAB SECllIDED A Mn'IW A RESOWITOO NO. 46, SERIES OF 1972, BE APPIVVED AND AOOPIED. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Meni>ers Herming, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Lay, Schwab, tilority. Nays: Nooe. Absent: Ncne. The Mayor declared the DDtion carried. * * * * * 473 474 -3- The minutes of the Pl.arming and Zoning Conmissioo meeting of August 22, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * The minutes of the Library Board's meeting of Septeai>er 12, 1972, were received for the record. * * * * * The minutes of the Parks and Recreatioo Coom:i.ssioo meeting of Septenber 13, 1972 were received for the record. * * * * * The minutes of the Board of Career Service Comni.ssioners meeting of August 17, 1972 were received for the record. * * * * * Financial report for the IOOnth of August was received for the record. * * * * * The meumandl.ln for the Coum.mi.catioos Supervisor to the Assistant City Manager reporting m his trip en the Mlbile Radio, Inc., factory in Santa Fe Springs, California was received for the record. * * * * * The Council reviewed a reconmendaticn from the Board of Career Service Conmis- sialers that the ~loyees requests for longevity pay ro longer require Career Service approval. City Manager Dial coomented oo the recomnendatioo, stating that the Career Service Board is of the opinicn that longevity pay shaild be autamtic. A few years back, the City began to pay longevity pay in an innual increment. The Career Service Board on special re- quests, approved a partial payment of longevity pay. Councilman Schwab stated that the change was ooly to DBke it so that the longevity pay would not have to go before the Career Service Board. ~CIIMAN IAY MJVED AND CDJNCIUDtAN HEHm«; SECXIIDED A K7ITOO 10 ACX;EPI' 'llfE RECDfflIDf\TIOO OF 'llfE 1llARD OF CAREER SERVI<l: AND DIRECI' 'llfE CITY ATl'ORNEY 'ID PREPARE AN OR- DINANCl: 10 CARRY OOT 'llfE R&XHEIDATIOO. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Meni>ers Hermi.ng, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Lay, Schwab, Illority. None. Nooe. The Mayor declared the llX>tion carried. * * * * * The Council received a meumandun from the Parks and Recreation Comnission re- ccmiending additiooal capital ilq>rovements to the 1973 proposed budget as suhn:itted by the City Manager. City Manager Dial stated that he had no real ccmnents on the request, but that there was a lot of Dnley in the budget for parks and they apparently were putting in their priority bids. ~CIIMAN IAY MJVED AND ClXJNCIIMAN SCliWAB SECXlIDED A K7ITOO 'ID AC<l:PI' nm RECDHNDt\Tl~ flOt 'DIE PARKS AND ~rn CDMISSIOO RECXMHIDIR:; AOOITICIW... CAPITAL ~ PRJVDotNl'S BE AOOED 10 'llfE 1973 BUOOEr. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Meni:>ers Brown, Hermi.ng, Senti, Blessing, Lay, Schwab, Dhority. Nooe. Nate. The Mayor declared the llX>tion carried. * * * * * axfiClll'1AN IAY MJVED AND CDJNCIIMAN SCHWAB SECllIDED A Mn'Irn 10 TABI.E 1llE RECDHNDt\Tl~ 10 A FURlHER SESSIOO rn 'llfE BtJIX;Ef. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: I I I I I I I I Ayes: Nays: Absent: -4- Council Menbers Heming, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Lay, Schwab, Charity. None. None. The Mayor declared the 1lk>tioo carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini submitted to the Council a bill for an ordinance su~ mitt~ a charter anerdnent proposal to a vote of the people, dealing with eq>loyee relatioos. He stated that the bill covers all full-time ~loyees of the City and that it repeals Article 15 of the Hane Rule Cllarter and enacts a new Cllarter Article 15. A charter amenanent proposal DllSt be submitted by ordinance under the Colorado Calstitutioo. There are avo major parts to the proposal, ~loyee relations part, and a Career Service part. He stated that the Council had had mJDerous meetings oo the proposal at sane length which he would not go into at this time. He stated that cne reconmeuded change was umer Sectioo 137 .8, paragraph 4, which would call for the submissi.cn to submit their alternate and the ~loyer to sul:mit an alternate. Council.nan Lay inquired whether the enployees had asked for this additioo. City Attorney Berardini replied in the affirmative. Councilman Lay inquired whether the enployees groups were in general agreEIDellt with the proposal. City Manager Dial replied that the Fire Fighters Associatioo would meet with the City's staff in regard to the amendment, but while the City staff had met with the F.nployees Associatioo and the Police Benefit Associatioo, their support was not requested. Councilman Dhority inquired why the change in the ordinance under Sectioo 137.8 was necessary. City Manager Dial replied that while inpasse is unlikely with the enployees, the Board of Career Service ~d Jlk>st likely work out a solutioo to any i.npasse. However, if the 91ployees still do not agree, there is no benefit in their going to the people if the election is to be cnly between the Board of Career Service recoomendatioo and no increase at all. Councilman Lay in:[uired whether the 5th meuber of their board could be an enployee of the City. City Attorney Berardini replied in the negative. Council.mm Dhority inquired whether the highest vote getter assuning a majority vote in the electi.cn between the bi«> opposing amenanents 'WOUld actually be the ooly amenanent which bccane part of the Charter. City Attomey Berardini replied in the affirmative, stating that the highest wira1er is the ooe that is legally passed. Council.wooen Henning coomended the City Attorney and the City Manager for a very caiprehensive ordinance, stating that it clarifies the details extensively. Councilman Dhority requested the striking of a phrase oo page 8 of the ordinance which submitted the the Board neli>ers DUSt be synpathetic with the intent and pirposes herein set forth. City Attorney Berardini stated that he felt that the City should select men who were syopathetic to the concept and that anyone antagcnistic would not functioo very well as a nm ier of the Board. Councilman Schwab stated that whether they were synpathetic or not was irrele- vant. City Manager Dial stated that no other city coomi.ssioo has that language applicable to it. Qulcilwonml Heming stated that no other coomi.ssioo has the possibility of recall and that I..arwutge of this type could be helpful in the procedure. Councilman Blessing stated his feeling that it was a DBtter of senantics. City Attorney Berardini stated that it was not an esSEDtial phrase, but that it was incorporated into the current Board of Career Service ordi- nance. City Manager Dial stated that the emergency clause ~t that one vote against it would def eat the ordinance. U:U.~ IH>RITY KJVED AND ~~ SOiWAB SECllIDED A MJI'IW 'ID AMEND 1HE Pll>FOSED BIU. R>R AN ORDINANCE SUBMI~ A PR>PaiAL 'ID A V01'E OF nm PEDPIE DFALING WI'IH ElfiJJYEE RELATICH> 'ID STRIKE nm PHRASE ''SYK>A'IHEl'IC WI'IH nm IN'lml' AND PURPOOES HEREIN SET roKIH lHn SECITW 138.1". Open the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: c.ouncil Msrbers Sct.Jab, Dhority, Brown. c.ouncil Msrbers Lay, Henning, Blessing, Senti. Nooe. The Mayor declared the IOOtioo defeated. * * * * * lntn>Wced as a Bill by Councilman Lay and read in full, A BIU. FOR AN ORDINANO: SUBHITID«; 'ID 'IHE ~FIED ELECTORS OF 'IHE CITY OF mGU.\IX)D FOR APPKJVAL OR DISAPPlVVAL AT A MIUCIPAL ELECIT<E 'ID BE HELD tuJEtotiER 7, 1972, A PR>POOED CJIARl'ER »EOEfr ~ Dt>UMZ: REU\Tl<ES OF AIL REG.JI.AR FULL-TIME EWIDYEES OF nm CITY OF llGalX>D, CDlORAOO, AND DECLARit«; AN ~Ci. 475 76 -5- CXXfiCII.MAN IAY MJVED AND ClXJNCIUDfAN ~ SECXlIDED A MJl'IOO 'ID APPll>VE A BIIL R>R AN ORDINANQ: SUBMI~ 'ID 'lHE ~FIED EI.F..Cl'ORS OF 'lHE CITY OF mGUlU>D FOR APPPCNAL OR DISAPPPCNAL AT A M.JNICIPAL ELECTIW 10 BE HEID tlMltiER 7, 1972, A Pll>POOED QIARIER NEflHNI' AFW.Crn«; M>IDYm RELATIWS OF AIL REWLAR FULL-TD£ EWLOYEES OF 'lHE CITY OF ElG»a>D, CDLORAOO, AND DECLARil{; AN El-ERGFNCi. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: c.ouncil Merrbers Schwab, Dhority, Brown, Lay, Heming, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Nale. Absent: Nale. The Mayor declared the notion carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini submitted a resolution submitting to a vote of the electors an ordinance barning obscene imterial or performances. He stated that the proposed ordinance had been submi.tted by petition 60 days prior to the election with 667 signatures on the petiticns, which was a sufficient aunmt. The Council's objective was to pass the ordinance within 30 days or to subni.t it to a vote of the people. c.ouncilwanan Heming inquired as to whether the c.ouncil has a choice. City Attorney Berardini replied that if not passed by the Council, they nust submit it to the people at the NovElli>er electicn. C4mcilnan IllOri.ty stated that he felt it would carry more -weight if it went to the election. Comcilm:m Lay stated that he wanted the electors to pass on the ordinance. He felt that it was an unenforceable law which would cause the City a lot of natey in legal fees. The pj>lic proposed ordinance. He was against legislating a business out of business and felt that it was an Anl!rican right not to see and that the actn:i.ssions fee was a control, and that the average person was not forced into seeing sanething he did not wish to. Councilman Blessing stated that he agreed with Mr. Lay, but felt that if the citizens were nuch opposed to the pornography, they should have a right to fight it. c.ouncilmm Brown stated that if the people wanted Slch an ordinance, the City would fight for it. In stating that there were only two theaters in the City of Englewood, he felt that they should shaw fan:i.ly movies for the citizens' pleasure. RFS>WITOO ti). 4 7, SERIFS OF 1972 RFS>WITW SUBMIITU«; 10 'lHE ~FIED EI.F..Cl'ORS OF 'lHE CITY A PRJFOOED ORDINAN~ PIOllBITU«; /tNi PERSm FBJM CHUNG, U'A5Itl; OR RENrIR; /tNi BUIIDitl; WI'ntIN 'lHE CITY FOR 'lHE USE OR OCDJPANCi BY ~S FOR nlE PURPCliE OF SOONING OR DISPIAYIK; OF INDEC»n' OR POIUX;RAPHIC Mi\l'ERIAL. (Copied in full in the official Resolutioo Book). ~CII.MAN BlUti M>VED AND <ll.JNCIU1AN SOlWAB SECXJIDED A KJrIW 'nlAT RF.SOU1I'IW NO. 47, SERIES OF 1972, BE APPIUJED AND AOOPI'ED. Open the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: c.ouncil Men'bers Heming, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab, Lay, Iharity. Nays: Nooe. Absent: Nooe. The Mayor declared the notion carried. * * * * * City Attorney Berardini stated that sane individuals wished to exchange water fran Brown Ditch to McBrocn Ditch. The Council in the past has requested Attorney Shivers to resist the action. The case will be heard in Greeley en October 16th and 17th. He felt that the City ahculd have a special council, since he did not have special training in water rights. He had contacted the fb:m of Saunders, Dickson, Snyder & Ross, Inc. in Denver and would request that the Cculcil give permi.ssicn to retain the firm. c.ouncilman Lay inquired whether the City Attorney needed Council's permission. The City Attorney replied in the affit'mative. Coln:ibmn Lay inquired whether the Council has ever set a dollar limitation on the 11tigatial roqueate and requested a meum·andun concerning the costs of attorneys of the litigation. CXU«:llJ1AN IH>RITY H1JED. ~c~ l.AY SECXJIDED A KJrIOO ro GIVE 'lHE CITY A'.lmltiEY PEBHISSIOO ro RETAIN nlE Flm.t OF SAJ.IIDER.5, DI~, ~ER, & mss, INC. 'ID HELP IN mE WATER RI.CHI'S 00£ wrm PlllGRESS REPORl'S 00 oosr IN RELATIOO ro WATER RIGHl'S VAUJE TO BE REPORl'FJ) ro mE CXXH;IL. Upoo the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: c.ouncil Meni:>ers Lay, Heming, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab. Nays: None. Absent: Nooe. The Mayor declared the mtion carried. I I I I I I I I -6- The City Manager began a discussion of the right of way agreement between the City of Engler.«>od and the Denver Water Board, located approximately across from the reservoir property south of County Line Road. He stated that the Denver Water Board had requested right of way of 4 and 1/2 acres on McClellan Reservoir property. Total par value of the property is around $4,000 to $5,000 an acre. This agreement calls for a payment to the City of EnglE!i«>Od of $13 , 700, which is approximately $2, 500 an acre. The City will re- tain the right to tap into the water lines, which are going across the property. Councilman Dhority ~ed as to the cost of tapping into water lines. City Manager Dial replied that it would be the nonml Denver Water Board tapping costs. Councilman Lay ~ed whether it '88 not1DEll to pay easements. City Manager Dial replied in the affirDlltive. Councilwomm Heming inquired as to what restrictions there are on a property due to easement agreements. City Attorney Berardini replied that it can have an effect on scme f~ of construction imnediately over the easement. Councilman Dhority stated that it could affect the value of the property in the future if the City were to sell it. Councilwamn Henning inquired whether the property would be able to be used for recreati.ooal purposes. City Manager Dial stated that this easement would decrease the value of this property, but it could still be used for parking, recreation, open spaces, etc. ~ lAY MJVED AND CWNCIU1AN BIFSSI?«; SECDIDED A MJrIOO 'ID GRAN!' A RIGHI' OF WAY 'ID 'DIE lENER WATER lllARD 00 PIVPERI'Y LOCATED APPRlXIM!\TELY ACIVSS F1Di 'DIE RFSERVOIR, SOl1lH OF aunY LINE lllAD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as foll<Ms: Ayes : f.ouncil Meni>ers Henning, Lay, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti, Schwab . Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the rootion carried. * * * * City Manager Dial reported on the possible location of a fire station west of the South Platte River. He stated that property at the oorthwest comer of Oxford and Federal had been obtained on an option basis by the City. The price of the property to the City would be $35 , 000. The appraisal cane in on the property at $38 , 500 and $40, 000. The Fire Chief had r~ed the site due to its access to both Centermial Acres and the Santa Fe Drive area by going up Oxford. The location is imnediately adjacent to the Sheridan City Hall and the Mayor of Sheridan had acknowledged the construction and approved the site. Councilmm Lay inquired whether the property was adjacent to both Oxford and to Federal. City Manager Dial stated that there is a service statial at the comer of the property and the property in question surroonded the statioo facing both on Oxford and Federal. Councilman Lay stated his feeling that the City should use laI¥l that is already owned, but the Fire Clli.ef SeEIIIS to prefer this spot at the top of the hill so that the trucks do not have to make the nm up the hill. Councilmm Schwab cormetted that the situation needs Ilk>re study and that the City of Englewood should rot pay for fire service for the City of Sherican without any sharing of the costs on Sheridan's part. City Manager Dial stated that there had originally been discussioo on the lines of a cooperative, but there ~re oo current plans for meeting fire calls into Sheridan. Councilnml Scb,ab questioned the legitimacy of the hill location if the City was not going to provide fire protection to Sheridan. City Manager Dial stated that he would schcdtl.c it for a study session in the imnediate future. Councilman Schwab requested that the Fire Clief be present at the study session. * * * * Council received a mem:>randun frail the Assistant City Manager to the City Manager reomrending supplemental appropriation for the Police-Fire Center. City Manager stated that mellkJrandlJll listed sane items which were needed to carplete the Police-Fire Center. Originally, the City hoped to get an LEM grant, but that agency had started redflagging the project the last couple of Ilknths. He stated that the needed items included a tape recorder, public address system, internal security-'IV security system, paving of parking lot area, a sign system for internal and external, and an increase of consulting costs oo the coom.mica- tions gear. Councilman Dhority inquired whether the LEM grant was totally out of the question at this time. City Manager Dial stated that the grant was ruled out with only scme small hopes left for it. Councilman Dhority stated that he would like to see the building go into use for awhile, after which time they ~d determi.ne what additiooal needs there were. He coosidered it prE!DElture to put in signs if the bli.lding was to be landscaped over the next three years. 477 478 -7- CDuncilwanan Henning inquired whether it was IOOre expensive to install the TV system at a later date. City Manager Dial replied that the prices go up due to inflation, but that the calduits and other itE!DS of that sort were in the building and could be used in the future. Council.mm Schwab stated his feeling that the City needed to add these extras to a very fine building. Councilman Dhority stated that rather than add any extras to the building, we shwld use the IIDley en a swimni.ng pool or traffic central devices. Council.mm Lay stated that these itE!DS had been deleted in the past and that they were needed for full operation of the Police-Fire Center. Council.mm Blessing inquired as to how many extras were to come in the future. City Manager Dial replied that after this only the landscaping would be left. Council.mm Brown inquired as to the coupletion date of the Police-Fire Center building. City Manager Dial reported that they are currently working on it, but occupancy will be as far off an January 1. <Dl.NCIU1AN SQiWAB M:>VED AND ~~ I.AY SECXIIDED A MJI'IW TO DIRECT PREPARA- TI~ OF REOOWITW FOR 1HE SUPPUMNI'AL APPR:>PRIATIW FOR 1HE PCLICE-FIRE cm'l'ER. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Menbers Schwab, Lay. Henning, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Council Meni>er Dhority. Ncne. The Mayor declared the JOOticn carried. * * * * * Council reviewed a neoorandtm from the Director of Public Works to the City Manager reporting on the intersecticn of Clarkscn and Floyd. City Manager Dial comnented on the melOOrandlln and stated that there were no serious problems on traffic regulation in the area. He stated, hcMever. that the ''No Parking" signs will be UDVed back further from the comers to aid in visibility around the comers. Councilman Brown stated that this i.Iq>rovement was needed before any accidents happen in that location. * * * * * Council received a meroorandun from the Director of Public Works to the City Manager reporting on the intersection of Darttoouth and Cherokee. * * * * * ™1ll1AN lAY MJVED AND CIXJN~ BI .FSSitl; SECXIIDED A MJI'IW TO GIVE AlJ'IJl)RIZATlm R>R nm POLICE OOEF TO ATl'END 1HE IN'I'EmAT!rnAL ~rn OF QIIEFS OF POLIQ: ~IN SALT U\KE CITY rn OCIDBER 13-20. Upm the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: CDuncil Meobers Lay. Henning, Dhority. Brown, Senti, Blessing, Schwab. Ncne. Absent : None. The Mayor declared the Dk>tioo carried. * * * * * CIXH:IU1AN BlGli MJVED AND CDlN~ BI .FSSitl; SECXIIDED A Mn'IW TO GIVE AlJ'lll)RIZATI~ R>R Ull1l'flWn' ~ H.JLL AND SERGEANl' R:6AlD ~!ER TO ATl'END 1HE FBI NATI<JW.. ACAJ»fi ~ CDNl:Nl"l~ AT LARAMIE, WOO?«;, SEPI»tiER 29-30, CXIIDITirnED W 1HE FACT n1ERE WXJLD BE A PllXM1 AUK; WI'nt 1HE CDMNrl~ AS DErERMINED BY 1HE CITY M!\NAGER. Upcn the call of the roll. the wtc resulted as follows: Ayes : Nays : Absent : Cowlcil Heni>ers Henning, Dhority. Brown, Blessing, Senti. Coulcil Hcabcrs Sct.iab. Lay. Nale. The Mayor declared the ooticn carried. * * * * * The Mayor called for recognition of any t'Dl-scheduled citizens and visitors. Mrs. Ruth Tranley introduced herself to the Co\mCil as an observer of the Le;u?J•e of Wom?n Voters. I I I I I I I I -8- Ron Bostcn appeared before the CotmCil representing the Fire Fighters Associa- ti.al. He stated, that in reference to the proposed charter amerdnent, the other two elJl>loyee groups were perplexed as to why the City had even initiated it. He felt the splitting of costs of surveys as outlined in the amencbent would price the associaticn out of negotiatialS. The going-to-the-people provi.sicn was felt to be too couplex a xoothod and did not result in intelligent decisicn making. He felt that the $500 annual budget of the firefighters was felt to be too snall to wage a ccmpaign of this sort. Counciholml Henning inquired whether the Firefighters had attended any meetings on the City's amencbent. City Manager Dial replied that after the initial }ilase of the con- struction of the City's amencbent, the Firefighters had made no m:>ve, although invited to in- put any information. Council~ Henning inquired whether both amenanents could pass. City Attorney Berardini replied that oot in his opinim. The higher vote getter of the two was the winning amencbent. City Manager Dial stated that the costs, fees, etc., would be shared equally by the association and the City , and that these costs would be cnly the costs of mediation and not the total costs of the Career Service Board. The Firefighters proposal is for 2/3 the cost going to the City, and 1/3 of the cost going to the Firefighters (cost of arbitraticn). City Attorney Berardini stated that arbitrators can cost up to $200 per day and need a few days at least to review a subject, so that the cost of arbitratim ~d probably cost tIDre than the cost of mediation under the Career Service Board. City Manager Dial stated that the umming of trucks, IUii>er of trucks in the City, etc. , are up to the Council for determination rather than a negotiation item as pre- ferred by the Firefighers. He felt the people were as qualified as anycne to determine what level of service they wanted to pay for, which was contrary to Mr. Bostoo's statement. Hr. Rodger M:>rrow of the Firefighters Associatioo appeared before the Council. He questioned the wrding in the proposed amerdnent along the lines that the enployees repre- sentative grwps were oot naned. City Manager Dial stated that there was currently three representative groups, but that a charter amerdnent could not tie itself into these three since the possibilities in the future allowed for tIDre or less organizatialS. Hr. M>rrow irxJuired whether the Career Service Board could force the organiza- tiooal pattern to change in any way. City Attorney Berardini replied in the negative, stating that a majority of enployees would have to desire a change. Councilwcman Henning inquired whether Mr. M>rrow felt that the Firef i.ghers currently had the right to strike. Hr. M>rrow replied to the affi.rnative. He also felt that the cost of electioos was an expmsive cost for the City to bear and should not be a part of the City's proposal. City Manager Dial stated that the cost of an election would be felt less than the cost of an arbitrator. * * * * * CXXJNCUMAN BLESSING MJVED AND ax.JNCIIMAN ~ SE<llIDID A K71'IOO ~ING nlE QUESITCN OF A lDJS~ AIJlll)Rl'IY Fl01 'IHE TABLE. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Meubers Henning, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Council Merrbers Schwab, Lay. Nooe. The Mayor declared the m:>tioo carried. * * * * * Council began consideratioo of the establishnent of a Housing Authority in Englewood. Colmci1man Schwab stated that he would not be in favor of a Housing Authority and that mmy things need to be accouplished before a Housing Authority is established. He was not ready to IIDve people out of their hemes in order to create Housing Authorities. He stated that m:>re housing in the U.S. has been eliminated by Urban Renewal than has been re- placed by Housing Authorities and he was not ready for that type of situation in the City of Englewood. Counci1man Lay stated that he was opposed to both programs and felt that the City did not have space available for Housing Authorities. He felt that the need in the City was oot there and that the Council had been looking at isolated cases in their considera- ti.al of the problem. Councilman Dhority stated that the previous rezoning questioo last week had been turned down due to the housing needs in the City. There is a true housing need in the northwest area and it was time to get as uuch help as possible to these people. While the City needs housing, a Housing Authority does not mean that people will be turned out of their hemes in that many federal programs are set up to help individuals develop their own hemes. 479 -9- C.OUCilwanan Henning stated that the need for a Housing Authority was tremendous and that an ovei:whelmi.ng response at the public hearing had indicated so. She stated that the propcnents of the project were not in favor of large couplcxes, but would rather have scatter- ed site units and self help programs. c.ouncilman Blessing stated that nmiy people in the area recognize the need for hrusing. c.ouncLlmm Brown stated that he could see a need for the Housing Authority and that we should learn fran the mistakes of other cities in their Housing Authorities. c.ouncilman Schwab stated that when a Housing Authority stated that houses were sub-standard , that they oust be torn down regardless of whether they were owned by rich or poor. He also felt that a caiflict of interests of a roorrber of c.ouncil in the Housing Authority question was a DBtter of concern. c.ouncilwanan Henning replied that the conflict o f interest mentiooed by Mr. Schwab was totally false and that her family did not derive any i nccm? fran one savings and loan, but rather fran a savings and loan organizatioo which did not benefit fran the creaticn of a Housing Authority. REOOUJITOO 00. 48, SERI~ OF 1972 A RES)UJITOO OF 1HE CITY ClXJNCIL AIJ'lll)RIZING AND FS'TABLISID«; A llXJSING AIJ'lll)RITY FOR 1HE CITY OF rnGI»IX>D, CDLORAOO. (Copied in ful l in the official Resolution Book) • ~CIUDM HfltiING M>VED AND ClXJNClil1AN IH>RITY SECXIIDFD A KJITOO 'lHAT RES>WITOO 00. 48 , SERIES OF 1972, BE APPRJVED AND AOOPI'ED. Upai the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : (.;ouncil Ment>ers Herming, Dhority, Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Council Meirbers Lay, Schwab. Absent: Ncne. The Mayor declared the IIDtioo carried. * * * * * CDUNCillDMAN ~ MJVED AND CDUNCIU1AN BLF.SSING SECllIDFD A KJITOO 'IO REM>VE FlOl 1HE TABLE 1HE PRJPOSAL FOR AN URBAN RENEWAL AIJ'lll)RITY. Upat the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Council Meubers Heming, Dhority Brown, Blessing, Senti. Nays . Council Meni:>ers Lay, Schwab. Absent: None. Th e Mayor declared the IIDtioo carried. * * * * * Counci1man Lay stated that aice again he could not support the proposal and that he alleged blighted areas were not non-existent. c.ouncilman Schwab stated that he opposed it on the sane basis and that people in the Urban Renewal area should not be thrown out of their ~. Counci1man Dhority stated that there were nrmy ways to help areas that needed it and that through Federal assistance of this type we could help these people to help themselves. Councilwanan Henning stated that the programs were many and varied. the NOP progran is a rehabilitation program and that a program to help the areas was a necessity to h e lp stop blight in the City. REOOUITIOO 00. 49, SERIES OF 1972 A RES:>WITOO OF 1HE CITY ~CIL AU'lll>RIZING AND F.SrABLISID«; AN URBAN RENEWAL AIJlll)RITY FOR DIE CITY OF rnGI»IX>D, CDLORAOO. (Copied in full in the official Resolutioo Book) • CXXJNCIUDM HmNI.t«; MJVED AND CDUNCIU1AN IH>RITY SECXIIDFD A KJITOO 'lHAT RF.s:>WITOO 00. 49, SERIES OF 1972, BE APPRJVED AND AOOPI'ED. Upat the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Council Meirbers Blessing, Brown, Senti, Dhority, Heming. Nays : Absent : Counci 1 Meubers Schwab, Lay. None. The Mayor declared the IIDtioo carried. * * * * * I I I I I I I I -10- Councilman Brown inquired as to how the reservoir at Belleview and Clarksat was COOiing. City Manager Dial ccmielted that construction was umer way, but that there were a few more mi.nor details to ~ out. * * * * * ™1U1AN BI.ESSUl; MJVEI> ~CIUD1AN HERm«; SECllIDED A MJITOO 'IO AilJCIJm nlE ~TIR;. Up<n the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent : Council Menbers Henning, Brown, Senti, Schwab, Lay, Charity, Blessing. Ncne. Nale. The Mayor declared the ~eting adjourned at 11: 50 P .M. /s/ Karl Nollenberger Ex Officio Clerk of the c.ouncil 481