HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-25 (Special) Meeting Minutes482 SPECIAL ~: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO SEPTEMBER 25, 1972 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in special session on !:>epteli>er 25, 1972, at 8 :06 P.M. The f ollowing ''Notice of Call" was read by the City Clerk. OOI'ICl: OF CAIL BY 'IHE MAYOR FOi.{ A SPECIAL SE$IOO OF nIE CITY UXJNCIL t-mDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1972 8 00 P.M. The City Counc il o f the City of Engl~. Arapahoe County, Colorado is hereby called to a special tn.!cting at the City Hall, 3400 &>. Elati Street, to consider (1) To consider an ordinance on final reading sul:lni.tting a Olarter Amencinent proposal to a vote of the people dealing with E!q)loyee relations. (Copy transmitted herewith). (2) Public Hearing regarding the proposed 1973 budget and to consider the s~. /s/ Stanley H. Dial ~TANELY H. DIAL City Manager AC.lQl)WLEIX;EMENI' OF RECl:IPT OF tUI'Iffi The following persons, all Council Meubers of the City of Englewood, do hereby ackrowlcdge re- ceipt of notice of the above special session: /sf Dallas Dhority /s/ John J. Lay /s/ Milton E. Senti /sf Howard R. Brown /s/ Paul Blessing /s/ Judith B. Henning /s/ Elmer E. Schwab Mayor Senti, presiding, called the necting to order. The Mayor asked f or roll call. lJpal the call of the roll, the fallowing were present: U>uncil Merrbers Senti, Lay, Hemiing, Ibority, Brown, Blessing. Absent: Council Merrber Schrwab. The Mayor declared a quorun present. Also present were: City Manager Dial Assistant City Manager McDivitt City Attorney Berardini Director of Finance Nollenberger * * * * * Councilman Lay suggested that the Council inpose a time limit on a discussion to consider an ordinance on f inal reading sul:rn:itting a Olarter Amencinent to a vote of the people dealing with enployee relations. Mr. ).{on Boston of the Firefighters Association appeared before the Council in regard to the proposed Charter Amencknent. He stated that there was a discussion as to the legality of the amencknents if both passed. He presented a letter to the Council outlining the Firefighters position. Mr. Herrick Roth, President of the Colorado Labor Council, appeared before the Council in regard to the proposed Charter Anelcinent. He stated that if the proposed amencinent was placed on the ballot, it "°1ld be there solely to contest the Firefighters proposal. He stated that if both amen<inents passed and the Firefighters received a greater majority, then both anencknents \.Olld be in effect for different se~ts of the City's erq:>loyees. He stated that he felt that the people shwld be able to decide on the initiated amencinent without cloud- ing the issue. In developing the City's amencinent, he felt that a conference with City resi- dents involved in unionization shwld be a priority. Councilman Lay asked for a clarification from the City Attorney in regard to the election questions, specif ically whether both measures could pass. City Attorney Berardini replied that as he read the applicable section of the State law, if the Council amendment is the highest vote getter, it ~uld control for all city aiployees including the firefighters. If the f irefighters' amencinent was the highest vote getter, the Council amencinent "°1ld be de- ; eated f or all City EflP loyees. I I I I I I I I -2- He stated that a great deal of effort had gooe into the City's proposal in meetin(:;s with the Conmi.ssioo and a1ployees. Councilwanan Henning inquired of Mr. Roth ~ther he was requesting closed shop provisions in the City's atlllcln.mt. Mr. Roth stated that there was no shop amencEient in the ~tate of Colorado and that the amencEient as written was the classic open shop amencEient. If e:,-rievances occur under the proposed amencknent, the City oould run into trouble with the open shop l.ant,l\lage. Only 19 states rut of the SO have a conpulsory open shop provisioo, of which t;olorado is mt ooe, and for that reasoo it shoold be entered into as an agreement between the tw:> ~ties as per Colorado law. Councilwanan Henning stated she felt Mr. Roth was inplying that the City was in the wroog tor offering an alternative amencknent. Mr. Roth questioned whether the City had al- ways presented an alternative to voters in the past. Councilwanan Haming replied in the nega- tive, but stated that that was hardly a reasoo to ignore an issue of this size at the present. Mr. Roth stated that he felt that it was doing no rorc than confusing the issue oo the fire- f ighters anencknent. Mayor Senti limited the oonversation to ooe IIDre question. Councilman Brown stated that persons had fought in World War.II for certain reedam. These treedam were entxxlied in the City's amencknent which was trying to do s~ thing that was fair for all the people of Englewood. Mr. Roth stated that the City was forcing the City's eoployees into sanething which was mt in the eoployees' best interests. Fran the unioo point of view, the City's anerdlelt was mt a good proposal. Councilman Lay stated that no changes in the proposal were needed and that the City had had expert help in drafting the proposal. BY AJJIH)Rl'IY ORDINAN<.E NO. 27, SERIES OF 1972 AN ORDINANffi SUBMI~ 'ID 'IHE ~FIED ELECIORS OF 'IHE CTIY OF ~D FOR APPIDVAL OR DISAPPIDVAL AT A MJNICIPAL ll.ECITOO 'ID BE HELD 00\'EltiER 7, 1972, A PIDPOOED CliARfER AMENIHNr ~ l:WLOYEE RELATIOOS OF AIL REClJLAR 1'1JLL- TD£ EK>LOYEF.8 OF 'IHE CITY OF ~D, 001.DRAOO, AND ~AN FlERGENC'i. (Copied in full in the official Ordinance Book) • CllJNC~ LAY MJVED AND CllJNC~ HENNIR; SECXIIDED A MJl'IOO 'lliAT ORDINANCE NO. 27, SERIES OF 1972, BE P~SED 00 SEcmD READIR;. lJpal the call of the roll, the vote rcsul ted as follows: Ayes: Nays: Absent: <.buncil Ment>ers Senti, Lay, Henning, Illority, Brown, Blessing. Nale. Council Mestber SchNab. The Mayor declared the mtioo carried. * * * * * ~~LAY MJVED AND CllJNCil.MAN BIESSIK; SECXIIDED A MJl'IOO 'ID OPEN A PUBUC HF.ARIN; REGARDIK; 'IHE PIVPOOED 1973 BUIX;ET. lJpal the call of the roll, the vote resulted as .f o l lows: Ayes: Council Merrbers Senti, Lay, Haming, Illority, Brown, Blessing. Nays: Nale. Absent: Council Mestber Schwab. The Mayor declared the m:>tioo carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial began the discussioo oo the proposed budget. He stated that the City was in good financial shape due to progressive conmercial developnent and a far-sight- ed approach in the past. He stated, hcMever, that there were certain item> which the City needed which were not ooped with in the 1973 budget. He stated that the City was suggesting an increase in street lighting and tree replacement, additional persamel, and wage increases to keep caq>etitive with other cities. Assistant City Manager l<t:Divitt presented a slide present- aticn to the Council highlighting certain aspects of the 1973 budget. He stated that the yield o f a ooe mi.11 levy ~d be $77 ,600. The mi.11 levy in 1968 was 15.103 mills, which caire down to 4.985 mills in 1969 and 1970, and then dropped to 3.97 mills in 1971 and 1972, and proposed or 1973. This mill levy ~d yield $308 ,000 in 1973. Chly three cities in the state have a mill levy less than Englewood's. To illustrate the growing retail tax in 1969 ~d produce $890 ,000 and that in 1973 one pamy is projected to produce $1,530,000. In the General Fund, the sales tax constitutes 67io of all revenues. For fiscal 1973, 53% of the sales tax is recoomended tor the General Fund with the other 47% going to the Public lnprovement F\Jnd. 48il 484 -3- Councilman Lay inquired whether there was a reccmnended fund balance at the beginning of any fiscal year. City Manager Dial replied that the City's m:nthly income lets us start the year below $100,000. Mayor !:>enti announced that if the audience had any questioos as the budget was being dicussed, they were welcOOl! to ask them. Assistant City Manager M=Divitt stated that in next year's budget the police would be the highest budgeted department. This is a departure from the past where the Public Works Department has always been the highest. Councilman Lay inquired as to the reascn behind that. City Manager Dial stated that the Servicenter being taken out of Public Works had de- creased the total Public Works budget, as well as a few other minor iteIB. Assistant City Manager ~Divitt stated that the Police department is approximately 7rflo of its total as they have in the past. The overall increase for the fund is 8.48%. City Manager Dial gave a breakdown of the proposed perscnnel changes for 1973. He stated that fringe benefit increases are $21,000, salary increases due to the July, 1972 increases are $31,000, salary increases over this year due to not hiring for the total of this year are $64,000, E!ll>loyees benefit program is $86,000, and additional perscnnel proposed is $179,000, for a total o f $385,000. The additiooal perscnnel include one actnini.strative assist- ant, one system; analyst, one sales tax auditor, two senior accounting clerks, ooe maintenance man, five firenen, ten police cadets, ooc police clerk for records, ooe parks assistant direct- or, on connunity develoµnent inspector, and one associate planner, for a total of 26 additional persamel. City Manager Dial stated that the Public Inprovenent Fund four years ago was $500,000 . This year the budget was $1,500,000 plus $900,000 of Federal financing. Next years' budget will be $2 ,460 ,000 not including any Federal funds. He outlined the Public InprovE!IBlt Fund major expenditures for next year, which included $1,000 ,000 for storm drainage, $430 ,000 f or core area developnent and housing, $310,000 for river redeveloµnent, $247,000 for a Servi- center additioo, $162,000 for a fire station in the Northwest area, $160,000 for park develop- ment, and $110 ,000 for the paving district. He stated that the original plan was to have $750,000 per year f or storm drainage and that the City was proposing $1,000,000. Councilman Dhority left the room at 9:05 P.M. <.;ouncilman Lay inquired as to what the core area redeveloµnent and housing costs covered. City Manager Dial replied that it would relate to anything in the area including traffic and transportation. Councilman Lay inquired whether it could be used for public housing or urban renewal. C'ity Manager Dial replied in the affirmative. Mr. Jotm Kreiling inquired whether the extension of the street next to City Hall was in the Voorhees report. City Manager Dial replied in the affirmative. Mr. Olalm!rse Parker inquired how many new inspectors were being requested f or next year. City Manager Dial replied that no additonal inspectors other than the one the City would pick up from a Federal program. Mr. Parker stated that the alleys in the City seem to be overgrown with weeds and that additional inspectors ~ld, no doubt, help in that area. Mr . Krciling stated that he felt that storm drainage, which he helped initiate when he was oo the Council, should be given greater priority. Councilman Blessing inquired as to how close to the requests of the depart:Delt heads the City Manager was able to come. City Manager Dial stated that it varied by department but that the difference was nuch less than in past years. Councilman Blessing inquired whether the needs of the City were being p.rrsued by a mill levy of 3.9no• City Manager Dial stated that the Council was the best judge o f that and that he was sure thay ~ld make that detenni.- natioo in the future study of the budget. Councilman Brown inquired whether the $1,000 ,000 going for the storm drainage was being considered for use elsewhere. City Manager Dial stated in his mind it was going into the storm drainage area. Councilman Lay stated that it was his recollection that the third permy of sales tax was for storm drainage 'When it was passed. Mrs. George Allen urged the adoptioo of the parks budget as presented. She also requested that the Council include a band wagon in their consideration. This ~ld be a portable band stand which could be used by many in the City. Mayor Senti inquired as to the price of the proposed band wagon. Mrs. Allen replied that it was approximately $11,000. Mr. J. L. Gerardi, Band Director at Engl~ High Scto>l supported Mrs. Allen's request, stating that they needed a band wagon to perform for the citizens of Engl~. Council~ Henning inquired as to physical aspects of a band wagon. Mr. Gerardi replied that it looks like a large hruse wagon wnen it is folded up, but that it can be mved with a semi-trailer. It includes lights and a public address system. Councilman Lay stated that there was $160,000 parks expenditures suggested in the Public Inprovement Fund and that a band wagon could be pulled fran any of the reconmended expenditures. Mr. Jacques Stackhoose, Park and Recreation Coomi ssioo menber, stated that the band wagon was high oo their list of priorities. He also requested professional help in planning a recreatioo program for the next 10-15 years in the City of Engl~. Mrs . Carq:>bell stated fran the audience that she missed the band concerts very llllCh and that the City needed to return to the small-town atroosphere. I I I I I I I I -4- Mr. Kreiling stated that the Council shwld be pleased at the attendance at the public hearing and that in all the years he sat en the Council nowhere near this nurber had attended. Councilman Brown stated that the Council will have many study sessions previous to the adopticn of the budget. Councilman Schwab entered the room at 9:30 P.M. Mayor Senti inluired whether there -were any additiooal questions. UXJNCIU01AN ~ MJVED AND CXXJNCII11AN ~ SECXJIDED A Mn'IOO 'ID CIDSE '!HE PUBLIC HF.ARIM; 'ID <:mSIDER 'lHE PK>PCEED 1973 BUIX;El'. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote re- sulted as follows: Ayes: Q:runcil Mmbers Brown, Lay, Schwab, Herming, Blessing, Senti. Nays: Nale. Absent: Council Meni:>er Dhority. The Mayor declared the mticn carried. * * * * * CXXJNCIUD1AN HENNil{; MJVED AND CXlJNCII.MAN BIF.SSIR; SECXIIDED A KJl'IOO 'ID ADJCXJm. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Qruncil Merrbers Brown, Lay, Schwab, Hermi.ng, Senti, Blessing. Nays: Nale. Absent: Council ~r Dhority. The Mayor declared the mticn carried, and the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. /s/ Karl Nollenberger Ex Officio Cleric of the Council