HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-03 (Special) Meeting MinutesCXXJNCIL CliAMBERS CI'IY OF ~D, 001.DRAOO OOVEl1BER 3 ' 1972 SPECIAL~: The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in special session on Novenber 3, 1972 at 4:08 P.M. The following ''Notice of Call" was read by the City Clerk. OOITffi OF CAIL BY 'DIE MAYOR FOR A SPECIAL SESSIOO OF 'lllE Cl'IY CDH;IL FRIDAY, NJVEMBER 3 , 1972 4:00 P.M. The City Coln:il of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe C.ounty, C.olorado is hereby called to a special meeting at the City Hall, 3400 South Elati Street, to ')[lSider the following agenda: To consider the granting of a Special Events Liquor License to St. Louis Catholic Oturch for use on NovEDi>er 5, 1972. /s/ Stanley H. Dial STANLEY H. DIAL City Manager lD8 ~ OF RECEIPI' OF NJI'ICE The foll.owing persoos, all Council Meubers of the City of Englerwood, do hereby acknowledge receipt of the above special session: p resent: /s/ John J. Lay /s/ MiltIE E. Senti /s/ Howard R. Brawn /s/ Paul Blessing /s/ Elmer E. SclMab /s/ Dallas Dhority /s/ Judith B. Henning Mayor Senti, presiding, called the meeting to order. The Mayor asked f or roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following were Council Meni>ers Senti, SclMab, Lay, Brawn, Blessing. Absent: C.ouncil Meui>ers Henning, Ihority. The Mayor declared a quorun present: Also present were: City Manager Dial Assistant City Manager ~Divitt Director of Finance Nollenberger * * * * * ~ BT FSSm; MJVED AND ~CII.MAN BlUti SECmDED A Mn'IOO 'ID OPEN A PUBLIC HEARil«i 'ID <mSIDER 1HE GRANrU«; OF A SPECIAL EVf.Nl'S LlcplR Llel.NSE 'ID sr. LOUIS CAIH)LIC Ol.JROI FUR USE 00 NJVEMBER 5, 1972. Upcn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Merrbers Senti, Schwab, Lay, Brawn, Blessing. Nays: None. Absent: C.ouncil Menbers Henning, Illority. The Mayor declared the 11Dticn carried. Councilman Sct&lab inquired whether the granting of a Special Events Liquor l:Lcense could be done on a permanent basis or wi'lether it had to be OK's for a 24-hour period by the Council. Director of Finance Nollenberger indicated that the Statutes required the granting on a 24-hour basis with oo provision for a continual license. Mr. Vic Allianiello, 4260 South Galapago appeared before C.ouncil in favor of the license :Lssuance. He stated that he was very sorry the Council had to go to a special session for the license :Lssuance and stated that the license w::rul.d be used to serve wine at a spaghetti supper to be held at the Cllurch on Noved:>er 5, 1972. I I I I I I I I -2- axu:;IIM\N lAY M>VED AND CDUNCID1AN SCliWAB SECmDED A MJITW 'ID CLOSE 'lHE PUBUC HF.ARI?«;. lJpCXl the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Council Merrbers Senti, Schwab, Lay, Brown, Blessing. Nays: None. Absent: Council Merrbers Henning, Illority. The Mayor declared the DX>tim carried. CXXJNCIU1AN SCllWAB K>VED AND CllJNCIU1AN BI ESSU«; SE<XIIDED A MJl'lOO 10 GRAN!' A SPECIAL EVENTS Ucµ>R U~E TO 'lHE sr. LOUIS CA'lll)UC CllJRCi FUR USE 00 OOVEtfi:R 5, 1972. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Menber Senti, Schwab, Lay, Brown, Blessing. Nays: None. Absent: Council Meni>ers Henning, Illority. The Mayor declared the DX>tion carried. * * * * * CXXJNCII.MAN ~ MJVED AND CXXJNCIU1AN lAY SE<XIIDED A MJl'lOO TO AWWm 'lHE ~. lJpCXl the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council Meni:>ers Senti, Schwab, Lay, Brown, Blessing. Nays: None. Absent: Council Merrbers Henning, Illority. The Mayor declared the DX>tim carried, and the meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M. /sf Karl Nollenberger ex officio Clerk of the Council 507