HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-09 (Special) Meeting MinutesI 'I I I Auquat 9, 1971 SPECIAL MEETING: COUHCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO AUGUST 9, 1971 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in special ••••ion on August 9, 1971, at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Schwab, presiding, called the meeting to order. Th• invocation was given by Captain Robert Reddington, Salvation Army. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop No. 58. Th• Mayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following were present: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Absent: None The Mayor declared a quorum present. Alao present were: City Manager Dial Aaaiatant City Manager McDivitt ' City Attorney Berardini * * * * * COUNCILMAN LAY MOVED, COUNCIUIAR BROWN SECONDED, 'MAT 'DIE MINUTES OF 'DIE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 19, 1971, BE APPROVED AS READ. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. llays: None Absent: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial announced that Mr. John Kramer of the Englewood Public Schools who was scheduled to be present was unable to attend. Mr. Dial spoke on behalf of Mr. Kramer, expressing the School District'• need for an encroachment into the public right-of-way for footing• for the light standard• to be installed at the Englewood High School Football Field. The footings would extend into the right-of-way underground only and would not encroach upon the sidewalk along Mansfield. Mr. Dial explained that due to the need to complete the project before the start of the school year, the timing was such that th• School Board was unable to make its request before the Board of Adjuatment and Appeal•. Council.man Kreiling requested that the City Manager write the Board of Adjuatllent and Appeal• to explain why they had not been conaulted in thi• matter. It was agreed that he should write such a letter. COURCILMAR LAY MOVED, COUHCILMAN LBllTSCH SECOllDED, 'nlAT THB BNGLBWOOD SalOOL DISTRICT BB GRAllTED AN ENCROACHMENT INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OP-WAY ALOllG THE SIDDfALIC IN THB VICINITY OF 3800 SOUTH LOGAll AND THAT THB MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTllORIZBD TO SIGH TllB NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. tlaya: None Absent: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * The minute• of the water and sewer Board meeting of July 20, 1971, with a copy of the a .. nded Sewer Ordinance and five memoranda attached, were received for the record. Mr. Charle• Carroll, Director of Utilities, gave an oral report on the Interim Water Metering Program, the aubject of the firat memorandum. H• indicated that several •typical• dwellers.at different economic levels had been metered for atudy purposes. The final report will recommend the manner in which meter• can be applied to all structure• within the City in addition to method• of financing auch a program. Be indicated that other cities in Colorado had been surveyed with regard to their experience• with metering and all had atrongly reconnended a metering program. 253 254 AUCJUat 9, 1971 Mr. Carroll announced the City'• intention to obaerve •setter Water for Bnglewooct• Week Auguat 8-14, 1971, the aubject of the aecond memorandum. Mr. carroll and councilman Kreiling are to appear on both radio and TV in order to publicize the program. The baaic intent ia to point up the deficienciea Bnqlewood may have in it• water facilitie• and to •how what muat be done to bring th .. up to acceptable atandarda. Bmpha•i• will alao be placed on the part which the public can play in conaerving water. A memorandum dated June 20, 1971, recommending approval of Supplement llo. 31 to Connector'• Agreement with Southgate Sanitation Diatrict, generally in the vicinity weat of the interaection of Baat Caley Avenue and the Valley Highway, waa received and diacuaaed. Director of Utilitiea Charle• Carroll appeared before City Council and pointed out the area included within Supplement Mo. 31. COUllCIUIMI DBORITI' MOVBD, COUHCIIMAN LAY SBCOllDBD, THAT SUPPLBMBNT NO. 31 TO TllB CO•BCTOR'S AGRBBMEBT WITH SOUTBGATB SANITATION DISTRICT BB APPROVED AND THAT TllB MAYOR ARD CIT!' CLBRJC BB AUTHORIZED TO SIGN SAID SUPPLIJIBRT. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Raya: Rone Abaent: Mone The Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. carroll next diacuaaed the propoaed redraft of the comprehenaive sewer ordinance, the aubject of the fourth memorandum dated June 20, 1971. He noted that in March aeven peraona had been appointed to reviae the City'• ordinance and, in ao doing, had uaed a aample ordinance from the Bnvironaental Protection Agency and aeveral other citiea, including Denver and Boulder. While the ordinance had been redraft ... entirely, there were two major change• of importance to be noted. The f irat change ia that the City would be able to levy a aurcharge on any induatry emitting an abnormal flow of effluent. The aecond major change i• that a permit ayatea would be applied. Under thi• requlation any propoaed new commerce or induatry muat make the nature of it• buain••• known to the City before it would be permitted to connect to the aewage ayatem •. After aome diacuaaion the City Attorney atated that while the ordinance waa practically in final form, he would like to ••• two change• made. He felt that the rat•• ahould be atipulated in the ordinance and that the amount and nature of any penaltiea which could be levied muat be •palled out in the ordinance. It waa agreed that he would make th••• change• to the ordinance and redraft it in it• entirety. Mr. Carroll would then inform the Sewer Ordinance Connittee whether or not it would be neceaaary for them to conaider the attorney'• redraft of the ordinance before it goes to the council in final form. The City Manager suggeated that the Mayor write a letter of thank• to the committee member• who were reaponaible for redrafting the ordinance. It waa decided that such a letter ahould be aent. A memorandum dated July 20, 1971, recommending approval of Supplement Ro. 18 to the Connector'• Agreement with Valley Sanitation Diatrict, generally northeaat of the interaection of Weat Mountain Road and South Lowell Boulevard, waa received and diacuaaed. Director of U~ilities Charle• Carroll appeared before City Council and pointed out the area included within Supplement 110. 18. Mr. carroll explained that th• area waa oaitted from a recent aupplement which encompaaaed an adjacent area of the Diatrict. The developer continued conatruction in the area aaauming that the portion in queation had already been annexed to the Diatrict. Becau•• it wa• not, the Water and S.wer Board felt that it ahould be annexed to the Valley Sanitation Diatrict, and that Supplement Ro. 18 would accompli•h that end. COUIJCIUIAR LAY MOVED, COUBCIUIAN DRORITI' SBCOllDBD, THAT SUPPLlllDT 110. 18 TO THE comrBCTOR'S AGRBDIENT WI'ftl VALLEY SAllITATIOll DISTRICT BB APPROVBD MID THAT TBB MAYOR AIR> CIT!' CLBRJC BB AUTHORIZED TO SIGN SAID SUPPLBMBllT. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Maya: None Abaent: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * The •inutea of the ARAPS Board of Director• apecial •••tin9• of July .9, 1971, and July 22 , 1971, were received for the record. * * * * * I I I I .I I I I Au9uat 9, 1971 The minute• of the ARAPS Board of Director• meetin9 of July 28, 1971, were received for the record. Mayor Schwab reviewed the hiatory of ARAPS to date and noted that .Mr. Joe Kirachner had been terminated becauae the Board felt he waa not performin9 hi• work on achedule nor had a clear idea of what ARAPS waa intendin9 to accompliah. Th• Mayor explained that during the interim period the ARAPS Board would like to extend the len9th of the project to July 1, 1972, and to cover this period to appropriate $10,000 in the 1972 budget. By July l, if it were determined that the project ahould be continued, and the Mayor felt that it probably would, the City would be aaked to contribute an additional $40,000 to the project. COUBCIUIMI DHORITr MOVED, COUHCIUIMI LAY SBCORDBD, 'l'BAT '1'HB DIGL&WOOD CITr COUIJCIL SIGll A LETTER OF IRTDIT APPROVIMG THE EXTENSIOM OF '1'HB ARAPS PROJBCT l'O JU&Y · 1 ~., 1972, AllD BUDGBT $10,000 Ill 1972 TO COVER THAT PERIOD WITH All ADDITIORAL $40,000 TO BB BUDGBTBD SHOULD 'ftlB PROJECT BB CONTIWBD TO THE DD OF THE YEAR. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayeas Councilmen Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreilin9, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Maya: Mone Abaent: Mone tftl• Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * • * Councilman Kreilin9 left Council Chambers at 9:20 P.M. The minute• of the Plannin9 and ZOnin9 Commiaaion meetin9 of July 7, 1971, were received for the record. * * * * * Th• minutes of the Workable Program Citizens' Conaittee meeting of July 14, 1971, were received for the record. * * * * * The minute• of the Public Library Board meeting of July 13, 1971, were received for the record. * * * * * The quarterly report of the City of Bn9lewood for the aecond quarter of 1971 waa received for the record. * * * * * Th• •inut•• of the Parka and Recreation Oommisaion meeting of July 14, 1971, were received for the record. * * * * * 'l'h• Firemen'• Pension Fund atatement for the period ending June 30, 1971, waa received for the record. * * * * * tftle Police .. n'• Penaion Fund statement for e.the period ending June 30, 1971, waa received for th• record. * • * • * A report from Mr. Brook• Taylor, Traffic Engineer, re9ardin9 hi• attendance at the Annual Meetin9 of Weatern Institute of Traffic Engineers in Salt Lake City from July 21 through 23, waa received for the record. * * * • * The City Attorney reminded Council that the ordinance which would rezone certain property in the vicinity of West Union Avenue and South Decatur Street had been tabled. Councilman Kreiling reentered Council Chamber• at 9:25 P.M. and took hia aeat with Council. COUllCilllAll LDTSCB MOVBD, COUHCILMAN BROWN SECOBDBD, THAT THE PROPOSED ORDDIAllCE RBZORillG LOT 6, EXCEPT THE WEST 145 FEET 'l'HBRBOF, A11D LOT 7, CDITDHIAL IllDUSTRIAL PARK SUBDIVISION, CITr OF ENGLEWOOD, COUHTr OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO, rRCll I-1 DISTRICT (LIGHT IBDUSTRIAL) TO R-3-A DISTRICT (MULTIPLE FAMILY RBSIDDTIAL) BB RBMOVBD !'ROI 'l'RE TABLE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab •. Maya: Mone Abaent: Mone The Mayor declared the motion carried. 255 256 Auquat 9, 1971 Mayor Schwab expreaaed oppoaition to the propoaed rezoning, feeling that che baaeball gamea to be conducted in the park were not compatible with new apartment development which would take place ahould any rezoning occur. Councilman Lentach atated he would much prefer an apartment complex to a co ercial or induatrial development in that area. Councilman Dhority endorsed Mr. Lentsch' a views. BY AUTHORITY ORDIMARCE MO. 24, SBRIBS OF 1971 AR ORDI•AIJCB REZO•IMG LOT 6, BXCBPT TBB WEST 145 PUT THEREOF, AMD LOT 7, CDYWIAL IllDUSTRIAL PARK SUBDIVISIOB, CITY' OP DGLBWOOD, COUllft OF ARAPAHOE, STATE or COLORADO, PROI I-1 DISTRICT (LIGHT IRDUSTRIAL) TO R-3-A DISTRICT (MULTIPLE FAMILY RUIDDTIAL) • (Copied in full in the official Ordinance Book.) COUllCILllAll SDTI MOVED, COUllCIUIAll BROWll SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT ORDIMMICE MO. 24, SDIBS OP 1971, BE PASSED OB FillAL RBADillG MID PUBLISHED BY TITLE I• THE DGLDfOOD BBltALD SDTI•BL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote:·reaulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilaen Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown. •aya: Mayor Schwab. Abaent: •one The Mayor declared the motion carried. • • • • • City Attorney Berardini then noted that a bill for an ordinance to prohibit parking within 20 feet of a croa.walk had been placed on the agenda. Because this was a apecial .. •ting, he pointed out a new bill could not be introduced. * * * * • BY AUTHORITY ORDI•AllCB •o. 25, SERIES OF 1971 Al1 ,0RDI•HCB VACATI•G A PORTIOll OP TBB UTILITY BASIMBllT LOCATED IR TBB DOT80ll SUBDIVISIOll, CITY OP BllGLDfOOD, AS RECORDED. (Copied in full in the official Ordinance Book.) COVllCIUIAIJ DBORI'IY MOVED, COURCIIllA• BROWlf SBCOllDED, 'l'BAT ORDIMMICE MO. 25, &DIBS OF 1971, BE PASSED Oii PIRAL RBADillG MID PUBLISHED BY TITLB Ill 1118 JDIGLBWOOD llDALD SDTillBL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Maya: Ilona AbMnt: !lone Th• Mayor declared th• motion carried. * • • • • COUllCIUIAll LAY MOVBD, COUllCIU4Mf DHORITY SBCOllDED, THAT 'ftlE RBSOLUTIOM GltAllTillG TBB APPLICATIO. OP MR. ROBERT S. BRIOLA, D/B/A BOB'S GROCERY A11D MARKET, POil A 3.2 PBRllDTBD MALT BBVBRAGE LICDSE '!,;) BB LOCATED AT 3296 SOU'ftl WASHIRGTOR STRBST, BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO, BE RDIOVBD PROM TBB TABLB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Mayas •one Absent: Mone The Mayor declared the motion carried. Councilman Lay felt that the granting of a beer licenae to Bob'• Grocery would be detriaental to the large number of children in the area. Councilman Dhority said he would vote in favor of granting the licenae becauae it waa unfair to prohibit Bob'• Grocery from competing with the aupermarketa in the area which presently have a license. He alao •tated that the court would probably overturn any action of the Council to deny auch a lic•n•e. Councilman 1<reilin9 expreaaed approval of granting the license aa did Councilllan Lentsch who felt that the area had alowly changed and that there was now a need for an additional license. I I I I I I I I Au9uat 9, 1971 Councilman Brown felt that the granting of auch a licenae would be harmful to th• children of the area •• did Mayor Schwab who expreaaed concern over the poaaibility of children being sent to purchase beer for their parenta. RESOLUTION NO. 33, SERIES OP 1971 A RBSOLUTIO• GRM1TING THE APPLICATION OP MR. ROBERT S. BRIOLA, D/B/A BOB'S GROCBRY MfD MARXBT POR A 3.2 FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE LICDSB TO BB LOCATBD AT 3296 SOUTH WASBillGTOIJ STRBBT, ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. (Copied in full in the official Reaolution Book.) COUllCILMAll DllORI'l'Y MOVED, COUNCILMAN KREILING SECOllDBD, THAT RESOLUTION •o. 33, SBRIBS OP 1971, BE ADOPTED AND APPROVED. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted •• follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Lentach, Kreiling, Dhority. Nays: Councilmen Senti, Lay, Brown, Schwab. Abaenta None 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion failed. Becauae thi• reaolution failed, it will not be aaai9ned a reaolution number but i• incorporated herein in ita entirety. RESOLUTION NO. , SERIES OF 1971 A RBSOLUTION GRAIJTIIJG THE APPLICATION OP MR. ROBBRT S. BRIOLA, D/B/A BOB'S GROCBRY AND MARXBT, FOR A 3.2 PERME!ITED MALT BEVERAGE LICDSE TO BB LOCATED AT 3296 SOUTH WASBINGmR STREET, ERGLEWOOD, COLORADO. WBBRBAS, Mr. Robert Briola, d/b/a Bob'a Grocery and Market, haa heretofore made application purauant to the proviaiona of Chapter 75, Article I, Colorado Reviaed Statutea, 1963, •• amended, for the iasuance of a fermented malt bevera9e licenae to be located at 3296 South Waahington Street, En9lewood, Colorado1 and WBBRBAS, notice of aaid application in the Public Hearing thereon ha• been properly given and the Public Hearing upon aaid application waa properly conducted on the 6th day of July, 1971, before the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, aa th• local licenaing authority and all of the procedural requirement• of the Statute and Ordinance having been complied with. ROW, TllBRBPORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY ComtCIL OP THB CITY or DGLBWOOD, COLORADO, aa followa: 'ftlAT, baaed upon the application of aaid Mr. Robert s. Briola, d/b/a Bob's Grocery and Market, and the evidence and information adduced at the Public Bearing upon aaid application, the City Council of the City of Bn9lewood ahould and doea hereby adopt the following finding• and concluaions: l. The applicant i• the owner and operator of the buain••• eatabliahment at auch location and ia of qood character and reputation and haa not been convicted of a felony or crime within any court of the United Statea, or within any court of record in any atate or territory of the United Statea. 2. The petition• aubmitted by the applicant in favor of the iaauance of aaid licenae numbered approximately 1,308 aignaturea. There were no aignaturea or remonatrancea aubmitted in proteat of the iaauance of aaid licenae, nor did any individual appear peraonally to proteat the iaauance of aaid licenae before City Council at the hearing thereof. 3 •. Upon queation of Council, aixteen peraona atood in favor of the qranting of the 3.2 fermented malt beverage licenae to Bob'• Grocery and Market and none atood in oppoaition. ROW, TBBRBPORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD, that, baaed upon the fore9oin9 and the entire record and the evidence contained herein, th• application of Mr. Robert s. Briola, d/b/a Bob'• Grocery and Market, for the iaauance of a fermented malt bevera9e licenae to be located at 3296 South Waahington Street, Englewood, Colorado, should be and i• hereby granted. ADOPTED ARD APPROVED thi• 9th day of Auquat, 1971 •. Mayor ATTEST: ex officio City Clerk I, Stephen A •. Lyon, ex officio City Clerk of the City of Englewood, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foreqoin9 ia a true, accurate and eo11plete copy of Reaolution Ro. , Series of 1971. Bx Officio City Clerk * * * * * 257 258 Auquat 9. 1971 The City Attorney reported on the City of Engl.wood veraua M!diaon Lyon court ca••· ff• indicated that the teatimony aupported Mr. Lyon 1 a contention that the City had been aware that he wa• operating a welding aatabliahment in a reaidential diatrict aince 1954. Under theae circwnatanc•• Mr. Berardini felt that it was appropriate for the City to aettle the caae out of court if at all poaaible. Be is to ... t with Mr. Lyon'• attorney to draw up an agreement which would allow Mr. Lyon to continue hi• welding operation at the preaent location until January 1. 1974. After that date Mr. Lyon will remove hi• operation from the reaidential area. Th• City Attorney recommended that the Council accept auch an agreement once he ia able to I preaent it for formal action. City Attorney Berardini diacuaaed the annexation caae between Sheridan and Englewood. He had aought a atay of election from the Supr .. e Court but th• motion had been denied. It now appear• that an election i• to be held only in the diaputed area and will preaent three option• to the votera: Do you wiah to remain in the County? Do you wiah to be annexed to Englewood? Do you wiah to be annexed to Sheridan? Unleaa the court honors the Attorney'• requeat the election ahould be held within the next two montha. h• would not participate in the appointment of election doing h• aight prejudice the caae ahould we appeal. * * * * * that they review th• caaa. The City Attorney atated that judgea for he felt that by ao City Manager Dial preaented a reaolution which would appropriate monie• in the aewer fund for the reconatruction of the aanitary aewer treatment ayatem. explaining that the reaolution waa neceaaary in order to provide aufficient moniea to accommodate the recent conatruction for which a bid waa recently awarded. RESOLUTION NO. ll. SBRIBS OF 1971 A RUOLUTIOR ADJUSTING APPROPRIATIOBS IR THE SANITARY SDfAGB PLABT RBllABILITATIOll Alll> TBS JBFFBRSON SANITARY SBWBR BXTDSION1 ARD AUTBORIZIRG IlfTBR-PUBD LOAllS TO THE SBWAGB P'OND FOR CASH DBPICITS TO BB BNCOUNTBRBD BY SAID FUND IN l'UTURB YBARS. (Copied in full in the official Reaolution Book.) COUHCilllMJ BROWN MOVED. COUBCIUIAN DBORITr SBCOIJDBD, '!'BAT RBSOLUTI<* NO. ll. SERIES OP 1971. BB ADOPTED AND APPROVBD. Upon the call of the roll. the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Senti. Lentach. Lay. Kreiling. Dhority. Brown. Schwab. Nay•: None Abaent: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial aakad Mr. Kell• Waggoner. Public Work• Director. to diacuaa the Sidewalk Diatrict No. 71 bida. Mr. Waggoner diacuaaed the apread aheet ahowing the two bidder•. Bby Cement Company and Prank Dehaven company. City Manager Dial urged the Council to accept the low bidder. Mr. Prank Dehaven. COUBCIIMAB LAY MOVED. COUNCILMAll KREILIBG SBCOIJDBD, '!'BAT TBB LOW BID OF PRAlllC DBllAYBll IR TBB AMOUNT OP $1.493.15 BB ACCBPTBD. Upon the call of the roll. the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Senti. Lentsch. Lay. Krailing. Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Rayas None Abaent: Rone The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial reported on the Federal Aid Urban Syatem. explaining that in all probability it will ultimately replace the TOPICS program. In hi• opinion the Urban Syatem r ia being promoted ao quickly that any adviaable change• to th• original propoaal cannot be given adequate conaideration. For example. in a recent meeting regarding the Syat .. the City waa unable to have the following atreeta included aa a part of the Syatem: Clarkaon from Yale to Orchard Road Quincy from Yoaemite to WadM110rth Yale from Univeraity to Federal Windermere and Santa Fe Lane from Ridge Road to Kenyon Kenyon from Santa P• Lane to Broadway Union Avenue from Pederal Boulevard to Windermere Tuf ta from Windermere to Broadway The Mayor baa been aaked to aiqn the plat deaiqnating the Urban Syatem without th••• atreeta. I I I I I I I Auquat 9, 1971 City Manaqer Dial recommended that if the Mayor were to aiqn, the City ahould go on record aa oppoainq the fact that the above named atreeta were not included. There are reportedly two other citiea in oppoaition to the Syatem. COUllCIUIA& LAY MOVED, COUHCIIllAH LBHTSCH SBCOHDED, 'l'BAT THB MAYOR BB AUTHORIZED TO SIG• TRB PLAT SHOWING THE LIST OF RBCQIUIBllDBD STRBBTS TO BB INCLUDED WI'nlIN TBB FSDBRAL AID URBAJr SYSTIM ARD THAT A LBTTD OF PROTBST BB FORWARDBD STATING TBB CITY'S OBJBCTIOR TO TllB PROGRAM AS IT PRBSBNTLY STUDS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: councilmen Senti. Lentach, Lay, Kreilinq, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Haya: Hone Abaent: Hone The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * City Manaqer Dial briefly reviewed the bid• received on Friday, July 30, 1971, on the Police-Fire Center. The bide were conaiderably higher than the eatimate. Be auqgeated that the adminiatration prepare a detailed analyaia of the poaaible fund• frOll which the project could be built and that the Council meet prior to ita regularly acheduled •••ting of Auguat 16, 1971, to diacuaa it. * * * * * City Manager Dial diacuaaed a report on the converaion of all one-way atreeta to a two-way configuration. He explained that the project could be accoapliahed in two phaaea. The firat and more temporary phaae would conaiat of aignin9, •tripping, and turning aiqrual head• without placinq the atandarda on the oppoaite aide of the atreeta. Thia phaae could poaaibly be accompliahed within fourteen daya. council .. n Kreiling read a atatement in oppoaition to the propoaed converaion. B• urqed the Council to take a aecond look at the propoaition atating that it waa a backward move which doe• not follow the mandate of the people in the election< of 1968. After conaiderable diacuaaion it waa decided that the matter would be explored in more detail at a Council atudy aeaaion on Auguat 23. * * * * * Mayor Schwab recoqnized Mr. Virgil Thomaa, 550 Baat Hampden, Bnglewood, Colorado. Mr. Thoma• commended the City Council on adopting the ordinance which would require developer• to provide 1-1/2 off-atreet parking apace• for each 1 to 2 bedroom apartaent unit. He atated, however, that he would like the Council to adopt an ordinance which would increaae this requirement to two apace• and poaaibly atipulate that aome type of landacapinq be required alao. The Mayor thanked Mr. Thomas for appearing before the council. * * * * * Council .. n Brown atated that the work of the Animal Control Connittee waa aub8tantially complete and their recommendation• would be preaented to Council at the next ... ting. * * * * * Councilllan Lentach aaked the Mayor for a report of the bua meeting that afternoon between Denver Metro Tranait and the Bua Committee of Sn9lewood and Littleton •. Th• Mayor atated that nothing waa reaolved. Denver Metro Tranait would like to extend Route 11o. 73 aouth on Downing to Floyd, over to Cinderella City, and back at leaat two or three time• per day. Denver Metro Tranait ia to give the City further propoaala within the next couple of daya. * * * * * COUBCILMAll LAY MOVED, COUHCIIllAll BROWR SBCOHDBD, THAT '!'Ill: MBITIHG 81 ADJOURllED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kr•iling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Haya: llOne Abaent: &one Th• Mayor declared the motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M. Actlllg Bx Officio-c-Xerk of the -Co\ancil 259