HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-16 (Regular) Meeting Minutes260 COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO AUGUST 16, 1971 RBGOLAR MBBTIRG: The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular ••••ion on Auguat 16, 1971, at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Schwab, preaiding, called the meeting to order. The invocation wa• given by Captain Robert Reddington of the Salvation Army. Pledge of Allegiance waa led by Pack No. 174 of Weblo• Den 2. 'fh• Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following were preaent: Councilmen Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Abaent: &on• Th• Mayor declared a quorum preaent. Alao pr•••nt were: City Manager Dial A••i•tant City Manager McDivitt City Attorney Berardini * * * • * Mayor Schwab recognized Mr. and Mr•. Leon Noakea, 16 Baat Yale Avenue, Precinct Mo. 3, and Mr. and Mr•. Richard J. Paaterkamp, 1400 Ba•t Dartmouth Avenue, Precinct llO. 6, from the li•t of Special Citizen Program Invit•••· * • * • * Mr. Lewi• Scifo, 6919 South Steele Street, appeared to requeat a tranafer of ownerahip with regard to the liquor licenae of Gueapato'a, 5180 South Broadway. It wa• decided to delay diacu••ion of thi• matter until the City Attorney could rule on whether this wa• a r•i••uance, change of ownerahip, or a change of na-. * • • • * Mr. Jaae• Rohla•, 2000 Baat Seventh Avenue, Denver, appeared to requeat a tranafer of ownerahip with regard to the liquor licen•• of Concrete Curb and Paving, Inc., d/b/a Hampden Weat, 3517 South Blati Street. Th• City Manager referred to a memorandum appearing later on the agenda frOll Mr. Stephen A. Lyon, Director of Finance, in which he recoanended that the City Council approve all application• and reiaauanc•• of liquor licen••• aubject to a favorable report by the Federal Bureau of Inveatigation. It waa explained in the ....,randwa that it generally take• quit• a long time before all of the requiaite FBI and police check• are returned. I I There wa• 80IDe diacuaaion by the Council aa to whether or not the matter in :I queation waa a tranafer or an application. Councilman Brown stated that he would vote 1 againat the .. tter aince it waa not clear whether it wa• a tranafer or an application, and he auggeated that the City Attorney study the matter. City Attorney Berardini atated that there i• no auch thing •• a tranafer but inatead there i• a reiaauance of a licenae. The matter in queation he •tated i• a _requeat for reiaauance. council.llan Kreiling auggeated that the City Attorney •• a matter of courae revi.w all application• regarding liquor licenaes in the future. City Manager Dial atated he was aure the matter waa in order and that if the application were wrong, it wa• merely a matter of form. All the information he atated i• contained in the .. terial pre•ented, and the application could be corrected with regard to the proper foraa later without Council action. COUllCIIMAll DBORITY MOVED, COUNCILMAN LBBTSCH SBCORDBD, THAT THE RECORDS SHOW THAT MR. JMIBS ROllLAS WAS REQUBSTDIG A RBISSUARCB OF THE LICDSB TO A NEW OWNER. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Kreiling, Dhority, Schwab. •aya: Councilmen Lay, Brown. Abaent: Rone The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUllCIUIAR LAY MOVED, COUNCIUIAll KRBILING SBCOlfDBD, THAT MR. JAMBS RORI.AS, 2000 BAST SBVBrnl AVEITUB, DENVER, BB GRARTBD A RBISSUARCB OP A LIQUOR LICBRSB TO '1'BB CQ9CRB'l'B CURB A11D PAVIRG, IHC., D/B/A HMPDBN WEST, 3517 SOUTH BLATI, SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OP FBI CLBARAllCB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follow•: I I I I I Au9uat 16, 1971 Ayea: Bay•: Councilmen Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Schwab. Councilman Brown Abaent: Bone Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. • • • * • The Council then heard from Mr. Lewi• Scifo, 6919 south Steele Street. Mr. Scifo explained that hi• purpoae in coming to the Council meeting waa to adviae council of the fact that there were new atockholdera in the operation. City Attorney Berardini explained that Mr. Scifo waa merely •bowing a change of ownerahip, that he •till owned a majority of the •tock, and that the new ainority owner had cleared all police check• pending a favorable report from the COlorado Bureau of Inveatigation. The Council he atated waa to take no action. * * • * • Dr. J. ,J. French, 2390 South Univeraity, Chairman of the Animal Control Comaittee, appeared before City Council to review the work of the Animal Control Oollmittee. Dr. French atated that the comaittee bad reviewed ordinance• from other citi•• and had tried to ••tabliah an equity between enforcement of animal regulation• and the owner• of all animal•. One of th• major recommendation• of the comaittee i• that the licenaing requir .. ent of all dOCJ• be eliminated. The committee feel• thi• requirement i• too coatly to enforce, that there ia too much red tape involved, and that the public oppo .. • the licenaing requirement. Dr. French alao atated that th• requirement make• the rabi•• vaccination program ineffective, a• people are aware that the City obtain• the li•t of tho•• peraona who have their dog• vaccinated from the Tri-County Health Department and u••• it in it• licenae enforcement program. A• a reault, they no lonqer take their dog• to Tri-County ao the City haa an inadequate record of what dog• have been vaccinated for rabiea within the county. The Committee alao auggeated that an additional animal warden be employed by th• City ao that enforcement of the dog ordinance could be more effective. Perhapa the moat controveraial point of the Conaitte•'• recommendation according to Dr. French i• the requirement that no peraon could own more than two dog• over •ix month• of age without aecuring a atate kennel licenae. Mr. Roy Upthegrove of Tri-County •poke from the audience in anawer to a apecif ic queation regarding th• average length of time •tray dog• are kept impounded in the .. tropolitan area before they can be acquired by new ownera. The average length of ti.lie in the metropolitan area i• five day• but Englewood he explained ha• a aix-day requir ... nt. Another requireaent according to Dr. French would permit a city animal warden to follow a dog running at large to hi• reaidence and then cite the owner. COUllCILllAll LAY MOVED, COUBCILMAR LDTSCB SBCO&DBD, THAT THB RBC<»elBllDATIOlfS OP Tll£ AllDIAL COllTROL ADVISORY BOARD BE ACCEP'l'BD ARD THAT '1'BB COMMITTEE BB C<»UIBllDBD POil DOillG SUCH A FillB JOB. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: Council .. n Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. 8aya1 11one Abaent: llone The Mayor declared the motion carried. Councilman Brown commended Dr. French, Police Chief Claaby, and other• for their diligent effort• in reviewing the City'• animal control ordinance•. councilman Lay expr••••d hia deep appreciation to the Committee, particularly becauae they were a volunteer group of •outaide• citis•n• willing to make a aignificant contribution to one aapect of the City'• pro9ram. Council aqreed that they ahould firat review the recommendation• of the cam itt•• and then refer th•• to the City Attorney. • * * * * A ...orandua from Mr. Stanley B. Dial, City Manager, and a report from Mr. Larry Bourn, Architect, regarding the bid• on the Police-Fire Center, were received for the record. Th• Mayor explained that the Council had .. t for one hour prior to Council ... tinq to diacu•• the Police-Fir• bid• and it waa decided to have another atudy ••••ion on Friday, Auguat 20, 1971, at 7100 P.M. The City Manager noted that hi• ....,randwa indicated th• nwaeroua alternate• which could be adopted without altering th• ba•ic de•iqn of th• Police-Fir• Center. • * * * * 261 262 AUCJU8t 16, 1971 Tb• minute• of th• Board of Adju•tment and Appeal• meeting of June 9, 1971, were received for th• record. * * * * * Rece>11mendation• and •ketch•• of the following encroachments a• di•cu••ed at the Board of Adju•tment and Appeal• meeting of Auguat 11, 1971, were received f9r the record. * * * * * Recommendation• and •ketch•• of the following encroachments a• di•cuaaed at th• Board of Adju•tment and Appeal• meeting of Augu•t 11, 1971, were received for the record. (1) Mr•. Arla Fidler, 4043 South Pennaylvania Street, 10" retaining wall encroaching 9'3" on City property. (2) Mr. and Mra. Barl carlile, 301 Weat Chenango Avenue, encroachment of 4' aolid f•nce upon City property for a diatance of 7'. (3) Mr. Johnnie Littlehorn for Loftu• Jeweler• and Kaufman' a Men Store, 3418-3422 South Broadway, encroachment of aix poata aupporting canopy over City property. Po•t• would be 2' from edge of walk. '!'he City Manager explained that hereafter a photograph of each encroachment requeat would be preaented along with the other information generally sent to the Council for conaideration of an encroachment requeat. COUlfCILMAll LAY MOVED, COUHCILMAN DllORITY SECOIJDBD, THAT THE CITY COUIJCIL APPROVE A TBB-IIJCH RBTADIIllG WALL BIJCROACHIIJG HIRE FEET THREE IllCBBS ON CITY PROPERTY BY llRS. ARLA FIDLBR, 4043 SOUTH PBIDISYLVAIJIA. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follow•: Ayea: Council .. n Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. ••ya: Hone Abaent: Hone Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. COUIJCILMAN LAY MOVED, COUNCILMAN LBllTSCH SECONDED, THAT THE CITY COUIJCIL APPROVB TllB lalCROM:IMBlfT OP A FOUR POOT SOLID PBllCE UPON CITY PROPERTY' FOR A DISTAIJCE or SBVBll PB&T BY MR. AND MRS. BARL CARLILE, 301 WBST CHBllANGO AVBWE. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. •aya: Mone Abaen t: Hone Tb• Mayor declared the motion carried. I I Mr. rrank Kaufman, 3422 South Broadway, appeared to aupport an encroachment requeat for aix poata aupporting a canopy encroaching over City property two feet from th• edge of the aidewalk. The City Manager noted that Mr. Kell• Waggoner, Public Work• :I Director, had baaically reco111Dended that no canopiea be placed in the right-of-way aa . they kequired permanent fixture• in the •idewalk. The City Manager noted that thia ·. encroachaent, if paaaed, had an effect on other property which probably would have to be dealt with by Council at a later date. The property in queation i• Guya and Doll•, 3473 South Broadway, where a aimilar canopy ha• been in•talled, evidently without City knowledge or approval. Mr. Kauf .. n •tated that hi• reque•t waa in keeping with hi• effort• to improve th• look• of downtown Englewood. Mr. Johnnie Littlehorn. 4530 South Broadway, who would be the contractor on th• job, apoke in behalf of the reque•t and explained the de•ign. Councilman Lentach queationed whether the City would be liable if anyone •hould hit one of the poata encroaching on City property. City Attorney Berardini explained it would probably be the joint liability of Kaufman and the City. Mr. Bob Brundage, 3424 South Broadway, Preaident of the Englewood Square Merchant• Aaaociation, spoke in behalf of the request, •uggeating, however, that Mr. Kaufman follow whatever motif i• de•ired by the Bnglewood Square Merchant• Aaaociation. Mr. Kaufman aa•ured Mr. Brundage that his deaign would be in keeping with the deair•• of the Aaaociation. COUllCIIllAll KRBILING MOVBD, COUBCIIMAB SBBTI SBCOllDBD, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL I APPROVE THB DCROACIMBllT RBQUBST, AS SUIMIT'l'BD BY TBB BOARD OP ADJUS'l'MBllT AllD APPBALS, WI!ftlOUT AllY RBCDMDDATIOB, OF SIX POSTS SUPPORTING CABOPY OVBR CI'l'Y PROPBR'l'Y, '1'11E POSTS TO BB TWO PUT PR<»I BDGB OF WALK, BY MR. JOIDDIIB LITTLBBORN FOR LOFTUS JBWBLBRS AllD DUl'llAll'S MBll STORE, 3418-3422 soum BROADWAY: PROVIDIBG, BOWBVBR, 'MAT THB AGRBDIBllT SPECIFICALLY BXDIPT TBB CITY FR<»I LIABILITY PRC»l ARY ACCIDBl1'1'S ARISING FRC»t TllB POSTS WHICH WOULD BB DJCROACHBD UPON CITY PROPBRTY. Upon the call of the roll. the vote re•ulted •• follow•: I I I I Auguat 16, 1971 Ayea: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Haya: Hone Abaent: Hone Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * The minute• of the Planning and zoning Commiaaion meeting of July 20, 1971, were received for the record. * * * * * The minute• of the Public Library Board meeting of Auguat 10. 1971, were received for the record. Mayor Schwab announced that a letter of reaignation from the Library Board had been received from Mr. Merlyn Beaver, 713 Eaat Amherat Place. * * * * * City Council again diacuaaed the memorandum from Mr. Stephen. A. Lyon to the City Manager recomnending a change in the procedure of proceaaing liquor licenaea. The City Manager explained that while a licen•• ahould not be iaaued if there ia a felony, official• from the state have recommended to the City that we iaaue auch lic•n••• pending approval from the CBI atating that there i• no felony regiatered by the PBI. Councilman Lay atated that we ahould pa•• liquor lic•n••• with intent to iaaue only. H• would alao like to aee the City Attorney review all liquor licenaea before the City council receive• them. This recommendation waa generally agreed upon and the attorney waa so directed. It was alao auggeated that he attach a memorandum of hi• finding• along with hia review of the application. * * * • * The City Manager'• report for the second quarter of 1971 waa received for the record. City Manager Dial noted that the atatiatics on page 15 of the report clearly indicate that the number of rescue calla anawered by the Fire Department in the City baa increaaed. In looking at the number and amount of building permit• iaaued during the aecond quarter (page 19), the City Manager auggested that this was probably a reflection of apartment builders aecuring their permit• •under the wire" before the new off-atreet parking requirement for new development goea into effect. The Mayor asked the City Manager to find out how long a building permit can r ... in active if no actual building takes place. The City Manager atated that he would report back to the Council. * * * * * A letter to the Department of Tranaportation regarding the City'• grant for two paaaenger buaea from the Aaaiatant City Manager, dated Auguat 11, 1971, waa received for the record. Aaaiatant City Manager McDivitt explained that the Department of Tranaporta- tion would not allow the City to increaae the aize of buaaea approved in the grant contract even though no increaae in the dollar amount of the contract waa requeated. To receive approval of the larger buaea, a comprehenaive atudy of the bua line operation auat be forwarded to them. Mr. McDivitt explained that he would have the number of paaaengera riding the buaea at any one time charted for a week ao that it could be deterained whether or not 19-23 paaaenger buaea would be adequate. If the atudy ahowa that they would be, then the original grant request of 19-23 paaaenger buaea would be executed and the propoaed addendum to increase the aize from 20-29 paaaengera would be dropped. At thia point, the City Manager requeated that a memorandum from him to Mr •. McDivitt, appearing later in the agenda, regarding the bu• aubaidy to Denver Metro Tranait be diacuaaed. Council agreed. Mr. McDivitt explained that there were two iaauea which the Council muat decide aa aoon aa poaaible. If it waa the deaire of the Council to change the route configuration of Route No. 3 of the Denver Metro Transit, it would be neceaaary to make their intention known to IllT by Friday, Auguat 20. Regardleaa of th• route choaen, however, an agreement with Denver Metro Transit, if aervice with them i• to be continued, ahould be aigned by the end of Auguat. In diacuaaiona with Denver Metro Tranait Mr. McDivitt atated that he had been aaaured that the original propoaal of $22,631 aould be the maximum: but that if actual experience through the end of the year ahowed the deficit to be lower, the City would receive credit for the difference. COUHCILMAN SENTI MOVED, COUBCIUIAB LBNTSCH SBCORDBD, 'nlAT 'ftlB COUNCIL ANNOUNCE ITS DITDTT TO CORTillUB BUS SERVICE PR(J( DBH'VBR METRO TRAIJSIT OR ROUTE RO. 3 AS OU'l'LIHBD IR PROPOSAL RO. 1 OP TBB MDIORANDUM (WHICH WOULD HAVE 'ftlB BUS TURRING HOR'ftl ON BROADNAY AT GIRARD, RATHBR TRAN HAVING THE BUS GOING BAST ON GIRARD TO LINCOLN, NORTH ON LillCOLN TO FLOYD ARD NOR'ftl ON BROADWAY AT FLOYD) AND MAT THE CI'!Y SIGN THB AGRBIMB~.WITH DBllVBR TO COlfTIRUE TBB SERVICE THROUGH THE END OF 1971. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: 2·63 264 Au9uat 16, 1971 Ayea: Councilmen Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Haya: Hone Abaent: None 'ftle Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * The financial report for the month of July, 1971, waa received for the record. * * * * * A letter from Mr. L. C •. Bower, Chief Engineer, Colorado Department of Highways, to Mr. Kell• Waggoner and other•, regarding the Federal Aid Urban Syatem, waa received for the record. * * * * * Mayor Schwab called a receaa at 11:04 P.M. Council reconvened at 11:20 P.M. Upon the call of the roll, the following were preaent: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Abaent: Hone * * * * * Mayor Schwab auggeated that the Council deviate from the agenda poaaibl• purchaae of the property in the 3400 block of South Acoma Street were a number of peraona in the audience wiahing to diacuaa thi• matter. agreed. to diacuas aa there Council City Manager Dia.l explained that the owner of the property, Mr. William Bolthaua, waa apparently having financial problema. For example, he i• not going to continue lighting the parking lot. In hia diacuaaiona with City Manager Dial he indicated a deaire to either trade the property or have the City purchaae the property for a price in the neighborhood of $100,000. Councilman Lentsch auggeated that the matter be referred to the Planning and zoning Commiaaion for a atudy, explaining that the proapect of city ownerahip of auch a parking lot doea have aome merit. Mr. Bob Brundage, Preaident of the Englewood Square Merchant• Aaaociation, •poke. Be atated the problem ia that the merchant• have no aaaurance that parking will be continually available f ·or the majority tf it i• privately owned. He would like to ••• the city do aomething to aaaure that parking will be made available. He auggeated that perhapa the city could pay Mr. Holthaua a monthly figure to help aubaidize the operation. COUBCilllAll LAY MOVED, COU!fCILMAR LBNTSCH SECONDED, THAT THE MATTER OF CITY OW•BRSBIP OP '1'llB 3400 BLOCK OF SOUTH AC<»IA STREET BB RBFBRRBD TO 'nlB PLANNING AND ZONING CC»lllISSION POR STUDY. Upon the call of the roll. the vote reaulted aa followa: Ayea: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Maya: None Abaent: None The Mayor declared the. motion carried. * * * * * Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Lay and read in full, A BILL POR All ORDINAllCB AMBllDING SECTIOll 2, CHAPTER 5, BllTITLBD "SOLID WASTES -LITTER Alll> HANDBILLS", TITLB VI, '69 B.M.C., BY PROHIBITING ALL PRIVATE RBCEPTACLBS FRC»I BEING PLACBD IN PUBLIC PLACBS, SXC.PT DURIHG SCHBDULBD COLLBCTION DAYS. City Council diacuaaed the propoaed Bill. I I I councilman Brown aaid he would like to hear from repreaentativea of the refuae collection companiea, wondering if perhapa thia ordinance would work a hardahip on them. The City Manager explained that it waa in the intereat of the city to keep I the public waya clear and. after aome diacuaaion, it waa generally agreed that the ordinance would not work a hardahip on the refuae companiea. COUHCIUL\lf LAY MOVBD, COU!fCILMAR LENTSCH SECONDED, THAT 'ftlE PROPOSED BILL FOR All OllDDIAllCB BB PASSED OH FIRST READING AllD PUBLISHBD IH PULL IN THE ENGLEWOOD llBRALD SBllTIKBL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: I I I I Auguat 16, 1971 Aye•: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Nays: None Abaent: None 'ftle Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Brown and read in full, A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING SECTION 3, CHAPTER 3 OF TITLE I, '69 E.M.C., BNTITLBD •CORPORATE SEAL," AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF "THE MARK," OR LOGO, AS THE CORPORATE SEAL OF THE CITY' OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AND CREATING A NEW SECTION 'ftlBRETO I BllTITLED • CITY' MARK ... COURCILMAlf BROWN MOVED, COUNCii.MAN SENTI SECONDED, THAT THE BILL FOR AN ORDillAlfCB BB PASSED ON FIRST READING AND PUBLISHED IN FULL IN TBB ENGLEWOOD HERALD SBllTIREL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Senti, Lent•ch, Lay, Kreilin9, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Nays: None Abaent: None The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Lentsch and read in full, A BILL FOR AN ORDIRAltCE AMENDING SECTIONS 5, 6, AND 7 AND REPEALING SECTION 8 OF al.APTER 9, TITLB VII OP THE '69 E.M.C., EllTITLED ·HOUSING: BASIC BQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES RBQUIRED", BY PROBIBITillG THE SHARING OP BATHROOt FACILITIES IN DWELLING UllITS. COURCILMAlf LENTSCH MOVED, COUNCILMAN LAY SECONDED, THAT THE BILL FOR AN ORDIRAllCE BB PASSBD ON FIRST READING AND PUBLISBBD IN FULL IN THE ENGLEWOOD BBRALD SSll'TillBL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted a• follows: Aye•: councilmen Senti, Lent•ch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority. Brown, Schwab. Nays: None Absent: None 'ftle Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Brown and read in full, A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 11-1, ARTICLE XI, 8P THB MODEL TRAFFIC CODE OF Tll8 OFFICIAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, ENTITLED "STOPPING, STANDING OR PARKING IN SPECIFIED PLACES," BY PROHIBITING PARKING OF VEHICLES WITHIN TWENTY (20) FEET OF ANY CROSSWALK. COURCILMAlf BROWB MOVED, COUNCILMMJ LENTSCH SECORDBD, THAT THE BILL FOR AN ORDillAllCB BE PASSED ON FIRST READING AND PUBLISHED IN PULL IN THE ENGLEWOOD HERALD SBllTINEL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: . Ayes: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Nays: None Abaen t: None 'ftle Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * City Manager Dial explained that the next item on the agenda, the resolution requesting the General Assembly of the State of Colorado to prohibit the sale, poaaeaaion, and use of fireworks within the State, except for approved public display, was not ready for presentation at the meeting. * * * * * COUIJCILMAN LAY MOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWN SECOHDBD, THAT "LETTERS OF UNDERSTAND- DfG• PR<lt THE THRBE EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATIONS BE RECEIVED BUT THAT COUNCIL WAIT FOR THE BOARD OP CARBER SERVICE C<»IMISSIONERS TO MAKE THEIR RBC<»UIBllDATIONS BEFORE TAKING ACTIOR. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted •• follows: 265 266 Auguat 16, 1971 Ayea: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Raya: Rone Abaent: Rone The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * • A memorandum frOIB Police Chief Claaby to member• of hi• department regarding poaaible adjuatmenta in achedule of working hour• of the Police Department waa received and diaauaaed. City Manager Dial explained that the Police Department has for some time conaidered changing it• working schedule from five 8-hour shifts per week to four 10-hour ahifta per week. The proposal ha• the overwhelming support of the Police Department. Mr. Dial explained that there would be an overlap of the ahifta of three hour• in the morning and three hour• in the afternoon. From a management standpoint, thi• vaa a moat important aspect of the propoaal, next, of course, to the increased orale expected in the Department. Chief of Police Jack Claaby atated that the impetua for a change to the propoaed ayatem was that the present acheduling (nine daya on, three days off, and a change of ahift•) waa a difficult adjuatment for the men. Th• City Manager explained that no action waa required but that a report would be given at a later date. Council generally agreed that it would be advisable to change to this system. * • • • * City Manager Dial discussed the Denver Urban Renewal Improvement• in Rorth- vaat Englewood. He explained that Denver at no expense to the City of Englewood will pave and inatall concrete and gutter on both aid•• of south Zuni Street from Yale to Bvana, providing the City will acquire five feet of right of way along South Zuni from Yale to Iliff on the City'• aide of the atreet. City Manager Dial explained that there was a good possibility that some of thi• right of way would be donated. Ro action waa required on this matter. • * * • • City Manager Dial recommended the approval of Mr. Stephen A. Lyon, Director of Finance, attending the 1971 Annual Conference of the Urban Regional Information Syat ... Aaaociation on September 8, 9, and 10, 1971, in •ew Orleans, Louisiana •. COUBCIIMAll KRBILIHG MOVED, COURCILMAR LAY SBCOllDBD, 'ftlAT THB ATTBllDARCB OF MR. STBPllDI A. LYOR AT 'ftlB 1971 AIOIUAL CORPBRBIJCB OF TllB UJUIAll RSGiomAL I•FORMATIOH SYSTIMS ASSOCIATIOR IN lfEW ORLBARS, LOUISIAllA, OR SBPTDIBBR 8, 9, AllD 10, 1971, 88 APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea: Councilmen Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Raya: None Abaent: Hone The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * • • • City Manager Dial explained the advantages of the Cities of Littleton and Bnql.wood adopting the aame sign code at approxi .. tely the same time. In order to coordinate our effort•, he auggested that one member from the City Council, one member from the •lanning and zoning Commission, and one member from the ataf f be selected to diacuaa the poaaibility of adopting an identical code at approximately the same time. Once this coanittee from both citiea makes recommendation•, then perhaps the two city council• can •••t jointly to diacu•• the matter and eatablish a timetable for enactment. By common agreement it waa determined that Councilman Lentsch would be the Council'• appointee to this committee. * * • • * COURCIUIMI LDTSCH MOVED, COUHCILMAR SENTI SECOHDBD, MR. STAllLBY B. DIAL, CITY MANAGER, AT THE MBDIHGBR FOUllDATION KAllSAS, OR SBPTBllBBR 26 THROUGH OCTOBBR 1, 1971, BB APPROVED. roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: THAT 'ftlB ATTBNDAHCE OF CONVBRTIOH AT TOPEKA, Upon the ca 11 of cthe Ayes: Council•en Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Rayas Rone Abaent: Rone Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * I I I I I I I I Au9u•t 16, 1971 COUIJCIIMAll LAY MOVED, COUllCILMMJ LBRTSCH SBCORDBD, THAT THE RESOLUTION GRAllTI)IG THE APPLICATION OF MR. ROBERT S. BRIOLA, d/b/a BOB'S GROCERY AND MARKET, FOR A 3.2 FBRMDITBD MALT BSVBRAGB LICBllSB TO BB LOCATED AT 3296 SOUTH WASHINGTON STRBBT, BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO, WHICH DID ROT PASS AT THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 9, 1971, BB RECOHSIDBRED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Schwab. Haya: Councilman Brown Ab••nt: Mone Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION RO. 34, SERIES OF 1971 A RESOLUTION GRANTIRG THB APPLICATION OF MR. ROBBRT S. BRIOLA, d/b/a BOB'S GROCERY Al1D HARDT, FOR A 3.2 FBAMBRTBD MALT 8BVBRAGE LICERSE TO BB LOCATED AT 3296 soum WASHUIGitOR STREET I BHGLBWOOD, COLORADO. (Copied in full in the official Reaolution Book.) comtCILMMl LAY MOVBD, COmtCILMAlf SENTI SEOOllDBD, THAT RESOLUTION NO. 34, SBRIES OF 1971, BB ADOPTED AND APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Senti, Lentsch, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority. Haya: Councilmen Brown, Schwab. Abaen t: Rone The Mayor declared the motion carried. * * * * * COUHCIIICAR KRBILING MOVED, COUNCILMAN LAY SECOllDBD, THAT THE MEETING BB ADJOURNBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: Councilmen Senti, Lentach, Lay, Kreiling, Dhority, Brown, Schwab. Raya: None Abaent: None The Mayor declared the motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 12:44 A.M. Acting Ex Officio Clerk of the Council