HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-01-09 (Regular) Meeting Minutes2 -,.. .. ~.., ,.,_ ,. ,..,, ... ,.-....... ...., L 1 J. J"' j i'f 1 .1 U D, COLORADO , 'THIS '' • m "T '· ' C . .-...... , ,..,, ' CK • ' • l•l . a:, r .~ •.• :·1rr , ft "" _l Ca_l : 4 "' , l" c:, " d f r r 11 CRll. EPORm ... F 0"' ; l d ,.. l e , · r · ns <1 . , J. r 1 ' se n t . - :--r · Se l t • a ~leten , Present. l'lwdt, F res e nt . s ..,: r 5 . } r :. (. ; t .- l,E;J 11 f ti i.,o s ust r ct , ,... , C ll i s on , A} • (; : •• J 0 0 l . Pb sent. Of' r d. .1 1 dj ourne d P gu lR r meet ing· Of .·, 2 t h ,, 1 021 , 1 r. full. cl ·r , b Q a pro v Qd as read. ~a _,lf;;)ton , Ay &. e. TiQd t, Ay e. Abieat.•QM, order.-d . f fic rs r r •. l t· o f ,&c mbii r, 1921 . ( se e files) ha t a l r :o 6 S·r h 11 : , !1 e . · 'n l i s '"'. J. '!·:·es , ::a:r r bsen t . m1 c cl rk be received and filed. ,_ .. e . :·a~l et,on , ye . o '!son , f1 ~re . 7 iedt, •re . Abaen\ On9a ordered . .. t'-:e -: ·£'rt of ,:,r :e t R1d P r! ·c 2orirn 1t tee on , r c -i ··ed an ,...l e r k n ot ify t he L i g ht onpany to at f 11 ~ i n ~ g r ee t co rne rs, ··assRu t•.c<J. enns 1 lvan1 a, 1· assau "'. the p et1"t1ori put in light earl , Ir assau Lo g an, and l e f. Tanks for arr nt . ·•• 2799 . .... rran 744. ~· r74 '"'. ,.. c. • ::? C4. -. ( . . C' .... 7 . . • • ., . . ... • r r..s fl e ld ~·.: 1 a rl, ~:a nsfle ld ~.: ·::Rs h l .c;ton . -::a stman .; str . . e , ,' ./e . Cull · s ~ 1 Aj'e . ::a .leto .. , ;.~re. son , fa sent . 7 cc.so n ; 1Je . T i ed t, Aye . r •. res , 1 . b sent. ~·a ·o r ,, orde red. '•i re -· f u rt ~e i a n .e ~i de~alk a ~d S treet s rRding . c r had :o sec . hl l he pa rties about enlare i ng it • !_lu re t a an drawn r.. l,h ass ls to as semble the Han y c hemlcal rro l e t h a s sis cost ~6 1 0 .00 and a Fo rd r ~:eve ) 'T' at 4.,. • C 1 t r u a .~J rrolet J as~i s and assemb le the Chemical ,,. eI'art.:;.c • tt l l: C le, Ay e. Cu l~!., ,, :'~r e . :-:a ,l e ton , Ay e. o hn so n , .' sen . 7 hom "'so 1 , · ·e . i:'i t , y e. . :.~·es , Abaen\ One ~·· ~ ;or so o r de r e d . • 11 i lls r.-.nr :~ed •r \ . ::-·1 ~me ~· ,or.:r.1 ttee as foll ow s; t ' .... s, lnt e ·1 st .. ~t e ·e !I star.din ater bgnds . :--, .l ry 7 l .d . ::t"' r f r . th of ,ecernbe 1', 1 9 31 . n rl · II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 II II II II II II nn1 -• ~I t·:. Orne r II ft II II II '"II II II II II II II II II II II II II If' II II 11' ft , Ch ief f . o lice , "11 """" 11 1111 """"'"'""" ?c ... c , .S · • 1 . C.:o o e r , ):;_.:,ht I:a rshRl. '""""" :;1,.,.h : :·arsh 1 , for u e c . ic 21 . (. s ::1::11 t 1.:a r sha l , t o ,r a n :;.a ry 9t:!'l , 1 922 . ~ ..1..1 c e · :a ,3 • s r Rte , f r De c • l 9 31 • "'re as e er 11 '"""1111 "·11·tl'n .. , : -:~.th ~or.1:r.l ss io ne r , 1111·11·1111111111·ntt11 .l "c r .. n for Decem e r , 1021 . 11 11 II t• II II II II/, II II II II II II II II II !I'll II II II II 11·11 II II II II II II II II II' n ft II II H It •flt H II ft II' .. It' It! IMMt • tt·"' ti II 11 •I II 11 II II II II II' ft If> 11 11 If> II 11 II II II 11 11 If' It !ti It ltl It II ! II II !I'll II II II II II II II tt 11' II II II' II II II IT ltl II' It It" It 11 II 11 11 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11' "1 IT 111 IT 111 It tt II II II I II II II II II II II II II' II' II II II II II II II II II II' II II II' ffl It s ublic I~p r o e ffi en t ~und . C ir. nn , 'Ct ,,e>n t r. Road .:.R i se r, , ,. ,,, 1111111111111111 11111111111111111111""'i rl f ll "• d I • T ~arste r , to anu ar· 9th , 1922 . i·. :-o\'iel , rr~aL st o r , o Ja n t a r~r £·t h , 1 22 . o J a1 ~tt ry 9 t h , l 22 . J c'I :: !"E; 1' 1 J..., C • ~ •,,. I :. ... 2 1 • ' . ·et n , ·rod ::-:1:• e r :, T <:~rorer t o e c. 22r..d , 1 9 21 . I' t I ~£~1 . L a ore r o ar~r 7 .. , 1022 . J;eC . 27 t 1 192 1 • 922 . $60 .25 ~lO.vO 100.00 33.:3:5 1 25.~C 40 .00 IO .CO 73. 35 8.33 lv . C 25.0C 6.00 6 .00 6.00 6 .0C 6.0 0 6.00 20.0 0 $491.0! j1000 .oc ~72 5 .00 6S .CO 3C .OO 59 .5 0 6 .00 ll .25 5 .2 5 . 21.00 8 .25 18.CC l .CC I I I I I I • I I • I "77 ,.._ ,.. _, ..,. -. . . 4 . r.: ... . " 2 . 4 . r -. . . . . . . ., "', .. • .. . • I'. .. . . . 2 ° . , n ..:,le 2 7. :-r.-1 .. d '1 L ._-, r , • j • r-·: n ,...ha n , JU d r.. 1 u ed . :. "" v • ravel c o!"l t h f r e cember ,l ~r, . "' ... } 21 . ~54 .47 7l.OO -~ ,,_ ...... ' ... : :E.c ric i ,... + .... .., Etil :;:_1 ;;1 ts , ..... t: a J , t . . c '; n era l :-·~::<1 . :J 1· .11 s ' ~. ~ nls f J r .r 1 on e rs , ;;. e cia :-cl i ce , . h n ,a ~l ... , r t i ce , • .:>.:.' ct r , ~s .ee 9 2 .75 3. 00 5 .:55 1 .25 6 . 50 3.85 17.40 4.28 1 .1 0 .75 18.45 3 1. 66 4 .CO IerR ld , 2I.OC 3.00 cd.15.50 ll.75. 250 • .0C $.Uiiif F r~ :< ,, .nl .A;_ r ic e s, F ire rtrt ~cn t cund . ·· 1 . ::1 re• .J i )t •• :. r· ices render ed. ~100 .0 0 i i rRry :F' m d . · .. at n f ~El.ff ci.r~, i c:::2 . $1oa . ao ~· · e d) c n e ) T R ~11 ills ,r ' . JY h e finance committee and read by the s i=tme • R d ·~ rr·t r.ts drlwn to ..., 11 Ca ll: ~ io , \, .. . .. 11 8 11 : :1 ::..1 1 s r.., t' :· e • ...1 e n , A re • !1 , se t . r-r::.s .,·;.re . m1edt, y e. r !:e , \sen t. ''.1.~r r -, ~ u . .. , Ab se n t . s . s , •:fl. T r s r C.:e r d. ~u ll Rll c~rs int• Engleweed t ey de 'h••, As 1t-1s,.a :.·.·.:: 1 ck traff ic as it is a cenee stad ul l ed i n to .the 1 •p and et l e n, _t... ye . , Aye . ~1 ed t, Aye . l . bsent . rdered . n t ,.,...,(-\~ : ~b li cense ~~-a t e d t ~e ter lasen, f r ~rd cars ~s ~e r their a p ;licatiens ~lle ,unt1l :h ' Ch f (' t he "rd L a ce c 1. f r. · . ':,'-r., ...., ;) . . 1 n l r a' 1 • ~ .. f'L ~i t e 1et 1 1 ·~· ':i.:1 : __ ·e . s n , :. ~ :•c S I . :t r 4 ~. ' . t, r e \.. Ito; ...L t...,,_' e s [ .d r ll all : .... e , !. ·e . l l • l !'' ·.1 ce rs 1 • I ' ve bui111ng l n en ~r~ad w ay Z700. l · : ~'e . .a le t n , ye. • ... G • , /. ~' • T 1 e d t , f. ~· e • 1 . J. sent . rd e r ed . e t ~htc ~ans lQck f Gr the 's ine ss di str ict • i "!' ;~\:l et n , ;\_~re . , ~M e . T iedt, AJe. j.,. Abse nt •. 1· ered . .:. n ce l f. e nd 1 ne: tl e ::11k Ordi nance .... r: .c ,e r . ..r ear ins te ad f ~3 .CO as it .,,. , f ' • :·ac le t on , J ye • 295 ... : JI' ,, l •• . ..n s n , · s e 1 mj ed t, .re. l . l s e n t. rd e r e d. ') ~r Dwiggins sald there was soir.e conter.tion Ct& to the line and corner of hia laad between Ke111•n and Jetreraen en South Delaware Stree~, and aaked ter the cltJ Engineer t.e help establish the cerner. llaJ•r and Co\Ulcll stated the City Engineer will 10 and help rind the co-mer. Alderman Cullison Moved} : Tiedt. Seo-ondedl That, Ordinance No. Series of 1922, same being·entit.led ·~ · Ordinance Amending Sec~1on ·3, Ordinance Jo.l, Series ot 1918, Entitled •An ' Ordinance Provlding for the Regulation or Ashel1 '.?he conatriiotion ot Aah N•• and Licensing and re~lating Ash Hauler·s~ and Repealing all ordinances in Conflict with thi• ordinance~ be introduced and read as a proposed ordinance ror the city or Englewood. · · · · Roll Call: Cole, Aye, Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Absent. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 5. Ayes, Absent ail9. · Mayor so ordered. Clerk read Pr osed Ordinance ·~o. ~ eries of 1922 An Ordinance Amending Section , Ordinance iio.l, Series of 1910, Entitled £An Ordinance Prev11'8S tor the Regulation or Ashes, The Construction of Ash Bins and Licenslng·ana re~latln Ash Haulers~ and Re .eRling all Ordinances in conflict with' thle ordinan ce, i n full. lderman Cu llison .1ove d) Tiedt ~econded) That ?ro osed rdi n anc e .:o._ ;;er1es or 1922, same being e ntitled~ n rd1nance rr.e n din~ :e cl1on 3, Ordinance Uo.l, Series of I918, e ntitled n or i n a . ce p r vi c.1 1 e for th e re~ulation of ashes, the construction of a sh ins and 11ce~slni Rn r esulatl nz Ash Haulers and repealing all ord1- ' R c es i n ~onflict wit h this ordinan ce, do n ow RSS first reading as read. I l or 3 , h El 1 1 n Roll CRll: .,~ 1 11.s on ?.~o v ed) Cole, Aye. Cu llison, Ape, Eagleton, Aye. Johnso n , b~~nt. hom~son, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. f . Ay e s, I. Absent. ~a y or so ordered • .~ c on ed) _h a t 1.'.'he r ea s, a • r oro s ed Ord 1n a n ce ~f o • __ Series or t9•, t h r 1 .R ce s o f E .. ,,,..lewo o . , 1 c t .~ t:.1 1 tle " 'rdl n l\nc·e me nd in['; ;)ecfJl•n or 1 rlJ 1 n ee ~o.1. s e ri es o f 1 9 1 8 , e n titled a ordinance rovidlng fer r !:Ul ation o r '°' b ias a:-id lic en sln~ a n d r e~tlat1as ash haalers and repeRlin~ or i n a n ces ln c9n1'li .t with this ordinance, hHs been introduced and read Et .-, ·-' f l • ·t ~\~<.. li n~, t ho ~ef or e , be ~ r ~ that t h e p r posed ord1nan c9 :ro. l · e 1 b t e cl ty c u n cl ... c ~ +,'1~ ~1 ty of Englewood Series of 1922, aforesaid, be published as r q lre b y t .e statute s or t e c onsid e rati n at another ~e ctln~ • state or Colorado, and go over for f11rther . ol l j all: . 1 rn ull is n :.~oved) o l e , e. _, tllison , Aye. oh nson, Absent, hompson, ~ A e s, -~~a· or so E a~leton, Aye. Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 1. Absent. ordered.-- 1e c.l :) eon e d Tl at r d inance ~;o. :ie ries of 1822., same being entitled an ordina ce rn e n dint Qrdina nce :·u m er :, ~e ries of 1913, entitled an ordinance a ~endln se ction 5 or ordi n a n c e :v.;;·i , r1e3 of l91Z, which ordinanoe 1• entitle d a n ordi n ance concernin roc eed ln~s b efore the Police iagiatrate tor rtnea a nd e n alties i n th e ity o f E p-le wood Et d repealing all ordinances or arts or or lnances i n conflict he r ew ith , be introduced and read as a pr~pcsed or l n a c for t e C ~ty of En l e wo od. .ol l j all: j ole, Aye. Culliscn, Aye.J ~ayer ~ ~le · __ ._ .• oh nson A~s ~~t. __ . rr ":..'?.~; -'-~'..£..!_T i e dt..i_ Aye. 5 .. yes,IAbsent.)Ordered l e rk r e in full, ?ro osed Crdln11.nce ·:o ._ ;, 1• es or 1922, An ordinance I I I end i n I r 1n a ce :o.1 , e r l e s of, ~ titled. Rn ordinance Amending Seo~i•n I ot r d l nRnc e :·o . 21 '.)e r1 e 3 f I 9 ~~., :1h t c h Ordinance is ant.it.led An Oi-dlnanoe once ~in~ r roce d i n t;s e fore the .l oli c e 'iagistra.te for fines and -penalties i n t h e ity or Encl ewo d , a re 1e hl i ~all ordinances or parts or ordinances l n c onf l1 t h e !ewith. l erma vu lliso , ::o ed) 1edt :>econded) Th at r o. o se d r d i nRn ce ::o .. __ ~eries of l92Z, same being rd 1nance a .. e r 1 i 1a c e ;·o. :.. series or 191~ .. entit.l~d an •. i &1 1 ,. sectio. 1 o f or i r.a : ce Mo. 2 11, series or l 9 lZ, which ordinance I a n 0 r 1 1 n ~nce conce r n l 1 p roc e l n~s e fore the Police ~aglstrate f'op ! e . a l t e s 1n ~ of r ? ,.. ··10 rl, a .. repe aling all ordinances or . rt o ~ ""r 1 i ·~a .1 c e s 1 e r ewitJ1, do now p ass f'irat reading as read • .. 11 l r:r.a · llison , · ::o e d A re. E a~leto9, AJe~4 son , Aye. Tiedt, Aye. Ala•ea~ One. so ord e red·. ~ c on1 d) 1a t '.7 h c re c s, a .... r o . o se d Ord in ance i'o._ ::;eries of 192Z, o r ir a o c e s o f ,,~ 0 :1. cd , r.:'1 ,~ i..:!1 t itle .n r i 1 ance amending ordinance ~ .... f l. _:>, ~ titl ed an o <l i n a ~ce a .. end ing sect.ion 15 of rd1nance No. f · (' ~2 , N •• 1 h . rd i a c e !;) n l t l d a Ordi 1a11ce concer1 1ng preceed-. re t h e ~o llce ffi a g lstra te for fi ne s and 1 ena;ties in the City Gt £ngle- r ..... je al1.<:; a _l o r t na c e s o r r1 !H' s or ordi n!l.nces in conflict herewith i ro u ce ~ r~JL ~ a ~ !~~ fi r s t r ~h 1 ~. I I I , • • I • I 1~ r e 1. ...... " ·~}' ,i:1r com c1 1 f 'e ity of Englewood, r i..m:c ·;o . .-J e r e s o f l~L2 , Rfor esR 1d, be published as 6. t ' te s o f tl ie Stat o f C l Cl.do , . d eo ove r for further n at . o t her rne ,ti. a . , 11 "Rl : Untiniahed buainesant , le , ~ye . Cull l -o n , . o ,L so n ,~Jei;;it 7 om so :-. i e s, ':~. or so ye . ~a leton, Aye • , . e . ~ i ed t, .ye. l . Ab sent. o rdered. Atter the transaction ot the routine business et the Council the 11&1er anneunoed that the Council would proceed to the further censideration ter final deteralnati n et the written protests filed en er betere • P•K. September 12, 1111 against the creatien of the Trunkline Sanitary Sewer District Ne. 1, Bngleweed, Celerade, Whereupen the Mayor asked if there were any further pretests against aaid district,. There being n• further pretests heard Ceuncilman O.I. Cele intreduoecl tb• tellewing resolution which the clerk reEtd in full and which is as tell•••, te-wite WHEREAS pursuant t• a notice hereterore autherized by this Ceuncil and · published in the En g lewood Herald and signed by the Clerk et the City et Bnglewec C•l•rado, wherein notice was given that en the 12th day et September, A.D. ·1911, written pretests weuld be heard and determined against the creati-.n er the . Trunkline Sanitary Sewer District No. l, Engleweed, Celerade within said City et Bnglewe d, and WHEREAS this Ceuncil did en the &Rid 12th day et September, A.D. 1981,· aeet ln regular aeaai•n in the City Hall within said City and at the h•ur et S P.K. en aaid day the t•ll••ing written protests against the creatien et aald impreve- aent district were read and ordered tiled, t•-•lte Te the Mayer and City Ceuncil ef Engleweod, Cele. Sirs; We, the undersigned property ownera respectively protest t• being included and taxed under the erdinance t• be knewn aa The Trunk System Sanitary Sewer District Ne. 1. Because •f the fact that a sewer line cannet be built and suoeaatully eperated, unless there is a tar better water supply than at present avail- able. • · The present generati•n or preperty ewners will receive ne benetit trem aAid Trunk Line Sewer, and in many cases the taxati•n would aaeunt t• centiacation. Pred w. Kenneke, Ida • lltnneke, C.A. Wright, Jira. C.A. Wright, T.V. Pltz1erald, Pran H. f al.aer, .H.' Cline, Gee. W. Otte, Jehn He-rth, L.W. Teell~~ llar7 A. Vaugnn, E.P. Bradahaw, B.B. Willi-a, C.J. lielh•rn, A.L. Rich, Hana Chrlatenaen, llary· A. Lawrence, llra. Ella I. Muhler, A.A. Pankaw, Thea. A. Race, lerman G. Fair, D.11. West, Bdw. A. Petsch, Myrtle Metzgar, E.L. Bundy, W.D. Finleyson,) W.T.F.D. Flnleysen,) Jac•b Stetz, llra. L.W. Pleinea, Jae. R. Lawhead, Thurman Jlealnge, llra. R.E. Guyer, I· "a. Berg, W.E. Kelly, P.J. Ott.erpele, A.T. Seaten, A.J. Martin, E. Erickaen, G.W. DrPke 3i names. Let Nea. 7 te 18 inclusive l te 6 " " l t• 6 • " 23 & 24 " .. 45 & 46 " " 34 t• 44 " " 5, 6, 7. " " l & 2 " " 8 t• 15 . " " l, 2, 3, & 4. inc. 6 te 8, inc. 27 t• 30, 6nc. 30 to '64, inc. l t• 12, inc. 3 t• 10, 6 38 t• 46 inc. 31 t• 35 inc. Five Lets 25 l t• 9, inclusive 45 te 48 li te 24, inc. w. l/2 ofbleck- 26 t• 41, inc. He numbers 40 1 5 Se. Clar~son l te 4 7 t• l ..;. 37 t• 48, inc. 33 t• 36 ll & 12 :59 t• 42 27 t• 28 l & 2 l t• 48 1 2 & 13 :57 t• 48, inc. l t• 4 ~, inc. 45 to 48, inc. St. Reapecttully Submitted, Blk. Noa. Additi•n 20 Seuth BdWJ. Heights. 20 • • •.• • • II W ft ;a II W • W • II • W W . .. " ·" .. . " . .. . 28 a " " • 18 • " • • . . " ... ... .) 89 14 13 32 38 33 35 '68 29 37 16 2 " lS 12 13 ., 8 l• 19 21 80 18 29 " • • • • " • • • " " " " • "'' • b • " " " • • .. " .. " '!' " " " " • .. • • .. It " • • " • " " " • • • • • • • " " • " • •· " ... • • • • • • • .. " • • • • It • Hamilten A Killies Add. Seuth Breidwa7 Rei~ta . " . . " . " • • • " " • • " " • • " " • TO TKE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLO.,-AID ALL WHOM IT MAY CORCERH: We, the undersigned, being ewners, taxpayers, and residents et Jackaen's Breadway Heights Additien •f the City •f Engleweed, 1n Arapahee Ceunt7, State et Celerad•, d• hereby ebJect and make pretest aga1nai Ute paaaage et an erdlnance which prevides ter certain sanitary sewer iapreveaenta, and ala• prevldea \hat the abeve menttened Additi•n be a part et Lateral Sanitary Sewer D1atrlo6,.le. 1, et the City et Bngleweed. ./'.. : .. We maintain that Jackson's Breadway Heights Additien, being served bJ twe 2 inch water main• with appreximately 45 tape en each, and ene 2 inch water main with apprexlmately 30 tRpa, dees net have a water auppl7 auttlclent \e eperate and flush such a aewer and keep it in a aanitar7 cend1t1en; there belng ab ut six menths in each year that the maj•rlty er hemes de net receive enough water fer demestic purposes. We turther maintain that the lnatallatien of such a sewer (witheut water) ••uld be a detriment to eur community and incur an \illjuat expense.en all tax- payer• and preperty ewnera in and fer the abeve mentiened Additien. We d• tnererere ask that the pertien et the prepesed erdlnanoe, aa advertised ana publ1sned in the Engleweed Herald er August 5, 1921, and AUIUSt 86, 1921, which includes Jacksen's Breadway Heights Additi•n as a part et the Lateral Sanitary Sewer District ... 1, er the City er Engleweed, Celerade, be struck eut at the final passage er the erdinance, and that the abeve mentlened addit1en be excluded rrem the Lateral Sanitary Sewer District •e. l, et \he City et Bngl••••d, and that the sewer be net built rer the said Additi•n until such a tiae as water mains HAVE BEEN installed in said Addltlen sutricient in aize t• preperl7 flush aaoh a sewer and that all taxpayers and preperty ewnera ln and rer Jacksen's Breadway Heights Addltien er the City er Engle~••d be exeapt tr•• all assessment, taxes, er ether cesta et the prepesed sanitar7 sewer it lnatalled in any ether part •f the City er Engleweed. J.A. Merrell----------------------------------1263 Seuth Banneck Street P.M. Deaae------------------------------------327 ••st Prinoten J.G. Ceek-------------------------------------•226 South Cher.ekee Mlnnl• Gallagher------------------------------4225 Seuth Cher•k•e L.K. Wall--------------·----------------------4281 South Cherekee 1.c. Grant------------------------------------4290 Seuth Cherekee R.D. Cleaver, 0.1. Andrewa-------------------------------~--1378 Hl&h Street Ray Nix n-------------------------------------•ao8 Seuth Cherekee P.W. Stanabury--------------------------------4185 Seuth Pex J.B. Hunt-------------------------------------4200 Seuth Delaware Jeaa1e Washburn-------------------------------4198 Seuth Blati Lillian Eberhardt-----------------------------4201 Seuth Delaware B.G. Stanabury--------------------------------4185 Seuth Pex J.R. L. Smith---------------------------------•231 Seuth Banneck w.w. Hender .. n--------------------------------•008 Seuth Cherekee c. Snedaker-----------------------------------•089 Seuth Acema Oee. Breeze-----------------------------------4098 Seuth Banneck W.R. Bern-------------------------------------4171 Seuth Breadway L.A. Bern-------------------------------------4171 Seuth Breadway Jeaephlne A. Ullman---------------------------4086 Seuth Acema (Name taken ett llr. & KRS. W.I. Hughea------------------------4107 Seuth Acema by request) llra. E.F. Street------------------------------4019 Seuth Acema H.K. Lambert----------------------------------4000 Seuth Acema P. Haddew-------------------------------------3664 Seuth Banneck Sherman s. Tayler-----------------------------4050 Seuth Bann•ck w.o. Koere------------------------------------4046 Seuth Banneok A.P. Swansen----------------------------------4015 Seuth Banneck B.T. HewRrd-----------------------------------4001 South Banneck B.M. Heward-----------------------------------4001 Seuth Banneck (Name taken •ff Klnnl• Allen----------------------------------3977 Seuth Banneck by .reque.at) P.J. Allen------------------------------------3977 Seuth Banneck H.B. Hardcaatle-------------------------------4031 Seuth Banneck (Name \aken ett llra. J.M. C oper------------------------------4021 Seuth Banneck by request) w.s. Llggett----------------------------------.010 Seuth Acema llra. Bena•n-----------------------------------3981 Seuth Acema R.F. Street-----------------------·-----------4019 South Acema T.L. Payne------------------------------------4015 Seuth Breadway llr~ & r. Carlaen-----------------------------4001 Seuth Delaware Edward Keehler--------------------------------•110 Seuth Pex J ... a T. Breen--------------------------------4155 Seuth Delaware Jeaeph ~ipferl--------------------------------1185 Seuth Cherekee Jehn B. Fellews-------------------------------4208 Seuth Pea llrs. W.A. Ye•---------------------------------4297 Seuth Elati llrs. Anna i Galea-------------------------------•235 Seuth Delaware llra. Pred Slmmens-----------------------------•210 Seuth Delaware Jack Palmer-----------------------------------4209 Seuth Banneck D.R. Perrin-----------------------------------4101 Seuth Delaware llra. D.R. Agnew-------------------------------4226 Seuth Banneck G.E. Agnew------------------------------------4132 Seuth Acema w.c. Whyt•------------------------------------4212 Seuth Banneck Mrs. w.c. Whyt•-------------------------------4212 Seuth Banneck Ott• Lungreat---------------------------------4236 Seuth Banneck J.C. Sherrill---------------------------------4235 Seuth Banneck B.J. Crewaten·--------------------------------4102 Seuth Chereke• P.D. letohaa•··-------------------------------•079 South Banneok llra. L.P. Dy•---------------------------------•000 South Banneck (Name taken err H.P. Harlan-----------------------------------4080 Seuth Cherekee by re~u~st) P.H. Burk•------------------------------------42~0 Seuth Elatl Jamee Jaokaen---------------------------------4289 Seuth Pex Rey Deulln------------------------------------Englewo•d, Cele. H.D. Streck-----------------------------------4290 Seuth P•x Paul Mlll•r-----------------------------------IS'Jl Seuth Elati Claude Raaer--------------------~-------------4291 Seuth Acema c. Rethenleaoh--------~-----------------------4277 Seuth Acema llra. D. P'uller--------------------------------4297 Seuth Acema c.o. KellJ------------------------------------4157 Seuth Acema R.R. Cewdry-----------------------------------4151 Seuth Acema llra. Clarft Barger-----------------------------4109 Seuth Acema 1.w. Denten-----------------------------------4126 Seuth Aoema T.A. Suaey------------------------------------41•0 Seuth Acema P.M. Hlll-------------------------------------4ll0 Seuth Acema llra. Bllma L. Hill-----------------------------4150 Seuth Acema • -. ~-~-~ ......... I I I I I I I I • Jullua Sumey--------------------------------------4130 Seuth Acema Grant L. Paagen-----------------------------------4198 Beuthr.Acema Iena H. Ch andler fer Hareld w. and Pred A. Chandler--------------------4210 Seuth Fex •~.T. Christian-----------------------------------4180 Seuth Delaware C.L. Bens•n---------------------------------------•a ~s Seuth Banneck llra. L.C. rt.in------~----------------------------308 Seuth Ogden (Cerner et Quincy Jenni• M. Anderaen---------------------------------4871 Seuth Ban-and Banneck) L.C. Kilgere--------------------------------------4243 Seuth Acema Q•ok Gus Lawaen----·------------------------------------4293 & 4287 Seuth Cher•kee Axel Sannla---------------------------------------4231 Seutb Cherekee Douglas A. Reller---------------------------------926 Equitable Bldg. llra. Isa bella Perd--------------------------------1882 Marien St. llra. Atta '· Spencer fer Gee. Weolsey-------------9 l•ta, Blk. 23. llra. Att W. Spencer------------------------------4097 South Banneck I •. Dunn--------~--------------------------------4297 Seuth Breadway Th• .. • P. Dunn------------------------------------4297 Seuth Breadway (bJ K.u. D\nn) Krs. D.V. Nethard---------------------------------3980 Seuth Acema llra. Jennie M. Perry------------------------------3920 Seuth Acema (by Eula Perry) llrs. Jehn Bertell---------------------------------1943 Seuth Banneck Kr. Pred Grat-------------------------------------3990 Seuth Cherekee C •• Kart.in-------·--------------------------------3991 South Cherekee (by Jira. C.11.) llra. Viela Sutlitt--------------------------------4201 Seuth Acema David Gardner-------------------------------------•040 Seuth Blati P. L. Barbee--------------------------------------4031 Seuth Elati llra. Enech Bedy-----------------------------------4032 Seuth Fex llra. Kary Harta-----------------------------------4032 Seuth Pex Berry J. Slater-----------------------------------4031 Seuth Elati M.E . Grant.----------------------------------------4100 Seuth Elatl Barry w. Grubb------------------------------------4207 Seuth Breadway E.M. Calleley-------------------------------------4037 Seuth Breadway E.D. Rltcher--------------------------------------4061 Beuth Breadway llra. Edna Settle----------------------------------3053 Seut.b Ac ... llra. Ella Penny-----------------------~-----------3047 Seuth Ac ... Gee. E. Yeager------------------------------------3045 Seuth Ace .. Lewis E. Wright-----------------------------------3~50 Beuth Breadway Genevieve w. Dew----------------------------------3985 Seutb Banneck STATE OF COLORADO CITY OF ENGLEWOOD CO UNTY OF ARAPAHOE SS Cemplainta, Pretests, ObJecti•ns and Remenstr1u1 ces a .gainst the prepesed creatien er a Lecal Imprevement District in the City er Engleweed, C•l•r•de, te be knewn as The Trunk Line ~anitary Sewer District Ne. 1, Engleweedr Celerad•r and te make certain sewer 1mprevement1 in aald District. Te the Henerable Beard and Kembera er the City Ceuncil ln and fer \he City er Engleweed, Celerade; Gentlemen: We, and each er us, the undersign'.ed, de hereby, eHch individually, and likewise Jeint.ly, file and enter eur several cemplalnts, preteata, ebJectlena, and rem natrances, against the propeaed creatien er a lecal lmprevement dla~rict in the City er Bngleweed, Celerade, te be knewn as The Trunk Llne Sanltar7 Sewer District le. 1, Bngle•••d, Celerad• and te make certain sewer lmpreveaen\a in aaid dist.rice; That we Are se filing and entering the aame pursuant te the "netice•, ae te de, and pu b lished in the newspaper called The En g l••••d Herald er date A'CJSq.at 26, 1921, and ether issues; and hereby declare that we, er any er either et ua, d• net wa ive any rights er le gal insufficiencies er the aald "Netice" bJ reasen er se tiling and entering such complaints, pretests, ebjectiena and remenat~ancea herein. • That we and each •f us are the ewner, er ewnera er real estate and preperty which la included within the beundaries er the aaid prepesed district, which real estate and preperty ls t• be assessed, and peraona interested generallJ; That such cemplaints, pretests, ebjectiona and remenstrances are baaed upen the tellewing greunds and fer the tell•wing reasens, and are as tell•w•J 1. That the City er Engleweod ls net new and never haa been a duly, pr•perly and legally incerperated City of the Secend Class in the State •f CeleracSe, and has n• right, pewer er autherity, thr•ueh ita City Ceuncil, er ether1J1••• \e create the said prepesed Sewer District, er t• asaeaa the p-eperty ewnera therein, rer the arune. 2. That it ia the purpese and intent, it the same can be legally aoc••pllahed er the underaigners here•!, t• have wacated large pertiena er their pr•p~r~y wlthln the prepesed limits ef the sat• prepesed sewer district, tr•• t,heir. respe ctive plats and have such real preperty re-cenverted int• tarming l~d and acre a ge, and ala• withdraw rrem the cerperate limit• er the a61d Cit7 et Bngleweed, Celerade. 3. That the propesed creation •f the ••iu aewer di1triot and the prep•1•4 special assessments against the undersiened preperty ewnera within such pr•p•aed sewer district, with relatiens t• the arieunt theret, ter the ceat et Ute oen- atructien et the propesed sewer and t .runk line, are against the prevlalena et the Cenati tuti•n er the United States. er America, and et the Censti tutlen et the State er Celerade, and •f the Statutes and Lawa er the State et Celerade, and in vielation •f the same, er er ene ermere er the aame, and that the .... ia net in accerdance with law, er the prevlaiens er the Celerade Statutes ln such case made and previded. 4. That the prepesed creation er the said alleged lecal imprevement diatrlct te be knewn as the Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer District Ne. l, atereaald, la net in realty, or in truth, or in fact a general lecal improvement disirlct, but la in truth, and in f Rct a general aewer and subject te the censtitutien and laws er the State •f Celerad•, geverning and contr•lling the same and the special aaaeaamenta it any levied against prope r·ty ewnera thereter, er t• be levied, .. - 300 er the levy er taxes therefer, and not accerding te the previsiens •f the statute, and the cenatitutiena, pertaining te lecal imprevement districts, as ia attempted t• be dene in the present instance. 5. That the prepesed imprevement er the real preperty et the undersigned, and each er the•, in the manner and term proposed, is clearly net within th• demaln et the Pelice Pewer and Regulatien because the same is net necessary er o•n- ductive t• the health, cemfert er ••ciety •f the undersigned property ewnera, and is theretere in vielati•n •f the Censtituti•n et the Statutes er the State •t Celerade. 6. That t.he Celorade Statute Previding the rule er appertionment accerdlng t• area et preperty er lets alleged t• b~ benefitted, and herein cemplalned et, deea net in the present instance, sec11re a special assessment in prepertien t• such benefit• as near)yas ia reasenablW practicable because the undersigned ewnera have n• water, er inautficient water t• preperly flush a sewer wi\b, and the .. wer is theret•re et n• value t• them, and because it water is supplied therefere the cest thereet will enly add the excessiveness er the aaseasaenta ever the ameunt et the benefit received er te be received theretrem; al•• be- cause the far greater perti•n •f the lets and real prepert7 er the undersigned are net used, eftered, er fit fer building lets but that the same, t• th• extent et a greater majerity thereer, are entirely used fer agricultural and taralng purpeaea, and have n• use whatseever fer a sewer; that such preperty cenalata meetly er hundreds, if net theusands •f lets, new vacant, situate in the suburbs and eutlying districts and used exclusively fer farming and areage, all aa areresaid, and the prepesed special aas6aament amounts t• many times the ameunt •t benefit• te be received by such property, er that it is reasenably apparent that the same can p••~ibly receive thereby, either actually er apparentl7, b7 the censtructi•n •f the said sewer as new prepesed; that the same will be n•t onlJ a benefit te the undersigned preperty owners but will in truth and in fact eperate aa a detriment and cause actual leas t• them aside rrem the amount er the aaseaa- aenta, because auch excessive assessments will prevent, ferbid, and make impeasibl• a aale er ether dispesiti•n er their said property, except a leas er the same ·b1 tax sale ; als• because the propossd special assessment is witheut regard \e the benefits recieved all as arereaaid, and because " the presumption that the cesta ae asaeaaed will net exceed the benefits received" haa been manifestly and abselutely attirmatively shewn and everceme, and that the same is glaring ill- uatrati n er the •ld adage •that the pewer t• tax la the pewer t• deatre7•, being a llagrant miaues ef the taxing pow e r and engulfing their said pr•pert1 under ass e ssments many times its value in · luding any benefits there~J received; that the a r.me ameunts te and is a cenfisc Ltion or their Sil.id property; and that te such extent the statute mentioned last abeve la in vielat l en ef the censtitutien er the State or Celerado and void te such extent. · 7. That a great portion er the undersigned owners' aa well as many et.here ·, will be utterly unable te pay the said special assessme n ts propossd te be ., levied against their prepe ·ty, and the same will be lest te them threugb tax aalea, becauae the same is unreasenable and unjust, and they pretest against the levy et same in any am•unt. 8. That it is the request and prayer er the undersigned, and each er them, that the prepert7 belenging te them Jying and being within the limits er the City ... r Engleweed, west and seuth er the City Ditch and as tar Nerth aleng the Citt Ditch aa the lnteraecti•n er the center line •f Seuth Cherekee Street; thence nerth en the center line er S•uth Cherekee Street, t• the intersectien er the center line ef West Hampden Avenue, thence west en the center line ef West H .. pclen Ave. t• the prep•••d trunk line sewer be entirely excluded !rem said prepeaed district and entirely exempted frem any and all special asaeaamenta there!, or at least ad- judged te the extent of the benefits actually received en any such preperty net •• entirel7 excluded. lame Prank w. & Ida L. Byer, c.w. Valentine, Jeaeph Ollner, Bertha w. Harlan, C.P. Lerensen Themas Bailey Harry P. Lingle Myrtle .L. Elateen Clyde o. Rainwater, Percy Lamb w.c. DwigRns A.T. Bickel B.L. Zinn Rebt.. J. llcRea Krlok Luat Jehn Perris LeRey Smith H.T. llcClary c.P. Rlo• E.H. Helderneaa Ura. c. Hendricksen Gue F. Schmidt S.E.· Hepper I.F. Dele Green Eubank Ernest Swansen James Gratten Regera Jira. Stella Lindstrom D. Ortgyaen i.J. Celdrick WAlter Barth Cecillia Bladhelm Henr1 Tayler ChArlea A. Berg Elizabeth Gentach Chae. D. Berry Bngleweod Street 3901 Se. llaripesa St. 110 West Hampden, 3601 Se. Elati 340 w. Hampden 3595 Se. Cherekee 3523 Se. Cherekee 324 w. Hampden 3551 -so. Delaware 3525 Se. Delaware 630 w. Hampden 3653 Se. Chereke• Leta 9 te 12, Blk. l 3790 Se. Pea 3761 So. Galapage 3660 Se. Buren ·3541 Se. Galapage 3650 Se. Buren ~608 s.. Jaaen 810 w. Hampden 750 w. Haapden 3526 Se. Buren 3650 Se. Galapage 3638 Se. lalapag• 600 •· Hampden !At 21, Blk 23. Lets 17 te 32, Blk. 6. Lets 9 te 23, Blk. 18. Blk. Legandale 3701 Elat1 369 .., So. Elati 3600 Se. Buren 3710 Se. Pex 3760 Se. Pex Blk. 16, Legandale Address f;~a l 2 te6 1A•tgc. Blk. 18 Blk. 8 Skerltts Add. and all land pertaining te same. I I I I I I I I R.C. Johns•n Agathe Burghard llrs. Elizabeth Eidsen P.P. Burden The Imperial Securities Ce. C.B. Garnett w.o. Duncan Peter We s terlund Jehn W. Tolle llra. Jea1e Wileen J. Warren Rebb J.S. Williama ... a A . KcDenald Olive T. Streng I N THE MATTER OF CONSTRUCTION OP TH E TRUNK LINE SEWER FOR CITY F ENGLEW OO D. Blk. 14 Leta l t• 11 Legandale Blk. 19 Leta 17 te 24 Legandale Blk. 14 Leta 12 t• 20 Legandale Blk. D.34, 35, 36 Legandale Blks. 13 and 16 Legandale Blk. 32 Leta 1 te 8 Legand.ale 3796 So. Galapage Lets 13 te 24 Blk 12 Legandal• Lets l t• 24 Blk 30 Legand.ale Lets 25 t• 48 Blk 31 L•gandale Lets l t• 24 inc. Blk 31 Legandale Lets 25 t• 32 inc. Blk 9 Legandale Blk 7 Legandale Blk 4 Lets 25 te 33 Logandal• PROTEST BY J.C. JONES. TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF TH E CITY OF ENGLJo:WOOD, STATE OF COLORADO. Gentlemen; The undersigned, Jacob C. Jenes, a resident and land wner •f the City et Engleweed, hereby enters his pretest ~nd objects te the censtructi•n and impea1t1en er an aaaeasment er tax upon his land ter the censtruction et a certain trunk line sewer advertioed to be censtructed for the use and benerlt et t.he City et Engleweed and ita inhabitRnta, which advertisement is new appearing in the En ,·le•••d Herald or August 19th, 1921, and ether dates respectively. That the grounds fer said pretest are as fell•••; That undersigned has now pending in the County Court er Arapahee Ceunty, Co l r d •, an action t• disconnect a larg e par t Of his land rr•m the Cit7 er Englew o ed, which land is described as the Seuth-west Feurth •f the Seuth-west Peurth •f Section Thirty Four (34), Township Four (4), Seuth •f Range Sixt7-cight (68),weat, in ArRpahoe County, Colerade, (except five (5) acres situated in the Seutheast c•rner •f said tract; ala• five (5) ~cres situated 1n the ••rt.hwest Quarter er the Seutheast Quarter •f said Section Thirty-Four (34), and all er wh ich lands are mere particularly described in the petition fer said dia- cennect1en). That underai~ed is the ewner •f abeve 5 acres situated en Breadway, in the Nerthweat Quarter •f the Southeast Quarter •f s ~id Section Thirty-Feur, in the City et Engle•••d. That nene •f S F id lands are platted er laid eut int• lets er b leck s, and at the present time are net available fer platting purpeaea .• There are n• imprevements en aaid land by way er buildings, except bis residence, a barn and seme outhouses connec ·.ed therewi_th, a small brick buildinc nearby, all situated en er near Broadway in the City •f Engleweed, and an •ld trame building, situated en Hampden Avenue en the South aide ef his land, seught t• be discennected. That the censtruction er a trunk line sewer ever er acress landa, ae new contemplated, weuld be •f ne practical use to him er his said lands. That t.he prepeaed assessment te be placed against his land fer the cen- atructien et ·s Rid s7atem, •f thirteen dollars per let as stated in said adverti s ement netice, is excessive, unreasonable and largely ef a cenfi•catery char cter. · .That undersigned dees net believe that any urgent necessity exists fer t.he censtruction and maintenance er a sewer system in the manner centeaplated, and if such is the case that it sheuld be aelely ter the use and benetl\ et that part of the city which is built up and can ~ake uas of a sewer, which ie net the case with undersiened's land as new situated. r That he dees net b lieve it is the purpose er intent er a large maJerlty er the residents •f Engle•••d te im pess such unreaaenable tax .upon hie lands witheut aeme kirxl •f a benefit t• him ce1111Denautate with their benefits, which la not the case and cannet be the cas 1:1 under pressnt cenditiena. That quite a large part Gt his lands en the west aide will be excluded rreJD the use •f said sewer en acc•unt •f being l••er than the line er the aewer. That undersigned uses his land as a farm, and fer a heme, and dealres that it remain auch, furing hi s few remaining years unless he is able te dispose et it at a prefit1•ble price. Undersigned wishes to say that he is net opposed t• public imprevements rer the benerit of the City •f Englewoed er its inhabitants but deea ebJect t• havlnt; his land classified as City preperty and taxed as such ter sewer purpeses, while it remain s unplatted and unav n ilable fer city purpeaeo, while all •f which must be well known te the city taxing officials. Th Rt he further pretests te the legality et the present preceedinga, and each and every part thereof. Dated this day •f September, 1921. Jaceb c. Jene s. IN THE MATTER OF CONSTRUCTION OF TRUNK ~E SEWER FOR CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. PROTEST, BY WILLIAK. H. KISTHA ~D AND HANNAH KISTBARD. TO THE llAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. STATE OF COLORADO. GENTLEMEN: The undersianed, WilliRm H. Kisthard and Hannah Klsthard, residents and land ewnera •f the City •f Engleweed, hereby enter their pretest and object te censtructi•n and i mposition of an assessment er tax upen their land rer th• cenatructi•n er a certttin trunk line sewer advertised t• be censtructed rer the uae and benefit •f the City er En ~le•••d and ita inhabitants, which advertisement appears new in the Engleweod Herald •f August 19th, 1921, and ether dates respectively. That the greunds fer aAid pretest are as fell•••; That undersigned have now pending in the County Ceurt er their Arapahee Ceunty, Celerade, an action t• discennect a lRrge part er their land trem the City er Engle•••d, which land is d .. cribed as tell•••, te-wit "That the abeve n1me d ftnd undersigned William H. Kisthard and Hannah Kisthard are the ewnera in c•mm•n •f the f•ll~wing described land and realeestttte situated within the t . , 30~ incerporated beund~ries •f sRid Municipal Cerporation as fellews, te-wit; All land and real estate East (e) •f the Ceunty Read and East (E) •f the railr•ad rights •f way hereinafter described •f the Seutheaet quarter (SEl/4) •f ~cti•n Thirty-three (33) Tewnship Feur Seuth (T., S) Range Sixty eight west (R68 W.) in Arapah•e Ceunty, State er Celerade, except a atrip •f and ene hundred,aqd twenty five (125) reet wide •ff the seuth berder line •I said tract, al .. ~xcept a ... 11 tract •f abeut six-tenths •f an acre situated in the Seutheaat ( .. ) cerner •f said abeve described tract ewned by Hannah Kisthard, hereinafter mere particularly described; all er said tract centaining abeut twent1-ene (8~) acres. Ala•, the abeve petitieners, WilliaJn H. Kiathard and Hannah Kiathard ~re the ewners in cemmen •f a strip •f land ene hundred and twenty-five (125) teet I wide en th• seuth berder line •f said tract heretefere described as all land Bast re th• Ceunty Read and East •f the Railread Rights •f Way er the Seutbeast Quarter (SEl/4) •f the Seutheast Quarter (SEl/') •f Sectien Thirty-three (33), Tewnship Feur South (T.4 S) Range Sixty-eight West (R.68 W) in Arapahee Ceunty, State •f Celerade, said land uerdcring en the Ceunty Read knewn as Sheridan Avenue, but new knewn as West Hampden Avenue. That the abeve named petitiener Hannah Kisthard ls the ewner of a ... 11 tract •f land and real estate situated within the 1ncerperated beundar1ea et aaid Municipal Cerperation, as fell••s, te-wit. Ce11U11encin e at a peint Twenty-I five (25) feet Herth (N) •f the Southeast (SE) cerner stake of the Seutheast ci.anter (SEl/') ef the Seutheast Quarter (SEl/4) ef Sectien Thirty-three (33), Tewnshlp Feur seuth (T.4 S), Range Sixty eight West (R.11 W) in Arapahee Ceunty, State •f Celerade, which stake is lecated in the center er the Ceunty Read knewn as Sheridan Avenue, new knewn as West Hampden; thence Herth (N) aleng the Ea ;t (E) line er the abeve described tract three hundred and fifty (350) teet; thence West (W) seventy five (75) feet; thence Seuth three hundred and fifty (350) feet; thence East (E) seventy five (75) feet te place •f beginnln1, centaining abeut a1x tenths (6/10) er an acre. That there are n• imprevements en said land by way •f buildings except that there is a small brick dwelling house facing en West Hampden Avenue, en th• lands ewned by the sRid Hannah Kisthard; there is ala• an •ld frame house and aeae chicken-ceeps en the lands owned by William H. Kisthard and Hannah Klstbard, jeintly. That the cenatructi•n •f a trunk line sewer ever er Rcress their land• aa new centemplated, would be •f n• practical use te them, er t• their aa1d lands. That the prepesed assessment t• be placed against their land ter the cen- atructien er said sewer system, •f theirtcen dellara per let as stated in aaid adverti&ement netice, la excessive, unreasenable and largely en a cenflsoatery character. That unders11ned dees net believe that any urgent necessity exists fer the cenatructien and maintenance er a sewer system in the manner centemplated, and if auch la the case, that it should be selely fer the use and benefit et I that part •f the city which ia built up and can make uae •f a sewer, which la net the case with the undersigned's land as new situated. That they d• net believe it is the puppese er intent er a large majerlty •f the residents •f Engleweed t• imp se such unreRsonable tax upon their land• witheut seze kind •f a benefit te them, commensurRte with their benefits, which ia net the c~se Rnd cannet Le the case under pressnt cendltiens. That quite a large part er their lands en the west side will be excluded rrem the use •f said sewer en acceunt er being lewer than the line .•f th• sewer. The undersigned use their land as a farm, and fer a home, and desire that it remain such, during their few remaining year, unless they are able t• dispese •f it at a prefitable price. Unders~g ned wisn t• say that they are not oppesed t• public imprevements fer the benefit •f the City ef Engleweed er its inhabitants, bu d• ebject t• having their land classified as City property and taxed as such fer sewer purpeses, while it remains unplatted and unavailable fer city purpeaes, all ef which must be well knewn t• the taxing efficiRls. That th~y further pretest te the legRlity •f the present preceedinga, and each and every part thereef. Dated this 10th day •f September, 1821. W.H. Kisthard, Hannah Kisthard. by w.H. Kisthard. HONOP.ABLE CITY cour CIL ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. GENTLEM EN: September 12th, 1921. I desire te enter my pretest of the assessment acceunt Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer District No. l Engleweed, against llWl/' er SWl/f Sec. 34, Tewnahip 4, Range 68 West, 20 acres described as t•llewa; of the prepesed the east 172 re the mere particularly A tract et land described as fell•••; Bec:inning at a pelnt which ia the _ intersectlen ef the center line •f Seuth Fex St. preduced with the Seuth preperty line ef West Dartmeuth Ave. 660 ft. te an intersectien with a line preduced which la parallel te and 35 feet East •f the West preperty line ef Seuth Delaware St.; thence s euth aleng said line 1282 ft, t• an intersection with the center line et Pleyd Ave., preduced, thence west aleng center line et Fleyd Ave., prec:tuced 660 teet te an intersecti•n with the center line •f Seuth Fex St. preduced; \hence Kerth aleng center line •f Seuth Fex St. preduced 1~82 tt. t• the peint et be- glnnin1, exclusive ef streets and alleys, cest er thia assessment as shewn by the City Engineer• map t• be t2499.19. Thia land lying as it dees cleae t• the Railread and Dry Creek, and which ia divided int• tw• ten acre tracts and leased, can enly be us e d fer truck garden- ing and will net need any sewer cennectiena. There haa net been even a beuae errected in the i111JDediate vaclnlty er this land in ever ten 1•ara. The 1eneral taxes were fer the year 1918 $200~00; 1919, $293.59; and 1920, 1396.37, and increase et appr•ximately 100~ in three years. These taxea with the increase ef 115.00 a year in rent er City Ditch Water and ceat •f insurance and repairs, have net breught e'ler 1,1/2~ en the investment. With the 100~ increase in eeneral taxes and the further increase ter 1921 t.axea ••lng t• increased tax levie• ter State er Celerade, added t• the annual installment er ~124.0 6 and 6% on unpaid principal, which fer the first year ·. I I I I I I I ••uld be 142.45 making teal due fer installment $267.41 t• ever t•oo.oo ter 1eneral taxes, ••uld make clese t• $700.00 a year rer taxes.; In view et rJ inability, •wing t• the illne :1s and death er my husband, t• i pr•v• ay preperty, tegether with these immeaae taxes and n• need fer a •••er cennectien, and the further fact that my neighbers en the West d••n t• the rallread tracks are net included in this diatrl~ I the,tere reapecttull7 pray t.bat 7eur henerabl• bed.y will granl;my petitien t• exempt my land rrem y•ur lecal iapreveaent District le. 1. Respectfully, Elizabeth w. Ducey. Request er Sr. Lament te be included in Sewer District, Hen rabl• lla7er and City Ceuncil, Kngl•••ed, Celerad• Gentlemen; Tb• 34 l•t• in Bl•cks l and 2 Bhnk Additien, wants t• be included in th• Sewer District aa he la wanting te build heuaes en these lets. Al •• in raver er the city ewning a m1n1c1pal water plant fer Engl••••d. Request et C.A. Dunning t• be included in the Sewer District. Benerable Mayer and City Ceuncil, Dlgl••••d, Colerade. Gentlemen; I am t.he ewner •f O lets in 3600 Bleck Se. Penn. St. and want them included in the .. wer District, Lateral Sewer District Ne. l. C.A. Dunning, 3602 Se. Penn. ST. 1fREREAS the final censideration and determinatien er said written preteata was at t.he meeting en the 12th day •f September, aferesaid, by actien et aa1d Ceuncil duly adepted, centinued te September 15th, 1921 and en said Septeaber 15th, 1921 duly centinued te September 20th, 1921 and en said September 20th, 1921 duly and regularly centinued t• Octeber 10th, 1921 and waa en aaid Octeber 10th, 1981 turther duly and regularly centinued te thia the 9th day et January, A.D. 1988, and WllEREAS, th• arereaaid written pretests and each et them has been dul7 cen- aldered bJ thla Ceuncil and same are reund t• be •itheut merit except as hereln- atter aet terth, and WRBREAS, aald pretests are •f a general nature and have been signed aa appeara et the race thereet by varieus pers•ns wltheut in all instances setting ter\h eppealte thelr signature the exact descriptien •f the preperty ewned bJ tbea te be and alleged by thea te be situated within the boundaries •f said sewer district as hereterere by this Ceuncil determined, and WHEREAS, ter thla reasen and en acceunt et the gen ... 1 nature et aaid pretest• lt 1• cenaidered by this Ceuncil as being practicall7 impeasible t• determine the pretest et each individual pretester and paaa upen same specifically, and WHEREAS, this Ceuncil atter due censideratien et said pretests and the extent et aald sewer diatrlct has determined that there aheuld be seme er the preperty designated ln aaid pretests and included within the eriginal beundariea •• heret•- t•r• determined excluded trem said sewer district as heretefere created and amended beundary llnea fixed and determined, and WHEREAS, ln censidering aaid pretests ter the purpese et their tinal deter- alnati•n thi• Ceuncil has been in censultation with Glen A. Izett, lta CltJ Encinc er, and the said City En ,ineer haa prepared an amended map et said district shewing thereen the beundaries and the preperty included therein aa hereinafter .. r• tull7 described and which amended map is new en tile in the ettlce et the CltJ Clerk er aaid City tegether with aaid engineer'• aaended esti-.te et the ceat et aald ••••r dlatrict tegether with an amended assessment rell •h••inc the eati ted aaeunt et the cest in prepert1en te the benetit accruing te be aaaeaaed agalnat each let er parcel et land included within aald amended beudar, wbloh ala• appear• en tile in the ettice er said City Clerk. The said esti .. ted and prebable ceat er aaid imprevements with the appurtenances is One Hundred Ten lfleuaand Nine Hundred Fifty and ne/100 Ctll0,950.00) D•llars which aaeunt includes the awn et Slxty Theuaand (60,000) D•llars t• be paid te the City and Ceunt7 et Denver ter tne right te cennect with and discharge sewage int• Denver's Sanitary Sewer at Jewel Avenue and South Delaware Street, Denver, Celerad•. That the maximum prebable cest per let or tract ef land twenty-tlve (25) tee\ by In• Hundred Twenty-tive (125) feet, exclusive et streets and all•J• as shewn b7 the estimate et the City Engineer t• be assessed upon the reapect.1Y• l•t.• -:-·· -:-.--·· parcel• et land in aild propeaed d1str1c• is estimated te be !llrteea Dell«ri rer · e ch ot a · id lets er tracts er land (all said estimates er ceat being eacluelve et the ceat er lnapectien, cellectien, incidentals and interest). The aaended map and estimate and asaeasment roll are hereby made a pa~t et· this reaelutien ter 1reater certainty and can be seen by anyene inter~sted (all said ••tlllatea et ceat being exclusive et the cest •f 1nspect1en, cellectien, incidental• and lnt.ereat). and WHEREAS, in •• tixing and determining such amended beundary lines it haa b e en teund necessary t• exclude frem said sewer district certain •f the leta and p~rcela er land heretefere included in aaid district as will mere tullJ appear hereinafter, and WHEREAS, in excluding said lets and parcels et land the extent et aald dlat.rlct •111 be materially reduced, thus reducing the tetal ceat er said impreve .. nt.a, and WKEREAS, ln changin1 th• beundary lines et said district 11 waa neoeaear7 te have an aaented survey and map prepared in accerdance with the matter• and thlDSS hereinbetere aere tully set ferth. IOW, THE1EFORE, be it resolved by the City Ceuncil ef the CitJ et Bngleweed, Celerad•, ln regular seaaien cenvened this 9th day •f January, A.D. 1918 that the atereaald written pretests and objections te the creati•n of the Trunk Line Sanltar7 Sewer Dla\r1ct Be. l, Engleweod, Celerade, within said CitJ and each and every ene et the• be and the same are hereby ever-ruled as being •it.beut .. r1t. I I I I I weuld be $142.45 making teal due fer installment $267.41 te ever t400.00 ter 1eneral taxes, weuld make clese t• $700.00 a year fer taxes./ ~In view et my inability, •wing te the 1llne:>s and death •f my husband, t• 1apr•v• ay preperty, tegether with these immeaae taxes and n• need fer a sewer cennectien, and the further fact that my nelghbers en the West dewn t• the railread tracks are net included in this distrlc~ I the,rere reapecttullJ pray t.bat 7eur h•n•rabl• bedy will granrmy petitien t• exempt •Y land frem yeur leoal iapreveaent Diatrlct Ne. l. Respectfully, Elizabeth w. Ducey. Request ef llr. Lament t• be included in Sewer District, Henerable Mayer and City Ceuncll, lngleweed, Celerade Oent.leun; Tb• 34 lets in Blecks l and 2 Bknk Additien, wants t• be included in the Sewer District as he la wanting te build houses en theae lets. Al •• in raver er the city ewning a minicipal water plant fer Engleweed. Request er C.A. Dunning te be included in the Sewer District. Henerable Mayer and City Ceuncil, ~lewoed, Colerade. Gentlemen; I am the ewner •f o lets in 3600 Bleck Se. Penn. St. and want them included ln the .. •er District, Lateral Sewer District Ne. l. C.A. Dunning, 3602 Se. Penn. ST. WHEREAS the final censiderati•n and determinatien ef said written pretest• was at the meeting en the 12th day ef September, aforesaid, by actien er aaid Ceuncil duly adepted, centinued te September 15th, 1921 and en said Septeaber 15th, 1921 duly centinued te September 20th, 1921 and en said September 20th, 1921 duly and regularly centinued te Octeber 10th, 1921 and waa en aaid Octeber lOtb, 1921 rurther duly and regularly centinued t• this the 9th day et January, A.D. 1988, and WHEREAS, the ateresaid written pretests and each et thea has been duly cen- aidered by this Ceuncil and same are feund t• be witheut merit except aa berein- atter set t•rth, and WHEREAS, said pretests are er a general nature and have been signed aa appeara er the race t.hereet by varieus persens witheut in all instances setting tert.h eppeaite their signature the exact descriptien er the preperty ewned by thea t• be and alleged by them te ue situated within the boundaries •f said sewer district as heretefere by this Council determined, and WHEREAS, tar this reasen and en acceunt er the general nature er aald pretests it i• cenaidered by this Ceuncil as being practically impessible te determine the pretest er each individual pretester and pasa upon same specifically, and WHEREAS, this Ceuncil arter due censideratien •f said pretests and tbe extent et aald aewer district has determined that there sheuld be seme •f the preperty designated ln aaid pretests and included within the eriginal beundaries aa heret•- tere determined excluded frem said sewer district as heretefere created and amended beundary lines fixed and determined, and WHEREAS, in censidering said pretests ter the purpese et their tinal deter- minatien this Ceuncil has been in censultation with Glen A. Isett, ita Clt7 Ensineer, and the said City En :,ineer has prepared an amended map et said district shewing thereen the beundaries and the preperty included therein aa hereinafter ••re rully described and which amended map is new en file in the eftlce et the City Clerk ef aaid City tegether with said engineer's amended estinate et the ceat et aaid sewer district tegether with Rn amended assessment rell ahewin1 t.he eat!aated aseunt er the cest in prepertien te the benefit accruing ta be aaaesaed against each let er parcel er land included within said amended beudary whloh ala• appear• en tile in the effice ef said City Clerk. The said estimated and prebable ceat •f aaid imprevements with the appurtenances is One Hundred Ten T19uaand Nine Hundred Fifty and ne/100 ($110,950.00) Dellars which ameunt include• the sum •f Sixty Theuaand (60,000) D•llars t• be paid t• the City and Ceunt1 et Denver fer tne right te cennect with and discharge sewage int• Denver'• Sanitary Sewer at Jewel Avenue and South Delaware Street, Denver, Celerade. That the maximum prebRble cest per let or tract ef land twenty-tive (2S) teet by In• Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet, exclusive •f streets and alleys as shewn .· .. b7 the estimate er the City Engineer t• be assessed upon the respective l•t-• -:~··-:~-[ : ,· --· parcel• er land in a6id propesed distric• is estimated te be !llrteen Dell~ fer · each of s i id lets er tracts •f land (all said estimates •f cest being exclusive et the ceat •f inspectien, cellectien, incidentals and interest). The aaended map and estimate and assessment roll are hereby made a pa~t et· this reselutien fer greater certainty and can be seen by anyene inter~sted (all said estimates er ceat being exclusive ef the cest er inspectien, cellectien, incidentals and interest). and WHEREAS, in •• fixing and determining such amended boundary lines 1t baa been reund necessary te exclude frem said sewer district certain ef th• leta and p~rcela er land heretefere included in said district as will mere tully appear hereinafter, and WHEREAS, in excluding said lets and parcels er land the extent et aaid district will be aaterially reduced, thus reducing the tetal ceat et said 1mpreveaenta, and WHEREAS, in changing the beundary lines •f said district 11 was neoeaear1 t• have an amented survey and map prepared in accordance with the matters and thiDSS hereinbefere mere tully set ferth. NOW, THE:1EFORE, be 1t resolved by the City Ceunc11 •f the City et Bn1leweed, Celerade, in regular seaaien cenvened this 9th day ef January, A.D. 1928 tbat the arereaaid written pretests and objections te the creati•n of the Trunk Line Sanitar7 Sewer Dla\rict Ne. l, Engleweod, Colerade, within said City and each and every ene er the• be and the same are hereby ever-ruled as being witheut .. r1t t and aaid written ebjections and pretests are hereby finally determined bJ thla and said imprevement district as heretefore .. ignally created and the beundariea thereet determined by this Ceuncil shall be and remian the same and the preperty heretetere included within the said boundaries as heretetere determined bJ thia Ceuncil shall be and reaain the same and the property heretetere included within t.he aAid beundarlea aa heretetere determined by this Ceuncll shall be and re .. in t.he aaae except aa herelnatter determined. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said pretests be granted te the extent et the exclu•~•n rrem aald sewer district •f the fell••lng described propert1; Leta and TrRcte •f land excluded from Trunkline Sanitary Sewer Diatrlct Ne. l. Engleweed, Colorado. SOUTH BROADWAY HEIGHTS Leta 13 te 36 beth 1ncluaive, Bleck 40. All er bl•cka 33 te 39 beth inclusive. All er btecka 41 te 64 beth inclusive. A tract er land described aa fell•••; Beginning at a peint which is en the weat property line .C Seuth Cherekee Street and 100 teet south et the aeut.h line et West Dart.mouth Avenue thence west 300 teet; thence aeuth 530 teet; thence east 300 teet te the •••t line er Seuth Cherekee Street thence north aleng aaJd west line t• the peint er beginning. A tract er land described as fell•••; Beginning at a peint which la the interaect1en et the center line er South Fox Street, preduoed, with the Beuth preperty line ef West Dartmouth Avenue; thence east Rleng the seuth prepert1 line et West Dart.mouth Avenue 660 feet t• an intersectien with a line (pre-duced) which ia pAralle& t• and 35 feet eRst •f the west property I.in• •f Seuth Delaware Street; thence aeuth aleng said line 1282 feet t• an intersection with the center line er Pleyd Avenue, preduced, thence west aleng the center line et Pleyd Avenue, preduced, 660 feet te art intersectien with the center line et Seuth Pex Street, preduced; thence nerth aleng the center line ef Seuth Pex Street preduced; thence aleng the center 1282 feet t• the point •f beginning. Exclusive et streets and alle7a. A traot et land lying in the NEl/4 ef $1rl/4 et Sectien 34 described aa tell .. a; Beginning at an intersection er the extended center line et all•J in Bleck 2 Hamlin'• Addltlen with the extended center line ef Eaat Fleyd Avenue; thence weat 480.5 teetJ thence north 330 feet; thence east 484.3 feet, ••r• er l•••, t• the point et beginning. A traot et land lying in the SEl/4 •f the SWl/4 er Sec. 34, more fully described aa tell•••; Beginning at a point en the nerth preperty line et Hampden Avenue 769.8 teet west er the west property line •f Seuth Broadway; thence west aleng the nerth property line er Hampden Avenue 487.2 feet t• an interaectlen with a line, preduced, paralltl t• and 13 feet west er the east preperty line et Seuth Delaware Street; thence north Rleng said desc~ibed line 1172 feet te an lnteraectien wlth the Seuth property line •f Fleyd Avenue predpfed; then east aleng the aeuth preperty line of Floyd Avenue, preduced 660 teet; thence ••uth 300 teetJ thence west l 72.8 teet; thence south 972 teet te the peint et ·be- 1lnning. (Exclusive •f streets Rnd Rlleys). A parcel er land lying in the SWl/4 •f the SWl/4 of Secti•n 34 mere tullJ described as tell•••; Beginning at a point which is the intersection et t.he nerth property line •f Hampden Avenue and the center line et Seuth Ruren Street, preduced, te an interoeotion with the center line •f Little Dry Creek; thence in a northeasterly directi•n aleng the center line er Little Dry Creek te an ingeraectlen with the center line er Seuth Pex Street, produced; thence ner\h alen1 the center line er Seuth Pex Street, produced, te an intersectien with th• center line er Ployd Avenue produced 660 feet te an interaectien with a line parallel t• and 13 feet west •f the east property line •f Seuth Delaware Street; thence aeuth aleng a line parallel te and 13 teet west •f the east prepert1 line et Seuth Delaware Street; thence 672 feet te ftn intersectien with the center line et West Girard Avenue; preduced; thence west aleng the center line ~ West Girard Av e nue; preduced, 330 feet; thence south 630 feet te an interseotlen with the north propert1 line •f H~mpden Avenue; thence west aleng the nerth · property line •f HIUllpden Avenue; t• the point ef beginning (exclusive et atre ~t• and alleys). A parcel er land lying in the SWl/4 er the SWl/4 •f Section 34 nore fully descri bed as follo ws; Beginning a t R p oint on the north pro ~erty line •f Hampden Avenue, which ls an intersection with <:. line pr,rallel to and 1:5 feet west et the east prepe~ty line er Seuth Delaware Streetm thence west aleng the north preperty line ef Hampden Avenue 330 feet; thence north 630 teet t• an interseotlen with the center line or West Girard Avenue; preduced, thence east aleng the center line •~ West rlrard Avenue, preduced, 330 feet te an intersection with a line parallel te and 13 feet west •f the east property line •f Seuth Delaware Stre e t; thence aeuth al•n6 said described line 63 0 feet te the peint er beginning, exlusive et atreeta and alleys. ENGLEWOOD All •f blecks 1 t• 6 beth inclusive and Blecks 12 te 23, beth inclusive. SKERRITT'S ADDITION All er blecks l and 2. A parcel et land described as fell•••; BeBlnning at a point which ls an 1nteraect1en er the nerth property line •f West Hampden Avenue, and the center •f the nerMl property line or Seuth Huron Street, produced, thence north aleng the center line or South Huren Street, preduced, 320 teet (mere or leas) te an lnter- aect i on •1th th• center line or Little Dry Creek, thence in a seuth-westerl7 dlrectien aleng the center line of Little Dry Creek 670 teet, (mere er leaa) te an lntersectien with the center line or South Santa Pe Street, preduced, thence aeuth aleng the center line er Seuth Santa Pe Street, preduced, 180 feet, (mere er lesa) t• an intersectien with the north proper~y line et Went Hampden Avenue, thence east aleng the north property line ef West Hampden Avenue 652 feet (mere er leaa) te the point er beginning (All lying in SEl/4 er Section 33 in SEl/4 I I I I I I I I I I (exclusive •f atreeta and alleys). A parcel •f land described as foll•••; Beginning at a peint which la an 1ntersec,ien er the center line of Main Street and a line par~lel te and 13 teet west or the east property line of S•uth Delaware Street; thence aeuth ••9 teet t• an intersecti•n with the center line of West Kenyen Avenue; thence east 130.6 reet; thence nertheasterly 67.2 feet; thence nerth 390 reet t• an 1nteraecti•n with the center line •f Kain Street thence weat aleng center line et Main Street thence west aleng center llne er Kain Street 163 teet· t• tbe peint er beginning. (Exclusive er streets and alleys). A parcel er land described as follows; Beginning at a peint en the center line er Main Street and 4tr reet east er the west property line er Seu.th Cberekee Street, produced, thence west alen ~ center line or Jlain Street 163 reeta thence aeuth •16 reet t• an intersectien with the northwest berder et the CitJ Ditch; t.hence northeast aleng the northwest berder •f the City Ditch 150.5 teet te an interaectien with a line which is parallel te and 47 feet eaat er the weat preperty line er Seuth Cherekee Street; thence north 230.5 teet aleng aa14 described line t• the peint er beginning. Exclusive •f street• and alle7a. A tract er land described as toll•••; Becinning at the interseotien et the south line er West Hampden Avenue with the center line extended er South Cherekee ltreot; thence south 920 feet, thence east 17 teet thence aeuth 230.5 teet te the bank er the Clty Ditch, thence northeasterly along s a id bank te an inter1ectien wit.h the center line extended •f alley between Seuth Banneck and South Cherekee Street; thance nerth aleng said center line t• nn interaeotien with the aeuth line er West Haapden Avenue thence we :·t aleng said south line t• the p•lnt et beginning. A tract er land lying in the west half er the northeast quarter er the n rtheast quarter fC Section feur more fully described aa tell•••; Beginn1n& at a point which is an intersection of the center line er Seuth Santa Pe Street with the seuth property line or West Hampden Avenuei thence west aleng the aeuth property line ef West Hampden Avenue 356 feet (more or less) t• an intersection with the west property line •f South Kalamath Street preduoed; thence aeut.h aleng the west property line of South Kalamath Street, preduoed 400 teet (aere or less) t• an intersectien with the nerth preperty line et Pearl Street, produced, thence west nlen6 the north pro ~erty line ef Pe~rl Street, preduoed, 120 teet (;.ore er less) te an interaectien with the eaaterl7 right er way b•undary line et the A. T. & s. F. Ry.; thence in a aeuthweaterl7 directi•n aleng the e aterly right •f WRY beundary line er the A. T. & s. P. Ry. 975 feet (more or less) to an intersectien with the center line of West Ken7en Ave. Thence east aleng the cente ~ line of West Kenyen Avenue 730 teet (mere er lesa) te an intersection with the center line er Seuth Santa Pe Street; thence nerth aleng the center line fC South Santa Fe Street 1340.7 reet (mere or leas) t• the peint er beginning. (Exclusive of streets and alleya). LOG ANDALE All er blecka 2 t• 17 both inclusive. All •f blecka 30 t• 37, beth lncluaive, All •f Blecks B, C, and D. JACKSON'S BROADWAY HEIGHTS All er Block 9. In Block 10, lots 12 t• 31, both inclusive. In Bleck 11, l•t• 19 t• 31, beth inclusive. All •f Blecks 22 t• 27, beth inclusive. and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said resolution adopting details and apeol- flcatlona rer the creation er an improvement district in the City et Engl••••d, Arapahee County, Celerade, te be knewn as the Trunk Line SanitRry Sewer Dl•tr1ct Ne. l, Bngl••••d, Colerado, and ordering publication •f notice to the ewner• et property t• be assessed tor the improvements t• be made in said district, •• tar •• the b•undariea or ••id district and the lets and parcels or land within said beundariea ia cencerned, be and the s 1·me 11 hereby amended t• read aa tell•••; Said propesed Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer District Ne. l. Englewoed, Celerade, ia cempeaed or all er the lets embraced within the boundaries hereinafter des- cribed aa rell••s; Beginning at the intersection of the center line of West Yale Avenue and South Fex Street; thence south along the center line •f South Fex Street te an 1ntersect1en with the center line of West B~tes Avenue; thence west aleng the center line er West BRtes Avenue te an intersection with the center line et South Gal a page Street; thence aeuth al•ng the center line •f South Galapa1• Street t• an intersectien with the canter line ef West Cornell Avenue; thence west aleng the center line of West Cornell Avenue re an interssctien with the center line •f Seuth Huren Street t• an intersectien with the center line of West Dartmeuth Avenue; thence east aleng the center line er West Dartmeuth Avenue te an intersecti•n with the west line extended of South Delaware Street; thence aeuth aleng said west line t• an inters~ctien with a ·line which ia parallel te and 100 teet aeuth of the south line of West Dartmo ·th Avenue; thence east aleng aaid parallel line t• an intersecti•n with the center line of Seuth Cherekee Street; thence seuth al•ng the center line •f Seuth Cher•~•• Street te an interaectien with the center line ef West Eastman Avenuea thence east along the center line et West Eastman Avenue t• Rn intersection wlth the extended center line et the alley in bleck 2, S.G. Hamlin's Groadway Addltien; thence aeutb al•n£ aaid center line or said alley and said center line extended te an inter- aectien with t.he extended center line •f East Fleyd Avenue; thence east al•n& the extended center line of extende of East Floyd Av r·nue t• an 1ntersectlen with the extended center line ef South Banneck Street; thence-wee\ aleng aa1d aeuth R••'A extended center line ef Seuth Banneck Street te an intersectien with the nerth line er Pl•ed Additionm thence west aleng said north line t• and inter- aectien •lt.h the extended center line of alley in Bleck 2, S.G. Hamlin's Bread•af Addittien; thence south aleng said extedned center line te an 1nter- aectlen with the southeasterly bank ef the City Ditch; thence southweaterl7 and aeutheasterly aleng said southe a sterly bank te and interaectien with the nerth line et let 15, bleck 11, Jackson's Breadway Heights, thence east alenc the nerth line and nerth line exten.led er leta 15 and 32 in said bleck 11 te and interaeotlen with the cente r line of South Elati Street; thence aeutb aleng t Ule aaid center line of Seuth ElRti Street te an 1nteraect1en with the center line et Seuth Elati Street te an intersectien with the center line et Weai Quincy Avenue; thence east aleng the center line er West Quincy Avenue te an interaectlen with the center line ef South Broadway thence south aleng the center line er Seuth Breadway te an intersectien with the extended south line er let 12, bleck •o, South Broadway Heigh\1, thence east aleng the south line and aout.h line extended or lets 12 and 37, block 40, Seuth Broadway Heights te I an lnteraeotlen with the center line of South Lincoln Streetl thencenerth alen1 the center line or South Linceln Street to an intersectien with the center line et Eu s t Quincy Avenue; thence east aleng the center line er East Quiaoy Avenue t• an intersection with the center line or South Clarkson Street; thence nert.h aleng the center line of South Clark Gon Street to a~ intersectien with the center line ot East llanaf ield Avenue to an intersection thence aleng the cen,er lln1 et Bast Mansfield west to the center line of South Broadway; thence north aleng the center line ef South Broadway to an intersection with the center line er Baat Kenyon Avenue;~emne east aleng the center· line or East Kenyon AYenue I te an interaeotien with the center line er Seuth Clarkaen Street; thence nerth aleng the center line •f South Clarkson Street te an interaectien with the center line er East Dartmo u th Avenue; thence west aleng the Center line of East Dart.JDeuth Avenue to an interaectien with the center line or South Legan Stree\J \hence nerth alene the center line or South Legan Street to an interaectien with the center line or East Yale Avenue; thence west aleng the center line '•f Bast Yale Avenue and West Yale Avenue te the peint er beginning. The fellowing is a description of leta and parcels of land incorporated in the Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer District No. l, City ef EngleweGd, Celerade, ~ amended. ANNANDALE Lota l te 10 inc., Lots 11 & 12, Lots 13 to 22 inc. Block 7. Lota l to 10 inc. Lots 11 & 12, Lots 13 to 22 inc. Bleck -a. Lots l to 10 inc. Lots 11 & 12, Lots 13 to 22 inc. Bleck 9. Lots l to 10 inc. Lots 11 & 12, Lots 13 to 22 inc. Block 10. KILLIES' SUBDIVISION Re-suldivision of Lots 2& 3 Killies' Sub. now known as Blocks l & 2 Killies Subd ivi•lon. Let l, Let.a 2 · .. t• 23 inc. Lets 2 4 & 25, Lots 26 to 47 inc. and Let 48, Bleck 1. Lot l, Lota 2te 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lots 26 te 47 inc. and Lot •8, Bleck 2. Re-subdivision of lots 6 & 7 Killies' Sub. now known as Blocks 3& 4, Killiea' Subdivlaion. Let,l, Leta 2 t• 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lots ~6 to 47 inc. and Let 48, Bleck 3. Lot 1, Lots 2 t• 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lets 26 to 47 inc. and Lot 4 0 , Bleck 4. Re-aubdivisien of Blocks 5 & 8 in Killiea' Subdivision. Let l, Leta 2 to 12 inc. Lots 13 te 23 inc. Let 24, Bleck l. Lot l, Lota 2 te 12 inc. Let 24, Bleck 2. Leta l te 11 inc. Leta 12 & 13, Lets 14 te 24 inc. Bleck 3. Lots l t.• 11 inc. Lota 12 & 13, Lots 14 t• 24 inc. Block •· STRAYER'S BROA l.,WAY HEIGHTS Lets l to 48 inc. Block l. Lets 1 to 48 inc, Lets l te 48 inc, Bleck 3 Lets l te 48 inc. Leta l te 48 inc. Bleck 5 Lots l to 48 inc. Lota 1 to 48 inc. Bleck 7 Lots l te 48 inc. ROSE ADDITION TO -ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, Block 2 Bleck 4 Block 6 Bleck 8 Let 1, Lots 2 te 23 inc. Lota 24 & 25, Lota 26 te 4~ ine. and Let •e, Block l. LetJ,~eta 2 to 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lots 26 t• 47 1no. and Let 48, Bleck 2. Let 1, Leta 2 to 23 inc. Lota 24 & 25, Leta 26 to 4• inc. and Lot 48, Bleck I. Let l, lets I te 23 inc. Lets 24 & 24, L•ta 26 to 47 inc. and Lot 48, Bleck 4. Leta Ml t• •a inc. Block 5. Lets l to 41 lnc. Bleck 6. Leta l te •8 inc. Bleck 7. Lets l t• 48 inc. Bleck 8. Lota l te 48 inc. Bleck 9. BANK ADDITION Lot l, Lets 2 to 23 inc. Lets 24 & 25, Leta 26 to 47 inc. and Lot 48, Bleck l. Lot l, Lots I te 23 inc, Lets 24 & 25, Lets 26 te 47 inc. and Let 48, Bleck 2. Let l, Lota 2 to 23 inc. Lota 24 & 25, Leta 26 t• 47 inc. and Lot 48, Block 3. Lot l, Leta 2 t• 23 inc. Lots 25 & 25, Lets 26 t• 47 inc. and Lot 48, Bleck 4. HAWTHORN ADDITION. Lots l te 48 inc. Blec k 6. Lota l t• 48 inc. Bleck 7. Lets l te 48 inc. Bleck 8. PREMIER ADDITION TO ENGLEWOOD. A parcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a point which is the inte rs ection or the south property line of Floyd Avenue with the east p~t.pe~ty line er Fleyd Avenue with the east pr operty line of Seuth Broadway; thence east aleng the south property line of Fleyd Avenue; 255 teet; thence south 125 feet; thence weat 255 f r.et te an inters nction with the east property line ef Seuth Br adway; thence north alone the ea~t property line or South Breadway 125 feet te ~he peint of be e inning. Exclusive of streets and alleys. I I I I I I I I A parcel er land described as follows; Beginning at a ~p•int which .is n the south property line of Fleyd Avenue and 255 feet eRst fr•m the east proper)J line et South Broadway; thence east aleng said south property line er Fleyd Avenue 195 reet; thence seuth 125 feet; thence west 195 feet ; thence north 125 teet t• the peint er beginning. Exclusive or Streets and alleys. A parcel •f land described as foll•ws; Beginning at a peint which le en the seuth pr•perty line of Floyd Avenue and 450 reet east ef the east propertJ line et Seuth Breadway thence 160 teet east aleng 'aEid south preperty line or Pleyd Avenue te an 1ntersectien with the west line or Seuth Sherman Street; thence aeuth aleng the west prope r ty line of South-Sherman Street 125 teet; thence west 160 reet; thence north 125 feet to the p•int or beginning, exclusive ot streets and alleys. A parcel or land described as foll•wa; Beginning at a point on the east preperty line or Seuth Broadway which is 125 feet south of the south preperty line et Pl•yd Avenue; thence east 610 feet to an interssction with t~e west pr•perty line or Seuth Sherman Street; thence south along said •••t property line et South Sheraan Street 194 feet; thence north alone the east property line of Seuth Breadway 194 feet to the point of beginning, exclusive •f streets and alleys, A parcel •f land described as follows; Beginning at a pe1nt on the .. st pr perty line or South Broadway which is 319 feet south er the seuth property line of Seuth Breadway which · is 319 f e et south er the south property line et Fleyd Avenue;.thence east 4 ~9 feet t• an intersection with the centre line ef alloy, preduced er Bleck 3, thence seuth along &Rid center line er alley produced 100 teet; thence wost along nerth l•t line and lot 11nes 'preduced er lot 5 bleck 3 and lots 5 and 20, Bleck 4, Premier Addition 459 feet to an intersection with the east preperty line of Seuth BreRdway Street; thence nertn aleng the east line •f Seuth Breadway Street 100 feet to the place er beginning. Excluaivo et streets and alleys. · A parcel er land described as follows; Beginning at a po6nt which ia 319 feet south of the south property line or Floyd Avenue and 459 feet east et the ea s t preperty line or South Broadway; thence east 151 teet to an 1nteraeot1on with the west property line of South Sherman Street thence south aleng the west property line of South Sherman Street 100 feet to an interssctlen •1th the nerth property line (produced) of l•t 20, block 3, Premier Addition; thence weat alen1 said north 1 t line or lot 20, block 3 151 teet to an intersection with the center line •f alley •f aforesaid bleck; thence north aleng the said center line er alley (produced) lpp teet to the point of beginning. Exclusive er street• and alleya. A parcel or land described as follews; Beginning at a point on the east property line et Seuth Breadway which is 197 feet south et ·the Seuth preperty line •f Girard Avenue; thence east along the south let line and let· lines preduced er lots 8 and 17, block 5 and lets s ·and 17; bleck 6, 611 feet to and 1nteraeotien with the west property line Qf South Sherman Street, thence south aleng the west property line of South Sh e rman Street 'lOO teet; thence weat 611 feet to an interaedtien with the east line or South Broadway, thence north along the ea st line of South Broad~ay 1 .. 0 feet te the point •f beginning. Exclusive of stre ta and alleys. A parcel or land described as follows; Beginning at a point on the east pr•perty line ef South Broadway which is 297 feet south •f the seuth lino et Girard Av nue; thence east a~ parallel with the south line •f Girard Avenue 611 teet to an interaectien with the west property line of South Sherman Street. thenc~ aeuth aleng the west line •f South Sherman Street 154 teet, thence west and parallel to the north line •f ·HRmpden Avenue 611 feet to an inter- sect! n with w,e eMst property line of South Broadway; thence nerth aleng the east llnti et' So"'t.h Br•ottc1way 1 54 fet:t t.O tne po1nll Of beg~nn1n~. u•lua1ve Of atreets and alleys • .A..parcel or lRnd desc r ibed RS follows; Beginning at a point on the east property line of South Broadway which is 154 feet north of the north property line f Han.pden Avenue, thence eRst 125 feet, thence south 50 feet; thence west 125 feet to an 1ntersect1en with the east line or south Broadway; thence north along the east property line of South Broadway 50 teet t• the point or be- ginning. Exclusive of streets and alleys. A parcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a point on tho east preperty line of South Broadway which is 104 feet north or the north line et Hampden Avenue; thence east 191 feet; thence south 25 feet; thence west 19i teet; t• an intersecti•n with the east l ine of South Breadway; thence north alen& the oaat ltne or Seuth Br•adway 25 feet t• the point er beginning. Exclualvo et streets and alleys. A parcel or land described Ra fellows; Beginning at a point on tho east line or South Broadway which is 79 feet north •f the n.rth line ef Hampden Avenue; thence east 12 5 fe r t; thence south 52 feet; thence west 125 teet te an in~eraectien with the east property line of South Broadway; thence north alen1 the east property line or South Broadway 52 feet t• the point •f beginninc. · A parcel er land described as follows; Beginning at a point which la the intersection of the north property line of Hampden Avenue and the East Property line of South Broadwayi thence nortn al•ng the east property line of South Br oadway 27 feet; thence east 125 feet; thence south 27 feet to an intersection with the no~th property line of Hampden Avenue; thence west aleng the north property line of Hampden Avenue 125 feet to the point of beginning. A parcel •f land described as follows; Beginning at a point en the north proJJe,·t,y line 01 Hampden Avenue wnich is 135 feet east •f the east property line er Sc th Broadway; thence north 79 fe e t; thence east 56 teet; thence seuth 79 teet to an intersect i on with the north property line of Hampden Avenue; thence west aleng the north property line of HRmpden Avenue 56 feet t• the point ot beginning. - A parcel •f land described Rs follows; Beginning at a point en the north preperty line •f H~mpden Avenue which is 191 feet east of the east propert1 line of South Broadway; thence north 154 feet; thence eRst 50 feet; thence aeuth 154 teet t• an intersection with the north line •f Hampden Avenue;. thence west along the north property line of H ~mpden Avenue 50 feet te the point of beginning. A parcel or land deocribed R S follows; Be e inning at a point on the norih property line ~f 9PmJ 'a= Avenue which is 241 reet east •f the east property llne ~ of Se11tb Bro~; tnence nvr'Lu 154 feet.; thence 8fl.st 50 feet; thence aeuth 154 feet to an intersection with the north line of Hampden Avenue; thence wost aleng the north property lire of Hampden Avenue 50 feet te the pornt of beginning. ~06 -' ; ~-.. -f . A parcel of land descr i bed as follows; Beginning at a point on the nerth preperty line of Hampden Avenue which is 291 feet east of the east propert1 line et Hampden Avenue which is north 154 feet; thence east 50 feet; thence eeuth 154 teet te an intersection with the north property line of Hampden Avenue; thence west aleng the north preperty line of Hampden Avenue 50 feet t• the point et beginning. A parcel or land described as follows; Beginning at a point en the north preperty line et Hampden Avenue which is 341 feet east er the east property line et Seuth Broadway; thence north 154 feet; thence east 170 feet, thence seuth 154 teet te an intersection with the north property line of Hampden Avenue; thence I west aleng the north property line of HlllDpden Avenue 170 feet te the point et beginning. A parcel et land described as follewa; Beginning at a point which is an in• teraect l en r the north property line of Hampden Avenue with the west property line er Seuth Sherman Street; thence west aleng the north preperty line et Hampden Avenue 100 reet; thence north 154 feet; thence east 100 feet te an 1ntersect1en ·with the west property line of Seuth Sherman Street; thence aeuth aleng the west preperty line ot Seuth Sherman Street 154 feet to the point et beginning. Let l, Lota 2 te 47 inc. and L•t 48, Bleck l. · I Lot l, Let• 2 te 47 inc. and Lot 48, Block 2. Let 5, Leta 6 te 19 inc. and Let 20, Bleck 3. •, Let 5, !Ats 6 te 19 inc. and Lot 20, Bleck 4. Leta l to 7 inc. Leta 8 & 17, Lets 18 to 24 inc. Block 5. Leta 1 te 7 inc. Leta 8 & 17, Lota 18 to 24 inc. Bleck 6. Leta l te 23 inc. Lets 24 & 25, Lots 26 to 48 inc. Bleck 7. Leta l te 23 i nc. Leta 24 t 25, Lots 26 to 48 inc. Bleck 8. WESTVIEW ADDI TiuN ~ ENGLEWOOD. A parcel or:land described as follows; Beginning at a point which ls the intersection of the west property line of South Clarkson Street with the north preperty line of Hampden Avenue; thence east along the north property line et H mpden Av nue 300 feet to an intersection with the center line or South WRahington Street; thence north aleng the center line of Seuth Washingten Street 6~5 reet te an intersection with the center line •f Girard Avenue; thence eaat aleng the center line of Girard Avenue 300 feet te an interaectien with the west property line of South Clarkson Street; thence south aleng the west preperty llne et Seuth Clarkaen Street 635 feet to the poipt of beginning. Let l, Leta 2 t• 49 inc. and Lot 50, Bleck l. Let l, Leta 2 te 49 inc. and Lot ~o, B1eok 2. Let 1, Le ta 2 te 49 inc. and Lot 5~, Bleck 3. Let l, Lots 2 te 49 inc. and Lot 50, Block 4. Lets 1 t 20 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lots 26 to 48 inc. Block 5. I Lets l te 2~ inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lots 26 te 48 inc. Block 6. Lota l te ~~inc. Lots 24 & 2 ;, Lots 26 to 48 inc. Bleck 7. BIRCH'S ADDITION !Q ;,ouTH BROADWAY HEIGHTS Let 1, Lets 2 to 49 inc. and lot 50, Bleck l. L t l, Lots 8 te 49 inc. and 1 t 50, Block 2. L t l to 50 inc. Block ~. Lota l to 50 inc. Block 4. HIOGIN'S ENGLEWOOD GARDENS Lota l to 50 inc. Bleck l. Lots l to 50 inc. Bleck 2. Lets l to 5u inc. Bleck 3. Lots l to 50 inc. Bleck 4. Lota l te 48 inc. Bleck 5. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 6. Leta l to 24 inc. NEl/4 SBl/4 Block 7. Nlfl/4, SWl/4, NEl/4, SEl/4, Block 8. A tract ef land described 68 follows; Beginning at a point whidh is an interaectien or the enst property line of South Broadway with the center line ef West Kenyon Avenue (produced) thence north along the east line of Seuth BreRdway 660 teet te an intersection with the centre line of Jefferson Avenue; thence east aleng the center line of Jefferson Avenue 652 feet to an inter- esc tlen with the center line of South Sherman Stre e t; thence north aleng the center line of South Sherman Street 7 feet to an intersectien with the center line or Jetteraen Avenue; thence east along the center lim of Jetfersen Avenue; I 622 teet te an intersection with the center line of South LegRn Street; thence aouth aleng the center line of Seuth Loge.n Street 660 teet te an intersection with the center line of West Kenyon Avenue (produced) thence wes' aleng the center llne et West Kenyon Avenue (produced) 1274 feet to the point of beginning. Exclusive or hlleys and streets. All lies in the $1/2 or the NWl/4 et the REl/4 et Sectien 3. SOUTH BROADWAY HEIGHTS. Lots l 0 48 inc. Block l. Lots l t• 48 inc. Bleck· 2. Lets l te 48 inc. Bleck 3. Lots l t• 48 inc. Block 4. Leta l te 48 inc. Block 5. Lots l to 41 lnc. Bleck 6. Leta l to 4E inc, Bleck 7. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 8. Leta l te 48 inc. Blee :, 9. Lots 1 te 48 lnc. Bleck 10. Leta l to 48 lnc. Block 11. Lots l te 48 inc. Bleck 12. Lets l te 48 inc. Block 13. Lots l to 48 inc. Bleck'l4. Leta 1 te 4tj inc. Block 15. Lot~ 1 to 48 inc. Bleck 16. Leta 1 te 48 inc. Bl•cx 17. Lota l t• 48 inc. Bleck 18. Lel-8 l t• 48 inc. Block 19. Lets l t• 48 inc. Bleck 20. Let• J. to 4e inc. Block 21. Lots l te 4B inc. Bleck 22. Leta l t• 48 lnc. Block 23. Lets l te 48 inc. Block 24. Mt• 1 te 48 inc. Block 25. Lots l te 48 inc. Bleck 26. Leta• 1 te 48 inc. Bleck 27. I.Lota l te 48 inc. Bleck 28. Leta l te 48 inc. Bleck 29. Lots l te 48 inc. Bleck 30. Leta l te 48 inc. Block 31. Lots l to 48 inc. Bleck 38. Lota l te 12 and Leta 37 to 48 inc. Block 40 I I I I I I Lota l to 48 inc. Block l. Lota l te 48 inc. Block 3. Lots l to 4 0 inc. Bleck I. Leta l t• 48 inc. Block 11. Leta l te 48 lnc. Block 13. Lets l t• 48 inc. Bleck 15. S.G. Leta l t• 4 A inc. Bleck l. Leta l t• 4 8 inc. Block 3. TERRY'S ADDITION. Lots l Lets l IDLEWILD. Lots 1 Lota l Lota 1 Lots l HAMLIN'S ADDITION. Lotr> 1 Lots l TAYLOR'S ADDITION. to 48 to 48 t• 48 t• 48 t• 48 t• 48 t• 48 to 48 Lets l to 18 inc. Lot 19, Lots ~o to 29 inc. Lot 30, Lot Block l. Lets l to 18 inc. hot 19, . ~ ts 20 ae 29 inc • Lets 30, 31 Bleck 2. inc. Bleck 2. inc. Block 4. inc. Bleck 10. inc. Bleck 12. inc. BlecK 14. inc. Block 16. inc. Block 2. inc. Bleck '· 31, Lots 32 t• 49 inc. and Lota 32 t• 49 inc. Leta l te 18 inc. Lot 19, Lota 20 to 29 inc. Lots 30 , ~1 and Lots 32 te 49 inc. Block 3. SPEER'S BROADWAY ADDITION. Lots l te 4 6 inc. Bleck 17. Lots l to 48 inc. Bleck 18. Lota l t• 4 8 inc. Block 18. Lots l te 48 inc. Bleck 20. Leta l te 48 inc. Bleck 21. Lets l te 48 inc. Bleck 22. Lots l to 48 inc. Bleck 2;,,. Lots l te 48 inc. Block 24. HEE'S ADDITION. L t l, Lots 2 te 24 inc. Lots 25 to 47 inc. Lot 48 BLock l. Lot l, Lot.a 2 to 47 inc. and Lot 48, Block 2. Lot 1, Leto 2 to 47 inc. and Lot 4 :', Block 3. s .. e. HAMLIN'S BROADWAY ADDITION. Leta l t• 24 inc. Bleck l. Lots l to 24 inc. Bleck 2. Lets l te 24 inc, Bleck 3. Lots l te 12 inc. Lots 13 te 24 inc. Bleck 4. A tract or land descr1c e d a ;, follows; Beginning at a point wgich 1• the intersection •f the south property line of West Dartmouth Avenue with the west preperty line er South Cherokee Street; thence west aleng the south pr perty line er West Dartmouth Avenue 3 CO feet to an intersectien with a line, produced, which ls p Rrallel te and 25 feet west of the east property line fl Seuth Delaware Street; thence south aleng &Rid line 100 feet thence east 300 feet to an inter- sect1en with the West property line of Seuth Cherokee Street; thence north aleng the west property line •f South Cherokee Street ~00 feet to the point et beginning. Exclusive er streets and alleys. A tract lying in the NEl/4 of the SWl/4 or Section 34 mere tully described as t•llewa; Beginning at a point wh ich is en the west property line •f Seuth Broadway 308.7 feet aeuth er the south property line •f Eastman Avenue; thence •••t 789.5 teet west; thence south 330 ffet; thence east 222.6 teet; thence aerth 182 teet; thence east 566.~ reet t• an intersection with the west preperty line et Seuth Broadway; thence north aleng the west property line er Seuth Breadway 150 teet t• the point er beginning. Exclusive of streets and alleya. A tract or land lying in the NEl/4 of the SWl/4 of Sec. SI more fullJ described •• t•llowa; Beginning at ~ p•int wnich is an intersection of the west property line or Seuth Broadway with the center line preduoed, ot Floyd Avenue; thence West aleng the center line of Floyd Avenue, produced, 568.l feet; thence nerth i :2 teet; thence e Rst 288.2 feet; thence south 107 feet; thence east 280 teet te an intersectien with the west property line er Seuth Breadway; thence aeuth alen ~ the west property line ef South Breadway 75 feet t• the point et beginning. Exclusive •f streets and alleys. A parcel er land lying in the NEl/4 of the SWl/4 or Section 34 more tully descri bed as tellewa; Beginning at a p p int which is en ~,the west property line et Seut.h Breadway and 452.7 reet south er the south property line of Eaatman Avenue; thence west 280 feet; thence south 107 feet; thence east 880 reet te an lntersect~on w1~h the west preperty line of South Broadway; thence north aleng the west property line of South Broadw Ry 107 feet t• the point ef beginning. Bxclus 1v e of streets and alleys. A tract or land lying in the SE l /4 of the SWl/4 of Section 34 more fully described as follows; Beginning at a point which is the intersection ot the west preperty line or Seuth Br•adway and the center line, produced, er Fleyd Avenue; thence west aleng the center line 0 1 Floyd Avenue; thence 611.2 teet; thence south 338.8 reet; thence east 611.2 feet t• an intersectien with the west preperty line of Seuth Breadway; thence north aleng the west preperty line of Seuth Broadway 338.8 teet t• the p o int •f beginning. Exclusive •f streets and alleys. A p .. cel et land lying in the SEl/4 of SWl/4 of Seotien 34 more tull7 described as tellowa; Beginning at a point which is the interssctlen et t.be weat preperty line of South Br•Rdway and north property line er Girard Avenue; thebce west aleng the north property line of Girard Avenue 544.8 teet; thence nerth 306.2 feet; thence east 544.8 feet to an intersectien with the west preperty line •f South Broadway; thence south aleng the west preperty line ot Seuth Br .. dway 306.2 feet to the point of be~inning. Exclusive or street• and alle19 A parcel of land lying in the S~l/4 or the SWl/4 •f Sec. S& more tully described as foll•••; Beginning at a point en the nerth preperty line et Hampden Avenue and 243 feet west of the west property line er Seuth Br ... dway; thence west aleng the north property line or H~mpden Avenue 280 teet; thence nerth 605.B teet te an intersection with the seuth property line of Girard Avenue; thence east aleng the south preperty line of Girard Avenue 260 reet; thence south 605.8 teet te the peint er beginning. Exclusive of streets and alleys. .. !· .... ENWOOD ADDITlON Lota 25 te 47 inc. Lot 48, Bleck l. A parcel er land described as followa; Beginning at a point on the west property line er South Broadway which is 300 feet north or the north preper)J line 1€ HAmpden Avenue; thence west alene the north let line or let numbered 36, 125 feet t• an intersectien with the east alley line; thence north aleng the east alley line 14.6 feet to ~n intersection with the seuth let line or let numbered 37, thence east 125 reet to an intersection with the west preperty lirm ~ S uth Broadway; thence south al•n8 the west preperty line of South Broadway 14.6 feet to the point of beginning. . A parcel •f land described as fell•••; Beeinning at a point on the north pr perty line ef Hampden Avenue and 143 reet west er the west preper\y line et Seuth Breadway; thence west aleng the north preperty line er Hampden Avenue 100 teet; thence north 605.6 feet t• an intersection with the aeuth property line of Girard Avenue; thence eRst aleng the south property .line •f Girard Avenue, 100 feet t• an interssct1en with the west alley line; thence aeutb aleng the weat alley line 605.6 feet t• the point er beginning. FLOOD ADDITION. Lot l, lets 2 to 17 inc. Lot 18, Lots 19 & 20, Lots 21 & 22, Lots 23 to al inc. Let 32, Lot 33, Lots 34 to 37 inc. and Let 38. A parcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a point which is the intersect! n of the south proper)y line of West Hampden Avenue with the center line extended of alley between South Bannock Street and South Cherekee Street thence aeuth aleng said center line t• t he City Ditch; thence meandering nerth- easterly aleng aftid City Ditc• t• an intersection with the center line extended et Seuth Acema Street; thence north Rlong the center line et Seuth Acema Street 648 reet to an intersect1on with the cente r line or Sheridan Avenue; thence nerthweat 145 teet and 130 reet n leng the center line er Sheridan Avenue \e an 1ntersectien with the aouth preperty line •f West Hampden Avenue; thenoe •eat aleng the south property line of west HRmpden Avenue to the point Gt beginning. Exclusive or Streets and alleys. A parcel er aldn described as fellowa; Beginning at a point llhich la the intersection ot t.he west proper)y line of South Broadway with the South Property line •f Weat Hampden Avenue; thence south aleng the west property line et Seutb Breadway 175 feet t• an intersection with the center line of Sheridan Avenue; t.henoe in a northwesterly direstien al•ng the center line or Sherican Avenue 565 reet t• n intersectien wit.h the south preper~y line or West Hampden Avenue; thence east Rleng the south property line or West Hampden Avenue 530 reet te the peint of beglnnlng. Exclusive er streets ant alleys. SHADY SIDE ADDITION !Q ENGLEWOOD, Lota l, Lots 2 te 24 one. Lot 25, Lot 26, Lota 27 t• 49 inc. and Let 50, Bleck l. ENGLEWOOD HEIGHTS Lets l te 7 inc. Lot s, Bleck l. A parcel er land described as follows; Beginning at a point en the west rr preperty line of South Broadway which is 242 feet north or the center line er West Kenyon Av nue; thence west aleng the north let line of let 16, bleck l, of Haailten and Killie's Broadway Heights, 125 to an intersect1en with .the east alley line er Bleck 1, Englewood Heights; thence north Rleng the east alley line or b leok l, Engleweed Heights 200 feet to an intersection with the south property llne •f West Jerferaon Avenue; thence east aleng the south property line er West Jefferson Avenue 125 feet to an intersection with the west preperty line or Seuth BroR dway; thence south Rlong the west property line of South Broadway 200 teet to the place or beginning. Lets l to 7 lnc. Leta 8 & 9, Lota lO to 16 inc. Block 2. Leta a, 1 0, Lets 11 & 12, Lots 13~ 14 Bleck 3. Leta 4, I, 6' 7, & 8, Lets 9 te 11 inc. Lets 12 & 13. Bleck 4. Let l (netrt.hJ Let 2 (south) Block 5. HAltILTON AND KILLIE'S BROADWAY HEI8HTS. Let l, l eta 2 te 15 inc. Lot 16, .Blockl. I I I Let l, Leta 2 t• 15 inc. Lot 16, Bleck 2. I Let,l, Lets 2 te 15 inc. Let 16, Block 3. Let 9 (a outh). Leta 10 & 11, Lot 12 (neeth), Bleck 4. Leta ~.i a, 3, 4, 5, & b, Leta 7 t• 48 inc. Bleck 5. Lota l t• 40 inc. Bleck 6. Leta l te 48 inc. Bleck 7. Leta l te 48 inc. Bleck 8. Leta l te 24 inc, Bleck 9. Leta 1 te 24 inc. Bleck 10. Lets l te 24 lnc. Bleck 11. Leta l te 24 inc. Bleck 12. A parcel et land described as f~llows; Beginning at a peint en the west property line er Seuth Breadway 300 feet aeuth er the aeuth preperty lln• er I Weat Lehigh Avenue; thence weat aleng the south let linea ef leta 13 & 12 et Blecka 9, 10, ll & 12, Hamilt•n & Killie's Breadway Height• 1874 reet (••re er le leaa) te an intersect1•n with the center line er Seuth Delaware Street SIO teet ( .. re er leaa) te an intersection ~1th the center line er West llanar1eld Avenue; thence eaat alenc the center line or west Kanar1eld Avenue 1874 reet (aore er leaa) te an 1nterssct1on with the west property line er Seuth Breadway thenoe north aleng th• west property line of Seuth Broadway 330 teet ( .. re er leaa) te the p int er beginning. Exclusive •f streets and alle7a. Leta 1 t• 48 inc. Block l. Leta l to 48 inc. Bleck 3. Leta l t• 48 inc. Block 5. JACKSON'S BROADWAY HEIGHTS Leta l t• 48 lnc. Bleck 2. Lots 1 te 4C inc. Block 4. Lota l te 48 inc. Bleck 6. I I I I Lets 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, Bleck 7. Leta 20 t• 42 inc. Lots 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,-48, Bleck 7. Leta 25. 26, 27, and 28, Bleck 8. Leta 1, 2, and S, Block 10. Lets 38, 39, 40, 41, 42. Leta 43 te 46 inc. Bleck 10. Leta 1 te ~a inc. Let1 13, 14, 15, Lot 32, Leta 33 te 4 6 inc. Bleck 11. Lets l t• 28 inc. Lots 23 & 24, Lets 25 te 46 inc. Bleck 12. Leta l t• 22 inc. Lets 23 & 24, Lets 2 5 te '' inc. Bleck 13. Leta L t• 12 inc. Lets 23 & 24, Lets 25 te 46 inc. Bleck J.I. '' 1 te 88 inc. Lets 23 & 24, Lots 25 te 46 inc. Bleck 15. Leta 1 t• 82 inc. Leta 23 & 24, Lets 25 t• 4e inc. Bleck 11. Let 1, Leta 2 t• 45 inc. Lot 46, Bleck 17. Let 1, Leta 2 t• 45 inc. Let 46, Bleck 18. Let l, Leta 2 te 45 inc. Let 48, Bleck 19. Let 1, Lets 2 te 4! inc. Let 48, Bleck IO~ Let 1, Lota ·2 te 45 inc. Lot 48, Bleck 21. Let 1, Leta 2 t• 47 inc. Lot 48, Bleck 28. Lot l, Lets 2 t• 47 inc. Lot 48, Bleck 29. Let l, Leta 2 te 47 inc. Lot 48, Block 30. Let 1, Leta 2 te 47 inc. Lot 48, Bleck :51. Let 1, Leta 2 te 47 inc. IAt 1 8, Bleck 32. Leta 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, .22, _2s, 24, Leta 25 te 40 ino, Leta 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48, Bleck 33. Leta l te 48 inc. Block 34. Leta 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Lots 21 te 34 inc. Leta 35, 36, 37, 38, S9, and 40 Bleck 35. Blee' A. and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the engineer's amended mapa, abhedulea, eatlmatea and aaaeasment rell be and the same are hereby Rpproven and adep~ed by thla Clt7 Ceuncil as the amended maps, schedules, estimates and aaaeaament rell rer ua ln th• cenatructien er the improvements te b e made in the said district, and · BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the ordinance heretofore in the reaolu(len adepted en August 3, 1921, aferesaid, erdered prepared ..by the CltJ Atterne1 and the passage er which was te be censidered by this Council en:Jlenda7 the 12th da7 •f September, A.D. 1921, be censidered fer passage and adeptien bJ thia Cemioll en the 16th day er February A.D., 1922, and · · BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ·, that any and all preceedin&• er reseluti•n• er actiena heretet re taken and adopted or pansed by this council in any way, ·ahape er term etrecting the creatien of the Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer District Re. 1, lngleweed, Delerade, be and the ••.me are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed in ever7 detail except as the srune are Rmended by this resolutien, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT ANY AND ALL REPORTS, details, specifioatlena, estimates, maps, schedules and plans adopting materials hereterere ~pared and tiled with the Clerk of the City effecting or in conneotien with the preceedings creating the Trunkline Sanitary Sewer District No. l, Englewood, Celerade, 'b7 Glen A. Izett, City Engineer, be and the same are hereby appreved, ratit{ed and cenfirmed, except as amended or changed by this reselutlen. · · THEREU .ON Councilman Cole moved that the abeve resolutien juat read b~ the Clerk be adopted RS read. Councilman Thempson seconded t h e motion. Open r 11 call the Councilmen present voted as tellewaa Cele, Aye. Culliaon,Aye. Eagleten, Aye. Johnson, Absent. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. Five Ayes, One Absent. The Mayor declared the motion carried and the reselu~ien adepted, Arter the transaction er the routine business or the Ceuncil tae Majer announced that the Council would proceed to the further consideration rer final determlnatien of the written propests filed on or before 6 P.M. September 12, 1921, agRi nst the creation of the LaterRl Shnitary Sewer District No. l, Bngleweed, Colerade. · · · Whereup~n the llayer asked if there were any further protests agains( said district. There being no further protests heard Councilman Cele intreduced the tell•wlng resolution which the clerk read in full and which is as fellows, t• wit; WHEREAS pursuant to a netice heretefore aut~•rized by this Ceuncil and pub li shed in the Englewood Herald and signed by the Clerk et the City er ·Bngleweed, Colerado, wherein notice was given that en the 12th day •f September, A.D • .J.921. written protests would be heard and determined agninat the creation of the lateral Sanitary Sewer District No. l, Englewood, Colorado within said City ef Bnglewoed, and · · WHEREAS this Ceuncil did en the sRid 12th day •f September, A.D. 1981 meet in regular session in the City Hall within snid City and at the hour er 8 P.K. en saSA day the fellewlng written protests agRinst the creatien er siid impr vement distric• were re ad and ordered filed, te-wit; · TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLO., AND ALL WHOK IT MAY CONCElli We, th e µndersigned, being owners, taxpayers, and residents ef Jackson's Heights Add it i on •f the City et Englewood, in ArRpahoe County, State et Celerade, de hereby ebject and 111?.ke protest against the pRssage ef an ordinance which previd•a tor certain •~nitary sewer improvements, and Rlso provides that the above .. ntiened Additien be a part of Lateral Sanitary Sewer District No. l, et the CitJ et Engleweld We maintain that Jackson's Breadway Heights Additien, being served by tw• 2 inch water mains with approximntely 45 taps en each, and ene 2 inch water main with a ppreximately 30 taps, dees net have a water supply sutticient 'te operate and tlaah suc h a se~er and keep it in a sanitary cenditien; there being abeut six mentha in each year that the majerity of hemes de net receive enough water rer demestic puepeaes. · · We further maintain that the installati•n of such a sewer (witheut water) • uld be a detriment t• eur community and incur an unjust expense en all \axpayers and property ewners in and fer the above mentiened Additien. . ,;$10 : .... '! .-. . 31t We de theretere ask that the portion •f the propeaed ordinance, aa advertised and published in the Englewoed Herald er August 5, 1921, and August 26th, 1921, which includes Jackson's Breadway Heights Addition as part er the Lateral Sanitary Sewer District le. 1, et the City er Englewood, Celerade, be struck eut at the ttnal passage et the ordinance. And that the abeve mentlened addltien be excluded trea the Lateral Sanitary Sewer Diatrice No. l, er the City er Bngleweed, and tbat the aewer be net built ter the said Additien until such a ttme aa water .. 1na HAVE BEEM lnatalled ln aald Addition sufficient in aize te properly tluah auoh a aewer and th Rt all taxpayers and property owners in and fer Jackaen'a Breadway Heights Additlen er the City •f En ~lewoed be exempt frem all assessment, taxes, er et.her ceata et the propesed sanitary sewer it installed ln any ether part et th•· I olty er Engle•••d. J.A. Merell------------------------~-----------------4~63 South Banneok St. P.M. Deane-------------------------------------------4226 Seuth Cherekee J.G. C••k--------------------------------------------327 West Prlncten Minnie <Jallagher-------------------------------------422 ~ Seuth Cherekee L.M. Wall-------------------------------------------•4281 Seut.h Cherekee H.C. Grant------------------------·-----------------•4290 Seuth Cherekee R.D. Cleaver, G.K. Andrwea-----------------------------------------1378 Rlgh Street Ray Hlxon--------------------------------------------4208 Seuth Cherekee P.W. Stanabury---------------------------------------4185 Seuth Pox J.B. Hunt--------------------------------------------4200 Seuth Delaware Peaaie Washburn--------------------------------------4198 South Blatl L11~1an Eberhardt------------------------------------4801 Seuth Delaware H.G. Stanabury---------------------------------------4185 Seuth Pex J.R. L. Smith----------------------------------------4231 South Banneok W.W. Henderaen---------------------------------------4008 Seuth Cherekee c. Snedaker-----------------------------------------4089 South AoGma Ge•. Breeze------------------------------------------4090 S•uth Banneck W.R. H• .. --------------------------------------------4171 Seuth Breadwa1 L.A. Heran-------------------------------------------4171 Seuth e .. dway Jese ph 1n e A. Ollman----------------------------------4086 Seuth Acoma (name taken Mr. and Mrs. w.1. Hughea-----------------------------4107 South Acomaeft by request) Mra. E.P. Sireet-------------------------------------4011 Seuth Acema H.M. Lambert-----------------------------------------,000 Seuth Acema P. Haddew--------------------------------------~-----3664 Seuth Banneck Sherman s. TPyler-----------------------------------4050 Seuth Banneck W.G. Meere------------------------------------------4046 Seuth Banneck A.P. Swansen----------------------------------------4015 South Banneok H.T.T. Howard----------------------------------------4001 South Banneck Bllaabeth M. Heward---------------------------------4001 Seuth Banneck(name taken •lnnle Allen-----------------------------------------3977 Seuth Banneckotf by request P.J. Allen------------------------------------------3177. Seuth Banneok . H.B. Harde stle--------------------------------------4031 Seuth Banneok(naae taken llra. M. Ceeper--------------------------------------4021 Seuth Banneokett by request w.s. Ll&gett-----------------------------------------4010 Seuth Acema Jira. Bensen------------------------------------------1981 South Acema R.P. Street------------------------------------------4011 Beuth Acema T.L. Pa yne-------------------------------------------4015 Seuth Breadway llr. and Ura. Carla•n---------------------------------4001 Seuth Delaware Bd~ard Xeehler---------------------------------------,110 Seuth Pex Jam•• T. Breen---------------------------------------41S5 Seutb Delaware Jeseph ~ipferl---------------------------------------4185 Seutb Cherekee Jehn B. Pellewa-------------------------------------4208 Seuth Pex llrs. W.A. Teo---------------------------------------4897 Seuth Blatl Jira. Anna Galea--------------------------------------4235 South Delaware llra. Fred Slmmens------------------------------------4210 Seuth Delaware Jack Palmer------------------------------------------4209 Seuth Banneok D.R. Perrin------------------------------------------4101 Seuth Delaware llra. D.R. Agnew--------------------------------------4226 Seut.h Banneok w.c. Whyts-------------------------------------------4212 Seuth Banneok Otte Lungreat----------------------------------------~236 Seuth Banneck J.C. Sherrlll----------------------------------------4~35 Seuth Banneok E.J. Crewst•n----------------------------------------4102 South Cherokee P.D. Ketcham-----------------------------------------4079 Seuth Banneok llra. L.P. Dye----------------------------------------4080 Seuth Banneck(name taken H.P. Rarlan------------------------------------------4080 Seuth Cherekeett by P.H. Burk•-------------------------------------------4240 Seuth Elatl request) J ea Jacka•n----------------------------------------4279 Seuth Pex Roy Deulin------------------------------------------Engl••••d, Celo. B.D. Strock------------------------------------------4290 Seut.h Pea Paul Miller-----------------------------------------4871 South Elati Claude Ramer-----------------------------------------4291 Seuth Acoma c. Ret henleach-------------------------------------4271 South Ace11& llra. D. Fuller-------------------------------------'887 Seuth Aoema Kelly------------------------------------------4157 Seuth Acema .R. Cewdery-----------------------------------------4151 Seuth Acema llrs. Clara Barger------------------------------------4109 Seutb Acema K •• Denten------------------------------------------4126 South Acema T.A. Sumey-------------------------------------------,140 Seuth Ace .. P.M. Hlll---------------------------~----------------'150 Seuth Aoema llra. Rm ma L. 8111------------------------------------4180 Seuth Aoema Julius Sumey-----------------------------------------4130 Seuth Acema Grant L. Paagen--------------------------------------4100 Seuth Acema Iena H. Chandler ror Bareld w. and Fred A. Chandler-----------------------4210 Seuth Pex Wm. T. Christian-------------------------------------4880 Seuth Delaware C.L. Bens•n------------------------------------------4255 Seuth Bannock llrs. L .C. Martin-----------------------------------308 Seuth Ogden(Cerner er Quincy Jennie K. Anderaen-----------------------------------4271 Seuth Bannecluld Banneck) L.C. Kilgore-----------------------------------------4243 South Aoema Gua Lawsen-------------------------------------------4293, 4287 Settb Cberekee Axel Sannla-----~-----------------------------------4231 Seuth Cherekee I I I I I I I I I Deuglaa A. Reller--------------------------------926 Equitable Blg. llrs. Isabella Ferd--------------------------------1882 Karlen Street llra. Atta w. Spencer------------------------------4097 Souih Banneck llra. Atta W. Spencer tor Gee. Weolsey, 9 lots, Blk. 23. K.M. Dunn-----------------------------------------4297 South Breadway Themas P. Dunn by K.M. Dunn-----------------------4297 Seuth Breadway llra, D.V. Methard---------------------------------3980 Seuth Acema llra. Jennie M. Perry-----------------------------3920 Seuth Ac•ma by Eula Perry llra. John Bertell------------------------------3943 Seuth lanneok K. Fred Grad--------------------------------------3990 Seuth Cherekee C •• Martin-------------------------------------3991 Seuth Cherekee by Jira. C.K. llra. ViolA Sutlitf--------------------------------4201 Seuth Ac•ma David Gardner-------------------------------------4040 Seuth Elati P.L. Barbee---------------------------------------4031 South Elat1 llra. Enegh Bodya----------------------------------4032 Seuth Fex llra. MAry HArts-----------------------------------4032 South Pex Berry J. Slater-----------------------------------4031 Seuth Elati M.E. Grnnt----------------------------------------4100 Seuth Elat1 Harry w. Grubb------------------------------------4207 Seuth Broadway E.M. Call•ley------------------------------------4037 Seuth Broadway E.D. Rit ~her--------------------------------------4061 Seuth Breadway ltrs. Edna Settle----------------------------------3953 South Acema llra. EllA Penny-----------------------------------3947 South Acema Gee. E. Yeager------------------------------------3945 South Acema Lewis E. Wright-----------------------------------3950 Seuth BreadwRy Genevieve W. Dow----------------------------------3985 Seuth Bannock 106 names. WHEREAS the final considerRtion and determination •f said written protests was at the meeting en the 12th day •f September, areresaid, by actien er said Ceuncil duly adopted, continued to September 15th, 1921, and en said Septermlter 15th 1921 duly centinued to September 20th, 1921, and on sat• September 20th, 1921 was duly and regularly continued to October 10th, 1921 and was en &Rid Octeber 19th, 1921 further duly and regularly continued to this the 9th day er January, A.D. 1922, and WHEREAS, the aforesaid written pretests and each or them has been dulJ cen- aidered by this Council and same are found to be without merit except aa herein- after sst ferth, and WHEREAS, said pretests are or a general nature and have been si~ned as appears en the race thereer by various persons without in all instances setting terth eppeaite their signature the exRct description •f the preperty owned by them and alleged by them t• be situated within the b•undaries of said sewer district aa heretetore b y this Council determined, and , WHEREAS, for this reRson and on account •f the general nAture er said pre- tests it is censidered by this Council as being practically impossible te deter- aine the pretest er each individual protestor and pass upen aame apecitioally, and WHEREAS, this Ceunc11 after due censideratien •f aaid pretests and the extent •f aaid sewer district has determined that there aheuld be aeme et the property designated in said pretests and included within the original beundariea as heretefere determined excluded frem said sewer district aa heretetore created and amended boundary lines fixed and determined, and WHEREAS, in considering a1id pretests for the purpose er their final deter- mination thia Council has been in censultation with Glen A. Izett, its C1~7 Engineer, and the aaid City Engineer has prepared an · amended map•• aald dlatriot ahewlng thereon the boundaries and the property included therein as hereinafter mere fully described and which amended mR p ia now en f lle in the eftice et the City Clerk er said City tegether with said engineer's amended estimate et the ceat er said sewer district together with an amended assessment rell sh••1Dg th• eatimated amount er the cest in prop•rtion to the benefit accruing t• be assessed against each let er parcel •f land included within said amended beundary which ala• appears on file in the office of said City Clerk. The said estimated and prebable c•st of said improvements with the appurt e nances is One Hundred Seventeen Thousand, Five Hundred Ninty-eight and n•/100 (tll7,598.00) Dellara. That the maximum probable cost per let or tract er land twenty-rive (25) teet by One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet, exclusive of streets and a l leys aa shewn by the estimate of the City En ,Jineer to be assessed upon the respective lots er parcels •f land in SRid propos•d district is estimated t• be Dollars for each •f said lots er tracts of land (all said estimated of cest being exclusive •f the cest of inspection, collection, in c identRla and interest), The amended map and estiIIllte and assessment roll are hereby made a part et thia reaolutien rer greater certainty and cRn be seen by anyene interested (all aaid eatim~tes of cest being exclusive of the cest er inspection, cellectien, in- cidentals and interest), and WHERE s, in ae fixing and determining such amended boundary lines it has been round necessary t• exlcude from s a id sewer district certain et the lets and parcels er land heretofore included in snid district as •ill more fully appear hereinafter, and WHEREAS, in excluding &Rid lots and parcels •f land the extent er aaid district will be materially reduced, thus reducing the te&&l cest er said improvements, and . WHEREAS, ln changing the boundary lines of said district it was necessary t• have an amended survey and map prepared in accerdance with the matters and things herelnbefore more fully set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council •f the City of Bngleweod, Celerad•, ln regular session convened this 9th day er J~nuary, A.D. 1982 that the aferesaid written pretests and objections t• the creation or the Lateral Sanitary Se•er District No. l, Engleweod, Celerade, within aaid City and each and every en et them be and the same are hereby over-ruled aa being witheut merit and said written ebjectiena and pretests are hereby finally determined and Sftid 1aproveaenta district as heretofore eriginally created and the boundariexa thereer determined by this Council shall be and remain the sRme and the preperty heret•f•r• included within the aald boundaries as heretefore determined by this Ceunc11 shall be and remain the aRme except as hereinafter determined. I I I I I BE IT FURTH ER RES OLVED, that said protests be granted t• the extent et the exclusi•n frem said sewer district •f the fellewing described property; LOTS AND PARCELS QE LA i"D EX CL'TD ED FROM LATERAL SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT, NO. h s.a. HAULIIl ts BROADWAY ADDITION. A parcel er land de Gcri bed as follows: Beginning at a point which is the intersection of the seuth preperty line, preduced er Floyd Avenue with a line parallel to and 19.2 feet west or the east property line, produced, of South Banneck Street, thence west aleng the seuth property line, preduced •f Fleyd Avenue 176~ reet; thence south 302.8 teet; thence east 176.2 reet to an intersection with a _ine parallel to and 19.2 reet west et the east property line, produced, of South Banneck Stre e t; thence nerht aleng the said described line, produced, of South Bannock Street, 302.8 feet t• the peint et beginning. Exclusive of streets and alleys. JAC KSON'S BROADWAY HEIGHTS. All of Bleck 17. In Block 18 lets 14 to 23, both 1n ~lus1ve; all •f Blecka 19 and 20; a ll •f Blecks 29, 30, 31, and 32. and, i BE IT FURTHER RES OLVED, that said resolution adopting details and specifi- cat i ona ter the creation of an improvement district in the City of Engleweed, Ar aoah oe County, Celerado, to be known as the Lateral Sanitary Sewer District N • 1, Englewood, Colerado, and orderinJ pu b lication or notice to be made in aaid district, to the owners of property to be as ;,essed for the imprevementa to b e made in aaid district, so far as t he boundaries of said district and the lets and parcels er land within said boundaries is cencerned, be and the aRme ia here by Rmended t• read as follows; Sai d propos d Lateral Sanitary Sewer District No. l, Engleweed, Celerad•, is cempesed or all ef the lots embraced within the boundaries hereinarter de- acribe d as r•llowa; Beginning at the intersection of the center line •f West Yale Avenue and center line of Seuth Elati Street; thence south aleng the center line er Seuth Elat1 Street te an intersecti•n with the center line or West Dartmouth Avenue; thence east aleng center line o f West Dartmeuth Avenue t• an intersectien with the west l ine ef South Delaware Street; thence Seuth aleng the west line er Seuth Delaware Street extended toa point which is ene hundred (100) feet aeuth er the south line of West Dartmouth Avenue; thence east aleag a line which la parallel te and 100 reet south ef Seuth line •f West Dartmeuth Avenue te an inter-sectien with the center line •f South Cherokee Stre et; thence south aleng the center line ef South Cherekee Street to an intersection with the center line er West Eastman Av nue; thence east aleng the center line re West Eastman Avenue; to an intersection with the extended center line ef alley in Bleck twe S.G. Hamlin's Breadway Addition; thence aeuth aleng the center line er alley in bleck twe and center line et alley extended; to an intersection with the extended center line et East Pleyd Avenuei thence east aleng the extended center line •f East Fleyd Avenue te an intersection with the extended center line of Seuth Banneck Street; thenc e •••• aeut.h al•ng the extended center line of South Bannock Street te an lnte•••otien with the north line or Flo•d Addition, thence west aleng aaid nerth line er Fl .. d Addltien to an intersection with the extended center line er alley in bleck twe, S.G. Hamlin's Broadway Additi•n;. thence south aleng aald eat.ended c center line t• an intersection with the southe :·l y bank et the City Ditch; thence seuthwesterl7 along southerly b &nk of City Ditch te an intersectien with the center line of Seuth Delaware Street; thence seuth aleng the center line er S uth Delaware Street to an intersection with the center line er West Oxterd Avenue; thence east aleng the center line of West Oxrerd Avenue te an interaectien with the center line er South Banneck Street thence aeuth aleng the center line et South Ba nneck Street t• an intersection with the extended nerth line et let 14, Bleck 18, Jackson's BreadwayS.ights, thence east .Rleng the extended nerth line and north line of lot 14, Block 18, Jackson'• Breadway Height• te an inter- aecti•n with the center line of the alley between South Acema Street and Seuth Banneck Streets; thence south aleng the center line er said alley t• an inter- section with the center line or West Princeton Av ·nue; thence east aleng the center line er West Princeten Avenue to an intersection with the center line re Seu~h Acema Stree t; thence north aleng the center line or Seuth Acoma Street te ·an inte rsectien with the center line or West Oxford Avenue; thence east aleng the center lire et West Oxford Avenue to an intersoctio n with the center line et Seuth Broadway; thence south alon J the cente~ line re South Breadway te a point which 1• 300 feet south of the south line er Eaat Quincy Avenue; thence east alon ~ R line whi c~ ls parRllel to and 3PP feet south fC the south line et Ea t Quincy Avanue ie an intersection wlth the center line or South Lincoln Street; thence north aleng the center line of South Lincoln Street to an intersection with the center line of East Princton Avenue; thence east aleng the center line or East Princton Av e nue te an intersectien with the center line er South Logan Street; thence north aleng the center line or Seuth Legan Street t• an intersection with the cente ~ line ef East Nassau Avenue; thence west aleng the center line or East Nassau Avenue t• an 1nte ~section with the center line er South Sherman Street to an int e rsection nerth aleng the center line et South Sherman S tre e t with the center line of East Mansfield Avenue; thence weat _ aleng the center line or East Mansfield Avenue te Rn intersection with the cent.er line •f South Broadway; thence north al•ng the center line or South Broadway te an interaectien with the center line extended or East Kenyon Avenue; thence eaat along t~e center line extended of Enst Kenyon Avenue te an intersectien with the center line extended er South Lincoln Street; thence north aleng the center line er Seuth Lincol ~ ~~reet extended to an intersection with a line which ia three hundred and elght (308) f uet south of the south line or East Hampden Avenue; thence easterly to an intersection with the center line of South Pearl Street at a point which is 300 feet south of the south line of East Hampden Avenue; thence north along the center line of South Pearl Street to an intersectien with the center line of Ea Gt HRmp den Avenue; thence east aleng the center ·line or ERst Hampden Avenue to an intersection with the center line d South Clarkaen Stre e t; thence north alene the center line of South Clarkson Street te an ::-ii . intersection with the center line o ERst Fleyd Avenue; thence west aleng the cen ter line of Ek st Floyd Avenue t• an intersection with the center line et South Pennsylvania Street; thence north aleng the Center line of Seuth Penn- sylvania Street t• an intersection with the center line of East ~astman Avenue; thence west aleng the center line of East Eastman Avenue to an intersectien with th• center line ot South Legan Street; thence north aloni the center line et Seuth Le 3a n Street t• an intersection with the center line •f East Yale Avenue; thence west along the center line •f ERst Yale Avenue and West Ye.le Avenue t• the point •f beginning. · The following is a description •f lets and parcels of ·land incorporated in the Lateral Sanitary Sewer District No. 1, City .r Englewo•d, Colorade, as amended, ANNADALE Lota l to 10 inc; Lots 11 and 12 and lets 13 to 22 Lota l t• 1 0 inc; Lots ll and 12 and Lots 13 to 22 Lota l t• 10 inc; Lets 11 and 12 and Lots 13 t• 22 Lota l t• 10 inc; Lets 11 and 12 and Lots 13 to 22 KILLIE'S SUBDIVISION Resu bd ivision of Blocks 5 and 8. Lot l, Leta 2 te 23 inc. and Lot 24, Block l. Lot l, Lots 2 t• 23 inc. and Lot 24, Block 2. inc., Block 7.. inc., Block a. inc., Block 9. inc., Bleck 10. Lets l t• 11 inc., Lots 12 and 13 and Lots 14 to 24 inc., Bleck 3. Lota l t• 11 inc., Lota 12 and 13 and Lets 14 to 24 inc., Bleck 4. RESUB r .'ISI ON OF LOTS ~ ! ~ now Anown as Blocks l & 2. Lota l, Lota 2 te 23 inc. Lots 24 and 25, Block l. Lota 26 t• 47 inc, and Let 4'8, Bleck l. Let l, Lots 2 to 23 inc., Lots 24 and 25, Lots 26 to 47 inc., and Let 48, Bleck 2. RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 6 & 7. ----------~------- now kno n Rs Blecka 3 & 4. Let l, Lots 2 to 23 inc., Lots 24 & 25 , Lots 26 to 47 inc. and Lot 48, Block 3. Let l, Lota 2 to 23 inc., Lots 24 & 25, Lots 26 to 47 inc. and Lot 48, Bleck4. STRAYER'S BROADWAY HEIGH TS. Lota l t.o 4 inc. Block l; Lots l to 48 inc. Block Leta l t• 48 inc. Block 3. Lots l to 48 inc. Block Leta l t• 4 8 inc. Block 5. Lots l t• 48 inc. Block Lets 1 t• 48 inc. Bleck 7. Lots l t• 48 inc. Bl ct ck ROSE ADDITION TO ENGLEWOOD 1 COLORADO. Lot 1, Lots 2 t• 23 inc. Lots 24 and 25, Lots 26 to 47 inc. and Lot, Lot 1, Lots 2 to 23 i nc. Lots 24 and 25, Lots 26 to -z 7 inc. and Lot Lot l, Le ts 2 to 23 inc. Lots 24 Rnd 2 5 , Lots 26 to 47 inc. and Lot Lot l, Lots 2 t• 23 inc. Lots 24 and 25, Lo .a 26 to 47 inc. and Lot Lota l t• 4 8 inc. Block 5. Lots l to 48 inc. Block Lota l t• 4 inc. Block 7. Lots l to 48 inc, Block Lot s l t• 48 inc. Block 9. WEST VI EW ADDITION TO ENGLEWOOD 1 Lot l, Lots 2 to 49 inc. and Lot 50, BLock l. Let l, Lots 2 to 49 inc. and Lot 50, Bleck 2. Let l, Lots 2 t• 41 inc. and Lot 50, Bleck 3. Let l, L ts 2 t• 49 inc. and Lot 50, Block 4. COLORADO. Lota l t• 23 inc. Lots 24 and 25, Lots 26 to 48 inc. Block 5. Lots 1 to 23 inc. Lots 24 Rnd 25, Lots 26 to 48 inc. Bleck 6. Lota l t 23 lnc. Lots 24 and 25, Lots 26 to 48 inc. Block 7. 2; 4. 6. a. 48, Block l. 40, Block 2. 48, Bleck 3. 48, Bleck 4. 6. a. A p~rcel •f l Rnd d escribed as ~ollows; Be g inning at a point which ia the inte rsect ion or the center li~ of West Girard Avenue wi Lh a line which la parallel t• and 26 teet east of the west property line of South Washington Street; thence e ~ t along the cente r line of West Girard Avenue 300 feet te an intersoctien with tho west prope rty line of South Clark~n Street; ~hence aouth along the west property line et Seuth Clarksen Street 635 f et to an intersection with th• north property line of West Ham pden Av nue; hence west aleng the nerth property line •f West Hampden Av e nue 300 teet to a point 26 fe e t east of the west preper\7 line of South Washington Street; thence nerth along a line parallel te .and 26 teet east ot the west preperty line er Seuth Washington Stre et 635 feet t• point ot beginning. Exclusive or strt ets nnd alleys. PREMIER ADDITION A pa eel or land described as follows; Beginning at a point which 1a the intersection er the south property line •f Floyd Avenue with the East property or Seuth Breadway; thence east aleng the south property line of Fleyd Avenue 255 te et; thence aouth 12 5 feet; thence west 255 feet t• an intersectien with the east property line of South Brea dway; thence north aleng the east p-opert.y lino et Seut.h Broadway 125 feet to the po i nt of beginning. Exclusive •f stretts and alleya. A pArce l or land de 3cribed as follows; Beginning at a point which 1a on th• aouth property line •f Fleyd Avenue and 255 feet east et the east property li111 or South Broadway; thence east al•ne the south property line et Pl•Jd A.venue 195 teot; thence south 1 25 feet; thence west 195 feet; thence north 125 ,.., te- the pelnt er be&1nning. Excluai?e •f streeta and alleys. A roel er land described as follows; Beginning at a p~1nt which ia the I I I I I I I I I I inter s ection •f the south pro p erty line of Floyd Avenue with the west preperty line •f S uth Sherman Street; thence west along the south property line •f Fleyd Avenue 160 fe t t; thence south 125 feet; thence east 160 feet te an intersection with the west p reperty line of South Sherman Street; thence norht aleng the west preperty line er Seuth ShermRn Street 125 t• the point· •f beginning. Ealuaiv• er atreets and alleys. A parc e l er land described as follows; Beginning at a point of the east pro perty line er South Broadway which is 125 feet south of the south property line er R!•yd Avenue; thence east 610 feet to an intersectien with the west preperty line ef South Sherman Stree t; thence south aleng the west preperty line of South Sherman Street 194 feet; thence west 6t0 feet te an intersection with the east iroperty line of South BroR way; thence north aleng the east . preperty line •f South Broadway 194 feet to the point er beg!nnine. Exclusive •f stree t s a nd alloys. · A p reel of land described as follows; Beginning at a 'point which is •n the ea s t roperty line of South BroRdway and 319 feet south •f the south preperty line ef Fley d Avenue; thence east 459 feet; thence south 100 feet; thenc• west aleng t he north l•t lines of l•t 5, Block 3 and lots 20 and 5 Bleck 4 te an intersect"""'n w""t." t.he ett8t p rvperty l.Lne ot" Seutn BroRdway; t hence north aleng t he e s t property line of Seuth BroRdway 10~ f e et to the point ef beginning. Exclusive •f atr Aets and alleys. A parcel of land described as fol l ows; Beginning at a point Gn the west prc pe r ty line of South Sherman Street which ls 319 feet seuth of the south property line er Fleyd Avenue; thence west 151 f e et; thence ·seuth 100 feet; thence east aleng the north lot line of let 20 bleck •, 151 ·reet te an inter- aect i on with the west property line of South Sherman Street> thence north aleng the wes t iroperty line or South ShermRn Street lO C feet to the point •f beginning, Exclusive •f streets and alleys. A parcel of lana described as fwliows; Beginning Rt R ·point en the east property line of Sou~n BroRdway wh ich is 197 feet South of the south property line er Girard Av nue; thence east Rlon e the south lot lines of lets B and 17, bleck 5 ana l•~M 8 ana 17, block 6, 6!1 fe~t to an intersection with the west preperty line •f Seuth ShermRn Street; thence south ttlong the west property line et Seuth Sherman S tre et, 100 feet; thence west 611 feet to an intersection with the east proper ty line •f South Broadw a y 1 00 f e et to the ppint of beginning. Exclusive et stre ets and alleys. A parcel •f land described as follows; Beginning at a point which la on the east propert y line of South Brondway and 154 feet north •f the north property line or Hampden Avenue; thence east 611 feet to an intersection with the west pro perty line of South Sherman Street 154 feet; thence west 611 teet te an inter- section with the east property line of South Broadway; thence south aleng the east p ro pe r ty line •f South Broadway 154 feet to the p~lnt •f beginninc. Exclusive er stre e ts and alleys. A parcel er land described as fol l o~s; Beginning at a ·p,lnt which is en the east p-ope r ty line of Sou..Jl Broadway and 104 feet north of the north property line •f Ham pden Avenue; thence east 125 feet; thence north 50 teet; thence west 125 teet te an intersection with the ea s t property line of South Brehdway; thence aeuth aleng the east pro perty line of South Broadway 50 feet to tne point or beginning. Exclu s ive f stre ets and alleys. · A parcel or land described as follews; Beginning at a 'point which ia 104 reet n o rth r the north property line of Hampden Av e nue and 125 teet east et the e as t property line of So»th Broadway; thence enst 66 feet; thence nerth 50 teet; thence west 66 feet; thence south 50 feet to the point of beginning. Exclusive •f stre ets a nd alleys. A parcel er lana desc~ibed ~s foliows; lieginnlng at a point which ia en the e n s t property line •f South Broadway Rn d 79 fee.t north of the north propeet7 line •f Hampden Avenue; thence eRst 191 feet; thence north 25 feet; thence west 191 teet t• an intersection with the east property llne Of South Broadway; thence aeuth i leng the east property line of South BroRdway 25 feet to the po~nt •f beginning. Exclusive of streets and alleys. A p a rcel •f land described as fol :ows; Beeinnlng at a 'point which ls en the e as t p rop e r ty line of South Broadway and 27 feet north •f the north property line of Hamp de n Av e nue; thence east 1 2 5 feet; thence n r.1 rth 52 teet thence west 125 feet; thence north 52 feet thence west 125 feet; to an interssction with the east p reperty li n e •f South Broadway; thence south along the east preperty line et South Broadway 52 feet to the point of b e ginning. Exclusive or streets and alleys, A parcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a p ~int which ia the inter s ectien of the north property line of Hampden Avenue with the east property line of Se u th Broadway; thence east alone the north property line of Hampden Avenue 125 feet; thence north 27 feet; thence west 125 feet 'to an intersection with the east property line of South Broadway; thence aeuth 'aleng the east preperty line of S uth Broadway 27 feet to the point of beginning. · A parcel •f land described as fellows; Beginning at a point which ia on the nerth property line •f Hampden Avenue Rnd 135 feet east of the east property line et Seuth Broadway; thence east along the north p roperty line of Hampden Avenue 56 teet; thence north 79 feet; thence west 56 feet; thence south 79 feet te the point or be ginning. A parcel of land described as follows; Beeinning at a point which is en the north p roperty line •f Hampden Avenue and 191 feet east •f the eastproperty line er South Broadway; thence eR s t ~long the north property line of Hampden Avenue 50 fe e t; thence north 154 feet; thence west 50 feet; thence aeuth 154 feet te the poin l •f b eginning. A parcel •f land described a s follows; Beginning at a point which la en the north property line of Hampden Avenue and 241 reet east of the east property line of Seuth Broadway; thence e Rst along the north property line et Hampden Avenue 50 feet; thence north 154 feet; thence west 50 feet; thence south 154 feet to the point •f beginning. A plV'cel •f lar.d described as ro :lows; Beg1~ing at a point which is on the nerth preperty line •f Hnmpdcn Avenue and 45 feet east of the center line •f South Lincoln Street produced; thence enst n leng the north property line of Hampden Avenue 170 f e et; thence north 154 r ~et; thence west 170 reet; thence south 154 fe e t to the point of beginning. 7 A parcel of lRnd described as follows; Beg1nn1nc at a point which is ~e interaecti•n er the north property line of Hampden Avenue and the wee~ preperty line •f S uth Shel'man Street, ~hence north ~l•ng the west property line of South Sherman Street 154 feet; thence west 100 feet; thence south 154 feet to the intersectl•n •f north property line of Hampden Avenue; thence east aleng the north preperty line •f HRmpden Avenue 100 feet to the point •f beginning. Let l, Lots 2 to 47 inc. and Lot 48 in Block l. Lot l, Leta 8 to 47 inc. and Lot 48 in Block 2. Let 5, Leta 6 t• 19 inc. and Lot 20 in Bl•ck 3. L t a, Leta 6 t• 19 inc. md Lot 20 in Block 4. Leta l to 7 inc. L ts 8 & 17 and Lots 18 to 24 inc. in Bleck 5. ·Leta 1 t• 7 inc. Lets B & 17 and Lets 18 to 24 inc. in Bleck 6. Leta l to 23 inc. Lots 24 and 25 and Lots 26 t• 48 inc. in Bleck 7. Leta 1 t• 23 inc. Lota 24 and 25 and Lets 26 to 48 inc ; in Bl•ck a. BIRCH'S ADDITION 1.Q. SOUTH BROADWAY HEIGHTS. Lot l, and Lots 2 to 49 inc. and Lot 50 Block l. Lot l, Lota 2 to 12 inc. Lots 39 to 49 inc. r nd Lot 50 Block 2. BIRCH'S ADDITION .!Q SOUTH BROADWAY HEIGHTS, BEING~ ;,ECOND FILING. Lota l to 12 inc. Lots 39 to 50 inc. Block 3. Lets l to 12 inc. Lots 39 t• 50 inc. Bleck 4. HIGGIN'S ENGLEWOOD GARDENS. Leta l to 12 inc. Lots 39 to 50 inc. BLock 3. Leta l t• 12 inc. Lots 39 to 50 inc. Block 4. A parcel of land described as'followa; Be~inning at a point which is th• lnteraection er the east property line of South Broadway with the center line et Jetteraon Avenue, thence east along the center line af Jefferson Avenue 296 teet ( ere or leaa) to an interssction with the center line of South Lincoln St~eet pred tced; thence aouth along the center line or South Lincoln Street produced- 6 CO f e et, more or lees, t• an intersection with the center line of West lenyen Avenue produced; thence west alene the cent e r line or West Kenyen Avenue pr•- duced, 296 feet, more tr less, to an intersection with *1te east property line •"' Sot •.. Broadway; thence north along the east property llm flt Seuth Breadway eeo feet, more or less to the point of beginning. Exclusive of strr.ets and alle1s, SOUTH BROADWAY HEIGHTS. Lots 1 t• 48 inc. Bleck 7. Lots l to 48 Lets l t • 48 inc. Bleck 9. Lets l t• 48 Leta l t• 48 inc. Block ll. Lots l to 48 Leta 1 to 48 inc. Bleck El. Lets l t• 48 Leta l 0 48 inc. Bleck 23. Lots l t• 48 Beta l to 48 inc. Bleck 25. Leta l t• 12 inc. Lota 37 to 48 inc. i n Block 40. TERRY'S ADDITION. Lota 1 t• 48 inc. Bleck 1. Lots l t• 48 Lota l t• 48 inc. BLock 9. Lets 1 to 48 inc. Block 11. Leta l to 48 inc. Block 12. Leta l to 48 inc. Block 14. IDLEWILD. Lots Lots Lots Lota l l l l S.G. HAMLIN'S ADDITION. t• 48 to ·4a to 48 to 48 inc. Bleck 8. in~. Bleck 10. inc. Bleck 12. inc. Bl•<* II. inc. Bleck I,. inc. Block 3. inc. Block 10. inc. Bleck 12. inc. Bleck 14 •· inc. Bleck 16. Lota l to 46 inc. Block 3. Lots l te 48 inc. Bleck 4. SPEER'S BROADWAY ADDITION. Lota l t • 4 inc. Block 17. Lots l t• 48 inc. Bleck 18. I I I Leta 1 t• 48 inc. Block 19. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 10. I Leta l t• 40 inc. Block 21. ~ L•ts l to 48 inc. Block 22. Leta 1 te 48 inc. Bleck 23. Lots l to 48 inc. Bleck 24. A parcel of ladd described as foll•••; Beginning at a point which is the lnteraectlen .r the west property line preduced of South Delaware with the South Property line or West Dartmouth Avenue; thence east aleng the south pr•-- perty llnft ot West Dartmouth Avenue 335 feet to an inters .. •i•n with a line whi~h la parallel t• and 11 teet east of the west property line of South Cherokee Street; thence aouth al•n e said described line 100 feet; thence west 3S5 feet to an 1nter- aeot1on with the weat property line preduced, of South Delaware Street; thence -I nerth aleng th• west property line produced, or South Delaware Street 100 feet t th• point or beginning. HEE'~ ADDITION. Lot l, Lota 2 t• 24 inc. Lots 25 to 47 inc. and Lot 48 BLock l. Lot l, Leta 2 to 47 inc. and Lot a , Block 2. Let l, Lota 2 to 47 inc. and Lot 48, Block 3. S.G. HAMLIN'S BROADWAY Ai DITION. Lota 13 to 24 inc. BLock 2. Lota l t• 24 inc. Block 4. Lots l to 24 inc. Bleck 3. I I I I I A pare l or land described RS follows; Beginning at a point which la on the west property line or South Broadway and 302.7 teet south or the aouth prope ty line or Eastman Avenue; thence south along the west propert7 llno or South Broadway l 48 feet; thence west 566.9 teeti thence south 188 feet t• an intersection with the center line, produced, or Plofd Avenue; thence west along the center line produced, of Floyd Avenue 221.4 teet; thence north ~30 teetJ thence east 709.5 feet to the point a beginning. Exclusive or streets and Rlleys. . A parcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a point which is on the west property line of South Broadway Rnd 75 feet north of 'the center line produced of Floyd Avenue; thence west 280 feet to an .intersection with the west property line; thence north 107 feet; thence east 278.7 teet to an intersection with the west property line of South Broadway; thence aeuth along the west property line of South Broadway 107 teet to the point et eginning. Exclusive of streets and alleys. - A parcel or alnd described as follows; Beginning at a point whloh la the i tersection of the center line, produced, of Floyd Avenue with the west property line or South Broadway; thence west aleng the center line, pro- duced of Floyd Avenue 568.l feet; thence north 102 feet; thence east 888.2 feet; thence south 107 feet; thence e~st 280 feet to an intersectl.on with the west property line or South Broadway; thence south along the west property line or South Broadway 75 feet to the point et begi~n1ng. Exclusive •t streets ~nd alleys. . A parcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a point which ls the intersection of the center line, produced, •f Floyd Avenue with the west property lin. of South Broadway; thence west along the center llne, produced, et Floyd Avenue 611.2 feet thence seuth 332.8 reet; thence east 611.2 teet te an intersection with the west property line of South Broadwa7; thence north aleng the west property line of South Breadway 332.8 teet to the point or beginning. Exclusive of streets and alleys. A parcel of l~nd described as follows; Beginning at a point which ia the in&eraection et the north property line er Girard Avenue with tb• west prop rty line t:I South Broadway; thence west aleng the nerth proper\7 llno or Girard Avenue 544.B feet; thence north aleng the east lot line et l•t• 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, Flood Addition 306.2 teet; thence east 5••.e t .. tJ t• an intersection with the west pr ·'perty llno or .South Brea dwa7; thence a uth along the west property line of South Broadway ~06.2 reet te tho point er beginning. Exclusive of streets and alleys. A parcel .r land described as follows; Beginning at a point wh1ob la on the north .property line of Hampden Avenue and 243 teet west or tho woat property line et South Broadway; thence north 605.8 feet t• an inter .. ot1on with the south property line or West Girard Avenue; thence •••t alenc t.be south property line of West Girard Avenue 280 teet thence south a . \be east lot line or l•t• 22 to 32, inclusive, Fleod Addition 60~.e toe\ \e an intersection with the north property line of Ham~en Avenue; thence .. ,t al•ne the north property line or Hampden Avenue 280 feet te the point et beginning. FLOOD ADDITIG>N. Lota l, Lots 2 to 17 inc., Lot 18, Lets 19 & 20; Leta 21 & 22; Leta II to 31 inc; Lot 32, Lot 33, Lots 34 to 37 inc. and Lot 38. ENWOOD ADDITION. A parcel of land desc r ibed as follows; Beginning at a point which is on the north property line of Hampden Avenue and 143 teet west •f the west property line of Bou!-H\ Brbadway; :.thence north 605. 6 feet to an interaootien with the south property 11ne or West Girard Avenue; thence weat al~ t.he south property 11ne •f West Girard Avenue 100 feet; thence south 606.8 toot t• an 1nterssct1on with the north property line or West Hampden Avoaue; · thence east along th~ noeth property 11n• of Hampden Avenue 100 teet .te the point or beginning. A parcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a point which 1• en the west property line of South Broadway and 300 teet north of tho nerth property line •f West Hampden Avenue; thence west along the north lot line er let 36, 125 feet; thence north 14.6 feet; thence east aleng the aeut;h let line et let 37, 125 feet to an intersection with the west proper\7 lino fC South Broadway; thence south along the west property line er Seut.b Broadway 1•.6 feet to the point of beginning. Lots 25 to 47 inc. Lot 48. A parcel et land described Rs fol 1 ows; Beginning at a point which le the intersection of the west property line of South Broadway with the aeuth property line of Hampden Avenue; thence s•uth nlong the west propertJ line •f South Broadway 150 feet, more or less, to an intersectlon with tho north- erly property line of Sheridan Street; thence northwesterly aleng the north- erly property line Of SheridRn Street 3CO feet, mere or less, 120 teet, more er leas, and 100 feet, more er less, t• an intersection with the south property line of Hampden Avenue; thence east aleng the aeuth propertJ line •t Hampden Avenue 510 feet, more or less, to the point ot beginning. Bxclualve •t streets and alleys. A parcel er land described as follows; Beginning at a point 1oh la Ule intersection of the center line or South Acoma Street with the ••uth property line of Sheridan Avenue~ thence northwesterly 150 reet, mel'e er leas, and 190 teet, more or less, to an interaectien with ihe south preper\J lino et Hampden Avenue; thence west 190 feet, more or less, t• an lnteraeotion with the center line produced, •f the alley between South Cherekee Stree\ and Seuth Banneck Street; thence south aleng said described line 1000 toot; aere er lesa, to an intersection with the nertbwest border ~ tho CltJ D1toh; t.hence in a northeasterly, east and aeutheasterly direction meandering alon1 the border flt the City Ditch to an inter section with the center lino et S.uth Acoma Street; thence north aleng the center lin. et South Ac ... Stree\ 610 feet, mere er less, to the point •f beginning. 319 SHADY SIDE ADDITION Leta 1, Leta 2 to 24 inc. Lot 25, Lot 26, Lot 27, Lets 28 to 49 inc. and Lot 50 in Bleck 1. ENGLEWOOD HEIGHTS Lots l te 7 inc. Lot s, and the El/2 or Bleck l. Lots 1 te 7 inc. Lots 0 and O, Lots 10 to 18 inc. Bleck a. Let 8, Leta 11 and 12, Lot lO, Lot 13, Lot 14, Bleck I. Leta 4, 5, 6, 7, I, Lots e to 11 inc. Leta 12 and 13 in Bleck a. Leta l and 2 Bleck 5. HAMILTON~ KILLIE'S BROADWAY HEIGHTS Lot l, Lots 2 te a inc. Lets 9 to 15 inc. and Lot 16, Bleok l. Let l, Leta 2 to 15 inc. Lot 16 in Bleck 2. Lot l, Lota 2 te 15 inc. Lot 16 in Bleck 3. Let s 9, 10, 11, 12, in Bleck 4. Leta l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Lots 7 to 46 Lots l te 4b inc. Bleck 6. Leta l te 48 inc. Bleck 8. Leta l te 24 inc. Bleck 10. Leta l te 24 inc. Bleck 12. inc. Bl~k 5. Leta l t• 48 ~-Leta l to 48 Leto l t.e 24 inc. Bleck 7. inc. Bleck 9. inc. Bleck 11. A parcel er land described Rs follows; Beginning at a peint en the west property line er South Broadway 300 leet seuth Ill th• south preper\J line ef West Lehigh Avenue; thence west aleng the seuth let lines et lets 13 and 12 of Blocks 9, 10, 11 and 12, Hamilton & Killie• Broadway lelgbta 1274 feet, more or less, to an intersectien with the center li~et Beuth Delaware Street; thence south aleng the ' center line et Beuth Delaware Stre et 330 feet, ~ore er less, te an intersection with the center llm et West llanatleld Avenue; thence east aleng the center line er West llanatield Avenue 1274 feet, more er less, te an intersection with the west prepert1 line or South Broadway; thence north aleng the west preperty line flt Beuth Breadway 330 feet, more or less, to the p•int or beginning• Exclusive et streets and alleys. JAC KSON'S BROADWAY HEIGHTS Let.a l te 48 inc. Bleck l. Lots 1 t• 48 inc. Bleck a. Let• l t.e 48 inc. Bleck 3. Lets l to 48 inc. Bleck 4. Let.a l te 22 inc. Lota 23 & 24, Lots 25 t• 46 inc. Bleck l~. Let.a l te 22 inc. Lots 23 & 24, Lets 25 t.• 46 inc. Bleck 14. Leta l te 22 inc. Leta 23 & 24, Lots 25 to 46 inc. Bleck 15. Lota l to 22 inclusive, Lots 23 & 24, Leto 25 to 47 inc. Bleck 16. Let l, Leta 2 te 13 inc. Leta 24 te 45 inc. Let 46, Bleck 18. I I I