HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-02-13 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I I RLGULAR KI:.:ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, TRIS 110 DAY 13th DAY OF FEBRUARY, A~D. 1922. Mayor J.W. Murray called the meeting to order and asked rer roll call. Rell Call; 320 Cole, present; Cullison, pres0nt; Eagleton, present; Johnsen, absent; Thempson, preasnt; Tiedt, present. Five pressnt, One absent. The Mayor so ordered. Minutes. Clerk rend all minutes of regular meetine of January 9th, 1922, in tull. Alderman Cele moved Eaglet n seconded that all minutes just read by the Clerk stand approved as cerrected. Rell Call; Cele, Aye; Cullison, .Aye; Eagleton, Aye; Johnson, Absent; Thompson, A:1e; Tiedt, Aye; Pive Ayes, One Absent. The Mayor ao ordered. Cler~ read all reports ef City officers for the month er January, 1~22. Alderman Cullison moved Tiedt aecended that the reports just read by the Clerk be received and tiled. Rell Call; Cele, Aye; Cullison, Aye; Eagleton, Aye; Jehnson, Absent; Thempaen, Aye; Tiedt, Aye. Five Ayes, One Absent. The Mayor so ordered. Billa. No. Warrant 2800 J.W. urray 8801 T.H. Noonon 2802 R.H. Blackman 2 03 c.o. Seveir 2804 Englewood State 2805 J.B. Cooper 2806 H.N. Patton 2807 John Simon 2808 O.I. Cele 8809 J.E. Cullison 2810 J.S. Eagleton 2811 Clyde u. Johnson 2812 G.A. Thoapson 2813 A.O. Tiedt. 2814 F.A. Bell Salary Fund Mayor, Month er January. City Clerk, Uenth or January. City Attorney, Menth ef January. Chief er Police and Street Commisiener for January. Bank, Ass1Bnee, J.B. Cooper, Night llarahal for January. Night MRrshal, Month or January. City Treasurer, Month of January. HenlLh Commisiener, Month et January. Alderman, Month of January. Alderman, Month or January. Alderman, Month of January. Alderman, Month of January. Alderman, Month of January. Alderman, Month d January. Fire Truck Driver, Month er January. Public Improvement Fund. 2Sl5 O.E. Powell Teamster, to Bob. 23, 1922. 2816 Englewood State Bank, Assigne e, G.E. Powell, Teamster to 2817 Clinton Wilson 2818 Harold Prosser 2819 Eng. State Bank, 2820 L. Nell 2821 Roy Hymer Feb. 13, 1922. Truck Driver, to Feb 13, 1922. Laborer, to Feb. 13, 1922. Assignee, Geo. Swartout, Laborer to Peb, 13. Laborer to Feb. 13. Laborer to Feb. 13. Cemcat Mnn, to January 14. • 10.00 · 100.00 :53.3:5 150.00 . 25.00 52.52 10.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 Ji58.85 • 77.50 45.00 77.00 21.00 21.00 15.00 2822 S.F. Kemler 28 23 S.F. Hemler 2824 w.B. HeRth Cement Man, 2 men and Cemeat Mixer. (Bridge) !.!nn and Team, O loads of Gravel. 3.00 5.00 30.00 18.00 1.50 2825 B. Herrman 2826 L.E. Wise L. 2827 R. • Larson 2828 A. ChrAsteusen Man and teRm, 1 load or gravel. & c. Co. Supplies. Gravel, 436 yds. 15 leads of gravel. Light Fund ... 2829 Arapahoe E.L. & P. Co. Lights. General Fund. 2 83 0 Englewood Dry Goods 2831 J.W. Sallee Co. Supplies. 2832 J.W. Carlten 2833 Englewood Garage 2834 Henry Tayler 1835 Clinton lilson 1836 Mrs. Ella Hurlbut 2837 T.H. Noonon 2838 Claude Cartwright 2 6 39 H.N. Patton 2840 Johnson & Johnson 2841 N.S. Nielsen 2842 C.F. Hoeckela 2843 Englewood Shoe Shop 2844 P.A. Cassidy 2845 Denver Water Ce r imr's 8846 c.s. Reguo Hdwre. Ce. 2847 Gruenteldt & Krieger 2848 Central Garage 2849 Record Stockman Pub. Co. 2850 Juliua Peftrse F.D. Supply 2851 • States Tel. & Tel. Co. 2852 The MeoreHdw. & Iron Co. 2853 H.W. Keore and Co. 2854 National Garage .2886 A.B. Caosidy 2856 Bngloweod Herald Repair Work Supplies. Repairs and Supplies Night Watchman. Night Watchman. Meals for prisoners. Postage. Paving Taaea. Tax Roll Extension Bal. 1/2 Stenogr«pher Bill. Supplies. Supplies. Supplies. Electric Wire Inspector Water Rent. Supplies. Feed Bill Supplies. Notice. Co. Supplies. Phone Rent and calls. Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Printing Bill 118.12 87.20 7.50 1816.82 • 5.00 18.25 20.65 145.00 S.50 3.50 2.10 1.00 77.18 25.00 5.00 1.12 2.65 1.75 17.95 8.10 5.60 53.77 10.35 1.10 .Bl 6.95 2.10 4.64 80.27 5.90 '·15.40 3'21 •. No. arrant. General Fund 2857 Bendrle & Belthetr Mfg. & Supply Co. Watchmans Clock. Library Fund 2858 Englewood Public Library Allowance $100.00 Grand Tetal $1962.56 Aldern:an Tiedt meved Th mpaen secended that all bills marked O.K. by the Finance Cemmittee and read by the Clerk be all•wed and warrants drawn t• pay same. Roll CRll; Cele, Aye; Cullison, Aye; Eagleten, Aye; Johnson, Absent; Thempsen, Aye; Tiedt, Aye. Five Ayea, One Absent. The Mayor so •rdered. Alderman Cele moved Baglet•n aeoended that taxicab licenses be granted to Peter Ola•n, Charles Lawten, Che•ter L. Richardson, Roy Monaghan, w.s. Wllllngham, E. Willingham, O, 1111ngham, and C.H. Skerritt, as per applications read by th• Clerk. Rell Call; Cele, Aye; Cullison, Aye; Eagleton, Aye; Jehasen, Absent; Thempsen, Aye; Tiedt, Aye. Plv• Ayes, One Absent. The Mayer •• ordered. Clerk read in full the letter of R.L. Drinwater, Secretary of Colerade et Celerado State Board flt Health as follows; Hon. James W. Murray, Mayer er Englewood, Engleweed, Celo. Ky near sir: Feb. l, 1922. The U.S. Public Health Service will hold a Public Health Institute in Denver the week of April 24-29. The Gevernment is aendin~ te us ·some of the best versed men in public health matters. Very rew (it any) towns in Celorad• rully compensate their healt.h etticer fer the work he does. I I I am geing t• ask you to show your appreciation er your health ettlcer's I werk by having the City Ceuncll pay his expenses fer that week in Denver. He will b• interested in this ceurse or study and will want t• come, and th• peeple or your cemmunity will be benefited by hia attendance at thla Inatitute. RLD.WF Alderman Cele moved Respectfully, R.L. Drinkwater. Secretary and Executive Otticer. Thempsen seconded that the Clerk netify the City Health Cemmisai•ner te attend the abeve meeting ~e1a .J ta Denver, April 24-29, and send expense bill te thia Ceuncil. Rell Call; Cole, Aye; Cullison, Aye; Eagleten, Aye; Johnson, Absent; Thempson, Aye; Tiedt, Aye. Five Ayes, One Absent. The Mayor •• erdered. Alderman Cullison moved Cele aecended that the petition •f twenty-one residents and property ewnera in the 29 and 30 hundre d blocks asking that a street light be placed at the corner or East Cornell Ave. and South Logan Street, be granted. Rell Calli Cole, Aye; Culliuen, Aye; Englet n, Aye; Jehnaen, Abaent; Thempson, Aye; Tiedt, Aye. Five Ayes, One Absent. The Mayor •• ordered. Alderman Cele moved and Cullison secended that the bond •f the Cellier Electric Co., Electric wiremen be accepted. Rell Call; Cole, Aye; Cullison, Aye; Eaglet•n, Aye; Jehnaon, Absent; Thempson, Aye; Tiedt, Aye. Five Ayes, One Absent. The Mayor ao ordered. Alderman Cole moved Tho mpson seconded that the Chief of Police and the Fire Chier be instructed t• use o n discret i on as to the ap pointaent of special eftieees te act during b~sk et-ball games at the High School, without pay trem the City. Rell Call; Cole, Aye; Cullison, Aye; Eagleton, Aye; Johnson, Absent; Th•mpson, Aye; ~iedt, Aye; Five Ayes, One Absent. The MRyor so ordered. Ald rman Cullison moved Eagleton sec•nded that red lights and bumper be put on the new fire truck. Roll Call; Cole, Aye; Cullison, Aye; Eagleton, Aye; Jehnson, Absent; Thompson, Aye; Tiedt, Aye. Five Ayes, One Absent. . The Mayor ao ordered. I I I I I I I ·- Alder an Cele moved Ea e leton seconded that there being no further business before the Ceuncil the Counci l adjourn to me et again on Thursday, February 16, 1981, 8 •'clock e.x. Rell Call; Cole, Aye; Cullison, Aye ; ERgleton, Aye; Johnson , Ala8ant; Thempson, Aye; Tiedt, Aye. Plve Ayes, One Absent. The Mayor so ordered. lnutea of Regular Mee ting of Colorado , this Febru~z:1_1~;,h , /().day o~ ~