HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-02-16 (Regular) Meeting Minutes-. 3'23 •
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COLO RAD O, THURSD J Y 16th DAY OF FEBRUARY, A.D. 1922, at 8 o'cleck B.¥.
Ma y or J ., •
Rell Call;
Utirray called t he me etine to order and asked f•r roll call.
Cole, present; Cullison, present; Eagleton, present;
Johnson, present; Thom p son, present; Tiedt, present.
Six present, Absent none. The Llayer s• erdered.
Unfinish ed Bu siness.
Thereup on, the followin ~ proceedings, among ethers, wer~ had and dene;
Ceuncilman O.I. Cole introduced an ordlnnn e entitled; "An Ordinance I
crea ti n g a Trunkline · Sanitary Sewer District in the City .r Englewood,
Celerado, t• be known and desi e nated as Trunkllne Sanitary Sewer Dietrlot
Ne. l, erdering the construction of a Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer and in-
cid e nt n ls therete within &Rid district together.with all necessary lamphelea,
man-holes and other incidentals and all appurtenances necessary t• aaid
imprev e ment; providing fer the issue of bonds of said district in pa111eni
rer a Rid lecal i mprovement; repealing all ordinances, reeeluti•n• er erdera
er pa rts thereef in conflict herewith and declaring an emergency .•hereby
t hi• erdinance shal ~ be in full force and affect five day• after lta tlnal I
pa ssaee, approval and publication" which ordinance was thereupen read in
f u ll and is as foll•wa, te-wlt;
WHE REA S , at a regular me eting of the City Council •f the City et
En gleweod, Ar a pah oe Ceunty, Colorado, held on the 25th day •f July, A.D.
192 1 t h e s a i d Ci t y C•uncil a cting pursuant to an act .r the General Assembly
er the State •f Colerado ent i tled " An Act to provide for the construction
•f le ca l improvements in Cities of all clRsses, having a populati•n er leas
t h an e ne hundred thousa nd, and incorporated towns, the issuRnce er lecal
i mp ro vem ent bends therefore, and the assessment and payment •f the ceat · er
s a i d im p revements" ap proved Ap ril 8 th A.D. 1899, by resolution duly passed
a nd a d epted, round and declared, that it is necessary for the health, aarety
comfort a nd protection of the inhabitants •f the said City •f Engleweed,
Celerado, and for s a nitary reasons t• create a s nnitary sewer district in
s a i d City and to construct a Trunk line Sanitary Sewer therein, and
WHEREAS , by s aid .r es olu ti on t h e Ci t y En e in(er or &Rid City was erdered
te make a s u rvey of that portion o f s Rid City designated in said resolutien
as Trunkl ine Sa nitary Se we r District No. 1, En g leweod , ColorRdo, with the
vi e w o f t he creation out of said portion of said City or an improvement
distric t and t h e con s truction of a Tr ~nkline Sanitary Sewer therein, and
HE REA S, by &Rid resolution S ft iu City ~ngineer was directed t• prepare
and f ile with th e Clerk or s n id City R map of the proposed district shewing
t h e ex terior b o und a ries t h ereof and all stre e ts, alleys, avenues and blecks
wi th i n t he s ,.me and that h e also prepare and file with the Clerk f/C said
City the details of said survey, including the specification• for the 1m-
prev e me n t tt be oometructe d within &b id district; the mate~ials te be used
there i ni the estimate of the cost of such improvements; a schedule shewing
t h e a p p roxi ma te amount of such vost to be apportioned and assessed upon
each l•t and parcel of land in ~said proposed district in proportion te the
beberit accruinz t o e ach such lot or parcel of land, exclusive of public
h i ghway s, all pro perly indexed and all for the purpose •f identification,
s i gne d by him as City En g ineer, and ·
WHE REA S s a id City En g ine e r in p ursu~nce of s t,id erder, has made his
r epo rt, a n d file d with t h e Clerk of s a id City therewith all the maps and
c e r tif icates •f &Pid surv ey a s well as schedules, plans, specifications,
approx i mat i ena •f cost a n d nll other matters and thincs in complete form
and SU )St a nc e b y the lR w a n d in said resolution required; all &f said
es t i m t ion s or cost be i ne exclusive of bhe cost of inspection, collectien,
i nc i den t a ls and interest; and .
HE REAS by s u bsequ e nt r e solution duly passed and adopted by said
Ci ty Counc il en. t h e 3rd day of August, A.D. l9 Zl, the report se made and
f i led by said Ci t y Engineer was adopted and the &Rid report, tegether with
a ll e t ail s , spe c ificat i •ns, estimates, maps, sh c edulea and the kinds et
materia ls recomm end ed by s a id En g ineer t• be used in the censtructi•n er
••id impr ovement, approved and a d opted by said City Ceuncil as the details,
pland , specifications, estimates and r.i aterials for use in the construction
or sa i d local improvement and t he survey Rnd map of said proposed improve-
ment istrict to be thereafter cre ated; and
WHEREAS by said r e s olution a d opted as aforesaid the said City Council
determin ed t h e num b er of installments and the time in which the cost or said
i mprovement should be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid installments;
th• d i s trict to be as s e s sed for the same, the probable total cost or the
said lecal i mp rovement; the ~axi mum amount of such tetal coat t• be aaaeased
up n each let and parcel or land in said district and directed the ·•Rid City
Cl erk to u b lish in the Eng lewood He rald, •~newspaper of genePal oirculation
i n the City •t En g lewood, a notice to the owners of the property t• be
aa ~esse d, or the kind Of i mprovements proposed; the number ef installment&
and t he time in which t h e cost will be payable· the r•te of interest en un-pa i d a nd aererre d Inst a li me n~s; tne exten~ of lhe distr1ct to oe 1mprevea;
:. 3'24 . ."J
the pr :>b able cost per lot or parcel of land 25 feet by 125 feet, aa shown
by the estimates of the engineer and the time .when an ordinance ordering
the censtruction of s a id improv ement in said improvement district prepesed
would b e finally considered; that the map •f said proposed district •hewing
the exte rier boundaries thereof and the l•cation of .said lecal 1mprevement
and the estimates and schedules showing the ameunts to be assessed agalnat
eac h let and tract of land in said district and all resolutiena and pre-
ceedings er said City Council relating to said proposed imprevement district
and the proposed improvements therein were on file and could be seen and
examined by any person interested at the office of the City Clerk of the City
et Engleweod, Colorado, during business hours of any day en er betere and
until the time when the City Ceuncil would meet fer the purpose 91 hearing all
c • pl~in ts and objections made in writing concerning the prepesed impr•v•-
menta therein described, and contemplRted t• be made by the ewner or ewaers
•f rea l estate to be a sses sed with the cost thereof er by any person interest-
ed nera lly, and by Rn order •f the Ceuncil duly made upen motien unan1meualy
carri d on t he 3r• day f August, A.D. 1921 the City Clerk was directed te
publish snid notice, and the s i id meeting of the City Ceuncil for hearing
cemplalnta and objections was ordere d to be held on the 12th day of September,
A.D. ig21 at the hour of 8 P.M. at which time the said City Ceuncil weuld
hear all complaints and o b jections and after duly considering the same w uld
finally censider an ordinance creating said district, and erdering the cen-
structien or the improvement pro~osed to be constructed therein, and
WHEREAS the City Clerk by advertisement for a period of over twenty days
prior t• the aaid 12th day •f Sept., A.D. 1921 published in said newspaper,
gave no tice in form and substance of the matters and things abeve mentioned
aa having been order ed to be g iven in all respects in accerdance with law
and said resolution; and
VlHBRl::AS pursuant to said notice the City Ceuncil did eµ the said 12th
day of September A.D. 1921 meet in regular session in the City Hall within
said City and at the hour •f 8 P.M. on aaid day there were no ebjectlena
made r filed against the construct :on •f said lecal imprevement aa prepesed
or the assessment of the ceat thereef by the owner or ewners et any landa
with in a n id propose i district, or by any person interested, except aa tellews,
Te the Mayer Rr.c .lty Council of Englewood, Colo.
e the undersigned property owners re,pectively protest t• being
in cluded nnd taxed under the ordinance to be known as The Trunk Line Sewer
system District No. l.
Be cause of the fact that a sewer line can not be built and sucesstully
perated unless there is a far better water supply than at pres e nt available.
The present generatlen of property owners will receive no benefit from
aaid Trunk Line Sewe r, and in may cases the taxation would amount t• cen-
Nam e
Fred • llenneke
lc.lR ••• Ue nneke
C .A. rigth .
rs. C .A. Wrie;ht .
T .V. Fitzgerald ,
Fr1-tnk H. Palmer,
• H. Cline,
Geo . il . Ott•,
Jehn H warth ,
L.W. Toelle,
Mary A. Vaug i n,
B.P. Bradwhaw
E.E. Wiliams
C.J. Kielhorn
A.L. Rich
Hans Chr istensen
Mary A. Lawrence
rs. Ella I. Fuh ler
A.A. Pankaw
Thea. A. Race
NormRn G. Fair
D.M. est
Edw. A. Petsch
Myrtle J.letzBar
E.L. Bun cy
W.D. Finleyson,)
.T .F .D. Finleyson)
Jacob Stota
Mrs . L .W. Pleines
Jas. R. LawheRd
Thurman Mozingo
llrs. R .E . Guyer
H.B. Be rz
• E . Kel ly
F.J. Otterpole
A.T. Se aton
A.J. rtin
E. Ericks en
G. • Drake
39 names.
Lots Nos.
7 to 18 inclusive.
l to 6 " "
1 to 6 " "
23 & 24
15 &: 46
5 , 6, 7 .
8 to 15
l, 2, 3, 4.
6 to S inc.
27 to 30
30 t• 44 inc.
l to 12 inc.
3 to 10 & 38 to 46
31 to 35 inc.
Five Lets,
1 t' g inc.
45 to 48
11 to 2 4 i n c.
W. l/2 ,f Block 37
26 to 41
No numbers
4015 Clarkson St.
l to 4
39 -42
37 to 4 0 inc.
1-48 inc.
45 to 48 inc.
Blk. Nos.
South Bdw7. Helibts.
" " "
" " " " " "
" " "
" " "
" " "
" " n
11 1. " n
II ft n
" n "
" " "
" " " II ft ft
n " n
" " " II ft ft
" " " "
" II
" " "
" "
" " "
" "
" " II
" " 7
Hamilton & K1111es.
Seuth Bdwy. Heights •
" " "
" "
" " •
Compaints, Pretest, Object1•n• and
Remonstrances against the prepeaed
creation of a Local Improvement
District in the City of Engleweod,
Colerade, to be known as The Trunk
Line SanitRry Sewer District Re. 1,
En ,leweod, Celerado, and t• .. ke
certain sewer imprevements in said Distric~
Te the Honorable Board and Members of the City Council in and tor the
City .C Englewood, Celorade; Gentlemen;
We, and each of us, the undersigned, do hereby, each individually, and
likewise jeintly, file and enter our several complaints, protests, ebjectiens
and rem nstrances, ag•inst the proposed creat i on of a lecal ·imprevement district
in the City d' Englewood, Colorado, to be known as The Trunk ·Line Sanitary
Sewer District ... l, Engleweed, Celorado and te make certain sewer iapreve-
ments in said district;
That we are so filing and entering the same pursuant to the "notice" so
t.o d e, and published in the newspaper called The Engleweod Herald flt date
August 26th, 1921 and other issues; and hereby declare that we~ er any er
either er us, do net waive any rights or legal insufficiencies or th• aaid
"Netice" by reason of se filing and entering such complaints, pretests,
ebject ions and remonstrances herein.
That we and each of us are t h e owner, er owners or real estate and
property which is included within the boundaries or the said propesed district,
which rea l estate and preperty is to be a s sessed, and pers ns interested
~. That such ~co~plaintr;;~ pDotests~~objections and remenstrnacea are based
upon the fellewine grounds and for the foll~wing reasons, and are aa tellewa;
l. That tne Ci~1 er ~n~lgw~ou is no~ now anu never has been a duly, properly
and le ga lly inv rporated City of the Secend Class in the State fC Celerade,
and has n• rip,ht, power or authority, through its City Council, or etherwi ..
te create t h e said proposed Sewer District, er te assess the property ewners
therein, fer the same.
2. That it is the Jurpese and intent, if the same can be legal.ly accemplish-
ed, ef the undersignera hereof, t.o ,have vacHted lRrge portions er their ·
preperty within the p~opesed limits of the Sc .id proposed sewer district, frem
their respective plats and have su~h real property re-converted int• farming
land ftlld acreag e, and alee withdraw from the corporate limits er the said City
.r Bngleweed, Colorado. .
3. That the prop osed creation of the said sewer district and the propesed
special assessments a gainst the unders1gne u prw~erty owners within such pro-
posed sewer district, with r lat1ons to the a mount thereof, fer the cest er
the const ruction of the p roposed sewer and trunk line, are against the pro-
visions Of the Constitution of the United StRtes or Americt •, and of the
Constitution of he State of Colorado, and of the Statutes and Laws er the
State of Colera~o, ~nd in violation of the s Rme, or or one or mere er the
same, and that the s ~m e i3 not in accordance with law, or the p rovisiens or
the Colornd ~ ~t~wu~es in sucn cas e made and provided.
4. That the proposed creation of the said alleged local improvement district,
te b kn o ~n RS the Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer District No. l, ar~resaid, is net
in reality, er in truth, or in fact, a local improvement district, but is in
truth and in tact a general sewer and subject to the cenatitution and laws er
the State •f Oelerado, g everning and controlling the same and the special
assessments if any levied against property owners therefor, er t• be levied,
and not ac ordine to the provisions or the statute, and the constitutions, per-
tainin5 to lecal improvement districts, as is a tempted te be done in the
pres snt instance.
5. That the proposed improvement of the real property or the undersigned, and
each of them, in the manner and form pr oposed, is clearly net within the domain
er the Police Power and Regulatien because the aame ia not necessary or cen-
ductive to the health, comfort or society of the undersigned property owners,
and is therefore in violation of the Constitution flf the StRtutes ef the
State f Colerado.
6. That t he ColorRdo StRtute Pro v iding the rule of apportionment according
t e area of pro erty or lets alleeed to benefittl, and herein cemplained of,
d e es not in the present instRnce, secure a special assessment in proportion
in such benefits as nearly R S is reasonabla practiceable because.the under-
a1 gned owners have no water, or insufficient water to properly flush a sewer
wit , and the aewer is therefore re no v~lue to them, and because ir water is
supplied therefore the cost thereof will only add the excessiveness ef the
assessments over the amount of the benefit received or te be received there-
rro ; al30 because the fnr ~reate r portion of the lets and r e al property er
the unders igned, are n ot used, offered, or fit fer building lots but that the
same, to the ext ent of a ereater majority thereof, are entirely used fer
agricultural and farmin g purposes, and have no use whatseever for a sewer;
that auch property censists mostly of hundreds, if net thousands of lets, new
vacant, situated in the suburbs and 0 utlying districts and used exclusively
rer farming and acrea e e, all as aforesaid, and the proposed special assess-
ment amounts to man y t.imes the amount of benefits t• be received by such
preperty, or that it is reRson RblJ a1Jparent that the san1e can pessibly
receive thereby, ei t.nei· nctualJ.y or· a _·pat•f;r.tly, by the censtruction •f the
said sewe r as now proposed; that the same will be not only a benefit t• the
unders i gned property owners but will in truth and in fact eperate as a
detrl ent, and cause n ctual less to them aside from the ameunt ef the assess-
ments, becnuse such excessive assessments will prevent, forbid, and make
impossible a sale or ether disposition IL their said property, except a less
or the same by tax sale; and also because the proposed special assessment
is witheut rega rd to the benefits received all as aforesaid, and because
"the presumpt ion that the costs so assessed will not exceed the benefits
received" has been manifestly and absolutely affirmatively shewn .and everceme,
and that the same is g larln~ 1-llustrat1on ef the old adage "that the pewer te
tax is the p ow r te destroy , be ing a flagrant misuse of the taxing power
and engulfing their said property u nder as nessrrents many times its ·value
in ~luding any benefits thereby received; that the same amounts te and is a
cenfiscation fo their said p roperty; and that to such extent the ata~uee
mentioned ast above is in violRtion .of the constitution of the State et
Cel rado and void to such extent.
7. That a great portion of the undersigned owners, as well as many others,
will be utte rly unable to pay the said special assessments proposed te be ••
levied aeainat their property, and ·the same will be lest t• them threugh tax
a&le a, be cau s e the sttme is unreasona b le and unjust, and they p~otest against
the levy of same in any IM~!Pl~·
8. Th~·t it is the reques t and prHyer of the undersi gned, and eRch of them,
that t h e property belonging to them lying and being within the limits of the
City or Engl~wood, west and south of the City Ditch and as far Nerth aleng
the City Ditch as the inte.rsection of the center line of South Cherekee Street.t
t h ence north on the center line of South Cherokee Street, te the interaectien
er t h e center line ef West H~mpden Av e nue; thence west on the center line et
Weat Hampden Avenue te the proposed trunk line sewer be · entirely excluded rrem
s aid propeaed district and entirely exempted frem any and all special aaaesa-
menta thereer, er at least adjudged te the extent er the benefits actuaily
rec e ived on any such property not se entirely excluded.
Name Street Address, Englewood.
Fr ank •· & Iday L. Beyer, 3901 So. Mariposa St. c.w. Va lentine 440 West H.mpden
J s e h Ol i ner 3601 So. Elati
Be r tha W. H~rlan 340 w. Hampden
Cara t e n F . Leren s en 3595 Se. Cherokee
Th lllfts Bailey 3523 So. Cherekee
Harry F . Lingle 324 W. Hampden
My r tle L . El s te en 3 5 53 So. Delaware
Cl yde o. R ~inwa te r 3525 So. Delaware
Pe r cy Lamb 630 W. Hampden
• C. Dwi gana 365.3 So. Cherokee
A.T. ic kel Lots 9 to 12 Blk. l Englewoed
B.L . z nn 3790 So. Fox
Robt . J . 'cRea 3761 So. Galapage
Eric k Lu s t. 3660 So. Huren
Jehn Ferris 3541 Se. Galapago
Le r oy Sm ith 3650 So. Huron
He n rye tte T. McClary 3608 So. Jason
C .F . Rice 810 W. Hampden
E .H. Holderness 750 w. HRmpden
Mrs . G. Hendrickson 3 5 26 So. Huron
Gus F . Schmidt 3650 So. Galapago
S.E . Hop per 3638 Se. Galapago
I. G . Deal 6 O W. Hampden
Gr een Eu ank Lot 21 Blk 23 Engleweoa
Erne st Swansen Lets 17 to 32 Blk 6, Engleweod
James Gratten Ro g ero Lots 8 t• 23 Blk 18 Engleweod
llr s . S tella Lindstrom Blk 15 Logandale
D. Orteysen 3701 So. Elati
E .J . Cold rick 3690 So. Elnti
Wal ter Bn rth 3600 So. Huron
Cec i l l i a BlR dho l m 3710 So. Fex
He nry TPylor 3760 So. Fox
Ch a rles A. Berg Blk 16 Lognndale
Eli ?.a eth Gentsch Blk 12, 6 lets.
Ch Rs . D. Berry Lots l to 18 inc. Blk 18 Englewoed and
R.C. J hnaon
Ag a the Burghard
Mr s . Eli ?.k b eth Eidson
F.F. Burden
The I mp erial Securities
C.B. Ga rnett
W.G. Duncan
Pe t e r Westerlund
Joh n w. Tolle
llra. Jeaie Wilsen
J. Wa 1 ren Ro bb
J .S . Willi ma
R se A. McDonou gh
Olive T. Strong
5 1 names.
c ••
Blk 2 Skerrittss Add. and all land
pertaining to same.
Blk 14 Lots l te 11 Logandale .
Blk 14 Lots 12 te 20 Legandale
Blk 19 Lets 17 te 24 Legandale
Blk -.3&'='35, 36 Legandale
Blks 13 an0 1 6 Legandale
Blk 32 Lats l te 8 Logandale
3796 Se. Galapago
Lets 13 te 24 Blk 12 Logandale
Lots l te 24 Blk 30 Legandale
Lots 25 to 48 Blk 31 Legandlle
Lets l to 24 inc~ Blok. 31 Logandale
Lots 25 to 32 inc. Blk 9 Legandale
Blk 7 Legandale
Blk 4 Lots 25 to 33 LogRndale.
CfJn tl sr.en;
The undersi gned Jc .cob c. Jones, a resident and land owner of the City
er En e leweod, hereby enters his protest fl.nd objects to the constructien and
i mp eei~ion or an assessment or tax upon his llnd for the construction er a
dertaln trunk line sewer advertised to be ·censtructed for the use and benefit
er th e City fC En g leweod and its inhabitants, which advertisement is new appear-
in in the Englewood Herald of Aueust lSth 1921, and other dates respectively.
That the grounds tor said protest are as follows;
That undcrsiened has now pending in the County Court filt: Arapahoe County,
Colorad o, an action to disconnect a large part of his land frem the City er
En g leweed, which land ls desc r ibed as the South west Fo~rth tL the Seuth west
Fourth ti Section Thirty-four (34) Township Feur (4) South ·of Range Sixt1-
el gh t (6 8) West, in Arapahoe County, Colorado, (except five (5) acres situated
in the South east corner of said tract; also five (5) acres situated in the
Nerthwest Quarter or the So u theant Qu n rter of said Section described in the
petition fer aaid disconnection.
That undersi gned is the owner of above 5 acres situated on Breadway ln
the Northwest Quarter er the Southeast Quarter of said Sectien Thirt1-teur,
in the City of En g lewood. That none or said lands are platted er laid eut
into leta or blecka, and at the present time are not available fer platting
pu r p ose s.
3'27 .
I #
There are no improvements <nsRid l ~nd by way er buildings, except his
resi d ence, a barn and some outhouses connected therewith, a small brick.
bui l d ing nearby, all situated on or near Broadway in the City er Engleweed,
and a n old frame building , situate d on Hampden Avenue en the South Side er
his land, sought te be disconnected.
Tha t the construction or a trunk line sewer over or across his lands, as
n• c ontemplated, would b e of no pra ctical use to him er his said lands.
Th a t t h e proponed a sz e s sm e nt to be p laced aeainst his land for the
c nstruction of said system, of t h irteen dollars per _&et as stated in said
a dve r t i s ement notice, is excessive, unreasonR b le and largely of a centiscatery I
c ha r act er.
Th at undersi gned does not b elieve that any urgent nocessity exists for
t h e c n struction and mn1ntenance of a sewer system in the manner contemplated
and if such is the case that it should be solely fer the use and benetit ef
that part •f the city which is built up and can make use or ·a sewer, which is
n ot the case with undersigned's land as new situated.
Th at he does not believe it is the purpose or intent er a large majerity
er t he r ea ide nta fC En g lewood to 1mpese such unreasonable tax u ~en his lands
without s ome kind or a benefit to him commensutate with their benefits, which I
is not the case and cannot b e the cfl.se under present cendi tions.
That quite a large pR rt of his lands on the west side will be excluded
rr m the use or said se wer on account of being lewer than the line et the
sewe r.
Th at under ~i e n e d u ses h i s land as a fRrm, and for a home, and desires
that it remain such, durin g hie few remainin g year1, unless he is able te
d is p o s e of it at a profitable price.
Undersigned wiahes 't• say that he is not opposed to public imprevements
fer t h e benefit er the City .C Englewood er its inhabitants but does ebject
to h a v ing his land classified as city property and taxed ·aa such for sewer
purpo ses , all er which must be well known to the city taxing eftic!ala.
That he further protests to th e le gR lity of the present proceedings,
a nd e a ch and every part thereof.
Da ted this da y of Sep tember, 1921.
Jacob c. Jones.
The unde r s1ened William H. Kinthard and Ha n nRh .Kisthard residents and
land owners of the City of Er.g lewood, hereby enter their protest and ebject
te c onstruction and imposition of an .assessment or tax upon their land for I
t he c onstruction of a certain truhk line sewer advertised to be censtructed ·
ror t h e use and benefit er the City r£ Englewoed and its inhabitants, which
ad v ertisement la now appearing in the Engleweed Herald er August 19th, 1921
and other dates re,pectively.
That the grounds for s i id protest are El.& foll••;
Tha t undersigned have new pending in the County Ceurt ef Arapahee
Co unty, Celerado, an action to disconnect a large part of their land frem
the City of Englewood, which land is described as fellows, te-wit "That
t he Rb ove named and undersigned William H~ Kisthard and Hannah Kisthar• are
t h e enera in commen or .the following deocribed land and reas estate situated
with in the incorporR~ed boundaries of SRid Municip•l Corporation as fell•ws,
te-wit All land Rnd real estri.te Ea s t (e) of the County Read and East (E) er
t h e railread rights er WRY hereinafte r descri b ed or the Seutheast Quarter
(SEl /4) of the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4) of Section thirty three (33) in
Tew nsh ip four S outh (T.4 S) Range Sixty eight West (R68 W) in Arapahee
Co unty , State or Colorado, except a strip ef and one hundred and twenty five
(1 25 ) feet wide orf the south border line of said abeve described tract,
ala • except a small tract er a b out six-tenths of an acre situated in the
Seut heast (SE) corner of said above described tract owned by "Hannah Kisthard,
h erei na ft e r more particularly descri bed; all of said tract containing abeut
t wenty -on e (21) acres.
Also, the above petitioners, William H. Kiathard and Hannah Kiathard are
t he ewners in common of a strip of land one hundred and twenty-five (-125)
te e t ide on the south b order line of said tr,~.ct heretefore described as all I
land Ea st of the County Road and East of the Railroad rights or way flt the
So u thea s t Quarter (SEl/4) er tu~ Soutue Hst Quarte1· (SEl/4) of Sectlwn thirty
th ree (33) Township four South (T.4 S) Range Sixty eight west (R68 W) in
Ar a ah ee Ceunty, State m-Celerado, said llnd bordering on the Count7 Read
kn o wn a s Sheridan Avenue, b u now known aa West Hampden Avenue.
That the abeve named petitioner Hannah Kisthard is the owner ot a small
tra ct er land a nd reaa estate situated within the incorperated boundarl••
et a r i d unicipal Corporn t i on, as follows, to-wit. Commencing at a peint
t went y-f i v e (2 5) feet north (N) er the Southeast (SE) qarner stake er the
Se ut h e~s t quarter (SEl/4) of the Southea n t quarter (SEl/4) ef Section thirty-
t h ree (33) Township four south (T.4 S) Range Sixty eight west (R60 W) in
Ar ap h oe Ceunty, State of Colornde which st Rke is lecated in the center er
t he Count y Road knewn as Sheridan Avenue, now knew as Wes t Hampden; thence
ner th (N) along t h e East (E) line or the a Love described tract three hundred ·
and fifty (350) feet: thence west (W) seventy five (75) feet; thence eeuth -
three hundred and fifty 350) f e et; thence East (E) sev enty five (75) teet
te p l a ce ef beginning, containing about i.six tenth• (6/10) •f an acre.
That there Rre no improvements on an j d land by way ef buildings except
t h at there la a small brick dwelling house facing en West Hampden .Avenue, •n
th e lands owned th e the said Ha nnah Kisthard; there is also an old traae heuse
a nd s ome chi c ken-coeps on the lands owned by William H. Kisthard and Hannah
Ki sthar d , jointly.
That the constructi on of a trunk line sew er over or across their lands
a s n ow conte~plated, wouki be of no practical use to them, or t• their said
l and s.
Th~t tne proposed as s es ~mc nt to be placed a gainst their land for the
construction of s~id sew e r system, of thriteen d ollars per lot as stated in
s a id advertisement norice, is excessive, unre a sonable and largely en a cen-
tlsca t ery character.
.• •• .I
Th at undersigned does not believe that any urgent necessity exists ter
the c natructlon and maintenance of a sewer system in the manner centemplated
and if such ia th• case, that it ahoull be aelely ter the use and benetit et
that part er the city which is built up and can make use of a sewer, which ia
net the c a st with undersi g ned's land aa now situated.
That they de net. believe it is the p ir· pose er intent er a large majeri·ty
et t h e residents of Englewood t• impose such unreasonable tax upon their lands
without aeme kind er a benefit te them, cemmenaurate with their benefits,
which is net the cane and cannot be tl1e case under present cendi ti•n•.
That quite a large part of their Janda on the west aide will be excluded .
trem the uae et •aid sewer on acceunt or b c:ing ltwer than the line et the sewer,
The undersigned use their land aa a farm, and ter a home, and desire that
it r emain such, during their few remaining years, unless they are able te
d ia p e a e or it at a rotitable price.
Undersigned wish te aay that they are n o t eppeaed te public imprevementa
t or th • benefit or th• City Of Engle ~o•d •r it• inhabitants, but de •bject
t• having their land claaaifled ·as city preperty and taxed as such ter sewer
pu r pose s, all er wh ich must be well known to the taxing officials.
That they turther pretest t• the legality or the present preceeding•,
and e ach and every p art thereof.
D t•d thia 10th day er Se p tember, 1921.
W.H. Kist.hard,
Hannah Kisthard
by W.H. Kisthard.
H nor ble City Council
En~l~••od, Colorndo. Sept. 12th, 1921.
Bentl•••n 1 .
I desire to enter my protcot of the assessment acoeunt of the prepesed
Trunk Lin• Sanitary Sewer District No. l, Englewood, against the ERat 1/2
et th e NW l/4 •f SWl/4 Sec. 34 Township 4, Ranee 68 West, IP acres more
particularly described as foll•wa;
A tra ct er land descr l ied as foll•••;, Beginning at a point which is the
inters ection or the center line or South Fex St. produced with the aeutb
property line er West Dartm•uth Ave. 660 rt. to an interaectlen with a line
predu ced which is parallel t• and 35 feet Ea ~t et the West property llne et
South D lawa r e St.; thence south aleng said line 1282 tt. t• an ;lnteraectien
with t h e cent.er line or Fleyd Ave., produced, thence west aleng center line
et Fleyd Ave., preduced 660 teet te an intersectl•n with the center llne et
Sol th Fox St. produced; thence north aleng center line et South Pex S\.
produced 1188 tt.. te th• point er beginning, exclusive et street.a and alleys.
Ce s t er this aa neaament aa shown by the City Engineer's map te be 11499.19.
Thia land ly t n e as it deea cless t• the RRilread and Dry Creek, &Rd
which ia divided into twe ten acre tracts and leased, can only be uaed ter
)ruck ga rdening and will net need any sewer connections. There haa net been
even a house errected in the immediate vicinity et thia land in over ien
1•a ra. The general taxes were tor th• year 1918 1200 .0I; 1919 1193.59; and 1920
139 6 .3 7, and increase or Rp proximately 100% in three years. Th••• taxea with
th• increase et 115.00 a year in rent er City Ditch Water and ceat et insurance
and repaira, have not brought ever 1.1/2% on the investment.
With th• 100~ incre ase in eeneral taxes and the further increase ter
1921 taxe1 ewing to increased tax levi•• fer State fl C•l•r~d•, added t• th•
annual installment •f $124.96 and 6% on unpaid principal, which fer the tira\
ye a r would be 1142.45 making total due fer inst.ailment 1267.41 to over $400.00
tor g eneral taxes, would make clese to 1700.00 a year rer taxes.
In view er my inRbility, owin g to the illness and death .-r my husband
t• improve my property, together with these immense taxes and no need tor a
sewer cennectien, and the further fact that my neigh !J era on the west down to
the railr•Rd tracts are net included in this district, I thererere respectfully
pray that your honorable body will grant my petition to exempt my land frem
your 1 cal im rovemcnt District l.
Elizabeth w. Ducey.
HEREA S the final con s ideration and det e rminatien or said writ•en protests
wft a at the meeting on the 12th day er Septe mber aforesaid, by actien er said
City Co11 ncil duly continued t• September 15th, A.D. 1921 and on the aaid
Septemb er 15th, A.D. 1921 duly continued te September 20th, A.D. 1921 and en
a a i d Septemb e r 20th, A.D. 1921 duly and regularly continued to October 10th,.
A.D. 1821 and on SE.id 10th day •r Octeber, A.O. 1921 further duly and regularly
conti nued to the 9th dny •f January A.D. 1922, and
WHEREAS on said 9th day •f January, A.D. 1922 by resolutien duly adepted
and u nanimously passed the said City Council teund all •f the said written
p r t es ts te be without merit and det e rmined t• and did _ over-reule all aaid
e bj ectlons and complaints, except RS follows, te-wit;
The protest of Elizabeth W. Ducey was allowed and the land owned by her
and included within the original oundary of s < id i mprovement district was
ordered t• be left eut r the district as finally determined and as herein-
afte r more fully appears, and
WHEREAS all of the other prote s ts were of such a general nature and were
si gn e d as ap pears on the face thereof by vaious persena without in all
ins t ances setting forth o ip osite their signatures the exact description •f
the p r o perty owned by th e m and alle e ed by them to be situated within the
bound aries of said sew e r district h S t.herterore by said council determined, and
WHEREAS, &Rid City Council in considering the said pretests ter the
purpeae •f their determination consulted with Glen A. Izatt ita CitJ Engineer
and th• said City Engineer had prepared an amended map et the SE •id district
shewing thereen the beundaries and the property included therein as hereinafter
mere fully described and an amended map wa• en tile in th• Office et the City
Clerk of said City tegether with said Engineer's amended estimate et the
3' 2 9 ··-
cost er aaid sewer district together with an amended assessment rell
shewing the estimated amount of the cest in propQrtion t• the benefit
accruing t• be assessed against each let or parcel er land included
within aaid amended boundary which ala• appeared en file in the ettic• et
aaid City Clerk, and ·
WHEREAS such amend~ent became necessary because .r ther.exolueien
trom aaid district of certain Jr•perty hereinafter described and,
WHEREAS by said resolution sflid improvement district aa originallJ
created and boundaries thereef determined b) this Ceuncil were by aaid
reaelutien determined and declared t• remain the aame except te the
extent ef the exclusien from said s ew<'r district et the tell••ing deaoribed
preperty, te-wit;
Lots and Tracts of land excluded from Trunkline Sanitary Sewer
District Ne. l,' En~lewood, Celorado.
Lets l to 36 both inclusive, Block 40. I
All f bl•cks 33 te 39 both inclusive.
All er Blecka 42 te 64 both inclusive.
A tract of land described as follows; Beginning at a peint which is on
the west property line of Seuth Che okee Street and 100 feet seuth •t the
aeuth line et West Dartmoith Avenue thence west 300 teet; thence aeuth 330
teet; thence east 300 teat t the west line or Sauth Cherekee Street; thence
nerth aleng aaid west line t• the point or beginning •.
A tract er alnd described as fell•••; Beginning at a point •hioh ·ie ·
the intersection ti the center line er Seuth Fex Street, preduced, wlth the
South property line or West Dartmouth Av e nue; thence east aleng the aeut.b
property line er West Dart.mouth Avenue 660 feet t• an interaeoti•n w1t.h a lln•
(preduced) which 1• parallel t• and 35 reet cast fl the weat preperi1 line
et Seuth Delaware Street; thence south aleng said line 1282 teet t• an
intersection with the center line or F~oy• Avenue, preduoed, thence •••t aleng
the center line er Floyd Avenue, produced, 660 teet te an interaectien with '
the center line ·or South Fox Str e et, pr•duced; thence nerth aleng th• center
line er Seuth Fea Street, preduced, 1282 feet te the peint er beginning.
Exclusive er streets and alleys.
A tract et lArid lying in the NEl/4 of SWl/4 et Seotien 34 described aa
tell•••; Beginning at an intersection er the extended center line et alley
in Bleck 2 Hllllll1n's · Addition with the extended center line or East Pleyd
Avenue; thence west 480.5 feet; thence north 330 feet; thence east •e•.3 teet,
••r• er leas, t• the point •f beginning.
A tract or land lying in the SEl/4 of SWl/4 ef Sec. 34. mere tully
d scribed aa t•ll•ws; Beginning at a point on the n•rth property line et. I
Hampden Avenue 769.8 f e et went of the west property line •f Seuth Breadway;
thence weat alen~ the north property line or Hampden Avenue 487.2 teet t• an
·· 1nteraectien with a line, produced, parallel to and 13 teet west et the east
prepeet1 line •f Seuth Delaware Street; thence north aleng said deaor1b•d
line et Seuth Dtlaware Street l272 teet t• an intersection with the aeuth
pr operty line or Floyd Avenue preduced; thence east aleng the eeuth prepert7
line et Fleyd Avenue, preduced 660 feetJ thence south 300 teet;.the~o• west
172.8 teet; thence south 972 feet t• the point or beginning. (Bxolualve et
str••*• and alleya). ·
A parcel et land lying in the SWl/4 ef the SWl/4 et .Section 3• aere
fully described as tell•••; Beginning at A point which ia the interaectien
er the nerth preperty line et Ha mpden Avenue and the center line et Beuth
Huren Street, preduced, thence north Rleng the center line er Seuth Buren
Street, preduced, t• an intersecti•n with the .center llne et Little Dry
Creek; thence in a n•rtheasterly directien aleng the center line et Little
Dry Creek t• an intersectien with the -center line tr Seuth Fex S\reit~,
pr•duced; thence east al•nz the center line et Seuth Pex Street, preduced,
te an interaecti•n with the center lino er Fleyd Avenue; pr•duced; thence
e as t aleng the center line er Fleyd Avenue; pr•duoed, 660 ~eet t• an 1nter-
aeot1on with a line parallel t , and 13 teet weat er the east preperty line
et So u th Delaware Street; thence south aleng a line parallel to and 13 feet
west re the east property line •f South DelPware Street 672 feet te an
interaectiGn with the center line of West Girard Avenue; preducea, thence
eat aleng the center line of West Girard Avenue, produced, 330 reet; thence I
a uth 630 reet t• an inte~section with the north property line of Hampden
Avenue; t• the point of beginning.· Exlusive of streets and alleys.
A pRrcel •f land lyin g in the SWl/4 of the SWl/4 •f Sectien 34 mere
fully deecribed as fo J lowa; Beginning at a peint en the nerth prepert1 line
er Hampden Avenue, which is an intersection with a line parallel t• and 13
f ee t eat r the east property line •f South Delaware Street; thence west
along the nerth property line of Hampden Avenue 330 f (et; thence north 630
teet to an intersection with the center line or West Girard Avenue; preduced,
330 feet t• An intersection with a line parallel te and 13 teet west •f the I
east p roperty line of South DelawRre Street; thence south aleng said described
lint 63 0 reet to the point •f beeinning. Exclusive er streets.and alleys.
All f b lecks l te 6 beth inclusive and Blocks 12 te 23, beth inclusive.
All er Bleck• l and 2.
A p Rrcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a peint which 1a
an intersection •f the north property line •f West Hampden Avenue, and the
center llne •f South Huron Street, produce~, thence north aleng the center
line er South Huron Street, produced, 320 reet (more er less) t• an inter-
section with ·the center line •f Little Dry Creek, thence in a seuthwesterly
direction aleng the center line of Little Dry Creek 87C feet, (more er less)
to an in te r ectien with the center line of South San•a Fe Street, produced,
thence aeuth alone the center line of South Santa Fe Street, produced, 100
teet, (m ere er leas) to an intersecti 'J n with the north preperty line er
West Hampden Avenue, thence east alon~ the north property line er West
Hampden Avenue 652 feet (more or les3) te the point er beginning. (All
lyin in SEl#• or the SEl/4 ef Section 33, (exclusive ef streets and alleys).
A pRrce l fl aldn described as foll••; Beginning at a point· which is
an interaectl•n ft.! the center line ~ Main Street and a line parallel te and
13 feet west ~ the east property line .C Seuth Delaware Street; thance seuth
449 feet te an intersection with the center lil'8 ti West Kenyon Avenue;
ihence east 130.6 feet; thence northeasterly 67.2 reet; thence north 390
reet te An intersection with the center line • Main Street thence west aleng
cent r line er Kain Street 168 feet te the point er beginning. (Exclusive er
atreeta nd alleys.
A parcel or land described as f6llows; Beginning at a point en the
c nter line ~ Y•in Street and 47 feet east of the west preperty line er South
Cherekee Stre t, preduced, thence west alGne center line of Main Street l 63
reet; thence a uth 416 feet te an intersection with the nerthwest berder
er the City Ditch; thence northeast along the northwest berder which ia
parallel t.e and 47 r .eet. east of the west property line ef South Cherekee
Street 250.5 feet te this int e rsection; thence north 23C.5 r~et aleng ._id
descri b ed line to the point of beginning. Exclusive of streets and alle7a.
A tract flt land described as fellows; Beginning at the 1ntersect1•n et
the south line er est Hampden Avenue with the center line extended fC Seuth
Chero ee Street ; thence south 920 feet, thence east 17 feet thence sout.h
230 .O-feet te t :1 e bank er the City Ditch, thence nertheasterly aleng aaid
bank te an intersection with the center line extended et alley between South
Bannock Rn Seuth Cherekee Street; thence nert.h aleng aa1d cent.er line te ~
an intersection with the seuth line of West Hampden Avenue thence west al•nc
> said a uth line te the point of beginning._; A tract ef land lying in the
west half er the northeast quarter of t h e northeftst quarte~ or Section r ur
mere ru ly described as follows; Be inning at a point which is an inter-
aectien of the center line er Soufh Stt.nta Fe Str et. with the seuth property
line •f est Hampden Avenue; (!.he nce west alen~ the aeuth property line et
est Hampden Avenue il thence west alone t h e seuth preperty 11ne ef West Hampden
Avenue 56 ·feet (mei"e er leas) to aR 1ntersecti•n with the west p-epert1
·line 5 uth Jtalamath Street produced; thence south aleng the west prepert7
line er South Ktt.lalllftth Street, produced 400 feet (mere er leas) te an inter-
· aection with the north property line of Pearl Street, preduced, thence· west
alen6 the north property line or Pearl Street, pr duced, 120 feet (mere or
leao) te an intersection with the easterly right of way beundary line er the
A.T. & .F. Ry.; thence in a southwesterly direction aleng the easterl7
right e r way beundfiry line of the A.T. a S.F. Ry. 975 reet (mere or leaa)
te an intersect ion with the center line of West Kenyon Ave. thence east aleng
the center line er West Kenyon Avenue 730 feet (more · er less) te an inter-
sectien wlt.b the center line of South Aanta Fe Street; thence north aleng the
center line •f South Santa Fe Street 1340.7 feet (more er less) te the point
er beginning . Exclusive of streets a nd alleys.
All ef bleck s 2 te 17 both inclusive. All of blecka 30 te 37, beth
inclusi'le. All of Blecks B, C, and D. .
All et Bleck 9. In Block 10, lots 12 to 31, beth inclusive. In Bleck 11,
lets 19 to 31, both inclusive •. All ef Blocks 22 to 27, beth inclusive.
WHER' .. AS t he boundaries of said district Rnd the property included therein
as mere fully set forth hereinafter wRn anu is the boundaries of said district
and the description of said property contained therein RS finally fixed, deter-
mined, ap roved and adopted by said 61ty Council in said reaelution er Januar7
9th, A.D. 1922, and .
WHEREAS , the details, specifications, estimates, maps, schedules and
plane adoptine materials as ori g inally adopted b y said Council at the meeting
on the 3r• day of August, A.D. 1921, aforesaid and as amended en said January
9th, 1922 and at said time finally approved, ratified and cenrirmed are the
details, specifications, estimates, maps, schedules and plans adopting said·
materials fer &Rid Trunk Line Sanitary Sewe~ District ·No. l, Enelewoed,
Celerad , upon which said improvements will be co r..p leted, and
llEREAS , such amcndmen ts be c Hm e neceosttry 0 111 · for the reE1.son of the
exclusi n frem said district of the property here1n :~efore described, and
WHEREAS the estimateo of said Eneineer were not changed or amended in
suc h a manner as to effect the estimated cost upon each let or tract et land in
said district and would not increase the total original estimated coat or said
imprevement .but decre~sed same to the ameunt Rs shewn by cemparisen er the
original and amended estimates and asseasment rolls, and
\7HEREAS at the meeting held on the said 9th .day of January, A.D. 1922
said Council continued until this the 18th day er February, A.D. 1922, the
time at which the nrdinance creating said sewer district would be taken up
and censidered .
NOW, TllEREFOREP be it orda ined b :• the City Council ef the City et
En leweed, CelerRdo. ·
SECTION I-Thnt notice ha~ been pub lished and all things necessary te be
done and te exist and te happen p rec e dent to the creation of aaid Trunkline
Shnitary Sewer District No. I, Enelewood, Celer~d•, and the censtructien ef
the propesed impro vement therein have been done and have hap pened and de
exist in the ferm and manner required by l Rw.
. SECTIOH 2-That a Trunkline Sanitary Sewe r District be and the same is
hereby established and created out of that portion er the City f/C Engleweed,
C lorade, bounded and described as follows, to-wtt;
-, .... J..-..
. ' ,·
..: ._·
3' :t t · ..,__
Beeinnine at the intersection of the center line fll West Yale Avenue and
Seuth F•x Street te an intersection south aleng the center line of South Fox
Street with the center line of West Bates Av e nue; thence west aleng the center
line of West Bates Av enue te an intersection with the center line er Seuth
Galapago Street; thence sout!-1 alene the center .line of South Galapag• Street
t• an intersection with the center line of West Cornell Avenue; thence west
aleng the center line •f West Cornell Avenue t• an intersection with the Aenter
line of SQu th Huron Street; thence south aleng the center .line er Sauth Huren
Street t• an intersection with the center line or West Dartmouth Avenue; thence
ist alane the center line or West Dartmouth Avenue te an inte~sectien with the.
west line extended ef Seuth Delaware Street; thence south aleng said west line . 1 te an intersection with a line which is parallel ta and 100 feet south et th'
south line of West Dartmouth Avenue; thence east aleng said parallel line t•
an intersection with the center line of South Cherekaa $treet; thence aeuth
al ng the center line •f South Cherokee Street to an 1n~ersectien with the
center line er West Eastman Avenue; thence east aleng tho center line et West
Eastman Avenue ta an intersection with the extended center line er the alley
in bltck 2 S.G. Hamlin's Breadway Addition; thence south aleng said center
line •f said alley and said center line extended t• an intersection with the ·
extended center line •f East Floyd Avenue; thence east aleng center line I
extended ef :Ea8t Fleyd Avenue to an intersection with the ·extended center line
et Seuth Banneck Street; thence south aleng the extended center 'line et Seuth
Bannack Street te an internection with the north line er Fl••d Additien; thence
west slang said north line to an intersection with the extended center line et
alley in Bl•ck 2,. S. G. Hamlin's Broadway Addition; thence aeuth al eng aaid
extended center line ta an intersection with the seuthaaaterly bank er the
City Ditch; thence southwesterly. and southeasterly along said southeasterly
bank te an intersection with the north line of let 15, bleck ll Jacksen'•
Broadway Heights, thence east al•ne the north line and nerth line extended et
lets 15 and 32 in said bleck 11 to an intersection with the center line et
South Elati Street; thence seuth along the aaid center line •f Seuth Elati
Street t• an intersection with t he center line of West Quincy Avenue; thence
eaat al•ng the canter line of West Qu incy Avenue te an intersection with the
center line er South Breadway to an inter~ection with the extended seuth line
•f l•t 12, bleck 40, Seuth Brou way Hc iehta, thence east aleng the s•u.Ui line
and south line extended er lets 12 and 37, black 40, South Broadway Heights,
t• an intersection with the center line or South Lincoln Street; thence
nerth aleng the center line of South Lincoln Street t• an intersection with
1_~ center line of east Quincy Av enue; thence east aleng the center line at
D~ Quincy Avenue to an intersection with the center line ·et Seuth Clarksen
Street; thence n•rth ~•ne the center line er South Clarkson Street te an
1ntersect1en with the center line •f Bast Mansfield Avenue; thence west
aleng the center lim or West Mansfield Avenue to an intersection with the
center line or Seuth Br•Rdway; thence north alang th• center line of Seuth
Breadway te an intersection with the · center line er East Kenyen Avenue; thence I
east aleng the center line of East Kenyen Avenue t• an intersection-with the
center line et South Clarkaan Street; thence north aleng the center llne et
Seuth Clarks•n Street ta an intersection with the cen~er .line er ·East Dartmouth
Avenue; thence west along the center line er East Dartmeuth Avenue te an
intersection with the center line er Dartmouth Avenue t• an intersectien
with the canter line er South Logan Street; thence north aleng the center 11.r.
Seuth Legan Street t• an inte rs ection with the center lira of East Yale Avenue;
thence west al•n~ the center line •f East Yale Avenue and West Yale Avenue t•
the point er beginning.
The rollowine is a description of lets and parcels •f land incorp,rated
in the Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer District No. 1, City of Engleweod, Calerade.
as amended.
ltll il A1lD/\.I..E:
Lets 1 t• 10 inc., Lets i1 a 12, Lats 13 to 22 inc. Bleck 7.
Leta l to 10 il1) • ' Lots ll & 12, Lots 13 to 22 ~nc. Bleck a.
Leta l t• 10 inc., Lets ll & 12, L•ts 13 to 22 inc. Bleck 9.
Lots l t• 10 inc., Lats 11 & 12, Lots 13 to 22 inc. Block 10.
Re-Subdivision or Lots 2 & 3 Killies' Sub. now knewn as Blecks l
& 2 Killies' Subdivision. I
Lots l, Lets 2 t• 2 inc. Lats 24 & 25, Lets 26 to 47 inc. and Lot 48, Block l.
Lets l, Lets 2 to 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lots 26 t• 47 inc •. and Lot 48, Bleck 2.
Re-subdivision of lets 6 & 7 Killie&' Sub. new known as Blacks 3 & 4,
Killie•' Subdivision.
Lat l, Lets 2 to 23 inc. Lats 24 & 25, Lets 26 te 47 inc. and L•t 48,· Bleck 3.·
L•t l, Lats 2 ta ~3 inc. Lots 24 & 25 , Lot .~ 26 te 47 inc. and Lot 48, Bleck 4.
A resubdivislon of Blocks 5 & 8 in Killies' Subdivision.
Let l, Lots 2 ta 12 inc. Lots 13 to 23 inc. L t 24, Bleck 1.
Lat l, L•tl 2 t• 23 inc. Let 24, Block 2.
Leta l t• 11 inc. L• .. a 12 & 1:3, Lets 14 to 24 inc. Block 3.
Leta l ta 11 inc. Lots 12 & 13, Lots 14 te 24 inc. Bleck 4.
Lets l ta 48 i nc. Black l. Lots l to 48 inc. Bleck 2.
Lats l t 48 inc. Black s. Leta l to 48 inc. Bleck '· Lets l to 48 inc. Block 5. LotR ·1 to 48 inc. Black 6.
Lots l t• 48 inc. Bleck 7. Lots l to 48 inc. Black e.
Lot l, Lots 2 t• 28 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lots 26 te 47 inc. and Lat
Lot l, Lots 2 to 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lo t s 26 to 47 inc. and Lot
48, Bleck l.
48, Bleck 2.
Let l, Lets 2 to 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25 , Lats 26 ,o 47 inc. and Let 48, Bleck I.
Let 1, Lets 2 te 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25 , Lota 26 to 47 i nc. and Lot 48, Bleck •• !Ats l t.• 48 inc . Bleck 5 . Leta l to 48 inc. Bleck 6.
Lets l t• 48 inc. Bleck 7. Lets l te 48 inc. Bleck 8.
Lets l t• 48 inc. Block 9.
Let l, Lota 2 t• 23 inc. Lota 24 & 25, Lots 26 to 47 inc. and Let 48, Bleck 1.
Let l, Leta 2 t• 23 inc. Lots 24 '& 2 5, Leta 2 6 to 4 7 inc. and Let 48, Bleck 2.
Let l, Lot s 2 to 23 inc. Lets 24 & 25, Leta 26 to 47 inc. and Lot 48, Bleck 3.
Lot 1, Lots 2 t• 21 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lots 26 to 47 inc. and Let 48, Bleck 4.
Leta l to 48 inc. Bleck 6. Lets l t• 48 inc. Bleck 7.
Lots l to 48 i nc. Block 8 .
A parcel of land descri ed as follows; Bee inning at a point which is the
intersection Of ·the south property line of Floyd Avenue with the east property
line r South Broadway; thence eRst along the ~outh property line Of F~•yd
Avenue; 155 feet; thence south 125 feet; thence west 255 teet to an inter~ecti~n
with the east property line of South Broadway; thence north aleng the east
property line of South Broadway 125 feet to the p oint ot beginning. Bxcluaive
er atreets and alleys.
A p~rcel of land described as follewa; Be g inning at a point which is en
the south prop e rty line of Floyd Avenue and 255 feet east from the east property
line er S•u~b Broadway; thence eRst along the snid sout~ property line •f Fleyd
Av nue 195 teet; thence south 125 feet; thence west 195 f e et; thence north 125
te et to the point of beg innlne . Exclusive of Streets & Alleys.
A t rcel of land descri b ed as follows; Beginning at a point which is on
t.he south property lirE of F loyd Avenue tt nd 450 feet east Of the east property
lin ~ South Brondway; thence 160 feet east n lone said South property llbe er
Bley Avenu,. t• an ntersection with the west line of South Sl1 erman Street;
thence ••uth •l•ng said w .st property l ine of South Sherman Street 125 teet
thence eat 1 60 tee i thence north 1 2 5 feet to the point of ·beginning. Exclusive
or st.re ts IUld •lleys;
A parcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a point en the east
pro :e ·ty line of South Broadway which is 1 25 feet south of the south preperty
line Fl eye Avenue; thence east 610 teet to an intersection with the west
pro pert line of South Sherman St r eet ; t hence south aleng said west preperty
line of South Sh erman Street 194 f et; thence west 610 feet to ·an interaectien
with th eas.t line of ·South 13roEi'.dwya; thence north aleng the east property
line Qf South Brondway 194 f e et to th ioint of beginning. Exclusive ot
stree t s lnd alleys.
A p .reel ot land descri ed H., foll• a; Beginning at a point on the east
pro ;.erty line or South Broadway which is 319 feet south of the south property
line er Fl•yd Avenue; thence east 459 feet to si intersection with the center ·
line er al ley, produced flC Block 3, thenoe ·aouth aleng said center line et alley
preduced 100 feet; thence west al•n . north let line and let lines preduced et
3'3'2 .
let 5 bleck 3 and lets 5 and 20, Block 4. Premier Addittien 459 feet te an
intersection llJ.~}k.the east propert~JJle~(~o.11rUJ...Jm.~.NlW'Yt!~~t~e~.L.JJfttBA&~~~
alen the easr;'rti'e of South Bronc.lfiJ-str~ ~re~~ ifla~~'"Uig.
Excll8ive er streets and ·alleys. . ·
A p reel •f land described as follows; Beginning at a point which ia
319 feet ~outh of the south pr operty line of Fleyd Avenue .and 459 teet east or
the east property line of South Broadway; thence east 151 feet te an 1ntersectien
'with the west property line or South Sherman Street; thence south aleng the
west property line of South Sherman Street 100 feet te an .intersectl•n with the
nerth property line (preduced) •f let 20 bleck 3, Premier Additien; thence ••at
aleng aald nerth l•t line er let 20 block 3 , 151 feet t• an intersect~en with
th• center line of alley er aforesaid bleck; thence north aleng the aald center
line er alley (produced) 100 teet te the point or beginning. Exclusive er
a tree ta and al le ya.
A pRrcel er·1and described as fellows; Beginning at a point en the east
property line er Seuth Breadway which la 197 teet aouth·er the South Preperty
line er Girard Aveneu; thence east nleng the aeuth let line alld let llnea er
let.a 8 and 17, bleck 5 and lets 8 and 17, bleck 6, 611 feet te an interaeotlen
with the west preperty line er Seuth Sherman Street; thence aeuth aleag the
west property line er South Sherman Street 100 teet; thence west 811 teet te
Rn interaectien with the east line er Seuth Brea 1 1way; thence nerth aleng th•
east liae er Seuth Breadway 100 teet t• the point et be ~lnnlng. Exolualve et
street.a and alleya. ,
A parcel ff land described aa tell•••; Beginning at a peint en th•
east preperty line et Seuth Breadway· •hlch la 297 teet aeutb flt the aeutll ltne
•t Girard Avenue; thence east and parallel with the aeuth line •f Girard
Avenue 611 teet t• an int orae ct1on w1th th• west p-eperty line of Seuth Sherman
Stre t; thence south aleng the west lint et Beuth Sherman Street 154 teet,
thence west and parallel te the north line of Hampden Aven\8 611 teet t• an
interaecti n with the east property J ine fl Seuth Breadway; thence nerth ai .. ,
the e st line ef South Broadway 154 feet te the pelnt er beginnlnp,. Exclusive
•f streets And alleys.
A parcel or :land described a s folla.a; Beginning at a point en the east
preperty line of South BroRdwRy which 1• 154 feet n•rth er the nerth property
line •f Hampden Avenue; thence eRst 1 ~5 fe e t; thence aeuth 50 feet; thence west
1 25 teet t• an intersection with the east line •f Seuth Breadway; thence ·nwrth
aleng the east property line of South Broadway 50 feet te the point et beginnln~,
Exclusive •t streets and alleys.
A parcel •f land described as fellewa; Beeinning at a point which ia 154
t e et north of the north property lirE •f Hampden Avenue ·and 125 feet east er
the east preperty line of South Broadway; thence east 66 teet; thence aouth 50
feet; thence west 66 feet; thence north 50 feet te the point of beginning.
Exclusive er streets and Rlleya.
A parcel er l~nd described as foll•••; Beginning at a peint on the east
preperty line of South Broadway which is 104 feet nerth ef the nerth line ot
3' 3 3 ~ ..
et Hampden Avenue; thence east 191 feet; thence south 25 feet; thence west 191
feet; thence te an inters e ction with the east line of Seuth BroRdway; thence
nerth f1long the east line er Seuth Broadway 25 feet to the point er beginning.
Exclusive er streets and alleys.
A parce l ef land desc,·i t:Jd RS follews; Beg ... nning at a puint en the east
line •f Seuth BroRdWRY which is 79 fee~ nortn of tn~ nvrth line 'ef Hampden
Avenue; thence east 125 feet; thence ~~o uth 52 feet; thence west 125 feet te an
inters ction with the east pro ,erty line of South Bro~dway; thence north aleng
the eas prope rty line of South Bro~dway 52 feet te the point of beginning.
Exclusive ef streets and alleys.
A pRrcel or land descr1 bed as follows; Beg1nnin r El t a point which is. th• I
intersection ef the no rth property line of HRmpden Avenue and the East Preper·ty
line Of South Broadway; thence nort h alone the east property line Of Seuth
Broadway 27 feet; thence east 125 fe e t; thence so th 27 feet to an intersection
with the north property line of HRmpden Avenue; thence west along the north
property line Of HRmpden Avenue 125 feet to the point of beginning.
A p~rccl of land described as follows; Bee inning at a point on the nerth
property line of Hair.pden Avenue which is 135 feet en st ti the east property
line of South BroRdway; thence north 79 feet; thence east 56 fe e t; thence south
79 feet; to an intersection with the north pro erty line of Hampden Av~nue; I
thence est N. eng t : 1 e north propert y line of Hampden Avenue 56 feet te the
point of eg1nning.
A parcel of land described a~ follows; Beginning at a point en tne nortu
property line of Hampden Av enue which is 191 feet ell.st of the east property line'
of Sou .h Br wa dway ; thence norhh 154 r&et; tnence east 50 feet; thence south
l 4 f et to an internect1on with the r.o rth line of Hampden Av Enue; thence west
alone th~ north property line Of HRmpden Avenue 50 feet to the point er beginning,
A parcel of land described RS followa; Beginnlne at a point en the no th
r o perty line of Hampden Avenue \Vhich is 241 fe t east r,t the east prepn~y line
of South Broadway ; thence north 1 ~4 feet; thence east 50 feet; thence aeuth 154
feet to an interssc ti on w1 th the north line of HE •mpden Avenue; thence west aleng
the n orth property line of Hampden Av enue 50 feet to the point ef beginning.
A pRr cel or land described as· foll o ; Beginnine at a peint '"'en the north
prope ·ty line of Hampden Avenue which is lil f et ec1 st of the east property
lin of South Broadway; t hence north 154 fe t; thence east 50 feet; thence south
154 feet to an interaect ion with the nortl pro "ty line of H~.mpden Avenue·;
thence west along the north p rope 1·ty line of H n: en Avenue 50 feet te the point
ef be i;inning.
A pa r cel of land descr1b~d as rollowa; Eee 11n1ng at a point on the north
property line of Hn mpden Avenue which is ~41 f c t east of the east property line
er Sou h Broa ,way; thence north 1 5 4 feet; thence eastl70 f\eet; thence-south -154
re t to an intersection with the nortl property line of Hampden Avenue; thence
west n leng the north propee ty line of Hair.pden Avenue l 70 feet to tl'E point of
beginning. ·
A parcel ef lRnd descri b ed RS follows; Beginnine; at a point which is an I
intersection ot the north pr ope rty line of Hampden Avenue with the west preperty
line of outh Sherman Street; thence west aleng t h e north property Jine ef
Ham pden Av nue 1 0 ~ feet; thence n orth 1 54 feet; thence east 100 feet .to an inter-
section ·1th the west property line of Sou t h Sherman Street; thence seuth al•ng
the est property line of South Sherman Street l54 feet te the point er · beginning.
Let l, Lots 2 to 47 inc. and Lot 4 8 , Block l.
Lot l, Lots ~ to 47 inc. and Lot 48, Block 2.
Lot 5, Lo s 6 to 19 inc. and Lot 20, Block 3. r
Lot 5, Lots 6 to 19 inc •. and Lot 20, Block&.
Lets l to 7 inc. Lots 8 & 17, Lots 18 to 24 inc. Bleck 5.
Lets l to 7 inc. Lets B & 17, Lets l ~ to 24 tnc. Bleck 6.
Lets 1 to 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25 , Lote 1 26 to 48 inc. Bleck•·
Lets l to 23 inc. L ts 24 & 25, Lots 26 to 48 inc. Bleck B.
Lot l, Lets 2 to 49 inc. and Lo~ 5 0 , Block l.
Lot l, Lets 2 to 49 inc. and Lot 50, Block 2.
Lot l, Lots 2 to 48 inc. and Lot 5 0 ,Block 3.
Lot l, Lets 2 to 49 inc. and Lot 50, Block 4.
Lets l t 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lots 18 to 48 nc. Block 5.
Lets l to 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lots 26 to 48 inc. Bleek 6.
Lets l te 23 inc. Lots 24 & 25, Lots 26 to 4 inc. Block 7.
A p~r cel of l and deaO'T'i bed as follows; Beginnine at a point which is the I
intersection of the west property line of South Clarlcson Street with th"e north
property line of Hampden Avenue; thence east along the north property line of
Hampden Avenue 300 feet to Rn intersection with the center line .of South
ashington Street; thence north a lon s the center line of South Sashington .
Stre i t 635 feet to Rn intersection with the center line of Girard Avenue; thence
ePst al ng the center line of GirRrd Avenue 300 f <et to an interseation with
tho west property line of South Clarkson Stroet; thence south alone the west
property line of South ClRrkson Street G35 f et to the point of beginning.
Lot l, Lots 2 to 4~ i nc. and Lot 50, Block l.
Lot l, Lots 2 to 4~ inc. ana Lot 5C, Bleck 2.
e ing2nd riling.
Lots to 50 inc: Block 3. Lots l tp 50 inc. Block 4.
Lots l tf 50 inc. Block l. Lot s l t.t SO lnc. Bleoll 2.
Lots l to 50 inc. Block 3. Lots l to 50 . ir:ic •. Bleck 4.
--./ 3'84
Leta l t 4 8 inc. Block 5. LotL, l to 48 inc. Bleck 6.
Lets l to 24 inc. NEl/4 SEl/4 Block 7.
NWl/4, SWl/4, NEl/4, SEl/4, Block 8.
A tract of land descri }ed as follows; Beginning at a point wh1ctt1a an
inter s ec ion of the east ~roperty line or South BroRdwaywith the center line
ot West Kenyon Avenue (produced) thence north alone the east line ef Seuth
Bro Rdway 660 feet to an intersection with the center line of Jeffersen Avenue;
thence east along the cer ter line of Jeffer s on Avenue 652 feet te aa inter-
section 1th the center line of South Sherman Street; thence nerth aleng the
center line of South Sh e rma Street 7 feet to an interssctien with the center line
•f J e ffer s on A ·enue; thence east Rlong the center line of Jefferson Avenue 622
teet to an intersection with the center line or South Logan Street; thence
south aleng the cent•~ line or South Logan Street 660 feet te an intersection
with the center line of West~enyon Avenue (produced) thence west along the
cente r line ot West 'Kenyon Avenue (produced) 1274 feet to the point of beginning,
Exclusive of streets and alleys. All lies in the Sl/4 •f the NWl/4 er the NJ!8/4 ·
•f Section 3.
Let ~
Let ~
l t 48 inc. Block l.
l to 48 inc. Block 3.
l te 48 inc. BlocK 5.
l te 48 inc. Block 7.
l te 4 inc. Block 9 .
l te 48 inc. Block ll.
to 48 inc. Bleck 13.
l to 48 inc. Bleck 15.
l t 48 inc. Block 17.
l to 48 inc. Block 19.
t te 4 n inc. Block121.
l to 48 inc. Block 23.
l te 48 inc. Block 2 5 ·.
l to 48 inc. Bloc J 7.
l te 4i i nc. Blee 28.
l to 4 inc. Block ·l'I.
l t• 12 and Lots 37 to 4
Leta ~ te 48 inc. B ock l.
Lot s Z te 46 inc. Block 3.
Leta l to 48 inc. Block 9.
Leta l te 48 inc. Block 11.
Leta l te 4 inc. Block 13.
Leta l te 48 inc. Block 15.
Lots l to 40 inc.
Lots l to 48 inc.
Lots l to 48 inc.
Lets l te 48 inc.
; Lots 1 to 48 inc.
Lots l to 48 inc.
Lots l to 48 inc.
:.Lota l te 48 inc •
Lots l t• 48 inc.
Lots i te 48 iric.
. · Lets l t• 48 inc.
Lots l to 48 inc.
Lots l to 48 inc.
Lots l to 48 inc.
Lots l te 48 inc.
Leta l to 48 inc.
inc. Block 40.
Block 2.
Block 4.
Block 6.
Bleck 8.
Bleck 10.
Bleck 12.
Bleck 14.
Bleck 16.
Bleck 18.
Block 20.
Bleck 28 •
Block 24.
Bleck 26.
Bleck 2a.
Bleck 30.
Block 32.
Lots l to 48 inc. Bleck 2.
Lots l te 48 irx:. Block 4.
Lots 1 to 48 inc. Block io;
Lots l to 48 inc. Block 12.
Lots l to 48 inc. Bleck 14.
Leta l to 48 inc. Bleck 16.
Lota l to 48 inc. Bleck l.
Le t s l to 46 i nc. Block 3.
Lots l tp 48 inc. Bleck 2.
Lets 1 to 48 inc. Block 4.
Lota l to 18 lnc. Lot 19, Lots 20 to 29 inc. Lot 30, Let 31, Lets 32 te 49
inc. Bleck l.
Lets l t.e l A inc, Let 19, Lots 10 to 2~ inc. Lots 30, Lot. 31, and Lots 32
to 49 inc. Block 2.
Let9 l te 18 inc. Lot l•, Lots 20 to 29 inc. Lota 30 & 31 and Lets 32 te
4g inc. Block 3.
Lots l t 40 inc. Block 17.
Lots l to 48 inc. Block 19.
Lets l to 46 inc. Block 21.
Lots l to 48 inc. Block 23.
Lots l to 48 inc. Block 18.
Lots l to .48 inc. Bleck 20.
·Lots l to 48 inc. Block 22.
Lots l to 48 inc. Bleck 24.
Lot 1, Leta 2 to 24 inc. Lots 25 to 4~ inc. Lot 46 Block 1.
Lot l, Lots 2 to 47 inc. and Lot 4 6 Block 2.
Lot 1, Lots 2 to 47 inc. and Lot 48 Elock 3.
Lot l t• 24 inc. Block l. Lots 1 to 24 inc. Block 2.
Lot l to 24 inc. Block 3. Lots 1 to 12 inc. ~ots 13 to 24 inc. Block 4
A trRct or land described as follows; Beginni~g at a point which is 0 £he
inters ction ~ the south property line of West DRrtmouth Avenue with the west
property line ef South Cherokee Street; thence west aleng the south property line
of West Dartmouth Avenue 300 feet to an intersecti on with a · line, produced, which
is pR r 11 1 to and 25 feet west of the east prope ~ty line of South Delaware Street
thence south along said line 100 f e et thence east 300 feet to an intersection
with the West property line of South Cherokee Street; thence north aleng the
west pr o perty line of South Ch erokee Str e et 100 feet to the point of Beginning.
Exclusive of streets and alleys. •
3' 3 5 -..:: :_~
A tracJ er land lying in the NEl/4 of the SWl/4 of Section 34 mere fully
described a = followa1 Beginr.ine at a point which is on ·the west property line
of South Bro Rdway 302.7 feet south Cf the south property line er ERstnan
Avenue; thence went 789.5 feet thence south 330 feet, thence east 222.6 teet
thence north 182 feet; thence· ~~~t, ~~ ~'~Jt l£'tlk.J.o .. ~:;a.~c.JJ,~1J.\1Jul;.ht
west property line Of South Br'"IMWa"~T!e-tl'C a l{i'tpOl~ beglniiirii:-1
Exclusive •f streets and alleys.
A trao, or land lying in the NEl/4 of the SWl/4 of Sec. 34 more fully
deac r i ed as toll9wa; Beginnine at a point which is an inter~ection et the
we•t pro pe rty line of South BroRdway with the center line produced, re Pl•yd
Avenue; thence West along the center line of "F'leyd Avenue, produced, 568.l feet;
thence n o rth 182 feet; thence east 28 8 .2 feet; thence south 107 feet; thence
east 2 8 f e et to an intersection with the west property line of Seuth Bro r dway;
thence south ft.long the we st prope r ty line or Seuth B9e&dway 75 teet te the
point of beginning. Exclusive or strf·ets and alleys. ·
A pf!r cel of l ~na lying in the NEl/4 or the SWl/4 or Section 34 mere fully
de s cri be d as follows; Beginning at a potnt which is on the west preperty line
of South Broadway and 452.7 feet south of the south property line of Eastman
Avenue; thence west 280 feet; thence south 107 feet; thence East 280 feet to an
inter s ection with the west property line of South Broadway; thence north' aleng
tne wes l. prope1·ty 11ne of Sou-r.n Broadway 107 ree't to the point •f beginning.
Exclusive er streets and alleys.
A tract of land lying in the SEl/4 of the SWl/4 or ·section 34 more fully
descri e d f S follmra; Beginning at a po i nt which ia thd intersection et the
west pr o perty line of South Bro c.c.lway and the center line,. produced, or Pleyd
Avenue; tJi•ltoe west along the centee line or Fleyd Avenue, produced, 811.8
teet thence south 332.B feet; thence east 611.2 feet te ·an intersection with
the west ~roperty line of South Broadway; thence north IQ.o~ the west property
line ot Seuth Broadway 332.8 feet to the point of beginrting. Exclusive ot
atreet s and Rllo9s.
A parcel or ·1and lyinz in the SEl/I of SWl/4 of Section 34 more fully
desc r i b ed Rs follows; Beginnine at a point which is the intersection fl th•
we st pro perty line of South BroRdway Rnd north property ·line er Girard Avenue;
thence est alen ~ the north property line of Gir11 rd Avertue 544.8 feet; thence
north 306.2 teet; thence east 544.8 feet to an in t ersection with the west
prope rt line of ·south Broc•.dway'; thence south along the west property line
o f South Droadway 306.2 f e et to the point or be g inning.~ Exclusive et streets
and allP.ya.
A parcel of land lying in the SEl/4 or the SWl/4' of Seo. 3~ m0r .e fully
descri b ed Rs follows; BegirU1ing at a point on the north property line fC
Ham p e n A enue and 243 feet est of the west p roperty line or Seuth Brof.dway;
thenc e west aleng the north property line or Hampden Av~nue 280 reet; tbenoe
nerth 6 0 5.8 feet ·to an intersection with the south prop,rty line -of Girard
Avenue; thence east alon& the south pr 'perty line or Girard Avenue 880 teet;
thence south 605.8 feet to the point or beelnnine . Exol~sive et streets and
Lot s 25 t o 47 inc. Lot 48 ,· Block 1.
A parcel of lRnd described tts f ollows; Be ,._,1 .. ning at a point on the west
p ro pe rty line of South Broadway which ia 3 0C feet north of the north property
line of HRmpden Avenue; thence \'T est RlOl e the north l•t line or lot numbered
3 6 , 1 2 feet to an intersection with the ea s t alley l ine; thence north aleng
the e a c t alley l i ne 14.6 feet to an 1ntern<ct1on with the south let line ot
let num ber d 37, thence east125 feet t• Etn internectlon with the west property
line or South Broadway; thence south alon ~ the west property llne or Seuth
Broadway 14.6 ,teet to the point of b eginning.
A parcel of land ·described as follows; e g inning at a point on the
north property line of Hampden Av e nue and 143 f e et west •f the west property
ine or South Broadway; thence west along the north property line er Hampden
Avenue 100 feet; thence north 605.6 feet to an 1ntersect1en with the south
prop erty line or Girard Avenue; thence ea~t ~long the south property line or
Gi ra rd Av e nue, 100 feet to an inters e cti on with the west alley line; thence
aeuth along the west alley line 605.6 f ee t to t h e point of beginntng.
Lot 1, Lots 2 to 17 inc. r.ot 18, Lot s 19 & 28, Lets 21 & 22, Lots 23 t• 31 inc.
Lot 32, Let 33, Lots 34 to· 37 inc. and Lot 30. .
A parcel of land described as foll•••; Be e innin ~ at a point which is the
inte rs ection of the south property line or West Hampden ·Avenue with the center
line extended of alley between South Bannock Stre et and South Cherekee Street
thence south along SRid cent r line to the City DitchJ thence meandering
n o rth e RterJy along said City Ditch to an intersection with the center 11-ne
extended er South Acoo Stre c t; t.hence north :al9n~ · T,hl ·o•nltat 111lefeft;Seil~p; >
Ab•~• Street 648 f e et to an intersection with the center line et. Sheridan
Avenue; thence nor t hwe~t 145 re t and l3C re c t along the center line of
Sheridan Avenue to an interoection with the s outh property line .of West Hampden
Avenue; thence wes t. alon the south pr o1 erty line of West Hampden Avenue
t• the point of beginning. Exclusiv e of streets and alleys.
A arcel er ·:ia.nd descri b ed as follows; Beginning at a point which i•
the intersection of the west property line of South Bro•dway with the South
pro erty line of We st Hampden Avenue; thence south along the west property line
ot South Broadway 175 feet to an interse ction with the center line et Sheridan .
Avenue; thence in a northwesterly d.ircction along the center line et Sheridan
Ave nue 5 6 5 f e et to an inters · ction with the south property line of West Hampden
Av e nue; thence eRst along the south propertJ line of West Hampden Avenue 530
f e et t o the point of beginning. Exclusive of streets and alleys.
~O'ti : l, b
Bl IE ......
SHADY SIDE ADDITION TO ENGLEWOOD. ---------------------------...-
.n ~ inp.-I t~ 25., r o 26. ot e 27 to 49 inc. and Lot 50,
. ' ""' ... .. --·. J
•• ·1-.· (.;
. '
. -& ..
Lot• l t• 7 1no. Lo~ 8, Block 1.
trNW!/ ffntaifl e8ttfft~aa!laf 0Ht~·i~•ft~nl::ft. a~o~tR 0~Pt.tl:g ~~t:~.·~ine. •t
.. -
West Ken y on Avenue; thence west alone the north lot line ef let 16, block l ei
H· mil ton Rn d Killie's BroRdway I ei e hts, 1 2~ reet to an .intersection with the
e ast a lle y line or Block 1, En ~lewood Height.a; thence north al eng the east alley
l ine of lock 1, En e lewood Heights; thence north along the ea~t alley line et
bloc k 1, Englewood Heights 200 feet to an intersection with the south property
lln• o f e s t Jefferson Avenue; thence east along the south property line et
West Jeffer s on Avenue 125 feet to an 1ntors <ction with the west property line
et Sout h Broa dway; thence south along the west property line of South Breadway
200 te e t to th• place or beginning.
Let s 1 t• 7 inc. Lets 8 & 9, Lets 10 to 16 inc. Bleck 2 •.
Leta 8 & 1 0 , Lots ll & 12, ~ots 13 & 14 Bleck 3.
L ts 4, 5, 6 7, & S, Lots 9 to 11 inc. Leta 12 & 13. Bleck 4.
Lot l (northJ Lot 2 (south) Block 5.
HA iILTON AND KILLIE'S BROA WAY HEIGHTS. --------------__ ..................... ----------.................... -..-
Lot l, Lots 2 to 15 inc. Lot 16, Block l.
Lot l, Lots 2 to 15 inc. Lot 16, Block 2.
Lot l, Lot s 2 to 15 inc. Lot 16, Block 3.
Lot 9 (south), Lota 10 & 1 1 , Lot 12 (north), Block 4.
Lot s l, •, 3, f, 5, & 6. Lots 7 to 4 8 inc. Block 5.
Le ta l t o 4 ~inc. Block 6. Lots l to 48 inc.
Lets 1 t o 4 8 inc. Block 8. Lots l to •f inc.
Lo ts l t e IJl/inc. Block l O . Lot s l to.,. inc.
Block 7.
Bleck 9.
Block 11.
Lo ts l t o ~ inc. Block 12.
A pRr cel of land descri b ed n s follows; Beginning at a point on the west
.;>r operty line of South Bro Rdway 300 f e et south or the south property line et
~ut h BroRd way 300 f et south or th e so uth pro perty line o-r'J West Lehigh Avenue;
th ence west along th~ south lot lines or lots 13 & 12 of ~cks 9, 10, 11, &.12
Hamilt on & Killie's BroRdway Heights i n 74 feet (more or less) .to an intersection
w1 t h th e center line of South. De l n wttre Str , t; thence south aleng the center
liae of South :O.}..~U~t.Fbe.~ ~~ ..f_E\.CJ• J{mqrL_q&.~.&f l _ ~.2 ~ jJll,.1?,t;J.IC~ion with the
cente r line of 6West: Y.&naflefl" Av'"e tiUi;l~firertiio~Ms}'tW~· 1ntersect1•n
with the west property line of South Bro~dway; thence north along the west
pro p e r ty line of South Bro ndway 33 0 f l!Ct (more or lesa) te t l1 e point ot . beginning.
Excl usive of stre e ts 1ntl alleys. ·
Lots l t• 4 e inc. Block 1. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 2.
Lets l to 4 8 i nc. Block 3. Leta l to 48 inc. Block 4.
Le t s l to 48 inc. Bleck 5.. Lets l t• 48 inc. Bleck 6.
Lets 7, s , 9, 10, ll, 12, 1 3, 14, 18, 16, 17, 18, 19, Bleck 7.
Lota 2 0 t• /f2 inc. Lots 43, 44, 45, 46,,47, 4 0 , Block 7.
Lots 25 , 26, 27, and 28, Block 8.
Lets 1, 2, and 3, Bleck 10. Lots 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, Lets 4~ t• 46 inc. Bleck 10.
Leta l t• 12 inc. Lets 13, 14, 15, Lot 32, Le~• 3~ te 46 inc. Bleck 11.
Leta l te 28 inc. Lets 23 & 24, Lots 25 te Jl'6 inc. Bleck 12.
L t s l te 2~ inc. Lets 23 & 24, Lots 2 5 to 46 inc. Block 13.
Leta l te 22 inc. Lets 23 & 24, Lots 25 te 46 inc. Bleck 14.
Lets l t• 22 inc. Lets 23 & 24, Lots 25 to 46 inc. Bl•ck 15.
Lets 1 t• 22 inc. Leta 23 & 24, Loca 25 t• 48 inc. Bleck 16.
Let 1, Lets 2 te 45 inc. !At 48, Bleck 17.
L•t l, Leta 2 t• 45 inc. Lot 46, Bleck 18.
Lot 1 , Lets 2 t• 4~ inc. Lot 46, Block 19.
Let 1, L ot ~ 2 t• 45 inc. Lot 46, Block 20.
Let 1, Leta 2 to 45 inc. Let 46, Bleck 21.
Let l, Lots 2 to 47 inc. Lot 48, Block 28.
Lot 1, Lots 2 to 47 inc. Lot 48, Block 2g.
Lot l, Lota 2 te 47 inc. Lot 4 , Bl ock 30.
Let l, Lots 2 to 47 inc. Lot 48, Bleck 31.
Let l, Leta 2 t• 47 inc. Lot 48, Block 32.
Lota l C , 11, 12, l3,.14t 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 23, 2+, Leta 25 .t•
4 0 inc. Leta 41, 42, 43if 45, 46, 47 and 48. Bleck 33.
Let s l t• 48 inc. Block 34.
Leta 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, lots 21 to 34 inc. L•ta 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
and 4 0 Bleck 35.
Bleck A.
SECTION 3-ThRt aaid district shall be icnown aa and the Shme is hereby
d e s i g nated as Tr inkline SanitRry Sewer District No. l, Englewood, Celerado.
SECTION 4-That the construction of it Trunkline Sanit;ry Sewer and all
neceaaftry appurtenances incidental theret• all aa shewn by the plans, apeo-
iticatiena and maps et s a id .district and imprevements therein prepared by the
City En g ineer are a .prov e d by the City Council of aaid C1ty and new en til•
in t he otfice •f the Clerk •f s•id City be and the same are hereby autherized
and ordered. .
S CTION 5-That by virtue of and in pur~uance of the aforesaid act et
the Le g islRtive Assem b ly of the State of Colerade, ap p reved April 8th, A.D.
i a g g b i n g Chapter 151 of t h e Session Laws of Celerndo, 1099, local 1~preve
ment bends ef the City be issued for the purpose or paying for the lecal
i mp rov e me nts in this ordinance describe d and provided te be constructed
in the said Trunkline SanitAry Se wer District ·Ne. l, Engleweed, Celerade, in
an Am ount net t• exceed the whole cest d a ~.id imprevements including
eng ineering, inspect i on, collection Rnd other incidental expenses aa in said
law p r vided and in no event t~ exc e ed the estim11 tea •f the cest mde by the
Engine er •f said City pursuant to th e preliznin ftry erders or the City Ceuncil
ado p ted August 3rd, A.D. 1921 nnd J ~n uary 9th, A.D. 1922, te-wit; One
Hundred Seventeen Thouaand, Six Hundred Ei ~hty-six and 10/100 ($117, 686.10)
Dellftra tegether with six percent additional fer the cest flC inapecti•n cel-
lecti ona, incidentals and interest on s c•id bends frem the dnte thereet t• t.he
next succeedin -: date when by the lr.ws •f the State tC Celerade the general
taxes, er the first installment thereof, are payable which tetal amount
includes the sum or Sixty-reur Thousand Eight Hundred Thl'rty-rive and 60/100
( 64,835.60) Dellars te be paid te the City and Ceunty er Denver fer the
right t• cennect Rnd discharge sewera ~e into the West and South side Sanitary
Sewer District er the City and County er Denver, which sewer Ja t• be uaed aa
an eutlet fer the discharge of sewage frem said Trunkline Sanitary Sewer
District No. l, Engleweed, Colerado in accordance with that certain centract
and agreem nt entered inte between the City of Englewoed and the City and
County er Denver dated the 16th day ef February A.D. 1922.
SECTIOI 6-That the s Hid bonds shall be disignated "Local Irr.provement
Benda, Trunkline Sanitary Sewer District No. l," shall be numbered censecut.ive-
ly from one upwards and every sixth bond, er every bond w~ese number is esenly
divisab le by six shall be of the denomination of Five Hundred Dellara (t500.00)
and all r the onds whose number is not evenly divisable by six shall be er -
th• denomination of One Theusand Dollars (~1000.0 0) each; th_,:_ 1 be dated
Karch l th, A.D. 1922, shall be absolutely due and payable Karch 15th, A.D.
1942, but subject te call aid payment at any time prter theret• as previded by
law; shall be.ar interest from their date at the rate •f six per centum per
annum p yable semi-annually on the 15th day •f September and March er each
year; ~nd beth principal mid interest shall be pyable in geld coin er t~e
United States er America of, or equal to, the present standard of weight and
fineness, at the office er the City Treasurer er Engleweed, Celerade, er at
the Fir s t Nati nal Bank •f En g lewood, Colerado, at the eptien of the helder •.
SECTION 7-That evitle n c ine the semi-annua l inter e st due en said· bends
there shall be attached te each uond rerty interest coupans and said bends and
coupons shall be in substantially t he followine form, ta-wit;
(Form of bond).
United St Rtes of America.
State of Colerade.
County of Arapahoe
City of En8lewood
or $500
Tile City of En g lewood, in the County of Arapahoe, State of Celerade,
tor value received, acknowledges itself indebted to and hereby promises t~
pay t e bearer hore•f the sum of One Thousand, or Five Hundred D•llars in
go ld coin of the .United Sta t ,s of AmericR of, or equal to, the present
standard or w63&Jlt ~.ad !ineness, en the fifteenth day of Karch, A.D. 1942,
sub ject to call and payment, however, at any time prier therete, as previded .
in t h e act •f the General Assembly of the State ~ Cel rado hereinafter
mentioned, with interest thereon from date hereof until payment at the rate
er six pe rcentum per annum, payable semi-annually en the fifteenth da7a et
Septembe r and March in each year, as evidenced by the interest ceupona .
beret• attRched, beth principal and interest payable at .the office er the
City Tre«surer of a .id .City er at the First National Bank of .Englewood,
Col r R o, at the optien of the holder, upon presentation er this bond •r said
ceupen s respectively. .
This bond is issued fer the purpose er paying the ceat or a local
imprevement in Trunkline SanitRry Sewer District Ne. l, -Englewoed, :_C•l•rade,
by virtue •f and in full conformity with an act ef the General Assembly •f
t '1e StR'.e .C Celerado entitled; "An Act to provide fer the censtruct1•n
~ l•c l imprevements in cities of all classes having a pepulation er leaa
than 100,000, and incorporn ted towns, the is ~uttnce or l•oal improvement bends
therefor, and the assessment and payment or the cost or said improvements."
ap reved Ap ril 8, A.D. 1899, and an ordinance or aaid city duly ajopted,
appreved, fu b lished and made a law of said City prior t• the issue thereef.
Thi s bend is payable out •f the proceeds of a special assessment levied
upon real estate situate d in Trunkline Sanitary Sewer District No. l~•f
aaid city and especially benefitted b y said i mprovement, and the ameunt •f
the assessments so made upen the real estate in said district fer.the pay-
ment here r with accrued interest is a lien u p on said real estate in the
respective amounts apportioned to said r e al estate and assessed by an
erdinan ce of aa1d City, said lie .i having priority ever all •~her liens except
other bonds heretefore issued by _said city and the lien or general taxes, and
the p ayment of the principal of and interest on this b ond is guaranteed by .·
said City by an ordinance duly adopted by the City Ceuncil •f said City bJ
two-thirds vete; and it is hereby certified and recited that the tetal issue
er t h e ends or said city for oRid sew e r district, including this bond does
net exceed the estimate ft' the City Engineer, the c•ntract price fer said
improvement, or the amount authoriz e d by law.
It is hereb y certified, recited and warranted that said city has been for
many years past and ia now a bedy politic and corporate, with the general
powers of a cor ~ration, duly organized, existing and operating as a city
under and by virtue of the oenstitution and the general lnws of the St~te et
C•l•rad•; and is now and always has been under the centrel er a Mayer and duly
erganized City Council as the duly constituted copperate authority thereet;
and it ia further hereby certified and recited that every requirement et law ,
relating te the creation of the s ft id Tru nkline Sanitary SewerDiatrict Ne. 1 the
makin~ •f said local improvement and the issue or thia bond, has been .tull7
complied with by the proper officers, and that all cenditions required be exist
and things required t• be done precedent te and in the issuance or this bend
t• render the same lawful and vRlid, have happened and have been properly d9ne
and perforllad, and did exist ln regulnr and due time, form and manner, aa.
required b y law. ·
• I
I •
. . -·
I J'
In testimony whereof, the said City or Englewood, by its .Mayer and City
Ceunc11 has caused this bond to be subscribed by its Mayer and its oerperate
aeal t• be impressed hereon, attested by its City Clerk, and each ~r th• tert1
interest c•upons hereta annexed t• be attested by the facsimile signature et
the City Clerk the fifteenth day •f KRrch, A.D. 1922.
r ' " (Form of Coupon)
On September 15th
Kare), 15th, A.D. 19 __ _
er $15
The City ff En~lewo~d in ArRpahoe County, C•l•rad•, premises t• pay ta th•
bearer out of the predeeds of a special asssssment against .the real estate
situated in Trunkline, Sanitary Se~er District No. l, Englewaod, Celerado, ·
(Thirty r Fifteen) Dellars in geld cein or the United States '1C America
er, or equRl to, the present standard of weight and fineness, at the ottice
or the City Treasurer in Englewo 0d, ColorR :o, or at the Pirat N•tienal Bank et
Englewood, C•l•rada, at the •p~ion •f the hQlder, being six menths interest
then due en its local lmprevement bond issued for the construction et a lecal
iaprevement in Trunkline Sanitary Sewer District No. l, Engleweod, C•l•rado,
dated March 15th, A.O. 1922.
· SECTION 8-That said bonds when exewuted in the fereg•lnsr~r .. m ahall be
signed by the llayor, senled with the corporate seal •f &Rid City, and attested
by the City Clerk, and each ~r .said fort~ (40) interest coupons . shall be
attested by the engraved facsimile signature or the said City Clerk; and the
said City ff Englewoed by .. rdinance duly .adopted b :r a twe-thirds vote et the
aembers f sRid Council of said City does hereby guarantee the prampt payment
et the principal et and the int e rest on each of sRid bends when and as. the· same
reapecti~ely fall due.
SECTION 9-That said bonds shall be issued rrem time ta ·tine by the City
Trefisurer upon estimates and orders or the City Engineer a ppreved by the CitJ
Council, t• pay tor the lacal imprevements constructed in Trunkline Sanitary
Sewer District Ne. l, Engleweod, Celorado, but the Mayer and City Council m&J
use said bonds at pEr for the payment er engineering and other clerical expenses
and cost Rf inspection, or the Mayor with the ·•ppreval ~ the City Ceuncil
may sell in the manner provided by law sufficient of sRid bonds at net leaa
than par , to pay said expenses in cash and the Treasurer shall preserve a
rec rd of said bonds in a suitable boek kept for that purpose. The City Clerk
is hereby autherized· and directed t• have printed 429 bends ef the deneminatioas
aforesaid, numbered consecutively as aforeaaid and as re1uired t• ~eet the
actua l cest er said improvemen ts as herein provided and credit shall be en-
d rsed upon the last bond issued s• that said bonds shall pepresent such trac-
tienal part of the face thereof as may be nece ;.sary ta evidence the actual
indebtedness incurred on account of said improvements and when said bends are
prepared to deposit the s nme with the City Treasurer t• be issued trem time te
time aa herelnbefore previded.
SECTION 10-By reason of the fact that the cempletion at the earliest
p salble date of the imp rovements described in and centemplated by th1•
ardinance, is necessary t the immediate preservation of the public safety,
th 1• ord i nPnce shall take e ~·re c t f 1 ve days after its final passage and
puulication as required by law and shall not be subject te the refe~endum
prevision ot Chapter 97 of the laws passed at t he Nineteenth Sessien et the
General Assembly flt the State ~ Celerado. ·
SECTION 11-This ordinance . after its pRssage shall be recerded in a
book kept for that purpose, shall be RUt.hent!cated by the signatures· et the
Mayer nd the City Clerk and shall be published in the Englew~od Her.ald, a
newspaper published within the limits of the City of Englewooq shall take
etfect and be in force upon the expiration of five days after it has been se
publi.shed and shall be irrepealR b le until the indebtedness herein provided
for shall be paid in full.
Intr•duced and passed on first rendin g February 16th, A.D.· 1922.
Published the 17th and 24th days of February, A.D. 1922.
Finally pasued and R p ro v ed the day of Kare~ A.D. 1922.
ilAf oR
It wRs thereupon moved by Councilman O.I. Cole and seconded by Councilman
A.O. Tiedt that the foregoing or inance, entitled;
3·39 --
"An ordinance creRting a Trunkline Sanitary Sewer District in the City er Enzlewood, Colorado, to be ~nown and designated as Trunkline Sanitary
Se we r District No. l, orderine the constr ·t ~tion of a Trunkline Sanitary
Sewer and incidentals thereto within sttid district t•gether ~1th all
necessary lampholes, man-holes and other incidentals and all appurtenances
necessary to s a id improvement; providing tor the issue of bonds or said
district in payment for said local improvemant; repealing all ordinances,
resolutions or orders or parts thereof in conflict herewith and declaring
an emergency whereby this ordinance shall be in full force and effect
five days after its ~inal passage, approv a l and publication."
Read in full at the meeting afores n id, be published in full in The Englewood
Herald, a newspaper of eeneral circulat i on, published in the City •f Engleweed,
in i~s issues of February 17th, and 24th A.D. 1922, and that said erdinance
after-it ls published as aforesaid, b t considered for final passage at a
special called meeting of the City Co· ncil to be held at the Ceuncil Chamber
in the City Hall, on Thursday the 2nd day ot March A.D. 1922, at the neur et
8 o'clock P.M.
The question being u p on the ndo 1 tion of s aid motion; the roll was called
with t h e f llowing result; ·
Th se voting aye; Councilmen O.I.Cole, J.E . Cullison, J.S. Eagleton,
Clyde • Jo ~n son, G.A. Thompson, Rn d A.O. Tiedt.
Those voting nRy; Counc i ln:en-r~one.
6 members of the Council having voted 1n favor of said motion, the
presiding officer thereupon ecl n red sa id motion c<rried and SRid ordinance
orde red published as nforesttid.
There11pon , the followine prodeedin~s, a one others, were had and d•ne;
Councilmnn A.O. Tie dt intr oduced aa ord1 .a nce entitled; "An ordlnnnce
creati ne a Lateral Sanita ry Se ·.v er District in the City <:L Englewood, Col•rado,
t• be ~nown and desiennted as Lateral ~anitary Sewer District No. l, ordering
t ' e censtruction of a Lat e ral San it ary Se ·:1e r and inc idantala thereto w1 thin
said distri ct tegether with all necessary lamphelea, man-holes and other
incidentals and all appurt e nances necessary to Sh id improvement; providing for
the issue of bonds of said district in pHyment for snid l•cal improvement;
repe aling all ordinRnces, resolutions or orders or parts thereof in conflict
herewith and declaring an e mergency whereby t :1is ordinanoe shall be in full
force and affect five days afte r its final passage, approval and publication"
which ordinance was th e reupon read in full and is RS follows, to-wit;
SERI ES OF 1922.
WHEREAS, at a regulRr mee tin::; of the City Council or the City or Englewood,
Arapah te County, Colorado, he ld on the 25th day or July, A.D. 1921 the said
City Cemcil actin~ pur suant to an act of the Gene rRl A~sembly of . the St~te of
Colorado entitled An Act to provide for t he construction of lecal improvements
in Cities of all clasnes, hav ing a p o pul at i on of le.,n than one hundred thousand,
and incorporated towns, the issuRnce f lo cE•.l improvement bonds therefore, and
the assessne nt and payment of the co .. t ot &Rid improvements" a pp roved April 8th,
A.D. 1899, by resolut~on duly passed and adopted, round and declared, that it
la nece s sary for the he tt lth, safety, comfort nnd protection of the inhaoitants
of the s n id City of Englewood, C•l•rRdo, and for sanitary reasons to create a
sanitary sewer dis trict in s a id City and to construct a Lateral Sanitary Sewer
therein, and
_ "JHEREA S, by said resoluti on th e C 1 ty Engin e er or SR id City was ordered t•
make a survey or that portion of said City desi gn ated in said resolution as I
Lat er~l San ita ry Sewer District No. l, Englewood, Colorado, with the view ot
the creation ou t of said porti dn of s n id City of an improvement district and
t he construction of a Lateral Sanitary Sewer t herein, and
WHEREAS , by said resolution said City Engine er wa. directed to prepare
and fil e with th e Clerk cL said City a map of the proposed district sh• ing the
exteri•r bo a ndaries thereof and all stre e ts, alleys, avenues and blecka with-
in the SE•me and t:ia t h e a lso prepare a nd f ile with the Clerk or &El.id City the
details of sai d surve y, in cludin~ t h e specifications for the improvement te
be constructed within a•id dist rict; the mater!Rls to be used therein; the I
estimate of th e cost of such impro vem ents; a schetlule showing the approa1mate
amount •I such i~prorements cost to be apport l oned and assessed upen each let
and parcel of land in said proposed district in proportion te the benefit
accruine to each such lot or parcel of land, exclus1ye of public highways,·
all properly indexed and Rll for t he urpo3e of identification, signed by him
as City Engineer, and
WHE Eft~ said City Engineer. in pu r~uance of snid order, has made his report,
ancl filed with the Cler~. of s a id City t hcrewi th Rll the maps and certificates
of s •itl survey as we ll as schedu le s, ta s , s pe cifications, Rpproximations of
c o st and a ll other matters and thin gs in complete form and substance by the
law and in &Rid resolut-ion r e(].uired; all or SRid estimations of cost being
exclusive of the cost of ins pe ction, collection, incidentals and interest; and
WHEREAS PY subsequent reoolution duly pasaed and adopted by said City
Council on the 3rd day of August, A.D. 1921 the report so made and filed by
said City Engineer was adopt e d and the said report, together with all details,
'~-0 ---
apec1flcations, est1mRtes, maps, aehedulsa and the kinds of materials rec•-
mmedde by anid Engineer to be u sed ' in 'the construction -of said improvement,
approve and adopted by said City Counc il as t :e details, plans, specifications,
estimRtes and materials for us e in t h e construction of said lecnl imprevement
and the survey and map of said proposed improvement district to be thereafter
created; and ·
WHERF.AS by SHi resolution adopt~d as aforesP.i d the s ~ .. id City Council
determined the number of ' installments and t h e time in which the cost of said
im provement should be payable, the rnte of int e re n t on un p aid installments;
the district to be asse3sed for the aame, t he probable tetal cost of the said
lecal improvement ; the maximwn amount of such total cost to be assessed upen
each lot and p~rcel of land in na iu district and directed the said City Clerk
to publish in the En~lewood Herald, a news0aper of general circulation in the
City rt' Englewood , a notice to t h e owners of the property to be assessed, et
the kind of improvemen ts proposed ; t he number of installments and the time in
which the c ost will be payable; t he rate of interest on unpaid and deferred
installments; the extent of t 1e district to be impr oved; the probable cest per
lot or parcel of land 25 feet by 125 feet as shown by the estimates of the
n ineer and the time when an ordinance o rderin ~ the construction of said
improve ent in s : id · .. provcme .t d istrict pr o posed would be finally considered;
that the map of si l 1r0r one !stric t showi the exterior boundRries thereef
and the location of Sh i local improv .. ent n d t h e estimates ci.nd schedules
showin3 the tt~o u n ts to b e asses ed Rgainst each lot Rnd tract of -llnd in said
!strict an all resolut ionG and pr oc eedin3s of said City Council relating to
sai ,ropos ed impr ovement distr i ct antl the proposed improvements therein were
on file and c ould be seen and exRmined by any pe rson interested at the office
of the City Clerk ~ t he City of En e lewood, Colorad o, during business hours
of any d y on o r be fore and untll t he time when the City Council would meet
for the purpose of hear i ng all .c omp l Rints and o u jections made in writing con-
cerning the pr o p osed im rovement s therein describ e d, and contemplated to be
made by the owner or owners of any rea l estate to be ass essed with the cost
t hereof or by any person int re ~1 t ed e enerally, and by an order of the Council
duly made up o n moti on unanimously carried on the 3rd day of Au ~u st, A.D. 1921
the City Clerk was directed to pub lish said n otice, and the sRid meeting er
the City Counci l for hearing complRints and objec tions was ordered to be held
on th 12th day of Septembe r, A.D. 1921 at the hour or 8 P.M. at which time
the said City Ceuncil would h efl.r all c o r.plRlr.ta and objections and at'ter
duly con idering the same would finally consider a n ord inance creating said
district, and ordering the construction of t he improveme nt proposed to be
constr cted therein, and
:HE EA S the City Clerk by advertisement for a period of over twenty days
prior to the said 12th day of Se p te 1 ~be r, A.D. 1921 published in said newspaper,
gave notice in form and substanc e of t he mPttc~, a nd things above mentioned as
havine been order ed to be elven i n a ll resp ects in accord Rn ce with law and said
resolutions; and
H ·:REAS pursuant to said n otice the City Council did on the said 12th
day or Septembe r A.D. 1921 meet in re e ular session in the City Hall within
&Lid City and at the h our of 8 P.'1. on said dny there were no objections made
or filed against the construction of sRid local improvement as proposed or the
assessment of the cost thereof b y tee owner or owners of any lands within aaid
proposed distr ict, o r by any pe rson interested, except as fellows, te-wit;
e , the undersig ed, being own . s , taxpaJ er s, and residents of Jackson's
Broadway Heights AJ u ition of the City of En g le 1ood, in Arapahoe County, State flL
Colerado, do hereby o ~je ~t a nd nax e prot es t ag ~inst the passage of an ordinance
w 1 c h p r ovides for ce rtRin sanitary sewer improv ements, and also provides that
the above mentioned Ad dition be a par t of Lat ral Sanita ~y Se wer District No. l,
of t h e Ci ty of En g lewood.
ma inta i n that J a ckson's Broadway Hei g hts Additi on, being ser~ed by two
2inch w ter ina with approximRtely 4~ taps on each, and one 2 ince water main
with a Jrox1mately 30 taps, does not hav e a water supply sufficient to operate
and fl sh such a sewer nnd k ept i t ln R sanitary c ondition; there being about
six months in each year that the major ity of homes do not receive enough water
ror domestic purposes .
e furthe r aintnin that· t h e installati on of such a sew e r (without water)
would be a detriment to our comm un i t) <•nd incu r an u njust expense on all tax-
payer-a Rnd property owners in and for the ab ove mentioned addition.
d o therefore nsk that the por ti on of the proposed ordinRnce ,· as ad-
vertised and ,ubli ~hed in the En lewood Herald of August 5, 1921, and August
26t1 , 192 1, which includes Jac~son ' s Bro adway Heights Addition as a part
of the Lat .ral SanitRry Sewer District No . l, of the City of Englewood, Colerado,
be struck out at t h e finRl ~ansa .e o f t ' or inance. And that the above mention-
ed addition be excluded fr om the Lat e ral Snn i tary Sewer District NO. l, of the
City of Ene;le weod, and that the sewer be n ot built for the said Aud i tion until
such a time as wat e r ma ins HAVE B2EN installed in SAid Addition sufficient in
size to .properly flush such a sewer ~l nd that all tax p a ~er s and property -owners
in and for Jac~son's Bro hd way Hei eh ts Addition o~ the City of Engleweed be
exempt from all assessment, tax es , or other co st of t h e p r·oposed sanitary sewer
if installed in any othe r part of t he city or Englewood.
J.A . oree ll-----------------------------------4263 South Bannock
F •• Deane ----------------------------------4226 South Cherokee
J .G . Cook-----------------------------· ------32 7 West Princton
innie rallRghcr ------------------------------4225 Sou th Cherokee
L . 1. ~a ll--------------------------------____ 1.2 0 1 So u th Cherokee
H.C. rr ~nd--------------------------------4290 South Cherokee
R. • Clos r,
G.K. Andrw s ------------------------·------137 8 High Street
Ray axon ----------------------------------4208 ·So .;th Cherokee
F .W. Stansbury ---------------------------------41~5 South Fox
J .B. Hunt ------------·-------------·-----·---4200 South Delaware
Jessie ~ashburn ------------------------------1 19 8 South ElRti
Lilli n Eb rhRr d t----------------------·---4201 South Delaware
H . r . StRnsb try--------------------------------4 8 5 Sonth Fox
J .R.L . Sm itp ----------------------------·4 231 So. Bannock
W.W. Henders on------------------------------4C G South Ch e roke e
C. Sneaker--·· ---------------------------4 C8 9 South Acoma
Ge o. Br eze -------------------------------4096 South Bannock
.H. Horn --·-·-------------------------------4171 South Broadway
L .A. Horn ------------------------------------4171 So 1th Broadway
8'4 2 .
J o se phine A. Ullmn ar;;;----------------------4171 South BroRdway(name taken off
r . & rs . W.I. Hu ghes-----------------------4107 South Acoma by request)
rs . E .F . Stree t--------------------------4019 South Acoma
H •• L ~mber t--------------------------------40 0 0 South Acoma
P . Haddow -----------------------------------i66 4 South Bannock
She r an ~. Tay lor----·----· ---------------4 0 50 South Bannock
.G. oore----------------------------------40 46 South Bannock
A.F . Swans on ------------------------· ---40 15 South Bannock
11 .T .T . Howard -------------------------------4 0 01 South Bannock
Eliza beth I.I . How ard -------·-----------------4 001 South Bannock(name taken off
Kinni e Alle n------------------------------3977 South Bannock by request)
H.E . Hardcastle ----------------------------4 031 South Bannock(name taken off
F .J . All n ---------------------------------3 977 South Bannock by request)
jirr::;. ·, C oop e r ~--------------------------40 21 South Bannock
w.s . Liggett -------------------------4010 South Acoma
rs . Be ns on-----------------------------39 r-l South Aco ma
~.F . Stree t--------------------· ------4 0 . 9 South Aco ma
T .L . Payne----------------------------4015 South Broadway
Mr . & .. r 1. Chr ls on -------------------------4001 South Dela ware
Ed wa r • Ko eh l e r---------------·-------------4110 South Fox
James T . Br e n -------------------------------1155 South Delaware
Jo seph Kipf c ·1-------------------------------41 8 5 South Cherokee
John B. Fellcars----------------------------42 08 South Fox
rs . .A. Ye o-------------------------------4297 South Elati
Mrs . Anna G&lea-----------------·-·-----------4 23 5 South Delaware
rs . Fred S i lllDi ons ----------------------------4210 South Delaware
Jack Palme r---------------· ·--------------4209 South Bannock
D.H. P e rrin-------------------------------4101 South DelawRre
Mrs . D.H. Agn e w-----------------------------4226 South Bannock
G.E . Aenew -----------------------------------4132 South Acena
w.c . Whyte ---------· ---------· --------------4 212 South Bannock
Mrs •• c . Whyte -----------~------------------4~12 South Bannock
Otto Lun r e st --------------------------------42 3 6 South Bannock .c . She rril l--------------------·--------42 35 South Bannock
E .J . Crowst on ------------------------·------41 0 2 South Cherokee
F .D. etcha u:------------------------------4079 So Hth Bannock .
Mrs . L .F . Dy e------------------------------4080 South Bannock (name taken off
H.P . Harlan ---------------------------------4 C80 South Cherok ~·e by request)
F .H. Burke -----------------------------------4240 South Elati
J ames Jac kson--------------------------------4279 South Fox . ~~tit'.
i rs . L .F . Dye-----------------------------4080 South Bannock-~h,..~
Roy Deu l1n-----------------------------------En e lewood, Colo. .._r
H •• S t rock ---------------------------------4290 South Fox
Pau l il l er -------------------------------4271 South Elati
Claude Ramer -------------------------------4291 South Acom.
C. Ro hen l e .ch -----------------------------4277 South Acoma
Ura . • Fu l le r-----------------------------42e7 South Acoma
C.G. Ke l ly --------------------------------4157 South Acoma
R.R. Cow de ry---------------------------------4151 South Acona
Mrs . ClA r a Ba r g r----------------------------4)0 ~ South Acona
K.W. Dent on----------------------------------4126 South Aco na
T .A. Sume ey---------· ----------------------4140 South Acoma
F •• Hi ll ----------------------------------4150 South Acoma
Mrs . F.mma L . Hil l -------------------------4l50 South Acona
Ju l ius Sumey ---------· ---------------------41 30 South Acoma
Or nt L . Pa s ee n---------------------------4190 South Acoma
Ion H. Ch~nd l e r f or
Harold • and Fre d A. Ch ~ndl c r --· ----------4210 South Fox
m. T . Chr i st i Rn ---------------------·-----4~80 So u th .Delaware
C.I.. Bens on ----------------------------------4 2 56 South Bannock . .n-____ u
rs . r..~. Ma r tin ---------------------------308 South Ogden f,,r1!· ~ f'"~·
Je nn ie • An d e r s on------~-------------------•avi Sluth Bannock
L .C. Kileore--------------------------------42 4 3 South Acoma
Gus LR ·s on -----------------------------~--42 8 7 and 4293 South Cherokee
Axel Sann i s --------------------------------42 31 South Cherokee
Dou glas A. Roller -------------926 Equitable Bldg.
Mrs . Isabe l lR Ford-------· -------------1682 M~·.rion Street
rs . Atta • Spe nc e r-------------------------40 97 South Bannock
Mrs . Atta • Spene r f or Ge o. Wo ol se y--------9 lets Block 23
K. • un ,---------------------------------4297 South BroHdway
Thomas P . Dunn ------------------------------4297 South Broadway by K.M.
Mrs . D.V. Me t h a rd---------------------------398 0 South Acoma
rs . J enn i e M. Pe rry---·--------------------~920 So u th Acoma by Eula Perry
r s . Jo h n B rte l J ----· ---------------------39 4 3 South Bannock
• Fr d Oral-------------------·------------3990 South Cherokee
C.K. Rrt i n ---------------------------------399 1 8 outh Cherekee
Mrs . Viola Sutl iff---· --------------------4201 So u th Acoma
DPvid Gardner -------------------------------4 0 4 0 So u th Elat1
F .L. D rb c e ------------------------------4031 South Elati
rs . Enoch Bouy -----------------------------40 32 South Fox
Mrs . 'Pry Ha r t s---------------------------40 32 South Fox
Berry J . l n t r---------· ---------------4 03 1 South Elati
.E . zran t--------------------------------4100 South Elat1
Har r y • Grub b -----------------------------42 07 South Bro~dway
E •• C_ll l e y------------------------------403 7 South Bro~dway
E .D. Ri cte r----------------------------------40 61 South Broadway
Mrs . Ed na Se t t l e---------------------------39 58 S outh Acoma
Mrs . El la P e n n y------------------------------3~4 7 S outh Acoma
Ge o. E . Yeage r------------------------------094 5 South Acoma
3'4 3
Lewis E . Wr1gnt--~--------------· -----------3950 South Broadway
Generiev W. Dow ----------------------------3985 South Bannock
106 m .mes .
~HE EA3 the f nal cons i deration and determination of s n id written protests
was at the meeting on the 12th day of September aforeshid, by action or &Rid
City Council duly continued to September 15th, A.D. 1921 and on the ·said
Septem er 15th, A.D. 1921 d uly c ontinued to September 20th, A.D. 1921 and on
said September 20th A.D. 1921 duly and regularly continued t• October 10th,·
A.D. ·1921 and on said 10th of October A.D. 1921 further duly and regularly 1·
cobtinued t• the 9th day of January A.D. 1922. and
WH 'REAS on s a id 9th day of January, A.D. 1922 by resolution duly adopted
and uanaimously passed the s k id City Council found all of the said written
prot sts te be without me r it and determined to and did over-rule ·Rll aaid
ebje ct1ons and complaints, nnd
WH EREAS all of the protests were or such a general nature and were signed
as app Rrs on the face thereof by various persons without in all ins~ances
setting forth opposite their sisnatures the exact description of th•'·preperty
ewned by them and alleged by them to be situated within the boundaries et said ·1
sewer dist rict as h eretofore by sa ld c ouncil detcroined, and
~;·:?~AS snid City Cauncil in c onsidering the said prot~sts for the purpose
of their determinnt j on c onsul t ed wlth Glen A. Izctt its City Engineer, and the
sai d City Engineer had prepnred an a n ended map of the said district &hewing
thereon the boundaries and the property included therein as hereinafter more
fully des cribed and an a me nded map wns on file in the ·orr ioe of the City Clerk
of aal d City together with said En g ineer's amended estimate ~ ~he cost ol said
sewer district together with an amended assessment roll ·showing the estimated
amount of the cost in proportion to the benefit accruing to be &ssessed against
each lot or parcel of lRnd included within -said amended boundary which also
appeared on file in the office of said City Clerk, and
WHEtt A46 sucu amenament b ecame necessary on account or the amended
boundaries of Trunkline Sanitary Sewer District No. l, Englewood, Colorado,
and the exclusion therefrom of certain property, and
WH h EAS by s ai d resolution said improve~ent district as originally created
a nd the beundaries t he reof determined by this Council were -by said ~e.aolution
dete rm ine d and declared to remian the same exept to the extent of the exclusion
from said sewer district of the f ollowin ~ described poeperty, to-wit;
A parcel of land deacribed as follows;
Beginning at a point which is bhe intersection or the south property
line, p roduced of Floyd Aven~e with a line parRllel to and 19.2 .feat .west
of the east property line, produced of South Ba n nock Street; thence west
alone the south property line, produced of Floyd Avenue 1762 feet; thence
south 302.8 feet; thence ea s t 176.2 f e et to an intersection with a line ~
parallel to and 19.2 fe e t w s t of the east property line, produced, ot
South nnock Streeti thence north along the said described line, produced,
of South Bannock Street, 302.8 feet to t he point of beginning. Exclusive
of streets and alleys.
-Jacnso n 's Broadway Heigl'lts,
All of B}ock 17. In Block 1 8 lots 14 to 23, b oth inclusive; all of Blocks
19 and 20; All of Blocks 29, 30, 31, and 32.
HEREAS the b oundaries of said district and the prop&rty included therein
as mo re fully set fort :1 herein ~f .e r was and is the boundaries of said district
and t he description of said 0 roperty co n tained therin as finally fixed, deter~
min d , approved a ntl adopted by sRid City Council in said resolution of Jt=.nuary
Ith, A.D. 1922, and
HEREAS , th~ detail•, apecific at j ons, es t imates, maps, schedules and plans
adoptine materin ls as ori e inally ado ted by Sh id Council &t the meeting on the
3rd day of Au ust, A.D. 1921, afo ~esa id and as amended on said January 9th,
1 922 and ai said t ime finally approve d, ratified and confirmed are .the details,
apecificatlo ns, estimates, ~Rp s, schedules and p lans adopting said materials
for s · id Laternl SRnitary Sewer District No. l, Englewo 0d, Colorado, upen
~h lch said improv ements *ill b e com p leted, and
WHEREAS , such Rnendments became necessary only for the reason .Of' the
exclusion from said district of the property hereinbefore described, and
qHERE AS the estimates of s Ri:-d Engineer were not changed or anended in
such a manner as to effect the estimated cost upon each let or tract ot land
i n said district and would not increase the l otal original estimated cost or
said imp rovement bu t decreased s c-n.e to t he an ount h& -shown by comparisen ot
the orieinal and amended estimates and aasessnent rolls, and
WHhREAS at the meeting held on the said 9th day of January, A.D. 1922. said
Council contin e d until thts t h e 16 th day of February, A.D. 1922, )Ile time at
hich the ordi ,fl.nee er a tine snid sewe r district would be t-aken up .and con-
Ow, THEREFORE, be it ord Rined b y the City Council of the City ot Englewood,
SECTI ON I-That notice has been putlished and all things neceesary to be
don e a~d to exist and to hRp pen p recedent to the creation of said Lateral .
SRnit ry Sewer District No. 1 , En g l ew o od, Colorado, and the construction of
the pro posed imp ro·.rem ent the re in have been done and have hap ened and do
exis t in the form and manner r equired by law. · .
SECTION 2-That a La t era l Sanitary Sew e r D1otr1ct be and the eame is
hereby established and creR ted out of that ortion of the City of Englewood,
Colorad o, bounded rmd descr ibed as follows, to-wit;
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of West Yale Avenue and
c nt e r line or So u th Elr.ti S tre e t; thence south fl.long the center line •f South
Elati treet to an intersection with the center line of West Dartmouth Avenue;
thenc east alone center lin e of West Dartmouth Aven~e to an intersection with
the est line of South Delaware Street; thence south alone the west line er
South elaware Str e t e x tended to a point which is one hundred (100) feet
south of th e south line of West DH rtmouth Avenue; thence east along a ~in•
hich ia pRrRllel to and 1 0 f e et south of south line of West Da~tmeuth Avenue
to an intersecti on with the center line of So ~th Cherokee Street1 thence south
al•ne he center line of South Ch ·rokee Street to an intersection with the
center line of West Eastman A nue; thence ea --t along ·the center 11n• of West
E stman Avenue to an int rPect1on with the extended center line of alley in
Block two S .G. Hamlin's Broadway Addition; thence south along the cente~ line
of alley in b lock two and center line of alley ex ended; to an intersection
with the extended cent e r line of East Floyd Avenue; thence e~at a•eng the
extended center line of East Floyd Avenue to an intersection with the eatended
center line of South BRnnock Stre e t; thence s6uth n long the extended center
line o f South Banno c k tr c c t to Rn int c rGection •.vi th the north line of Flood
Addi i on, thence est n lont; s 11 id north line to an 1ntsroect1on w 1th the
extended cente1· line of alley i n u lock two, S.G. Hamltn's BroRdway Addition;
then•• south aAeng said es · ended center line to an intersection with the
southerly bank of the Cit y Dit ch; th e nce aeuthwerte rly aleng southerly bnnk
•f City Ditch to an int r s ection with the center line or South Delaware Streeta
thence south along the c enter line of South D e l ~wa re Stre et to an intersectien
with the center line of Ea r t Oxford Av enue; thence eas~ along the center line
of West Oxford Avenue to an inter s ection with the center line of South Bannock
Stre t; thence south along the center line of South Bannock Street to an
intersecti on with the extended nort h line of lot 14 block 18, Jacksen'• Broad-
way Heights , thence eaot along the extended north line and north line or let
14, block ·a Jackson's Broadway Heights to an intersectien with the center
lien or the alley between s outh Acoma Street and South Bannock StreetJ
thence south al.on · the center lien of said alley to and intersection with
the center line of West Princet on Avenue; thence east aleng the center line
of est Princeton Avenue to an intersection with the center line of South Acoma
Street; thence north along the center line of South Acoma Street to an
int r se ction with the c e nter line o~ ~est Oxford Av enue; thence east aleng
the center line of ~eat Oxford Avenue to an intersection with the center line
•t So th Broadway; thence south along the center line of South BroRdway t• a
point which is 300 feet ~outh of the south line of East Quincy Avenue; thence
east alon g a line which is parr.llel to and IOQ fe e t south of the south line
of EAst Qu incy Av nue to an ·n~cr ~ c ion with the center line of South
Lin coln Stre t; thence no r th alon the c e nter line or South Lincoln Street
to an intersection with the c e nt r line of East Princton Avenue; thence east
al n v the center line of l•nt Prircton Av e nue to an intersection with the
cente r line of South Log~n S tr t; thence no rth alenc the center line of South
Lo an S tr ct to an inter s ection wi h t he center line of Ea st Nassau Avenue;
thence est along the cent .r l in of ERst N saau Avenue to an intersection
with t e center line of South ~ r 1an treet; thence north along the center
line o r South lhercan Str e~t to an 1 nter~ect 1on with the center line of East
Manafi ld Avenue; thence west alon the center line of East Mansfield Avenue
to an inters .ct.i o n with the center line or Sou+.h Broadway; thence north aleng
the center line ~ South Br o Rdway to ~n interoection with the center line
extenced of East Kenyon Avenue; thence east ~lon e the center line extedd~d
of ast Kenyon Avenue to an intcr nection with th e center line extended er
South Linco ln Street; thence north along the center line of South Lincoln
Str et extended to an intersection with a line wh1bh is three hundred and
ei ght (308) feet south of the south l ine of East Hampden Avenue; thence
ea ste rly to Rn intersection with the center line of South Pearl Street t• a
point which is 300 feet s outh to the south line or Ea :.t Hampden Avenue;
thence north alone the center line of South Pearl Street to an intersection
with the center line of East Hampden Avenue; thence east along the center line
of Ea t Ham pden Avenue to an in-ersection with the center line er Seuth
Cl rkaon Street; thence north along the center line of Seuth Clarkson Stre et
to an intersection ~1th the center line of ERst Floyd Avenue; thence west
along the center li ne of East F l oyd Avenue to an intersecti.ori with the center
line of South Pe nnsy lvania Stree t ; thence north along the center line et ·Seuth
Penna:.r,J:;~~ia Street to Rn interssction with the center line of East Eastman
Avenu~~an int ersect ion with the center line of South Logan Streat.I thence
north aleng the cente r line of South Lo -an Street t• an intersection with the
center line of East Yale Aveneu; thence west Rlong the center line er East
Yal e Avenue nnd West Yale Avenue to the point or beginning.
The follo :in is a description of lets and parcels of land incorporated
in the J.atcral Sanitary Se wer District No. 1, City of En r,lewood, Celerado •
.!.! amended.
"Leta l t• 10 inc; Lots 11 and 12 and Lets 13 to 22
·Lota l to lC inc; Lets ll and 12 and Lots 13 to 2 2
Lots l t• 10 inc; Lots 11 and 12 and Lots 13 to 22
Lo ts l to 1 0 inc; Lots 11 and 12 and Lots 13 .. 22
*esubdivision of Blocks 5 and 8.
Lot l, Lots 2 to 23 inc. and Lot 24 , Block l.
Lot l, Lot s 2 t• 23 inc. and Lo t 24, Block 2.
inc., Bleck 7.
inc., Block a.
inc., Block 9.
inc., Block lC.
Lot s l to 11 inc., Lots 12 and 1 0 and Lots 14 t• 24 inc., Bleck 3.
Lots l to 11 inc., Lots 12 and 1 3 and Lots 14 to 24 inc., Block 4.
Reaubdi v1:::;1 o n of Lots 2 &: 3 now ::nown as Blocks l & 2.
Lota l, Lets 2 to 23 i nc. Lots 24 and 25, Block i. Lets 28 t• 47 ·inc, and Let
48 , Block l.
Lets l,·L•~• 2 to 23 inc, Lots 24 &: 25, Lots 2 6 to 47 inc. and Lot •a, Bleck I.
.. .
• ..
RESUBDIVISION ,Q,E LOTS 6 & 7. now known as Blocks 3 & 4.
Lot l, Lota 2 to ~3 inc. Lots-2~& 25, Lots 26 to 47 inc. and Lot 40 Bleck ~.
Lot 1, Lots 2 to 23 inc Lots 24 & 25, Lots 26 to 47 inc. and Lot 4e Bleck 4. ·
Lots l to 48 inc. Block l. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 2.
Lets 1 to 48 inc. Block 3. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 4.
Lota l t• 48 inc. Block 5. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 6.
Let s 1 to 48 inc. Block 7. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 8.
Lot l, Lots 2 to 23 inc. Lots 24 and 25, Lots 26 to 47 inc. and
Lot 1, Lota 2 to 23 inc. Lots 24 ~.nd 2B, Lots 26 to 47 inc. and
Lot l, Lots 2 to 23 inc. Lots 24 and 25, Lots 26 to 47 inc. and
L t. 1, Let 5 2 to 23 inc. Lo ~ 24 and 25, Lots 26 t• 47 1nc.·and
Lots l t9 48 inc. Block 5. Lota i to 40 inc. Block 6.
Leta l to 40 inc. Bl•ck 7. L•ta -1 to 48 inc. Block 8.
Lot s l to 48 inc. Bleck 9.
Lot l, Lo s 2 to 49 inc. and Lot 50, Block 1.
L t ·l, Lots 2 to 49 inc. and Lot 50, .Block 2.
Lot l, Lota 2 to 49 inc. and Lot 5 0 , Block 3.
Lot 1, Lota 2 to 48 inc, and Lo t 50, Block 4.
Lota l to 23 inc. Lots 24 and 25, Lots 26 to 48 inc. Bleck 5.
Lots l to 23 inc. r.ots 2 4 and 25, Lots 26 to 4 8 inc. Block 6.
Lota l te 23 inc. Lots 24 and 25, Lots 26 to 48 inc. Bleck 7.
Lot 48 Block l.
Lot 48 Bleck 2.
Lot 48 Bleck 3.
Lot 48 Bleck 4.
A parcel ef lE\nd described as follows; Beginning a't a point which is the
inter oe ction of the center line of West Girard Avenue with a line which is
parallel to and 26 feet east of the we st p roperty line of South Washington
Stre t; thence ea r,t along the center line of West Girard Avenue ~00 ·feet t -o.·
an inte rsection with the west property line of South Clarkson Street; thence
south a long .he west property line of South Cl ~rkson Street 635 r~et to an
i n t e r s ection with the north property line of West Hampden Avenue; thence west
along •he north ro p erty line of W st Hampden Avenue 300 feet. to a paint 26
f e et e at of the west pr o perty line of South WRshington Street; thence north
alon ~ a line parallel to nnd 2 6 feet east of the west property line of South
Wa s hi n g ton Street 63 f e et to the p oint of beginning. Exclusive of streets
and alleys.
A p a rcel of land descri b ed as fo1 1ows; BegilVl~ng at a po6nt which
1a the intersection of the south property l ine of Floyd Avenue with the Blat
pr erty line of South Bro ~dway; thence enst aleng th& south property line
of Floyd Avenue a~a feet; thence south 125 feet; thence west ~55 feet te ~n
intersection with the east p roperty line or South Broadway; thence north aleng
the ea ;t pr perty line of South Bro P.dway 125 feet to the point of beginning.·
Exclusive or streets and alleys.
A parcel or land descr i bed as follows; Beginning at a point which is en
the so 1th i:roperty line of Floyd Avenue and 255 feet east •e the •~t property
line of South Broadway; thence enst nlong the south property line of Fleyd
Avenue 195 feet; thence south 125 feet; thence west 195 feet; thence north
125 reet to the point of beginning. Exclusive Of streets and alleys.
A p i reel of land descriued _ as follows; Be -ginning at a point which is the
int. rs e ction of the south property line of Fleyd Avenue with the west property
liae of So th Sh c rm r n Stre e t; thence ..r_1_est alon ~ the south property line et
I Fleyd Avenue. 160 feet; thence south 125 feet; thence east 160 feet te an
~ intersection with the west pr perty line of South Sherman St; thence nert.h
aleng the west property line of South Sherman Street 125 reet t• the point or
. ,
beginning. Excl u sive o f str r ts tt.n d ·.l le.,rs.
A parcel et land described as follows; Beginning at a point on the east
pro p er t y l ine of South Bro a dway which .is 125 feet south of the south property
line or Playd Avenue; thence eRst 610 feet to an intersection with the west
pro p erty line of South Sherman Strc E.t; thence south aleng the west property
line or South Sherman Stre e t 194 feet; thence west 610 feet te an intersection
wi h t he east p r J perty l n e of South Broadway; thence north along the east
prop rty 11rte or Sou t h Broadway 194 f e et to the point of beginning. Exclusive
of stre e ts and alleys.
A r rcel of land described a s follows; Beginning at a point which is en
the ea.st pro perty line of South BroRdway and 319 feet south of the south
property line of Floyd Ave; thence ea3t 459 fe e t; thence south 100 feet; thence
est a lon ~ the north lGt lines of L t 5, block 3 and Lots 20 and 5 bleck 4
to an intersect! nwith the east pro p erty line or South Broadway; thence north
along the eASt property line of South Bro•:.dway 100 feet to. the point er
b vinn im,. Excl u sive of streets an d alle v s.
• a.I • "' •• ' .Al/~ •
jY..-.... A parcel or land deacri bed as follows; Beginning at a point .t,lle
we s t pro perty line or South Sherman Street which la 319 feet aeuth th• sou
, pro perty line or Floyd Avenue; thence wost 151 feet; thence south 100 teet;
\hebe• east along the north lot line or lot 20 blook 3, 151 reet t• an 1nter-
1ec~l n with the west property line or South Sherman Street; thence r\h
aleng the west property line of South Sh~man Street 100 teet to the Pelnt et,
beginning. Exclusive of stro ets and alleja.
nr o perty l ine of So u !,h Sherman Street; thence north along the west
line of South Sherman S Jr c et 154 fe e t; thence west 611 feet to an
interaeotlon with the eR ::t pDoperty line of South BroEldway; thence south
alenc the east property line of South Broadway 154 teet to the point of
. .
3~ 6 ·-=
beg1nn1nc. Exclusive of stree ts ttnd hlleys. ~
A areal or land described as follows; Beginning at a point which ia
on the east pro ~erty line of So~th BroRdway and 101 teet n orth or the north
property line of Hampden Avenue; thence eRst 125 teet; thence north 50 teet;
J( thence wes t 1 2 5 reet to an intern c ction with the east property line et Seuth
BroEdway; thence south along the east property line ot South Breadway 80
teet to the polnt of beginning. Exclusive of atreets~nd llleya.
A parcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a point which la
104 reet north of the north property line or HRmpden Avenue and 125 teet east
of the east property line of South Bro ~d way; thence east 66 feet; thence nerth
50 feet; thence west 66 feet; thence south 50 feet to .the point of beginning.
Exclusive of streets and alleys.
A p~rce l of land described as fol ·owa; Beginning at a point which is en
the e st property line of South Broadway and 79 feet north of the nort,h property
line or Hhmpden Avenua; thence east 191 fee~; thence north25 feet; theaoe west
..,-191 feet to an intersection with the east property line er South Breadwa7; thence
aouth aleng the east property line of South Broadway 15 teet t• the point et ·
beginning. Exclusive or streets and alley3.
A parcel ot land described as followa; Beginning at a point which la en
the east property line of So l th Broadway and 27 feet north •f the nor\h
pr perty line ot: Baat>Cleft ... ·Avenue; thence ea•t 125 teet; thence north 58 teet.
thence woot 125 feet to an intersection with the east .property line ·dr -Seuth
Broadway; thence south along the eRst property line or South Broadway 51 reet
to the point of beginning. Exclusive •f streets and alleys.
A pa rcel .of land described as foll•w•; Be u inning at a point which is th•
int ersect ion or ,A._l:\o north property itne or Hampden Avenue with the eaat
property line o~oadway; thence eRst alone the north property line ·et Hl,Ullpden
Avenue 125 feetJ thence north 27 r•et; thence west 11~ feet t• an intersection
with the east property line of South Broadway; thence south along the east
property line ot South Broadway 27 feet to the point or beginning.
A parcel o! land described as followa; Beglnnln5 at a point which la on
the north property line or Hampden Avenue and 135 feet east of the eaat
property line or South Broadway; thence eaat aleng the north propert7 line •f
Hampden Avenue 56 feet; thence north 79 teet.; thence west· 56 feet; thenoe
a uth 79 feet to the point of beginning. ·
A parcel er land described na follow•; Be r,inning at a point which ia
on the n n rth property line · of Hampden. akeeu, WI ~lte~&I. -d.l-tefh~Vl..-l:'~•rtv
lin f . l th Broadway;) thence east alen~ ~h8 nerth property ·line or Hampden
Avenue 50 feet; thence n orth l$4 f l et; thence west 50 reetJ thence south 154 ;
feet t the point or beginnine.
A pAr cel or land described ~·s follows; Beginning at a point whioh is on
the north property line of Hampden Avenue and 241 feet e~st ot the eaat
pro rty line of South Broadway ; thence eAst along the north property llne ot
Hampden Avenue 50 f ee t; thence north 154 r ~et; thence west 50 teet; t.henoe
aeuth l 54 feet to the point or b eginning.
A parcel of land described a s follows; Beginning at a point which la on
the north property line or Hampden Avenue and 5 feet west or the center lln•
produced or South Lincoln Stree t; thence east along the north propert1 line
of Hampden Avenue 50 feet; thence north 154 feet; thence west 50 feetJ thence
south lf 4 r et to the point of b eginnine;. .
A pi ree l of land cacri ued as follows; Beginning at a point which is on
the north property line or Hnmpden Av e nue and 45 feet. east of the center line
of Se th Lincoln Street roduced; thence east along the nerth prepert7 line
of Hr den Avenue l 70 feet; thence n orth l 34 feet; thence west 170 feet.; thence
south 154 r et to the point or beginning.
A parcel or land described tts follows; Beginning at a point which 1•
the intersection of the north r perty line of Hampden Avenue and the .. at
pro er t y line of South Sherman Street, hence north aleng the west property
line or S uth Shermcn Stre e t 154 feet; thence west 100 feet; thence ••uth
154 feet to the intersection of 1 ~orth property in• •f Hampden Avenue and;·
thence .ea~t along the north property line or Hampden Avenue .100 f e et t• the
point of beginnlne. _,. ~ . r
Lot l, Lots 2 to 47 lnc. and Lti 48 in Block l.
Lot l, Lots 2 to 47 lnc. nd Lot 48 in Block 2.
Lot 5, Lots 6 to 19 inc. And Lot 20 in Bleek3'3.
Lot 5, Lots 6 tol9 inc. knd Lot 20 in Block 4.
Lots l to 7 inc. Lots B & 17 Lots 1 8 to 24 inc. in Block S. •
Lots l to 7 inc. Lots 8 & 17 Lots 1 0 to 24 inc. in Block 6.
Lots l to 23 inc. Lots 24 and 25 and Lots 2C to 40 inc. in Block 7.
Lots l to 23 inc. Lots 24 ttnd 2 ~nd Lota 26 to 48 inc. in Block 8.
Lot l, And Lots 2 to 49 inc. and Lot 50 Block 1.
Lot 1, Lots 2 to 12 inc. Lots 3 9 to 4~ inc. and Lot 50, Block 2~
Lo ~a l to 12 inc. Lots 39 to 50 inc. Block 3.
Lots l te 12 inc. Lo ts 39 to 50 inc. Block 4.
Lota l to 12 inc. Lots 39 to 50 inc. Block 3.
Lota l to 12 inc. Lota 39 to 50 inc. Block 4.
A pn rc el or land desc r ibed n follow•; Beginning at a point adl1ob 1• the
int r 3e ctlon or .the east property line of South BroR -•way with the cerat.er line
or Jefferson Avenue; thence CRSt alone the center line or Jefferson A••nue
29 6 reet (more or less) to Rn intersection with the center line of S.UtJl
Lin c oln Street produced ; thence SO '~th alon _, ~h e canter line or South Lincoln
Stre e t produced , 660feet, more or les s , to. an intersection ~1th the cent.er
line of West Kenvon Aveneu produee4; thence west along the ·oenter llae ~
eat Kenyon A~nue roduccd, 296 f e et, no~e or leas, to an intersection with
the eas t property line of So u th Bro ad way; thence north along the east property
line of South Broadway 660 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
Ex clusive of streets and alle ys.
Lots l to 48 inc. Block 7. Lots l tp 48
Lots l to 4 8 inc. Block 9. Lots l to 40
Lots l to 48 inc. Block ll. Lots l to 48
,....Lot s l to 4 inc. Block 21. Lots l to 48
Lota l to 48 inc. Block 23. ·Lets l to 48
Lots l to 4 8 inc. Block 25.
Lo ts l to 12 inc. Lots 37 to 48 inc. in Block 40.
Lets l to 46 inc. Block l.
Lots 1 to 48 inc. Block 9.
-Lota l to 48 inc. Block ll.
Lots l to 48 inc. Block _3 .
Lot s l '.o 4 inc . B lock 15.
Lots l tp 48
Lots l to 4
Lots l to 48
Lots l to 48
Lota l to 40
s.n. HA't.\LIN' s ADD ITION,
inc. Bl•ck 8.
inc. Block 10.
inc. Block 12.
inc. Block 22.
inc. Block 24.
inc. Block 3.
inc. Bleck 10.
inc. Block 11.
inc. Block 14.
inc. Block. 16.
~Lota l to 4 B inc. Block 3. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 4.
Lots .l to 48 inc. Block 17· Lots l to 48 i nc. Block 18.
Lots l ~o 40 inc. Block :9. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 20.
Lota l to 48 inc. Block 21. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 21.
Lets 1 to 48 inc.· Block ~3. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 24:.
A parcel of land descri b ed as follows; Be e inning at a point which is the
int r se ction of t h e west proper.ty line p roduced of South Delaware with the
south property line of West Dartmouth Avenue; thence east along the south pro-
perty line of 7 st Dartmoutl Avenu e 335 feet to an interseotlon with a line
which is parallel to nnd ll reet east of the west property line of South
Che okn e Str ee t; thence south a lone said described line 100 feet; the~ce
we st 33 5 feet to an interseoti•n with the west property line produced, or
South Delaware Street; thence north along the west properjy line pn>duoed
of South Delaware Street 1 0 0 feet to the point of beginning.
Lot 1-, Lots 2 to 24 inc. Lots 25 to 4~ inc. and Lot 48 Block l. ·.
Lot l, Lots 2 to 4" inc. and Lot 4 G Block 2.
Lot l, Lots 2 to 47 inc. and Lot 4 8 ·lock 3.
Lots"' to 24 inc. Blo c k 2 .
Lots l to 8 4 inc. Block 4 .
A Rrcel of lan descri b ed
the est pro e . ty in e o f S out h
pro pe rty line of Ettstman Avenue
J So t h BroRdway 148 feet; thence
1'-an inte rnection with the center
along th e center line produced,
Lo t s l to 24 inc. Block 3.
as follows; BeGinning at a point which is on
3 roadwhy and 302.7 feet south of the south
thence south alone the west property line or
west 5 6 G.9 feet ; thence south 1S2 feet to
line,. r'roduced, of Jf'loyd Avenue; thence west
of F loyd Avenue 221 .4 .feet; thence n~rth 330 ·
t h e point of .beginning. Exclusive ot streets feet; thence east 789.5 f e et to
and Alleys.
A pRrcel of land de scrl ed as follo~s; Beginning Rt a point whioh(i. .t.
• p•i•"..:t•Rletl is on the west.roe ty l ine of ~outh BroRdway Rnd 75 teet ....
north of the center line p~o d uced of Floyd Avenue; thence west 280 teet;
thence north 107 faet; thence east 27 4 0 7 t.eet to an intersection with the west ~ pro ,erty line of South Brondway ; thence south along the west property line
of So th Broadway 107 f ee t to t ' e point of beeinnine. Exclusive of streets
and lleya. .
A p E•rcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a point which is the
intersection of the center line, produced, of Floyd Avenue with ·the west
property line of South Broadway ; thence west along the center line, produced
.J of Floyd Avenue 560 .l feet; thence n orth 1 8 2 f Fet; tbence east 288.2 feet;
~ thence south 107 f ·e t; then c e east 280 fle t to an intersection with the west
property line o f South Broadway; thence south along the west property line of
So th Broadway; 75 fe e t to thd point of be u 1nn1ng. Exclusive .or streets
and alleys.
A rn rcel of land descri u ed s follows; Beginning at a po,nt which is the
".1.Jlt rsection of the cent e r line, p roduced, of Floyd Avenue wit.h the west propErty 4 ,
~ South Broadway; thence ·neg t Rlone the center line, produced, of Fleyd 'tit.
_J Avenue 611 .2 fe e t t h ence so · th 332.8 fe e t; thence ea:Jt. 611.2 feet to an . ~(!I r·-', 7' int e rsection with the icst pr ~per y line of c outh Broadway; trence nerth aleng -·
the west prope .'ty of South Brondway ~32 .a r c e t to the point of be .inning.
Ex clusive of streets nnd alleys . ·
A p~rcel of land descri be d <t s f oll ows; Be e inning at a point which is the
interse ction of the no rth pr op er ty line o f Girard Avenue with the West
p roperty line of So 1th Bro .. dway; thence west along the north property line or
:J GirN"d Avenue 544.8 feet; thence no rth alone the east lot line of leta S3, 34, 1" 35, 36, 37 and 3 3 , Flood Addition ~os .2 feet; thence east 544.8 feet to an
inte rs ection with the west pvo Jert line of South Broadway; thence south aleng
the est pr o perty line of South Droadwny ~06 .2 f ~et to the point of beginning.
Exclusive of streets nn d clleys .
_ ..
. .
A parcel of land described as follows; Beginning at a point which is on
the north property line of HRmpden Avenue and 243 feet west or the west prop-
eety line of South Broadway; thence north 605.8 feet to an intersection with
the south property line of West GirRrd Avenue ; thence west along the south
~ property line of West Girard Avenue 209 fe e t thence south along the east lot
f' line of lots 22 and 32, inclusive, Flood Addition 605.B feet to an intersection
with t h e north property line of Hrun den Av e nue; thence east alone; the north
property line of Hrunpden Avenue 280 feet to the point of beginning.
Lot l Lo ,s 2 to 17 inc., Lot 18, Lota 19 & 20; Lots 21 & 22; Lots 23 to 31 inc.
Lot ~t, Lot 33, Lots 34 t o 37 inc. and Lot 38.
A p~rce l of l a nd described RS follows; Beg inning at a point which is on
the north property line of HRm den Avenue &11d 143 feet west of the west property
line of South Bro ttdway ; thence north 605 .6 f eet to an intersection with the
south roperty line of West irard Avenue ; thence west along the south property
'i, line of ~est rirard Avenue l CC feet; thence south 605.6 feet to an intersection
with t e n orth roperty line of West Hampden Avenue; thence east &ong the
north property line of Hampden Avenue 100 f e et to t h e point of beginning.
A parce l of alnd described i ~s followsf Be~inning at a point which ia on
the est property line of South ."Brpadway and ~oo · fee~ n•nth of the north
propert ~ line of '7est ~ ''· pden Avenue; t. ence west along the north lot line or
lot 36, 125 feet; thence north 14.6 f ee t; thence east alon~ the south lot
{line of lot 37, 1 25 f e et to an intersection with the west p roperty line or
South Bro h way; tl ence south t lon ,_, the wost pro.-erty line of South Broadway
14.6 f e et to the point of beginninT.
Lots 25 to 47 inc. Lot 48.
A Rrcel of .lnu descrl ed as follows; Boe inning at a point which ia the
inters ction of the west property line of 3outh Broadway with the south
prope rty line of Hhmpden Avenue; thence sout.h alone the west property line ot
So uth Broadway 150 feet, more or less, to nn ;ntereeCtion with the nertherly
Jr 0 perty l ine of Sh e ridan Street ; thence northwesterly along the northerly
J property line of Sheridan Stre t 30 0 feet, more or leas, 120 feet, more or
~less, and 100 feet, more or less, to an interaectlon with the south property
lin of Hampden Avenue; thence east long t h e s outh property line of Baapden
Avenue 5~0 feet, more or les5, to t h~ point of beginning. Exclusive ef
streets an~ alleyA.
A pRrce l of ilnd described [~ fol l ows; Beginning Rt a point which is the
inters e ction of the center line of South Acoma Street with the south property
line o f Sheridan Avenue; thence northweste r ly l~O reet, more or le as, and 190
feet, more or les 3 , to an interse ction with the ~outh property line or Hampden
Avenue; thence west 190 fe et , mor or less, to an iiltersection with the
center line p r oduced, of the alley between South Cherokee Street and South
Bannock Street i then90 south EU.on ~ said describod line 1000 feet, more or leaa,
to an interse ction ~1th the northwest border of the Ci;y Ditc~; thence in a
nort easterly, eRst and southeasterly direction meandering along the berder
of the City Ditcl tu lifi intersection with the center line of South Acoma Street;
t ence n rth alonB the cent.er line of South Acoma Street 610 feet, more or
less, to the point of beg innine.
Lot l, Lots 2 to 24 inc. Lot 25, Lot 2 ~, Lot 27, Lota 28 to 49 inc. and
Lot 5 in Block 1.
Lot.s l to 7 inc. Lot s , The El /2 of Block l.
Lots l to 7 inc. Lots a & 9 I Lots l •.o 16 inc. Block 2.
Lot o, Lots ll & 12, Lot 1 0 , Lot 13 , Lot 14, Block 3.
Lot 4, 5 , e, 7, 8 , Lots 9 to 11 inc. Lots 12 and 13 in Block 4 •
Lots l and 2 Block 5.
Lot l, Lots 2 to B inc. Lots 9 to 15 i nc . a i d Lot 16, Block l.
Lo : l. Lots 2 to 15 inc. Lot l o in Bloc k 2. Lota l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, L~ts 7
Lo 1 • l, Lota 2 to lG inc. Lot 1 6 in Block 3. to 48 Inc. Block 5.
Lots 9, 10 1 11, 12 in Slock 4.
Lots l to •B inc. Block 6 . Lots l to 48 inc. Block 7.
Lots l to 43 inc. Block 8. Lots l to 48 inc. Block 9.
Lots l to 24 inc. Block 1 0 . Lots l to 24 inc. Block l~.
Lots l to 24 inc. Ulock 12.
A parce l of land described as f ollows; Beginnin~ at a point on t h e west
pro erty .liu~ or So~th Bro~dway 3 0 0 f ee t south of the south property line of
est Leh18h Av&nu8; t.hence west klone the ao th lot lines of lots 13 and 12 or
BlocA& 9, 10, ll and 12, Knmilton a,1 Kil les Droadway Heights 1274 tee't,
mor or leaa, to an intersection with the center line of so~1t h Delaware Stre e t;
thence south alone the cent e r line of South Delaware Street 330 feet, more er
less, to an inter~ection ~1th ihe center line of West Mansfield Avenue; thence
east long the center li11e of We~t Mansfie ld Avenue 1274 feet, more or less, to
lln int rsection with the west property line of South Broadway; bhence north
aleng the west property line of S outh Br oadway 330 feet, more or leas, to the
poin~ of beginnln u • Exclus1v of streets and alleys,
l to 4 inc. Block l.
l to 48 inc. Blo ck 3.
l to 22 inc. Lots 23 & 24, Lots
1 to 2~ inc. Lots 23 & 2 4, Lots
Lot~ l to 48 inc. Block 2.
Lots 1 to 40 inc. Block 4.
25 to 46 inc.-Block 13. J/
25 to 16 inc. Block 14.
Lots l to 22 inc. Lots 23 & 24 , Lots 25 to 46 inc. Block 15.
Lets l t• 18 lncluilve~ Lota 23 & 24, Lots 25 to 46 inc. Bleck 16.
Lots l, Lots 2 to 13 ~c. Lots 24 to 45 inc. Lot 46, Bleck 18.
SECTION 3-That said district shall be known aa and the aame 1• hereby
dealgna i ed as Latera l Sanitary Sewer District No. l, Englewood, Colorado.
SECTION 4-That the construct i on of a Utteral Sanitary Sewe·r ·and all
necess ~ 'Y appurtenances incident~l t h ereto all as aho•n by the plans, specl-
tic a t ions and m,ps of said d i s tric t a nd improvements therein prepRred by the
City Eng inee r are a pp roved lly t he City Council of said City and now on file. la
the o f fice of the Clerk of said City be and the sklle are hereby authorized and
SECT IO N 5 -Th~.t by virtue of ana in p ursuance of tue ato1·esaid act. et tne
Le g islat i v e Assembly of tne S t a te of Coloradv, a p proved April Btn, A.D. 1899
being Chap ter 1 5 1 of the Session Laws cf .Colorado, 1899, including amendaenta
t h ere t o, loc a l i mp rov ement bon d s c f the City be is s ued for the purpose · or paring
f or the lo c~l i mprovements in thi s ord ina nce desc rib ed and provided to be cen-
str u c ted in the s c•id Ln t c r Rl Sa n itary Sewe r District No. l, Englewood,Celerade,
in an ftmount n ot to e xce e d t h e whole c ost of said improvements including
eng inee ri n __ , inspection, collection and other i nci d ental expenses as in said law
p rov i ded and in n o ev e nt to exceed the estima tes of the cost made by the Engineer
o f Bh i d Ci ty pu r s u an t to t h e preli n i n Rry ord ers of t h e City ~ou.ncJ..l ado p ted
Au g ust 3rd , A.D. 1921 and January 9tl1 , A.D. 1 9 22, to-wit; ~enteen _Thousand,
Five Hundred Ni n etymei ght CC117.f 8 .CO) Dollars.
t o gethe r with six p er cent a d a it1ona l for t n cust of ins p ection collections,
inc i dentals h n d inte re s t on sa i d t o nd R f ro th e d ate thereof to the next
succ eed 1n e d at e when b y t he l aws o f t he ~t n t e of Colorado the g e neral taxes, or
the f ir t in s t a llment t h ereof, a re p aya b le.
SECTION 6 -That t h e said ond s shall u e d6a1gnated "Local Improvement
Bo n d s , u .te ral San i t ary Sewe r District No. l," shal be numbered consecutively
fro m o ne upw ard s and every sixth b ond, o r ev ry b ond whose number is evenly
d i v isa le y s ix shall b e of t he de n ominRt'on of F i v e Hundred Dollars ($500.00)
and all of th e b ond s who s e n um be r i s no t e v e nly dlvi s a b le by six shall be or the
denocina i on of One Th ou s a nd Dol l r rs (~'10 0 0.00) e t•ch; they sahll b e dated Karch
15th , A.D. 1 ~2 2, sh a ll be al>s olutc ly d ue a nd p Ryab l e M ~rch 15th, A.D. 1942, but
s u b je ct t o c 11 a nd p a ym en t a t a n y time p rior t h e r .to a s provided by law; ahall
be ar inDeres t from their date at the r a t e of six p e rcentum pe r a n WL payable
sem i -K .n u lly on t h e 1 5th d a y of • pt e .be r and Ma rc h or each year; and b oth
p r i n c i al Rnd inte r es t sh all be pa y a b l e i n _old co in of the United StRtes or
Ame r ica of , o ~ equal to, t h e pre~ont s t ar.d a r d of wei ght a nd fineness, at the
off ice o f th e City Tr e a s ure r o f Er.e l ewo o d , Colora do.
SEC TION 7-The.t e v i den cin g the se mi-annuRl inte r est due on sRid bonds there
s h all b e atta c hed t o e ac h t ond f or ty i n ter es t co u ~o n s a nd said b onds and coupons
sh al l b in su otant1K lly the f ol low i n for m, t o-wi t ;
r o . --
(Form of Bond)
Cou nty o f Ar n a o e
City of Eng lewood
LATERA L SA NI ..,h HY S '''i:.:R DI S T R 1CT .~O. l.
ENOL~7 0 0 D , COLOR O.
or 3500
The City o f En g l ew ood, in the Coun t y of Ar Rpah oe, S tate Of Colorado, for value
rec iv ed , ckn o led g es it s elf ind.b teJ t o a nd he r b y promise to pny the be&rer
1 er uf t.h e swu of (On e Th uu s and o r F i v . Hund r d ) Doll11.rs in g old coin of the
United t« t e s or Awe ri ca o f, or e qu~l t o , t h e p r es ent st~ndard of wight and fine-
nes s, o n e fifteenth d r'.y of Ma rc h , A.D. 1 9 42, s u b ject to call anu payment,
h o "·~v r , at a ny i me ! r iO I ' th e ret o, as pro v hl e u 1 1 the act of the . General Assembly
of the tate o f Colora do liercinf'.fter ru e1 tione d, with interest thereon frem date
' ere f t i l aym en t a t the rate of s ix pe rcent un. per annum, payable se~i-!lnnually
o n t h f 1ftee1 t h d ays of ~c p t e mbc r and M ~rc h i n e a c h y e :r, as evidenced by the
i nterest c oupons heret o attH c h ed, ~o tt 1 p rin cipal hnd intcre~t payable at the
o ff le f the City Tr n sur er ~ s · i d Ci t y or Rt th e First National Bank or
En -le . o , v o r ndo , •. L Lhe op t! n of th h o l d ~r, u po n r r es ~n t P tion of this bond
o r sR i d c ou o ns r e s ective l y .
Th i s ond i s i ssue d f o r the p !'p o s e o r..y l ng U e co s t o f k local improve ment
in LR r a l ~an it ary Sewe r Di strict ::o. l, Er u lewood Colorado, by virtue of and in
ru l l c:onforrn1 t y wi t l& a n act of t he Gener Rl As sembly of the State Of Colorado entl tled;
"An Act -t o r o v i d e f o r the c o n s tr u cL ·ou of L o :~l i~p~ove~ents in cities of all
cl a!l s a v i ng a p o p ul ~tion of l es s th an 1 00 ,00 0, and incorpornteu Lo•1n1:1, the iosuance
of l o cal i mpr o vemen t b o nd s th e re for, a nd t lP. as se ss~r.t and payl1'ent o f the cost
r BKid l~ ~ov~~ents .' h~vzovcJ A ~ril 8 , A.D. 1 89 9, and an ordinance of said city
dul~ &dopLcd , ~p ~.u ·ed , puh l i~h etl a ~d n.a u e K l nw of said Ci ty prior to the issue
he r eof .
This lond 1~ pRyab l e out of t h e pro c e d s of R spe cial R s sess~ent ~evied up ~
rea l e t tc situ ~t c d in Lat e ral San i tary Se~e r Distri c t No. l of SHid city a~d ~
especially bc n ef1 Lted uy s ~i u i mp ro v e me nt, ~n d t h e amount of the assessments so
made u o n the rea l e st.;t c ; n s n i d u i 3t1·ict f oi· the 11ayment hereof with accrued
11 t.c r ~· t is a l i en u p on s n i d r ea l e . tnt in th e r e spective amounts app9ri1oned
to a • i J rea l estat e a n d a ~s essc~ ~Y ~n o r u i An ce of said City, said lien having
rr1ori t o ~r &.11 o t h e r ~ icus t:.11.t;t::pt ..... Lher '!.i o~d ~ li.e:-e t oforc ... ~:u~<.l ty aaid city and
e lie o f e nernl t flxes , Rnd the pnym n t of the princi p al of Etnd lnte!'est on this
ond i H ,:utt.r nt.eeti b y s a i d Ci ty by a n o r d i n anc e d uly adopted by the City Co tt ncil //
o s ~1~ Ci ty b y t w o-t h i~d o v o t e; h~rl it is iie r~by certified and recited that the ~
ota l 1 s ue of the u o flds o s < ~u clt y ro i · ~ti .i d zc:;w c :-u!s t.rlct, inc;luding this
b on d do e s uot e xc eed t e er.t i mRt e of th e Ci ty E n ~i nc cr, the contract ~cic8 fer
3td.d .i.&M rover:c1 t., o.c· t he «mou t c.u th r !.zed Ly law.
3, st ·-
It is h ereby certified, recited and ff•rranted Lhr.t said c!ty i1as been rcr Jn&llY
y a,·s -c tt.n d ls , ow a ody politic Rn d corporate, wlth the general powers or a
corpor:'Lio1, u ~ly u1~g anizeu, t:x i st.inij n n u operating as a city under and by virtue
of th e c o·1s t.1 ut on cud the g cnt::""ttl lri::rn of the ... t •. Le of Colorado; and is now and
alway s ha s b een under the control of a i:Ji R!'Or ai 1d <..iuly or~anized City Council as
Lhe duly c on3t1tuted c orporate authority thereof i ~~d it is further hereby certified
.nd re ci ted that every require ment of law rclat1n to the creation of the said
La ert..l Sa n ! t n ry 3t;;-;;~r Dis tr ic t No. 1 the ruaklne of sr-.id local lu1provement and the
i s sue o f t h is bond, has be n fully cocplle<l with by t ~e p~~p~r officer~, and that
all condi t ions r e quired to exi s t a n d thinGs r c 1u ~rcd to be done precadenL to and
ln t.he l&'" ttr.ce of t h is 1 ond to rcudbr the same lflwful and vtt.lid, have happened I
and have been properly done ttnd pt:1rfor·med, Rnd J!d e"ist ir. regulHr and due time,
rorm a nd n anner, as required y law.
In testimony whereof, the sr,id City of Enelewood, by its Mayor and City Ceuncil
has cRu s ed this bond to be suLscribed b y its Mayor and its corporate seal t•
e im pre sR ed hereon, attested by its City Clerk, and each of the ferty interest
co pons l c cet.o anne ;~ed to be httes~ed b y t.he facsimile signature of the City
Cl~rk t h e fifteenth day of M~rch, A.D. 1~22.
Ito. -------
(Fo r-~ of Ccupun)
On SeptAmbcr lJth,
or $15
Mttr ch 15th, A.D. 19 ______ •
The City of En6lewood in Ara n lloe Ccunty, GDlorado, pro~ises to pay to the
beRrer out of the proce e ds of a special aswessment against the real estate
situated in Lateral Sanit.r..ry :Jc·Ra r Din rict No. l, Englewood, Colorado, (Thirty
or ,-1rt ee ) Dollnrs in c;old coin of the United States Of America or, or equal to,
the pre s ent standard Of wi&ght <1 nd f inene:Js, El. t the office or the City Treasu;rer -. •·.· ..
in En e lewood, Colorado, or at the First i~at i onal Bank of Englewood, Colerado, at
the option d the l1olJe::r, teine six months int re~t then due on 1 ts lecal impr.ove-
~ent bon• issued for the construct i on of a local iffiprovement in Lateral Sanitary
Sew e r i s ri c t Ilo. l, En ,3 lewood, ColorE'!.do, dit.tedMarch 15th, A.D. 1922.
-----Ci t y Cl e rk.
SEC TION 8-That said b onds when executed in the foreeoing form ahall be signed
by t h e MRyor, sealed wi1h the c o rporate seal o' s P id City, and attested by the City
Clerk, and each of sRid forty (40) interes t c oupons shall '.e Rttected by the ·
eng ra e d facsi ri ile si ....,nn ture cf the said City Cl ,..rk; and the snid City ar Englewood
by ord i n ance duly ntl o ied t y a. two-t h irds '.'Ot e of the memb c rsof said Council of
••id City d oe3 h ere b y gunrnntce the p rompt payment Of the principal or and the
interes t on each of s r id ::ond s when and Rs the s ci ie respectively fall due.
SE CT I O 9-That s r.id ondG shall b e i s~uec.l from time to time by the City
Tr casu r ~r u pon es i~Rtes Rnd orde rs of the City En e ineer ap ,roved b y the City
Co un c il, to p ay for the locE1.l i m rov en ts construe ted in LEI. terR.l ~hni tary Sewer
Dist r ict No. l, En n;l e wood, Colorndo, uut the :.:n yor and City Council may use said
bonds at par value for the p ay~c nt of n ~in e ering and other clericRl expenses, and
cost of inspect _on, or the Mhyor with the Rpprovil of the City Council may sell
in the anner provided ty law sufficient of sRid bonds Rt not less than pary,
to pay said expenses in cash and th e Tre Rnurcr shall preserve a record of sRid
bonds in a suitable book k e pt for that purpose. The City Clerk is hereby authorized
and directed to hRve printe d blank bo nds of the denaminationa afores•id, aumbered I
consec i ve ly as Rforesaid and ns required to meet:.the actual cost of said
improv em ents as herein p rovided and credit shall be endorsed upon the last bond
issued so thats < id b onds shall repre ccn t such f'rnctional part of the face thereof
as way be necessary to evidence the actual indebtedness incurred on account
or s•1d i~provements and when said ·onds Rre rcpnred to depoait the same with the
City Treasurer to be issued from time to tirue ns her~inbefore provided.
SECTION 10-By reason of the fn\!i tl r.t t h e cor::1J letion at the earliest possible
date of t h e improve~ents de s cribe d in and c ontemplllted by this ordinance, is
necess a r to the immedi Htc pre ;,crv r..ti on of the pul.lic safety, this ordinance ~
shall take effect five days a fter its fi n nl pRasRee and public~tion as required
by law and shall not b e nubject to the referendum provision of ChRpter 97 of the
laws pasned at the Nineteenth Sessio n cf the Ge1eral Assembly of the State of
SECTION ll-This ordlnance ·after its pR~sa c e shall be recorded in a book
kept for that purp 0 se, shall be authenticRted by the signRtures of the Mayor and
the Ci ty Clerk and shall b e pu b lished in the E n ~lewood HerRld, a newspaper pub-
lish e d wi thin the limltn of the City of Enclewood, shall take effect and be in
force upon the exp!r ~.ti o ~ of five days ci.fter it h as been so :1ublished and shall
be irre ea lable until the indebtedness herein provided for sh~ll be paid 1n full.
Introduced and pass6d on first r c adtn e Febru~ry 16th, A.D. 1922.
Pu lishe d the 17th Rnd 2 4th days o! Fcb ru ~ry, A.D. 1922.
F inally pa s sed Rn Ll hp p roved t l1e ,.._ J •l:J o f Llc.rch, A. D. 1922.
A.D. 1922. Final y pu lished ----------------
It was thereupon moved b y Co · ... mciln.an A.O. Tiedt and seconded by Councilman
Tho ps on t h R t the foreeoin r: ordinP,nce, ,entitled;
"An or d in~nce creatinf.j a LEt e ··Rl .. nitEtry Sewer District in the City et
En c lewood, Colorado, to be k ri own Rnd designated as Lateral Sanitary Sewer
District No. l, orderine the co . truction of a LRteral Sanitary Sewer and
oth er 1nc1dentRls thereto with in sRid district together with all necessary
lamph oles, rr.an-h o l e s and other i n cidentals Rnd all appurtenances necessary
to said i m rov cffi cnt; p rovi d in J forte issue of 'ends of said district in
pay e nt for sai d loc1 .l i ~p rov em ent; r e peRling "all ordinRnces, resolutions
or ord e rs or pEl.rt s t h ereof i n c onf lict herewith and declaring an emergency
whereby this ordinance shall be i n full force and effect five d~ys atter
its f inRl pas s a -e, R p r oval Rnd 1 ub l1cat l on."
Read i n f u ll at t e me et i n g a fores Ri d , b e u lished in full in the Englewood
Herald, a .!l~w sp E<.jer of general circul Hti on, pu b lished in the City of Engleweod,
in its i ssue or ebru ~ry 17th, and 24th, A.D. 1922, and that &Rid ordinance after
it ls p u ~lishe u kS a fores a i d , b e consid red for final passage at a special called
meeting of the City .Council to be held at the Council Ch Rmber in the City Hall, on
Thur s d :t.. t h e 2nd d a y of ?!lftrch A.D. 1922, at the hour of Go'clock P.Ll.
Th e u esti on b eine u :on t h e •dopti on of shid motion, the roll was called with
the fo llow ing r sult;
Th ose votine aye; Co uncilne n O.I. Cole, J.E. Cullison, J.S. ERgleton, Clyde
, Jolns o n, G.A. Thom p son, A.O. Tiedt.
Th o s v otlne nay; Councilme n Ho n e •.
C .er-. r s of t h e Council h Rv!n !j '"Oted i n fc 1 ·or of snid n:otton, the presiding
off i c e r t he reup on decl~r e d S [ i d mot i on c •. r rie d and said ordin~nce ordered
pub li shed as af o resR1d •
. '
City Clerk.
Alder:nan ulliaon Joved)
Johnson Seconded). That there bei n g no further business before the counell,
council adjourn to mee~ a e ain Thursday February 23rd, 192~. at 8: o'clock P. ll.
Roll Gall:
1nutea of Adjourned
Colorado~ia 16th,
thi• h day or •
Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye.
Johnson, Aye. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, Aye.
6. Ayes, Nayes None.
Mayor so ordered.
Regular Meetlbg of the
da:,.~e)'ruary, 192~,
d ~J7 1922.
city aouncil or the c~~ ~ Engl8Wood,
stand approved as_..,c?:.....1111~~-~~~-~~~~-