HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922-11-16 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I I I .... . t: . -~ 4 '11.f~ ADJOUR.IBD REGULAR KEETIKll OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ENGLBIOOD, COLORADO, THIS THURSDAY 18th, DAY OP NOVEMBER, A. D. 1922, AT EIGHT o•CLocit, P. JI. lla7or J. •. 11urra1·, Called . the meeting to order and a•ked tor roll call, Roll Calli Cole, Pres .. t, Culli•on, Pre•ent, Eagleton, Pre .. n\. Johnaon, Present. Thomp•on, Preaent. Tiedt, Preaen\. s. Pr•••nt. Ab•en\ none. Mayor ao ordered. I8TRODOOTI08 AND COSSIDERATIO• OF ORDINAN.CESz Clerk read propo••d ordinance No. Seri•• ot l92Z, An Ordinanoe Eatabllahlng th• Annual Tax LeYJ tor the City or-Englewood, Colorado, tor the yeaP 1188. in tull. Alderman Col• llovedl Culll•on Seconded) Tha~ Ordinance No.~ Serie• 1922, •&m• beiag entltlecl aa Ordinanoe eatabl1ah1ng th• annual tax levy tor the citJ or Englewood, Colorado, tor th• year 1923. do no• paaa ••~•t reading aa read. Roll Call: Alder11&11 Cole Moved) Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnaon, Aye. Thompson, Aye. Tied~, Aye. e·. Ayes, Nayea none. Kayor ao ordo:-ecl. Culli•on, Seoonded) That Whereas, a proposed Ord1nanoe No. Seri•• ot ieaa, or the ordinance• ot Englewood, being entitled An Ordinance E•tabllahina the Annual Tax Le~ to~ the City or Englewood, Colorado, to~ the yeaP 1923, baa .been lntroduoed and read and pasaed at ita tirat reading, now Theretore be lt resolved by the City Council ot tJl• Cit7 or Bngl•••ecl, tha\ th• proposed Ordinartoe No. Serl•• ot 1922, atoreaaid, b• publiabed la Englewood Herald a •••klJ' newapaper ot genenl c:1rculatdon in th• oitJ ot Bnglnood, Colo., aa r•quired by the statute• ot the State of Colorado, and go over tor further conaideration at anotJier meeting. Roll C.llt Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, A7e. Johnaon, Aye. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 6. Ayea, Nay•• none. Maror so ordered. Clerk read Proposed Ordinance No.~ Series ot l92Z', An Oi'Cllnanoe to be knewn aa th• annual appropriation bill tor ll:I municipal purpo••• tor th• cltJ ot Englewood, tor .the tlaoal year beginning Januar, lat, 1983, and ending Deo .. ber 3lat, 1923. in .full. Alderman Cole Moved) . Culliaon Seconded} That Proposed Ordinance No. ___ Seri•• ot 1982, .... lag eat.ltled An Ordinaao• to be known aa the annual appropriatloa bill ror all 11111\1olpal purpoaea tor the citJ of Englewood, tor the Flacal year beginnl ... Januarr lat, 1923. and ending December 31st, 1928, do now pa•• the tlra~ ... dlng aa read. Roll Call: Alderman Col• Moved) Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Aye. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 6. Ayea, Kayea none. Mayor ao ordered. Cullison, Seconded) That Whereas, a proposed oltdinanoe No. ___ Serl•• ot 1982, ot th• ordlnano•• ot Englewood, being entitled an Ordinanoe to be Allml aa the annual .appropriation bill tor all .muntcipal purpose• tor the CitJ ot Englewood, tor th• tiacal year beginning January lat, 1923 and ending Deoeldler 3l•t, 1923, baa been .introduced and read and paaaed at it• tirat reading, now Therefore be lt resolved by the city council ot the Cit7 ot Bnglewo.a, that the propoaed ordinanoe No. ___ Series ot 1922, atoreaald, be publlahed 1• the Englewood Herald a wee~y newspaper· or general circulation in the CltJ ot Englewood, Colo., as required by the statutes o~ the State ot Colorado, and go over tor rurther consideration at another meeting. Roll Callr Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Aye. Thompson, Aye. Tied~, Aye. 6. Ayes, Rayes none. Mayor .ao ordered. Alderman Cole llond) . Culllaon, Seconded) That there being no turther buainaaa before the oounoll, council adjourn to meet again Monday November 27th, 192£, at 7tSC o'olook, P. a. Roll Calli Cole, Aye, Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Aye. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, A.7•· 6. Ayes, Nayes none. U.ayor so ordered. Mlnut•• or Adjourned Regulae meeting or the city council or th.~City ot 1esood Colorado, this 16th, day or November, 1922, stand approved aa thta' ~ d ay of' December, 1922. . -• r ~ . Z,.$ ~!::I.* t: 1a •. ADJOtrRRED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY couaCIL OP THE CITY OP EROLEWOOD, COLORAl>O, THIS mo&DAY 27th' DAY OP NOVEMBER, A. D. 1vaa. AT Ts30 p. ·11. lla7or, J. w. Kurra7 Called the meeting to order and asked tor roll call, Roll Call& Cole, Pre••~~cal.li-...t.P~•ta\;r ~ion, Preaeat. Johnson, Present. Thompson, Preaent• Tiedt, Preaen~. 6. Present. Abaent, None. Mayor ao ordered. POOL RNJ.s Chi•t ot Police Seyler, Stated that Ule~.\el89a,,_.~,.o,1.• arolllld.t.lle pool hall that he think• sold lichors, he aaid h• could not be there to -~•h the place all the tlae, and he haa been called at tim•• on account ot dlaturbancea in t.b• plaoe. 11.r. Wa. Grodakl -Kr. N. L. B'Jork -Mr. M. K. Straight -Kr. E. c. Boyer aad 11.r. Alt~•d T. Bell, apoke on behalt cCJlr. Robb and th•~ did not th1111E there ••• &DJ llehore aold in the pool hall and the council 1hould not clo•• the place tor the people wanted aome place tor recreation and it t.h• pool hall ••• oloaed th•T would go to Denver or aome o*her place to pl&J pool and as tor drinking or drunk• they were liable to come into any other place of bua1nea•, A buaineaa man could not keep .a bootlegger or drunk from coming into their place of bualneaa, and a place ahould not be cloaed because some .... ha• gott.en out that b7 1oae unknown peraon that. they 1old lichora there. llr. Charle• T&nlJ• sald he had been in there 1everal time• and •••n drunk• and aome intoxicated people in there but ne~er aeen any lichora aold there. Mr. Grod1kl, atated that this council waa sitting •• a Jurr in oour\ to t17 a caae, and they were t1'71ng Mr. Robb and hia pool hall, and there 11 no oae here and no evidence betore you that there is any lichora 1old ln the pool hall bJ llr. Robb and hl• place o~ buaineaa should not be clo••• up on auoh .... \hat haa gotten out by aome one 11Dknown. Alderman Culliaon Moved) That the Pool Hall be cloaed and th• 11oenae of llr. Robb be revoked. There being no second to the abobe motion, the Mayor declared the motion loat. Thereu on, Alderman Johnson Mov.d) Thompson Seconded) That Mr. Robb be put on probation running the pool hall tor thirtr daya. Roll Callr . Cole, Aye. Cullison Naye. Eagleton, AT•• Johnson, Aye. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, AJ•· •· Ayes, l. Na7e. Mayor so ordered. Clerk read in tull the reaignation or E. o. Boone as tollowa: Englewood Col•., NOT. 27th, 1922. To the Ron. Mayor and City Council; Oentl en: I hereb7 tender my resignation as Night •1ar11hal or Englewood, Colo., to take 9ftect Dec. lat, 1922. E. o. Boone. Alderman Johnaon Koved) Cole Seconded) That the resignation o~ E. O. Boone aa Nigh~ Marshal of Englewood, be accepted to take effect Dec. lat, 1922. Roll Call: Cole, Aye. Cull1aon, Aye. Eagleton, AJ•• Johnaon, Aye. Thoapaon, Aye. Tiedt, Aye. 6. Ayes, Na7e1 none. Kayor ao ordered. Mayor aaked Chier or Police if he had any one in vi•• to take the Night Marabala place that ha• been made vacant for Dec. let, 1922. Chier or Police aaid Mr. Charle• R. Tangy• will take it tor the balance ot term. Alderman Tiedt oved) Eagleton Seconded) That Charles R. Tangye be appointed to the otticte ot ight ltarahal to till the vacancy by the rea1gnat1on ot E. o. Boone. Roll Call: . Cole, Aye. Cullison, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnaon, Aye. Thompaon, Aye. Tied~, Aye. 6. Ayea, Nayea none. llayor so ordered. Alderman iedt stated that City Clerk Noonon having been elected to the otflce o~ Count7 Clerk and Recorder of Arapahoe County, Colorado, and would aoon be read7 to r••lsn ~ ottio• or City Clerk so the council had betier take aome action to be read7 to till the vacancy that will be made December 15th, 1922. lla70• a1ked if th•J had any one in view to vill the vacancr, Thereupon, Alderman Ti edt Kominated ·,•rneat. E. Anderson. for City Clerk, Alderman Cole Hom1nated Jame• Cole. for City Clerk. Mayor a ppo inted Aldermen Johnson and Tied~ aa Tellers, and the reaulta ot th• tirat ballot waft aa tollow•• .. ~neat. J::. Anderson--------------4. Ballota. Jaaea Cole ----------------------z. Ballota. The Mayor announced that . Brneat E. A11'9raon ••• dulJ elected to th• ottio• ot City Clerk to !111 out the unexpired tel"ll or Thomas H. loonon when he vacate• the ottice December 15th, 1922. Alderrian J ohnson Moved) Cole Seconded) That the petitions calling for a special election signed I I I I I I I I I I by about 50 0 voters and taxpa1,r• of. Englewood ,. to ..-~-to~e t o~~·-,.que•U...1 •~ t h e issuance or bonds to coaatruo\ a ,manieipal water plant rarthe oit~, be retored to the city attorne) to draw up the proper proceedings to call a s p ecia l election to vote on the queatio.n. Roll Call: Cele, Aye. Cull1aon, Aye. Eagleton, Aye. Johnson, Aye. Thompson, A~•· Tiedt, A7•• 6. Ayea, Nayes none. Mayor so, ordered. Alderman Eagleton 'toved) Cul l iaon Seconderl ' That r~r~ be ing no further buaineaa betore the coun c il council adjourn Roll C&l.l: Cole, Aye. Culliaon, Aye. Eagleton, AJ•• Johnson, Aye. Thompson, Aye. Tiedt, AJ•• 6 . Ayes, Say•• none. Mayor ao ordered. City erk. 4 ·?1·