HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923-04-04 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I ADJOURNED REGULAR ~EETING OF Tll . CITY COUNCIL OF TiiE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD.COLO- RADO. THIS 11BDHBSDAY THE 4th. DAY OF APRIL. A.D. 1923. AT EIGHT O'CLOCK P.K. Mayor J.W. Murray, Called the mwetine to order and asked for roll call: ROLL CALL: Cole, Present, Cullison, Absent, Ea ,gleton, Pr••n;, Johnson, Present, Thompson, Present, Tiedt, Absent, 4. Present, 2. Absent, Mayor, ao C>Ner.ai;. Pror. Baker •t .the Eng _ewood, Schools, came betore the Council asking in regarJ •• lo their putting in a motion picture machine,in the Auditerium of the High Sch6ol, ~trlt would be required t o ta~e out a license to operate the same aa lt would be •••- ed tor educational purposes, ex c ept at times or showi~g certaia ti~a, a small clfl7~ aaon,would be charged to detray the rental or the F11ma use•. Alderman Cole,Koved) Thompson, Seconded) That the City Attorney look into the Or~inance,OD aotion pioturea, and see if an amendment would have to be drawn up for the showing ot picture• ~An School• and Churches. without license. ROLL CALL: Cole, Aye, Cullison, Absent . ERgleton, Aye, Johnson, Aye, Thompso :;, Aye$ Tiedt,· Absent, 4.&yea, ~;·Absent, Mayor eo ·ordered. llr, Flood, came before the Counc+l askin ~ if the fence between his property an~ that of llr, Geo. Bullen, in the reRr ofthe property on So.Bannock St, tetween Girard & llaltopden, Ave'•, could be moved as it ·is imponsible to drive thru the Alley,to reach the \dltterent pr°""'tlea,withou . drivi~6 in from the Steeet. Aldenaan, Cole,Koved,) Johnson, Seconded.. That the Clerk notify Mr. Bullen ,that the tenc~ belpnglng to him, between that property of Mr. Flood and himself, would have to be se1 bacl, so as the all•J would be open for public use. t ROLL CALL: . Cole, Aye, Cul l ison Absent, Eaeleton, Aye, Johnsom, Aye, Thompso , Aye, Tiedt, Absent. 4. Ayes, 2. Ab••nt, Mayor, so Ord Fred. llr. E. Willingh1U11, came before the Council,\'Tith a new permission r._ Mr, Jos H. Smit.h,for Taxie Stand, in reaponeeto t ;c le t ter mHilecl him by the Clerk, liar. 21th 1.... (see 'ilea for letter) Kr. Smith grRnted to Everett, w.s. and Otto Wlll1nghafr\ per.kit for faxie Stand ns per application on file. Alderman Thompson, Jl.Ov•d) Johnson , Seconded) That the Licenses granted to the a~ove, tor the year or 1923 , for Taxie Cabs, St Rnd [8 per change Of stand granted by llr. Joa,Smltb. ROLL CALL: Cole, Aye, Cullison, Absent, Eaeleton, Aye, Johnson, Ay e Tho m. son, Aye, Ti edt, Absent. 4. Ayes, 2. Absent. Mayor so Ordered. •lre Chief KrieBer, came before the Cmancil in reBard to Fire Apparatua,auch a ••a pumper, atatlng it would be tt c;reat benifit. to the fiee protection of the City for t.h•J oould reach a ereat part or the .aoat.y thlckly settled aectlona, bJ_,hooking to the rlugP on Yale Ave, and as the City Ditch running water about 7.Montha out or the· 1ear, and with such appaatus would be able to the Water, for the proteotlon or ti~•. Aldel"llan Johnson, Moved,) co-ittee ratua, Thompson, Secondcdt, That the question be reterred tt the 8'1tt1J meet with the Firemen for discussion, in regard• to prices of auch IWISL •. ROLL VAI.J~: Cole, Aye, Cullison, Absent, E~eleton, A~e, Joh r aon , Aye, Thompson, Aye, Tiedt, Absent. 4. Ayes, z. Absent. Mayor so O,..ered. The Clerk came before the Council, that the office wn s very much in need or tiling cAeea ot sOllle aort, tor the keep1ne of the rftcords or Sewer application• and W7e ah r eta for t.he location or wyea 1n aJ.l ya, Aldelllift11bhll*tm; Moved) Eagleton, Seconded,) That the question or ftlt•g caaea be raftered to the Suppl~ Comalttee, with power to act. ROJ.L CALLz Cole, Aye, Cul l ison, Absent, Joh n son, Aye, Thompaon, Aye, 4. Ayes, llayor, 80 Eagle)on, Aye, Tie dt, Absent, 2. Al>••nt. Ordered. The Clerk caae before the Council , in resard1 t o the purchasing or a new t7pe wr~r tor t.b• Clerk• Ott1ce. Alde...an Bagleton Moved,) Johnaon, Seconded) That the 1ueation or purchasing ot a t7pe~rlter be left t.o tJ1e StlpplJ CoJnmittee, with power to act. ROLL CALLI Cole, Aye, Cul ison, Absent, Eagleton, Aye, Johnson, Aye, Thompson, Aye, Tie:t, Absent. 4. Ayes, 2. Ab9ent. Mayor BO Ordered. ~1lereu p oa:,Councilman J.~.~a g leton,intro c uced t h e following resotution: iiE""'OLUTI Oli. - - • -•. H.EREAS: pursuant to a notice to create a local i mprovement district in the Cit7 of ~glewo 'd,Co _orado, to be kno\vn as the ·straight Sidewalk and Street Grading Improve- me n t Di s trict, ~lewood, ~olorado. and to make certain side•alk and street grading im- provements in said district, a uly and regularly published in the Englewood,Herald,a pub l ic legal newapaper publ•shed in the Cit: of En lewo od,County of Arapahoe,State of Co l ol'ado •. f o~ a period of more than l 'hirty day~J.ar,.J.o J;)J.}1,~eh~tf . .,c!ll~S...;lQe. .. fl~Aw of April.A•· 1~23. was the date named in said!fi~it. wou°!d mee~ in regurar adJourii'ia-ses sion to consider all complaints and o)jections that might be made in ~r lting to said Gounoil concerning the proposed improve J ents,by the owner,or owners of any real estate to be asses bed, or any per ~on or pcr :~ons inter•sted generally, and that said complaints and ob je ctions would be heard and determined by said City Council before the final ao- _tion of said Council thereon, and to consi4er an Ordinance creating said district· and I ord e ring the i :provements aforesaid; and, .H~:.UU. : there being no objections to the creation of said improvement district, except s follows: P etition and Protest to the Honorable .. fa.yor an the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado. entlemen: Your petitioner, 'J.'he Swedish National Sani tori um, hereby respectfulJ.7 I files its petition and protest in the matter of he c traight Side Walk and Streetimprov ement District of the City of .2iglewood and protests the inclusion of said improvement · district of that portion of Pearl ~tre c t lying between the South boWldry line of Girard ~treet, and the Korth boundry line of Hampden ~treet, except as the same and the Lots abutting upon sat.d portion oi" Pearl Street m&J' be included in said district· for the as- sessment . of its pro rata shar e for Street and alley interseotioaa, and as abutting pro- perty u p on Girard and Ham~den Streets. Your petitionar hereby res p ectfully petitions your Honorable Mayor and City Coun- ci l to exclude from said i mp r vement district the aforesa id portion of Pearl Street and the Lots abutting upon the same, a nd fr.om a s ses sn ent therein except u s said lots and ~·o pD•tion of ~earl Street may be asse ~s ed for its pro rata share of street and alley in•• ter s~ction s t nd as pr ope rty abut ting u rion Girard and Eo.m pd e n Streets. ~s reason for said protest and petition y ur p e titioner states that it is the ow- ner of all o f the lots abutting u pon h oth side s of said portion of Pearl Street being lots one (1) to Twenty-~our (24~, both inclusive, in Block Seven (7), and Lots Twenty- five ( 25) to Forty-eight ( 48) both inclu s ive in .B loc!: i:)ix ( 6) ,all in 'lest View Addition to t he City of ~glewodd,Arapahoe County, Colorado. and that the afor c s ~id portion of ~e a rl Str eet h as since the f i ling of th e petition for said improvement district been vacated unf ther e is how no necessity for i p rovement of said p ortion of Pearl Street, nd that your rtitioner as owner of said lots does not desire to have said portion of ?earl St1teet i c proved or included in said i : 1 .rove1 nent district and protests the in- clusion of said portion of P earl Street. and said ltts in said improvement district ex- cept as quali"fied in the above petition and protea,. , our petitioner futher states that said portion of Pe arl Street has never been o p ened or uwed as a Street and that the so.me h · s not been passible for Street traffic t hat the expense of grading s a d4 portion of Pearl Street is greater in proportion to it • lenght than any aimll.ar lenght of ~treet in the entire district, and that its ex- c lusion ~rom s id distri~ will not in a ny manner increase or burden th• r&lii:U1tngl portion of eatd 1.Jbprovement district with any add itional cost or assessment. ' ~~ORL. Your petitlUmer resp e ctfully prays that its protest may be heard and its petition granted for the exclu ::ion of s a id portion of ?earl Street from •aid im- proTement d istrict before final a ction is tal:en u p on the organization of said im- provemeat district all of which is re "·peotfully eubmi tted. ttest: A.~.Baker (Signed) Secretary: ( E A L) diATE OF COLORADO) . CITY AlfD : ss COUNTY OF DENVER ) THE S i' EDI SH ~iAT IO~AL SAllITORIUM. By. Carl A.Johnson (Singed) :I-resident. Carl A.Johnson, of lawful age,b ein first duly sworn upon oath deposes and s qs: "hat he is t h e resident of 1J.'he .::>•1 c dish ;;a,tional Sanitorium; that as such _res i dent he sign ed the above pr otest and petition on behalf of said corporation; and that he was duly authorized by t h e ~oard of Directors of said Sanitorium to execute and fi e i t he c ame ; that he has read the above a nf foregoin g petitton and protest knows the contents t here of, and that the matters and thing s thero i.: ·Lt forth are true to the best of his 7Jiowledge, inf orma tio n and b e lief, Carl A.Johnson. (Signed) Subscribe~~ and sworn to before me this 4th. d ay of April,A.D. 1923. ~ commission expire s 1iay 11,1924. ( L·) Uargaret C.Bradl.e7 (Signed) Notary Public. and, IHEREAS , after the said wri ~ten objecti ns were read and duly considered by this cow!o11, in consultation with its Bngineer and Attorney, it appears that the prop.,.t7 described i n said petition or objections should not be excluded fr9m said improvement d i s trict for the r e ason that said ~~ will be li~ble to an ase&ss~ent for the I I I I I I . L- • improvements to be made in said improvement district to the ext e nt of the benfits which said property will receive on ac 0oun t of the ~treat grading improvements and the side ialk i mprovements which will be constructed on the ~treete Bordering on the East and .• est sides of said deecri bed property, but only to that extent; and • • :Hl:!.."EA : in t!!t. QJ2.1Jlion of this Council it wil l be necessary for the City ~ineer to so amend his ma~J\~tr'specification 0 heretofore filed with the Clerk of said City in h e matter of said im provement district in orde r that no sidewalk and street grading 1m provements Will be oonstruoted in sadd distr~ot in front of and abutting th• said pro- pert~ on what has heretofore b een Pearl Street between Girard anl Hampden Avenues, and to fnt-tll•r amend his preliminary estimates of the whole cost of said district so that the coat of i r prov ADg what has heretofore been earl Street between said Avenues bJ' the construction of cement sidewalks and street g r ,.ding i mp rovements fronting the sait abov described prop•rty on said Pe arl ~·treet will be excluded therefrom. Q • • T~~ORE , be it resolved by the City Council of the ·City of Englewood, in regular adJourned aes e ion this 4th. day of April,A.D.1923. that the protests and objec- tions hereinbefore fully set forth be, and the same are hereby overruled and denied, except that the lmgineer of said City be, and he i ~ hereby • directed and instructed to end his mupa aad plans and estimates of the whole cost af said improvements ae hereinbefore fully eet forth, and BE IT ~~~THEii ~B .J OLVED that the consideration and final action of this Council U!>On the Ordin nee creatint said district be, and the sam is hereb7 continued until the regular meeting of said Council to be hel4 on Mon- d&l', the 9th .day of April next, a t Eight 'clock P .M. THE:.::: O , Councilman Eagleton, '.l oved that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read, Councilman Th om pson,~eoonded s a id motion. On roll call, the question being upon the adoption of said .. aclution. the Councilmen voted as follows: ~OLL CAL 1.: Cote,Aye. Cul l ison.Absent, Eagleton. Aye, Johnson, Aye, Tho mpson, Aye, Tiedt, Absent. 4.~yes, 2.Absent. 1.1ayo r so Ordered. Alderman Johnson,Uoved,) · Eag leton, J.conaed,) That th e re being no further buisness before the Council Co-tnoil adJourn. ROLL CALL: Cole, Aye, C~llison,Absent Eagleton, Aye. Johnson. Aye, Thompson, Aye, ~iedt,Abeent. 4. Ayes 2.Absent. Uayor so Ordered. inutee of the ~egular djourned leeting of the City Council of the Cit7 of EDC!.•ood Colora.6 0. this 4th. d o.y of Apr .1,A.D.1923 stand approved aslfc«d this --!:1---day of Ap ril,A.D.1 92~. 1 •