HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-05-05 (Special) Meeting MinutesI I I I I SPBCUL ALL llTI~G OF 'f l ~ CITY COU'~J CIL 0F THE CITY OP ZNGLEWOOD, COLORADO, fBIS ~ Y THE 5th DAY OF UAY, A. D. 1~24. ~T EIGHT O'CLOC~ P.~. J.1a7or Aven Al dridge, oalled the meeting to order and asked for roll call: ROLL CA!.L:- Allen, Present,-Kinnear, Pr e sent,~ UcLellan, Present. Hose, Present,-·ummera,Preeent,-Woode, ?resent. Six Present,. Absent None. Ma.7or a s4ed the Clerk to read the call; Clerk read the call ae follo••· llOT IC E or ~tZCIA L CALL i.IBETIUG 01' TH ~ CITY CO U.ilCIL OF THE CITY ur EHGLBWOOD, '"-·-o, OJI AMPABOE, SU'l'E OP COLORADO. to: leo. w. All .. ,-s. B. Ki.Dnear,-Norman H. McLellan,- Walter G. Bose,-w. c. Summers,-andR.Geo •.. Woode, The undereigned, The ~or and three meabere of The City Council of the Cit7 of Engle- wood, Count7 of Arapahoe, State of Colorttdo, hereb7 give notioe that a Special Call Kee•ing of the Cit7 Counoil of aaid Cit7, is called and will be held in the Cit7 Hall of aaid Cit7 on ond~, Ith 41Q' of ~. A. D. 1924 at the hour of Eight C'llook P. K. of said 4ay. You are turther notified that saidmceting is called for the purpose of opening Bide, as per notioe dul7 given for $71,500.00 of bonds of South Broadw~ Paving Diatriot Bo. 2, To consider on eeoond and final reading and final passage of Proposed Ordinance, to b• mown aa "'An ordinance creating an i u:provemm t district in the Cit7 of Jmglewoo4, Colorado. o B Xnown ae South Broad•~ Paving and Dlproveaent District Bo. 2, and ordering the Conetruct lon an4 laying thereof of Pavement along and upon that certain atreet lcnown aa outh B roaclw~. and provi41ng for the is sue of bonds of the District in payment for •aid loca l im orovementa. ~ls o the consid e ration of wat•r main and sewer C0!1nection to the General iron orts . s ••• Kinnear -Al4erman '.i an # z, B. Geo, · o4a, Alderman--~i/a~ra:--1---1-.-- Englewood, Colorado. !.lay, 3rd 1924. AJID Aldr~i.,.d ... g.,.e .... __ _ 11&7or % ____ w_1_l~t~fpr .... G_, __ a_o9a_e_ • ..-.-:~ Ii e111A11 lar4 I 1. !he undersigned, Councilmen 6f the City of Englewood, Count7 of Artrpthoe, State of Color~o. hereby certif7 that we and each of us received notice of the above and foregoing ••nti ne4 Special Call ~eeting of the City Vouncil of said Cit j , to be held on Uon4~, Jla¥, 5th 1~2 • et the hoar of ~ight O'Clock t . ~. of s aid day at the City Ball in eaid Cit7. Slid notice having been served at least Wwenty-f uur hours before the date of said •••ting. Geo. ·• Allen, Walter G. Roee, • S . li . Kinnear, w. c. Summere, ll. H. UcLellan, R. Geo. Wvods. ~or aate4 the Clerk if any sealed bide had been filed, for the sale of bonda • • lhere being no Bi•s filed, Tho several Bond Buyars present wanting to bid orall7, But aa the term wae for se•l•d Bids and there being none filed, nor those present haYing ~ eetled bidato submit , The Jla¥or stated that the Council proceed with the order of fnlaineaa.· • Al4erman Wo d w, Uove4,) 8W1mera, Seconded,) That pro posed Ordinance Ho. , Series, of 1924, "An Or41Dance cr .. ting an lm~ovement District in The City of Englewood, Colorado, to be known ae South Broa4way Pav ing an4 Improvement District Bo.2, and ordering the oonetruo,1on an4 1&71ng thereof of pavement al~ng and upon that certain street known ae South Broal~, an4 providing for the ieeue of bonds of the District in p~ent for said Local Improv ... nta,• be introlaee4 and read and placed upon its second reading. , • BOLL CALL:- Allen, A:$e,-Kinnear, qe,-llcLellan, Aye, Roae, A:$e,-Summers, Aye,-W0 oda, A7e,. Six Ayes, Haye None • 14ayor so Ordered. Clerk read proposed Ordinance llo. , Series of 1924. "An Ordinance creating an Im- proT ent Diatrict in the City of Englewood, Colorado. to be known ae South Bro94"8i7 PaTlng aD4 I111rosement District Ho. 2, and ordering the constr&ction and la7ing thereof of PaYe- mlllt •lOlll and upon that certain street known as South Broadway, and providing for the issue ot bontaof the Dietrict 1D payment for said Local Improvemente." in full. Alderan Kinnear, Moved,) Allen Seconded,) That proposed urdinance No. Series 9f 1~24. Same being •n•itled "An Ordinance creating an Improvement District in t1ii"'"Cit7 of Azlglewood, Colora4o, to be ~:no ·.n as Sou th BroAdwq ?aving and Improvement District llo. 2, an4 orlerillg the oon- atruotion an4 laying thereof of Pavement along and upon that certain street known ae South Broa4wq, _. prid4tg for the issue of Bonde of the District in pa71Dent for ati.4 Local Improvemeata." 4o now pass second reading as read. •oLL C.lLL;- .lllen, Aye,-Kinnear, Rose, Aye, -Summers, Six Ayes, ~or .Alderman Bose, Ko•ecl,) Aye,-KcLellan, A:re, • Aye.-Woods, A.7e,. ..,_ None. so Ordered, lloLellan, Seconded,~ That Ordinance entitled. ''An Ordinance creating an lat-.:.·r. proYemeat District in the City of Englewood, Colorado, to be known ae South Broad..,-PaT- ing and IaproYemmit District No. 2, and ordering the construction and laying thereof of f>llYement along and upon that certain street known as South Broad..,., and prowiding tor the iaaue ot Bonda ot thlt District in payment for said Local Improvements." do now ft• rll.7 I pass ae Or4inanoe No.5. Series of 1124. aoLL CALL;- Allen, A.¥e,-~innear, Aye,-UcLellan, A.ye,. Roae, Aye,-Summers. ~··e,9 Woode, Aye,. Six ~yes li&1'S None. ~or so Ordered. Alder111111 Swmnera, Uoved,) Woode, Seconded,) mhat ·be >tt resolved that Ordinance No. 6, Seri••· of 1924. I thi• d~ paaaed b7 the Cit7 Council of the Cit7 of Englewood, Colorado, be publtllhecl in The &nglewoo4 Ber d, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the Cit7 of Bnglewood, Colo rado, aa required b7 Statutes of the State of Colorado. ·· , ROLL CALL:- ~ Allen, A¥e.-Kinnear, Aye,-KoLellan, Aye. Roae, A¥e,-Summers, Aye,-Woode J.7•, Six Ayea N~e Bone. Ua7or •o Ordered. Alderman KoLellan, KoYed ) Rose, ~eoonde4,) That the Gen•ral Iron Works be granted the pr1Yi111• to co nnect with the Englewood ~anit&17 Sewer ~istrict Ko. 1, pending *be decision fJtom the Cit7 Council of The City and Count7 of Denver, ROLL IALL;- Allen, Aye,-Kinnear, Aye,-UcMellan, Aye,. Rose, Aye,-summers, Aye,-Woods, Aye,. Six A:res, N~s None. Mayor so Ordered. ld ~raan ·oo4a, Uoved,) Boa•, Seconded,) That there being no tur•her business to come before the Council, Council A40ourn :. ROLL CALL: - Allen, A.ye,-~innear. A.ye,-KoLellan, A.ye,. Hose, A1e,-Sunmers, Aye.-Woods, A1e,. S6x Ayes, Nays None. Uayor so Or•ered. -Minutes of Special Call Meeting of the City Counoil :'f the Cit1 of Englewool, Colorado th1e 5th dq of Lflr, A. D. 1924 stand approved as /i'ead,, thi• 12th da7 of J.1&7, A. D. 1924 •. f ' ' I I I