HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-09-07 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I RBGULAR MEETING: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO September 7, 1965 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular aeaaion on Tueaday, September 7, 1965, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Englewood at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Pro Tem Braun preaiding called the meeting to order and the invocation waa given by Reverend Herbert R. Hoaanna of the Mayflower Congregational Church. The Mayor Pro Teal aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the follow- ing persona were present: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice. Aleo Present: City Manager Dial, Adminiatrative Aaaiatant Malone, City Attorney Criswell, City Clerk Chaae. Absent: Mayor Love. The Mayor Pro Tam declared a quorum present. COURCIIllAB PULLERTOIJ MOVED, COUHCIIMAN HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE MINUTES OP '1'BB RBGULAR MEETING OP AUGUST 2, 1965: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 1965: MIRUTBS OP '1'BE SPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 23, 1965 AND MINUTES OF THE ADJOURRBD MEETING OF AUGUST 25, 1965 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa: Ayea: Councilmen Allen, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Braun .• Raya: None. Abaent: Mayor Love. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. Mayor Love entered and took over at 8:10 P.M. Mr. Edward N. Heppenatall of Holme, Roberta, Moore and OWen was present to llllke an application for a 3.2% Fermented Malt Beverage License for 7-Eleven Store located at 3601 South Sherman Street. COUllCILMAll FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCIIMAN HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE APPLICATION BB RECEIVED ARD TBAT '1'BE PUBLIC HEARING DATE BE SET FOR OCTOBER 4, 1965, AT THE RBGULAR COUllCIL MEETING. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Haya: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Everett Bond was present to discuss the possibility of garbage and trash collection. Mr. Bond proposed to have a combined trash and garbage pickup for a ooat of $1.65 per unit. COUlfCIIMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUHCIIl(AN HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE PROPOSAL BE ACC- EPTED AND TO BE DISCUSSED EITHER CITY WISE OR COUNTY WISE. Upon the call of the - roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Leo F. Lentach, ~epresenting Fraternal Order of Eagles was present to preaent an application for a Liquor License for a Club to be located at 55 West Ployd Avenue, Englewood, Colorado. COUllCIIllAN FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCIIMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE APPLICATION BE ACCEPTED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING BE SET FOR MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1965, AT THE REGULAR COUBCIL MEETIRG. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Abaent: None. 109 110 Minute• of September 7, 1965 The Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Clarida of the Belleview Bowl was present to present an application for chanqe in ownership for a three-way liquor outlet and 3.2% Fermented Malt Beverage Licenae for Belleview Bowl. The present management and location will remain the aame, however, there i• a chanqe in the corporate ownership. COUllCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN FULLER'roN SECONDED, THAT THE TRANSFER OF LIC_ BBSE BE APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUNCII.HAN ALLEN MOVED, COUNCII.HAN FULLERTON SECONDED, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE APPLICATION FOR A PACKAGE LIQUOR STORE LICENSE TO BE LOCATED AT 4064 SOUTH BROADWAY JCNOWN AS PHIUIONT LIQUORS BE OPENDED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. There were four persons present in favor of the issuance of the license, and four people who were aqainst the issuance of the license. Mr. Lewis Pell was the attorney for Philmont Liquors and stated that 4064 South Broadway would be the only package liquor store between 3500 South Broadway and 5000 South Broadway, and no package liquor stores located near this location on the east or the west. He com- mented that there were two drug store outlets in the area, but they closed as early as 9:30 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Mr. Eric Laeasig stated that he had circulated the petitions in favor of the liquor application and did not hire 19 year old people to circulate the petitions. Be preaented ten sheets of petitions in favor of the application, containing 579 aignatures. He stated he had only one person who was not in favor of the license and that all the aiqnaturea are from persons over 21 years of aqe. Mr. Jeff Vancleave, 4431 South Pennsylvania, Mr. Rollie Coleman, 3717 South Acoma, and Mr. Houseman, 4600 South Lincoln, all spoke in favor of the license as a need to aervice the area. Mr. Leo Eiqe, owner of Druq Fair, was present and pre- aented petition• with 425 siqnatures opposinq the issuance of the license. He stated that his son and people in the liquor department circulated the petitions and that his son is older than 19 years of aqe. He stated that both the Drug Fair and Cherrelyn Drug Store cloae at 10:00 P.M. Mr. Leonard J. Mitchell, 3760 South Sherman, was present to object to the iss- uance of the license. He felt the area was now properly served. Mr. Bob Eige, 4204 South Broadway, stated that he circulated the petitions againat the isauance of the license, that he was a student at the University of colorado and waa over 19 years of aqe. Mr. David Clayton, 4170 south Acoma appeared to state that there was no pro- blem in buying liquor in this area. Mr. M. M. Summers, 3140 south Delaware, app- eared in opposition to the issuance of the license stating that he felt the present liquor licenses as now in Englewood adequately served the City of Enqlewood. OOUllCIUIAN KRBILING MOVED, COUllCIUIAN HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Nay•: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. OOUllCIIllAN FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCILMAN RICE SECONDED, THAT THE APPLICATION FOR A PACKAGE LIQUOR OUTLET TO BB LOCATED AT 4064 SOUTH BROADWAY TO BB KNOWN AS PHIIllOlft' LIQUORS BE TABLED FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Kreilinq, Rice, Love. Nays: None. Absent: None. I I I I I I I I Minutes of September 7, 1965 '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. Mra. Bilton and Mra. Price were present to present to Council a petition pro- testing the making of Lincoln Street part of the one-way system. COUllCIIllAlf PULLBR'l'OR MOVED, COURCIIllAN ALLER SECORDED, THAT THE PETITIORS BB ACCBPTBD AID> BB RBPBRRED TO THB PLARRIRG ARD ZORIRG COIMISSION POR RECCMMENDATIOR AllD PURHIBA CORSIDBRATIOR TO COURCIL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follow•: Ayea: councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Banaon, Kreilin9, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Absent: None. '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. COUllCIIllAR BRAUll MOVED, OOUllCIIllAR ALLER SECOllDED, THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PLAIDII8G AllD ZORIRG COllMISSIOR MEETING OF AUGUST 4, 1965, MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF CA1t8BR SBRVICB COIMISSIOllBRS MBBTING OR AUGUST 18, 1965, MillUTBS OF THE PARKS ARD RBCRBATIOR CDIMISSIOR MBBTIRG OF AUGUST 18, 1965, MD1UTBS OF THE PARKS AND RECREA:- TIOR C<»91ISSIOll MEETIRG OF AUGUST 30, 1965 ARD MillUTBS OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS MBBTIRG OF AUGUST 11, 1965, BE RECEIVED POR THE RECORD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Abaent: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUIJCIIllAR FULLERTON MOVED, COUllCIIKAR ALLER SECOllDED, THAT THE MINUTES OF THE WATER AID> SBWER BOARD MEETING OF AUGUST 17, 1965 BB RECEIVED ARD ACCEPT THE RECC»Ol- BllDATiat 'l'BAT THE CITY OF ERGLEWOOD PURCHASE 14.75" OF DENVER CITY DITCH WATER RIGHTS OWllBD Br SCHOOL DISTRICT RO. 1 UNDER THE TENIS OF THE EXISTING OPTION,,AND THAT THE CITY SBRVB llOTICE TO SAID DISTRICT NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 15, 1965, OF ITS INTERTION TO EXERCISE THE OPTIOR TO PURCHASE SAID RIGHTS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen A~en, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kre i ling, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Absent: None. '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. COUllCILMAN FULLERTOR MOVED, COUNCILMAN ALLEN SECONDED, THAT THE RECOMMENDATION OP TBB WATER ARD SEWER BOARD AS RATIFIED BY THB BOARD AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING OF SBPTBMBBR 14, 1965 WHEREBY THEY RECOIMBND THAT CErl'AIR DESCRIBED LANDS BE APPROVED POR IllCLUSIOR IRTO SRBRIDAB SAllITATION DISTRICT NO. 1 BY SUPPLDIENTAL AGREEMENT WITH All ADDITIOllAL SIXTBD SEWER TAPS ALLOWED, THE CI'l'r HEAD TAP FEE IS TO BE $100.00 PER TAP BASED OR 'ftlRBB TRAILER SPACES BEING EQUIVALERT TO OD TAP. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Kreiling, Rice, Love. llaya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RECESS The Mayor called a race•• of the Council at 9:59 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The Mayor called the Council to order at 10:15 P.M. with the following members preaent: councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreilin9, Rice, Love. Abaent: None • 'l'he Mayor declared a quorum present. 111 112 Minute• of September 7, 1965 Mr. Paul Loe•, 4595 South Buron, was preaent to discuas the matter of the traffic problem at South Huron Street and Weat Tufts Avenue, because of lack of traffic control device•. Mr. Ron Barding, Principal of Clayton School, also appeared to express the need for traffic control devices to protect the children going to and from school. COUJICILMAR BRAUN MOVED, COUllCIIllAR RICE SECORDED, THAT THE REQUEST FOR 'l'RAPPIC COll'l'ROL AT THIS DJ'l'BRSBCTIOR BE RECEIVED ARD THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE CITY MANAGER TO BB DISCUSSED WITH VARIOUS DBPAR'DIBll'l'S POR A ~POSSIBLB SOLUTION ARD REMEDY, AS SOOK AS POSSIBLE, AND RETURR TO COURCIL WITH RECOMMDDATIORS. Upon the call of the roiLl, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayea: councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Mra. Julia Oatrouaky, 744 West Dartmouth Avenue, appeared to inform Council of the bad condition of the reaidence at 718 Weat Dartmouth which is being destroyed by the children of the neiqhborhood. It wa• also indicated that auch a residence exiated at South Clarkson and East Girard and on south Pennaylvania acroas from Swedish Hoapital. These matters are to be checked into as to Buildinq Code enforcement. Introduced aa a bill by Councilman Fullerton BY AUTHORITY' ORDillARCE RO. 14, SERIES OF 1965 All ORDillMCE RBPEALIBG ARD RE-ElfAC'l'IRG, WI'l'B AllBBDIDTS, alAPTER 14 OP 'l'BE MUllICIPAL CODE OF TBB CITY OP EBGLBWOOD, (RELATING TO THE CREATION OP SPECIAL IMPRO~­ llBllT DISTRICTS) TO BllLARGE UPON TRE TrPE OP IMPROVDIElfTS WHICH MIGB'l' BE CONSTRUCTED, IlfSTAIJ.ED OR IMPROVED TBBRBURDER ARD TO AU'DIORIZE CITY' COUNCIL TO LEVY SPECIAL ASSESS.::- MBJft'S Br U'l'ILIZATIOB OP ARY METHOD '1'BEREFOR WHICH RESULTS IR ASSESSMEN"l'S WHICH BEAR A SUBS'l'All'l'IAL RBLATIOllSBIP TO 'l'HE BEREFITS CORFERRBD BY THE IMPROVEMENT. COUllCILMAR FULLBR'l'OR MOVED, COURCILMAlf RICE SECONDED, 'MAT ORDIRARCE NO. 14, SDIBS OP 1965 BB PASSED OR SECOND ARD FillAL READIRG Alfi> ORDERED PUBLISHED IR PULL IR !BB BllGLBWOOD a:wm•t.n AllD ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Raya: Rone. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced by Councilman Braun. BY AUTHORITY' ORDIRAllCE RO. 15, SERIES OF 1965. AB ORDillMCB AUTBORIZIRG AllD RATIPYIRG, 'DIE EXECUTION BY TRE MAYOR OP 'DIE CI'l'r OF BllGLBWOOD OF AN AGRBIDIDT BE'l'WBBN 'l'RE CITY' OF BRGLEWOOD AND BELL PLUMBIRG ARD RBA'l'IllG CO. Al1D DISPDSIBG WITH '1'BE BECESSI'l'Y' FOR CCllPETITIVE BIDS THBBEPOR, PURSUANT 1Q _'ftlE PROVISIORS OF ARTICLE X, SECTION 116 OF TRE CHARTER OP 'l'BE CITY' OF ENGLBK>OD. COUllCILMAR BRAUR MOVED, COURCIIllAN RICE SECORDED, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 15 SERIES OP 1965 BE PASSED OR SECORD AlfD PINAL READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THE BllGLBWOOD HERALD AND Elft'ERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreilinq, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COURCIUIAR BltAUR MOVED, COURCIIllAN, FULLERTON SECONDED, 'MAT THE CITY ATTORREY TAJCE llECESSARY STEPS TO REC»IOVE CENTENNIAL ACRES FROM 'DIE LITTLETON FIRE DISTRICT. I I I I I I I I Minute• of September 7, 1965 Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Haya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Attorney informed Council that the filing of the motion in advance for the Brookridge Annexation caae on the docket with the Supreme Court had been granted and the oral argument should be before the first of the year. Introduced by Councilman Fullerton BY AUTHORI'l'I' ORDINANCE NO. 16, SERIES OF 1965 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR '1'HE ISSUANCE BY THE Cift OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, OF ITS NEGOTIABLE COUPON REPUNDING WATER BONDS, SERIES 1965, IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $4,845,000, TO BE DESIGNATED "REPUNDIHG WATER BONDS", FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING A GREATER AMOUNT OP OUTSTANDING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CI'l'I': PRESCRIBING THE PORN OF SAID RBPUNDING BONl>S AND ALL OF THE DETAILS THEREOF: PROVIDING FOR 'DIE LEVY ARD COLLECTION OP AN ANNUAL TAX TO PAY SAID BONDS, PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST: AND PROVID- IBG POR BSTABLISIMENT OP A PROPER ESCROW AGREDIENT TO ASSURE PAYMENT OF THE BONDS BEIRG RBl'V1fl>BD. COURCILMAN FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCIU4AN RICE SECONDED, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 16, SBRIES OP 1965 BE PASSED ON PINAL READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THE ENG- LBWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Haya: None. Absent: None. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced by Councilman Rice A BILL POR AR QU>INANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 21, SERIES 1951, RELATING TO THE AUTHORIZATION AID> ISSUANCE OP $500,000 OP REPUNDING WATER BONDS, SERIES 1951, OF THE CI'l'I' OF ENGLEWOOD, DATED DBCDIBER 1, 1951. WHEREAS, the City of Englewood, Colorado, by Ordinance No. 21, Series 1951, finally adopted and approved on or about the 10th day of December, 1951, haa previously auth- orized the issuance of $500,000 of bonds, deaignated aa "Refunding water Bonds, Series 1951," for the purpoae of refunding and paying valid and outstanding water Extension Bonda of said City, auch bond• being dated December 1, 1951, maturing in various amounts in each of the years 1953 to 1978, incluaive, and bearing interest at rates more particularly set forth in said Ordinance: and WHBRBAS, the City of Englewood did on or about the 27th day of December, 1951, aell, iaaue and deliver $200,000 of said bonda, varioualy numbered: and WHBRBAS, the City of Englewood did on or about the 8th day of April, 1952, sell, issue and deliver $200,000 of said bonds, variously numbered: and WBBRBAS, aaid Ordinance No. 21, Series 1951, provide• that bonds maturing in the year• 1966 and thereafter, are redeemable at the option of the City at varioua times on and after December 1, 1961, in inverae numerical order: and WBBRBAS, said City baa refunded or will ahortly refund the $217,000 of said bonds which are presently outatanding by iaauing Refunding Water Bonda, Series 1965, dated September 1, 1965, in accordance with the proviaiona of Chap~er 70, Section 3, Session Lawa of the State of Colorado, 1964: and WBBRBAS, becauae of the call proviaion aa aet forth in said Ordinance No. 21, Serie• 1951, and becauae of the fact that it ..ould be to the disadvantage of the pur- chaser of the Refunding Water Bonda, Series 1965, dated September 1, 1965, for the remaining $100,000 of said authorization to be issued or sold by the City of Englewood, and further because of the fact that the outstanding bonds being refunded must be paid and redeemed according to the provision• of the Ordinance authorizinq such Refundinq Water Bonda, Series 1965, which may be impoaaible if the $100,000 of bonds, dated December 1, 1951, were ever iasued or sold, it ia the desire of the City Council not to iaaue or cause to be sold the $100,000 of bond• which are authorized, but unissued: • 11:1 114 Minutes of September 7, 1965 'l'BERBPORB, BE IT ORDAIRBD BY 'ftlE CITY COURCIL OF 'ftlE CI'l'r OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 21, Serie• 1951, finally adopted and approved on or about the 10th day of December, 1951, be amended by the addition of Sections No. 23 and 24, which aectiona are aa follow•: •section 23. That in conaideration of the purchaae of Refunding Water Bonds, Serie• 1965, dated September 1, 1965, in the principal amount of $4,845,000, which bond• were iaaued. in part, for the purpose of refunding and paying the outstanding $217,000 of Refunding Water Bonda, Serie• 1951, dated December 1, 1951, the City of Bnqlewood, COlorado, •hall not hereafter iaaue or aell the $100,000 of Refunding Water Bonda, Series 1951, numbered 341 to 346, 357 to 371, 382 to 396, 407 to 4~2, 433 to 448, 459 to 474 and 485 to 500·, all ·number• incluaive, maturfng in the year• 1972 to l978, inclusive, which are authorized but remain uniasued. •section 24. That the printed bonds in the amount of $100,000, designated •Refunding Water Bonds, Series 1951", dated December 1, 1951, numbered 341 to 346, 357 to 371, 382 to 396, 407 to 422, 433 to 448, 459 to 474 and 485 to 500, all number• inclusive and all attached interest coupon•, be cancelled and destroyed, and the city Treasurer i• hereby instructed to accomplish the provisions of this Section.• INTRODUCED thia 7th day of September, 1965. I Mayor Pro Te;:== ATTEST: COUllCIIllAR RICE MOVED, CX>URCIUIAR FULLERTON SECONDED, THAT THE PROPOSED BILL BB PASSED OR FIRST READING ARD ORDERED PUBLISHED IR PULL IN THE ENGLEWOOD HERALD ARD Blft'BRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanaon, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The budget for the year 1966 was presented. It was agreed that a study session would be held at 5:45 P.M. on September 14, 1965, and that public hearing on the budget would be at the regular council meeting on September 20, 1965. It was aaked that the Chief Building Inspector check on Civil Defenae conmunications. COUllCIUIAi: !GtBILING MOVED, COUNCIIMAN ALLBN SECONDED, THAT THE FIRM OF LESLIE WBIT'ltDiORB All1D COIPARY BE EllGAGBD AS THE AUDITOR OF CITY' RECORDS FOR THE YEAR 1965. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilman Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Nays: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUllCIIMAR KRBILIRG MOVED, COURCIIMAN FULLERTON SECX>NDED, THAT THE CITY MANAGER WI'l'll 'l'llB CX>mtSBL OF 'l'llB CI'l'r alJemY PREPARE A BILL FOR AR ORDINANCE COVERING MAN- DA'l'ORY RBTIRBMBRT AT THE AGB OF 65 FOR CITY BMPLOYBBS TO BE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1966. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Abaent: None. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. A report on storm drainage coat was given to council. A letter from Mr. Bud Veat, Vice Preaident of Ken White Company, as to visi- tation to the Weatern Slope waa preaented. I I I I I I I I Minutes of September 7, 1965 A discussion was held in regard to the spot on the agenda for non scheduled visitors. 'l'he City Council agreed to leave it in the same item as presently. COUllCIUIMJ BRAUit MOVBD, COURCIUIMJ BABSON SECORDBD, THAT THE BILLS, CLAIMS A11D DIVOICBS AS APPROVED BY' TBB CITY MARAGBR AND LISTED BY' THE CITY CLERK FOR THE MOllTB OP AUGUST, 1965 BE ALLOWED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted •• follows: Ayes: councilmen Allen, Braua, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Nays: None. Absent: NOne. 'fhe Mayor declared the motion carried •• Coamenta were made in regard to coordination with the Parka and Recreation co-i••ion in reqard to the naming of new parka. COURCII.llAN BRAUN MOVBD, COUNCILMAN HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURllBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: councilmen Allen, Braun, Fullerton, Hanson, Kreiling, Rice, Love. Raya: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 12:30 A.M. /a/ Ray Chase, City Clerk-Treasurer Clerk of the Council 'l'he minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the .City of Englewood, Colo- rado, held on the ltlll day of September A.D. 1965, stand approved aa written this 4th day of October A.D., 1965. c~~ ity Clerk 115