HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-07-05 (Regular) Meeting Minutes-· ., . .. . .. ... " . • ... :-. ........ a I ist of. dedimr::t ~ in:_ .. .. ... ... I ...... c•~ af b:icl!fi~ 1 • cti .sc "' d and s•rm~ also .... rat:• tf m.r,... • I I I ~ s. l.gfi6 faliawimJ day after rec:_eipt o£ bi._da r me:t: nth the: apparent: I.av bidder and he: expl aj ned: to 111e th t h.t lade: an error in_ lltenratt lib:.. 3: an the-six lane: pao1 Al..~ • 9 the ei«Jht lane. paa1-. tis ari.ginal hid an llter:natec I.IQ-.. 9 ( CEE -i c ~ decks) $1.L 093-. Re-stated that: this shauld he-SS. 200. t:f.t.erefare:.- in the £allawinq t:abul.atian: the-$S. 200 fi_cpi:r.e: will be: used .. ~ a. .. Bi.d Al..t-9tl. 7 -Str:uctura1 Glaaed llt. 9tl. 8 -SCR Acouatil.e T""ile wainscot -W Add_ lit. . 9 -Otnlli.c 'l'il._e Decks llt-• 1-0 -~eraaic "rile in Poo1- (a) (b) (c) (d) So•mfblax Olllt dlict insu1ation Fresh air dampers Olllt rta19h-in far uru:lerwater speakers 'ftJta1 Deduction Estiaata $ -1.750 -1.400 350 -400 $ -3.900 Adil Add $320.688 $30L no_ 2.582 5. 63:6: 5,200 5,500 $320.688 Bid s--=3.a97 -L,3ll 358 Revised Contract rm ount $31-6.788 $3:15,322 $320.688 5, 3:66 $315,322 After the o i saion had di._scusaed a.11 of ~ a1ternates and dedUct iteas: and decided an those mentioned above. ~ a reso1-ution to CJO ahead wi._th the eight 1-.e poo1 in accordance vi.th the revised contract allDUllt of $316,788 (estillate:). Yblll will note that the deduct items amounted to $5, 366 Wti._ch wau.1._d reduce the ccnt:rilct ~t to $ 31.5, 322. tro Const:ruction Ccwpany. the 1aw bidder, brought their bids to aeon the deduct itmu this W>rninq and r hCLve re-rieled thea and r fCJt11nd one item that was ilsc:usaed with the Recxeation Cl ission which r bad es~ted to be an1y $1-50. therefore r had ™" ended that it be rejected, however. the' bid received this W>.rniDCJ i._s in_ the =nunt of $2. 133 and r reo nded it be accepted. ( e) Substi ture two roof exhaust fans over pool area in l.ieu of two exhaust. fans and ductwork in the mechanical roe.. ('fbis means that we will have two exhaust fans on the roof instead of harinq thell in the mechanical roca) Revised Contract Amount Sincerely yours. & x.mrrs. ARClll mc."TS /s/ Selby R. eel.er• $ -2.133.00 2,133 $313.189 llr. Walter Jorgenson of the Parks and Recreation C• ission, discussed the p oasible sources of funds to aake up the $52, 000 difference between the low bidder and the oriqinal budC]eted amount. '1'N:> possible sources were discussed, Federal Ai.d and School District participat.ion in the amount of $45. 000. '1'lo other alter- natives we.re 11entioned: (1) that the City provide $50,000 additional from the City's Capital I11prove11e11t budget, or, (2) that the City wait until next year and budget an additional $50, 000 for the pool in the 1967 budget. ~ DEILIJIG IK>VBD. CX>UBCn.llAll RrcB SBCOllDBD, 'l'llAT THE C:ITY OF BW:T·DIOOD POSTPOllB FUR"fllBR ACTr<B CB THE BD>S POR <:mSTRUCTIOB OF 'l'llB :nmooR SWDI ra; POOL AT 'l'BB B*!I.BIKO> BXGB SCHOOL tm'!IL 'l'BB JULY 18, 1966 NBBTIR;. Upon the ca11 of the roll. the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council.Jaen Rice, Parkinson, Ludwiq, Itreilinq, Hanson, FU.llerton, Allen. Bays: Bone. Absent: Bone. The llayor declared the motion carried. llr. J es R. Hannah appeared before the City Council in reqard to application for 3.2" Beer License at his cafe located at3061 South Santa Fe. COUllCILMAll PULLERTOI llDVBD. COURCll.llAB aawscw SBCOBDBD, THAT THE PUUXC HBAllI1'G C8 THE APPLICATrOB POR 3.2" BBBR LICDSE AT 3061 SOUTH SARTA FE DIUVE BE SET POR nm FDlST REGULAR JllEB'l'IBG IR AOGUST. upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: July 5, 1966 Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Parkinson, Ludwig, ICreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Rays: Rone. Absent: Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Herschel Utter, President of Big Top, Inc., appeared before Council to make application for renewal of a Fennented Malt Beverage License at Big Top, Inc. 123 East Belleview. <X>UBCILMAN PARKIRSCB MOVED, COUNCILMAN FULLER'l'ON SECONDED, THAT THE APPLICA- TION FOR RENEWAL OF '1'HE BIG TOP, INC., 123 EAST BBLLBVIBW, FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE LICBRSE BE APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Parkinson, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUNCILMAN FULLERTON MOVED, COUlfCILMAB HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ADOPTION OF A NEW BUILDING CODE BE OPENED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Parkinson, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Beryl Wallace, Sr., appeared before Council in regard to the proposed building code. Mr. Wallace stated that there was no change in the building code as approved by Council at the May 16, 1966, City Council meeting, however, this public hearing was necessary due to an error in the publication of notice of the public hearing. • COUNCILMAN FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCILMAN PARKINSON SECONDED, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARDfG BE CLOSED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Parkinson, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUNCILMAN PARKINSON MOVED, COUNCILMAN FULLERTON SECONDED, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE APPLICATION OF MR. ROBERT L. BLAKELY, OWNER OF THE PROPOSED SHAKEY'S PIZZA PARLOR TO BE LOCATED AT 3281 SOUTH SANTA FE DRIVE, FOR A FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE BE OPENED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: councilmen Rice, Parkinson, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Dick Simon, representing R. L. Blakely, application for a proposed Fer- mented Malt Beverage License for Shakey's Pizza Parlor appeared before Council. Mr. Simon called to the City Council's attention the application for Retail Fermented Malt Beverage License of Mr. Blakely and requested that it be entered as Exhibit No. 1. Mr. Simon presented Exhibit 2, a itter of reference from Dr. David D. Dobrow, M.D., 4045 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheatridge, Colorada, Exhibit 2a, a letter from Mr. Leonard Gordon, 2930 West 9th Avenue, Denver, ColoradQ and Exhibit 2b, aletter of reference fran Mr. J. B. Woods, Vice President, Cherry Creek National Bank, Denve~, Colorado. Mr. Simon presented as Exhibit 3 an affidavit of posting of the sign notifying citizens of a public hearing on application for the Fermented Malt Beverage License of the proposed Shakey's Pizza Parlor at 3281 South Santa Fe, said affidavit signed by Mr. James Meltaberger. I I I I I I I I July 5, 1966 Mr. Simon requested that the publisher's affidavit on the notice of public hearing be entered as Exhibit 4. Mr. Simon presented as Exhibit 5 a copy of a lease agreement between Robert L. Blakely, leasee and Robert M. Roy, Jr. and Mary Alice Roy, lessors. Mr. Simon called to the attention of Council that the lease agreement was contingent upon the City of Englewood granting Mr. Blakely a Fermented Malt Beverage License. Mr. Simon presented as Exhibit 6 copie• of the plans and specifications of a Shakey's Pizza Parlor. Mr. Simon presented as Exhibit 7 a copy of the site plan of the proposed Shakey's Pizza Parlor at 3281 South Santa Fe. Mr. Simon presented as Exhibits 8-1, 8-2 and 8-3 photoqraphs of a typical Shakey's Pizza Parlor. Mr. Simon presented as Exhibits 9-1, 9-2, 9-3 and 9-4 petitions favoring the issuance of a retail fermented malt beverage license to Mr. Robert L. Blakely which bad been circulated in the vicinity of 3281 South Santa Fe. Mr. Simon presented as Exhibit 10 a map showing the area in which the petitions were circulated. Mr. Stephen Weinstein appeared before Council. Mr. Weinstein was sworn in by City Attorney Criswell. The witness stated that his n..a was Stephen Weinstein of 2225 Buchtel Blvd., Denver. Be stated that he was a law student at the University of Denver. Mr. Weinstein further stated that he circulated the )ll:itions subaitted as Exhibits Jlo. 9-1 and 9-2 and that he witnessed the signatures on said petitions. Jlr. Richard Meyers appeared before COUncil. Jlr. Jleyers was sworn in by the City Attorney. The witness stated that his ncme was Richard Jleyers, 1325 South Garfield, Denver, COiorado. Be stated that he was a graduate student at the University of Denver. Mr. Meyers further stated that he circulated the petitions under Exhibits Bo. 9-3 .and 9-4 and that he witnessed the signatures thereon. llr. Simon presented Mr. Rd>ert L. Blakely. llr. Blakely was sworn in by the City Attorney. '!be witness stated that his name vaa Jtd>ert L. Blakely, and his address is 10813 West 6lst Ave., Arvada, COiorado. Jlr. Blakely stated that he had not been convicted of any crime and that he started vi.th Shaltey•s Pizza Parlors in the &• er of 1960 in Bend, Oregon. Be stated that Sbakey•s Pizza Parlors is a franchise operation with outlets throughout t:he nation and that he started a Sbakey•s Pizza Parlor in COiorado in 1961. Since startiDCJ in COiorado he had constructed seven Pizza Parlors in COiorado and has one establish9ent pendinq constractin in Pueblo, COiorado. Jlr. Blakely stated that all Sbakey•s Pizza Par1or establi91 enu in operation in COiorado have 3.2% beer licenses except on COifax Avenue in Denver, W.ich baa a three vay license. llr. Blakely stated that 8~ of his CJrOS• receipt• frca operation of t:hese pizza parlors were for food and that 15% were for beYerages. Be stated t:hat the aEJe li.ai.t for purchasing beer in all par1ors is 21, except the Olerry Creek rim Par1or vhere people 18 or ewer JUY purchase beer. llr. Simon asked llr. Blakely how be en1orced this reqairm rut. Jlr.. Blakely stated that this was a house rule. llr. Simon asked Jlr. Blakely bow he segrt!91ted ttx>se 21 and over fraa those under 21. Jlr. Blakely rrierred b> his plans and specifications. Be stated that t:here were bllO dinning EOWF, one for t:hose under 21 and one for those 21 and over. llr. Simon inquired the boar• which he operated Shuey•s Pizza Par1or. llr. B1akely stated t:hat he operated t:he parlors frca 11:00 A.II. to 1:00 A A. llr. B1altely stated t:hat he did not: sell 3 .. 2 beer in his Pizza Parlors after 12:00 P.JI. llr. Simon called llr .. Willi.-Roff to illlflear before t:he COmJci1.. llr. ~£ was SISDrD in by t:he c -ty Att:orney. '!be vi.toes• st::ated that his n.,e was Willi.at B. lloff, 3328 West .AJtsarben, Litt1et:oa, Colorado. Jlr .. It.off st::ated that be a1ms a Te•w-o service station nearby t:he site of the prapssed S'lliJl(ey•s Pizza Parlor.. llr .. lloff stated that he fe1t t:be proposed Shuey•• Pizza Parlor MDU1d be an asset: m t:be ., 111ity. 11r. Simon cal.1ed Bary Al ice Roy t:o appear be£ore Coc11tcil.. Jlrs. 1kJ1Y vas • !X"ll :in by ttle City tl:or'Dey.. witness st::ated t:hat:. her n:m e v.MJ lla1y Al ice Jloy, 3248 South Pl.att.e --st::ated ~ 9he bad bel!D a resident of ""9]ew:aio.f for 18 years. Sbe fy.-_....__ is one 0£ t:be leaw • s cm t:he 81 ake1y le-e .. llrs.. ltoy stated 3 .. 2 ~ ~ -Ole ricini.t.y of t:Jle pccpl • ed s Pizza fe1t: there :is a DI! e El for -t.ype of ogtl.et vi area- to 41 ear lle£ore c.caacii.. vitwe •• st::ated her ... Jlrs .......... ----9lle 3 .. 2 beer a.t:1et:s - &1 there ,_. a •e e:f fer Pim Parl.or .. 307 • I •• I (lllJll ' I -. . ' ..... •, -'.'JI• _,. '-•ti I• I ea1 1 i f!il Jierri.ce JC01C11••i•J-sJ•S:iJ•C"'lll~ll!:•C:¥S -.J•fl•~&BDMt•:rt~~tr *if'MllS I DIA@-Y•w; •• Iii '-,,. __ mr1;;1 • I I I I •• I, a . •.I •• I a . '·' SBl1+•>. :WWW: tMDIMM2 w:>_.. ll, SPM•A ?*M'• ---W'J~li&--<MIWMQ• PIB~7fjii£1) DI _pag. 'DI~ DJIDD the can. o£ tbe D>ll1 the YOU! :remil±ea ilS eel m>tion carx iea. OJd>IMa::E _,_ 121 SQll!S OF 1966 .. .. .. . .... mE •*=*EASE :u -nm: •* ••• BEIGRT OP BJ 11;u1 -s m • DJICW A PAW"':£T. OF ]UP.JtJ,, PM)_Jl£jff'f ... :w I ..... :DI sam OW> 1 98-:'EI PUJtSW m -p-1KW--u··-JD115--OF 5l!il;f1 22 •• 1 0 a 01' ()Jd)l-2 .,_ 26_ SN I f.S OP 1963- •• I, • • '. TICE M>VED , .... Sflll)W••,, ~ owur•-~E .,_ ]21 SDlfS OF 1966,, 1E J'AS&ED Sp.I')_., A9D pnpu., RF.ADI& AS (WIW#fi• PQllLIMIO) DI 7DU. DI~ 7'P2iDIJIOD WBAJ» Upon tbe call. of the roll 1 the -vot:e :remltea :as .follows:: •• I, I .•. mmsm JOYED, pnrJzarm sn1w•w•~ ~ OJaJ•*'rE .,_ 7:1 snra OF 19661 -PASSED »rm PDJILXC BP'.ARIS THE SB!*•• 'J'.IW OIU**D) ~SHD· D FULL D THE 7'G"IA.'Dl JIEU11> Am> 1JpaD the ca1l o£ tbe roll* tbe -vote resa1 ted as £011.ows:: •ays: Jlone. Ab.ent: JloDe. The llayor dec1ared tbe .motion carriea. A BILL 13-17, 13-18 and 13-19 OF THE ~ CODE BE IT ORDADIED BY THE CITY COLMCIL OF mE CIT! OP P""1'A&JOD, COLOJIA1JIO, AS POI.Ll*S: Sections 13-17, 13-18 and 13-19 o£ the Jlnnicipa1 coae of the City of Eng~"' C01orado, are hereby repea1ed, effective upon the effective date o£ this Qrilinanr-e- Passed on first reading by the City connci.1 o£ tbe City o£ Engleuooa" C01..ora1o" this 5tb day of Ju1y, 1966, and orderea pabli.wbetl in :fu11 in tbe Engleuooc! Beral..a and Enterprise. Ai£EST: c;ooa;UMAll FOLLERTOB JOYED, CX>tJllCilMA1I RMIS<W 5-=' MIJED, mAT THE PJOPOSBD JUI .. T. BE PASSED ml FDlST READDIG AJID ORDEBBD ~ D FOLL DI ftlE p;wc;r.£111DOf) ffERMJ> Am EWIERPRISE. Upon the ca11 of the ro11, the vote resu1ted as follows: 310 Jul.y 5, 1966 Rays: Jlone. Absent: llone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Attorney reported that possession of properties needed for the con- struction of Pavinq District llo. 16 had been obtained with the exception of one. Be submitted a written report for the record and rec~nded that the Winslow property be purchased for the amount of $5,300. Jlr. Crisvel.l discussed the acqui- sition of the Winslow property and the substantion of the reco ended purchase price. •July 5, 1966 MBMORARDUM TO: Mayor, Councilmen and City Manager FRC»I: City Attorney SUBJBCT: Request to Acquire Winslow Property Above Appraisal. Price In our report to you of June 14, 1966, concerning right-of-way acquisition for Paving District 1110. 16, we indicated that there were three properties, owned by John Reffel, John Reffel, Jr. and Winslow Construction, respectively, which had a rather unique problem involved. All three of these parcels extend fran South Tejon Street easterly along what would be Yale Avenue extended. The first parcel has a 371.90 foot •frontage• on Yale extended, the second a 259.09 foot •frontage•, and the third a 557.67 foot •frontage.• our appraiser has indicated that it is his opinion that these three parcels have a square foot value of 45¢, 40¢ and 35¢, respectively, although he recoqnizes that another appraiser might well be of the opinion that the val.ues of the three parcels might be 5¢ or 10¢ higher. This is particularly true of the Winslow pro- perty, which is evaluated at 35¢, while being i ediately next to a parcel evaluated at 40¢ and only 259 feet from a parcel evaluated at 45¢. Based upon these f iqures, the total value of the parcels being acquired, according to our appraiser, is as follows: John Ref fel John Reffel, Jr. Winslow $6,694 4,146 7,808 However, all of the property being acquired is subject for street purposes, which was reserved by a former owner. mated that this reduces the land's value by 50%, and he has $3,904 on the Winslow property. to a reserved easement our appraiser has esti- placed a value of After a rather extended discussion with Winslow and his attorney, our appraiser, Mr. Earl Baughar, and with condemnation attorneys, it is my reconanendation that the City acquire the Winslow property for $5,300--about $1,400 above the appraiser's figure of $3,900 and about $2,500 less than the total value, for the following reasons: 1. I am quite fearful that the base fiqure of 35¢ a square foot for this land will not hold up and that either a jury or canmi.ssion will increase it to make it compare favorably with theneighboring properties. This will be particularly probable in the event of a single hearing at which all three parcels are considered. On the other hand, a separate hearing for this parcel will cost the City about $1,000 in court costs, witness fees, coaunissioners• fees and additional attorneyt• fees. 2. Since we are taking approximately 22,000 Sq\llE'e feet, an increase of 5¢ per square foot will result in a "total value" of approximately $9,000 and an increase of 10¢ per square foot would result in a total evaluation in excess of $10,000. If this should happen, even if the court were to accept the 50% reduction, we could expect an award of fran $4,000 to $5,000 or better. 3. The reduction in value by reason of the existence of the easement is really an arbitrary "rule of thwnb" reduction. There are no "comparable sales" in the neighborhood to support it. The Winslow property and the testimony will disclose that the easement has not been used, with the result that Winslow has been using the property freely for parking and other uses. About the only thing which Winslow has not used the land for is building. Although it is certainly true that it could be argued that the owner of the easement could use it at some future date, it is my opinion, and the opinion of the attorneys for the Highway Department whose opinion I sought, that it would be rather difficult to "sell" this type of arqument. 4. The S\DD of $5,300 represents approximately two-thirds of the total value assigned by the appraiser to this tract and, in my opinion, is not an unfair com- promise to either party. I I I I I I I I July 5, 1966 5. The settlement on the Winslow matter will constitute no precedent for settle- ment on the other two properties for a variety of reasons. It is my present intent not to reconnend a compromise on the other two tracts unless, of cource, t become aware of facts which are unknown to me at this time. Respectfully submitted, /s/ John A. Criswell, City Attorney" COUNCILMAN PARKINSON MOVED, COUNCILMAN RICE SECONDED, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH THE ACQUISITION OF THE WINSLOW PROPERTY AT THE PRICE OF $5,300. Councilman Kreiling stated that he felt that the price should be deter- mined by condemnation. He suggested that the City acquire only a sixty foot righ~­ of-way at this location instead of an eighty foot right-of-way as contemplated. The City Attorney stated that an eighty foot right-of-way had been obtained from two adjacent properties. Councillnan Rice stated that from a planning viewpoint he felt he could not condone the reduction of the right-of-way width. COUNCILMAN KREILING MOVED, COUNCILMAN HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE MOTION ABOVE BY PARKINSON BE TABLED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Kreiling, Hanson. Nays: Councilmen Rice, Parkinson, Ludwig, Fullerton, Allen. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion lost. Upon the call of the roll on the previous motion, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: councilmen Rice, Parkinson, Ludwig, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: Councilmen Kreiling, Hanson. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Attorney reported that Board of Adjustment and Appeals had been sued by Wesley W. Mccann in regard to the usage of certain dwelling located at 2900-02 South Delaware and 370 West Bates. COUNCILMAN PARKINSON MOVED, COUNCILMAN HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE AUTHORIZED TO DEFEND THE CITY IN THE WESLEY W. MC CANN LITIGATION. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Parkinson, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Manager presented to Council a sununary of estimates of park acquisition and improvement program. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES OF PARK ACQUISITION AND IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM June 29, 1966 A. Funds Available: 1. Sale of City Park 2. 1965-66 Improvement Fund Budget 3. Federal assistance at 50% of eligible costs 4. Interest earnings Total B. Funds Required: 1. Plan under Open Space Grant Program (includes Dartmouth, Jason, Centennial Acres, and Bates-Logan Parks) 2 Additional costs for Plan under Open Space Grant Program not eligible for Federal matching funds $·. 999,130. $ 100,000. $ 307,410. $ 18,000. $ 614,820. $ 40,610. $1,424,540. 311 312 July 5, 1966 3. Miller Fiels 4. Belleview Park 5. Swimming Pools (at increased estimate) 6. Duncan School -Park Area 7. Light High School Tennis Courts TOTAL Net remaining balance ************************** $ $ $ $ $ 282,640 112,140 343,000 4,400 10,000 $1,407,610. $ 16,930. This program is based upon the receipt of federal funds in the amount of $307,410. and assmnes the reliability of the estimates of costs. Actual expenditures to date are overrunning the above estimates as approved by City Council on February 21, 1966 by: 1. 2. 3. 4. Belleview and Miller Parks Lighting of ball field and Sinclair Swim Pool Indoor Pool (exclusive of lighting) $35,000. tennis courts as Belleviewl0,000. $ 9,000. $24,000. Total estimated overage $78,000. (minimum) If the City Council continues its practice of providing $50,000 in the Public Improve- ment fund budget, an additional $50,000. may be available in 1967 which could be utilized in this program. To the extent this is done, the five (5) year plan' would be delayed. /s/ STANLEY H. DIAL City Manager" The summary of estimates was discussed with Council by the City Manager. A letter fran Merrick and Company, Consulting Engineers, on the Belleview Park Lighting facilities and Englewood High School Tennis Court Lighting with a tabula- tion of bids received on said project was received by Council. The· relatibnship of the bids to the engineer's estimate and to the amount budgeted for these projects was discussed. Mr. Kennedy of Kennedy Electric appeared before Council and discussed his bid on the proposed lighting project. He stated that he felt prices would increase should the Council decide to readvertise for bids next spring. He futher stated that he would be willing to accept the award of Section 1, 2 only (the Belleview Park Lighting project) at the bid price. Mr. E. P. Ranans, Parks and Recreation Director, discussed theincrease in costs with Council. He reconanended that Section 1 and 2 (Belleview Park Lighting) be completed and that Section 3 (Lighting of the Englewood High School tennis courts) be deleted. COUNCILMAN PARKINSON MOVED, COUNCILMAN FULLERTON SECONDED, THAT BIDS ON THE LIGHTING OF THE BELLEVIEW PARK AND THE ENGLEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS BE R&JECTED AND THE CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATE WITH THE APPARENT LOW BIDDER, ON SECTION 1 AND SECTION 2, ALTERNATE ONE (WOOD POLES WITH INCADESCENT LUMINARIES). COUNCILMAN RICE MOVED THAT THE PARKINSON MOTION BE TABLE. Mr. Dave Kilgannon of Merrick and Canpany, appeared before Council and stated that all bids were apparently in order and that he had observed no apparent irregularities. Councilman Rice's motion died for want of a second. Councilman Parkinson stated that he wished to amend his motion to read "THE KENNEDY ELECTRIC BE THE LOWEST AND BEST BID RECEIVED, COUNCILMAN FULLERTON ACCEPTED THE AMENDMENT. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Parkinson, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: Councilman Rice. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Manager reported on a petition filed with the City Council on June 20, 1966, requesting that no parking signs in the 300 block of West Bat~s Avenue be removed. He stated that such signs had been removed. I I I I I I I I July 5, 1966 ,! E .§. 0 !!Q!..! 0 N WHEREAS, by appropriate ordinances and resolution, the City of Englewood, Colorado, has established Paving District No. 15: and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Paving District includes assessments against various parcels of real property within said District: and WHEREAS, subsequent to the compilation of the assessment rolls, from time to time, a part of a particularly described property is sold and transferred, and it becomes necessary to divide the assessments of the parcel transferred: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 5th day of July, 1966, that the City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, be and hereby is authorized and directed, from time to time as occasion may arise, to divide the assessments of specific parcels within Paving District No. 15 proportionate to the division of the parcels of real property against which the same may be assessed, and to certify the revised assessments to the Treasurer of Arapahoe County, Colorado. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 5th day of July, 1966. ATTEST: COUNCILMAN PARKINSON MOVED, COUNCILMAN FULLERTON~SECONDED, THAT THE -RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AND APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ay s: Councilmen Rice, Parkinson, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUNCILMAN FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCILMAN HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ARAPAHOE REGIONAL LIBRARY DISTRICT TO PROVIDE SERVICE TO ARAPAHOE COUNTY CITIZENS RESIDING OUTSIDE THE CORPORATE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD WITHIN THE AREA PREVIOUSLY DESIGNATED AS ENGLEWOOD LIBRARY SERVICE AREA FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR 1966 IN ACCORDANCE WITH A PROPOSAL FROM SAID LIBRARY DISTRICT CONTAINED IN A LETTER DATED JUNE 23, 1966, WHEREIN IT PROVIDES FOR COMPEN- SATION TO THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD $2,500.00 FOR BOOJ<MOBILE SERVICE AND $3,500.00 FOR LIBRARY SERVICE, PLUS $1,000.00 ADDITIONAL AS OFFERED BY SAID DISTRICT, TOTALING $7,000.00, PLUS THE ASSUMPTION BY THE DISTRICT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY TO REFUND $2.50 TO THOSE FAMILIES WHO PURCHASED LIBRARY CARDS FROM THE ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY PRIOR TO JULY 1, 1966, AND THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO EXECUTE SAID CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Parkinson, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Manager discussed problems encountered in relation to preventing leaks in the City Hall roof. He reconanended that the City proceed with repair of the roof as soon as possible. The City Manager discussed personnel needs for 1967, of the Fire and Police Departments. The City Manager reported that considerable saving had been achieved in terms of discounts on accounts payable by the City following the practice of paying bills and invoices shortly after they become due. He stated that as well as the savings achieved a number of vendors had noted their satisfaction with the procedure. Mayor Allen and Councilman Fullerton stated that they concurred with the procedure. COUNCILMAN FULLERTON MOVED, COUNCILMAN KREILING SECONDED, THAT THE BILLS, CLAIMS 313 314 July 5, 1966 AND INVOICES AS APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER AND LISTED BY THE CITY CLERK BE ALLOWED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Parkinaon, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carrie d. COUNCILMAN HANSON MOVED, COURCIUCAN KRBILIRG SECONDED, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Parkinaon, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 12:09 A.M. /s/ STEPHEN A. LYON Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 5th day of July, 1966, stand approved as written this 2nd day of August, 1966. I I I I