HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-07-18 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO JULY 18, 1966 REGULAR MEETING: The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular session on Monday, July 18, 1966, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Englewood at the hour of 8:04 P.M. Mayor Allen presiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by Captain Robert Bodine of the Salvation Army. The Mayor asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following persons were present: councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Also Present: City Manager Dial, Assistant City Manager Malone, City Attorney Criswell, City Clerk Lyon. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. The Mayor declared a quorum present. The Mayor recognized the following "Special Citizen Invitees" and welcomed them to the Council meeting: Mr. & Mrs. Dennis K. Maine and Son, 4320 South Elati Street, Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Wallin, 4750 South Lincoln Street. The Minutes of the Planning Camnission meeting of June 15, 1966, were discussed by Council in regard to the height exception of the Englewood State Bank and the request of the Englewood Industrial Park to install valley curb and gutter. The City Manager stated that further study was being conducted in regard to the Englell!Ood Industrial Park's request and that the complete report would be made at the next City Council meeting. The City Clerk read in full a memorandum from the Planning and Zoning Camnis- sion concerning the one-way street pattern surrounding the New Englewood Shopping Center. The City Manager stated that he would have the Planning and Traffic Director present at the next City Council meetinq to discuss this matter with the Council. Menaorandmn from the Planning and Zoning Canmi.ssion recommending that $116,600 be appropriated in the 1967 Budget for implementation o~ the orie-way street pattern adjacent to the New Englewood Shopping Center was discussed by Council. Councilman Kreiling suggested that the reconmendation be referred to the City Manager for study. Mayor Allen noted that a recomnendation was contained in the Parks and Recreation Conaission meeting minutes of July 14, 1966. This recamnendation con- cerned the expenditure of monies for the five year park improvement program and contained a list of priorities. These priorities were discussed by the City Council. COURCILMAH HANSON l«>VED, COUNCILMAN RICE SECONDED, THAT COMMUNICATIONS, MINU'l'ES OP THE PARKS ARD RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OP JULY 14, 1966~ MINUTES OF THE ~ OP ADJUS'ftlENT ARD APPEALS MEETING OF JURE 8, 1966: MINUTES OF THE PLANNnfG ARD ZORIBG COJMISSIOH MEETINGS OF MAY 18, 1966, MAY 25, 1966, JURE 1, 1966, JURE 15, 1966, JULY 6, 1966: ARD ELECTION COMMISSION MEETDIG OF JURE 28, 1966, BE RECEIVED FOR THE RECORD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor recognized and welcomed to the meetinq Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Turner, 4200 South Bannock Street as Special Guests of the Council. Introduced by Councilman Fullerton BY AUTHORITY ORDIRARCE HO. 13, SERIES OF 1966 All ORDIRAllCE REPEALII«; SECTIONS 13-17, 13-18 ARD 13-19 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OP TllE CITY OP BRGLDIOOD. .315 • 316 July 18, 1966 COUBCIUIAll PULLBRTOR MOVED, COURCILMAB RICE SECORDBD, THAT ORDIRARCE RO. 13, SBIUBS OP 1966, BE PASSBD Olf SBCX>HD ARD PIBAL RBADIBG ARD ORDERED PUBLISHED IR PULL IR 'ftlB ~ HERALD ARD ElttBRPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Bays: Bone. Absent: councilllan Parkinson. ftle Jlayor declared the .:>tion carried. Introduced by Councilllan Ludwig A BILL POil All ORDIDBCB REPBALillG ARD RE-BRACIRG WI'l'H AMERDMBlllTS 124.1-3 OF '1'HB MUNICIPAL CODE OP 'ftlB CITY OP BRGLBllOOD, TO COIPBL THE OllllER OR KEEPER OF ARY DOG TO PROHIBIT TBB SAllB FROI RUllBIBG AT LARGE. BB IT ORDAIRBD BY THE CITY COURCIL OF 'l'BB CITY OP ERGLBWOOD, COLORADO AS FOLLOWS: 124.1-3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Englewood, is hereby repealed, and re-enacted, to read as follows: • 124 .1-3 Running at Large Prohibited. Every owner or keeper of any doq -..•shall prohibit such dOCJ froa being or running at large and every such owner shall insure that any doq shall not be off the owner's premises, unless the same is on a leash, or is otherwise suitably restrained. Any doq running at large or being off the owner'.s premises without such restraint is hereby declared to be a nuisance.• Passed on First Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 18th day of July, 1966, and ordered published in full in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise. ATTEST: OOUBCILMAR LUDWIG J«>VBD, COURCILMAR BARSON SECONDED, THAT THE PROPOSED BILL BB PASSBD C. FIRST READING ARD ORDERED PUBLISHED IR FULL IR '1'HB BRGLBWOOD HERALD ARD E&iBRPIUSE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Rays: Rone. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. 'fhe Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced by Councilman Rice A BILL POR All ORDIRMICE AMBRDIBG CHAPTER 19 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ENGLB1IOOD, BY ADDIBG THBRBTO A NEW 129, TO PROHIBIT THE RESISTING, MISTREATING, IRJURIRG, DISABLIBG, KILLING OR MOLESTING OP DOGS WHILE BBING USED BY THE POLICE DEPAR'l'MENT OP THE CITY OF ENGLDIOOD OR ANY PERSON DULY EMPOWERED BY THE POLICE DEPAR'l'MENT OF TBB CITY OP ENGLEWOOD. BB IT ORDAIRED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF ERGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS POLLOlfS: Chapter 12.2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Englewood is hereby amended by adding thereto a new 829, which shall read as follows: •119.2-29 Resisting or Molesting Police Dogs. (a) It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this Ordinance for any person to interfere ;with any doq beinq used by the Police Department of the City of Englewood while said dog is being so utilized. I I I I I I I I July 18, 1966 (b) It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this Ordinance, for any person to in any manner torture, torment, beat, kick, strike, mutilate, injure, disable, kill and in any way molest any dog used by the Police Department of the City of Englewood, any members thereof or any person duly empowered by the Police Depart- ment of the City of Englewood to in any way interfere or meddle with any such dog while the same is being used in the performance of an official function or duty. Passed on First Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 18th day of July, 1966, and ordered published in full in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise. ayor ATTEST: COUNCILMAN RICE MOVED, COUNCILMAN HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE PROPOSED BILL BE PASSED C5 FIRST READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THE ENGLEWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Attorney reported on the A'Costa liquor appeal hearing and stated that a decision had not been received as of this date. · The City Attorney reported on the jury trial on the water damage claimed by the Lisbergers. He stated that the jury had brought in a decision favorable to the City. The City Attorney reported that a bill for the Housing Code should be completed by the end of the week and would be sent to Council in the near future. The City Attorney reported in regard to the condemnation suit for the Body estate property. He stated that the attorney representing the Body estate had received an appraisal which valued the property at $37,000 and further that an offer·had been made the City to settle the matter at a price of $35,500. COUNCILMAN FULLERTON K>VED, COUNCILMAN HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH THE NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE BODY ESTATE PROPERTY AT THE PRICE OF $35,500, PROVIDED THAT THE ATTORNEY FOR THE BODY ESTATE REVEAL TO MR. CRISWELL PROOF THAT AN APPRAISAL FOR SAID PROPERTY HAD BEEN OBTAINED AND THE AMOUNT OF SAID APPRAISAL IS $37,000. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Manager reported on the operation of various departments involved in the enforcement of the fireworks ordinance. He stated that estimated revenue from fireworks stands was approximately $840.00 and further that the canplaints received were rather high and that the Fire Department believes that fireworks are a definite safety hazard. The City Manager reviewed the regulatory practices in neighboring cities. The Council requested that the City Manager provide them with a number of ways in which the present fireworks ordinance could be revised and tightened up. The City Manager reported on problems occuring due to the time lag between creation of a special benefit district and the actual recording of the assessments. He stated that this problem could be solved by providing the County Treasurer's Office with a listing of all properties to be assessed at the time of creation of the district. The County Treasurer, in turn, would stamp the tax rolls to the effect that an assessment was outstanding. COUNCILMAN LUDWIG MOVED, COUNCILMAN FULLERTON SECONDED, THAT THE CITY CLERK PROVIDE THE COUNTY TREASURER WITH A LIST OF ALL PROPERTIES INVOLVED IN SPECIAL BENEFIT DISTRICTS IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPILATION OF SUCH A LIST OF PROPERTIES, IN ORDER THAT THE TAX ROLLS MAY NOTE THAT A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT WILL BE OUTSTANDING. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: 317 318 July 18, 1966 Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Rays: None. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. The Mayor declared themotion carried. The City Manager submitted copies of a resolution from Arapahoe Regional Library District concerning services to county residents and the proposed agree- ment that was developed between the City Manager's and Library officials of the cities of Aurora, Englewood and Littleton. The City Manager discussed these items with the Council. The Mayor read a letter from Sheridan School District No. 2 thanking the City for restoration of Library service to Arapahoe County citizens residing outside the Englewood city limits. It was reported that a meeting would be held in the Englewood City Hall, Wednesday, July 20, 1966, with representatives of Littleton, Aurora, Englewood and the Arapahoe County Regional Library District to discuss : an agreement between the Arapahoe County Regional Library District and said .cities forlibrary service in forthcoming years. The Mayor stated that he -would attend th.is meeting. The City Manager reviewed and discussed the monthly City Manager's report with the City Council. · COUNCILMAN HANSON K)VED, COUNCILMAN RICE SECONDED, THAT THE CITY MANAGER'S MONTHLY REPORT BE RECEIVED FOR THE RECORD. UpQn the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Manager reported that considerable traffic problems had been encountered on Broadway on the date of July 12, 1966, due to the fact that the overlay of Broadway near the Baptist Tabernacle had occurred on the same day as the funeral of Reverend Harvey Springer. The City Manager further reported that Broadway would be striped the week-end of July 23rd to 24th. He stated that consideration was being given to the elimination of left turn movements at the intersections of Dartmouth and Bates with Broadway. The City Manager discussed the possibility of taking a trip to Washington, D. c. in order to attend a seminar being conducted by the International City Managers Association, on July 28th and 29th, said seminar concerning programs for cities being offered by the Department of Housing and Urban Developnent. He stated that this trip would be an opportune time to discuss with Housing and Urban Development officials depending federal legislation concerning DemonstEation of Cities and the possible effect of said legislation upon Englewood. COURCILMAN HANSON K)VED, COUNCILMAN FULLERTON SECONDED, THAT THE CITY MANAGER BE AU'l'HORIZED TO ATTEND THE WASHINGTON, D. C. SEMINAR BEING HELD BY THE INTERNATIORAL CITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION ON JULY 28TH AND 29'l'H. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUNCIIMAN KREILING MOVED, COUNCIIMAN HANSON SECONDED, THAT THE APPLICATION FOR A 3.2 BEER LICENSE FOR THE PROPOSED SHAKEY'S PIZZA PARLOR, WHICH WAS TABLED AT 'l'BE JULY 5, 1966, MEETING BE BROUGHT FROM THE TABLE FOR CONSIDERATION AT THIS TIME. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Council discussed said application. I I I I I I I I July 18, 1966 COUNCILMAN LUDWIG MOVED, COUNCILMAN FULLERTON SECONDED, THAT THE CITY AT'l'ORllEY BE DIRECTED TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION FOR THE COllSIDERATIOR OF THE CITY COUNCIL: SAID RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF 3.2 PER CENT BEER LICENSE TO THE PROPOSED SHAKEY'S PIZZA PARLOR: SAID APPROVAL TO BE CONDITIONAL UPON THE CORSTRUCTION OF A BUILDING AS SPECIFIED IN THE PLANS SUBMITTED BY REPRESENTATIVES OF SHAKEY'S PIZZA PARLOR TO THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE JULY 5, 1966 MEETING. The motion was discussed by Council. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: Councilman Hanson. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Council discussed the construction of an indoor swimming pool at the Englewood Hiqh School. Councilman Rice suggested that the budget overage be shared by the City and School on a fifty-fifty basis. The City Manager gave a general recapitu- lation on the expenditures of the Park Development Proqram to date. The Mayor suqgested that a proposal be made to the School Board in regard to their of fer of $45,000 for the construction of the swi.mming pool, said proposal specifying that Council accept the first contingency (construction of the pool as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission) and that all other contingencies be dropped, and further that the purchase of Jason Park be delayed until additional funds become available. COUl!ICILMAN LUDWIG MOVED, OOUNCILMAN FULLER'l'OR SECONDED, THAT THE CITY ACCEPT THE OFFER OF THE SCHOOL BOARD, TO-WIT: THAT THE SCHOOL BOARD PARTICIPATE IN THE COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE EIGHT LANE INDOOR SWIMMING POOL IN THE AK>UNT OF $45,000.00: THAT THE CITY REQUEST THAT COR'l'INGENCY NUMBER TWO BE DELETED FROM THE COl!1'l'IllGENCIES WITHIN THE SCHOOL BOARD OFFER ARD THAT THE CITY AND SCHOOL BOARD PROCEED WITH THE JOINT CORSTRUCTIOR OF THE INDOOR SWIMMING POOL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: Councilman Rice. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor requested that the City Manager provide a report on the salary level of City Councilmen in comparable Colorado municipalities. Councilman Kreiling inquired about the status of revisions to the uniform traffic code. The City Attorney stated that a draft should be available in approximately two weeks. Councilman Ludwig inquired in reqard to appraisals of land for the Dartmouth Park site. The City Attorney reported that he had been in contact with the appraiser on a number of occasions and that he expected to receive appraisals during the week. COUNCILMAN HANSON MOVED, COUNCILMAN FULLERTOll SECONDED, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rice, Ludwig, Kreiling, Hanson, Fullerton, Allen. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Parkinson. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M. /s/ Stephen A. Lyon Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 18th day of July, 1966, stand approved as written this 2nd day of August, 1966. 31~