HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-05-25 (Special) Meeting MinutesI I I I I MIBUTBS o• SPBCIJ.L OETUrG OJ THE CITY COUNCIL OJ THB CITY o• DGLBlfOOD, COLOliDO HIS KOllD.AY THB 26th DAY OJ KAY A. D. 1926. ~or John Simon oallecl ROLL CALL: Bullen Preaent, lloCorcl .Abaent, 6 Preeent the meeting to order and asked for roll call. CaTend•r Preaent, Borria Present, 1 Abaent L•on Present, Winkler Present. Clerk rea4 report of .&nnexation committee appointed to oonfer with the Cit7 Co11Doil of DenTer, DenTer Chamber of Commerce, and all improvement aaaooiationa. Aleo reacl oormaunioation from DenTer Chamber of Commerce in answer to Annexation request Alderman Borria moTed,) CaTender eeoonded,) i'bat report be excepted. aoLL <aLL: llen qe, Kocon Abeent, 6 qes 11&7or CaTender AJ•, Norrie Aye, One Absent so ordered. Lemon A;te, Winkler qe, Light COlllllltt•• reported a request for two or three new atreet lighta. Aleo a •1111••t1on b7 liar. Shelton that the lumber now in use in band stand be used for atreei ancl •riclge work, ancl the atand be repaired properly • . Alclel'll&D JQllen moTed, ) CaTender seconded,) That these reports be referred to Publio Builcling CO..ittee. ROLL CALL: Blallen J.7•, lloCorcl Absent, 6 qee CaTender A7e, liorris Aye, One Abl;jent. Mayor so ordered Lemon qe, Winkler qe. After some cliaousaion of the unsanitary condition of clump on 3900 Pearl. Alderman Wintler,moTed,) Horris aeoondecl,) That the City haTe a clean-up week beginning June let. Aleo that the back 7ard of the Cit7 Hall be cleaned and put in better oonclition. BOLL CALL: Bullen Aye, Cavender Aye, Lemon Aye, McCord .Absent, Borris Aye, Winkler A.ye. 6 qes One Absent. ~or so ordered. Alderman Bullen reported for Street and Bridge Comm. that the dump on Bampclen ancl Inoa hacl been taken oare of, and signs ''Bo Dumping Here" put up, Also that •'reet oroseing had been inspected ancl Street Commissioner instructed to repair the same. · Sewer inepeotor, A. w. Hogue, stated he had made a general inspection of Sewer flu.iiera and found about half of them working. He suggested cutting the water ~., .. in two bJ pumping water to south Englewood one d~ and no~th Bnglewood the n•xt•. Alderman Bullen moTed,) CaTender eeoonded,) That Kr. Rogue's auggeetion be aooepte4, an4 that h• wort under direotion of City Bngineer. HOLL CALL: Bllllen qe, JloCord Abaent, 6 "7•• C&Tender qe, Jlorrie qe, ~or •• ordered. One Absent. Lemon qe, Winkler Al•· Clerk reacl petition signed b7 &lglewood Merchants asking that the J. D. DeTiDe CheTrolet Co. be allowed to install a nine foot electric sign, whioh is not acoor41Dg to the preaen' •'•tue. . Alderman Bullen aoTecl,) •orris seconded,) !hat the request be relerted to the Street and Br14ge Comaitiee with power to act under the direction of the Cit7 Att'7. • BOLL CALL: Bullen qe, MoCorcl Absent, CaTender qe, lorrie qe, 6 qea One Absent. ~or so ordered • Lemon qe, Winkler qe. Clerk read resolution from Board of Water Comnissioners aaking the coporation of Bnglewoocl to help intorce water reatriotions in Englewood. Alderman Ba~tnll•e ~•e•e4,) Lemon aeoondecl,) That resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL: Bullen "7•, CaTender A.7e, Lemon Aye, KoCor4 Absent, Borris li&J', Winkler llQ'. 3 ~ea 2 B~es One Absent. ~or ao ordered. Bequeat made b7 Bua 1'ranafermation Co. for change of licence waa granted. Clerk read resolution aa follows: lo. 1. IBBR~.-'J'h• Counoil paaaecl a reaolution agreeing to P87 one-half of the aal&17 ot a night watobman if the buainesa men paid the other half, AlfD, IDlliilAS,-!he buainesa men haTe done much better than this,-haTing agreed to P&l' the whole aal&17 of a night watchman, '~HEHEJORB, BB If BBSOLV&D,-i'hat this Council express ita appreciation of what the bueinesa men haT• clone, and that we offer their night watchman our hear•ieat oo-operaiton, ant • .PUBmla, Bl Ir R&SuLY&D,-That the Cit7 Clerk eencl a copy of this reaolution to the Ch .. '-r of co-eroe. • I •en.an Borrie moTed,) L•on seconded,) ROLL CALL: That resolutiun be adopted. Bullen qe, lloCor4 A eent, 5 !7e• l1a7or CaTender Aye, Borris qe, one Absent. eo ordered Clerk rea4 reaolution aa follows: Bo. 2. Lemon A.ye, Winkler qe. WHIRIAS,-The dog question wae referred to the Commission on Public Health, AJJJ), lllXRE!S,-Chi•f of Polio• llliot hae offered to take full charge and reepone1b111•7 . for '°" of the lioenae feee collected, THBBllORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD, -That the matter of dog license, diepo.sal of atrq and dead dop 1-e turned o••r to the Chief of Police, and that he b_e g1Ten "~ ot the lioenae tee collected. Alderman Winkler moTed,) Borris seconded ROLL CA LL: Bullen qe, l.loCorcl Abaent, 5 qee J.lqor that resolution be adopted. Ca•ender qe, Borris 1.7e, One Absent. so ordered. Lemon qe, Winkler J.7•. Alderman Korrie presented oomplaint made by Ur. Landegent of 166 I. Hamden that the propert7 owners next hie lota on 3458 So. Penn. had fenced up the all97, mat1ilg it illpoaeible to get to the rear of hie propert7. Alderman Borria moTed,~ , · Winkler seconded,) That this matter be ret1re6 1 to the street and Bridge COllllittee under the direction of the Cit7 Engineer. ROLL CALL: )allen qe, Ca•ender Aye, loCord Absent, Horris Aye, 6 qea One ~or so ordered. lderman dOrrie moTe4. ) Lemon Aye, Winkler Aye. Absent. CaTender seoonded,) That the city refund to Ur. Rust tg. tor hie riaer used by other partiea. OLL CALL: Bllllen A.y e, Cavender Aye, Lemon qe, 1'oCor4 A)efnt, llorris J.7e, Winkler qe. 5 qea One Absent. 1'&7or so ort•red. ' , lderman Morrie reported dangerous oondition made · by te••• being left unaupor•et when gr .. 1ag waa done on oorner ot Kenyon and Broadwq. /c Alderman •orria moTecl,) Wi.mkler aeconded,) that Street and Bridge Committee oonter with ~epert7 owners in regard to auoh treea. · BOLL C LL: I • a&llen qe, CaTender A.ye, Lemon Aye, 1'oC ~rd Absent, aorria A.ye, Winkler 1.7e. 6 Ayes One Absent. ~or so ordered. • I lilr. sweet,acting tor Cit7 Att'7 l.larsh, ruled that the proposed Boakina sidewalk and grading dietrio• would not be legal unlesa a new petition waa circulated. Aldel'llaD linkler moTed,) CaYender eeoonded,)!hat the matter be tabled until ne~ meeting. ROLL C ALL: Bullen ~e. Ca•ender A.ye, Lemon ~'· KoCor4 Absent, ll orria Aye, Winltler ~·· 6 qea One .Absent. Ka¥or so ordered. llr. sweet repotted on licensee, presented ordencee of De•••r and a4Tised that lioenae COlllllttee loo k same oTer, and prepare a code fitting Englewoo4e needs • .Alderman B11llen mo•ed,a CaYender seconded,) That this be refered to Lioenae Comaittee. BOLL CALL: Bullen qe, •tabttr J.beent, 6 ~ea CaTender Aye, llorria Aye, Mqor ao One Absent. oredered. Alderman Bullen moved,) Lemon Aye, Winkler qe. CaTender aeoonded,) !hat there being no tuther buaineta to oome before the Counoil, Counoil adJoun to meet June 8th 1926. OLL CALL: Bullen J.¥•, Cavender Aye, Lemon Aye, KoCord Abaent, Dorrie Aye, Winkl•r Aye. 5 qee One Ab s ent. l1&7or eo ordered. 1Dute• of Speoial Keeting of liq 26 A. D. 1926.of the Cit7 Oounoil of tlje 01-et ~nood, Count7 of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, stand approTe4 aa (;:414 4~, tbia _ _x_ ___ dq Of June. A. D.1926. --~~ck_ __ !fEt._J ___ _ Cit7 c1e?t:~- ... ,, ./" . c . I ·' I I