HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-06-17 (Regular) Meeting Minutes't::'~.:I UDTIJO 0. THI CITY COUBCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLOBADO, TH;tS DDDSJ>J.Y
~H& 17th DJ.Y o• JOBE, A. D. 1925.
~or John Simon oalled the meeting to order and asked for roll call.
BOtL CALL: · .
Bullen Preaent, CaYender Present,
UoOord Preaent, Borria Present,
6 Preaent,Bone Absent.
Lemon Present,
Winkler Present.
BeY. Bo\e oame before the Council aakin permission to ereot a tent on the hall grounds
in whioh to ~ol4 riYiTal meeting :from June 21, to JuJ.7 !l;vl925.
Alderaan BQllen MoYed,)
Lemon Seconded,) That euoh permission be granted.
Ballen qe,
MoCorcl 1.7•,
6 A7•• llqor
la Tender Aye,
Borrie qe,
Bq• Bone.
eo ordered.
L•on qe,
Winlcler qe.
Alderman linkler moYed,)
orria aecon4e4,) fhat inTeetigation of the oondition of the ourb111g and
P9Y1D8 between oar traoka be referred to the Street and Bridge Oolmlittee.
Bullen qe,
MoOort J.7•,
CaYender Aye,
lforrie qe,
6 J.7ea Bqe
~or eo ordered.
Lemon Aye,
Winlcler .. ;Re.
Al4erman L .. on reported for the Pire and Public Building Committee aa followa: ·
Jue 19,1926.
'!he Oommittee after oarefull.7 considering the request of the Tolunteer •tr• Depar"9ent
tor an appropriation of t3&6 to be ueed in pqing expeneea of ~ire Department in att..tillg
•ire1MD• OonTention at Manitau, Beg to report that owing to the fact that the :rua.e of
the 1t7 ot aag1 .. 004 4o not n99 warrent the appropriation aa requeate4. Thua we ~·
oOlllllttee a4Y1•• that the appropriation as asked be denie4.
L. H. Lemon
Wm. E. Korrie
G. A. Winkler
Alderman Bullen UoYed,)
•orria aeoonded,) That report be accepted.
Bullen A7•,
liloCor4 17e,
CaYender qe,
.lorria qe,
6 qea •81'• lion•
~or ao ordered.
L•on qe,
Winkler 17•·
Alderman Bullen introduoed the following Prelim&r7 Order:
tlun• 17, 1926.
~optiDg 4etaila an4 apeoltioationa and other matter• relating to a propoat4 lapr••••
ent 41atr1o• to be known aa "llaap4en AYenue PaYing Diatriot Bo. l.•, in aooortaaoe wi•h
a petition heretofore file4.
WJllRl&8, a oertaiD P9t1tion haa been presented *o and filed with the Cit7 Counoil
requeatuing th• creation of a proposed improTement diatriot To be known aa "JlaapA ..
ATeaue Pa•lna Diatriot •o. l", aaid prtition being BUbaoribed b7 the owner• ot a ::J•r1't7
of the troatag• 41reotil7 alnatting on that p•rtion of 'h• atreet to be improYet,
atatillg that it 11 propoae4 to oreate aaid district under the proTiaiona of Chap~er 180
ot the 8e1aion Lura ot 1923; and
WBIBIAS, pareaant to a reaolution dul7 adopted at a regular meeting of the 11'7
Counoll held on llon4~ June 8, 1925, the Cit7 Bnginaer haa ~preparecl an4 preaented t• tJaia
C01moil an eati-t,• of the aaid improYement together with a map of the district in whioh
the 1.mproY•ent i• to be made, and a achedule ahowing the approximate uounts to be
aaaeaae4 pon the ••Teral lots or paroela of propert7 within the district, ae proY1te4 '7
1 ...
°"· '?BBHl'OllB, Bl I! liBSOLVBD ABD ORDERED by the Cit7 Council that there •xi•t•
an llmlediate neoeaait7 for the creation of "Hampden AYenue PaYing District Bo.l. •,
mDglewooa, Colorado.
That the aai4 ••ti.mate map and schedule, and the details and apeoificationa ooata1De4
therein, be, and the aame are hereb7 reoeiTed, approYed and adopted, said estilla•• .. ,
an4 aohe4ul• being marked as follows, to-wit: "hampclen AYenue PaYiDC Diatriot •o. 1.
'l'hat the material• to be uaed for said proposed improvement ahall oonaiat of the
follow . .ns:
'fhe )HaYement ahall oonaiat of plain or Tibrolithio cement conorete eeTen inohea (7•)
in thioJal•••, or two inch (2") aaphaltic concrete on a three and one-half 1Doh (ai-)
aaphaltio conoret• baae, or two tnoh (2") Warrenite Bitulithio paYaaent on a three ant
one half 1Dob <zt.•) aaphaltio concrete base.
AD4 auoh other aateriala ae are specified in the estimate map an4 aohedule h•r•••fort
referred to.
1· .
'l'hat the coat ot ••14 improvement shall be p~able in twent7 (20) annual inatallmenta.
That the firet of eaid iaatallments ahall become due and pqable at a time to be ~-
tixe4 up on th• completion of eaid improvements by the final aaaeaeing ordinanoe, aa4
one 1Dat.ilment eaoh 7ear thereafter until same are full7 paid, all of the ooat of said
iaprov .. ent being due and J>81'able within thirt7 .d81'• after thia fina1 publi•ation of the aa••••ing or41Dan•;
~at all unpaid priDoiJ*• ot said coats and aaaeeemente ahall bear interest at the
rate ot not more than six (6) percent annum and &DJ' and all inatallmente not pait, aa
eaoh iDetallment becomes deferred, shall bear interest at the rate of on• (1) per oent
per month or traot1onal part of a month until paid, as provided b7 etatu•e.
That the propert7 'o be assessed for said improvement, and the extent of the proposed
diatriot to be improved ehall be and include all of the real estate, lots, I.ant•, parcels
an4 aoera within the following boundary line, to-wit:
BegiDJiing at the intersection of the center line of South Clarkson Street with a
line wb1oh i• parrell•l to and 93e feet north of the north line of Eaat Bamp4en Avenue,
tbenoe t• t to an lntereewtion of west line of alley between South Brao4•9-7 and South
Lillool.JI St•••ta, thenoe south to an intersection to aline which is parellel to an4 916
feet aouth of aouth line of Baat Hampden Avenue, thence eaet •o an •ntersection with
omiter 110• of outh Clarkson Street, thence north t~ point of beginning.
JI-sinning a t t h e intersection of the east line of alley between South Broad•~ an4
South c oma Streete with a line which is )arellet to and 935 feet north of the north line
of ea t Hampden v enue, thence west to an intersection with the center line of South
Bann ock Street, thenoe south to an intersection with a line w•lch is parellel to and 876
feet n orth of the north line of West Hampden Avenue, thence west to an intersection
•1th the right of ·~ line of the Atchison, Topeka and 3an*a Pe Rail•~. thence eouth-
•••t•rl.y along eaid right of ·~ line to an intersection with a line which ie parallel
t o and 876 feet south of the south line of West Hampden Avenue, thence eaet to an
intereeotion •1th the oenter line of South Jason Street, thence south to an intersection
with a l ine whoih i e parellel to and 996 feet south of the south line of •eat Bamplen
Avenue, thenoe eaat· •• an intersection with the center line of South Cherokee Street,
th • nor\h to an intersection with the line which is parrellel to and 876 feet aouth
ot tbe outh 110• of eat Hampden Avenue, thence east to an intersection with the center
l ine of South Bannock, thence South to an intersection rtth a line which is parrtllel to
and 9~6 feet aouth of the south line ot Weat Hampden Avenue, thenoe eaat t9 an interaection
•1Ul 'h• line of alley between south Broadway and Bo&th Acoma Streeta, thence north to
the point of beg6nning.
Ald•l'llall-Blallen moved,)
lorria aecondet,) The adoption of Prelimina17 Order.
Bllllen J.7•,
KoCord qe,
Cavender Aye,
Boreia qe,
6 qee llqs
~or so ordered.
Lemon qe,
WRBBIAS, it is the desire of the Cit7 Younoil to proceed in accordance with the law
in 1111ah oa•• provided, and with a petition duly presented ant filed for the creation of
an improvement to be known as "Hampden Avenue Paving District Bo. l."
DOW, THEB EP OBB, BE IT RESOLVED: That the following attached"Botice to owners of propert1 in proposed improv .. ent
Dietrict to be known ae "Hampden Avenue Pawing District No.l," be and the same i• hereb;r
ordered to be publiahed in accordance with the law in auch case provided, onoe a week for
three ooneecutive weeks in the ~lewood liearld, a newspaper of general ciraulation in
the Cit7 of .aag1 .. ood, and the Oity Olerk is herebJ authoriz•d and inetruote4 to provide
for 8UOh a4vertieement and rblioation.
Alderman Bullen Uoved,
Borrie seconded,) That said resolution be adopted.
BQllen qe,
KoCord qe,
Cavender aye,
Borris J.7•,
6 qea lqe Kone
~or eo ordered •
Lemon qe,
Winkler qe.
Puraaunt ao r••olution dul.J' adopted b7 the City Younoil of the Cit7 of 1rag1 .. oot at
64Journe4 Besular •••ting held at the City Ball Engelwood on June 1,, 1926, notio• la he
Iler•• giYen:
lfhat a petition has been du}7 presented to and filed with the Cit7 O•lUlail of the
Ci\7 of ~• .. oo4 81lbacribed by the owners of a maJorit7 of the front .. • 4irectl7
abu,ting on that portion of thestreet proposed to be improved aa hereinafter 4eacribe4
and atating therein that the eame ia drawn pur...nt to and in aooorclanoe with Chapter
ieo -of th• seaeion Lawe of 1923, of the State of Colorado, whiah p•tition requeat the
oreation of an improvement district in accorde.noe with the afore aaid statute.
l 'lbat the nature of the proposed improvement 1• ae follow•, to-wit: the grati.Dg
1Dg • 4 ouning of Bast Hampden Avenue from the west line of ~outh Clarltaon Street to r:: enda:f paving between South Broadw~ and ~o::hBLi::olD :!i•::;~ha!::..:e:: ~':~:ht !~-::; ~°':h!111t::!~a~! ;:;.~Y:::n~.!;!•;:na!~twa,y ~~11p~, 1nolwlin th• neoaaaa17 4raina
gutter• and other inoidentale such as more full.7 appear in the eetlmate, map ·and -eolut4ule
filed in oonneofion herewith with the Cit7 Clerk at the C1t7 Hall, Bnglewoo4. It ia
ezpr•••IJ .. etatea in aai4 petition that the subscribers thereto 4eeire ant requeet th•
oreation of an improYement diatriot including both portion• hereinafter ••t tor~. aa
\he eaet portion and the •••t portion, but neYer the lees ooneent to and requ••' the
creation of an improYement inoluding either portion in oaae the other por•ion elaall not
be deemed 4eeirabl• or ahall not be signed for b7 euftioient propert7 ownera.
2. That the ooat of the proposed llmprovement shall be P8"abl• in twent7 (20) equal
aDDual inetallmente.
3. 2hat the firat of aaid inatallmente shall become due and p.,-abl• at a time to be I
fixed upon the oompletion of eai4 improYement of the final aaaeesing ordinanoe aat one
1Da\allaent eaoh 7ear thereafter until the same 11 full7 paid, all of the ooat ot -.1•
1.mproY .. ent being 4ue and p~able within thirt7 d~a after the final publioation o~the
a•••••lng or41nanoe.
4. '?bat all unpaid prinoipal of eaid coats and aeeea11mente lhall bear interea$ at
the rate of not more tham aix peroent (6~) per annum, ant &D1' and all inatallllera•a not
19944 aa ••oh tn•tallmmat beoomea deferred, ehall bear interat at the rate of one per oent I
(1~) per month or fraotional part of a month until paid, aa proTi4ed b7 etatu••·
6. that the propert7 to be aaeesae4 for eia4 improYement and the extent of "11• .
propoae4 dietriot to be improYed aahll be and include all of the •••l•atate, lota, lante,
parcel• and aorea within the following bound&J7 line1, to-wit:
BegiDDing at the intersettion of the oenter line of louth Clarkaon Street wt•h a
11D• whioh 1• par•ll•l to and 986 feet norih of the north line of Baat Bamp4•n AYea••·
Uaenoe weat to an intereeotion with the west line of th• alle7 between South .Br ... ~ and
South L1Dooln Streeta, thenoe aouth to an intersection •1th a line which is parellel to
ant 916 feet aouth of th• aouth line of le.et Hampden ATenue, thence eaet to an 1D•eraec\1 ..
wi\h the center line of 8 outh ClaEJceon Street. thenoe north to the point of b .. 1Jm1Dg.
Jtetinning at the intersection of the east line of alle7 between South Broad~ ~
South Acoma ~treeta with a line whioh is parellel to ana 936 feet north of the nor'h line
of Weat Hampden ATenue, thence west to an intersection with the center line of •cni~
Bannock ,Street, thenoe aouth to an inter s ection with a line which ie parellelaa. ant 876
ttet of the north line of West Hampden Avenue, thence west to an· intersection with th•
right of •8¥ line of the &tohieon Topeka and ~anta •• liail•&.J, thenoe aouthwe•ter17
aloag ••1• r61Jit of ·~ line to an intersection with a line which is par•ll•l to ant 876
feet aoa.tb of the eouth line of •eat Hamp den AYenue, thence eaet to an intereectlen
with the eouth line of south Jason Street, thence eouth to an intersection with a line
whioh ia parellel to and 996 feet south of the aguth line of Weat Hampden ATenue, thenoe I •••i to an 1Dteraect1on with the center line of ,outh Oheroke• Street, thenoe nortll to
an 1Dteraeotion with a line which is parellel to and 876 feet South of th• aouth line of
Weat Hampden •Yenue, thenoe eaat to an intersection with the oenter line of louth Bannoo~
Street, thence south to an intersection with a line which 1• ~•llel to aat tZD t••'
aouth of the aouth line of Weat Hampden ATenue, thenoe eaat to an interaeotion •i•h the •aa• line of all97 b a tween South Broa4w~ and iouth AYoma Street1, thence north to the
po illt of begiDDing. ·
_6. !hat the probable ooat ot aaid proposed improYernent aa ahown b7 the eetillate et
the angin••r are are aa followa, to-wit: baaed on per front toot of the lots an4 tareele
of lint• direot~ abutting on the propoaed atr•et to be r.~•d (S..pden)ATeneu) a lleZ1lnUI
ooat per front toot of aix dollar• and twent7 **• oenta t6.2a>. Said ooat to bf ••ritf'-•4 ·
b7 th• aae•Maing or41nanoe upon those lota and parcels ol-lan4 within the 41atr •1 • op
are buefited.
1. that at a regular •••t1Dg of the Cit7 Wounoil to be held at the Cit7 Ball,
... 1 .. oo4, on Kondar •••ning, Ju~ .13, 1925 an Or41Dano• authorising th' impreT .... ,.
h•r•lA propoaed will l b• conaidere4.
e. ~t a map, eatim&te and aohedule ahowing the approximate o be aaaeaeea haa been
dut, prepare• bJ th• Cit7 Bngine•~ which together with all reaolutiona an4 prooee41J18•
are on f~le at the offl•• of the .itJ Clerk where th•J m&l' be seen an4 enaiDed '1 •
peraon 1dtereete4 at aD7 time within aa•4 period.
9. !hat all l oomplainta and obJectiona tha' m1J¥ be made in writins oonoren1111 '11•
propoaed iJDproYementa b7 the owner tr owners of ~ real estate ot be aeeeeee4 willlb•
heart and d•tirm1De4 bJ the Cit7 Council at aai4 •••ting on Ju~ 13, 1911, or at nola
tla• to tqiioh aaid meeting m~ be aclJourned.
GiTen under Ja7 hand and the seal of •h• Git7 of Inglewood attth• Cit7 a.11 th1•
11th dar of June, 1926.
Jira\ Publioation June 18, 1926.
Laat PRblioatiOD Jldr 9, 1926.
Cit7 Clerk.
Al4•1'11Ul •orria KoTe4t)
. Lemon aeoonded,) There being net tutther buaineae to oom• betor the Oe1Uleil,
Coaoil a4Jcnarn to ... t Ju}7 13, 1926.
Ballen q•,
lloCort qe,
0aTa4er qe,
llorria qe,
6 qea B~e1 Bone
~or ao ordered.
111.Dut•• of R-.alar A4Journe4 Meeting of the Cit7 Council
••4D•e4ar, Jue l t, 1926, atan4 approwet aa 4 qaail
Lmon qe,
Winkl•r qe.
of the Cit7 of Bnglnoet '111•
thia /.!} 4.r of Ju}7 ltU.